Omeka IDOmeka URLTitleSubjectDescriptionCreatorSourcePublisherDateContributorRightsRelationFormatLanguageTypeIdentifierCoveragePublisher(s)Original FormatOxford Dictionary of National Biography EntryPagesParticipantsPen NamePhysical DimensionsPosition End DatePosition Start DatePosition(s)Publication FrequencyOccupationSexSociety Membership End DateSociety Membership Start DateStart DateSub-Committee End DateSub-Committee Start DateTextToURLVolumeDeathBiographyBirthCommittee End DateCommittee of Management End DateCommittee of Management Start DateCommittee Start DateCommittee(s)Council End DateCouncil Start DateDateBibliographyEnd DateEvent TypeFromImage SourceInteractive TimelineIssueLocationMembersNgram DateNgram TextFilesTags
520 to The Author, Vol. 23 (1913)<a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=49&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=Index+to+%3Cem%3EThe+Author%3C%2Fem%3E%2C+Vol.+23+%281913%29">Index to <em>The Author</em>, Vol. 23 (1913)</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=51&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=Publication">Publication</a>; <a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=51&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=Index">Index</a>1913-The-Author-23-index<a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=78&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=Bradbury%2C+Agnew+%26+Co.">Bradbury, Agnew &amp; Co.</a>; <a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=78&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=The+Society+of+Authors">The Society of Authors</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=89&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=23">23</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=76&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=1913">1913</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=4&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=London">London</a>, The Author
521 Author, Vol. 23 Issue 01 (October 1912)<a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=49&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=%3Cem%3EThe+Author%3C%2Fem%3E%2C+Vol.+23+Issue+01+%28October+1912%29"><em>The Author</em>, Vol. 23 Issue 01 (October 1912)</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=51&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=Publication">Publication</a>1912-10-01-The-Author-23-11–32<a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=89&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=23">23</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=76&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=1912-10-01">1912-10-01</a>119121001Che Hutbor.<br /> <br /> (The Organ of the Incorporated Society of Authors.<br /> <br /> FOUNDED BY SIR<br /> <br /> Monthly.)<br /> <br /> WALTER BESANT.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Vou. X XITII.—No. 1.<br /> <br /> OcToBER 1, 1912.<br /> <br /> [Prick SIXPENCE.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> TELEPHONE NUMBER:<br /> 374 VICTORIA.<br /> <br /> TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS:<br /> AUTORIDAD, LONDON.<br /> <br /> —— sg eg<br /> NOTICES,<br /> <br /> eg<br /> <br /> Y OR the opinions expressed in papers that<br /> are signed or initialled the authors alone<br /> are responsible. None of the papers or<br /> paragraphs must be taken as expressing the<br /> opinion of the Committee unless such is<br /> especially stated to be the case.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Tue Editor begs to inform members of the<br /> Authors’ Society and other readers of The<br /> Author that the cases which are quoted in The<br /> Author are cases that have come before the<br /> notice or to the knowledge of the Secretary of<br /> the Society, and that those members of the<br /> Society who desire to have the names of the<br /> publishers concerned can obtain them on<br /> application.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ARTICLES AND CONTRIBUTIONS.<br /> <br /> Tue Editor of The Author begs to remind<br /> members of the Society that, although the<br /> paper is sent to them free of cost, its production<br /> would be a very heavy charge on the resources<br /> of the Society if a great many members did not<br /> forward to the Secretary the modest 5s. 6d.<br /> subscription for the year.<br /> <br /> Communications for The Author should be<br /> addressed to the offices of the Society, 39, Old<br /> Queen Street, Storey’s Gate, §.W., and should<br /> reach the Editor not later than the 21st of each<br /> month.<br /> <br /> Communications and letters are invited by<br /> the Editor on all literary matters treated from<br /> <br /> Von, XXII.<br /> <br /> the standpoint of art or business, but on no<br /> other subjects whatever. Every effort will be<br /> made to return articles which cannot be<br /> accepted.<br /> <br /> ADVERTISEMENTS. °<br /> <br /> As there seems to be an impression among<br /> readers of The Author that the Committee are<br /> personally responsible for the bona fides of the<br /> advertisers, the Committee desire it to be stated<br /> that this is not, and could not possibly be, the<br /> case. Although care is exercised that no<br /> undesirable advertisements be inserted, they<br /> do not accept, and never have accepted, any<br /> liability.<br /> <br /> Members should apply to the Secretary for<br /> advice if special information is desired.<br /> <br /> &lt;a<br /> <br /> THE SOCIETY’S FUNDS.<br /> <br /> oe<br /> <br /> ROM time to time members of the Society<br /> K desire to make donations to its funds in<br /> recognition of work that has been done<br /> for them. The Committee, acting on the<br /> suggestion of one of these members, have<br /> decided to place this permanent paragraph in<br /> The Author in order that members may be<br /> cognisant of those funds to which these con-<br /> tributions may be paid.<br /> <br /> The funds suitable for this purpose are:<br /> (1) The Capital Fund. This fund is kept in<br /> reserve in case it is necessary for the Society to<br /> incur heavy expenditure, either in fighting a<br /> question of principle, or in assisting to obtain<br /> copyright reform, or in dealing with any other<br /> matter closely connected with the work of the<br /> Society.<br /> <br /> (2) The Pension Fund; This fund is slowly<br /> increasing, and it is hoped will, in time, cover<br /> the needs of all the members of the Society.<br /> <br /> *2<br /> THE PENSION FUND.<br /> <br /> 1<br /> <br /> before the trustees of the Pension Fund<br /> <br /> the accounts for the year 1911, as settled<br /> bv the accountants, with a full statement of<br /> the result of the appeal made on behalf of<br /> the fund. After giving the matter full con-<br /> sideration, the trustees instructed the secretary<br /> to invest the sum of £500 in the purchase of<br /> Antofagasta and Bolivian Railway 5% Pre-<br /> ferred Ordinary Stock and Central Argentine<br /> Railway Ordinary Stock. The amounts pur-<br /> chased at the current prices were £237 in the<br /> former and £232 in the latter stock.<br /> <br /> The trustees desire to thank the members of<br /> the society for the generous support which they<br /> have given to the Pension Fund. The money<br /> now invested amounts to £4,454 6s.<br /> <br /> Later in the year, at a meeting of the Com-<br /> mittee of Management, a question concerning<br /> the funds of the society was brought up for dis-<br /> cussion, and it was suggested that it would be<br /> a good thing for the Pension Fund trustees, if<br /> they had power, to sell out the Fund’s holding of<br /> Consols and to invest in some more satisfactory<br /> security. The suggestion was placed before the<br /> trustees of the Pension Fund, and a meeting<br /> was called, when the chairman of the Committee<br /> of Management, the trustees, and Mr. Aylmer<br /> Maude, the member of the Committee of<br /> Management who had made the suggestion,<br /> were present. The figures were very closely<br /> considered, and it appeared clear that altera-<br /> tions in the investment of the funds could be<br /> carried out with advantage to the Fund’s<br /> income. It was decided by the trustees, with<br /> the approval of the Committee of Management,<br /> to sell out the holding of Consols. With the<br /> amount realised, were purchased—<br /> <br /> $2,000 (£400) Consolidated Gas and Elec-<br /> tric Company of Baltimore 44% Gold<br /> Bonds ;<br /> <br /> 30 Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway<br /> 4°, Extension Shares, (1914) £8 paid ;<br /> £250 Edward Lloyd, Ltd., £1 5% Prefer-<br /> <br /> ence Shares.<br /> <br /> These amounts are fully set out and added<br /> in the nominal value to the Pension Fund<br /> investments, below.<br /> <br /> The trustees have also, in view of the option<br /> extended to them as holders of £232 Central<br /> Argentine Railway Ordinary Stock, subscribed<br /> for 3 Central Argentine Railway £10 Preference<br /> Shares, New Issue.<br /> <br /> The nominal value of the investments held<br /> on behalf of the Pension Fund now amounts<br /> <br /> i January, the secretary of the society laid<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> to £4,454 6s., details of which are fully set out<br /> in the following schedule :—<br /> Nominal Value.<br /> <br /> 8. ot.<br /> Local oans .-.555,.- 500 0 0<br /> Victoria Government 3% Consoli-<br /> <br /> dated Inscribed Stock ........ 291 19 11<br /> London and North-Western 3%<br /> <br /> Debenture Stock -............ 250 0 0<br /> Egyptian Government Irrigation<br /> <br /> Trust 4% Certificates ........ 200 0 0<br /> Cape of Good Hope 34% Inscribed<br /> <br /> Stock 2. 5755 200 0 0<br /> Glasgow and South-Western Rail-<br /> <br /> way 4% Preference Stock .... 228 0 0<br /> New Zealand 34% Stock........ 247 9 6<br /> Irish Land 22% Guaranteed Stock 258 0 0<br /> Corporation of London 24%<br /> <br /> Stock, 1927—57.............. 4388 2 4<br /> Jamaica 83% Stock, 1919-49 132 18 6<br /> Mauritius 4% 1937 Stock ...... 120 12 1<br /> Dominion of Canada, C.P.R. 34%<br /> <br /> Land Grant Stock, 1988 ...... 198 3 8<br /> Antofagasta and Bolivian Railway<br /> <br /> 5%, Preferred Stock .......... 237 0 0<br /> Central Argentine Railway Or-<br /> <br /> dinary Stock .....:2....:.... 232 0 0<br /> $2,000 Consolidated Gas and<br /> <br /> Electric Company of Baltimore<br /> <br /> 44%, Gold Bonds ............ 400 0 0<br /> 250 Edward Lloyd, Ltd., £1 5%<br /> <br /> Preference Shares = .......... 250 0 0<br /> 80 Buenos Ayres Great Southern<br /> <br /> Railway 4% Extension Shares<br /> <br /> 1914 (£8 paid) .............. 240 0 0<br /> <br /> 8 Central Argentine Railway £10<br /> Preference Shares New Issue... 380 0 0O<br /> <br /> Total’ 7. £4,454 6 O<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> PENSION FUND.<br /> <br /> ——<br /> <br /> Tue list printed below includes all fresh dona-<br /> tions and subscriptions (7.e., donations and<br /> subscriptions not hitherto acknowledged)<br /> received by, or promised to, the fund from<br /> April Ist, 1912.<br /> <br /> It does not include either donations given<br /> prior to April 1st, nor does it include sub-<br /> scriptions paid in compliance with promises<br /> made before it.<br /> <br /> The full list of annual subscribers to the fund<br /> appears in this issue.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> LEASE NERDS<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Subscriptions.<br /> <br /> 1912.<br /> <br /> April 6, Bland, J. O. P.<br /> <br /> April 6, Taylor, Mrs. Basil<br /> <br /> April 6, Forrester, J. Cliffe<br /> <br /> June 6, Probert, W. S.<br /> <br /> June 6, Wheelhouse, Miss M. V.<br /> <br /> June 6, Acland, Mrs. C. D. :<br /> <br /> June 6, Spurrell, Herbert (from<br /> 1912 to 1915).<br /> <br /> June 6, Spens, Archibald B.<br /> <br /> July 18, Liddle, S. :<br /> <br /> Aug. 7, ‘Joseph, L.<br /> <br /> Sept. 6, Garvice, Charles (in addi-<br /> tion to present sub-<br /> scription of £1 1s.)<br /> <br /> Donations.<br /> <br /> 1912.<br /> April 2, XX. Pen Club<br /> April 6, Taylor, Mrs. Basil :<br /> April 6, Cameron, Mrs. Charlotte .<br /> April 10, Kenny, Mrs. L. M. Stac-<br /> <br /> poole<br /> April 10, Robbins, Alfred F..<br /> April 10, Harris, Emma H.<br /> April 11, Ralli, €. Scaramanga<br /> April 11, Aitken, Robert.<br /> April 16, 7M YE (£1 per month,<br /> <br /> February, March, April)<br /> April 22, Prior, Mrs. Melton<br /> May 2, Baden- Powell, Miss Agnes<br /> May 25, Koebel, W. H. :<br /> May 28, Harland, Mrs. Henry<br /> May 28, Wood, Mrs. A. E. :<br /> June 4, Hornung, E. W.<br /> June 4, Ward, Dudley<br /> June 6, Worrall, Lechmere .<br /> June 13, Robbins, Miss Alice E.<br /> July 5, Hain, iM. ;<br /> Aug. 16, Shipley, R. H.<br /> <br /> —_—__—_+—— —____<br /> <br /> PENSION FUND.<br /> <br /> ooco SCOorfooon<br /> <br /> noo<br /> <br /> a wOoro<br /> <br /> coroonrooooown<br /> <br /> _ ee<br /> bt Or Or Or Or COMUeM Aue %<br /> <br /> bo or co<br /> <br /> bel CO OUD Or<br /> <br /> ecoooo<br /> <br /> oooco<br /> <br /> a<br /> ooo<br /> <br /> eoeoococo<br /> <br /> QOoecoececoocas<br /> <br /> ComPLete List or ANNUAL SUBSCRIBERS.<br /> <br /> A. L. M. ‘<br /> <br /> Abbott, The Rev. Edwin, D.D.<br /> Adams, Newton .<br /> <br /> Allen, Rey. Geo. W.<br /> <br /> Allen, Mrs. Grant .<br /> <br /> Anderson, Arthur<br /> <br /> Andrews, Miss C. C.<br /> Armstrong, Miss Frances<br /> Arnold, Mrs. J. O.<br /> <br /> Askew, Claud<br /> <br /> ecocoocrooocrH om<br /> <br /> —_ 2<br /> OOo Oe OO a<br /> <br /> eecocoececoo=<br /> <br /> B. e<br /> <br /> BC. .<br /> <br /> Bagnall, Miss L. T.<br /> Baldwin, Mrs. Alfred<br /> Balme, Mrs. :<br /> Barne, Miss M. C. .<br /> Barnett, PA, .<br /> Barrington, Mrs. Russell<br /> Bashford, H H. H.<br /> <br /> Beale, Mrs. W. Phipson<br /> Beeching, Canon . :<br /> Begbie, Harold<br /> <br /> Bell, Lady .<br /> <br /> Benecke, Miss Ida<br /> Benjamin, Lewis .<br /> Bennett, Arnold .<br /> Berkeley, Mrs. F. R.<br /> Bland, J.O. P..<br /> Bland, Mrs. E. Nesbit<br /> Bloundelle-Burton, John<br /> Bolton, Miss Anna<br /> Bond, R. Warwick<br /> Bosanquet, E. F. .<br /> Boughton, Rutland<br /> Bowen, Miss Marjorie<br /> Brandon, Miss D. .<br /> Breakell, Miss Mary<br /> Brend, Charles C. .<br /> Brinton, Selwyn<br /> Brodhurst, Spencer<br /> Broster, Miss D. K.<br /> Brown, R. Grant .<br /> Budgen, Miss :<br /> Bungey, E. Newton<br /> Burmester, Miss Frances G.<br /> Burne- Murdoch, W. G.<br /> Ck. .<br /> <br /> Caine, William<br /> Calderon, George .<br /> Cannan, Gilbert<br /> <br /> Capes, Bernard .<br /> Capes, Mrs. (Marian Hawtrey)<br /> Carlyle, Rev. A. J. ‘<br /> Carr, Miss M. E. . :<br /> Caulfield, Kathleen M. .<br /> Channon, Mrs. Francis .<br /> Chase, Mr. and Mrs. L. N.<br /> Chesterton, G. K. :<br /> Child, Harold H.<br /> Clifford, Lady :<br /> Clifton, Mrs. Talbot<br /> Clodd, Edward<br /> <br /> Clough, Miss B. A.<br /> Cohen, Mrs. Herbert<br /> Collier, Hon. John<br /> Colquhoun, A. R. .<br /> Cooke, W. B<br /> <br /> fat<br /> <br /> Soococorr cocoon<br /> <br /> ee SS OSS OH OSCH SSS OOS COOH OC OHS COCO mMHENE<br /> <br /> foal ek bee o<br /> SCH ENE AnNooOUmenpao:s<br /> <br /> _<br /> Oo = Or<br /> <br /> _<br /> Ot S Or Or Or Or Or Or OL OL! Or<br /> <br /> a m<br /> <br /> _<br /> <br /> _<br /> ASOAaonrnsdonean<br /> <br /> i<br /> =“ Oo ©<br /> <br /> 10<br /> <br /> oo<br /> <br /> PMR eee orem esocosoosese es Sé oe as oaacos coe eon oboe noc®<br /> Cotesworth, Miss Lillias E. (‘‘ Hester<br /> White’) . : .<br /> <br /> Coulton, G. G.<br /> <br /> Cox, Miss Marion Roalfe<br /> <br /> Cromartie, Countess of .<br /> <br /> Crommelin, Miss May<br /> <br /> Cross, Victoria :<br /> <br /> Curwen, Miss Maud<br /> <br /> Dale, Miss Nellie .<br /> <br /> Darbishire, Otto<br /> <br /> Darley, R. H.<br /> <br /> Daveen, Francis<br /> <br /> Davy, Mrs. E. M. .<br /> <br /> Dawson, W arrington<br /> <br /> De Morgan, Wm. .<br /> <br /> Desborough, The Right Hon. The<br /> Lord, P.C.<br /> <br /> Dixon, &quot;A. F.<br /> <br /> Dixon, W. Scarth |<br /> <br /> Dobson, Austin<br /> <br /> Drake, F. Maurice. ‘<br /> <br /> Dummelow, Rev. J. R..<br /> <br /> Dunsany, The Lord :<br /> <br /> Durand, The Right Hon. Sir Henry<br /> Mortimer .<br /> <br /> Durand, Ralph<br /> <br /> Diiring, Mrs.<br /> <br /> E. D. C.<br /> <br /> E. H.<br /> <br /> BEAK. .<br /> <br /> . M. C:<br /> <br /> ZS .<br /> <br /> Edgington, Miss May<br /> <br /> Ellis, Miss M. A.<br /> <br /> Esmond, HOV. |:<br /> <br /> Kyre-Matcham, Mrs.<br /> <br /> Fagan, J. B.<br /> <br /> Felkin, Alfred Laurence :<br /> <br /> Felkin, The Hon. Mrs. A. L. ‘(Ellen<br /> Thornycroft- -Fowler) .<br /> <br /> Fenn, Frederick<br /> <br /> Festing, Miss : :<br /> <br /> Field, The Rev. Claude .<br /> <br /> Fieldhouse, Arthur<br /> <br /> FitzGerald, Colin . :<br /> <br /> FitzGerald, Mrs. EK. A. .<br /> <br /> Fleming, Mrs. A. D. i<br /> <br /> Forbes, The Lady Ellen<br /> <br /> Forrest, G. W. : :<br /> <br /> Forrester, J. Cliffe<br /> <br /> Forster, R. H.<br /> <br /> Fox, A. D.<br /> <br /> Francis, René :<br /> <br /> Freshfield, Douglas<br /> <br /> Fuller, Sir Bamfylde ;<br /> <br /> Galsworthy, John : ‘<br /> <br /> Garnett, Edward . : 4<br /> <br /> &amp;<br /> <br /> wh<br /> <br /> cCcoonoceH mocoococoocoorooce<br /> <br /> mooenocooroqoocorcocre<br /> <br /> He SOM COHONENRFOSCOCOOCHF<br /> <br /> DH<br /> <br /> _ he<br /> SOHO Orr S OLOTO OH CLOT<br /> <br /> _<br /> <br /> Sr ov Ou Or OU<br /> <br /> _<br /> mM Oooo So OO ON Ot OCR ee<br /> <br /> _<br /> <br /> it<br /> oucoro<br /> <br /> _<br /> <br /> _<br /> He OOCOCOMUrFUNOOR&amp;<br /> <br /> S<br /> oo<br /> <br /> coooooocenocecoo<br /> <br /> coocoeooco<br /> <br /> ececooocoooocoeooooaonace]e ecocoocoocoocanoocoeoo<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Garvice, Charles<br /> Gaunt, Mrs. Mary<br /> Gay, Mrs. Florence<br /> Geddes, Mrs.<br /> George, W. L. :<br /> Gidley, Miss E. C..<br /> Giles, Miss Edith J. F.<br /> Gilson, Captain Charles .<br /> Gilliat, Rev. Edward<br /> Glenconner, Lady ;<br /> Godfrey, Miss Elizabeth<br /> Gonne, Capt. C. :<br /> Gosse, Edmund<br /> Graham, Capt. Harry<br /> Graves, A. P. :<br /> Greig, James<br /> Gribble, Francis .<br /> Grier, Miss Julia M.<br /> Grogan, Walter E.<br /> Gurney, Mrs.<br /> Guthrie, ee<br /> H. A.<br /> Hep<br /> Haggard, Mrs.<br /> Hain, H. M..<br /> Halford, F. M.<br /> Hamilton, Henry .<br /> Hands, Mrs. Morris<br /> Hannay, Rev. Canon J. O.<br /> (Geo. A. Birmingham)<br /> Hargrave, Mrs. Basil (Parry ee<br /> Harraden, Miss Beatrice<br /> Harrison, Austin . :<br /> Harrison, Mrs. Darent .<br /> Haultain, Arnold .<br /> Hawkes-Cornock, Mrs. .<br /> Hawkins, Anthony Hee<br /> Heath, Miss KE. .<br /> Heath, Miss Helena<br /> Heath, Sidney ‘<br /> Hecht, Mrs. Arthur<br /> Hedgecock, F. A. . :<br /> Heming, Lieut.-Col. D. .<br /> Hepburn, Thomas ‘<br /> Hering, H. A.<br /> Hichens, Robert<br /> Hills, Mrs. Martha<br /> Hitchings, F.N.W. .<br /> Hollins, Miss Dorothea .<br /> Holme, Miss.<br /> Holmes, Miss Eleanor<br /> Hughes-Gibb, Mrs. :<br /> Hutchinson, Rev. H. N.<br /> Inkster, C. L.<br /> Inman, Rev. H. T.<br /> J. A. RB.<br /> J.K. J.<br /> <br /> COHFOCCONOMOOCOCOSCOOHHOONK COSCSCrHFSCOOONH<br /> <br /> mecormoooooowoorw SooooooorFONnNe<br /> <br /> n°?<br /> <br /> i<br /> <br /> _ =<br /> Ooo eH mo OUN &amp; SO Oro © OF Or Or<br /> <br /> ht<br /> owe ao an»nwmnooorcn<br /> <br /> a<br /> <br /> ie<br /> CUMMHKaAnNoeanrwNoowrandaanodorX aod &amp;<br /> <br /> ccooooooaocacoocoOoSeSoSoSSOOaASCS SOO<br /> <br /> ecooocooooocooooanooacooooooeceo<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> J. L. W. ;<br /> <br /> Jackson, C. S.<br /> <br /> Jacomb, A. E.<br /> <br /> James, Henry<br /> <br /> James, Miss S. Boucher<br /> Jessup, A. E.<br /> <br /> Jones, Henry Arthur<br /> Jones, W. Braunston<br /> Keene, Mrs.<br /> <br /> Kelly, W. P.<br /> <br /> Kenny, Mrs. L. M. “Stacpoole .<br /> <br /> Kersey, William H.<br /> Kilmarnock, The Lord .<br /> Kipling, Rudyard<br /> Kitcat, Mrs.<br /> <br /> Knowles, Miss Margaret<br /> Lack, H. Lambert<br /> Lambe, J. Laurence<br /> Larden, Walter<br /> <br /> Larken, E. P.<br /> <br /> Laurence, Lionel .<br /> Laws, T.C. . :<br /> <br /> Lee, Rev. Albert .<br /> Letts, Miss W. M..<br /> Lewis, Rev. Arthur<br /> Lewis, T. C.<br /> <br /> Liddle, S. .<br /> <br /> Lion, Leon M. :<br /> Little, Mrs. Archibald<br /> Locke, W. J.<br /> <br /> Logan, The Rev. Robert<br /> Longe, Miss Julia .<br /> Lueas, E. V.<br /> M.M.B...<br /> Macdonald, Greville<br /> Mackenzie, Miss H. :<br /> Macnamara, Miss Margaret<br /> Maenaughton-Jones, Dr. H.<br /> Macpherson, J. F..<br /> Malcolm, Mrs. lan.<br /> “Malet, Lucas”? ...<br /> Mann, Mrs. Mary E.<br /> Maquarie, Arthur .<br /> Marchmont, A. W.<br /> Marks, Mrs. Mary<br /> Marriott, Charles .<br /> Martin, Miss Violet<br /> Masefield, John<br /> Matheson, Miss Annie<br /> McCormick, E. B.<br /> Meredith, Mark ;<br /> Middlemass, Miss Jean .<br /> Miniken, Miss Bertha M. M.<br /> Moffatt, Miss B. .<br /> Montgomery, Miss K. L.<br /> Montrésor, Miss F. F,<br /> Morton, Michael<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> tw<br /> %<br /> Q<br /> <br /> Palle<br /> moO Oe<br /> <br /> SOESSHSHSOSONNOSOHSCSOOSOOCOH OHH UMC OCOC OC ORHHENOOS<br /> <br /> MrOOCHOCoocoCcOoOHreHOoCoCSCONS<br /> <br /> bet bok pe<br /> SOM OM kK OSCoANO OC &amp; = =<br /> <br /> bt el<br /> <br /> pt ped<br /> ARMSOSONSOAMRAKHKNOAUAMNOMAMH OOo oT<br /> <br /> et _<br /> a)<br /> <br /> ee or or OS Or Or O<br /> <br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 6<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 6<br /> 6<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> <br /> Mulliken, Mrs.<br /> <br /> Narramore, William<br /> <br /> Nembhard, Miss M.<br /> <br /> Nicholls, F.C...<br /> <br /> Niven, Frederick .<br /> <br /> Northcote, Rev. H.<br /> <br /> O’Brien, The Rev. G. E.<br /> <br /> O’ Donnell, Miss Petronella<br /> <br /> Orezy, The Baroness<br /> <br /> Osgood, Mrs. Irene<br /> <br /> Owen, Charles<br /> <br /> P. :<br /> <br /> Pakington, Hon. Mary :<br /> <br /> Parr, Miss O. K. .<br /> <br /> Parry, Sir C. Hubert, Mus. Doc.<br /> <br /> Paul, H. M.<br /> <br /> Pearson, Mrs. Conny :<br /> <br /> Pendered, Miss Mary L.<br /> <br /> Pettigrew, W.F. . :<br /> <br /> Phillips-Wooley, Clive<br /> <br /> Phillpotts, Eden<br /> <br /> Phipson, Miss Emma<br /> <br /> Pickthall, M. W. .<br /> <br /> Pinero, Sir Arthur<br /> <br /> Plunkett, G. N., Count . : j<br /> <br /> Pollock, The Right Hon. Sir<br /> Frederick, P.C. : ‘ :<br /> <br /> Pope, Miss Jessie .<br /> <br /> Portman, Lionel<br /> <br /> Prelooker, J. .<br /> <br /> Prideaux, Miss S. T.<br /> <br /> Probert, W. S.<br /> <br /> Pryor, Francis.<br /> <br /> Purdon, Miss K. L.<br /> <br /> Rawlings, Burford<br /> <br /> Reynolds, Mrs. Baillie<br /> <br /> Reynolds, Mrs. Fred<br /> <br /> Rhys, Ernest :<br /> <br /> Richardson, Mrs. Aubrey<br /> <br /> Riley, Miss i osephine<br /> <br /> Rittenberg, Max<br /> <br /> Roberts, D. G.<br /> <br /> Roberts, Morley<br /> <br /> Roe, Mrs. Harcourt<br /> <br /> Romanes, Mrs.<br /> <br /> Ropes, A. R.<br /> <br /> Rorison, Miss E.<br /> <br /> Rossetti, Wm. M.<br /> <br /> Rumble, Mrs. ; :<br /> Rumbold, the Right Honble. Sir<br /> Horace, Bart., G.C.B., G.C.M.G.<br /> <br /> Russell, G. H. , ;<br /> <br /> Rutter, Frank<br /> <br /> S. F. F.<br /> <br /> S.M. .<br /> <br /> Sabatini, Rafael : .<br /> Saies, Mrs. . : : ; :<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> SCUSSSHSCONSOHSCSOOSCOHMOOCOOCCCONm<br /> <br /> SSSKSOSCSCOCOSCOSCCOOHMORHEHOHOE<br /> <br /> coocooccre<br /> <br /> —_<br /> SCH UNooananua?<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> _<br /> <br /> |<br /> WOSSTHAONOCOH Aan uo<br /> <br /> a he<br /> AOoIrtaonn»neHeareOoOnonm<br /> <br /> bot et ee<br /> AnaraKooed<br /> <br /> ra<br /> Or Or S Or Or Or<br /> <br /> or<br /> <br /> ooooooo SeSessoesooalraceooscoocococco SeEmooecoscoacscooacoscscoanacococos®<br /> o&gt;<br /> <br /> Salmond, Mrs. M. A. C.<br /> <br /> . Salter, Miss E. K. ; ; :<br /> Salwey, Reginald E. : : :<br /> <br /> anders, Miss E. K. : : :<br /> <br /> Scott, G. Forrester<br /> <br /> Scott, Mrs. C.<br /> <br /> Seaman, Owen.<br /> <br /> Sedgwick, Prof. A.<br /> <br /> Sedgwick, W. :<br /> <br /> Selincourt, Mrs. ‘Basil de<br /> Douglas Sedgwick)<br /> <br /> Sergeant, Miss “Constancia<br /> <br /> Seton- Karr, H. W.<br /> <br /> Shaw, Fred G. :<br /> <br /> Shaw, Mrs. Bernard<br /> <br /> Shepherd, George H.<br /> <br /> Shera, Miss B. M. :<br /> <br /> Sherwood, Miss A. Curtis<br /> <br /> Shipley, Miss Mary<br /> <br /> Simpson, W. J.<br /> <br /> Sinclair, Miss May<br /> <br /> Skrine, Mrs. J ohn H.<br /> <br /> Skrine, Rev. John H.<br /> <br /> Slaughter, Miss F.<br /> <br /> Smith, Bertram<br /> <br /> Smythe, Alfred<br /> <br /> Snell, Miss Olive<br /> <br /> Somers, John<br /> <br /> Somerville, E. (.<br /> <br /> Speed, Lancelot<br /> <br /> Sproston, Samuel, Junr.<br /> <br /> Stacey, Mrs. W. Sy aoe<br /> <br /> Stanton, Miss H. M. E.<br /> <br /> Stawell, Mrs. Rudolf<br /> <br /> Stayton, Frank .<br /> <br /> Stein, Sir M. Aurel<br /> <br /> Steveni, W. Barnes -<br /> <br /> Stewart, J. C. ] oe<br /> <br /> Stockley, Mrs.<br /> <br /> Stott, M. D.<br /> <br /> Sturt, Geo. .<br /> <br /> Sullivan, Herbert .<br /> <br /> Summers, J.<br /> <br /> Sutherland, Her Grace The Duchess of<br /> <br /> Sutro, Alfred<br /> <br /> Taylor, Mrs. Basil.<br /> <br /> Tearle, Christian .<br /> <br /> Teixeira de Mattos, Alex<br /> <br /> Thomson, Lieut.-Col. J.<br /> <br /> Thorn, Ismay :<br /> <br /> Thurston, E. Temple<br /> <br /> Todd, Margaret, M.D.<br /> <br /> Toynbee, Paget .<br /> <br /> Toynbee, William<br /> <br /> Travers, Miss Rosalind .<br /> <br /> Trench, Herbert<br /> <br /> Trevelyan, G. M. .<br /> <br /> (Anna<br /> <br /> Kee OOCCOCOM<br /> <br /> cocoeooocroscooomoronesceooowoosce<br /> <br /> —_<br /> <br /> COCCOFRMSOSCONOCONNOFOF<br /> <br /> ”<br /> <br /> _<br /> <br /> MONO OS ON GOLOT OT S OY CLOT OUT bt et et Or OT OT SOTO<br /> <br /> —<br /> bo Oe! Ole OS Or Or O OFS OL OTH © Or Or<br /> <br /> ie<br /> SKonrononan<br /> <br /> a<br /> eoouco<br /> <br /> cococoooooo<br /> <br /> cara<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> %<br /> <br /> _<br /> moO Oe<br /> <br /> Trevor, Major Philip. . :<br /> <br /> Truman, Miss Olivia M.. ‘ ‘<br /> <br /> Tuckett, F. F.<br /> <br /> Turner, G. F. :<br /> <br /> Turner, Reginald .<br /> <br /> Tuttiett, Miss M. G.<br /> <br /> Twycross, Miss M.<br /> <br /> Tyrrell, Miss Eleanor<br /> <br /> Underdown, Miss E.<br /> <br /> VS. :<br /> <br /> Vachell, H. A<br /> <br /> Vacher, Francis<br /> <br /> Vernéde, R. E.<br /> <br /> Von Holst, Gustav<br /> <br /> Voynich, Mrs. E. L. :<br /> <br /> Waldestein, Sir Charles .<br /> <br /> Walkley, S. ‘ ;<br /> <br /> Ward, Mrs. Humphry : ; &lt;1<br /> <br /> Ward, Rev. F. W. Orde<br /> <br /> Warden, Madame Gertrude<br /> <br /> Watt, A. P.. :<br /> <br /> Weaver, Mrs. Baillie :<br /> <br /> Wentworth, Patricia _<br /> Dillon)<br /> <br /> Weyman, Stanley J.<br /> <br /> Wheelhouse, Mrs. .<br /> <br /> Whishaw, Mrs. Bernhard<br /> <br /> Whiteing, Richard<br /> <br /> Wicks, Mark<br /> <br /> Willard, Mrs. :<br /> <br /> Williams, W. Wynne<br /> <br /> Wills, The Rev. Freeman<br /> <br /> Wilton, Margaret W. .<br /> <br /> Winchilsea and Nottingham,<br /> Countess of :<br /> <br /> Woods, Miss Mary A.<br /> <br /> Worsley, Miss Alice<br /> <br /> Wright, E. Fondi .<br /> <br /> Yolland, Miss E. .<br /> <br /> Young, Capt. Geo. F., CB.<br /> <br /> Young, Ernest. ‘<br /> <br /> Young, W. Wellington .<br /> <br /> COOCOHMHY OF OOoOm<br /> ~<br /> OM HO OUR OS Or OTS Ott et or<br /> <br /> CH OCOUCH ROOM<br /> <br /> _<br /> SO mH Or Or<br /> <br /> G F.<br /> <br /> onc<br /> <br /> Cereooocoocu<br /> —_<br /> Oo<br /> <br /> The<br /> <br /> eoecococor<br /> or Or SL OL OTTO<br /> <br /> a<br /> <br /> COMMITTEE NOTES.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> HE last meeting of the committee before the<br /> vacation took “place on Monday, July Ist, at<br /> the society’s offices. After the minutes<br /> <br /> of the previous meeting had been read and signed,<br /> twenty-four members ‘and associates were elected,<br /> bringing the elections for the current year up to<br /> 204. ‘The committee accepted, with regret, four<br /> resignations.<br /> <br /> The solicitors then reported upon the cases they<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 7<br /> <br /> had in hand, first dealing with matters that had<br /> been before the committee at their last meeting.<br /> These, the solicitors were able to state, were<br /> going forward in most cases satisfactorily. In the<br /> matter of fresh business, action was sanctioned<br /> for recovery of damages for wrongful dismissal of<br /> a member from the staff of a daily paper, and the<br /> solicitors were instructed to proceed. There were<br /> several small county court cases which had been<br /> placed in the solicitors’ hands during the month.<br /> In three of these, money had been recovered and<br /> forwarded to the authors. The others were pro-<br /> ceeding, and if no payment was made, summonses<br /> would be issued.<br /> <br /> The secretary then mentioned certain cases<br /> which had come before him during the month.<br /> One in America it was decided to place in the<br /> hands of the society’s American lawyers, failing<br /> payment by the American publisher. One was a<br /> complaint against a paper in Burma, and this the<br /> secretary was instructed to submit, when he had the<br /> necessary particulars, to the society’s solicitors in<br /> that country. In a third case, relating to the<br /> payment of the costs for settlement, by the society’s<br /> solicitors, of an agreemevt between an author and<br /> a publisher, the committee decided, after full con-<br /> sideration, that the bill must be settled by the<br /> member. Lastly, the secretary placed before the<br /> committee an offer received by a member from a<br /> publisher, and the committee instructed him to ask<br /> the member for permission to publish the suggested<br /> contract in the pages of Zhe Author, without<br /> mention of the member’s name.<br /> <br /> Owing to the passing of the new Copyright Act,<br /> the committee had under discussion the question<br /> of the collection of fees by the society for its<br /> members, on contracts, literary, dramatic and<br /> musical, the collection of fees under the compulsory<br /> licence clauses of the Act, as they affect mechanical<br /> reproduction of a composer’s works, being specially<br /> mentioned. It was decided to refer the matter to<br /> the Council, and notice was sent to the Council in<br /> due course, which body met early in July.<br /> <br /> The question of the election of members to the<br /> Council was considered, and four members were duly<br /> elected, subject to their consent.<br /> <br /> It was decided to increase the salary of one of<br /> ‘the clerks and also to pay the insurance premiums<br /> of all the clerks in the office.<br /> <br /> The chairman received from the committee<br /> ‘power to act in any matters of immediate import-<br /> ance that might come before the society during the<br /> vacation.<br /> <br /> It was decided also to purchase any files that<br /> might be required for the filing of the society’s<br /> correspondence which had grown so enormously<br /> recently.<br /> <br /> The committee expressed their thanks to Mrs.<br /> <br /> Wentworth-James for further<br /> society’s funds,<br /> <br /> donations to the<br /> aes<br /> Composers’ SuB-COMMITTEE.<br /> <br /> TuE last meeting before the vacation of the<br /> Composers’ Sub-Committee was held on Thursday,<br /> July 11th, at eleven o’clock, at the offices of the<br /> society.<br /> <br /> The minutes of the former meeting were con-<br /> firmed and signed.<br /> <br /> The secretary read a letter which he had<br /> received from a patent agent whom he had con-<br /> sulted on the matter of gramophone stamps and<br /> trade marks. In it the agent pointed out that he<br /> considered it useless to try and register the<br /> gramophone stamps under the Trade Marks Act.<br /> He suggested that the Composers’ Sub-Committee<br /> should rely on artistic copyright and that it would<br /> be as well for the society to keep a register of as<br /> many stamps as they could obtain from their<br /> members, and others, for the purpose of reference<br /> in order to prevent infringement. The committee<br /> instructed the secretary accordingly.<br /> <br /> Mr. Elkin, one of the directors of The Mechani-<br /> cai Copyright. Licences Co., Ltd., then attended the<br /> meeting in order to discuss with the Composers’ Sub-<br /> Committee some of the objections that had been<br /> raised to the form of contract for the collection<br /> of gramophone fees in the-hope that the sub-<br /> committee might, finally, be able to approve the<br /> agreement as put forward by Mr. Elkin’s company.<br /> The agreement was dealt with clause by clause, and<br /> after all the points had been fully discussed between<br /> the sub-committee and Mr. Elkin, he undertook to<br /> refer the matter to his directors, and then to refer<br /> the matter back to the sub-committee for further<br /> consideration. The sub-committee consider that<br /> the issues involved are of the greatest importance<br /> and, therefore, were pleased to welcome Mr, Elkin,<br /> as representing the Mechanical Copyright Licences<br /> Co., Ltd.<br /> <br /> ae<br /> <br /> CounciL MEETING.<br /> <br /> Tue second meeting of the Council for the<br /> present year was held at the rooms of the<br /> Society of Arts, 18, John Street, Adelphi, W.C.,<br /> on Friday, July 19th, at 5 o’clock.<br /> <br /> The Chairman put before the meeting the<br /> agenda which were contained in the circular<br /> convening the meeting, and ran as follows :—<br /> <br /> “Under the new Copyright Act certain com- |<br /> pulsory licence sections come into force under<br /> which fixed royalties are payable to authors<br /> and composers. The Committee of Manage-<br /> ment propose to meet the new conditions by<br /> extending the activities of the society so as to |<br /> 8 THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> include not only the collection of fees under<br /> these sections for the members involved, but<br /> the collection for all members of moneys under<br /> any contracts, literary, dramatic or musical,<br /> which they may have entered into. This<br /> collection will be made subject to the payment<br /> of a certain commission to the society on the<br /> sums collected. The meeting is called to<br /> discuss this extension of the society’s<br /> activities.”<br /> <br /> The Chairman explained briefly to the meet-<br /> ing what the society proposed to do. It was<br /> not proposed to act as agents for the placing of<br /> work in the ordinary sense, but merely to<br /> collect fees on a commission. He said that he<br /> had received a letter from one of the members<br /> of the Council stating that he considered the<br /> action which the society proposed was ultra<br /> vires. The matter was discussed by the mem-<br /> bers present, and it was decided to take<br /> counsel’s opinion. If counsel’s opinion on the<br /> technical point was in favour of the society,<br /> then it was unanimously agreed to organise a<br /> branch of the society to carry out the fresh<br /> activities proposed.<br /> <br /> Subsequently, counsel’s opinion was obtained,<br /> and from this it was clear that the society had<br /> full power to take up the matter.<br /> <br /> ether eoeipen$ care<br /> <br /> Cases,<br /> <br /> Forty-oNE cases have passed through the<br /> :ecretary’s hands, making roughly an average<br /> of fourteen cases a month, since the last issue<br /> of The Author, in July. The number is rather<br /> higher than usual, as during the Vacation the<br /> tendency is for the number of cases to decrease.<br /> Not a few of the claims have been for money<br /> due from magazines and periodicals. There<br /> are, unfortunately, far too many of these<br /> concerns which, lacking sound financial sup-<br /> port, soon get into arrears in the payment of<br /> their contributors. Knowing that they can<br /> always rely upon getting copy from fresh<br /> contributors, the managers of these publica-<br /> tions leave the author’s account till the very<br /> last moment, paying the printers’ bill first<br /> because of the control that an unpaid printer<br /> has over them. The unfortunate author, not<br /> being in the same strong position, and without<br /> knowledge, is kept waiting and sometimes is<br /> not paid until he has actually issued, through<br /> the society, a summons for what is due to him.<br /> <br /> There have been fourteen claims altogether,<br /> either against publisher, editor, or theatrical<br /> manager, for money due. In four of these the<br /> secretary’s application has been sufficient to<br /> <br /> bring the amounts owing. Four have been<br /> placed in the hands of the society’s solicitors<br /> (who have recovered in one case and are<br /> proceeding by legal process in the remaining<br /> three), and in the other six the secretary is<br /> still pursuing the delinquents, most of whom<br /> have promised payment.<br /> <br /> The secretary has handled nine claims for<br /> the return of MSS. wrongfully detained. In<br /> four of these the MSS. have been restored to<br /> their owners in response to the secretary’s<br /> applications. In one case the editor reported<br /> he could not trace the MSS. and as the author<br /> had no evidence of its arrival, the matter<br /> had to be dropped. Another case is against an<br /> actor touring in South Africa from whom, at<br /> the time of going to press, no answer has been<br /> received. In a third case the editor has<br /> promised to make a search, but has yet to<br /> report with what result, while in the fourth<br /> unsettled case, one of the MSS. has been<br /> returned, the agent—resident in America—<br /> having disclaimed all knowledge of the rest of<br /> the MSS. sent. The last case is being handled<br /> by the society’s solicitors and relates to the<br /> detention of a play by a member of the<br /> theatrical profession. Some difficulty is being<br /> experienced in getting into touch with the<br /> party at fault, but it is hoped that a satis-<br /> factory conclusion may yet be reached.<br /> <br /> In seven claims for accounts, the secretary<br /> has been successful in five. The remaining<br /> two have only come into the office recently,<br /> but there is no reason to anticipate that there<br /> will be any difficulty in obtaining the state-<br /> ments.<br /> <br /> Two requests have been made, on behalf of<br /> members, for fuller particulars of certain items<br /> in accounts rendered by publishers. In both<br /> eases the desired information has been fur-<br /> nished and the members have expressed them-<br /> selves satisfied.<br /> <br /> Two claims have arisen respecting appro-<br /> priation of title. These cases are not always<br /> easy to deal with, as priority in the use of a<br /> title does not always give the first user ex-<br /> clusive possession. Everything depends upon<br /> whether the duplication of title is likely to<br /> mislead the public into purchasing the second<br /> author’s book, or witnessing the second author’s<br /> play in mistake for the book or play of the<br /> first author. No hard-and-fast rule can be laid<br /> down in these matters. Each case must be<br /> governed by its particular circumstances.<br /> However, in the two cases under this head, the<br /> society has been successful on behalf of its<br /> members. The first, which was against a<br /> cinematograph company, was placed in the<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 9<br /> <br /> hands of the society’s solicitors, who persuaded<br /> the company to withdraw the film from circu-<br /> lation. The secretary was similarly successful<br /> in the second case. This case was against a<br /> theatrical manager who agreed to alter the<br /> title of his piece, when his attention was drawn<br /> to the fact that it was likely to conflict with<br /> the title given by the member concerned to a<br /> play which was still well before the public.<br /> <br /> Of two claims for infringement of copyright,<br /> one was settled by the offending newspaper<br /> compensating the author. The other, which<br /> is against an American pirate, has only just<br /> come into the office.<br /> <br /> Two cases arose in which the authors sought<br /> cancellations of their agreements with their<br /> publishers. In one the agreement has been<br /> eancelled. In the other, the secretary is<br /> waiting to hear from the publisher as to the<br /> terms on which he will deliver the balance of<br /> the stock to the author and cancel the contract.<br /> <br /> There were two claims for breach of agree-<br /> ment. One, against an actor, referred to the<br /> suppression of an author’s name from the play-<br /> bills and programmes of his play. Here,<br /> suitable compensation has been offered to, and<br /> accepted by, the author, and a draft apology<br /> for insertion in the papers has been drawn up.<br /> When this is signed by the actor the matter<br /> will be at an end. In the other case, a well-<br /> known firm of publishers broke their agree-<br /> ment by selling copies of a cheap edition of an<br /> author’s work in territory not covered by the<br /> licence granted them by the author. The firm<br /> have proved rather difficult to deal with in the<br /> matter, and the secretary has been forced, in<br /> consequence, to bring it to the notice of one<br /> of their directors who has promised, on his<br /> return from abroad, to communicate with the<br /> secretary.<br /> <br /> The last case referred to the division of<br /> gramophone fees between a composer and an<br /> author—both members of the society—under<br /> the Copyright Act, 1911. A division accept-<br /> able to both parties has been arranged.<br /> <br /> One case remains open from former months.<br /> The author has given the delinquent an exten-<br /> sion of credit, but proceedings will be taken if<br /> the amount is not, as has been promised, paid<br /> shortly.<br /> <br /> Souicrrors’ CasgEs.<br /> <br /> Nineteen cases have been placed in the hands<br /> of the society’s solicitors. The majority of<br /> them refer to the collection of money. Of<br /> these, numbering twelve, six have already been<br /> successful, the money having been obtained<br /> and forwarded to the authors. In two of the<br /> <br /> cases remaining, summonses have been issued<br /> but have not yet been returnable, in another<br /> an offer has been made for settlement, and in<br /> another the time for payment has been post-<br /> poned with the consent of the author. There<br /> have been two cases of infringement of copy-<br /> right—one in Sweden and the other in England.<br /> The former is in the course of a favourable<br /> settlement, as the penalties have practically<br /> been assessed, and it is only a question of how<br /> far the author is willing to accept the proffered<br /> terms. The other has only recently come into<br /> the office. In a case of piracy in Burma,<br /> considerable difficulty has arisen owing to legal<br /> technicalities, but it is hoped that the difficul-<br /> ties will be cleared away and the author enabled<br /> to establish his title. A question relating to<br /> the cancellation of an agreement and the<br /> rendering of accounts is being negotiated and<br /> is nearing a settlement. One case for the<br /> return of a MS. in the United States is still<br /> open, as it has only just been placed in the<br /> hands of the society’s lawyers in the United<br /> States. A question of account is being investi-<br /> gated, but as the defendant is away for his<br /> holiday it is difficult to get sufficient informa-<br /> tion. There is a serious allegation of over-<br /> charge of the cost of production on the account.<br /> It is possible, however, some explanation may<br /> be forthcoming. The last case refers to the<br /> purchase by a magazine of a story purporting<br /> to be the work of a well-known author who, in<br /> fact, had not written the story in question.<br /> It is hoped to bring the culprit to book. It is<br /> a most serious question of misrepresentation<br /> and must run very close to forgery.<br /> <br /> Of the cases in the solicitors’ hands before<br /> the last meeting a full report appears under the<br /> Committee Notes, but many of these which<br /> were then unsettled, have been satisfactorily<br /> terminated within the past three months.<br /> <br /> fag<br /> <br /> July Elections.<br /> Alford, Miss Daisy Oke Wayside, : Minehead,<br /> <br /> : Somerset.<br /> <br /> Baker, Arthur E., Tauntonand YewTree<br /> F.R.Hist.8., Secretary House, Winsford.<br /> and Librarian.<br /> <br /> Berkley, J., Major, R.F.A. Rooksbury Mill,<br /> Andover.<br /> <br /> 54, Parliament Street,<br /> S.W.<br /> <br /> Flint Cottage, Mt.<br /> Ephraim Lane,<br /> Streatham, S.W.<br /> <br /> Bolster, Reginald, c/o<br /> Messrs. Grindlay &amp; Co.<br /> <br /> Burgess, George (‘ Hmil<br /> Meene”’)<br /> 10<br /> <br /> 38th (K.G.0.) Cen-<br /> tral India Horse.<br /> <br /> 53, Telford Avenue,<br /> Streatham Hill,<br /> S.W.<br /> <br /> Daylesford. Newport,<br /> Isle of Wight.<br /> <br /> Sidgard.<br /> <br /> Cooke, Major 8. A. . :<br /> <br /> Dodwell, Samuel (Bernard<br /> Phelps)<br /> <br /> Eldridge, Robey Frank<br /> <br /> Fisher, Miss M. L. (Jlollina<br /> Joy).<br /> <br /> Fulton, Grenville. Authors’ Club, 2<br /> <br /> Whitehall Court,<br /> <br /> S.W.<br /> <br /> Clarence ‘Terrace,<br /> <br /> Leamington Spa.<br /> <br /> Portslade, Sussex.<br /> Adamson Road,<br /> <br /> S. Hampstead.<br /> <br /> St. Bride Foundation,<br /> Bride Lane, E.C.<br /> The Cottage, Bushey<br /> <br /> Heath, Herts.<br /> <br /> Hain, a, M., PhD. 2<br /> F.R.S.L.<br /> <br /> Hall, Leonard . ; :<br /> <br /> Jessop, George H. . a4<br /> <br /> Peddie, R. A. . ‘ :<br /> <br /> Perrin, Mrs. Ida : ;<br /> <br /> Philip, Alex. J. : . 8, Darnley ‘Terrace,<br /> Overcliffe, Graves-<br /> end.<br /> <br /> Shelley, Bertha ‘ Lyceum Club, 128,<br /> Piceadilly.<br /> <br /> Shipley, R. H. . : Charleville, | Cranes-<br /> water Park, South-<br /> sea.<br /> <br /> Slater, Catherine P. . Edinburgh.<br /> <br /> Stewart, Miss Edith Anne. Clarewood, Limps-<br /> <br /> field, Surrey.<br /> ———_+—_ &gt; +—___—_<br /> <br /> BOOKS PUBLISHED BY MEMBERS.<br /> <br /> SS on eee<br /> <br /> While every effort is made by the compilers to keep<br /> this list as accurate and exhaustive as possible, they have<br /> some difficulty in attaining this object owing to the fact<br /> that many of the books mentioned are not sent to the office<br /> by the members. In consequence, it is necessary to rely<br /> largely upon lists of books which appear in literary and<br /> other papers. It is hoped, however, that members will<br /> co-operate in the compiling of this list and, by sending<br /> particulars of their works, help to make it substantially<br /> accurate.<br /> <br /> AGRICULTURE.<br /> <br /> A Free Farmer tn A Free Starz. A Study of Rural<br /> Life and Industry and Agricultural Politics in an<br /> Agricultural Country. By ‘“ Home Countizs” (J. W.<br /> Robertson Scott). 84 x 5% 335 pp. Heinemann.<br /> 6s. n.<br /> <br /> ARCH AZOLOGY.<br /> <br /> Tur Form or THE AtrHapet. By. W.M. FLINDERS<br /> Perris (British School of Archeology in Egypt Studies<br /> Series, Vol. IIL). 124 x 10. 20 pp. Nine Plates.<br /> Macmillan and Quaritch. 5s. n.<br /> <br /> ARCHITECTURE.<br /> <br /> Tur CATHEDRALS OF ENGLAND AND WALES. Being a<br /> fourth edition of ‘“ English Cathedrals Illustrated.”<br /> By Francis Bonn. 8 X 5}. 493 pp. Batsford.<br /> 78, 6d. nD,<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> ART.<br /> VISVAKARMA EXAMPLES OF IxpriaAN ARCHITECTURE,<br /> ScuterurE, Parytrnc, Hanpicrarr. Chosen by<br /> Awnanpa K. CoomaraswaMy. PartI. 11 x 9. 79 pp.<br /> <br /> The Author, 39, Brookfield, West-hill, N., and Luzac<br /> 2s. 6d.<br /> <br /> Art and SwapesHt. By A. K. Coomaraswamy.<br /> _ Madras: Ganesh &amp; Co. Rs. 1.<br /> Inp1ran Drawrnes. Second Series. Chiefly Rajput.<br /> <br /> With 27 collotype plates and 16 text illustrations. By<br /> <br /> A. K. Coomaraswamy. Probsthain. 25s. n.<br /> Hercutes BraBazon Brapvazon. 1821-1906. His Art<br /> and Life. By C, Lewis Hinp. 114 x 9. 103 pp.<br /> Allen. 21s. n.<br /> BIOGRAPHY.<br /> Tue Fourrn GuneraTIoN Reminiscences. By JANET<br /> Ross. 8? x 53. 400 pp. Constable, 12s. 6d. n.<br /> Intimate Memorrs or Naproreon III. PERSONAL<br /> <br /> REMINISCENCES OF THE MAN AND THE EMPEROR. By<br /> the late Baron D’Amnis. Edited and translated by<br /> A. R. Atrrxson. With illustrations from the collection<br /> <br /> of A. M. Broadley. 9 x 6. Twovols. Stanley Paul.<br /> 248. n.<br /> <br /> A Yxrar anp A Day. By Outver Carist1an MALvery<br /> (Mrs. Archibald Mackirdy). 8} x 5}. 333 pp.<br /> Hutchinson. 6s.<br /> <br /> Grorce Borrow. The Man and his Books. By<br /> E. Tuomas. 9 xX 53. 333 pp. Chapman and Hall.<br /> <br /> 10s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Tue CumBERLAND Lerrers. Being the Correspondence<br /> of Richard Dennison Cumberland and George Cumber-<br /> land between the years 1771 and 1784. Edited by<br /> CLEMENTINA Back, and now printed for the first<br /> time. 9} x 6. 352 pp. Martin Secker. 16s. n.<br /> <br /> CarprinaL Dre RicneuiEev. By Eveanor C. PRIc#.<br /> 9 x 54. 306 pp. Methuen. 10s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Som Otp Love Storres. By T.P. O&#039;Connor. 6} X 4}.<br /> <br /> 376 pp. Nelson’s Shilling Library.<br /> <br /> BOOKS FOR THE YOUNG.<br /> <br /> Tur Farrtes AND THE Curistmas Camp. By Liitan<br /> <br /> Gask. ImIustrated by Witty Pocgany. 8% x 63.<br /> 261 pp. Harrap. 5s. n.<br /> DRAMA.<br /> <br /> MaAKESHIFTS AND REALITIES.<br /> 8} x 53. 39 pp.<br /> <br /> PRESERVING Mr. PANMURE.<br /> By Artuur W. PINRO.<br /> mann. Is. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> By GerrrrupE Rosiys.<br /> Werner Laurie. 6d.<br /> <br /> A Comic Play in Four Acts.<br /> 64 x 5. 296 pp. Heine-<br /> <br /> THe Hoty Gram. A Romantic Mystery Play. By<br /> Haxiuyt Earrron. 7 x 43. 67 pp. The Faith<br /> Press. 2s. 6d,<br /> <br /> EDUCATIONAL.<br /> <br /> Tue GIANT AND THE CATERPILLAR. And other Addresses<br /> <br /> to Young People. By Joun A. Haminron. 7} X 43.<br /> 256 pp. H. R. Allenson.<br /> FICTION.<br /> Tos Mummy. By Riccarpo Srernens. 7} x 5.<br /> <br /> 428 pp. Nash. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tur Rep BupeEer or Stortus. Edited by CHARLES<br /> Garvice. 8} X 61. 312 pp. Hodder and Stoughton,<br /> ls. n.<br /> <br /> Gay Lawness. By Heran Maruers (Cheap Edition).<br /> 8} x 5}. 153 pp. Stanley Paul. 6d.<br /> <br /> TALES OF THE OPEN Hazarv. By HaLLiwE Lb SUTCLIFFE.<br /> 7% x 5. 312 pp. Mills and Boon. 6s. :<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. L1<br /> <br /> From THE ANGLE or SEVENTEEN. By EpEN PHILLrorTtTs,<br /> 74 x 5. 235 pp. Murray. 3s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Beira. By E. C. Boorn. 7? x 5. 364 pp. Arnold.<br /> 6s.<br /> <br /> . Mornine Star. By H. Riper Haceaarp.<br /> pp. Cassell. 1s. n.<br /> My Lapy oF THE Bass.<br /> <br /> 415 pp. Gay and Hancock. 1s. n.<br /> <br /> To-pay. By Percy Ware. 72 x 5.<br /> Constable. 6s.<br /> <br /> THe Narrow Escape or Lapy Harpwetr. By F.<br /> Frangrort Moorr. 7} X 5. 335 pp. Constable. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Hovss or Fortune. By Max Pemprerton. 7? X<br /> 43. 248 pp. Eveleigh Nash. 2s. n.<br /> <br /> Love at Pappineton. By W. Prtr Riper.<br /> 271 pp. Nelson. 2s. n.<br /> <br /> THe Oakum Pickers. By L. §&amp;.<br /> 375 pp. Methuen. 6s.<br /> <br /> Setming or Sermincrorp. By Berrrram Mrrrorp.<br /> 74 x 5. 320 pp. Ward, Lock. 6s.<br /> <br /> JupitH Ler. Some Pages from her Life. By Ricwarp<br /> Mars. 7? x 5. 317 pp. Methuen. 6s.<br /> Force Maseure. By Patrick RtsHDEN.<br /> 409 pp. Mills and Boon. 6s.<br /> THe Vicars Secret. By C.<br /> <br /> 255 pp. Murray and Evenden.<br /> <br /> Tue Hippex Hicuway. By Firorence Bone. 8<br /> 189 pp. (The “Leisure Hour” Monthly L<br /> Religious Tract Society. 6d.<br /> <br /> THe Love Race. By Kente Howarp.<br /> Hodder and Stovghton’s Penny Stories.<br /> Aw Encuisnwan. The Romance of a Shop.<br /> L. PENDERED. 72 x 5. 342 pp.<br /> <br /> Revised. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue ScyoLtar’s Daucurer.<br /> 255 pp.<br /> <br /> Tue Tracrpy of THE Korosko.<br /> 252 pp.<br /> <br /> Desorsr or Ton’s. By Mrs. HENRY DETA PASTURE.<br /> 314 pp. Hodder and Stoughton. 74. n. each.<br /> <br /> Tae Diamonn Smr. By Max PEMBERTON.<br /> 348 pp. (Cheap Edition). Cassell. 1s. n.<br /> <br /> Bricut SHame. By KuiaHiey SNOWDEN.<br /> 276 pp. Stanley Paul. 6s.<br /> <br /> RosE oF THE GARDEN. By KatTHaRINE TYNAN.<br /> 312 pp. Constable. 6s.<br /> <br /> THe \Virta Mystery. By Hersert FLOWERDEW.<br /> 73 X 5. 319 pp. Stanley Paul. 6s.<br /> <br /> SasLtE anpD Mortiey. By STEPHEN ANDREW.<br /> 316 pp. Greening. 6s.<br /> <br /> ‘THe Waster. By Mrs. Henry Tirrert.<br /> 319 pp. John Long. 6s.<br /> <br /> ‘THos—E OrHer Days. By E. Puairriirs OPPENHEIM.<br /> 7% X 5. 320 pp. Ward, Lock. 6s.<br /> <br /> ‘THe Turnstite. By A. E. W. Mason.<br /> Hodder and Stoughton. 6s.<br /> <br /> ‘Tne DarksomME Marps or Bagurers. By WILLIAM<br /> H. Kersey. 74 x 5. 309 pp. Stephen Swift &amp; Co.<br /> 6s.<br /> <br /> ‘THe Marriace or Kerrie. By C. J. Curcrirre HynNe.<br /> 7% x 5. 312 pp. Heinemann. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Turee Anarcuists. By Maup Stepney Rawson.<br /> 7% X 5. 320 pp. Stanley Paul. 6s.<br /> <br /> Waitt Roseteaves. A Story of the Yorkist Court.<br /> By Emmy Rocunes. 73 x 5. 345 pp. Drane.<br /> 63.<br /> <br /> ‘THe Rep Hanp or Utstar. By G. A. BrrMincHaM.<br /> 7? &lt;x 5. 310 pp. Smith, Elder. 6s.<br /> <br /> A WitpEerness Woornc. By W. VicrorCoox. 7} x 5.<br /> 312 pp. Methuen. 6s.<br /> <br /> ‘The Secret Marriace. By A. WiLson<br /> 73 x 5. 302 pp. Ward, Lock. 6s.<br /> <br /> 74 x 5. 308<br /> <br /> By 8S. H. Burcwert. 7} x 5.<br /> <br /> 319 pp.<br /> <br /> 7k &amp; 5.<br /> Grsson. 72 x 5.<br /> <br /> 72 X 5.<br /> <br /> E. JEFFERY.<br /> 25. ne<br /> <br /> Th X 5.<br /> <br /> wo<br /> <br /> Xe<br /> ibrary<br /> 4x<br /> <br /> By Mary<br /> New Fuition<br /> <br /> rab ok<br /> <br /> ta Ol<br /> Re<br /> <br /> ~J<br /> <br /> rs<br /> <br /> 1<br /> 4<br /> <br /> By Beatrice HarRapEn.<br /> <br /> By A. Conan DoYLe.<br /> 72 x 5.<br /> 12 X 6.<br /> <br /> 7k x 5.<br /> <br /> 7k Xx 5.<br /> <br /> 72 X 5.<br /> <br /> 72x 5. 344 pp.<br /> <br /> BARRETT.<br /> <br /> MiraBet’s Isnanp.<br /> Ward, Lock. 6s.<br /> <br /> Great 1s Discrerinr. By O. C. Ironstpn. 7} x 5.<br /> 286 pp. E. J. and H. Henryson for Capitalist Common-<br /> wealth Association. 6s.<br /> <br /> Datsy’s Aunt. By E. F. Benson.<br /> Nelson. 7d. n.<br /> <br /> THe K®rEPER oF THE SECRET.<br /> (Mrs. Francis Channon).<br /> Boon. 6s.<br /> <br /> Ciara. Some Scattered Chapters in the Life of a Hussy.<br /> By A. Nem Lyons. 7} x 5. 336 pp. Lane. 6s.<br /> Buriep Ative. By ArnoLtp Bennett. New Edition.<br /> <br /> 72 x 5. 323 pp. Methuen. 6s.<br /> <br /> A Brnepick ry Arcapy. By Hatitweiui SUTCLIFFE.<br /> 84 x 53. 158 pp. (Cheap Reprint.) Stanley Paul.<br /> 6d.<br /> <br /> Epetweiss. By “Rrra.” 84 x 6.<br /> Reprint.) Stanley Paul. 6d.<br /> <br /> SopHy or Krayonta. By AntHony Hope.<br /> 370 pp. Nelson. 7d. n.<br /> <br /> Mrs. FauntLeRoy’s NerHew. By Beatrice Brairu-<br /> waite Barry. 207 pp. Ouseley. 2s. n.<br /> <br /> Hans. TuHere 1s Victory IN THE Cross. A Continental<br /> Story from Real Life. By Huryr. M. Harn, Ph.D.<br /> Elliot Stock.<br /> <br /> Mareiace. By H. G.<br /> Macmillan. 6s.<br /> <br /> Lonpon LavENDER.<br /> Methuen. 6s.<br /> <br /> Meapow Sweet. By Tue Baronsss Orczy. 7} X 5.<br /> 376 pp. Hutchinson. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Ovreost or Erernity. By Cosmo HamMILTon.<br /> 8 x 5.. 344 pp. Hurst and Blackett. 6s.<br /> <br /> Our Nance. By W. Bravnston JONES.<br /> 303 pp. Ouseley. 6s.<br /> <br /> A Maxesuirt Marriace. By Mrs. Batis REYNOLDS.<br /> 73 x 5. 300 pp. Hodder and Stoughton. 6s.<br /> <br /> Toe Aneto-Inpians. By Atice Perri. 7? X 5.<br /> 312 pp. Methuen. 6s.<br /> <br /> Ourvia Mary. By HE,<br /> 308 pp. Methuen. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tur Demon. By C. N. and A. M. WiuiraMson. 7 x 41.<br /> 208 pp. Methuen. 1s.<br /> <br /> Barpara. By Aice and Craup ASKEW.<br /> 319 pp. Fisher Unwin. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tne Escort. A Farcical Comedy. By Gertie Dz S.<br /> Wentwortn-JAMES. 73 x 5. 320 pp. Everett. 6s.<br /> <br /> WILHELMINA IN LoNnpDON. By Barry Par. New<br /> Edition. 7 &lt;x 4%. 126 pp. J. Long. 6d.<br /> <br /> Tue Oruer Sipe. By H. A. VACHELL.<br /> 287 pp. Nelson’s Sevenpenny Library.<br /> <br /> Untm Tuat Day. By Haro~tp WINTLE.<br /> 349 pp. John Ouseley. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tur Sevento Son. A Novel. By Cuartes REINHARDT.<br /> 7k x 43. 339 pp. Stead’s Publishing House. 6s.<br /> Larkmeapow. A Novel of the Country Districts. By<br /> MarMapuKE Picxruaty. 74 x 43. 332 pp. Chatto<br /> and Windus. 6s. oo<br /> <br /> Lamorna. By Mrs. AtrRep SipGwick, 7} X 5}.<br /> Methuen. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tur Rakn’s Procress. By Marsorre BowEN.<br /> 302 pp. Rider. 2s. n.<br /> <br /> Tur Winp Among THE Bartey. By M. P. Wittcocks.<br /> 72 x 5. 313 pp. Mills and Boon. 6s.<br /> <br /> Drevorep Sparks. By W. Perr Rivce.<br /> 323 pp. Methuen. 6s. oe<br /> <br /> Honours Easy. By Mrs. J.O.ARNotp. 7} x 5. 316 pp.<br /> Methuen. 6s.<br /> <br /> Av Lavenper Corrace. By Mary L. PENDERED.<br /> 73 x 5. 364 pp. Mills and Boon. 6s.<br /> <br /> By Lovis Tracy. 73 x 5. 319 pp.<br /> <br /> 61 x 4. 279 pp.<br /> <br /> By E. M. CHannon<br /> 74 x 5. 344 pp. Mills and<br /> <br /> 124 pp. (Cheap<br /> <br /> 61 x 41.<br /> <br /> WeEtis. 73 x 5.<br /> <br /> By E. V. Lucas. 72 x 5.<br /> <br /> 72 x 5.<br /> <br /> Marta ALBANESI. 72 X 54<br /> <br /> Tk xX 5<br /> <br /> 64 x 41,<br /> <br /> 7} x 54.<br /> <br /> 330 pp-<br /> <br /> Th X Be<br /> <br /> 73 x Be<br /> 12 THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> By Mrs. Puirip CHAMPION DE<br /> 316 pp. Mills and Boon. 6s.<br /> By C. N. and A. M. WiLLiaMson.<br /> <br /> Tue Five oF SPADES.<br /> Crespigny. 7} xX 5.<br /> <br /> Tur HeatHer Moon.<br /> 72 x 5. 356 pp. Methuen. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tur THREAD OF Proor. By Heapon HI.<br /> 330 pp. Stanley Paul &amp; Co. 6s.<br /> <br /> Barriers. By Tue Hon. Mrs. Jutian Byne.<br /> and Hardingham. 6s.<br /> <br /> A FuasH or Summer. By Mrs. W. K. Crirrorp. 6} x<br /> 44. 319 pp. Hodder and Stoughton’s Sevenpenny<br /> Library.<br /> <br /> A Duran Brive. By CHARLOTTE CAMERON.<br /> 287 pp. Stanley Paul. 6s.<br /> <br /> ZENOBIA; OR THE Mystery or LIFE.<br /> <br /> 72 xX 5.<br /> <br /> Holden<br /> <br /> nr<br /> <br /> 72 X<br /> <br /> By W. 8. Rock.<br /> <br /> 7k x 5. 266 pp. Drane. 6s.<br /> <br /> New CHRONICLES OF REBECCA OF SUNNYBROOK Farm.<br /> By Kare Dovetas Wiaein. 7 X 43. 296 pp.<br /> Hodder &amp; Stoughton. Is.<br /> <br /> Mrs. Lancetot. A Comedy of Assumptions. By<br /> Maurice Hewterr. 7? x 5. 339 pp. Macmillan.<br /> 6s.<br /> <br /> Mary Pecuett. By Mrs. Bettoc LownpsEs. 7? x 5.<br /> 314 pp. Methuen. 6s.<br /> <br /> THe Royat Roap. By ALFRED OLLIVANT. 7} X 5.<br /> <br /> 301 pp. Methuen. 6s.<br /> <br /> THREE WomEN. By Nerra SYRETT.<br /> Chatto and Windus. 6s.<br /> <br /> A Mopern Anas. By THEODORA WiLson WILSON.<br /> 72 x 5. 316 pp. Stanley Paul. 6s.<br /> <br /> THE GATE OPENERS. By W. L. MontcomEry.<br /> 319 pp. John Long. 6s.<br /> <br /> Toe Book or Wonpver. A Chronicle of Little Adven-<br /> tures at the Edge of the World. By Lorp Dunsany.<br /> Illustrated by S. H. Sruvg. 84 x 7. 98 pp. Heine-<br /> mann. 6s. n.<br /> <br /> 73 xX 5. 347 pp.<br /> <br /> 7h xX 5.<br /> <br /> Tue Antagonists. By E. Tempie Taurston. 7} x 5.<br /> 300 pp. Chapman and Hall. 6s.<br /> Tue Vircin Fortress. By Max PemBerton. 7} X 5.<br /> <br /> 310 pp. Cassell. 6s.<br /> THE Broad Wak. By Baroness LEoNIE AMINOFF.<br /> <br /> 73 x 5. 312 pp. Constable. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Licurep Way. By E. Puiiies OPPENHEIM.<br /> 74 x 5. 315 pp. Hodder and Stoughton. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Browns. By J. E. Buckrosg. 72 x 5. 316 pp.<br /> Mills and Boon. 6s.<br /> <br /> Countess DapHne. A Musical Romance. By Riva.<br /> 74 x 5. 306 pp. Stanley Paul. 2s. n.<br /> <br /> Tue Banpgpox. By L. J. Vance. 73 X 5. 303 pp.<br /> <br /> Grant Richards. 6s.<br /> <br /> To Live anp To Cuertsu. By Erriz ADELAIDE Row-<br /> LANDS. 74 x 5. 320 pp. Everett. 6s.<br /> <br /> THe EaGRAVE SQUARE MysTERY. By A. W. Marcumont.<br /> 74 x 5. 296 pp. Hodder and Stoughton. 6s.<br /> <br /> Kine Soromon’s Mines. By H. Riper Haaaarp.<br /> <br /> With Hight Illustrations in Colour. By A. C. Micwaxrt.<br /> <br /> 83 x 54. 333 pp. Cassell. 7s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Daisy THE Mixx. A Diversion by Mary L. PENpERED.<br /> veg iiae Edition.) 74 x 5. 269 pp. Ham-Smith.<br /> 3. n.<br /> <br /> Tue Cius or Queer Trapes. By G. K. Cuesterron.<br /> 7; X 43. 192 pp. Hodder and Stoughton. 1s. n.<br /> <br /> Satty Bisnop. By E. Tempte Tuurston. 7} x 5.<br /> <br /> 331 pp. Chapman and Hall.<br /> WHEN THE WAR Is O&#039;ER.<br /> Longmans &amp; Co.<br /> <br /> 28. n.<br /> By Masor F. M. Peacock.<br /> <br /> GARDENING.<br /> <br /> THe New Garpenina. A Guide to the most Recent<br /> Developments in the Culture of Flowers, Fruits, and<br /> Vegetables. By Warter P. Wricnt. 81 x 54. 400 pp.<br /> Grant Richards. 6s. n.<br /> <br /> HISTORY.<br /> Princess AitFRiIpA’s Cuarity. Part II. By Henry<br /> LANSDELL. 64 x 4. 96 pp. Burnside. 6d.<br /> CALENDAR OF StaTE Papers. Colonial Series. America<br /> and West Indies. Jan.-Dec.1., 1702. Preserved in<br /> the Record Office. Edited by C. Heapitam. 104 x 7.<br /> <br /> 843 pp. Wyman. 15s. n.<br /> In tHE Footsteps oF Ricuarp Ceur De Lion. By<br /> <br /> Mavupe M. Horsacn. 9 x 53. 357 pp. Stanley<br /> Paul. 16s. n.<br /> JUVENILE.<br /> Att Axsovur Sues. A Book for Boys. By Ligvr.<br /> TaPRELL Doruinc, R.N. 81 x 6. 371 pp. Cassell.<br /> <br /> 6s.<br /> Tommy Loss. By Water Emanven. Illustrated by<br /> Joun Hassaty. 10 x 7}. 53 pp. Chapman and Hall.<br /> <br /> 2s. 6d. n.<br /> LAW.<br /> <br /> INTERNATIONAL Law. A Treatise.<br /> Vol. II., War and Neutrality.<br /> 711 pp. Longmans. 21s. n.<br /> <br /> Tue Case or Oscar Sutater. By A. Conan Dovyte.<br /> 6 x 4. 99 pp. Hodder and Stoughton. 64.<br /> <br /> LITERARY.<br /> Tse British Museum Reapimne Room.<br /> <br /> By L. OppeNHEmM.<br /> Second Edition. 9 x 6.<br /> <br /> A Handbook<br /> <br /> for Students. By R. A. Peppir. 6} x 4 61 pp.<br /> Grafton.<br /> <br /> A Lirrtz oF Everytuinc. By E. V. Lucas. 6% x 4}.<br /> 190 pp. Methuen. ls. n.<br /> <br /> THE ROMANCE OF THE MEN oF Duyon. By Francis<br /> GRIBBLE. 7} X 5. 282 pp. Mills and Boon. 6s.<br /> Papers, CriticaL AND Reminiscent. By WILLIAM<br /> Suarp. Selected and Arranged by Mrs. WILLIAM<br /> <br /> Smarr. 7$ x 5}. 375 pp. Heinemann. 5s. n.<br /> <br /> Essays ON QUESTIONS CONNECTED WITH THE OLD ENGLISH<br /> Porm oF Berowutr. By Kyur Sryerna, Ph.D.<br /> Translated and Edited by J. R. Cuark Hart, Ph.D.<br /> 103 x 74. 284 pp. Published for the Viking Club.<br /> By Curtis &amp; Beamish. 12s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> MEDICAL,<br /> <br /> Tue First Signs or INSANITY, THEIR PREVENTION<br /> AND TREATMENT. By B. Hoxuytanprer, M.D. 9 x 53.<br /> 347 pp. Stanley Paul. 10s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> MILITARY.<br /> <br /> Tourcormne. By Hitarre BELLoc.<br /> Stephen Swift. 1s. n.<br /> <br /> British BavrrieEs :<br /> 64 x 44. 117 pp.<br /> <br /> WARFARE IN Enauanp. By Himarre BELLoc. 63 x 4.<br /> 254 pp. Williams and Norgate. 1s. n.<br /> MISCELLANEOUS.<br /> Intustratep Music-Tirtes. By W. E. Imeson. 46 pp.<br /> <br /> Robert Stockwell, Baden Place, Crosby Road, Borough,<br /> S.E. 1s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> A Boox or Famous Wits.<br /> 9 x 53. 326 pp. Methuen.<br /> <br /> By Water JERROLD.<br /> 7s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> MUSIC.<br /> Opera Storres. By Fruson Youna. 8 X 5}. 213 pp.<br /> Grant Richards. 5s. n.<br /> NATURAL HISTORY.<br /> Tue Brros or AusrrRaLiA. By G.M. Matimws. Vol. ID.<br /> <br /> Part II. 144 x 10. pp. 121—235. Witherby.<br /> <br /> Scs-ALPINE PLANTS, OR FLOWERS OF THE Swiss Woops<br /> AND Meapows. By H. Sruarr THompson, with 33<br /> coloured plates (168 figures}. By Gnorqr FLEMWELL.<br /> 83 x 53. 324 pp. Routledge. 7s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> NAVAL.<br /> <br /> Kine’s Currers anp Smucorers. 1700—1858. By<br /> E. Kesre Cuarrerton. 8} x 54. 425 pp. Allen.<br /> 7s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Lessons FOR THE CuuRcH’s CHILDREN. Book I.<br /> Being the first of a Four Years’ Course of Lessons for<br /> Sunday Schools and Children’s Services. By the Rev.<br /> J. Hastock Porrer and the Rey. A. E. W. Suzarp.<br /> <br /> 5. 223 pp. Skeffington. ls. 6d.<br /> <br /> 1X 5.<br /> ORIENTAL.<br /> <br /> THE Memoirs or Basur. A new translation of the<br /> Baburnama, incorporating Leyden and Erskine’s of<br /> A.D. 1826. Fasciculus I. Farghana. By ANNETTE<br /> S. Bevertpce, M.R.A.S. 82 x 53. 185 pp. Luzac.<br /> 10s. 6d. nn. £2 2s. the whole work.<br /> <br /> POETRY.<br /> <br /> Wetsa Portry, OLp anp New. In English Verse.<br /> By Atrrep PrrcevaL Graves (“ Canwr Cilarné ’’).<br /> President of the Irish Literary Society, etc. 72 x 5.<br /> 170 pp. Longmans. 2s. 6d.<br /> <br /> Sones or Exme. Being Verses of African Sunshine,<br /> Shadow, and Black Man’s Twilight. By CvULLEN<br /> GourpsBury. 745. 144 pp. Fisher Unwin.<br /> <br /> 3s. 6d. n.<br /> Battaps or Burma. (Anecdotal and Analytical.) By<br /> “Voray.” Illustrated by T. Martin Jonas. 1k X<br /> <br /> 53. 116 pp. Thacker.<br /> <br /> PHILOSOPHY.<br /> <br /> THovcHTs on Untmate Propiems. Being a series of<br /> Short Studies on Theological and Metaphysical Subjects.<br /> By F. W. Franxuanp. Fifth and Revised Edition.<br /> 7% x 43. 133 pp. Nutt. 1s. Gd. n.<br /> <br /> THe Strarecy or Nature. By M. Bruce Wiis.<br /> 7 x 4}. 60 pp. Association of Standardized Know-<br /> <br /> ledge. 2s. 6d.<br /> POLITICAL.<br /> <br /> THe Lapy Next Door. By Haronn Brcsre.<br /> 330 pp. Hodder and Stoughton. 6s.<br /> <br /> REPRINTS.<br /> <br /> Ausrratia. An Anthology in Prose<br /> and Verse. Compiled by Frorence Gay. 9 X 53.<br /> 250 pp. Constable. 5s. n.<br /> <br /> Tue Works or THomas Harpy 1n Prose AnD VERSE.<br /> Wessex Edition. Prose; Vol. VII., Under the Green-<br /> wood Tree, or The Mellstock Quire. 211 pp.<br /> Vol. VIII, Life’s Little Ironies. A Set of Tales with<br /> some Colloquial Sketches, entitled, A Few Crusted<br /> Characters. 259 pp. 9 x 53. Macmillan. 7s. 6d. n.<br /> each.<br /> <br /> Tue Lover’s Catenpar. Compiled and Edited by<br /> Mrs. Havetock Etuis. 72 x 5. 423 pp. Kegan<br /> Paul 5s. n.<br /> <br /> Wessex TaLes. 287 pp. A Parr or Brug Evzs. 435<br /> pp. The Wessex Edition of the Works of Thomas<br /> Hardy. Vols. IX. and X. 9 x 53. Macmillan.<br /> 78. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> THE Porms or Apam Linpsay Gorpon. Including<br /> several never before printed. Arranged by Dovenas<br /> SuaDEN. 7 x 44. 320 pp. Constable. 2s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> SCIENCE.<br /> <br /> Axioms AND PRincipLes or THE SCIENCE oP<br /> ORGANIZATION. Second Edition. By M. Bruce<br /> Wittiams. 104 x 53. 24 pp. Association of<br /> Standardized Knowledge. 7s. 6d.<br /> <br /> THE BuitpiIneG or THE ALPs. By T.G. Bonny. 9 x 5h.<br /> 384 pp. Fisher Unwin. 12s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> 7? xX 518<br /> <br /> In PRatsE oF<br /> <br /> 18<br /> <br /> SOCIOLOGY.<br /> <br /> Otp Towns anp New NEEps np THE Town EXTENSION<br /> Puan. Being the Warburton Lectures for 1912.<br /> (Illustrated.) Delivered by Pavun WatErHovusEe and<br /> Raymonp Unwin. 83 x 73. 62 pp. Manchester<br /> University Lectures, Nos. XIII. and XIV. Sherratt<br /> and Hughes. ls. n.<br /> <br /> Wuat THE WorKER Wants. The Daily Mail Inquiry.<br /> By H. G. Wetrs and others. 8} x 61. 161 pp.<br /> Hodder and Stoughton. 64.<br /> <br /> Tue Task or Soctan Hycrenr. By H. Havetock<br /> Euuts. 8} x 53. 414 pp. Constable. 8s. 6d. n.<br /> THE Ox~p Enerish Country SaurRE. By PP. #H,<br /> Drrcurietp, F.S.A. 9 x 5}. 347 pp. Methuen.<br /> <br /> 10s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> THEOLOGY.<br /> <br /> Vittace SERMONS To SrmptE Sours. By the Rev.<br /> S. Bartne Gounp. 7} x 43. 150 pp. Skeffington.<br /> 2s. n.<br /> <br /> TRAVEL,<br /> <br /> Rome: THE CRADLE oF WESTERN CIVILIZATION, AS<br /> ILLusTRATED By Existing Monuments. By H. T.<br /> Inman. 63 x 41. 297 pp. Stanford. 4s. n.<br /> <br /> Tue PassEs OF THE PyrENEES. A Practical Guide to the<br /> Mountain Roads of the Franco-Spanish Frontier. By<br /> C. L. Frexston, F.R.G.S. 8} x 5}. 196 pp. Kegan<br /> Paul. 10s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> THe Rest Srperta, ToGETHER WITH AN ACCOUNT OF A<br /> Dash TurovcH Mancuvrta. By J. Fostur FRASER.<br /> 7% xX 5. 179 pp. Cassell. Is. n.<br /> <br /> By Desert Ways To Bacupap. By Louisa Jesr. (Mrs.<br /> Roland Wilkins.) 6} x 41. 370 pp. Nelson. Is.<br /> <br /> My Paristan Year. A Woman’s Point of View. By<br /> MavuprE ANNESLEY. 8} x 5$. 293 pp. Mills and Boon.<br /> 10s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> TuRoucH HoLuanp IN THE ViveTTE. By E. Kersie<br /> CHATTERTON. 8 x 6, 248 pp. Seeley Service.<br /> <br /> Lire 1n tHE Inpran Portce. By C. E. Govtpspury<br /> (Late Indian Police). 9 x 5}. 284 pp. Chapman and<br /> Hall. 7s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Nova Scotia. The Province that bas been Passed By.<br /> By Brecxies Wittson. Revised Edition, with Illus-<br /> trations. 8} x 5$. 258 pp. Constable.<br /> <br /> OS)<br /> <br /> BOOKS PUBLISHED IN AMERICA BY<br /> MEMBERS.<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> BIOGRAPHY.<br /> <br /> Tse FourtH Generation. By Janet Ross. 400 pp-<br /> New York: Scribners. $3.50 n.<br /> <br /> FICTION.<br /> AN Impertan Marriage. By Arraur W. Marcumont.<br /> 317 pp. New York: Dodge Publishing Co. 75 cents.<br /> Mary Pecuett. By M. A. Bentoc LownpEs. 324 pp.<br /> New York: Scribners. $1.30 n.<br /> <br /> EDUCATIONAL.<br /> Sweer, H: Anglo-Saxon Primer: with Grammar and<br /> Glossary. Eighth Edition. New York: Oxford Uni-<br /> versity. 8vo. 60 cents n.<br /> Anglo-Saxon Reader in Prose and Verse:<br /> Grammatical Introd., Notes and Glossary.<br /> <br /> with<br /> Eighth<br /> 14 THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Edition Revised. New York: Oxford University.<br /> 8vo. $2.40 n.<br /> <br /> Elementarbuch des gesprochenen Englisch; gram-<br /> matik, texte und glossar, Third Edition. New York :<br /> Oxford University. Svo. 60 cents n.<br /> <br /> First Middle English Primer: with Grammar and<br /> <br /> Glossary. Second Edition. New York: Oxford<br /> University. S8vo. 50 cents n.<br /> First Steps in Ang&#039;o-Saxon. New York: Oxford<br /> <br /> Univers&#039;ty. 8vo. 75 cents n.<br /> <br /> History of English Sounds from the Earliest Period :<br /> with full Word Lists. New York: Oxford University.<br /> 8vo. $3.50 n.<br /> <br /> An Icelandic Primer: with Grammar, Notes, and<br /> Glossary. Second Edition. New York: Oxford<br /> University. 8vo. 90 cents n.<br /> <br /> Manual of Current Shorthand: Orthography and<br /> Phonetic. New York: Oxford University. $1.10 n.<br /> <br /> New English Grammar; Logical and Historical.<br /> In Two Parts. Part I. Introduction, Phonology and<br /> Accidence. Part II. Syntax. New York: Oxford<br /> University. 8vo. Part 1., $2.60. Part II., 90 cents.<br /> <br /> Old English Reading Primers. Two Vols. Vol. I.—<br /> Selected Homilies of Aelfric, Second Edition ; Vol. II.—<br /> Extracts from Alfred’s Orosius, Second Edition. New<br /> York: Oxford University. 8vo. Each 50 cents n.<br /> <br /> Primer of Historical English Grammar. New York :<br /> Oxford University. 8vo. 60 cents n.<br /> <br /> Primer of Spoken English. Third Edition Revised.<br /> New York: Oxford University. Svo. 90 cents n.<br /> <br /> A Second Anglo-Saxon Reader. New York: Oxford<br /> University. 8vo. $1.10 n.<br /> <br /> Second Middle English Primer : Extracts from Chaucer,<br /> with Grammar and Glossary. Second Edition. New<br /> York: Oxford University. 8vo. 50 cents n.<br /> <br /> Short Historical English Grammar. New York:<br /> Oxford University. 8vo. $1.10 n.<br /> The Student’s Dictionary of Anglo-Saxon.<br /> <br /> Oxford University. 4to. $2.90 n.<br /> <br /> REPRINTS.<br /> <br /> Srupres aND Appreciations. By Fiona MacweEop.<br /> Selected and Arranged by Mrs. WiitiaM SHARP.<br /> 424 pp. New York: Duffield. $1.50 n.<br /> <br /> SCIENTIFIC.<br /> <br /> New York :<br /> <br /> Borany; oR THE Moprrn Srupy or Puants. By<br /> Marre C. Stopes. 94 pp. New York: Dodge Pub-<br /> lishing Co. 20 cents n.<br /> <br /> ee<br /> <br /> LITERARY, DRAMATIC, AND MUSICAL<br /> <br /> NOTES.<br /> a<br /> = ELSH Poetry, Old and New in<br /> <br /> English Verse,” by Mr. A. P. Graves,<br /> : issued by Messrs. Longmans &amp; Co.,<br /> is the first attempt to present in English<br /> verse, as nearly as possible in the metres of<br /> the originals, a selection of Welsh poetry,<br /> old and new, fairly typical of the lyrical<br /> literature of the Principality. The anthology<br /> contains a foreword by the Bishop of St. Asaph,<br /> an introduction embodying the views of expert<br /> critics on the various periods and branches of<br /> <br /> Welsh poetry with which it deals, and bio-<br /> graphical and critical notes upon the poets<br /> treated of.<br /> <br /> J. Giberne Sieveking’s new books include a<br /> biographical work and a novel. The former<br /> is a Memoir of Sir Horace Mann, and deals<br /> with the later life of Charles Edward at<br /> Florence, where Mann was George II.’s Envoy.<br /> The title of the novel is “The Great<br /> Postponement.”<br /> <br /> M. Alexander Teixeira de Mattos has<br /> acquired the right of translation for the<br /> United Kingdom and America of all the<br /> entomological and other works of J. H. Fabre,<br /> the French naturalist, that have not been<br /> published in this country.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Hodder and Stoughton will publish<br /> this autumn a volume of travel sketches by<br /> Mrs. H. R. Curlewis (Miss Ethel Turner),<br /> entitled ‘Ports and Happy Havens,” the<br /> various sketches being of Colombo, the Red<br /> Sea, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France,<br /> Holland and Belgium.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Ward, Lock &amp; Co. at the same time<br /> are bringing out a new edition, with an<br /> entirely new set of illustrations of the same<br /> author’s ‘‘ Seven Little Australians.’ This<br /> book is now in its sixteenth edition, and like<br /> the rest of Miss Turner’s books, has been<br /> translated into Dutch, Swedish, Danish and<br /> other foreign languages. The same firm will<br /> also issue a new edition of “ That Girl”<br /> which they have bought from Mr. Fisher<br /> Unwin, who published it for the author in<br /> 1908.<br /> <br /> Edith C. Kenyon’s new novel “ The Wooing<br /> of Mifanwy: A Welsh Love Story,” appears<br /> <br /> - this autumn by Messrs. Holden and Harding-<br /> <br /> ham. The atmosphere and environment is in<br /> the heart of rural Wales, where Miss Kenyon<br /> lived in her early womanhood.<br /> <br /> “Intimate Memoirs of Napoleon III.” is<br /> the title of a new work translated from the<br /> French of Baron d’Ambes by A. R. Allinson.<br /> This book is the private diary of a life-long<br /> and intimate friend of Louis Napoleon, whose<br /> identity is here thinly veiled under a somewhat<br /> obvious pseudonym. The Baron follows his<br /> hero from boyhood through the years of exile<br /> and adventure, as a conspirator in Italy, asa<br /> refugée in London, as President of the Republic<br /> of 48, finally as Emperor down to the disasters<br /> of 1870, the fatal day at Sedan and the death<br /> at Chislehurst.<br /> <br /> “Great is Discipline’? by O. C. Ironside<br /> is a novel which deals with a factory founded<br /> by a “ self-made ” man’s thrift almost wrecked<br /> by Trade Unionism, and re-established by<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 15<br /> <br /> science. The published price of the book is<br /> 6s. Copies may be obtained at 4s. 6d. net.<br /> from Mr. E. Dracup of 21, Millbrook Road,<br /> Bedford.<br /> <br /> Part III. of ‘“‘ Princess Alfrida’s Charity ”<br /> by the Rev. Henry Lansdell was published in<br /> July. The present, and concluding portion,<br /> contains biographical notes of Sir John Morden<br /> during his living at Wricklemarsh, his pur-<br /> chase of Church property, his treasurership of<br /> Bromley College; his mastership of his own<br /> College, with its first inhabitants; provision<br /> for the government of Morden College ; and<br /> how the administration of the Charity devolved<br /> into the hands of the first trustees. Messrs.<br /> Burnside, Limited, Booksellers, Blackheath<br /> publish the book.<br /> <br /> A cheap edition of Annabel Gray’s novel<br /> ““The Mystic Number Seven” is announced<br /> by Messrs. W. Stewart &amp; Co., 19, Newcastle<br /> Street, Farringdon Street, E.C. The novel,<br /> which was originally published some eight or<br /> nine years ago, is sensational in character.<br /> It will be published now at 6d. net. and will<br /> be followed by a complete edition of Miss<br /> Gray’s works at cheap prices.<br /> <br /> “Rome, The Cradle of Western Civilisation,<br /> as Illustrated by Existing Monuments,”’ is<br /> a book by Mr. H. T. Inman, published by<br /> Messrs. Edward Stanford. The author’s aim<br /> has been to enable English visitors to see the<br /> monuments of ancient and medieval Rome as<br /> a whole and from a point of view of personal<br /> interest to themselves. Some dozen or so<br /> plans, and an index enhance the usefulness<br /> of the volume.<br /> <br /> Her Majesty the Empress of Japan has been<br /> graciously pleased to accept a copy of * Four-<br /> teen Years of Diplomatic Life in Japan,” by<br /> the Baroness Albert d’Anethan, published by<br /> Messrs. Stanley Paul &amp; Co.<br /> <br /> ‘“* Edelweiss,’ by Rita, is the latest addition<br /> to these publishers’ “clear type” sixpenny<br /> novels.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Stanley Paul announce, also, that<br /> their Majesties, Queen Mary and Queen<br /> Alexandra have graciously promised to accept<br /> a copy of Mrs. Charlotte Cameron’s latest<br /> story, entitled “A Durbar Bride,” the only<br /> novel dealing with the historic event written<br /> from an eye-witness’ point of view. Mrs.<br /> Charlotte Cameron represented the ‘‘ Lady’s<br /> Pictorial” at the Durbar, and fully availed<br /> herself of the many opportunities afforded<br /> her for gathering interesting material for her<br /> new book.<br /> <br /> Mr. J. J. Haldane Burgess is preparing for<br /> publication a third edition of his volume of<br /> <br /> poems in the Shetlandic, entitled “ Rasmie’s<br /> Biiddie.”” A foreword in verse will occupy<br /> the opening pages of the new edition.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Methuen &amp; Co. announce the<br /> publication of a volume of poems by<br /> L. F. Wynne Ffoulkes, under the title of<br /> “Poems of Life and Form.” Variety of<br /> theme and mode of expression is the keynote<br /> of the poems which are dedicated to H.R.H.<br /> The Princess Frederica of Hanover.<br /> <br /> Miss Florence Bone’s autumn books are:<br /> “The Furrow on the Hill,” published by the<br /> Religious Tract Society, and “ Curiosity<br /> Kate,’ which is to be published in England<br /> by Messrs. Partridge, and in America by<br /> Messrs. Little, Brown &amp; Co., of Boston.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Smith Elder &amp; Co. will shortly<br /> bring out a book entitled ‘ Two Troubadours ”<br /> by Esme Stuart. Though the lively twins,<br /> ‘““Two Troubadours”’ chiefly fill up the<br /> canvas, many characters well-known to the<br /> public in ‘‘ Harum Scarum ” reappear.<br /> <br /> Mr. Norman Porritt, M.R.C.S. will publish<br /> during October with Mr. Evan Macleod,<br /> “The Ear; its hygiene and care,’ founded<br /> on thirty years of practice and the experience<br /> gained in the special eye and ear department,<br /> the author established at the Huddersfield<br /> Royal Infirmary, to which Institution he is<br /> now consulting surgeon. Without trespassing<br /> on the domains of the medical man, the book<br /> aims to be a practical guide for that large<br /> section of the lay public which suffers from<br /> deafness and other ear ailments.<br /> <br /> Messrs. John Long have just published a<br /> novel entitled ‘‘The Gate Openers” by<br /> K. L. Montgomery, author of “ The Cardinal’s<br /> Pawn.” The novel is based upon a dramatic<br /> chapter of English history, the Rebekah Riots<br /> in South Wales in 1843, and is the story of<br /> the crusade against the turnpike system.<br /> <br /> We have received from Mr. B. T. Batsford,<br /> prospectus of a work by Mr. Aymer Vallance,<br /> to be published shortly, for which subscribers’<br /> names are invited. The work constitutes an<br /> account of Oxford collegiate architecture<br /> lavishly illustrated. Mr. Vallance’s- book<br /> differs from those of previous writers who have<br /> devoted a large share of their attention to<br /> the history of the various colleges as institu-<br /> tions, whereas, the present work deals with<br /> them as monuments of beautiful architecture<br /> and storehouses of admirable craftmanship.<br /> Separate descriptions are given of the<br /> University Church, of the schools and the<br /> Bodleian, and then of each college in turn,<br /> but one of the special features of the book is<br /> the introduction, an analytical essay, in which<br /> 16 THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> the development of the college plan is traced<br /> and the most characteristic details of college<br /> architecture compared and summarised. The<br /> volume includes reproduction from water-<br /> colour and other drawings by the following<br /> artists and draughtsmen: J. Hoefnagel,<br /> M. Burghers, J. Malchair, E. Dayes, J. C.<br /> Nattes, J. Nash, H. O&#039;Neill and G. Hollis.<br /> The book will appear in the autumn at £4 4s,<br /> net., but up to October 8th orders will be<br /> accepted at the rate of £3 13s. 6d. net., and a<br /> list of subscribers’ names will be published<br /> in the work.<br /> <br /> “The River Rhymer,” a volume of verses,<br /> treating of the Thames, its places, people and<br /> life, from the source to the sea, by Mr. J.<br /> Ashby Sterry, will be published this month by<br /> Mr. W. J. Ham-Smith.<br /> <br /> Mrs. Fred Reynolds will shortly issue a<br /> new novel under the title of ‘“ Letters to a<br /> Prison.” The letters are written by a young<br /> wife, separated from her husband, and give<br /> the pageant of the year from a mountain<br /> village in Wales. A local love story is inter-<br /> woven in the plot which itself touches the<br /> deep things of life.<br /> <br /> The September number of ‘‘ The Librarian ”<br /> contains the first part of an article on a subject<br /> of great interest to librarians, namely, ‘‘ Biblio-<br /> graphy.” This is a subject not very much<br /> studied in this country, compared with America<br /> and Germany and one or two other countries<br /> where bibliography is regarded as of great<br /> national importance. Miss Margaret Reed’s<br /> article appears, as well as Mr. T. Edwin Cooper’s<br /> article on “‘ Library Architecture.”<br /> <br /> Messrs. Stanley Paul &amp; Co. announce<br /> for immediate issue a new novel by Miss<br /> Arabella Kenealy entitled ‘The Irresistible<br /> Mrs. Ferrers.” The irresistible Mrs. Ferrers<br /> is a fashionable beauty, whose ambition is to<br /> be known to history as the most beautiful and<br /> brilliant woman of her day who charmed all<br /> men and succumbed to none, and the story<br /> tells how she directs her life to this end. There<br /> are some original views in the book on the<br /> woman question.<br /> <br /> “The Three Anarchists” is the title of a<br /> new novel by Maud Stepney Rawson. The<br /> story is- written round the unsatisfied soul-<br /> starved young wife of an elderly, weak, cruel<br /> and penurious man, and the other principal<br /> character is a human stepson at inevitable<br /> enmity with so opposite a father. Both<br /> crave for the fulness of life, the woman<br /> intensely desirous of founding a real home<br /> and making real happiness; and the young<br /> man responding to her love and care with more<br /> <br /> ?<br /> <br /> than mere affection. Messrs. Stanley Paul<br /> &amp; Co, are the publishers.<br /> <br /> T e same publishers announce for immediate<br /> publication “The Thread of Proof,” a new<br /> story by Mr. Headon Hill. The principal<br /> theme of this volume is the abnormal astuteness<br /> of the conductor of a railway restaurant-car,<br /> whose power of observation and deduction<br /> enables him to solve the many absorbing<br /> ““ mysteries’ that come under his ken.<br /> <br /> Mr. Herbert Jenkins is publishing, either<br /> this month or in November, Mr. W. L. George’s<br /> new book “Woman and To-morrow.” It<br /> deals with the principles and aims of Feminism<br /> in the arts, the home, the labour market, ete.,<br /> with its reactions on woman’s political position<br /> and sex-relations. A French translation of<br /> Mr. George’s novel ‘A Bed of Roses” has<br /> been arranged for.<br /> <br /> Mr. C. E. Gouldsbury, author of “ Dulale,<br /> the Forest Guard,” a story of Indian life, has<br /> written his reminiscences of ‘‘ Life in the<br /> Indian Police’ which Messrs. Chapman and<br /> Hall are publishing. It will be illustrated by<br /> the author’s own photographs. Mr. Goulds-<br /> bury was eighteen years old when he joined<br /> the constabulary service, and for thirty years<br /> he hunted native criminals and suppressed<br /> murderous dacoits. In the intervals of duty<br /> he enjoyed big game shooting in the jungle,<br /> and there are tales in the volume, of both work<br /> and sport.<br /> <br /> Miss Annesley Kenealy’s forthcoming novel<br /> is to be published by Messrs. Stanley Paul<br /> &amp; Co. Miss Kenealy has recently placed a<br /> serial with Munsey and the National Press<br /> Agency and short stories with the Strand<br /> Magazine, ete.<br /> <br /> We have received a_ little book by<br /> W. E. Imeson relating to “ Illustrated Music-<br /> Titles and Their Delineators.” The book<br /> contains some interesting information which<br /> should be useful to collectors. There is also<br /> a dictionary of delineators at the end of the<br /> work, and nine illustrations.<br /> <br /> ‘The Giant and The Caterpillar ’ and other<br /> addresses to young people, by the Rev. John<br /> A. Hamilton, has just been published by<br /> Messrs. H. R. Allenson, Ltd. There are 62<br /> addresses in all in this volume which should<br /> prove very helpful to Sunday school workers<br /> and others engaged in the training of the young.<br /> <br /> Early in September Miss M. P. Willcocks<br /> published, with Messrs. Mills and Boon, a<br /> study of Devon village life, called ‘‘ The<br /> Wind among the Barley,” after the title of<br /> an old country dance. Cranfordian in style,<br /> it is yet uncranfordian in matter, since the<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> E<br /> E<br /> :<br /> |<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. i7<br /> <br /> actors of the<br /> Amazons.<br /> <br /> Mrs. Alec Tweedie, whose travel books are<br /> so well-known, has just written a personal<br /> one, entitled “‘ Thirteen Years of a Busy<br /> Woman’s Life,”’ which has just been published<br /> by Mr. Lane in England and the United States.<br /> It is hardly an autobiography, but rather<br /> chapters from the author’s life, with sketches<br /> of other well-known men and women.<br /> <br /> Mr. Bertram Mitford’s new book will be<br /> published shortly by Messrs. Ward, Lock &amp; Co.<br /> This is Mr. Mitford’s fortieth novel, and of<br /> this total, all but nine are entirely or mainly<br /> concerned with South Africa. It is entitled<br /> ** Seaford’s Snake,’’ and is not one of the nine<br /> exceptions.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Stanley Paul &amp; Co. announce for<br /> immediate issue ‘‘In Jesuit Land: The<br /> Jesuit Missions in Paraguay ” by W. H. Koebel.<br /> The story of the Jesuit missions in Paraguay<br /> forms one of the most fascinating chapters in<br /> the complex history of the River Plate Pro-<br /> vinces. Mr. Koebel has traced the work of<br /> the missions from their inception in the early<br /> days of Spanish South American colonisation<br /> and discovery down to the final expulsion of<br /> the Jesuits by Bucareli in the middle of the<br /> eighteenth century.<br /> <br /> The same publishers have added to their<br /> “Clear Type” Sixpenny Novel Series “ Justice<br /> of the King,” by Hamilton Drummond, and<br /> ‘Priscilla of the Good Intent,” by Halliwell<br /> Sutcliffe.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Macmillan &amp; Co. published on<br /> September 25th a new book by The Right<br /> Hon. James Bryce, entitled ‘“‘ South America<br /> Observations and Reflections.”” The volume<br /> is the product of a journey made by the author<br /> through this region, and records his impres-<br /> sions regarding scenery, social and economic<br /> phenomena, the people, and the prospects for<br /> the development of industry and commerce<br /> in Panama, Peru, Bolivia, Chili, Argentina,<br /> Uruguay, and Brazil. Mr. Bryce has also<br /> something to say about the relics of pre-<br /> historic civilisation, the native Indian popula-<br /> tion, and the conditions of political life in the<br /> republics.<br /> <br /> Mr. Maurice Hewlett’s new novel, “ Mrs.<br /> Lancelot: a Comedy of Assumptions,”<br /> published by Messrs. Macmillan &amp; Co. on<br /> September 17th, is concerned with love and<br /> politics, and high life in the days when the<br /> great Reform Bill was the burning question<br /> of the moment. Three men and one woman<br /> occupy the stage almost exclusively. They<br /> are Mrs. Lancelot and her husband, her<br /> <br /> story are not exclusively<br /> <br /> would-be lover, who was no less a personage<br /> than the Prime Minister himself, the famous<br /> Duke of Devizes, and Gervase Poore, a young<br /> and enthusiastic poet, who finally cuts the<br /> knot of a complex love entanglement.<br /> <br /> A re-issue, in a new and attractive binding,<br /> at 1s. net. of Mr. Clive Holland’s novels, ‘‘ My<br /> Japanese Wife,’’ ‘‘ Marcelle of the Latin<br /> Quarter” and “ An Egyptian Coquette,”’ will<br /> be published by Messrs. Lynwood &amp; Co., Ltd.<br /> immediately. Of ““ My Japanese Wife” over<br /> 417,000 copies have already been sold, and the<br /> demand continues. It has also been translated<br /> into several foreign languages.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Methuen &amp; Co. are to publish, on<br /> the 17th of this month, the late Mrs. Paget<br /> Toynbee’s edition of the ‘‘ Letters of Madame<br /> au Deffand to Horace Walpole.” This edition<br /> has been completed and seen through the<br /> press by Dr. Paget Toynbee. Since the<br /> publication of the Marquis de Sainte Auldires’<br /> editions of these letters in 1859 and 1877,<br /> Mrs. Toynbee had discovered a large number<br /> of letters, many of which have never hitherto<br /> been published. The whole of the newly<br /> discovered letters were transcribed by Mrs.<br /> Toynbee from the original manuscripts, and<br /> all the previously printed letters, or portions<br /> of letters were carefully collated by her<br /> with the originals. The text of the<br /> original has been reproduced as faithfully<br /> as possible. The work is produced in French,<br /> as it was judged not only that French<br /> letters with English notes, ete. would be an<br /> incongruity, but also that the work of a writer<br /> regarded in her own country as a second<br /> Sévigné should appeal to a large circle of<br /> readers in France.<br /> <br /> Mr. Edward Arnold will issue shortly<br /> ‘The Campaigns of a War Artist,’ being the<br /> work of the late Mr. Melton Prior, the well-<br /> known artist of the Illustrated London News.<br /> <br /> Madame Albanesi is engaged on a serial for<br /> the weekly edition of The Times. The story,<br /> which will commence running as a serial early<br /> in 1913 will appear later in book form with<br /> Messrs. Methuen &amp; Co. somewhere about June<br /> or July. Madame Albanesi has only just<br /> recently brought out a new novel, through<br /> Messrs. Methuen, entitled ‘‘ Olivia Mary,”<br /> which is the first new novel she has published<br /> since 1910, when ‘“‘ The Glad Heart ” appeared.<br /> A number of the same author’s books are<br /> being brought out at sevenpence, notably,<br /> ““ I know a Maiden ” and “‘ Love and Louisa ”’<br /> with Messrs. Everett, ‘‘ A Question of Quality ”<br /> with Messrs. Hurst and Blackett, and next<br /> year, ‘“‘Susannah and One Other” and<br /> 18 THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> “Capricious Caroline ’’ with Messrs. Hodder<br /> and Stoughton, while a sixpenny edition of<br /> “The Glad Heart ” is also on sale.<br /> <br /> The book and serial rights for Great Britain<br /> and the Colonies of Mr. Carlton Dawe’s new<br /> novel ‘The Crackswoman’” have been<br /> acquired by Messrs. Ward, Lock &amp; Co. ~<br /> <br /> The poems of Adam Lindsay Gordon the<br /> poet of Greater Britain and the best of all<br /> sporting poets have only to be known to meet<br /> with instant appreciation. Mr. Douglas Sladen<br /> has undertaken the editing, and in an edition<br /> published by Messrs. Constable &amp; Co. has<br /> arranged them according to subject prefixing<br /> a memoir giving all the latest facts that have<br /> come to light about this Scottish aristocrat,<br /> who became policeman, horse-breaker, squatter,<br /> member of Parliament, livery stable keeper,<br /> trainer, and the most famous steeplechase<br /> rider and poet Australia has known. Mr.<br /> Sladen’s edition costs but half-a-crown, though<br /> it is delightfully printed and delightfully illus-<br /> trated. Three of the illustrations are sketches<br /> drawn by Gordon of himself on horseback, and<br /> 34 pages of the poems are new.<br /> <br /> His Majesty the King has graciously accepted<br /> a copy of “* When the War is O’er,”’ by the late<br /> Major I’. M. Peacock. The book is published<br /> by Messrs. Longmans &amp; Co.<br /> <br /> Mrs. Archibald Little has been commissioned<br /> by Messrs. Hutchinson &amp; Co. to write the text<br /> on the customs of China for their standard<br /> work on the “‘ Customs of the World,” Part I.<br /> of which will be published this autumn. Mrs.<br /> Little is leaving in the Dunnottar Castle for a<br /> five months’ cruise to the Far East, and, there-<br /> fore, will not be available to speak at any<br /> meetings before next spring.<br /> <br /> Madame Sarah Grand’s new book, ‘* Adnani’s<br /> Orchard,” is to be published on the 15th of this<br /> month. It is a romance dealing with the<br /> social aspect of the land question.<br /> <br /> “The Silence Broken” is the title of a<br /> collection of short stories by Mrs. Baillie<br /> Reynolds, published by Messrs. Mills and Boon.<br /> A new novel by the same writer has just<br /> appeared through Messrs. Hodder and Stough-<br /> ton, entitled “A Makeshift Marriage.” The<br /> story appeared serially in the Daily News last<br /> month. Mrs. Baillie Reynolds has also written<br /> a new serial for the Lady’s World, which will<br /> commence next month, under the title of<br /> “A Doubtful Character,” and a serial for<br /> Messrs. Mowbray, entitled ‘‘ The Secret Stair.”<br /> She is now engaged upon anewnovel for Messrs.<br /> Hodder and Stoughton. Nearly all Mrs. Baillie<br /> Reynolds’ novels have been purchased for<br /> publication in Sweden, In addition to various<br /> <br /> short magazine stories, she wrote a complete<br /> novelette, entitled ‘“‘ The Swashbuckler,” for<br /> Messrs. Cassell’s new magazine of fiction.<br /> This story was also published in America,<br /> where most of Mrs. Baillie Reynolds’ writings<br /> appear.<br /> <br /> DRAMATIC.<br /> <br /> ** Rebecca of Sunnyhook Farm” by Kate<br /> Douglas Wiggin and Charlotte Thompson was<br /> produced at the Globe Theatre on Sep-<br /> tember 2nd. It is a simple picture of humble<br /> life in America, telling the story of a little<br /> girl from the day she comes to live with her<br /> aunts till her departure with the “ fairy prince”’<br /> of her fancy.<br /> <br /> Included in the caste are Edith Taliaferro,<br /> Marie L. Day and Mr. Archie Boyd.<br /> <br /> Mr. Louis N. Parker’s play ‘“‘ Drake ’’ was<br /> produced at His Majesty’s Theatre on Sep-<br /> tember 8rd. The play shows Drake at the<br /> outset of his career; on his return from his<br /> journey round the world; and at the time of<br /> the Armada. Various scenes from these three<br /> periods of the life of Drake are represented.<br /> Mr. Lynn Harding as Drake, and Miss Neilson-<br /> Terry as Queen Elizabeth are in the cast,<br /> which also includes Mr. Herbert Waring.<br /> <br /> On September 4th Mr. Graham Moffat’s<br /> new play, ‘“‘ The Scrape of the Pen” was pro-<br /> duced at the Comedy Theatre. Briefly, the<br /> story is this. A scapegrace son, prior to<br /> leaving home for Africa, has persuaded a<br /> girl to sign a marriage contract before witnesses,<br /> and has also left behind him another girl who<br /> subsequently bears him a child and dies.<br /> The first girl, hearing nothing of him for some<br /> years, and believing him to be dead, marries<br /> a farmer and adopts the motherless child.<br /> <br /> The scapegrace returns suddenly and claims<br /> his ‘‘ wife,” but finding he is responsible for<br /> a daughter, tears up the marriage contract<br /> and devotes himself to the child. Mr. and<br /> Mrs. Graham Moffat, Mr. Alfred Brydone and<br /> Mr. Norman McKeown are in the cast.<br /> <br /> Mr. H. V. Esmond’s new comedy “‘ A Young<br /> Man’s Fancy,” produced at the Criterion on<br /> September 7th, deals with a somewhat erratic<br /> youth, for whose heart are two competitors,<br /> one a rich and romantic American girl, and<br /> the other the scheming daughter of the<br /> proprietress of a Regent Street flower shop.<br /> The plot turns upon the endeavours of the<br /> young man’s aunt to separate her nephew<br /> from the flower-shop girl—endeavours soon<br /> rendered rather unnecessary by the marriage<br /> of the girl to another party. Miss Lottie<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 19<br /> <br /> Venne, Mr. Charles Maude and Mr. C. M.<br /> Lowne are in the cast.<br /> <br /> Mr. Granville Barker’s play, ‘‘ The Voysey<br /> Inheritance” was revived at the Kingsway<br /> Theatre last month. Mr. Barker’s production<br /> of “* The Winter’s Tale ” at the Savoy Theatre<br /> took place on September 21st. The decoration<br /> of the play was by Mr. Norman Wilkinson,<br /> the old music under the direction of Nellie<br /> Chapman and the morris and country dances<br /> taught by Mary Neal and Clive Carey. In<br /> the play were Mr. Henry Ainley, Mr. Leon<br /> Quartermaine, Miss Lillah McCarthy, Miss<br /> Esmé Beringer and Miss Enid Rose.<br /> <br /> Mr. Forbes Dawson’s drama, “‘ The Triumph<br /> of the Blind ” was produced on September 16th<br /> at the West London Theatre, and has now<br /> gone on a long provincial tour. Mr. Dawson’s<br /> sketch, ‘“ The Woman Makes the Home ’”’ will<br /> be produced at a London Music Hall this<br /> month, after which it will go on a tour of the<br /> combined Syndicate Halls. Negotiations are<br /> pending also over a three-act comedy by<br /> Mr. Forbes Dawson.<br /> <br /> “ The Girl in the Taxi’? by Frederick Fenn<br /> and Arthur Wimperis was produced at the<br /> Lyric Theatre on September 5th with music<br /> by Jean Gilbert.<br /> <br /> Oo<br /> <br /> PARIS NOTES.<br /> <br /> —— ++<br /> <br /> HE sudden death of Massenet was a great<br /> aa shock and cast a gloom over Paris, so<br /> universal a favourite was he. Rarely<br /> <br /> has any man been endowed with such charm.<br /> He was not only a melodist as a composer, but<br /> also in his daily life. Strangely enough his<br /> Memoirs were almost ready for publication.<br /> Only two or three months ago he read us a few<br /> chapters of them, and little did we think then<br /> that he would not see the publication of the<br /> volume. He had dated them 1848—1912.<br /> It was in 1848 that he made his début in the<br /> musical world, for it was then that his hands<br /> were first put on the piano. He delighted in<br /> telling the story of the acceptance of his first<br /> compositions, His volume, ‘‘ Mes Souvenirs,”<br /> is charming, full as it is of interesting reminis-<br /> cences, and told in the bright, witty way<br /> peculiar tohim. Massenet was a great worker,<br /> rising at four or five in the morning. Of late<br /> years he had gone out very little into society.<br /> He died at his home in the Rue de Vaugirard,<br /> <br /> and his funeral, at his request, was as simple as<br /> possible.<br /> <br /> Many novelists travel to distant countries in<br /> search of new material and what they term<br /> “local colour” for their forthcoming book.<br /> René Boylesve finds his material very near<br /> home, and his novels gain from the fact that<br /> the “ local colour” is genuine. As a result his<br /> pictures stand the test of time. ‘Le Bel<br /> Avenir”? was a wonderfully delicate, psycho-<br /> logical study. In that novel we were able to<br /> watch the effect of education and surroundings<br /> on three young Frenchmen. In a more recent<br /> book M. Boylesve gave us an account of ‘‘ La<br /> Jeune Fille bien élevée,’”’ and in his latest novel<br /> the girl about whom he had told us is ‘‘ Made-<br /> leine, jeune femme.’ In his preface, the<br /> author explains to us that, in the first of these<br /> two books, he merely wished to show the way<br /> in which a girl brought up in a French pro-<br /> vincial town was educated. He declines, as a<br /> novelist, to go into the question of the best<br /> way of educating girls. In his latest novel he<br /> merely shows us the result of Madeleine’s<br /> education. He maintains that the novelist<br /> simply holds out to us a magic mirror, in which<br /> life, too vast to be seen by most eyes, is reflected<br /> and as it were condensed. In conclusion,<br /> M. Boylesve very truly observes that most of<br /> the misunderstandings which lead to disorder<br /> every day are due to a lack of psychology.<br /> The story of Madeleine’s married life is told by<br /> herself, and starts from the moment she gets<br /> into the train on her honeymoon journey. We<br /> will not spoil the story by giving a résumé of it,<br /> as all those who know this author’s work will<br /> prefer to read the book itself.<br /> <br /> Another story which treats of a woman’s<br /> married life has recently appeared, under the<br /> title of ‘‘ Lettres d’une Divorcée.”” The author<br /> of this novel is Leona Faber. It is cleverly<br /> written in a clear, natural style, so natural<br /> indeed that it seems more like a diary contain-<br /> ing a story from real life than a work of imagina-<br /> tion, There is not a word too much in it, a<br /> rare quality in a woman’s novel, and yet in<br /> these few words the writer has made her<br /> characters very living.<br /> <br /> There is a dearth just now of really strong<br /> novels. Perhaps it is because everyone<br /> appears to be either reading or writing memoirs.<br /> <br /> M. Elie Halévy has now published the first<br /> volume of a work entitled “ Histoire du peuple<br /> anglais au dix-neuvieme siécle.’’ England, in<br /> 1815, is the subject of the first volume. The<br /> author treats in turn the political institutions,<br /> the social economy and the religion and culture<br /> of the English nation.<br /> <br /> ““La Colline Inspirée”’ is the title of the<br /> forthcoming novel by Maurice Barres. It will<br /> 20<br /> <br /> be published first as a serial in the Revue<br /> hebdomadaire.<br /> <br /> “Les Ravageurs”’ is the latest work by<br /> M. J. Fabre, the celebrated entomologist. In<br /> this volume we have an account of the various<br /> insects to be dreaded by the agriculturist, and<br /> not only does M. Fabre tell the ravages which<br /> may be made by the insects, but he shows how<br /> it is possible to fight against them. The<br /> volume will be welcomed by all who have read<br /> the preceding ones. :<br /> <br /> “* Etude raisonnée de ]’Aéroplane et descrip-<br /> tion critique des modéles actuels” is a work<br /> which will render great service to the science of<br /> aviation. It is written by M. Jules Bordeaux,<br /> a brother of M. Henry Bordeaux, the well-<br /> known novelist.<br /> <br /> The theatres are all opening their doors once<br /> more and announcing their programme for the<br /> Autumn season.<br /> <br /> “* Bagatelles,’ by Paul Hervieu, is the new<br /> play at the Comédie Frangaise. At the Odeon,<br /> M. Antoine announces a whole list of new<br /> writers, and the Athénée is rehearsing a play<br /> which it is hoped will have the same success as<br /> “Le Coeur dispose ”’ of last season.<br /> <br /> Atys HALLARD.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> “‘Mes Souvenirs” (Pierre Lafitte).<br /> <br /> ‘Madeleine, jeune femme” (Calmann Levy).<br /> “Lettres d’une Divorcce”’ (Ollendorff).<br /> <br /> “Les Ravageurs” (Delagrave).<br /> <br /> “Etude raisonnée de l Aeroplane” (Gauthier Villars).<br /> <br /> —_—_— + _—___.<br /> <br /> NEW LITERARY CONVENTION BETWEEN<br /> FRANCE AND RUSSIA.<br /> <br /> a<br /> <br /> ae the courtesy of the Foreign Office—<br /> which we desire to acknowledge in the<br /> fullest way—we were indebted for very<br /> <br /> early information that a copyright convention<br /> had been signed between France and Russia.<br /> The politeness shown us was accompanied by<br /> an intimation that, as the treaty was still un-<br /> published in either country at the date when<br /> the communication was made, the intelligence<br /> must be regarded as confidential. Having<br /> however, recently received an intimation that<br /> the convention has now been made officially<br /> public we are at liberty, first of all, to express<br /> our pleasure in being able to say that a first<br /> step has been taken towards drawing Russia<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> into the general concert of the Western Literary<br /> Conventions. We are still, it is true, very far<br /> from the much-to-be-desired consummation of<br /> finding Russia among the signatories of the<br /> Berne Convention ; but where the difficulties<br /> are so many, to have seen a beginning made is<br /> no small matter. It would be to ourselves a<br /> source of the highest satisfaction if steps could<br /> be taken that would lead to some agreement<br /> between Great Britain and Russia such as that<br /> which now exists between Russia and France.<br /> <br /> According to the terms of the new convention<br /> the authors belonging to either country will<br /> enjoy for their literary or artistic works,<br /> published in either country, or in any other<br /> country, or not yet published, the rights<br /> accorded, or to be accorded, in either country.<br /> The same rights are accorded to authors who<br /> are neither Frenchmen nor Russians, if they<br /> publish in either of the contracting countries.<br /> <br /> The expression “ literary or artistic works ”<br /> is in the new convention interpreted in the<br /> wide sense now generally used in copyright<br /> enactments.<br /> <br /> The literary author of either country enjoys<br /> in the other country an exclusive right of<br /> translation for ten years, dating from<br /> January 1 of the year of the publication of<br /> the original, on the condition that this right of<br /> translation is mentioned as reserved. The<br /> right lapses if the author does not make use of<br /> it within five years from the date of the publi-<br /> cation of the original.<br /> <br /> Authors of drama and of musical drama,<br /> published or not, have protection for the<br /> original during the whole duration of the copy-<br /> right of the original, and for translation during<br /> the period of their right of translation.<br /> <br /> In the case of musical works a statement, on<br /> every copy, of the reservation of rights is<br /> necessary. Photographs must bear the name<br /> of the publisher, and the date of publication,<br /> Literary and artistic works cannot be repro-<br /> duced for the cinematograph without the<br /> consent of the author.<br /> <br /> The new convention is to remain in force for<br /> five years.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> SCALE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS.<br /> <br /> ee<br /> {ALLOWANCE TO MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY 20 PER CENT.)<br /> Front Page sue os sae ee oe<br /> <br /> Other Pages, “4 5 ;<br /> Half of a Page .., 110 9<br /> Quarter of a Page 015 6<br /> Eighth of a Page ie asa or, ww 0 7 9<br /> Single Column Advertisements aay perinch 0 6 g<br /> Reduction of 20 per cent. made for a Series of Six and of 25 per cent, for<br /> <br /> Twelve Insertions,<br /> <br /> All letters respecting Advertisements should be addressed to J. F,<br /> Betyont &amp; Co., 29, Paternoster Square, London, E.C.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 21<br /> <br /> HOW TO USE THE SOCIETY.<br /> <br /> a<br /> <br /> 1. VERY member has a right toask for and to receive<br /> advice upon his agreements, his choice of a pub-<br /> lisher, or any dispute arising in the conduct of his<br /> <br /> business or the administration of his property. The<br /> Secretary of the Society is a solicitor; but if there is any<br /> special reason the Secretary will refer the case to the<br /> Solicitors of the Society. Further, the Committee, if they<br /> deem it desirable, will obtain counsel’s opinion without<br /> any cost to the member. Moreover, where counsel&#039;s<br /> opinion is favourable, and the sanction of the Committee<br /> is obtained, action will be taken on behalf of the aggrieved<br /> member, and all costs borne by the Society.<br /> <br /> 2. Remember that questions connected with copyright<br /> and publishers’ agreements do not fall within the experi-<br /> ence of ordinarysolicitors, Therefore, do not scruple to use<br /> the Society.<br /> <br /> 3. Before signing any agreement whatever, send<br /> the document to the Society for examination,<br /> <br /> 4. Remember always that in belonging to the Society<br /> you are fighting the battles of other writers, even if you<br /> are reaping no direct benefit to yourself, and that you are<br /> advancing the best interests of your calling in promoting<br /> the independence of the writer, the dramatist, the composer.<br /> <br /> 5. The Committee have arranged for the reception of<br /> members’ agreements and their preservation in a fire-<br /> proof safe. The agreements will, of course, be regarded as<br /> confidential documents to be read only by the Secretary,<br /> who will keep the key of the safe. The Society now offers ;<br /> (1) To stamp agreements in readiness for a possible action<br /> upon them. (2) To keep agreements. (3) To enforce<br /> payments due according to agreements. Fuller particu-<br /> lars of the Society’s work can be obtained in the<br /> Prospectus.<br /> <br /> 6. No contract should be entered into with a literary<br /> agent without the advice of the Secretary of the Society.<br /> Members are strongly advised not to accept without careful<br /> consideration the contracts with publishers submitted to<br /> them by literary agents, and are recommended to submit<br /> <br /> them for interpretation and explanation to the Secretary<br /> of the Society.<br /> <br /> 7, Many agents neglect to stamp agreements. This<br /> must be done within fourteen days of first execution. The<br /> Secretary will undertake it on behalf of members,<br /> <br /> 8. Some agents endeavour to prevent authors from<br /> referring matters to the Secretary of the Society ; so<br /> do some publishers. Members can make their own<br /> deductions and act accordingly.<br /> <br /> 9. The subscription to the Society is £1 1s.<br /> <br /> er<br /> annum, or £10 10s. for life membership. .<br /> <br /> TO<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO THE PRODUCERS<br /> OF BOOKS.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ERE are a few standing rules to be observed in an<br /> agreement, There -are four methods of dealing<br /> with literary property :—<br /> <br /> I. Selling it Outright.<br /> This is sometimes satisfactory, if a proper price can be<br /> <br /> obtained, But the transaction should be managed by a<br /> competent agent, or with the advice of the Secretary of<br /> the Society.<br /> <br /> II. A Profit-Sharing Agreement (a bad form of<br /> agreement),<br /> <br /> In this case the following rules should be attended to:<br /> <br /> C1.) Not to sign any agreement in which the cost of pro-<br /> duction forms a part without the strictest investigation.<br /> <br /> (2.) Not to give the publisher the power of putting the<br /> profits into his own pocket by charging for advertisements<br /> in his own organs, or by charging exchange advertise-<br /> ments. Therefore keep control of the advertisements.<br /> <br /> (3.) Not to allow a special charge for “office expenses,’’<br /> unless the same allowance is made to the author.<br /> <br /> (4.) Not to give up American, Colonial, or Continental<br /> rights.<br /> <br /> (5.) Not to give up serial or translation rights,<br /> <br /> (6.) Not to bind yourself for future work to any publisher.<br /> As well bind yourself for the future to any one solicitor or<br /> doctor !<br /> <br /> III. The Royalty System.<br /> <br /> This is perhaps, with certain limitations, the best form<br /> of agreement. It is above all things necessary to know<br /> what the proposed royalty means to both sides. It is now<br /> possible for an author to ascertain approximately the<br /> truth. From time to time very important figures connected<br /> with royalties are published in Zhe Author.<br /> <br /> IY. A Commission Agreement.<br /> <br /> The main points are :—<br /> <br /> (1.) Be careful to obtain a fair cost of production,<br /> <br /> (2.) Keep control of the advertisements,<br /> <br /> (3.) Keep control of the sale price of the book. :<br /> <br /> General.<br /> <br /> All other forms of agreement are combinations of the four<br /> above mentioned.<br /> <br /> Such combinations are generally disastrous te the author,<br /> <br /> Never sign any agreement without competent advice from<br /> the Secretary of the Society.<br /> <br /> Stamp all agreements with the Inland Revenue stamp.<br /> <br /> Avoid agreements by letter if possible.<br /> <br /> The main points which the Society has always demanded<br /> from the outset are :—<br /> <br /> C1.) That both sides shall know what an agreement<br /> means.<br /> <br /> (2.) The inspection of those account books which belong<br /> tothe author. We are advised that this is a right, in the<br /> nature of a common law right, which cannot be denied or<br /> withheid.<br /> <br /> (3.) Always avoid a transfer of copyright.<br /> <br /> —_—___§_+—<br /> WARNINGS TO DRAMATIC AUTHORS.<br /> <br /> +<br /> <br /> EVER sign an agreement without submitting it to the<br /> N Secretary of the Society of Authors or some com-<br /> petent legal authority.<br /> <br /> 2. It is well to be extremely careful in negotiating for<br /> the production of a play with any one except an established<br /> manager.<br /> <br /> 3. There are three forms of dramatic contract for plays<br /> in three or more acts :-—<br /> <br /> (a.) Sale outright of the performing right. This<br /> is unsatisfactory. An author who enters into<br /> such a contract should stipulate in the contract<br /> for production of the piece by a certain date<br /> and for proper publication of his name on the<br /> play-bills,<br /> 99 THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> (b.) Sale of performing right or of a licence to<br /> perform on the basis of percentages on<br /> gross receipts. Percentages vary between 5<br /> and 15 per cent, An author should obtain a<br /> percentage on the sliding scale of gross receipts<br /> in preference to the American system, Should<br /> obtain a sum inadvance of percentages. A fixed<br /> date on or before which the play should be<br /> performed. :<br /> <br /> (c.) Sale of performing right or of a licence to<br /> perform on the basis of royalties (7.c., fixed<br /> nightly fees). This method should be always<br /> avoided except in cases where the fees are<br /> likely to be small or difficult to collect. The<br /> other safeguards set out under heading (8.) apply<br /> also in this case.<br /> <br /> 4, Plays in one act are often sold outright, but it is<br /> better to obtain a small nightly fee if possible, and a sum<br /> paid in advance of such fees in any event. It is extremely<br /> important that the amateur rights of one-act plays should<br /> be reserved.<br /> <br /> 5. Authors should remember that performing rights can<br /> be limited, and are usually limited, by town, country, and<br /> time. This is most important.<br /> <br /> 6. Authors should not assign performing rights, but<br /> should grant a licence to perform. The legal distinction<br /> is of great importance,<br /> <br /> 7. Authors should remember that performing rights in a<br /> play are distinct from literary copyright. A manager<br /> holding the performing right or licence to perform cannot<br /> print the book of the words,<br /> <br /> 8. Never forget that United States rights may be exceed-<br /> ingly valuable. They should never be included in English<br /> agreements without the author obtaining a substantial<br /> consideration.<br /> <br /> 9. Agreements for collaboration should be carefully<br /> drawn and executed before collaboration is commenced.<br /> <br /> 10. An author should remember that production of a play<br /> is highly speculative: that he runs a very great risk of<br /> delay and a breakdown in the fulfilment of his contract.<br /> He should therefore guard himself all the more carefully in<br /> the beginning.<br /> <br /> 11. An author must remember that the dramatic market<br /> is exceedingly limited, and that for a novice the first object<br /> is to obtain adequate publication.<br /> <br /> As these warnings must necessarily be incomplete, on<br /> account of the wide range of the subject of dramatic con-<br /> tracts, those authors desirous of further information<br /> are referred to the Secretary of the Society.<br /> <br /> ——__+—_—&gt;—_—_ —______<br /> <br /> REGISTRATION OF SCENARIOS AND<br /> ORIGINAL PLAYS.<br /> <br /> —-—&gt;<br /> <br /> By in aed typewritten in duplicate on foolscap paper<br /> forwarded to the offices of the Society, together with<br /> a registration fee of two shillings and sixpence, will<br /> <br /> be carefully compared by the Secretary or a qualified assis-<br /> tant. One copy will be stamped and returned to theauthor<br /> and the other filed in the register of the Society. Copies<br /> of the scenario thus filed may be obtained at any time by<br /> the author only at a small charge to cover cost of typing.<br /> <br /> Original Plays may also be filed subject to the same<br /> rules, with the exception that a play will be charged for<br /> at the price of 2s. 6d. per act.<br /> <br /> DRAMATIC AUTHORS AND AGENTS.<br /> <br /> Oe<br /> RAMATIC authors should seek the advice of the<br /> Society before putting plays into the hands of<br /> agents. As the law stands at present, an agent<br /> who has once had a play in his hands may acquire a<br /> perpetual claim to a percentage on the author&#039;s fees<br /> from it. As far as the placing of plays is concerned,<br /> it may be taken as a general rule that there are only<br /> very few agents who can do anything for an author<br /> that he cannot, under the guidance of the Society, do<br /> equally well or better for himself. The collection of fees<br /> is also a matter in which in many cases no intermediary is<br /> required. For certain purposes, such as the collection of<br /> fees on amateur performances, and in general the trans-<br /> action of frequent petty authorisations with different<br /> individuals, and also for the collection of fees in foreign<br /> countries, almost all dramatic authors employ agents; and<br /> in these ways the services of agents are real and valuable.<br /> But the Society warns authors against agents who profess<br /> to have influence with managers in the placing of plays, or<br /> who propose to act as principals by offering to purchase<br /> the author&#039;s rights. In any case, in the present state of<br /> the law, an agent should not be employed under any<br /> circumstances without an agreement approved of by the<br /> Society.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ——_—___+—<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO MUSICAL COMPOSERS.<br /> ag<br /> ITTLE can be added to the warnings given for the<br /> assistance of producers of books and dramatic<br /> authors. It must, however, be pointed out that, as<br /> a rule, the musical publisher demands from the musical<br /> composer a transfer of fuller rights and less liberal finan-<br /> cial terms than those obtained for literary and dramatic<br /> property. The musical composer has very often the two<br /> rights to deal with—performing right and copyright. He<br /> should be especially careful therefore when entering into<br /> an agreement, and should take into particular consideration<br /> the warnings stated above.<br /> Se<br /> <br /> STAMPING MUSIC.<br /> <br /> ae<br /> <br /> The Society undertakes to stamp copies of music on<br /> behalf of its members for the fee of 6d. per 100 or part<br /> of 100. The members’ stamps are kept in the Society&#039;s<br /> safe. The musical publishers communicate direct with the<br /> Secretary, and the voucher is then forwarded to the<br /> members, who are thus saved much unnecessary trouble.<br /> <br /> a a<br /> <br /> THE READING BRANCH.<br /> <br /> ———— +<br /> <br /> EMBERS will greatly assist the Svuciety in this<br /> branch of its work by informing young writers<br /> of its existence. Their MSS. can be read and<br /> treated as a composition is treated by a coach. The term<br /> MSS. includes not only works of fiction, but poetry<br /> and dramatic works, and when it is possible, under<br /> special arrangement, technical and scientific works, The<br /> Readers are writers of competence and expericnce. The<br /> <br /> fee is one guinea,<br /> o&gt;<br /> <br /> REMITTANCES.<br /> <br /> OEE<br /> <br /> The Secretary of the Society begs to give notice<br /> that all remittances are acknowledged by return of post.<br /> All remittances should be crossed Union of London and<br /> Smiths Bank, Chancery Lane, or be sent by registered<br /> letter only,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> aU.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 23<br /> <br /> GENERAL NOTES.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> The Editor of “The Author” would be<br /> indebted to those Members who haye no<br /> further use for the July number, containing<br /> a supplement of the Board of Trade Regula-<br /> tions, if they would forward the same to the<br /> Office, as the issue is sold out.<br /> <br /> ELECTIONS TO THE COUNCIL.<br /> <br /> Miss Marie Coreu, The Rt. Hon. A. J.<br /> Balfour and Prof. Gilbert Murray have joined<br /> the Council of the Society of Authors.<br /> <br /> An AMENDED AGREEMENT.<br /> <br /> In the July number of The Author, under<br /> the heading of “A Dangerous Clause,”<br /> attention was directed to an agreement<br /> between publisher and author, in which<br /> Messrs. George Allen &amp; Co., Ltd., figured as<br /> publishers. The author concerned informs us<br /> that Messrs. Allen &amp; Co. have deleted the<br /> objectionable clause, to his gratification.<br /> <br /> EpirortaL MretTuops.<br /> <br /> A WELL-KNOWN writer, who is a member of<br /> the society, has forwarded to us the following<br /> letter which has been addressed to him.<br /> <br /> Tur GooLe ure To DarE—? Monthly Magazine.<br /> Head Office :<br /> 37, Kinesway, GOOLE,<br /> August 19th, 1912.<br /> Dear Mr. G.,—Having heard of your great talents in<br /> writing and having read many of your loving stories, we<br /> should be very thankful to you if you could let us have a<br /> nice story, no matter how short it is, for our magazine.<br /> <br /> Our publication is quite a new one, it is why we want<br /> <br /> as much as possible the help of great and_well-known<br /> writers to launch it, and afterwards support it.<br /> <br /> We must admit beforehand that we will not’ be able to<br /> ive you any remuneration for your kind service, as we<br /> ardly possess enough capital to get the magazine to<br /> <br /> print, but we and all our friends feel certain that our<br /> publication will be a success, but it would be a greater<br /> success still if we are able to print stories written by great<br /> authors. We ask you to send us an article as a sort of<br /> help to us.<br /> <br /> Hoping you will favour us with a few stories which will<br /> <br /> appear as one of the “clous”’ of the issue,<br /> We are, dear Mr. G.,<br /> Yours very respectfully,<br /> The Manager Secretary,<br /> G. C. De BAERDEMAECKER.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> p-p. E. W. TOowNEND<br /> G. C. de B.<br /> <br /> All correspondence should be sent :—<br /> Tue GooLe up To DaTE—?<br /> c/o G, C. DE BAERDEMAECKER,<br /> 37, Kingsway, Goole,<br /> Yorkshire.<br /> <br /> The letter hardly calls for any comment, but<br /> it affords one more illustration of the view,<br /> which still prevails in some quarters, that<br /> authors differ from most other people in that<br /> it is not necessary for them to be paid for their<br /> work. That the editor has hardly enough<br /> capital to get the magazine printed does not<br /> seem a sound reason for asking the author to<br /> provide it in the form of gratuitous contribu-<br /> tions. It is fairly certain that the printer has<br /> not been asked to print the magazine without<br /> payment; why, then, should the author be<br /> expected to fill its pages on these terms ?<br /> <br /> CoLONIAL PUBLICATION.<br /> <br /> On another page of this issue we publish,<br /> with the kind permission of The Publishers’<br /> Circular, an article on the Australian book<br /> trade.<br /> <br /> The question of Colonial publication is a<br /> matter of increasing importance, and notes<br /> have from time to time appeared in The Author<br /> dealing with the subject. One point seems<br /> quite clear—that English works do not get a fair<br /> circulation on the Colonial markets. One main<br /> reason for this is the fact that the American<br /> publisher is much more energetic and pushing<br /> than the English publisher. He has already<br /> practically secured the Canadian market for<br /> himself, is gradually securing the New Zealand<br /> and Australian markets, and, no doubt, will<br /> extend his activities further into the South<br /> African market if he is allowed to do so. The<br /> English author may benefit by this, if he cares<br /> to give his Colonial rights to be marketed under<br /> his American contract. Indeed, we know of<br /> one author who has done this and has found<br /> the result eminently satisfactory, securing to<br /> himself a larger Colonial circulation than he<br /> had obtained previously through his English<br /> publisher. But our patriotism revolts from<br /> such action. By another way, however, it is<br /> possible that the Colonial market may, at no<br /> distant date, open up a wider field for the<br /> English author, namely, by Colonial publishers<br /> endowed with energy and foresight, making<br /> contracts direct with the English authors.<br /> This is hinted at in the article which we<br /> publish, Robertsons, apparently, issuing one<br /> new American novel every week. Why should<br /> they not issue one new English novel every<br /> week? The English author, if he deals direct<br /> with a Colonial publisher, can obtain a larger<br /> royalty than if he deals through an English<br /> publisher, or even through an American pub-<br /> lisher, for the extra middleman is bound to take<br /> 24 THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> a share of the profits. This method of obtaining<br /> increased circulation and increased returns has<br /> been proved by certain authors who have dealt<br /> direct with Colonial publishers. There is this<br /> further argument, that if a Colonial publisher<br /> knows that he has the sole right for the Colony<br /> he can put much more push into the sale of the<br /> book than he would when his stock may meet<br /> with competition in the same market from<br /> other booksellers and publishers.<br /> <br /> In the first instance, we should like to see<br /> the English publisher obtaining the larger<br /> markets to which the English author is entitled.<br /> Failing this, we should like to see the Colonial<br /> publishers making direct contracts. Lastly,<br /> failing the two former methods, it may he<br /> necessary to advise English authors to place<br /> their Colonial rights with the American pub-<br /> lisher, but patriotism forbids the reeommenda-<br /> tion of the last till the two former methods<br /> have been tried and found wanting.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> CopyYRIGHT.<br /> <br /> As all members of the society ought to know,<br /> the new Copyright Bill came into force on<br /> July Ist. We have warned members from time<br /> to time of the great danger of transferring the<br /> copyright to a publisher or to an exploiter of copy-<br /> right property. We desire once again to affirm this<br /> statement, that in no circumstances should a<br /> dramatist, composer, or a writer of books get rid<br /> of his copyright, however tempting the offer may<br /> be that is made to him. Under the present Act<br /> copyright has a much wider significance than it<br /> had under the Act of 1842, and, therefore, what was<br /> wrong under the Act of 1842 becomes now an<br /> heinous crime.<br /> <br /> AUTHORS’ INSURANCE.<br /> <br /> WE have received from Vienna the Fortieth<br /> Annual Pension List (for 1911) of the Viennese<br /> Journalists’ and Authors’ Society (Concordia), and<br /> also the Fourteenth Annual Report for the same<br /> year of the Viennese Old Age and Sick Fund of the<br /> Viennese Journalists, erected in honour of the<br /> Jubilee of thie Emperor of Austria. The former<br /> document opens with the sentiment, “ Physical<br /> existence without financial solidity and security is<br /> not happiness but torment”; a sentiment with<br /> which too many authors will be ready to agree.<br /> The forty years’ history of the former society has<br /> been a record of long struggles with difficulties,<br /> happily, however, a successful struggle which en::bles<br /> the directors to declare the present state of the<br /> society satisfactory. The number of members at<br /> the end of last year was 339. As all make a<br /> <br /> voluntary insurance all are in some sort beneficiaries;<br /> but we must confess that the extremely complicated<br /> nature of the provisions for voluntary insurance<br /> and for pensions of different sorts render it difficult<br /> to understand what pensions are distributed, The<br /> report of the younger society is in this respect by<br /> far more lucid. Its members are 221, of whom 29<br /> receive old-age pensions amounting altogether to<br /> about £70. We congratulate both societies on<br /> their flourishing condition.<br /> <br /> OO<br /> <br /> AUSTRALIAN BOOK TRADE NOTES.<br /> <br /> —_— +<br /> <br /> (Reprinted by the kind permission of the<br /> “ Publishers’ Circular.’’)<br /> <br /> MELBOURNE, July Ist, 1912.<br /> T all times large buyers of books, the<br /> A Australian people are likely to excel<br /> themselves in this respect in the<br /> future, splendid general rains having fallen<br /> over this grateful continent during the weeks<br /> of June that must represent a cash value of<br /> goodness knows how many million pounds<br /> sterling.<br /> <br /> We have also the blessing of a low rate of<br /> postage for books throughout the Common-<br /> wealth, which should help greatly to spread<br /> the printed page; book postage within<br /> Australia is now 2d. per Ib. for imported books,<br /> and 1d. per Ib. for those printed and bound<br /> here.<br /> <br /> Many of the representatives of English and<br /> American publishers were in Melbourne during<br /> the past month, gathering in their “ journey ”<br /> orders, among them being Messrs. E. R.<br /> Bartholomew, Roger Macdonald, John Wyatt,<br /> J. Kettlewell, J. Ogle, A. Macgregor, William<br /> Steele, A. Gould, and John Morgan. Record<br /> orders are reported from Sydney, and doubtless<br /> the Melbourne ones will prove equally generous.<br /> <br /> The trade is now largely engaged in thinking<br /> and planning for Christmas, in taking stock,<br /> and in holding sales of surplus stock. As to<br /> bargains in books, the whole of the Australian<br /> book trade is really like a huge bargain counter,<br /> in that we sell many books at much less than<br /> their published price in England and America.<br /> Novels and travel books especially are thus<br /> cheapened here, the newest novel, at a dollar<br /> and a half in America or six shillings in Eng-<br /> land, being sold by us at three shillings and<br /> sixpence in cloth. Luckily the 25 per cent.<br /> discount does not obtain in this country.<br /> <br /> All net books are sold at an advance on<br /> published price, the 7d. net cloth selling for<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> #<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 25<br /> <br /> 9d., the 1s. net for 1s. 3d., and sometimes for<br /> 1s. 6d., and the 2s. net for 2s. 6d.<br /> <br /> Fifteenpence has become a very popular<br /> price, with the growth of the great Is. net<br /> series, such as Everyman’s, Collins’ Pocket<br /> Classics, World Library, Home University, and<br /> so on.<br /> <br /> The Australian country-town bookseller is<br /> generally not a big factor in the distribution of<br /> literature, most of which is done from the big<br /> cities ; he is often not so much a bookseller as<br /> a seller of books and other things.<br /> <br /> Our people are so thinly spread over a vast<br /> territory that it is difficult to market one’s<br /> wares even in one’s own district ; but time will<br /> remedy this with the continual extension of<br /> railways and settlements, and the country<br /> bookseller will, as his town and district develop,<br /> become a substantial unit, and a tradesman of<br /> knowledge and pride, as in the old country.<br /> <br /> Owing to the lack of means of free communi-<br /> cation between the settlements and the outside<br /> world, an institution known as the Mechanics’<br /> Institute and Free Library has evolved. This<br /> is a combining of the residents of a settlement<br /> or township to form a centre and provide a<br /> building for general recreation and _ self-<br /> improvement purposes.<br /> <br /> These institutes, of which there are some<br /> hundreds in Victoria alone, receive substantial<br /> Government grants of money, which are mostly<br /> spent with the big city bookseller. About<br /> 90 per cent. of the purchases are of modern<br /> fiction, and very discriminating these “‘ back<br /> blocks ”’ people are—only the best sellers being<br /> found on their lists—and they get 15 per cent.<br /> discount off the ordinary selling prices. It<br /> may be a debatable question whether public<br /> money should be spent in the purchase of light<br /> reading, but it remains that the Mechanics’<br /> Institute is a factor to bear in mind when<br /> buying novels from the publisher.<br /> <br /> The American novel, about which the<br /> English publisher shows, or ought to show,<br /> some concern, is still a strong feature in the<br /> Australian bookseller’s stock.<br /> <br /> The public are not so much attracted by an<br /> author’s name as by the quality of the novel,<br /> although the fine cover designs and attractive<br /> jackets must help to draw attention to them.<br /> The American publishers do not bind up in<br /> a special cover for this market, like the Eng-<br /> lish Colonial library, and most of them prefer<br /> to let one distributing firm, like Robertson’s,<br /> deal with an important book for Australia and<br /> New Zealand.<br /> <br /> In this way Robertson’s issue at least one<br /> new American novel every week now.<br /> <br /> Melville and Mullen also handle occasional<br /> “sole agency ” novels for two or three English<br /> publishers.<br /> <br /> Cole’s Book Arcade, who have so far steered<br /> clear of sole rights to any extent, have pub-<br /> lished one or two books themselves lately,<br /> being possessed of a fine plant and premises<br /> for this purpose. One particularly, of much<br /> interest to early colonists, being ‘“‘ The Gold<br /> Rushes of the Fifties,’ by W. E. Adcock,<br /> narratives of the gold finds of the “ roaring<br /> fifties ’ that gave Victoria her great impetus in<br /> the race for wealth and population.<br /> <br /> Publishing in Australia will presently become<br /> a trade of importance when matters of tariff,<br /> copyright, and labour conditions are more<br /> definite than at present. Meanwhile we ‘have<br /> the N.S.W. Bookstall Co., Ltd., issuing a<br /> successful shilling series of humorous books<br /> and “ shockers ’’—some sixty odd titles—and<br /> Gordon and Gotch announcing the printing of<br /> sixpenny novels here.<br /> <br /> This subject of publishing in Australia will<br /> be dealt with further in a future letter.<br /> <br /> S. J. E.<br /> ++<br /> <br /> A MINOR NOVELIST.<br /> <br /> — ja<br /> <br /> WE have read with great interest the article<br /> in the September National Review, signed by<br /> ‘“* A Minor Novelist.”<br /> <br /> It is difficult to criticise the results of ‘“‘ A<br /> Minor Novelist’s”’ experience, as he has not<br /> given the names of the works he has published<br /> or the names of the publishers with whom he<br /> hasmade his agreements. In other words, he has<br /> given no idea as to the quality of his work or<br /> the quality of the publishers. No doubt it was<br /> impossible for him to do so. It seems clear, how-<br /> ever, that in many cases he has undersold the<br /> book market and has undersold, accordingly,<br /> the market of his fellow-workers. This may<br /> have arisen either from ignorance or from<br /> necessity. In any case the matter is very<br /> serious, as it is owing to these lapses that the<br /> minor novelist finds himself in the present<br /> position.<br /> <br /> If all authors of fiction undertook not to<br /> accept less than a certain amount, either the<br /> minor novelist would not exist, at any rate in<br /> the position stated in the article, or he would<br /> be able to get a living wage.<br /> <br /> We entirely disagree with the statement that<br /> it is a counsel of perfection for popular novelists<br /> to tell young authors that they should never<br /> part with the copyright. This amounts to<br /> 26<br /> <br /> saying that no publisher will ever alter his agree-<br /> ments. The daily experience at the office of<br /> the Society of Authors is absolutely the con-<br /> trary. Nowadays, very few authors writing on<br /> any subject sell their copyright, and even if a<br /> book is commissioned by the publisher and<br /> the writer is a specialist he takes care not to<br /> betray himself and his comrades. If they do<br /> so they do so through ignorance of their rights<br /> and powers ; and publishers, who naturally<br /> demand from an author not merely all they<br /> are entitled to but all they think they can get,<br /> will readily alter an agreement and concede an<br /> author the copyright when they find out that<br /> the author also knows something about his<br /> business. :<br /> <br /> We give to “ A Minor Novelist ” our sincerest<br /> sympathy, if his reason for selling both his<br /> serial rights and book rights below the market<br /> value was to him a matter of necessity, and we<br /> think, as he himself suggests, that it would be<br /> much better for him to drive a taxi-cab than to<br /> keep on underselling the literary market.<br /> <br /> Another fact he puts forward that shows a<br /> lack of power to drive a satisfactory bargain<br /> for one or both of the above reasons, is his<br /> acknowledgment that when he sells a serial he<br /> is generally required to confer upon the pur-<br /> chaser the right to make any alteration he<br /> pleases in the plot, incidents, or characters.<br /> This is a serious confession for any author to<br /> make who has any respect for his own work or<br /> his art. Many authors are willing to make<br /> alterations themselves to meet the objections<br /> of an editor or his staff, but to give an arbitrary<br /> power to another person to make such cor-<br /> rections seems to point to the fact that the<br /> author of the article is not really a minor<br /> novelist, but a scribbler of stories, to suit the<br /> taste of any chance comer.<br /> <br /> Since this note was penned we have read in<br /> the Globe a very sensible letter dealing with<br /> the points raised, and signed “ Another Minor<br /> Novelist.” It appears that he has written<br /> eight books and that they have brought him<br /> in an average of £200 per book, and best of<br /> all that he has never parted with his copyright.<br /> <br /> oe<br /> PUBLISHERS’ ROYALTY AGREEMENTS.<br /> a<br /> <br /> Tue Autuor Grants.<br /> <br /> i the June number of The Author we<br /> published the first part of an article<br /> <br /> entitled “ The Author Grants.” In that<br /> .article those clauses were dealt with in which<br /> the publisher asked the author to transfer his<br /> <br /> | work in book form in<br /> | between author and publisher) at the price of in<br /> | the English language.”<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> copyright. What was stated in that article<br /> must be repeated here, No AUTHOR SHOULD<br /> TRANSFER THE COPYRIGHT TO A PUBLISHER<br /> WHILE HE PRESERVES A CONTINUING INTEREST<br /> IN HIS WoRK. But in this article it might be<br /> added, NO AUTHOR SHOULD GRANT TO A PUB-<br /> LISHER THE EXCLUSIVE LICENCE TO PUBLISH<br /> HIS WORK DURING THE TERM OF COPYRIGHT<br /> WITHOUT LIMITATION, for this may lead to evils<br /> almost as serious as those which result when<br /> the author transfers his copyright.<br /> <br /> In the article referred to it was suggested<br /> that the first clause in all agreements should<br /> be “ What the Author grants ” and should run<br /> as follows :-—<br /> <br /> “‘ The author grants the publisher a licence to publish his<br /> format (or in format agreed<br /> <br /> The other limitations which this clause<br /> should contain are :—(1) limitation as to<br /> country (generally Great Britain, Ireland,<br /> the Colonies and the Dependencies thereof) ;<br /> (2) limitation as to edition (an edition 1,000,<br /> 2,000 or 8,000 copies); (8) limitation as to<br /> time for a period of 3, 5 or 7 years.<br /> <br /> Here, as in the former article, we set<br /> out from the publishers’ own agreements the<br /> clauses which they have asked the author to<br /> sign, in order that the author may easily recog-<br /> nise them, and may as easily gather from the<br /> following comments some of the disadvan-<br /> tages under which he will labour if he affixes<br /> his signature to them. They are as follows :—<br /> <br /> A. The publisher shall during the legal term of copyright<br /> have the exclusive right of producing and publishing the<br /> work in England and the colonies and the United States<br /> of America. The publisher shall have the entire control<br /> of the publication and sale and terms of sale of the book,<br /> and the author shall not during the continuance of this<br /> agreement (without the consent of the publisher) publish<br /> any abridgment translation or dramatised version of the<br /> work.<br /> <br /> During the continuance of this agreement the copy-<br /> right of the work shall be vested in the author who may be<br /> —S as the proprietor thereof accordingly.<br /> <br /> . The author hereby agrees to assign to the said<br /> &amp; Co. their successors and assigns, and the said &amp; Co.<br /> hereby agree to purchase the sole right of publication of<br /> the above work in the British Empire and elsewhere.<br /> <br /> The said &amp; Co. shall be at liberty to dispose of<br /> copies at special terms to America, and the author shall<br /> be entitled to receive per cent. of the price at which<br /> copies are sold in sheets to America.<br /> <br /> C. That the copyright of the said new novel shall remain<br /> the property of the author and that at the expiration of<br /> five years from the date on which the publisher first<br /> publish the said new novel or at the expiration of any<br /> subsequent period of five years thereafter this agreement<br /> may be terminated by either party on giving three months<br /> notice of intention to do so.<br /> <br /> That the publishers shall issue or cause to be issued a<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> rt hake bree<br /> <br /> =<br /> ae<br /> <br /> is7<br /> ay<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 27<br /> <br /> special edition of the said new novel for sale in the Colonies<br /> and Dependencies of Great Britain (with the exception<br /> of Canada) and they shall pay to the author on all copies<br /> of the said new novel sold in such special edition a royalty<br /> of 4d. a copy.<br /> <br /> That the United States rights, the Canadian rights, the<br /> rights of translation, dramatisation and the right to<br /> publish the said new novel in English on the Continent of<br /> Europe are reserved by the author.<br /> <br /> D. The author hereby agrees to assign to the publishers<br /> their successors and assigns and the publishers hereby<br /> agree to purchase the sole right of publication in volume<br /> form during the legal term of copyright of an original work<br /> entitled “ ” of which he is the author.<br /> <br /> Tf the above book ahall be included in the publisher’s<br /> Colonial Library, or any colonial edition arranged for by<br /> the publisher, the royalty shall be 3¢. per copy on all<br /> copies sold. The publisher shall have the right to arrange<br /> for publication of the said work in the United States of<br /> America and shall credit the author with per cent.<br /> of all profits accruing from such an arrangement. All<br /> profits arising from minor rights such as translations,<br /> continental editions, &amp;c., to be divided equally between the<br /> author and the publisher.<br /> <br /> Let us now take, for particular comment,<br /> the clauses printed above, in their order, stating,<br /> as we have already stated, that to grant to a<br /> publisher an exclusive licence to publish a work<br /> during the term of copyright without limita-<br /> tion, may lead to evils almost as serious as<br /> those which result from the transfer of copy-<br /> right. The evils resulting from the transfer of<br /> copyright have been set out in many numbers<br /> of The Author and in the reports. As far as<br /> literary and dramatic works are concerned the<br /> result attending this constant repetition has<br /> been, on the whole, successful. No dramatists<br /> transfer their copyright, and very few authors,<br /> except in the cases where the work has been<br /> commissioned. The musical composer, however,<br /> is not free of the shackles of the music pub-<br /> lisher who endeavours to bind him in every<br /> possible way, with the scantiest return.<br /> <br /> A. The publisher shall during the legal term of copyright<br /> have the exclusive right of producing and publishing the<br /> work in England the Colonies and the United States of<br /> America. The publisher shall have the entire control of<br /> the publication and sale and terms of sale of the book, and<br /> the author shall not during the continuance of this agree-<br /> ment (without the consent of the publisher) publish any<br /> abridgment translation or dramatised version of the work.<br /> <br /> During the continuance of this agreement the copyright<br /> of the work shall be vested in the author, who may be<br /> registered as the proprietor thereof accordingly.<br /> <br /> _ This article deals with the conveyance of the<br /> licence to publish, that is, the appointment of<br /> the publisher as agent to do certain things, as<br /> distinct from the conveyance of copyright, 7.e.,<br /> the transfer of property, which allows the<br /> publisher to act as principal.<br /> <br /> This is a step in the right direction, but an<br /> author must beware, for the grant of a licence<br /> to publish unconditioned by limitations of<br /> <br /> time, place, price, edition, etc., may prove as<br /> dangerous almost as the transfer of the copy-<br /> right.<br /> <br /> If a publisher is granted a licence to publish,<br /> he can only publish the work that an author<br /> submits to him; he cannot make even those<br /> alterations which, often so galling to an author<br /> who conveys the copyright, do not, however,<br /> damage his literary reputation.<br /> <br /> The clause then, as it stands, isolated from<br /> the rest of the agreement, is a dangerous clause,<br /> as it does not limit the publisher either in shape,<br /> price, time or edition,—it does not even limit<br /> the publisher to book form, though apparently<br /> it does not include all the countries of the<br /> Berne Convention. There is, however, one<br /> serious defect in the clause.<br /> <br /> “The author shall not during the continuance of this<br /> agreement (without the consent of the publisher) publish<br /> any abridgment, translation, or dramatised version.”<br /> <br /> What do these words mean? What would<br /> they mean if read to an_ unsophisticated<br /> author? They would read rather as a vagary<br /> of the publisher, and the author would think<br /> that the words, like the words in a lease, would<br /> mean that such consent would not be unreason-<br /> ably withheld.<br /> <br /> The author would indeed have some right to<br /> think so, when he reads another clause, not<br /> printed here, from the same agreement, which<br /> carefully apportions the division of profits on<br /> serial and other minor rights.<br /> <br /> There is something, no doubt, to be said in<br /> case of some books, scientific books, diction-<br /> aries, and others of a like kind, in favour of<br /> restricting the author from publishing an<br /> abridgment while the book of his original grant<br /> is selling, and the publisher might well desire<br /> to have a word in the matter. But this agree-<br /> ment cannot apply to translation rights, still<br /> less to the sale of a dramatic version.<br /> <br /> What then actually happens? The author,<br /> with some difficulty, arranges with a foreign<br /> author and publisher to translate and publish<br /> his book. He writes to the publisher and asks<br /> for his consent. The publisher replies that he<br /> eannot give his consent unless he receives<br /> 50 per cent. of the profits, there is nothing to<br /> prevent his asking 75 per cent. even. The<br /> author is bound to acquiesce or lose his market.<br /> <br /> An agent, it is true, takes 10 per cent. for<br /> finding a market, but here a publisher will ask<br /> 50 per cent. for doing nothing.<br /> <br /> The case is worse, however, when it comes<br /> to the sale of a dramatic version. It is<br /> important for an author who has dramatised<br /> his work to have control of the publication of<br /> 28 THE<br /> <br /> the words of his drama, and this could not<br /> interfere with the publication of his book,<br /> although the publisher might say that it would.<br /> This right to publish a dramatic version must<br /> not be confused with the right to perform,<br /> i.e., dramatic rights which are included in some<br /> publishers’ agreements. :<br /> <br /> An author may take infinite time, trouble<br /> and labour in converting his book into a drama,<br /> and in getting it accepted by a manager, and<br /> then be met by the same demand. This, too,<br /> when he expected merely a polite letter of<br /> sanction. An author cannot be urged too<br /> strongly not to sign any agreement in which<br /> these words are included.<br /> <br /> To Clause 2 an objection must be raised on<br /> the ground of bad draughstmanship.<br /> <br /> If the author has clearly never conveyed the<br /> copyright to the publisher the copyright is<br /> vested in him, and he is clearly entitled to be<br /> registered as proprietor. There is no need,<br /> therefore, to insert the clause, and anything<br /> that may raise an extra chance of a legal<br /> argument should be avoided.<br /> <br /> B. The author hereby agrees to assign to the said<br /> &amp; Co. their successors and assigns, and the said &amp; Co.<br /> hereby agree to purchase the sole right of publication of<br /> the above work in the British Empire and elsewhere.<br /> <br /> The said &amp; Co. shall be at liberty to dispose of<br /> copies at special terms to America, and the author shall<br /> be entitled to receive per cent. of the price at which<br /> copies are sold in sheets to America.<br /> <br /> It should be stated once for all that the<br /> agreement with a publisher should be personal<br /> to that publisher, even where the author is<br /> only conveying a licence to publish. It is a<br /> mistake, therefore, to allow the words “ their<br /> successors and assigns,’’ to come into a<br /> publication agreement. Many authors would<br /> be quite willing to allow certain publishers<br /> to have a licence to publish, but if anything<br /> happened to the firm they might strongly<br /> object to the agreement being sold in the<br /> open market to any chance purchaser. If,<br /> however, the author does grant a licence to the<br /> “ publishers, their successors and assigns,” he<br /> should see that his grant is strictly limited and<br /> that he is guarded against his work falling into<br /> the hands of another person antagonistic to<br /> his interests.<br /> <br /> There is one further point in the clause<br /> which should be mentioned, and that is, the<br /> wording. The author should not “ assign the<br /> right of publication,” but should merely<br /> ““ grant a licence to publish the work in book<br /> form.”<br /> <br /> These slight alterations mean a good deal<br /> from the legal point of view.<br /> <br /> AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> This clause is unlimited as to country and is<br /> not limited as to book form. It is wider than<br /> the one quoted just before and is dangerous.<br /> <br /> Clause 2 is not an unreasonable clause, as it<br /> gives the publisher liberty to deal with the<br /> American market, when the author has not<br /> acquired the American copyright.<br /> <br /> In fact, save in exceptional cases, this liberty<br /> is best left to the publisher. All the author<br /> has to see is that he gets a fair royalty.<br /> <br /> C. That the copyright of the said new novel shall<br /> remain the property of the author and that at the expira-<br /> tion of five years from the day on which the publisher first<br /> publish the said new novel or at the expiration of any<br /> subsequent period of five years thereafter this agreement<br /> may be terminated by either party on giving three months<br /> notice of intention to do so.<br /> <br /> That the publisher shall issue or cause to be issued a<br /> special edition of the said new novel for sale in the Colonies<br /> and Dependencies of Great Britain (with the exception of<br /> Canada) and they shall pay to the author on all copies<br /> of the said new novel sold in such special edition a royalty<br /> of 44. a copy.<br /> <br /> That the United States rights, the Canadian rights, the<br /> rights of translation, dramatisation and the right to publish<br /> the said new novel in English on the Continent of Europe<br /> are reserved to the author.<br /> <br /> A licence to publish limited as to time.<br /> <br /> This form of grant has a great many advan-<br /> tages and is certainly to be recommended to<br /> the writers of technical works, who must have<br /> power, from time to time, to reconsider their<br /> position and bring their works up to date.<br /> Three years is, in most cases, a good limit, and<br /> the publisher is not likely to suffer. If the<br /> author desires he can—should no alterations<br /> be necessary—allow the publisher to continue,<br /> or if alterations are necessary, give him the<br /> option of publishing the new edition.<br /> <br /> There is one point, however, against which<br /> the author must guard himself in dealing with<br /> time limitations, and that is, the possibility of<br /> the publisher over-printing towards the end of |<br /> the contract, so that when the time limit has<br /> expired there is a large stock on hand. It has<br /> been decided in the Courts that the publisher<br /> would have a right to continue dealing with<br /> this stock after the time limit has expired.<br /> <br /> Clause 2 is satisfactory, for the publisher<br /> actually undertakes to do certain things.<br /> <br /> In many agreements where the publisher<br /> obtains these rights he does not undertake, and<br /> cannot, therefore, be compelled to do anything<br /> with them at all. :<br /> <br /> This difficulty has already been emphasised<br /> frequently in those articles dealing with the<br /> conveyance of copyright.<br /> <br /> Clause 3 is essential where an unlimited<br /> licence to publish has been transferred to the<br /> publisher, but the words “ and all other rights<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ss<br /> &amp;<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> \<br /> +<br /> 4<br /> 4<br /> og<br /> |<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 29<br /> <br /> not included by this agreement,” should be<br /> added.<br /> <br /> It is always much better, however, and much<br /> clearer for the author to limit the publisher<br /> by granting him a licence to produce the work<br /> in book form at the price of only in<br /> Great Britain and Ireland, the Colonies and<br /> Dependencies thereof. Then such a clause as<br /> Clause 3 is surplusage and should not be<br /> inserted. When the publisher has been limited<br /> in a proper way it is always dangerous to<br /> insert a further clause reserving certain rights<br /> to the author unless the clause is very general,<br /> as some rights may be omitted inadvertently,<br /> and questions may arise as to whether they<br /> belong to author or publisher. The best plan,<br /> therefore, is carefully to limit the publisher as<br /> to the exact rights the author intends to convey<br /> and to insert no further clause as to what<br /> rights the author retains.<br /> <br /> D. The author hereby agrees to assign to the publishers<br /> their successors and assigns and the publishers hereby agree<br /> to purchase the sole right of publication in volume form<br /> during the legal term of copyright of an original work<br /> entitled “ ” of which he is the author.<br /> <br /> If the above shall be included in the publisher’s Colonial<br /> Library, or any colonial edition arranged for by the<br /> publisher the royalty shall be 3d. per copy on all copies sold.<br /> The publishes shall have the right to arrange for publica-<br /> tion of the said work in the United States of America and<br /> shall credit the author with per cent. of all profits<br /> accruing from such an arrangement. All profits arising<br /> from minor rights such as translations continental editions,<br /> ete., to be divided equally between the author and the<br /> publisher.<br /> <br /> On the subject of “their successors and<br /> assigns,” and “ sole right of publication,” we<br /> have already spoken.<br /> <br /> The sole right of publication in this clause<br /> is limited to volume form. So far this is<br /> satisfactory, but the limitation is not sufficient.<br /> There is no limit as to country. There is no<br /> limit as to price, there is no limit as to time,<br /> and there is no limit as to edition.<br /> <br /> In the next clause there is no undertaking<br /> on the part of the publisher to perform this<br /> part of his licence, but if he thinks it will suit<br /> him to market the book in the Colonies he<br /> undertakes to pay the author a fixed number<br /> of pence per copy. This might be satisfactory<br /> if he had bound himself to Colonial production.<br /> The question of the amount to be paid would<br /> of course be a matter of bargaining, and we<br /> hope to deal with Colonial sales and prices at<br /> greater length in another article.<br /> <br /> Sale on half profits to America when royalty<br /> is paid on British and Colonial sales should<br /> only be permitted when the publisher under-<br /> takes to charge only the cost of printing and<br /> paper against the profits on the American<br /> <br /> edition. This the best firms undertake to do,<br /> but examples have come to hand when a<br /> proportionate amount of the cost of composition<br /> has been charged against the profits. Why<br /> such a course is unfair and unjustifiable wiil<br /> be explained in a subsequent article. It is<br /> sufficient here to emphasise the fact that<br /> where profits are being shared on the American<br /> sales and there is a royalty agreement on the<br /> English sales, only the cost of printing and<br /> paper should be charged against the American<br /> edition.<br /> <br /> Under no circumstances should the latter<br /> part of the clause stand, but if through the<br /> publisher’s agency under an agreement signed<br /> by the author any of the minor rights are sold,<br /> then the author should pay the publisher the<br /> usual agency charge of 10 per cent.<br /> <br /> ———__4¢ 9<br /> <br /> THE PALACKY AND SOKOL COMMEMORA-<br /> TION AT PRAGUE.<br /> <br /> —+- &lt;&gt;<br /> By James Baker, F.R.G.S.<br /> <br /> HE unveiling of the national memorial to<br /> the memory of the famous historian,<br /> Francis Palacky, was linked by the<br /> <br /> Bohemians with their national festival of the<br /> Jubilee of the foundation of the Sokol move-<br /> ment, a movement for the physical and moral<br /> development of the Slav people, that has<br /> grown under splendid organisation to gigantic<br /> proportions.<br /> <br /> British writers and journalists were honoured<br /> on this occasion, by the City of Prague sending<br /> invitations to five members of the British<br /> International Association of Journalists, as<br /> guests of the City during the festivities, that<br /> lasted four days. The writers so honoured were<br /> all men who had written upon Bohemia, when<br /> on a former occasion as members of this<br /> Association they had visited the country ; and<br /> a right cordial welcome they received at the<br /> impressive ceremonies held in the Pantheon,<br /> and at the unveiling of the remarkable monu-<br /> ment by Sucharda.<br /> <br /> Francis Palacky is a writer who has done so<br /> much for his country as a historian, that it is<br /> strange his dramatic, forceful work is not more<br /> utilised in England by writers upon Central<br /> European life and polities, up to the year 1526 ;<br /> when, alas, his history closes.<br /> <br /> The scenes enacted in Prague, both in the<br /> Pantheon and before the monument to the<br /> memory of the patriot and historian, were full<br /> 30<br /> <br /> of intense significance. The whole of the Slav<br /> peoples were represented, and the addresses<br /> given by his Excellency, the President of the<br /> Bohemian Academy, and Professor Dr. Joseph<br /> Pekats were worthy and interesting culegies<br /> of Palacky’s work, and its outcome. What<br /> a tremendous influence the work has had, was<br /> evidenced by the demonstration at the unveil-<br /> ine of the monument, a gigantic and notable<br /> work of art. The Viceroy and Church<br /> dignitaries, Princes, nobles, and people listened<br /> to an oration from Dr. Kramai, the well-known<br /> Slav Parliamentarian. The writer of this<br /> article also spoke a word on the debt English<br /> writers owed to his work. Not only at this<br /> historical and literary festival were the British<br /> visitors honoured, but also at the imposing<br /> Sokol demonstrations, and at the banquets<br /> and concerts coincident with the festivals.<br /> On the great Letna Plain they witnessed from<br /> the Tribunes the astounding gymnastic and<br /> drill display simultaneously of 11,000 men and<br /> 6,000 women, organised by the Sokols or<br /> Faleons, who number now far over 100,000<br /> members, and they were present at the march<br /> past of over 20,000 of these splendidly drilled<br /> men before the old Town Hall of Prague and<br /> the Lord Mayor and Council. The links<br /> between England and Bohemia in bygone<br /> days have been many, and of world-wide<br /> influence, far more than the general reader can<br /> glean; for even Green and Bright and other<br /> historians omit to mention that Richard II.<br /> marriel Anne of Bohemia, an event of great<br /> <br /> importance to the world’s history. The<br /> British International Journalists who were<br /> invited learnt much during their stay. They<br /> <br /> included Mr. D. A. Louis, the scientifie writer<br /> of the Times, Mr. Walter Jerrold of the<br /> Telegraph, Mr. R. J. Kelly of the Freeman, and<br /> Mr. Rainbow of the Eastern Chronicle ; and the<br /> writer who has watched for over thirty years<br /> the wondrous developments in Bohemia that<br /> are now of such weight in Central European<br /> politics. Palacky’s famous saying: “If the<br /> Empire of Austria did not exist, we should be<br /> compelled to create it,” has to-day a wondrous<br /> significance.<br /> <br /> ee<br /> <br /> “TO PLEASE ONESELF.”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> By W. Haroip THomson.<br /> <br /> HE other day I beard a novelist—you would<br /> know his name quite well if I were to set<br /> it down here—bemoaning the fact that in<br /> <br /> the ten years during which he had been making<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> a really good income from writing he had not done<br /> anything for the sheer joy of pleasing himself.<br /> <br /> “T was making just enough to live on,” he said,<br /> “and getting pretty sick of things. I was writing<br /> essays of the style that are cal’ed graceful, and<br /> stories which editors usually dub ‘ pretty, but too<br /> slight,’ and I was getting them accepted here and<br /> there, and now and then. But J wanted to get on,<br /> I wanted to become known, and I wanted to make<br /> money. So I followed the advice of an old hand<br /> who had found that there was better fun than<br /> starving on art. He told me to stop dreaming;<br /> he told me to forget any hopes I had of being<br /> recognised asa stylist; he told me to stop framing<br /> phrases that had a tendency to make people think,<br /> and finally he told me to stop doing what I wanted,<br /> and to do instead what editors said their readers<br /> wanted. So I went in for that sort of thing.”<br /> <br /> He shrugged his shoulders at that point and<br /> ended : “ Well, I’ve done what I set out to do—<br /> I’ve made a name and I’ve made money. But I’ve<br /> made the name by stuff I’m ashamed of, and I know<br /> that I won the money hard because I starved the<br /> artistic side of me until it died.”<br /> <br /> I believe—and am sorry to believe—that the case<br /> of that writer is quite a common one. Or at least<br /> it is common as regards the starving of the artistic<br /> nature. Few writers, perhaps, gain a popularity or<br /> financial reward such as his, but a pitiful army in<br /> their efforts to do so learn the bitterness of crushing<br /> that desire which, in the first place, made them<br /> stretch out their hands for the pens—the desire to<br /> write of the sweetest things they know in the<br /> sweetest words at their command.<br /> <br /> To write something just to please oneself ! That<br /> is the craving I am sure that comes often and with<br /> an increasing pleading to every author dependent<br /> upon his work for a livelihood.<br /> <br /> There are those who du please themselyes—who<br /> give of their very best and reach just to that point<br /> where they please what might be called the literary<br /> gallery ; there are others—a small and to be envied<br /> band——who write to please themselves and at last<br /> gain a public of which they may be proud and a<br /> return with which they may be pleased. But the<br /> average writers, the middle-class in the penman’s<br /> world, the men and women who, if they can write<br /> what is in popular demand, must do so in sackcloth<br /> and with tears, as a rule, cannot afford to permit<br /> themselves the joy of doing what they term to be<br /> their best.<br /> <br /> Their best would perhaps some day meet with its<br /> reward, but they recognise that before that glad<br /> day has had time to dawn, their eyes would have<br /> been closed.<br /> <br /> It is the canker in the breast of the average pro-<br /> fessional author—the stifling of his inclination to<br /> sit down and express the best that is in him<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> without regard to popular taste. Perhaps “ the best<br /> that is in him” is not quite the right phrase. I<br /> do not mean that he may have some noble philo-<br /> sophy which he feels called to expound, nor indeed<br /> that he may have anything particularly serious to<br /> say at all. It would be more correct to say that he<br /> longs to set down with all the artistry in him his<br /> own thoughts upon the sweet or sad things which he<br /> sees or hears—anything which appeals to and moves<br /> the higher emotions.<br /> <br /> The insistent editorial demand for action in every<br /> paragraph, quite irrespective of the language in<br /> which that action is described, is what makes<br /> cynics of the more ambitious penmen. During<br /> their period of apprenticeship and when writing<br /> was so far a hobby merely, they had written<br /> what they wanted and had no doubt seen their<br /> essays, their graceful stretches, their short stories<br /> that were free from blood and detectives and<br /> ‘ther popular ingredients, in print from time to<br /> time.<br /> <br /> But at last, perhaps not for a lone time—because<br /> authors are creatures in whom hope dies hard—<br /> they were forced to recognise that where money-<br /> making by the pen is concerned it is the matter<br /> and not the manner that counts.<br /> <br /> It was forced upon them that writers much<br /> inferior to themselves in education having not the<br /> slightest pretension to culture; men and women<br /> whose outlook and whose language were both<br /> mawkish—were those who were making the big<br /> incomes, True, they were not admired by the<br /> book-reading public save in a few well-known<br /> instances, and could never hope to gain the praise<br /> of critics or fully educated people, but still they<br /> were doing something enviable, they were making<br /> good incomes wherewith to maintain themselves<br /> and those dependent on them. And the young<br /> writer seeing them, and perhaps being helped to<br /> his bitter decision by sheer need, reluctantly sets<br /> out to crush what is artistic in him; with much<br /> travail of soul he represses the inclination to set<br /> down anything which might be dubbed over-subtle<br /> and clever for the understanding of the mass ; he,<br /> in fact, far more than the actor, has to recognise<br /> the necessity of playing to the gallery.<br /> <br /> If he be a story-writer he will be told quite<br /> plainly and quite truthfully that what is wanted is<br /> a story—not fine writing ; psychological insight,<br /> deft portrayal of character counts but little if at<br /> all.<br /> <br /> There ‘are, of course, openings for imaginative<br /> articles written with cleverness and with style ; for<br /> Sketches where the writing is what tells, but the<br /> author who has a living to make gets to know very<br /> soon that the writing of such articles or sketches is<br /> ‘a huge gamble. The market is so very small—the<br /> pay’ so very poor. Practically nobody wants his<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 31<br /> <br /> literary cleverness—thousands want what editors<br /> and writers themselves pleasantly term ‘ muck.”<br /> <br /> I am not forgetting the exceptions who win<br /> through from the first with material of which they<br /> may well be proud—but the exceptions are, after all,<br /> of little moment to the rank and file.<br /> <br /> And so when the average author—travelled, per-<br /> haps, well read, cultured, possessing what is<br /> pathetically called a “soul ’’—sitg at night in his<br /> quiet study longing to express on paper and in<br /> language such as would please some kindred Spirit<br /> the thoughts that come to him, he knows the dread<br /> voice which whispers—* Forget.”<br /> <br /> “ Forget in your working hours at least your<br /> appreciation of the beautiful - forget the fascination<br /> of building a gracious picture with words; forget<br /> that there is in you the power to move minds and<br /> hearts like your own with finely-wrought sentences<br /> embodying high thoughts.<br /> <br /> “* Remember instead that if you are out for pay in<br /> this game of writing, you must either wait for long<br /> years before your work ‘ gets there,’ or you must<br /> learn to tickle the palates of your masters in the<br /> gallery. In one way it is, of course, just as clever to<br /> do that as to please the elect, but it is a cleverness<br /> which will bring you no joy—unless indeed the<br /> money is the only reward asked. And in that<br /> case the gallery is your proper audience, and you<br /> have no reason to talk either of your achievements<br /> or of what might have been,”<br /> <br /> PSUS REEy See cams<br /> <br /> BOOK-PRICES CURRENT.*<br /> <br /> —1—&gt;— +<br /> <br /> dee parts of the periodical lying before us<br /> <br /> are the first three numbers of the<br /> twenty-sixth volume containing records<br /> of the sales from October 5, 1911, to April 15,<br /> 1912. That the publication always maintains<br /> its high interest need not be said, but naturally<br /> other sales are thrown into the shade by the<br /> first section of the sale of the Huth Library<br /> (begun on November 15, 1911). Itis only from<br /> the pages of “ Book-Prices Current ” itself that<br /> it will be possible for any one to form any<br /> correct impression of the multitude of books cf<br /> extraordinary rarity and interest that were on<br /> this occasion offered for sale. The Shakes-<br /> periana were sold en bloc, but there remained<br /> a wealth of manuscripts, block-books, incuna-<br /> bula and rarities the mere titles of which (apart<br /> from the interesting bibliographics! particulars)<br /> form marvellous reading. To do the sale any<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> * “Book-Prices ‘ Current.”<br /> Vol. XXVI.<br /> <br /> London: Elliot Stock.<br /> 32 THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> justice in a short notice is impossible ; its<br /> record is matter for slow and pondered perusal.<br /> A copy of “ The Mazarin Bible ” (No. 1300—<br /> the bibliographical notes deserve particular<br /> attention) sold for £5,800. To the student of<br /> English literature will be hardly less inte-<br /> resting No. 1124, a collection of 384 broadside<br /> ballads in black letter, chiefly belonging to the<br /> period of the Restoration, in excellent preserva-<br /> tion, which sold for £400, and seems to us to<br /> have been cheap at that price. A further<br /> instalment of the Amherst Library was sold on<br /> December 12, presenting among other rarities<br /> the second edition of Caxton’s “‘ Book of Good<br /> Manners,”’ prohably the only copy in existence.<br /> Authors should look at the prices fetched by<br /> modern autograph MSS. at the sale of the<br /> library of J. S. Burra, of Ashford, Kent,<br /> together with other properties (December<br /> 18—15, 1911). Sir Walter Besant’s “ Herr<br /> Paulus was sold for £2; Gissing’s ‘‘ Eve’s<br /> Ransom,” £11; Edna Lyall’s ‘‘ Donovan,” £50.<br /> Other autographs by modern writers are men-<br /> tioned. At the sale of the remaining portion<br /> of the library of Dr. Joseph Frank Payne several<br /> first and early editions of Milton’s works<br /> were sold; among them a first edition of<br /> “Paradise Lost’ for £40. How many fold<br /> does the price given for this single copy exceed<br /> the sum paid John Milton for the whole copy-<br /> right of a work out of which the publishers and<br /> booksellers of England have been ever since<br /> making profits? Particulars very interesting<br /> to authors will be found recorded in the sale<br /> (April 15, etc., 1912) of the library of Louisa<br /> Lady Ashburton. &lt;A considerable number of<br /> works by Carlyle, or relating to Carlyle, were<br /> sold, with autographs of his in them. The<br /> vastly enhanced value of the volumes in con-<br /> sequence of the autographs contained in them<br /> is deserving of remark. The numbers are 5007<br /> to 5024, and should be studied by any one who<br /> desires to form a just estimate of what auto-<br /> graphs in a book mean.<br /> <br /> ——_—_—\e—o— 2 —___—_<br /> <br /> LITERATURE AND LIFE.*<br /> <br /> —_-—~o + —<br /> <br /> Tat Mr. Watt has a public is sufficiently<br /> demonstrated by the number of works which<br /> he has published, and we entertain no doubt<br /> that his new book, ‘“‘ Literature and Life,” will<br /> be highly esteemed by those for whom it is<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> * “Titerature and Life.” The Rev. Lauchlan Maclean<br /> Watt. London: A, &amp; C. Black, 1912, A volume of “The<br /> Guild Library.”<br /> <br /> intended. Every prolific author knows to<br /> whom he is addressing himself, and how he<br /> may best hold their attention. For that<br /> reason we are unwilling to lay stress upon<br /> certain features of the book which do not<br /> exactly commend themselves to our judgment,<br /> the somewhat lyric tone of a good deal of the<br /> prose, and the values assigned to some of the<br /> authors whose works are recommended. We<br /> hasten to add that the latter feature is one<br /> respecting which it is, after all, almost im-<br /> possible that two minds should think abso-<br /> lutely in agreement. Practically ‘“* Literature<br /> and Life *’ is one of the many books recom-<br /> mending other people what they should read.<br /> Of such works there seems to be no end; and<br /> seeing how many people, comparatively speak-<br /> ing, never read anything that they ought to<br /> read, all these books are books that will do good<br /> if thev produce any effect at all. In the present<br /> case the author goes a point farther and dwells<br /> not only upon what should be read but how it<br /> should be read, and this also is commendable.<br /> Authors are likely to find the chapters on<br /> “Style and Thought,” ‘*‘ Vocabulary,” and<br /> ‘“‘ The Writer and his Age,”’ the most suggestive,<br /> and we could imagine this part of the book<br /> proving valuable to writers who have not yet<br /> succeeded in saying things as they wish to say<br /> — The book is furnished with an excellent<br /> index.<br /> <br /> CORRESPONDENCE.<br /> <br /> ne<br /> CopyRIGHT BILL.<br /> <br /> Str, — Your readers will have been much<br /> interested by the supplement to the July issue of<br /> The Author. It is evident that the Board of Trade<br /> is anxious enough to accord fair play to authors,<br /> such as they have never had before ; and it will be<br /> their own fault if they do not take advantage of it.<br /> The paragraph that insists on stamps of royalty<br /> being affixed to the different copies of the book is<br /> of particular interest. It is a pity that the words<br /> “if not otherwise arranged” are not left out, as<br /> they leave a loophole to dishonest publishers, who<br /> are sure to take advantage of it if allowed to do so.<br /> <br /> The iniquitous rule of counting thirteen for<br /> twelve will now, I fancy, be abolished for ever.<br /> This is the author’s opportunity to get quit of<br /> their unjust trammels, and if they don’t join hands<br /> one and all, they will be greatly to blame for being<br /> robbed of their property with their eyes open.<br /> <br /> Iam, &amp;c.,<br /> JUSTITIA., The Author
522 Author, Vol. 23 Issue 02 (November 1912)<a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=49&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=%3Cem%3EThe+Author%3C%2Fem%3E%2C+Vol.+23+Issue+02+%28November+1912%29"><em>The Author</em>, Vol. 23 Issue 02 (November 1912)</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=51&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=Publication">Publication</a>1912-11-01-The-Author-23-233–64<a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=89&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=23">23</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=76&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=1912-11-01">1912-11-01</a>219121101Che Huthbor.<br /> <br /> (The Organ of the Incorporated Society of Authors.<br /> <br /> FOUNDED BY SIR<br /> <br /> Monthly.)<br /> <br /> WALTER BESANT.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Vox. X XTII.—No. 2.<br /> <br /> NOVEMBER 1, 1912.<br /> <br /> [PRicE SIXPENCE.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> TELEPHONE NUMBER:<br /> 374 VICTORIA.<br /> <br /> TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS:<br /> AUTORIDAD, LONDON.<br /> <br /> ——_—_—_e——______<br /> <br /> NOTICES.<br /> <br /> —— $&lt;<br /> <br /> ee the opinions expressed in papers that<br /> are signed or initialled the authors alone<br /> are responsible. None of the papers or<br /> paragraphs must be taken as expressing the<br /> opinion of the Committee unless such is<br /> especially stated to be the case.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Tue Editor begs to inform members of the<br /> Authors’ Society and other readers of The<br /> Author that the cases which are quoted in The<br /> Author are cases that have come before the<br /> notice or to the knowledge of the Secretary of<br /> the Society, and that those members of the<br /> Society who desire to have the names of the<br /> publishers concerned can obtain them on<br /> application.<br /> <br /> ARTICLES AND CONTRIBUTIONS .<br /> <br /> Tue Editor of The Author begs to remind<br /> members of the Society that, although the<br /> paper is sent to them free of cost, its production<br /> would be a very heavy charge on the resources<br /> of the Society if a great many members did not<br /> forward to the Secretary the modest 5s. 6d.<br /> subscription for the year.<br /> <br /> Communications for The Author should be<br /> addressed to the offices of the Society, 89, Old<br /> Queen Street, Storey’s Gate, S.W., and should<br /> reach the Editor not later than the 21st of each<br /> month.<br /> <br /> Communications and letters are invited by<br /> the Editor on all literary matters treated from<br /> <br /> Vou. XXIII.<br /> <br /> the standpoint of art or business, but on no<br /> other subjects whatever. Every effort will be<br /> made to return articles which cannot be<br /> accepted.<br /> <br /> ADVERTISEMENTS.<br /> <br /> As there seems to be an impression among<br /> readers of The Author that the Committee are<br /> personally responsible for the bona fides of the<br /> advertisers, the Committee desire it to be stated<br /> that this is not, and could not possibly be, the<br /> case. Although care is exercised that no<br /> undesirable advertisements be inserted, they<br /> do not accept, and never have accepted, any<br /> liability.<br /> <br /> Members should apply to the Secretary for<br /> advice if special information is desired.<br /> <br /> ——_— &gt; —___<br /> <br /> THE SOCIETY’S FUNDS.<br /> <br /> to<br /> <br /> {1ROM time to time members of the Society<br /> desire to make donations to its funds in<br /> recognition of work that has been done<br /> for them. The Committee, acting on the<br /> suggestion of one of these members, have<br /> decided to place this permanent paragraph in<br /> The Author in order that members may be<br /> cognisant of those funds to which these con-<br /> tributions may be paid.<br /> <br /> The funds suitable for this purpose are:<br /> (1) The Capital Fund. This fund is kept in<br /> reserve in case it is necessary for the Society to<br /> incur heavy expenditure, either in fighting a<br /> question of principle, or in assisting to obtain<br /> copyright reform, or in dealing with any other<br /> matter closely connected with the work of the<br /> Society.<br /> <br /> (2) The Pension Fund, This fund is slowly<br /> increasing, and it is hoped will, in time, cover<br /> the needs of all the members of the Society.<br /> *9<br /> <br /> a<br /> <br /> <br /> THE PENSION FUND.<br /> <br /> 1<br /> <br /> before the trustees of the Pension Fund<br /> <br /> the accounts for the year 1911, as settled<br /> by the accountants, with a full statement of<br /> the result of the appeal made on behalf of<br /> the fund. After giving the matter full con-<br /> sideration, the trustees instructed the secretary<br /> to invest the sum of £500 in the purchase of<br /> Antofagasta and Bolivian Railway 5% Pre-<br /> ferred Ordinary Stock and Central Argentine<br /> Railway Ordinary Stock. The amounts pur-<br /> chased at the current prices were £287 in the<br /> former and £232 in the latter stock.<br /> <br /> The trustees desire to thank the members of<br /> the society for the generous support which they<br /> have given to the Pension Fund. The money<br /> now invested amounts to £4,454 6s.<br /> <br /> Later in the year, at a meeting of the Com-<br /> mittee of Management, a question concerning<br /> the funds of the society was brought up for dis-<br /> cussion, and it was suggested that it would be<br /> a good thing for the Pension Fund trustees, if<br /> they had power, to sell out the Fund’s holding of<br /> Consols and to invest in some more satisfactory<br /> security. The suggestion was placed before the<br /> trustees of the Pension Fund, and a meeting<br /> was called, when the chairman of the Committee<br /> of Management, the trustees, and Mr. Aylmer<br /> Maude, the member of the Committee of<br /> Management who had made the suggestion,<br /> were present. The figures were very closely<br /> considered, and it appeared clear that altera-<br /> tions in the investment of the funds could be<br /> carried out with advantage to the Fund’s<br /> income. It was decided by the trustees, with<br /> the approval of the Committee of Management,<br /> to sell out the holding of Consols. With the<br /> amount realised, were purchased —<br /> <br /> $2,000 (£400) Consolidated Gas and Elec-<br /> tric Company of Baltimore 44% Gold<br /> Bonds ;<br /> <br /> 30 Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway<br /> 4°, Extension Shares, (1914) £8 paid ;<br /> £250 Edward Lloyd, Ltd., £1 5% Prefer-<br /> <br /> ence Shares.<br /> <br /> These amounts are fully set out and added<br /> in the nominal value to the Pension Fund<br /> investments, below.<br /> <br /> The trustees have also, in view of the option<br /> extended to them as holders of £232 Central<br /> Argentine Railway Ordinary Stock, subscribed<br /> for 8 Central Argentine Railway £10 Preference<br /> Shares, New Issue.<br /> <br /> The nominal value of the investments held<br /> on behalf of the Pension Fund now amounts<br /> <br /> iT January, the secretary of the society laid<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> to £4,454 6s., details of which are fully set out<br /> in the following schedule :—<br /> Nominal Value.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> gd<br /> Local loans ......:0. 552... 500 0 0<br /> Victoria Government 3% Consoli-<br /> <br /> dated Inscribed Stock ........ 291 19 11<br /> London and North-Western 3%<br /> <br /> Debenture Stock ...........- 250 0 0<br /> Egyptian Government Irrigation<br /> <br /> Trust 4%, Certificates ...&lt;.:.. 200 0 0<br /> Cape of Good Hope 34% Inscribed<br /> <br /> Stock 2 200 0 0<br /> Glasgow and South-Western Rail-<br /> <br /> way 4°% Preference Stock 228 0 O<br /> New Zealand 34% Stock........ 247 9 6<br /> Trish Land 23% Guaranteed Stock 258 0 0<br /> Corporation of London 23%<br /> <br /> Stock, 1927-57 .............. 438 2 4<br /> Jamaica 34% Stock, 1919-49 1382 18 6<br /> Mauritius 4% 1937 Stock ...... 120 12 1<br /> Dominion of Canada, C.P.R. 34%<br /> <br /> Land Grant Stock, 1988 ...... 198 3 8<br /> Antofagasta and Bolivian Railway<br /> <br /> 5, Preferred Stock .......4., 237 0 0<br /> Central Argentine Railway Or-<br /> <br /> dinary Stock... ........ 3. 232 0 0<br /> $2,000 Consolidated Gas and<br /> <br /> Electric Company of Baltimore<br /> <br /> 44% Gold Bonds ............ 400 0 0<br /> 250 Edward Lloyd, Ltd., £1 5%<br /> <br /> Preference Shares 2 ........ 250 0 0<br /> 80 Buenos Ayres Great Southern<br /> <br /> Railway 4° Extension Shares<br /> <br /> 1914 (£8 paid)... 240 0 0<br /> 8 Central Argentine Railway £10<br /> Preference Shares New Issue... 30 0 O<br /> Total. ..........£4,454 6 0<br /> Se<br /> <br /> PENSION FUND.<br /> <br /> —— ++<br /> <br /> Tue list printed below includes all fresh dona-<br /> tions and subscriptions (i.e., donations and<br /> subscriptions not hitherto acknowledged)<br /> received by, or promised to, the fund from<br /> April 1st, 1912.<br /> <br /> It does not include either donations given<br /> prior to April Ist, nor does it include sub-<br /> scriptions paid in compliance with promises<br /> made before it.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Subscriptions.<br /> 1912.<br /> April 6, Bland, J. O. P.<br /> April 6, Taylor, Mrs. Basil<br /> April 6, Forrester, J. Cliffe<br /> June 6, Probert, W. S. :<br /> June 6, Wheelhouse, Miss M. V.<br /> June 6, Acland, Mrs. C. D. .<br /> June 6, Spurrell, Herbert (from<br /> 1912 to 1915)<br /> June 6, Spens, Archibald B. .<br /> July 18, Liddle, S. 5<br /> Aug. 7, Joseph, L. : : :<br /> Sept. 6, Garvice, Charles (in addi-<br /> tion to present sub-<br /> scription of £1 1s.)<br /> 2, Todhunter, Dr. John.<br /> 10, Eseott, T. H. S. : :<br /> 10, Henderson, R. W. Wright<br /> 10, Knowles, Miss M. W. :<br /> 11, Buckley, Reginald<br /> 12, Walshe, Douglas<br /> 12 * Penmark’”’ ; :<br /> 15, Sinclair Miss Edith .<br /> 16, Markino, Yoshio<br /> 20, Fiamingo, Carlo<br /> <br /> Oct.<br /> Oct.<br /> Oct.<br /> Oct.<br /> Oct.<br /> Oct.<br /> Oct.<br /> Oct.<br /> Oct.<br /> Oct.<br /> <br /> 1912. Donations.<br /> <br /> April 2, XX. Pen Club<br /> <br /> April 6, Taylor, Mrs. Basil .<br /> <br /> April 6, Cameron, Mrs. Charlotte .<br /> <br /> April 10, Kenny, Mrs. L. M. Stac-<br /> poole ; ‘ g<br /> <br /> April 10, Robbins, Alfred F..<br /> <br /> April 10, Harris, Emma H. .<br /> <br /> April 11, Ralli, C. Scaramanga<br /> <br /> April 11, Aitken, Robert —. :<br /> <br /> April 16, L. M. F. (£1 per month,<br /> February, March, April)<br /> <br /> April 22, Prior, Mrs. Melton :<br /> <br /> May 2, Baden-Powell, Miss Agnes<br /> <br /> May 25, Koebel, W. H. : :<br /> <br /> May 28, Harland, Mrs. Henry<br /> <br /> May 28, Wood, Mrs. A. E. ;<br /> <br /> June 4, Hornung, E. W.<br /> <br /> June 4, Ward, Dudley<br /> <br /> June 6, Worrall, Lechmere .<br /> <br /> June 13, Robbins, Miss Alice E.<br /> <br /> July 5, Hain, H.M. . ;<br /> <br /> Aug. 16, Shipley, R. H. ;<br /> <br /> Sept. 20, Willcocks, Miss M. P.<br /> <br /> Sept. 23, Peacock, Mrs. F. M.<br /> <br /> Oct. 2, Stuart, James .<br /> <br /> Oct. 14, Diblee, G. Bonney . .<br /> <br /> Oct. 14, Michell, The Right Hon.<br /> Sir Lewis, C.V.O. :<br /> <br /> Oct. 17, Ord, H.W. . :<br /> <br /> Oct. 20, Yorke-Smith, Mrs. .<br /> <br /> OCOorfocooot<br /> _<br /> <br /> SCrewmpnoocoroconcocoocow aOorH oS noo COroooooocoore re oooceo<br /> <br /> _<br /> <br /> oon<br /> <br /> —_<br /> <br /> Ome ane?<br /> <br /> Or Or Or Or<br /> <br /> ee<br /> oe OOS OOO OO =<br /> <br /> Se<br /> SCKNOCUHaANe<br /> <br /> _<br /> Son<br /> <br /> coaceooceocseco oooo Seooascoos<br /> <br /> —<br /> ooo<br /> <br /> OASCeoannocooocoocoaoo oooceo<br /> <br /> DAO<br /> <br /> COMMITTEE NOTES.<br /> <br /> —— +<br /> <br /> HE first meeting of the committee after<br /> the vacation was held at the offices of<br /> the Society, on Monday, October 7th.<br /> <br /> After the minutes of the previous meeting had<br /> been read and signed, the committee proceeded<br /> to the election of members and _ associates.<br /> Kighty-six elections were recorded, bringing<br /> the total for the current year up to 290, a<br /> record election for the first ten months of any<br /> year. The full list of names appears on another<br /> page. The committee, accepted with regret,<br /> the resignation of two members.<br /> <br /> The solicitor then read a detailed report of<br /> the cases left open from the former mecting<br /> and those taken in hand during the vacation.<br /> <br /> Against one paper there were six County<br /> Court cases. In each of these cases the sums<br /> due to the authors have been paid, and where<br /> summonses have been issued, costs have also<br /> been recovered. One important case, left<br /> over from the last meeting, related to the<br /> claim of a member against the proprietor of a<br /> paper for wrongful dismissal. In this case the<br /> damages demanded were obtained after some<br /> slight demur, and the matter has been closed.<br /> There was another case against the editor of<br /> a paper for infringement of copyright. This<br /> matter was settled, with the approval of the<br /> author, who resides in China. Of the County<br /> Court cases left open, in addition to those<br /> already mentioned, five have been settled by<br /> payment of the sums claimed, with costs.<br /> In one case the paper has gone into liquida-<br /> tion, and it is feared there are no assets.<br /> In three other cases, summonses are still<br /> pending, and will be heard some time in<br /> October. A report of these will be made to<br /> the committee at their meeting in November,<br /> and details will appear in the December issue<br /> of The Author. Three cases against a music<br /> publisher are in the solicitors’ hands. They<br /> involve complicated questions of account and<br /> disputes under agreements. Negotiations have<br /> been carried on, and it is hoped the matters<br /> will be settled before the November meeting<br /> of the committee. A case against a paper,<br /> on behalf of a member of the Society, arising<br /> out of a dispute as to the exact terms of a<br /> contract, has been set down for trial and will<br /> be carried through in due course, unless, as the<br /> solicitor reported might possibly happen,<br /> terms are reached before the case is tried.<br /> <br /> A serious case against an agent was taken<br /> in hand on the authority of the chairman during<br /> the vacation. The action of the chairman was<br /> 36 THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> approved by_ the committee, and the matter<br /> will be carried through by the lawyers as<br /> quickly as possible. In another case, where a<br /> magazine had printed a story purporting to<br /> be the work of an author who had not, in fact,<br /> written it, the course adopted during the<br /> vacation was confirmed by the committee,<br /> and the case will be carried through. A<br /> dispute between an author and publisher as<br /> to the terms on which a commission agreement<br /> could be terminated, was also reported by the<br /> solicitor, who was instructed to proceed, as the<br /> question was a matter of principle, although<br /> the sum in dispute was small. The solicitor<br /> reported that delay had occurred in one case<br /> owing to the difficulty in obtaining answers to<br /> letters written from the society’s office. The<br /> committee decided it would be best for a<br /> representative of the Society to see the member<br /> personally and discuss matters with him.<br /> Having heard all the circumstances, the<br /> committee decided they could not take up a<br /> case dealing with the loss of a MS.. which had<br /> been put before them.<br /> <br /> The secretary then reported a curious<br /> difficulty which had arisen in the conduct of an<br /> action for infringement of copyright in Burma.<br /> It appeared, that the infringement had<br /> occurred when the Act of 1842 was in force,<br /> under which Act it was necessary to produce a<br /> copy of the certificate of registration of the<br /> author’s copyright. This, however, it was<br /> impossible to do now as the registration office<br /> had been closed. It was equally impossible to<br /> sue under the Act of 1911, as that Act had not<br /> yet been proclaimed in India or Burma. The<br /> secretary reported he had written twice to<br /> the India Office on the matter, and that<br /> that office reported that they had drawn the<br /> attention of the Indian authorities to the<br /> difficulty, and had forwarded the correspon-<br /> dence. It is hoped that the Society will be<br /> able to take action, as soon as the Act is pro-<br /> claimed under Section 37.<br /> <br /> The secretary then read to the committee<br /> a statement of a case laid before the Society<br /> by a member, in which a publisher had refused<br /> to keep his contract, owing to the refusal of<br /> the printers at the last moment to print the<br /> book. The member did not wish any action<br /> taken, as the book was being published by<br /> another house under a fresh agreement, but she<br /> wished to draw the committee’s attention to<br /> the position of the publisher, and that of the<br /> printers in the special case. The committee<br /> expressed their thanks to the member for her<br /> statement.<br /> <br /> A further report was made by the secretary<br /> <br /> as to a case taken up by the Society in San<br /> Francisco, and the committee decided to push<br /> the matter forward.<br /> <br /> It will be seen from this report that the<br /> number of cases carried through has been very<br /> large, and in most of them, the issues have<br /> been successful. The pressure of legal work<br /> in no way slackened off during the vacation.<br /> <br /> After the reports of the secretary and the<br /> solicitor, the next business dealt with was<br /> Canadian copyright. The chairman explained<br /> that it had been necessary for him to act in<br /> this matter under powers given to him by the<br /> committee, and he read a report of the work<br /> done during the vacation. As a result of<br /> interviews and correspondence it was decided<br /> to address the Canadian Prime Minister upon<br /> the proposed Copyright Bill of the Dominion.<br /> A letter, which it was proposed to send to the<br /> Canadian Premier, was therefore submitted<br /> to certain members of the Society, and the<br /> chairman said that it had been signed, with few<br /> exceptions, by all those before whom it had<br /> been laid. It will now be forwarded. The<br /> object of the letter was to urge upon the<br /> Prime Minister of Canada, the Right Honour-<br /> able R. L. Borden, the importance of main-<br /> taining the unity of imperial and international<br /> copyright.<br /> <br /> The committee next considered the most<br /> important matter that has been before the<br /> Society for some time, viz., the collection bureau<br /> an office which is being started to assist authors<br /> in the collection of certain fees. In another<br /> column of this issue will be found a short<br /> statement of what it is proposed to do, although<br /> <br /> ‘the full details have not, as yet, been settled.<br /> <br /> The secretary reported the action that had<br /> been taken during the vacation, as a result<br /> of the approval of the council, which approval<br /> was chronicled in the October issue of The<br /> Author. Letters had been sent to certain<br /> members of the Society, asking them whether<br /> they would guarantee any sum towards the<br /> starting of the new bureau. The secretary<br /> reported that promises had been given, and a<br /> guarantee amounting to £670 had been raised.<br /> The committee then gave authority to the<br /> secretary to collect the fees due on the<br /> mechanical reproductions of the work of<br /> composers, members of the Society, who<br /> wished these fees collected by the Society.<br /> The question of the commission to be charged<br /> was referred to the Composers’ Sub-Committee,<br /> with a request to that body to report to the<br /> Committee of Management at the earliest<br /> opportunity. The question of the collection<br /> <br /> of fees on dramatic contracts was referred to<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Sse anaes ae ANS<br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> the Dramatic Sub-Committee, with a similar<br /> request for report as to the commission to<br /> be charged for collection. The question of<br /> the charge for collection of fees on literary<br /> contracts between authors and_ publishers<br /> was adjourned to the next meeting of the<br /> committee, when it will come up with the<br /> reports from the Composers’ Sub-Committee<br /> and Dramatic Sub-Committee. The secretary<br /> was authorised to hire another room for the<br /> use of the Collection Bureau at a given limit<br /> of rental, and to engage another clerk to carry<br /> out the work and to assist in the work of the<br /> Society generally.<br /> <br /> The appointment of the date of the dinner,<br /> and the necessary arrangements in connection<br /> therewith, were left in the hands of the<br /> chairman to settle in consultation with the<br /> secretary. A circular dealing with this matter<br /> will be sent out in due course.<br /> <br /> Questions referring to Australian copyright<br /> and other copyright matters were referred<br /> to the Copyright Sub-Committee. Finally,<br /> the committee sanctioned the purchase of a<br /> safe to contain the scenarios which were being<br /> registered at the office, as the present regis-<br /> tration box was inadequate. They also sanc-<br /> tioned the purchase of a card index and other<br /> necessary equipment.<br /> <br /> The business discussed occupied the com-<br /> mittee till a late hour.<br /> <br /> ——&gt;+—<br /> <br /> Dramatic SuB-CoMMITTEE.<br /> <br /> Tue first meeting of the Dramatic Sub-<br /> Committee after the vacation was held at the<br /> offices of the Society of Authors on Friday,<br /> October 18th.<br /> <br /> The matter of the managerial treaty was the<br /> first on the agenda. The secretary read a<br /> letter from the Society of West End Managers<br /> to the effect that the last communication from<br /> the Society of Authors was to be considered by<br /> the managers at their mecting in November.<br /> Further discussion therefore was adjourned.<br /> <br /> The sub-committee next considered what<br /> fees authors should be advised to accept for<br /> performances of their plays in provincial halls<br /> and theatres twice nightly, as certain managers<br /> in the provinces had started performances on<br /> these lines. The secretary received instruc-<br /> tions to obtain some further information and<br /> to report to the next meeting.<br /> <br /> The question of fees in portable theatres, was<br /> also discussed, and a letter from Mr. Cecil<br /> Raleigh was read to the sub-committee.<br /> <br /> 37<br /> <br /> It was followed by “‘ Cinematograph perfor-<br /> mances and authors’ rights.” The secretary<br /> stated that Mr. Raleigh had promised to submit<br /> a report, but was unable to lay it before the<br /> present meeting, as he was awaiting further<br /> information from the Société des Auteurs<br /> Dramatiques.<br /> <br /> The Committee of Management referred to<br /> the Dramatic Sub-Committee for advice in<br /> regard to the collection of authors’ fees by the<br /> society&#039;s Collection Bureau. The secretary<br /> explained at length what the Society proposed<br /> to undertake, and the sub-committee recom-<br /> mended, as the Society did not propose in any<br /> way to act as agents for the placing of plays,<br /> that under contracts actually made between a<br /> dramatist and a manager for the performance<br /> of a play, the Society should collect the fees on<br /> a commission of 5 per cent.<br /> <br /> The secretary then laid before the sub-<br /> committee the translation of an agreement<br /> issued by the Société des Auteurs Dramatiques<br /> between a dramatist and a translator. He<br /> explained that he had been desired to take this<br /> step by a gentleman in Holland who was<br /> anxious to act as the Society&#039;s agent now that<br /> Holland was about to enter the revised Con-<br /> vention of Berne, and to have authority to<br /> translate the works of those dramatists who<br /> were members of the English Society. He had<br /> expressed his willingness to stand by the terms<br /> of any contract the sub-committee cared to<br /> settle. The matter was adjourned to the next<br /> meeting so that the sub-committee could give<br /> it their consideration, and the secretary was<br /> instructed to send round copies of the draft.<br /> <br /> The papers relating to the schedule of fees<br /> which, at the request of the sub-committee, had<br /> been issued to the members of that body, were<br /> laid on the table, and, after some discussion, it<br /> was decided to take no further steps at present.<br /> <br /> The secretary again raised the question of<br /> the appointment of agents in foreign countries.<br /> As at present there appeared to be no way of<br /> getting over the serious practical difficulties<br /> that existed, further discussion was abandoned.<br /> <br /> The dramatic cases that had been taken up,<br /> with the sanction of the chairman, during the<br /> vacation were reported.<br /> <br /> — ++<br /> <br /> Composers’ SUB-COMMITTEE.<br /> <br /> A MEETING of the Composers’ Sub-Com-<br /> mittee was held at the offices of the Society<br /> on Saturday, September 14th.<br /> <br /> Following the reading of the minutes of<br /> the last meeting, a question submitted to the<br /> 38<br /> <br /> Composer&#039;s Sub-Committee by the Committee<br /> of Management, namely, the amount of com-<br /> mission to be charged for the collection of<br /> mechanical instrument fees, was considered.<br /> The sub-committee reported to the Com-<br /> mittee of Management that they considered, in<br /> the first instance, the Society should charge<br /> 15 per cent. on the collection of these fees under<br /> the Act of 1911, on works reproduced in England,<br /> the composers affected paying for the manu-<br /> facture of the necessary stamps. The sub-<br /> committee also considered that if accounts<br /> were rendered and settled every six months,<br /> this would be convenient to composers. This<br /> report will be considered at the next meeting<br /> of the Committee of Management.<br /> <br /> A question then arose touching an agree-<br /> ment which had been submitted to one of the<br /> Society’s members for signature, and the<br /> secretary received instructions to write to the<br /> firm that had made the proposal, as the sub-<br /> committee considered the form of agreement<br /> submitted was wholly unreasonable.<br /> <br /> The question of performing rights again<br /> came up for discussion, and the secretary<br /> received instructions to write to the Music<br /> Publishers’ Association on the matter, referring<br /> them to correspondence which had passed in<br /> the spring of the year.<br /> <br /> Mr. W. A. Elkin, a Director of the Mechani-<br /> cal Copyright Licences Co., was kind enough<br /> to call at the Society’s offices to discuss the<br /> terms of an agreement put forward by his<br /> company for the collection of mechanical<br /> instrument fees, and it is hoped that some<br /> definite pronouncement may be made later.<br /> <br /> A discussion also took place relative to the<br /> Taylor-Coleridge Fund and Concert.<br /> <br /> —1—&gt;+<br /> <br /> Tur Copyricut Sup-CoMMITTEE.<br /> <br /> A MEETING of the Copyright Sub-Committee<br /> was held at the offices of the Society on<br /> Thursday, October 17th, at 4 o&#039;clock.<br /> <br /> A report on the Australian Copyright Bill,<br /> which had been drafted kindly by Mr. E. J.<br /> MacGillivray, was laid before the sub-com-<br /> mittee and carefully considered.<br /> <br /> The sub-committee recommended that the<br /> report should be laid before the Committee<br /> of Management, and advised that the Commit-<br /> tee of Management, if possible, should take<br /> steps to see the following points adopted.<br /> <br /> Under the present Bill registration is neces-<br /> sary in the Colony, if an author or copyright<br /> owner desired to take advantage of some of<br /> the penal clauses.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> The Copyright Sub-Committee advise that,<br /> if possible, this registration should be done<br /> away with.<br /> <br /> The sub-committee advise that the penal<br /> clauses should be more clearly expressed, and<br /> it should be stated that the £10 is cumulative.<br /> They consider that a severer penalty should<br /> be enforced in the case of a second or subse-<br /> quent infringement.<br /> <br /> The sub-committee consider that the period<br /> in which to take summary proceedings is too<br /> short, being limited to six months. It is quite<br /> probable in many of the infringements of drama-<br /> tic rights that it would be impossible to take<br /> proceedings in the Australian Courts under the<br /> penal clauses, even if the infringement was<br /> known in Great Britain and other Colonies<br /> within the specified period, and they think it<br /> advisable that the time should be extended to<br /> a year.<br /> <br /> ++<br /> <br /> Cases.<br /> <br /> Members of the Society may be inclined<br /> to consider, from the record of cases appearing<br /> monthly in these columns, that the Society’s<br /> work is confined merely to taking legal action.<br /> If this is their view, they are making an en-<br /> tirely false deduction, although, no doubt, the<br /> number of cases taken up by the Society during<br /> the year is considerable. During the past<br /> month, seventeen cases have been in the<br /> hands of the secretary. There were four<br /> demands for money. In one case the money<br /> has been paid, two other cases have had to<br /> go into the hands of the Society’s solicitors,<br /> and the fourth has only recently come to the<br /> office. Three cases for accounts have come<br /> to the office. In one the Society has placed<br /> in an accountant to investigate the accounts,<br /> in another the accounts have been rendered<br /> and satisfactorily explained, and the last<br /> case is still in course of negotiation. Two<br /> infringements of copyright have been dealt<br /> with. One has been settled, and it is hoped<br /> to bring the other to a satisfactory conclusion<br /> as the infringement is admitted, and the<br /> question is merely one of damages. A curious<br /> case of property in title has been placed in the<br /> hands of the Society’s solicitors in Dublin,<br /> though it is very doubtful whether a satis-<br /> factory result will ensue, as the movements<br /> of the defendants—a travelling theatrical<br /> company—are difficult to follow. Three claims<br /> for the return of MSS. have been dealt with.<br /> In two the MSS. have been returned, and the<br /> third, recently brought to the office, has not<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Beaman, Lieut. A. A. M.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> yet been settled. Of four claims for accounts<br /> amd money, two have been settled and two are<br /> in the course of negotiation.<br /> <br /> —+—&lt; +<br /> <br /> Elections.<br /> Barradell-Smith, W.<br /> (Richard Bird)<br /> <br /> Biddulph, Mrs. Wright.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Bluett, Mrs. Duncan C,<br /> <br /> (Beatrice Kelston)<br /> <br /> Brewster, Bertram<br /> <br /> Buckley, Reginald R. .<br /> <br /> Cameron, W. J. .<br /> <br /> Chatterton-Hill, Georges<br /> <br /> Clarke, E. M.<br /> (C.0.M.)<br /> <br /> Close, Evelyne<br /> Dale, Miss Mary<br /> <br /> .<br /> <br /> Dibblee, G. Binney.<br /> Douglas, Sholto O. G. .<br /> <br /> Duckworth, Mrs. Madge<br /> <br /> Egerton, Mrs. Fred<br /> <br /> . _— Ervine, St. John G.<br /> <br /> Kscott, T. H. S.<br /> <br /> Evans, Frederic .<br /> <br /> Felberman,<br /> F.R.HS.<br /> <br /> Fellowship Song Com-<br /> <br /> mittee.<br /> <br /> Louis,<br /> <br /> Fiamingo, Carlo .<br /> <br /> Frere, Edgar<br /> <br /> Garrison, Mrs. Isabel<br /> <br /> ___— Gibbs, Philip<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Glasgow Academy,<br /> Glasgow.<br /> <br /> 96, Piccadilly, W.<br /> The Chilet, Pet-<br /> worth, Sussex.<br /> <br /> The Wood End,<br /> Prestwood, Gt.<br /> Missenden.<br /> <br /> 59, Madeley Road,<br /> Ealing.<br /> <br /> 23, Coram Street,<br /> Russell Square,<br /> W.C.<br /> <br /> Université, Gen®ve,<br /> Suisse.<br /> <br /> 8, Winchester Street,<br /> St. Helier, Jersey,<br /> C.I. (Temporary).<br /> <br /> 48, Rutland Gardens,<br /> Hove.<br /> <br /> 12, E. 38th Street,<br /> New York, U.S.A.<br /> <br /> 37, South Parade,<br /> Southsea.<br /> <br /> Gwessin House,<br /> Tonypandy, S.<br /> Wales.<br /> <br /> Cheriton _ Cottage,<br /> <br /> Alresford, Hants.<br /> Arcade House,<br /> <br /> Temple Fortune,<br /> <br /> Hendon, N.W.<br /> <br /> 33, Sackville Road,<br /> Hove.<br /> <br /> Ty Cynwyd, Llan-<br /> gynwyd, __ Bridg-<br /> end.<br /> <br /> Bladen Lodge, South<br /> Bolton Gardens,<br /> W.<br /> <br /> 114, Hunter House<br /> Road, Sheffield.<br /> 998, Sda S. Tom-<br /> maso, Floriana-<br /> <br /> Malta.<br /> <br /> Authors’ Club.<br /> <br /> 21, Brook Green,<br /> W.<br /> <br /> 36, Holland Street,<br /> Kensington, W.<br /> <br /> 9,<br /> <br /> Govat, Ignato Henry .<br /> <br /> Harris, The Rey. John<br /> H.<br /> <br /> Harris, Whitfield ‘<br /> <br /> Heathcote, Mrs. Man-<br /> ners.<br /> <br /> Hegarty, Miss Sheila<br /> <br /> Helston, John<br /> <br /> Henderson, R. W. Wright<br /> <br /> Hewlett, Etheldred<br /> M.M.<br /> <br /> Holiday, Henry .<br /> <br /> Holliday, Agnes Theresa<br /> Jane, L. Cecil<br /> <br /> Johnson, Harrold<br /> <br /> Jones, Gladys<br /> (Gwen John)<br /> Joseph, Leonard<br /> A.M.L.E.E.<br /> Klein, Charles<br /> <br /> Knoblauch, Edward<br /> <br /> Knowles, M. W. .<br /> (May Wynne)<br /> <br /> Legge, Miss Margaret .<br /> <br /> McLaughlin, Miss Mary<br /> M.<br /> <br /> Markino, Yoshio<br /> <br /> Marsden, Alfred, .<br /> M.1.A.E., A.M.I.M.E.<br /> <br /> Michell, The Hon. Sir<br /> Lewis, C.V.O.<br /> Moggridge, Edith<br /> Montefiore, Claude G. .<br /> , Myers, L. H.<br /> <br /> 39<br /> <br /> “* Glencoe,” Ashleigh<br /> Avenue, __ Bridg-<br /> water.<br /> <br /> Denison<br /> Vauxhall<br /> Road, S.W.<br /> <br /> Vivary, Taunton.<br /> <br /> Horsley Priory,<br /> Nailsworth.<br /> <br /> 14, Bessborough<br /> Street, Westmins-<br /> ter, S.W.<br /> <br /> 23, Henderson Road,<br /> Wandsworth Com-<br /> mon, S.W.<br /> <br /> House,<br /> Bridge<br /> <br /> Oaktree House,<br /> Branch Hill,<br /> Hampstead, N.W.<br /> and Betty-Fold,<br /> Hawkshead, Am-<br /> bleside.<br /> <br /> 39, High<br /> Oxford.<br /> <br /> Fairhaven, Harrow<br /> Road, Pinner,<br /> Middlesex.<br /> <br /> 20, xlebe<br /> Chelsea.<br /> <br /> 6, Birchington Road,<br /> London, N.W.<br /> <br /> Hudson Theatre,<br /> <br /> Street,<br /> <br /> Place,<br /> <br /> Hast Hill, Hayes,<br /> Kent.<br /> <br /> 307, West 88th<br /> Street, New York,<br /> N.Y. USA.<br /> <br /> 116, Lexham<br /> dens, W.<br /> <br /> 3, Regent House, Wir-<br /> temberg Street,<br /> <br /> Clapham, S.W.<br /> <br /> Rondebosch, Cape<br /> Town.<br /> <br /> Stanfield House,<br /> High Street,<br /> Hampstead, N.W.<br /> <br /> 12, Portman Square,<br /> W.<br /> <br /> Union Club, London.<br /> <br /> Gar-<br /> 40<br /> <br /> Oldfield, L. C. F’.<br /> <br /> Parsons, Ernest Bryham<br /> <br /> Pedersen, Amy Skov-<br /> <br /> gaard.<br /> Perring, Miss Mary<br /> Ponsonby, Arthur<br /> <br /> A. W. H., M.P.<br /> Read, Mrs. Amy E.<br /> Richards, Miss Mary<br /> Roch, Mrs. Walter<br /> Rose, Frederick, L.D.S.<br /> <br /> Rowe, Louise Jopling .<br /> (Louise Jopling)<br /> <br /> —Scholes, Perey A.<br /> <br /> Shore, W. Teignmouth<br /> <br /> Sinclair, Edith .<br /> Singleton, Miss A. H.<br /> Smith, F. Stanley<br /> (Stanley Smith)<br /> Smith, W.S. M. . :<br /> <br /> - Soddy, Frederick, M.A.,<br /> F.R.S.<br /> Spencer, Blanche<br /> <br /> Stoddard, Frederick .<br /> Wolcott (Dolomite).<br /> <br /> Strachey, Mrs. Olive<br /> (Ray Strachey)<br /> <br /> Stuart, James. ¢<br /> <br /> Tait, Miss EK. M. . :<br /> Tata, Sir Dorab J. :<br /> <br /> Thoren, Lieut. Oscar de<br /> <br /> Turner, Denis . :<br /> <br /> Vahey, John Haslette .<br /> (John Haslette)<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> 5, Pump_ Court,<br /> Temple, E.C.<br /> <br /> 41, Guildford Street,<br /> Russell Square,<br /> W.C.<br /> <br /> Quimper,<br /> France.<br /> <br /> 5, Clifton Gardens,<br /> Maida Vale, W.<br /> <br /> Shulbrede Priory,<br /> Haslemere.<br /> <br /> The Close, Henley-<br /> on-Thames.<br /> <br /> 5, Clifton Gardens,<br /> Maida Vale, W.<br /> Llanarth Court,<br /> <br /> Raglan, S. Wales.<br /> <br /> 1, Brunswick Street,<br /> Liverpool.<br /> <br /> 7, Pembroke Gar-<br /> dens, Kensington,<br /> W.<br /> <br /> 30, Carlton Terrace,<br /> Childs’ Hill, N.W.<br /> <br /> Finistere,<br /> <br /> 27, Kensington<br /> Court Mansions,<br /> W.<br /> <br /> 24, Hermitage Gar-<br /> dens, Edinburgh.<br /> <br /> Arch Hall, Navan,<br /> Treland.<br /> <br /> 13, Little Grosvenor<br /> Street, W.<br /> <br /> 138, Sloane Street,<br /> S.W.<br /> <br /> The University,<br /> Glasgow.<br /> 3, Mortimer Road,<br /> Clifton, Bristol.<br /> Wessobrunn, Meran,<br /> Tyrol.<br /> <br /> 96, South Hill Park,<br /> N.W.<br /> <br /> 34, Loop Street,<br /> Pietermaritzburg,<br /> Natal, S. Africa.<br /> <br /> 27, St. Georges<br /> Square, S.W.<br /> <br /> Harewood House,<br /> Hanover Square,<br /> W.<br /> <br /> St. Stephen’s Club,<br /> S.W.<br /> Whitehall<br /> Charing<br /> S.W.<br /> Fairseat, Poole Road,<br /> Bournemouth.<br /> <br /> House,<br /> Cross,<br /> <br /> Walker, Maude 41, Enys Road, East-<br /> <br /> bourne. :<br /> Littlefield, Worples-<br /> don, Surrey.<br /> <br /> Walshe, Douglas<br /> <br /> Wapling, Winifred H. . Tadworth.<br /> <br /> Williams, Sir Thomas The Police Court,<br /> Marchant. Merthyr Tydfil.<br /> Yellon, Evan ; 33, Furnival Street,<br /> <br /> K.C.<br /> ~—&gt;—_+—___—_-<br /> <br /> BOOKS PUBLISHED BY MEMBERS.<br /> <br /> ———-— +<br /> <br /> While every effort is made by the compilers to keep<br /> this list as accurate and exhaustive as possible, they have<br /> some difficulty in attaining this object owing to the fact.<br /> that many of the books mentioned are not sent to the office<br /> by the members. In consequence, it is necessary to rely<br /> largely upon lists of books which appear in literary and<br /> other papers. It is hoped, however, that members will<br /> co-operate in the compiling of this list and, by sending<br /> particulars of their works, help to make it substantially<br /> accurate.<br /> <br /> ART.<br /> Prerverxo. By Serwyn Briton. Tilustrated with<br /> eight reproductions in colour. 8 x 6. 80 pp. Jack.<br /> ls. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Famous Parstrncs. Selected from the World’s Great<br /> Galleries and Reproduced in Colour. With an Intro-<br /> duction by G. K. Cuzsterron and Descriptive Notes..<br /> 15 x 103. 50 pp. Cassell. 12s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> VisvAKARMA. Examples of Indian Architecture, Sculp-<br /> ture, Painting, &amp;c. Chosen by ANanpa W. CooMARAS-<br /> wamy, D.Sc. Part Il. 11 x 8}. Plates 28—60..<br /> Luzac. 2s. 6d.<br /> <br /> CHIPPENDALE AND HIs ScHoot. ByJ.P. Brake. 7} X 5.<br /> 111 pp. (Little Books about Old Furniture.) Heine-<br /> mann. 2s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> BIOGRAPHY.<br /> <br /> Forry-Nine Years or My Lire (1770—1815). By Tae<br /> Princess Lovise oF Prussta (Princess Anton Radzi-<br /> will). Edited by Princess RapzrwiLt. Translated by:<br /> A. R. Atirnson. 9 X 53. 461 pp. Nash. 16s. n.<br /> <br /> THIRTEEN YEARS OF A Busy Womay’s Lire. By Mrs.<br /> Arec Twrepis. 83 x 5}. 367 pp. Lane. 16s. n.<br /> <br /> Romances oF THE FreNcH THEATRE. By _ FRaNcIs<br /> Gripste. 9 X 53. 288pp. Chapman&amp; Hall. 15s.n.<br /> <br /> Coxe or NorFoLK AND HIS Frrmnps. By A. M. W..<br /> Srretinc. New Edition. ‘ 8} x 53. 632 pp. Lane.<br /> 12s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Tuomas ANDREWS, SHIPBUILDER. By SHAN F’. BULLOCK.<br /> With an Introduction by Str Horace PLUNKETT.<br /> 7h x 43. 80 pp. Maunsell. 1s, n.<br /> <br /> JournaL or tur Comtr D’EsrincnaL DuRING THE<br /> Enicration. Edited from the original manuscripts by<br /> BE. vp Havtertve. Translated by Mrs. RoDOoLPH<br /> SrawetL. 9 x 5}. 432pp. Chapman &amp; Hall. 12s, 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Apam Linpsay Gorpon AND HIS Frrenps Iv ENGLAND<br /> AnD Austratia. By Epira Humparis AnD DovGLas:<br /> SLADEN. 83 x 53. 464 pp. Constable. 12s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Wuen I was a Cuttp. By Yossio Marxino. 8 X 5}.<br /> <br /> 281 pp. Constable.<br /> Larcapro Hzarn. By E. Tuomas. 6} x 43. 91 pp-<br /> Edited by Sir<br /> <br /> Constable. 1s. n.<br /> Dictionary or Nationat BroGRAPHY.<br /> <br /> Srpyry Ler. Second Supplement, Vol. I. Faed—<br /> Muy-ridge. Smith Elder. 15s. n.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 4]<br /> <br /> LETTRES DE LA MARQUISE DU DEFAND A Horace WALPOLE.<br /> Par Mrs. Paget TOYNBEE. 3 Vols. 9 x 6. Methuen.<br /> 63s. n.<br /> <br /> Witu1am Hone.<br /> woop. 9 x 53.<br /> <br /> His Life and Times.<br /> 373 pp. Fisher Unwin.<br /> <br /> By F. W. Hacx-<br /> 10s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> CLASSICAL.<br /> <br /> Pxuors. A Tetralogy. The Charioteers. Chrysippus.<br /> The Victors at Olympia and Tantalus. A Satyric<br /> Play. By Arraur Ditton. Elkin Mathews. Antique<br /> laid paper in boards, 3s. 6d. n. ; wove paper, in wrapper,<br /> Is. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> DRAMATIC.<br /> <br /> ‘To-morrow. A Play for Children. With Music and<br /> Illustrations. By Krrry Barns anp D. W. WHEELER.<br /> Curwen &amp; Sons.<br /> <br /> Tirmotuy’s GARDEN.<br /> <br /> Jeutr’s. A Comedy in Four Acts.<br /> <br /> JACHELL. 63 x 5. 154 pp. Murray.<br /> <br /> Drake. A Pageant Play in Three Acts.<br /> Parker. 74x 5. 117 pp. Lane. 2s. n.<br /> <br /> Curtary Raisers. By Epren Partuports.<br /> 53 pp. Duckworth. Is. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> PrErer’s Cuance. A Play in Three Acts.<br /> Lytretton. 6} x 5. 74 pp. Duckworth.<br /> <br /> By Kirry Barne. Curwen.<br /> <br /> By Horace A.<br /> <br /> ls. 6d. n.<br /> By Lovis<br /> <br /> 63 x 5.<br /> <br /> By Epiri<br /> ls. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> EDUCATIONAL. *<br /> By L. Macugan Wart. (Jack’s People’s<br /> EK. T. and E. C. Jack. 6d.<br /> George I. to George V.<br /> ls. 6d.<br /> <br /> CARLYLE.<br /> Books.)<br /> Scnoot History or Brrrarn.<br /> By L. Mactgean Warr. Chambers.<br /> <br /> FICTION.<br /> <br /> THe STREET oF THE FLuTE-PLayver. By H. pe VERE<br /> STacPoote. 74 x 5. 356 pp. Murray. 6s.<br /> <br /> GENERAL Matiock’s Saapow. By W. B. Maxwetw.<br /> 7k xX 43. 352 pp. Hutchinson. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Outcast. By F. E. Penney.<br /> Chatto &amp; Windus. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Lovers. By EpEen Painiports.<br /> Ward, Lock. 6s.<br /> <br /> Pansy Mearns. The Story of a London Shop Girl. By<br /> Horace W. C. Newre. 74 x 43. 329 pp. Chatto &amp;<br /> Windus. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue VeLtpr Dwetuers. By F. Bancrort.<br /> 340 pp. Hutchinson. 6s.<br /> <br /> One Crowpep Hour. By Sypnry C. Grrr. 7} x<br /> 372 pp. Blackwood. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Mysrery or 31, New Inn. By R. Austin Freeman.<br /> 7i X 5. 311 pp. Hodder &amp; Stoughton. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tur GotpEen Guarp. By Tue Countess of CROMARTIE.<br /> 73 x 5. 407 pp. Allen. 6s.<br /> <br /> A Dream or Buuge Roszs. By Mrs. Hupert BARCLAY.<br /> 74 x 5. 343 pp. Hodder &amp; Stoughton. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Waite Gauntinr. By P. J. Bresyer.<br /> 343 pp. Cassell. 6s.<br /> <br /> Prestrr Joun. By J. Bucwan. 64 x 4. 284 pp.<br /> Nelson. 7d. n. :<br /> <br /> Mrrace. By E. Tempre Taurston. New and cheaper<br /> edition. 74 x 43. 310 pp. Chapman &amp; Hall. 2s.n.<br /> <br /> Lovers’ Knors. By Marsorrm BowsEn. 7 x 4}. 256 pp.<br /> (Cheap Reprint.) Everett. ls. n.<br /> <br /> Tue Macnetic Girt. By Ricnarp Marsn. 6} x 4.<br /> 318 pp. John Long. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Tue Justicn or Tan Kinc. By Hamiron DRumMonp.<br /> 83 x 53. 158 pp. (Clear Type Sixpenny Novels.)<br /> Stanley Paul. 6d.<br /> <br /> or<br /> <br /> 7% Xx 426 pp.<br /> <br /> 72 X 5. 352 pp.<br /> <br /> 7k xX 4}.<br /> <br /> or<br /> <br /> 7B x 5.<br /> <br /> Tue INNER SHRINE.<br /> 4}. 256 pp. (Cheap Reprint.)<br /> Td. n.<br /> <br /> THe Buack WATCHER.<br /> 63 x 44. 260 pp.<br /> Stoughton. 7d. n.<br /> <br /> BacHELor’s Burrons.<br /> Bachelor. By E. Burke.<br /> Jenkins. 6s.<br /> <br /> THe Swimmer. By Lovisr Grrarp.<br /> Mills &amp; Boon. 6s.<br /> <br /> THE CHILDREN OF THE Zop1ac. By ANnrHoNy Hamitron.<br /> 74 x 5. 320 pp. Greening. 6s.<br /> <br /> JOHN OF JINGALO. The Story of a Monarch in Difficulties.<br /> By Laurence Housman. 73 x 5}. 376 pp. Chap-<br /> man &amp; Hall. 6s.<br /> <br /> Motynevux or Mayra. By DuncanScuwann. 7} x 5.<br /> 344 pp. Heinemann. 6s.<br /> <br /> THE Rock oF THE Ravens. By J. A. STEvART.<br /> 314 pp. Hodder &amp; Stoughton. 6s.<br /> <br /> Honey, My Honny. By Karuarine Tynan.<br /> 305 pp. Smith, Elder. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Bountirut Hour. By Marron Fox.<br /> 320 pp. John Lane. 6s.<br /> <br /> Viotet Dunstan. ByL.G.Mosperny. 7} x 5.<br /> Ward, Lock. 6s.<br /> <br /> Her Marriace Lives. By Marte Connor LEIcHTon.<br /> 72 x 5. 320 pp. Ward, Lock. 6s.<br /> <br /> THE Ciamm THAT Won. By May Wynne.<br /> 302 pp. Everett. 6s.<br /> <br /> A Prrrect Passion. By Mars.<br /> 320 pp. JohnLong. ls. n.<br /> Crimson Litres. By May CromMeE in.<br /> John Long. 6d. n.<br /> THE Grass Wripow.<br /> John Long. 6d. n.<br /> THe Broken Roan.<br /> <br /> 461 pp. Nelson. 7d. n.<br /> <br /> Tue Lost Wortp. By Arruur Conan Dove. 7} x 5.<br /> 319 pp. Hodder &amp; Stoughton. 6s.<br /> <br /> Fottowixe Darkness. By Forrest Rem. 73 x 5.<br /> 322 pp. Hodder &amp; Stoughton. 6s.<br /> <br /> THe Joyous ADVENTURES OF ARISTIDE<br /> W. J. Locke. 74x 5. John Lane. 6s.<br /> <br /> ApNAM’s ORCHARD. BySaraHGranp. 73x 5. 640 pp.<br /> Heinemann. 6s.<br /> <br /> Sryceriry. By Warwick DrEEprna.<br /> Cassell. 6s.<br /> <br /> Lerrers To 4 Prison. By Mrs. Frep ReyNoups. 7} x 43.<br /> 282 pp. Chapman &amp; Hall. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Conressions of ArsENE Lupin, By Mavrice<br /> Lesranc. Translated by ALEXANDER TEIXEIRA DE<br /> Mattos. 72 x 5. 327 pp. Mills &amp; Boon. 6s.<br /> <br /> Two Kinas anp OrHEr Romances. By Cosmo Haminron.<br /> 74 x 5. 359pp. Chatto &amp; Windus. 2s.n.<br /> <br /> THe CHequer Boarp. By Sypm Grant.<br /> 324 pp. Hodder &amp; Stoughton. 6s.<br /> <br /> THe Worst Girt IN THE SCHOOL, OR THE SEcRET STAFF.<br /> By A. M. Irvryez. Illustrated by J. E. Surciurrs.<br /> 7% x 534. 295 pp. Partridge. 2s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> By Mrs. Atrrep Sepawick. 63 x<br /> Hodder &amp; Stoughton.<br /> <br /> By E. Puurs Oppenterm.<br /> (Cheap Reprint.) Hodder &amp;<br /> <br /> The Candid Confessions of a Shy<br /> <br /> 73 x 5. 399 pp. Herbert<br /> <br /> 72 x 5. 394 pp.<br /> <br /> 7% Xx 5.<br /> TEx 6.<br /> 7k x 43<br /> 351 pp.<br /> <br /> 7k X 5.<br /> <br /> STANLEY WRENCH.<br /> <br /> 318 pp. 64 x 44.<br /> <br /> By DorornEes Grerarp. 318 pp.<br /> <br /> By A. E. W. Mason. 6} x 4.<br /> <br /> Posout. By<br /> <br /> 72 xX 5. 333 pp.<br /> <br /> 8 x 5h<br /> <br /> FOLKLORE.<br /> <br /> By Exniior O’Donnett. 73 x 5. 292<br /> 5s. n.<br /> <br /> GARDENING.<br /> <br /> JAPANESE GARDENS. By Mrs. Basu Taytor.<br /> 298 pp. Methuen. 21s. n.<br /> <br /> Harpy PERENNIALS AND HERBacEouS Borpers. Illus-<br /> trated in Colour. By W. P. Wriaut. 9} x 6}.<br /> 304 pp. Headley. 12s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> WERWOLVES.<br /> pp. Methuen.<br /> <br /> 10} x 73.<br /> 42<br /> HISTORY.<br /> Tun Srory or Lucca. By JANET Ross and NELLY<br /> Ericusen. 63 x 4}. 365 pp. Dent. 4s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Being the History of the<br /> <br /> Tue Cuurcu Iv Mapras. : n<br /> ary Action of the East India<br /> <br /> Ecclesiastical and Mission<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Company in the Presidency of Madras from 1805 1835.<br /> By Tur Rev. FRANK PENNY. Vol Ih 9 x 5%-<br /> 424 pp. Smith, Elder. 16s. n.<br /> <br /> Arapic Spar. Sidelights on her History and Art. By<br /> <br /> BERNARD AND ELLEN M. Wuisnaw. 8% X 5}. 421 pp.<br /> Smith, Elder. 10s. 6d. n. :<br /> A History oF THE AUSTRALASIAN Cotontes. (From<br /> <br /> their Foundation to the year 1911.) By E. JENKs.<br /> <br /> Third Edition. 73 x 5. 376 pp. (Cambridge Histori-<br /> cal Series.) Cambridge University Press. :<br /> Russia. By Sr Donatp MACKENZIE WALLACE. Revised<br /> and enlarged Edition. 9} X 64. 788 pp. Cassell.<br /> <br /> 12s. 6d. n.<br /> JUVENILE.<br /> <br /> To-morrow. A Story for Children. By Krrry Barnet.<br /> <br /> Hodder &amp; Stoughton.<br /> <br /> Two Troupapours. By Esmu Stuart.<br /> pp. Smith, Elder. 3s. 6d.<br /> <br /> Tue Encuisu Farry Boox. By E. Ruys.<br /> F. C. Wurrney. 8} x 5}. 318 pp.<br /> 6s.<br /> <br /> Prerer Pan IN Kenstnaron GARDENS.<br /> Little White Bird.” By J. M. Barrie.<br /> Tilustrated by AnrHuR Rackuam. 11} X 83.<br /> Hodder &amp; Stoughton. 15s. n.<br /> <br /> Aunt PEN: on ROSES AND THORNS.<br /> <br /> 8i x 5}. 302<br /> <br /> Tllustrated by<br /> Fisher, Unwin.<br /> From ‘ The<br /> (New Edition.)<br /> 123 pp.<br /> <br /> By L. E. TrppEMAN.<br /> <br /> 256 pp. 8.P.C.K. 2s. 6d.<br /> BLack Evans. A School Story. By R. 8S. WARREN BELL.<br /> 8 x 5}. 280 pp. Black. 3s. 6d.<br /> <br /> A Story of the Days of Marlborough.<br /> <br /> Grory or War.<br /> 7% x 5. 256 pp. S.P.C.K.<br /> <br /> By H. A. Hryxson.<br /> 2s. 6d.<br /> <br /> A Cuiup’s Rue or Lire.<br /> 11} x 83. 25 pp. Longmans.<br /> <br /> A Cuizp’s JouRNEY witH DICKENS.<br /> Wicern. 7hIx 5. 34 pp. Hodder<br /> 13. ui.<br /> <br /> Lrrrtepom CastLE AND OTHER TALES.<br /> <br /> By Rosert Hucu Benson.<br /> Ign:<br /> <br /> By Kate DoveLas<br /> &amp; Stoughton.<br /> <br /> By Mrs. M. H.<br /> <br /> Sprermann. 73 x 5}. 377 pp. Routledge. 2s. 6d.<br /> GotpEn Hovusr. By Brita Stpney Woour. 7} X 5.<br /> 140 pp. Duckworth. ls. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Tur Farry or OLD SPAIN AND OTHER IMPORTANT PEOPLE.<br /> By Mrs. Ropotpn Srawety. Illustrated by F. C.<br /> <br /> Parr. 8x 6. 134 pp. Dent. 3s. 6d. n.<br /> Keystycton Ruymes. By Compron Mackenzie. _ Illus-<br /> trated by J. R. Monsetn. 10 x 7}. 88 pp. Martin<br /> <br /> Secker. 5s. n.<br /> Ture TREASURE or Spanish VittA. By F. Bayrorp<br /> Harrison. 73x 5. 128 pp. S8.P.C.K. ls.<br /> Heap or THE Scnoot. By Haroitp Avery. 8} x 6.<br /> 384 pp. Partridge. 5s.<br /> How Eneranp Grew Up.<br /> 224 pp. Grant Richards.<br /> <br /> By Jusstz Pops.<br /> 23: D.<br /> <br /> LITERARY.<br /> <br /> Liverature AND Lirn. By L. C. MacLean Wart. A.<br /> &amp; C. Black. Is. 6d.<br /> <br /> Bonemra In Lonpon.<br /> by Frep Taytor.<br /> 22. n.<br /> <br /> Tur Sctence or Erymonocy. By Tus Rev, Watter W.<br /> Sxeat, Lrrr.D. Elrington and Bosworth Professor of<br /> Anglo-Saxon in the University of Cambridge. 7} x 52.<br /> 242 pp. Oxford: Claxendon Press. London: Frowde.<br /> 4s. Gd. n.<br /> <br /> By ArtHur Ransome. Illustrated<br /> 74 x 5. 293 pp. Stephen Swift.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHO!R.<br /> <br /> Tus AND THaT AND THE OTHER. By Hi~atre BELLO,<br /> 73x 41. 287 pp. Methuen. 5s.<br /> <br /> SeLectrD PassaGes FRoM THE Works oF BERNARD<br /> Suaw. Chosen by Cuartorre F. Smaw. 7 x 5§.<br /> 294 pp. Constable. 5s. n.<br /> <br /> Tur British Museum Reaprne Room. A Handbook for<br /> Students. By R. A. Prppin. Grafton &amp; Co., 69,<br /> Great Russell Street, W.C.<br /> <br /> Among My Booxs. Centenaries, Reviews, Memoirs. By<br /> Freprertc Harrison. 8} x 5}. 438 pp. Macmillan.<br /> 7s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Tuy Rop anp Tuy Starr. By A.C. Benson. 8 X 54.<br /> 240 pp. Smith, Elder. 6s. n.<br /> <br /> Oscar Witpr Art anp Moratrry. A Record of the<br /> Discussion which followed the publication of “ Dorian<br /> Gray.” By Srvarr Mason. 6} x 4}. 325 pp. F.<br /> Palmer. 5s. n.<br /> <br /> Dieressions. Being passages from the Works of E.<br /> Temple Thurston. Collected and arranged by BELL-<br /> WATTLE. 63 X 43. 275 pp. Chapman &amp; Hall,<br /> 3s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Menta Erricrency anp Oruer Hiyts to MEN AND<br /> Women. New Edition. 153 pp. Tae Human MAcuHrIne.<br /> New Edition. 151 pp. Liarerary Taste: How To<br /> Form Ir. New Edition. 143 pp. Tue Feast oF<br /> St. Frmenp. 98 pp. How to Live on TWENTY-FOUR<br /> Hours a Day. New Edition, with a New Preface.<br /> 139 pp. By Arnonp Bunyerr. 7} x 5. Hodder &amp;<br /> Stoughton. ls. n.<br /> <br /> Ar Prior Park AND OTHER Puaces. By Austin Dosson.<br /> 71 x 532. 305 pp. Chatto &amp; Windus. 6s.<br /> <br /> AMrscettany or Men. ByG.K.Cuusrerron. 7 X 4}.<br /> 267 pp. Methuen. 5s.<br /> <br /> MEDICAL.<br /> <br /> Tur Causes LEADING To EpucatTionaL DEAFNESS IN<br /> CHILDREN. With Special Reference to Prevention. By<br /> Mactrop YEARSLEY, F.R.C.S. Reprinted from “The<br /> Lancet.” P. §. King.<br /> <br /> NATURAL HISTORY.<br /> <br /> Nature&#039;s Caron Sincers. By R. Kearton, F.Z8.<br /> 72 x BL. 251 pp. Cassell. 3s. 6d.<br /> Tum Brrps or AusTRaLtia. By G. M. Matuews. Vol. I.<br /> 237—356 pp. Witherby.<br /> <br /> Part IIT. 14 x 10}.<br /> A Hisrory or British Mammats. By G. E. H. Barrett-<br /> Hamiton. Illustrated by E. A. Witson. Part XII.<br /> <br /> October, 1912. Gurney and Jackson. 2s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> PHILOSOPHY.<br /> <br /> Arraur JAMES BALrour AS PHILOSOPHER AND THINKER.<br /> A Collection of the more Important and Interesting<br /> Passages in his Non-Political Writings, Speeches and<br /> Addresses, 1879—1912. Selected and arranged by<br /> Wn. Snort. 9X 6. 552 pp. Longmans. 7s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Moprern Prostems. By Sir Oxtver Lopes, F-.R.S.<br /> 72 x 5. 320pp. Methuen. 5s. n.<br /> <br /> Tue UNVEILED GLORY, OR SIDELIGHTS ON THE HicHER<br /> Evo.vtion. By Tue Rey. Luraer WintuEr Caws.<br /> 7k x 5. 206 pp. J. Clarke. 2s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> PAMPHLETS.<br /> Tun Meraprysic or Mr. J. H. Brapiey. By Hastines<br /> RasHpat. (Reprinted from and published for the<br /> British Academy.) Frowde. Is. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> POETRY.<br /> <br /> A Sona or THe Eneuisu. By<br /> <br /> Illustrated by W. Heatu Rosinson.<br /> &amp;Stoughton. 6s. n.<br /> <br /> Rupyarp KIe.ine.<br /> 8 x 6. Hodder<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Batuaps or Burma. (Anecdotal and Analytical.<br /> “ Ootay.” Illustrated by J. Martin Jonzs.<br /> 116 pp. Thacker, 4s. n.<br /> <br /> Tue Sov oF 4 GaRDENER.<br /> A. C. Fifield. 2s. n.<br /> <br /> By H. Marraman.<br /> <br /> POLITICAL.<br /> <br /> Nonconrormists AND THE WetsH CuurcH BI. By<br /> J. Fovarcur Braptry. 7 x 43. 98 pp. Sir Isaac<br /> Pitman. Is. n.<br /> <br /> REPRINTS.<br /> <br /> Lirerary Geocrapny anp TRAVEL-SKETCHES.<br /> Writings of Wruam Swarr. Vol. IV.<br /> 391 pp. Heinemann. 5s. n.<br /> <br /> THe Trumpet-Mayor. 374 pp- Two on a Tower.<br /> 314 pp. 9 x 53. The Wessex Edition of the Works of<br /> Thomas Hardy. Macmillan. 7s. 6d. n. each.<br /> <br /> Tur Pocker Grorce Borrow. Passages chosen from<br /> the Works of Borrow. By E. Tuomas. 54 x 3h.<br /> 191 pp. Chatto &amp; Windus. 2s. n.<br /> <br /> Tue Lerrers or Toomas Gray. Including the Corre-<br /> spondence of Gray and Mason. Edited by Duncan C.<br /> Jovey. Vol. Ill. 74 x 43. 421 pp. (Bohn’s Libra.<br /> ries.) Bell. 3s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Tue Portican Works oF GEORGE MEREDITH. With<br /> some Notes by G. M. Trevenyan. 81 x 5}. 623 pp.<br /> Constable. 7s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Selected<br /> 72 x 54.<br /> <br /> SCIENCE.<br /> SovtH Arrican Gronoey. By Pror. E. H. L. Scnwarz.<br /> 7¢ X 5. 200 pp. Blackie.” 3s. 6d. n.<br /> Tue Work or Ratn ann Rivers, By T. G. Bonney,<br /> Se.D. 144 pp. (Cambridge Manuals of Science and<br /> Literature.) Cambridge University Press. 1s. n.<br /> <br /> SOCIOLOGY.<br /> <br /> MARRIAGE AS A TRADE. By Ciceny Hamoron.<br /> and cheaper edition.) 7 x 44,<br /> Hall, 1s. n;<br /> <br /> THE DEcuIneE or ARISTOCRACY. By A. Ponsonpy, M.P.<br /> 9 x 53. 320 pp. Fisher, Unwin. 7s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> THE SoctotogicaL VALUE OF Curistraniry. By Grorazs<br /> CuHATTERTON-Hint, Ph.D. 8? x 54. 285 pp. Black.<br /> 7s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Woman AnD Womannoop.<br /> C. W. SaLersy, M.D.<br /> 10s. n.<br /> <br /> Wuat’s Wrone wire tun Wortp.<br /> TON. Cheap New Edition.<br /> Js.n.<br /> <br /> (New<br /> 218 pp. Chapman &amp;<br /> <br /> A Search for Principles. By<br /> 83 X 54. 398pp. Heinemann.<br /> <br /> By G. K. Cuzsrer-<br /> 73 x 5. 293 pp. Cassell.<br /> <br /> THEOLOGY.<br /> <br /> THe Trutn oF Curistrantry. By Lrevr.-Cou. W. H.<br /> Turton. Eighth Edition (30th Thousand.) 630 pp.<br /> Wells, Gardner &amp; Co. 2s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> In THe Carpinat Warp. Some pages from the Journal<br /> of a Nursing Sister, By A. Attan Brockreron.<br /> 7X 5. 98 pp. Mowbray. 1s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Breranexem 0 Oriver, By Tue Rev. J. R. MILLER,<br /> D.D. The Life of Jesus Christ Mlustrated by Modern<br /> Painters. Edited by W. Snaw Sparrow. 7 x 44,<br /> 190 pp. Hodder &amp; Stoughton. 3s. 6d. :<br /> <br /> Marpiace IN Cuurcn anp Starz. By Tur Ray. T. A.<br /> Lacey. 249 pp. Robert Scott. 53. n.<br /> <br /> TOPOGRAPHY.<br /> Lercuworth (GARDEN Crry) anp Hrrcum, With Their<br /> Surroundings. By the late Groran AYLOTT AND W. P.<br /> <br /> WasteLt, F.LS. 74 x 5. 96 a PP. The Homeland<br /> Association. 25. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> 43<br /> <br /> TRAVEL.<br /> <br /> Soutn America. Observations and Impressions. By<br /> Tue Ricur Hon. James Bryce, P.C. 8i xX 53. 611 pp.<br /> Macmillan. 8s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Turncs SEEN tn Russra. By W.<br /> 6 x 4}. 260 pp. Seeley Service.<br /> <br /> Ty tue Lanp or tHe Buvur Gowii.<br /> Lirtne. 7 x 44.<br /> Is. -n.<br /> <br /> PROVENCE AND Lanauepoc. By Cxctt Heapiam. 9 x 5}.<br /> 313 pp. Methuen. 10s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> A WANDERER IN FLORENCE. By E. V. Lucas.<br /> 391 pp. Methuen. 6s.<br /> <br /> Ix Frencu Arrica. Scenes and<br /> Brruam-Epwarps. 9 x 53.<br /> Hall. 10s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> AtpivE Srupims. By W. A. B. Coorzpan.<br /> 307 pp. Longmans. 7s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> In Jesurr Lanp. The Jesuit Missions of Paraguay. By<br /> W. H. Komsrn. With an Introduction by BR. B.<br /> CUNNINGHAME GRAHAM. 9x 6, 381 pp. Stanley<br /> Paul. 12s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Monaco anp Monte Canto. By<br /> 10} x 72. 477 pp. Grant Richards. 15s. n.<br /> <br /> THe Crrres or Lomparpy. By Epwarp Hurron.<br /> Illustrations in Colour by Maxwett Armrietp. 8 x 5.<br /> 322 pp. Methuen. 6s.<br /> <br /> PicTURES FROM THE BALKANS.<br /> 7% X°5. 298 pp.<br /> <br /> Barnes STEVEN.<br /> 280 1<br /> By Mrs. Arcurpatp<br /> <br /> 240 pp. (Cheap Reprint.) Everett.<br /> <br /> 72 x 5.<br /> <br /> Memories.<br /> 324 pp.<br /> <br /> By M.<br /> Chapman &amp;<br /> <br /> or x 6.<br /> <br /> ApoLpHEe Smirn.<br /> <br /> By Jonn Fosrmr Fraser.<br /> Popular Edition. Cassell. 1s. n,<br /> I<br /> <br /> +&gt;<br /> <br /> LITERARY, DRAMATIC, AND MUSICAL<br /> NOTES.<br /> <br /> ae<br /> NDER the title “ Pelops: A Tetral-<br /> [ ogy,” Mr. Arthur Dillon is publishing,<br /> through Mr. Elkin Mathews, four<br /> plays dealing with early incidents in the<br /> mythical story of the House of Tantalus.<br /> The present revival of interest in the Greek<br /> Drama should make the subject appeal to the<br /> public, since a knowledge of such earlier<br /> history is assumed in so many of the tragedies<br /> of classical times. The rhymed couplet. is<br /> used in the dialogue throughout. The plays<br /> are, “* The Charioteers,”’ “ Chrysippus,” “ The<br /> Victors at Olympia,” and * Tantalus: A<br /> Satyric Play.” The volume is published at<br /> two prices, on antique laid paper, in boards<br /> at 3s. 6d. net, and on wove paper, in wrapper,<br /> at 1s. 6d. net.<br /> <br /> F. Bancroft’s new novel, issued on the 24th<br /> ult., by Messrs. Hutchinson &amp; Co., though it<br /> deals mainly with a phase of life in South<br /> Africa during the stormy days of the conflict<br /> between Britain and the Transvaal, is in no<br /> Sense a war story, but a study of character<br /> minutely sketched and framed in a background<br /> of South African portraiture which recalls her<br /> former work, “ Of Like Passions,’ now in an<br /> eighth edition.<br /> <br /> Miss Mary C. Rowsell’s “ Thornrose and<br /> 44<br /> <br /> Sparkbedor,” and “ Humpbacked Riquet,”’<br /> are two plays in rhyme, excellently adapted<br /> for school or indoor amateur performance.<br /> There are no fees charged in respect of either play.<br /> Messrs. Samuel French are the publishers.<br /> <br /> Miss T. Wilson Wilson published in Sep-<br /> tember, through Messrs. Stanley Paul &amp; Co.,<br /> “© 4 Modern Ahab,’ a present-day novel. In<br /> October the same writer produced a book for<br /> boys and girls entitled ‘“ Jim’s Children,”<br /> which Messrs. Blackie have published. Miss<br /> Wilson Wilson also has a story in Blackie’s<br /> Christmas Annual.<br /> <br /> Miss Amy McLaren’s novel “‘ Bawbo Jeeck,”<br /> has just appeared in a reprint in Messrs.<br /> Everett’s 7d. Library. The same writer’s<br /> ‘‘ With the Merry Austrians,’’ has just appeared<br /> in America, where Messrs. Putmans Sons<br /> publish it.<br /> <br /> Mr. R. A. Peddie has compiled, for the use<br /> of students, a handbook to The British<br /> Museum Reading Room. ‘The book is revised<br /> and enlarged from Mr. Peddie’s lecture ‘* How<br /> to use the Reading Room of the British<br /> Museum,” and contains useful information<br /> on the Library of the Museum, conditions of<br /> admission to the reading room, the general<br /> catalogue and special catalogues. There are<br /> also chapters dealing with rare and valuable<br /> books, and one devoted to the Department of<br /> Oriental Books and Manuscripts. Messrs.<br /> Grafton &amp; Co., of 69, Great Russell Street,<br /> W.C., are the publishers.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Blackie &amp; Son, Ltd., have re-issued<br /> Miss Rowsell’s story, ‘The Pedlar and His<br /> Dog.” This volume belongs to a series of<br /> “Stories Old and New,” which has been<br /> especially prepared for children. The books<br /> have been carefully chosen so as to include<br /> many stories by the best children’s authors<br /> of to-day.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Blackwoods published last month<br /> Sydney C. Grier’s new novel, “‘ One Crowded<br /> Hour,”’ which deals with Garibaldi and the<br /> adventures of an Englishman in the campaign<br /> of the two Sicilies. They have also in the<br /> press an illustrated edition of “A Young<br /> Man Married,” which deals with the Penin-<br /> sular War. It will probably be out in time for<br /> the centenary of the battle of Vittoria, next<br /> spring.<br /> <br /> Mr. Clifford King, whose poems, published<br /> by Messrs. Kegan Paul &amp; Co., have been<br /> accepted by H.M. the King, has just finished<br /> a blank verse play, in five acts, with forty<br /> speaking characters, upon a Carthago-Roman<br /> subject, and is negotiating for its London<br /> production.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> K. L. Montgomery’s new novel, “ The<br /> Gate Openers,’’ has recently been published<br /> by Messrs. John Long. The story deals with<br /> the Toll Riots of 1843 in S. Wales, where the<br /> traditions of the Rebekah rioters still linger.<br /> <br /> Lieut.-Col. W. H. Turton is bringing out<br /> this month the eighth edition of his book,<br /> ‘*The Truth of Christianity.”” The volume is<br /> now in its thirtieth thousand and was trans-<br /> lated into Japanese a few years ago. Messrs.<br /> Wells, Gardner &amp; Co. are the publishers.<br /> <br /> On October 9th, Constable &amp; Co. published<br /> a new book by Maud Diver, “ The Hero of<br /> Herat: A Frontier Biography in Romantic<br /> Form.” The book is as much a biography as<br /> a romance. The hero in question, Major<br /> Eldred Pottinger, C.B., did notable service<br /> in Afghanistan in 1838-39, and also through-<br /> out the Afghan War. Mrs. Diver’s first novel,<br /> “Captain Desmond, V.C.,” is now being<br /> translated into German. It is also running<br /> serially in a Norwegian-Danish paper.<br /> <br /> ‘“*Samphire,”’ a pot-pourri of original and<br /> humorous inconsequences or essayettes on<br /> such subjects as gardening, shops, personal<br /> relations, etc., by Lady Sybil Grant, is to be<br /> published shortly by Messrs. Stanley Paul &amp;<br /> Co. The work includes fanciful skits entitled<br /> ‘“* Shadows,’ analogues, the sources of which<br /> it is not difficult to trace.<br /> <br /> A new edition of ‘Dr. Phillips,” one of<br /> Frank Danby’s most popular novels, is to be<br /> issued immediately by Messrs. Stanley Paul &amp; Co.<br /> Although the thread of the story remains,<br /> each page has been extensively revised by the<br /> author.<br /> <br /> The romance of village life of rural England<br /> is a most interesting thing, and in some<br /> respects pathetic, because it cannot be denied<br /> that the spirit of modern progress is destroying<br /> the old face of the countryside of England.<br /> It is therefore interesting to know that<br /> Mr. J. M. Dent has in the press a work entitled<br /> “ Cottages and Village Life of Rural England,”<br /> by Mr. P. H. Ditchfield, who is known as an<br /> archeologist and antiquarian. It will contain<br /> no fewer than 52 coloured pictures and<br /> numerous line drawings by Mr. A. R. Quinton.<br /> Mr. Dent hopes to publish the book shortly.<br /> <br /> * Arabic Spain: Sidelights on Her History<br /> and Art,” by Bernard and Ellen M. Whishaw,<br /> published by Messrs. Smith, Elder &amp; Co., is<br /> an attempt to elucidate some points in the<br /> history of Southern Spain, under the Moslems,<br /> on which the existing histories throw no light,<br /> and thus to account for some features in the<br /> art and architecture of the country hitherto<br /> unexplained. The writers account historically<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 4<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 45<br /> <br /> for the undoubted Egyptian influence which<br /> is seen in a great deal of the architecture of<br /> Seville and the surrounding country. There<br /> is an index to the work, as well as genealogical<br /> tables and illustrations.<br /> <br /> Mr. Charles Garvice’s new 6s. novel, ‘* Two<br /> Maids and a Man,” appeared last month.<br /> French translations of “Just a Girl” and<br /> “The Outcast of the Family ” have appeared,<br /> whilst Spanish versions of “A Heritage of<br /> Hate,” “A Fair Impostor,” and “ Just a<br /> Girl.” Mr. Garvice is engaged to deliver<br /> his lecture-recital, ‘“ Humorists, Grave and<br /> Gay,” in Dublin, Belfast, Bradford, Hull, and<br /> other places. The Christmas numbers of<br /> Lhe Grand and The Strand will contain<br /> stories from his pen. Messrs. Hodder &amp;<br /> Stoughton announce a new and uniform<br /> edition of Mr. Garvice’s novels. The volumes<br /> will be well printed, bound in cloth, and<br /> published at 3s. 6d.<br /> <br /> In his new work, “Light on the Gospel<br /> from an Ancient Poet,” the Rev. Dr. Edwin<br /> A. Abbot aims at illustrating the Gospel by<br /> showing how the recently discovered odes of<br /> Solomon—written by a Christian J ew, and prob-<br /> ably at the close of the first century—supply<br /> a missing link between the religious poetry<br /> of Jews and Christians, not quoting or imitating<br /> but independently corroborating Pauline and<br /> Johannine teaching, about the Church as the<br /> body of the Messiah as the Son of God, and<br /> about God as revealed to man in the unity of<br /> Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Cambridge<br /> University Press publish the work.<br /> <br /> Messrs. J. M. Dent &amp; Son announce the<br /> publication of “ Aspects of Algeria : Historical,<br /> Pictorial and Colonial,” by Roy Devereux.<br /> The author’s treatment of Algeria includes her<br /> history her arts and sciences, her domestic<br /> economy, her industries, her political situa-<br /> tions. He pictures also her social life, the life<br /> of the natives, and that of the peoples living<br /> there. The text is illustrated by photographs.<br /> <br /> Mr. A. C. Fifield published’ last month a<br /> new volume of poems by H. M. Waithman,<br /> author of ‘“‘ Harvesting and Charybdis.”” The<br /> present volume is entitled “The Soul of a<br /> Gardener.” In it, every month of the gar-<br /> -dener’s year is enshrined in a cluster of poems,<br /> the work of an artist and a gardener.<br /> <br /> . Yolland’s novel, ‘‘ The Struggle for the<br /> Crown,” published by Messrs. Lynwood &amp; Co.,<br /> is a romance of the seventeenth century. In<br /> it, the author presents a picture of the life<br /> and social conditions of the time, while the<br /> narrative possesses a strong love interest.<br /> <br /> Messrs. S. Fischer, Berlin, have just pub-<br /> <br /> lished a German translation of Mr. H. H.<br /> Richardson’s novel, -‘‘ Maurice Guest.” The<br /> title of the translation is ‘‘ Maurice Guest,<br /> von Henry Handel Richardson. Authorisierte<br /> Ubersetzung von Dr. Otto Neustalter.’ It is<br /> published in two volumes.<br /> <br /> Chaucer’s Complete Works have been added<br /> this week to the Oxford Standard Authors.<br /> This is a new issue of the well-known edition<br /> edited by the late Rev. Professor W. W. Skeat.<br /> In addition to Dr. Skeat’s introduction and<br /> Chaucer’s text—756 pages—a glossarial index<br /> of 149 pages, double column, is given, at what<br /> is really a nominal price.<br /> <br /> Maude Annesley’s new book, ‘‘ My Parisian<br /> Year,” 10s. 6d., Messrs. Mills &amp; Boon, is a<br /> book on Paris written “from a woman’s<br /> point of view.” Mrs. Annesley has lived in<br /> Paris for years, and has seen many phases<br /> of its life. She deals with a good many<br /> subjects not usually touched upon in books<br /> on France, and she leaves weighty matters—<br /> such as religion, education, and polities—to<br /> other writers, preferring to describe for her<br /> English and American readers the “little<br /> things ’’ which are so interesting to the average<br /> Anglo-Saxon. There are chapters on the<br /> Frenchman, the Frenchwoman. Children, the<br /> Flineur, Concierges and Servants, Street-<br /> sellers, Students and Studios, the Demi monde,<br /> Family Functions, Theatres and Music-halls,<br /> the Races, Restaurants, Fétes and Fasts,<br /> Rows and Riots, Nerves, the Tourist, and<br /> others. Mrs. Annesley gives many interesting<br /> anecdotes, and there are descriptions of<br /> amusing and tragic incidents which the author<br /> has seen. The book is fully illustrated.<br /> <br /> “Kton in the ’Seventies,” by the Hon.<br /> Gilbert Coleridge, and published by Smith,<br /> Elder &amp; Co., gives an insight into the school<br /> life of that period. It is written from a<br /> healthy and optimistic point of view, and<br /> contains many stories and episodes character-<br /> istic of the schoolboy which the author has<br /> collected. Earl Curzon of Kedleston and Mr.<br /> A. C. Benson contribute accounts of the<br /> literary movement in that decade, and there<br /> is much valuable and interesting matter added<br /> by the Rev. and Hon. Edward Lyttelton,<br /> the present Headmaster, and Mr. Basil<br /> Thomson, the author of “ The Diversions of<br /> a’ Prime Minister.’ There is much in the<br /> book which should interest other than Etonians.<br /> <br /> Messrs. A. &amp; C. Black have issued in their<br /> “Peeps at many Lands” Series a booklet<br /> on Java by Mr. J. F. Scheltema, which will<br /> be followed, before the end of the year, by a<br /> richly illustrated volume from his hand, but<br /> 46 THE AUTAOR.<br /> <br /> appealing to a different class of readers, on<br /> the ancient monuments in the same island, to<br /> be published by Messrs. Macmillan &amp; Co.<br /> The October number of the Ouaford and<br /> Cambridge Review had a paper by Mr. J. F.<br /> Scheltema on “ Constantinople and the Holy<br /> Cities of Islam,” while other articles he has<br /> written will shortly appear in The Antiquary,<br /> The Englishwoman, The Dublin Review, and<br /> The Asiatic Quarterly Review.<br /> <br /> Miss Alice E. Robbins’ new novel, “ Things<br /> That Pass,” has just been published by Mr.<br /> Andrew Melrose.<br /> <br /> Mr. Headon Hill’s recent novel, “‘ My Lord<br /> the Felon,”’ has been translated into Swedish,<br /> and is published at Stockholm by the Aktie-<br /> bolaget Hiertas Bokforlag.<br /> <br /> Mrs. Fred Reynolds’ new work, entitled<br /> “Letters to a Prison,” was published by<br /> Messrs. Chapman &amp; Hall last month, when<br /> the same house issued also “The City of<br /> Beautiful Nonsense,” in their uniform 2s.<br /> net edition of Mr. E. Temple Thurston’s<br /> works.<br /> <br /> Anne Douglas Sedgwick, author of “* Tante,”<br /> “Franklin Kane,” and other novels, is pub-<br /> lishing, through Mr. Edward Arnold, a volume<br /> of short. stories.<br /> <br /> His Majesty the King has been graciously<br /> pleased to accept a copy of “Life in the<br /> Indian Police,” by C. E. Gouldsbury (late<br /> Indian Police). The book is published by<br /> Messrs. Chapman &amp; Hall.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Wickins &amp; Co. are shortly pub-<br /> lishing a book of “‘ Motto Action Songs ” for<br /> Children, by E. Budgen. The words are<br /> based on well-known proverbs; the music<br /> includes three waltzes, two gavottes, and one<br /> march; and the actions are either simple,<br /> or with tambourines, handkerchiefs or fans.<br /> <br /> Miss May Crommelin’s new book, ‘“ The<br /> Golden Bow,” has just been brought out by<br /> Messrs. Holden &amp; Hardingham. The scene<br /> is laid in Ulster; but it is, nevertheless, free<br /> from reference to the strong political feelings<br /> lately aroused there, being a novel dealing<br /> with the development of mind and purpose<br /> in a young girl early tried by heavy responsi-<br /> bilities and by a love affair whilst still in her<br /> teens. Miss Crommelin’s ‘‘ Crimson Lilies ”’<br /> has been reproduced by Mr. John Long, in a<br /> 6d. edition.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Wildt &amp; Kray (Willesden) are<br /> bringing out a series of small Christmas gift<br /> books at 6d., each of which contains a long<br /> poem by Miss H. M. Burnside. One of these,<br /> entitled ‘“‘ Friends Afar,” is specially designed<br /> for sending to Colonial friends. Another little<br /> <br /> book of a similar kind is published by Messrs.<br /> William Ritchie, of Edinburgh.<br /> <br /> “ Littledom Castle,” by Mrs. M. H.<br /> Spielmann, has run into its third edition, and<br /> is being issued by Messrs. Routledge at a<br /> reduced price, with all the original illustrations<br /> by Phil May, Kate Greenaway, Mr. Hugh<br /> Thomson, Mr. Arthur Rackham, Mr. Harry<br /> Furniss, Miss Rosie Pitman, and Miss Jessie<br /> King.<br /> <br /> “South America” will not for long be<br /> among the few countries unrepresented in<br /> Black’s series of Colour-Books. A volume has<br /> been written by Mr. W. H. Koebel, and<br /> illustrated by Mr. A. S. Forrest, which will<br /> be published immediately. The subject is<br /> vast and complex, but Mr. Koebel is a well-<br /> known authority on matters South American,<br /> and he has described the Republics of the<br /> Continent topographically, historically, and,<br /> to a certain extent, socially.<br /> <br /> G. P. Putnam’s Sons announce a new<br /> story by Florence L. Barclay, the author of<br /> “The Rosary.” Itisentitled ** The Upas Tree,”<br /> and was published at the end of October at<br /> 3s. Gd. net. There is a coloured frontispiece,<br /> drawn by Mr. F. H. Townsend, the well-<br /> known Punch artist. ‘‘ The Upas Tree” is<br /> described as a love story with a musical<br /> interest, and contains stronger scenes than any<br /> Mrs. Barclay has treated before. She tells<br /> in the last chapter of a happy home-coming<br /> at Christmas time.<br /> <br /> ‘The Thought in Music: an Enquiry into<br /> the Principles of Musical Rhythm, Phrasing,<br /> and Expression,” is the title of a book issued<br /> by Messrs. Macmillan &amp; Co. Its author is<br /> Mr. John B. McEwen, Professor of Musical<br /> Composition in the Royal Academy of Music,<br /> and it may be further described as an attempt<br /> to formulate a definite basis on which the<br /> musical facts underlying the principles of shape<br /> in musical structure may be correlated and<br /> codified.<br /> <br /> Sir Frederic W. Hewitt has prepared a new<br /> edition of his well-known work, “* Anesthetics<br /> and their Administration,’’ with the assistance<br /> of Dr. Henry Robinson, Anesthetist to the<br /> Samaritan Hospital and to the Cancer Hospital.<br /> Since the publication of the last edition,<br /> extraordinary changes have taken place in<br /> this branch of medical science, so that large<br /> sections of the book have had to be completely<br /> rewritten. An entirely new chapter on local<br /> or regional anesthesia, and another on_ the<br /> medico-legal aspects of surgical anesthesia in<br /> general, have been added. The book was pub-<br /> lished in October by Messrs. Macmillan &amp; Co.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 47<br /> <br /> Mr. Cayley Calvert, in “ Brighton and Hove<br /> Society,” has an article dealing with, and<br /> traversing, Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence’s<br /> views on the Bacon-Shakespeare controversy.<br /> Mr. Calvert deals with the statement that<br /> Shakespeare was unable to write his own name,<br /> and also with the allegation of his “ illiteracy.”<br /> Finally, Mr. Calvert seeks to show that the<br /> mastery of stage technique which the plays<br /> denote could not be gained by a life spent in<br /> the legal and parliamentary circles, in which<br /> the author of “The Advancement of Learning ”’<br /> moved.<br /> <br /> Mr. Alex. J. Philip has in preparation ‘‘ The<br /> Library Encyclopedia,’ to be published on<br /> December 31st. It will contain some 700<br /> pages, and will be illustrated wherever it is<br /> considered necessary. The matters it will<br /> deal with will include library administration,<br /> book purchasing, library history, library plans<br /> and buildings, classification, cataloguing,<br /> office work and routine. Various contributory<br /> branches of knowledge will be included, such<br /> as binding paper, the preservation of records,<br /> museum works, practical printing, bibliography,<br /> and all the numerous subjects either directly<br /> or indirectly connected with work in public,<br /> proprietary, and private libraries and museums.<br /> Messrs. Stanley Paul &amp; Co. are to publish<br /> the Encyclopedia.<br /> <br /> In “Five Years on a Training Ship,” by<br /> J.D. Bush and E. T. Miller, is given a faithful<br /> picture, in the form of a story, of the conditions<br /> under which hundreds of poor boys are dis-<br /> ciplined, trained and educated for the training<br /> ship life. One of the authors, Dr. Bush,<br /> spent several years on board the vessel, a<br /> Scottish training ship, coming in daily contact<br /> with the boys, whom he had exceptional<br /> opportunities of observing closely. The book<br /> is illustrated by Savile Lumley.<br /> <br /> A shilling edition of “The Truth about<br /> Man,” by a Spinster, has recently been<br /> issued. Originally published in The Lady’s<br /> Realm, and afterwards in M. A. P., it has<br /> already passed through two editions in book<br /> form. The present edition has been thoroughly<br /> revised.<br /> <br /> “In Praise of Australia,” by Florence Gay,<br /> forms one of Messrs. Constable’s “‘ Ini Praise of<br /> Series.”” The volume is divided into three<br /> parts. The earlier pages are devoted to a<br /> sketch of Australia’s story. These are followed<br /> by references to the black man, while the white<br /> man and his environment are dealt with<br /> towards the conclusion of the volume.<br /> <br /> Miss Edith EK. Kenyon’s new novel “ The<br /> Wooing of Mifarnoy: A Welsh Love Story,”<br /> <br /> was published last month by Messrs. Holden<br /> &amp; Hardingham.<br /> <br /> * Written in the Sand,” by G. B. Duval,<br /> is aromance of Sahara. Woven into the story<br /> are pictures of desert life and sketches of<br /> desert scenery. Mr. W. J. Ham-Smith is the<br /> publisher.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Mills &amp; Boon will publish another<br /> novel by Mary L. Pendered, next spring,<br /> entitled ‘‘ Phyllida Flouts Me!’ The same<br /> author’s “That Daisy the Minx,” is now in a<br /> 1s. edition.<br /> <br /> The Religious Tract Society are issuing a<br /> new historical story by Helen H. Watson. It<br /> is called “ When the King came South,” and<br /> has to do with the Battle of Worcester. The<br /> scene is laid for the most part in the neigh-<br /> bourhood of Warton and Borwick Hall,<br /> Lancashire.<br /> <br /> Esme Stuart has had the honour of sending<br /> her new child’s book, “‘ Two Troubadours,” by<br /> request, to H.M. The Queen. The book is<br /> well illustrated, and will, it is hoped, prove<br /> an acceptable Christmas gift to children.<br /> <br /> “ The Snarer,” by Brown Linnet, published<br /> by Mr. John Murray, deals with a woman<br /> poacher. The book opens with the return<br /> of the woman, after a term of imprisonment,<br /> to the village in which her life has been<br /> spent. Apparently, she has decided to<br /> abandon her previous pursuits, and succeeds<br /> in engaging the interest of various powers in<br /> the village in her reformation. How far the<br /> reformation is genuine readers may gather<br /> from the chronicle of her escapades which the<br /> book contains.<br /> <br /> DRraMATIC.<br /> <br /> “Westward Ho!”, a romantic drama in<br /> four acts, was produced by Mr. Matheson<br /> Lang at His Majesty’s Theatre, Johannesburg,<br /> on September 28th. It is written by Miss Pegg<br /> Webling, the author of ‘‘ The Story of Virginia<br /> Perfect,” ‘‘ Felix Christie,’ and other novels.<br /> Founded on Charles Kingsley’s classic of the<br /> sea, the latest Elizabethan play is imbued<br /> with the spirit of the stirring times of Fro-<br /> bisher, Hawkins and Drake. The principal<br /> characters of the famous novel—Amyas and<br /> Frank Leigh, the Rose of Torridge, Don<br /> Guzman de Soto, Salvation Yeo—are intro-<br /> duced into the play, but many changes have<br /> necessarily been made in the story. The<br /> second act takes place in old Burrough Hall,<br /> the home of the Leighs of Devon, in striking<br /> contrast to another of the beautiful stage<br /> <br /> <br /> 48<br /> <br /> an isle in the West Indies—and the<br /> curtain rises, for the last scene, on a realistic<br /> representation of the deck of Amyas’s ship,<br /> homeward bound. The part of Amyas Leigh<br /> was written by Miss Webling for Mr. Matheson<br /> Lang, and that of Ayacanora for his wife, Miss<br /> Hutin Britton.<br /> <br /> “ Words,” the new play by Kitty Barne,<br /> author of “‘ To-morrow,” will be produced at<br /> the Royal Court Theatre on November 29th,<br /> by an amateur company. :<br /> <br /> Mr. Charles Howett, the South African<br /> actor-manager who arrived here a few weeks<br /> ago, witnessed, and has secured, Mr. Forbes<br /> Dawson’s play, ‘“ Triumph of the Blind,” for<br /> production in Johannesburg shortly. He has<br /> also secured the same author’s ‘‘ Glorie Aston,<br /> The Female Convict,” which was produced<br /> in the provinces a few years back, as well as<br /> “Cherry Hall,” a society drama, originally<br /> staged at the Avenue—now the Playhouse—<br /> and ‘ The Man from Ceylon,” a three-act farce<br /> which ran in the Colonies.<br /> <br /> Mrs. Percy Dearmer is at present engaged in<br /> the production of ‘ The Dreamer,” a poetic<br /> drama of Joseph in Egypt. The play has<br /> already been published by Messrs. Mowbray &amp;<br /> Co. Music has been composed expressly for<br /> this play by Mr. Martin Shaw, who will<br /> conduct the orchestra. The play will be<br /> produced at King’s Hall, Covent Garden, on<br /> November 29, December 6, 18, and 20, in the<br /> evening, and on November 30, December 7,<br /> 14 and 21, in the afternoon, by the Morality<br /> Play Society. Tickets may be booked now<br /> from the Hon. Secretary, Miss Bartlett, 57,<br /> Fellows Road, N.W. Mr. Arthur Wontner will<br /> be in the leading part, and will be supported<br /> by Mr. Guy Rathbone, Mr. Acton Bond;<br /> Miss Lilian Braithwaite and Miss Margaret<br /> Halstan will play the only two women’s parts<br /> inthe play. The scenic effects will be arranged<br /> by Mr. George E. Kruger. The performers will<br /> number some hundred and _ thirty people.<br /> The play is on the same lines as “ The Soul<br /> of the World,” which was produced at the<br /> Imperial Institute a short time ago.<br /> <br /> pictures—<br /> <br /> ——<br /> <br /> PARIS NOTES.<br /> <br /> —+~&gt; +<br /> <br /> HERE is still a dearth of really good,<br /> strong novels. In consequence of this,<br /> <br /> __ everyone has turned to the stories of<br /> real life to be found in the various memoirs and<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> biographies offered to us. At present the pub-<br /> lishers are bewildered by the numberless<br /> manuscripts they receive from people who<br /> imagine that their exploits or ideas cannot fail<br /> to interest the public. There are volumes and<br /> volumes now being published which will prob-<br /> ably only charm the writers of them, and, in<br /> the meantime, we are all hoping that the<br /> forthcoming publishing season may reveal<br /> to us some hidden genius who will supply<br /> us with strong, entrancing novels.<br /> <br /> M. J. H. Rosny, ainé, whose books are always<br /> worth reading, promises us a series of novels,<br /> and gives us the first, entitled ‘‘ Les Rafales.”<br /> The rafales, or squalls, which are constantly<br /> disturbing the tranquillity of the Lérande<br /> family, are all due to the fact that the head of<br /> the little household, Antoine Lérande, is an<br /> absolutely unpractical man with wonderful<br /> ideas. In his efforts to carry out his ideas he<br /> uses his own and his wife’s fortune. The story<br /> is well told and is infinitely pathetic; the<br /> heroic struggle of the wife and mother to keep<br /> her little home together, the education of the<br /> children, accustomed from their earliest infancy<br /> to all the inconveniences of the constant storms<br /> caused by the demands of creditors, or the<br /> exasperation of unpaid domestics, are so many<br /> chapters taken from real life. The author has<br /> not needed to go abroad in search of a<br /> background for his story, nor has he had<br /> to invent a far-fetched plot. He has simply<br /> thought out a picture of life and painted it<br /> for us.<br /> <br /> The Baron de Batz gives us another book<br /> compiled from the archives of his family.<br /> Some little time ago he supplied us with the<br /> true story of his celebrated ancestor, Baron<br /> Jean de Batz, who, almost single-handed,<br /> attempted to rescue Louis XVI., who was<br /> being conducted to the scaffold. In ** Vers<br /> Viichafaud ” he now tells us of another of his<br /> ancestors, his grandfather, Jean Francois de<br /> Montegut, Councillor of the Parliament of<br /> Toulouse, who, together with his son and a<br /> number of other councillors, was condemned<br /> to death by Robespierre and Fouquier-<br /> Tinville. The story is extremely pathetic.<br /> Jean Francois de Montegut came of a culti-<br /> vated, intellectual family. His mother was a<br /> most refined woman and a_ poetess. The<br /> author of this volume draws attention to the<br /> extraordinary attitude of these victims of the<br /> Revolution, and to the facility with which a<br /> whole nation allows itself to be influenced and<br /> follows blindly a small minority of leaders.<br /> In this same volume are two other historical<br /> studies.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> “&gt;<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ix}<br /> i<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 49<br /> <br /> “T’Ame des Enfants, des Pays et des<br /> Saints” is the title of the latest volume by<br /> Lucie Félix-Faure Goyau. The book contains<br /> a series of delicate and exquisite studies on<br /> widely different subjects. The first part is<br /> entitled, Le Reflet des Choses dans l Ame des<br /> Enfants, and among the things reflected in the<br /> soul of the child, we have the fairies’ tree, the<br /> swan, the ideal house, old people, clocks, the<br /> fear of darkness, sea birds, ete. Several<br /> chapters are devoted to Pascal’s childhood,<br /> and from this study we have an excellent idea<br /> of the Pascal family. The second part of the<br /> book is entitled Le Reflet des Ames sur la figure<br /> des choses: La Phystonomie des Pays, and a<br /> large part of this is devoted to Fromentin,<br /> the celebrated French artist. In the third<br /> division of the book we have Le Reflet des Ames<br /> <br /> sur les Ames: Ame des Saints. Among the<br /> subjects treated are the disciples of Socrates<br /> and the Apostles of Christ, Monica and<br /> St. Augustin, St. Catherine of Ricci, St.<br /> Catherine of Génes, St. Theresa. The subjects<br /> are all delicate and are delicately handled.<br /> In these days of materialism, and of such an<br /> alarming output of commonplace publica-<br /> tions, a volume of this kind will be weleomed<br /> by many readers. “Mes Souvenirs depuis<br /> la Guerre (1870—1901),” by General Zurlinden,<br /> the ex-Minister of War, is a book written<br /> by a man well qualified to speak on the<br /> subjects he touches. He tells us of the<br /> situation after the war, and of his experi-<br /> ences as Military Governor of Paris. The<br /> volume is extremely instructive, coming as<br /> it does from the man most able to write on<br /> such things.<br /> <br /> ““Le Suicide,” is the title of the sixteenth<br /> volume of “L’Empire Libéral,” by Emile<br /> Ollivier. The subjects treated are: Le Pre-<br /> muer Acte, Woerth, Forbach, and Renversement<br /> du Ministire. They are handled in the same<br /> conscientious manner as those of the other<br /> fifteen volumes of this important historical<br /> work. “ La Politique Indigéne de l’Angleterre<br /> en Afrique occidentale,” by M. E. Baillaud,<br /> will be interesting for English readers. The<br /> author has lived for some time in the country<br /> about which he writes.<br /> <br /> “ La Russie Moderne, by Grégoire Alexinsky,<br /> formerly member of the Douma, has been<br /> translated by Madame Lavadsky.<br /> <br /> “Essai sur la Littérature Chinoise,”’ by<br /> Georges Soulié, is an attempt to familiarise<br /> us with the literature of a country about<br /> which we know comparatively little.<br /> <br /> “La Vie d’un Heros: Agrippa d’Aubigné,”<br /> is a biography that cannot fail to interest all<br /> <br /> readers, so curious and remarkable was the<br /> personality of this man. M. S. Rocheblave<br /> has rendered a great service in giving us so<br /> concise an account of a man whose life was a<br /> veritable romance.<br /> <br /> “ Marietta Alboni,” by Arthur Pougin, is<br /> a biography of the celebrated singer and<br /> charming Italian woman who made her home<br /> in Paris and left her fortune to found small<br /> scholarships for students attending the free<br /> classes organised by the City of Paris, and<br /> beds in one of the hospitals. Her husband,<br /> M. Charles Zieger, formerly captain in the<br /> French army, has supplied M. Pougin with<br /> most of the material] for this volume.<br /> <br /> A new edition, with a great amount of<br /> additional matter, of “La Géographie<br /> Humaine,” by Jean Brunhes, has just been<br /> issued. M. Jean Brunhes has now a chair of<br /> Human Geography at the College of France.<br /> His book is most remarkable, and he has been<br /> awarded the Halphen prize of the French<br /> Academy and the Gold Medal of the Geo-<br /> graphical Society of Paris for it. The present<br /> volume contains 272 illustrations.<br /> <br /> A book entitled “La Lutte preventive<br /> contre la Misére,” by Sidney and Beatrice<br /> Webb, has been translated by H. La Coudriac.<br /> <br /> The death of Alphense Lemerre will be re-<br /> gretted by the poets, as he was one of the<br /> rare publishers willing to consider their<br /> manuscripts. Sully Prudhomme, Francois<br /> Coppée, and numbers of other poets were<br /> discovered by Alphonse Lemerre. Fortunately<br /> his son keeps up the tradition of the firm and<br /> has published just recently, ‘‘ Les Oases,” by<br /> Charles. Clere, the poet who was awarded the<br /> Sully Prudhomme Prize for 1912.<br /> <br /> Perhaps one of the reasons of the dearth of<br /> novelists is the over-abundance of so-called<br /> dramatic authors at present. Very few of<br /> the new plays are really a success, so that the<br /> public has the opportunity of seeing plenty of<br /> variety, thanks to the frequent change of the<br /> bill.<br /> <br /> The programme of the season at the Odéon<br /> has a number of unknown names, as M.<br /> Antoine keeps up his reputation for endeavour-<br /> ing to discover hidden talent. M. Porel is<br /> organising a series of matinées at the theatre<br /> of the Jardin d’Acclimatation, which will no<br /> doubt attract the English and American<br /> colonies this winter. The prices are very<br /> moderate and the plays good ones. The<br /> theatrical event of the moment is Paul<br /> Hervieu’s play at the Francais. The Athénée<br /> had such success last season with ‘‘ Le Coeur<br /> Dispose,” that it has gone back to it, and the<br /> 50<br /> <br /> public is waiting impatiently for the new play<br /> that has been announced to take its place.<br /> Auys Hatrarp.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> « Les Rafales ” (Plon).<br /> “Vers PEchafaud” (Calmann Levy).<br /> <br /> «t?Ame des Enfants, des Pays et des Saints”<br /> (Perrin).<br /> “Mes Souvenirs depuis la Guerre (1870—1901) ”<br /> (Perrin).<br /> <br /> “ Le Suicide” (Garnier).<br /> <br /> “Ta Politique Indigtne de TAngleterre en Afrique<br /> occidentale” (Hachette).<br /> <br /> “La Russie Moderne ” (Flammarion).<br /> <br /> « Bgsai surla Littérature Chinoise” (Mercure de France).<br /> <br /> La Vie d’un Heros: Agrippa d’Aubigné” (Hachette).<br /> <br /> ‘«* Marietta Alboni”’ (Plon).<br /> <br /> “La Géographie Humaine ”’ (Felix Alcan).<br /> <br /> “La Lutte preventive contre la Mistre” (Giard et<br /> Britre).<br /> <br /> ————_+—&gt;—_+—__—_—_<br /> <br /> THE ACCESSION OF HOLLAND TO THE<br /> BERNE CONVENTION.<br /> <br /> —+-~&lt; +<br /> <br /> TINUE accession of Holland to the Berne<br /> Convention for the Protection of<br /> Literary and Artistic Works, makes<br /> <br /> complete the accord of the nations of Western<br /> <br /> Europe. The Act of the Dutch Parliament<br /> <br /> effecting this highly desirable result has<br /> <br /> already passed. It is to come into force as<br /> soon as it is proclaimed ; and as proclamation<br /> is anticipated on November 11th, a Western<br /> <br /> Europe united in accord regarding intellectual<br /> <br /> rights will be, within a few days, a fait accompli.<br /> <br /> The actual number of new adherents to the<br /> <br /> Berne Convention will not be very large. The<br /> <br /> population of Holland is a little under six<br /> <br /> millions. That of the Colonies, situated<br /> principally in the East Indies, is considerably<br /> <br /> greater—about 88,000,000—but of these a<br /> <br /> very large proportion are natives, speaking<br /> <br /> languages other than Dutch. If the numeri-<br /> cal significance of the new accession is thus<br /> small, its moral significance is, nevertheless,<br /> very great ; for of the European nations there<br /> now remain outside the Union those only that<br /> occupy the eastern portion of the continent,<br /> whose claim to figure among the intellectual<br /> leaders of the world may be, perhaps, best left<br /> to be decided by themselves. It is hardly<br /> necessary to say that the two of the greatest<br /> importance are Austria and Russia. The<br /> adherence of Austria is much to be desired ;<br /> that of Russia—notwithstanding recent steps<br /> in the right direction—appears to be still some<br /> way off.<br /> <br /> The occasion of Holland’s long reluctance<br /> to enter the great solidarity of brain workers<br /> represented by the Copyright Union is the<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> oceasion of Russia’s reluctance as well as of<br /> that of Austria—and, we may add, that of the<br /> United States. It is not possible for any one<br /> who has watched the history of the Berne<br /> Convention, and the arguments alleged by<br /> those unwilling to join it, not to have observed<br /> the fact that all hesitations to accede amount<br /> to one and the same thing; namely, that<br /> attitude of mind so long ago quite shamelessly<br /> avowed by Diogenes the Cynic, in his reply to<br /> the question, which wine he liked best:<br /> “That,” he asserted, ‘‘ for which some one else<br /> pays.” Again and again this, and this only,<br /> has been the excuse pleaded for remaining<br /> outside the Convention: “It is our interest to<br /> be able to translate ’—“‘ to reprint ” is what<br /> is said on the other side of the Atlantie—<br /> “without paying the author.” This desire<br /> to pick other people’s brains without offering<br /> any money equivalent, disgraceful in the case<br /> of countries such as the United States, Russia,<br /> and Austria (which last, however, it is fair to<br /> add, is the least offender, for Austria has<br /> made independent copyright treaties with<br /> many countries) was by far less gross in the<br /> case of States such as Denmark and Holland,<br /> whose languages have a limited extension,<br /> and whose literatures a correspondingly<br /> restricted sale. Since, however, these have<br /> come into a line with civilisation, the position<br /> of the outsiders becomes positively unpardon-<br /> able.<br /> <br /> The new law, in virtue of which Holland<br /> accedes, is short; and we give here a translation<br /> of the whole, omitting only the formal title<br /> and the signatures.<br /> <br /> “ ArticLE 1.<br /> <br /> ‘We reserve to ourselves the power to join, for the<br /> Netherlands and their Colonies, the revised Berne Con-<br /> vention for the Protection of Artistic and Literary Works,<br /> concluded at Berlin on the 13th of November, 1908,<br /> between Belgium, Denmark, the German Empire, France,<br /> Great Britain and Ireland, Italy, Japan, Liberia, Luxem-<br /> burg, Monaco, Norway, Spain, Tunis, Sweden and<br /> Switzerland, of which a copy is attached to this law.<br /> <br /> “ ARTICLE 2.<br /> <br /> “ On our joining the Convention we shall avail ourselves<br /> of the liberty afforded by the second sentence of the third<br /> part of the 25th Article of the Convention concluded at<br /> Berlin on the 13th of November, 1908, in this sense, that<br /> the 8th Article of the said Convention shall be replaced<br /> by the 5th article of the Convention concluded at Berne<br /> on the 9th of September, 1886, as that Article is modified<br /> by Article 1, paragraph IIT. of the Additional Act of Paris,<br /> of the 4th of May, 1896; of which a copy is attached to<br /> this law ;<br /> <br /> “that Article 9 shall be replaced by Article 7 of the<br /> Berne Convention, as that Article is modified by Article 1,<br /> paragraph IV. of the Additional Act of Paris; of which<br /> a copy is attached to this law:<br /> <br /> “that Article 11, second clause, shall be replaced by<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 51<br /> <br /> Article 9, second section, of the Berne Convention; of<br /> which a copy is attached to this law.<br /> “ ARTICLE 3.<br /> <br /> “We reserve to ourselves the power to conclude with<br /> the Powers, which shall not have confirmed the Convention<br /> concluded at Berlin on the 13th of November, 1908, or<br /> shall not have adhered to it, for the Netherlands, and for<br /> their Colonies, treaties within the bounds of that Con-<br /> vention; observing always the reservations mentioned<br /> in the second Article of this law.<br /> <br /> “* ARTICLE 4,<br /> <br /> “ This law comes into force on the day of its proclama-<br /> tion.”<br /> <br /> Attached to the law, in accordance<br /> with its terms, are—the full text of the<br /> International Convention, signed at Berlin<br /> on November 138th, 1908 ;* the Articles 5 and<br /> 7 of the Convention, signed at Berne on<br /> September 9th, 1886, as they are modified by<br /> the additional Act of Paris of May 4th, 1896;<br /> and Article 9 of the Berne Convention.<br /> <br /> One term in the law may seem to some of<br /> our readers to need an explanation. It will<br /> have been noted that ‘‘ Holland ” is nowhere<br /> mentioned but ‘‘ The Netherlands.” When on<br /> June 7th, 1815, the great powers remade the<br /> political map of Europe, what are now known<br /> as Holland and Belgium were by them<br /> constituted “The Kingdom of the Nether-<br /> lands.” In 1830 a revolution separated<br /> Belgium from Holland; but the latter has<br /> always retained the official designation<br /> invented in 1815.<br /> <br /> It is of importance to observe what will be<br /> the precise effect of the reservations made by<br /> the new Dutch law in accordance with the<br /> liberty afforded by the second sentence of the<br /> third part of Article 25 of the Berlin Conven-<br /> tion. The article regards “ The accession of<br /> other countries,” allowing them, instead of<br /> “ full adhesion,” to “‘ indicate such provisions<br /> of the Convention of September 9th, 1886,<br /> or of the Additional Act of May 4th, 1896,<br /> as it may be judged necessary to substitute,<br /> provisionally at least, for the corresponding<br /> provisions of the present Convention.”<br /> <br /> The Dutch reservations are in number three,<br /> affecting Articles 8, 9, and 11 of the Berlin<br /> Convention.<br /> <br /> Article 8, is that which rules the copyright<br /> of translations. It gives authors exclusive<br /> right of translation for the whole term of copy-<br /> right. ‘‘ Authors of unpublished works within<br /> the jurisdiction of one of the countries of the<br /> Union, and authors of works published for the<br /> first time in one of these countries, enjoy in<br /> <br /> * A full translation of the Revised Berne Convention,<br /> concluded at Berlin in 1908, was printed in The Author<br /> for January, 1909.<br /> <br /> the other countries of the Union during the<br /> whole term of the right in the original work<br /> the exclusive right to make or to authorise the<br /> translation of their works.”<br /> <br /> For this the new law substitutes :<br /> <br /> “ The first paragraph of Article 5 shall run<br /> as follows :—<br /> <br /> “Authors belonging to any one of the<br /> countries of the Union, or their lawful repre-<br /> sentatives, shall enjoy in the other countries<br /> the exclusive right of making or authorising<br /> the translation of their works during the<br /> entire period of their right over the original<br /> work. Nevertheless, the exclusive right of<br /> translation shall cease to exist if the author<br /> shall not have availed himself of it, during a<br /> period of ten years from the date of the first<br /> publication of the original work, by publishing<br /> or causing to be published in one of the<br /> countries of the Union a translation in the<br /> language for which protection is to be claimed.”<br /> (Additional Act of Paris, Article 5).<br /> <br /> Article 9 of the Berlin Convention regards<br /> the publication of serial novels in periodicals<br /> and of newspaper articles.<br /> <br /> Its provisions are—<br /> <br /> *“ Serial stories (romans feuilletons), novels<br /> and all other works, whether literary, scientific<br /> or artistic, whatsoever be their subject,<br /> published in newspapers or periodicals of one<br /> of the countries of the Union, may not be<br /> reproduced in the other countries without the<br /> consent of the authors.<br /> <br /> ** With the exception of serial stories (romans<br /> feuilletons) and of novels, any newspaper<br /> article may be reproduced by another news-<br /> paper if reproduction has not been expressly<br /> forbidden. The source, however, must be<br /> indicated. The confirmation of this obligation<br /> shall be determined by the legislation of the<br /> country where protection is claimed.<br /> <br /> ‘The protection of the present Convention<br /> does not apply to news of the day nor to<br /> miscellaneous news having the character:<br /> merely of press information.”<br /> <br /> For this the new Dutch law substitutes—<br /> <br /> “ Article 7 shall run as follows :—<br /> <br /> ** Serial stories, including tales, published<br /> in the newspapers or periodicals of one of the<br /> countries of the Union, may not be reproduced,<br /> in original or translation, in the other countries,<br /> without the sanction of the authors or of their<br /> legal representatives.<br /> <br /> “This stipulation shall apply equally to<br /> other articles in newspapers or periodicals,<br /> when the authors or editors shall have expressly<br /> declared in the newspaper or periodical itself<br /> in which they shall have been published, that<br /> <br /> <br /> 52<br /> <br /> the right of reproduction is prohibited. In<br /> the case of periodicals it shall suffice if such<br /> prohibition be indicated in general terms at<br /> the beginning of each number.<br /> <br /> “In the absence of prohibition, such articles<br /> may be reproduced on condition that the<br /> source is acknowledged.<br /> <br /> “Tn any case the prohibition shall not apply<br /> to articles on political questions, to the news<br /> of the day, or to miscellaneous information.”<br /> (Additional Act of Paris, Article 7).<br /> <br /> Article 11, second clause, of the Berlin<br /> Convention, regards representation of transla-<br /> tions of dramatic works, and provides<br /> <br /> “ Authors of dramatic or dramatico-musical<br /> works are protected, during the term of their<br /> copyright in the original work, against the<br /> unauthorised public representation of a transla-<br /> tion of their works.”<br /> <br /> For this the new Dutch law substitutes<br /> <br /> ‘“* Authors of dramatic or dramatico-musical<br /> works, or their lawful representatives, are,<br /> during the existence of their exclusive right of<br /> translation, equally protected against the<br /> unauthorised public representation of their<br /> works.” (Berne Convention, Article 9).<br /> <br /> It will be immediately perceived that all<br /> the restrictions regard, in one form or another,<br /> the rights of translation, which the Dutch are<br /> still indisposed to understand in the liberal<br /> terms of the Berlin Convention. If this is<br /> to be regretted, and it seems to us regrettable,<br /> the Dutch may yet honestly plead that they<br /> are giving as much as the foremost nations,<br /> for many years, considered it sufficient to give.<br /> <br /> Authors will be, naturally, asking themselves<br /> what Dutch rights are likely to be worth. At<br /> first sight any one who has been in Holland,<br /> and has seen the translations of English popular<br /> novels teeming in the Dutch daily papers might<br /> suppose Dutch rights likely to represent a good<br /> deal. It is, however, by far more probable<br /> that they will amount to something, but not<br /> to very much. There will remain for some<br /> time at the disposal of the Dutch translator<br /> the enormous number of English works that<br /> were published more than ten years ago and<br /> are not yet translated; but, in addition to<br /> this, it is most important to remember that<br /> comparatively few people read Dutch. There<br /> is no world-wide public such as exists for French<br /> and German. Every educated Dutchman<br /> reads French; and this cannot be without<br /> effect upon the demand for Dutch translations ;<br /> whilst the sale of Dutch books also represents<br /> a limited market. English authors have<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> already learned that it is not possible to secure<br /> any very large sum for German rights; and<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> a considerably smaller honorarium must be<br /> anticipated for the right of translation into<br /> Dutch.<br /> <br /> i<br /> <br /> UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT ACT.<br /> oe<br /> <br /> [Norge.—The new matter in this amendatory Act is<br /> printed in italics. ]<br /> <br /> An Acr to amend sections five, eleven, and<br /> twenty-five of an Act entitled “ An Act<br /> to amend and consolidate the Acts respect-<br /> ing copyrights,” approved March fourth,<br /> nineteen hundred and nine.<br /> <br /> Be it enacted by the Senate and House of<br /> Representatives of the United States of America<br /> in Congress assembled, That sections five,<br /> eleven, and twenty-five of the Act entitled<br /> “An Act to amend and consolidate the Acts<br /> respecting copyrights,” approved March fourth,<br /> nineteen hundred and nine, be amended to<br /> read as follows :<br /> <br /> “Sec. 5. That the application for registra-<br /> tion shall specify to which of the following<br /> classes the work in which copyright is claimed<br /> belongs :<br /> <br /> ‘““(a) Books, including composite and<br /> cyclopedic works, directories, gazetteers, and<br /> other compilations ;<br /> <br /> ‘(b) Periodicals, including newspapers ;<br /> <br /> ‘“(c) Lectures, sermons, addresses (prepared<br /> for oral delivery) ;<br /> <br /> ‘*(d) Dramatic or dramatico-musical com-<br /> positions ;<br /> <br /> ‘*(e) Musical compositions ;<br /> <br /> ‘“*(f) Maps ;<br /> <br /> ‘““(g) Works of art; models or designs for<br /> works of art ; :<br /> <br /> ‘‘(h) Reproductions of a work of art ;<br /> <br /> ‘“(j) Drawings or plastic works<br /> scientific or technical character ;<br /> <br /> ‘“*(j) Photographs ;<br /> <br /> ‘‘(i) Prints and pictorial illustrations ;<br /> <br /> “&lt;(1) Motion-picture photoplays ;<br /> <br /> ““(m) Motion pictures other than photoplays :<br /> <br /> “« Provided, nevertheless, That the above<br /> specifications shall not be held to limit the<br /> subject matter of copyright as defined in<br /> section four of this Aci, nor shall any error in<br /> classification invalidate or impair the copy-<br /> right protection secured under this Act.”<br /> <br /> “© Sec. 11. That copyright may also be had<br /> of the works of an author, of which copies are<br /> not reproduced for sale, by the deposit, with<br /> claim of copyright, of one complete copy of<br /> such work if it be a lecture or similar production<br /> or a dramatic, musical, or dramatico-musical<br /> composition ; of a@ title and description, with<br /> <br /> of a<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> one print taken from each scene or act, if the work<br /> be a motion-picture photoplay ;; of a photo-<br /> graphic print if the work be a photograph;<br /> of a title and description, with not less than two<br /> prints taken from different sections of a complete<br /> motion picture, if the work be a motion picture<br /> other than a photoplay ; or of a photograph or<br /> other identifying reproduction thereof, if it be<br /> a work of art or a plastic work or drawing.<br /> But the privilege of registration of copyright<br /> secured hereunder shall not exempt the copy-<br /> right proprietor from the deposit of copies,<br /> under sections twelve and thirteen of this Act,<br /> where the work is later reproduced in copies<br /> for sale.”’<br /> <br /> “Sec. 25. That if any person shall infringe<br /> the copyright in any work protected under the<br /> copyright laws of the United States such<br /> person shall be liable :<br /> <br /> “(a) To an injunction<br /> infringement ;<br /> <br /> “(b) To pay to the copyright proprietor<br /> such damages as the copyright proprietor may<br /> have suffered due to the infringement, as well<br /> as all the profits which the infringer shall have<br /> made from such infringement, and in proving<br /> profits the plaintiff shall be required to prove<br /> sales only and the defendant shall be required<br /> to prove every element of cost which he claims,<br /> or in lieu of actual damages and profits such<br /> damages as to the court shall appear to be<br /> just, and in assessing such damages the court<br /> may, in its discretion, allow the amounts as<br /> hereinafter stated, but in case of a newspaper<br /> reproduction of a copyrighted photograph<br /> such damages shall not exceed the sum of two<br /> hundred dollars nor be less than the sum of<br /> fifty dollars, and in the case of the infringement<br /> of an undramatized or nondramatic work by<br /> means of motion pictures, where the infringer<br /> shall show that he was not aware that he was<br /> infringing, and that such infringement could not<br /> have been reasonably foreseen, such damages<br /> shall not exceed the sum of one hundred dollars ;<br /> and in the case of an infringement of a copy-<br /> righted dramatic or dramatico-musical work by<br /> a maker of motion pictures and his agencies for<br /> distribution thereof to exhibitors, where such<br /> infringer shows that he was not aware that he<br /> was infringing a copyrighted work, and that such<br /> infringements could not reasonably have been<br /> foreseen, the entire sum of such damages recover-<br /> able by the copyright proprietor from such<br /> infringing maker and his agencies for the dis-<br /> <br /> tribution to exhibitors of such infringing motion<br /> picture shall not exceed the sum of five thousand<br /> dollars nor be less than two hundred and fifty<br /> dollars, and such damages shall in no other<br /> <br /> restraining such<br /> <br /> 53:<br /> <br /> ease exceed the sum of five thousand dollars<br /> nor be less than the sum of two hundred and<br /> fifty dollars, and shall not be regarded as a<br /> penalty. But the foregoing exceptions shall not<br /> deprive the copyright proprietor of any other<br /> remedy given him under this law, nor shall the<br /> limitation as to the amount of recovery apply to<br /> infringements occurring after the actual notice to<br /> a defendant, either by service of process in a suit<br /> or other written notice served upon him.<br /> <br /> ‘First. In the case of a painting, statue, or<br /> sculpture, ten dollars for every infringing copy<br /> made or sold by or found in the possession of<br /> the infringer or his agents or employees ;<br /> <br /> ** Second. In the case of any work<br /> enumerated in section five of this Act, except<br /> a painting, statue, or sculpture, one dollar for<br /> every infringing copy made or sold by or found<br /> in the possession of the infringer or his agents<br /> or employees ;<br /> <br /> ‘Third. In the case of a lecture, sermon,<br /> or address, fifty dollars for every infringing<br /> delivery ;<br /> <br /> “Fourth. In the case of a dramatic or<br /> dramatico-musical or a choral or orchestral<br /> composition, one hudred dollars for the first<br /> and fifty dollars for every subsequent infring-<br /> ing performance ; in the case of other musical<br /> compositions, ten dollars for every infringing<br /> performance ;<br /> <br /> *“(e) To deliver up on oath, to be impounded<br /> during the pendency of the action, upon such<br /> terms and conditions as the court may pre-<br /> scribe, all articles alleged to infringe a copy-<br /> right ;<br /> <br /> ““(d) To deliver up on oath for destruction<br /> all the infringing copies or devices, as well as.<br /> all plates, molds, matrices or other means for<br /> making such infringing copies as the court may<br /> order.<br /> <br /> *“ (e) Whenever the owner of a musical copy-<br /> right has used or permitted the use of the copy-<br /> righted work upon the parts of musical instru-<br /> ments serving to reproduce mechanically the<br /> musical work, then in case of infringement of<br /> such copyright by the unauthorized manu-<br /> facture, use, or sale of interchangeable parts,<br /> such as disks, rolls, bands, or cylinders for<br /> use in mechanical music-producing machines<br /> adapted to reproduce the copyrighted music,<br /> no criminal action shall be brought, but in<br /> a civil action an injunction may be granted<br /> upon such terms as the court may impose, and<br /> the plaintiff shall be entitled to recover in<br /> lieu of profits and damages a royalty as pro-<br /> vided in section one, subsection (e), of this<br /> Act: Provided also, That whenever any person,<br /> in the absence of a license agreement, intends<br /> 54<br /> <br /> to use a copyrighted musical composition upon<br /> the parts of instruments serving to repro-<br /> duce mechanically the musical work, relying<br /> upon the compulsory license provision of this<br /> Act, he shall serve notice of such intention,<br /> by registered mail, upon the copyright pro-<br /> prietor at his last address disclosed by the<br /> records of the copyright office, sending to the<br /> copyright office a duplicate of such notice ;<br /> and in case of his failure so to do the court<br /> may, in its discretion, in addition to sums<br /> hereinabove mentioned, award the complainant<br /> a further sum, not to exceed three times the<br /> amount provided by section one, subsec-<br /> tion (e), by way of damages, and not as a<br /> penalty, and also a temporary injunction until<br /> the full award is paid.<br /> <br /> “Rules and regulations for practice and<br /> procedure under this section shall be prescribed<br /> by the Supreme Court of the United States.”<br /> <br /> ee en<br /> <br /> CROWN COPYRIGHT.<br /> <br /> —+-—&lt;&gt;—+—_<br /> <br /> COMMON idea exists in the minds of<br /> <br /> authors and the public, that papers<br /> <br /> and documents issued from Govern-<br /> ment offices are public property. The question<br /> was raised somewhat acutely under the old<br /> Act, but the position of the Crown has been<br /> more clearly defined under Clause 18 of the<br /> Act of 1911. We print below a Treasury<br /> Minute, dated June 28th, 1912. This will<br /> define the attitude of the Crown more clearly<br /> for the information of writers on political<br /> matters and others who may desire to know<br /> their exact position in this connection.<br /> <br /> Treasury MINUTE DatTEep 28TH JUNE, 1912.<br /> <br /> My Lords read section 18 of the Copyright Act, 1911<br /> (1 &amp; 2 Geo. 5, ch. 46), which enacts that—<br /> <br /> ** Without prejudice to any rights or privileges of the<br /> Crown, where any work has, whether before or after<br /> the commencement of this Act, been prepared or<br /> published by or under the direction or control of<br /> His Majesty or any Government department, the<br /> copyright in the work shall, subject to any agree-<br /> ment with the author, belong to His Majesty, and<br /> in such case shall continue for a period of fifty years<br /> from the date of the first publication of the work.”<br /> <br /> The above statutory provision renders it necessary to<br /> reconsider the Treasury Minute of the 3lst August, 1887<br /> (presented to the House of Commons No. 335 of 1887),<br /> and to define anew the practice to be followed with regard<br /> to Crown Copyright.<br /> <br /> The Treasury Minute divided Government publications<br /> into the following classes :—<br /> <br /> (1) Reports of Select Committees of the two Houses<br /> of Parliament, or of Royal Commissions,<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> (2) Papers required by Statute to be laid before<br /> Parliament, e.g., Orders in Council, Rules made<br /> by Government Departments, Accounts, Reports<br /> of Government Inspectors.<br /> <br /> (3) Papers laid before Parliament by Command, e.g.;<br /> Treaties, Diplomatic Correspondence, Reports<br /> from Consuls and Secretaries of Legation,<br /> Reports of Inquiries into Explosions or Acci-<br /> dents, and other Special Reports made to<br /> Government Departments.<br /> <br /> (4) Acts of Parliament.<br /> <br /> (5) Official books, e.g., King’s Regulations for the<br /> Army or Navy.<br /> <br /> (6) Literary or quasi-literary works, ¢.g., the Reports<br /> of the “Challenger”? Expedition, the Rolls<br /> Publications, the State Trials, the “‘ Board of<br /> Trade Journal.”<br /> <br /> (7) Charts and Ordnance Maps.<br /> <br /> A considerable and increasing number of Government<br /> works fall into the three last classes above set forth, and<br /> My Lords see no reason why such works—often produced<br /> at considerable cost—should be reproduced by private<br /> enterprise for the benefit of individual publishers. For<br /> the future, publications which fall within this description<br /> will bear an indication on the title page that the Crown<br /> Copyright is reserved. The Controller of the Stationery<br /> Office will act on a notification by the Department<br /> responsible for the production of the work that it is desired<br /> that Crown Copyright should be expressly reserved<br /> subject to reference to Their Lordships in case of doubt.<br /> Any infringement of copyright in these cases should be<br /> brought to the notice of the Controller of the Stationery<br /> Office by the Heads of Departments, so far as works<br /> prepared or published by or under their direction are<br /> concerned.<br /> <br /> The Controller of the Stationery Office will refer to this<br /> Board for instructions as to whether any infringement<br /> of Crown Copyright shall be made the subject of legal<br /> proceedings.<br /> <br /> The publications which fall into the first four classes<br /> are issued for the use and information of the public, and<br /> it is desirable that the knowledge of their contents should be<br /> diffused as widely as possible. In the case of these<br /> publications no steps will ordinarily be taken to enforce<br /> the rights of the Crown in respect of copyright. The<br /> rights of the Crown will not, however, lapse, and should<br /> exceptional circumstances appear to justify such a course<br /> it will be possible to assert them. In such a case, the<br /> Department concerned should acquaint the Controller<br /> of the Stationery Office as early as possible of the special<br /> circumstances which render it desirable to depart from the<br /> general rule permitting full and free reproduction of works<br /> in these categories, and the Controller will, subject to the<br /> direction of Their Lordships, take such measures as may<br /> seem appropriate to enforce the right of the Crown.<br /> <br /> Acts of Parliament must not, except when published<br /> under authority of the Government, purport on the<br /> face of them to be published by authority.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> SCALE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> [ALLOWANCE TO MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY 20 PER CENT.)<br /> Frout Page ave ae so aes a w.£4 0<br /> <br /> Other Pages ave ae eas aa ake eee on SO<br /> Half of a Page .., aes uae ses ssa ave aan eo 10<br /> Quarter of a Page a . O1<br /> Eighth of a Page cay ee vie sa O<br /> Single Column Advertisements a é per inch 0<br /> Reduction af 20 per cent. made for a Series of Six and of 25 per cent. for<br /> <br /> Twelve Insertions.<br /> <br /> All letters respecting Advertisements should be addressed to J. F.<br /> Bstmont &amp; Co,, 29, Paternoster Square, London, E.C.<br /> <br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 5 6<br /> 70<br /> 6 0<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> HOW TO USE THE SOCIETY.<br /> <br /> =<br /> <br /> i; VERY member has a right toask for and to receive<br /> K advice upon his agreements, his choice of a pub-<br /> lisher, or any dispute arising in the conduct of his<br /> business or the administration of his property. The<br /> Secretary of the Society is a solicitor; but if there is any<br /> special reason the Secretary will refer the case to the<br /> Solicitors of the Society. Further, the Committee, if they<br /> deem it desirable, will obtain counsel’s opinion without<br /> any cost to the member. Moreover, where counsel’s<br /> opinion is favourable, and the sanction of the Committee<br /> is obtained, action will be taken on behalf of the aggrieved<br /> member, and all costs borne by the Society.<br /> <br /> 2. Remember that questions connected with copyright<br /> and |publishers’ agreements do not fall within the experi-<br /> ence of ordinary solicitors. Therefore, do not scruple to use<br /> the Society.<br /> <br /> 3. Before signing any agreement whatever, send<br /> the document to the Society for examination.<br /> <br /> 4, Remember always that in belonging to the Society<br /> you are fighting the battles of other writers, even if you<br /> are reaping no direct benefit to yourself, and that you are<br /> advancing the best interests of your calling in promoting<br /> the independence of the writer, the dramatist, the composer.<br /> <br /> 5. The Committee have arranged for the reception of<br /> members’ agreements and their preservation in a fire-<br /> proof safe. The agreements will, of course, be regarded as<br /> confidential documents to be read only by the Secretary,<br /> who will keep the key of the safe. The Society now offers:<br /> (1) To stamp agreements in readiness for a possible action<br /> upon them. (2) To keep agreements. (3) To enforce<br /> payments due according to agreements. Fuller particu-<br /> lars of the Society’s work can be obtained in the<br /> Prospectus.<br /> <br /> 6. No contract should be entered into with a literary<br /> agent without the advice of the Secretary of the Society.<br /> Members are strongly advised not to accept without careful<br /> consideration the contracts with publishers submitted to<br /> them by literary agents, and are recommended to submit<br /> them for interpretation and explanation to the Secretary<br /> of the Society.<br /> <br /> This<br /> The<br /> <br /> 7. Many agents neglect to stamp agreements,<br /> must be done within fourteen days of first execution.<br /> Secretary will undertake it on behalf of members.<br /> <br /> 8. Some agents endeavour to prevent authors from<br /> referring matters to the Secretary of the Society ; so<br /> do some publishers. Members can make their own<br /> deductions and act accordingly.<br /> <br /> 9. The subscription to the Society is £1 1s. per<br /> annum, or £10 10s. for life membership.<br /> <br /> ———+——_ - —_____<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO THE PRODUCERS<br /> OF BOOKS.<br /> <br /> — + —<br /> <br /> ERE are a few standing rules to be observed in an<br /> agreement. There are four methods of dealing<br /> with literary property :—<br /> <br /> I. Selling it Outright.<br /> This is sometimes satisfactory, if a proper price can be<br /> <br /> 55<br /> <br /> obtained. But the transaction should be managed by a<br /> competent agent, or with the advice of the Secretary of<br /> the Society.<br /> <br /> II. A Profit-Sharing Agreement (a bad form of<br /> agreement),<br /> <br /> In this case the following rules should be attended to:<br /> <br /> (.) Not to sign any agreement in which the cost of pro-<br /> duction forms a part without the strictest investigation.<br /> <br /> (2.) Not to give the publisher the power of putting the<br /> profits into his own pocket by charging for advertisements.<br /> in his own organs, or by charging exchange advertise-<br /> ments. Therefore keep control of the advertisements,<br /> <br /> (3.) Not to allow a special charge for “office expenses,’’<br /> unless the same allowance is made to the author.<br /> <br /> (4.) Not to give up American, Colonial, or Continenta}<br /> rights.<br /> <br /> (5.) Not to give up serial or translation rights.<br /> <br /> (6.) Not to bind yourself for future work to any publisher.<br /> As well bind yourself for the future to any one solicitor or<br /> doctor |!<br /> <br /> III. The Royalty System.<br /> <br /> This is perhaps, with certain limitations, the best form<br /> of agreement. It is above all things necessary to know<br /> what the proposed royalty means to both sides. It is now<br /> possible for an author to ascertain approximately the<br /> truth. From time to time very important figures connected<br /> with royalties are published in Zhe Author,<br /> <br /> IY. A Commission Agreement.<br /> <br /> The main points are :—<br /> <br /> (1.) Be careful to obtain a fair cost of production.<br /> (2.) Keep control of the advertisements.<br /> <br /> (3.) Keep control of the sale price of the book,<br /> <br /> General.<br /> <br /> All other forms of agreement are combinations of the four<br /> above mentioned.<br /> <br /> Such combinations are generally disastrous to the author,<br /> <br /> Never sign any agreement without competent advicefrom<br /> the Secretary of the Society.<br /> <br /> Stamp all agreements with the Inland Revenue stamp.<br /> <br /> Avoid agreements by letter if possible.<br /> <br /> The main points which the Society has always demanded<br /> from the outset are :—<br /> <br /> (1.) That both sides shall know what an agreement<br /> means.<br /> <br /> (2.) The inspection of those account books which belong<br /> to the author. We are advised that this is a right, in the<br /> nature of a common law right, which cannot be denied or<br /> withheld.<br /> <br /> (3.) Always avoid a transfer of copyright.<br /> <br /> $&lt;<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO DRAMATIC AUTHORS.<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> EVER sign an agreement without submitting it to the<br /> Secretary of the Society of Authors or some com-<br /> petent legal authority.<br /> <br /> 2. It is well to be extremely careful in negotiating for<br /> the production of a play with any one except an established<br /> manager.<br /> <br /> 3. There are three forms of dramatic contract for plays<br /> in three or more acts :—<br /> <br /> (a.) Sale outright of the performing right. This<br /> is unsatisfactory. An author who enters inte<br /> such a contract should stipulate in the contract<br /> for production of the piece by a certain date<br /> and for proper publication of his name on the<br /> play-bills,<br /> 56<br /> <br /> (b.) Sale of performing right or of a licence to<br /> perform on the basis of percentages on<br /> gross receipts. Percentages vary between 5<br /> and 15 per cent. An author should obtain a<br /> percentage on the sliding scale of gross receipts<br /> in preference to the American system, Should<br /> obtain a sum in advance of percentages. A fixed<br /> date on or before which the play should be<br /> performed. :<br /> <br /> (c.) Sale of performing right or of a licence to<br /> perform on the basis of royalties (é.c., fixed<br /> nightly fees). This method should be always<br /> avoided except in cases where the fees are<br /> likely to be small or difficult to collect. The<br /> other safeguards set out under heading (@.) apply<br /> also in this case.<br /> <br /> 4, Plays in one act are often sold outright, but it is<br /> better to obtain a small nightly fee if possible, and a sum<br /> paid in advance of such fees in any event. It is extremely<br /> important that the amateur rights of one-act plays should<br /> be reserved.<br /> <br /> 5. Authors should remember that performing rights can<br /> be limited, and are usually limited, by town, country, and<br /> time, This is most important.<br /> <br /> 6. Authors should not assign performing rights, but<br /> should grant a licence to perform. The legal distinction<br /> is of great importance,<br /> <br /> 7, Authors should remember that performing rights in a<br /> play are distinct from literary copyright. A manager<br /> <br /> holding the performing right or licence to perform cannot<br /> <br /> print the book of the words.<br /> <br /> 8. Never forget that United States rights may be exceed-<br /> ingly valuable. ‘hey should never be included in English<br /> agreements without the author obtaining a substantial<br /> consideration,<br /> <br /> 9. Agreements for collaboration should be carefully<br /> drawn and executed before collaboration is commenced.<br /> <br /> 10. An author should remember that production of a play<br /> is highly speculative : that he runs a very great risk of<br /> delay and a breakdown in the fulfilment of his contract.<br /> He should therefore guard himself all the more carefully in<br /> the beginning.<br /> <br /> 11. An author must remember that the dramatic market<br /> is exceedingly limited, and that for a novice the first object<br /> is to obtain adequate publication.<br /> <br /> As these warnings must necessarily be incomplete, on<br /> account of the wide range of the subject of dramatic con-<br /> tracts, those authors desirous of further information<br /> are referred to the Secretary of the Society.<br /> <br /> +e — —______<br /> <br /> REGISTRATION OF SCENARIOS AND<br /> ORIGINAL PLAYS.<br /> <br /> 1<br /> <br /> ay fone sy typewritten in duplicate on foolscap paper<br /> forwarded to the offices of the Society, together with<br /> a registration fee of two shillings and sixpence, will<br /> <br /> be carefully compared by the Secretary or a qualified assis-<br /> tant. One copy will be stamped and returned to theauthor<br /> and the other filed in the register of the Society. Copies<br /> of the scenario thus filed may be obtained at any time by<br /> the author only at a small charge to cover cost of typing.<br /> <br /> Original Plays may also be filed subject to the same<br /> rules, with the exception that a play will be charged for<br /> at the price of 2s. 6d. per act.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> DRAMATIC AUTHORS AND AGENTS.<br /> ag<br /> RAMATIC authors should seek the advice of the<br /> Society before putting plays into the hands of<br /> agents. As the law stands at present, an agent<br /> who has once had a play in his hands may acquire a<br /> perpetual claim to a percentage on the author’s fees<br /> from it. As far as the placing of plays is concerned,<br /> it may be taken as a general rule that there are only<br /> very few agents who can do anything for an author<br /> that he cannot, under the guidance of the Society, do<br /> equally well or better for himself. The collection of fees<br /> is also a matter in which in many cases no intermediary is<br /> required. For certain purposes, such as the collection of<br /> fees on amateur performances, and in general the trans-<br /> action of frequent petty authorisations with different<br /> individuals, and also for the collection of fees in foreign<br /> countries, almost all dramatic authors employ agents; and<br /> in these ways the services of agents are real and valuable.<br /> But the Society warns authors against agents who profess<br /> to have influence with managers in the placing of plays, or<br /> who propose to act as principals by offering to purchase<br /> the author’s rights. In any case, in the present state of<br /> the law, an agent should not be employed under any<br /> circumstances without an agreement approved of by the<br /> Society.<br /> ————_+——_—_<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO MUSICAL COMPOSERS.<br /> ESS<br /> ITTLE can be added to the warnings given for the<br /> assistance of producers of books and dramatic<br /> authors. It must, however, be pointed out that, as<br /> a rule, the musical publisher demands from the musical<br /> composer a transfer of fuller rights and less liberal finan-<br /> cial terms than those obtained for literary and dramatic<br /> property. The musical composer has very often the two<br /> rights to deal with—performing right and copyright. He<br /> should be especially careful therefore when entering into<br /> an agreement, and should take into particular consideration<br /> the warnings stated above.<br /> ———————_e—_—_e—__<br /> <br /> STAMPING MUSIC.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> The Society undertakes to stamp copies of music on<br /> behalf of its members for the fee of 6d. per 100 or part<br /> of 100. The members’ stamps are kept in the Society’s<br /> safe. The musical publishers communicate direct with the<br /> Secretary, and the voucher is then forwarded to the<br /> members, who are thus saved much unnecessary trouble.<br /> <br /> 0<br /> THE READING BRANCH.<br /> epee<br /> <br /> EMBERS will greatly assist the Society in this<br /> M branch of its work by informing young writers<br /> of its existence. Their MSS. can be read and<br /> treated as a composition is treated by a coach. The term<br /> MSS. includes not only works of fiction, but poetry<br /> and dramatic works, and when it is possible, under<br /> special arrangement, technical and scientific works. The<br /> Readers are writers of competence and experience. The<br /> <br /> fee is one guinea,<br /> oe<br /> <br /> REMITTANCES.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> The Secretary of the Society begs to give notice<br /> that all remittances are acknowledged by return of post.<br /> All remittances should be crossed Union of London and<br /> Smiths Bank, Chancery iLane, or be sent by registered<br /> letter only.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 5T<br /> <br /> GENERAL NOTES.<br /> <br /> ——<br /> <br /> IMPERIAL COPYRIGHT.<br /> <br /> WE understand that by Orders in Council the<br /> Copyright Act is extended to the following terri-<br /> tories under Imperial Protection :—<br /> <br /> The Bechuanaland Protectorate, Hast Africa Protecto-<br /> rate, Gambia Protectorate, Gilbert and Ellice Islands<br /> Protectorate, Northern Nigeria Protectorate, Northern<br /> Territories of the Gold Coast, Nyasaland Protectorate,<br /> Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia, Sierra Leone Pro-<br /> tectorate, Somaliland Protectorate, Southern Nigeria<br /> Protectorate, Solomon Islands Protectorate, Swaziland,<br /> Uganda Protectorate, and Wei-hai-wei. The Act is also<br /> extended to Cyprus.<br /> <br /> Another Order in Council extends the protection<br /> of the Act to works of the following countries<br /> within the area of the Statute :—<br /> <br /> Belgium, Denmark and the Faroe Islands, France,<br /> Germany and the German Protectorates, Hayti, Italy,<br /> Japan, Liberia, Luxemburg, Monaco, Norway, Portugal,<br /> Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and Tunis, belonging to the<br /> Copyright Union; also to works published in Austria-<br /> Hungary.<br /> <br /> To COMPOSERS.<br /> <br /> THE special attention of composers who are<br /> members of the Society is drawn to the article<br /> appearing elsewhere in this issue on the collec-<br /> tion bureau, and also to the reference to that<br /> bureau in the notes of the Committee of<br /> Management and of the Composers’ Sub-<br /> Committee.<br /> <br /> The committee have sanctioned the collec-<br /> tion of fees for mechanical instrument repro-<br /> ductions, due under section 19 of the Act, as<br /> they feel that any delay may tend to prejudice<br /> seriously the position of composers, for the<br /> payment of fees started from July of the present<br /> year. The committee considered that the<br /> commissions being charged by publishers and<br /> others for such collection were exorbitant.<br /> The commission to be charged by the Society<br /> has not yet been fixed, but the committee<br /> confidently hope that it will be considerably<br /> less than the charges already referred to.<br /> Three houses, it is known, have offered to<br /> collect the fees for composers whose works are<br /> published by them, on the following terms.<br /> After deduction of expenses of collection— a<br /> wholly indeterminate quantity—to pay 30 per<br /> cent. of what remains, to themselves, leaving<br /> the composer with a bare 70 per cent. The<br /> following may well represent the practical<br /> result of such a system. Say a publisher<br /> collects £100. He would then put in the rent<br /> <br /> of office for collection and other details of<br /> clerkship at, say, £20, or perhaps more (no<br /> figure is fixed), leaving a balance of £80. He<br /> would then pay himself, for no apparent reason,<br /> except that the composer has been fool enough<br /> to agree to the arrangement, 30 per cent., and<br /> would hand over the balance, £54, to the<br /> composer. This system practically means that<br /> the composer is putting 50 per cent. of his<br /> property into the hands of a publisher who has<br /> no claim on it whatever, for doing a piece of<br /> work which most agents would willingly and<br /> gladly do 50 per cent. cheaper. In the case of<br /> composers whose mechanical instrument fees<br /> do not amount to a very high figure, the<br /> expenses of collection may leave them in a very<br /> poor position, indeed. Even with the best<br /> intentions in the world, without reference to<br /> the publisher’s windfall of 30 per cent., any<br /> firm collecting fees on this basis can hardly<br /> fail to do injustice to the composer, as to appor-<br /> tion the expenses of collection fairly among all<br /> the composers affected would be a herculean<br /> task.<br /> <br /> The fairest offer, so far, which has been made<br /> to composers, is the offer made by a certain<br /> company, mentioned in a previous number of<br /> The Author, to pay the whole of the balance to<br /> the composer after deducting 25 per cent.,<br /> but in both these cases, that is, in the case of<br /> the publishers and in the case of the company,<br /> it is made a sine qua non that the composer<br /> shall assign all his rights of mechanical<br /> reproduction. Quite apart from the fees which<br /> are claimed, this condition is unsatisfactory<br /> <br /> and absurd.<br /> 0<br /> <br /> THE REY. PROF. W. W. SKEAT.<br /> <br /> — +&gt; +—_<br /> <br /> EATH has removed the Rev. Professor<br /> <br /> W. W. Skeat, Professor of Anglo-<br /> <br /> Saxon at the Cambridge University<br /> <br /> since 1878, and one of the most distinguished<br /> members of this Society.<br /> <br /> Professor Skeat had obtained a deservedly<br /> high reputation as an authority on the English<br /> language, and his Etymological Dictionary<br /> had shown him to be a scholar in the very<br /> first class. His edition of Chaucer is, in its<br /> way, a classic of a classic, and students, and,<br /> indeed, the English public generally, have<br /> suffered a great loss in the death of one so<br /> erudite and so sincere in every subject that<br /> he made his own.<br /> <br /> The Press has drawn attention to the fact<br /> that as a student of Pickwick he obtained<br /> the second prize in Calverley’s examination,<br /> 58<br /> <br /> held so long ago as 1857. We well remember<br /> the good founder of the Society, Sir Walter<br /> Besant, telling the story of that examination,<br /> for he was the winner of the first prize when<br /> his friend the Professor took the second.<br /> <br /> The Society of Authors owes a deep debt of<br /> gratitude to Professor Skeat for the warm<br /> support which he always gave it. He joined<br /> the Society in 1884, being one of the first of<br /> that small band who willingly stood by their<br /> old friend in the good cause which sometimes,<br /> in those days, appeared to be a lost cause.<br /> The death of an original member brings back<br /> recollections, full of sadness, for there are<br /> very few left now. It was due entirely to<br /> that small body of men of strong purpose and<br /> unselfish ideals, which met together in that<br /> year that the Society owes its present pros-<br /> perous position.<br /> <br /> The Author also has lost a good friend.<br /> The Professor was a constant reader of the<br /> magazine, and contributed many articles to<br /> its columns, dealing with points in classical<br /> English which were of interest. The thorough-<br /> ness and accuracy of his knowledge of the<br /> English language cannot be exaggerated, and<br /> the wideness and depth of the range of his<br /> studies makes it indeed difficult to replace<br /> such an ardent and cultivated scholar.<br /> <br /> —————1+—&gt;—+ —___<br /> <br /> THE COLLECTION BUREAU.<br /> <br /> 1<br /> <br /> fF\HE committee, with the approval of the<br /> <br /> Council of the Society of Authors, have<br /> <br /> decided that a bureau for the collection<br /> of members’ royalties might with ad vantage<br /> be started for the members. Some of the<br /> members of the Society have delegated such<br /> collection to literary, dramatic and musical<br /> agencies, but it is believed that there must be<br /> others who would value an organisation which,<br /> for a moderate commission, would collect<br /> their royalties under contracts entered into<br /> with publishers, theatrical managers, amateur<br /> dramatic societies, ete. Under the new Copy-<br /> right Act some such bureau is required if<br /> authors, dramatists, and composers, are to<br /> receive the full benefit of the increased protec-<br /> tion which that act affords. There is no<br /> intention whatever to extend the work of<br /> the Society to embrace the scope of the<br /> usual literary agency. The committee have<br /> definitely sanctioned the collection of fees on<br /> mechanical reproductions under Clause 19 of<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> the new Copyright Act, on behalf of any<br /> composers, members of the Society, who care<br /> to entrust the collection of these fees to the<br /> Society. This was an urgent matter. The<br /> question of the commission to be charged,<br /> they have referred to the Composers’ Sub-<br /> Committee, but, in the meantime, any composer<br /> who chooses to put his work into the hands of<br /> the Society, can have his mechanical instru-<br /> ment fees collected at a less commission,<br /> pending the fixing of the exact percentage.<br /> Under that section it is necessary that stamps<br /> should be provided for sale at fixed prices,<br /> to the producers of mechanical instruments.<br /> It must be understood, therefore, that the<br /> composer will have to pay for the cost of the<br /> stamps. The question of the collection of fees<br /> for dramatists has been referred to the<br /> Dramatic Sub-Committee, which body will, in<br /> due course, report to the Committee of Manage-<br /> ment. The question of the commission to be<br /> charged on sums collected under other contracts<br /> will be considered at the next meeting of the<br /> Committee of Management. It is hoped that,<br /> before the end of the year, it will be possible to<br /> give to the members of the Society fuller details<br /> of the work which the Society has taken in<br /> hand. Meanwhile, if any member has any<br /> suggestions to make, the Committee of Manage-<br /> ment will be pleased to receive and to consider<br /> letters sent to the Society’s offices, while they<br /> would also like to draw the attention to the<br /> guarantee fund. It is proposed to call up<br /> 25 per cent. of the guarantee immediately,<br /> but it is hoped to make the bureau self-<br /> supporting in the course of two or three years<br /> at the outside. The sum already guaranteed<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> is £670.<br /> <br /> EGE Ue<br /> PUBLISHERS’ ROYALTY AGREEMENTS.<br /> LIMITATIONS.<br /> <br /> I.<br /> <br /> T is the habit of publishers in their printed<br /> | forms of contract to ask for various rights.<br /> Some ask for the copyright, some an<br /> unlimited licence to publish, some a limited<br /> licence, some one thing and some another.<br /> Each one will ask for as much as he thinks he<br /> can get and, if the author is ignorant of the<br /> methods of dealing with his property, he<br /> generally yields up much more than is either<br /> necessary or right.<br /> But it would not be fair to leave the author<br /> with this statement only.<br /> No author should transfer his copyright to a<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ee,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 59<br /> <br /> publisher while he preserves a continuing in-<br /> terest in his work.<br /> <br /> This being the case, he grants to the pub-<br /> lisher a licence to publish in book form.<br /> <br /> This article, therefore, proposes to explain<br /> what limitations can be placed on a publisher<br /> so far as book publication is concerned. It<br /> must never be forgotten that the publisher is<br /> the agent of the author and not the principal.<br /> <br /> Book publication, then, can be limited as<br /> follows :—<br /> <br /> 1. As to country.<br /> <br /> 2. As to time.<br /> <br /> 8. As to edition.<br /> <br /> 4. As to price and format.<br /> <br /> 1. Limitation as to country.<br /> <br /> Publication in the English language is<br /> generally limited to (1) Great Britain and<br /> Ireland, the Colonies and Dependencies thereof<br /> (sometimes Canada excepted); (2) The United<br /> States and Canada; (8) Tauchnitz editions<br /> which cover most of the Continent and a great<br /> many of the non-copyright countries of South<br /> America, Russia, Turkey, ete.<br /> <br /> To the English publisher it is sufficient to<br /> grant a licence to publish in Great Britain and<br /> Ireland, the Colonies and Dependencies thereof.<br /> <br /> It is possible, however, if the English pub-<br /> lishers continued to handle the Colonial markets<br /> so badly, that some different arrangement may<br /> be forthcoming by stimulating the Colonial<br /> publishers to enter into contracts direct with<br /> the English authors. Already the English<br /> publishers have in most cases lost the Canadian<br /> market, and complaints are coming in from<br /> all sides. The authors complain that their<br /> Colonial sales are small, and the Colonial pub-<br /> lishers and booksellers state that they find<br /> no push and enterprise among the English<br /> publishers.<br /> <br /> The United States publishers, owing, no<br /> doubt, to local conditions, have secured the<br /> Canadian market, but there is no reason what-<br /> ever why, with their American goods, they<br /> should be pushing out the work of British<br /> authors in Australia and New Zealand. If<br /> <br /> they continue their energetic career, it may<br /> pay the English author best to get the<br /> American publishers to take over his Colonial<br /> market. One English author has already done<br /> so with success.<br /> <br /> At present, however, speaking generally, it is<br /> best to license the English publisher to take<br /> the Colonial market, with the exception of<br /> Canada, but he should undertake to publish in<br /> the Colonies, and should not merely take the<br /> licence and then let the market lie idle.<br /> <br /> In regard to Canada, if a suitable arrange-<br /> <br /> ment can be made with a Canadian publisher,<br /> it would be better for the author to make the<br /> contract direct. If the United States pub-<br /> lisher or the English publisher holds the<br /> licence for this market some percentage of the<br /> profits will go into his pockets, which might<br /> well be shared in just proportions between the<br /> author and the Canadian publisher.<br /> <br /> If it should prove impossible, owing to the<br /> lack of Canadian enterprise, to make a contract<br /> direct, then, with some regret, it must be stated<br /> that it will be best to leave the matter with the<br /> publisher in the United States. Many of these<br /> enterprising gentlemen have already got offices<br /> in Montreal and Toronto, and nearly all of<br /> them have busy agents working over the<br /> Dominion.<br /> <br /> These remarks refer to the book trade under<br /> the present Colonial laws. What advice it may<br /> be necessary to give if the self-governing<br /> Dominions legislate for themselves it is impos-<br /> sible at present to say. It may be necessary<br /> to contract, in every case, direct with a Colonial<br /> publisher, or it may be an author’s misfortune<br /> to be the victim of licensed piracy, when no<br /> contract will be of any avail.<br /> <br /> When the time comes the proposition will<br /> be met.<br /> <br /> So much for Colonial book rights. It is now<br /> necessary to consider the question of a licence<br /> to publish in the United States. Again we<br /> should like to repeat the formula.<br /> <br /> No author should transfer his copyright to<br /> a publisher while he preserves a continuing<br /> interest in his work.<br /> <br /> Under the peculiarly unfair arrangement at<br /> present existing between Great Britain and the<br /> United States it is necessary, first, that the book<br /> should be printed from type set up in the<br /> <br /> United States, and then published within a sixty |<br /> <br /> days’ limit of the publication within the British<br /> Empire. This is a general statement. For<br /> fuller details and other technicalities further<br /> reference must be made by the reader. It has<br /> been stated by one author in a book of advice<br /> to his brethren that it is not worth while to<br /> bother about the American market. To this<br /> dictum we would raise the strongest objection.<br /> The United States publishers are already push-<br /> ing the books of English authors out of Canada<br /> and Australia, and it is of the utmost import-<br /> ance that the United States copyright should<br /> be preserved, if possible.<br /> <br /> The agent is, to some degree, responsible for<br /> this slackness with regard to the States, and<br /> the author should insist upon greater effort and<br /> alacrity. Some authors, indeed, whose books<br /> appear to suit the taste of the American public,<br /> <br /> <br /> 60<br /> <br /> obtain a greater sale there than they obtain<br /> in Great Britain. It requires, no doubt, more<br /> trouble to negotiate these rights, but this is no<br /> reason why they should be neglected.<br /> <br /> Now, owing to the fact that publication must<br /> be approximately simultaneous and_ that<br /> everything must be done by correspondence,<br /> an author should be ready and begin to nego-<br /> tiate these rights at least six months before he<br /> attempts the English market. :<br /> <br /> His negotiations should be carried on by him-<br /> self or his agent, and should never be left with<br /> the publisher.<br /> <br /> The reason for this is simple. First, as has<br /> already been mentioned, a publisher is not a<br /> literary agent. Secondly, a publisher will<br /> generally only negotiate with one or two<br /> United States houses with whom he may have<br /> personal connection instead of going steadily<br /> through all ‘the responsible United States<br /> firms. Thirdly, when the publisher has the<br /> business in hand the English author has gener-<br /> ally made his contract for publication in Great<br /> Britain, and the publisher is therefore anxious<br /> to get the book on the market, and chafes at<br /> what he may consider the author’s unreason-<br /> able demands and delays. Fourthly, the author<br /> is generally bound to share some of his profit<br /> with the publisher, who will ask considerably<br /> more than the usual agent’s charges. Lastly,<br /> it often pays the publisher better to sell sheets<br /> or stereos to the United States, losing the<br /> copyright for the author, than to gain the<br /> copyright and share the profits.<br /> <br /> An author, therefore, cannot be urged too<br /> strongly to endeavour to obtain these rights<br /> for himself, and to make his effort at least six<br /> months before he offers to an English publisher.<br /> Besides, if he has placed his work in the States,<br /> an English publisher will almost certainly take<br /> the work without demur. The argument for<br /> one is an argument for the other.<br /> <br /> He must not wake up suddenly when he has<br /> completed all his arrangements for the Empire,<br /> and discover that he has other rights, and<br /> valuable rights, that he might have cbtained.<br /> <br /> English authors must remember the United<br /> States market is a valuable market, in some<br /> cases, and with some books more valuable than<br /> the English.<br /> <br /> If, however, for one reason or another, no<br /> American publisher will handle the work, then<br /> it is as well to have a clause in the English<br /> agreement allowing the publisher to sell sheets<br /> or stereos to the United States, but at a<br /> moderate profit to himself and not in accord-<br /> ance with the usual exorbitant demand. He<br /> can send these out before any pirate can get<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> the book and copy it, and the United States<br /> publisher can get the first run of the States<br /> market and secure his profit. Indeed, there<br /> appears to be a sort of unwritten understanding<br /> among the best class publishers in the States<br /> not to interfere with this kind of publication<br /> from another firm. If the book, however, is<br /> extraordinarily successful then the unscru-<br /> pulous pirate will, of course, step in.<br /> <br /> The last publication in book form in the<br /> English language is the publication by Baron<br /> Tauchnitz.<br /> <br /> This form of publication is best negotiated<br /> through a literary agent, if the author employs<br /> one, or by the author himself. It should not<br /> be left in the hands of the publisher, who<br /> is not a literary agent. If, however, an<br /> offer comes from Tauchnitz consequent on<br /> the action of the publisher, if, in other<br /> words, he has worked successfully for the<br /> author as a literary agent, then the author<br /> should give him the usual agency fee of 10 per<br /> cent. In no circumstances should he allow<br /> these rights to be exclusively in the hands of<br /> the publisher to make whatever contract he<br /> thinks fit, and in no circumstances should he<br /> allow the publisher to take 59 per cent. of the<br /> profits, for writing, perhaps, to letters.<br /> <br /> A warning should be given here of a serious<br /> difficulty that has arisen under the contracts<br /> for the purchase of the cheap 7d. rights put<br /> forward by the firm of Messrs. Nelson &amp; Son.<br /> These contracts are limited—and rightly so,<br /> when the Tauchnitz rights are so valuable—to<br /> Great Britain, her Colonies and Dependencies<br /> and to the production in book form at the price<br /> of 7d. The contract is in most cases thus<br /> strictly limited. But Messrs. Nelson, having<br /> prepared a special paper cover, proceed to<br /> export the books to France and to sell them at<br /> one frane. Such action is, of course, a distinct<br /> breach of contract. Messrs. Nelson have<br /> endeavoured to justify their action. The<br /> author, must, therefore, be put on his guard. If<br /> he is offered a contract from a firm of publishers<br /> for a cheap reproduction, unlimited as_ to<br /> country, he may be selling his Tauchnitz rights<br /> and may lose a chance of a further market.<br /> This should not be, for, as a rule, Tauchnitz<br /> can cover a much wider area abroad than any<br /> English publisher, and can, therefore, pay a<br /> better price.<br /> <br /> If the English publisher is limited as to<br /> country and price, then the English author<br /> must see that the contract is adhered to, or<br /> must obtain equivalent damages for loss of the<br /> Tauchnitz market.<br /> <br /> It is possible that this important question<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ee ee a apes ee<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> / rights in foreign languages.<br /> sold for a sum down, or for a sum down in<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 61<br /> <br /> of cheap edition rights may be dealt with<br /> more fully in another article.<br /> <br /> Next come the translation rights or book<br /> These are usually<br /> <br /> advance of royalties.<br /> <br /> They are sometimes limited as to country,<br /> but generally only limited as to language.<br /> <br /> The serial rights are not infrequently<br /> included in the sale, and if there is any chance<br /> of the work meeting with success in this form<br /> when translated, then the author should get a<br /> just portion of the returns.<br /> <br /> Finally, now that copyright in translations<br /> runs for the whole period of copyright, if<br /> published within ten years from the date of<br /> publication in the country of origin, an author<br /> who takes any pride in his work should either<br /> retain to himself some right of approving the<br /> translation before it is placed on the market,<br /> or be very sure of the capacity of his translator<br /> before he makes the assignment.<br /> <br /> (To be continued.)<br /> —<br /> COLONIAL PUBLICATION,<br /> <br /> —+-—~&lt;&gt;—+ —<br /> <br /> N article under the above title in the<br /> October number of The Author,<br /> contains the statement that English<br /> <br /> works—in comparison with American—do not<br /> get a fair circulation on the Colonial markets.<br /> My own experience in the matter may be of<br /> interest. When my first novel was published,<br /> jast autumn, I happened to be in Australia,<br /> and naturally I took a paternal interest in my<br /> first-born. Before it arrived in the Common-<br /> wealth a Sydney literary agent warned me<br /> that it would have little chance of success in<br /> competition with the new American books.<br /> He added the amazing explanation that<br /> Australian buyers disliked English books on<br /> account of their pornographic tendency. The<br /> agent probably did not know a great deal<br /> about the contents of the books he handled—<br /> he was agent for everything that came in his<br /> way, from fire insurance to sheep dip—but<br /> it was certainly true that English paper-<br /> covered books, with suggestive covers and<br /> titles, occupied prominent positions on the<br /> bookstalls.<br /> <br /> I did not believe that the pornographic<br /> portion of the English output could be large<br /> enough to affect the reputation of the whole.<br /> A more credible explanation was _ forth-<br /> coming when my own book arrived. Wishing<br /> to see a copy of the Colonial edition I asked<br /> <br /> for it at one of the leading shops. The book-<br /> seller told me that he had not got it, was not<br /> likely to get it, and knew nothing about it.<br /> He added that the book could not be worth<br /> reading, or his London agents would have sent<br /> him some copies of it. When I meekly told him<br /> that I was the author of the book he made<br /> amends by explaining how it was that he knew<br /> nothing of it. He left the purchase of<br /> English books, he said, entirely to his London<br /> agents, who sent him out whatever they<br /> thought best. He never replaced books that<br /> he sold, except under exceptional circumstances,<br /> as a book that had been in brisk demand might<br /> be forgotten during the three months that must<br /> elapse before fresh stocks could be obtained<br /> from England. He bought American books<br /> because the representatives of American<br /> publishers called on him and were able to tell<br /> him all he needed to know about the contents<br /> of the books that he sold. To stock American<br /> books was therefore less of a speculation than<br /> to stock English ones. A New Zealand gentle-<br /> man, a large buyer of books, told me that he<br /> bought all his books from a London bookseller,<br /> as the choice among those offered for sale<br /> <br /> - locally was so limited.<br /> <br /> Though many Australasian booksellers are<br /> men with literary tastes, some bring to their<br /> business qualifications that would serve them<br /> equally well if they sold candles or mousetraps.<br /> A Sydney lady who read my book was so<br /> sporting as to order twenty-four copies of it,<br /> to be sent to twenty-four of her friends as<br /> Christmas presents. The bookseller, not<br /> having my novel in stock, without consulting<br /> his customer, sent out twenty-four copies of<br /> a new American novel instead. When the<br /> lady remonstrated with him, he pleaded that<br /> as the two books were equally new and were<br /> sold at the same price, there was nothing to<br /> choose between them. He knew nothing, of<br /> course, about the contents of either work.<br /> I was credibly informed afterwards by a<br /> publisher’s agent that his profit on the<br /> American book was double what he would have<br /> got by selling mine. The same gentleman told<br /> me that in order to capture the Australasian<br /> market American publishers allow Australasian<br /> booksellers a profit so large that they have<br /> none left for themselves; that, in fact, they<br /> practically let the bookseller get them at the<br /> price it costs to produce them. The buyer,<br /> however, pays the same price as he would for<br /> an English book.<br /> <br /> So far my complaint has been against the<br /> Australasian bookseller. English publishers,<br /> too, must share the responsibility of allowing<br /> 62<br /> <br /> American books to shoulder English ones out<br /> of the market. One New Zealand bookseller<br /> ordered thirty copies of my book on the<br /> strength of a notice of it that he had seen in<br /> a trade journal. He sold these out in three<br /> weeks and applied to the Melbourne representa-<br /> tive of my publisher for more copies. Tle<br /> was referred to the London house. Before<br /> leaving Australasia I called on my publisher’s<br /> local representative, and asked if it were true<br /> that he could not supply my book. He told<br /> me that he had originally received only twelve<br /> copies of my book, that he had disposed of all<br /> these to one bookseller soon after they had<br /> arrived, and had never replaced them. He<br /> had had a number of applications for the book,<br /> but had referred each applicant to the London<br /> house. He admitted that he could have sold<br /> a hundred copies if he had had them.<br /> <br /> It is necessary to add that as I know of one<br /> English publishing firm that is admirably<br /> represented in Australasia, and as others may<br /> be equally well represented for anything I<br /> know to the contrary, my remarks must not<br /> be applied too generally. My evidence shows<br /> that there is something wrong with the<br /> Australasian book trade—so far as it concerns<br /> the English author—but it does not show the<br /> extent of the evil.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ——__+_&gt;__+—__—__<br /> <br /> WRITING THE SHORT STORY.*<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> HE above work has been written by<br /> J. Berg Esenwein, editor of a monthly<br /> magazine. The publishers, in a preface,<br /> <br /> state as follows :—<br /> <br /> “This treatise is confidently recommended<br /> for class-room use because of several important<br /> considerations. Its inspirational method and<br /> logical order are based upon the best pedago-<br /> gical approach.”<br /> <br /> There is no doubt that certain points<br /> in the technical development of the short<br /> story may be taught, just as certain points<br /> in the technical development of the essay,<br /> but no class-book will make a person capable<br /> either of writing a short story or a read-<br /> able essay. Indeed, in our humble opinion,<br /> the machine-made short story is likely to be<br /> a considerably worse production than the<br /> machine-made essay. The author writes with<br /> the experience resulting from a lifetime of<br /> observation, and we do not wish to decry the<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> * “Writing the Short Story,’ by J. Berg Esenwein.<br /> Andrew Melrose.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> value of the book so far as such a book is<br /> valuable.<br /> <br /> If any author thinks that he or she may<br /> fail in placing short stories, through lack of<br /> power to master the technical difficulties, it<br /> will certainly be worth while to purchase a<br /> copy of this book and to peruse its contents.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Op de<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR AS PUBLISHER.<br /> <br /> —+—~ + —<br /> <br /> LITTLE book*has been produced entitled<br /> “The Author as Publisher.” The<br /> publishers of the book are :—Messrs.<br /> <br /> Grant and Woods, of 31, Ampton Street, Grays<br /> Inn Road, W.C., and the price of the book is<br /> 1s. net.<br /> <br /> The book is a small one of some fifty pages<br /> but will hardly repay the reading. It is full<br /> of theories, but has not come down to definite<br /> figures and practical issues except on one<br /> or two occasions, and then the figures are<br /> misleading and inaccurate and the statements<br /> contradictory.<br /> <br /> The writers of the book put forward three<br /> objections to the production of books by the<br /> authors themselves.<br /> <br /> (1) The author is not a man of business.<br /> <br /> (2) He needs capital.<br /> <br /> (8) He has no experience in the distribu-<br /> <br /> tion of books.<br /> <br /> These are all weighty and sound objections,<br /> especially the second one. They then endeav-<br /> our to show that these are really no objections.<br /> <br /> The writers of the book state that the average<br /> cost of production of a book, even including<br /> ‘pushing,’ may be roughly estimated at<br /> about £50. The Society of Authors, as a<br /> general rule, has no inclination to bolster up<br /> publishers’ prices, but could hardly accept<br /> this figure as a fair one. Indeed, as will be<br /> shown later, the writers themselves seem to<br /> contradict this figure.<br /> <br /> The advantages they mention are, that an<br /> author would bear his own losses and enjoy<br /> his own profits, and that, most probably, such<br /> a system would tend to diminish, to a con-<br /> siderable extent, the enormous output of<br /> worthless books. The writers also state that<br /> the author of a technical book very often knows<br /> his own market better than the publisher, and,<br /> therefore, he could reach it so much easier.<br /> Again we are inclined to differ, for the pub-<br /> lishers of technical books, if they know their<br /> business, must make it a point that their<br /> distributing agents should have the necessary<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 63<br /> <br /> knowledge of how to obtain the technical<br /> markets.<br /> <br /> The writers propose to get over the difficulty<br /> of the publisher by the union of several authors<br /> together for the publication, each paying the<br /> cost of production of his own book and his own<br /> proportion of advertisement, but, they go on<br /> to say, that when the books are bound and<br /> ready for delivery there must be of necessity<br /> a distributing office in the Metropolis; there<br /> must be also a clerk to do the accounts ; there<br /> must be also a responsible manager, and, in<br /> time, they state, an advertising department<br /> would be necessary, perhaps also a foreign<br /> department. Personally, we should have<br /> included all these details in the term “* push-<br /> ing ”’ mentioned above, and if these details are<br /> taken into consideration, and there were ten<br /> people joined together, they would find that<br /> the ultimate cost per book was considerably<br /> over £50.<br /> <br /> Until the writers of the book come down to<br /> figures, hard and fast, so long will it be useless<br /> discussing any further the proposition they<br /> put forward. It is true, and the writers have<br /> touched the point, that in some cases authors<br /> of technical subjects can sell their own books<br /> as well as, if not better than, the publisher.<br /> There are authors of technical subjects doing<br /> a great deal of lecturing to students, who<br /> find that by keeping the printing and produc-<br /> tion of their own books in their own hands,<br /> they can obtain larger profits and as good a<br /> circulation as they may want. This example<br /> must not be quoted as illustrative of the rule,<br /> but as an exception.<br /> <br /> The advantages of going to a publisher are<br /> evident, they arise from the fact, that the<br /> publisher’s travellers can handle a hundred<br /> books at a time, whereas, the author who has<br /> only one book, has to go to the same expense<br /> for handling one book as the publisher goes to<br /> for handling a hundred. In the same way,<br /> in the matter of advertisements, a publisher<br /> can easily obtain a reduction for large and<br /> frequent advertisements that an author of one<br /> book cannot obtain. Again, if a really capable<br /> manager for the Authors’ Union business, was<br /> obtained, the manager would certainly, as<br /> soon as he had found his own power, set up<br /> publishing himself. The writers quote the<br /> <br /> © + case of Mr. Ruskin as an author who published<br /> uf | | his own works, but has not the result been the<br /> 1 | firm of Messrs. George Allen and Son.<br /> <br /> There is no doubt that if an author has the<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> “| power and the capacity and the knowledge,<br /> ‘© only obtained after long years of training, he<br /> <br /> might be able in exceptional cases, to do much<br /> <br /> better by publishing his own books, than he<br /> would do if they were produced through a<br /> publisher, but we do not advocate the system<br /> at the present time, while authors remain<br /> artists, and publishers remain tradesmen.<br /> <br /> We have written at some length on this<br /> question, at greater length than is justified by<br /> the contents of the book, because the subject<br /> has been brought forward on two or three<br /> occasions recently. The arguments against<br /> co-operative publishing are many and fatal,<br /> but it is impossible to gather them all within<br /> the compass of a short review.<br /> <br /> —————__ e ~»&gt;_ + —__ —_—<br /> <br /> CORRESPONDENCE.<br /> <br /> —— +e<br /> CO-OPERATIVE PUBLISHING.<br /> LE:<br /> <br /> Sir,—I have just arisen from a dream;<br /> kindly allow me the pleasure of relating it<br /> to you. It was a reforming sort of utopian<br /> fantasy concerning a young author, whose<br /> name did not transpire and is matterless; but<br /> for the sake of clearness, let us speak of him<br /> as Needful. Usually it is not the man who<br /> matters, it is what he does. So it was with<br /> my dream character.<br /> <br /> Now Needful’s lines had not been cast in<br /> pleasant places. The forces of necessity and<br /> inclination had combined in a nefarious plot<br /> to make of him an author, with the result of<br /> a plentiful crop of disappointments, scattered<br /> illusions, some sourness, and enough strengthen-<br /> ing of character to make for the betterment of<br /> the man. Being unsure of himself, he had, at<br /> the outset, followed the example of some other<br /> writers, by submitting his MSS. to certain<br /> eminent litterateurs. These had accorded him<br /> more than sufficient praise to send him hope-<br /> fully forth on the rough road of authorship ;<br /> they had dubbed his work “‘ distinctive,” ‘‘ of<br /> a fine literary flavour,’ ‘‘ with character,<br /> humour, ability in dialogue,’ ete. He was |<br /> also a maker of verse and plays which won him<br /> equally kind remarks from prominent members<br /> of his adopted profession.<br /> <br /> This is the position that Needful appeared<br /> to me to possess at the opening of my dream.<br /> *“ Alas for the frailty of human hopes,” especi-<br /> ally youthful literary ones. He had sent his<br /> MSS. to publishers, and had them returned to<br /> him, some with polite letters of rejection ; some<br /> with regrets that the work was not sufficiently<br /> sensational, not ‘‘ popular’? enough; and<br /> some with requests to see other efforts. But<br /> 64<br /> <br /> most of the rejections were accompanied by<br /> offers to publish his work at his own expense,<br /> and some of the offers came from the front<br /> rank of long-established firms. My friend, of<br /> the dream, had a shelfful of sad reminders that<br /> there are more things in the realm of publica-<br /> tion than are imagined in a young author&#039;s<br /> philosophy. Of his three published books—<br /> the first, a critique, had died of the malady<br /> known as clever mystification ; the second,<br /> a volume of verse, had occasioned a storm of<br /> abuse, which he—forgetting the similar cases<br /> of Keats, Byron, Shelley, Tennyson, ete.—<br /> omitted to take as praise, and thereon swore<br /> an eternal severance from every thought akin<br /> to poetry ; whilst of his royalties on the third,<br /> a romance, he was robbed by a fraudulent<br /> publisher, with whom he had signed an agree-<br /> ment that completely tied his hands in the<br /> matter of retaliation.<br /> <br /> Thus much for the making of Mr. Needful.<br /> But now came a change: just after the begin-<br /> ning of my dream Needful was startled<br /> almost out of his wits by being left half a<br /> million pounds by a relative who had gone<br /> out to the Colonies and been forgotten.<br /> Having gained possession of the money he<br /> spent a week in close thought on one subject.<br /> Then (and here comes the peculiar part of the<br /> dream) he came to you with the idea that had<br /> cost him seven days in bringing to a workable<br /> conclusion. Roughly, this was the uniting<br /> of all British authors in a publishing company.<br /> Well, as might be expected in the face of such<br /> a radical innovation, those who were most to<br /> benefit by the project held dubiously aloof.<br /> But that did not deter Needful. He was<br /> determined to save them even in spite of them-<br /> selves. So he, with your practical help,<br /> founded, and endowed in a way, a sort of<br /> Syndicate of British Authors. Entirely at<br /> his expense a huge building was put up in<br /> the W.C. district, a part of it being fitted with<br /> all the necessary machinery, etc., for a very<br /> large printing and publishing business, the<br /> remainder was a club room, library, theatre,<br /> restaurant and sleeping rooms. ‘This place,<br /> stored and supplied to the last detail, Needful<br /> gave to the Committee of the Syndicate, to be<br /> held in perpetuity by them and their successors<br /> for the sole use of the Syndicate. As to the<br /> benefits of this institution, the membership<br /> was one guinea per year; for which the mem-<br /> ber was supplied with a club, a private theatre,<br /> ete., and had his books published, the whole<br /> solely at working cost, he receiving every penny<br /> of clear profit on his work.<br /> <br /> Of course, what had kept the authors from<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> putting their money (such as had any) into the<br /> project was the fear that it would not pay.<br /> Now, with a free gift of the whole concern and<br /> a level start at no more cost than a guinea<br /> each, in they came—necessity-driven animals<br /> into the ark of self-protection. In a short<br /> time every author in Britain, whose work would<br /> pay for its publication, was a member of the<br /> Syndicate. Each book was issued on its<br /> merits, and, in the case of the more literary,<br /> cleared its cost partially owing to the good<br /> repute of the Syndicate. Outside publishers<br /> of books became practically nil; such as did<br /> survive lived on publishing for the dead, and<br /> on ‘‘ commission ” work for wealthy scribblers<br /> of no merit.<br /> <br /> Thus ended my dream, and I awoke sadly<br /> to realise that I had but dreamt, and to sink<br /> back on my pillow, murmuring—“ If this be<br /> dreaming, let me sleep and dream it o’er again.”<br /> <br /> Under the impression that this will interest<br /> you, and all authors who would help to form<br /> a co-operative publishing concern,<br /> <br /> I am, Sir,<br /> Faithfully yours,<br /> A. DREAMER.<br /> 1 ——<br /> <br /> Il.<br /> <br /> Sir,—Disraeli remarks in his “‘ Calamities ”<br /> that authors are the most ingenious and the<br /> most enlightened class of the community, and<br /> the least remunerated. .. Some are forced<br /> to exist by means that are painful to describe,<br /> while others end their lives in apathy and<br /> despair.<br /> <br /> This is terribly true, and there is ample<br /> evidence to prove that one of the causes of<br /> these dire struggles with penury is the flagrant<br /> evil of the unsatisfactory publishing arrange-<br /> ments, from which there seems no escape at.<br /> present.<br /> <br /> If authors would but co-operate and bring<br /> their ‘‘ ingenuity and enlightenment ” to bear<br /> upon this most distressing state of affairs, we<br /> fully believe that they could obtain redress of<br /> their grievances. The remedy is in their own<br /> hands, and we venture to suggest that authors<br /> should formulate a system by which the<br /> publishing business would be more under their<br /> personal control, and thus prevent further<br /> * calamities.”” We suggest that this is possible,<br /> and in view of establishing, say, The Authors’<br /> Publishing Association, we should like to hear<br /> any objections against it, and shall be pleased<br /> to communicate with those who are in favour<br /> and willing to assist.<br /> <br /> ANNABEL GRay., The Author
523 Author, Vol. 23 Issue 03 (December 1912)<a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=49&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=%3Cem%3EThe+Author%3C%2Fem%3E%2C+Vol.+23+Issue+03+%28December+1912%29"><em>The Author</em>, Vol. 23 Issue 03 (December 1912)</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=51&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=Publication">Publication</a>1912-12-01-The-Author-23-365–96<a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=89&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=23">23</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=76&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=1912-12-01">1912-12-01</a>319121201Che Hutbor.<br /> <br /> (The Organ of the Incorporated Society of Authors. Monthly.)<br /> <br /> FOUNDED BY SIR<br /> <br /> WALTER BESANT.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> VoL. XXTII.—No. 3.<br /> <br /> DECEMBER 1, 1912.<br /> <br /> [PRIcE SIXPENCE.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> TELEPHONE NUMBER:<br /> 374 VICTORIA.<br /> <br /> TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS :<br /> AUTORIDAD, LONDON.<br /> <br /> Se ee<br /> <br /> NOTICES.<br /> <br /> ++<br /> <br /> - the opinions expressed in papers that<br /> _ are signed or initialled the authors alone<br /> <br /> &quot;are responsible. None of the papers or<br /> paragraphs must be taken as expressing the<br /> opinion of the Committee unless such is<br /> especially stated to be the case.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Tue Editor begs to inform members of the<br /> Authors’ Society and other readers of The<br /> Author that the cases which are quoted in The<br /> Author are cases that have come before the<br /> notice or to the knowledge of the Secretary of<br /> the Society, and that those members of the<br /> Society who desire to have the names of the<br /> publishers concerned can obtain them on<br /> application.<br /> <br /> ARTICLES AND CONTRIBUTIONS.<br /> <br /> Tue Editor of The Author begs to remind<br /> members of the Society that, although the<br /> paper is sent to them free of cost, its production<br /> would be a very heavy charge on the resources<br /> of the Society if a great many members did not<br /> forward to the Secretary the modest 5s. 6d.<br /> subscription for the year.<br /> <br /> Communications for The Author should be<br /> addressed to the offices of the Society, 39, Old<br /> Queen Street, Storey’s Gate, S.W., and should<br /> reach the Editor not later than the 21st of each<br /> month.<br /> <br /> Communications and letters are invited by<br /> the Editor on all literary matters treated from<br /> <br /> Vou. XXIII.<br /> <br /> the standpoint of art or business, but on no<br /> other subjects whatever. Every effort will be<br /> made to return articles which cannot be<br /> accepted.<br /> <br /> ADVERTISEMENTS.<br /> <br /> As there seems to be an impression among<br /> readers of The Author that the Committee are<br /> personally responsible for the bona fides of the<br /> advertisers, the Committee desire it to be stated<br /> that this is not, and could not possibly be, the<br /> case. Although care is exercised that no<br /> undesirable advertisements be inserted, they<br /> do not accept, and never have accepted, any<br /> liability. ‘<br /> <br /> Members should apply to the Secretary for<br /> advice if special information is desired.<br /> <br /> ee<br /> <br /> THE SOCIETY’S FUNDS.<br /> <br /> — +<br /> <br /> ‘T\ROM time to time members of the Society<br /> desire to make donations to its funds in<br /> recognition of work that has been done<br /> <br /> for them. The Committee, acting on the<br /> <br /> suggestion of one of these members, have<br /> decided to place this permanent paragraph in<br /> <br /> The Author in order that members may be<br /> <br /> cognisant of those funds to which these con-<br /> <br /> tributions may be paid.<br /> <br /> The funds suitable for this purpose are:<br /> (1) The Capital Fund. This fund is kept in<br /> reserve in case it is necessary for the Society to<br /> incur heavy expenditure, either in fighting a<br /> question of principle, or in assisting to obtain<br /> copyright reform, or in dealing with any other<br /> matter closely connected with the work of the<br /> Society.<br /> <br /> (2) The Pension Fund, This fund is slowly<br /> increasing, and it is hoped will, in time, cover<br /> the needs of all the members of the Society.<br /> <br /> +2<br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> THE PENSION FUND.<br /> <br /> —1-—&lt;—+ —<br /> <br /> N January, the secretary of the society laid<br /> before the trustees of the Pension Fund<br /> the accounts for the year 1911, as settled<br /> <br /> by the accountants, with a full statement of<br /> the result of the appeal made on behalf of<br /> the fund. After giving the matter full con-<br /> sideration, the trustees instructed the secretary<br /> to invest the sum of £500 in the purchase of<br /> Antofagasta and Bolivian Railway 5% Pre-<br /> ferred Ordinary Stock and Central Argentine<br /> Railway Ordinary Stock. The amounts pur-<br /> ehased at the current prices were £237 in the<br /> former and £232 in the latter stock.<br /> <br /> The trustees desire to thank the members of<br /> the society for the generous support which they<br /> have given to the Pension Fund. The money<br /> now invested amounts to £4,454 6s.<br /> <br /> Later in the year, at a meeting of the Com-<br /> mittee of Management, a question concerning<br /> the funds of the society was brought up for dis-<br /> eussion, and it was suggested that it would be<br /> a good thing for the Pension Fund trustees, if<br /> they had power, to sell out the Fund’s holding of<br /> -Consols and to invest in some more satisfactory<br /> -security. The suggestion was placed before the<br /> trustees of the Pension Fund, and a meeting<br /> was called, when the chairman of the Committee<br /> ef Management, the trustees, and Mr. Aylmer<br /> Maude, the member of the Committee of<br /> Management who had made the suggestion,<br /> were present. The figures were very closely<br /> eonsidered, and it appeared clear that altera-<br /> tions in the investment of the funds could be<br /> earried out with advantage to the Fund’s<br /> income. It was decided by the trustees, with<br /> the approval of the Committee of Management,<br /> to ‘sell out the holding of Consols.. With the<br /> amount realised, were purchased—<br /> <br /> $2,000 (£400) Consolidated Gas: and Elec-<br /> tric Company of Baltimore 44% Gold<br /> Bonds ; — —<br /> <br /> 30 Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway<br /> <br /> ~ 4° Extension Shares, (1914) £8 paid ;<br /> <br /> £250 Edward Lloyd, Ltd., £1 5% Prefer-<br /> ence Shares.<br /> <br /> These amounts are fully set out and added<br /> in the nominal value to the Pension Fund<br /> investments, below.<br /> <br /> The trustees have also, in view of the option<br /> extended to them as holders of £282 Central<br /> Argentine Railway Ordinary Stock, subscribed<br /> for 8 Central Argentine Railway £10 Preference<br /> Shares, New Issue.<br /> <br /> The nominal value of the investments held<br /> on behalf of the Pension Fund now amounts<br /> <br /> to £4,454 6s., details of which are fully set out<br /> in the following schedule :—<br /> Nominal Value,<br /> <br /> Local Loans<br /> Victoria Government 3% Consoli-<br /> dated Inscribed Stock ........<br /> London and North-Western 3%<br /> Debenture Stock<br /> Egyptian Government Irrigation<br /> Trust 4% Certificates ........<br /> Cape of Good Hope 33% Inscribed<br /> Stock 0.665. a<br /> Glasgow and South-Western Rail-<br /> way 4°% Preference Stock ....<br /> New Zealand 34% Stock........<br /> Trish Land 23% Guaranteed Stock<br /> Corporation of London 24%<br /> Stock, 1927-57... ......5..5.<br /> Jamaica 34% Stock, 1919-49<br /> Mauritius 4% 1937 Stock ......<br /> Dominion of Canada, C.P.R. 34%<br /> Land Grant Stock, 1938 ......<br /> Antofagasta and Bolivian Railway<br /> 5% Preferred Stock .......5...<br /> Central Argentine Railway Or-<br /> dinary Stock -. 2.2.5. 5.50.5<br /> $2,000 Consolidated Gas and<br /> Electric Company of Baltimore<br /> 44% Gold Bonds ............<br /> 250 Edward Lloyd, Ltd., £1 5%<br /> Preference Shares<br /> 80 Buenos Ayres Great Southern<br /> Railway 4°% Extension Shares<br /> 1914 (£8 paid) .......55.2,5%<br /> 8 Central Argentine Railway £10<br /> Preference Shares New Issue .<br /> <br /> 291 19 11<br /> 250 0 O<br /> 200<br /> 200<br /> 228<br /> 247<br /> 258<br /> 438<br /> <br /> 132<br /> 120<br /> <br /> Oo oac o °<br /> <br /> 198<br /> <br /> 237<br /> <br /> o o eo Nob ooo eo ¢<br /> <br /> (a ” )<br /> <br /> 232<br /> <br /> ig C4454<br /> <br /> Total<br /> <br /> PENSION FUND.<br /> <br /> — oe<br /> <br /> Tue list printed below includes all fresh dona-<br /> tions and subscriptions (i.e., donations and<br /> <br /> subscriptions not hitherto acknowledged)<br /> received by, or promised to, the fund from<br /> April 1st, 1912.<br /> <br /> ‘ It does not include either donations given<br /> prior to April 1st, nor does it include sub-<br /> scriptions paid in compliance with promises<br /> made before it. :<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ‘Oct.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Subscriptions.<br /> 1912.<br /> April 6, Bland, J. O. P. :<br /> April 6, Taylor, Mrs. Basil .<br /> April 6, Forrester, J. Cliffe . :<br /> June 6, Probert, W. S. Q .<br /> June 6, Wheelhouse, Miss M. V.<br /> June 6, Acland, Mrs. C. D. Z<br /> June 6, Spurrell, Herbert (from<br /> 1912 to 1915).<br /> June 6, Spens, Archibald B. .<br /> <br /> July 18, Liddle, S.<br /> <br /> Aug. 7, Joseph, L. : A ;<br /> <br /> Sept. 6, Garvice, Charles (in addi-<br /> tion to present sub-<br /> scription of £1 Is.)<br /> <br /> 2, Todhunter, Dr. John.<br /> <br /> 10, Escott, T. H. S. . ‘<br /> <br /> 10, Henderson, R. W. Wright<br /> <br /> 10, Knowles, Miss M. W. :<br /> <br /> 11, Buckley, Reginald .<br /> <br /> 12, Walshe, Douglas<br /> <br /> 12, ‘‘ Penmark’”’ . :<br /> <br /> 15, Sinclair Miss Edith .<br /> <br /> 16, Markino, Yoshio :<br /> <br /> Oct. 20, Fiamingo, Carlo. “<br /> <br /> Oct. 29, Henley, Mrs. .<br /> <br /> Nov. 8, Jane, L. Cecil .<br /> <br /> Noy. 14, Gibb, W.<br /> <br /> Oct.<br /> Oct.<br /> Oct.<br /> Oct.<br /> Oct.<br /> <br /> Oct.<br /> <br /> Oct.<br /> Oct.<br /> <br /> 1912. Donations,<br /> <br /> April 2, XX. Pen Club<br /> ‘April 6, Taylor, Mrs. Basil . :<br /> April 6, Cameron, Mrs. Charlotte .<br /> April 10, Kenny, Mrs. L. M. Stac-<br /> poole : . :<br /> April 10, Robbins, Alfred F..<br /> April 10, Harris, Emma H. .<br /> April 11, Ralli, C. Searamanga<br /> April 11, Aitken, Robert . :<br /> April 16, L. M. F. (£1 per month,<br /> : February, March, April)<br /> April 22, Prior, Mrs. Melton ‘<br /> May 2, Baden-Powell, Miss Agnes<br /> ‘May 25, Koebel, W. H. : :<br /> May 28, Harland, Mrs. Henry ‘<br /> May 28, Wood, Mrs. A. E. . .<br /> June 4, Hornung, E. W. i<br /> June 4, Ward, Dudley<br /> June 6, Worrall, Leehmere .<br /> June 13, Robbins, Miss Alice E.<br /> July 5, Hain, H.M. . . :<br /> Aug. 16, Shipley, R. H. . ‘<br /> Sept. 20, Willcocks, Miss M. P..<br /> Sept. 23, Peacock, Mrs. F. M.<br /> Oct. 2, Stuart, James . :<br /> Oct. 14, Diblee, G. Bonney .<br /> <br /> oormooowh<br /> <br /> SOF OF COCOOOCOHH oooo<br /> <br /> noo<br /> <br /> aHwoOom oS<br /> <br /> SCrermnoceroouncoooon<br /> <br /> H<br /> <br /> _<br /> So Ot GOS &amp;<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> Or Or Or Or<br /> <br /> Sr or oro ©<br /> <br /> 10<br /> 10<br /> 10<br /> <br /> Or Or = OT<br /> <br /> eeceecscec<br /> <br /> eocococoaccococooeco ooco<br /> <br /> oocoo ooo<br /> <br /> @ASCoancoococooosoaso<br /> <br /> o&gt;<br /> ~J<br /> <br /> tw<br /> —<br /> a<br /> <br /> Oct. 14, Michell, The Right Hon.<br /> Sir Lewis, C.V.O.<br /> <br /> Oct. 17, Ord, H. W. . i<br /> <br /> Oct. 20, Yorke-Smith, Mrs. .<br /> <br /> Nov. 10, Hood, Francis . i<br /> <br /> Nov. 20, Kennard, Mrs. N. H.<br /> <br /> wood uo<br /> ~<br /> <br /> Cure © Ot<br /> <br /> coonanas<br /> <br /> 1+<br /> <br /> COMMITTEE NOTES.<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> Tue Committee met at the offices of the<br /> Society on Monday, November 4th, and after<br /> the minutes of the previous meeting had been<br /> read and signed, proceeded to the election<br /> of members. Twenty-three were elected,<br /> bringing the total elections for the current<br /> year up to 313. There were two resignations.<br /> <br /> The solicitor reported on the cases with<br /> which he had dealt during the month.<br /> <br /> In two County Court cases judgment had<br /> been obtained, but as the judgments had<br /> not been satisfied he was proceeding to<br /> issue execution. In another case—against a<br /> music publisher—judgment had been obtained<br /> and the publisher had to pay the costs of the<br /> action. A curious case, chronicled in last<br /> month’s Author, against a book publisher, had<br /> arisen, in which the publisher, although the<br /> cost of production of the book had been<br /> defrayed by the author, refused to deliver the<br /> balance of the stock. As it was impossible<br /> to come to any agreement the solicitor<br /> reported he was about to issue process.<br /> In three other cases where no satisfactory<br /> replies could be obtained from the offenders,<br /> the solicitor had issued process. One case<br /> had sone very curious points, for the editor<br /> of a magazine had printed a story as by a well-<br /> known author, who had not, in fact, written<br /> it. The Society is commencing an action<br /> for literary libel and passing off. Two cases<br /> had been settled satisfactorily, the sums<br /> duz to the authors having been paid without<br /> the necessity of going into court, but in two<br /> other claims, as the defendants disputed the<br /> issues, it had become necessary to issue writs.<br /> Another action has had to be taken up against<br /> an American magazine on behalf of a member.<br /> <br /> Two cases involving the bankruptcy of<br /> publishers have occurred during the past<br /> month. In one ease the Society of Authors<br /> was given representation on the Com-<br /> mittee of Inspection, as representing the<br /> interests of authors. It is impossible to deal<br /> with these cases further until the liquidator<br /> 68<br /> <br /> has been able to issue a report, but the com-<br /> mittee regret that quite a dozen members<br /> are involved in each bankruptcy, and perhaps<br /> more. In one other case in which a question<br /> had arisen concerning cinematograph rights<br /> the committee gave authority to take counsel’s<br /> opinion, upon which the author will no doubt<br /> act.<br /> <br /> The report of the Copyright Sub-Committee<br /> on the Australian Copyright Bill was laid before<br /> the committee, who authorised the secretary<br /> to present the report to the Premier of the<br /> Australian Commonwealth in the hope that<br /> the Society’s suggestions might meet with<br /> consideration, and, thereby, that the rights,<br /> not only of the Australian, but also of British<br /> authors, might be strengthened imperially<br /> and internationally.<br /> <br /> An important question of United States<br /> Copyright was laid before the committee by<br /> one of the Society’s correspondents in New<br /> York, and the secretary was instructed to<br /> obtain counsel’s opinion on the difficulty<br /> raised, and advice as to what action should be<br /> taken to bring the matter to the notice of the<br /> proper authorities.<br /> <br /> The secretary reported that Newfoundland<br /> had accepted the Copyright Act of 1911, and<br /> also called attention to some difficulties which<br /> had arisen owing to the fact that that Act had<br /> not as yet been proclaimed in India. He<br /> was authorised to take the necessary steps<br /> to draw the attention of the India Office to<br /> the difficulties in question.<br /> <br /> The working of the Copyright Act of 1911<br /> in its relations to our Colonies and Dependencies<br /> will bring, and is bringing, many difficult and<br /> important questions before the committee.<br /> <br /> Matters connected with the new branch of<br /> the Society, the Collection Bureau, were then<br /> discussed. It was decided to accept the<br /> recommendation of the Composers’ Sub-<br /> Committee, to collect the mechanical instru-<br /> ment fees under the Act of 1911, at the rate of<br /> 15 per cent. commission, subject to the com-<br /> posers paying for the manufacture of their<br /> stamps. It was also decided to accept the<br /> recommendation of the Dramatic Sub-Com-<br /> mittee to collect the fees under contracts<br /> already entered into by those dramatists who<br /> were.members of the Society. for a commission<br /> of 5 per cent. It was further decided to keep<br /> a register of stamps to he placed on mechanical<br /> instruments at the Society’s office.<br /> <br /> The Composers’ Sub-Committee appointed<br /> two delegates to discuss important questions<br /> <br /> resulting from composers’ contracts with music<br /> publishers.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Mr. Maurice Hewlett, who has been a member<br /> of the committee for some years, and was<br /> chairman of that body’ from 1909 till 1911,<br /> having resigned from the committee owing to<br /> pressure of other work, the committee accepted<br /> his resignation with great regret, and instructed<br /> the secretary to write to him. Mr. Stanley<br /> Leathes, C.B., was elected to fill the vacancy,<br /> and has expressed his willingness to undertake<br /> the work.<br /> <br /> The committee then decided on_ the<br /> nominees to be put forward under the constitu-<br /> tion of the Society for election at the end of<br /> the year. The names of these nominees will”<br /> appear in The Author according to the regula-<br /> tions and rules laid down.<br /> <br /> Mr. E. J. MacGillivray was elected a member<br /> of the Council of the Society of Authors.<br /> Mr. MacGillivray has undertaken a_ great<br /> amount of. gratuitous work for the Society<br /> during the passing of the Copyright Bill, and<br /> has freely given his help to the Society on<br /> difficult copyright questions which have arisen.<br /> <br /> The next matter arose in connection with<br /> the advertisements in The Author. This was<br /> carefully considered by the committee, and the<br /> secretary was instructed to take the necessary<br /> steps to give effect to their decision. :<br /> <br /> Certain proposals laid before the committee<br /> by the Associated Booksellers of Great Britain<br /> and Ireland were. next considered, and it was<br /> decided to appoint a small sub-committee to<br /> confer with the Booksellers’ representatives,<br /> and to discuss the matters which their Associa-<br /> tion had raised. Mr. Aylmer Maude and Mr.<br /> G. Bernard Shaw kindly consented to act<br /> as a sub-committee, and the secretary was<br /> instructed to write to the Booksellers’ Associa-<br /> tion and to report progress at another meeting.<br /> <br /> A difficult matter arising out of multiple<br /> book-reviewing was discussed at some length,<br /> and the secretary was requested to write to<br /> the member who had introduced the matter,<br /> stating that the committee were considering it<br /> sympathetically but desired fuller information.<br /> <br /> The committee’s thanks were expressed to<br /> Mr. Thomas Common for a donation of £1 Is.<br /> to the Capital Fund of the Society, as a return<br /> for work accomplished by the Society on his<br /> behalf.<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> Dramatic SuB-COMMITTEE.<br /> <br /> Tur November meeting of the Dramatic<br /> Sub-Committee was held at the offices of the<br /> Society on the 15th. 2<br /> <br /> After reading the minutes of the previous<br /> <br /> meeting, the sub-committee considered a<br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> proposal placed before them by a gentleman<br /> who is not a member of the Society, for<br /> the re-organization of the dramatic section of<br /> the Society, under certain new articles and<br /> rules that he had drafted for their con-<br /> sideration. These articles and rules had<br /> been circulated to the members of the sub-<br /> committee prior to the meeting. The sub-<br /> committee came to the conclusion that it was<br /> impossible to consider the suggestions and,<br /> after discussion, decided that the matter<br /> should be adjourned sine die.<br /> <br /> The secretary read to the sub-committee<br /> the answer he had received from the Society<br /> of West End Managers in regard to the<br /> Managerial Treaty.<br /> <br /> -- The question of twice-nightly performances<br /> of plays in Music Halls was then discussed,<br /> and the secretary reported information he<br /> had received in regard to the prices which<br /> could be charged for these performances. All<br /> possible information was placed by the<br /> members present at the secretary’s disposal,<br /> that he might be able to advise dramatic<br /> authors who should apply to him for informa-<br /> tion on their contracts.<br /> <br /> ~The Translator’s Agreement was next con-<br /> sidered, and, with it, the question of the<br /> appointment of agents in foreign countries to<br /> deal with the work of members of the Society.<br /> <br /> Subject to confirmation by the committee<br /> of management an agent was appointed in<br /> Holland, and another in the United States.<br /> The secretary was instructed, also, to get into<br /> communication with an agent in Germany.<br /> <br /> The names of the agents will be published in<br /> The Author in full, after they have been duly<br /> appointed by the Committee of Management.<br /> <br /> A letter was read from a correspondent in<br /> Portugal who desired to act as agent of the<br /> Society, and the secretary was instructed to<br /> obtain information as to his standing and<br /> position. :<br /> <br /> The arrangements for the election of the<br /> Dramatic Sub-Committee for 1913 were next<br /> consideréd, and the secretary received instruc-<br /> tions to carry out the usual steps in due<br /> course.<br /> <br /> It was decided to hold the next meeting on<br /> the second Friday in December, as the third<br /> Friday brought the date too close to Christmas.<br /> <br /> — 1<br /> Composers’ SuB-CoMMITTEE.<br /> <br /> I.<br /> <br /> A SPECIAL meeting of the Composers’ Sub-<br /> Committee was held on Saturday, October 26th,<br /> <br /> 69<br /> <br /> in order to re-discuss the relations between the<br /> Society of Authors and the Mechanical-<br /> Copyright Licences Co., and the question of<br /> mechanical instrument fees. The secretary<br /> read to the sub-committee certain letters<br /> which he had written to the representative<br /> of the Mechanical Copyright Licences Co. in<br /> the spring of the year, and the secretary<br /> received instructions to draft a further letter<br /> dealing with the terms of contract.<br /> <br /> The question of performing rights was also<br /> dealt with, and the secretary read a letter he<br /> had received from the Music Publishers’<br /> Association. It was decided not to drop<br /> negotiations, but to persevere in the hope that<br /> some good might, in the end, be achieved by<br /> joint action.<br /> <br /> IT.<br /> <br /> Tue Composers’ Sub-Committee met again<br /> on Saturday, November 16th, at the offices of<br /> the Society.<br /> <br /> The first matter under discussion referred to<br /> a publisher’s agreement and the clauses which<br /> it contained. The secretary laid a letter he<br /> had_reecived from the publishers in answer to<br /> a communication from the Society of Authors,<br /> written under the instructions of the sub-<br /> committee, and the secretary was instructed to<br /> reply to the same, drafting a letter which should<br /> be approved by the chairman.<br /> <br /> The secretary then laid a letter before the<br /> committee that he had received from one of<br /> the directors of the Mechanical-Copyright<br /> Licences Co., Ltd. It was decided, as it was<br /> important for the Society to have agents for<br /> the collection of fees in foreign countries, to<br /> write to those persons who represented the<br /> Society in’ other matters and enquire what<br /> provision was made in France, Germany, and<br /> elsewhere, for the collection of fees on<br /> mechanical instrument reproductions, and the<br /> secretary was instructed, when the information<br /> came to hand, to lay the whole matter again<br /> before the sub-committee with a view to<br /> appointing reliable agents.<br /> <br /> The question of a united combination with<br /> the publishers in order to establish fees<br /> on performing rights was again considered.<br /> The secretary informed the sub-committee<br /> that he had had a conversation with Mr. Dixey,<br /> secretary of the Music Publishers’ Association.<br /> It was finally proposed that the secretary<br /> should write to the secretary of the Music<br /> Publishers’ Association, putting before him<br /> certain matters which could, with benefit to<br /> both parties, be discussed between the com-<br /> posers and the Music Publishers’ Association,<br /> <br /> <br /> @ _Adey, More<br /> <br /> 70<br /> <br /> in the hope that the Music Publishers’ Asso- ~ Burnett,<br /> <br /> ciation would be willing to form a small sub-<br /> committee to consider the matter, The four<br /> main points put forward were :—<br /> <br /> 1. The main principles of contract.<br /> <br /> 2. Performing right fees,<br /> <br /> 3. Mechanical instrument reproductions,<br /> <br /> 4, Cost of production.<br /> <br /> Finally, the secretary laid a series of letters<br /> from the companies which were reproducing<br /> the composers’ works on mechanical instru-<br /> ments, promising their assistance in cases of<br /> infringement of copyright.<br /> <br /> —_1—~&gt;+ —<br /> <br /> Cases.<br /> <br /> Tue number of cases taken up during the<br /> past month still keeps up the average.<br /> <br /> There have been four cases dealing with the<br /> question of the settlement of the exact terms of<br /> contract. These cases generally involve a<br /> certain amount of negotiation. One case has<br /> been satisfactorily settled, and correspondence<br /> is still going on with regard to the others.<br /> <br /> There have been five cases for the return of<br /> MSS. In three cases the MSS. have been<br /> returned. One case in Australia is necessarily<br /> not yet completed, and the last one has come<br /> only recently into the hands of the secretary.<br /> <br /> There have been five claims for accounts and<br /> money. Three of these have been settled,<br /> one has been placed in the hands of the Society’s<br /> solicitors and the other has only recently come<br /> to hand.<br /> <br /> Of two cases for money one is still in the<br /> course of negotiation and the other has been<br /> placed in the hands of the solicitors.<br /> <br /> Out of sixteen cases, therefore, six have been<br /> settled. This is a good average for one<br /> month.<br /> <br /> The cases still left over from past months<br /> are slowly closing up. Where the secretary<br /> has been unable to deal with them they have<br /> been handed over to the solicitors.<br /> <br /> a oo<br /> <br /> Elections.<br /> <br /> The Burlingion<br /> Magazine, 17, Old<br /> Burlington Street,<br /> W.<br /> <br /> ‘* Hillside,” Strath-<br /> cona Park,<br /> Ottawa, Canada ;<br /> Royal Societies<br /> Club, S.W.<br /> <br /> Ami, Henry M., M.A.,<br /> D.Sc., F.R.S. (Canada)<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Miss Olive<br /> Compton<br /> De Rehyn, Cyril .<br /> Ferguson, Dugald<br /> Florian, A.R., M.A.<br /> <br /> Haig, Kenneth George .<br /> Hare-Dean, Mrs. N.<br /> <br /> Harris, Clement Antro-<br /> bus.<br /> <br /> Lee, George ‘“ Wing-<br /> shaft.”<br /> <br /> MacDonald, Mrs..<br /> <br /> Moore, Edith Mary<br /> <br /> Nesfield, Miss Frances<br /> Emily<br /> <br /> Percival, Archibald<br /> <br /> Stanley<br /> Picciotto, Cyril<br /> Rawlence, Guy<br /> Sichel, Miss Edith<br /> Theobald, Harry.<br /> <br /> Wenyon-Samuel Alex-<br /> ander<br /> <br /> Wriothesley, William,<br /> <br /> Wyton, Mrs. Alice<br /> <br /> Lyceum Club, Pieca-<br /> dilly, W.<br /> <br /> Edinburgh.<br /> <br /> Tapanui, Otago, New<br /> Zealand.<br /> <br /> Priory Lodge,<br /> Shrewsbury.<br /> <br /> 7, Brook Street,<br /> Hanover Square,<br /> W.<br /> <br /> Writers’ Club, 10,<br /> Norfolk Street,<br /> <br /> Strand, W.C.<br /> Ellangowan, Crieff, ©<br /> <br /> 8, Vale<br /> Spital,<br /> field.<br /> <br /> 80, Auckland Road,<br /> Tiford. :<br /> <br /> Glan Aber, Purley;<br /> Surrey.<br /> <br /> c/o Messrs. Edghill<br /> Soulby, Clarence<br /> Park, Weston-<br /> super-Mare.<br /> <br /> 17, Claremont Place,<br /> <br /> Newcastle-on-Tyne.<br /> <br /> 54, Warrington Cres-<br /> cent, W. :<br /> <br /> The Chantry, Wilton<br /> Salisbury.<br /> <br /> 42, Onslow Gardens,<br /> S.W<br /> <br /> 37, Essex Street,<br /> Strand, W.C.<br /> <br /> 22, Lissenden Man-<br /> sions, Highgate<br /> Road, N.W.<br /> <br /> c/o. Messrs. Brown,<br /> Shipley &amp; Co.<br /> 123, Pall Mall,<br /> S.W.<br /> <br /> 145, Woolstone<br /> Road, Forest_Hill,<br /> S.E. a<br /> <br /> Terrace,<br /> Chester-<br /> <br /> 1 —_—___ —<br /> <br /> BOOKS PUBLISHED BY MEMBERS.<br /> <br /> —_t——+ ——<br /> <br /> While every effort is made by the ccmpilers to keep<br /> this list as accurate and exhaustive as possible, they have<br /> some difficulty in attaining this object owing to the fact<br /> that many of the books mentioned are not sent to the office<br /> by the members. In consequence, it is necessary to rely<br /> largely upon lists of books which appear in literary and<br /> other papers. It is hoped, however, that members will<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> i es ee a ty a es<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 71<br /> <br /> co-operate in the compiling of this list and, by sending<br /> particulars of their works, help to make it substantially<br /> accurate.<br /> <br /> AGRICULTURE.<br /> <br /> By Frepsrick No&amp;kt-Paton, Director-<br /> Calcutta<br /> <br /> Burma Rice.<br /> General of Commercial Intelligence, India.<br /> Superintendent Government Printing. 94.<br /> <br /> ANTHROPOLOGY.<br /> <br /> THE ORIGIN OF CIVILISATION AND THE PRIMITIVE ConpI-<br /> TION or Man. By Tue Ricutr Hon. toe Lorp AVEBURY.<br /> Seventh Edition. 9 x 6. 484 pp. Longmans.<br /> 7s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> ART.<br /> <br /> A History or Enctisn Grass Paryrinc. By Maurice<br /> Drake. Ilustrated by 36 plates from drawings by<br /> Wirrep Drake. 133 x 8. 226 pp. Werner<br /> Laurie. £2 2s. n:<br /> <br /> BIOGRAPHY.<br /> <br /> Tae Diaries or Wiriaam Cuartes Macreapy (1833<br /> ag Edited by Wiutiam Toynser, Chapman &amp;<br /> all.<br /> Scenes anp Memories. By Warsurca Lapy Pacer.<br /> 8 x 54. 325 pp. Smith Elder. 7s. 6d. n.<br /> Mary QUEEN oF Scots. By Hirpa T. SKar.<br /> 204 pp. Foulis. 5s. n.<br /> <br /> BOOKS FOR THE YOUNG.<br /> <br /> SWEETHEARTS aT Home. By S. R. Crockert.<br /> 311 pp. Hodder &amp; Stoughton. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Macic Wortp. By E. Nessrr. Illustrations by<br /> H. R. Mintar &amp; Spencer Pryse. 73 x 5}. 280 pp.<br /> Macmillan. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Brrv’s Curistmas Carot. By Kare Dovcuas<br /> Wiecin. Illustrated. by Karuartne RB. WISEMAN.<br /> 82 x 6}. 90 pp. Gay &amp; Hancock. 3s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 7% x +54.<br /> <br /> 8i x 6.<br /> <br /> DRAMA,<br /> <br /> Tur Tria or JEANNE D’Arc, an Historical Play in Five<br /> Acts. By Epwarp Garnerr. 74 x 5. 79 pp.<br /> Sidgwick &amp; Jackson. 3s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Wacner’s Tristan und Isoxpz, An Essay on the<br /> Wagnerian Drama. By G. A. Hicur. 8} x 53.<br /> 281 pp. Stephen Swift. 5s. n.<br /> <br /> ECONOMICS.<br /> <br /> Szasonat Traps. By various writers. Introduction<br /> by Stpyey Wess. Edited by SipNey Wess AND<br /> Agnotp Freeman. 8} x 5}. 410 pp. Constable.<br /> “Ts. 64. n. ,<br /> <br /> ENGINEERING.<br /> <br /> A Primer on THE INTERNAL ComBUSTION ENGINE. By<br /> H. E. Wimperis. 73 x 5. 143 pp. Constable.<br /> 2s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> FICTION.<br /> Come Rack! Come Ropz. By R. H. Benson. Ti Xx 5,<br /> <br /> Alston Riyers. 6s. 7 yay<br /> <br /> Barriers. By Tar Hon. Mrs. Juuian Byna. 7% X 5h.<br /> 380 pp. Holden &amp; Hardingham.<br /> <br /> Tue Distant Lame. By Harotp Bzcsre. 12 xX 6,<br /> 294 pp. Hodder &amp; Stoughton. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Private Lire op Henry Maituanp. A Record<br /> Dictated by J. H. Revised and edited by Moruzy<br /> Roperts. 74 x 5. 316 pp. Nash. 6s.<br /> <br /> Mratam Lucas. By Canon Suuguay, D.D. 7% x 5.<br /> <br /> By ANATOLE<br /> 9 x 6.<br /> <br /> ASPIRATIONS OF JEAN SERVIEN.<br /> Translation by ALFRED ALIINSON.<br /> Lane. 6s.<br /> <br /> By Frorence L. Barcuay.<br /> 3s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> ConstaANCE SMEDLEY (Mrs.<br /> 343 pp. Religious Tract<br /> <br /> TE<br /> FRANCE.<br /> 234 pp.<br /> <br /> Tue Upas TREE.<br /> 246 pp. Putnam.<br /> <br /> Ruty’s Marriace. By<br /> Maxwell Armfield), 8 &lt; St.<br /> Society. 6s.<br /> <br /> THe Woornc oF Miranwy. By Eprru C. Kenyon.<br /> 7} x 5}. 344 pp. Holden &amp; Hardingham. 6s.<br /> <br /> Taines THAT Pass. By Atice E. Ropsins. 7} x 5}.<br /> 319 pp. Melrose. 6s.<br /> <br /> A Grove or Noster Dames AND THE WetL Betovep. A<br /> Sketch of a Temperament. By Tuomas Harpy.<br /> 9 x 6. Macmillan. 7s. 6d. n. each.<br /> <br /> Tue Broap Hignway. A Romance of Kent. By<br /> JEFFREY Farnov. Illustrations by C. E. Brook.<br /> 9} x 63. 493 pp. Sampson Low. 10s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Fotrowinc Darkness. By Forrest Rerp. 7? x 5.<br /> 320 pp. Arnold. 6s.<br /> <br /> St. L6 By Dororny Marcarer Sruart. 337 pp.<br /> Holden &amp; Hardingham. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tur Mystertovs Monstrur Dvuvant.<br /> (Author of “ John Merridew,” &amp;c.).<br /> THe JUNE Lapy. By R. E. VeRNEDE. 7} x 5.<br /> <br /> Constable. és.<br /> <br /> Tue Rest Presence. By Una L. SmBERRAD.<br /> 55 pp. Hodder &amp; Stoughton. Is. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Sesarorp’s Snake. By Berrram Mrrrorp.<br /> 320 pp. Ward Lock. 6s.<br /> <br /> Corn in Ecypr. By E. Newrox BunNGEY.<br /> 286 pp. Lynwood. 6s.<br /> <br /> THe Canusac Mystery. By K. anp HESKeETa<br /> Pricnarp. 74 x 43. 340 pp. Heinemann. 6s.<br /> <br /> At Waat Sacririce? By Annre O. Trppits. 74 x 5,<br /> 286 pp. Digby, Lone. 6s. The Caszr or RicHaRD<br /> Meynett. By Mrs. Humenry Warp. New Edition.<br /> 7} x 5. 525 pp. Smith Elder. 2s. n.<br /> <br /> No Surrenper. By Constance ExizapetH Mavp.<br /> 7k x 5. 328 pp. Cheaper re-issue. Duckworth.<br /> 28. 1.<br /> <br /> WINAFRINT, VIRGIN.<br /> Ham Smith. 6s,<br /> <br /> Tue House Opposits.<br /> Eveleigh Nash. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tae Man with tHE Briack FEATHER.<br /> Leroux. Translated by Epaar Jepson. 7}<br /> 314 pp. Hurst &amp; Blackett. 6s.<br /> <br /> A Recutar Mapam. By Arice Witson Fox. 7} x 5,<br /> 348 pp. Macraillan. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Jew or Pracun. By A. Witson Barrert.<br /> 31ll pp. F. V. White. 6s.<br /> <br /> A Base iy Bonemia. By FranK Dansy.<br /> 288 pp. Stanley Paul. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tar ENLIGHTENMENT oF Sytyrs. By A. D. PrckmRinea.<br /> 74 x 5. 310 pp. John Murray. 6s.<br /> <br /> GARDENING.<br /> <br /> Tue Rock GarpEN. By Rearnayp Farrer.<br /> (Present Day Gardening). 84 6}. Jack.<br /> <br /> HYGIENIC,<br /> <br /> Thr PrincipLEs oF HEALTH AND<br /> Mrs, Huns H. Cuapwick. 7} x 5.<br /> &amp; Sons. ls. 3d. n.<br /> <br /> JUVENILE.<br /> <br /> Aunt Pex. A Book for Young Girls. By L. E.<br /> TippEMAN, S.P.C.K. 2s. 6d.<br /> <br /> A Crry Scnoon Girt anp Her Frienps. By May<br /> Batpwin. 74 x 5}. 370 pp. Campers Heart 0’<br /> Gotp, or Tar Lirrte Princess. By KaraaRine<br /> TyNnAN. 7} x 5}. 344 pp. Partridge. 3s. 67.<br /> <br /> 72 x Bh.<br /> <br /> By F. ARTHUR<br /> John Murray.<br /> 304 pp.<br /> 8 x 5h.<br /> 72 x SE<br /> <br /> 7k x 43.<br /> <br /> By W.SHerReN. 7} x 5. 318 pp.<br /> <br /> By “ Reva.” 72 xf. 306 pp.<br /> <br /> By Gaston<br /> x 4.<br /> <br /> 72 x 5.<br /> 72 =&lt; Sh.<br /> <br /> Illustrated.<br /> ls. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> TeMPeRANCE. By<br /> Sir Isaac Pitman<br /> 72<br /> <br /> A Story of Adventure<br /> <br /> Tue Bravest Boy IN THE CAMP. i re<br /> 7% x 5.<br /> <br /> on the Western Prairies. By R. Letcuton.<br /> 285 pp. Jarrold. 2s. 6d. n.<br /> Tne Prrate AEROPLANE. By CaprarNn CHARLES GILsoNn.<br /> 71 x 5}. 327 pp. Frowde &amp; Hodder &amp; Stoughton. ~5s.<br /> Grayxt Tur Grenapier. His Adventures in the Fighting<br /> Fifth in the Peninsula. By Wattrr Woop. 326 pp.<br /> Routledge. 3s. Gl.<br /> Prerer THE PowpEr-Boy.<br /> of the Days of Nelson.<br /> THE ComMINnG oF CARLINA.<br /> to Twelve. By L. E. TIDDEMAN.<br /> <br /> By Water Woop. A Tale<br /> 317 pp. Routledge. 3s. 6d.<br /> A Book for Children from Ten<br /> <br /> Jarrold. 2s. 6d.<br /> <br /> Waerpe THE Ratnsow Enps. A_ Fairy Story. By<br /> Clifford Mills. 7 x 43. 160 pp. Hodder &amp; Stoughton.<br /> 1s. n.<br /> <br /> Currosrry Kats. By Frorence Bonz. 7} x 54.<br /> 320 pp. Partridge. 2s. 6d.<br /> <br /> ANGELIQUE. By Constance ExizapeTH Maup. 7} x 9.<br /> 265 pp. Duckworth. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue ADVENTURES OF SitveRsuIT. Pictures by ANGUSINE<br /> <br /> Macarecor. Verses by Jxesste Porr. 9} x 7.<br /> Blackie. 1s. 6d.<br /> <br /> Tue Turee Joviat Purrres. By J. A. SHEPHERD.<br /> Rhymes by E. D. Cumtna. 10} x 7}. Blackie.<br /> 3s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Tue Brrps’ Curistmas Caron. By Kate Doveras<br /> Wiccry. 72 pp. Illustrated by F.E. Hiruy. 6} x 4.<br /> Gay &amp; Hancock. 1s, 6d. n. each.<br /> <br /> LAW.<br /> Tre Law or Copyricut. By L. C. D. OLprigLp. Second<br /> <br /> Edition. 350 pp. Stevens &amp; Sons. 26s.<br /> <br /> LITERARY.<br /> <br /> Portraits AND SkETcHES. By Epmunp Goss, C.B.<br /> 73 x 5}. 296 pp. Heinemann. 6s. n.<br /> <br /> Persian LIrERATURE. By CLaup FIELD.<br /> Herbert &amp; Daniel. 3s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> LETTERS FROM SOLITUDE AND OTHER Essays. By Fitson<br /> Younc. 73 x 5. 317 pp. Chapman &amp; Hall. 5s. n.<br /> Smrpuiciry anp Torstoy. By G. K. Caesrerton. A<br /> Rocur’s Memorrs, &amp;c. By AvGUSTINE \BrRRELL.<br /> Bexsonrana. By E. F. Benson. 6 x 43. Hum-<br /> <br /> phreys. 2s. 6d. n. each. 4<br /> Srupres anp Apprectations. By Darreut. 3 Freats.<br /> 83 x 53. 258 pp. Dent. 5s. n. ;<br /> Tur AcapEmMIc CommiTrer. Browning’s Centenary,<br /> Edmund Gosse, Sir Arthur Pinero, Henry James.<br /> Tuesday, May 7th, 1912. Reprinted from ‘Trans-<br /> <br /> 7 x 5. 363 pp.<br /> <br /> actions ot the Royal Society of Literature. Vol.XXXI<br /> Part IV. 8} x 53. 50 pp. Asher. 3s.<br /> Sampnrre. By Lapy Sysm Grant. 7} x 5. 307 pp.<br /> <br /> Stanley Paul. 3s. 6d. n.<br /> ScortisH Lire anpD Porrry. By Lavuciuian MacLean<br /> Warr. 9 x 53. 509 pp. Nisbet. 12s. 6d. n.<br /> MacatLay’s Essay on Appison. By N. L. Hattwarp.<br /> <br /> Lonemans’ Brivisu Ciassics.FoR Inpra. Longmans.<br /> MILITARY.<br /> Can, Germany Invape Enctanp? By Con. H. B.<br /> Hanna. 71 Xx 43. 159 pp. Methuen. 1s. n.<br /> Turiuine Tares oF Great Events. Re-told from<br /> Survivors’ Narratives. By Waurer Woop. 332 pp.<br /> Routledge. 3s. 6d.<br /> MISCELLANEOUS.<br /> UNEMPLOYMENT AND DrsEasus. Caused by Decay and<br /> <br /> Loss of ‘Teeth. Wm. Dawson &amp;<br /> <br /> Sons. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> By a Dental Surgeon.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> NATURAL<br /> <br /> NERVATION or Pants.<br /> <br /> Illustrated. 74 x 5.<br /> 3s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Basy Brrps at Home. By Ricnarp Kmarton. TIllus-<br /> <br /> trated from Photographs. By CnHEerry and Graok<br /> <br /> HISTORY.<br /> <br /> By Francis Guorce Heats.<br /> 186 pp. Williams &amp; Norgate.<br /> <br /> Kearton. 8} x 53. 128 pp. Cassell. 6s.<br /> Tue Brrps or Austrauia. By 8. L. Marnews. Vol. IL.<br /> Part TV. 144 x 10. 359—476 pp. Witherby.<br /> NAVAL.<br /> Tue Barrizsuir. By Waiter Woop. Crown quarto.<br /> 309 pp. Kegan Paul. 12s. 6d. n.<br /> POETRY.<br /> <br /> Rivostes of Ezra Pounp. Whereto are appended the<br /> complete poetical works of T. E. Hume, with prefatory<br /> note. 73 x 54. 63 pp. Swift. 2s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Aw IpyLt AND OTHER Poems. By E. Hamitron Moors.<br /> 74 x 5. 112 pp. Melrose. 2s. n.<br /> <br /> Eaypt AND OTHER Porms. By Francis Courts.<br /> 122 pp. Lane. 3s. 6d. n/<br /> <br /> Fatvuous FaBies AND OTHER VERSES.<br /> (X.Y,X.).<br /> <br /> Tk x 5.<br /> <br /> By Denis TURNER<br /> 6} x 44. 94pp. Fifield. 2s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> REPRINTS.<br /> <br /> Porste VoLGARI DI Lorenzo De®’ MeEpict.<br /> Janet Ross e di Epwarp Huuton. Two volumes,<br /> 83 x 6}. 221 + 240 pp. Dent. 2ls. n.<br /> <br /> SeLecteD Waritincs or Wituiam Swarr. Vol. V.<br /> Vistas. THe Gresy Carist, and other Prose Imaginings.<br /> Selected and arranged by Mrs. Witniam SHarRp.<br /> 73 x 54. 484 pp. Heinemann. 5s. n.<br /> <br /> SCIENCE.<br /> <br /> Tur Story oF THE Heavens. By Sir Roperr §. Bani.<br /> Illustrated. 93 x 6}. 48 pp. Part. I. To be<br /> completed in 14 fortnightly parts. Cassell. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Crramic CuEmistry. By H. H. Stepnenson. 10 x 6}.<br /> 91 pp. Davis Bros. 6s.<br /> <br /> SOCIOLOGY.<br /> Woman anp To-Morrow. By W. L. Grorcez.<br /> <br /> A Cura di<br /> <br /> 72 x 5h.<br /> <br /> 187 pp. Herbert Jenkins. 2s. 6d. n.<br /> Tur Servite State. By Hmarre Betioc. 8 X 5}.<br /> 189 pp. Foulis. 1s. n.<br /> Wacrs. By A. J. Cantyiz, D.Lirr. 7} x 5. 125 pp.<br /> Mowbray. 2s. n.<br /> SPORT.<br /> Huntinc in THE OtpEn Days. By Witusam ScarTe<br /> Dixon. Constable. 21s, n.<br /> TECHNICAL.<br /> <br /> Tar Businrss oF BooKBINDING.<br /> 7k x 4%. 223 pp. Stanley Paul.<br /> <br /> THEOLOGY.<br /> <br /> Mrprrations on Portions or St. Jonn’s Gosprn. By<br /> Mrs. Romanes. 5% x 44. 49 pp. Mowbray. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Everyman’s History oF THE Prayer Boox. By Tus<br /> Rev. Percy Drarmer, D.D. 74 x 5}. 256 pp.<br /> Mowbray. ls. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> TOPOGRAPHY.<br /> <br /> A Votume on Exeter. Described by Smpney Heats,<br /> with pictures by E. W. Hastenurst. (Black’s<br /> “ Beautiful England’? Series of Colour books.) 9/x 7.<br /> 64 pp. A. &amp; C. Black. 2s. n.<br /> <br /> By A. J. Pui.<br /> 6s. n. :<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 73<br /> <br /> [Tur CoTTAGERS AND THE VILLAGE Lire or RURAL<br /> Enetanp. By P. H. Dircurietp. With coloured and<br /> line illustrations by A.R. Quinton. 10} x 8}. 185 pp.<br /> Dent. 21s. n.<br /> <br /> Exurer. By Smyey Huars. Prepared by E. H.<br /> HastEnurst. 9 x 64. 64pp. Blackie. 2s. n.<br /> <br /> TRAVEL.<br /> <br /> THe OLp GarpENs oF ITraty. How to Visit Them. By<br /> Mrs. AvBrEy LE Bronp. 72 x 5. 171 pp. Lane<br /> 5s. n,<br /> <br /> ————————_+——_—__<br /> <br /> LITERARY, DRAMATIC, AND MUSICAL<br /> NOTES.<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> Some three or four years ago it might have<br /> been said that the day of the essay was over.<br /> No publisher would produce a collection in book<br /> form, because it did not pay, and that is the<br /> main point in a properly conducted business ;<br /> but now the book of essays seems to have come<br /> again into popular favour, and we are pleased<br /> to see two volumes from such old friends and<br /> well-known essayists as Mr. Austin Dobson and<br /> Mr. Edmund Gosse. Mr. Dobson’s book is<br /> entitled ‘“‘ At Prior Park and other Papers,”<br /> and is published by Messrs. Chatto &amp; Windus.<br /> It deals in matters of interest in the 18th<br /> century, a period of which the author has made<br /> himself a master. Mr. Gosse’s book is entitled<br /> “* Portraits and Sketches,”’ and is published by<br /> Mr. Heinemann. Its title explains itself. The<br /> author draws with a strong pen portraits and<br /> sketches of some of the famous men he has met.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Methuen &amp; Co. have published<br /> “* Perfect Health for Women and Children,” by<br /> Elizabeth Sloan Chesser, at the moderate price<br /> of 3s. 6d. Whilst in no sense a medical text<br /> book, the book aims at supplying intelligent<br /> women with useful information about health<br /> and sickness. Some of the subjects dealt<br /> with, such as “Nerves and their Cure,”<br /> “Health and .Open Air,” ‘“ Infectious<br /> Diseases,”’ ‘“‘ Winter Ailments,”’ will show the<br /> scope of the work.<br /> <br /> The same publishers have issued a volume<br /> of poems by Mrs. L. F. Wynne Ffoulkes entitled<br /> ** Poems of Life and Form.”’ She has repro-<br /> duced most of the old French metres, such<br /> as Roundels, Roundeaux, Triolets, Virelais,<br /> Villanelles, etc. One form, however, is not<br /> present, the “ Chante Royale,”’ perhaps the<br /> most difficult of any of the French metres.<br /> The subjects of her poems vary from poems<br /> of love to poems of mysticism ; from- poems<br /> written in dialogue, such as “ Joe’ and ‘‘ The<br /> Old ’oss,’’ to descriptive verse such as ‘* Ruth,”<br /> a setting of the Bible story.<br /> <br /> Mrs. Walford, the well-known novelist,<br /> has written her ‘‘ Memories of Victorian<br /> London,” and the book has been published by<br /> Mr. Arnold. It deals with certain aspects of<br /> London social life during the latter part of the<br /> last century. Mrs. Walford has new things to<br /> tell us about people like Laurence Oliphant,<br /> Charles Reade, George Macdonald, Wilkie<br /> Collins, and Coventry Patmore.<br /> <br /> Among the most notable of the present<br /> season’s publications, are ‘“‘ The Diaries of<br /> William Charles Macready (1833—1851), edited<br /> by William Toynbee,” which has been issued<br /> by Messrs. Chapman &amp; Hall, Ltd., in two<br /> large volumes, with numerous portraits. These<br /> Diaries contain a considerable amount of<br /> interesting material, hitherto unpublished,<br /> and shed new light not only on Macready him-<br /> self, but on many of his famous contemporaries<br /> in the literary and dramatic world.<br /> <br /> * Our Alty,” by M. E. Francis (Mrs. Francis<br /> Blundell), author of ‘‘ The Tender Passion,”<br /> etc., is the title of a new novel which Messrs.<br /> John Long will shortly publish. Mrs. Blundell<br /> here returns to rural Lancashire, where many<br /> of her readers deem her at her best. The story<br /> deals with the adventures of a typical North-<br /> country lass. The description of the old-world<br /> customs and quaint characters of this corner<br /> of England adds an interest to the tale.<br /> <br /> Mr. Arnold Bennett states in his book,<br /> “Those United States,” published by Martin<br /> Secker, ‘‘ the one possible justification of them<br /> [his views] is that they offer to the reader the<br /> one thing that, in the very nature of the case,<br /> a mature and accustomed observer could not<br /> offer, namely an immediate account (as<br /> accurate as I could make it) of the first tre-<br /> mendous impact of the United States on a<br /> mind receptive and unprejudiced.”” But sure<br /> this view-point put forward as an apology is<br /> after all a great recommendation, when it is<br /> frankly stated by the author. A reader may<br /> object to the dogmatic assertions set down<br /> so often by those whose knowledge is superficial,<br /> and whose study is of the slightest ; but when<br /> he is met by this frank statement, the book<br /> gathers to itself a greater interest, as all those<br /> who have perused the book will readily allow.<br /> <br /> Mr. Morley Roberts will gladden the hearts<br /> of his admirers by the production of ‘“ The<br /> Private Life of Henry Maitland,’”’ published<br /> by Eveleigh Nash. It is presumably a-novel,<br /> but it is an open secret that it is a study of<br /> the life of his old friend George Gissing. There<br /> are no doubt dangers surrounding the writing<br /> a life of a close friend. If the author is<br /> <br /> over-critical or over-conscientious, he may<br /> 74<br /> <br /> convey to the world a portrait exactly opposed<br /> to that he may wish to convey, if he is over-<br /> enthusiastic he may idealise. Those interested<br /> in George Gissing as a writer and a man<br /> should certainly read the book. The author<br /> of ‘‘ The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft ”<br /> deserves a just appreciation.<br /> <br /> Among the illustrated books we are pleased<br /> to see Mr. Rackham’s annual appearance with<br /> a volume of Ausop’s Fables. There is no need<br /> to praise, for Mr. Rackham’s Christmas books<br /> have become an institution. The get-up of the<br /> book in the limjted edition is excellent, and the<br /> new translations of the classicare commendable.<br /> <br /> At the present season of the year fairy<br /> stories sprout up like snowdrops in the grass.<br /> We gladly welcome Mrs. E. Nesbit’s ‘‘ The<br /> Magic World,” published by Messrs. Mac-<br /> millan &amp; Co., with illustrations by H. R.<br /> Millar and Spencer Pryse; and Miss Helen<br /> Margaret Dixon has produced, through Cornish<br /> Brothers, Ltd., Birmingham, “‘ Little Wander-<br /> ing Gil,” and other stories, prettily illustrated<br /> by photogravure reproductions from original<br /> photographs. This effective method of illus-<br /> tration is too seldom utilised. Much, however,<br /> must depend on the artistry of the original.<br /> <br /> Mr. Forbes Dawson has a series of articles<br /> running through the Era entitled ‘‘ Who<br /> wouldn’t be an Actor?’’ He portrays in a<br /> humorous manner the scenes in the life of an<br /> actor who has been stormed, has helped to<br /> build the stage on which he performed, has<br /> written dramas for production, and worked his<br /> way through the French Canadian towns and<br /> along the line to California. They will most<br /> probably be published in book form subse-<br /> quently.<br /> <br /> The relation between modern science and<br /> present day Christianity is a theme of peren-<br /> nial interest. The Rev. Luther W. Caws’ book,<br /> just published by James Clarke &amp; Co. : “‘ The<br /> Unveiled Glory, or Sidelights on the Higher<br /> Evolution,” has come at an opportune moment<br /> when the origin of life discussed at the British<br /> Association meetings has aroused a fresh<br /> public interest in the life-long drama of<br /> evolution.<br /> incredible that the evolution of life, if it really<br /> is so, from the lowest and simplest forms up<br /> to the highest animals, including man, could<br /> possibly have been the offspring of blind<br /> chance.<br /> <br /> We regret an error in our announcement of<br /> Messrs. Everett’s sevenpenny reprint of Miss<br /> Amy McLaren’s novel. The title of the novel<br /> is ‘* Bawbee Jock,” and not as given in our<br /> previous notice.<br /> <br /> The author maintains that it is.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Mrs. Wilson Fox’s new story, “A Regular<br /> Madam,” is a tale of the eightecnth century.<br /> Messrs. Macmillan &amp; Co. are the publishers.<br /> <br /> Miss Lillias Campbell Davidson’s new novel,<br /> “Houses of Clay,’ published by Messrs.<br /> Partridge &amp; Co. at 6s., is now out. The<br /> Lady is running its second serial by her this<br /> year: entitled ‘“‘ A Tangled Inheritance,” and<br /> another serial, ‘The Primitive Law,” is<br /> announced to appear in The Lady’s World<br /> in April next.<br /> <br /> Miss L. G. Moberly’s latest novel, ‘‘ Violet<br /> Dunstan,”’ has just been published by Messrs.<br /> Ward, Lock &amp; Co. It ran serially last year in<br /> the Daily Chronicle. Miss Moberly has now<br /> written several serials for the Daily Chronicle<br /> and Lloyd’s Weekly ; and new novels, “‘ Diana ”’<br /> and “ A Very Doubtful Experiment,” both ran<br /> serially in The Lady. She is now writing a<br /> novel for Messrs. Methuen. Many of ther<br /> novels have been translated into the Scandi-<br /> navian languages, and some into French and<br /> German,—amongst the latter, ‘“‘ The Cost,” and<br /> “* Angela’s Marriage.”<br /> <br /> Mr. Charles T. Jacobi, of the Chiswick Press,<br /> whose “ Printing ” is a text book on its subject,<br /> is bringing out a new, revised (fourth) edition of<br /> his guide for Authors, Publishers, and others<br /> —‘‘ Some notes on Books and Printing.”<br /> <br /> At a most opportune moment a book is<br /> announced by Mr. John Lane on “ Austria,<br /> Her People and their Homelands.” It is a<br /> work cn the whole of Austria, and its complex<br /> population, by one who has for over thirty<br /> years studied the country through its<br /> entirety. Mr. James Baker, F.R.G.S., has<br /> already written much on various parts of<br /> Austria, and now this work, which is illustrated<br /> by forty-eight water colours by Donald Max-<br /> well, and completed by a map and full index,<br /> will help many to elucidate the real Austria and<br /> her people.<br /> <br /> Among the many colonial and foreign<br /> criticisms which have appeared on Mr. John<br /> Bloundelle-Burton’s historical work, ‘‘ The Fate<br /> of Henry of Navarre,” France is now con-<br /> tributing her opinions. The latest appears in<br /> the October number of La Science Sociale, a<br /> well-known magazine devoted to_ literary<br /> criticism, and covers three columns. It is<br /> signed Pierre Galichet, and the writer plainly<br /> tells his readers that they will glean a con-<br /> siderable amount of knowledge frcm the book<br /> about the matter in hand, as well as their own<br /> history—restée assez ohscure—which they have<br /> not possessed hitherto. He also laments that<br /> such a livre d&#039;histoire de grande valeur should be<br /> only known at present to those acquainted<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. &quot;5<br /> <br /> with the English language, and expresses the<br /> hope that a French translation will not be long<br /> delayed. ;<br /> <br /> “Ayrshire Idylls” is the title of a book<br /> about to be published by Messrs. A. and C.<br /> Black. It is the affectionate and patriotic<br /> work of two Scottish artists—of Dr. Neil Munro,<br /> whose pen, diverted, for the moment, from the<br /> romance of Highland life and character, redis-<br /> covers the spirit of Ayr as it was in another<br /> and more dramatic age, and of George Houston,<br /> the Scottish landscape painter, who has made<br /> the scenery of Ayr his life-long study. The<br /> author’s sketches reconstruct certain notable<br /> scenes in Ayrshire history, wherein such figures<br /> as Burns, Boswell and the Covenanters are dis-<br /> played at a modern angle ; the artist’s draw-<br /> ings represent, in the main, those landscape<br /> features which remain very much the same<br /> to-day as they have been for centuries.<br /> <br /> The subject of stained glass in England has<br /> never been dealt with in an exhaustive manner.<br /> It is a subject of interest to the public as well<br /> as to artists and antiquarians. It is with<br /> pleasure, therefore, that we see “‘ A History of<br /> English Glass Painting,’ by Morris Drake,<br /> published by Werner Laurie. The work—<br /> illustrated by photographs and drawings in<br /> colour and _half-tone—at the price of £2 2s.<br /> net, attempts to deal with the evolution of the<br /> subject in detail and from every point of view.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Holden &amp; Hardingham have pub-<br /> lished a novel ‘“‘ St. Lé6,’? by Dorothy Margaret<br /> Stuart. Itis aromanceof the fifteenth century,<br /> introducing several historical characters, such<br /> as Maximilian of Austria, Louis XI., and<br /> Margaret of Burgundy. The details as to<br /> costume, heraldry and mise-en-scéne are<br /> derived from French and Flemish sources not<br /> accessible to most English students.<br /> <br /> We have received an announcement from<br /> Mr. Gerald Christy, of the Lecture Agency, Ltd.,<br /> that he is adding a literary agency to his<br /> business. The literary portion is to be under<br /> the conduct of Mr. Leonard P. Moore, who has<br /> had eleven years practical experience of<br /> agency work. The Agency will conduct its<br /> business from the old address, The Outer<br /> Temple, Strand, W.C.<br /> <br /> “* Mrs. Fauntleroy’s Nephew ”’ is the title of<br /> a story of Oxford life, by Beatrice Braithwaite-<br /> Batty. The hero is an undergraduate of<br /> Magdalen, whose pretty sister comes to stay<br /> with an old aunt during the summer term.<br /> During the festivities and gaicties, the sister<br /> draws around her a bewildering number of<br /> admirers. It must be left to the reader to<br /> discover the successful candidate. 5.<br /> <br /> “The Gods of Pegana,” by Lord Dunsany,<br /> for some while out of print, has been re-issued,<br /> and can now be obtained only from Mr. W.<br /> Johnson, The Pegana Studio, 86 Newman<br /> Street, Oxford Street, W.<br /> <br /> A copy of Mr. C. L. Freestons “‘ The Passes<br /> of the Pyrenees,’ has been accepted by<br /> His Majesty the King.<br /> <br /> Monsieur Georges Bazile is translating into<br /> French Mr. Robert Sherard’s ‘‘ The Story of<br /> an Unhappy Friendship,” for publication in<br /> serial form in Gil Blus, the great Parisian<br /> literary daily.<br /> <br /> Dramatic NOTES.<br /> <br /> - Towards the end of October, but too late<br /> for the November issue of this magazine, a<br /> piece entitled ‘“‘ Tantrums,” by Mr. Frank<br /> Stayton, was produced at the Criterion. The<br /> three acts turn around the tantrums of the<br /> spoilt Virginia Halstead. Miss Marjorie Day<br /> takes the part of Virginia, and Mr. Charles<br /> Maude plays the part of wooer and husband.<br /> <br /> Mr. J. T. Tanner’s ‘‘ The Dancing Mistress ”’<br /> was also too late for announcement. The<br /> piece was produced at the Adelphi, backed by<br /> the musie of Lionel Monckton; while Adrian<br /> Ross and Perey Greenbank were responsible<br /> for the lyrics. Miss Gertie Millar and Mr.<br /> Joseph Coyne took the chief parts. To hint<br /> at the plot will be sufficient to show the lines<br /> on which this musical comedy runs, for Naney<br /> Joyce (Miss Gertie Millar) is the dancing mistress<br /> at a finishing school for girls near Brighton.<br /> <br /> At the Garrick Theatre a one-act piece<br /> entitled ‘t Phipps,’”’ by Stanley Houghton, was<br /> produced on the 20th of last month, the<br /> characters were a butler and a recently married<br /> couple, The fact that the husband before<br /> marriage had met a certain young lady whom<br /> the butler had also fallen in with, affords the<br /> author an opportunity of giving the audience<br /> an enjoyable half-hour. Mr. Arthur Bourchier<br /> acted capitally as Mr. Phipps. The same<br /> author on the same night had a longer piece,<br /> “The Younger Generation,”’ produced at the<br /> Haymarket. It represents the eternal quarrel of<br /> the old and the new. The subject is set in a<br /> middle-class Manchester setting. The story is<br /> told with plain directness that carries convic-<br /> tion, and ends, as it was bound to end, in the<br /> triumph of the younger generation. Two<br /> pieces of a very different character were per-<br /> formed on the same night at the same theatre—<br /> ““An Adventure of Aristide Pujol,” by W. J.<br /> Locke, which needs no introduction ; and “‘ The<br /> Golden Doom,” by Lord Dunsany, a fantastic<br /> allegory in a legendary kingdom.<br /> 76 THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> On the 19th, Miss Marie Tempest produced<br /> three short plays for a series of Tuesday<br /> and Friday matinees. The first entitled<br /> ‘‘An Imaginary Conversation,” by Norreys<br /> Connell, represented Kate, a sister of Tom<br /> Moore, endeavouring to turn Robert Emmet<br /> from the thoughts of rebellion to those of love.<br /> Miss Tempest as Kate, though unsuccessful as<br /> a lover, was most successful in her representa-<br /> tion of the part.<br /> <br /> “The Play Boy of the Western World,” by<br /> J.M. Synge, has been translated into German by<br /> Mr. G. Sil-Vara, a Viennese author, journalist<br /> and playwright, who has made London his<br /> second home. Mr. Sil-Vara_ succeeded in<br /> placing ‘The Playboy’ at Professor Rein-<br /> hardt’s ‘‘ Kammerspiele’’ in Berlin at the<br /> ‘‘Neue Wiener Buchne ” in Vienna, and at the<br /> ‘“‘ Stadttheater”” in Muenster. The German<br /> version, published by George Mueller in Munich,<br /> has just appeared in book form.<br /> <br /> Mr. Sil-Vara has also translated into German<br /> and possesses the German rights of ‘‘ Prunella,”<br /> by Granville Barker, “The Gods of the<br /> Mountain,” by Lord Dunsany, and ‘“‘ 98 and 9,”<br /> by C. B. Fernald, and other plays which have<br /> not yet heen produced; and Mr. Gals-<br /> worthy has just transferred to Mr. Sil-Vara the<br /> German rights of his future plays. Mr.<br /> Galsworthy’s play, a dramatic version of his<br /> novel “ The Eldest Son,” is produced at the<br /> Kingsway under Mr. Granville Barker’s<br /> management.<br /> <br /> ““The Triumph,” a play by Florence Eaton<br /> and William Crossing, founded on Florence<br /> Eaton’s book, ‘‘ The White Demon,” was<br /> produced at the Royal Court Theatre. It is<br /> a fairy play, the main motif being the pursuit<br /> of health, and the triumph over the all-<br /> powerful demon “* Consumption.”<br /> <br /> A short play, written by special request of<br /> the Evening News, for their Santa Claus<br /> Doll Fund, entitled ‘‘ The House of Dolls,”<br /> from the pen of Mrs. Irene Osgood, has been<br /> produced at the Opera House, Northampton.<br /> <br /> “* Kitty of Ours,” a military comedy in four<br /> acts, by Emily Taylor, was produced at the<br /> Opera House, Harrogate, on October 30th.<br /> It deals with the love of the Quartermaster’s<br /> daughter for one of the handsomest officers<br /> of the regiment, and her subsequent dis-<br /> illusionment. It has a happy ending, however.<br /> The piece was produced by Mr. Charles<br /> Grattan and played by Miss Haidee Gunn,<br /> Mr. Frank Royde, and a capable company.<br /> A three-act comedy by Leonard Inkster<br /> entitled “The Emancipation ’’ was produced<br /> on October 9th and 11th in Sheffield.<br /> <br /> PARIS NOTES.<br /> ogee<br /> HE new literary convention between<br /> France and Russia came into force<br /> on November 13th.<br /> <br /> For the International Book Exhibition,<br /> which is to take place in Leipzig, in 1914, the<br /> first million is already subscribed. Austria,<br /> Hungary, France, England, America, the<br /> Netherlands, Sweden and Belgium are all to<br /> be represented, and it is believed that China<br /> and Japan will also exhibit.<br /> <br /> Holland has now joined the Berne Conven-<br /> tion with certain restrictions and, at present,<br /> only for European Holland. The Dutch<br /> colonies will be considered later on. The new<br /> arrangements came into force on November Ist,<br /> 1912.<br /> <br /> The Nobel prize for Chemistry is to be<br /> awarded to two French chemists : M. Sabatier,<br /> of Toulouse, and M. Grignard, of Nancy.<br /> <br /> ** Pages de Critique et de Doctrine,” by Paul<br /> Bourget, is the title of two volumes of studies<br /> on various subjects. The author writes of<br /> Taine, Brunetiére, Lamartine, Sully Prud-<br /> homme, Michelet, Barbey d’Aurevilly.. He<br /> analyses a novel by Léon Daudet and one<br /> by M. Barrés, and gives us portraits of the<br /> Duc d’Alencon, and Madame Taine. He also<br /> compares the past history of France with its<br /> present history. In these pages we have<br /> Paul Bourget’s opinions on matters literary,<br /> psychological, sociological, and political.<br /> <br /> ‘“* La Nouvelle Journée’’ is the title of the<br /> latest and last volume by Romain Rolland<br /> relating to Jean-Christophe. Rarely have<br /> we heard so many details of the life of<br /> any individual. This is the tenth volume<br /> which the author has given us concerning his<br /> protégé.<br /> <br /> Madame Marcelle Tinayre’s new novel. is<br /> entitled ‘‘ Madeleine au Miroir.”<br /> <br /> ‘Le Maitre des Foules”’ is the title of the<br /> latest novel by Louis Delzons. It will be<br /> remembered that this author was awarded an<br /> Academy prize for his novel “* L’Affaire Nell.”<br /> The present story is a very stirring account of<br /> the love affair of a professor, whose theories<br /> gradually lead him on to action and who is<br /> carried away by his success as an orator.<br /> <br /> An unpublished manuscript of the Goncourt<br /> brothers has been discovered and will shortly<br /> be published. It is a series of notes, giving us<br /> their impressions of Italy on the occasion of<br /> their first visit to that country during the<br /> winter of 1855—1856. The manuscript is<br /> illustrated with about 200 sketches by Jules de<br /> Goncourt.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> The second part of the ‘“‘ Lettres sur ]a Cour<br /> de Louis XIV. (1671—1673) du Marquis de<br /> Saint-Maurice,”” published by Jean Lemoine,<br /> has just appeared.<br /> <br /> ‘‘Autour de Saint-Simon ”’ is an interesting<br /> study, by M. Alfred Pereire, of the Saint-<br /> Simon unknown to the general public.<br /> <br /> It is now fourteen years since the Marchand<br /> Mission won its fame, and Dr. Emily, who<br /> accompanied it, now gives his diary in a<br /> volume entitled ‘Le Journal de Route.”<br /> M. Etienne Lamy writes the preface of this<br /> ‘* Odyssey, in which are pages of the Ihad.”<br /> <br /> A book by M. Gustave Lanson, entitled<br /> ‘“‘ Trois Mois d’Enseignement aux Etats-Unis ”<br /> is most instructive, and will probably be read<br /> by Americans with as much interest as it has<br /> been read by the French. M. Lanson has been<br /> lecturing in America, and he gives us his<br /> impressions and the results of his observation.<br /> <br /> Another book by the Abbé Jules Claraz,<br /> ex-vicaire of Saint-Germain I’ Auxerrois, cannot<br /> fail to attract attention. His ‘‘ Mariage des<br /> Prétres ’’ caused a great sensation, and the new<br /> volume is entitled ‘* La Faillite des Religions.”<br /> <br /> ‘‘La Protection internationale des Oeuvres<br /> cinematographiques,’’ by M. F. Potin, is a book<br /> that authors will do well to consult.<br /> <br /> “La Rénovation de VEmpire Ottoman<br /> (Affaires de Turquie),” by Paul Imbert, is a<br /> book which appears at the right moment.<br /> <br /> ** La Querelle des Communes et des Lords,”’<br /> by Paul Hamelle, with a preface by M. Augustin<br /> Filon, helps us to see ourselves as others see us.<br /> <br /> ** Du Cubisme,” by Albert Gleizes and Jean<br /> Metzinger, the two most notorious artists of<br /> the group of Cubists. The volume contains<br /> thirty illustrations, and may serve as a guide to<br /> those who are still seeking to discover the<br /> raison @étre of this extraordinary departure.<br /> <br /> ‘*La Coopération neutre et la Coopération<br /> socialiste ’’ is a book that will be read with<br /> interest by all who know the previous works of<br /> M. E. Vandervelde.<br /> <br /> ** Aux Pays Balkaniques, Montenegro, Serbie,<br /> Bulgarie,’”” by Alphonse Muzet, is a volume<br /> just published in the collection ‘“‘ Les Pays<br /> Modernes.”’<br /> <br /> Among the recent translations into French,<br /> we would specially mention a volume of essays<br /> and criticisms by Oscar Wilde: ‘‘ Noveaux<br /> Essais de Littérature et d’Esthétique,”’ trans-<br /> lated by Albert Savine, and ‘“ Parmi les<br /> Cheminots de I’Inde,” by Rudyard Kipling, by<br /> the same translator.<br /> <br /> ‘“* Prométhée délivré ” is the French title of<br /> Shelley’s fine drama, which has just been given<br /> to the public by Tola Dorian. No poet could<br /> <br /> &gt;<br /> <br /> 7<br /> <br /> be more difficult to translate than Shelley, and<br /> we must congratulate the well-known writer,<br /> who, under the pseudonym of Tola Dorian, has<br /> given French readers the opportunity of<br /> becoming acquainted with this poem.<br /> <br /> M. Pierre Berton’s death is sincerely regretted<br /> in the theatrical world. He was an excellent<br /> actor and a successful dramatic author. He<br /> came of a family of artistes, as he was the<br /> grandson of Samson of the Comédie Frangaise,<br /> and his father also belonged to the Théatre<br /> Francais. Some of Pierre Berton’s plays are<br /> as well known in England as in France.<br /> Among others, he wrote ‘“‘ Zaza’ with M.<br /> Charles Simon, and the ‘‘ Deux Gosses ”’ with<br /> Pierre Decourcelle.<br /> <br /> At the Renaissance, ‘“‘ L’Idée de Francoise,”<br /> by M. Paul Gavault, is now being played. It<br /> is an excellent piece, with plenty of incident<br /> and dramatic situations.<br /> <br /> The Athenée has become one of the favourite<br /> theatres. The new play, “‘ Le Diable ermite,”<br /> seems likely to have as long a run as its<br /> predecessor.<br /> <br /> Arys HALLARD.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> * Pages de Critique et de Doctrine.” (Plon.)<br /> <br /> “La Nouvelle Journée.”’ (Ollendorff.)<br /> <br /> ‘Madeleine au Miroir.” (Calmann-Lévy.)<br /> <br /> “Le Maitre des Foules.” (Calmann-Lévy.)<br /> <br /> “Lettres sur la Cour de Louis XIV. (1671—1673) du<br /> Marquis de Saint-Maurice.’’ (Calmann-Lévy.)<br /> <br /> “La Faillite des Religions.’ (Flammarion.)<br /> <br /> “La Protection internationale des Oeuvres cinemato-<br /> graphiques ’’ (Gauthier-Villais. )<br /> <br /> “La Rénovation de PEmpire Ottoman.<br /> Turquie). (Perrin.)<br /> <br /> “La Querelle des Communes et des Lords.”’ (Plon.)<br /> <br /> “Du Cubisme.” (Figuiére.)<br /> <br /> “La Coopération neutre et la Coopération socialiste.’<br /> (F. Alcan.)<br /> <br /> “* Aux Pays Balkaniques, Montenegro, Serbie, Bulgarie.””<br /> (Roger.)<br /> <br /> *Prométhée délivré.”’ (Lemerre.)<br /> <br /> (Affaires de<br /> <br /> ————_+—_+___—_-<br /> <br /> REGISTRATION OF DRAMAS IN THE<br /> UNITED STATES.<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> INSTRUCTIONS FOR SECURING COPYRIGHT<br /> REGISTRATION IN THE UNITED STATES<br /> UNDER THE UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT<br /> Act or Marcu 4, 1909.<br /> <br /> (Published with the kind permission of the Register<br /> of Copyrights of the Library of Congress).<br /> <br /> N order to secure the registration of a claim<br /> to copyright in the United States for any<br /> dramatic composition, the following pro-<br /> <br /> cedure is required under the copyright law of<br /> the, United States.<br /> 78<br /> <br /> I. If the drama is a new work which has<br /> been printed and sold as a book :<br /> <br /> 1. Print upon the back of the title page the<br /> copyright notice in the form prescribed by the<br /> eopyright statute. The usual and a correct<br /> form is the word “ Copyright ” ; the year date<br /> of publication (i.e. the year when copies were<br /> first sold, offered for sale, or publicly<br /> distributed) ; and the name of the person who<br /> claims the copyright ; e.g.<br /> <br /> “ Copyright, 1912, by John Smith.”<br /> <br /> 2. Promptly after such publication of the<br /> play send by post prepaid two (2) copies<br /> addressed :<br /> <br /> Register of Copyrights,<br /> Library of Congress,<br /> Washington, D.C., U.S.A.<br /> <br /> 3. These copies must be accompanied by a<br /> <br /> claim to copyright in the work, setting out<br /> <br /> (a) The full title of the play.<br /> <br /> (b) The name of the person who claims<br /> the copyright, his nationality and<br /> address.<br /> <br /> [This must be the real name and not the<br /> pen-name, stage name, or pseudonym. It is<br /> this name which must appear in the printed<br /> notice, and the form of the name in the printed<br /> notice should exactly agree with the name<br /> stated in the application for record.]<br /> <br /> (c) The nationality of the author or authors<br /> (i.e. the name of the country of which they are<br /> at the time of making the application citizens<br /> or subjects) must be given, or if permanent<br /> residents of the United States, that fact should<br /> be stated.<br /> <br /> [If the dramatic work is an adaptation or<br /> translation, then it is the name of the country<br /> of which the author of the adaptation or trans-<br /> lation is a citizen or subject that must be<br /> stated. |<br /> <br /> 4. The name of the author or authors should<br /> also be given, if printed in the book; or, if<br /> not so printed and no objection exists to placing<br /> the names on record. But it is not obligatory<br /> to disclose the name of the author.<br /> <br /> 5. The application must state the exact date<br /> of publication, i.e. “‘ the earliest date when<br /> copies of the first authorised edition were<br /> [ on sale, sold, or publicly distributed<br /> <br /> y the proprietor of the copyright or under<br /> his authority.”<br /> <br /> This application can be made by letter,<br /> provided all the essential facts are clearly set<br /> out. It would, however, be more conveniently<br /> supplied to the Copyright Office by using the<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> application form called “D1,” which will be<br /> sent upon request.<br /> <br /> 6. With the application must be sent an<br /> international post-office money order to pay<br /> the statutory registration fee of $1 (= about<br /> 4s. 2d.). This fee includes a certificate of<br /> registration under seal of the Copyright Office,<br /> which will be posted free of further charge to<br /> the address indicated in the application. The<br /> money order should be made payable to the<br /> REGISTER OF Copyricuts. Personal cheques<br /> or domestic British money orders or British<br /> postal notes cannot be received.<br /> <br /> The copyright is for a first term of twenty-<br /> eight years from publication, with a right of<br /> renewal for twenty-eight years more. Old<br /> plays which are now first printed as books<br /> cannot be registered to secure the statutory<br /> copyright. The law does not require that the<br /> drama be printed in the United States.<br /> <br /> II. If the drama is a new work and has not<br /> been printed and published, it may be registered<br /> as a dramatic composition “ not reproduced in<br /> copies for sale ” by proceeding as follows :—<br /> <br /> (a) Deposit in the Copyright Office one<br /> clean and complete copy, either manuscript or<br /> type-written ;<br /> <br /> _ (6) Send with it an application for registra-<br /> tion of claim to copyright exactly as above,<br /> omitting only the date of publication. (Appli-<br /> cation form “D2” can beused for this purpose.)<br /> <br /> [If it is the intention presently to print and<br /> sell the drama, there would seem to be no<br /> advantage in registering the manuscript, as<br /> the law expressly requires a second deposit<br /> of two printed copies, and registration when<br /> ay ae has been “‘ reproduced in copies for<br /> sale.”’<br /> <br /> Address all matter to THz REGISTER OF<br /> Copyricuts, CopyricHtT OFrricr, LIBRARY OF<br /> Coneress, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.<br /> <br /> THORVALD SOLBERG,<br /> Register of Copyrights.<br /> <br /> Mopeu or Buank “D1,” Request rok REGISTRATION OF<br /> A PuBLISHED Dramatic COMPOSITION: :<br /> <br /> Rucister or Copyricuts, WasHineTon, D.C.<br /> Date<br /> <br /> Of the Dramatic Composition named herein, two com-—<br /> plete copies of the best edition first published on the date<br /> stated herein are hereby deposited to secure copyright<br /> registration, according to the provisions of the Act of<br /> March 4, 1909. $1 (statutory fee for registration) is also<br /> inclosed. The copyright is claimed by the undersigned :<br /> Name and address of i<br /> <br /> copyright claimant { ee eee eee<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTIIOR.<br /> <br /> Name of Author, but if a trans-<br /> lation, then name of the Translator<br /> <br /> Country of which the author<br /> or translator is a citizen ee<br /> <br /> [An alien author domiciled in the United States should<br /> write here in addition to citizenship “domiciled in U. 8.”’]<br /> <br /> Brief title of work _<br /> Exact date of publication _ __ [Must be stated]<br /> <br /> [Date (day, month, and year) when placed on sale, sold,<br /> or publicly distributed].<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Send certificate of (<br /> registration to | eee ak sia<br /> <br /> Name and address {<br /> of remitter t<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE COLONIAL BOOK TRADE.<br /> <br /> — +<br /> <br /> M* who are acquainted at first hand<br /> with the conditions of modern indus-<br /> try maintain that the problem of<br /> production has been, so far at least, as is<br /> necessitated by existing facts, solved; the<br /> difficulty lies in distribution. To try to deal<br /> in any exhaustive sense with the question I<br /> have raised would be outside my present<br /> purpose. Let me, however, illustrate my<br /> meaning by a concrete example. I use in my<br /> office certain articles which cost me half a<br /> guinea when, as often happens, I have to buy<br /> them, and the manufacturer of which happens<br /> to be an intimate friend. I told him I paid<br /> half a guinea; he replied that he only realised<br /> half a crown, and that on the half-crown he<br /> made a profit of 30 per cent. Where then, do<br /> the other 8s. go ? In trade discounts, travellers’<br /> commissions and advertising. The particular<br /> trade in which my friend is engaged is a lucra-<br /> tive trade; it is highly capitalised and pays<br /> considerable dividends. It fulfils all the<br /> conditions laid down by those who manufacture<br /> under present-day conditions. It produces<br /> but a few articles; it has standardised them,<br /> it employs highly-paid experts to control its<br /> processes, and its principal travellers and<br /> finance men earn large incomes. How does<br /> all this compare with the publishing trade ?<br /> Iwill admit, of course, that the analogy is not,<br /> and cannot be, complete; books will not, they<br /> refuse to, be treated as commodities, and<br /> <br /> 49<br /> <br /> disaster awaits, in the long run at least, any<br /> publisher who fails to draw a sharp distinction<br /> between books and pounds of butter. But I<br /> do suggest that the publishing trade fails. in<br /> many important particulars, to satisfy the<br /> conditions met by the manufacturing firm of<br /> which I have just spoken. The publishing<br /> trade is, to my thinking, and to the best of my<br /> knowledge, under-capitalised, and consequently<br /> fails both in production and in distribution ;<br /> in the large commercial sense, it has no<br /> existence. No man who sets out to make<br /> money, as the City, Manchester, or even Fleet<br /> Street understands the word, would waste<br /> time in publishing. The difference between<br /> cost and selling prices is too small.<br /> <br /> And yet—if only the distribution problem<br /> could be solved—publishing should be lucrative<br /> enough ; lucrative enough for the author as<br /> well as the publisher. If the publisher is not<br /> a rich main, then certainly the remuneration<br /> received by the authors of the great majority<br /> of books is ludicrously small. The writing of<br /> books is not a trade, but a form of art, and, like<br /> all artists, the author must take his chance of<br /> finding what he has written to be to the general<br /> liking. Quite true; these things are so. But<br /> the circulation of even the successful author<br /> is not, I suggest, what it might and ought to<br /> be. His publisher breaks down when he comes<br /> to distribution. Despite a dictum of Mr. Wells<br /> to the contrary, publishers would rather<br /> publish good books than bad, the sifting of<br /> manuscripts is close and continuous, and only<br /> a proportion of the books that are written<br /> reach the stage of being printed. It may fairly<br /> be said that production is, allowing for under-<br /> capitalisation, reasonably near the best of<br /> which we, as a nation, are at present capable,<br /> even though much is not written that should<br /> be written, because the publisher cannot afford<br /> to offer the author a pecuniary temptation<br /> strong enough to induce him to abandon other<br /> activities. Here I speak, of course, only of<br /> certain kinds of books. The publisher cannot<br /> afford to pay enough because he has not the<br /> money and he has not, and cannot procure,<br /> the money, because the nation’s book-con-<br /> suming capacity is insufficient to attract<br /> capital.<br /> <br /> Can this capacity be increased? The impor-<br /> tant social changes through which we are<br /> passing so rapidly affect the book trade as they<br /> affect other enterprises. ‘The rich man used<br /> to be the publisher’s main support. Can it be<br /> said that heis sonow? ‘The landed gentry and<br /> the country parson, are, relatively to the rest<br /> of the community, poorer than they were. And<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 80<br /> <br /> the rich man generally has means of spending<br /> his income that formerly did not exist ; he<br /> motors, he golfs, he spends much of his time<br /> in restaurants and other places of amuse-<br /> ment. He is abandoning the family mansion<br /> that used to be his pride, in which he passed<br /> most of his time and which usually con-<br /> tained a well-filled library. We may almost<br /> eliminate the rich man from our calculations ;<br /> the West End supports no bookshop com-<br /> parable with the establishments of New York<br /> “and the other American cities. It is, truly,<br /> only the rich man who can buy the very expen-<br /> sively produced volume, and for de luxe<br /> editions there will always be a demand. But<br /> the publisher should cease to think in terms<br /> of the income-tax paying class. and recognise<br /> the existence of the new public that has been<br /> called into being by compulsory education.<br /> One may approve or disapprove of the social<br /> evolution through which we are passing, but<br /> it is not going to stop because of our dislike,<br /> and the people who write and publish books<br /> will do well to recognise the fact that the<br /> national centre of intellectual gravity has<br /> shifted. Mr. Dent made the discovery some<br /> years back, and Messrs. Williams and Norgate,<br /> if report speaks truthfully of the success of<br /> The Home University Library, have bettered<br /> his example. But to produce books in large<br /> numbers at a cheap price for popular reading<br /> requires two things—more capital than most<br /> publishers can control, and a much more<br /> efficient book-selling machinery. The circu-<br /> lating library, important factor in distribution<br /> asit is, comes rather outside my present purpose ;<br /> let me only say that, if it is to last, its present<br /> unsound economic foundation must be changed<br /> radically, and that its profits should, as is the<br /> case with other middlemen, bear some relation<br /> to the degree of usefulness with Which it<br /> performs its functions. The future is not with<br /> the book specifically aimed at the libraries,<br /> but with the book that is meant to be bought,<br /> and is worth buying. The means of produc-<br /> tion are ready, or practically ready; for the<br /> capital necessary would be forthcoming if the<br /> publisher could sell what he published. At<br /> present he cannot. Most people have never<br /> acquired the bookshop habit. There are,<br /> indeed, not enough bookshops in which they<br /> can learn it. Large areas of London have no<br /> bookshops worth serious consideration, just<br /> as they have no schools other than those<br /> provided by the County Council. Some day,<br /> <br /> perhaps, the middle-class Englishman will be<br /> as sensible as the American, and send his chil-<br /> dren to the ‘ public ’<br /> <br /> ?<br /> <br /> schools ; he may then,<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> too, learn to buy books. But the books that<br /> the working, or even middle-class man can<br /> afford to buy must be cheap, and the provision,<br /> both as to production and distribution, must<br /> be far better than anything that is offered now.<br /> <br /> We may leave the future to grapple with its<br /> own problems, though the future is not so very<br /> far distant and wisdom suggests that we do what<br /> lies in our power to hasten its advent. Mean-<br /> time, we seem to be losing our hold on the book<br /> markets of our own Colonies. The American<br /> book—particularly the American novel—is<br /> ousting us. Assuming the truth of the pro-<br /> position, it is as well to consider the reasons.<br /> In the first place, the American book publisher<br /> is helped very considerably by the American<br /> magazine publisher. American magazines are,<br /> it is generally agreed, incomparably better<br /> than ours, and the Colonial prefers McClure’s<br /> and Everybody&#039;s to what is offered him from<br /> London. So he gets the American view of<br /> things. And in the second place, when he<br /> comes to choose his books, he finds that the<br /> conditions of life set forth by the American<br /> writer are nearer to what he himself knows<br /> and understands, than the pictures done by the<br /> English novelist, who gathers his material in a<br /> complex civilisation, very remote from New<br /> Zealand or South Africa. It is a common-<br /> place to say that books reflect the intellectual<br /> life of their time, yet the publisher, who must<br /> always be something more than a tradesman,<br /> pays heavily if he forgets it. Here in England<br /> the author has to struggle against a book-selling<br /> machinery which has broken down; in the<br /> Colonies he has to face the invasion of men<br /> who write under conditions more nearly<br /> approximating to Colonial than to English life.<br /> The position at home can be improved, is, in<br /> fact, better than it was a few years ago; the<br /> nett book system has helped the bookseller<br /> materially. As far as the Colonies are con-<br /> cerned, some English writers will always find<br /> a Colonial circle of readers: the others must<br /> wait till America and the Colonies grow up.<br /> <br /> C, F. CAzENOVE.<br /> <br /> ——————_1-— &gt; o—__—_<br /> <br /> UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND<br /> HUNGARY.<br /> <br /> — oo<br /> <br /> E understand from the Copyright Office<br /> of the Library of Congress that the<br /> following short convention has been<br /> <br /> agreed to between the United States and<br /> Hungary, and came into force on October 16th<br /> of this year.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THB AUTHOR. 81<br /> <br /> Article 1.<br /> <br /> Authors who are citizens or _ subjects<br /> of the two countries or their assigns shall enjoy<br /> in the other country, for their literary, artistic,<br /> dramatic, musical and photographic works<br /> (whether unpublished or published in one of<br /> the two countries) the same rights which the<br /> respective laws do now or may hereafter grant<br /> to natives.<br /> <br /> The above provision includes the copyright<br /> control of mechanical musical reproductions.<br /> <br /> Article 2.<br /> <br /> The enjoyment and the exercise of rights<br /> secured by the present Convention are subject<br /> to the performance of the conditions and<br /> formalities prescribed by the laws and regula-<br /> tions of the country where protection is claimed<br /> under the present Convention; such enjoy-<br /> ment and such exercise are independent of<br /> the existence of protection in the country of<br /> origin of the work,<br /> <br /> Article 3.<br /> <br /> The term of copyright protection granted<br /> by the present Convention shall be regulated<br /> by the law of the country where protection<br /> is claimed.<br /> <br /> Article 4.<br /> <br /> The present Convention shall be ratified<br /> and the ratifications shall be exchanged at<br /> Washington as soon as possible.<br /> <br /> Article 5.<br /> <br /> The present Convention shall be put in<br /> force one month after the exchange of ratifica-<br /> tions, and shall remain in force until the<br /> termination of a year from the day on which<br /> it may have been denounced.<br /> <br /> In faith whereof the Plenipotentiaries have<br /> signed the present Convention in two copies,<br /> each in English and Hungarian languages,<br /> and have affixed thereto their seals.<br /> <br /> Done at Budapest, the 30th day of January,<br /> 1912.<br /> <br /> (Seal) Ricuarp C. Krrens<br /> (Seal) Esternazy Pau<br /> (Seal) Tory Gustav<br /> <br /> | Norr.—Ratification advised by the Senate,<br /> July 238, 1912; ratifications exchanged,<br /> September 16, 1912 ; in force October 16,<br /> 1912.]<br /> <br /> A CRIMINAL PROSECUTION OF A<br /> LITERARY AGENT.<br /> <br /> ——— + —<br /> <br /> OR a good. many years past a Literary<br /> Agency has been carried on in the<br /> City at 34, Paternoster eae under<br /> the name of ‘“‘ A. M. Burghes.”” A. M. Burghes<br /> himself was made a bankrupt it in July, 1911,<br /> as the result of proceedings taken by a ‘member<br /> with the assistance of the Society, and he has<br /> been during the present month found guilty<br /> at the Old Bailey of fraudulently converting to<br /> his own use a sum of £50 paid to him by an<br /> author for the purpose of making a payment<br /> to a publisher. The Recorder postponed<br /> sentence to next Sessions.<br /> <br /> C. M. Burghes, son of A. M. Burghes,<br /> appears to have carried on the literary agency<br /> for some time past in his father’s name.<br /> C. M. Burghes has also been found guilty of<br /> fraud at the Old Bailey during the present<br /> month. He was convicted of obtaining a<br /> sum of £10 from a firm of publishers by f false<br /> pretences. He represented to the publishers<br /> that he was entitled as agent for an author to<br /> receive this sum and transfer the copyright of<br /> the author’s book, whereas he had no such<br /> authority, and in fact made no communication<br /> to the author at all. The Judge bound him<br /> over to come up for sentence when called<br /> upon.<br /> <br /> Se ee<br /> <br /> MAGAZINE CONTENTS.<br /> <br /> +—&gt;—+-——<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> CONTEMPORARY.<br /> Letters of George Meredith. By Mrs. Sturge Gretton.<br /> Grimm’s Fairy ales: By Miss Constance ‘Spender.<br /> The Relationship Between Music and Life. By Gerald<br /> Cumberland.<br /> CoRNUILL.<br /> <br /> The Poetry of Sir Alfred Lyall. By<br /> MacMunn, D.S.O.<br /> <br /> Andrew Lang and “ X”’:<br /> <br /> Major G. F.<br /> A Working Man.<br /> <br /> EnouisH REVIEW.<br /> <br /> Malthus and the Publishing Trade.<br /> August Strindberg.<br /> <br /> By P. P. Howe.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> SCALE FOR ADVERTISEMENIS,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> [ALLOWANCE TO MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY 20 PER CENT.)<br /> Frout Page nak Ne £4 0 9<br /> Other Pages : ae ing ios — ee ae ies : 0 0<br /> Half of a Page ... ae ae ise 28 ae es xe L 10 Y<br /> Quarter of a Page sek ies ce or ee ee so 0 16<br /> Eighth of a Page = 07 °<br /> Single Column ‘Advertisements : per inch 060<br /> Reduction of 20 per cent. made for a Series of Six and of 25 per cent, foT<br /> Twelve Insertions.<br /> <br /> All letters respecting Advertisements should be addressed to J. F.<br /> Betmont &amp; Co., 29, Paternoster Square, London, E.C.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> HOW TO USE THE SOCIETY.<br /> <br /> —-—~&lt;—4—_<br /> <br /> 1, PSV VERY member has a right toask for and to receive<br /> K advice upon his agreements, his choice of a pub-<br /> lisher, or any dispute arising in the conduct of his<br /> business or the administration of his property. The<br /> Secretary of the Society is a solicitor; but if there is any<br /> special reason the Secretary will refer the case to the<br /> Solicitors of the Society. Further, the Committee, if they<br /> deem it desirable, will obtain counsel’s opinion without<br /> any cost to the member. Moreover, where counsel&#039;s<br /> opinion is favourable, and the sanction of the Committee<br /> is obtained, action will be taken on behalf of the aggrieved<br /> member, and all costs borne by the Society.<br /> <br /> 2. Remember that questions connected with copyright<br /> and |publishers’ agreements do not fall within the experi-<br /> ence of ordinary solicitors, Therefore, do not scruple to use<br /> the Society.<br /> <br /> 3. Before signing any agreement whatever, send<br /> the document to the Society for examination.<br /> <br /> 4. Remember always that in belonging to the Society<br /> you are fighting the battles of other writers, even if you<br /> are reaping no direct benefit to yourself, and that you are<br /> advancing the best interests of your calling in promoting<br /> the independence of the writer, the dramatist, the composer.<br /> <br /> 5. The Committee have arranged for the reception of<br /> members’ agreements and their preservation in a fire-<br /> proof safe. The agreements will, of course, be regarded as<br /> confidential documents to be read only by the Secretary,<br /> who will keep the key of the safe. The Society now offers:<br /> (1) To stamp agreements in readiness for a possible action<br /> upon them. (2) To keep agreements. (3) To enforce<br /> payments due according to agreements. Fuller particu-<br /> lars of the Society’s work can be obtained in the<br /> Prospectus.<br /> <br /> 6. No contract should be entered into with a literary<br /> agent without the advice of the Secretary of the Society.<br /> Members are strongly advised not to accept without careful<br /> consideration the contracts with publishers submitted to<br /> them by literary agents, and are recommended to submit<br /> them for interpretation and explanation to the Secretary<br /> of the Society.<br /> <br /> 7, Many agents neglect to stamp agreements,<br /> must be done within fourteen days of first execution,<br /> Secretary will undertake it on behalf of members,<br /> <br /> This<br /> The<br /> <br /> 8. Some agents endeavour to prevent authors from<br /> referring matters to the Secretary of the Society; so<br /> do some publishers. Members can make their own<br /> deductions and act accordingly.<br /> <br /> 9. The subscription to the Society is £1 1s.<br /> <br /> per<br /> annum, or £10 10s. for life membership.<br /> <br /> SRN eres os, ee<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO THE PRODUCERS<br /> OF BOOKS,<br /> <br /> ro<br /> <br /> ERE are a few standing rules to be observed in an<br /> agreement. There are four methods of dealing<br /> with literary property :—<br /> <br /> I. Selling it Outright.<br /> <br /> This is sometimes satisfactory, if a proper price can be<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> obtained. But the transaction should be managed by a<br /> <br /> competent agent, or with the advice of the Secretary of<br /> the Society,<br /> <br /> II. A Profit-Sharing Agreement (a bad form of<br /> agreement),<br /> <br /> In this case the following rules should be attended to:<br /> <br /> C1.) Not to sign any agreement in which the cost of pro-<br /> duction forms a part without the strictest investigation,<br /> <br /> (2.) Not to give the publisher the power of putting the<br /> profits into his own pocket by charging for advertisements<br /> in his own organs, or by charging exchange advertise-<br /> ments. Therefore keep control of the advertisements.<br /> <br /> (3.) Not to allow a special charge for “office expenses,”<br /> unless the same allowance is made to the author.<br /> <br /> ses Not to give up American, Colonial, or Continental<br /> rights.<br /> <br /> (5.) Not to give up serial or translation rights.<br /> <br /> (6.) Not to bind yourself for future work to any publisher,<br /> As well bind yourself for the future to any one solicitor or<br /> doctor !<br /> <br /> III. The Royalty System.<br /> <br /> This is perhaps, with certain limitations, the best form<br /> of agreement. It is above all things necessary to know<br /> what the proposed royalty means to both sides. It is now<br /> possible for an author to ascertain approximately the<br /> truth. From time to time very important figures connected<br /> with royalties are published in The Author,<br /> <br /> IY. A Commission Agreement.<br /> <br /> The main points are :—<br /> <br /> (1.) Be careful to obtain a fair cost of production.<br /> <br /> (2.) Keep control of the advertisements.<br /> <br /> (3.) Keep control of the sale price of the book.<br /> <br /> General.<br /> <br /> All other forms of agreement are combinations of the four<br /> above mentioned.<br /> <br /> Such combinations are generally disastrous to the author,<br /> <br /> Never sign any agreement without competent advice from<br /> the Secretary of the Society.<br /> <br /> Stamp all agreements with the Inland Revenue stamp.<br /> <br /> Avoid agreements by letter if possible.<br /> <br /> The main points which the Society has always demanded<br /> from the outset are :—<br /> <br /> (1.) That both sides shall know what an agreement<br /> means.<br /> <br /> (2.) The inspection of those account books which belong<br /> to the author. We are advised that this is a right, in the<br /> nature of a common law right, which cannot be denied or<br /> withheld.<br /> <br /> (3.) Always avoid a transfer of copyright.<br /> <br /> ee<br /> WARNINGS TO DRAMATIC AUTHORS.<br /> <br /> a<br /> <br /> EVER sign an agreement without submitting it to the<br /> Secretary of the Society of Authors or some com-<br /> petent legal authority.<br /> <br /> 2, It is well to be extremely careful in negotiating for<br /> the production of a play with any one except an established<br /> manager.<br /> <br /> 3. There are three forms of dramatic contract for plays<br /> in three or more acts :—<br /> <br /> (a.) Sale: outright of the performing right. This<br /> is unsatisfactory. An author who enters into<br /> such a contract should stipulate in the contract<br /> for production of the piece by a certain date<br /> and for proper publication of his name on the<br /> <br /> play-bills,<br /> <br /> <br /> (2.) Sale of performing right or of a licence to<br /> perform on the basis of percentages on<br /> gross receipts. Percentages vary between 5<br /> and 15 per cent. An author should obtain a<br /> percentage on the sliding scale of gross receipts<br /> in preference to the American system. Should<br /> obtain a sum in advance of percentages. A fixed<br /> date on or before which the play should be<br /> performed.<br /> <br /> (c.) Sale of performing right or of a licence to<br /> perform on the basis of royalties (i.c., fixed<br /> nightly fees). This method should be always<br /> avoided except in cases where the fees are<br /> likely to be small or difficult to collect. The<br /> other safeguards set out under heading (0.) apply<br /> also in this case.<br /> <br /> 4. Plays in one act are often sold outright, but it 18<br /> better to obtain a small nightly fee if possible, and a sum<br /> paid in advance of such fees in any event, It is extremely<br /> important that the amateur rights of one-act plays should<br /> be reserved.<br /> <br /> 5. Authors should remember that performing rights can<br /> be limited, and are usually limited, by town, country, and<br /> time. This is most important.<br /> <br /> 6. Authors should not assign performing rights, but<br /> <br /> should grant a licence to perform. The legal distinction<br /> is of great importance,<br /> <br /> 7. Authors should remember that performing rights in a<br /> play are distinct from literary copyright. A manager<br /> holding the performing right or licence to perform cannot<br /> print the book of the words.<br /> <br /> 8. Never forget that United States rights may be exceed-<br /> ingly valuable. ‘They should never be included in English<br /> agreements without the author obtaining a substantial<br /> consideration,<br /> <br /> 9. Agreements for collaboration should be carefully<br /> drawn and executed before collaboration is commenced.<br /> <br /> 10. An author should remember that production of a play<br /> is highly speculative : that he runs a very great risk of<br /> delay and a breakdown in the fulfilment of his contract.<br /> He should therefore guard himself all the more carefully in<br /> the beginning.<br /> <br /> 11. An author must remember that the dramatic market<br /> is exceedingly limited, and that for a novice the first object<br /> is to obtain adequate publication.<br /> <br /> As these warnings must necessarily be incomplete, on<br /> account of the wide range of the subject of dramatic con-<br /> tracts, those authors desirous of further information<br /> are referred to the Secretary of the Society.<br /> <br /> &lt;&gt; +_ _____<br /> <br /> REGISTRATION OF SCENARIOS AND<br /> ORIGINAL PLAYS.<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> we typewritten in duplicate on foolscap paper<br /> forwarded to the offices of the Society, together with<br /> a registration fee of two shillings and sixpence, will<br /> <br /> be carefully compared by the Secretary or a qualified assis-<br /> tant, One copy will be stamped and returned to the author<br /> and the other filed in the register of the Society. Copies<br /> of the scenario thus filed may be obtained at any time by<br /> the author only at a small charge to cover cost of typing.<br /> <br /> Original Plays may also be filed subject to the same<br /> <br /> oa that a play will be charged for<br /> at the price of 2s. 6d. per act,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 83<br /> <br /> DRAMATIC AUTHORS AND AGENTS.<br /> te<br /> <br /> A ee authors should seek the advice of the<br /> <br /> Society before putting plays into the hands of<br /> <br /> agents. As the law stands at present, an agent<br /> who has once had a play in his hands may acquire a<br /> perpetual claim to a percentage on the author’s fees<br /> from it. As far as the placing of plays is concerned,<br /> it may be taken as a general rule that there are only<br /> very few agents who can do anything for an author<br /> that he cannot, under the guidance of the Society, do<br /> equally well or better for himself. The collection of fees<br /> is also a matter in which in many cases no intermediary is<br /> required. For certain purposes, such as the collection of<br /> fees on amateur performances, and in general the trans-<br /> action of frequent petty authorisations with different<br /> individuals, and also for the collection of fees in foreign<br /> countries, almost all dramatic authors employ agents; and<br /> in these ways the services of agents are real and valuable.<br /> But the Society warns authors against agents who profess<br /> to have influence with managers in the placing of plays, or<br /> who propose to act as principals by offering to purchase<br /> the author&#039;s rights. In any case, in the present state of<br /> the law, an agent should not be employed under any<br /> circumstances without an agreement approved of by the<br /> Society.<br /> <br /> ——_-—~&lt;—_ —____<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO MUSICAL COMPOSERS.<br /> ees<br /> ITTLE can be added to the warnings given fur the<br /> assistance of producers of books and dramatic<br /> authors. It must, however, be pointed out that, as<br /> a rule, the musical publisher demands from the musical<br /> composer a transfer of fuller rights and less liberal finan-<br /> cial terms than those obtained for literary and dramatic<br /> property. The musical composer has very often the two<br /> rights to deal with—performing right and copyright. He<br /> should be especially careful therefore when entering into<br /> an agreement, and should take into particular consideration<br /> the warnings stated above.<br /> —— 5 Se<br /> <br /> STAMPING MUSIC.<br /> <br /> a aaa<br /> <br /> The Society undertakes to stamp copies of music on<br /> behalf of its members for the fee of 6d. per 100 or part<br /> of 100. The members’ stamps are kept in the Society’s<br /> safe. The musical publishers communicate direct with the<br /> Secretary, and the voucher is then forwarded to the<br /> members, who are thus saved much unnecessary trouble.<br /> <br /> —__-_—s —___<br /> THE READING BRANCH.<br /> BA ae<br /> <br /> EMBERS will greatly assist the Society in this<br /> | branch of its work by informing young writers<br /> of its existence. Their MSS. can be read and<br /> treated as a composition is treated by a coach. The term<br /> MSS. includes not only works of fiction, but poetry<br /> and dramatic works, and when it is possible, under<br /> special arrangement, technical and scientific works. The<br /> Readers are writers of competence and experience. The<br /> <br /> fee is one guinea,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> see<br /> <br /> REMITTANCES.<br /> <br /> 1<br /> <br /> The Secretary of the Society begs to give notice<br /> that all remittances are acknowledged by return of post.<br /> All remittances should be crossed Union of London and<br /> Smiths Bank, Chancery Lane, or be sent by registered<br /> letter only,<br /> <br /> <br /> 84<br /> <br /> GENERAL NOTES.<br /> <br /> —_-—~— + —<br /> <br /> The Editor would be obliged if any<br /> members who do not file the magazine<br /> - could return copies of the last issue, which<br /> is now out of print.<br /> <br /> ANNUAL DINNER.<br /> <br /> Tue Annual Dinner of the Society will take<br /> place on Thursday, December 5th, at the<br /> Hotel Cecil. Mr. Maurice Hewlett will preside.<br /> <br /> AUSTRALIAN CopyriIGuT BILL.<br /> <br /> We understand that this Bill has now<br /> passed into law. As stated elsewhere in these<br /> columns, a report on the Bill had been drafted<br /> by the Copyright Sub-Committee and, with<br /> the approval of the Committee of Management,<br /> was to have been despatched to the Australian<br /> Premier. Unfortunately, the fact that it was<br /> only possible a few weeks ago (and then only<br /> with some difficulty) to procure a copy of the<br /> Bill, has prevented the committee from present-<br /> ing their report in time for it to be of any<br /> practical value. It is satisfactory, however<br /> to state that the Bill, even as originally drafted,<br /> was in many ways favourable to the interests<br /> of authors and dramatists, and unless it has<br /> been considerably altered during its passage<br /> through the Australian House, members of<br /> the Society will have gained stronger protec-<br /> tion for their property in the Australian<br /> Commonwealth than they have hitherto<br /> enjoyed. As soon as a copy of the Act is to<br /> hand we shall hope to publish it in The Author.<br /> <br /> SeconpAry RicuTs IN AUSTRALIA.<br /> <br /> We desire to warn members of the danger<br /> which they run in sending out MSS, to distant<br /> parts of the earth, in response to requests from<br /> agents and others, of whose standing and<br /> position they may know nothing.<br /> <br /> It ought not to be necessary to issue such a<br /> warning at this period of the Society’s existence,<br /> when most authors have learnt the necessity<br /> for prudence, but a case has recently come to<br /> our notice which seems to render a repetition<br /> of the Society’s warning desirable. The mem-<br /> ber in question—a prolific writer of short<br /> stories—was approached by a correspondent<br /> in Melbourne, who expressed a desire to be<br /> furnished with all the member’s published<br /> short stories, and a promise to pay £1 1s. each<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> for any he accepted for publication in<br /> Australian magazines. The writer did not<br /> send all his short stories, but forwarded<br /> half-a-dozen, requesting his correspondent,<br /> if he found three suitable, to forward the money<br /> for these and to return the remaining three.<br /> He also mentioned the terms on which he would<br /> be prepared to continue to deal if further<br /> stories were desired.<br /> <br /> The correspondence took place and the MSS.<br /> were sent early in 1911. Since then the author<br /> has heard nothing of the MSS., and has received<br /> no payment for any of the stories.<br /> <br /> The Society is doing what is possible, but the<br /> distance makes action a little difficult.<br /> <br /> If any of our members have had similar<br /> experiences in the Australian market, we shall<br /> be glad to hear from them, as it is possible that<br /> the Melbourne correspondent referred to may<br /> have been inviting other authors to supply<br /> him with stories, and in that case, some com-<br /> bined action might be possible. But in any<br /> event, the information will be useful in that<br /> it will provide the secretary with evidence<br /> justifying him in warning other writers from<br /> sending their work to the same quarter.<br /> <br /> The Australian magazine market may not<br /> be a very lucrative one to the British author,<br /> but that makes it still more necessary that he<br /> should not lower the rates by supplying<br /> ‘copy ” free, and this seems likely to be the<br /> practical result of yielding to the persuasions<br /> of the gentleman whose methods have been<br /> brought thus to our notice.<br /> <br /> “MALTHUS AND THE PUBLISHING TRADE.”<br /> <br /> Ix the November issue of the English Review<br /> an article of some discernment is published<br /> under the above title from the pen of P. P.<br /> Howe. Among the correspondence in_ this<br /> month’s issue will also be found a letter, “ The<br /> Latter Day Novel,” dealing with the same<br /> subject. Both writers are inclined to blame the<br /> publisher for over-production. We do not<br /> think this deduction is entirely correct, for<br /> although the publisher no doubt is responsible<br /> to some extent for the size and the spirit of the<br /> output, there is also the auther’s agent who,<br /> anxious to secure a firm commission on &amp;<br /> number of books without the trouble involved<br /> in placing each one, leads on the author with<br /> specious arguments to bind himself to the<br /> publisher for a_ series of sometimes four,<br /> sometimes six. He then proceeds, with the<br /> least possible labour, to draw in the commis-<br /> sion. If the agent can sell the serial rights<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> as well to the publisher—rights which, of<br /> course, he himself ought to place separately—<br /> he may even succeed in gaining a double<br /> commission, first from the author and secondly<br /> from the publisher, who presently asks him to<br /> sell on his (the publisher’s) behalf the rights<br /> which he has just sold on behalf of the author.<br /> We should put the limit of the agent on the<br /> question of over-production at one-third, and<br /> that of the publisher at two-thirds of the<br /> whole.<br /> <br /> CopyRIGHT QUESTIONS.<br /> <br /> We understand from the Board of Trade<br /> that the Copyright Act of 1911, under sec-<br /> tion 37 (2) (d), has been proclaimed in Ceylon,<br /> but that the proclamation of the act in India,<br /> including Burmah, is still under consideration.<br /> We trust that the Government will carry the<br /> matter through as quickly as possible, as the<br /> matter for certain technical reasons is of vital<br /> importance to all English authors.<br /> <br /> We understand also that there has been some<br /> difficulty about Crown copyright in The Board<br /> of Trade Journal, and that Mr. Sydney Buxton<br /> has decided that the journal shall be issued in<br /> future with the following notice attached :<br /> ‘“* Crown Copyright Reserved : extracts may be<br /> published if the source is duly acknowledged.”<br /> <br /> We also have much pleasure in reporting<br /> that Newfoundland, as a self-governing Colony,<br /> has passed a short Act which came into force<br /> on July Ist, 1912, practically incorporating<br /> in the Statute Book of Newfoundland the<br /> Act of Great Britain of 1911. We should have<br /> been glad if the Newfoundland Government had<br /> passed some severer penal clauses for infringe-<br /> ment of dramatic and other rights, as some of<br /> the Colonies propose to do.<br /> <br /> ———_ +§ —~&lt; ¢<br /> <br /> PUBLISHERS’ ROYALTY AGREEMENTS.<br /> <br /> —_+— +<br /> LIMITATIONS.<br /> II.<br /> <br /> ‘FAST month we dealt with the first point<br /> of the Limitations set out in that article,<br /> namely, the limitation ‘‘as to country,”<br /> <br /> in this article the remaining limitations are<br /> <br /> dealt with.<br /> <br /> The second, then, for consideration when<br /> dealing with the book rights is limitation as<br /> to time.<br /> <br /> 85<br /> <br /> It has been decided that apart from any<br /> express arrangement the publisher will have the<br /> right to sell any copies printed before the<br /> expiration of the time limit. It is possible,<br /> therefore, that in the last year the publisher<br /> might overprint. This would not matter much<br /> in a technical work that needed much altera-<br /> tion and supervision, for the old edition could<br /> hardly command an extensive sale, but it<br /> might possibly be inconvenient. In the case,<br /> however, of the writer of imaginative literature,<br /> who was anxious to regain control of his work<br /> after a certain time, the position would be<br /> impossible, and the time fixed in the contract<br /> would be really no limit at all. One well-<br /> known ease came before the courts in which an<br /> author, who had a time limit in his contract,<br /> was always confronted by his publisher making<br /> the statement that he was still selling books<br /> printed prior toits expiration. At last the author<br /> decided to take action, and found that the<br /> publisher’s assertion was incorrect. He had<br /> printed after the time limit was at an end and<br /> had continued to sell. The author got judg-<br /> ment accordingly.<br /> <br /> If the work is a technical work it is not likely<br /> that a large and prolonged sale of a book,<br /> admittedly out of date, would continue. Over-<br /> printing on the part of the publisher would<br /> therefore be a waste of money.<br /> <br /> But in the case of a novel the author would<br /> either have to buy up all the stock, or run the<br /> risk that his work in the hands of a new pub-<br /> lisher would be constantly undersold. Indeed,<br /> it is doubtful whether, in the circumstances, he<br /> would be able to get another publisher to<br /> produce the work.<br /> <br /> What remedy, then, is there against this<br /> dilemma ?<br /> <br /> The author must insert a clause by which<br /> the publisher can only print and bind a certain<br /> number of copies, and no more, without the<br /> author’s consent during the final years of the<br /> author’s contract.<br /> <br /> This number is generally determined by the<br /> number of sales in the previous year, supposing<br /> at the end of the previous year there are not<br /> sufficient copies still on hand to meet the<br /> demand.<br /> <br /> The author must have another clause giving<br /> him the right to purchase the sheets and bound<br /> copies at the termination of the contract at a<br /> valuation, the price in no case to exceed the<br /> cost of production.<br /> <br /> With these safeguards the clause with its<br /> time limitation is well worth the consideration<br /> of the author.<br /> <br /> Thirdly, there is the limitation as to edition.<br /> 86<br /> <br /> This method of,limitation in the case of a<br /> book that is likely,to sell speedily is, no doubt,<br /> the best form of limitation, for the publisher’s<br /> right can easily be renewed by a letter for a<br /> further number of copies.<br /> <br /> But as the former method—limitation by<br /> time—was pointed out, except with proper<br /> protective clauses, to be a danger to the writer<br /> of imaginative literature, rather than to the<br /> technical writer, limitation by edition is likely<br /> to be more irksome to the writer of technical<br /> works whose books sell slowly.<br /> <br /> If the sales are slow it is possible that the<br /> writer may want to make alterations, additions,<br /> and emendations before the edition is sold,<br /> this he would be forbidden to do under his<br /> agreement. He ought, therefore, to protect<br /> himself so that he may be able to regain control<br /> of his work. This is sometimes done by a<br /> clause enabling him to purchase the stock on<br /> hand at a reasonable figure, or by putting an<br /> alternative limitation of edition and time by<br /> which, if the edition is not sold out within a<br /> fixed time from the date of publication, then<br /> the author may regain control.<br /> <br /> As we pointed out to technical writers, in<br /> Article No. I., this power to control their own<br /> work is of paramount importance. Yet,<br /> curiously enough, the publishers of technical<br /> books are less willing to grant it to them<br /> than the publishers of fiction.<br /> <br /> Lastly, there is the limitation by price and<br /> format.<br /> <br /> Limitation by format may, in some cases,<br /> be left to the publisher, but it is best that it<br /> should be settled mutually between author and<br /> publisher. The form and get-up of a book is<br /> of great importance to both parties.<br /> <br /> One very important point arises under this<br /> heading, namely the insertion of advertise-<br /> ments, either the publisher’s own, or general<br /> advertisements in the book. This point<br /> arises usually in the cheap reproduction of<br /> fiction, and is not likely to become prominent<br /> in other kinds of reproduction. Some pub-<br /> lishers have been known to insert advertise-<br /> ments in cheap 6d. reprints, opposite the last<br /> twenty or thirty pages of reading matter. If<br /> an author has no voice in the format he has<br /> no remedy, however strong may be his<br /> objection.<br /> <br /> There are two main causes for objecting,<br /> either that such a method is a degradation of<br /> Literature with a big L—a very reasonable<br /> objection—or that the publisher is making a<br /> profit in which the author should share. In<br /> the first case the author should have every<br /> <br /> _ Tight of control; in the second case he should<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> have every right to share the profit, for it is<br /> conceivable that in the second case an energetic<br /> publisher might obtain so many advertise-<br /> ments that the cost of production would be<br /> completely covered. Then the author should<br /> obtain a proportionately high financial return.<br /> <br /> From the point of view of format, therefore,<br /> the author should have the power to stop any<br /> unreasonable “ get-up.”<br /> <br /> Some authors object even to the insertion of<br /> advertisements of the publisher’s own publica-<br /> tions, all bound together at the end of the<br /> book. Again, they should have the power of<br /> control should they desire.<br /> <br /> Limitation as to price is by no means the<br /> least important limitation under consideration,<br /> for what royalty an author can ask must often /<br /> depend upon the price which the public give. |<br /> An author’s royalty will vary if a book is a<br /> <br /> nett book or a book published subject to<br /> <br /> discount. Again, some publishers, especially<br /> music publishers, state that they give a fixed<br /> sum per copy. The sum might be a fair<br /> royalty if the book was published at 1s., but<br /> a very unfair royalty if the publisher produced<br /> it at 5s.<br /> <br /> If the publisher has the right to publish in<br /> book form, unlimited as to price, he may not<br /> only produce at a high price, but after the issue<br /> at that price may then proceed to issue a cheap<br /> edition, without reference to the author at a<br /> most unseasonable time.<br /> <br /> The reasons against giving an unlimited<br /> licence as to price are many.<br /> <br /> First, in the matter of fiction it is often<br /> impolitic to issue cheap editions at all. It is<br /> certainly impolitic to issue them within two<br /> years from the publication of the original.<br /> Secondly, many authors, who do not mind<br /> republication in cheap paper-bound editions<br /> that are read and thrown away, object to the<br /> cheap cloth-bound edition which is read and<br /> then transferred to the book-shelves.<br /> <br /> Cheap editions sometimes ruin an author’s<br /> financial returns. 5<br /> <br /> Booksellers who know that an author will<br /> never appear in cheap form can afford to invest<br /> their capital by stocking and continuing to<br /> stock an expensive edition. They cannot do<br /> so if their investment will be robbed of its<br /> value by a cheap issue within six months.<br /> <br /> Again, some publishers who have made a<br /> speciality of the cheap issue get a wider market.<br /> It is well, therefore, for an author to be able to<br /> place his cheap issue in those publisher’s hands,<br /> as he will be able to get a higher price and<br /> larger returns.<br /> <br /> It is just as important to consider the<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> expensive edition, ‘* the edition de luxe,” as the<br /> cheap edition. Many authors, writers of bio-<br /> graphies, histories, travels, “et hoc genus<br /> omne,’? may wish to have a more expensive<br /> edition produced with more numerous illus-<br /> trations, better print and paper, but, if the<br /> matter is left under the control of the pub-<br /> lisher, cannot insist.<br /> <br /> An author should always remember that it<br /> is easy to cheapen a work subsequently, but<br /> when it is once issued in a cheap form, it is<br /> almost impossible to raise the price.<br /> <br /> To sum up, then, an author should employ a<br /> publisher as his agent to produce his work in<br /> book form only in the English language. This<br /> licence can be further limited, and in many<br /> ceases should be,<br /> <br /> 1. As to country.<br /> <br /> 2. As to time.<br /> <br /> 8. As to edition.<br /> <br /> 4, As to price and format.<br /> <br /> To give a publisher an unconditional licence<br /> to publish in book form is in most cases silly,<br /> in some cases ruinous, and in any case shows a<br /> deplorable ignorance of the rights and powers<br /> an author holds.<br /> <br /> There are two main reasons why authors<br /> make bad contracts—ignorance and conceit.<br /> it is hoped that this article may to some<br /> extent dispel the former.<br /> <br /> FRENCH PUBLISHERS AND CIRCULATING<br /> LIBRARIES.<br /> <br /> By W. L. Grorce.<br /> <br /> YY DO not, in this article. give the exhaustive<br /> details of French publishing methods<br /> which some may hope to find in it, partly<br /> <br /> because the facts are jealously guarded, and<br /> <br /> partly because they are not, as facts, inter-<br /> esting to British authors. Our almost in-<br /> <br /> variable method is to sell foreign rights for a<br /> <br /> lump sum, and I do not think that a perusal of<br /> <br /> the following notes will induce any English or<br /> <br /> American writer to depart from the practice.<br /> <br /> My main object is to compare literary con-<br /> <br /> ditions in two countries with reference to the<br /> <br /> circulating library, of which it may almost be<br /> said that it does not exist in France. It is<br /> because I look upon the circulating library as<br /> <br /> a useful and beneficial link between author and<br /> <br /> reader that I ask my fellow authors to consider<br /> <br /> the régime under which books are issued in<br /> <br /> France.<br /> <br /> 87<br /> <br /> Broadly speaking it may be said that in<br /> France many writers who have made a name,<br /> and all the new writers, must, if they wish to<br /> attain publication, lay down the cost of the<br /> first edition. For 1,000 copies of a novel<br /> (paper bound) at 2s. 10d. nominal, this amounts<br /> to £36 to £48.* The book is sold to the public<br /> at 2s. 74d., by a few enterprising booksellers at<br /> 2s. 5d. The division of the selling price is<br /> approximately as follows :—<br /> <br /> Cost of the book,<br /> Bookseller’s discount<br /> Publisher’s commission<br /> Author’s profit<br /> <br /> about 10d. 10d.<br /> id 1<br /> » 7d.<br /> » 8d. to 44d.<br /> <br /> In a few cases the publisher charges the author<br /> a small fee for warehousing, also postages on<br /> copies sold, but this is not usual among the<br /> best firms. Advertisements, if any, are, how-<br /> ever, paid for by the author.<br /> <br /> These terms must not be taken as rigid ;<br /> they are subject to variation from firm to firm,<br /> and are greatly influenced when the publisher<br /> controls a printing office; in those cases he<br /> often supplies the books at a little over cost<br /> price, which may save the author 2d. a copy.<br /> They are not, however, unusual terms, and<br /> show that the author must sell a considerable<br /> proportion of his first edition before he begins<br /> to make profits. For instance, when the<br /> publisher makes the minimum charge of 33d.<br /> the author must sell 55 per cent. of an edition<br /> of 1,000 copies to clear expenses, after which<br /> he makes Is. 6d. a copy clear profit; in the<br /> second case he must sell nearly 70 per cent.<br /> before he begins to earn 1s. 24d. a copy. The<br /> author’s profits are a little larger on dearer<br /> books, published at 4s. and 6s., for the cost of<br /> production is not much greater.<br /> <br /> It may appear surprising that the cost of<br /> production should be 10d. a copy, but it must<br /> be borne in mind that I refer exclusively to new<br /> books, of which very small editions are printed<br /> in the first instance. Few “ first books ”<br /> appear in first editions of over 1,000; 500 is a<br /> common. figure, while 200 is not unknown.<br /> This, and the high cost of paper (more or less<br /> trust-controlled) makes it difficult to bring the<br /> cost down. I may therefore point out in<br /> passing that we must not too readily be im-<br /> pressed when offered a French book for trans-<br /> <br /> * French novels are seldom bound in the first instance ;<br /> the paper ‘‘ yellow cover”’ is the rule. The author, there-<br /> fore, benefits slightly when copies go to pieces, but this<br /> advantage must not be exaggerated, for well-to-do house-<br /> holders willingly fill their libraries with novels broken up<br /> into two or three segments.<br /> 88<br /> <br /> lation ; 23rd edition may mean 100,000 copies,<br /> but it may mean 10,000 to 15,000.<br /> <br /> When a book is issued at publisher’s risk,<br /> and I repeat that “ first books ” are not often<br /> taken up on these terms, it frequently happens<br /> that the book is sold outright, and it is sig-<br /> nificant that several of Zola’s early works, of<br /> which I understand ‘“ L’Assommoir ”’ was one,<br /> were sold for £80. Where the publisher grants<br /> a royalty he pays 34d. to 7d. a copy, but 7d. is<br /> a large royalty, which was paid Zola, and is<br /> to-day given only to the most popular novelists.<br /> These are, in my opinion, very bad terms, and<br /> they are not offset by particularly large-sales :<br /> it is true that Zola repeatedly attained 200,000,<br /> but Messrs. Mirbeau, Bourget, Prévost, Anatole<br /> France, have not yet touched this figure.<br /> They may earn £1,000 to £3,000 a book, which<br /> does not compare very favourably with the<br /> £7,500 which an English author may earn on a<br /> 100,000 sale. French sales are not large; the<br /> figures I have quoted apply to a few favoured<br /> books, and they are not greatly exceeded by<br /> those of detective fiction, but the newcomer,<br /> however brilliant, very seldom attains them.<br /> It is true that about 90,000 copies of ‘‘ Marie-<br /> Claire ’” have, so far, been sold, but it is also<br /> Jamentably true that ‘“‘ a new author who has<br /> sold 1,000 copies has not done badly and is a<br /> rising man.” That statement was made to me<br /> by a French publisher, and, it seems to me,<br /> proves that the career of letters does not in<br /> France carry great material rewards.<br /> <br /> The newcomer is therefore not dissatisfied if<br /> he makes £30 to £40 on a first novel ; thus only<br /> can he become known and hope to begin to<br /> reprint his earlier works. There is nothing to<br /> help him, for the buying public of France is no<br /> larger than our own, while it is both avaricious<br /> and poor; it buys if it must, and it has of late<br /> years been corrupted by reprints at 94d., 63d.,<br /> 6d., 4d. and 3d, The Frenchman, equally with<br /> the Englishman, will pay for two stalls at the<br /> theatre, but he does not readily part with<br /> 2s. 74d. for a book; he buys as little as he can,<br /> and assiduously exchanges books with his<br /> friends, thus constituting a small circulating<br /> library, but he does not buy from the new-<br /> comer; that one must fight his way into<br /> success, by repeated failure and loss, by jour-<br /> nalistic prowess, by scandal or length of time,<br /> before the buying public takes him to its heart.<br /> The French do not, I think, read as much as the<br /> English ; their railway carriages and restaur-<br /> ants are filled with people who read, not the<br /> equivalents of Temple Classics or Sevenpennies,<br /> but newspapers.<br /> <br /> With such a system as this it is not wonderful<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> that new authors are crushed out, fleeced of<br /> their capital or driven into journalism. There<br /> are no circulating libraries to help‘ them, that<br /> is, nO great organisations to which well-to-do<br /> households subscribe as automatically as they<br /> order coal. The ‘‘ Cabinet de Lecture ” is not<br /> the splendid British institution, which so reck-<br /> lessly orders thirteen copies of a first book and<br /> several hundreds of a favourite; the Cabinet<br /> de Lecture is, as a rule, a wretched shop kept<br /> by an elderly spinster; it charges “‘ so much a<br /> book,” generally 1d. to 23d. for four days ; it<br /> buys one Marcel Prévost, two or three under<br /> popular pressure ; it buys one copy of certain<br /> reviews, and remainders, and the derelicts in<br /> second-hand bookshops! As for the new<br /> writer, the publisher’s traveller knows better<br /> than to waste time over him; the Cabinet de<br /> Lecture will buy his work only if pestered by<br /> ten subscribers. There are in Paris two or<br /> three fairly large Cabinets, but they are inter-<br /> ested mainly in science, philosophy, and artistic<br /> theory ; their purchases are not liberal and<br /> their membership is. small. I questioned a<br /> number of well-to-do persons, who informed<br /> me that they did not belong to a library and<br /> that they knew very few people who did.<br /> Beyond Paris is literary emptiness ;_ Versailles,<br /> 55,000 inhabitants, equivalent to Lincoln, or<br /> Oxford, is said to have three Cabinets: I<br /> expect there are twenty in Lincoln; a reliable<br /> informant told me that in Bordeaux, 250,000<br /> inhabitants, the principal Cabinet was not<br /> likely to have purchased more than 10 copies of<br /> “Les Dieux ont Soif,” by Anatole France.<br /> That is an amazing statement, for it means<br /> that Mudie’s bought more of this foreigner’s<br /> book than the biggest Cabinet of a French town<br /> equivalent to Leicester or Nottingham. The<br /> object of the Cabinet is to level the demand, to<br /> prevent the public from having what it wants<br /> by trebling the reading fee; it might, for<br /> instance, charge 5d. for two days in the case of<br /> ‘“Les Dieux ont Soif,’” so as to force its<br /> members to take “ something of our own.” In<br /> other words, the fraud of the label.<br /> <br /> The upshot of this enquiry is, therefore, that<br /> there are two sides to the library question. In<br /> France, where the people are poor, and in-<br /> credibly inhospitable and mean, it is clear to<br /> me that the literary profession is gravely<br /> hampered by the lack of libraries ;_ the libraries<br /> alone can help the young writer, in a country<br /> where books are not reviewed. There is<br /> practically no book-reviewing in France: let<br /> it not be urged against me that there are<br /> reviews in the Revue de Paris, the Mercure,<br /> the Revue des Deuxa-Mondes, etc., for these<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> deal mainly with ‘serious books,” and are<br /> inclined to favour their own publishing houses ;<br /> nor must the objector lay stress on the poor<br /> scraps of space granted on certain days by<br /> Le Temps, Le Matin, L’Ewcelsior, etc. There<br /> is not a single newspaper in Paris which can<br /> put forward a service to literature equal to the<br /> minimum ten columns a week of the Daily<br /> News, the full pages of the Morning Post and<br /> Daily Telegraph, the column of the Daily<br /> Chronicle.<br /> <br /> The new writer is, in France, absolutely<br /> helpless. Because there are no circulating<br /> libraries he has nothing before him but a<br /> desperate struggle : this would be our fate also<br /> if we could not sell half our first editions to the<br /> libraries. It may be said that, if there were in<br /> France a demand for libraries the libraries<br /> would arise: that I cannot answer, but the<br /> French are cautious speculators, and it may be<br /> that the project has often been considered and<br /> abandoned. Personally I do not think that a<br /> large circulating library would succeed in<br /> Paris; two-thirds of my life have been spent<br /> in that city, and I am not sure that there are<br /> many Parisians prepared to lay down for books<br /> even so small an annual sum as a guinea. The<br /> French have been grossly over-rated by the<br /> British ; if we exclude the intellectuals there<br /> is nothing to show that the great bourgeoisie is<br /> one whit more liberal or cultured than our own.<br /> It is perfectly well contented with social inter-<br /> course as an alternative to reading, and is<br /> taking to its heart the illustrated press ; it is<br /> given over to sensationalism, which is abun-<br /> dantly provided by the dailies, and it is not in<br /> the main inclined to accord its literary men a<br /> treatment much superior to that enjoyed by<br /> its bank clerks.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Ope<br /> <br /> THE DISGRACE OF NOVEL WRITING.<br /> <br /> —+—~&lt;—+—<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 7 novelists are in disgrace; there can<br /> be no doubt about it. Some naughty<br /> ones have been writing foolish books<br /> <br /> and, for their fault, we are all being punished.<br /> For years we have been steadily losing favour<br /> and dignity, and now, unless we can manage<br /> to strike the taste of a large section of the<br /> public, or obtain some special press patronage,<br /> we have to take a very back seat indeed.<br /> <br /> There was a time, not so very many years<br /> ago, when a good novel received as much atten-<br /> tion from reviewers as any other well-written<br /> book. My own early work, for instance, far<br /> inferior to my later and more mature, was<br /> <br /> 89<br /> <br /> taken seriously and criticised as fully as<br /> biography and essays are criticised to-day.<br /> But when a new novel of mine appears now<br /> it goes with a batch of pot-boilers (by all the<br /> nobodies who ere writing ‘slush’ novels for<br /> the uneducated) to some novice in the difficult<br /> and delicate art of criticism, who emasculates<br /> it, outlines vulgarly its mere story and washes<br /> out all its true colours in the few inches of print<br /> allowed ; side by side with crude sensationalism<br /> and sentimentalism.<br /> <br /> My fate is the fate of all novelists who strive<br /> after a high ideal. Their striving is never<br /> recognised by those who are set up to guide and<br /> lead literary taste. No distinction whatever<br /> is made between the best and the worst in<br /> fiction; indeed it is not rare to find obvious<br /> pot-boilers well reviewed at length, while<br /> sincere, talented works of art are practically<br /> ignored. For it has become a rule with editors<br /> to give a large amount of space to those<br /> novelists who have ‘arrived,’ whether their<br /> arrival be due to the excellence of their work<br /> or to the bad taste of the general public. In<br /> short, the critics of our day are led by public<br /> taste and follow the lead of the average reader<br /> rather than point the way.<br /> <br /> In arecent number of The Author, Mr. Harold<br /> Thomson drew a moving picture of the author<br /> who, to gain his daily bread, is obliged to “* write<br /> down” to the level of the lowest intelligence of<br /> readers. ‘* You must either,” he said, “ wait<br /> for long years before your work *‘ gets there,’<br /> or you must learn to tickle the palates of your<br /> masters in the gallery.” No doubt. But<br /> has he realised, I wonder, how much quicker<br /> the true artists eculd “get there.” if they<br /> received a little more assistance from those<br /> who ought to be willing and anxious to help<br /> such writers as strive to maintain a high<br /> standard of English fiction ?<br /> <br /> We know the excuse that is always given for<br /> treating all novels alike, that is, as beneath<br /> notice. Their enormous output and the lack<br /> of time and space. Hundreds of novels are<br /> dumped into newspaper offices every week,<br /> and one is not without sympathy for the<br /> harassed men who have to decide who shall<br /> review them. The average editor has no time<br /> to discriminate, we are told, and so the novels<br /> go out in batches, the good, bad and indifferent<br /> all well mixed up, to the young ladies and<br /> gentlemen who essay novel reviewing as a<br /> work of no importance, requiring no special<br /> training.<br /> <br /> Very true, of course, but surely it does not<br /> need much time to recognise a good book from<br /> a paltry one. A glance over the first pages,<br /> 90<br /> <br /> or a dip anywhere, should be enough to tell an<br /> expert in literature what is the quality of the<br /> entire work, even when the name of the writer<br /> tells nothing. It is so very easy to distinguish<br /> Great A from a Bull’s Foot, handcraft from<br /> machine-made, art from rubbish? And this<br /> distinction should, in justice, be made. The<br /> well-written, the strongly-conceived and care-<br /> fully executed novel ought to have an assured<br /> place, to be treated seriously in criticism.<br /> <br /> For a novel is, at its best, no less a work of<br /> art than a picture, an opera, or a biography.<br /> <br /> There is always plenty of room in a paper for<br /> long reviews of biographies, of essays, historical<br /> works and travels. There is always room for a<br /> column about the novel of a popular favourite,<br /> irrespective of its merit. Such books are<br /> sent to expert reviewers at once, and receive<br /> the highest attention. But a novel by a<br /> comparatively unknown author—‘only a<br /> novel ’&quot;—chuck it anywhere; let any tyro<br /> criticise it; shove it into some odd corner<br /> where it won’t be noticed ; lump it in with all<br /> the worst ‘slush’ that comes out at the same<br /> time, till it is buried under the mass of rubbish :<br /> and if any reader can dig it out, let him !<br /> <br /> This is the spirit in which the novelist is<br /> treated to-day, and I protest against the rank<br /> injustice of it.<br /> <br /> Is it any wonder that our chance of finding<br /> our own special public (which, though smaller<br /> than the mass public, is not very small and<br /> steadily increasing) diminishes year by year?<br /> Can anybody be surprised if we are tempted to<br /> ‘write down’? We believe that our art isa<br /> noble one ; that it is inspiring and educational ;<br /> that it is conducive to a better understanding<br /> of our fellow-creatures in every part of the<br /> world. But a class that is treated con-<br /> temptuously tends to become contemptible.<br /> And what is to be our fate when publishers<br /> will no longer spend their capital on producing<br /> our despised and neglected books ?<br /> <br /> The present system is very hard on us; it<br /> is also very hard on those publishers who still<br /> cherish an ideal of becoming noteworthy<br /> through the high quality of the books they<br /> publish. And when they have printed, dis-<br /> persed and advertised a novel that they feel<br /> is worthy of their name as a firm, they naturally<br /> expect to be assisted in their enterprise by the<br /> papers to which they pay such huge sums for<br /> advertising. Must they not often despair at<br /> the press snippings sent to them concerning<br /> some novel they have ventured upon. And<br /> how long will they be able to publish ws—the<br /> unarrived but ardent strivers after the best.<br /> <br /> It is a pregnant question, my fellow-strivers.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Let us face our unhappy position frankly. It<br /> is no good blinding ourselves to it. Can we<br /> not make some appeal to the editors of literary<br /> papers, at least, for justice and discrimination ?<br /> We do not fear criticism, but we have a deadly<br /> fear of ‘ faint praise’ in an inch of print ; of<br /> being ignored or classed with the illiterate.<br /> <br /> We would be taught, corrected, shown the<br /> way to improve, to mend our many faults ;<br /> but we slacken and despair under the foolish<br /> reviews of ignorance. Give us back our old<br /> position. Let the novelist of quality again<br /> take his place in the world of letters, as the<br /> companion of biographists and essayists—<br /> “Else are we very wretched ! ”<br /> <br /> ONE OF THE D1IsGRACED,.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> —t$—— +<br /> <br /> THE LETTERS OF GEORGE MEREDITH.*<br /> <br /> +<br /> <br /> ne HE Letters of George Meredith” will be<br /> <br /> welcomed by all who appreciate the<br /> <br /> works of a great author as well as by<br /> those who find his style too severe for their<br /> taste. We venture to think they will come as<br /> a surprise to many who only knew him through<br /> the pages of his books, which are totally<br /> different in style from the letters.<br /> <br /> “Dulce est disipere in loco.” For pure<br /> bubbling fun and “ chaff ”’ it is difficult to beat<br /> those written to “Friar Tuck” (Sir W.<br /> Hardman) and other friends of early days.<br /> <br /> Full of humour, lightly tossed off, free from<br /> sting unde: the most exasperating cireum-<br /> stances, they make the most refreshing reading<br /> a man could wish for.<br /> <br /> A delightful description of a fellow-traveller,<br /> which will appeal to all who have gone abroad<br /> in un‘ongenial company: |<br /> <br /> “We walked from Innsbruck to Landek in three days.<br /> W. does not walk in rain, or when it’s to be apprehended,<br /> nor whea there’s a chance of nightfall; nor does he like<br /> it in the heat; and he’s not the best hand in the world<br /> at getting up in the morning, and he’s rather excitable.<br /> But still thoroughly kind and good. So we did not come<br /> at a great rate.<br /> <br /> “Somehow or other dear old W. isn’t at all the right<br /> sort of companion. He say’s he thinks it his stomach.<br /> { tell him that it is not fair for a man to throw his stomach<br /> jn one’s face.”<br /> <br /> It is impossible to lay the volume down as<br /> letter follows letter—brimful of healthy, genial<br /> humour, trenchant criticisms and whole-<br /> hearted gencrous friendship.<br /> <br /> In the second volume they have lost some of<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> * «The Letters of George Meredith,” in two volumes,<br /> Published by Messrs. Constable &amp; Co. :<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> &#039;<br /> ‘<br /> <br /> eS ee. Lan of oe<br /> <br /> _ ©<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 91<br /> <br /> the fresh buoyaney of youth, but they gain<br /> in interest with the wider outlook. So many<br /> subjects of public importance came under<br /> Meredith’s notice owing to his intimate friend-<br /> ship with such men as John Morley, Admiral<br /> Maxse, and others, that he is peculiarly fitted<br /> to write as the looker-on who sees most of the<br /> game.<br /> <br /> There are letters on the Irish question,<br /> Women’s Suffrage and French politics, which<br /> show how much he was in touch with the times<br /> whilst sufficiently aloof to be unhampered in<br /> his judgment.<br /> <br /> On all literary points he is doubly interesting,<br /> especially to those who know his works, for<br /> he writes freely of his difficulties and successes.<br /> His criticism of his fellow authors is marked<br /> by a generous appreciation of their merits.<br /> <br /> Throughout the two volumes we retain the<br /> impression of a vivid personality. The letters<br /> are so unstudied—so spontaneous—being<br /> written almost entirely to intimate friends—<br /> that the real man, tender-hearted, strong to<br /> bear, faithful and courageous, impresses one<br /> as few biographies can do.<br /> <br /> When we consider the storm his writings<br /> roused in religious circles when first published,<br /> the following extract from a letter written to<br /> his son Arthur, in 1872, is noteworthy. Few<br /> will cavil at such words as these.<br /> <br /> “Virtue and truth are one. Look for the truth in<br /> everything, and follow it and you will then be living<br /> justly before God. Let nothing flout your sense of a<br /> Supreme Being, and be certain that your understanding<br /> wavers whenever you chance to doubt that He leads to<br /> <br /> ood. We grow to good as surely as the plant grows to the<br /> ight. The school has only to took through history for a<br /> scientific assurance of it. And do not lose the habit of<br /> praying to the unseen Divinity. Prayer for worldly<br /> goods is worse than fruitless, but prayer for strength of<br /> <br /> soul is that passion of the soul which catches the gift it<br /> seeks.”<br /> <br /> It was long before his writings met with their<br /> due in England. They were received with<br /> more enthusiasm in America, and this fact<br /> doubtless helped him to bear the miscon-<br /> ceptions of his fellow-countrymen with more<br /> philosophy, though at no time did he show<br /> himself over-sensitive to their opinions. In a<br /> letter to G. P. Baker he sets forth his aims,<br /> and comments on the attitude of the public<br /> towards himself.<br /> <br /> “ For I think that all right use of life, and the one secret<br /> of life, is to pave ways for the firmer footing of those who<br /> succeed us. . . . In England I am encouraged but by a<br /> few enthusiasts. I read in a critical review of some verses<br /> of mine the other day that I was ‘a harlequin and a per-<br /> former of antics.’ I am accustomed to that kind of<br /> writing, as our hustings orator is to the dead cat, and the<br /> brickbat flung in his face—at which he smiles politely ;<br /> <br /> and I too; but after many years of it my mind looks else-<br /> where.”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> There is little reference in the letters to his<br /> connection with the society of which, after<br /> Lord Tennyson, he was the second President,<br /> but in his appreciation of Sir Walter Besant,<br /> at his death, July, 1901, he has written words<br /> that might with little alteration, well apply<br /> to himself. He gave a generous tribute to<br /> our founder’s character and force.<br /> <br /> “Tt is hard to speak of him within measure when we<br /> consider his devotion to the cause of authors and the con-<br /> stant good service rendered by him to their material<br /> interests. We have lost in him the very beating heart of<br /> our Society.”<br /> <br /> Yet in a different way the loss sustained<br /> by the death of George Meredith was as great.<br /> Though his health prevented the active union<br /> his wishes were always strong to support the<br /> efforts of his fellow toilers.<br /> <br /> It is difficult to realise at first what a long<br /> struggle his life must have been, but as time<br /> goes on it becomes fully apparent—not in<br /> weakness or complaint, but in the breadth<br /> and depth of his sympathy with others, his<br /> indifference to the world’s opinion, his stead-<br /> fast front under trials that would utterly have<br /> broken a weaker spirit.<br /> <br /> Through all the fun and frolie of his early<br /> letters, up to the quiet courage of the end,<br /> it is the living man that stands forth, no<br /> pranked out image set up by a partial bio-<br /> grapher. It is this which makes the two large<br /> volumes seem all too short, and gives them their<br /> fascination and their value. Jn the preface we<br /> are told that the collection is very incomplete.<br /> Nevertheless it is of wide range and far-reaching<br /> intertst, as must needs be when drawn from<br /> such a source. :<br /> <br /> ‘** Verily there were giants in those days,”<br /> and George Meredith was not the least of them.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE GREEK GENIUS.*<br /> <br /> —_+-~ + —<br /> <br /> “rW\HE Greek Genius and its Meaning<br /> to us’? is a work which deserves<br /> che immediate attention not only of<br /> <br /> every one who reads, or ever has read, more or<br /> <br /> less Greek, but also of all to whom the word<br /> <br /> “Greek”? has a meaning of any kind. The<br /> <br /> author has been at so great pains to make all<br /> <br /> that he has to say lucid, not to classical scholars<br /> alone, but also to the many who make no<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> and its<br /> <br /> * R. W. Livingstone. “The Greek Genius :<br /> vo.<br /> <br /> Meaning to us.” Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1912.<br /> 92<br /> <br /> pretension to classical scholarship, that every-<br /> thing, from one end of the book to the<br /> other, is presented in a shape that brings it<br /> within the reach of any reader who may wish<br /> to understand what ‘‘ Greek Genius”? means.<br /> Above all, the very many who, in these days<br /> find a great deal of pleasure in putting forward<br /> their views about the value, or the want of<br /> value, of a Greek education, will be without<br /> excuse for the things which they are pleased<br /> to advance, if they have not taken the trouble<br /> to inform themselves from a work so luminous,<br /> and so replete with scholarship, before stating<br /> their opinions respecting the importance of<br /> Greek.<br /> <br /> So powerful is the presentation of the dif-<br /> ferent aspects of Greek genius in this book, that<br /> it may be asserted without hesitation that no<br /> plea for Greek has been yet put forward so<br /> cogent as the impression which Mr. Living-<br /> stone’s pages produce, nor any reply to those<br /> who object to “compulsory Greek” so<br /> absolutely crushing. Yet to write an adequate<br /> snotice of the book is difficult, or, to say the<br /> truth, impossible. Mr. Livingstone holds out<br /> his guiding hand at the same time to “* students<br /> or teachers of the classics,’ and to “ the<br /> considerable public who take a humane<br /> interest in what Greece has done for the world,”<br /> although they themselves may possess no<br /> Greek. Now, no one can be at the same time<br /> acquainted with Greek and not acquainted<br /> with Greek; and so no human being can<br /> justly say what impressions this book will<br /> make upon minds whose standpoints are so<br /> diverse. All that can be here noted must,<br /> therefore, be accepted as a part only of the<br /> just appreciation of a book of a widely extended<br /> significance.<br /> <br /> What the width of that significance is may<br /> at once be seen from the opening words of the<br /> preface. ‘‘ When I began to teach Latin and<br /> Greek,’ writes Mr. Livingstone, ‘‘ a friend<br /> asked me what I supposed myself to have<br /> learned from them, and what I was trying to<br /> teach others.”<br /> <br /> Does a man exist, who has all his life clung<br /> with affection to the Greek that is in him<br /> (though it be but little), who has not, times out<br /> of number, been assaulted with that same silly<br /> question; and has regretted his inability to<br /> answer it as he would have wished ; because,<br /> as Mr. Livingstone justly puts it, the reply is<br /> *““an arduous task.”’ From this arduous task,<br /> however, so far as Greek is concerned, the<br /> author has not shrunk.<br /> <br /> How the answer is planned, and how it deals<br /> successively with the notes of beauty, freedom,<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> directness, humanism, and others, can be under-<br /> stood only from the work itself, whose exhaus-<br /> tiveness and profundity would be merely<br /> misrepresented in epitome. The book is one<br /> to be read. In page after page the supremest<br /> problems of art and ethics rise spontaneously<br /> to view, and meet with a treatment worthy<br /> of a man whose culture has a Greek basis.<br /> <br /> Witness the significance of this: ‘‘ The<br /> Greeks were not esthetes .... yet they<br /> were the authors of the most beautiful statues,<br /> the most beautiful buildings, and the most<br /> beautiful poems in the world. In mere beauty<br /> their art and literature has never been<br /> equalled.”<br /> <br /> “Why ?” is the word that will instantly<br /> spring from the lips of the modern. But the<br /> author makes no attempt to reply to that<br /> unanswerable ““ Why?’ He contents him-<br /> self, more wisely, with unfolding the central<br /> phenomena of Greek beauty, and thereby<br /> awakens more reflections than could arise from<br /> any effort to define the indefinable. For until<br /> the modern can attain Greek beauty he cannot<br /> know what it is. ‘‘ He that is without an art<br /> cannot rightly know the things of that art.” *<br /> <br /> Of an entirely different description is the<br /> author’s treatment of a _ subject directly<br /> interesting to authors—the contrast between<br /> classical conciseness, and modern lavish<br /> amplification—the quagmire of words that<br /> renders much at present named “ literature ”<br /> so repulsive to the classical scholar. Respect-<br /> <br /> ing this, Mr. Livingstone remarks, ‘‘ The<br /> classic shows us the scene... . and leaves<br /> <br /> us to find the appropriate emotions; and<br /> because many readers have no emotions to<br /> supply, they are apt to find the classics unfeel-<br /> ing and cold.’’ We would like to add, ‘* And<br /> many modern books delightful, because they<br /> are written exactly to suit the people for whom<br /> it is waste of time to write.” ~<br /> <br /> Mr. Livingstone has also a happy knack of<br /> picking out plums. On Xenophon’s mention<br /> of ‘* physique eminently comely to the outward<br /> eye” as a qualification for high political office,<br /> he remarks, ‘‘ How few modern statesmen<br /> would satisfy this condition ! ”<br /> <br /> Of quotations from this book there would be<br /> no end; and they must be here foreborne for<br /> the sake of a few lines on the concluding<br /> chapters in which the author deals with<br /> ‘* The Exceptions,” as he declares them to be,<br /> Plato and Euripides, and with “ The Fifth<br /> Century and afterwards.” Here, if the term<br /> may be permitted ‘“‘ The Greek Genius” is<br /> <br /> * Plato, Ion. IX.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> beginning to droop ; and we perceive a move-<br /> ment in the direction of the thought of other<br /> jands and other times. The supreme things of<br /> beauty, directness, and sanity are drifting<br /> into the past. Are they ever to be revived ?<br /> That appears to be beyond hope. The Greek<br /> had no sentimentality. He “stood on the<br /> earth’?; but he was not “ of the earth,<br /> earthy”; and this is just what the modern<br /> cannot achieve. Among the thoughts which<br /> Mr. Livingstone’s book awakens is a regret for<br /> the passing away of a sense of beauty and<br /> stability that can never be again; buta regret<br /> accompanied by an infinite thankfulness for<br /> the preservation of but a fragment of the<br /> marvellous Greek world; whilst on this the<br /> author is to be wholly congratulated, that he<br /> had built for the defence of Greek a bastion<br /> that ignorance may choose to disregard, but<br /> which no attack can demolish.<br /> <br /> —————_—$_$§_e— &gt; ——__<br /> <br /> ANDREW LANG’S LAST BOOK.*<br /> <br /> —_—+<br /> <br /> TTAVUIS book is likely to be the more rather<br /> [&#039; than the less popular because it is not<br /> exactly the sort of book that the title<br /> might seem to indicate, Andrew Lang did not<br /> approach his subject in the spirit of a professor,<br /> put rather in that of an artist of the impres-<br /> sionist school, who paints just what he sees,<br /> without troubling overmuch about the other<br /> things which he knows to be there, though they<br /> do not happen to catch his eye. Only a man<br /> of great natural gifts and wide reading could<br /> tackle so large a theme acceptably in that<br /> manner; but he possessed both qualifications<br /> jn an eminent degree. For pretentious syn-<br /> thesis we must go to other writers—there are<br /> many professors who excel him in that depart-<br /> ment of endeavour, and are more helpful to<br /> the student who desires to stock his mind with<br /> ready-made generalisations of the kind which<br /> discover and penctrate the weak points in the<br /> armour of examiners. Impersonal exposi-<br /> tion was foreign to the habit of his mind. In<br /> whatever he wrote, there was always quite as<br /> much of himself as of his subject, and some-<br /> times a good deal more. He travelled among<br /> books for his pleasure ;_ and this is the relation<br /> of his journey. We find him no Baedeker among<br /> guides, apportioning his space according to<br /> the requirements of the conventional, but one<br /> “who digresses when he chooses, and does not<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> * «History of English Literature from ‘ Beowulf’ to<br /> Swinburne,” by Andrew Lang. Longmans.<br /> <br /> 93<br /> <br /> hesitate to leave Yarrow unvisited if he fears<br /> that Yarrow will be tedious.<br /> <br /> There is no existing “History of English<br /> Literature ” which it is more pleasing to open at<br /> random, and dip into in the hope of pulling out<br /> a plum. On page after page, one is reminded<br /> of those delightful leading articles which Lang<br /> used to contribute to the Daily News in the<br /> days before the Dawn of the Cocoa Age, when<br /> English journalism was as yet neither brace<br /> to the strenuous life nor watered by the tears<br /> of sensibility. Apposite allusiveness was<br /> always the chief charm of those compositions ;<br /> and it is also the chief charm of the manual now<br /> under review. In the old days, it will be<br /> remembered, Lang could not write of Aristotle<br /> without dragging in John Lillywhite, or of<br /> John Lillywhite without dragging in Aristotle.<br /> One could always spot his essays without<br /> reading them, by looking out for the unlikely<br /> name—unlikely, that is to say, in other<br /> leaders—in small capitals. So now, in the<br /> present volume, the individuality of the<br /> handiwork is marked by constant references—<br /> unnecessary from the academic point of view,<br /> but none the less entertaining—to other matters<br /> in which the author has interested himself<br /> in the course of a life rich in the variety of his<br /> interests. The mention of “* Peregrine Pickle,”<br /> for instance, suggests a mention of Pickle the<br /> Spy. Resemblances are pointed out between<br /> the plots of modern novels and the legends<br /> prevalent among aboriginal savage tribes. A<br /> quotation illustrative of Macaulay&#039;s hammer-<br /> and-tongs prose style is further illuminated by<br /> a comment on William III.’s treatment of the<br /> Scots. The Covenanters are also incidentally<br /> characterised; an error in the printed report<br /> of Bryon’s score in the Eton and Harrow match<br /> is corrected ; doubts are suggested as to the<br /> exactitude of Charles Kingsley’s account of<br /> the training of the Cambridge cight in the<br /> fifties; and of course the Maid of Orleans is<br /> defended against those who have assailed her<br /> memoryand treated her visions as hallucinations.<br /> <br /> It is to be noted, moreover, that writers are,<br /> for Andrew Lang, almost always human beings<br /> as well as writers. They, as well as their books,<br /> have been the travelling companions of his<br /> literary pilgrimage. He gossips about them,<br /> and even quizzes them, especially when he<br /> approaches modern. times. Both his method<br /> and his point of view may be illustrated by<br /> his remark on the limitations of George<br /> Meredith’s popularity : ‘‘ The writer has seen<br /> quite unaffected young girls absorbed in The<br /> Egoist or Diana of the Crossways, while he,<br /> after gallant efforts, was defeated by both ina<br /> 94<br /> <br /> very early round, tripped up on every page by<br /> the leg of Sir Wilfrid the Egoist. Too much<br /> seemed to be made of that limb.” All the<br /> characteristic flavour of the book is in those<br /> sentences.<br /> <br /> F. G.<br /> ———_-+ &gt; -<br /> THE PROBLEM OF EDWIN DROOD.*<br /> —— 1<br /> <br /> HE problem of Edwin Drood has been<br /> much discussed of late, and there is little<br /> reason why the discussion should not<br /> <br /> continue, inasmuch as a vast field of criticism<br /> iS now opened up by the statements and de-<br /> ductions of various writers in their attempts<br /> to elucidate the mystery. A whole literature<br /> may rise around not what Dickens wrote,<br /> but around the various and varying inter-<br /> pretations of both his words and his implica-<br /> tions. The moment criticism reaches this<br /> point Dickens’s personal equation as man and<br /> as worker comes into consideration, and Sir<br /> W. Robertson Nicoll’s book is largely made up<br /> of an enquiry into the methods of Dickens as<br /> a story-teller, so that the probability of his<br /> intentions with regard to his unfinished book<br /> may be estimated in the light of his other<br /> works. The result is an interesting essay<br /> both for those who love Dickens and those<br /> who feel the fascination of unravelling a riddle.<br /> <br /> “The Mystery of Edwin Drood ”’ is a triple<br /> one, as has often been pointed out. Assuming<br /> that all who care anything about the book<br /> know the story, it will be sufficient to say that<br /> the first unanswered question is—Has Edwin<br /> Drood been murdered at all? the second is<br /> —wWho is Datchery, the detective who is left,<br /> as the pen dropped from Dickens’s dying hand,<br /> engaged in bringing home either a murder or<br /> an unsuccessful attempt at murder to Jasper,<br /> Edwin’s uncle; and the third is (speaking<br /> generally )—How was the book planned to end ?<br /> Obviously the answer to the third question<br /> to some extent depends upon the answer to<br /> the first, for, insignificant a character as<br /> Edwin is, still he is the centre around which<br /> the book turns, and if he has not been mur-<br /> dered, his position on re-entering the drama<br /> has to be accounted for. Sir W. Robertson<br /> Nicoll takes the view that Edwin has been<br /> murdered, and sums up all the evidence,<br /> supplied by the book and its numerous com-<br /> mentators, to arrive at this conclusion. If<br /> Edwin is not murdered, Dickens, anxiously<br /> <br /> * «The Proklem of Edwin Drocd,” Ly Sir W. Robertson<br /> - ce —_ Icndon: Hedder &amp; Stcugkton. 212 pp.<br /> s, Od, net.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> reticent as he was about his plot, would seem<br /> to have unnecessarily deluded personal friends<br /> as to his intention, This argument alone<br /> seems to us to be conclusive in favour of the<br /> now popular view that Jasper actually accom-<br /> plished his design; in addition to which, if<br /> Edwin is not murdered, his silent absence,<br /> leaving the innocent Landless under suspicion,<br /> is inexplicable ; while the part that remains<br /> for him to play in the story is puzzling, as<br /> his hero’s right to the affections of the heroine<br /> has been taken from him by a subsidiary<br /> leading gentleman, Tartar. The second ques-<br /> tion, the identity of Datchery is settled by<br /> Sir W. Robertson Nicoll in favour of Helena<br /> Landless, disguised as a man. This is the<br /> fascinating suggestion which was made by<br /> Mr. Cuming Walters six or seven years ago, and<br /> which has since been vigorously combated by<br /> many, and ultimately adopted by many of the<br /> combatants. The superficial improbabilities of<br /> this theory are large, though the actual written<br /> suggestions of Dickens can be made to support<br /> it. Its main strength depends upon the fact<br /> that Dickens in no way conceals the fact that<br /> Datchery is a disguised person keeping a watch<br /> over Jasper, while no other person in the<br /> book appears able to fill this part. Helena<br /> Landless is thus arrived at by exhaustion of the<br /> alternatives—all but one. The late Mr. R. A.<br /> Proctor suggested that Datchery was Drood<br /> himself; until Mr. Cuming Walters made his<br /> brave proposition, the accepted idea was<br /> either Proctor’s, or that Bazzard, a comic<br /> clerk, was playing the part; Bazzard’s aged<br /> master,Grewgious, has obtained some suffrages ;<br /> and lastly there is the possibility that Datchery<br /> may be anew character altogether, introduced<br /> by Dickens when the book was half complete<br /> —for we know that the “ Mystery of Edwin<br /> Drood,”’ was to appear in twelve numbers,<br /> and of these we have six numbers all but<br /> two pages. This last theory is the one that<br /> obviously cannot be dealt with as probable<br /> or improbable in connection with any events<br /> narrated ; therefore it presents the least<br /> difficulty, but it does imply a considerable loss<br /> of concentration in the plot.<br /> <br /> Sir William Robertson Nicoll does not<br /> support it, and shows that at any rate in some<br /> of Dickens’s best-known works, no really<br /> important character is ever introduced when<br /> the book is half written. ‘That is true, but<br /> there is some proof that Dickens was a little<br /> worried over the development of his last story,<br /> and in many ways, to suppose Datchery to<br /> be a new character, is the safest solution.<br /> For, indeed, it is hard to believe in the ability<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> a<br /> :<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 95<br /> <br /> of Helena Landless, a girl recently arrived in<br /> England from Ceylon, to exhibit the aplomb<br /> and experience necessary if she is to counterfeit<br /> successfully a middle-aged idle Englishman<br /> during a sojourn in hotels and lodgings.<br /> <br /> Concerning the final course of the story,<br /> there seems no reason to suppose that the<br /> little which Dickens actually said was other<br /> than his real intention. Jasper was to be<br /> convicted of his crime and to suffer for it.<br /> Jasper was himself to tell the story while<br /> in prison, and in this way, or owing to Datch-<br /> ery’s investigations, an explanation would<br /> be forthcoming of the actual circumstances<br /> of the crime, and of the various steps taken<br /> to bring it home to the doer. Jasper’s past<br /> life had passages in it, we may easily suppose,<br /> which would make clear the part in the story<br /> played by the “ Princess Puffer,’ and the<br /> “Deputy”; and we agree with Sir W.<br /> Robertson Nicoll, that these passages, con-<br /> cerning which we have no information and<br /> few hints, might furnish the material for<br /> finishing the book, logically drawing all the<br /> numerous loose threads tightly.together.<br /> <br /> Lovers of Dickens will thank Sir William<br /> Robertson Nicoll for an able exposition of an<br /> ever exciting question; the bibliography will<br /> possibly stimulate many readers to examine<br /> the evidence for themselves; no one can<br /> read the book without being impelled to read<br /> ** Edwin Drood,”’ a result which we are<br /> sure the latest writer on the mystery would<br /> love.<br /> <br /> CORRESPONDENCE.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> LITERATURE—ITS SupPLY AND DEMAND.<br /> <br /> Sir,—Complaints of the inevitable penury<br /> of the writer of books are frequent in the<br /> correspondence columns of The Author; for<br /> which state of things remedies such as “ co-<br /> operative publishing ”’ are suggested, publishers<br /> are blamed, and a vacuous public censured.<br /> <br /> It seems to me the explanation is quite<br /> simple. If, to-day, all living authors suddenly<br /> ceased to write, there would yet be books<br /> enough in the world to last to the Millennium.<br /> The English reader, living to old age, and<br /> following Dr. Johnson&#039;s advice to read for<br /> five hours a day, would have his work cut out<br /> to consume the masterpieces of his own<br /> language, from the Canterbury Tales to Tono<br /> Bungay.<br /> <br /> The creators of books cannot hope to prosper<br /> in ease and comfort in a business in which the<br /> supply so exceeds the demand; wnless their<br /> work either supplies some special and definite<br /> demand, or rises by dint of its own merit superior<br /> to the flood of mediccrity amidst which it must<br /> take its chance.<br /> <br /> Of course, there are, and always will be,<br /> hard cases ; such as the man who is too much<br /> in advance of his age. However, he has his<br /> small, but enthusiastic, public. He must rest<br /> content with that. Its smallness is responsible<br /> for his poverty; its enthusiasm, for his<br /> ultimate, and often posthumous, success.<br /> But these are the exceptions and not examples<br /> of the rule.<br /> <br /> There is no need for the army of admirable<br /> esthetes to complain, from one generation to<br /> another, of the extreme vulgarity of the age.<br /> To be cultured is the privilege of the elect,<br /> and of the leisured. And it is just as well,<br /> perhaps, that the greengrocer is mostly occu-<br /> pied with greengroceries. If his activities<br /> were employed upon the problems of bi-<br /> metallism we should have to be satisfied with<br /> indifferent vegetables.<br /> <br /> As a matter of fact, with such a world of books<br /> to choose from, fastidiousness—rather than<br /> vulgarity—in the public has been encouraged.<br /> They will have nothing but the best—that is<br /> to say, what they regard as the best. This<br /> applies not only to the scholar and the man<br /> of taste, but even to the reader of the feuilleton<br /> in the halfpenny paper. And why blame the<br /> last? He is most certainly your own green-<br /> grocer who, in his own humble department,<br /> supplies your wants, as punctiliously as the<br /> writer of the feuwilleton supplies his. And if<br /> you ventured to recommend to his notice the<br /> psychological studies of Mr. Wells, the mys-<br /> ticism of M. Maeterlinck, or the exquisite<br /> sensibility of Mr. Barrie, he would consider<br /> you utterly mad. And yet these three gentle-<br /> men, in their senility, are hardly likely to be<br /> found upon the doorsteps of the workhouse.<br /> <br /> As for the author who strives to excel in the<br /> highest representation of his art, he is much to<br /> be commended. But, if he fails, in 99 cases<br /> out of 100, he does so, not because his is the<br /> exceptional case of genius unrewarded, but<br /> because, in his profession—perhaps more than<br /> any other—it is only the fit who survive.<br /> Instead of laying the blame at the doors of<br /> publishers and public, it seems to me it would<br /> be well to recognise, not necessarily defeat,<br /> but the power of the forces we must combat<br /> before we can hope to win.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> C. L. GrILson.<br /> 96<br /> <br /> Tue Latrer-Day Nove.<br /> <br /> Dear Avutuor,—Concerning Dean Inge’s<br /> generally resented attack in his recent speech<br /> to the Library Assistants’ Association on the<br /> inferiority of present-day novels, their ‘“‘sloven-<br /> liness,’’ ete.—referred to in The Standard of<br /> October 18th, under the heading of “‘ A Novelist’s<br /> Revenge ’—the writer notes one clause that<br /> provokes the following comment. It reads<br /> as follows :<br /> <br /> ‘No publisher wants, or would publish<br /> just now, works such as Thackeray’s if pre-<br /> sented in MS. The same thing applies to<br /> Dickens, Hugo, and many of our giants.<br /> “Les Misérables ’ would never be accepted by<br /> a publisher’s reader,”’ etc.<br /> <br /> From the above may one not be forgiven for<br /> wondering if perhaps the mass of trivial<br /> ‘“* popular ” fiction upon the market is not as<br /> much the fault of the publisher or publisher’s<br /> reader—who, like the author, ‘‘ must live ”—<br /> as indicative of the “ degeneracy ”’ of writers,<br /> or the “ public taste” ?<br /> <br /> The writer is not a wholly disgruntled author,<br /> having been read for some years both in America<br /> and England; but an experience with the<br /> MS. of a recent novel has opened her eyes to<br /> a state of things which may not seem lacking<br /> in pith to authors.<br /> <br /> The aforesaid MS. was the result of five<br /> years’ labour, during which other MSS. had<br /> been successfully launched. When sent out<br /> in its search of a “ convinced ”’ publisher it<br /> secured a totally different reception from its<br /> predecessors.<br /> <br /> Every publisher praised it, but no publisher<br /> wanted it. Instead of coming back with the<br /> customary printed slip, it invariably returned<br /> accompanied by apologies for its refusal<br /> appended to unqualified appreciation. Four<br /> pages from one well-known house explained<br /> that although acknowledging the MS.’ distinc-<br /> tion and capacity to excite nothing but praise<br /> from the leading reviewers—the publishers<br /> “could not assure it a sufficient sale to<br /> warrant,”’ ete.<br /> <br /> Another publisher, with a letter of high<br /> praise, gratuitously forwarded a copy of the<br /> reader’s “behind the scenes” report, which<br /> advised a curtailment of about 100 pages.<br /> <br /> Although no longer a novice—and therefore<br /> as incredulous of Jthe infallibility of the<br /> accredited reader as of the infallibility of the<br /> Pope—the author nibbled at the bait. To be<br /> opportune that novel, if published at all,.must<br /> be published at once. The work of curtailment<br /> was carried through with an aching heart, and<br /> the MS. found itself back with that publisher—<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> to be immediately returned. It was 80,000<br /> words in length. It was returned in three days.<br /> <br /> The MS. then accompanied its author to<br /> America and was sent to a “ foremost ”<br /> publishing house. The unfavourable slip that<br /> ushered it back this time was also coated with<br /> sugar,<br /> <br /> “It is with real regret that we find ourselves<br /> forced to return your MS,” it read, ‘‘ as it has<br /> claims to great distinction of style, is altogether<br /> excellent, and treats of its subject—a difficult<br /> one—with engaging skill; but owing to the<br /> present overstocked state of the market we<br /> cannot undertake,”’ etc., ete.<br /> <br /> In an hour that writer found herself at that<br /> publishers in conversation with ‘the head of<br /> the firm ’”—to whom she had until this kept<br /> a personal letter up her sleeve.<br /> <br /> “If publishers that place themselves on<br /> record as believers in the excellence of a MS.<br /> won’t publish it?” she asked, ‘‘ who will?<br /> Can’t you see that you are the people who are’<br /> overstocking the market with trash, and<br /> underrating public intelligence for buying<br /> it, because, by. your own confession, you<br /> daren’t publish ‘ excellence ’ ?<br /> <br /> ‘* Publishers consider all novels a_ wild<br /> speculation ’’ was the answer. ‘“‘ The books<br /> they bank on must be sure to excite a demand.<br /> Such publications as, for instance, ‘The<br /> Flora of Patagonia’ or ‘The Encyclopedia<br /> Britannica’ are no risk. . . . There are novels<br /> which secure a phenomenal success—such as ”<br /> —he mentioned thename of a “‘record-breaker,”’<br /> which his house had launched. .. .<br /> <br /> “Singular how the enthusiasm of our<br /> ‘younger group’ put that through,” he<br /> vouchsafed, ‘“‘ andthow such enthusiasm prods<br /> the salesmen to big efforts. But it must be<br /> unanimous to make the salesmen take hold.<br /> In cases where it is not the salesmen in con-<br /> sequence are slack, and the book fails.”<br /> <br /> “You mean,’’ I exclaimed, ‘‘ that when the<br /> enthusiasm of one or two of ‘the group’<br /> wavers, ‘the salesmen’ make little effort to<br /> sell it 22<br /> <br /> ‘* Precisely.”<br /> <br /> Might not the remedy for too ephemeral<br /> literature be found between the lines of the<br /> following ? :<br /> <br /> ‘“* How do you keep your dog so healthy ?”<br /> inquired one sportsman of another.<br /> <br /> ‘“* T feed him on oatmeal,” was the reply.<br /> <br /> “But my dog howls continually for meat,”<br /> protested the first sportsman.<br /> <br /> “Starve him of all food but oatmeal,”<br /> insisted the second, “and he’ll be only too<br /> glad to eat It.”, The Author
524 Author, Vol. 23 Issue 04 (January 1913)<a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=49&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=%3Cem%3EThe+Author%3C%2Fem%3E%2C+Vol.+23+Issue+04+%28January+1913%29"><em>The Author</em>, Vol. 23 Issue 04 (January 1913)</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=51&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=Publication">Publication</a>1913-01-01-The-Author-23-497–128<a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=89&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=23">23</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=76&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=1913-01-01">1913-01-01</a>419130101Che Huthor.<br /> <br /> (The Organ of the Incorporated Society of Authors. Monthly.)<br /> <br /> FOUNDED BY SIR<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> WALTER BESANT.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Vor. XXTII.—No. 4.<br /> <br /> JANUARY 1, 1913.<br /> <br /> [Prick SIxPENcE,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> TELEPHONE NumBeEr :<br /> 3874 VICTORIA.<br /> <br /> TELEGRAPHIC ADDREss :<br /> AUTORIDAD, LONDON.<br /> <br /> ————_+—~@—.<br /> <br /> NOTICES.<br /> —-~»<br /> <br /> 4 OR the opinions expressed in papers that<br /> are signed or initialled the authors alone<br /> are responsible. None of the papers or<br /> <br /> paragraphs must be taken as expressing the<br /> opinion of the Committee unless such is<br /> especially stated to be the case.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Tue Editor begs to inform members of the<br /> Authors’ Society and other readers of The<br /> Author that the cases which are quoted in The<br /> Author are cases that have come before the<br /> notice or to the knowledge of the Secretary of<br /> the Society, and that those members of the<br /> Society who desire to have the names of the<br /> publishers concerned can obtain them on<br /> application.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ARTICLES AND CONTRIBUTIONS.<br /> <br /> Tue Editor of The Author begs to remind<br /> members of the Society that, although the<br /> paper is sent to them free of cost, its production<br /> would be a very heavy charge on the resources<br /> of the Society if a great many members did not<br /> forward to the Secretary the modest 5s. 6d.<br /> subscription for the year.<br /> <br /> Communications for The Author should be<br /> addressed to the offices of the Society, 39, Old<br /> Queen Street, Storey’s Gate, S.W., and should<br /> reach the Editor not later than the 21st of each<br /> month.<br /> <br /> Communications and letters are invited by<br /> the Editor on all literary matters treated from<br /> <br /> Vou. XXIII.<br /> <br /> the standpoint of art or business, but on no<br /> other subjects whatever. Every effort will be<br /> made to return articles which cannot be<br /> <br /> accepted.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ADVERTISEMENTS.<br /> <br /> As there seems to be an impression among<br /> readers of The Author that the Committee are<br /> personally responsible for the bona fides of the<br /> advertisers, the Committee desire it to be stated<br /> that this is not, and could not possibly be, the<br /> case. Although care is exercised that no<br /> undesirable advertisements be inserted, they<br /> do not accept, and never have accepted, any<br /> liability.<br /> <br /> Members should apply to the Secretary for<br /> advice if special information is desired.<br /> <br /> Oo<br /> <br /> THE SOCIETY’S FUNDS.<br /> <br /> 1<br /> <br /> “L\ROM time to time members of the Society<br /> K desire to make donations to its funds in<br /> <br /> recognition of work that has been done<br /> for them. The Committee, acting on the<br /> suggestion of one of these members, have<br /> decided to place this permanent paragraph in<br /> The Author in order that members may be<br /> cognisant of those funds to which these con-<br /> tributions may be paid.<br /> <br /> The funds suitable for this purpose are:<br /> (1) The Capital Fund. This fund is kept in<br /> reserve in case it is necessary for the Society to<br /> incur heavy expenditure, cither in fighting a<br /> question of principle, or in assisting to obtain<br /> copyright reform, or in dealing with any other<br /> matter closely connected with the work of the<br /> Society.<br /> <br /> (2) The Pension Fund. This fund is slowly<br /> increasing, and it is hoped will, in time, cover<br /> the needs of all the members of the Society.<br /> <br /> #9<br /> <br /> <br /> 98 THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> THE PENSION FUND.<br /> <br /> — &gt;<br /> <br /> N January, the secretary of the Society laid<br /> before the trustees of the Pension Fund<br /> the accounts for the year 1911, as settled<br /> <br /> by the accountants, with a full statement of<br /> the result of the appeal made on behalf of<br /> the fund. After giving the matter full con-<br /> sideration, the trustees instructed the secretary<br /> to invest the sum of £500 in the purchase of<br /> Antofagasta and Bolivian Railway 5% Pre-<br /> ferred Ordinary Stock and Central Argentine<br /> Railway Ordinary Stock. The amounts pur-<br /> chased at the current prices were £237 in the<br /> former and £282 in the latter stock.<br /> <br /> The trustees desire to thank the members of<br /> the Society for the generous support which they<br /> have given to the Pension Fund. The money<br /> now invested amounts to £4,454 6s.<br /> <br /> Later in the year, at a meeting of the Com-<br /> mittee of Management, a question concerning<br /> the funds of the Society was brought up for dis-<br /> cussion, and it was suggested that it would be<br /> a good thing for the Pension Fund trustees, if<br /> they had power, to sell out the Fund’s holding of<br /> Consols and to invest in some more satisfactory<br /> security. The suggestion was placed before the<br /> trustees of the Pension Fund, and a meeting<br /> was called, when the chairman of the Committee<br /> of Management, the trustees, and Mr. Aylmer<br /> Maude, the member of the Committee of<br /> Management who had made the suggestion,<br /> were present. The figures were very closely<br /> considered, and it appeared clear that altera-<br /> tions in the investment of the funds could be<br /> carried out with advantage to the Fund’s<br /> income. It was decided by the trustees, with<br /> the approval of the Committee of Management,<br /> to sell out the holding of Consols. With the<br /> amount realised, were purchased—<br /> <br /> $2,000 (£400) Consolidated Gas and Elec-<br /> tric Company of Baltimore 44% Gold<br /> Bonds ;<br /> <br /> 30 Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway<br /> 4°, Extension Shares, 1914 (£8 paid) ;<br /> £250 Edward Lloyd, Ltd., £1 5% Prefer-<br /> <br /> ence Shares.<br /> <br /> These amounts are fully set out and added<br /> in the nominal value to the Pension Fund<br /> investments, below.<br /> <br /> The trustees have also, in view of the option<br /> extended to them as holders of £232 Central<br /> Argentine Railway Ordinary Stock, subscribed<br /> for 8 Central Argentine Railway £10 Preference<br /> Shares, New Issue.<br /> <br /> The nominal value of the investments held<br /> on behalf of the Pension Fund now amounts<br /> <br /> to £4,454 6s., details of which are fully set out<br /> in the following schedule :—<br /> Nominal Value.<br /> <br /> £ 8, d.<br /> Local Loans .............,.24, 500 0 0<br /> Victoria Government 3% Consoli-<br /> <br /> dated Inscribed Stock ........ 291 19 11<br /> London and North-Western 3%<br /> <br /> Debenture Stock ...........;, 250 0 0<br /> Egyptian Government Irrigation<br /> <br /> Trust 4% Certificates ........ 200 0 0<br /> Cape of Good Hope 34% Inscribed<br /> <br /> Stock (2.00502. 24005. 22 200 0 0<br /> Glasgow and South-Western Rail-<br /> <br /> way 4% Preference Stock .... 228 0 0<br /> New Zealand 34% Stock........ 247 9 6<br /> Trish Land 23% Guaranteed Stock 258 0 0<br /> Corporation of London 24%<br /> <br /> Stock, 1927-57... .......-... 488 2 4<br /> Jamaica 34% Stock, 1919-49 1382 18 6<br /> Mauritius 4% 1937 Stock ...... 120 12 1<br /> Dominion of Canada, C.P.R. 34%<br /> <br /> Land Grant Stock, 1988 ...... 198 3 8<br /> Antofagasta and Bolivian Railway<br /> <br /> 5% Preferred Stock .......... 237 0 0<br /> Central Argentine Railway Or-<br /> <br /> dinary Stock................- 232 0 0<br /> $2,000 . Consolidated Gas and<br /> <br /> Electric Company: of Baltimore<br /> <br /> 44% Gold Bonds ............ 400 0 0<br /> 250 Edward Lloyd, Ltd., £1 5%<br /> <br /> Preference Shares .......... 250 0 0<br /> 30 Buenos Ayres Great Southern<br /> <br /> Railway 4% Extension Shares,<br /> <br /> 1914 (£8 paid) &lt;5 .44.0.-4. 06 240 0 0<br /> <br /> 8 Central Argentine Railway £10<br /> Preference Shares, New Issue... 30 0 0<br /> <br /> Total. 2.222.064 £4,454 6 0<br /> <br /> Ce i 0<br /> <br /> PENSION FUND.<br /> <br /> ee<br /> <br /> Tue list printed below includes all fresh dona-<br /> tions and subscriptions (i.e., donations and<br /> subscriptions not hitherto acknowledged)<br /> received by, or promised to, the fund from<br /> April 1, 1912.<br /> <br /> It does not include either donations given<br /> prior to April 1, nor does it include sub-<br /> scriptions paid in compliance with promises<br /> made before it.<br /> <br /> Subscriptions.<br /> 1912.<br /> April 6, Bland, J. O. P. ,<br /> April 6, Taylor, Mrs. Basil °.<br /> <br /> och<br /> i<br /> <br /> no?<br /> <br /> oof<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Joysyqnd oisnur e@ ysurese sosvo 19430 OAL, |<br /> <br /> ‘yuotpodxo seM wUorTjoe JoYyyInNy ou souenb<br /> +dSU0D UL pue ‘sjJossB OU 919M d104} YY} PUNO;J<br /> SBA JI ‘ponsst UOTZNDIXe puB pouTeyqo Useq pel<br /> qyuewspnif PRY UP sesso Omy/UT “YUOUL qsed<br /> ou) SULINP YSnory} pote wooq pey yey soseo<br /> [B59] oy] UO YOM oYyZ poytoda sLozlolfos oy,<br /> ‘studo} uodn oars ‘AqMoUIp ut uoyA, ATUO<br /> ulofot 0} YSIA OYA dSoY} JO UOTooIo-94 943<br /> qiuttod 0} 999341WUUIOD 94} TOF aTQIssodwt st 41<br /> ‘sIseq [vIouRUy, punos B® UO oq 03 ST AqOID0S<br /> ay} Jl pue ‘soats Ayoloog 9yy Jo drysasquiout<br /> YoryM sosequeape oy} 10f yuoutAed soue<br /> -INSUI [eNUUB Ue SB sof TTeUIs AIOA B “IopIsUOD<br /> 99}}JTUIWIOD OY] ‘st IvoA B *s~ TF ‘“drysraquiowt<br /> jo [eMoUsI Joy SuoTyeoydde Aeptsuoo 07 you<br /> AABY do}}IWUIUIOD oY} Yor ye sossed Suyoow<br /> vB AyTpaey ‘poopur { utofor 03 outsap ApyUenbory<br /> Peusisol DAVY OYA. puUB SdoqtUOU o19M 990<br /> OYA sioyjne yey} yory oyZ AQ UMOYS SI<br /> uolyisod yynoyIp eB Ur sIoyyNe soABo, U9zJO<br /> AyWOG oY} WOLF UOTJVUSISoI yey, *Wd9qATY}<br /> jo vad snortAoid 94} UT SUOTJBUDISOL OY IOAO<br /> aseoIOUL UR—oUIU-AJOUTU 0} IvaA JY} IOF SUOT}<br /> -BUSISOL [8JO} OY} SULSULIG ‘SUOTJVUSISAI [eRIdAOS<br /> qlodat 0} Jorsor 9094TUIIOD OYJ, *a0U04STXO<br /> s,AqoI0g oy} Sutmmp reo snotsoad Aue ut ueyy<br /> SIOQUIDU UIADS-AJALOJ AQ UOTJO]O LoHIL] B ST STU,<br /> ‘ope 03 dn reo YUotInd oY} IOF sMOTTO [B09<br /> dY} SUISULIG ‘pozoo]o dIOM STOGUIOU MOT 99.144<br /> -AWIYY, ‘Sdoqurour Jo woHoe|S OY} YIM pepaaa<br /> -oid 909991UIWHIOD ayy ‘soqnurur ay} jo Surpear<br /> oy} IV °% doquiooog ‘Avpuoy, uo “AA&#039;s<br /> ‘ayexyy) Souuy woond ‘et ‘AzoI00g 9y}<br /> JO WlOOY voqQTUIUIOD 9Y} Ye PpEy seBAr<br /> do}7TWUIOD oY} JO Sulqoout roquioovsq APU<br /> <br /> — +<br /> <br /> ‘SSHLON WALLINWOO<br /> <br /> ————_ + —____<br /> 0 F O TOUR AA “SI “YOUIT “FL “ood<br /> 0 S$ 0 “VW Joqiop “SIP “UOSzVAA “FL ‘99<br /> O° 259° * dovry ssp ‘stytdoy, ‘LL ‘20q<br /> 0 ¢e “L souve “touuey, ‘TL 00q<br /> 0 6-0 ao.10dr) ‘aIUIeSIg ‘TL ‘0<br /> 0 9-0 : ‘a “uy ‘Apouusy ‘F 00g<br /> Oo OL 0 &quot;SIN SSH “Wea gpPyW “F “09d<br /> 00 ¢ ‘HON ‘Say, ‘preuusyy ‘0G “AON<br /> 0 ¢ O : * stouely ‘pooy ‘OL “AON<br /> 9 F O * ‘SI, “YWUIG-9%I0 A “0G “OO<br /> 9 OL 0 7 * &quot;M‘H ‘PIO ‘ZT “PO<br /> O fs &quot;O&#039;A&#039;D ‘SIMO&#039;T US<br /> ‘UOH, FST PUT ‘TOWN “FT 2°0<br /> » Uo: * Aouulg “9 ‘S21qqIC “FL “2O<br /> O lot * souer “4qrenqs ‘Z &quot;390<br /> DS F<br /> <br /> eveoooosooocooros<br /> <br /> oooco<br /> <br /> ooo o<br /> <br /> oooooooorvoqoooooecooso<br /> <br /> oococo<br /> <br /> moooo<br /> <br /> IQ © 20 0D SCHMWIM A MOON<br /> Se<br /> nooooeoewnmocomoocon<br /> <br /> ann<br /> ci<br /> <br /> rl re a 1 319 319 OH &amp;<br /> mermoocoocoocormeComooscocoor<br /> <br /> me O29191919 OO O<br /> to<br /> <br /> 2929.39 19<br /> <br /> $19 19 Oo<br /> =<br /> MOmoo coco<br /> <br /> a<br /> <br /> Om Oot as<br /> <br /> CON<br /> <br /> ° WA Sa, ooowed ‘gz “3dag<br /> : ‘d &quot;WW SSI ‘SYOOoTITAA ‘0Z *3dag<br /> . &quot;Hw “‘Aoydiys ‘ot “Sny<br /> &#039; : * &quot;W&#039;H ‘urey ‘¢ Aine<br /> &quot;A OV. 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It is probable, as the summons<br /> has been served, that the money will be forth-<br /> coming—especially as the defendant is engaged<br /> in active work. ‘Two MSS. have been obtained<br /> from a theatrical manager, following the issue<br /> of a summons. The manager excused himself<br /> on the ground that no previous application<br /> had been made, despite the fact that both<br /> the secretary and the solicitor of the Society<br /> had written several times. In another case<br /> judgment was obtained for a sum of £7 10s.,<br /> the remaining issue of the case, as the facts<br /> were in dispute, being sent to the County Court<br /> for trial.<br /> <br /> The solicitor then reported the action taken<br /> at the Old Bailey against C. M. Burghes, of<br /> which a note appeared in the December issue<br /> of The Author.<br /> <br /> The solicitors were glad to report payment in<br /> another case of the full sum in dispute without<br /> the matter going into Court, and that another<br /> important claim was in the course of<br /> negotiation.<br /> <br /> The action taken by the Society in two<br /> bankruptcies was next dealt with. The firms<br /> involved were Messrs. Greening &amp; Co., and<br /> Messrs Stephen Swift. The solicitor stated<br /> that in one case the secretary of the Society<br /> was representing authors on the Committee<br /> of Inspection, and in the other, Mr. Lewis<br /> Benjamin had kindly undertaken to act as<br /> the authors’ representative.<br /> <br /> A claim against a publisher for non-payment<br /> of amount .due on royalties would have to be<br /> taken into Court, as the solicitor had not<br /> received a satisfactory reply to his letters.<br /> A case of infringement of dramatic copyright,<br /> the solicitor was glad to report, was very<br /> satisfactorily closed, and an agreement for<br /> settlement had been come to against a Daily<br /> Paper for an amount due for contributions.<br /> <br /> There was another case against a technical<br /> paper, in which a settlement had been arranged<br /> last August, but the failure of the defendant<br /> to stand by the arrangement had necessitated<br /> its being re-opened and fresh proceedings<br /> being taken.<br /> <br /> An arrangement of settlement suggested<br /> by another paper that the author should take<br /> back MSS. which had been accepted, was<br /> repudiated by the author. The debt has now<br /> been paid.<br /> <br /> Finally, a matter of difficulty touching the<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> exact terms of a contract for publishing,<br /> between an author and a publisher, after long<br /> negotiations had been settled between the<br /> solicitors of the two parties, the agreements<br /> having been signed and exchanged. The<br /> solicitor reported that it might be necessary<br /> to issue a summons against the same publisher,<br /> as it had proved impossible to obtain accurate<br /> statements of account due to another author,<br /> a member of the Society.<br /> <br /> The secretary then read a letter which he<br /> had received from Mr. John Long, who stated<br /> that from his experience as managing director<br /> of John Long, Limited, he had found that<br /> ‘* Authors had originally been on friendly<br /> terms with us, socially as well as in the course<br /> of business, and yet have subsequently adopted.<br /> a different and frequently hostile attitude<br /> towards us, the change synchronising with,<br /> their becoming members of your Society.<br /> This we ascribe, in the main, to their having<br /> become imbued with the views expressed in,<br /> the Society’s monthly publication and other<br /> literature issued by it.”<br /> <br /> The committee made no comment upon the<br /> communication. :<br /> <br /> Another matter put forward by the secretary<br /> was a case of an author who had been a member<br /> of the Society, and though not a member at.<br /> the present time, desired the committee to<br /> take up the case as a matter of principle. The<br /> committee, after consideration, came to the<br /> conclusion that they had to undertake cases<br /> of principle on behalf of those who were<br /> members, and that they could not consider<br /> this special case unless the author in question<br /> rejoined the Society. This might be arranged<br /> on terms, when they would be willing to discuss<br /> the whole matter.<br /> <br /> The committee are pleased to report that<br /> Mr. Anstey Guthrie, the committee’s repre-<br /> sentative on the Pension Fund Committee,<br /> has expressed his. willingness to continue to<br /> serve on that committee. He was, accord-<br /> ingly, unanimously re-elected. In another<br /> column appears a statement regarding the<br /> Society’s representative on the Pension Fund<br /> Committee.<br /> <br /> The question of the election of a Pension<br /> Fund Trustee was also considered, and the<br /> secretary was instructed to write to Sir Arthur<br /> Pinero on the subject. The committee have<br /> pleasure in reporting that Sir Arthur Pinero has<br /> consented to.undertake ‘the duties.<br /> <br /> The secretary stated what steps had been<br /> taken in regard to.the Collection Bureau. He<br /> said that a circular had been sent out, that he<br /> <br /> chad received many answers, and that the<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTIOI. 101<br /> <br /> writers expressed their opinion that such a<br /> bureau would be very valuable.<br /> <br /> The committee then decided on the sum to<br /> be spent in Christmas boxes, and the adjust-<br /> ment of salaries.<br /> <br /> The secretary then read a notice from<br /> the office of the Australian Commonwealth in<br /> London, intimating that the Australian Copy-<br /> right Bill had passed into law. The committee<br /> regretted, therefore, that it was too late to<br /> send out the report which they had passed on<br /> the Bill, but if the Act is on the lines of the<br /> draft which was laid before them, they think<br /> they may congratulate authors on having<br /> obtained, on the whole, very satisfactory<br /> Inter-Colonial protection in Australia. The<br /> Act will be printed as soon as it is possible<br /> to obtain a copy.<br /> <br /> The secretary reported also that the India<br /> Office had informed him that it was the inten-<br /> tion to proclaim the Copyright Act, 1911,<br /> in India at the earliest possible opportunity.<br /> The question, however, of introducing modifi-<br /> cations or additions in the Act as proclaimed<br /> in India, was still under consideration.<br /> <br /> The committee ordered that counsel’s opinion,<br /> which had been obtained under their authority<br /> dealing with some points raised by an American<br /> correspondent in connection with the copyright<br /> relations between Great Britain and the<br /> United States, should be printed in The Author,<br /> and it appears in another column.<br /> <br /> The question of the adjustment of some of<br /> the advertising accounts was considered and<br /> settled.<br /> <br /> On the recommendation of the Dramatic<br /> Sub-Committee, the committee decided to<br /> appoint M. A. Reyding, of Willemsparkweg, 134,<br /> Amsterdam, accredited dramatic agent to the<br /> Society in Holland, and Mr. Walter C. Jordan,<br /> of Empire Theatre Building, 1428—1432,<br /> Broadway, New York, accredited dramatic<br /> agent of the Society in New York. It is<br /> intended to appoint accredited agents of the<br /> Society in the Colonies and other countries.<br /> <br /> An important question .affecting authors<br /> <br /> who write for magazines was discussed,<br /> <br /> namely, the question of whether payment on<br /> acceptance should not be demanded.<br /> <br /> Editors have claimed that no article is to be<br /> paid for till after publication, and, in some<br /> cases, have delayed publication for two or three<br /> years. The Society has always maintained<br /> that publication must ensue within a reason-<br /> able time, or that payment must be made,<br /> and editors have, as a rule, acknowledged the<br /> justice of the contention, but other editors have,<br /> after long delays, paid only grudgingly, and<br /> <br /> have even hinted that, as they have been made<br /> to pay, they will take no more of the particular<br /> author’s work. The committee instructed the<br /> secretary to make out a list of editors who<br /> might be approached on the subject, and it was<br /> decided to invite collaboration and guidance<br /> from them.<br /> <br /> The secretary laid on the table letters from<br /> Sir Gilbert Parker and Mr. Chatterton Hill,<br /> thanking the Society for work done on their<br /> behalf, and a vote of thanks was passed to<br /> Miss E. Robins for a donation of £2 2s. to the<br /> <br /> Capital Fund.<br /> ————<br /> <br /> Dramatic SuBp-CoMMITTEE.<br /> <br /> Tue Dramatic Sub-Committee met at 13,<br /> Queen Anne’s Gate, on Friday, December 13.<br /> After reading the minutes of the previous<br /> meeting, they proceeded to select their nominees<br /> for election to the Dramatic Sub-Committee<br /> for 1913. The names of these nominees will<br /> be sent round to the members of the Dramatic<br /> section of the Society, who will be invited to<br /> nominate other members of the section for<br /> service on the Sub-Committee should they care<br /> to do so. If other names are submitted the<br /> usual voting papers will be sent to the<br /> Dramatic section, and the result of the election<br /> will be placed before the Committee of Manage-<br /> ment as the recommendation of the Dramatic<br /> section of the Society for the Dramatic Sub-<br /> Committee for 1918. A draft circular to be<br /> sent to the dramatists in the Society was<br /> settled.<br /> <br /> One or two matters of importance arising<br /> under the Collection Bureau of the Society<br /> were considered. The first was the date for<br /> settlement of fees collected, and it was decided<br /> to pay these over as soon as they were cleared<br /> and entries made in the books of the Society.<br /> In effect this will probably mean a weekly<br /> settlement of accounts so far as dramatists are<br /> concerned.<br /> <br /> The next matter was the percentage to be<br /> charged on the collection of fees abroad, and<br /> the Secretary was instructed to write to the<br /> agents appointed to obtain from them some<br /> expression of their views on the question.<br /> When their reports are to hand they will be<br /> considered by the Dramatic Sub-Committee,<br /> who will then make the proper recommendation<br /> to the Committee of Management.<br /> <br /> A case of infringement of copyright in a<br /> dramatic piece in Canada was next considered,<br /> and the Sub-Committee recommended that the<br /> case should be referred to the Committee of<br /> Management with a view to action being taken,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 102<br /> <br /> Another question relating to, infringement<br /> of the title of one of the members’ plays by a<br /> cinematograph performance was discussed, and<br /> here, also, it was decided to refer the matter<br /> to the Committee of Management if the<br /> solicitors’ opinion was favourable.<br /> <br /> A proposal from the Society of Dramatic<br /> Authors in the United States suggesting<br /> reciprocal help between the two societies was<br /> laid before the Sub-Committee, and they<br /> expressed their readiness to do what was<br /> possible in the matter, leaving the final settle-<br /> ment to the Committee of Management.<br /> <br /> The question of the appointment of two<br /> more foreign agents was also considered, and<br /> the Dramatic Sub-Committee approved the<br /> appointment subject to the approval of the<br /> Committee of Management.<br /> <br /> The Sub-Committee then adjourned till<br /> January, 1913.<br /> <br /> a<br /> <br /> CoMPosERS’ SUR-COMMITTEE.<br /> <br /> Tur Composers’ Sub-Committee of the<br /> Society of Authors met at 13, Queen Anne’s<br /> Gate on Saturday, December 14. After the<br /> minutes of the previous meeting had been<br /> signed the secretary laid before the Sub-<br /> Committee an agreement from Messrs. Curwen<br /> which had been referred to them for their<br /> consideration, As there was only just a<br /> quorum and it seemed necessary that the<br /> matter should be discussed in full committee<br /> the consideration of the agreement was<br /> adjourned to the next meeting.<br /> <br /> The correspondence which had taken place<br /> in The Times between the Society of Authors,<br /> Messrs. Novello and Sir Charles Villiers<br /> Stanford was laid on the table and discussed.<br /> <br /> The next question before the Sub-Committee<br /> was the collection of fees in foreign countries.<br /> The secretary read letters he had already<br /> received, and was instructed to write to the<br /> legal representative of the society in Germany<br /> <br /> in answer to his letter, and ask for fuller _<br /> <br /> particulars of two companies referred to so<br /> that the Sub-Committee might be able to make<br /> arrangements for the collection of mechanical<br /> fees in the German Empire. He was also<br /> instructed to write further to the representa-<br /> tive of a company in France.<br /> <br /> The secretary then mentioned to the com-<br /> mittee various points which had arisen under<br /> the Act of 1911 and was instructed to write to<br /> the Board of Trade in order to obtain from<br /> them information on one or two points which,<br /> at present, appeared to be indefinite. The<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> question of performing rights was also under<br /> consideration, and the secretary read a letter<br /> he had received from the Music Publishers’<br /> Association. The Sub-Committee were deter-<br /> mined not to abandon the attempt to obtain a<br /> satisfactory solution of the question of the fees<br /> to be charged for performances, and although<br /> the music publishers did not at present see<br /> their way to give any assistance, the matter<br /> was adjourned for further consideration at the<br /> next meeting.<br /> nee coe el<br /> <br /> Cases.<br /> <br /> Durine the past month the Society has had<br /> occasion to take up twelve cases.<br /> <br /> Three of these were for the* return of<br /> manuscripts; in two of the cases the manu-<br /> scripts have been returned ; the third case has<br /> only recently come into the office.<br /> <br /> There have been three disputes between<br /> authors and publishers and agents on the<br /> interpretation of agreements. These matters,<br /> as a rule, and those nowin hand are no exception<br /> to that rule, require considerable negotiation,<br /> but the negotiations are progressing favour-<br /> ably.<br /> <br /> Out of four cases for money three have been<br /> settled, the money having been obtained and<br /> sent on to the authors concerned; the fourth<br /> case has only recently come into the office.<br /> <br /> There are two cases for accounts. One case<br /> will probably have to go into the hands of the<br /> Society’s solicitors, as the publishers concerned<br /> have on former occasions refused to respond to<br /> the letters of the secretary. The second case<br /> has only just come into the office.<br /> <br /> All the cases left over from former months<br /> have now been closed, with the exception of<br /> two, which have had to be put into the solicitors’<br /> hands.<br /> <br /> ag<br /> Elections.<br /> -Beach, Rex . . . c/o Hughes, Massie<br /> <br /> &amp; Co, 21, Tavis-<br /> tock Street, W.C.<br /> 35a, Temple Road,<br /> <br /> South Ealing.<br /> Waldechlaan 2, Hil-<br /> versum, Holland.<br /> 80, Hyde Park Gate,<br /> <br /> London, $.W.<br /> Beckfoot, Birch Hall<br /> <br /> Lane, Manchester.<br /> Charters | Towers,<br /> <br /> East Grinstead.<br /> <br /> Begarnie, George<br /> <br /> Berrington, John S. .<br /> Coit, Dr. Stanton ‘<br /> Cooper, Miss Marjorie .<br /> <br /> De Brath, Stanley :<br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 103<br /> <br /> Drillien, Miss Béréngere Greenlands, Comey- BOOKS PUBLISHED BY MEMBERS.<br /> trowe, Taunton,<br /> Somersetshire.<br /> <br /> Ellison, Miss Grace May Lyceum Club, Picca- While every effort is made by the compilers to keep<br /> dilly, W. this Be - oe pee ie as possible, oy a<br /> <br /> . : A a : ie some culty in attainin is object owing to the fact<br /> Fitzgerald, Miss Eva . Sunnyholme, Shank- that many of the books ed not sent to the office<br /> lin, Isle of Wight. by the members. In consequence, it is necessary to rely<br /> <br /> Gaze, W. Culling. LO: John Street, largely upon lists of books which appear in literary and<br /> Adelphi, W.C. other papers. It is hoped, however, that members will<br /> <br /> eS Gee io a _ €o-operate in the compiling of this list, and, by sending<br /> Genn, Miss Caroline T.. 47a, Stanley Gar particulars of theis works, help to make it substantially<br /> <br /> dens, Hampstead. accurate.<br /> Gilbey, Sir Walter, Bart. Elsenham Hall, ART.<br /> <br /> Stansted, S.O., Lire iy rue West or Irenanp. Drawn and Painted<br /> <br /> Essex. By Jack B. Yurats. 93x 7. 111 pp. Maunsell.<br /> <br /> i _- Harrap, Charles . . The Laurels, Neth- “&gt; 4<br /> a erby Road, Forest BIOGRAPHY.<br /> Hill, S.E. eee By Aaron Watson. 6} x 4h. 94 pp.<br /> ~ : jl Jack, od. Nn.<br /> Stoughton, Stanley . 15, eee Writs Suarr. A Memoir compiled by his Wife,<br /> sions, aring Evizaseta A. Swarr. 2 Vols. 73 x 54. 352 pp.<br /> Cross Road, W.C. + 450 pp. Heinemann. 10s. n. : y<br /> Hubbard, Philip E. : ue CHaRLoTTE SopuieE Countess Bentinck. Her Life<br /> Ss : ox 4 Q : and Times, 1715—1800. By her descendant, Mrs.<br /> Irwin, Beatrice . ae ane oe AusprEy Le Bronp. 2 Vols. 70 illustrations from<br /> : : st. James’, W. origina! paintings. Hutchinson. 24s. n.<br /> Jerovise, Miss M. Clarke Leahurst, Esher,<br /> Surrey. BOOKS OF REFERENCE.<br /> Moxon, Chas, Fred . 22, Worcester Villas, Caratocuz or THe Heprew AND Samariran Manv-<br /> Hove, Sussex. SCRIPTS IN THE British Museum. By G. Mareori-<br /> MacRitchie, David . 4, Archibald Place, outH. Part II. Sections I1—VII. 12} x 10.<br /> : i 377 pp. British Museum. 35s. n.<br /> Edinburgh. Tue Lirerary YEAR Boor, 1913. Edited by Bastu<br /> 7 Mayne, Ethel Colburn. 11, Holland Road, Srewarr. 7 x 4%. 896 pp. ‘Ouseley. 6s. n.<br /> Kensington, W. oe<br /> Murray, Douglas. . Houston, House, CLASSICAL.<br /> Worthing. Four Sraces or GREEK Rericion. Studies based on a<br /> * B § Course of Lectures delivered in April, 1912, at Columbia<br /> ee ee Major Ps , t Pelham, University. By Girpert Murray. &quot;9x 5}. 223 pp.<br /> tee : aignton. New York: Columbia University Press. London:<br /> Redwood, Miss Ethel 18, Avenue Road, Frowde. 6s. n.<br /> Boverton Regent’s Park, DRAMA.<br /> <br /> N.W<br /> : n : TurREE Puays, Vol. II.: Tue Expsst Son; Tue Litre<br /> Schultheis, Lili Mar- Heyscroft, West Dream; Justice. By Jown GatswortHy. 7 x 5.<br /> garet Didsbury, Man- 79 + 34+ 111 pp. Duckworth. Is. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> chester. PreneLtorpg. A Comedy in Three Acts. 213 pp. Mars.<br /> C é : Dor. A Farce in Three Acts. 172 pp. Tue Ex-<br /> Southwark, Lady oo 12, Devonshire Place, ptorer. A Melodrama in Four Acts. PP 52 pp. By<br /> W. : W. Somerset Mavucnam. 7 x 43. Heinemann.<br /> <br /> Sephton, J. 90, Huskisson Street, ls. 6d. n. each.<br /> Liverpool. How tHe CuitprReN Met tHe Taree Krxas. By Mavpe<br /> <br /> Telle ; . Egerton Kine. London: Fifield. 4d.<br /> Weller, Bernard . : oe so Road, Desorau. A Play in Three Acts. By LasceLues.<br /> <br /> : . ABERCROMBIE. 72 x 43. 60 pp. Lane. 2s, 6d. n.<br /> Walker, Henry . - Dale View, Brad-<br /> well, Derbyshire. FICTION.<br /> Winter, FredericG. . 32, Alderbrook Road, Gop’s Prayrumes. By Masorte Bowen. | 8f x 5}.<br /> <br /> Clapham Common, 319 pp. Smith Elder. 6s.<br /> S.W. Wuen THE Kine Came Sourn. A Romance of Borwick<br /> a iw iy ION 51 2B<br /> —~Woolf, L. S. : ~« 18, Clifford’s Inn, a Oe 7 o Cee fx 86 pp.<br /> Fleet St., E.C, Our Aury., By M. E. Francis (Mrs. Francis Blundell).<br /> 7} x 5. 320 pp. John Long. 6s.<br /> Tue Nicur or Tempration. By Vicrorta Cross.<br /> 74 x 5. 276 pp. T. Werner Laurie.<br /> . Panruer’s Cus. By Agnes AnD EGERTON CASTLE.<br /> 6} x 44. 380 pp. Nelson. 7d. n.<br /> <br /> oa ne<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> a<br /> 104<br /> <br /> Ipte Hanps. By W. Crrnron Exsis. 7 x 5. 358 pp.<br /> JARROLD. 6s.<br /> <br /> THROUGH THE CLouDY Porcu. By W. M. Even (Mrs. C.<br /> T. Caulfeild). 74 x 5. 343 pp. Murray. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tur AnpERSoNS. By S. Macnaventon. 256 pp.<br /> 63 x 44. (Cheap Reprint.) Hodder and Stoughton.<br /> 7d. n.<br /> <br /> Tue WARDEN OF THE MarcnEs. By SypNuy C. GRIER.<br /> 6} x 4}. 468 pp. (Nelson’s Library of Copyright<br /> Fiction.) Nelson. 7d.<br /> <br /> FarrHruLness IN Hicu PLaces.<br /> Bourke. A Fashionable Romance in Historical<br /> Times. Dublin: Hodges, Figgis &amp; Co., Ltd. 7s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> AyrsurE Ipytis. By Nem Munro. Illustrated by<br /> G. Hovsroys. 94 x 7. 139 pp. Black. 7s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> A Lirrte Green Wortp. By J. E. Buckrosn. 260 pp.<br /> Hodder and Stoughton. 7d. n.<br /> <br /> Tur Heart oF PrIncrss OSRA.<br /> <br /> By Lapy FLORENCE<br /> <br /> By Antuony Hore.<br /> <br /> 259 pp. Hodder and Stoughton. 7d. n.<br /> TristRAM oF BuENt. By Antuony Horr. 6} x 44.<br /> 469 pp. Nelson. 7d. n.<br /> HISTORY.<br /> HisroricaL VicNerres. By Brernarp Capes. 7 X 44.<br /> <br /> 220 pp. Sidgwick and Jackson. 2s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> West [npran TaLes oF OLp. By AtcERNon E, ASPIN-<br /> ALL. 74 X 5. 260 pp. Duckworth. 6s.<br /> <br /> Eneuish Lire AND MANNERS IN THE LaTER MIDDLE<br /> Acrs. By A. Apsram, D.Sc. 7} x 5. 352 pp.<br /> Routledge. 6s. \<br /> <br /> Tur War DRAMA OF THE EacuEs. NapoLron’s STAN-<br /> DARD BEARERS ON THE BATTLEFIELD IN VICTORY AND<br /> <br /> DEFEAT FROM AUSTERLITZ TO WATERLOO. A Record<br /> of Hard Fighting, Heroism and Adventure. By<br /> E. Fraser. 9 x 53. 444 pp. Murray. 12s. n.<br /> <br /> Centric BriraIN AND THE Prrcrmm Movement. By<br /> G. Harrwett Jonzs, D.D. 82 x 5}. 581 pp. The<br /> Hon. Society of Cymmrodorion.<br /> <br /> JUVENILE.<br /> Litrte THanx You. By Mrs. T. P. O&#039;Connor. 252 pp.<br /> (The Mauve Library.) 73 x 5. Putnams. 2s. n.<br /> LanceLot AND GUENEVERE. By Giapys Davipson.<br /> Nelson. 2s. 6d.<br /> <br /> Aut Asovur Lirrte Spirrxins; ALL ABouT THE FLYING<br /> Pic. By Gurapys Davipson. Dean &amp; Sons.<br /> <br /> BuccaNEERS OF THE Spanisu Maryn. By A. M. Hyamson,<br /> 72 x 54. Routledge. 3s. 6d.<br /> <br /> PavLine’s First Reapine Boox azout Tom AND JANE<br /> AnD THEIR Navcury Frienp. By Lapy Bett,<br /> 73 x 71. 141 pp. Longmans. ls. 6d.<br /> <br /> LITERARY.<br /> <br /> A Hisrory or Enciisn Lirerature. By A. Compron-<br /> Ricxett, LL.D. 64 x 43. Ill pp. Jack. 6d. n.<br /> Tue River or Lonpon. By Hinarre Bettoc. 7} x St.<br /> <br /> 145 pp. Foulis. 5s. n.<br /> MEDICAL.<br /> A Manvat or Inrecriovs Diseases OCCURRING IN<br /> Scnoot. By H. G. Armstrone and J. M. Forrescun<br /> <br /> BrickpatE. 74x 5. 150 pp. Bristol: Wright.<br /> London: Simpkin. 3s.<br /> <br /> NATURAL HISTORY.<br /> <br /> Tue Lire oF THE Sprper. By J. Henrt Fasre. Trans-<br /> lated by ALEXANDER TEIXETRA DE Marros. With a<br /> Preface by Maurice Marreruinck. 8 x 5$. 378 pp.<br /> Hodder and Stoughton. 6s. n.<br /> <br /> Tur Inrancy or Animas. By W. P. Pycrarr. 8} x 54.<br /> <br /> 272 pp. Hutchinson.<br /> <br /> THER AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Tue Book oF Woopcrarr and InpiaAN Lore. By<br /> Ernest THompson SEtTON. 8} x 6. 551 pp. Con-<br /> stable. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Crrcyting YEAR. By W. Percivat WestTELL, F.L.8,<br /> Illustrated. 94 x 74. 340 pp. Nelson. 6s. n.<br /> <br /> Tur Narurat History or THE GarpEeN. By W.<br /> <br /> PercivaL WeEsTELL, F.L.S. Illustrated.<br /> pp. Black. Is. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Tuer Scout’s Boox or Nature Crarr. By W. Percivan<br /> Westett, F.L.S. Illustrated. 74 x 5}. 86 pp. Gale<br /> and Polden. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> PHILOSOPHY.<br /> <br /> Tue Puttosopny or NierzscHe. An Exposition and am<br /> Appreciation. By GrorcEes CuarrerTon-Hi1, Ph.D.<br /> 9 x 54. 292 pp. Ouseley. 7s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> 8 x 54. 88<br /> <br /> Lirre’s Many Coxtours. By J. C. Wricut. Headley<br /> Bros. 2s. 6d.<br /> POETRY.<br /> Lyrics. By Lapy Marcarer Sackvitie. 7} x 5}.<br /> <br /> 72 pp. Herbert and Daniel. 3s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> CoLtLeEcTED VERSE oF RvupyarRp Kretine. Second<br /> Edition. 10 x 6%. 478 pp. Hodder and Stoughton.<br /> 20s. n.<br /> <br /> Otp TrsTAMENT Lyrics. By M. G. J. Kintocsa.<br /> 64. 78 pp. Sands. 5s. n.<br /> <br /> Sona Lyrics, AND OTHER SHORT PorEms.<br /> D. Barr. 54 x 44. 65 pp. Constable.<br /> <br /> REPRINTS.<br /> <br /> PLEASANT DELIGHTS FOR CHILDREN,.<br /> GATHERED FROM THE GOLDEN GARDEN. By A. E. and<br /> W. H. D. Rouss. 7 x 43. 144 pp. Blackie. Is. 6d.<br /> <br /> In Praise oF SwitzERLAND. Being the Alps in Prose<br /> <br /> 10 x<br /> <br /> By Eruev.<br /> 28. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> A Porsy oF<br /> <br /> and Verse. By Harotp SpENDER. 73 x 5}. 291 pp.<br /> Constable. 5s. n.<br /> <br /> Tne Sones AND Porms or Rosert Burns. With an<br /> Appreciation, by the Rigur Hon. THE Ear oF<br /> Rosepery, K.T. 9} x 63. 653 pp. Foulis,<br /> 10s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Desperate ReMeEDIES. 454 pp. THe Hanp or ErHEL-<br /> BERTA. A Comedy in Chapters. By Tuomas Harpy.<br /> 9 x 53. Macmillan. 7s. 6d. n. each.<br /> <br /> GoLDEN Strinc. A Day Book tor Busy Men and Women.<br /> Arranged by Susan, Countess oF MaLmEsBury, and<br /> Viotet Brooxe-Hunt. (Second Edition.) 74 x 6.<br /> 374 pp. Murray. Is. n.<br /> <br /> SCIENCE,<br /> <br /> ScrENCE FROM AN Easy Cnarr.<br /> Sir Ray Lanxester, K.C.B. 7}<br /> 6s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Tue STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH.<br /> Sc.D. 94 pp. Jack. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> A Second Series. By<br /> x 5. 412 pp. Adlard.<br /> <br /> By T. G. Bonney,<br /> <br /> ‘ SPORT.<br /> Hunting In THE OxpEen Days. By W. 8. Drxon.<br /> 10} x 7}. 386 pp. Constable. 21s. n.<br /> <br /> LirtLe GamMEs For Country HovszEs.<br /> 7 x 5}. 38 pp. Humphreys. 1s. n.<br /> <br /> TECHNOLOGY.<br /> <br /> Somz Norrs on Booxs anp Printinc. A Guide for<br /> Authors, Publishers and others. By C. T. JAcoBI.<br /> 9 x 53. 147 pp. (Fourth Edition.) The Chiswick<br /> <br /> Press. 6s. n.<br /> THEOLOGY.<br /> <br /> Tur Exrosiror’s TREASURY OF CHILDREN’S SERMONS.<br /> Edited by Sir W. Rosrrrson -Nicotz, LL.D., and<br /> Jane Sroppart. 114 x 8}. 782 pp. Hodder and -<br /> Stoughton. 20s. n.<br /> <br /> By Lapy BEtt.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> a<br /> <br /> (hs<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Everycuitp. A _ Christmas<br /> Brapire. 7} x 4}.<br /> <br /> Morality. By<br /> <br /> 46 pp. J. Clarke. ls. n.<br /> TOPOGRAPHY,<br /> <br /> LETCHWORTH (GARDEN City) AND Hitrcuin, Hertrorp-<br /> sHiRE. With their Surroundings. By W. Percrvau<br /> Westell, F.L.S. Illustrated. 7} x 5. 96 pp. Home-<br /> land Association. 2s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Highways aNd Byways In Somerset. By Epwarp<br /> Hurron. Illustrated by Netty Ericusen. 8 x 5}.<br /> 419 pp. Macmillan. 5s. n.<br /> <br /> TRAVEL.<br /> <br /> Austria: Her Propie anp Tuer Homeranps. By<br /> J. Baxer, F.R.G.8. 9 x 53. 310 pp. Lane. 2ls. n.<br /> <br /> DoreEN Coastine. With some Account of the Places<br /> she saw and the People she encountered. Edited by<br /> Atys Lovuts. With 125 illustrations. 83 x 54. 294<br /> pp. Longmans. 10s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Monvumentat Java. By J. F. Scnerrema.<br /> 302 pp. Macmillan. 12s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Nim<br /> <br /> 8} x 5h.<br /> <br /> $+<br /> <br /> LITERARY, DRAMATIC, AND MUSICAL<br /> NOTES.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> E have much pleasure in reporting that<br /> Lord Curzon of Kedleston will preside<br /> at the next Annual Dinner of the<br /> Royal Literary Fund, which will take place at<br /> the Whitehall Rooms of the Hotel Metropole<br /> on Tuesday, May 27. It is wholly superfluous<br /> in these columns to state what useful work this<br /> Fund has done and how ably it has been<br /> administered. No doubt this year’s Chairman<br /> will gather round him a distinguished and<br /> generous list of supporters. The Society should<br /> take special interest because Lord Curzon has<br /> for many years been a member and on its<br /> ‘Council. He was the guest of the evening at<br /> the dinner in May, 1906, when Sir Henry<br /> Bergne—that good and able friend of authors<br /> —was Chairman of the Committee of Manage-<br /> ment. We trust members will give the Fund<br /> their best support. :<br /> <br /> Messrs. George Allen &amp; Co. have published a<br /> Book of Verse at the price of 5s. net, from the<br /> pen of William Avon. The poems deal with<br /> many subjects and are indicative of no little<br /> imagination and contemplation, and show con-<br /> ‘siderable powers of rhythmical expression.<br /> <br /> At the same time we note another book of<br /> verse, “The Idyll and other Poems,” by<br /> E. Hamilton Moore, from the House of Andrew<br /> Melrose. Perhaps the most important work<br /> in this book are the Sonnet Sequences and<br /> ‘Octosyllabics ; the latter are cleverly handled,<br /> ithough here and there they halt a little.<br /> <br /> Haroip<br /> <br /> 105<br /> <br /> Count Plunkett, F.S.A., has been elected a<br /> Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. An<br /> old traveller, he has traversed about 10,000<br /> miles of the New World, and has lived a good<br /> deal in France and Italy.<br /> <br /> Last month Mrs. Aubrey le Blond published<br /> a book entitled “* Old Gardens of Italy. How<br /> to Visit Them,” with Mr. John Lane. Mrs.<br /> le Blond, during a series of visits to Italy, has<br /> compiled a volume that garden lovers can<br /> carry with them, enabling them to decide<br /> which gardens are worth visiting and how they<br /> may be reached, and, where special permission<br /> is required to see them, how this may be<br /> obtained. The work is beautifully illustrated.<br /> <br /> The same publisher has produced a_ work<br /> by the author of ‘“ Coke of Norfolk.’ Mrs.<br /> A. M. W. Stirling. Her present volume is<br /> entitled “‘ The Letter Bag of Lady Elizabeth<br /> Spencer-Stanhope,”’ and is compiled from the<br /> muniments between the years 1805 and 1873.<br /> Lady Elizabeth Spencer-Stanhope was the<br /> daughter of the celebrated Coke of Norfolk,<br /> The letters give a good idea of the social and<br /> political life during nearly seventy years of<br /> the national history, and most of the celebrated<br /> men of the period are referred to and criticised.<br /> <br /> Mr. Henry Arthur Jones is about to col-<br /> lect his essays and lectures on the drama,<br /> written and delivered during the past<br /> fifteen years. He proposes to revise them and<br /> publish them this month in volume form with<br /> Messrs. Chapman &amp; Hall under the title of<br /> “The Foundation of the National Drama.”<br /> <br /> Many books have been written about the<br /> Thames, from its source to its mouth, during<br /> many periods of its history. Mr. W. Culling<br /> Gaze has now produced a book, published by<br /> Messrs. Jarrold &amp; Sons, entitled ‘‘ On and<br /> Along the Thames,” James I., 1603—1625.<br /> It is illustrated with old and curious plates.<br /> This period of the history of the Thames, we<br /> believe, has not as yet been dealt with.<br /> <br /> Messrs. G. Bell &amp; Sons, Ltd., will issue early<br /> in the new year the 5th edition of ‘‘ Printing :<br /> A Practical Treatise on the Art of Typography,<br /> etc.,” by Mr. Chas. T. Jacobi of the Chiswick<br /> Press. It will be revised to date, and include<br /> the Examination Papers up to 1912 for H.M.<br /> Stationery Office and also the City and Guilds<br /> of London Institute. This volume is a recog-<br /> nised text book for students and others.<br /> <br /> Miss EK. Underdown is producing with Messrs<br /> Chas. Nelson &amp; Sons, at the price of 5s., a book<br /> entitled ‘‘ The Gateway to Chaucer.’’ Readers<br /> interested in works dealing with the literary<br /> history of England will remember the series<br /> that Messrs. Nelson &amp; Sons have published, two<br /> 106<br /> <br /> volumes of which,‘ The Gateway to Romance”<br /> and ‘‘ The Gateway to Spencer,” have already<br /> been brought out, written by the same author.<br /> The work has some coloured and many black<br /> and white illustrations by Miss Anne Anderson.<br /> <br /> Uniform with the “Oxford Book of English<br /> Verse’ and the ** Oxford Book of Ballads,” the<br /> University Press have produced the * Oxford<br /> Book of Victorian Verse,” selections for<br /> which have been made by Sir A. Quiller Couch.<br /> Sir A. Quiller Couch’s position as Professor of<br /> Poetry entitles him to speak with authority on<br /> the subject, and we have nothing but praise for<br /> the matter contained in the selection. No<br /> anthology from the individual point of view<br /> will ever be perfect unless it is issued by the<br /> individual himself. The editor, in his preface,<br /> appears to realise this difficulty with regard<br /> to the production of the book. The print and<br /> paper are both excellent, and the price of 6s.<br /> is exceedingly moderate,<br /> <br /> Books on travel are becoming quite fashion-<br /> able. Some depend for their interest on the<br /> point of view of the individual, some on the<br /> districts which have been travelled, and some<br /> on the incidents that have occurred. “* Doreen<br /> Coasting,” by Alice Lowth, is written by one<br /> whose heart is in her wanderings. She opens<br /> with an apt quotation from Lavengro. The<br /> book is interesting and well illustrated, and is<br /> published by Messrs. Longmans, Green &amp; Co.,<br /> at the price of 10s. 6d.<br /> <br /> The special Christmas number of the “ Book-<br /> man” isto hand. We desire to compliment<br /> the editor on his massive production, which<br /> is put on the market at the exceedingly<br /> cheap price of 2s. Every number of the<br /> periodical affords a useful catalogue and a use-<br /> ful comment for those who are interested in<br /> books and what they contain. The Christmas<br /> number is not only well got up, but affords<br /> sufficient information for a whole year. Those<br /> who are thinking of giving New Year’s presents<br /> and are in doubt as to what to buy in the way<br /> of literature, cannot do better than invest a<br /> modest 2s. and study the pages of this number.<br /> <br /> At Milton Hall, Manchester, a successful<br /> recital has been given by Mr. William Miles<br /> from the poetical works of Mr. Mackenzie Bell.<br /> The recital was largely attended and proved<br /> very popular.<br /> <br /> A poem against vivisection, entitled ‘‘ The<br /> Doctor’s Dog,’ by Richard Dailley, has been<br /> published. by Messrs. George Allen &amp; Co.<br /> The author states in his preface as follows :-—<br /> ‘ We have endeavoured, by a few light touches<br /> of humour and pathos, to soften somewhat the<br /> realism of the grim book of canine tragedy and<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> devotion.’ The work should appeal to all<br /> lovers of animals.<br /> <br /> A new travel work entitled “‘ Half Hours in<br /> the Levant,” by Archibald B. Spens, will be<br /> published shortly by Messrs. Stanley Paul &amp;<br /> Co. In this volume the author gives his im-<br /> pressions of the people and cities of the near<br /> East, and supplements his pen pictures with<br /> many interesting photographs of the various<br /> places visited by him.<br /> <br /> Mr. W. L. George will produce his new novel<br /> on January 15 with Messrs. Constable &amp; Co. in<br /> London and Messrs. Dodd, Mead &amp; Co. in New<br /> York. The title will be ‘‘ Israel Kalisch.” It<br /> can be described as a study of the anarchical<br /> temperament and of its various facets. It deals<br /> with the Jewish character and that of the<br /> foreign Jew in particular.<br /> <br /> Mr. J. E. Patterson will produce a new<br /> political novel towards the end of the month<br /> entitled ‘‘ The Romance of Stephen Compton.”<br /> The story begins among the mills of Lancashire,<br /> where the hero, who is a cripple, lives and<br /> works. He invents an improved spinner which<br /> finally proves a great success. Joining a<br /> democratic association he shows himself to be<br /> a famous orator, and completes his political<br /> career by becoming Prime Minister. The story<br /> deals with political questions bearing upon the<br /> industrial and commercial life. It will be<br /> published by Mr. W. Heinemann.<br /> <br /> Dr. Harold Ford has issued through Elliot<br /> Stock the 11th edition of his “ Art of Extempore<br /> Speaking.”<br /> <br /> Mr. Algernon E. Aspinall, who is well known<br /> by his books—‘‘ A Pocket Guide to the West<br /> Indies ” and ‘“‘ The British West Indies ; their<br /> History, Resources and Progress “—as an.<br /> authority on the West Indies, has published<br /> another book dealing with the same country<br /> entitled, ‘‘ West Indian Tales of Old.” The<br /> following are some of its contents: “ The Fate<br /> of Governor Park,” “ The Siege of Brimstone<br /> Hill,” ‘‘ The Battle of the Saints.” The work<br /> is published by Messrs. Duckworth &amp; Co., at<br /> the price of 5s. net.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Chapman &amp; Hall will publish early<br /> in the year a new novel entitled “* Let Them<br /> Say!” by Frances Hammond. The heroine, a<br /> high-spirited and independent young woman,<br /> early in life acquires, quite innocently, a<br /> ‘‘ reputation.” How this is made use of by<br /> an enemy, how Allegra vindicates herself,<br /> incidentally ledrns that convention has its<br /> value, and finally settles down normally and<br /> happily, forms the subject of the book.<br /> <br /> M. Sylvestre’s new novel, “ The Light-<br /> bearers,” published by John Long, Ltd;<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> i<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> portrays the tragedy arising out of modern<br /> social conditions, the terrible supply created<br /> by the demand of the civilisation of the<br /> twentieth century, by the scapegoats who, in<br /> all ages, inevitably suffer for the sins of the<br /> community.<br /> <br /> Mr. Andrew Melrose announces that Miss<br /> Mary Cholmondeley, Mr. Joseph Conrad, and<br /> Mr. W. J. Locke have agreed to act as adjudi-<br /> cators in his Fourth 250 Guineas Prize Novel<br /> Competition. All inquiries by intending com-<br /> petitors should be sent to The Literary Agency<br /> of London, 5, Henrietta Street, W.C., which<br /> is, as usual, acting for Mr. Melrose in this<br /> matter.<br /> <br /> DraMATIC.<br /> <br /> Last month a four-act comedy dealing with<br /> Warwickshire life, entitled ‘‘ The Devil and the<br /> Hindmost,” from the pen of Mr. Harold<br /> Cantrill, was produced at the Moseley and<br /> Balsall Heath Institute.<br /> <br /> Mr. MacDonald Hastings produced a play<br /> entitled ‘“ The Tide ’’ at the Queen’s Theatre<br /> on December 14. The play, though full of<br /> strong situations, seems to have missed its<br /> mark in a struggle for an excess of cleverness.<br /> It was, however, favourably received. Miss<br /> Ethel Warwick took the part of leading lady,<br /> Mr. Shiel Barry, Mr. Norman Trevor and Miss<br /> Cicely Hamilton were also in the caste.<br /> <br /> Miss M. E. H. Tyrwhitt Drake (M. Sylvestre),<br /> who wrote the play “ Sir Francis Drake ”’ some<br /> two years ago, and which was copyrighted<br /> before the production of ‘‘ Drake” at His<br /> Majesty’s, has heard from South Africa, from<br /> Mr. Charles Howitt, securing it for production<br /> in that country. Mr. Howitt read her play<br /> when he was over here recently in search of<br /> plays for his tour, which extends from the Cape<br /> to the Zambesi. Miss T. Drake had the assist-<br /> ance of Mr. Forbes Dawson in the recon-<br /> struction of her work.<br /> <br /> At the Little Theatre, the Pioneer Players<br /> produced a triple bill on December 15, including<br /> ** Beastie ’’ by Hugh de Selincourt, and ‘* The<br /> Thumb Screw” by Mrs. Alfred Lyttelton.<br /> The first mentioned deals with a young<br /> married couple who are engaging a nurse for<br /> their first-born. The nurse turns out to be a<br /> person with whom the husband had _ been<br /> acquainted before his marriage ; in fact, the<br /> daughter of his landlady at Oxford. The<br /> complications are satisfactorily unravelled in a<br /> pleasant manner. Mrs. Alfred Lyttelton’s<br /> play deals with an economic problem. Though<br /> <br /> 107<br /> <br /> too long for the subject-matter it was acted<br /> with considerable strength.<br /> <br /> eee ee eg<br /> <br /> PARIS NOTES.<br /> <br /> +4<br /> <br /> rY\HE prize awarded annually by the<br /> <br /> Goncourt Academy was attributed to<br /> <br /> M. André Savignon for his book<br /> ** Filles de la Pluie, Scénes de la Vie Ouessan-<br /> tine.”” Another book obtained the same number<br /> of votes, but, as the vote of the president<br /> counted double, M. Savignon carried off the<br /> prize. The title of the other book is ‘“ L’Or-<br /> dination,”’ and its author is M. Julien Benda.<br /> Fortunately for the latter, the close competi-<br /> tion has caused everyone to read the two<br /> volumes, in order to judge which really seems<br /> more deserving of the prize.<br /> <br /> The annual prize of the “ Vie Heureuse ”’<br /> has been awarded to Jacques Morel for the<br /> novel ‘‘Feuilles Mortes,’” an admirable<br /> psychological study.<br /> <br /> ** Les Fabrecé,”’ by Paul Margueritte, is an<br /> excellent story, based on the idea of the<br /> necessity of solidarity in family life. The<br /> head of the family is a man of fine character.<br /> The author shows us all the difficulties of a<br /> large family, insists on the distinct indivi-<br /> duality of each member and, at the same time,<br /> gives us an example of the union of the little<br /> family of which he writes, and of the loyalty of<br /> the children to their parents.<br /> <br /> ** Madeleine au Miroir,’ by Marcelle Tinayre.<br /> This book is not a novel, it is a volume of<br /> souvenirs, of shrewd reflections and of keen<br /> observation by a woman with a fund of<br /> common. sense, who is no longer young. The<br /> titles of some of the chapters give a good idea<br /> of the book: Madeleine au Miroir, La Mére et<br /> le fils, Le Bonheur des autres, La Féte du<br /> Souvenir, Entre Femmes, Pour etre Belles,<br /> L’Amitié, Le Passé, Ne disons pas de mal des<br /> Hommes, Les Femmes et la Littérature, La<br /> peur de souffrir, Les Enfants. There are in<br /> all some thirty-eight chapters, all connected,<br /> in a Way, one with the other.<br /> <br /> “Le Nouvel Homme,” by Michel Epuy, is a<br /> curious novel. It is the story of a man with<br /> ideas in advance of his surroundings and of his<br /> epoch. He is born in the home of a Protestant<br /> pastor, of the most rigid and narrow-minded<br /> type. The boy leaves home and follows what<br /> he feels to be his vocation. The book is a<br /> serious one and thoroughly sincere.<br /> 108<br /> <br /> ** Mini Lalouet,’”’ by Jean-Pierre Porret, is<br /> an extremely realistic and well-told story. It<br /> is the history of a girl in humble life, a good-<br /> natured, irresponsible girl, who, through lack<br /> of sympathy and affection at home, decides to<br /> go her own way, along the paths that seem the<br /> most pleasant. All the characters in the novel<br /> are well drawn, and all of them are very living.<br /> Mini Lalouet does not appear to be troubled<br /> with a conscience. She is just a_ pretty,<br /> amusing, badly-educated girl, determined to<br /> get the most she can out of life, and not in the<br /> least scrupulous about the means she takes to<br /> that end.<br /> <br /> Among the novels translated from the<br /> English are ** Les Gardiens de la Flamme,” by<br /> W. B. Maxwell, and ‘“‘ Roses d’Automne,” by<br /> E. F. Benson.<br /> <br /> “In the Year of Jubilee,” by George<br /> Gissing, has also been translated, and will<br /> probably appear soon as a serial.<br /> <br /> “Gens de Guerre au Maroc,” by Emile<br /> Nolly, is a book well worth reading. The<br /> author has succeeded in giving the atmosphere<br /> of the places he describes in a most remarkable<br /> way. Every page is full of life, and we are<br /> introduced to the natives of the country and<br /> to the French soldiers out there in such a way<br /> that we seem to have accompanied the author<br /> on his voyage.<br /> <br /> “Le Prince Impérial (Souvenirs et Docu-<br /> ments), by Augustin Filon. No one could<br /> have had a better opportunity for writing a<br /> book on this subject than M. Filon, who was<br /> the tutor of the young prince. He tells us of<br /> the early life and education of his charge, of<br /> his sojourn in England and his departure for<br /> Africa, ending with his tragic death in Zulu-<br /> land. The volume is illustrated.<br /> <br /> ** Rosette ou lamoureuse Conspiration,” by<br /> Funck-Brentano and A. de Lorde, is a lively<br /> and interesting story of the time of the Regency.<br /> <br /> “La Chronique de nos jours,” by Ernest<br /> Daudet. This is a volume of articles on the<br /> most varied subjects imaginable. Most, if<br /> not all, of these articles have been published<br /> separately, but will be read again with pleasure.<br /> There are interesting studies of Gambetta,<br /> Bismarck, Casimier-Perier, the Queen of Spain,<br /> Marie Christine, Goncourt, Saint-Beuve, etc.<br /> <br /> “Les Embarras d’Allemagne,’’ by George<br /> Blondel, is a volume that will be read with<br /> profit. The titles of some of the chapters will<br /> give an idea of the subjects treated: La Con-<br /> stitution impériale et ses imperfections, Les<br /> Embarras financiers, Les Divisions des Partis,<br /> Difficultés économiques, Le Malaise des Popu-<br /> lations rurales, La Poussée socialiste, Les<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Préoccupations des Moralistes, Pologne et<br /> Alsace, Préoccupations exterieures,<br /> <br /> ** Bleus, Blanes et Rouges, Recits d’Histoire<br /> Révolutionnaire,”’ is another of the welcome<br /> volumes by G. Lenotre. Among the subjects<br /> he treats are Le Mariage de M. de Bréchard,<br /> L’Abbé Jumel; Mademoiselle de Chauviniére<br /> and Angélique des Melliers.<br /> <br /> “Les Moeurs du Temps,” by Alfred Capus.<br /> No writer is better qualified to give us his<br /> impressions of the habits and customs of the<br /> times in which we live than the genial drama-<br /> tist whose keynote is optimism. He is a<br /> shrewd observer, and he has the courage of his<br /> opinions. He does not spare his irony or his<br /> blame, but he has the saving good humour<br /> peculiar to the true Frenchman, so that there<br /> is nothing depressing in the volume, in spite of<br /> the many abuses he exposes and the criticisms<br /> he gives freely.<br /> <br /> M. Frédéric Masson has written a book<br /> which will render great service, as it seems to<br /> be the first work of the kind. It is a com-<br /> prehensive history of the Académie Frangaise<br /> from the year 1629 to 1794.<br /> <br /> In his lectures on Human Geography at the<br /> College of France, M. Jean Brunhes is now<br /> taking Bosnia Herzegovina as an object lesson,<br /> with a series of lantern slides to illustrate his<br /> theories. M. Brunhes has recently returned<br /> from a visit to the Balkan Peninsula, so that<br /> his lectures are extremely interesting.<br /> <br /> ‘La Femme seule ” is the title of the three-<br /> act comedy by M. Eugéne Brieux, now being<br /> played at the Gymnase. It is by no neams a<br /> piece to gladden the hearts of the suffragetists<br /> <br /> At the Odéon, M. Antoine is giving M. Vedel’s<br /> translation of Goethe’s “‘ Faust,’ with musical<br /> adaptations by M. Florent Schmitt.<br /> <br /> M. Henry Bataille’s three-act play, ‘‘ Les<br /> Flambeaux,” is being given at the Porte St.<br /> Martin.<br /> <br /> Madame Sarah Bernhardt is giving ‘“ Kis-<br /> met ”’ at her theatre.<br /> <br /> Atys HaALbarp.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> “ Filles de la Pluie” (Emile Paul).<br /> ‘ Feuilles Mortes ” (Hachette).<br /> “ Les Fabrecé ” (Plon).<br /> “Madeleine au Miroir ” (Calmann-Lévy).<br /> “Le Nouvel Homme ” (Payot).<br /> “Mini Lalouet ” (Payot).<br /> “Les Gardiens de la Flamme” (Calmann-Lévy).<br /> “Gens de Guerre au Maroc ” (Calmann-Lévy).<br /> “Le Prince Impérial (Souvenirs et Documents)”<br /> (Hachette).<br /> ‘“ Rosette ou l’amoureuse Conspiration ” (Plon).<br /> “ Bleus. Blanes et Rouges, Recits d&#039;Histoire Révolu-<br /> tionnaire ” (Perrin).<br /> “Les Moeurs du Temps” (Grasset).<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> THE COLONIAL BOOK TRADE.<br /> <br /> ss<br /> Tue Book Marker IN CANADA.<br /> <br /> NE is frequently asked why the<br /> Dominion is not a more lucrative field<br /> for British publishers, and a suggestion<br /> <br /> has often been made, and is being continually<br /> reiterated, that were the British publisher to<br /> make a greater effort the result would be sure<br /> to show. If Canada were, say, as near to<br /> London as is France, its English speaking<br /> people would make a very acceptable extra<br /> five or six million feeders to the London<br /> market and London book-travellers. Cana-<br /> dians would then be English, pure and simple.<br /> They would read reviews of British books on<br /> their journey to town of a morning, and the<br /> latest sevenpenny shocker or shilling educator<br /> on their return in the evening. Their tastes<br /> would be British, their wives probably<br /> daughters or grand-daughters of Britons, they<br /> would be in close touch with the habits, tastes<br /> and customs of Britons, and would recognise<br /> the allusions to British politics and understand<br /> British slang and everyday expressions. They<br /> would be familiar with the heft of a book<br /> printed on English feather-weight, esparto<br /> paper, and would not know that the backs<br /> broke or the covers warped when subjected to<br /> a different climate. In the illustrations they<br /> would recognise a people with whom they<br /> were acquainted in an environment such as<br /> they had often visited on trips either of<br /> business or pleasure. Let us now bodily<br /> transport this across-the-Channel-Canada to a<br /> continent, the nearest point of which shall be<br /> 3,000 miles from Land’s End, and remember<br /> that in the ages necessary for making this<br /> change of locality the people will not be able<br /> torun over to London for Easter and Whitsun-<br /> tide, they will indeed largely forget the holiday<br /> instinct, they will have to be self-sustaining<br /> from their own land, and it will be a land that<br /> is not blessed with a climate resulting from an<br /> ever-running Gulf Stream. They will have no<br /> time or money to ride to hounds for instance.<br /> Even if they had, the necessity of demarking<br /> their boundaries with wire instead of haw-<br /> thorn would effectually prevent a continuance<br /> of the sport, not to mention an array of ‘‘ em-<br /> battled farmers’ with shot guns determined<br /> to protect their growing crops. This illustra-<br /> tion alone, perhaps, will show how in the<br /> course of time a fox-hunting novel, while<br /> interesting to a few Canadian readers, will not<br /> be convincing to the many.<br /> <br /> 109<br /> <br /> Let us imagine this Canada now firmly<br /> planted on the northern half of this new<br /> continent and separated only by an imaginary<br /> line from a very prosperous country containing<br /> a population twelve times as numerous. Let<br /> us remember that this line is so imaginary that<br /> on its 8,000 miles of length at one time and<br /> another there have been most bitter contro-<br /> versies as to just where it shall and does run.<br /> It is so imaginary that the young people from<br /> the north, in times of stress, poured over<br /> without hindrance to the south, and moneyed<br /> men from the south poured over to the north<br /> later on with money to exploit the natural<br /> riches of the country, or others to take up free<br /> land for farming after their own was used up<br /> or became too expensive to buy.<br /> <br /> The younger men of both nations very pro-<br /> bably married each other’s sisters and, speaking<br /> of the case of Canadians in the States, it is only<br /> natural that they should adopt the manners<br /> and customs of the country of their adoption.<br /> These expatriated Canadians wrote home of<br /> their life in the States, they sent papers, they<br /> came home to visit with their pockets and bags<br /> full of American magazines that they read on<br /> the train. In a thousand ways the continual<br /> intercourse of two peoples who are ever joining<br /> hands, even if only in business, will be bound<br /> to tend toward making them similarly minded.<br /> The climate demands that Canadians shall<br /> dress much the same as Americans. The<br /> American fashion-plates set the style for<br /> ninety million people and, since the clothing<br /> of Englishmen is not suited as a rule to<br /> Canadian needs, it is perfectly natural that the<br /> Canadian shall take the American style as the<br /> basis of his own and cut his cloth accordingly.<br /> Therefore, we see young Canada often making<br /> himself absurd in the ultra padded shoulders<br /> and the ridiculous trousers of the American,<br /> not because that particular fashion is better<br /> suited to Canadian climatie conditions than<br /> clothes of an English cut, but because as a<br /> general rule all the necessities of life, clothes<br /> and food, and everything else are alike both<br /> sides of the line, and for both countries<br /> better suited than what best fits the<br /> Englishman.<br /> <br /> What is true in bodily necessities is also true<br /> as to the mental pabulum of the two North<br /> American peoples. The United States is rich<br /> in ephemeral literature—the illustrated daily,<br /> the weekly farm paper, which tells how best to<br /> grow crops in the western continent, the<br /> monthly magazines, which expose trusts opera-<br /> ting in both countries, which tell in the most<br /> attractive manner stories of a daily life known<br /> 110<br /> <br /> equally well to the readers of both nations,<br /> their pages embellished with portraits of<br /> actors, and more especially actresses, who are<br /> to be seen successively in New York, Boston,<br /> Montreal, Toronto, Buffalo, Chicago, and<br /> Winnipeg. What shall we say of the many<br /> “Home” journals? ‘The foot that rocks<br /> the cradle rules the world.” To mix meta-<br /> phors—while one foot is rocking the cradle the<br /> other is reading how to clothe the mite in the<br /> eradle or the older boys and girls who, the<br /> full-page advertisements assert, should be<br /> habited like the grown up little American<br /> people in the fashion section, or should be fed<br /> on Somebody’s Oats or puffed rice, or shredded<br /> corn, or some other everyday commodity<br /> packed in a jar or bottle or a carton by some<br /> large American advertiser with a be-sure-you-<br /> ask-for-and-insist-on-getting tag on every ad-<br /> vertisement, which in the long run means the<br /> adoption of that article in thousands of<br /> Canadian households, and therefore food shops.<br /> <br /> It may be said that this has nothing to do<br /> with the book market in Canada. Perhaps<br /> not directly, but it is used here to illustrate the<br /> argument that it is only natural that for every-<br /> thing mental and physical the smaller people<br /> will go for supplies to their larger and, more-<br /> over, next-door neighbour. Let us grant,<br /> then, that food and clothing are not germane<br /> to the subject of this article, and let us examine<br /> particularly the American novel in its attrac-<br /> tion to Canadian readers. We have seen that<br /> in fashions of habiliment there is in Canadians<br /> a distinct leaning towards those of the United<br /> States. This is also true in house furnishing,<br /> and none the less true in the raiment of books.<br /> The American publisher knows his public, and<br /> gives it a novel in a cover embellished with as<br /> much colour and gold as the cost of manufac-<br /> ture and the royalty will stand. The book is<br /> wrapped in a jacket generally with a design<br /> wholly different from that stamped on the<br /> cover. It is more often than not a three-<br /> colour reproduction of a painting specially<br /> drawn by a high-priced, well-known artist.<br /> Very often the engaging young female on the<br /> jacket is so little like the heroine inside the<br /> book, as one conceives her to be, that the effect<br /> is ludicrous; nevertheless the jacket was<br /> intended to sell the book and, having accom-<br /> plished its end, if the story is entertaining the<br /> incongruity of the “ bait ”’ is forgotten or over-<br /> looked. This bright-coloured jacket performs<br /> another very inportant function. In Canada,<br /> as in the States, novels are sold, not lent, and<br /> the picture jacket is an invaluable aid to the<br /> bookseller in dressing his window and to him<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> and the department stores in making counter<br /> displays. The publisher often lends a quantity<br /> of books for this purpose. To be sure the<br /> number of public libraries is increasing, but<br /> what goes to the libraries is an inconsiderable<br /> factor compared with the quantity purchased<br /> by individuals. As long as the book is a “‘ new<br /> novel,” it lies about the house in its jacket<br /> until a newer one takes its place, at which time<br /> the jacket is removed and the book takes its<br /> place in the bookcase, its bright cloth and<br /> decorative design lending a brightness to the<br /> room.<br /> <br /> All this is written not at all with the idea of<br /> urging the universal adoption of American book<br /> fashions, but merely to show what has obtained,<br /> and does obtain, notwithstanding the expressed<br /> determination of many American publishers<br /> from time to time to break away from the<br /> fashion. The difficulty of “* belling the cat”<br /> may be overcome eventually through the ever-<br /> increasing cost of manufacture and the ‘reduc-<br /> tion in the retail price of the book. In Great<br /> Britain, where the sale of a novel to individuals<br /> is insignificant, the jacket is an unnecessary<br /> expense, and the cover cloth must be of sombre<br /> hue to hide the result of much library handling,<br /> which would be fatal to its gaudy American<br /> cousin. As a rule an English novel is bought<br /> <br /> by a Canadian publisher in sheets, and either<br /> in London or Toronto put into a cover and<br /> <br /> jacket which shall make it as “ attractive,”<br /> <br /> from the travellers’ and booksellers’ point of<br /> view as the American ones in the salesman’s<br /> sample trunk.<br /> <br /> Probably enough has been said about the<br /> competition from American authors and pub-<br /> lishers, and it might not be out of place to<br /> analyse the British novel as a whole and see<br /> why it often fails to appeal to the Canadian<br /> reader. Aside from the ignorance of conditions<br /> of life in the old land, and one might say often<br /> his lack of interest in it, the Canadian finds<br /> himself frequently unable to pick his way<br /> through long political or theological discussions<br /> or allusions to either subject in English novels,<br /> which arg bound to take the edge off his<br /> interest. Some of the reasons for the failure of<br /> English books to “‘ take ’’ in Canada are very<br /> subtle. For instance, a publisher of medical<br /> books in London recently inquired why it was<br /> impossible to sell in Canada a very important<br /> work just published in England. He should<br /> surely have learned before publication, and not<br /> afterwards, that while in England the Pharma-<br /> copeeia used is Greek, in Canada doctors and<br /> chemists use the American Pharmacopceia,<br /> which is Latin.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> In Canadian schools the grading is quite<br /> similar to that in the United States, and quite<br /> unlike that in English schools, consequently,<br /> except for mathematics, it is the American<br /> book or model that is chosen and used. Even<br /> in mathematics the examples in sterling have<br /> to be changed for use in Canadian schools. Of<br /> late, many English writers of fiction have<br /> brought their characters over to Canada and<br /> have made a sorry mess of their local colour.<br /> The newspaper reviewers never fail to pick out<br /> such flaws, and generally the book suffers in<br /> ~ consequence. Not long ago a boy’s book from<br /> an English pen was brought to the present<br /> writer’s attention in which a lad living on the<br /> shores of Lake Erie went in his birch-bark canoe<br /> to visit his cousin at Three Rivers, Quebec.<br /> He traversed some wild and unfrequented<br /> “ river,’ and on the second morning found his<br /> cousin waiting him on “the dock.” To<br /> traverse Lakes Erie and Ontario and the St.<br /> Lawrence River for many hundreds of miles<br /> in a canoe of any sort would be utterly impos-<br /> sible and would take several times as many<br /> weeks to accomplish as he took days, even were<br /> the trip possible. This is, of course, an extreme<br /> case, but many an English writer who should<br /> know better has been guilty of quite avoidable<br /> errors in Canadian geography and_ collo-<br /> quialisms. On the other hand, while an<br /> American writer makes his young Harvard<br /> Apollos enter unbidden into the private apart-<br /> ments of European sovereigns and perform<br /> impossible feats in rescuing distressed<br /> daughters of New York millionaires, in writing<br /> of Canada he would probably be correct in his<br /> geography and habits of the people.<br /> <br /> All the foregoing is not written with any<br /> unkindly feeling nor in a captious mood.<br /> What he has written is the result of the English-<br /> born writer’s seven years’ experience as a pub-<br /> lisher in Canada, preceded by some years in the<br /> States. It is much to be regretted that a<br /> closer personal bond does not exist between<br /> Great Britain and her eldest daughter. As for<br /> affection and loyalty and the patriotism of<br /> Empire, the result of the election a year ago<br /> showed that politically Canada wishes always<br /> to remain British, but as when in Rome you do<br /> as do the Romans, so in North America, despite<br /> the difference in the oath of allegiance, you eat<br /> and clothe yourself and very largely do your<br /> reading after the manners of the North<br /> Americans.<br /> <br /> Can the Canadian market for English novels<br /> be fostered by printing in Canada? No. The<br /> sale for any one book is se small that it would<br /> not, it could not, pay — .t is doubtful if more<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> pe<br /> <br /> than one or two novels, either English or<br /> American, are printed in Canada in any one<br /> year. In this lies the absurdity of the present<br /> attempt on the part of Canadian printers to<br /> enact copyright legislation containing a manu-<br /> facturing clause. It would not mean any more<br /> work for the printer unless, forsooth, a pirate<br /> could appropriate a popular writer’s work, and<br /> by evading the payment of royalty make pub-<br /> lication profitable.<br /> <br /> This smallness of population in Canada is a<br /> hardship to many a native writer as well as to<br /> those in Britain. Not infrequently a manu-<br /> script is offered to a Canadian publisher which<br /> is in every way excellent, but of so local an<br /> interest that it would not pay a publisher in<br /> London or New York to produce it or even take<br /> a fair quantity if produced in Canada, and so<br /> many a Canadian writer’s name will never be<br /> known, and much of the home life and history<br /> of the earlier settlers will be lost for ever, which<br /> might otherwise be preserved in the form of<br /> fiction. Whenever an exceptional Canadian<br /> story is published in Canada it is fairly sure of<br /> an encouraging sale, but it has to be a good one<br /> to persuade the publisher to produce it for the<br /> present very small population and native read-<br /> ing public.<br /> <br /> a ee<br /> <br /> COPYRIGHT BETWEEN GREAT BRITAIN<br /> AND THE UNITED STATES.<br /> <br /> 6<br /> COUNSEL’S OPINION.<br /> <br /> NERTAIN questions were referred to the<br /> Cc Society of Authors from a correspondent<br /> in America relating to the position of the<br /> United States and Great Britain in copyright<br /> matters. Accordingly, on the instructions of<br /> the Committee of Management, a case for<br /> counsel was drafted, setting out the circum-<br /> stances and putting before him the following<br /> questions :—<br /> <br /> 1. Is the proclamation of the President nulli-<br /> fied by the Act of 1911 ?<br /> <br /> 2. If it is not nullified, is it essential, before<br /> an American author can obtain copy-<br /> right in the United Kingdom, that an<br /> Order in Council should be issued by<br /> His Majesty’s Government under<br /> section 29?<br /> <br /> 3. Supposing the property of the United<br /> States citizen is insecure under the<br /> present circumstances, or, conversely,<br /> the property of the English author is<br /> insecure in the United States, what<br /> <br /> <br /> course does counsel advise the commit-<br /> tee to adopt in order to have the matter<br /> settled on a proper international basis ?<br /> <br /> 4. Does counsel consider that an American<br /> author immediately on writing a book<br /> or a play loses his copyright in Great<br /> Britain ?<br /> <br /> 5. If the American dramatic author does not<br /> lose his copyright, would it be essential<br /> for him, in order to retain his performing<br /> rights in Great Britain, immediately on<br /> the performance of the work in America<br /> to publish the work in book form in<br /> England and America ?<br /> <br /> 6. If there is danger that the American<br /> author will, through lack of reciprocity,<br /> lose his copyright in Great Britain<br /> in either of the above cases, what steps<br /> would counsel advise the committee of<br /> the Society to take in order to set<br /> matters on an even basis ?<br /> <br /> to which counsel replied as follows :-—<br /> <br /> 1. and 2. Only in the case of unpublished<br /> works. In the case of published works<br /> the Order is not necessary where there<br /> is first or ‘* simultaneous publication ”<br /> in the United Kingdom.<br /> <br /> 8. See opinion.<br /> <br /> 4, No, he has got an inchoate right which is<br /> only lost by a first ‘‘ publication ”’ out-<br /> side the British dominions.<br /> <br /> 5. No; public performance is not an abandon-<br /> ment of his inchoate right.<br /> <br /> 6. See opinion.<br /> <br /> UniTED STATES AND GREAT Britain Copy-<br /> RIGHT RELATIONS.<br /> <br /> Under the Copyright Act, 1911, a United<br /> States citizen cannot (in the absence of an<br /> Order in Council under section 29 relating to<br /> the United States) claim copyright, within the<br /> British dominions to which the Act applies, in<br /> respect of any unpublished work unless he was<br /> resident within the British dominions at the<br /> date when the work was made. Publication<br /> means issuing copies of the work to the public<br /> and does not include public performance. A<br /> dramatic work in manuscript or typewritten<br /> performed in public, but not printed or pub-<br /> lished, is accordingly an unpublished work. If<br /> any work is first published within the British<br /> dominions it acquires copyright irrespective of<br /> the nationality of the author. It is with regard<br /> therefore to unpublished works only that the<br /> American authors do not obtain precisely the<br /> same privileges as British authors.<br /> <br /> It is suggested, however, that this is a serious<br /> matter; that a large percentage of valuable<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> works produced in America are never published,<br /> such as dramatic pieces, speeches, sermons, ete.,<br /> and that with regard to these the American<br /> author is unprotected in the British dominions,<br /> although the British author is fully protected<br /> in the United States both by common law and<br /> statute.<br /> <br /> The most important of these unpublished<br /> works are dramatic works, and the exact<br /> position of a dramatic work of an American<br /> citizen in this country seems to be as follows :—<br /> <br /> British copyright in the work is not lost.<br /> irretrievably by reason of public performance<br /> either in America or England or both countries.<br /> On the other hand, copyright is not acquired<br /> until the work is published as a book within the<br /> British dominions to which the Act applies.<br /> During the intervening period it is true there is<br /> no statutory copyright or common law right of<br /> property, but, on the other hand, any reproduc-<br /> tion of the work which constitutes or involves<br /> a breach of contract, trust or confidence, may be<br /> restrained.<br /> <br /> The cases of Abernethy v. Hutchinson (1825),<br /> 3 L. J. (O.S.) Ch. 209, and Caird v. Sime (1887),<br /> 12 A. C. 326, and others, show that even<br /> although there is no common law right of pro-<br /> perty in an unpublished work, yet if there is a<br /> contract between author and audience that the<br /> latter come for instruction or amusement only,<br /> and must not reproduce the work elsewhere,<br /> such reproduction can be restrained either on<br /> the ground of breach of contract or of procuring<br /> or being privy to a breach of contract. Aber-<br /> nethy v. Hutchinson is some authority for the<br /> view that such a contract may be implied from<br /> the mere admittance of the audience upon pay-<br /> ment of the entrance money. But however<br /> that may be, there would be no difficulty, by<br /> means of a printed notice on play-bills and<br /> tickets of admission, in establishing a contract<br /> between the owner of the play and each mem-<br /> ber of the audience, which would be quite<br /> effective to preserve intact the owners’ rights<br /> in the British dominions until such time as he<br /> might elect to publish the work in print. It<br /> would be practically impossible for any person<br /> reproducing the play without authority to<br /> plead ignorance of the terms upon which the<br /> owner of the play permits it to be represented<br /> on the stage. Similar precautions can be taken<br /> in the case of cinematograph rights, which<br /> should be controlled by the owner of the play.<br /> That is to say, cinematograph rights should not<br /> be sold outright, but should be the subject of<br /> licences, and the films should not be sold to the<br /> cinematheatres, but lent on ahiring agreement.<br /> <br /> It may be observed that copyright perform-<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> ~ «= ance in the British dominions is no longer neces-<br /> +s sary. Thus the American dramatist can<br /> <br /> , produce his play in America without troubling<br /> .J© about simultaneous production in this country.<br /> <br /> If instead of relying upon contract the<br /> + American dramatist desires to obtain full<br /> ‘Je statutory protection in the British dominions<br /> = and to obtain the benefit of summary remedies<br /> <br /> he can do so at any time, notwithstanding<br /> 4 that the play has already been publicly<br /> oq performed both in America and England, by<br /> _¢ publishing the printed play in the British<br /> 5 dominions. It is not necessary to print the<br /> -»» work both in America and England. The<br /> 4 English law does not require printing here, and<br /> } the American law does not require printing in<br /> . America. Hervieu and J. S. Ogilvie Publish-<br /> -1t ing Co., Am. Pub. Weekly, April 3, 1909,<br /> <br /> / 169 Fed. Rep. 978. See also “‘ Instructions for<br /> 2 securing Copyright, etc.,”’ issued by the Copy-<br /> right Office, ‘‘ Dramas No. 5a.” “The law<br /> does not require that the drama be printed in<br /> the United States.””’ The American dramatist<br /> has, therefore, his choice to print in America or<br /> England, whichever may be cheaper.<br /> <br /> Another effective way of securing full rights<br /> in England which would avoid any risk of<br /> imperilling cinematograph rights in America is<br /> for the author in the first instance to write his<br /> ; plot in the form of a novelette or amplified<br /> scenario. An edition of this could be printed<br /> *4 and published at very small cost. I believe that<br /> “1 this is now done systematically in the case<br /> »&gt; of original cinematograph dramas. A periodical<br /> j is published weekly, and a large number of plays<br /> - are included in each issue. The cost in respect<br /> &gt; ofeach one is infinitesimal. After this publica-<br /> “1f tion the complete drama based on the scenario<br /> <br /> i is produced. It is unnecessary to copyright<br /> »! the drama separately in England, because no<br /> ‘&gt; one can represent the drama without infringing<br /> the copyright in the scenario. The author’s<br /> »*&lt; rights are also fully preserved in America, where<br /> 4) there will be a double copyright in published<br /> “2 scenario and unpublished play.<br /> <br /> It seems to me, therefore, notwithstanding<br /> -| the exclusion of an unpublished work of an<br /> /. American citizen from statutory protection<br /> «4 under the Copyright Act, 1911, that American<br /> 1s authors are in fact effectively protected in<br /> 1 respect of such unpublished works.<br /> The American Act, 1909, section 8, provides<br /> “‘ that the copyright secured by this Act shall<br /> » extend to the work of an author or proprietor<br /> “| who is a citizen or subject of a foreign state or<br /> re nation only.<br /> <br /> **(a) When an alien author or proprietor<br /> <br /> shall be domiciled within the United States<br /> <br /> Pr din Sete eh tN<br /> <br /> fee joes om<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 113<br /> <br /> at the time of the first publication of his<br /> work.<br /> <br /> *“(b) When the foreign state or nation of which<br /> such author or proprietor is a citizen or subject<br /> grants, either by treaty, convention, agreement,<br /> or law, to citizens of the United States, the<br /> benefit of copyright on substantially the same<br /> basis as to its own citizens, or copyright pro-<br /> tection substantially equal to the protection<br /> secured to such foreign author under this Act<br /> or bytreaty. .. .<br /> <br /> ** The existence of the reciprocal conditions<br /> aforesaid shall be determined by the President<br /> of the United States by proclamation made<br /> from time to time as the purposes of this Act<br /> may require.”<br /> <br /> A proclamation was made on April 9, 1910,<br /> whereby it was stated that satisfactory evi-<br /> dence had been received that in the countries<br /> therein mentioned including Great Britain<br /> and her possessions ‘‘the law permits and,<br /> since July 1, 1909, has permitted to citizens<br /> of the United States the benefit of copyright on<br /> substantially the same basis as to citizens of<br /> those countries,’ and by which the President<br /> declared and proclaimed that subjects of Great<br /> Britain “are and, since July 1, 1909, have<br /> been entitled to all the benefits of the said Act<br /> other than the benefits under section 1 (c)<br /> thereof as to which the inquiry is still pending.”<br /> <br /> The reservation relates to rights in musical<br /> works.<br /> <br /> In my opinion the proclamation is necessarily<br /> conclusive for the time being of the existence<br /> or non-existence of the conditions of reciprocity.<br /> The President is made the sole judge of the<br /> facts, and I do not think it is open to any one to<br /> challenge the findings in the proclamation.<br /> Clearly the President has power to recall the<br /> proclamation in respect of any particular<br /> country ; but until this is done I do not think<br /> it is competent to go behind the proclamation<br /> merely on the ground that a foreign country<br /> has made some alteration in her laws.<br /> <br /> In my opinion, therefore, the copyright of<br /> British subjects in the United States at present<br /> is unaffected by what has taken place in this<br /> country.<br /> <br /> Then are the conditions such as to involve<br /> the danger of the proclamation being recalled<br /> unless the British Government agrees to make<br /> ‘an Order in Council admitting the United<br /> States to full rights under Part II. of the Copy-<br /> right Act, 1911 ?<br /> <br /> In my opinion there is certainly no ground for<br /> recalling the proclamation in toto so as to<br /> include the works of all British subjects. I<br /> think it is clear that the conditions precedent<br /> <br /> <br /> 114<br /> <br /> to reciprocity may exist with regard to one<br /> elass of work and not with regard to another,<br /> and that the proclamation may be limited<br /> accordingly. ‘This in fact has been done in<br /> the case of musical works “* pending enquiry.”<br /> Now with regard to books in general it is<br /> obvious that we do not only admit the<br /> American citizen to equal rights with our own<br /> citizens, but grant protection on a much more<br /> advantageous basis than is conceded to the<br /> works of British subjects in America. With<br /> regard to dramas, speeches, sermons, lectures<br /> and other works which are commonly repre-<br /> sented or delivered in public without, or at<br /> least before, publication in print, I think, con-<br /> sidering the practical protection under the law<br /> of contract or the law relating to breach of con-<br /> fidence or trust and the facility with which<br /> statutory protection can be obtained by the<br /> formality of publishing a preliminary précis or<br /> skeleton of the work, that American subjects<br /> do obtain in Great Britain “ copyright pro-<br /> tection substantially equal to the protec-<br /> tion secured ” to British subjects in America.<br /> In both countries some formality has to<br /> be observed as a condition precedent to pro-<br /> tection (I here refer solely to the unpub-<br /> lished work of an American citizen), and the<br /> remedies provided in the one country no doubt<br /> differ from those provided in the other. I do<br /> not suppose, however, that it was ever intended<br /> that the relative rights and privileges should be<br /> nicely weighed one with the other. It is<br /> sufficient if there is a substantial quid pro quo.<br /> <br /> If, contrary to my opinion, the American<br /> Government came to the conclusion that<br /> American dramatists, lecturers, ete., do not<br /> receive substantially equal rights with those<br /> enjoyed by British dramatists in America, then<br /> it would be competent to exclude unpublished<br /> dramas and lectures from the terms of the<br /> proclamation. This would leave the British<br /> author to his rights at common law. To recall<br /> the proclamation to any greater extent than<br /> this would, I think, be unjustified by the<br /> change in the British law.<br /> <br /> I think, as has all along been intended, Great<br /> Britain ought to hold something in reserve<br /> which can some day be offered to the States as<br /> an inducement to them to relieve British sub-<br /> jects of the manufacturing clause in the case of<br /> books. I do not think it is likely that the<br /> American Government will try to force our<br /> hands by threatening to deprive us of all pro-<br /> tection 1f we do not at once surrender every-<br /> thing to American authors. By doing so they<br /> would incur the displeasure ofthe labour party,<br /> whose constituents would thus be threatened<br /> <br /> THE AUTAOR.<br /> <br /> with the loss of profit on the printing of British<br /> books. And not only so, but we could imme-’<br /> diately retaliate by putting section 28 into<br /> operation and thus exclude American authors<br /> from all copyright whatsoever in this country.<br /> <br /> In my opinion the present position, that is to<br /> say so long as the presidential proclamation<br /> stands, does not call for any action on the part<br /> of the Society.<br /> <br /> In the event of any proposal to recall the<br /> proclamation, or in the event of any decision in<br /> the American Courts, contrary to the opinion<br /> which I have given above, it would no doubt be<br /> necessary to communicate with the Foreign<br /> Office on the subject.<br /> <br /> With regard to Canada that seems to me to<br /> be a question wholly apart. At present an<br /> American author or dramatist can obtain pro-<br /> tection in Canada under the Imperial Acts,<br /> 1833 and 1842, which stand unrepealed. It is<br /> therefore not necessary to print in Canada. If<br /> Canada ultimately repeals the Imperial Acts,<br /> 1833 and 1842, and sets up a manufacturing<br /> clause operative against the United States, the<br /> States may exclude Canada without affecting<br /> her position with regard to Great Britain or the<br /> rest of the British dominions.<br /> <br /> (Signed) E. J. Maceriivray.<br /> <br /> —___$_$__-——<br /> <br /> MAGAZINE CONTENTS.<br /> <br /> ae<br /> CONTEMPORARY REVIEW.<br /> How the Older Novelists Manage Their Love Scenes.<br /> By Dorothy Lane Poole.<br /> Shakespeare&#039;s Battle Scenes.<br /> Enciish REVIEW.<br /> <br /> Art for Life’s Sake.<br /> Strindberg’s Plays.<br /> <br /> By Arthur Ransome.<br /> By Austin Harrison.<br /> FORTNIGHTLY.<br /> <br /> The Real Adrienne Lecouvreur. By Francis Gribble.<br /> The Shakespeare of the Dance. By Francis Toye.<br /> Aloysius Bertrand: A Romantic ot 1830. By Arthur<br /> <br /> Ransome.<br /> <br /> NATIONAL,<br /> <br /> A New Dialogue of the Dead. By Austin Dobson.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> SCALE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> [ALLOWANCE TO MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY 20 PER CENT.]}<br /> <br /> rout Page aie ae c one eas aie sas aki Qig<br /> Other Pages ee tee ace wee dee ee ace 0 828<br /> Half of a Page ... see ane mse i sae as ~ 110 9<br /> Quarter of a Page is wee Ss ee ae : « 015 &amp;<br /> Highth of a Page ae ce sa i 0 Eh<br /> Single Column Advertisements perinch 0 6 9g<br /> <br /> Reduction of 20 per cent. made for a Series of Six and of 25 per cent. for<br /> Twelve Insertions.<br /> <br /> All letters respecting Advertisements should be addressed to J, F.<br /> Brimont &amp; Co,, 29, Paternoster Square, London, B.C,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> HOW TO USE THE SOCIETY.<br /> <br /> ——+—<br /> <br /> 1, VERY member has a right toask for and to receive<br /> K advice upon his agreements, his choice of a pub-<br /> lisher, or any dispute arising in the conduct of his<br /> business or the administration of his property. The<br /> Secretary of the Society is a solicitor; but if there is any<br /> special reason the Secretary will refer the case to the<br /> Solicitors of the Society. Further, the Committee, if they<br /> deem it desirable, will obtain counsel’s opinion without<br /> any cost to the member. Moreover, where counsel’s<br /> opinion is favourable, and the sanction of the Committee<br /> is obtained, action will be taken on behalf of the aggrieved<br /> member, and all costs borne by the Society.<br /> <br /> 2. Remember that questions connected with copyright<br /> and publishers’ agreements do not fall within the experi-<br /> ence of ordinarysolicitors. Therefore, do not scruple to use<br /> the Society.<br /> <br /> 3. Before signing any agreement whatever, send<br /> the document to the Society for examination,<br /> <br /> 4. Remember always that in belonging to the Society<br /> you are fighting the battles of other writers, even if you<br /> are reaping no direct benefit to yourself, and that you are<br /> advancing the best interests of your calling in promoting<br /> the independence of the writer, the dramatist, the composer,<br /> <br /> 5. The Committee have arranged for the reception of<br /> members’ agreements and their preservation in a fire-<br /> proof safe. The agreements will, of course, be regarded as<br /> confidential documents to be read only by the Secretary,<br /> who will keep the key of the safe. The Society now offers:<br /> (1) To stamp agreements in readiness for a possible action<br /> upon them. (2) To keep agreements. (3) To enforce<br /> payments due according to agreements. Fuller particu-<br /> lars of the Society’s work can be obtained in the<br /> Prospectus.<br /> <br /> 6. No contract should be entered into with a literary<br /> agent without the advice of the Secretary of the Society.<br /> Members are strongly advised not to accept without careful<br /> consideration the contracts with publishers submitted to<br /> them by literary agents, and are recommended to submit<br /> them for interpretation and explanation to the Secretary<br /> of the Society.<br /> <br /> 7, Many agents neglect to stamp agreements. This<br /> must be done within fourteen days of first execution. The<br /> Secretary will undertake it on behalf of members.<br /> <br /> 8. Some agents endeavour to prevent authors from<br /> referring matters to the Secretary of the Society; so<br /> do some publishers. Members can make their own<br /> deductions and act accordingly.<br /> <br /> 9, The subscription to the Society is £1 1s. per<br /> annum, or £10 10s. for life membership.<br /> <br /> ——__——_ ++<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO THE PRODUCERS<br /> OF BOOKS.<br /> <br /> —_—— +<br /> <br /> ERE are a few standing rules to be observed in an<br /> agreement. There are four methods of dealing<br /> with literary property :—<br /> <br /> I. Selling it Outright.<br /> This is sometimes satisfactory, ¢f a proper price can be<br /> <br /> 115<br /> <br /> obtained. But the transaction should be managed by a<br /> competent agent, or with the advice of the Secretary of<br /> the Society.<br /> <br /> II. A Profit-Sharing Agreement (a bad form of<br /> agreement),<br /> <br /> In this case the following rules should be attended to:<br /> <br /> (1.) Not to sign any agreement in which the cost of pro-<br /> duction forms a part without the strictest investigation.<br /> <br /> (2.) Not to give the publisher the power of putting the<br /> profits into his own pocket by charging for advertisements<br /> in his own organs, or by charging exchange advertise-<br /> ments. Therefore keep control of the advertisements.<br /> <br /> (3.) Not to allow a special charge for “ office expenses,”’<br /> unless the same allowance is made to the author.<br /> <br /> (4.) Not to give up American, Colonial, or Continental]<br /> rights. :<br /> <br /> (5.) Not to give up serial or translation rights.<br /> <br /> (6.) Not to bind yourself for future work to any publisher.<br /> As well bind yourself for the future to any one solicitor or<br /> doctor !<br /> <br /> III. The Royalty System.<br /> <br /> This is perhaps, with certain limitations, the best form.<br /> of agreement. It is above all things necessary to know<br /> what the proposed royalty means to both sides. It is now<br /> possible for an author to ascertain approximately the<br /> truth. From time to time very important figures connected<br /> with royalties are published in 7e Author,<br /> <br /> 1¥Y. A Commission Agreement.<br /> <br /> The main points are :—<br /> <br /> (1.) Be careful to obtain a fair cost of production.<br /> <br /> (2.) Keep control of the advertisements.<br /> <br /> (3.) Keep control of the sale price of the book.<br /> <br /> General.<br /> <br /> All other forms of agreement are combinations of the four<br /> above mentioned.<br /> <br /> Such combinations are generally disastrous to the author.<br /> <br /> Never sign any agreement without competent advice from<br /> the Secretary of the Society.<br /> <br /> Stamp all agreements with the Inland Revenue stamp.<br /> <br /> Avoid agreements by letter if possible.<br /> <br /> The main points which the Society has always demanded<br /> from the outset are :—<br /> <br /> C1.) That both sides shall know what an agreement<br /> means.<br /> <br /> (2.) The inspection of those account books which belong<br /> to the author. We are advised that this is a right, in the<br /> nature of a common law right, which cannot be denied or<br /> withheld.<br /> <br /> (3.) Always avoid a transfer of copyright.<br /> <br /> a<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO DRAMATIC AUTHORS.<br /> <br /> —— +<br /> <br /> EVER sign an agreement without submitting it to the<br /> Secretary of the Society of Authors or some com-<br /> petent legal authority.<br /> <br /> 2. It is well to be extremely careful in negotiating for<br /> the production of a play with any one except an established<br /> manager.<br /> <br /> 3. There are three forms of dramatic contract for plays.<br /> in three or more acts :—<br /> <br /> (a.) Sale outright of the performing right. This<br /> is unsatisfactory. An author who enters into<br /> such a contract should stipulate in the contract<br /> for production of the piece by a certain date<br /> and for proper publication of his name on the<br /> play-bills,<br /> <br /> <br /> 116<br /> <br /> (2.) Sale of performing right or of a licence to<br /> perform on the basis of percentages on<br /> gross receipts. Percentages vary between 5<br /> and 15 per cent. An author should obtain a<br /> percentage on the sliding scale of gross receipts<br /> in preference to the American system. Should<br /> obtain a sum in advance of percentages. A fixed<br /> date on or before which the play should be<br /> performed,<br /> <br /> (c.) Sale of performing right or of a licence to<br /> perform on the basis of royalties (i.c., fixed<br /> nightly fees). ‘his method should be always<br /> avoided except in cases where the fees are<br /> likely to be small or difficult to collect. The<br /> other safeguards set out under heading (d.) apply<br /> also in this case.<br /> <br /> 4, Plays in one act are often sold outright, but it is<br /> better to obtain a small nightly fee if possible, and a sum<br /> paid in advance of such fees in any event. It is extremely<br /> important that the amateur rights of one-act plays should<br /> be reserved.<br /> <br /> 5. Authors should remember that performing rights can<br /> be limited, and are usually limited, by town, country, and<br /> time, This is most important.<br /> <br /> 6. Authors should not assign performing rights, but<br /> should grant a licence to perform. The legal distinction<br /> is of great importance,<br /> <br /> 7, Authors should remember that performing rights in a<br /> play are distinct from literary copyright. A manager<br /> holding the performing right or licence to perform cannot<br /> print the book of the words,<br /> <br /> 8. Never forget that United States rights may be exceed-<br /> ingly valuable, ‘They should never be included in English<br /> agreements without the author obtaining a substantial<br /> consideration.<br /> <br /> 9. Agreements for collaboration should be carefully<br /> drawn and executed before collaboration is commenced.<br /> <br /> 10. An author should remember that production of a play<br /> is highly speculative : that he runs a very great risk of<br /> delay and a breakdown in the fulfilment of his contract.<br /> He should therefore guard himself all the more carefully in<br /> the beginning.<br /> <br /> 11. An author must remember that the dramatic market<br /> is exceedingly limited, and that for a novice the first object<br /> is to obtain adequate publication.<br /> <br /> As these warnings must necessarily be incomplete, on<br /> account of the wide range of the subject of dramatic con-<br /> tracts, those authors desirous of further information<br /> are referred to the Secretary of the Society.<br /> <br /> ————_+—~@—e—<br /> <br /> REGISTRATION OF SCENARIOS AND<br /> ORIGINAL PLAYS.<br /> <br /> ——&gt;— 1<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> QJ CENARIOS, typewritten in duplicate on foolscap paper<br /> <br /> forwarded to the offices of the Society, together with<br /> <br /> a registration fee of two shillings and sixpence, will<br /> be carefully compared by the Secretary or a qualified assis-<br /> tant. One copy will be stamped and returned to theauthor<br /> and the other filed in the register of the Society. Copies<br /> of the scenario thus filed may be obtained at any time by<br /> the author only at a small charge to cover cost of typing.<br /> <br /> Original Plays may also be filed subject to the same<br /> rules, with the exception that a play will be charged for<br /> at the price of 2s. 6d. per act.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> DRAMATIC AUTHORS AND AGENTS.<br /> <br /> to<br /> RAMATIC authors should seek the advice of the<br /> Society before putting plays into the hands of<br /> agents. As the law stands at present, an agent<br /> who has once had a play in his hands may acquire a<br /> perpetual claim to a percentage on the author’s fees<br /> from it. As far as the placing of plays is concerned,<br /> it may be taken as a general rule that there are only<br /> very few agents who can do anything for an author<br /> that he cannot, under the guidance of the Society, do<br /> equally well or better for himself. ‘The collection of fees<br /> is also a matter in which in many cases no intermediary is<br /> required. For certain purposes, such as the collection of<br /> fees on amateur performances, and in general the trans-<br /> action of frequent petty authorisations with different<br /> individuals, and also for the collection of fees in foreign<br /> countries, almost all dramatic authors employ agents; and<br /> in these ways the services of agents are real and valuable.<br /> But the Society warns authors against agents who profess<br /> to have influence with managers in the placing of plays, or<br /> who propose to act as principals by offering to ~purchase<br /> the author&#039;s rights. In any case, in the present state of<br /> the law, an agent should not be employed under any<br /> circumstances without an agreement approved of by the<br /> Society.<br /> 2<br /> WARNINGS TO MUSICAL COMPOSERS.<br /> <br /> eg<br /> ITTLE can be added to the warnings given for the<br /> assistance of producers of books and dramatic<br /> authors, It must, however, be pointed out that, as<br /> a rule, the musical publisher demands from the musical<br /> composer a transfer of fuller rights and less liberal finan-<br /> cial terms than those obtained for literary and dramatic<br /> property. The musical composer has very often the two<br /> rights to deal with—performing right and copyright. He<br /> should be especially careful therefore when entering into<br /> an agreement, and should take into particular consideration<br /> the warnings stated above.<br /> <br /> ————_+—~@—-<br /> STAMPING MUSIC.<br /> <br /> a<br /> The Society undertakes to stamp copies of music on<br /> behalf of its members for the fee of 6d. per 100 or part<br /> of 100. The members’ stamps are kept in the Society&#039;s<br /> safe. The musical publishers communicate direct with the<br /> Secretary, and the voucher is then forwarded to the<br /> members, who are thus saved much unnecessary trouble,<br /> <br /> 2<br /> THE READING BRANCH.<br /> gs<br /> <br /> EMBERS will greatly assist the Society in this<br /> <br /> VI branch of its work by informing young writers<br /> <br /> of its existence. Their MSS. can be read and<br /> <br /> treated as a composition is treated by a coach, The term<br /> <br /> MSS. includes not only works of fiction, but poetry<br /> <br /> and dramatic works, and when it is possible, under<br /> <br /> special arrangement, technical and scientific works, The<br /> <br /> Readers are writers of competence and experience. The<br /> fee is one guinea,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> —&gt;—_ —______<br /> REMITTANCES.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> The Secretary of the Society begs to give notice<br /> that all remittances are acknowledged by return of post.<br /> All remittances should be crossed Union of London and<br /> Smiths Bank, Chancery Lane, or be sent by registered<br /> letter only,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> roysyqnd ayy 03 edoos opdue oa18 Aoyy opty<br /> ‘YOIYM SPJUIWIISB SaAposuoy} OJ pourezqo<br /> stgsodwioo yey} pure ‘UdsyxOIq sBAL WOSNd<br /> yey} yey} oUWTZ ST 4 “WoysNd JO Jo}PVUL B SB<br /> qsowye oinpooord oy} uodn Yoo] 07 9UI0o VARY<br /> Kay yey (UopuO&#039;T Ur stoysyqnd orsnut ysoq O44<br /> jo Auewt Sq opwul syudUIsaIse 07 ‘Adesso JI<br /> ‘yajod vd OA\) FYHIAAdOo yy Surpuvwop Jo Wiqey<br /> ay} UL UdEq Buoy os Ao oAvy stoysttqnd orsn{<br /> “SUOIM SI JUSII<br /> -Adoo jo ofes qystuyno uUosvod AIA Sty} OF<br /> qnq ‘sasodwoo yURIOUST UB QI SulpBop sty<br /> TOYOYA Jo ylodxo UB YPM Sulpeop St PF oyyoyAr<br /> ‘JJasq aoy a[qissod uresivq 4soq oY} OYVUL 0}<br /> qysit B sey osnoy ssouIsng AIOAgT 5<br /> pip oy yey} Avs 09 W OTPAON ‘SAssoyT FEY AL<br /> Sutop ul oyeunjsoyun ysour sem opy “AVAL B<br /> jo sovyd ut Aouour yo sums [pews ATA oye} 0}<br /> podsoyord pue ‘os 10M oy JISB poavyod olf JeYy<br /> pejsodsns st yf uMoUYyUN Jo Sunod Josuo] ou<br /> svar oy Uo AA “Te FB poystqnd yes you pynos.<br /> ay ‘soidoo Moy B IOF WANJor UL ‘qystiyno ¥.104\<br /> sly ,, plOS,, oY SSaTUN yeyZ PuNoF oy yNq fALOLA<br /> qey} Jo you SBA oy UMOUYUN pu Hunod svar<br /> IO[ABT-oSplojo) Woy A, “ATOY!TUN sn 0} Suttoos<br /> sIUT, ‘“WYStuynNo syIOM AToy} [fPS_ 0} AIsop<br /> Ayyensn saosodwioo umouyun pus sunoA 4ey}<br /> Aes saoysyqnd ey, “petmooo oaey you pros<br /> uoTyeNys oyy ‘Aq[BAOI Aley B JOF osBo 9]qezINS<br /> e Udaq PBY AOJART-epusoy “OD BY O[PAON<br /> ‘sassoyy Jo uorurdo oy} Ur “Jr yey Ivo[o st yt puy<br /> “*snoAdls AIA SI ‘poutoouod st ofl] SNOMOGPT<br /> pue yomb v Surpeoy ‘we yeors B UOYAL ‘SITRIFe<br /> Jo UOTIpuos ¥B Yous }eYy st soy Jo AJo100G<br /> ayy jo uorutdo oyy, *AqtoAod ur porp oy “YtoAs<br /> snowy B Jo JoyyNR oy} YSnoyyye pue “WUT OF<br /> SuryJAuY YAO svar JVY} OUO poule}qo IAvY OF<br /> uldes Jou soop oy “you Jo Aj[BAOL B posnjot SBAL<br /> ay AoyWYAL ‘oSvo sqQvyINs B YOU SBAL AT]UOI<br /> -edde 1opARy-aspwejog 1Joog ‘eseo e[qezMs<br /> e ‘uoruido ay} ut ‘st yey uodn spuodop<br /> yonut 00} ynq fopnzyye oy} 10F asterd ATUO<br /> Davy AA ,,doyoud nod Fr ‘siseq AqeAoI oyy<br /> uo no soy ystqnd TIM oA, ,, ‘Avs uorjenys &amp;<br /> Yons Ul *0D FY O]PPAON ‘sassap{ “*stoyyo Aue qos<br /> jou TIM Ady} Way] 0} potoyjo Sul} oY} qdaooe<br /> qcu op Aoyy Jr Jey} WOIZeLUTZUT UR JO UOJ OY}<br /> Suryey Aypeqoues ‘wusyy uo Ivaq 07 WYSNoIG 9q<br /> 0} sey Uorls;ndutoo ureyi90 YW *FYSTAyNO Wyo<br /> -Xdoo roy} Tas 0} Joyord you op Ay} ‘stasod<br /> -woo Suno&amp; Jo douetedxe amo woay ‘ATTeUOS<br /> -I9g ,,saseo ofqeyms ut,, Aq uvoll OT[PAON<br /> ‘sassoWy. yey uodn uinz Avut Suruvowl sz<br /> ySnoy} ‘quowoyeys Sutysotozut ATOA B ST SIT,<br /> ‘ _Mosoduros oy} uodn pozorgut Aqoreqy<br /> st , oosnfur, uv 4vyy Suyysessns roy punoss Auv st 0.1043<br /> SSOT B@ pPIOAB 09 ysnoue agvunjzIoy st puv 4ystaqno LOM<br /> B sasvyound aoystiqnd v eseyar ‘yvy} gywps 4OU Cp Bar IN<br /> <br /> LIT<br /> <br /> “ATPRIS -<br /> <br /> ‘ grojord rosoduioo 043 Suyjooy AdAdyoIyA TO Saiysijqnd jo<br /> Ayers U3 Jiquy oy} Ul oe OMA “FYSTAINO SYIOA I9t]} []e8 0}<br /> ousep &lt;ypensn Loy} vy} s1asodm0o UMOoUyUN puv Sunos J<br /> OLJsHoyoBIVYO SI JI pu ‘ WoIywasesar 40 Ay[vor Aue yNOYITM<br /> ‘£yaynqosqe yy s114doo sty [Jos 07 srojord resodun09 913 eTEy A<br /> sosvo snozomnu ‘saAeMoy ‘ale o10Yy, *sesvo 9[qB}INS UI 9Sn<br /> 4UBISUOD SPVUT OOUIS 1BA9 OABY OM YOIYM Jo puv ‘ose sivot<br /> £40} 1940 pozdopy om orga oo st wiayshs Ayesor OUT, ..<br /> —: Avs ‘Ajdar B Jo osin0d oY} UI “OT[AAON<br /> ‘sassopy. *AqyeAOr Sumuryuod JO} 10 yYHIyNO<br /> uns &amp; Joy JoyjoyM yysuAdoo sity [Jes toAou<br /> plnoys assoduios 10 JoyyNR Ue yey} quod yue<br /> 10d ut ysour yey} Ulese aoUO atjqnd ay} o10joq<br /> qysno.1q ‘poousurmsoo souepuodsar109 oy} Yor Ar<br /> yqia ‘AjoIoog ay} Jo UBULIIeY 94} JO J0}e]<br /> oy, “Yuow sty} oymp ayy Ul peonpoidas<br /> punoy oq [[IM YoryM Joquusoaqy jo Suruuisaq<br /> oy} pue JoquIaAON JO pus oY} 4B sain 944<br /> ut oov{d yoo} souspuodsadio0d Sutyso10jUl NW<br /> <br /> *MOTAY<br /> -ANGIUAIO) ALWYT AHL JO SUYOA\ AH,<br /> <br /> ——+ +<br /> <br /> “SALON TYYANAD<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> poe<br /> ‘sKeld<br /> Io syoog jo Surseyd oy} z0j Aouese ouiecne<br /> ao Aaeaeyly @ ‘eSuUeS OU UT ‘SI nveding eUy,<br /> “Aqotoog oy} Jo neaing<br /> UOTPVITO oY} OF oepvur oq ysnut uoneoydde<br /> {UOTJDaTJOO JO StUL9} OY} JO SLBpNo ed [[NF 107<br /> ‘UOISSTUIWOD JY} SuloNpot Jo APTIG<br /> -issod oy} Sshostp [[IM JUuoUIesSeuUR]Y Jo 907q1UL<br /> -WO0) oY} ‘padaaod wey} soul oie sosuodxo<br /> oy} ‘ooyo oy} YSnory} Suissed qunoure oy}<br /> 0} Sumo ‘fy ‘sosuedxe JaA00 0} UOISSTUTUIOD<br /> eB oodeyo T[IM ynq ‘soaf JO WOTI[OO oY} WOIF<br /> qyoad B aye 0} odIsop you svop AJIIO0g OUT,<br /> ‘yeoIsn] “S<br /> “OIVVUIBIC *%<br /> “AIBIOWT “LT<br /> —? s}UoUI<br /> -jaedap 9014} OFUI poplAIp st neoing oJ,<br /> ‘splOdal JUOUINAJSUT [RoTUBYoU OF HULMLeJoI<br /> ‘6L osne[g pue ‘syxooq 10f sooUsol] Arostnduioo<br /> <br /> Suruzoaos ‘g osnelg “ae Yow qysuddoy oy4}°<br /> <br /> Jo sasne[g oouvory Arosnduioy oy} Jopuy) *S<br /> “SyIOM ITO}<br /> jo douvuttojiod oY} IO syoRIzUOD JopuUy) *%<br /> *SyIOM ITO}<br /> jo uoyeoyqnd oy} Joy syoetjzuoD JopuQ “TL<br /> ‘sqystyvureIp pue<br /> siosoduoo ‘stoyyne 07 onp sAsuoUL puB<br /> s}UNOdDB YaT[Oo 07 soyBJopun Aporoog AH LMU<br /> <br /> — 1<br /> <br /> ‘NYAIN<br /> NOILOATION SHOHLNY JO ALAINOS<br /> <br /> ‘NMOHIAY AHL<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 118<br /> <br /> to profit by the contract, give also the com-<br /> poser a fair chance of return for his work.<br /> <br /> We hope that the public will’ warmly sup-<br /> port the memorial to which it is asked to con-<br /> tribute on behalf of the late Coleridge-Taylor.<br /> <br /> IMPERIAL CopyRriIGHT.<br /> <br /> We gather from the Bombay Government<br /> Gazette that the Copyright Act of 1911 has<br /> been proclaimed in British India, and the Act<br /> therefore will run from date of proclamation<br /> dated Simla, October 13, 1912. The Procla-<br /> mation runs as follows :—‘‘ In pursuance of<br /> Clause (D) of sub-section (2) of section 37 of the<br /> Copyright Act, 1911 (1 &amp; 2 Geo. 5, Chap. 46),<br /> the Governor-General is pleased to proclaim<br /> the said Act and to direct that it shall come<br /> into operation in British India from date of<br /> this Proclamation.” This Proclamation will<br /> cover Burma as well as India, but will not cover<br /> the native States of India. We understand<br /> that the Indian Government will use its best<br /> endeavours to get the native Princes to accept<br /> the Copyright Act as it at present stands.<br /> <br /> CopyriGHT AND RECEIPTS.<br /> <br /> We have commented in previous issues of<br /> The Author on the use made by magazine<br /> editors of receipt forms for the purpose of<br /> obtaining from their contributors rights<br /> beyond those which the contributor is wise to<br /> give, or the magazine entitled to ask.<br /> <br /> Under the Copyright Act, 1911, the publica-<br /> tion of an article or story in a magazine or other<br /> periodical publication does not, ipso facto, give<br /> to the proprietor of such periodical issue the<br /> copyright in the story or article. If he desires<br /> copyright, he must make a special bargain<br /> with the author to thisend. In this connection<br /> we quoted in our May issue, a letter from a<br /> well-known magazine proprietor, in which he<br /> expressed his desire to get from all his con-<br /> tributors a general assent to the transfer of<br /> copyright of all work which they were then<br /> contributing, or might in the future contribute,<br /> to the magazines and newspapers which he<br /> controlled. We pointed out at the time the<br /> misleading nature of some of the statements<br /> which were made.<br /> <br /> Since that date we have had brought to our<br /> notice once again a practice of magazine<br /> editors not less objectionable from the author’s<br /> standpoint. | An author sends in a MS. to a<br /> magazine. This article or story in some cases<br /> is accepted without a formal statement as to<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> terms; in some cases is published without<br /> even a notice of acceptance. The cheque in<br /> payment is sent in due course, and with it a<br /> receipt form which the contributor is asked<br /> to sign and return. In many eases the author<br /> signs the receipt automatically, paying little<br /> attention to the wording. Occasionally he<br /> reads the receipt carefully. He then discovers<br /> to his surprise that what he imagined was an<br /> ordinary receipt for payment of a sum due to<br /> him, is, in reality, a document practically<br /> conveying the copyright to the magazine. It<br /> is true that, given a clear contract beforehand,<br /> no such receipt purporting to convey copyright.<br /> would stand as against the contract already<br /> made. But the danger of signing these receipts<br /> where, as in many cases, no definite contract<br /> exists, is apparent.<br /> <br /> If, as very often happens, the article is<br /> published with illustrations furnished by the<br /> author, signature to such a receipt means that<br /> the author is precluded from using the illus-<br /> trations in any other quarter, save with the<br /> magazine’s sanction. This is a very serious<br /> matter for a writer who contemplates publica-<br /> tion of a book on the same subject dealt with<br /> in the magazine article. He clearly cannot<br /> use the illustrations—having given over the<br /> copyright to the magazine—and may find it<br /> very difficult to write his book without<br /> infringing the copyright of the magazine in<br /> respect of the article he has contributed to<br /> its pages.<br /> <br /> When the receipt form appears at the back<br /> of the cheque, as it sometimes does, the author’s<br /> position is even more difficult. If he alters<br /> the form the bank will refuse tocash the cheque,<br /> if he adds his signature the copyright is trans-<br /> ferred to the magazine. All he can do in such<br /> a case is to endorse the cheque and write a<br /> letter to the editor explaining that he denies<br /> the magazine’s claim to his copyright but has<br /> made the endorsement merely in order to get<br /> the cash due to him. If he retains a copy of<br /> this letter, it will always be available as evi-<br /> dence in case of dispute. Other than this he<br /> can do nothing, except refuse the cheque and<br /> sue the magazine for the amount in the County<br /> Court.<br /> <br /> Tue Unit oF AN EpITion.<br /> <br /> SomE time ago the Publishers’ Association<br /> agreed to define the word “impression” as<br /> the reproduction of a book without alteration,<br /> and the word “ edition” as the reproduction<br /> of a book with alterations and changes, but<br /> these definitions, though adhered to by some<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> %<br /> CF. =<br /> ‘ig<br /> &lt;f<br /> r<br /> st<br /> <br /> ah<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 119<br /> <br /> of the best houses, seem to have but little<br /> weight. Advertisements in the papers con-<br /> stantly announce 3rd, 4th and Sth edition,<br /> one publisher advertises regularly his list of<br /> novels with figures after the more popular ones<br /> of the number of the edition, but even if the<br /> announcement had .been 3rd, 4th and Sth<br /> impression, the result to the public would be<br /> absolutely valueless, for the Publishers’ Associa-<br /> tion have never troubled to define the unit of<br /> an impression. Some books go to press with<br /> a first impression of 10,000 copies, and a case<br /> has been known where a book has been adver-<br /> tised as in its third “‘ edition ”’ when only thirty<br /> copies have been sold. Is it not possible for<br /> the booksellers to get together to settle this<br /> important question, and prevent the frequent<br /> cheating of the public in this matter by certain<br /> unscrupulous producers ?<br /> <br /> Memorr oF Grorce Panmer PUTNAM.<br /> <br /> G. P. Purnam’s Sons have published<br /> a, ‘Memoir of George Palmer Putnam,”<br /> by George Haven Putnam, Litt.D., together<br /> with an account of the earlier years of the<br /> publishing house founded by him.<br /> <br /> The volume describes the career of a<br /> representative American publisher, and con-<br /> stitutes also a contribution to the history of<br /> international literary relations. A separate<br /> chapter gives an account of Mr. Putnam’s<br /> work in behalf of International Copyright,<br /> work that was begun as far back as 1837.<br /> <br /> The narrative includes reminiscences of life<br /> in London in the early °40’s, and references<br /> to men of letters and other persons of distinc-<br /> tion on both sides of the Atlantic. Among<br /> the persons with whom Mr. Putnam had<br /> personal relations may be mentioned Louis<br /> Napoleon, Washington Irving, Bayard Taylor,<br /> Fenimore Cooper, Nathaniel Hawthorne,<br /> Charles Sumner, Sergeant Talfourd, Elisée<br /> Réclus, Fredrika Bremer, Susan Warner,<br /> Longfellow, Dana, Emerson, Curtis, the alleged<br /> Dauphin (Louis XVII.), Commodore Perry,<br /> Lincoln, Bryant, and many other noteworthy<br /> characters of generations that have passed.<br /> <br /> —_—<br /> <br /> SIR GEORGE HOWARD DARWIN, K.C.B.,<br /> F.R.S., LL.D.<br /> Sa<br /> <br /> E deeply regret to record the death of<br /> Sir George Howard Darwin, F.R.S.,<br /> which occurred late in November,<br /> <br /> after some months of hopeless illness.<br /> Sir George Darwin, who was Professor of<br /> <br /> Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy in<br /> the University of Cambridge, was the second<br /> son of the celebrated author of the “* Origin of<br /> Species.” He was educated at Trinity College,<br /> Cambridge ; took high mathematical honours,<br /> and duly became a Fellow of his college. While<br /> holding his Fellowship at Trinity he was called<br /> to the Bar, but soon returned to Cambridge<br /> and the pursuit of mathematics, and was<br /> elected in the year 1883 to the Plumian Pro-<br /> fessorship, which he held at the time of his<br /> death. From 1883 forward he devoted him-<br /> self to the study of higher mathematics,<br /> especially in relation to astronomy and<br /> physical geography, and four volumes of his<br /> scientific papers have been published upon<br /> astronomical and geographical subjects, the<br /> tides, and allied phenomena in the solar<br /> system. He twice received presentation<br /> medals from the Royal Society, holding also<br /> the Victoria Medal of the Royal Geographical<br /> Society, and the Gold Medal of the Royal<br /> Astronomical Society, of which body he was<br /> President in 1899.<br /> <br /> In 1905 Professor Darwin, as he then was,<br /> was elected President of the British Association<br /> for the Advancement of Science. This was the<br /> year in which the Association met at Cape<br /> Town. On this occasion Professor Darwin<br /> took as the subject of his address ‘* Evolution,”<br /> and showed how enormously the term had<br /> widened its scope since the days when his<br /> illustrious father first applied the principle as a<br /> working hypothesis to the history of organic<br /> life. He showed that nowadays the theory of<br /> evolution is applied not only to organic life but<br /> to the very constitution of the universe itself.<br /> The address was at the same time so easy to<br /> understand, and yet so obviously founded upon<br /> the deepest learning, that it was immediately<br /> read by all, and there is no doubt that it exer-<br /> cised a real influence upon contemporary<br /> thought.<br /> <br /> Our Society has to regret in Sir George<br /> Darwin, who received his knighthood in 1905,<br /> one of its oldest members. He joined the<br /> Society in 1884, and has been a regular sup-<br /> porter of its objects and efforts throughout.<br /> <br /> COMMITTEE ELECTION.<br /> <br /> +4<br /> <br /> bay pursuance of Article 19 of the Articles of<br /> Association of the Society, the committee<br /> give notice that the election of members<br /> of the Committee of Management will be pro-<br /> ceeded with in the following manner :—<br /> <br /> <br /> 120<br /> <br /> (1) One-third of the members of the present<br /> Committee of Management retire from office in<br /> accordance with Article 17.<br /> <br /> (2) The names of the retiring members are :—<br /> <br /> Mrs. E. Nesbit Bland,<br /> G. Bernard Shaw,<br /> <br /> J. W. Comyns Carr,<br /> Francis Storr.<br /> <br /> (3) The date fixed by the committee up to<br /> which nominations by the subscribing members<br /> of candidates for election to the new committee<br /> may be made is February 8.<br /> <br /> (4) The committee nominate the following<br /> candidates, being subscribing members of the<br /> Society, to fill the vacancies caused by the<br /> retirement of one-third of the’ committee,<br /> according to the constitution :—<br /> <br /> J. W. Comyns Carr,<br /> Mrs. Perrin,<br /> <br /> G. Bernard Shaw,<br /> Francis Storr.<br /> <br /> The committee remind the members that,<br /> under Article 19 of the amended Articles of<br /> Association “ any two subscribing members of<br /> the Society may nominate one or more sub-<br /> scribing members other than themselves, not<br /> exceeding the number of vacancies to be filled<br /> up, by notice in writing sent to the secretary,<br /> accompanied by a letter signed by the candi-<br /> date or candidates expressing willingness to<br /> accept the duties of the post.<br /> <br /> The complete list of candidates will be<br /> printed in the March issue of The Author.<br /> <br /> een CEE<br /> <br /> THE PENSION FUND COMMITTEE.<br /> <br /> ——<br /> <br /> FN order to give members of the Society,<br /> should they desire to appoint a fresh<br /> member to the Pension Fund Committee,<br /> <br /> full time to act, it has been the custom to place<br /> in The Author a complete statement of the<br /> method of election under the scheme for<br /> administration of the Pension Fund. Under<br /> that scheme the committee is composed of<br /> three members elected by the committee of the<br /> Society, three members elected by the Society<br /> at the general meeting, and the chairman of the<br /> Society for the time being ew officio. The three<br /> members elected by the Society are Mrs. Alec<br /> Tweedie, Mr. Owen Seaman, and Mr. M. H.<br /> Spielmann. This year Mr. M. H. Spielmann<br /> retires under the scheme and submits his<br /> name for re-election.<br /> <br /> The members have, however, power to put<br /> <br /> forward other names under clause 9, which runs<br /> as follows :—<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> “ Any candidate for election to the Pension Fund Com-<br /> mittee by the members of the society (not being a retiring<br /> member of such committee) shall be nominated in writing<br /> to the secretary at least three weeks prior to the general<br /> meeting at which such candidate is to be proposed, and the<br /> nomination of each such candidate shall be subscribed by<br /> at leagt three members of the society. A list of the names<br /> of the candidates so nominated shall be sent to the members<br /> of the society, with the annual report of the managing<br /> committee, and those candidates obtaining the most votes<br /> at the general meeting shall be elected to serve on the<br /> Pension Fund Committee.”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> In case any member should desire to refer to ;<br /> the list of members, the list taking the elections<br /> up to the end of July, 1907, was published in<br /> <br /> October of that year. This list was complete<br /> at the date of issue, with the exception of the ve<br /> thirty-eight members referred to in the short ;<br /> <br /> preface. All subsequent elections have been<br /> duly chronicled in The Author.<br /> <br /> It will be as well, therefore, should any mem-<br /> ber desire to put forward a candidate, to take<br /> the matter within his immediate considera-<br /> tion. The general meeting of the Society is<br /> usually held in March. It is essential that all<br /> nominations should be in the hands of the secre-<br /> tary before January 31, 1913.<br /> <br /> —_————— 06-9<br /> <br /> THE LATE MR. COLERIDGE-TAYLOR.<br /> <br /> — 1<br /> <br /> Tue following correspondence has recently<br /> appeared in The Times and is printed with the<br /> kind permission of the Editor.<br /> <br /> (1)<br /> TO THE EDITOR OF The Times.<br /> <br /> Str,—An appeal is being made for the widow and<br /> children of the late Mr. Coleridge-Taylor. It seems perti-<br /> nent to inquire why a composer who wrote so widely<br /> successful a composition as Hiawatha, a work which is<br /> frequently performed all over England and America,<br /> should have left so little provision for his family.<br /> <br /> The Society of Authors, having noticed the case, and<br /> being anxious to help the dependents of Mr. Coleridge-<br /> Taylor as far as possible, have inquired from Messrs, -<br /> Novello and Co. whether Hiawatha produced a royalty for<br /> the composer and his heirs. This question the firm has<br /> answered by saying that the copyright of all the late<br /> Mr. Coleridge-Taylor’s compositions has been assigned to<br /> themselves. Here we have an admirable example of the<br /> trouble that may and often does follow upon the outright<br /> sale of literary or artistic property. It cannot be too<br /> clearly said that, because of the uncertainty of the value<br /> of this property, its outright sale must be attended with<br /> risk either to the creator of the work or to its purchaser.<br /> One or other party to such bargains is bound to suffer, and<br /> it is our experience at the Society of Authors that it is<br /> the author of the work who is generally disappointed by<br /> the result of the disposal of copyright. But whatever be the<br /> outcome of any particular transaction, a system is bad in<br /> business which by its capricious event leaves behind it<br /> either a recollection of pecuniary loss with the publisher<br /> or a deep sense of injustice with the author. There is not<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> one way, and one way only, of publishing that ought to be<br /> followed, and in special circumstances the outright sale of<br /> a work is the natural sequel to the terms of the commission<br /> for writing it. But in all the usual circumstances, and<br /> especially in the case of young writers and composers, the<br /> disposal of copyright is to be absolutely avoided, and the<br /> royalty system should be adopted. Under the royalty<br /> system the author shares in any fortune that may attend<br /> his work, and the publisher will neither lose money by the<br /> purchase of property that brings him in no adequate<br /> return nor be faced with the delicate task of giving as a<br /> present to an author some portion of the money that would<br /> have accrued to the author under an intelligent sharing of<br /> interests.<br /> <br /> The Society of Authors understand that Mr, Coleridge-<br /> Taylor was refused a royalty and was given only small<br /> sums for conveying to Messrs. Novello and Co, the copy-<br /> right of Hiawatha, . That is the state of the case as com-<br /> municated to the committee of management of the<br /> Society, whose opinion is that if a reasonable royalty on<br /> the sales of Hiawatha had been forthcoming it would have<br /> provided sufficient money for the dependents without any<br /> appeal to the public.<br /> <br /> It is fair to the composer’s memory as a hardworking<br /> and careful man that the public should know that he did<br /> provide with his brains a work which, under the royalty<br /> method of dealing with literary and artistic property, would<br /> have supported his family after his death, while making<br /> him more comfortable during his life.<br /> <br /> I am, yours faithfully,<br /> S. SQUIRE SPRIGGE,<br /> Chairman of the Committee of Management<br /> of the Society of Authors.<br /> 39, Old Queen-street, Storey’s-gate, S.W., Nov. 22.<br /> <br /> (2)<br /> To THE EpIToR OF Zhe Times.<br /> <br /> S1r.—Our attention has been called to a letter in yout<br /> issue of yesterday’s date in which Dr. 8. Squire Sprigge<br /> makes certain recommendations with reference to the pub-<br /> lishing of authors’ works on the royalty system, and inci-<br /> dentally commits himself to certain statements reflecting<br /> upon the terms on which we publish works by the late<br /> S$. Coleridge-Taylor.<br /> <br /> We do not quarrel with Dr. Sprigge’s recommendations.<br /> The royalty system is one which we adopted over forty<br /> years ago, and of which we have ever since made constant<br /> use in suitable cases. There are, however, numerous cases<br /> where the composer prefers to sell his copyright absolutely,<br /> without any royalty or reservation : and it is characteristic<br /> of young and unknown composers that they usually desire<br /> to sell their works outright. We are in the habit generally<br /> of publishing on whichever footing the composer prefers ;<br /> but we do not admit that, where a publisher purchases a<br /> work outright and is fortunate enough to avoid a loss,<br /> there is any ground for suggesting that an “injustice”<br /> is thereby inflicted upon the composer, unless Dr. Sprigge<br /> considers that where loss results to the publisher he also is<br /> the victim of an ‘‘ injustice.”<br /> <br /> As regards his statements, Dr. Sprigge’s letter is both<br /> misleading and inaccurate. The author of a work on<br /> ‘“‘ Methods of Publishing ” ought not to have invited your<br /> readers to draw the inference that, because a composer<br /> assigns the copyright of his work, he necessarily deprives<br /> himself of all further pecuniary interest init. It is true<br /> that Coleridge-Taylor assigned to us the copyright of all<br /> his works published by us (not the copyright of all his<br /> compositions, as inaccurately stated by Dr. Sprigge), but<br /> he retained a royalty interest in many of them.<br /> <br /> The statement ‘‘as communicated to the committee” of<br /> Dr. Sprigge’s society, that Coleridge-Taylor was refused a<br /> royalty on Hiawatha is untrue. He accepted gladly the<br /> <br /> 121<br /> <br /> terms that were offered to him. Moreover, he from time to-<br /> time offered us the copyright of every similar work that he<br /> ever wrote. There are six of them. The first three he<br /> sold outright ; the later (and more successful) ones all bear<br /> royalties. He therefore was a typical instance of the<br /> young composer who prefers to sell outright until he has<br /> made a reputation, and who thereafter prefers the royalty<br /> system.<br /> Weare, Sir, yours faithfully,<br /> NOvVELLO AND Co. (LTD.).<br /> 160, Wardour-street, W., Nov. 27.<br /> <br /> (3)<br /> To THE EpIToR OF The Times.<br /> <br /> S1R,—Messrs. Novello and Co. describe my letter published<br /> in your issue of November 26th as misleading and inaccurate.<br /> It was true and to the point. Incidentally it was directed<br /> mainly to the broad issues of just publishing and not to the<br /> pecuniary arrangements between Messrs. Novello and Co.<br /> and the late Mr. Coleridge-Taylor ; but the outcome of<br /> these arrangements having become a public question, owing:<br /> to an appeal being made to the public in behalf of the<br /> dependants of the late Mr. Coleridge-Taylor, perhaps his<br /> publishers are right in discussing their relations with the<br /> dead composer.<br /> <br /> They say that Mr. Coleridge-Taylor was not refused a<br /> royalty and “accepted gladly the terms that were offered<br /> to him.’ We are informed that he was refused a royalty.<br /> Messrs. Novello and Co. say that Mr. Coleridge-Taylor<br /> “ was a typical instance of the young composer who prefers<br /> to sell outright until he has made a reputation.” The<br /> second and third parts of Hiawatha were written after he<br /> had made an enormous reputation by the publication of<br /> the first part.<br /> <br /> Both Messrs. Novello and Co. and I were talking of<br /> works published by their firm—no others could be in ques-<br /> tion. I refer them to their letter to me of November 16th.<br /> In the “Methods of Publishing,” written more than 20<br /> years ago, I am glad to find that the position of the author<br /> who, having assigned his copyright, still enjoys a pecuniary<br /> interest in his work, is described at full length. Messrs-<br /> Novello and Co. suggest otherwise, or their allusion to my<br /> ancient little book is meaningless.<br /> <br /> What the public would like to know—as Messrs.<br /> Novello and Co. have brought this aspect of the matter<br /> prominently forward—is, How much the composer received<br /> for Hiawatha (whether he sold his property gladly or not) ;<br /> and how much the publishers received and are receiving by<br /> publishing the same work.<br /> <br /> I am, yours faithfully,<br /> S. SQUIRE SPRIGGE, Chairman of the Commit-<br /> tee of Management of the Society of Authors.<br /> <br /> 39, Old Queen-street, Storey&#039;s-gate, S.W.,<br /> <br /> November 28th.<br /> (4)<br /> <br /> To THE EpIToR OF Zhe Times.<br /> <br /> Str.—Messrs. Novello and Co. ought to be more accurate<br /> in the statements they have made in reply to the admirable<br /> letter of the chairman of the Society of Authors. When<br /> they state that Coleridge-Taylor ‘‘ was a typical instance of<br /> the young composer who prefers to sell outright until he<br /> has made a reputation” they have had a lapse of memory<br /> which can be corrected by a reference to their correspond-<br /> ence records.<br /> <br /> When Coleridge-Taylor was a scholar of the Royal<br /> College of Music he composed a Ballade for Violin and<br /> Orchestra (Op. 5), which Sir George Grove and I considered<br /> worthy of publication, and he sent it to Messrs. Novello.<br /> They offered to publish it on_his assigning to them the<br /> copyright in return for a few (I think it was 20) copies of<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 122<br /> <br /> the work when published. He wrote a letter, of which Sir<br /> George Grove and I thoroughly approved, admitting that<br /> as a beginner he did not expect to be paid for the copy-<br /> right, but asking Messrs. Novello if they would agree to<br /> name the number of copies the sale of which would fully<br /> cover all expenses of publication, and. after these were<br /> sold, to give him a royalty. This the firm refused to do in<br /> a letter which I held in my hand, of which I well remem-<br /> ber the contents, and of which Messrs. Novello, having, of<br /> course, a copy in their books, will, no doubt, present the<br /> public with a faithful transcript. It amply explained the<br /> reason why young composers, with the glamour of print<br /> before their eyes, too often have to accept (gladly ?) such<br /> terms as are offered to them.<br /> <br /> Hiawatha was published in two scctions. The first,<br /> “ Hiawatha’s Wedding,” the composer (gladly, of course)<br /> sold outright. For how much? Will Messrs. Novello deny<br /> that he asked for a royalty on Parts II. and LIT. in conse-<br /> quence of the great success of Part I. and was refused it ?<br /> What were the terms which he gladly accepted, and what<br /> were the profits which Messrs. Novello no less gladly have<br /> made? Do they number //iawatha amongst his less<br /> successful works?) When the public are in possession of<br /> these easily ascertainable facts they will be in a position to<br /> judge of the situation.<br /> <br /> If the terms were just, as Messrs. Novello imply, their<br /> publication can only redound to the reputation of the firm.<br /> If the terms are withheld, they cannot complain if the<br /> British public draws its own conclusions from the specimen<br /> of outright sale which I have given above, and from the<br /> sum of £800 odd at which probate of the composer&#039;s estate<br /> was sworn.<br /> <br /> Yours faithfully,<br /> CHARLES V. STANFORD,<br /> <br /> Athenzeum Club,<br /> <br /> November 28th.<br /> (5)<br /> To THE Epiror oF Zhe Zimes.<br /> <br /> SirR,—Sir Charles Stanford having appeared in this<br /> correspondence, we may conclude that he is the informant<br /> referred to twice by Dr. Sprigge. We will pass over Dr.<br /> Sprigge’s letter appearing in your issue of Saturday, as it<br /> calls for no reply, and we will deal with that of Sir Charles<br /> Stanford dated November 28th. Sir Charles Stanford is<br /> perfectly correct in stating that we agreed to publish<br /> Coleridge-Taylor’s Ballade in D for Violin and Orchestra,<br /> and that we acquired the copyright in exchange for a<br /> number of copies of the work. The composer consulted his<br /> guardian and Dr. Hubert Parry, and on January 11th,<br /> 1895, wrote the head of our publishing office that they<br /> advised him to agree to these terms. On January 2st,<br /> 1895, we received a letter in which the composer definitely<br /> stated that he wished us to publish on the terms suggested.<br /> Here therefore we have a contract completed to the satis-<br /> faction of all parties—the composer on the one side, backed<br /> by his guardian and one of the professors of his college,<br /> and ourselves on the other. On February Ist of the same<br /> year the head of our publishing office received a letter from<br /> the composer (presumably the letter referred to by Sir<br /> Charles Stanford as having received the thorough approval<br /> of Sir George Grove and himself) from which we quote the<br /> following :—<br /> <br /> ‘‘T am writing you an account of a most awkward com-<br /> plication that has arisen regarding my Violin ‘ Ballade.’ As<br /> you are aware, Dr. Parry advised me to accept your terms<br /> of publication as they stood, and I herefore did so.<br /> Unhappily, however, Dr. Stanford (whom I am studying<br /> with) sees fit to interfere and make it most uncomfortable<br /> for me. - « He says that there can be no possible<br /> objection to my asking you (or rather Novellos) to grant<br /> me a small royalty on each copy (if there are enough copies<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> sold) after you have paid expenses. Of course. this ig<br /> <br /> nothing whatever to do with you, as I have already agreed<br /> to your conditions.”<br /> <br /> On receipt of this communication we wrote on February<br /> 5th the letter of which Sir Charles Stanford sarcastically<br /> asks us to present the public with a faithful transcript. It<br /> was as follows :—<br /> <br /> ‘In reply to your letter of the Ist inst. addressed to our<br /> Mr. Jaeger, we regret being unable to alter our terms for<br /> publishing your Ballade. We would in fact much prefer<br /> your publishing the piece elsewhere, and we shall therefore<br /> destroy the plates which we have already engraved.”<br /> <br /> Thus declining to reopen at the bidding of Sir Charles<br /> Stanford a contract deliberately entered into, but at the<br /> same time offering to annul it.<br /> <br /> To this the composer replied on February 7th :—<br /> <br /> “* Please do not destroy the plates of my Violin ‘ Ballade,’<br /> I am afraid my last letter was misunderstood. I only<br /> wanted to tell Dr. Stanford that I had asked you what he<br /> desired and also the result, therefore do kindly go on with<br /> the printing.”<br /> <br /> Our answer to this on the same day was as follows :—<br /> <br /> ‘‘At your special wish and request we will continue the<br /> printing of your Violin ‘ Ballade’ and will publish it on the<br /> terms originally agreed between us, Of course, if you<br /> chose to pay the cost of printing we would publish the<br /> work for you and you would receive all profits which might<br /> result.” :<br /> Again you will note our offer to annul the contract. On<br /> the same day the composer writes again :—<br /> <br /> ‘‘ Dear Sirs,—I have much pleasure in accepting your<br /> offer of twenty-five copies of the piano arrangement of my<br /> Violin ‘ Ballade’ in exchange for the copyright.”<br /> <br /> Here the correspondence ends, and the work was duly<br /> published.<br /> <br /> Was it the glamour of print which induced Coleridge-<br /> Taylor to accept our terms? Was it not rather the desire<br /> to place his work before the public under favourable cir-<br /> cumstances and to get his name known? Sir Charles<br /> Stanford assigned to us the copyright of his No. 4 Sym-<br /> phony, Op. 31, and his Suite for Violin and Orchestra,<br /> Op. 32, for the sum of one shilling, having induced us to<br /> publish by presenting us with the copyright of four part-<br /> songs. Later on—indeed, within a few months of the<br /> Coleridge-Taylor contract—Sir Charles Stanford persuaded<br /> us to publish his Trio in E flat, Op. 35, without exacting<br /> any fee or royalty whatsoever, by presenting us with the<br /> copyright of his Morning and Communion Service in A.<br /> Are we to be taken to task because we formed the same<br /> opinion of Coleridge-Taylor’s Op. 4 as Sir Charles Stanford<br /> himself formed of his own Op. 31, 32, and 35 ?<br /> <br /> In reply to Sir Charles Stanford’s question, “ Wil<br /> Messrs. Novello deny that he asked for a royalty on Parts<br /> II. and II]. in consequence of the great success of Part I.<br /> of Hiawatha and was refused it?” the answer is in the<br /> atlirmative. The question of a royalty in connexion with<br /> this work, either as a whole or in part, was never raised.<br /> <br /> Yours faithfully,<br /> NOVELLO AND Co. (LTD.).<br /> <br /> 160, Wardour-street, W., Dec. 3.<br /> <br /> (6)<br /> To THE Eprror oF Zhe Times.<br /> <br /> S1r,—Messrs. Novello have not answered the two main<br /> questions about /fiawatha: whether they number. it<br /> amongst his less successful works, and what and where are<br /> the profits in which the composer should have had a share,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> a the royalty,<br /> <br /> of February Ist, 1895,<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> _ It isobvious from the extracts of correspondence which<br /> they have printed (1) that the letter of Mr. Coleridge-Taylor<br /> is not the document to which I<br /> referred ; (2) that Messrs. Novello did refuse a royalty,<br /> advised him to go elsewhere, and announced their intention<br /> <br /> + of destroying the plates if the royalty were insisted upon :<br /> <br /> a sufficient deterrent to any young composer who (naturally)<br /> wished to keep on good terms with the firm and hoped for<br /> better things in future.<br /> <br /> I need scarcely say that the letter I saw, which asked for<br /> was, as far as my cognizance went, previous to<br /> <br /> _. any agreement on the part of the composer to assign the<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 25 copies, and must therefore be<br /> <br /> copyright in return for<br /> of earlier date than the letters printed by Messrs. Novello.<br /> <br /> | I would never be a party to the repudiation of a signed<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> flat was published, not “ within a few<br /> <br /> contract.<br /> The cloud of personalities with which Messrs. Novello<br /> have sought to conceal the main issue, Hiawatha, it is not<br /> <br /> _ necessary for me to deal with further than to say that their<br /> <br /> yersion is precisely the reverse of the facts.<br /> <br /> My works to which they allude were offered to Messrs.<br /> Novello (at that time my publishers) in the usual way ; they<br /> only accepted them on the condition that I helped to pay<br /> for them with more gratuitous brain-work. The Trio in E<br /> months of the<br /> Coleridge-Taylor contract,” but six years previously. I<br /> have Von Biilow’s letter acknowledging the printed copy (it<br /> was dedicated to him), dated December 5th, 1889. This is<br /> <br /> - asufficient comment on Messrs. Novello’s accuracy of<br /> <br /> statement,<br /> <br /> But these matters are not to the point. The question is<br /> Hiawatha, its profits and where they went, and the grounds<br /> upon which the appeal to the public for the composer’s<br /> family has been rendered necessary at all. This Messrs.<br /> Novello do not answer, and the public can now draw its<br /> own conclusions.<br /> <br /> Yours faithfully,<br /> CHARLES V, STANFORD.<br /> <br /> 50, Holland-street, Kensington, W.,<br /> <br /> December 4th.<br /> (7)<br /> <br /> To THE EpiTor or Zhe Times.<br /> <br /> .Srr,—We note with satisfaction that in Sir Charles<br /> Stanford’s reply, appearing in your issue of to-day, he<br /> apparently abandons the statements, originally made by<br /> Dr. Sprigge, and subsequently adopted by himself in the<br /> form of a question, that Coleridge-Taylor was refused a<br /> royalty on Hiawatha—we may therefore conelude that he<br /> admits the inaccuracy of the suggestion.<br /> <br /> Sir Charles Stanford states that he would “never be a<br /> party to the repudiation of a signed contract.” Every one<br /> who knows Sir Charles will be quite convinced of the truth<br /> of that statement. Having regard, however, to the facts<br /> disclosed in Coleridge-Taylor’s letter of February 1, 1895,<br /> addressed to the head of our publishing office, it would<br /> appear that Sir Charles’s advice to Coleridge-Taylor, with<br /> reference to the “ Ballade” contract, was not altogether<br /> well considered, for it might have led that young composer<br /> to repudiate his contract.<br /> <br /> We once more assert emphatically that no royalty on<br /> Coleridge-Taylor’s “Ballade” was either asked for or<br /> refused, until after the contract had been made. If it is<br /> obvious, from the extracts of the correspondence printed in<br /> our previous letter, that the letter of February 5th is not<br /> the document to which Sir Charles referred, we can only<br /> say that we wrote no other answering his description, and<br /> that the correspondence as filed in our office is in itself<br /> absolutely complete.<br /> <br /> We owe Sir Charles Stanford an apology in regard to our<br /> statement that, within a few moaths of the Coleridge-<br /> Taylor contract, Sir Charles himself had persuaded us to<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 123<br /> <br /> publish his Trio (Opus 35) by presenting us with the copy-<br /> right of his Morning and Communion Service in A. This<br /> is incorrect. As Sir Charles says, his Trio was published in<br /> 1889, on November 13th of that year, to be exact. The<br /> publication of the Trio, however, did not complete the<br /> transaction. Sir Charles had still to deliver the manuscript<br /> of his Morning and Communion Service in A, and that he<br /> did not do till nearly five years afterwards—viz., on<br /> September 27th, 1894. We executed the assignment of the<br /> copyright on the following day ; and that was the transac-<br /> tion which we ought to have referred to as having taken<br /> place within a few months of the Coleridge-Taylor<br /> contract.<br /> <br /> We do not understand Sir Charles’s reference to “ the<br /> cloud of personalities” which he says we introduced to<br /> conceal ‘the main issue.’ He invited us to present the<br /> public with a faithful transcript of a certain letter. To<br /> make that letter intelligible we had necessarily to quote<br /> from the previous correspondence. The personalities, at all<br /> events, were not ours, and the whole subject of Coleridge-<br /> Taylor&#039;s ‘* Ballade” was introduced by Sir Charles.<br /> <br /> Neither do we understand Sir Charles’s view of “the<br /> main issue.” According to our view, “the main issue” is<br /> that originally put forward by Dr. Sprigge, that Coleridge-<br /> Taylor was refused a royalty on Hiawatha, and we regard<br /> everything else that has been introduced into this corre-<br /> spondence as irrelevant to that issue. We were interested<br /> only in controverting statements of alleged facts—first as<br /> regards the supposed refusal to grant a royalty on<br /> Hiawatha and secondly as regards a similar statement<br /> by Sir Charles as regards the ‘ Ballade.” We think that<br /> we have now disposed of both statements.<br /> <br /> If Sir Charles Stanford supposes that we are likely to<br /> gratify his curiosity as to what and where are the profits<br /> made by us with reference to Hiawatha or any other of<br /> our publications, we are afraid that we must disappoint<br /> him. As business men we do not feel called upon to dis-<br /> close the secrets of our business to him, or to any one else.<br /> We regard all questions addressed to us on such matters,<br /> whether they are directed to profits or losses, as entirely<br /> improper, and we resent them, as we are sure Sir Charles<br /> Stanford would if a question were addressed to him inviting<br /> him to disclose the amounts of the emoluments derived by<br /> him from his professorship at the Royal College of Music,<br /> and to account for his application of them.<br /> <br /> Yours faithfully,<br /> NoVELLO AND Co, (LTD.).<br /> <br /> 160, Wardour-street, W.,<br /> <br /> December 6th.<br /> (8)<br /> To THE Epiror oF The Times.<br /> <br /> Str,—Messrs. Novello and Co. assume that our sole<br /> informant concerning the conditions under which Mr.<br /> Coleridge-Taylor published his works was Sir Charles<br /> Stanford. They are wrong. They say that Mr. Coleridge-<br /> Taylor was not refused a royalty. The real question is—<br /> Did he obtain a royalty? ‘The main issue” put forward<br /> originally by me was not the one that has been set out by<br /> Messrs. Novello and Co. in their letter in Zhe Times of<br /> December 7th. My desire was, and is, to state that under<br /> a fair royalty system such -an unfortunate position as we<br /> have in Mr. Coleridge-Taylor’s case—viz., the need for a<br /> pecuniary appeal to the public in behalf of the dead author<br /> of a famous and popular work—could not occur often. For<br /> the author would have received during his lifetime, and his<br /> dependants would be receiving after his death, a due share<br /> of the profits earned by his work and genius.<br /> <br /> Yours faithfully,<br /> S. SQUIRE SPRIGGE,<br /> Chairman of the Committee of Manage-<br /> ment of the Society of Authors.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 124<br /> (9)<br /> <br /> TO THE EpITor OF Zhe Times.<br /> <br /> Sir,—A week has passed since Dr. Sprigge asked<br /> Messrs. Novello &amp; Co. whether Coleridge-Taylor ultimately<br /> received any royalty upon Hiawatha. The chairman of the<br /> Society of Authors is naturally concernedt with the depreca-<br /> tion of a bad and the exposition of a good principle rather<br /> than with special instances, But to the admirers of<br /> Coleridge-Taylor and the well-wishers of the distinguished<br /> firm whose reputation is now at stake there remains a more<br /> pressing question. Whatever the past arrangement, will<br /> Mrs. Coleridge-Taylor now have any substantial share of<br /> the annual profits on her husband&#039;s successful masterpiece ?<br /> <br /> It is already apparent that the composer’s untimely<br /> death will have given an impetus to the sale of his works.<br /> Profits will come in year by year not into the wrong pocket<br /> but into only one of two right pockets, leaving the other<br /> empty and (in this case) needy. When this cannot be<br /> rectified it concerns no one. But when a stroke of the<br /> gainer’s pen can rectify it, no verbal explanations about<br /> the sanctity of contracts or the privacy of accounts can do<br /> any good, A state of things which continues to pain the<br /> disinterested must become unbearable to those directly<br /> interested, and those who have known Messrs. Novello &amp;<br /> Co. courteously willing to make royalty agreements cannot<br /> but believe that they will make such a practical reply as<br /> alone can silence their critics and tend to reassure their<br /> friends.<br /> <br /> I am, Sir, faithfully yours,<br /> H. WALFORD DAVIES.<br /> <br /> December 15th.<br /> <br /> &gt; t—<br /> <br /> THE DINNER.<br /> ees<br /> <br /> FFE annual dinner of the Society of<br /> Authors was held at the Hotel Cecil on<br /> Thursday, December 5, Mr. Maurice<br /> <br /> Hewlett, the Chairman, presiding over a<br /> <br /> gathering of close upon 200 members and their<br /> <br /> friends. At the High Table were seated the<br /> <br /> Hon. Mr. Justice Darling (on the left of the<br /> <br /> Chairman), Sir Thomas Barclay, Sir Alfred<br /> <br /> Bateman, Mr. Robert Bateman, and Miss<br /> <br /> Georgiana Bateman, the Right Hon. Sir Henry<br /> <br /> Mortimer Durand, Mrs. Frankau, Mrs. J. G.<br /> <br /> Fraser, Mr. Anthony Hope Hawkins, Mr. C.<br /> <br /> Lewis Hind, Professor W. P. Ker, Sir Frederick<br /> <br /> Macmillan, Mr. E. Phillips Oppenheim, Mrs.<br /> <br /> Perrin, Miss May Sinclair, and Mr. Hugh<br /> <br /> Walpole. Sir William Richmond, who should<br /> <br /> have occupied the seat on the Chairman’s right,<br /> <br /> was unfortunately unable to be present. At<br /> the seven lower tables Mr. Aylmer Maude,<br /> <br /> Mr. W. W. Jacobs, Miss Beatrice Harraden,<br /> <br /> Dr. S. Squire Sprigge (Chairman of the Com-<br /> <br /> mittee of Management), Mrs. Belloc Lowndes,<br /> <br /> Mr. L. J. Vance, and Mr. G. I. Thring, presided.<br /> <br /> At the conclusion of the dinner, after he had<br /> given the usual loyal toasts, Mr. Maurice<br /> <br /> Hewlett rose again to propose that of The<br /> <br /> Society of Authors. There came into his<br /> <br /> A<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> mind, he said, Sancho Panza’s variant of the<br /> proverb, “‘ Out of the fulness of the heart the<br /> mouth speaketh.” Of course he had no<br /> intention of uttering the words of that variant<br /> now. But they might at least ask themselves<br /> whether authorship throve better in comfort<br /> or discomfort. This was the kind of question<br /> which Sancho Panza’s proverb might well<br /> suggest to their prosperous and growing<br /> organisation. For they were flourishing. The<br /> membership of the Society was now within a<br /> few hundreds of 8,000. New members had<br /> joined at the rate of one for every day in the<br /> year. It came to this, that between them the<br /> committee, chairman, and secretary, had made<br /> the status of an author a respectable thing, in<br /> the trade sense of the word, and were now<br /> proceeding to make it a comfortable thing as<br /> well.<br /> <br /> He himself, however, shared the anarchical<br /> essence at the bottom of all authorship. He<br /> was against the extension of trade union ideas<br /> to their profession. Such ideas could not make<br /> him personally write a good book or sell a bad<br /> one. There was a pride of literature, which<br /> could be seen notably in the cases of Byron and<br /> Dr. Johnson. Authors had a right, when they<br /> chose, to “ poverty, total idleness, and the<br /> pride of literature.” The Society of Authors<br /> could not conflict with or abolish this pride.<br /> <br /> But of the worth of the Society’s work there<br /> could be no doubt. If they wished for an<br /> object-lesson concerning its value to artists,<br /> they need only turn to a recent correspondence<br /> in The Times, wherein Dr. Squire Sprigge,<br /> Sir Charles Stanford and others had been<br /> breaking spears. There they might see an<br /> unorganized art striving to bring itself into line<br /> with literature. There they would be shown,<br /> too, the condition of affairs from which, by the<br /> help of the Society and its officers, literature<br /> had long ago set itself free.<br /> <br /> Alluding to the question of copyright,<br /> Mr. Hewlett said that there could not be the<br /> <br /> slightest doubt of the importance to them of<br /> <br /> this and of the common law right of everyone,<br /> whether artist or artisan, to the full market<br /> value of his work. The Society of Authors was<br /> their guardian in such matters, and he would<br /> mention particularly the labours of Dr. Squire<br /> Sprigge and Mr. Thring, their chairman of<br /> committee and secretary. He gave them the<br /> toast of “* The Society of Authors.”<br /> <br /> Sir Mortimer Durand, in proposing ‘‘ The<br /> Guests,” said that they always had on these<br /> occasions many distinguished ones, and this<br /> night was no exception. There was Mr. Jus-<br /> tice Darling, representing the Bench—the<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Palladium of our liberty, with no equal any-<br /> where else in the world. He could himself<br /> speak from experience of the reputation of<br /> British justice in India. Sir William Rich-<br /> mond, unfortunately, was not present, but he<br /> could not refrain from mentioning him in<br /> spite of his absence, for he was an unwavering<br /> upholder of the best traditions of art in this<br /> country. They saw before them Professor<br /> Ker, Sir Frederick Macmillan, Chairman of<br /> the Publishers’ Association, and many others<br /> whom they were most glad to welcome in their<br /> midst to-night.<br /> <br /> Mr. Justice Darling, responding, lamented<br /> the fact that there was ‘“‘no Richmond in the<br /> field,”’ as there should have been to assist him<br /> in returning thanks. He could only say that<br /> after this desertion he should look upon Sir<br /> William as a Futurist in disguise. With regard<br /> to authors he might remind them that there was<br /> once a time when they did nothing else but<br /> write books from morn to night—a practice<br /> which certainly did not make for the best kind<br /> of author. They wrote then about affairs<br /> which they did not understand, about a world<br /> which they had never visited, and sometimes,<br /> in despair, about the next world. Many of<br /> those, however, who had written the best<br /> books had been busy in other directions. One<br /> of the best or the worst—if he remembered<br /> rightly, it was dedicated to the Pope and later<br /> on was put upon the Index—was the work of a<br /> person who was reverently known as I<br /> Segretario Florentino. If they called him by<br /> that name, nobody expressed disapprobation.<br /> But if one spoke of Machiavelli, all who had<br /> derived any profit from his counsels held up<br /> their hands in horror. He need hardly tell<br /> them that this remark applied to all the<br /> diplomatists of Europe.<br /> <br /> It was possible, he continued, that some of<br /> those who were now writing books might one<br /> day have to come before him in his official<br /> capacity, particularly if they wrote little books.<br /> For a little book was properly a libellus—<br /> anglicé, a libel. To such he would give a piece<br /> of useful advice, whereby they could secure<br /> absolute immunity for themselves and put<br /> forth as many libels as they liked, without<br /> having to pay damages. Let them form the<br /> Society of Authors into a trade union. Better<br /> still, let them incorporate all the newspapers<br /> with them and publish everything, not under<br /> their own names, but under that of the union.<br /> Then they would run no danger from the law.<br /> <br /> The toast of “The Chairman” was next<br /> given by Mrs. Belloc Lowndes, who briefly<br /> expressed her pleasure in so doing.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 125<br /> <br /> Mr. Hewlett declared that wild Furies<br /> should not drag another speech from him, but<br /> he desired to thank his old friend for proposing<br /> and all those present for their kind reception<br /> of the toast. He then asked members and<br /> their guests to remove to the adjoining rooms.<br /> <br /> Here the usual conversazione was held, in<br /> which some members took part who had been<br /> unable to arrive in time for the dinner. — Pro-<br /> ceedings terminated about eleven o clock.<br /> <br /> a<br /> <br /> UNITED STATES NOTES,<br /> <br /> +<br /> <br /> HERE were no signs of a declining out-<br /> put on the part of American authors<br /> during the past half-year. Rather the<br /> <br /> reverse, in fact, and it will probably be found<br /> by the end of 1912 that the average of recent<br /> years has been beaten handsomely. The<br /> “fall list’? is so heavy that it is positively<br /> embarrassing to attempt to discriminate<br /> between the books which deserve mention and<br /> those that do not.<br /> <br /> In the realm of fiction especially, the multi-<br /> tude of new works is bewildering. I should<br /> not envy the task of anyone who tried to read<br /> all the new novels which have passed through<br /> the printing press of late. I certainly have<br /> not made the try myself. However, I submit,<br /> for what it is worth, a selection of names which<br /> have attracted attention.<br /> <br /> Basil King’s ‘‘ The Street called Straight ”<br /> properly belongs to the earlier half of the year<br /> just closing. But it has leapt into prominence<br /> since I last wrote, and has occupied for some<br /> time now an enviable place among the “ best<br /> sellers.”’ Others that have figured in the same<br /> list are David Graham Phillips’s ‘‘ The Price<br /> She Paid’; Harold Bell Wright’s *‘ Their<br /> Yesterdays”’; D. H. Munger’s “ The Wind<br /> before the Dawn”; W. D. Orcutt’s ‘“ The<br /> Moth”; Richard Washburn Child’s ‘‘ The<br /> Blue Wall”; and Holman Day’s ‘‘ The Red<br /> Lane.”<br /> <br /> The following stories are all from women’s<br /> pens, and have all met with a most favourable<br /> reception :—Mary Johnston’s *‘ Cease Firing ”’<br /> (in which General Lee is the chief hero); M. E.<br /> Wilkins Freeman’s “‘ The Yates Pride”; Mary<br /> Waller’s *“‘ A Cry in the Wilderness ” ; Caroline<br /> Lockhart’s ‘‘ The Lady Doc.’”’ ; Mary Austin’s<br /> “4 Woman of Genius’’?; Sarah Comstock’s<br /> “The Soddy”’; Florence Olmstead’s “ Mrs.<br /> Eli and Policy Ann’; Alice Hegan Rice’s<br /> ‘““A Romance of Billy-Goat Hill”; E. W.<br /> 126<br /> <br /> Peattie’s “* Azalea’ ; Caroline Abbot Stanley’s<br /> “The Master of ‘The Oaks’’’; Florence<br /> Morse Kingsley’s ** Miss Philura’s Wedding ”’ ;<br /> Elizabeth Kent’s “Who?” ; Edith Delano’s<br /> ‘“ Zebedee V.?; Maud Howard Peterson’s<br /> “The Sanctuary’; Adele Knight’s ‘‘ The<br /> Right to Reign”; Clara Louise Burnham’s<br /> “The Inner Flame’; L. M. Montgomery’s<br /> “Chronicles of Avonlea’; Mary Roberts<br /> Rinehart’s ‘‘ Where there’s a Will ’’; and the<br /> late Myrtle Reed’s ** The White Shield.”<br /> <br /> To come to the men: James Lane Allen has<br /> produced ** The Heroine in Bronze’; Richard<br /> Harding Davis, ‘“‘The Red Cross Girl”;<br /> F. Hopkinson Smith, “The Armchair at the<br /> Inn”; G. B. McCutcheon, ‘‘ The Hollow of<br /> Her Hand”; Harold MacGrath, ‘‘ The Place<br /> of Honeymoons”? ; L. J. Vance, “* The Destroy-<br /> ing Angel”; Robert W. Chambers, ‘“ The<br /> Streets of Ascalon”; George Randolph<br /> Chester, “The Jingo”’: Norman Duncan,<br /> “The Best of a Bad Job”: and Stewart<br /> Edward White, “ The Sign of Six ”—a new<br /> departure for him, being a detective novel.<br /> <br /> Two posthumous works are Jacques Fut-<br /> relle’s “My Lady’s Garter” and Vaughan<br /> Kester’s ‘*‘ The Fortunes of the Landrays.”<br /> <br /> Note must also be made of “* The Unknown<br /> Quantity,” by Henry Van Dyke; ‘‘ The Red<br /> Button,” by Will Irwin; “ The Closing Net,”’<br /> by H. C. Rowland; ‘ The Seer,” by P. M.<br /> Sheehan; ‘‘ The Secret of Lonesome Creek,”’<br /> by S. H. Adams; * Friar Tuck,” by R. A,<br /> Wason ; * The Net,’ by Rex Beach; “ Charge<br /> It,” by Irving Bacheller; ‘‘ The Soul of a<br /> Tenor,” by W. J. Henderson; ‘‘ The Woman<br /> of It,” by Mark Luther; and of three novels<br /> based upon successful plays—‘* Shenandoah,”<br /> by Henry Tyrrell; “The Return of Peter<br /> Grimm,” by David Belasco; and ‘“ The<br /> Woman,” by A. P. Terhune.<br /> <br /> Several interesting and important bio-<br /> graphies have seen the light within a com-<br /> paratively short space of time. There is<br /> “Mark Twain,” by Albert Bigelow Paine;<br /> there is ‘The Life of Andrew Jackson,” by<br /> Professor J. Spencer Bassett; and there is<br /> “A Memoir of George Palmer Putnam,” by his<br /> son, George Haven Putnam, the present head<br /> of the great publishing firm. Mr. Putnam is<br /> also responsible for a small autobiographical<br /> work, “* A Prisoner of War in Virginia, 1864—5.”’<br /> Civil War heroes’ lives and memoirs are<br /> numerous, perhaps the most notable being the<br /> *“* Autobiographical Sketch and Narrative of<br /> the War between the States,’ which General<br /> Jubal Early left behind him at his death; and<br /> J. W. du Bose’s “‘ General Joseph Wells and<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> the Army of the Tennessee.” The latest<br /> additions to the American Crisis Biographies<br /> are “ Ulysses S. Grant,” by F. S. Edmonds,<br /> and “ Robert Toombs,” by U. B. Phillips.<br /> H. S. Morris’s ‘“* William T. Richards” is the<br /> life of an American painter; and in ‘ Anson<br /> Burlingame and the First Chinese Mission to<br /> Foreign Powers’? Frederick Wells Williams<br /> pays a tribute to one of China’s earliest<br /> American friends. One of the latest of these,<br /> on the other hand, was Homer Lea, who has<br /> died since he brought out ‘‘ The Day of the<br /> Saxon,” but in the interval succeeded in making<br /> himself famous by his association with the<br /> Chinese revolutionists, in whose army he held<br /> the rank of general. Lea was a curious and<br /> versatile person, but his ‘‘ Day of the Saxon ”’<br /> is scarcely a serious contribution to historical<br /> study, nor has the American reading public<br /> been much disturbed by the author’s pro-<br /> phecies. ‘‘ The Chinese Revolution,” by A.<br /> Judson Brown, and ‘* Where Half the World is<br /> Waking Up,” by C. H. Roe, are both concerned<br /> with the new aspect of things in the Far East.<br /> And Judge J. H. Blount’s “The American<br /> Occupation of the Philippines,” as its title<br /> shows, deals with the changes wrought by the<br /> advent of a comparatively recent intruder into<br /> the same part of the world. W. R. Scott’s<br /> “The Americans in Panama” treats of the<br /> practical, and Joseph Pennell’s ‘“* Pictures of<br /> the Panama Canal” of the artistic, aspect of<br /> the latest move of the United States towards<br /> the ardently desired’ mastery of the Pacific<br /> Ocean.<br /> <br /> Other works which may be put under the<br /> heading of travel and description are: ‘‘ The<br /> Flowing Road,” by Caspar Whitney; “ In the<br /> Amazon Jungle,” by Algot Lange; and<br /> “Through South America,” by H. W. Van<br /> Dyke—all concerned with the southern part of<br /> the New World; J. W. Williams’s ‘*‘ The<br /> Guardians of the Columbia”? and ‘“ The&#039;<br /> Mountain that is God”; J. W. Underwood’s<br /> ‘* The New Alaska ”’; Charles Sheldon’s ** Wil-<br /> derness of the North Pacific Coast Islands ”’ ;<br /> and 8. A. Bonsal’s ‘‘ American Mediterranean ”<br /> —all dealing with the northern part. Further<br /> afield are Stewart Edward White’s ‘‘ The Land<br /> of Footprints’’ (Africa), and Dwight L.<br /> Elmendorf’s ‘‘ A Camera Crusade through the<br /> Holy Land.” ‘“ Wild Life and the Camera,”<br /> by A. R. Dugmore, is a nature book which has<br /> received much praise.<br /> <br /> Of historical works, Professor Edward Chan-<br /> ning’s long expected third volume, bringing<br /> down to 1789 his “‘ History of the United<br /> States,’ may be allowed to take first place.’<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> The third volume has also appeared of W. R.<br /> Livermore’s “ Story of the Civil War,” and the<br /> eighth of J. B. McMaster’s “ History of the<br /> People of the United States, from the Revo-<br /> lution to the Civil War.” KE. W. Morse’s<br /> *“ Causes and Effects in American History ” is<br /> small and compact in comparison with these<br /> big works. A special period is dealt with in<br /> ‘The Relations of Pennsylvania with the<br /> British Government, 1696-1765,” by Professor<br /> W. T. Root.<br /> <br /> Constitutional problems are the theme of<br /> ‘** Concentration and Control,” by C. R. Van<br /> Hise ; ‘‘ Majority Rule and the Judiciary,” by<br /> W.L. Ransom; ‘“ The Supreme Court and the<br /> Constitution,” by Professor C. A. Beard;<br /> “* Our Judicial Oligarchy,” by G. E. Roe ; and<br /> ‘The Betts-Roosevelt Letters,’ of which the<br /> writers are the ex-President and Mr. Betts,<br /> editor of the Lyons Republican.<br /> <br /> Three feminist books are ‘“ Woman and<br /> Social Progress,” by Scott and Nellie Nearing ;<br /> ‘“The Advance of Woman,” by Mrs. J. J.<br /> Christie ;_ and “‘ Making a Business Woman,”<br /> by Anne Shannon Monroe, who tells her story<br /> like a novel, but all the same is handling facts.<br /> <br /> Donald Lowrie’s *“‘ My Life in Prison ’’ adds<br /> another to the list of moving and earnest con-<br /> tributions to literature by those who have<br /> unfortunately learnt by bitter experience what<br /> prison means.<br /> <br /> Perhaps the most interesting volume of<br /> essays is Meredith Nicholson’s “ The Provincial<br /> American and Other Papers.”” The ‘‘ Collected<br /> Works ” of Ambrose Bierce have now reached<br /> their twelfth and last tome.<br /> <br /> “The Religious Life of Ancient Rome,” by<br /> J. B. Carter, Director of the American School<br /> of Classical Studies in Rome, and “ The Mean-<br /> ing of God in Human Experience,” by Professor<br /> W. E. Hocking, of Yale, may be picked out as<br /> specially noteworthy books on religious matters.<br /> <br /> I find left over at the end a pair of very<br /> incongruous works, which nevertheless both<br /> have their interest for many people. One is<br /> “ The Lover’s Baedeker and Guide to Arcady,”<br /> by Carolyn Wells, with illustrations by A. D.<br /> Blashfield, the Life artist; and the other<br /> ““ America’s National Game: The Story of<br /> Baseball,” by A. G. Spalding.<br /> <br /> The obituary, since the last appearance of<br /> these ‘‘ Notes,” includes the following names :<br /> On June 4, Mrs. Margaret Elizabeth Sangster,<br /> whose literary activities were divided between<br /> poetry, juvenile books, and journalism—the<br /> last notably in connection with Harper&#039;s<br /> Bazaar and the Ladies’ Home Journal. On<br /> June 16, Professor William Watson Goodwin,<br /> <br /> 127<br /> <br /> one of America’s most distinguished scholars<br /> and the possessor of very numerous foreign<br /> honours, including an Oxford D.C.L. On<br /> July 8, Henry Arden, author of five volumes on<br /> patent law, on which subject he was an expert<br /> unrivalled in his own country. On August 2,<br /> Dr. Samuel Morley Jackson, Professor of<br /> Church History in New York University, and<br /> writer of many religious works. _On August 7,<br /> Isaac Newton Ford, doyen of the staff of the<br /> New York Tribune, which he represented in<br /> London alone for seventeen years. On Novem-<br /> ber 1, Homer Lea, who has already been men-<br /> tioned above. On November 8, Dr. Henry<br /> Sylvester Nash, Professor of Literature and<br /> Interpretation of the New Testament at Cam-<br /> bridge, Mass. On November 10, J. A. Way-<br /> land, the Socialist author and founder of two<br /> periodicals, The Appeal to Reason and The<br /> Coming Nation; he died by his own hand.<br /> On November 12, Sophie Miriam Swett, who<br /> was a popular writer among children. On<br /> November 28, Dr. Edward Curtis, Professor<br /> Emeritus of Columbia, and author of various<br /> books on medical subjects.<br /> <br /> Pritip WALSH.<br /> <br /> -_—_— OOS<br /> <br /> “THE LITERARY YEAR-BOOK,<br /> ILLUSTRATORS’ DIRECTORY AND<br /> BOOKMAN’S GUIDE.” *<br /> <br /> a oo ed<br /> <br /> HE new volume of the “Literary Year-<br /> Book ”’ appears under new auspices, and<br /> with some considerable difference in the<br /> <br /> contents and in their arrangement; and we<br /> have much pleasure in saying that we are<br /> impressed by a very considerable improvement<br /> in the annual. Two omissions will be noticed,<br /> that of the index of authors (which does not<br /> appear to have been ever altogether satis-<br /> factory) and is very little to be regretted, as all<br /> the information that can be desired will be<br /> found in the very comprehensive ‘“‘ Authors’<br /> Directory.”’ The other omission is that of the<br /> index of Foreign publishers and Societies.<br /> Respecting this it is explained that the diffi-<br /> culties of obtaining information from abroad<br /> have led to the omission. No one who has had<br /> any dealings with continental correspondents<br /> can be ignorant of the proverbial nature of<br /> their dilatoriness ; and we find it easy to believe<br /> <br /> * “The Literary Year-Book, Illustrators’ Directory and<br /> Bookman’s Guide,” Vol. XVII., edited by Basil Stewart,<br /> London, John Ouseley, 1913.<br /> <br /> .<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 128 THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> what is said. We have, in the past, had occa-<br /> sion to comment upon the imperfect nature of<br /> the information respecting continental pub-<br /> lishers contained in the “Literary Year-<br /> Book,’’ and we opine that the omission made<br /> is a prudent one.<br /> <br /> A valuable addition is made in the shape of<br /> a Directory of Book and Magazine Illustrators<br /> an entirely new feature—and this, together<br /> with the directory of Authors, and a list of<br /> pen names and pseudonyms forms the first<br /> part of the new volume.<br /> <br /> The second part of the annual begins with<br /> articles on ‘“‘ Law and Letters.” of which we<br /> shall have more to say presently. These are<br /> followed by indexes of libraries and of perio-<br /> dicals (with notes likely to be valuable to<br /> contributors, who will also find very serviceable<br /> the additional classified index of periodicals).<br /> In the third part are collected information<br /> respecting the Nobel and the Prince de Polinac<br /> prizes, an Obituary, and information regarding<br /> societies and clubs. At the conclusion of this<br /> part we notice particularly pages devoted to<br /> the different kinds of ‘‘ type faces,”’ as well as<br /> the ordinary examples of the different founts.<br /> <br /> Part IV. contains trade and_ professional<br /> information, lists of literary agents, typing and<br /> press-cutting offices, booksellers, both town<br /> and country, printers, binders, photographers,<br /> British, Colonial and American publishers (of<br /> whom a classified index is also offered), and<br /> some other matters of minor importance,<br /> among which we would not overlook a table<br /> for calculating royalties.<br /> <br /> The calendar is relegated to the end of the<br /> volume. We must confess that this appears<br /> to us to be a singular arrangement, and by<br /> no means convenient. Nor do we see why the<br /> different parts of the work should have a<br /> separate pagination. For reference that is<br /> distinctly inconvenient.<br /> <br /> The new enactments respecting copyright<br /> which have come into force in the course of the<br /> last year will naturally draw particular atten-<br /> tion to the pages on legal matters with which<br /> the second part of the annual begins. The<br /> terms of the new legislation appear to us to be<br /> here well epitomised, and, so far as they go, we<br /> are far from wishing to dispute the value of<br /> this part of the work. All epitomisation of law<br /> must, at the same time, be inadequate, and how-<br /> soever well done be liable to mislead ; so that,<br /> whilst we have pleasure in praising the editors’<br /> labours here, we cannot sufficiently insist upon<br /> warning authors against proceeding, on the<br /> strength of what is here put before them, to be<br /> their own lawyers without taking professional<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> advice. Exactly the same remarks will apply<br /> to the pages (Part IL., pp. 25 ff.) dealing with<br /> agreements between authors and agents, or<br /> authors and publishers. Amongst other parti-<br /> culars in this part of the annual we note, as<br /> deserving of attention, “the clause which<br /> entitles the agent to collect and receive all<br /> monies due under the terms of the agreement,<br /> and acknowledges the agent’s receipt as<br /> a good and valid discharge, should be signed<br /> only with the utmost caution ” (p. 28). “ It<br /> is better that [publishers’| accounts should be<br /> rendered semi-annually than on the thirtieth<br /> of June” (p. 32). “It is difficult to state<br /> precisely what degree of similarity constitutes<br /> an infringement by one book of the copyright<br /> of another. If author and publisher have<br /> reason to mistrust each other, the points of<br /> likeness covered by the prohibition should be<br /> expressly specified’ (p. 33). These are all<br /> excellent pieces of advice.<br /> <br /> We find ‘“‘ The Authors’ Year-Book for<br /> 1913’ considerably superior to its prede-<br /> cessors, and feel no hesitation about asserting<br /> that authors will find the annual more service-<br /> able to them than it has been in times past.<br /> <br /> ee es<br /> <br /> WHO’S WHO, 1913.*<br /> <br /> — a<br /> <br /> 2 7 * have received the annual volume of<br /> ) ** Who’s Who ” for 1918, and find that<br /> it contains 2,226 pages. The character<br /> of the publication is so well known that there<br /> is no occasion to dwell upon it here. At the<br /> same time so much is contained under the<br /> volume’s unpretending title that its real<br /> character is very easily overlooked. ‘* Who’s<br /> Who ” is in reality a biographical encyclopxdia<br /> of living celebrities, and one with whose<br /> information very few biographical dictionaries<br /> ean compare. It is hardly too much to say<br /> that no name of note is omitted. The real test<br /> of the value of a biographical dictionary is to<br /> observe whether in the case of any name that<br /> may be looked up such information as was<br /> desired is to be found. We have applied this<br /> test to the volume for 1913 with excellent<br /> results. Authors should notice that the<br /> literary part of the work leaves nothing to be<br /> desired; and that they will find not only<br /> biographical but also bibliographical informa-<br /> tion presenting most convenient lists of all the<br /> important works of English living authors.<br /> <br /> * “Who&#039;s Who, 1913.” Sixty-fifth year of issue.<br /> A. and,C. Black, London., The Author
525 Author, Vol. 23 Issue 05 (February 1913)<a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=49&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=%3Cem%3EThe+Author%3C%2Fem%3E%2C+Vol.+23+Issue+05+%28February+1913%29"><em>The Author</em>, Vol. 23 Issue 05 (February 1913)</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=51&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=Publication">Publication</a>1913-02-01-The-Author-23-5129–156<a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=89&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=23">23</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=76&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=1913-02-01">1913-02-01</a>519130201The Huthor.<br /> <br /> (The Organ of the Incorporated Society of Authors. Monthly.)<br /> <br /> FOUNDED BY SIR WALTER BESANT.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> VoL. XXTII.—No. 5.<br /> <br /> Feprvuary 1, 1913.<br /> <br /> [PRICE SIXPENCE.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> TELEPHONE NUMBER:<br /> 374 VICTORIA.<br /> <br /> TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS:<br /> AUTORIDAD, LONDON.<br /> <br /> ees<br /> <br /> NOTICES.<br /> <br /> ee<br /> <br /> ee the opinions expressed in papers that<br /> are signed or initialled the authors alone<br /> are responsible. None of the papers or<br /> paragraphs must be taken as expressing the<br /> opinion of the Committee unless such is<br /> especially stated to be the case.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Tue Editor begs to inform members of the<br /> Authors’ Society and other readers of The<br /> Author that the cases which are quoted in The<br /> Author are cases that have come before the<br /> notice or to the knowledge of the Secretary of<br /> the Society, and that those members of the<br /> Society who desire to have the names of the<br /> publishers concerned can obtain them on<br /> application.<br /> <br /> ARTICLES AND CONTRIBUTIONS.<br /> <br /> Tue Editor of The Author begs to remind<br /> members of the Society that, although the<br /> paper is sent to them free of cost, its production<br /> would be a very heavy charge on the resources<br /> of the Society if a great many members did not<br /> forward to the Secretary the modest 5s. 6d.<br /> subscription for the year.<br /> <br /> Communications for The Author should be<br /> addressed to the offices of the Society, 39, Old<br /> Queen Street, Storey’s Gate, S.W., and should<br /> reach the Editor not later than the 21st of each<br /> month.<br /> <br /> Communications and letters are invited by<br /> the Editor on all literary matters treated from<br /> <br /> Vou. XXIII,<br /> <br /> the standpoint of art or business, but on no<br /> other subjects whatever. Every effort will be<br /> made to return articles which cannot be<br /> accepted.<br /> <br /> ADVERTISEMENTS.<br /> <br /> As there seems to be an impression among<br /> readers of The Author that the Committee are<br /> personally responsible for the bona fides of the<br /> advertisers, the Committee desire it to be stated<br /> that this is not, and could not possibly be, the<br /> case. Although care is exercised that no<br /> undesirable advertisements be inserted, they<br /> do not accept, and never have accepted, any<br /> liability.<br /> <br /> Members should apply to the Secretary for<br /> advice if special information is desired.<br /> <br /> ee<br /> <br /> THE SOCIETY’S FUNDS.<br /> <br /> —-——&lt;— + —<br /> <br /> ROM time to time members of the Society<br /> K desire to make donations to its funds in<br /> recognition of work that has been done<br /> for them. The Committee, acting on the<br /> suggestion of one of these members, have<br /> decided to place this permanent paragraph in<br /> The Author in order that members may be<br /> cognisant of those funds to which these con-<br /> tributions may be paid.<br /> <br /> The funds suitable for this purpose are:<br /> (1) The Capital Fund. This fund is kept in<br /> reserve in case it is necessary for the Society to<br /> incur heavy expenditure, either in fighting a<br /> question of principle, or in assisting to obtain<br /> copyright reform, or in dealing with any other<br /> matter closely connected with the work of the<br /> Society.<br /> <br /> (2) The Pension Fund. This fund is slowly<br /> increasing, and it is hoped will, in time, cover<br /> the needs of all the members of the Society.<br /> 180<br /> THE PENSION FUND.<br /> <br /> —-—+—<br /> <br /> N January, 1912, the secretary of the Society<br /> I laid before the trustees of the Pension Fund<br /> the accounts for the year 1911, as settled<br /> by the accountants, with a full statement of<br /> the result of the appeal made on behalf of<br /> the fund. After giving the matter full con-<br /> sideration, the trustees instructed the secretary<br /> to invest the sum of £500 in the purchase of<br /> Antofagasta and Bolivian Railway 5% Pre-<br /> ferred Ordinary Stock and Central Argentine<br /> Railway Ordinary Stock. The amounts pur-<br /> chased at the current prices were £287 in the<br /> former and £282 in the latter stock.<br /> <br /> The trustees desire to thank the members of<br /> the Society for the generous support which they<br /> have given to the Pension Fund. The money<br /> now invested amounts to £4,454 6s.<br /> <br /> Later in the year, at a meeting of the Com-<br /> mittee of Management, a question concerning<br /> the funds of the Society was brought up for dis-<br /> cussion, and it was suggested that it would be<br /> a good thing for the Pension Fund trustees, if<br /> they had power, to sell out the Fund&#039;s holding of<br /> Consols and to invest in some more satisfactory<br /> security. The suggestion was placed before the<br /> trustees of the Pension Fund, and a meeting<br /> was called, when the chairman of the Committee<br /> of Management, the trustees, and Mr. Aylmer<br /> Maude, the member of the Committee of<br /> Management who had made the suggestion,<br /> were present. The figures were very closely<br /> considered, and it appeared clear that altera-<br /> tions in the investment of the funds could be<br /> carried out with advantage to the Fund’s<br /> income. It was decided by the trustees, with<br /> the approval of the Committee of Management,<br /> to sell out the holding of Consols. With the<br /> amount realised, were purchased—<br /> <br /> $2,000 (£400) Consolidated Gas and Elec-<br /> tric Company of Baltimore 44% Gold<br /> Bonds ;<br /> <br /> 30 Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway<br /> 4°/, Extension Shares, 1914 (£8 paid) ;<br /> £250 Edward Lloyd, Ltd., £1 5% Prefer-<br /> <br /> ence Shares.<br /> <br /> These amounts are fully set out and added<br /> in the nominal value to the Pension Fund<br /> investments, below.<br /> <br /> The trustees have also, in view of the option<br /> extended to them as holders of £282 Central<br /> Argentine Railway Ordinary Stock, subscribed<br /> for 8 Central Argentine Railway £10 Preference<br /> Shares, New Issue.<br /> <br /> The nominal value of the investments held<br /> on behalf of the Pension Fund now amounts<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> to £4,454 6s., details of which are fully set out<br /> in the following schedule :—<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Nominal Value.<br /> <br /> £ 8. @<br /> <br /> Local Loans ......-+++-++++0s 500 0 0<br /> Victoria Government 3% Consoli-<br /> <br /> dated Inscribed Stock ......-. 291 19 11<br /> London and North-Western 3%<br /> <br /> Debenture Stock ............ 250 0 0<br /> Egyptian Government Irrigation<br /> <br /> Trust 4% Certificates ........ 200 0 0<br /> Cape of Good Hope 84% Inscribed<br /> <br /> Stock 2.2... .02- snes cue: -.. 200 0 0<br /> Glasgow and South-Western Rail-<br /> <br /> way 4% Preference Stock .... 228 0 0<br /> New Zealand 84% Stock........ 247 9 6<br /> Irish Land 23% Guaranteed Stock 258 0 0<br /> Corporation of London 23%<br /> <br /> Stock, 1927—57.......-+e0+. 438 2 4<br /> Jamaica 84% Stock, 1919-49 182 18 6<br /> Mauritius 4% 1987 Stock ...... 120 12 1<br /> Dominion of Canada, C.P.R. 84%<br /> <br /> Land Grant Stock, 1938 ...... 198 3 8<br /> Antofagasta and Bolivian Railway<br /> <br /> 5% Preferred Stock .......... 237 0 0<br /> Central Argentine Railway Or-<br /> <br /> dinary Stock ...........++6-. 232 0<br /> $2,000 Consolidated Gas and<br /> <br /> Electric Company of Baltimore<br /> <br /> 44% Gold Bonds ............ 400 0 0<br /> 250 Edward Lloyd, Ltd., £1 5%<br /> <br /> Preference Shares .........- 250 0 0<br /> 30 Buenos Ayres Great Southern<br /> <br /> Railway 4% Extension Shares,<br /> <br /> 1914 (08 paid) ...--.. 45.5. 240 0 0<br /> 8 Central Argentine Railway £10<br /> <br /> Preference Shares, New Issue.. 30 0 0<br /> <br /> Total<br /> <br /> ee yee ves £4,454 6 0<br /> <br /> ———__+—&gt;—_e___—_-<br /> <br /> PENSION FUND.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Tue list printed below includes all fresh dona-<br /> tions and subscriptions (i.e, donations and<br /> subscriptions not hitherto acknowledged)<br /> received by, or promised to, the fund from<br /> October 1, 1912.<br /> <br /> It does not include either donations given<br /> prior to October 1, nor does it include sub-<br /> scriptions paid in compliance with promises<br /> made before it.<br /> <br /> Subscriptions.<br /> 1912. fs<br /> Oct. 2, Todhunter, Dr. John. _ Ao<br /> Oct. 10, Escott, T.H.S. . ~» @.5<br /> <br /> x<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ae<br /> <br /> ‘tinea<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Oct.<br /> Oct.<br /> Oct.<br /> Oct.<br /> Oct.<br /> Oct.<br /> Oct.<br /> Oct.<br /> Oct.<br /> Nov.<br /> Nov.<br /> Dec.<br /> Dec.<br /> Dec.<br /> Dec.<br /> Dec.<br /> Dec.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> 10, Knowles, Miss M. W. :<br /> 11, Buckley, Reginald . ‘<br /> 12, Walshe, Douglas :<br /> 12, ‘‘ Penmark”’ . ;<br /> <br /> 15, Sinclair Miss Edith .<br /> <br /> 16, Markino, Yoshio. :<br /> 20, Fiamingo, Carlo’.<br /> <br /> 29, Henley, Mrs. W. E.<br /> <br /> 8, Jane, L. Cecil .<br /> <br /> 14, Gibb, W.<br /> <br /> 4, De Brath, S. . :<br /> <br /> 4, Sephton, The Rev. J.<br /> <br /> 4, Cooper, Miss Marjorie<br /> <br /> 7, MacRitchie, David<br /> <br /> 11, Fagan, James B.<br /> <br /> 27, Dawson Forbes<br /> <br /> 1913.<br /> <br /> Jan.<br /> <br /> Jan.<br /> <br /> 1912.<br /> <br /> Oct.<br /> Oct.<br /> Oct.<br /> <br /> Oct.<br /> Oct.<br /> Nov.<br /> Nov.<br /> Dec.<br /> Dec.<br /> Dec.<br /> Dec.<br /> Dec.<br /> Dec.<br /> Dec.<br /> Dec.<br /> Dec.<br /> Dec.<br /> <br /> 3, Toynbee, William (In addi-<br /> tion to his present sub-<br /> scription). .<br /> <br /> 9, Gibson, Frank .<br /> <br /> Donations.<br /> <br /> 2, Stuart, James . :<br /> <br /> 14, Dibblee, G. Binney . :<br /> <br /> 14, Michell, The Right Hon.<br /> Sir Lewis, C.V.O.<br /> <br /> 17, Ord, H.W. . :<br /> <br /> 20, Yorke-Smith, Mrs. .<br /> <br /> 10, Hood, Francis . i<br /> <br /> 20, Kennard, Mrs. N. H.<br /> <br /> 4, McEwan, Miss M. S.<br /> <br /> 4, Kennedy, E. B.<br /> <br /> 11, Begarnie, George<br /> <br /> 11, Tanner, James T.<br /> <br /> 11, Toplis, Miss Grace . :<br /> <br /> 14, Watson, Mrs. Herbert A..<br /> <br /> 14, French, Mrs. Warner .<br /> <br /> 17, Smith, Miss Sheila Kaye .<br /> <br /> 17, Marras, Mowbray<br /> <br /> 27, Edwards, Percy J. .<br /> <br /> 1913.<br /> <br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> <br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> <br /> 1, Risque, W. H. :<br /> <br /> 1, Rankin, Mrs. F. M. .<br /> <br /> 2, Short, Miss L. M.<br /> <br /> 2, Mackenzie, Miss J.<br /> <br /> 2, Webling, Miss Peggy<br /> <br /> 8, Harris, Mrs. EK. H. .<br /> <br /> 8, Church, Sir Arthur,<br /> K.C.V.O., ete.<br /> <br /> 4, Douglas, James A.<br /> <br /> 4, Grant, Lady Sybil<br /> <br /> 6, Haultain, Arnold<br /> <br /> 6, Beveridge, Mrs.<br /> <br /> 6, Clark, The Rev. Henry Ww.<br /> <br /> Crocco oorHoHoCoSoOooo<br /> <br /> a)<br /> <br /> So =<br /> <br /> coooce Smroocooowooourooon<br /> <br /> SCOoOrmNWwWH<br /> <br /> _<br /> Oman”<br /> <br /> et<br /> Ooo<br /> <br /> _<br /> SS OS Or Or Or Or Or<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> OUR OO OF OT CLO O SO OUR<br /> <br /> font<br /> <br /> Sr Or Ot St OL ©<br /> <br /> aay oe<br /> <br /> anocoococoocococoancoooo®<br /> <br /> oo<br /> <br /> ao<br /> <br /> coococo ocoooceoco escococooocoeoooooansg<br /> <br /> 131<br /> <br /> 6, Ralli, C. Searamanga.<br /> 6, Lathbury, Miss Eva .<br /> 6, Pryce, Richard<br /> <br /> 7, Gibson Miss L. S.<br /> <br /> 10, K. : :<br /> <br /> 10, Ford Miss May :<br /> 12, Greenstreet, W. J. .<br /> 14, Anon. ; :<br /> 15, Maude Aylmer :<br /> 16, Price, Miss Eleanor<br /> 17, Blouet, Madame<br /> <br /> 20, P. H. and M. K.<br /> <br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> <br /> oo 2<br /> <br /> _<br /> <br /> _<br /> Pe Oe OCororS Oe<br /> <br /> he OmMOCOCCOoORS wth<br /> Scocococoooeo=<br /> <br /> ee ee ee<br /> <br /> COMMITTEE NOTES.<br /> <br /> oo<br /> <br /> HE first meeting of the year was held at<br /> <br /> the committee room, 18, Queen Anne’s<br /> <br /> Gate, S.W., on January 6. There was<br /> <br /> a very full list of agenda before the committee.<br /> <br /> After the minutes of the last meeting had been<br /> <br /> read and signed thirty-four applications for<br /> <br /> membership and associateship of the Society<br /> <br /> were received. The applicants were elected,<br /> <br /> and the list appears on another page. The<br /> <br /> question of the resignations, owing to pressure<br /> <br /> of business, was adjourned to the February<br /> meeting.<br /> <br /> The solicitor then reported the cases he had<br /> dealt with during the preceding month. He<br /> mentioned two cases against a travelling<br /> performer. In the first case the amount of the<br /> debt and costs had been paid, as soon as the<br /> defendant had been served with a summons<br /> for examination as to his means. In the<br /> second the summons had not yet been<br /> issued. The next case was a claim against an<br /> American Syndicate with offices in London.<br /> The solicitor reported that he had been unable<br /> to get any satisfactory answer, although, at<br /> the request of the defendants, they were given<br /> time to enable them to get a reply from the<br /> United States. The solicitor advised that<br /> action should be taken in the United States, and<br /> the committee adopted this advice, subject to<br /> the author’s willingness to proceed. An action<br /> against a daily paper had been settled, the<br /> author taking a certain sum by way of com-<br /> promise. The solicitors and the secretary were<br /> pleased to report the receipt of an apology from<br /> a company in respect of a threat made to a<br /> member of the Society to take no more of his<br /> literary work if he persisted in claiming what<br /> was due to him under a contract with a<br /> newspaper. Three cases were then reported<br /> 132<br /> <br /> against a publisher. The first case the solicitor<br /> stated, with regret, had been won In the<br /> county court by the publisher; he did not<br /> consider, as the amount in question was very<br /> small, and no question of principle was con-<br /> cerned, that it would be worth the Society’s<br /> while to appeal. The other two cases were<br /> demands for money and account. In one of<br /> these the accounts had been delivered but,<br /> owing to a mistake, required adjustment, and<br /> after a report on the other, the committee<br /> authorised the solicitor to proceed, failing<br /> a satisfactory answer from the publisher. In<br /> a claim for dramatic royalties the solicitor<br /> reported he had failed to obtain any answer<br /> to his requests, and the committee authorised<br /> action in the courts. In another case against<br /> a paper, the proprietor had been examined<br /> as to the assets of his company. These<br /> proved to be worthless, and, in consequence,<br /> the judgment obtained would be abortive.<br /> In another case the solicitor explained<br /> the action he had taken to give effect to a<br /> judgment, but no satisfaction had, so far,<br /> been obtained, as the defendant had no<br /> address, no office, no regular occupation and<br /> no assets on which execution could be levied.<br /> A case of libel arising out of a book review was<br /> next considered, and the solicitor gave a<br /> detailed explanation of the legal aspect of the<br /> ease as laid before him. The committee<br /> regretted they could not take action, as such<br /> action appeared to be outside the powers of<br /> the Society, and the secretary was instructed to<br /> write to the member accordingly, with a full<br /> report of the case with which the solicitor was<br /> instructed to furnish him. In two bank-<br /> ruptcy cases the action that had been taken<br /> during the past month was laid before the<br /> committee.<br /> <br /> The secretary then brought before the com-<br /> mittee a case of dispute on a printing account.<br /> The committee did not see their way, from the<br /> evidence before them, to take up the matter,<br /> but suggested a course of action, and stated<br /> that they would be ready to reconsider the<br /> matter later if desired. In a case against a<br /> German manager who had threatened piracy<br /> of a work by an English dramatist, a member<br /> of the Society, the committee decided to take<br /> action and instructed the secretary to proceed.<br /> In another case, which originally had been<br /> before the Society some time during the<br /> beginning of last year, it was decided to take<br /> action, as the negotiations had failed to produce<br /> any satisfactory result. The case was an<br /> infringement of dramatic rights in India, and<br /> involved the payment of a large sum as<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> security for costs. This amount the committee<br /> decided to pay. A claim for breach of con-<br /> tract by a publisher, which had been resisted<br /> by the publisher in an offensive letter to the<br /> author, was considered, and it was decided<br /> to take immediate action. Finally, it was<br /> decided that counsel’s opinion should be taken<br /> on a dispute in regard to a question of cinema-<br /> tograph production.<br /> <br /> Certain questions associated with the Collec-<br /> tion Bureau were next considered. It was<br /> decided to make a charge of 2s. 6d. for each<br /> half-yearly collection of accounts in those cases<br /> where the commission charged did not come<br /> to the minimum thus fixed. The secretary<br /> was instructed to report to the next meeting<br /> how many members had already placed their<br /> matters in the hands of the Bureau.<br /> <br /> A question then arose concerning Canadian<br /> copyright, and the secretary read two letters<br /> that he had received—one from an American<br /> correspondent and one from the Premier’s —<br /> office in Ottawa. It was decided by the —<br /> committee to write an official letter to the<br /> Minister of Justice and to the Minister of —<br /> Agriculture, putting one or two further points<br /> before them, and the secretary was instructed<br /> to draft such a letter for the consideration of<br /> the chairman.<br /> <br /> Recommendations from the Dramatic Sub-<br /> Committee were then laid before the committee.<br /> <br /> In one case it was decided to take immediate<br /> <br /> action for piracy in Winnipeg, as the committee<br /> had been informed that piracy was frequent<br /> and flagrant throughout the Dominion, and<br /> it was felt that it should be stopped. The<br /> second recommendation of the Dramatic Sub-<br /> Committee referred to another case which had<br /> been settled since the recommendation had<br /> been made. The third recommendation was<br /> to accept the courteous offer of the Society of<br /> American Dramatists and Composers to grant<br /> reciprocal aid in matters relating to the<br /> interests of dramatists. This recommendation<br /> the committee gladly confirmed, and instructed<br /> the secretary to communicate with the<br /> American society accordingly.<br /> <br /> It was decided to send out the Annual<br /> Report to all the committee at the earliest<br /> possible moment, and the date of the General<br /> Meeting was fixed, provisionally for Thursday,<br /> April 8. Formal notice of the meeting, with<br /> the Report, will be sent round in due course.<br /> <br /> A letter from the Society’s agent in Holland<br /> was read, and the secretary was instructed to<br /> reply to it and to communicate the committee&#039;s<br /> decision in regard to certain privileges asked by<br /> the agent.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> &quot;The ‘costs of the Americaii lawyers for the<br /> - year were also considered, and the secretary<br /> » was instrudted to reply to the courteous letter<br /> «| from the lawyers in which they had offered to<br /> “reconsider their charges.<br /> <br /> An important point had been raised in<br /> = eammittee at the last meeting touching the<br /> ‘&gt; question of payment by editors on acceptance.<br /> * A draft letter to editors asking for their opinion<br /> ‘= and suggesting some arrangement was settled,<br /> is and the secretary was instructed to send out<br /> 02 some twenty or thirty copies to the editors of<br /> 9 certain magazines and periodicals. He was<br /> at instructed to report the result to the next<br /> “1 meeting.<br /> <br /> The chairman reported the action he had<br /> ‘si taken about new offices for the society, and the<br /> joe settlement of this matter was left entirely in<br /> it, Jhis hands.<br /> ; A letter from Mr. Frederic Harrison, with-<br /> a&gt; drawing his resignation, was read to the<br /> ‘02 committee, who instructed the secretary to<br /> «02 convey their thanks to Mr. Harrison.<br /> : The following donations to the Capital Fund<br /> to of the Society were chronicled, and a vote of<br /> 11 thanks to the donors passed.<br /> &amp; &amp;:<br /> <br /> Miss Cicely Hamilton 5<br /> ‘Thomas Common . el<br /> Philip E. Hubbard . 1<br /> Mrs. T. P. O’Connor. 1<br /> <br /> —_—<br /> <br /> a bh<br /> coooe<br /> <br /> Dramatic SuB-CoMMITTEE.<br /> <br /> * THE January meeting of the Dramatic Sub-<br /> ¥03 Committee was held at the committee rooms of<br /> «1 the Society of Authors, 18, Queen Anne’s Gate,<br /> «= S.W., on Friday, January 17. Various impor-<br /> “s tant matters were considered, the first subject<br /> &quot;&gt; for discussion being the question of cinemato-<br /> ** graph fees. Mr. Raleigh apologised for not<br /> (5 being able to place his report before the sub-<br /> 6. committee, but explained that the subject was<br /> © one of larger extent than he at first thought,<br /> ‘and involved many difficult issues; that he<br /> © had gathered a great deal of information and<br /> <br /> yumi time for the next meeting. He trusted, how-<br /> 7 ever, that the committee would not hurry him,<br /> as it would be better to get an exhaustive<br /> report on the fullest information than to<br /> produce an unsatisfactory document. He<br /> explained, however, a great many of the points<br /> to the sub-committee which needed to be<br /> considered.<br /> <br /> -The legal questions then came up for<br /> discussion.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> $<br /> 133<br /> <br /> Mr. Raleigh explained that he had settled<br /> the dispute about the title of one of his pieces,<br /> and that the Society had taken up another<br /> case on his behalf, a dispute with a German<br /> manager who had threatened to infringe his<br /> rights. The secretary also reported that the<br /> case referred to the Committee of Management<br /> dealing with copyright infringement in Canada<br /> had been taken up. The committee had<br /> determined to carry it through as quickly as<br /> possible.<br /> <br /> The question of foreign dramatic agents was<br /> next brought forward, and the secretary read<br /> letters he had received from three of these<br /> agents. The terms for the collection of fees<br /> in foreign countries were very carefully con-<br /> sidered, and the secretary was instructed to<br /> write to the proposed agents, laying before<br /> them details as to figures and other matters.<br /> When the figures are finally settled full<br /> particulars will be printed in The Author.<br /> <br /> The action of the Society of West End<br /> Managers in the matter of the Managerial<br /> Treaty was again discussed, and it was<br /> decided that, at the next meeting of the<br /> committee, a date should be fixed for the con-<br /> ference of dramatists and the agenda to be<br /> brought before that Conference. It was<br /> decided, also, to refer to the next meeting the<br /> discussion of a circular to be issued on behalf<br /> of the Collection Bureau, and the consideration<br /> of the dramatic pamphlet was adjourned.<br /> <br /> ComroseErs’ SuB-COMMITTEE.<br /> <br /> Tue Composers’ Sub-Committee of the<br /> Society of Authors, held its first meeting for<br /> 1913 at the committee rooms, 18, Queen<br /> Anne’s Gate, S.W.<br /> <br /> After the minutes had been read and signed<br /> the sub-committee went carefully through<br /> Messrs. Curwen’s agreement, clause by clause,<br /> and the secretary was instructed to write a<br /> letter to Messrs. Curwen pointing out the<br /> emendations and corrections necessary before<br /> the agreement could meet with the approval<br /> of the sub-committee. It is hoped to carry<br /> this matter through in the course of the next<br /> few meetings.<br /> <br /> The secretary reported that no answer had<br /> been received to his letter to the Board of<br /> Trade, and he was instructed to write to the<br /> President again on the matter. Failing a<br /> satisfactory reply it was suggested that the<br /> points raised should be laid before counsel, and<br /> <br /> “L<br /> <br /> <br /> 134<br /> <br /> the question was referred to the Committee<br /> of Management for that purpose.<br /> <br /> The sub-committee next dealt with the<br /> question of performing rights and the rights of<br /> reproduction on mechanical instruments, the<br /> committee were determined to carry the issues<br /> further, although it had been found impossible<br /> to get any satisfactory reply from the Music<br /> Publishers’ Association in regard to performing<br /> rights. The secretary was instructed to draft<br /> a letter dealing with both points as arising<br /> under the new Copyright Act, and to refer the<br /> letter, when approved by the chairman, to the<br /> Committee of Management, as the sub-<br /> committee desired that the circular should be<br /> sent out as from the Committee of Manage-<br /> ment to all composers, whether members of the<br /> Society or not, in the hope that by a closer<br /> combination it would be possible to obtain a<br /> satisfactory return for rights which, at the<br /> present time, were being so grossly squandered.<br /> <br /> The constitution of the sub-committee was<br /> also discussed, and one or two fresh names<br /> put forward. These names will be submitted<br /> to the Committee of Management, on the<br /> re-election of the sub-committee, if the consent<br /> of the owners can be obtained.<br /> <br /> ——— +<br /> <br /> Cases.<br /> <br /> Durine the month of January the secretary<br /> has dealt with fifteen new cases. Three of the<br /> matters in dispute were questions dealing with<br /> the legal interpretation of agreements. One of<br /> them has been settled, the other two are still<br /> open. These disputes, as there is usually much<br /> correspondence, take rather a long time to<br /> settle. One dispute, however, as a typical<br /> example, is of interest. It refers to delay<br /> in publication. In many publishing agree-<br /> ments there is no special date fixed for pub-<br /> lication, and in mayy others where the date is<br /> fixed, time is not made “ of the essence of the<br /> contract; ’’ in consequence publishers don’t<br /> hesitate to delay publication for their own<br /> convenience, when such delay is often a matter<br /> of serious importance to the author. For<br /> instance, if a sum of money is to be paid on<br /> the day of publication, it is to the advantage<br /> of the publisher to postpone the date,<br /> and this he sometimes successfully accom-<br /> plishes. In some instances the publisher is<br /> unable to get the printer to go on with the<br /> work, perhaps owing to some unpaid account,<br /> in that case the delay is very serious to the<br /> author; but the real difficulty to the author<br /> arises when it becomes necessary to take action,<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> because, although delay is serious, it is very<br /> difficult for the author to prove actual<br /> damage, as the damage is much oftener “ moral<br /> and intellectual” than financial. If, there-<br /> fore, it is of vital importance that the<br /> book should be brought out at a fixed date,<br /> the author should not merely in his agreement<br /> name the date, but should insist upon the<br /> words “time to be of the essence of the con-<br /> tract ’? being inserted.<br /> <br /> There have been five cases for the return of<br /> MSS., and in two cases the MSS. have been<br /> returned and forwarded to the author. The<br /> three other cases have only recently come to<br /> hand. A point has arisen in one of these<br /> which is of general interest to authors, There<br /> is a habit among editors of delaying the return<br /> of the MSS., and that although their attention is<br /> especially called to the fact that the MSS. are of<br /> ephemeral interest. These cases are very hard<br /> on authors, and even though the author has<br /> made special reference to the fact it not<br /> infrequently occurs that the editor takes no<br /> notice, and the author in consequence, sup-<br /> posing his MSS. are rejected by one magazine,<br /> loses the chance of placing them elsewhere. In<br /> most of these cases he is without a remedy.<br /> <br /> One ease has arisen of a dispute with an<br /> agent in the United States of America. This<br /> naturally has not been settled in the month,<br /> but it is in the hands of the United States<br /> lawyers.<br /> <br /> Four cases have come to hand where money<br /> due has been withheld from the authors, one<br /> of these has been settled, and of the three that<br /> are left, two are in the course of satisfactory<br /> negotiation, and the third has only recently<br /> come to hand. It is possible that, failing<br /> settlement, they may have to be placed in<br /> the hands of the Society’s solicitors.<br /> <br /> The secretary is dealing with one case of<br /> literary libel. He has written on behalf of<br /> the author to the other party, but as he has<br /> received no reply, it is to be hoped that no<br /> further steps will be necessary.<br /> <br /> One question of accounts has only recently<br /> come to hand.<br /> <br /> Most of the cases dealt with in the last month<br /> have been satisfactorily closed; those that<br /> still remain open are either disputes on agree-<br /> ments, which, as already stated, need a certain<br /> amount of diplomatic correspondence, or<br /> foreign cases. Two matters, however, have<br /> been placed in the hands of our solicitors, to<br /> carry through the courts if necessary.<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Elections.<br /> <br /> Alston, Evelyn<br /> <br /> Armstrong, Martin D. .<br /> <br /> Arup, Paul S.<br /> <br /> Blaikley, Miss Editha L.<br /> <br /> Carter, Winifred (Mrs.<br /> <br /> John L. Carter)<br /> Clouston, J. Storer<br /> <br /> as<br /> <br /> Drew, Sara, Miss.<br /> Dudley, Maudsleigh<br /> Faydon, Miss Nita<br /> Firth, Miss M. Violet<br /> <br /> Ford, May .<br /> Gibson, Frank<br /> <br /> Gretton, R. H. .<br /> Hayden, Arthur .<br /> <br /> Huntley, G. P.<br /> <br /> India Society, The<br /> <br /> Macdonell, Miss Amice.<br /> <br /> Miles, Alfred Henry<br /> Pugh, H. Cooper .<br /> <br /> Purnell, Leslie T.<br /> Raffalovich,<br /> <br /> (Bedwin Sands)<br /> Scheffauer, Herman<br /> <br /> Smith, Lady Sybil<br /> <br /> ~Strangways, A. H. Fox.<br /> <br /> “Taylor, Colin.<br /> <br /> George<br /> <br /> 10, Cornwall Man-<br /> sions, Chelsea,<br /> S.W.<br /> <br /> Brisco Hill, Carlisle.<br /> <br /> 24, Osterley Park<br /> Road, Southall,<br /> Middlesex.<br /> <br /> Ardwell, Nether<br /> Street, Finchley,<br /> <br /> 9, Crimicar Lane,<br /> Fulwood, Sheffield.<br /> <br /> 24, Clifton Hill, St.<br /> John’s Wood,<br /> N.W.<br /> <br /> 22, Wynstay<br /> dens, W.<br /> 78, Regent’s Park<br /> <br /> Road, N.W.<br /> <br /> 7, Ridgmount Gar-<br /> dens, W.C.<br /> <br /> Orchard Cottage,<br /> Dormans Park,<br /> Surrey.<br /> <br /> 314, Romford Road,<br /> Forest Gate.<br /> <br /> 8, Chester Terrace,<br /> Regent’s Park,<br /> N.W.<br /> <br /> Burford, Oxfordshire<br /> <br /> 11, St. Alban’s Villas<br /> Highgate Road,<br /> N.W.<br /> <br /> “ Highcroft,” Why-<br /> down, Bexhill-on-<br /> Sea.<br /> <br /> 3, Hertford Street,<br /> Mayfair.<br /> <br /> 31, Kensington Park<br /> Gardens, W.<br /> <br /> 49, St. Fillan’s Road,<br /> Catford, S.E.<br /> <br /> clo Messrs. Gold,<br /> Edwards &amp; Sons,<br /> Solicitors,<br /> Denbigh.<br /> <br /> 43, Colville Terrace,<br /> Bayswater, W.<br /> 22, Church Road,<br /> <br /> Barnes.<br /> <br /> Bank Point, Jack-<br /> son’s Lane, High-<br /> gate, N.<br /> <br /> Rolls Park, Chigwell.<br /> <br /> Gar-<br /> <br /> Eton College, Wind-<br /> sor.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 135<br /> <br /> Watt, Stuart, the Rev..<br /> <br /> Machakos, British<br /> East Africa.<br /> <br /> “Strathnairn,”<br /> Ootacamund,<br /> India.<br /> <br /> Woodman, R.T. . . St. Cross Grange,<br /> <br /> Winchester.<br /> <br /> Zimmermann, F. G., 17, Stile Hall Gar-<br /> <br /> M.A. dens, Chiswick, W.<br /> <br /> The Editor regrets that in the last number<br /> of The Author Miss Fitzgerald’s name was<br /> wrongly announced. The name should have<br /> been Miss Ena Fitzgerald, and not Miss Eva.<br /> <br /> Wingate, Col. Alfred<br /> <br /> Woodrow,<br /> <br /> 4+ —_——<br /> <br /> BOOKS PUBLISHED BY MEMBERS.<br /> BU<br /> <br /> While every effort is made by the compilers to keep<br /> this list as accurate and exhaustive as possible, they have<br /> some difficulty in attaining this object owing to the fact<br /> that many of the books mentioned are not sent to the office<br /> by the members. In consequence, it is necessary to rely<br /> largely upon lists of books which appear in literary and<br /> other papers. It is hoped, however, that members will<br /> co-operate in the compiling of this list, and, by sending<br /> particulars of their works, help to make it substantially<br /> <br /> accurate.<br /> BIOGRAPHY.<br /> <br /> Tre Lire AND LETTERS OF WILLIAM CoBBETT IN ENGLAND<br /> AND AmeERICA. Based upon hitherto unpublished<br /> Family Papers. By Lewis MELVILLE. Two Volumes.<br /> 8} x 54. 330 and 335 pp. Lane. 32s. n.<br /> <br /> EDUCATIONAL,<br /> <br /> CerMAN ror Datty Use. By Mrs. E, Toornton Cook<br /> (E. E. Prentys). London: Marlborough &amp; Co.; New<br /> York: Wm. R. Jenkins.<br /> <br /> FICTION.<br /> <br /> Rounp THE CorNER. Being the life and death of Francis<br /> Christopher Folyat, Bachelor of Divinity, and father<br /> of a large family. By GiBERT CANNAN. 7k x 5.<br /> 344 pp. Martin Secker. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tan Kwave or Dramonps. By Eruen M.<br /> 72 x 5. 384 pp. Fisher Unwin. 6s.<br /> <br /> A Marriage or Inconventence. By THomas Coss.<br /> 7% x 5. 316 pp. Mills &amp; Boon. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tym STORY OF STEPHEN Compron. By J. E. PatTERSON.<br /> 74 x 5. 367 pp. Heinemann. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tur New Guiiiver anp Orner Srories. By Barry<br /> Paty. 734 x 5. 261 pp. Werner Laurie. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Court or THE Gentes. By Mrs. STANLEY<br /> Wrencu. 7} X 5. 427 pp. Mills &amp; Boon. 6s.<br /> Hapow o’ THE SHAaws. By THEO. Dovetas (Mrs.<br /> <br /> H. D. Everett). 73 x 5. 301 pp. Methuen.<br /> <br /> Carcuinc A CoRoNET. By Epmunp BosaNnQuet. 73 x 5.<br /> 320 pp. John Long. 6s.<br /> <br /> Toe Man with THE Money.<br /> Row.anvs. 8X 5. 322 pp. Hurst &amp; Blackett. 6s.<br /> <br /> «“ Wuere are You Gorne To...?” By ELIZABETH<br /> Rosins. 7} x 5. 312 pp. Heinemann. 6s.<br /> <br /> Mr. SHERINGHAM AND OTHERS. By Mrs. ALPRED Srpe-<br /> WICK. 7} x 5. 314 pp. Mills &amp; Boon. 6s.<br /> <br /> DELL.<br /> <br /> By Errre ADELAIDE<br /> <br /> <br /> 136<br /> <br /> A Kyicut or Sparx. By Marsoriz BowEn. 7} x 5,<br /> 312 pp. Metheun. 6s.<br /> <br /> INCOMPARABLE JOAN. By Auice M. Drenu. 7} x 5.<br /> 320 pp. John Long. 6s.<br /> <br /> Mr. Mezson’s Witt. By H. Riper Haccarp. 8% x 53.<br /> <br /> 120 pp. (Cheap Reprint.) Newnes. 6d.<br /> Tur GULLY OF BLUEMANSDYKE, &amp;c. By A. Conan DoyLe<br /> 8} x 53. 126 pp. (Cheap Reprint.) Newnes. 6d.<br /> <br /> JUVENILE.<br /> <br /> Tue Farry TRANSFORMED AND OTHER PLAYS FOR<br /> CuinpREN. ByS. Sproston. London: Saml. French.<br /> <br /> “Tam ADVENTURES OF SILVERSINT.”’ (1s. 6d.); “* THREE<br /> Jotty HuntsMEn,” (2s. 6d.); ‘‘ BABES AND Buasts,”<br /> (2s.); ‘‘ Tum Cat Scouts,” (1s. 6d.). By JEsste Pore.<br /> Blackie &amp; Sons.<br /> <br /> ‘“‘ LAUNCELOT AND GUENEVERE.” By Guapys Davipson.<br /> (A New Number in the “ Romances of the World”<br /> Series). By Thomas Nelson &amp; Sons. 2s. 6d.<br /> <br /> “Api Aspout LirrtLe SPIFFKINS,” “ALL ABOUT THE<br /> Fiyrne Pic.” A Couple of Illustrated Toy-books—<br /> humorous tales. By GLapys Davipson. Published by<br /> Dean &amp; Son, Ltd.<br /> <br /> MEDICAL.<br /> <br /> Hanppook or Mepican TreatTmENT. A Guide to<br /> Therapeutics for Students and Practitioners, with an<br /> Appendix on Diet. By Jamus Burnet, M.A.<br /> <br /> Tae Pocket Crricat Guipr. By James Burnet, M.A.<br /> A. &amp; C. Black.<br /> <br /> THE Pockrr PRESCRIBER.<br /> Third Edition.<br /> <br /> By James Burnet, M.A.<br /> A. &amp; C. Black.<br /> <br /> MILITARY.<br /> ADVENTURES OF WAR WITH CROSS AND CRESCENT. By<br /> <br /> Pure Gipss anp B. Grant. 7% x 5. 241 pp.<br /> Methuen. 2s. n.<br /> MISCELLANEOUS.<br /> MonvuMENTAL Java. By J. F. Scuerrema. _ Illustrated<br /> <br /> with Photographs and Vignettes, after drawings of<br /> <br /> JAVANESE chandi. By THe AvutTHor. 8} x 53.<br /> Macmillan &amp; Co. 12s. 6d.<br /> History oF Eneuish Nonconrormiry. By Tue Rev.<br /> <br /> Chapman &amp; Hall.<br /> <br /> ORIENTAL.<br /> Tue Basis FoR ARTISTIC AND INDUSTRIAL REVIVAL IN<br /> <br /> Henry W. Cuark.<br /> <br /> Inpia. By -E. B. Haven. 74 x 43. 197 pp<br /> Madras: Theosophist. 2s.<br /> POETRY.<br /> <br /> Tue River Ruymer. By J. Asupy-STerry. 6} x 4.<br /> <br /> 243 pp. Ham, Smith. 3s. 6d. n. each.<br /> REPRINTS.<br /> <br /> A Laopiceax. 487 pp. WersSEX PomrMS AND OTHER<br /> Verses. 275 pp. By Tuomas Harpy. 9 x 6.<br /> Macmillan. 7s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> TOPOGRAPHY.<br /> <br /> SrapLe INN AND ITS STORY.<br /> LL.D. (Third Edition.) 7<br /> <br /> Is, n.<br /> TRAVEL.<br /> <br /> On THE Track or THE ABor. By PowELt MILLINGTON.<br /> Smith, Elder &amp; Co. 3s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> How to Vistr Evrore on Next to NoTuine.<br /> E. THornton Cook (E. P. Prentys), New York.<br /> Mead &amp; Co.<br /> <br /> By T. Caro WorsFoLD,<br /> &lt;x 5. 127 pp. Bagster.<br /> <br /> By Mrs.<br /> Dodd,<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> LITERARY, DRAMATIC, AND MUSICAL<br /> NOTES.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> HE Oxford University Press have issued,<br /> in cheap but tasteful form, a volume<br /> entitled ‘“‘ The Poetical Works of Robert<br /> <br /> Bridges.” ‘The book consists of the poems and<br /> masks (as apart from the dramas contained in<br /> the collected editions of his works), together<br /> with two groups of Later Poems and Poems in<br /> Classical Prosody now published for the first<br /> time. We have received from the same firm<br /> a very satisfactory volume of the Poems (1830:<br /> to 1870) of Lord Tennyson, our first presi-<br /> dent. The get-up of the book, paper and<br /> print, is all that could be desired, and it is.<br /> published at the moderate price of 4s. 6d. It<br /> has two coloured pictures and ninety-six<br /> illustrations in black and white. The Presi-<br /> dent of Magdalen, Dr. T. Herbert Warren,<br /> has added an introduction.<br /> <br /> The same publishers have issued an in-<br /> teresting book on “The Church Bells of<br /> England,”’ by H. B. Walters. The author has<br /> made a special study of the question for over<br /> twenty years, and has endeavoured in the book<br /> to set forth within the defined compass the<br /> more important aspects of the subject, which<br /> from its many-sidedness and its still living<br /> interest appeals perhaps to a more extensive<br /> class of readers than any other branch of<br /> archeology.<br /> <br /> Mr. Barry Pain has published through Mr.<br /> Werner Laurie, a collection of tales under the<br /> title of ‘‘ The New Gulliver and Other Stories.””<br /> The volume consists chiefly of two long and<br /> original stories. The first, as the title indi-<br /> cates, deals in an exceedingly whimsical and<br /> original manner with a new people in an<br /> imaginary country. The other is a series<br /> entitled ‘‘ In a London Garden,”’ and in this<br /> Mr. Barry Pain gives an account of the making<br /> of a garden, together with many quaint<br /> reflections and allegories.<br /> <br /> With the same publishers Mr. Edwin Pugh<br /> is bringing out a novel entitled ‘‘ Harry the<br /> Cockney.” It is a piece of biographical<br /> fiction, showing the life of a typical cockney—<br /> his parents, his relations, his environment, his<br /> outlook, his people’s outlook, his own progress,<br /> mental and physical. We see him at a board<br /> school, with its bullyings, its narrownesses, its<br /> pettinesses, its friendships, its early flirtations.<br /> We follow him into the office of a kindly<br /> solicitor, noting his progress from a pert boy<br /> into a regular young ’Arry, with his cigarettes,<br /> his quifs, his mashings, his utter ignoring of<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> his home and his parents. His ambitions and<br /> his progress are realistically described, and we<br /> find him finally a barrister and M.P., but none<br /> the less feeling “ out of his class.”<br /> <br /> Mr. Werner Laurie is also publishing *‘ The<br /> Night of Temptation,” by Victoria Cross. It<br /> is a story of love, set partly in Devonshire and<br /> partly on the Nile, among the sandy wastes<br /> of the African desert. The plot is uncon-<br /> ventional. Throughout the story runs that<br /> note of selfless devotion which is the keynote<br /> of a woman’s love. This finds its ultimate<br /> expression in a magnificent deed of heroism.<br /> The book is priced at 6s.<br /> <br /> Miss Constance Maud, whose books on<br /> French life, “‘ An English Girl in Paris,” and<br /> ‘** My French Friends.’’ met with such success,<br /> has brought out with the firm of Messrs.<br /> Duckworth &amp; Co., ‘‘ Angélique” (La P’tet Chou).<br /> It is the record of the early life of a little French<br /> child; as the author states: ‘‘She is a sprout<br /> of pure Parisian growth, a curious contrast<br /> to the round, rosy-cheeked sprouts reared in<br /> English nurseries.” It is an amusing record<br /> of a child’s precocity, full of her quaint sayings,<br /> set out in broken English. It has a frontis-<br /> piece and cover picture by Pierre Brissaud.<br /> <br /> Here is another book about a child, ** Little<br /> Thank You,” by Mrs. T. P. O’Connor, pub-<br /> lished by Putnam’s at the price of 2s. It is<br /> the custom nowadays to decry sentiment, but<br /> some are still old-fashioned enough to cling to it.<br /> To those the childish prattle and warm human<br /> nature in Mrs. O’Connor’s book will appeal.<br /> She has woven into the story a fascinating<br /> dog, who goes by the name of “ Jimps.”” The<br /> scene of the story is laid in New York and<br /> Virginia. But a chronicle of human feelings<br /> makes a universal appeal.<br /> <br /> The interest in the theory and practice of<br /> needlework has grown in recent years if it is<br /> possible to judge from the number of books<br /> written on the subject. Miss M. E. Wilkinson<br /> has published a work entitled ‘* Embroidery<br /> Stitches,” with 200 illustrations, at the price of<br /> 5s. net., with Herbert Jenkins, Ltd. The aim<br /> and purpose of the book is to epitomise the most<br /> useful stitches applicable to embroidery, and<br /> to add new and original stitches which will aid<br /> the development of this particular branch of<br /> needlecraft. Miss Wilkinson has had a series<br /> of articles on art needlecraft in the Lady, and a<br /> shorter series in the Nursing Times.<br /> <br /> Mrs. Shearman, dealing with another side of<br /> the same subject, has just issued with Messrs.<br /> Baldwin &amp; Walker at the price of 6d. ‘‘ Her<br /> Ladyship’s Knitting-Book, (2.),” the second of<br /> the series. The whole art of plain knitting<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 137<br /> <br /> was dealt with in No.1. A study of No. 2<br /> will enable the reader to knit stockings and<br /> socks of any size in proper proportion without<br /> troublesome calculations. The calculations<br /> are all done for the reader in the pages of the<br /> book.<br /> <br /> Mrs. Charlotte Cameron suggests to those who<br /> wish to avoid the winter fog, that they should<br /> take their winter in South America. Her book<br /> entitled ‘“‘A Woman’s Winter in South<br /> America,” published by Stanley Paul at the<br /> price of 6s., gives an account of her 24,000 mile<br /> journey along the coast. She also published<br /> ‘* 4 Durbar Bride” with Stanley Paul last<br /> year. Mrs. Cameron is proposing to take a<br /> tour round the coast of South Africa, beginning<br /> on the West Coast and calling at all the impor-<br /> tant ports; and as the result of her journey<br /> will publish a book entitled “A Woman&#039;s<br /> Winter in Africa.”<br /> <br /> Mr. Harold Munro, who for the last twelve<br /> months has edited the Poetry Review, is about<br /> to sever his connection with this paper, and<br /> proposes to publish a quarterly periodical under<br /> the title of Poetry and Drama. This paper<br /> will include in its scope the appreciation and<br /> criticism of modern poetry and drama. The<br /> first issue will appear on March 15. The<br /> Review will be published from the Poetry<br /> Bookshop, 35, .Devonshire Street, Theobald’s<br /> Road, W.C. From this same address was<br /> published on December 17 a book under<br /> the title of ‘‘ Georgian Poetry, 1911—1912,”<br /> being a criticism of modern English poetry,<br /> containing work by most of the younger poets.<br /> The book is published at the price of 3s. 6d.<br /> The first edition was exhausted a few days<br /> after publication.<br /> <br /> The author of ‘The Terrible Choice,”<br /> Mr. Stephen Foreman, has undertaken the task<br /> of portraying a good man dominated by a<br /> shameful sin. He understands that life’s<br /> business is indeed ‘‘ The Terrible Choice.”<br /> The title is taken from Browning’s well-known<br /> lines :<br /> <br /> “ White shall not neutralise the black ; nor good<br /> Compensate bad in man, absolve him so :<br /> Life’s business being just the terrible Choice.”<br /> <br /> The publishers are John Long, Ltd.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Methuen &amp; Co. are publishing, early<br /> in February, a new novel by Theo Douglas<br /> (Mrs. H. D. Everett) author of “* Cousin Hugh,”<br /> etc. The title of the new work is “ Hadow 0”<br /> the Shaws.”<br /> <br /> “Gallant Little Wales” is the title of<br /> Jeannette Marks’ new book, published in<br /> America by Messrs. Houghton, Mifflin &amp; Co.,<br /> and in Great Britain by Messrs. Constable &amp; Co.<br /> <br /> <br /> 188<br /> <br /> Mr. John Murray is publishing the new<br /> novel “Through the Cloudy Porch,” by<br /> K. M. Edge (Mrs. C. T. Caulfield). The story<br /> is one of passionate love and idealism. The<br /> central theme—the power of woman’s inspira-<br /> tion to back man’s force and render it effective<br /> —is vividly maintained. The scene is laid in<br /> South Africa a year after the Boer War. The<br /> political ferment, and the veldt with its<br /> elemental appeal, alike vitally affect the<br /> characters.<br /> <br /> The John Church Co., of London and New<br /> York, have just published a new edition of<br /> Theodore Holland’s ‘‘ Suite Miniature,” for<br /> pianoforte op. 16., at the price of 2s.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Harraps are including in their<br /> “ All-Time Tales” an edition of “Ivanhoe ”<br /> which Mrs. E. Thornton Cook (E. E. Prentys)<br /> is preparing.<br /> <br /> Miss Gladys Davidson has, in the Press, to<br /> be issued shortly by Mr. David Nutt, a nature-<br /> book for children, which will be called ‘‘ Told<br /> in Dicky Bird Land,” a collection of original<br /> tales about birds.<br /> <br /> Miss Davidson has also just completed a<br /> series of short biographical sketches of famous<br /> men and women in literature, for Messrs. T. C.<br /> and E, C. Jack.<br /> <br /> Miss Olivia Ramsey’s seventh novel, “A<br /> Girl of no Importance,” has just been published<br /> by John Long, Ltd.<br /> <br /> Derek Vane’s new novel, ‘“‘ The Soul of a<br /> Man,” was published by Messrs. Holden and<br /> Hardingham in January. The title is taken<br /> from the lines ‘“‘ The Lord gave the house of a<br /> brute to the soul of a man,” and the story shows<br /> what happens to a man with a dual nature.<br /> <br /> Another novel by the same author will be<br /> brought out by Messrs. Everett &amp; Co., in the<br /> spring.<br /> <br /> “The River Rhymer ”’ is the title of a book<br /> of verses produced by W. J. Ham-Smith, the<br /> author of which is J. Ashby-Sterry. Mr.<br /> Sterry has long been known as a writer of<br /> light verse. ‘‘ The River Rhymer ”’ deals with<br /> the river Thames from its source to its mouth<br /> in all its aspects. ‘The book will be weleomed<br /> by those who love the river.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Mills and Boon have published a<br /> novel by E. M. Channon (Mrs. Francis Chan-<br /> non), the author of ‘‘ The Keeper of the Secret,”<br /> and other novels. The book is entitled<br /> ““Cato’s Daughter,” the title being taken<br /> from Shakespeare’s “* Julius Ceesar,” “ I grant<br /> 1 am a woman, but withal a woman well<br /> reputed, Cato’s daughter.”<br /> <br /> Messrs. James Duffy, Ltd., have just issued<br /> a story by Louise M. Stackpoole Kenny at the<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> price of 2s. 6d. Many of the characters that<br /> are in her previous novel are introduced again-<br /> The scene is laid in the South of Ireland, and<br /> the book deals with social life and development<br /> of character. It is free from political con-<br /> troversy.<br /> <br /> Many books of reference have come to the<br /> office, such as ‘‘ The Schoolmaster’s Year Book”<br /> ‘The English Woman’s Year Book,” and an<br /> interesting work entitled ‘‘ Books that Count.”<br /> The last is published by A. &amp; C. Black, under<br /> the editorship of W. F. Gray, and is a dictionary<br /> of standard books. In the preface the editor<br /> says: ‘The book takes note only of books<br /> (1) that are in English (together with out-<br /> standing foreign books of which good transla-<br /> tions exist) ; (2) that present concisely, clearly<br /> and authoritatively the general aspects of the<br /> subject with which they deal; and (8) that<br /> are thoroughly modern in aim and outlook,<br /> easily accessible, and purchasable at a moder-<br /> ate price.” Another useful book of reference<br /> is ‘‘The United South African Register,”<br /> which has established itself as the most up-to-<br /> date directory of South Africa, and is necessary<br /> for the information of those who are desirous<br /> of cultivating their knowledge of this growing<br /> colony. It is published by Messrs. Sampson,<br /> Low &amp; Co.<br /> <br /> Miss Arabella Kenealy’s last novel, “ The<br /> Irresistible Mrs. Ferrers ” (Stanley Paul &amp; Co.),<br /> now going into a fourth edition, has been<br /> published in America by Messrs. Dillingham,<br /> of New York. The plot of the story hangs in<br /> the fact that the irresistible Mrs. Ferrers is<br /> the greatest beauty and wit of her day, and<br /> wishes to go down in history as having subju-<br /> gated all men and succumbed to none. Lord<br /> Lyzon comes upon the scene, and there is a<br /> struggle for him between his wife and the<br /> heroine.<br /> <br /> “The Truth about Carlyle: An Exposure of<br /> the Fundamental Fiction still Current,” by<br /> David Alec. Wilson, with a preface by Sir James<br /> Crichton-Browne, is to be published this spring<br /> by Alston Rivers, at 1s. 6d. He has been<br /> collecting materials for this work for twenty<br /> years. The same author will publish in the<br /> spring a work under the title of ‘ Sensible<br /> People,” by Methuen &amp; Co., at 2s. 6d. It is<br /> to distil knowledge from current speculations,<br /> and is filled with quotations and notes to prove<br /> that all the greatest thinkers, from Confucius<br /> to Carlyle, agree with the best of the saints<br /> and prophets in the fundamental truths of<br /> religion and philosophy.<br /> <br /> Two interesting books are nearly ready<br /> for publication from the firm of Messrs. Stanley<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Paul. The first is entitled, ‘‘ The Romance<br /> of an Elderly Poet,”? and is written in col-<br /> laboration by Mr. A. M. Broadley and Mr.<br /> Walter Jerrold. It is concerned with the<br /> poet George Crabbe and Elizabeth Charter.<br /> The second is Sir James Yoxall’s ““ More About<br /> Collecting.” Sir James has already made him-<br /> self an expert on this subject.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Hodder and Stoughton are about to<br /> add an appreciation of the work of the Society’s<br /> late President, George Meredith, O.M., to their<br /> series of Literary Lives. Mr. Thomas Sec-<br /> combe will undertake the work. It is difficult<br /> to imagine anyone better equipped for the task.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Ouseley &amp; Co. have just produced a<br /> novel entitled ‘‘ The Nom-de-Plume,”’ from the<br /> pen of Leonard A. Gibbs. It is a story with<br /> an object, and seeks to show the mischief<br /> wrought by free-love in well-to-do homes.<br /> <br /> Mrs. J. O. Arnold’s new novel, ‘‘ Requital.”<br /> will be published by Messrs. Methuen about<br /> the twentieth of this month.<br /> <br /> Mrs. R.S.De Crespigny’s book, “ The Spanish<br /> Prisoner,” has been published in a 7d. edition<br /> by Messrs. Everett &amp; Co.<br /> <br /> Dramatic NOTE.<br /> <br /> During the end of December and the begin-<br /> ning of January, very little has been doing in<br /> the dramatic world outside pantomine per-<br /> formances, but toward the middle and end of<br /> January the dramatic world began to wake up.<br /> Mr. G. R. Sims has given his valuable assistance<br /> to the production of the Drury Lane pantomine<br /> and “Peter Pan,” by Mr. J. M. Barrie, has now<br /> gone into its ninth annual production. It<br /> is a fair deduction to make that “ Peter<br /> Pan,” like the Christmas pudding, will become<br /> an annual custom both for young and old.<br /> The Kingsway Theatre has produced Mr.<br /> Bernard Shaw’s play ‘John Bull’s Other<br /> Island.” The Irish Players have produced at<br /> the Abbey Theatre, with a cast chosen from<br /> their second company, Mr. E. Millington Mear’s<br /> play entitled ‘“‘ The Little Christmas Miracle.”<br /> <br /> In the second week Charles Hawtrey pro-<br /> duced Mr. George A. Birmingham’s (Canon<br /> Hanney’s) ‘‘ General John Regan,” at the<br /> Apollo. As everyone knows, the author is<br /> the writer of many amusing books on Irish<br /> life. He has now carried his Irish humour<br /> on to the stage. The story centres round an<br /> American tourist, who upsets an Irish village<br /> by the promise of £100 towards the statue of<br /> a certain General John Regan who, a native<br /> of the village, had greatly distinguished himself<br /> in Bolivia. The difficulty is to find the<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 139<br /> <br /> relations of ‘* the Native,’’ and secure the £100.<br /> It is, as one critic remarks, a joke in three acts<br /> rather thana play...<br /> <br /> At the Vaudeville Theatre Miss Hilda<br /> Trevelyan produced a series of matinées of<br /> “* Shock-headed Peter,’ by Philip Carr and<br /> Nigel Playfair, the music being from the pen<br /> of Paul Rubens. Preceding each performance<br /> are some Old English singing-games, folk-<br /> songs, and country and sword dances, performed<br /> by children under the personal direction of<br /> Cecil J. Sharp.<br /> <br /> On Monday and Tuesday the 3rd and 4th of<br /> this month, a new one-act play will be pro-<br /> duced at matinees at the Little Theatre, John<br /> Street, Adelphi. The play is a comedy in one act<br /> adapted from Mr. W. W. Jacobs’ story, “ A Love<br /> Passage.” The play itself is by Mr. W. W.<br /> Jacobs and Mr. Philip Hubbard. The story of<br /> the play follows that of Mr. Jacobs’ well-known<br /> short story, which is included in his book,<br /> ‘Many Cargoes,”’ but the incidents have been<br /> so arranged as to bring the action, which in the<br /> story, is extended over some days, within the<br /> scope of a one-act play, and, to enable a more<br /> effective stage setting, the Captain and his<br /> Mate have been promoted to the command of<br /> an ocean-going Tramp Steamer instead of that<br /> of a small schooner.<br /> <br /> Sir Arthur Pinero’s ‘‘ The Mind-the-Paint-<br /> Girl’? has met with a warm welcome in its<br /> German form in Mayence. It has been pro-<br /> duced under the title of ‘“‘ Das Midel ohne<br /> Heiligenschein.”<br /> <br /> Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Irving (Miss Mabel<br /> Hackney) have just arranged to dramatise<br /> Mrs. T. P. O’Connor’s new novel “ Little<br /> Thank You,” a note of which appears in<br /> another column. It will be a labour of love, as<br /> Mr. and Mrs. Irving have the same love and<br /> understanding of children and dogs as the<br /> author. Mrs. O’Connorreally modelled “‘ Jimps”’<br /> upon ‘‘Mop,” the Irvings’ fox terrier, who<br /> already plays one or two “star’”’ parts written<br /> for him by his master.<br /> <br /> Mr. Horniman’s new play, “Billy’s Fortune,”<br /> was produced at the Criterion Theatre in the<br /> middle of last month. The plot centres round<br /> ‘* Billy,’’ a boy who has been left an enormous<br /> fortune. He has the option of chosing his<br /> guardian, who is to receive £100,000 when the<br /> boy makes his choice.<br /> <br /> In the same week Mr. Arthur Bourchier and<br /> Miss Violet Vanbrugh at the Coliseum pro-<br /> duced a short play by Mr. Stanley Houghton.<br /> A hard-up society woman, a husband also on<br /> the verge, and a rope of pearls which does not<br /> belong to them, but is in their possession, are<br /> <br /> <br /> 140<br /> <br /> the pivots of the plot. The plot is full of<br /> humanity—the better side. :<br /> <br /> On December 28, 1912, a novel combination<br /> of kinemacolor stage play with music was<br /> produced at the Scala Theatre. The music<br /> was specially written, with the addition of<br /> songs and dances, to accompany the action of<br /> each film. The book and lyrics were by Harold<br /> Simpson, and the music by Theodore Holland.<br /> The idea of the combination is to the credit of<br /> Alfred de Mauby. The film was produced by<br /> the Urban Co.<br /> <br /> ———_—_—__+——<br /> <br /> PARIS NOTES.<br /> <br /> ees<br /> s URQUIE Agonisante ” is the title of<br /> <br /> a little volume just published by<br /> <br /> Pierre Loti. The subjects of some<br /> of the principal chapters are “ Lendemains<br /> d’Incendie,”” “* La Guerre Italo-Turque,”’ ‘‘ Les<br /> Tures massacrent,” ‘‘ Lettre sur la Guerre<br /> moderne,” “* Lettre sur la Guerre des Balkans.”<br /> In the chapter entitled *“* Les Turcs massa-<br /> crent,” the author endeavours to show up the<br /> absolute injustice of Europeans. He gives us<br /> instances of Europeans massacring under the<br /> pretext of civilising. He shows us the English<br /> in the Transvaal and France in Algeria. Pierre<br /> Loti tells us that in no country do we find<br /> such solicitude for the poor, the weak, the old<br /> and the very young, such respect for parents<br /> and such veneration for the mother as with the<br /> real Turks. He then goes on to tell us of their<br /> kindness to animals, to their dogs and cats, and<br /> he relates that in a certain town he knows,<br /> there is a hospital for storks which are<br /> either wounded or too old to fly away for the<br /> winter.<br /> <br /> In his chapter on modern warfare, Pierre<br /> Loti asks whether this is what progress, civili-<br /> sation and Christianity have brought us to.<br /> He gives us a picture of Turkey with 60,000<br /> men maimed for life or dead, within a fortnight.<br /> <br /> ‘““Le Président de la Republique,” by M.<br /> Henry Leyret. The author of this book tells<br /> us just what are the rights and duties of the<br /> President of the French Republic.<br /> <br /> “Nos Amis les Canadiens,” par Louis<br /> Arnould. In this volume we have some in-<br /> teresting information with regard to the<br /> history, psychology and literature of Canada.<br /> M. Etienne Lamy has written the preface.<br /> <br /> “* Femme ”’ is the title of the Com-<br /> tesse de Avila’s recent book.<br /> <br /> “Histoire du Peuple anglais au XVIII°<br /> Siécle ”’ is the first volume of a work by M. Elie<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Halévy. He tells us of England in 1815, and<br /> speaks of its government, religion, and of the<br /> culture of the whole nation.<br /> <br /> ““La Cour des Stuarts 4 Saint-Germain-en<br /> Laye ” (1689—1718), by G. du Bose de Beau-<br /> mont and M. Bernos. This volume is of great<br /> interest to English readers, giving an idea as it<br /> does of the life led by one of our kings in exile.<br /> <br /> “Les Jeunes Gens d’Aujourd’hui,” by<br /> Agathon, is an instructive study.<br /> <br /> “Le Voyage au Pays de la Quatriéme<br /> dimension,” by M. G. de Pawlowski, is the<br /> most extraordinary excursion possible.<br /> <br /> “Images Venitiennes,” by M. Henri de<br /> Régnier, is an exquisite book.<br /> <br /> One of the literary events of the past month<br /> was the féte given at the Sorbonne to celebrate<br /> the jubilee of M. Ernest Lavisse, the well-<br /> known historian. M. Raymond Poincaré, who<br /> had only just been elected President of the<br /> Republic, wished to be present, both as a<br /> fellow Academician and a friend of Lavisse.<br /> <br /> At the Odéon Goethe’s ‘‘ Faust ’’ has been<br /> put on in an excellent translation by M. Emile<br /> Vedel.<br /> <br /> At the Théatre Sarah Bernhardt ‘“‘ Kismet ”<br /> has been the great event of the month. It is<br /> an Arabian story by M. Edward Knoblauch,<br /> with French adaptation by M. Jules Lemaitre.<br /> <br /> At the Gymnase we have had another play<br /> by M. Brieux, ‘‘ La Femme libre,”’ and at the<br /> Théatre Antoine an adaptation by M. Pierre<br /> Frondaie of M. Claude Farrére’s novel,<br /> **L’Homme qui assassina.”’<br /> <br /> Atys HaALLarD.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> “ Turquie agonisante.”’ (Calmann-Lévy.)<br /> <br /> “La Cour des Stuarts a Saint-Germain-en-Laye.”<br /> (Emile Paul.)<br /> <br /> “Les Jeunes Gens d’Aujourd’hui.” (Plon.)<br /> <br /> “Le Voyage au Pays de la Quatriéme dimension.”<br /> (Fasqueile. )<br /> <br /> 5<br /> <br /> THE COLONIAL BOOK TRADE.<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> L<br /> Tue Book MARKET IN AUSTRALIA.<br /> <br /> UNDERSTAND that the writers of<br /> English books are gradually being roused<br /> to the fact that the Australian market is<br /> slipping away from them. The few importers<br /> of books in the large towns here will tell you<br /> that the percentage of publications ordered<br /> from England is very small and rapidly<br /> decreasing year by year. Their place is taken<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> by American periodicals, books and novels.<br /> This change is partly natural, and I see no way<br /> to stop a great deal of it. The 100 million<br /> Americans produce books which are better<br /> suited than any English ones to the needs of<br /> the four million who here form a working com-<br /> munity. Everybody works here, and those<br /> who don’t like to do so soon perceive that<br /> Australia is no place for them. The Australian<br /> can get what books he wants to tell him about<br /> irrigating his bit of land, or about tales of<br /> adventure in the Wild West, cheaper and<br /> better from American publishers than from<br /> English ones. Make no mistake about that.<br /> That portion of the Australian market has<br /> gone out of England’s hands—it was never in<br /> them.<br /> <br /> _ Still, a majority of the people in Australia<br /> were born in the old country and are bound to<br /> read English romance, very much as do the<br /> stay-at-home Britishers, in preference to<br /> American fiction. How comes it that the<br /> ‘trade’? supplies them with American fiction<br /> out of all proportion to the real demand, and<br /> pays little attention to the call for the English<br /> novel ?<br /> <br /> Australian booksellers have been much<br /> abused of late and they do not deserve it.<br /> They, like every other shopkeeper, go for what<br /> pays them best. The English publisher plods<br /> along the weary way which his grandfather<br /> peacefully followed. The American, on the<br /> contrary, changes with the changing times—<br /> often a little before them.<br /> <br /> Once a year comes to our seaport towns<br /> {there are no great inland cities) a traveller<br /> from England to take orders for a good, solid,<br /> respectable British firm, armed with ** dummy”<br /> copies of new books, blandly ignorant of the<br /> kind of story each contains, strapped down to<br /> certain prices which he can take, or else “ turn<br /> it down.” Result—a meagre amount of orders.<br /> <br /> The Americans see a brainier way of doing<br /> business. They wait until a book is printed,<br /> and then send complete copies across the<br /> Pacific, with a letter saying that if you order<br /> 500 you will be charged a large percentage off<br /> the published price; if you choose to take a<br /> 1,000, a further reduction will be made, some-<br /> times two-thirds of the price being deducted,<br /> and this is on books exactly the same as the<br /> $1.50 (6s.) sold in America. We buy the $1.50<br /> book always at 3s. 6d. here.<br /> <br /> The Australian bookseller runs his eye over<br /> the book. He can tell, with surprising exact-<br /> ness, how many will sell and what amount of<br /> advertisement will be needed. Result—a tre-<br /> mendous amount of business, speedily handled,<br /> <br /> 141<br /> <br /> and incidentally a much larger royalty to the<br /> author. ee<br /> <br /> What should British authors do, if they<br /> desire to increase their returns from their -<br /> labour? I respectfully suggest that they<br /> should call upon their publishers and urge them<br /> to abandon at once the methods which were<br /> played out a century ago. Possibly this plan<br /> has already been tried and has proved a<br /> failure! Then they should try someone else.<br /> Preferably they should take from the English<br /> publisher the Australian rights and deal<br /> directly with the big importers (or their own<br /> representative) here. I don’t think I need<br /> mention names, but I can say I have seen any<br /> number of books lose a good market in<br /> Australia simply because there was no one to<br /> look after them. It is perfectly certain that<br /> Australia will be a tremendous place of busi-<br /> ness in a very few years—it is a pretty good one<br /> now—and the course I advocate must come<br /> sooner or later. In any case, the returns now<br /> made to the authors on the ‘ Colonial sales ”<br /> are so small that there is not much risk.<br /> <br /> Or the author can transfer the ‘“ Colonial<br /> edition *’ to his American publisher and leave<br /> Australia to be dealt with by him. I do not<br /> wish to speak harshly of the English publisher,<br /> but I must say that, in my opinion as author,<br /> publisher, bookseller and publishing agent (in<br /> all I have been actively engaged during the<br /> last score of years), I have found the American<br /> man of business much better to get on with<br /> than my own fellow countryman. It is a hard<br /> thing to say, yet it must be said, and since we<br /> have entered upon an age in which the civilised<br /> nations have practically agreed to abandon<br /> warfare in the immediate future in favour of<br /> peaceful delights of making as much money out<br /> of one another as possible, I trust I may be<br /> forgiven for my cosmopolitanism.<br /> <br /> There is one thing more. To the advertising<br /> of English books attention must be paid. As<br /> a rule nothing is done by the press, except at<br /> the bidding of our local booksellers. Last<br /> Christmas there appeared twice in the papers<br /> a large advertisement from a famous English<br /> firm, calling attention to the books thay had on<br /> sale—in England! It cost a few pounds which,<br /> were absolutely wasted, for, even if asked for,<br /> they could not be obtained for at least two<br /> months. If advertisements are left to the<br /> local importers, it is plain that they will adver-<br /> tise, not the books you want popularised, but<br /> merely the books they have in stock.<br /> <br /> Take a case. When an English firm has a<br /> suitable book to sell in the Colonies, it may find<br /> that the offer is blankly refused by the two or<br /> 142 THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> three buyers for Australia. There is a reason<br /> for this. The Australian firm may have an<br /> abundance of the same class of writing on their<br /> hands, and it would not pay them at the<br /> moment to import more. That is not a good<br /> excuse for boycotting a really good book—not<br /> from its author’s point of view at any rate. I<br /> believe this is constantly the case. Now the<br /> only cure is to send out to Australia, say 500<br /> of a book to an independent agent, who would<br /> certainly make a demand for it by judicious<br /> advertisement. H. H. G.<br /> <br /> II.<br /> <br /> AVING recently returned from a visit<br /> to New Zealand, I may be able-to<br /> throw a little further light on the<br /> <br /> subject of the Colonial book trade, although<br /> my experience was only confined to the<br /> North Island.<br /> <br /> English publishers as a whole—there are<br /> exceptions—do not appear to recognise the<br /> vast possibilities of the market in Australia<br /> and New Zealand.<br /> <br /> I was immensely struck with the number<br /> and quality of the bookshops; some were to<br /> be seen in every town. More particularly was<br /> this the case at Napier, a town of 10,000<br /> inhabitants and the centre of a large fruit and<br /> sheep farming district. It is customary to<br /> provide a large library for the use of the<br /> ‘*‘ hands” in up country stations, and some-<br /> times these are exchanged among neighbours.<br /> There are also several Carnegie and other<br /> public libraries in the Dominion. Novels are<br /> by no means the only books read, travels are<br /> liked, Foster Fraser beingapopularauthor. The<br /> prices at which books are sold are much below<br /> those charged in England; the 6s. novel is<br /> 3s. 6d., and the higher priced books are equally<br /> reduced. Few people would buy a book at a<br /> higher price than 5s.<br /> <br /> It is possible that publishers do not consider<br /> profits sufficient to recoup them for their<br /> trouble, for one bookseller told me fhat 9d.<br /> would be all the English publisher would clear<br /> on a 8s. 6d. book.<br /> <br /> On the other hand the sale of a popular book<br /> must be enormous. I was told that an edition<br /> of 1,000 would go nowhere in Australia.<br /> <br /> To get a book known, copies for review must<br /> be sent to the principal newspapers, a weekly<br /> article on literary subjects appearing every<br /> Saturday in these papers. At the same time<br /> bookshops should be supplied with copies,<br /> otherwise revie ws cannot help the sale.<br /> <br /> The question I should like to put to publishers<br /> is, ‘“‘ Is it better to sell four copies of a book at<br /> <br /> 5s. or one—or more probably none—at 10s,<br /> or to ot six copies of a book at 3s. 6d., or one<br /> at 68.2?”<br /> <br /> Author of ‘‘ 1,000 Mites In A MACHILLA.”’<br /> <br /> ROYALTIES ON GRAMOPHONE RECORDS.<br /> <br /> Rupens v. PatHt FrRERES PATHEPHONE, LTD.<br /> MoNCKTON v. THE SAME.<br /> <br /> HESE actions, which were tried together,<br /> are the first cases relating to gramo-<br /> phone records under the new Copyright<br /> <br /> Act, which gives a musical composer the right<br /> to royalties on the reproduction of his com-<br /> positions by means of a gramophone or other<br /> mechanical contrivances of a similar nature.<br /> <br /> The well-known composers, Mr. Paul<br /> Rubens and Mr. Lionel Monckton, sued the<br /> defendants, who are manufacturers of gramo-<br /> phones, and claimed an injunction to restrain<br /> them from selling records of certain musical<br /> pieces composed by the plaintiffs. The claim<br /> of Mr. Rubens had reference to four songs<br /> from ‘*‘ The Sunshine Girl,”’ while Mr. Monckton<br /> claimed in respect of a piece called “ The<br /> Mousmé Waltz.”<br /> <br /> The new Act provides that the musical com-<br /> poser shall be paid certain royalties on gramo-<br /> phone records of his compositions, and that<br /> the Board of Trade may make regulations as<br /> to the mode of payment. Accordingly, regula-<br /> tions have been issued by the Board of Trade<br /> which require that adhesive stamps shall be<br /> purchased from the copyright owner, and shall<br /> be affixed to the records before they are sold.<br /> The plaintiff found that the defendants were<br /> selling gramophone records of their compos -<br /> tions without the adhesive stamps, which the<br /> Board of Trade requires to be affixed to the<br /> records as the method of collecting the royalties.<br /> <br /> It appeared from the evidence that the<br /> defendants had purchased a number of the<br /> stamps sufficient to cover the number of records<br /> sold by them, but that they had not affixed<br /> them to the records, and had sold the records<br /> without the adhesive stamps. It was con-<br /> tended on their behalf that the plaintiffs could<br /> not insist on the defendants purchasing the<br /> stamps or affixing them to the records, on the<br /> ground that the regulations of the Board of<br /> Trade in this respect were ultra vires.<br /> <br /> Mr. Justice Phillimore, in his judgment,<br /> pointed out that it would be extremely difficult<br /> to ensure the collection of small royalties on a<br /> large number of these cheap instruments in<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> any other way than that prescribed by the<br /> <br /> Board of Trade. The first objection alleged<br /> by the defendants was that the Board of Trade<br /> could not order that the payment of royalties<br /> should be made by the purchase of stamps, and<br /> secondly that the purchaser of the stamps<br /> could not be compelled to affix the stamps to<br /> the records. There was some force, his<br /> lordship thought, in the last objection; but<br /> at the same time, if the royalties were to be<br /> paid by purchasing adhesive stamps, he<br /> considered it a proper provision that the stamps<br /> should not do double duty. The object of the<br /> stamps was that they should be used for the<br /> purpose for which they were intended, and<br /> that the purchaser should be prevented from<br /> using them more than once. He held, there-<br /> fore, that the regulations of the Board of Trade<br /> were within the scope of its authority.<br /> <br /> Another point in the case of Mr. Rubens had<br /> reference to the date of publication, and the<br /> effect of an agreement made by his agent with<br /> the defendants. Under the provisions of the<br /> Act the royalties on records of musical works,<br /> published before July 1, 1912, are calculated<br /> at 21 per cent., but on records of works pub-<br /> lished after that date the royalties are raised<br /> to 5 per cent. after the expiration of two years,<br /> that is to say, from July 1, 1914. Mr.<br /> Rubens was advised as to the value of his<br /> rights, and did not wish to publish the songs<br /> until after July 1, 1912. It was found to<br /> be convenient, however, to have gramophone<br /> records made before that date, and in order<br /> that this might be done the defendants gave<br /> an undertaking that if the music was published<br /> before July 1, 1912, they would not sell the<br /> records before that date, and that the com-<br /> poser should get the royalties. This agreement<br /> was made in March, 1912, before the regula-<br /> tions of the Board of Trade had been issued,<br /> Mr. Justice Phillimore considered that the<br /> contract between the parties was that the<br /> royalties should be paid, and that the defen-<br /> dants had so far fulfilled the agreement, but<br /> that in future they must comply with the<br /> regulations of the Board of Trade.<br /> <br /> In the case of Mr. Monckton the records<br /> made before July 1, 1910, were exempt from<br /> the payment of royalties under the Act until<br /> July 1, 1913; but if the defendants sold any<br /> records made since July 1st, 1912, they would<br /> have to pay the royalties by the purchase and<br /> affixing of stamps in accordance with the<br /> regulations of the Board of Trade.<br /> <br /> A point was also taken by the defendants,<br /> that the action was not well founded with<br /> regard to the songs composed by Mr. Rubens,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 143<br /> <br /> because the author of the words of the songs<br /> was not joined as a plaintiff. His lordship<br /> held that the owner of the copyright in the<br /> music was entitled to sue for an infringement<br /> of the copyright in the music, notwithstanding<br /> that the owner of the copyright in the words<br /> might also sue in respect of an infringement.<br /> His lordship gave judgment for the defen-<br /> dants, but without costs.<br /> Haroup Harpy.<br /> <br /> ee<br /> <br /> IMPERIAL COPYRIGHT.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> OPERATION OF THE NEW CopyricHTt ACT<br /> OUTSIDE THE UNITED KINGDOM.<br /> <br /> T is provided by the Copyright Act, 1911,<br /> that it shall extend throughout the<br /> whole of the British Dominions, with<br /> <br /> the exception of the self-governing dominions,<br /> <br /> i.e. Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia,<br /> <br /> New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and<br /> <br /> Newfoundland. These dominions have special<br /> <br /> power to adopt the Act, and its provisions do<br /> <br /> not extend to such dominions until the local<br /> <br /> Legislature has declared the Act to be in force.<br /> <br /> In addition to this area of the British<br /> Dominions, there are certain territories under<br /> British protection to which the Copyright Act<br /> has been extended by Order in Council under<br /> the provisions of the Act.<br /> <br /> The date at which the Act comes into opera-<br /> tion varies in different parts, and depends<br /> upon proclamation, Order in Council, or<br /> statute.<br /> <br /> The Act operates—<br /> <br /> In the United Kingdom, from July 1,<br /> 1912.<br /> <br /> In the Self-governing Dominions, from<br /> date fixed by local Legislature.<br /> <br /> In the Channel Islands, from date fixed by<br /> the States of the Islands.<br /> <br /> In other British Possessions, from date of<br /> Proclamation by the Governor.<br /> <br /> It will be seen from the following list, which<br /> has been compiled for the purpose of showing<br /> at a glance the area outside the United<br /> Kingdom in which the Copyright Act 1s in<br /> operation, that the Act has been adopted by<br /> the Legislature of Newfoundland, proclaimed<br /> in most of the British Possessions, and extended<br /> by Order in Council to Cyprus and British<br /> Protectorates. :<br /> <br /> In Article 12 of the Somaliland Order in<br /> Council, 1899, the word ‘* Copyright ”’ is deleted<br /> by Order in Council, June 24, 1912.<br /> <br /> <br /> 144<br /> <br /> Britisu CoLonies,<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> IMPERIAL CopPyRIGuHrT,<br /> <br /> POSSESSIONS, AND PROTECTORATES IN WHICH THE CopyriGHur<br /> Act, 1911, IS IN OPERATION.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> (North American)<br /> (West Indian)<br /> <br /> * (Windward Islands)<br /> <br /> (Leeward Islands)<br /> <br /> (Mediterranean) .<br /> <br /> (African)<br /> <br /> (Eastern)<br /> <br /> (Australasian)<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Newfoundland<br /> <br /> Jamaica .<br /> Turk’s Island<br /> British Honduras<br /> British Guiana<br /> Bahamas<br /> Trinidad<br /> <br /> Tobago<br /> Barbados<br /> <br /> Grenada<br /> St. Vincent.<br /> St. Lucia<br /> <br /> Antigua<br /> Montserrat ..<br /> Nevis. 5<br /> St. Christopher<br /> Virgin Islands<br /> Dominica<br /> <br /> Cyprus<br /> Malta.<br /> Gibraltar<br /> <br /> Gambia<br /> <br /> Sierra Leone<br /> Gold Coast .<br /> Bechuanaland<br /> Swaziland . :<br /> North Rhodesia .<br /> South Rhodesia .<br /> Basutoland<br /> Nyasaland .<br /> <br /> Ug anda é<br /> Bntish East Atrica<br /> North Nigeria<br /> South Nigeria<br /> Somaliland.<br /> <br /> Weihaiwei .<br /> <br /> Hong Kong<br /> <br /> Straits Settlements<br /> Ceylon<br /> <br /> Labuan<br /> <br /> Mauritius<br /> Seychelles .<br /> British India<br /> Burma<br /> <br /> Fiji<br /> <br /> Gilbert &amp; Ellice Islands.<br /> <br /> Solomon Islands .<br /> <br /> Act No. 5 of 1912.<br /> <br /> \ Proclamation, 30th May, 1912.<br /> <br /> o 10th April, 1912.<br /> 2 Ist July, 1912.<br /> os 25th June, 1912.<br /> \ cs 12th June, 1912.<br /> &gt; 3lst May, 1912.<br /> <br /> Ordinance, No. 9 of 1912.<br /> Proclamation, 18th April, 1912.<br /> s 14th June, 1912.<br /> <br /> |<br /> Proclamation, 28th June, 1912.<br /> J<br /> <br /> Order in Council, 24th June, 1912<br /> Proclamation, 28th June, 1912.<br /> : 12th April, 1912.<br /> <br /> | &#039; Order in Council, 24th June, 1912.<br /> <br /> Proclamation, 10th June, 1912.<br /> ! Order in Council, 24th June, 1912.<br /> <br /> Proclamation, 16th July, 1912.<br /> <br /> |<br /> |<br /> | Order in Council, 24th June, 1912.<br /> <br /> Order in Council, 24th June, 1912.<br /> Proclamation, 28th June, 1912.<br /> Ist July, 1912.<br /> <br /> De<br /> <br /> \ lith June, 1912.<br /> <br /> J 3°<br /> 28th June, 1912.<br /> 21st June, 1912.<br /> <br /> l 13th Oct., 1912.<br /> <br /> 23<br /> <br /> ‘ 27th May, 1912.<br /> <br /> | Order in Coune’l, 24th June, 1912.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Haroitp Harpy.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> AN UNFAIR ADVANTAGE.<br /> <br /> oe<br /> <br /> A MATTER of some importance to writers<br /> LE of educational books is brought from<br /> <br /> time to time to the notice of the Society<br /> of Authors.<br /> <br /> A publisher enters into an agreement with<br /> an author to pay a certain royalty on the sales<br /> of his book. The book after a short time,<br /> perhaps, is taken up by the educational<br /> authorities, whose business not infrequently<br /> appears to be to cut down prices on the<br /> plea that the orders they are giving are very<br /> large. The publisher, seeing his probable<br /> profits diminishing, writes to the author, gives<br /> a statement of the case, and asks the author<br /> if he would be willing to reduce his royalty by<br /> one half in order to enable him (the publisher)<br /> to supply the demand. In one or two cases<br /> the publisher has gone so far as to state that<br /> if the author refuses to reduce his royalty he<br /> will not meet the order. The author could,<br /> of course, say to the publisher, ‘‘ You have made<br /> an agreement and you are bound to act up to<br /> it.” To this the publisher would answer,<br /> ‘“* Very well; it is impossible for me to sell the<br /> copies required.” It is very difficult for the<br /> author to decide what to do, as he does not<br /> wish to lose the royalty on so large an order.<br /> The real difficulty of the case, however, lies<br /> in the old question, the old dispute which<br /> was the original reason why the Saciety<br /> of Authors was founded—namely, that the<br /> author is working on insufficient information,<br /> and that the publisher refuses to give any<br /> figures. If the publisher desired to meet the<br /> author fairly he would say, ‘“‘ The cost of the<br /> production of these thousand copies is... .<br /> That works out to a fixed sum percopy. The<br /> usual price at which the books are sold is. .<br /> That works out to a fixed sum per copy,<br /> and your royalty on that copy is ....<br /> per cent. If I sell the book at the price<br /> demanded I am losing so much percentage of<br /> my profits. I ask you, therefore, to bear a<br /> proportionate share of the loss.” If this<br /> information was given the author might<br /> consider whether it was a fair deal and whether<br /> he cared to reduce his royalty in the circum-<br /> stances, but, as a general rule, when the<br /> author makes inquiry as to what the publisher’s<br /> loss of profit is at the reduced price, he is met<br /> either with an evasive answer or by a letter of<br /> regret that the author is trying to throw doubt<br /> on the statement he has made. The author,<br /> therefore, is left in the position of a person<br /> who is asked to buy a house and is forbidden<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 145<br /> <br /> to look over the premises and see what it<br /> is worth, or in the position of a man who<br /> buys a horse and is refused by the owner a<br /> veterinary surgeon’s certificate. In other<br /> trades the position would be looked upon as<br /> absurd, but in the publishing trade such a<br /> position for the author is not at all uncommon ;<br /> but the author’s position is rather worse than<br /> the buyer in the ordinary market, as he is<br /> already interested in the sales of the work to<br /> the extent of his royalty, and he does not want<br /> to make a loss if it can be avoided.<br /> <br /> We do not want to discuss the question of<br /> how far the purchasing authority has the right<br /> to cut down the publisher. We only desire<br /> to deal with it as between the publisher and<br /> the author, and if a position of confidence is<br /> to be maintained between the author and<br /> publisher, it is essential that the fullest details<br /> should be forthcoming. In the instances that<br /> have been referred to the Society the<br /> publisher has not been willing to give the<br /> requisite details.<br /> <br /> Oa<br /> <br /> MAGAZINE CONTENTS.<br /> <br /> ——+ 4<br /> <br /> BooKMAN.<br /> <br /> Lord Morley as a Man of Letters. By Alexander<br /> Mackintosh.<br /> <br /> Galsworthy’s Plays. By W. W. Gibson.<br /> <br /> Poetry. By Edward Thomas.<br /> <br /> BritisH Review.<br /> <br /> The Faery Poetry of W. B. Yeats. By W. T. Stace.<br /> Falstaff: The English Comic Giant. By W. L. George,<br /> <br /> ForRTNIGHTLY.<br /> <br /> The Windows. By Maurice Hewlett.<br /> <br /> St. John Hankin and His Comedy of Recognition. By<br /> P. P. Howe.<br /> <br /> The Grand Prix de Litterature of 1912.<br /> Theodora Davidson.<br /> <br /> By Lady<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> SCALE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> {ALLOWANCE TO MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY 20 PER CENT.}<br /> <br /> Front Page pS ae aes aaa ae<br /> <br /> Other Pages<br /> <br /> Half of a Page ...<br /> <br /> Quarter of a Page<br /> <br /> Eighth of a Page Pe — She ee<br /> <br /> Single Column Advertisements per inch<br /> <br /> Reduction of 20 per cent. made for a Series of Six and of 25 per cent, for<br /> Twelve Insertions.<br /> <br /> All letters respecting Advertisements should be addressed to J. F<br /> Betmont &amp; Co., 29, Paternoster Square, London, E.C.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> HOW TO USE THE SOCIETY.<br /> ON<br /> <br /> lL. VERY member has a right to ask for and to receive<br /> advice upon his agreements, his choice of a pub-<br /> lisher, or any dispute arising in the conduct of his<br /> <br /> business or the administration of his property. The<br /> Secretary of the Society is a solicitor; but if there is any<br /> special reason the Secretary will refer the case to the<br /> Solicitors of the Society. Further, the Committee, if they<br /> deem it desirable, will obtain counsel’s opinion without<br /> any cost to the member. Moreover, where counsel’s<br /> opinion is favourable, and the sanction of the Committee<br /> is obtained, action will be taken on behalf of the aggrieved<br /> member, and all costs borne by the Society.<br /> <br /> 2. Remember that questions connected with copyright<br /> and publishers’ agreements do not fall within the experi-<br /> ence of ordinary solicitors. Therefore, do not scruple to use<br /> the Society.<br /> <br /> 3. Before signing any agreement whatever, send<br /> the document to the Society for examination.<br /> <br /> 4, Remember always that in belonging to the Society<br /> you are fighting the battles of other writers, even if you<br /> are reaping no direct benefit to yourself, and that you are<br /> advancing the best interests of your calling in promoting<br /> the independence of the writer, the dramatist, the composer.<br /> <br /> 5. The Committee have arranged for the reception of<br /> members’ agreements and their preservation in a fire-<br /> proof safe. The agreements will, of course, be regarded as<br /> confidential documents to be read only by the Secretary,<br /> who will keep the key of the safe. The Society now offers :<br /> (1) To stamp agreements in readiness for a possible action<br /> upon them. (2) To keep agreements. (3) To enforce<br /> payments due according to agreements. Fuller particu-<br /> lars of the Society’s work can be obtained im the<br /> Prospectus.<br /> <br /> 6. No contract should be entered into with a literary<br /> agent without the advice of the Secretary of the Society.<br /> Members are strongly advised not to accept without careful<br /> consideration the contracts with publishers submitted to<br /> them by literary agents, and are recommended to submit<br /> them for interpretation and explanation to the Secretary<br /> of the Society.<br /> <br /> This<br /> The<br /> <br /> 7, Many agents neglect to stamp agreements.<br /> must be done within fourteen days of first execution.<br /> Secretary will undertake it on behalf of members.<br /> <br /> 8. Some agents endeavour to prevent authors from<br /> referring matters to the Secretary of the Society; so<br /> do some publishers. Members can make their own<br /> deductions and act accordingly.<br /> <br /> 9. The subscription to the Society is £1 is per<br /> annum, or £10 10s. for life membership.<br /> <br /> Oo<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO THE PRODUCERS<br /> OF BOOKS.<br /> <br /> Oe<br /> <br /> ERE are a few standing rules to be observed in an<br /> agreement. There are four methods of dealing<br /> with literary property :—<br /> <br /> I. Selling it Outright.<br /> <br /> This is sometimes satisfactory, if a proper price: can be<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> obtained, But the transaction should be managed by a<br /> competent agent, or with the advice of the Secretary of<br /> the Society.<br /> <br /> Il. A Profit-Sharing Agreement (a bad form of<br /> agreement).<br /> <br /> In this case the following rules should be attended to:<br /> <br /> (1.) Not to sign any agreement in which the cost of pro-<br /> duction forms a part without the strictest investigation.<br /> <br /> (2.) Not to give the publisher the power of putting the<br /> profits into his own pocket by charging for advertisements<br /> in his own organs, or by charging exchange advertise-<br /> ments. Therefore keep control of the advertisements.<br /> <br /> (3.) Not to allow a special charge for ‘office expenses,”<br /> unless the same allowance is made to the author.<br /> <br /> (4.) Not to give up American, Colonial, or Continental<br /> rights.<br /> <br /> (5.) Not to give up serial or translation rights.<br /> <br /> (6.) Not to bind yourself for future work to any publisher.<br /> As well bind yourself for the future to any one solicitor or<br /> doctor !<br /> <br /> III. The Royalty System.<br /> <br /> This is perhaps, with certain limitations, the best form<br /> of agreement. It is above all things necessary to know<br /> what the proposed royalty means to both sides. It is now<br /> possible for an author to ascertain approximately the<br /> truth. From time to time very important figures connected<br /> with royalties are published in The Author.<br /> <br /> I¥. A Commission Agreement.<br /> <br /> The main points are :—<br /> <br /> (1.) Be careful to obtain a fair cost of production.<br /> (2.) Keep control of the advertisements.<br /> <br /> (3.) Keep control of the sale price of the book.<br /> <br /> General.<br /> <br /> All other forms of agreement are combinations of the four<br /> above mentioned.<br /> <br /> Such combinations are generally disastrous te the author,<br /> <br /> Never sign any agreement without competent advice from<br /> the Secretary of the Society.<br /> <br /> Stamp all agreements with the Inland Revenue stamp.<br /> <br /> Avoid agreements by letter if possible.<br /> <br /> The main points which the Society has always demanded<br /> from the outset are :—<br /> <br /> (1.) That both sides shall know what an agreement<br /> means.<br /> <br /> _(2.) The inspection of those account books which belong<br /> to the author. We are advised that this is a right, in the<br /> nature of a common law right, which cannot be denied or<br /> withheld.<br /> <br /> (3.) Always avoid a transfer of copyright.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> —————<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO DRAMATIC AUTHORS.<br /> <br /> —— 9<br /> <br /> EVER sign an agreement without submitting it to the<br /> Secretary of the Society of Authors or some com-<br /> petent legal authority.<br /> <br /> 2. It is well to be extremely careful in negotiating for<br /> the production of a play with any one except an established<br /> manager.<br /> <br /> 3. There are three forms of dramatic contract for plays<br /> in three or more acts :—<br /> <br /> (a.) Sale outright of the performing right. This<br /> is unsatisfactory. An author who enters into<br /> <br /> such a contract should stipulate in the contract<br /> for production of the piece by a certain date<br /> and for proper publication of his name on the<br /> play-bills.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> (b.) Sale of performing right or of a licence to<br /> perform on the basis of percentages on<br /> gross receipts, Percentages vary between 5<br /> and 15 per cent. An author should obtain a<br /> percentage on the sliding scale of gross receipts<br /> in preference to the American system, Should<br /> obtain a sum inadvance of percentages. A fixed<br /> date on or before which the play should be<br /> performed.<br /> <br /> (c.) Sale of performing right or of a licence to<br /> perform on the basis of royalties (‘.c., fixed<br /> nightly fees). This method should be always<br /> avoided except in cases where the fees are<br /> likely to be small or difficult to collect. The<br /> other safeguards set out under heading (6.) apply<br /> also in this case,<br /> <br /> 4, Plays in one act are often sold outright, but it is<br /> better to obtain a small nightly fee if possible, and a sum<br /> paid in advance of such fees in any event. It is extremely<br /> important that the amateur rights of one-act plays should<br /> be reserved.<br /> <br /> 5. Authors should remember that performing rights can<br /> be limited, and are usually limited, by town, country, and<br /> time. This is most important.<br /> <br /> 6. Authors should not assign performing rights, but<br /> should grant a licence to perform. The legal distinction<br /> is of great importance,<br /> <br /> 7, Authors should remember that performing rights in a<br /> play are distinct from literary copyright. A manager<br /> holding the performing right or licence to perform cannot<br /> print the book of the words.<br /> <br /> 8. Never forget that United States rights may be exceed-<br /> ingly valuable. ‘They should never be included in English<br /> agreements without the author obtaining a substantial<br /> consideration.<br /> <br /> 9. Agreements for collaboration should be carefully<br /> drawn and executed before collaboration is commenced.<br /> <br /> 10, An author should remember that production of a play<br /> is highly speculative: that he runs a very great risk of<br /> delay and a breakdown in the fulfilment of his contract.<br /> He should therefore guard himself all the more carefully in<br /> the beginning.<br /> <br /> 11. An author must remember that the dramatic market<br /> is exceedingly limited, and that for a novice the first object<br /> is to obtain adequate publication.<br /> <br /> As these warnings must necessarily be incomplete, on<br /> account of the wide range of the subject of dramatic con-<br /> tracts, those authors desirous of further information<br /> are referred to the Secretary of the Society.<br /> <br /> AGN eee<br /> <br /> REGISTRATION OF SCENARIOS AND<br /> ORIGINAL PLAYS.<br /> <br /> —_—<br /> <br /> CENARIOS, typewritten in duplicate on foolscap paper<br /> forwarded to the offices of the Society, together with<br /> <br /> a registration fee of two shillings and. sixpence, will<br /> <br /> be carefully compared by the Secretary or a qualified assis-<br /> tant. One copy will be stamped and returned to theauthor<br /> and the other filed in the register of the Society. Copies<br /> of the scenario thus filed may be obtained at any time by<br /> the author only at a small charge to cover cost of typing.<br /> <br /> Original Plays may also be filed subject to the same<br /> rules, with the exception that a play will be charged for<br /> at the price of 2s. 6d. per act.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 147<br /> <br /> DRAMATIC AUTHORS AND AGENTS.<br /> <br /> — a<br /> RAMATIC authors should seek the advice of the<br /> Society before putting plays into the hands of<br /> agents. As the law stands at present, an agent<br /> who has once had a play in his hands may acquire a<br /> perpetual claim to a percentage on the author’s fees<br /> from it. As far as the placing of plays is concerned,<br /> it may be taken as a general rule that there are only<br /> very few agents who can do anything for an author<br /> that he cannot, under the guidance of the Society, do<br /> equally well or better for himself. The collection of fees<br /> is also a matter in which in many cases no intermediary is<br /> required. For certain purposes, such as the collection of<br /> fees on amateur performances, and in general the trans-<br /> action of frequent petty authorisations with different<br /> individuals, and also for the collection of fees in foreign<br /> countries, almost all dramatic authors employ agents; and<br /> in these ways the services of agents are real and valuable.<br /> But the Society warns authors against agents who profess<br /> to have influence with managers in the placing of plays, or<br /> who propose to act as principals by offering to purchase<br /> the author&#039;s rights. In any case, in the present state of<br /> the law, an agent should not be employed under any<br /> circumstances without an agreement approved of by the<br /> Society.<br /> —_—__——_+—&gt;—_—__<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO MUSICAL COMPOSERS.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ITTLE can be added to the warnings given for the<br /> assistance of producers of books and dramatic<br /> authors. It must, however, be pointed out that, as<br /> <br /> a rule, the musical publisher demands from the musical<br /> composer a transfer of fuller rights and less liberal finan-<br /> cial terms than those obtained for literary and dramatic<br /> property. The musical composer has very often the two.<br /> rights to deal with—performing right and copyright. He<br /> should be especially careful therefore when entering into<br /> an agreement, and should take into particular consideration<br /> the warnings stated above.<br /> <br /> ee<br /> <br /> STAMPING MUSIC.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> The Society undertakes to stamp copies of music on<br /> behalf of its members for the fee of 6d. per 100 or part<br /> of 100. The members’ stamps are kept in the Society’s<br /> safe. The musical publishers communicate direct with the<br /> Secretary, and the voucher is then forwarded to the<br /> members, who are thus saved much unnecessary trouble.<br /> <br /> —______+—@—+ —____<br /> <br /> THE READING BRANCH.<br /> <br /> oe<br /> EMBERS will greatly assist the Suciety in this<br /> branch of its work by informing young writers<br /> of its existence. Their MSS. can be read and<br /> treated as a composition is treated by a coach, The term<br /> MSS. includes not only works of fiction, but poetry<br /> and dramatic works, and when it is possible, under<br /> special arrangement, technical and scientific works. The-<br /> Readers are writers of competence and experience. The:<br /> fee is one guinea.<br /> oa<br /> <br /> REMITTANCES.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> a :<br /> <br /> The Secretary of the Society begs to give notice<br /> that all remittances are acknowledged by return of post.<br /> All remittances should be crossed Union of London and<br /> Smiths Bank, Chancery Lane, or be seat by registered<br /> letter only.<br /> <br /> <br /> COLLECTION BUREAU.<br /> <br /> PYNHE Society undertakes to collect accounts and moneys<br /> due to authors, composers and dramatists.<br /> 1. Under contracts for the publication of their<br /> <br /> works.<br /> <br /> 2. Under contracts for the performance of their works<br /> and amateur fees.<br /> <br /> #%. Under the Compulsory Licence Clauses of the Copy-<br /> right Act, i.e., Clause 3, governing compulsory licences for<br /> books, and Clause I9, referring to mechanical instrument<br /> records.<br /> <br /> The Bureau is divided into three departments ;—<br /> <br /> 1. Literary.<br /> 2. Dramatic.<br /> 3. Musical.<br /> <br /> The Society does not desire to make a profit from the<br /> collection of fees, but will charge a commission to cover<br /> expenses. If, owing to the amount passing through the<br /> office, the expenses are more than covered, the Committee<br /> of Management will discuss the possibility of reducing the<br /> commission.<br /> <br /> For full particulars of the terms of collection, application<br /> must be made to the Collection Bureau of the Society.<br /> <br /> The Bureau is, in no sense, a literary or dramatic<br /> agency for the placing of books or plays.<br /> <br /> -—- +<br /> <br /> GENERAL NOTES.<br /> <br /> a<br /> “THE AutTHorS’ LEAGUE OF AMERICA.”’<br /> <br /> WE are glad to hear that ‘“‘ The Authors’<br /> League of America ’”’ was incorporated under<br /> the laws of the State of New York on Decem-<br /> ber 18, 1912. On the council we see the<br /> following names :—Samuel Hopkins Adams,<br /> Gertrude Atherton, Ellis Parker Butler,<br /> Winston Churchill, Rachel Crothers, Walter<br /> P. Eaton, Hamlin Garland, Ellen Glasgow,<br /> Robert Grant, Will Irwin, Owen Johnson,<br /> Charles Rann Kennedy, Cleveland Moffett,<br /> Meredith Nicholson, Harvey J. O&#039;Higgins,<br /> Will Payne, Milton Royle, William M. Sloane,<br /> A. E. Thomas, Augustus Thomas, Louis<br /> Joseph Vance, Carolyn Wells, Jesse Lynch<br /> Williams, and the executive committee, in<br /> whose hands the work of the League will rest,<br /> is composed of the following members :—<br /> Rex Beach, Gilett Burgess, Rupert Hughes,<br /> George Barr McCutcheon, Kate Douglas Riggs,<br /> Ida M. Tarbell, Arthur Train. We wish the<br /> League every possible success, not only for<br /> itself, but for selfish reasons also. The in-<br /> formation it should be possible to obtain on<br /> many difficult points in the American market<br /> will be of the greatest value to the Society of<br /> Authors. The Society of Authors isat present<br /> acting with the League of Dramatic Authors<br /> in America. A notice to this effect is published<br /> on another page. Unlike the dramatic authors<br /> in England it has established itself as a separate<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> body. The same separate organisation exists<br /> in France. This is a pity, because where all<br /> authors are combined, the force of the organisa-<br /> tion, and its financial capacity, is enormously<br /> strengthened. We have received a copy of<br /> the “Constitution and By-Laws” of the<br /> Authors’ League of America, and perceive that<br /> these are to a great extent based on the work<br /> and methods of our own Society. Imitation<br /> is (to use the old proverb) the sincerest flattery,<br /> <br /> Ricuts oF TRANSLATION.<br /> <br /> WE desire to repeat a warning which we<br /> have previously given to writers in connection<br /> with the disposal of foreign rights in their<br /> works. Authors are inclined to treat these<br /> ‘‘minor”’ rights as so much money gained if<br /> \they are placed, but as not sufficiently<br /> ‘important to justify a firmer stand for decent<br /> prices and fair contracts. A correspondent<br /> in Sweden, who is also an agent in that<br /> country for the disposal of the Swedish rights,<br /> complains to us of English and American<br /> authors (though he lays the blame chiefly<br /> on the English) who sell their rights for<br /> next to nothing. He states: “I have been<br /> preaching all the time £10 for sole or book<br /> right ; £5 for serial right in one newspaper, is<br /> easily to be had by every author.”’<br /> <br /> It is to be hoped that authors will take this<br /> advice to heart. When they contract with the<br /> British publisher they must see, by refusing<br /> to surrender the minor rights which English<br /> publishers are so fond of demanding, that they<br /> are in a position to act upon it. It is the<br /> business of every author to keep up the price<br /> of his literary work to the fair market value,<br /> both in Great Britain and elsewhere.<br /> <br /> NEVER SELL THE COPYRIGHT.<br /> <br /> WE have frequently warned members against<br /> the transfer of copyright to the publisher. Such<br /> a transfer, unwise as it was under the old Copy-<br /> right Act of 1842, is nothing short of disastrous<br /> under the Act £1911. Copyright, as defined<br /> by the latter Act, includes many rights not pre-<br /> viously enjoy.d by auth:rs, dramatists and<br /> composers. Much of the increased protection<br /> given by the Legislature to the creators of<br /> intellectual property was gained by the Society<br /> only after a very keen struggle with the various<br /> trade interests involved. It is important, there-<br /> fore, if the efforts of the Society are not to be<br /> rendered futile, that members should refuse<br /> to part with the copyright however pressing<br /> the assertion of the publishers.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Veto yey Bile, Penna<br /> {LAS Mae fa i.<br /> thc LTE<br /> <br /> a ei<br /> 4<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 149<br /> <br /> To ComMPposERs.<br /> <br /> Tuts advice, while of general pplication to<br /> authors, ccmposers and dramatists, is of<br /> particular importance in the case of the ocm-<br /> poser. Under the Act of 1911 the composer,<br /> although he had assigned his copyright before<br /> the Act came into force, was still allowed,<br /> subject to certain conditions, to retain the<br /> right of mechanical reproduction in his work<br /> in spite of such assignment. It seems, however,<br /> from recent evidence, that composers consider<br /> this principle applies to any contract entered<br /> into after the Act comes into force, that is<br /> after July, 1912; that, in fact, although they<br /> assign their copyright, they do not assign the<br /> rights of mechanical reproduction. This<br /> deduction is entirely false. Any assignment of<br /> copyright after the Act has come into force<br /> assigns to the publisher the right of mechanical<br /> reproduction. Indeed, the copyright of the<br /> composer is so wide, and embraces so many<br /> points nowadays under the Act of 1911, that<br /> any transference leaves the composer in a<br /> hopeless condition, But it is with regard<br /> to the production by mechanical instruments<br /> that he is likely to suffer most if he assigns<br /> the copyright to the publisher.<br /> <br /> The publisher will have the right to license or<br /> refuse to license the work for reproduction by<br /> mechanical instrument, and the composer will<br /> have no voice and will be, as usual, at the<br /> publisher’s mercy. Then, from the financial<br /> point of view, it is possible that the com-<br /> poser, through ignorance, might not make<br /> any stipulation for payment and if he had<br /> assigned the copyright, and there was no special<br /> payment to be made on mechanical reproduc-<br /> tion, then he would receive no payment at all<br /> beyond the royalty which might be due to<br /> him on printed copies of the sheet music.<br /> But when the financial question is mentioned<br /> the publishers generally claim that 30 or even<br /> 50 per cent. should be paid to themselves.<br /> They have put forward as an argument<br /> that the publication of the work, brought<br /> out at their expense (they might perhaps<br /> have said by their generosity) and by their<br /> business capacity, alone makes the mechanical<br /> rights of zny value whatever; but the<br /> exact opposite is gradually getting to be<br /> the case; for the production of the work on<br /> the pianola and other mechanical instruments<br /> acts as an enormous advertisement for the sale<br /> of the sheet music. Instead, therefore, of the<br /> publisher be ng paid 30 per cent. of the fees as<br /> a reward for his generous publication, he ought<br /> really to pay the author a certain sum, if he will<br /> allow his work to be mechanically reproduced,<br /> <br /> ,<br /> <br /> The Society’s Collection Bureau undertakes<br /> the collection of these fees on a 15 per cent.<br /> basis, merely asking the composer to defray<br /> the cost of manufacture of the necessary stamps.<br /> <br /> This point, then, must be repeated, that<br /> unless the composer retains the copyright of<br /> his composition, he cannot veto the mechanical<br /> reproduction of his work, as he may, in some<br /> cases, desire todo. In the case of compositions<br /> published after the Act came into force, the<br /> copyright owner has power to say whether or<br /> not he will permit the work to be mechanically<br /> reproduced. If he permits one such reproduc-<br /> tion, then other companies may reproduce<br /> subject to the terms of the Act. This power,<br /> it is clear, should rest with the composer, who<br /> has created the work, and not with the<br /> publisher. But it will rest with the publisher<br /> if the composer is so unwise as to assign his<br /> copyright.<br /> <br /> New Year Honours.<br /> <br /> New Year’s honours were conferred upon<br /> Mr. G. W. Forrest and Dr. Francis Darwin,<br /> both of whom have been members of the<br /> Society of Authors for some years. Sir G. W.<br /> Forrest is well known for his ‘‘ History of<br /> the Indian Mutiny,” in three volumes, and for<br /> his ‘* Life of Sir Neville Chamberlain,” and for<br /> the compilation of records from the India<br /> Record Office, while Sir F. Darwin has upheld<br /> his father’s reputation in his scientific studies<br /> and research.<br /> <br /> THE SOCIETY OF AMERICAN DRAMATISTS<br /> AND COMPOSERS.<br /> <br /> eae<br /> HE Society of American Dramatists<br /> and Composers forwarded the following<br /> letter to the Dramatic Sub-Committee<br /> of the Society.<br /> <br /> “ Ata meeting of the directors of the Society of American<br /> Dramatists and Composers, on the motion of the secretary,<br /> seconded by the treasurer, it was unanimously voted to<br /> make an effort to establish some relation between the<br /> American Society and the Society of Authors in England.<br /> Mr. Charles Klein was appointed chairman of a committee<br /> whose duty it shall be to draft a set of propositions which<br /> will tend to establish reciprocal relations between the two<br /> societies. i<br /> <br /> “Your committee submits the following tentative<br /> suggestions :—<br /> <br /> “That any dramatist, ‘a member of the Society of<br /> Authors in England, having the proper credentials, or a<br /> card from the Society of the English organization, shall be<br /> entitled to use the American Society&#039;s rooms as his postal<br /> or business address for three months without payment of<br /> any dues.<br /> <br /> * He shall also be entitled to receive all benefits enjoyed<br /> <br /> <br /> 150<br /> <br /> by members in good standing—attend the meetings, etc.,<br /> etc., but shall not be permitted to vote.<br /> <br /> ** The officers of the Society will furnish him all advice<br /> and information concerning managers, authors, agents,<br /> etc., and other theatrical men; in fact, any information<br /> incidental to the pursuit of his calling.<br /> <br /> ** Should it be necessary for him to go to law concerning<br /> his play, its copyright, etc., the Society will advise him in<br /> regard to the proper lawyer to undertake such case or, at<br /> his request, would undertake to settle his case through the<br /> Society’s regular arbitration board, consisting of seven of<br /> the leading dramatists in this Society ; thus giving the<br /> applicant not only a valuable professional standing, but a<br /> fair guarantee of protection against unscrupulous lawyers<br /> and managers.<br /> <br /> “The committee submits that the above propositions<br /> will not only be a valuable aid to the aspiring playwright<br /> who decides to make America a temporary home or whilst<br /> placing his play ; but it will give him an opportunity to<br /> meet his fellow craftsmen under circumstances which will<br /> make it not only a duty but a pleasure for them to render<br /> him all the assistance within their power.<br /> <br /> “It shall be the duty of the secretaries of each Society<br /> to keep their members posted as to all changes in copy-<br /> right laws and, if possible, to co-operate in an effort to<br /> pass an international law which shall be mutually<br /> advantageous.”<br /> <br /> The Dramatic Sub-Committee referred the<br /> matter to the Committee of Management with<br /> a warm recommendation to accept, as far as<br /> possible, the proposal for reciprocity set out<br /> in that letter. At the last meeting of the<br /> Committee of Management, the secretary was<br /> instructed to write to the secretary of the<br /> Society of American Dramatists and Com-<br /> posers, saying that as far as their letter referred<br /> to business relations between the members of<br /> both societies, the Committee would be ex-<br /> ceedingly pleased to adopt the suggestion put<br /> forward to give the American dramatic author<br /> every help and assistance in the publication<br /> and production of his works in England, and<br /> in the matter of confidential advice as to the<br /> responsibility of those who were connected with<br /> the theatrical and dramatic business. The com-<br /> mittee regretted, however, that as the Society<br /> of Authors was purely a business Society, they<br /> could not offer the further hospitality of the<br /> use of rooms, as the Society had no rooms at<br /> their disposal for social gatherings.<br /> <br /> It is to be hoped that this closer union of<br /> the two Societies may afford great assistance<br /> to the members of the Society of Authors, as the<br /> secretary from time to time is in need of advice<br /> and help concerning the responsibility of<br /> managers in America, and that the Society’s<br /> lawyers in New York may find the aid which<br /> the Dramatic Society in America can give of<br /> the greatest value in any action that may be<br /> taken in America. It is to be hoped also that<br /> the American Society will utilise the informa-<br /> tion at the disposal of the English Society’s<br /> offices.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> MESSRS. JOHN LONG, LTD., AND THE<br /> SOCIETY OF AUTHORS.<br /> <br /> pee<br /> W* have received the following letter<br /> from Mr. John Long, managing<br /> <br /> director of John Long, Ltd :—<br /> <br /> 12, 13 &amp; 14, Norris Street,<br /> Haymarket,<br /> <br /> London.<br /> <br /> 9th January, 1913.<br /> Dear Sin,—Seeing that The Author, in its current<br /> number, gives publicity only to an extract—this of its own<br /> choosing—from our recent correspondence, we trust your<br /> Society, which always represents itself as zealous in secur-<br /> ing the observance of principles of justice and equity, will<br /> now have the goodness to publish the full text. In the<br /> event of the Society failing to do so the false impression<br /> created remains. We enclose you copies of our two letters<br /> in question and hope to see them printed in the next issue<br /> of The Author, thereby affording members an opportunity<br /> <br /> of drawing their own conclusions.<br /> Faithfully yours,<br /> Joun Lone, Limrrep.<br /> Joun Lone,<br /> Managing Director.<br /> G. Hersert Turing, Esq.<br /> <br /> We accordingly publish in full the letters to<br /> which he refers :—<br /> <br /> [copy.]<br /> 15th November, 1912.<br /> Dear Sir,—We have to acknowledge receipt of your<br /> letter of the 12th inst. and much regret the position you<br /> have taken up. Obviously it is not your intention, and<br /> thus the intention of your Society, to be interested in the<br /> equity of the matter nor indeed to promote harmony in<br /> settling questions between author and publisher. Primaril<br /> we should have thought a Society such as yours would have<br /> seen to it that its workings were directed to the achieve-<br /> ment of that pacific object, but unfortunately evidence to<br /> the contrary is constantly being brought to our notice. It<br /> would appear that immediately an author joins the Society<br /> he is taught to look on the publisher in the most odious<br /> light, as witness the repeated articles against publishers as<br /> a class in its monthly periodical. We know of no other<br /> publication run on similar lines.<br /> Faithfully yours,<br /> Joun Lone, Limirep.<br /> (signed) Joun Lone,<br /> Managing Director.<br /> G. Hersert Trine, Esq.<br /> <br /> [copy.]<br /> 21st November, 1912.<br /> <br /> Dear Sir,—We have yours of the 16th inst. and main-<br /> tain that our last communication is justified. We speak<br /> for ourselves and from our own experience. Authors have<br /> originally been on friendly terms with us, socially as well<br /> as in the course of business, and yet have subsequently<br /> adopted a different and frequently hostile attitude towards<br /> us, the change synchronizing with their becoming members<br /> of your Society. This we ascribe, in the main, to their<br /> having become imbued with the views expressed in the<br /> Society’s monthly publication and other literature issued<br /> by it.<br /> <br /> We have no desire to prolong correspondence with you<br /> on this subject. The policy the Society would appear to<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> pursue is one of aggression to publishers generally—we<br /> wish we could think otherwise. Unless an agreement is<br /> such as the Society of Authors would approve, the pub-<br /> lisher who makes it is, as you will admit, liable to be<br /> pilloried in their monthly publication. We think it would<br /> <br /> be only just that you should acquaint yourself as to how<br /> the particular accounts figure in publishers’ ledgers before<br /> comment is made upon the workings of agreements between<br /> authors and publishers. You would then find that the<br /> hypothetic profits you allege are, not infrequently, losses<br /> to the publishers. The fact cannot be lost sight of that,<br /> in dealing with publishers’ agreements, your Society in<br /> effect takes upon itself the triple réle of counsel for the<br /> prosecution, judge and jury—you present the case from<br /> the point of view of the author&#039;s interest, give the verdict<br /> (always against the publisher), and inevitably condemn<br /> hi<br /> <br /> im.<br /> <br /> There is no bigger gamble in the commercial world than<br /> publishing as, after all, it is really a toss of the coin which<br /> way the cat will jump. I have been thirty years a pub-<br /> lisher and think you will admit I have some knowledge of<br /> my business. I most strongly deprecate the false impres-<br /> sions that are bruited abroad about publishers.<br /> <br /> Faithfully yours,<br /> Joun Lone, LIMITED.<br /> Joun Lone,<br /> <br /> (signed)<br /> Managing Director.<br /> <br /> G. Hersert THRING, Esq.<br /> <br /> We leave the letters to make what impression<br /> they may, but must state that in the cases<br /> between authors and Mr. John Long’s firm, to<br /> which we have given publicity, upon “ the toss<br /> of the coin” the cat has never jumped on the<br /> author’s side.<br /> <br /> ee<br /> <br /> ROYALTY AGREEMENTS.<br /> <br /> ——<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> PUBLISHERS’<br /> <br /> Royvatties ON EnciisH SAEs, PRoFit<br /> SHarine IN U.S.A. SALES.<br /> <br /> ‘2 an agreement which has come frequently<br /> before the society, issued by one of the<br /> most important publishing houses in<br /> <br /> London, there is a clause which needs very<br /> drastic comment. It is essential, owing to the<br /> importance of the house from which the agree-<br /> ments are issued, that authors should take the<br /> matter into their serious consideration and<br /> should be prepared to deal with the clause<br /> should it at any time be submitted to them<br /> for signature.<br /> <br /> It is an arrangement by which the author is<br /> paid a royalty on all English sales, but, if the<br /> United States copyright is not obtained, half<br /> profits on sales to the United States. If this<br /> clause is inserted in the usual half profit agree-<br /> ment, there is little to be said against it; in<br /> that case the only points at issue are: Isa profit-<br /> sharing agreement desirable ; in what propor-<br /> tion should profits be divided between author<br /> and publisher? But if the clause is inserted<br /> <br /> 151<br /> <br /> in an agreement where the author is to obtain<br /> a royalty on the publication of the English<br /> edition, there is one very strong point of<br /> objection.<br /> <br /> The objection rests on the fact that a clause<br /> drafted on these lines is a distinct pitfall to the<br /> author. Itisa pitfall for the following reasons:<br /> Because to the ordinary person the difficul-<br /> ties with which the clause is pregnant are<br /> altogether invisible. Because the amount the<br /> author receives in royalty is always calculated<br /> see the books of the Society on this point—on<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> the basis that the full cost of composition is |<br /> <br /> charged against the English edition.<br /> were not the case the author ought to receive<br /> a higher royalty on British sales. Let us<br /> explain what we mean more fully.<br /> Take the ordinary 6s. book :—<br /> £ sid:<br /> <br /> Cost of composition<br /> copies oe<br /> <br /> Cost of printing<br /> <br /> Cost of paper .<br /> <br /> of 3,000<br /> ve 2. 735<br /> 20<br /> 30<br /> <br /> ooo<br /> Oo ooo<br /> <br /> £85<br /> <br /> oS<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Of the 3,000 copies the publisher sends<br /> 1,000 to America, and receives for the same<br /> (say) 1s. per copy £50. The cost of composi-<br /> tion was compulsory for the completion of the<br /> English edition, the author’s royalty, as stated,<br /> being based on this understanding ; but the<br /> publisher takes one-third of this cost towards<br /> the American edition, as well as one-third of<br /> the cost for the print and the paper, leaving to<br /> be divided between himself and the sao<br /> <br /> £. s. d.<br /> <br /> By sale of 1,000 copies to<br /> <br /> America os , ve<br /> <br /> : 50 0 0<br /> One-third cost of production. .<br /> <br /> 28 6 8<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> £21 138 4<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Thus each party would get £10 16s. 8d.<br /> But the cost of composition ought not to be<br /> charged against the American edition, only<br /> the cost of print and paper, so that the real<br /> half-profit arrangement would be - :<br /> e4.<br /> By sale of 1,000 copies in<br /> America. s<br /> One-third cost<br /> <br /> paper<br /> <br /> : . 50 0 O<br /> of print and<br /> &lt; .. 1618 4<br /> <br /> ————————<br /> <br /> £38 6 8<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Thus each party would get £16 13s. Ad.<br /> <br /> Tf this |<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Instead, therefore, of the author receiving<br /> £10 16s. 8d. he ought to get £16 13s. 4d.<br /> <br /> To show how this method may be worked<br /> out in the interests of untrustworthy pub-<br /> lishers unfairly to the author, say the pub-<br /> lisher in the first instance only publishes a<br /> <br /> thousand copies. The cost of production<br /> would be :—<br /> £ &amp; wd.<br /> Cost of composition .. &gt;. 85 70-0<br /> Cost of printing 2 -. 10 0 ©<br /> Cost of paper .. Se -. 150 0<br /> £60 0 0<br /> <br /> He sells 500 copies to America, and on the<br /> same principle the following sum is worked<br /> out :—<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 2 gd.<br /> <br /> Half cost of production is 30 0 0<br /> By sale of 500 copies to<br /> <br /> America at 1s. copy -. 26°90 0<br /> <br /> Loss on sale £5 0 0<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> This’ would leave a deficit against the<br /> author&#039;s account of £2 10s. as the sale to<br /> America has apparently failed to cover the<br /> cost of production. Whereas, if the profits<br /> had been worked out fairly, the cost of composi-<br /> tion being chargeable to the English edition,<br /> the figures would have come out :—<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> £6. od:<br /> Sale of 500 copies to<br /> America aS ae 25: 0-0<br /> Half the cost of print and<br /> paper oe i -. 12: 10° 0<br /> £12 10 O<br /> <br /> Thus the author would have a profit of<br /> £6 5s. instead of a deficit of £2 10s.<br /> <br /> As soon as the edition is sold and the amount<br /> is worked out against the author the pub-<br /> lisher prints 10,000 copies for the English<br /> edition, but never takes into account the<br /> proportion of the cost of production of the<br /> 500 sent to America to the 10,000 printed in<br /> England. Again, suppose you take the first<br /> instance, and 20,000 were sold subsequently,<br /> the cost of the 1,000 sold to America is still<br /> taken in proportion to the cost of the 3,000 of<br /> the first edition printed, and not in proportion<br /> to the whole cost.<br /> <br /> It will be seen, therefore, that quite apart<br /> from the contract being unfair, and a pitfall<br /> to the unwary (as on the face of the agreement<br /> the difficulty is invisible), even if it is worked<br /> out by a publisher with an honest idea of doing<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> nothing dishonourable, the result of its work-<br /> ing, its natural evolution, becomes a fraud on<br /> the author, as it is impossible to calculate his<br /> sale to America on the basis of future sales.<br /> It must always be calculated on the basis of<br /> the number produced in the first edition.<br /> The position is ridiculous.<br /> <br /> i ge<br /> <br /> UNREVIEWED BOOKS.<br /> <br /> —— a<br /> <br /> Wi becomes of them? What is their<br /> ‘Y ultimate fate? The Bookseller lately<br /> <br /> informed us that in the year 1910<br /> about 5,000 new books were published, and in<br /> 1911, 8,500, or an increase of 70 per cent.<br /> Not by any possibility could a moiety of these<br /> be reviewed. The exigencies of an editor’s<br /> time and space would prevent any possible<br /> notice or review. What then is the destiny of<br /> these unfortunate volumes? It is a puzzling<br /> problem. There is no waste paper basket in<br /> any periodical office strong or big enough to<br /> hold even a month’s discarded books.<br /> <br /> Do they become the office boy’s perquisites,<br /> to fill the void of his uncompleted education<br /> at the school board? Perchance they serve<br /> as weapons of defiance, missiles to hurl at cruel<br /> and unforgiving parents in East End courts.<br /> Are these unreviewed waifs and strays of<br /> literature eventually sold as waste paper to a<br /> rag and bone merchant, to be wrought again<br /> into pulp and paper so that the fine conceptions<br /> and emanations of a fruitful brain may be<br /> converted into virgin sheets on which new<br /> aspirants to literary fame may score their<br /> original ideas ? Do the weary and despondent<br /> editors, irate at the fate that compels them to<br /> sit in judgment on other people’s work,<br /> deliberately burn these effete and sad volumes,<br /> so that transmitted thought, like the brains<br /> that originated it, may eventually become only<br /> dust and ashes !<br /> <br /> Perhaps the collected volumes, after a time,<br /> have to be cleared out of the office in order to<br /> economise space, and these en bloc, are sold<br /> for waste paper to neighbouring grocers or<br /> milkmen. This may be their end after all;<br /> the book which demanded and obtained fame<br /> may afterwards be turned to base uses !<br /> <br /> ‘‘Imperious Cesar, dead and turned to clay,<br /> Might stop a hole to keep the wind away.”<br /> <br /> It might happen that these printed visions<br /> may come home to their authors wrapped in<br /> <br /> their original leaves, containing margarine or<br /> a piece of indigestible steak. Who knows?<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 1:<br /> <br /> ao<br /> 53<br /> <br /> The hapless author may well be filled with<br /> dread in imagining the ultimate fate of his<br /> unreviewed book, and give up the haunting<br /> puzzle in despair.<br /> <br /> I dare say the book-lover, in looking over<br /> the displays of very cheap volumes on the<br /> stands in the open street may feel a sad wistful-<br /> ness at beholding one of his cherished<br /> unreviewed volumes for sale, let me say, at an<br /> unreasonable price of twopence.* Even with<br /> the comfort that splendid thoughts cannot be<br /> valued in sordid cash, that the vulgar dross of<br /> pennies may be quite eliminated from ennobling<br /> aspiration expressed in print, still an arriére<br /> pensée must linger of misplaced effort and<br /> wasted hours—all computed to be worth two<br /> pennies !<br /> <br /> 2% * * *<br /> <br /> I am of opinion that every publisher and<br /> author should enclose the necessary stamps<br /> for the return of the book, should it be found<br /> that its review was an impossibility. After<br /> all, the book was to serve an end intended by<br /> the author for the public, and I don’t think that<br /> any editor has the moral right to retain what<br /> is sent him for one purpose only. It may be<br /> said that this would prove a needless waste of<br /> the editor’s or his deputy’s time, that the<br /> volume, like an MS., never asked for, lies at<br /> the writer’s risk; and yet, I imagine that a<br /> little human consideration for the author might<br /> not be amiss in the matter.<br /> <br /> At all events, a mass of unreviewed books is<br /> a positive fact—and their possible fate is only<br /> a conjecture. And, if not returned, I might<br /> suggest that instead of coming to any ultimate<br /> base uses, they might serve a more worthy<br /> purpose.<br /> <br /> We have homes for stray dogs and cats,<br /> why not then a home for unreviewed books,<br /> whence they might be sent to hospitals for the<br /> benefit of those pining for something fresh to<br /> read. Consider the number of pent-up, suffer-<br /> ing men and women, whose lives might be<br /> cheered, comforted and delighted with these<br /> new unreviewed books. This, then, seems<br /> their proper end and destination—and surely<br /> in this altruistic land there are very many<br /> who have the means and energy to cast this<br /> idea of mine into practical form. Then the<br /> fate of unreviewed books need no longer be a<br /> matter of uncertainty, and their writers,<br /> instead of desponding, would be gladdened.<br /> <br /> IstporE G. ASCHER.<br /> <br /> * I once bought one of my own novels in perfect<br /> condition at this figure, and an early vol. by Hichens at<br /> threepence.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> STAGE COPYRIGHT.<br /> Deo ee<br /> <br /> HE perusal of a number of books by<br /> experts on any giv n subject should<br /> not, in the mind of the ardent student,<br /> <br /> tend to confuse the issues, but should rather<br /> enable him to organise his cwn pinions and<br /> assist him in making his own de uctions.<br /> Every student of the Copyright Law will<br /> therefore welcome another scholarly book on<br /> the subject, ‘* Stage Copyright at Home and<br /> Abroad,” by Bernard Weller, published from<br /> the Stage office, 16, York Street, Covent<br /> Garden. The book shows a careful and earnest<br /> study. There is one remark in the introduc-<br /> tion to which special attention should b » drawn.<br /> The author, dealing with the performing<br /> rights, after pointing out the advantages<br /> obtained under the Act, realises the importance<br /> —as copyright runs from the day the play, etc.,<br /> is set down in writing—that that date should<br /> be accurately fixed, and suggests that the<br /> author should get his typewriter to date the<br /> copy and procure creditable witnesses of the<br /> fact; the point is indeed well taken. With<br /> the object of fixing the date, the Society in-<br /> stituted some time ago a Register of Scenarios,<br /> which has been found increasingly useful. No<br /> doubt those who study Mr. Weller’s book will<br /> take the hint.<br /> <br /> He suggests in his preface that much has<br /> been done to protect the dramatist against<br /> infringement and piracy, though perhaps not<br /> so much as for other classes of authors, but<br /> sums up that the Act is comprehensive, and<br /> with the Berlin Convention, is caleulated to<br /> give our authors nearly all that they can<br /> reasonably desire.<br /> <br /> With the first part of the statement it is<br /> difficult t» agree. It is true that the summary<br /> proceedings may prove inadequate—they were<br /> ruthlessly and quite unwarrantably cut down<br /> in Committee—but they do give, first, a<br /> protect on never before afforded, and they do<br /> give a good ceal to the dramatist. On other<br /> points it would eppear that the dramatist has<br /> a wider security and a larger field than others.<br /> <br /> The real point, however, in a work of this kind<br /> is not the author&#039;s opinion of the Act, though<br /> on the whole it is sound and reasonable, but<br /> his critical treatment of th» different clauses,<br /> and his explanations of the new position. On<br /> these points he has shown trustworthy judg-<br /> ment, and his hints to authors on their newly<br /> acquired property are wise&#039;y conceived. He<br /> draws attention to the fact that assignment of<br /> copyright in a literary, dramatic and musical<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 154<br /> <br /> work includes the rights of mechanical repro-<br /> duction, and that this fact is one to be borne<br /> in mind, especially by musical composers.<br /> He should have &lt; dded equally, if not more so,<br /> by dramatists, for it is almost impossible to<br /> conceive whit may be the result of cinemato-<br /> graph production in the near future.<br /> <br /> His chapter devoted to this method of<br /> repr-duction is cne of the most interesting<br /> and instructive.<br /> <br /> Finally, it becomes necessary to deal with<br /> the forms of agreement. The introduction to<br /> this portion of the work is not unsatisfactory,<br /> but a careful perusal of the forms brings<br /> conviction that any attempt to make an<br /> exhaustive standardisation must be wholly<br /> unsatisfactory. Forms are excellent aids for<br /> the lawyer or for the man who knows, but they<br /> are terrible pitfalls for the amateur.<br /> <br /> Mr. Weller’s forms are good as a basis, but<br /> they are not and cannot be, by the very nature<br /> of the subject, all embracing, for instance, no<br /> account seems to be taken of repertory pro-<br /> duction which has become so frequent recently,<br /> and he does not anywhere deal with the right<br /> of the author to be present in the theatre and<br /> have tickets for the performance. There are<br /> several other notes of omission, but it is<br /> hardly fair in the very limited space to be too<br /> captious and hypercritical. What the dramatist<br /> should guard against before anything is, that he<br /> should never license out his play for countries<br /> or towns where the manager does not intend<br /> to produce, or if he intends, has not produced<br /> within a definite time. Mr. Weller, although<br /> he does not emphasise the point, has shown<br /> amply how the dramatist should protect<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> himself.<br /> op +—~e<br /> <br /> GUIDE TO THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 4941.&quot;<br /> pare<br /> <br /> HROUGH the courtesy of the Publishers’<br /> Association, the Society of Authors has<br /> been able to add another work on<br /> <br /> Copyright to its copyright library.<br /> <br /> When the Act of 1911 was passed, Mr. E. J.<br /> Macgillivray published, with Stevens &amp; Sons, a<br /> work setting out the Act, explaining clause by<br /> clause the then existing law, and the law under<br /> the Act.<br /> <br /> The present book, by the same author, is not<br /> so ambitious in its scope ; it is merely, what its<br /> title states, a guide.<br /> <br /> It does not follow the clauses of the Act in<br /> detail, but adopts a different arrangement. One<br /> <br /> * «Quide to the Copyright Act, 1911,” by E. J’<br /> <br /> Macgillivray. Published by. The Publishers’ Association<br /> St ationery Hall Court, London.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> that will make things easier for those who want<br /> a guide.<br /> <br /> The order of chapters is as follows :—<br /> <br /> I. Range of Imperial Copyright.<br /> <br /> II. Works Protected: oe<br /> <br /> III. Duration of Copyright.<br /> <br /> IV. Content of Copyright.<br /> <br /> V. Right to reproduce without licence<br /> or payment to owner of Copy-<br /> right.<br /> <br /> VI. Right to reproduce without licence<br /> on payment of a Royalty.<br /> VII. First owner of Copyright.<br /> VIII. Passing of Copyright by Operation<br /> of Law.<br /> IX. Assignment of Copyright.<br /> <br /> X. Licence.<br /> <br /> XI. Infringement and Remedies.<br /> XH. Mechanical Instruments.<br /> XIII. Notice to Commissioners of<br /> Customs.<br /> XIV. Delivery of Books to Libraries.<br /> XV. Copyright in Foreign Countries.<br /> XVI. Copyright in United States of<br /> America.<br /> XVII. Copyright in Foreign Works.<br /> <br /> The book is, without the Appendix, ninety<br /> pagesinlength. It would be impossible within<br /> that space to cover all the ground, but there is<br /> much useful information which should not<br /> escape the careful study of those who are<br /> anxious to learn. The Chapters on “ the<br /> Assignment of Copyright,” IX., and ‘‘ Licence”’<br /> X., are especially illuminating.<br /> <br /> Some of the Chapters—I., II., III., for<br /> instance—are little more than statements of<br /> facts, but others show the full knowledge and<br /> keen insight of the author.<br /> <br /> It is certainly a useful book within its<br /> limitations.<br /> <br /> ——————————<br /> <br /> BOOK-PRICES CURRENT.*<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> ARTS IV. and V. for 1912, completing<br /> Pp the twenty-sixth volume of “* Book<br /> Prices Current,”’ are lying before us.<br /> <br /> We always have occasion to bestow the highest<br /> praises on this publication, and to repeat that<br /> it can be rightly appreciated only by those<br /> who peruse its contents. The preface of the<br /> present volume is more than usually interesting.<br /> The whole sum resulting from the book sales,<br /> aud the average prices of the lots have, during<br /> 1912, reach unprecedented sums. The total<br /> value is £181,780, and the average price<br /> exceeds £5. The Huth sale, not yet completed,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> * © Book-Prices Current.’ London. Elliot Stock, 1912.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 155<br /> <br /> has produced these unprecedented results, two<br /> portions of the Huth sale alone having brought<br /> in nearly £81,000. Only one sale held in this<br /> <br /> country has represented a larger sum of money :<br /> <br /> that of the library of William Beckford, of<br /> Fonthill (1823—-1883), which produced £89,200.<br /> Of the Huth library, letters A—D alone have as<br /> yet been sold, so that it may be regarded as<br /> certain that this collection will in the end prove<br /> the most valuable that has ever entered the sale<br /> room. In the preface of the volume will be<br /> found a comparison of all the most valuable<br /> libraries dispersed, a comparison which is<br /> necessarily based upon purely commercial<br /> considerations, and duly qualified by the<br /> editor’s remark that allowances must. be made<br /> for differences of date. What the Duke of<br /> Roxburghe’s library, which in 1812 sold for<br /> £12,000, would now fetch can hardly be<br /> imagined.<br /> <br /> The sales recorded extend from April 15,<br /> 1912, to July 31, 1912. Everything else is<br /> throwninto theshade by themarvels of the Huth<br /> library, and where there is so much to be noted,<br /> we regret that our want of space obliges us to<br /> select out of countless entries of interest<br /> only a few of those which would command the<br /> attention of various authors. In the library<br /> of “A Collector” (Puttick, May 13 and 14), was<br /> sold, George Meredith, holograph manuscript<br /> of “ Jump-to-Glory Jane,” for £105. This<br /> is the first draft of the poem, differing very<br /> considerably from what was ultimately pub-<br /> lished. On June 5 Messrs. Sotheby began<br /> the sale of the second portion of the<br /> Huth library, Lots 1229—2596, realising<br /> £30,169 15s. 6d. The record of the books<br /> covers 139 pages, and there is not one of them<br /> that does not mention items of interest. A<br /> first edition of ‘‘ Don Quixote,”’ Parts I. and II.<br /> (1605—1615) uniformly bound, sold for £1,460.<br /> A first edition of Chaucer’s ‘* Canterbury<br /> Tales,’ Caxton, about 1478 (with fifteen leaves<br /> in facsimile) sold for £905. Only two perfect<br /> copies of the book are known to exist. Very<br /> worthy of attention are the various early<br /> editions of the works of the poets Samuel<br /> Daniel and Michael Drayton, and of the plays<br /> of John Dryden. Of the works of De Foe<br /> there were 176 lots, many of them first editions.<br /> The first edition of ‘The Adventures of<br /> Robinson Crusoe,” and of ‘The Farther<br /> Adventures of Robinson Crusoe,’ 2 volumes,<br /> both published in 1719, sold for £70. A sale<br /> of remarkabl: exceptionality was that by<br /> Christie, July 16, of the first four folio<br /> editions of Shakespeare. All were &lt;old<br /> together to Quaritch for £3,500.<br /> <br /> CORRESPONDENCE.<br /> <br /> ——— + —<br /> <br /> EprroriaL Courtesy.<br /> <br /> Dear S1r,—It is, I know, ill work quarrelling<br /> with Editors. A conscientious pursuit of the<br /> policy of taking all things lying down is the<br /> only high road to success. Still one must have<br /> one’s fling sometimes, even at the cost of losing<br /> a market. Believing, as I do, that examples<br /> of the editorial method of conducting business<br /> (which must really read like a fairy tale to other<br /> business men) are of interest to your readers,<br /> I send an account of a recent experience of my<br /> own.<br /> <br /> I sent an article to a weekly review on<br /> January 2 last. It was one of those papers<br /> which definitely state on the front page of each<br /> issue that they do not return MSS., and will<br /> not enter into any correspondence concerning<br /> them. Also they say “any MS. not acknow-<br /> ledged within a month is rejected.” That<br /> would appear to be clear enough.<br /> <br /> Very well: weeks passed. I always like to<br /> be on the safe side, so I gave the editor two<br /> months. Even then I thought it might be<br /> dangerous to take him at his word, so I wrote<br /> and asked him what had become of the article.<br /> To that [had noreply. Very well, more weeks<br /> passed. Towards the end of April I offered<br /> the article elsewhere, and sold it. It appeared<br /> in May. Many weeks passed. In August I<br /> sent another article to the first editor, of which<br /> he promptly sent me a proof. Then I must<br /> suppose he found the original article lying<br /> about the office. It’s curious how things do<br /> turn up. Perhaps he was having a belated<br /> spring cleaning or something—I don’t know.<br /> Anyhow, at the beginning of September I<br /> received, somewhat to my surprise, a proof of<br /> this first article. I wrote by return of post to<br /> tell him that it had already appeared. But I<br /> was too late to stop it. Now that he had found<br /> it he didn’t mean to lose any time (perhaps he<br /> was afraid of it going astray again ?). It went<br /> in the next issue.<br /> <br /> I need hardly say that he never answered<br /> my letter.<br /> <br /> Very well, that left me in the unpleasant<br /> position of appearing to sell the same article<br /> twice. But I don’t think the editor himself<br /> came so badly out of it. At least, as the<br /> direct result of three successive blunders, he<br /> got an article without paying for it. But I<br /> now find that I have done him a grievous<br /> wrong. There has been another spring clean-<br /> ing or something, and he has discovered the<br /> proof of the second article—which he accepted<br /> <br /> <br /> 156<br /> <br /> in August. So he writes to ask me “ in view of<br /> what happened last time,” if this one has ever<br /> appeared before, going on to point out gently<br /> but firmly that I did not treat him at all well<br /> on that occasion.<br /> <br /> There is no need to quote my reply. I<br /> suppose it only means another market lost.<br /> But there are some editors in connection with<br /> whom one is left wondering how they live—if<br /> they ever answer invitations to dinner, or<br /> remember to wind up their watches at night, or<br /> have a clear idea of the day of the week.<br /> <br /> I am, yours faithfully,<br /> Tue Worm THAT TURNED.<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> Co-OPERATIVE PUBLISHING.<br /> <br /> Sir,—In recent issues of The Author the<br /> question of °‘ Co-operative Publishing’’ has<br /> several times been brought forward, and—<br /> dropped! Why not keep a good ball rolling ?<br /> It is quite time for authors to have a greater<br /> mede of justice respecting the products of their<br /> own brains, and the only way to attain this is<br /> to lessen the power of the publishers. In this<br /> age of “unions” and _ “co-operative ”<br /> societies of all kinds, nothing but close co-<br /> operative working will bring us the desired<br /> result.<br /> <br /> Even the bookseller, in many cases, has a<br /> greater percentage on a book than the author.<br /> Why so?<br /> <br /> I think Mr. Justice Darling’s suggestion is<br /> admirable. Why not form the Society of<br /> Authors into a publishing union, on a profes-<br /> sional basis ? Publishers would then be only too<br /> glad, even anxious, to give better terms to<br /> authors. Why not approach one of the<br /> millionaires on behalf of such a union for<br /> a start? Those who have the cause of<br /> ‘‘ libraries ’’ so near at heart would surely<br /> further the cause of the authors who supply<br /> the art and literature for such. :<br /> <br /> Also, why not have an extra fortnightly<br /> Supplement to The Author, to facilitate inter-<br /> change of correspondence on matters of vital<br /> importance to Authors? During the month<br /> questions are apt to die down.<br /> <br /> Yours Faithfully,<br /> ** PROGRESS.”<br /> <br /> oo a<br /> <br /> Tue Lirerary YEAR Boox.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Dear Sir,—As others, besides your reviewer,<br /> have questioned the desirability of separate<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> pagination for each part of the current issue of<br /> the “* Literary Year Book,” may I explain that<br /> this arrangement has been adopted in order to<br /> expedite the preparation of the volume for<br /> press. By treating each part as if it were a<br /> separate book, composition and corrections<br /> can be proceeded with simultaneously through-<br /> out the volume in each section. Owing to the<br /> large amount of matter in the book and the<br /> short time available to prepare each new<br /> volume, some such arrangement has become<br /> necessary. I have endeavoured to minimise<br /> any inconvenience arising from this arrange-<br /> ment by supplying a much fuller index than<br /> hitherto.<br /> <br /> The calendar is relegated to the end because<br /> there is no room for it in the first thirty-two<br /> pages (which are printed last).<br /> <br /> As I propose, in future, to discontinue—<br /> except in a much reduced form—a particular<br /> section which is at present of very little prac-<br /> tical use to authors, I hope to be able to devote<br /> more pages to the article on “ Law and<br /> Letters.”’ I agree with your reviewer in that<br /> this section deserves rather fuller treatment, as<br /> it is of importance to authors, expecially to<br /> those entering upon a literary career.<br /> <br /> Yours faithfully,<br /> B. STEwart.<br /> ge<br /> <br /> Tue DisGracE oF NOVEL-WRITING. ‘<br /> <br /> Drar Srr,—Since writing my article on<br /> ‘The Disgrace of Novel-Writing,”’ I have had<br /> the truth of my statements brought home to<br /> me vividly. A week or two before Christmas<br /> I had sent me for review in a certain paper<br /> novels which had been issued from their pub-<br /> lishing houses early last October. I reviewed<br /> them as soon as I could, but the notices have<br /> not yet appeared (January 16), and I have had<br /> more novels sent me, one of which bears as its<br /> date of publication October 2, 1912. Heaven<br /> knows when my review of that will appear, but<br /> certainly not this month! Several of these<br /> poor despised books are already in the second-<br /> hand lists, and two or three of them are excel-<br /> lent novels, cleverly conceived, well-written,<br /> bearing signs of care and good craftsmanship.<br /> Yet every day we see other books—essays,<br /> biographies, or novels by popular writers—<br /> reviewed at unnecessary length on the very<br /> day of publication. Does not this show plainly<br /> the deep disgrace into which all those novelists<br /> who do not happen to strike the larger public<br /> taste have fallen ?<br /> <br /> ONE oF THE DISGRACED,, The Author
526 Author, Vol. 23 Issue 06 (March 1913)<a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=49&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=%3Cem%3EThe+Author%3C%2Fem%3E%2C+Vol.+23+Issue+06+%28March+1913%29"><em>The Author</em>, Vol. 23 Issue 06 (March 1913)</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=51&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=Publication">Publication</a>1913-03-01-The-Author-23-6157–186<a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=89&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=23">23</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=76&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=1913-03-01">1913-03-01</a>619130301The Huthbor.<br /> <br /> Monthly.)<br /> <br /> (The Organ of the Incorporated Society of Authors.<br /> <br /> FOUNDED BY SIR<br /> <br /> WALTER BESANT.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Vou. X XILI.—No. 6.<br /> <br /> Marca 1, 1913.<br /> <br /> [Price SIXPENCE.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> TELEPHONE NUMBER:<br /> 874 VICTORIA.<br /> <br /> TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS :<br /> AUTORIDAD, LONDON.<br /> <br /> —____—_e——_e—__<br /> <br /> NOTICES.<br /> <br /> — ++<br /> <br /> TCR the opinions expressed in papers that<br /> are signed or initialled the authors alone<br /> are responsible. None of the papers or<br /> paragraphs must be taken as expressing the<br /> opinion of the Committee unless such is<br /> especially stated to be the case.<br /> <br /> Tue Editor begs to inform members of the<br /> Authors’ Society and other readers of The<br /> Author that the cases which are quoted in The<br /> Author are cases that have come before the<br /> notice or to the knowledge of the Secretary of<br /> the Society, and that those members of the<br /> Society who desire to have the names of the<br /> publishers concerned can obtain them on<br /> application.<br /> <br /> ARTICLES AND CONTRIBUTIONS.<br /> <br /> Tue Editor of The Author begs to remind<br /> members of the Society that, although the<br /> paper is sent to them free of cost, its production<br /> would be a very heavy charge on the resources<br /> of the Society if a great many members did not<br /> forward to the Secretary the modest 5s. 6d.<br /> subscription for the year.<br /> <br /> Communications for The Author should be<br /> addressed to the offices of the Society, 89, Old<br /> Queen Street, Storey’s Gate, S.W., and should<br /> reach the Editor not later than the 21st of each<br /> month.<br /> <br /> Communications and letters are invited by<br /> the Editor on all literary matters treated from<br /> <br /> Vou. XXIII.<br /> <br /> the standpoint of art or business, but on no<br /> other subjects whatever. Every effort will be<br /> made to return articles which cannot be<br /> accepted.<br /> <br /> ADVERTISEMENTS.<br /> <br /> As there seems to be an impression among<br /> readers of The Author that the Committee are<br /> personally responsible for the bona fides of the<br /> advertisers, the Committee desire it to be stated<br /> that this is not, and could not possibly be, the<br /> ease. Although care is exercised that no<br /> undesirable advertisements be inserted, they<br /> do not accept, and never have accepted, any<br /> liability.<br /> <br /> Members should apply to the Secretary for<br /> advice if special information is desired.<br /> <br /> SO<br /> <br /> THE SOCIETY’S FUNDS.<br /> <br /> —_——&gt;— +<br /> <br /> “Tj YROM time to time members of the Society<br /> } desire to make donations to its funds in<br /> <br /> recognition of work that has been done<br /> for them. The Committee, acting on the<br /> suggestion of one of these members, have<br /> decided to place this permanent paragraph in<br /> The Author in order that members may be<br /> cognisant of those funds to which these con-<br /> tributions may be paid.<br /> <br /> The funds suitable for this purpose are:<br /> (1) The Capital Fund. This fund is kept in<br /> reserve in case it is necessary for the Society to<br /> incur heavy expenditure, either in fighting a<br /> question of principle, or in assisting to obtain<br /> copyright reform, or in dealing with any other<br /> matter closely connected with the work of the<br /> Society.<br /> <br /> (2) The Pension Fund, This fund is slowly<br /> <br /> increasing, and it is hoped will, in time, cover<br /> <br /> the needs of all the members of the Society.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE PENSION FUND.<br /> —+<br /> <br /> N January, the secretary of the Society<br /> <br /> I laid before the trustees of the Pension<br /> <br /> Fund the accounts for the year 1912, as<br /> settled by the accountants. After giving the<br /> matter full consideration, the trustees in-<br /> structed the secretary to invest a sum of £300<br /> in the purchase of Buenos Ayres Great<br /> Southern Railway 4°% Extension Shares, 1914,<br /> £10 fully paid. The number of shares pur-<br /> chased at the current price was twenty-five<br /> and the amount invested £296 1s. 11d.<br /> <br /> The trustees desire to thank the members<br /> of the Society for the continued support which<br /> they have given to the Pension Fund.<br /> <br /> The nominal value of the investments held<br /> on behalf of the Pension Fund now amounts<br /> to £4,764 6s., details of which are fully set out<br /> in the following schedule :—<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Nominal Value.<br /> <br /> £ 6s. a<br /> Local Loans ......-seeeeeeree 500 0 0<br /> Victoria Government 8% Consoli-<br /> <br /> dated Inscribed Stock .......- 291 19 11<br /> London and North-Western 3%<br /> <br /> Debenture Stock ........-+-- 250 0 O<br /> Egyptian Government Irrigation<br /> <br /> Trust 4% Certificates ......-- 200 0 0<br /> Cape of Good Hope 33% Inscribed<br /> <br /> Stock 6... 20sec ee ec teens 200 0 0<br /> Glasgow and South-Western Rail-<br /> <br /> way 4%, Preference Stock .... 228 0 0<br /> New Zealand 34% Stock........ 247 9 6G<br /> Irish Land 23°% Guaranteed Stock 258 0 0<br /> Corporation of London 23%<br /> <br /> Stock, 1927—57.....--.- sees 4388 2 4<br /> Jamaica 34% Stock, 1919-49 .. 18218 6<br /> Mauritius 4°% 1987 Stock ...... 120 12 1<br /> Dominion of Canada, C.P.R. 33%<br /> <br /> Land Grant Stock, 1938 ...... 198 38 8<br /> Antofagasta and Bolivian Railway<br /> <br /> 5% Preferred Stock ........-- 237 0 O<br /> Central Argentine Railway Or-<br /> <br /> dinary Stock ..........-.0+-. 232 0 O<br /> $2,000 Consolidated Gas and<br /> <br /> Electric Company of Baltimore<br /> <br /> 44° Gold Bonds ........-++-- 400 0 0<br /> 250 Edward Lloyd, Ltd., £1 5%<br /> <br /> Preference Shares .......-.. 250 0 O<br /> 55 Buenos Ayres Great Southern<br /> <br /> Railway 4°% Extension Shares,<br /> <br /> 1914 (fully paid) ..........-- 550 0 O<br /> <br /> 3 Central Argentine Railway £10<br /> Preference Shares, New Issue.. 80 0 0<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> PENSION FUND.<br /> <br /> —+—~ +<br /> <br /> Tue list printed below includes all fresh dona-<br /> tions and subscriptions (i.e., donations and<br /> subscriptions not hitherto acknowledged)<br /> received by, or promised to, the fund from<br /> October 1, 1912.<br /> <br /> It does not include either donations given<br /> prior to October, nor does it include sub-<br /> scriptions paid in compliance with promises<br /> made before it.<br /> <br /> anccooooooesosescoesosesoo<br /> <br /> Subscriptions.<br /> <br /> 1912. £ eg<br /> Oct. 2, Todhunter, Dr. John. 1 6<br /> Oct. 10, Escott, T. H. S. : - 0 8<br /> Oct. 10, Henderson, R. W. Wright 0 5<br /> Oct. 10, Knowles, Miss M. W. . 0 3<br /> Oct. 11, Buckley, Reginald . 0-5<br /> Oct. 12, Walshe, Douglas 0 10<br /> Oct. 12, “‘ Penmark” . : 0 10<br /> Oct. 15, Sinclair Miss Edith . 0 10<br /> Oct. 16, Markino, Yoshio Lot<br /> Oct. 20, Fiamingo, Carlo 0 5<br /> Oct. 29, Henley, Mrs. . : ta<br /> Nov. 8, Jane, L. Cecil . 0 5<br /> Nov. 14, Gibb, W. 0 6<br /> Dec. 4, De Brath, S. . : 0 5<br /> Dec. 4, Sephton, The Rev. J. 0° 5<br /> Dec. 4, Cooper, Miss Marjorie 0 10<br /> Dec. 7, MacRitchie, David 0.5<br /> Dec. 11, Fagan, James B. 1 0<br /> Dec. 27, Dawson Forbes 0 10<br /> <br /> 19138.<br /> <br /> Jan. 8, Toynbee, William (in addi-<br /> <br /> tion to his present sub-<br /> <br /> scription). 010 0<br /> Jan. 9, Gibson, Frank . ; 0 5 8<br /> Jan. 29, Blackley, Miss E. L. 0 5 0<br /> Jan. 31, Annesley, Miss Maude 010 6<br /> Feb. 6, Rothenstein, Albert . 0 7G<br /> Feb. 10, Bradshaw, Percy V. 010 6<br /> <br /> Donations.<br /> <br /> 1912.<br /> <br /> Oct. 2, Stuart, James . ‘ 1 £<br /> Oct. 14, Dibblee, G. Binney . - 0 16<br /> Oct. 14, Michell, The Right Hon.<br /> <br /> Sir Lewis, C.V.O. 5 5<br /> Oct. 17, Ord, H. W. . : Ce<br /> Oct. 20, Yorke-Smith, Mrs. . &gt; @ &amp;<br /> Nov. 10, Hood, Francis . = . 0 2<br /> Nov. 20, Kennard, Mrs. N. H. 5 0<br /> Dec. 4, McEwan, Miss M. S. 0 10<br /> Dec. 4, Kennedy, E. B. 0 5<br /> Dec. 11, Begarnie, George . «0 3<br /> Dee, 11, Tanner, James T. 3 8<br /> Dec. 11, Toplis, Miss Grace . 0 5<br /> <br /> esos oooeses 89S<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> oad Dec.<br /> Dec.<br /> ZT Dec.<br /> 9G Dec.<br /> a Dec.<br /> <br /> &gt;» Jan.<br /> 6 «CJ an.<br /> sl Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> . Jan.<br /> s— Jan.<br /> 5 Jan.<br /> <br /> ist Jan.<br /> is Jan.<br /> isu Jan.<br /> <br /> , Jan.<br /> 5 G Jan.<br /> fs&amp; Jan.<br /> [| Jan.<br /> | Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> <br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> <br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> COMMITTEE NOTES.<br /> <br /> —+~&gt;—+<br /> <br /> 14, Watson, Mrs. Herbert A. .<br /> 14, French, Mrs. Warner<br /> <br /> 17, Smith, Miss Sheila Kaye .<br /> 17, Marras, Mowbray<br /> <br /> 27, Edwards, Percy J. .<br /> <br /> 1913.<br /> <br /> 1, Risque, W. H.<br /> <br /> 1, Rankin, Mrs. F. M.<br /> <br /> 2, Short, Miss L. M.<br /> <br /> 2, Mackenzie, Miss J.<br /> <br /> 2, Webling, Miss Peggy<br /> <br /> 3, Harms, Mrs. EH.<br /> <br /> 8, Church, Sir Arthur,<br /> <br /> K.C.V.O., ete.<br /> <br /> 4, Douglas, James A.<br /> <br /> 4, Grant, Lady Sybil<br /> <br /> 6, Haultain, Arnold<br /> <br /> 6, Beveridge, Mrs. :<br /> <br /> 6, Clark, The Rev. Henry<br /> <br /> 6, Ralli, C. Searamanja .<br /> <br /> 6, Lathbury, Miss Eva .<br /> <br /> 6, Pryce, Richard<br /> <br /> 7, Gibson Miss L. 8.<br /> <br /> 10, K. : :<br /> <br /> 10, Ford Miss May<br /> <br /> 12, Greenstreet, W. J.<br /> <br /> 14, Anon . :<br /> <br /> 15, Maude Aylmer<br /> <br /> 16, Price, Miss Eleanor .<br /> <br /> 17, Blouet, Madame<br /> <br /> 90, P. HH. andM. K. ..<br /> <br /> 22. Smith, Herbert W. .<br /> <br /> 25, Anon, . ; :<br /> <br /> 27, Vernede, R. E. :<br /> <br /> 29, Plowman, Miss Mar ;<br /> <br /> 29, Todd, Miss Margaret, M.D.<br /> <br /> 31, Jacobs, W. W.<br /> <br /> 1, Davy, Mrs. E. M.<br /> <br /> 8, Abraham, J. J.<br /> <br /> 4, Gibbs, F. L. A.<br /> <br /> 4, Buckrose, J. E. :<br /> <br /> 4, Balme, Mrs. Nettleton .<br /> <br /> 6, Coleridge, The Hon. Gilbert<br /> <br /> 6, Machen, Arthur :<br /> <br /> 6, Romane-James, Mrs. ;<br /> <br /> 6, Weston, Miss Lydia . :<br /> <br /> 14, Saies, Mrs. F. H. (in addi-<br /> tion to her subscription)<br /> <br /> 14, Maunsell, A. E. Lloyd<br /> <br /> 14, O’Higgins, H. G. .<br /> <br /> 15, Stephens, Dr. Ricardo<br /> <br /> 15, Jones, Miss E. H.<br /> <br /> 17, Whibley, Charles<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> CH OOOu<br /> <br /> COPE OH OH ONHOOCOOCHH OHM COCO OPO WOORNWH ooocooo<br /> <br /> eceoocece<br /> <br /> _<br /> <br /> _<br /> <br /> or or Or Or C1 ©<br /> <br /> jal<br /> oO Or &amp; Or 09 Or Cr bo Oo ee<br /> <br /> te<br /> <br /> —<br /> Ane eH AHF COCK ONF NHK OOC RH SH Or<br /> <br /> _<br /> <br /> Ot Ore OLS<br /> <br /> cooocoocoF<br /> <br /> cococoooaoooaocooanoascooocosooocosoecece|ce|ces ooococo<br /> <br /> ASTAADSS<br /> <br /> HE February meeting of the Committee<br /> was held at the Committee Room of the<br /> Society, 18, Queen Anne’s Gate, S.W.,<br /> <br /> on the 8rd ult.<br /> <br /> The committee dealt first with elections.<br /> Thirty-three members and associates were<br /> elected, bringing the total elections for the<br /> year—that is, for the two months of 1913—up<br /> to sixty-seven. The committee accepted,<br /> with regret, resignations for the past two<br /> months, to the number of thirty-two. At<br /> the beginning of the year the resignations are,<br /> naturally, more numerous than during other<br /> periods, and the number is not unreasonable<br /> considering the size of the Society, nor above<br /> the number for the corresponding two months<br /> of last year.<br /> <br /> The solicitor then reported on the cases that<br /> had passed through his hands. In the first<br /> case the defendant had agreed to pay the<br /> amount of the debt and costs. The second,<br /> referring to a claim for dramatic fees, had<br /> been withdrawn by the plaintiff on the death<br /> of the defendant, and the solicitors’ charges<br /> had been defrayed by the member concerned.<br /> The next two cases related to unsatisfied<br /> judgments. In the first, the solicitor reported<br /> that he had obtained a sum of £10 and was<br /> still pressing the defendants for the balance,<br /> but was doubtful whether anything more<br /> would be recovered. In the second, after<br /> considerable difficulty, the defendant had been<br /> found and had undertaken to pay the debt by<br /> small instalments per week. Two _instal-<br /> ments had already been paid. Of two actions<br /> for accounts and money against a publisher,<br /> one had been settled, where the claim was for<br /> a small amount. In the second, an arrange-<br /> ment had been made for the payment of the<br /> sum due, under the personal guarantee of one<br /> of the directors of the company, and_ the<br /> solicitor hoped that the matter would be<br /> satisfactorily carried through. Against another<br /> publisher there were two claims. In _ one,<br /> the author had received part of the money<br /> he had paid towards the production of his<br /> book on the understanding that the contract<br /> should be cancelled, and that he should be<br /> free to deal elsewhere. In the second, as<br /> the solicitor remarked, there was the usual<br /> struggle to get the publisher to produce the<br /> book approximately in accordance with his<br /> contract. In a claim against a music pub-<br /> lisher, as no reply had been received, the<br /> solicitor was instructed to proceed at once,<br /> <br /> <br /> 160<br /> <br /> Three claims against another firm had been<br /> delayed owing to the fact that the representa-<br /> tive of the firm was abroad, but on the repre-<br /> sentative’s return to England, immediate<br /> action, it was decided, would be taken. The<br /> solicitor then reported a case between a<br /> composer and an English music publisher<br /> which had been settled without going into<br /> Court. The publisher had undertaken to<br /> withdraw all the offending copies and to<br /> deface the plates. Some difficult questions<br /> arising under the Copyright Act were next<br /> reported by the solicitor. The questions<br /> arose under the mechanical contrivances<br /> sections of the Act. The committee decided<br /> that nothing could be done until one of the<br /> members was willing to allow the Society to<br /> take action on his behalf. As the point in<br /> question is likely to arise very shortly, it will<br /> soon, no doubt, be possible for the Society to<br /> carry through a test case.<br /> <br /> The solicitor reported at length on a question<br /> of alleged libel arising out of a review. After<br /> a careful consideration and on the opinion of<br /> the Society’s lawyers, the committee decided<br /> that it would be impossible to support the<br /> member in an action.<br /> <br /> The secretary then placed one or two<br /> disputes before the committee for their<br /> consideration. ‘The committee decided to<br /> take up a case of the infringement of dramatic<br /> rights, but in a case of infringement of an<br /> author’s book rights in Canada, they instructed<br /> the secretary to interview the author and<br /> discuss matters with him, as the case seemed<br /> likely to involve the Society in expense which<br /> the committee hardly felt justified in incurring.<br /> Another case of alleged infringement of copy-<br /> right in England the committee decided to<br /> take up, subject to the solicitors’ opinion on<br /> the evidence being in favour of an action.<br /> <br /> The next question was one of some impor-<br /> tance. The editor of a magazine received a<br /> contribution from one of the members of the<br /> Society. He published it without any refer-<br /> ence before publication to the author as to<br /> terms, and after it had been published sent<br /> the author a cheque, and, at the same time,<br /> a printed receipt which stated that the cheque<br /> was in full payment for the copyright. Other<br /> cases closely allied were also brought before<br /> the committee. Certain editors, it appeared,<br /> were in the habit of sending cheques, the<br /> endorsement of which purported to convey the<br /> copyright of the article to the paper, in spite<br /> of the fact that a contract made before publica-<br /> tion provided for the trarsfer of the serial<br /> rights only. The committee felt that the<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> matter was of considerable importance, as<br /> many authors in need of money, rather than —<br /> <br /> take action and run the risk of having their<br /> <br /> contributions refused in the future, endorse the<br /> cheque. This has the same effect as signing<br /> the form of receipt mentioned in the first<br /> instance. In either event the authors are pre-<br /> vented from re-publishing their work in book<br /> form without the sanction of the proprietors<br /> of the magazines or papers. The secretary was<br /> instructed to raise the whole matter in The<br /> Author, but before doing so, the committee<br /> decided to communicate with certain papers<br /> that are accustomed to issue cheques bearing<br /> on their backs the receipt form in question, in<br /> order to obtain, if possible, their views on the<br /> position. In the last case, a case of dispute<br /> between an author and a printer, the committee<br /> gave instructions as to the line of settlement.<br /> The next matter before the committee was<br /> an important question of copyright between<br /> Great Britain and the United States. Mr. E.<br /> J. MacGillivray had been asked to explain to<br /> the committee his view of the situation ; this<br /> he did, in full detail. The committee under-<br /> stood from their correspondent in America<br /> that the issues had been referred to the<br /> Foreign Office, and it was accordingly decided<br /> that the chairman, with the secretary and<br /> Mr. MacGillivray should communicate with<br /> the Foreign Office on the matter, but that,<br /> before any appointment was sought, a minute<br /> of the proposed representation of the Society&#039;s —<br /> views should be sent to all members of the ~<br /> committee in order that the chairman of the —<br /> Society might be fully instructed as to the line —<br /> to adopt. p<br /> The secretary reported that, in accordance —<br /> with the decisions come to at the last meeting,<br /> he had addressed to the editors of various<br /> important papers and magazines a letter<br /> settled by the chairman of the Society, raising _<br /> the question of payment of contributions<br /> on acceptance or within a reasonable time —<br /> from acceptance. The secretary reported the<br /> receipt of valuable answers to the letters sent —<br /> out, the editors in question recognising the —<br /> difficulties of the situation and the views of<br /> the committee. The committee decided to<br /> wait further replies, and then to consider the<br /> line of action to be taken. It is hoped to make |<br /> some authoritative declaration on the subject<br /> in The Author.<br /> At the suggestion of the Composers’ Sub- —<br /> Committee, the Committee of Management —<br /> decided to send a circular to British composers, —<br /> dealing with certain important questions —<br /> arising out’of the transfer of their copyrights, —<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> iby<br /> <br /> TOME<br /> <br /> jade.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> and with the forms of contract placed before<br /> them by music publishers—this with a view<br /> to combined and effective action. The secre-<br /> tary read a letter which had been approved<br /> by the Composers’ Sub-Committee, and it was<br /> agreed that it should be sent.<br /> <br /> It was decided to invest £150 out of the Life<br /> Membership Account, the amount to be added<br /> to the Capital Fund.<br /> <br /> The committee passed the Annual Report,<br /> which had been circulated to them during the<br /> month of January. The accounts and financial<br /> statement had been delayed owing to the fact<br /> that the accountants had not completed the<br /> audit, and it was decided that this should be<br /> circulated at the earliest possible moment in<br /> order that the Report might then be printed.<br /> <br /> A question raised by a member of the com-<br /> mittee as to the Society charging a commission<br /> on all moneys obtained by legal action was<br /> considered, and the committee decided to<br /> refer it to the Council.<br /> <br /> The question of a new advertisement con-<br /> tract was next discussed, and the secretary<br /> was instructed to settle the form of contract<br /> and carry it through as soon as possible.<br /> <br /> It was decided to give the League of Authors<br /> in the United States all possible assistance, but<br /> the committee regretted that they were<br /> unable to accept an offer of interchange of<br /> membership between the two Societies.<br /> <br /> A question was raised as to the sale of cheap<br /> edition rights by American publishers, and it<br /> was decided that if any member should bring<br /> forward a clear case, the committee would,<br /> under legal advice, fight the matter in the<br /> American Courts.<br /> <br /> Papers forwarded by a Danish Literary<br /> Agency and by the Dutch Society of Authors<br /> were considered and noted for the benefit of<br /> members of the Society.<br /> <br /> The committee have to thank Mrs. Went-<br /> worth James for a donation of £2, contribution<br /> to the Capital Fund, paid out of a sum of £10<br /> recovered during the month by the Society on<br /> her behalf.<br /> <br /> ——_ +<br /> <br /> Dramatic SuB-COMMITTEE.<br /> <br /> Tur second meeting of this sub-committee<br /> was held on Friday, February 21, at 13, Queen<br /> Anne’s Gate, S.W. After the signing of the<br /> minutes of the previous meeting, the sub-<br /> committee considered the question of the<br /> agenda for the Conference of Dramatists. The<br /> committee decided, however, to defer the settle-<br /> ment of the date till the next meeting, as also<br /> <br /> 161<br /> <br /> the agenda. It is hoped that before that meeting<br /> a satisfactory issue may be come to in regard<br /> to the Managerial Treaty.<br /> <br /> A circular referring to the Collection Bureau<br /> was ordered to be set up in type, that it might<br /> be discussed finally at the next meeting, with<br /> a view either to circularising the dramatic<br /> section, or to printing it in The Author, for the<br /> benefit of members of the Society.<br /> <br /> The question of foreign agents then came<br /> forward, and the arrangement of the terms on<br /> which the agents appointed should conduct<br /> the business of the Society was considered.<br /> The secretary read letters he had received<br /> from the agents, and he was instructed as to<br /> the terms of his replies. He was also instructed<br /> to write to the Society of Dramatic Authors<br /> in Berlin.<br /> <br /> Mr. Walter Jordan, the agent of the Society<br /> in the United States, had forwarded to the<br /> Society’s office lists of plays produced by the<br /> stock companies in America. These lists the<br /> secretary submitted to the meeting, and the<br /> secretary was instructed to go through them as<br /> soon as they arrived and, in those cases where<br /> he saw English authors’ works being pro-<br /> duced, to write to the authors, if they were<br /> members of the Society, enquiring whether<br /> the performances had been authorised or not.<br /> <br /> The dramatic cases were then discussed.<br /> The secretary reported that the Committee of<br /> Management had taken up a case of alleged<br /> infringement of copyright on behalf of one of<br /> the members. Another case was reported of<br /> a difficulty experienced by a member of the<br /> Society with an agent in Hungary. As none<br /> of the members of the sub-committee could<br /> give any information about the gentleman in<br /> question, the secretary was instructed to make<br /> what enquiries he could on_ behalf of the<br /> member through the Society’s Hungarian<br /> lawyers, and to report. The third case was<br /> one of alleged plagiarism of one of the members’<br /> plays by a play by another dramatist. The<br /> member concerned put before the sub-com-<br /> mittee a full statement of the resemblances<br /> between the two plays, and a report on the<br /> position was read to the sub-committee. The<br /> sub-committee decided to refer the matter to<br /> the solicitors of the Society, and to request<br /> them to report their views on the case to the<br /> next meeting of the Committee of Management,<br /> with a recommendation that the Committee of<br /> Management should take the matter in hand,<br /> if the solicitors’.opinion was favourable to the<br /> member’s claim.<br /> <br /> The consideration of the dramatic pamphlet<br /> was adjourned to the next meeting.<br /> <br /> <br /> 162<br /> <br /> ComvosErs’ SuB-COMMITTEE<br /> <br /> THE Composers’ Sub-Committee met at<br /> the committee room of the Society of Authors,<br /> 13, Queen Anne’s Gate, on Saturday, Feb-<br /> ruary 8, at 11 o&#039;clock. After the reading<br /> of the minutes of the previous meeting<br /> the agenda were considered. The first<br /> matter before the sub-committee was Messrs.<br /> Curwen’s agreement. A letter which had<br /> been received from the firm, in answer to<br /> certain comments submitted to them by the<br /> sub-committee, was considered. The sub-com-<br /> mittee came to the conclusion that Messrs.<br /> Curwen’s desire to have entire control of the<br /> performing rights and mechanical instrument<br /> rights could not be approved, and instructed<br /> the secretary to write to Messrs. Curwen<br /> accordingly, pointing out the reason for the<br /> sub-committee’s conclusions. They further<br /> instructed the secretary to point out that as<br /> the agreement had already been published in<br /> The Author as approved by the sub-committee,<br /> it would be necessary to insert in The Author<br /> a statement of the sub-committee’s inability<br /> to accept the agreement in its new and altered<br /> form.<br /> <br /> The next question related to an agreement<br /> from another publishing house which had<br /> been offered to one of the members of the<br /> Society, and it was decided to publish a<br /> criticism of the document in a future issue of<br /> The Author.<br /> <br /> The secretary then read a circular letter<br /> which had been approved by the Committee<br /> of Management, and which it was decided to<br /> send round to composers—both those who<br /> were, and those who were not members of the<br /> Society. Suggestions were made with a view<br /> to enabling the secretary to obtain for the<br /> circular the widest possible circulation. It<br /> is hoped to send to at least 500 composers,<br /> in order, if possible, to obtain a strong com-<br /> bination of composers to act in unison for the<br /> benefit of the profession.<br /> <br /> The secretary reported the result of an<br /> action taken by the Committee of Management<br /> for a composer, against a. music-publishing<br /> firm. The result had been entirely satis-<br /> factory, and the secretary mentioned that he<br /> had received a letter of thanks from the<br /> composer concerned.<br /> <br /> ‘A letter from the Society&#039;s solicitor dealing<br /> with certain difficult points arising under<br /> section 19 of the Copyright Act was read, and<br /> the secretary explained that the Committee<br /> of Management would be willing to consider<br /> taking action in a case when one was pre-<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> sented, in order to obtain the opinion of the<br /> Courts on the points raised.<br /> <br /> Another agreement from a publishing house<br /> dealing with American rights was read, and it<br /> was agreed to ask a representative of the firm<br /> to call and discuss the questions arising out<br /> of it with the sub-committee.<br /> <br /> —— +<br /> <br /> Cases.<br /> <br /> Durine the past month twenty-two cases<br /> have passed through the secretary’s hands.<br /> It is as well to mention from time to time that<br /> these cases are matters in which the secretary<br /> actually intervenes between the author and the<br /> publisher, editor, or manager, and not those<br /> cases on which the secretary only gives advice<br /> to the member.<br /> <br /> Demands for the return of MSS. have been<br /> the most numerous. Of these the secretary<br /> has dealt with ten. In four cases the MSS.<br /> have been returned, in two cases the editors<br /> have given every assistance in their power, but<br /> have been unable to find the MSS., and no<br /> further action has been possible owing to the<br /> fact that legal evidence has been wanting. Of<br /> the four remaining cases two have only recently<br /> come to the office, and in the other two no<br /> answer has as yet been received.<br /> <br /> There have been six demands for money.<br /> Of these three have been successful and cheques<br /> have been paid. The other three are ina satis-<br /> factory state. In two of the cases there has<br /> been a slight dispute as to the amount, but<br /> cheques have been promised as soon as the<br /> figures have been settled, and in the last case,<br /> although a cheque has not been received, a date<br /> has been fixed for payment.<br /> <br /> In three cases out of four demands for<br /> accounts, the accounts have been rendered.<br /> The fourth is still in the course of settlement,<br /> the publisher having promised the returns<br /> within the next week.<br /> <br /> One dispute on an agreement has been<br /> settled, and one complicated question of moneys<br /> due on accounts is in the course of favourable<br /> negotiations.<br /> <br /> There are very few cases left over from<br /> former months. ‘There is no matter which has<br /> not either been placed in the hands of the<br /> solicitors or concerning which replies have not<br /> been received from the opposite party and a<br /> settlement promised.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ——<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 163<br /> <br /> Elections.<br /> <br /> Barnes-Lawrence, Ash-<br /> ley ;<br /> <br /> Blake, Ernest<br /> <br /> Blunt, Reginald .<br /> <br /> _~ Bradshaw, Percy V.<br /> Brooks, H. Jamyn :<br /> Brown, R. Cuthbert .<br /> Crawford, Albert Ed-<br /> <br /> ward Bredin<br /> <br /> L Finck, Hermann :<br /> <br /> Foxwell, A. K., M.A.<br /> Lond.<br /> <br /> Greenaway, Mrs. O. C.-.<br /> <br /> y7 Greene, Harry Plun-<br /> kett ; : ‘<br /> Harding, Ernest<br /> Charlton<br /> <br /> Harington, Miss Ethel .<br /> Hinton, Arthur<br /> <br /> Jones, E. Hasler<br /> Korbay, Francis .<br /> <br /> Lawrence, Margery<br /> <br /> Menzies, Mrs. Stuart of<br /> Wood Hall<br /> <br /> O’Mara, H. M. S. :<br /> <br /> Quirke, Helen M. L.<br /> (Ellen Svala)<br /> <br /> 7 Rothenstein, Albert .<br /> <br /> Round, Mina (Maurice<br /> Reynold).<br /> <br /> Sargent, Miss Maud E. .<br /> <br /> Schlenssner, Miss Ellie<br /> <br /> Simpson, Mrs. Katha-<br /> <br /> rine.<br /> <br /> Vernon, George . ‘<br /> <br /> Silton Rectory,<br /> Zeals, Wilts.<br /> <br /> 12, Carlyle Man-<br /> sions, Chelsea,<br /> S.W.<br /> <br /> 87, Dacres Road,<br /> Forest Hill, S.E.<br /> Savage Club, Adelphi<br /> <br /> Terrace, W.C.<br /> <br /> 14, Devonport Street,<br /> Hyde Park, W.<br /> 71, Carlisle Road,<br /> <br /> Eastbourne.<br /> <br /> 207, Adelaide Road,<br /> N.W.<br /> <br /> 19a, Wellesley Road,<br /> Harrow - on - the -<br /> Hill, Middlesex.<br /> <br /> 42, West Cromwell<br /> Road, Earl’s<br /> Court, S.W.<br /> <br /> 48, Iverna Gardens,<br /> W.<br /> <br /> 1, Hartington Road,<br /> Chorlton-cum-<br /> Hardy, Manches-<br /> ter:<br /> <br /> 14, St. John’s Wood<br /> Road, N.W.<br /> <br /> Portalegre, Portugal.<br /> <br /> 47, Devonshire<br /> Street, W.<br /> <br /> Eversleigh, Wol-<br /> verhampton.<br /> <br /> Crickett Court, Il-<br /> minster.<br /> <br /> Swanage, Dorset.<br /> <br /> 17, Yarrell Mansions,<br /> Queen’s Club<br /> Gardens, W.<br /> <br /> Savile Club, 107,<br /> Piccadilly, W.<br /> <br /> 11, rue d’Artois,<br /> Paris (8 emi).<br /> <br /> Chasefield, Grove<br /> Road, Havant,<br /> Hants.<br /> <br /> 44, Rosslyn Hill,<br /> Hampstead, N.W.<br /> <br /> Piazza S. Barto-<br /> lomeo degli Ar-<br /> meni 8-2, Genoa,<br /> Italy.<br /> <br /> Vickers, John H., B.A. Offley Grove, New-<br /> port, Shropshire.<br /> <br /> Weston, Miss Lydia ~. 28, Gwydyr Man-<br /> sions, Hove, Sus-<br /> sex.<br /> <br /> a<br /> <br /> BOOKS PUBLISHED BY MEMBERS.<br /> <br /> 4<br /> <br /> While every effort is made by the compilers to keep<br /> this list as accurate and exhaustive as possible, they have<br /> some difficulty in attaining this object owing to the fact<br /> that many of the books mentioned are not sent to the oftice<br /> by the members. In consequence, it is necessary to rely<br /> largely upon lists of books which appear in literary and<br /> other papers. It is hoped, however, that members will<br /> co-operate in the compiling of this list, and, by sending<br /> particulars of their works, help to make it substantially<br /> accurate.<br /> <br /> AGRICULTURE.<br /> <br /> RursaL DENMARK AND ITs Lessons. By H. River<br /> Haaearp. New Edition. 8 x 54. 335 pp. (The<br /> Silver Library.) Longmans. 33s. 6d.<br /> <br /> Ture Utiiry Poutrry Crus YEAR Book AnD REGISTER.<br /> Edited by A. A. Strrone. 72x 5. 114 pp. 68z.,<br /> Lincoln’s Inn Fields.<br /> <br /> ART.<br /> <br /> Tue BritisH ScHoout. An Anecdotal Guide to the Britisk<br /> Painters and Painting in the National Gallery. By<br /> E. V. Lucas. 63 x 4}. 264 pp. Methuen. 2s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Tue Yrar’s Art, 1913. Compiled by A. C. R. CartEr.<br /> 74 x 43. 598 pp. Hutchinson.<br /> <br /> BIOGRAPHY.<br /> <br /> A Littie Sister. By Maurice Lanprievx. Translated<br /> from the Third French Edition by Leonora L. YORKE<br /> <br /> Surrn. 7: x 5. xvii +303 pp. Kegan Paul. 5s. n.<br /> <br /> DEVOTIONAL.<br /> <br /> Tue Way oF Victory. By JEAN Roperts. 2s., 1s., 6d.<br /> <br /> Tur Emancipation or Woman. By JEAN ROBERTS.<br /> Mowbray. ls.<br /> <br /> DRAMA AND ELOCUTION.<br /> <br /> Peur Gyxt. By Henrik Issen. A New Translation by<br /> R. Exuis Roperts. 7} x 54. xxix + 254 pp. Martin<br /> Secker. 5s. n.<br /> <br /> Passers-By. A Play in Four Acts. By C. Happon<br /> CHamBers. 6} x 5. 139 pp. Duckworth. 2s.<br /> <br /> Five Onu-Act Prays: The Dear Departed, Fancy Free,<br /> The Master of the House, Phipps, The Fifth Command-<br /> ment. By S. Houcuron, author of Hindle Wakes.<br /> 7; x 42. 111 pp. Sidgwick &amp; Jackson. 1s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> EDUCATIONAL.<br /> <br /> Wuere Epvcation Fars. By Preston Were. With<br /> an Introduction by the Rigur Hon. Lorp SHEFFIELD<br /> 74 x 5. 114 pp. Ralph, Holland. 1s. n.<br /> <br /> FICTION.<br /> <br /> Tur Ware Case. By Gerorce Pisypett. Methuen<br /> &amp; Co. 6s.<br /> <br /> Our Own Country. By Lovurse Sracpoote Kunny.<br /> Dublin: James Duffy, Ltd. 2s.<br /> <br /> Nevertuetess. By Isapen Smrrx, author of Mated,<br /> The Minister&#039;s Guest, etc. Alston Rivers. 6s.<br /> <br /> <br /> 164<br /> <br /> Joux CHRISTOPHER. JOURNEY’S Enp. By Roman<br /> Rottanp. Translated by GILBRET CANNAN. 7Z Xx 5.<br /> 540 pp. Heinemann. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue BeLoveD ENemy. By E. Marta ALBANESI. 73 x 5.<br /> <br /> 323 pp. Methuen. 6s.<br /> <br /> Swirr Nick or THE YorK Roap. By GEORGE EpGAR.<br /> 73 x 5. 412 pp. Mills &amp; Boon. 6s.<br /> <br /> Skipper Anne. A Tale of Napoleon’s Secret Service. By<br /> Maran Bower. 74 x 5. 316pp. Hodder &amp; Stough-<br /> ton. 6s.<br /> <br /> East or THE SHapows. By Mrs. Husurt Barcvay.<br /> 73 x 5. 304 pp. Hodder &amp; Stoughton. 6s.<br /> <br /> PaRENTAGE. By Guapys MENDL. 72 x 5. 308 pp.<br /> Chapman &amp; Hall. 6s,<br /> <br /> CHILD oF THE Storm. By H. Riper HaGGARD. 72 Xx 5.<br /> 348 pp. Cassell. 6s.<br /> <br /> An Arram or Sats. By J. C. Snairu. 74 x 5<br /> 351 pp. Methuen. 6s.<br /> <br /> Concert Prrcu. By Frank Dansy. 7} X 43. 380 pp.<br /> Hutchinson. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Lirtir Grey SHor. By P. J. BREBNER. 74 x 5.<br /> 312 pp. Hodder &amp; Stoughton. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Peart Stringer. By Praay WEBLING. 7j X 5.<br /> <br /> 313 pp. Methuen. 6s.<br /> <br /> THe Lapy oF THE Canartes. By Sr. Jonn Lucas:<br /> 7k x 5. 346 pp. Blackwood. 6s.<br /> <br /> New WINE AND OLp Borries. By ConsTANCE SMEDLEY.<br /> 74 x 43. 307 pp. Fisher Unwin. 6s.<br /> <br /> A Master or Deception. By RicHarpD MaRsH.<br /> 336 pp. Cassell. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tur Hovsr oF THE OTHER WORLD.<br /> <br /> 7% Xx 5.<br /> <br /> By VioLtet TWEE-<br /> <br /> DALE. 7% x 5. 320 pp. John Long. 6s.<br /> <br /> dipary’s Career. By Parry Truscott. 7} x 5<br /> 305 pp. Werner Laurie. 6s.<br /> <br /> Her Srcrer Lire. By Rosurr Macuray. 7} X 5<br /> 312 pp. F.V. White. 6s.<br /> <br /> Puyiiipa Fouts Mz. By Mary L. PENDERED. 73 X 5.<br /> 286 pp. Mills and Boon. 63.<br /> <br /> No Otner Way. By Louis Tracy. 7} X 9. 318 pp.<br /> <br /> Ward Lock. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tun LANE THAT HAD NO TuRNING. By GILBERT PARKER.<br /> <br /> 260 pp. (Sevenpenny Library.) 6} x 44. Hodder<br /> &amp; Stoughton.<br /> <br /> Tu ExpLorrs or BRIGADIER GERARD. By A. Conan<br /> Doyie. (Cheap Reprint.) 6} x 44. 334 pp. Smith<br /> Elder. 1s. n.<br /> <br /> Vurtep Women. By MarMapUKE PICKTHALL, 7} X 5.<br /> <br /> 320 pp. Nash. 6s.<br /> <br /> Wo,. By Mavrice Drake. 7} X 5. 316 pp. Methuen.<br /> 6s.<br /> <br /> Hetexa Brerr’s Carzer. By Desmond CoKE. 7] X 9.<br /> 320 pp. Chapman &amp; Hall. 6s.<br /> <br /> Her Convict Huspanp. By Marte Connor LEIGHTON.<br /> <br /> 73 x 5. 320 pp. Ward Lock. 6s.<br /> HISTORY.<br /> France. By Cecrs Huaptam. 8} X 5k. 408 pp. (The<br /> Making of the Nations.) Black. 7s. 6d. n.<br /> MILITARY.<br /> BrermsH Batrues: Crucy. By Hrare BELLoc.<br /> 64 x 44. 113 pp. Swift. 1s. n.<br /> MUSIC.<br /> <br /> A Coxcisp History or Music. For the Use of Students.<br /> By the Rey. H. G. Bonavia Hunt, Mus.D., F.R.S.E.<br /> New and Cheaper Edition. 63} x 4. 184 pp. Bell.<br /> 28. n.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> NATURAL HISTORY.<br /> <br /> A History or British Mammats. By Geratp E. H.<br /> BarRett- HAMILTON. Part XIII. 10. x. Oe<br /> pp. 313—360. Gurney &amp; Jackson. 2s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> POETRY.<br /> <br /> Porms. By JosEpHINE V. Rows.<br /> Lynwood. 2s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> POLITICAL.<br /> <br /> Tur Lorps or THE Devit’s Panavise, By G. SIDNEY<br /> PATERNOSTER. 7% x 5. 327pp. Stanley Paul. 5s.n.<br /> <br /> 7% x 5. 224 pp.<br /> <br /> REPRINTS.<br /> Tur Dynasts. By Tuomas Harpy. Parts I. and II.<br /> <br /> xvi + 404 pp. Part IV. 423 pp. (Wessex Edition.)<br /> 9 x 53. Macmillan. 7s. 6d. n. each.<br /> SCIENCE.<br /> <br /> Voucanozs. Their Structure and Significance. By T. G.<br /> Bonney, Sc.D., LL.D. Third Edition. 379 pp. _6s. n.<br /> Tus INTERPRETATION OF Rapium. By F. Soppy, F.R.8.<br /> Third Edition. Revised and Enlarged. 284 pp. 6s.n.<br /> Herepity. By J. A. THomson. Second Edition.<br /> <br /> 667 pp. 9s. n. (The Progressive Science Series.<br /> 8} x 53. Murray.<br /> THEOLOGY.<br /> <br /> Tur Lieut or Inpra. By Haroup Beasiy. A New and<br /> Revised Edition of ‘Other Sheep.” 74 x 43. 224 pp.<br /> Hodder and Stoughton. Is. n.<br /> <br /> TOPOGRAPHY.<br /> <br /> Gattant Lirree Waxes. Sketches of its People, Places,<br /> and Customs. By JEANNETTE Marks. 7} X 0-<br /> 189 pp. Constable. 5s. n.<br /> <br /> ——_+— &gt; o—_—__<br /> <br /> LITERARY, DRAMATIC, AND MUSICAL<br /> NOTES.<br /> <br /> —+—&lt; + —<br /> <br /> Messrs. Macmillan &amp; Co. announce the pub-<br /> lication in April of the first two volumes of<br /> the “‘ Bombay Edition of the Works of Rudyard<br /> Kipling,” containing all the author’s writings,<br /> verse and prose, newly arranged and cor-<br /> rected by himself. The edition, which will<br /> be limited to 1,050 copies, will occupy twenty-<br /> three volumes, and the first of every set will<br /> be autographed by Mr. Kipling. Two<br /> volumes will appear every two months until<br /> the edition is complete. The price will be<br /> one guinea net per volume, and the work will<br /> only be sold as a whole.<br /> <br /> The same firm are the publishers of Mr.<br /> Maurice Hewlett’s ‘‘ Helen Redeemed and<br /> Other Poems,” a volume of verse mainly<br /> concerned with classical subjects; the prin-<br /> cipal poem occupies half the book, which<br /> concludes with fourteen sonnets and some<br /> fragments.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 00<br /> <br /> ab<br /> th<br /> <br /> E<br /> 100<br /> Ye<br /> HE<br /> OE<br /> <br /> &gt; a<br /> : We ors Seog<br /> <br /> re<br /> <br /> ¢ *-<br /> Ser pe i Sang int sa Sa poe Gath<br /> <br /> oe ~ ee<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Macmillan have also recently pro-<br /> duced ‘ Portraits and Speculations,” a col-<br /> lection of essays by Mr. Arthur Ransome on<br /> literary and artistic topics; “ Highways and<br /> Byways in Somerset,” Mr. Edward Hutton’s<br /> contribution to the Highways and Byways<br /> Series ; and “‘ The Reef,’ Mrs. Edith Wharton’s<br /> new novel, the scenes of which are chiefly laid<br /> in France.<br /> <br /> Mr. Arnold Bennett’s new novel, ‘“‘ The<br /> Regent,” is published by Messrs. Methuen<br /> &amp; Co.<br /> <br /> “The Faith of All. Sensible People,” by<br /> Mr. David Alec Wilson, is appearing this<br /> spring through the same firm, at the price of<br /> 2s. 6d. net.<br /> <br /> Miss Ellen Key’s latest work is a survey of<br /> the feminist question in its entirety, and is<br /> published by Messrs. G. P. Putnam’s Sons<br /> under the title of “‘ The Woman Movement,”<br /> with an introduction from the pen of Mr.<br /> Havelock Ellis. The author includes in her<br /> book a statement of what she considers to be<br /> the new phase upon which the feminist move-<br /> ment is entering, in which the claim to exert<br /> the rights and functions of man is less impor-<br /> tant than the claim of woman’s rights as the<br /> mother and educator of the coming generation.<br /> <br /> A second edition of Professor Charlton<br /> Bastian’s ‘‘The Origin of Life,’ with an<br /> important appendix and two new plates, is<br /> published by Messrs. Watts &amp; Co. at 3s. 6d.<br /> A French translation of the same work, by<br /> Professor L. Guimet, is appearing through M.<br /> Lamertin, of Brussels.<br /> <br /> Mr. Herbert Jenkins, Ltd., is about to pro-<br /> duce an anonymous book entitled ‘* National<br /> Revival, a Restatement of Tory Principles,”<br /> with a preface by Lord Willoughby de Broke.<br /> It is claimed for this that it re-affirms the<br /> vital principles of Conservatism, and appeals<br /> eloquently to the Conservative elements in<br /> the nation to rally round a new ideal of<br /> patriotism, a new conception of national<br /> policy; that it vindicates the Conservative<br /> conception of the Constitution, and develops<br /> a Conservative doctrine of social reform, which<br /> provides a real alternative to the panaceas of<br /> Radical-Socialism; and that it gives to<br /> patriotic Englishmen of every class a new<br /> confidence, a new inspiration, and a new hope.<br /> <br /> Mr. A. Abram has brought out, through<br /> Messrs. George Routledge and Sons in England<br /> and Messrs. KE. P. Dutton &amp; Co. in the United<br /> States, a book on “‘ English Life and Manners<br /> in the Later Middle Ages,” with 77 illustra-<br /> tions from contemporary prints reproduced<br /> from MSS. at the British Museum, &amp;c. In an<br /> <br /> 165<br /> <br /> appendix of over 50 pages a detailed list of<br /> authorities is furnished. The price of the<br /> English edition is 6s.<br /> <br /> Father Sebastian Boden has written the<br /> preface to “A Little-Sister,”’ translated by<br /> Miss Leonora L. Yorke-Smith from the French<br /> of Mgr. Maurice Landrieux, Vicar-General of<br /> Rheims. Messrs. Kegan, Paul, Trench, Tritbner<br /> &amp; Co. are the publishers.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Hutchinson &amp; Co. publish on<br /> the 4th inst Mr. Philip W. Sergeant’s “ Little<br /> Jennings and Fighting Dick Talbot: a Life<br /> of the Duke and Duchess of Tyrconnel.”’<br /> This is an attempt to do justice, late in the<br /> day, to James II.’s great Irish Viceroy and<br /> his wife, who have suffered heavily in the<br /> past from the “‘ Whiggishness”’ (as the late<br /> Mr. Andrew Lang expressed it once) of the<br /> muse of English history. The work is in two<br /> volumes and is illustrated with 17 portraits.<br /> <br /> The same publishers have added to their<br /> Colonial Library Mr. F.. Bancroft’s “ The<br /> Veldt Dwellers,’ which appeared in 6s. form<br /> last October and has gone through six editions.<br /> They are now bringing out a sequel to this<br /> Anglo-Boer War story, under the title of<br /> “Thane Brandon.” Mr. Bancroft has dis-<br /> posed of the American rights of both “ The<br /> Veldt Dwellers’? and ‘‘ Thane Brandon” to<br /> Messrs. Small, Maynard &amp; Co.<br /> <br /> Mrs. Mary Gaunt brought out last month,<br /> through Mr. T. Werner Laurie, her new novel,<br /> ‘“‘ Every Man’s Desire,” a story of life in West<br /> Africa, a part of the world with which she is<br /> well acquainted. She has started for an<br /> expedition through unknown China, after a<br /> visit to her brother-in-law, Dr. Morrison, in<br /> Peking.<br /> <br /> A second edition has appeared of Mr. C. E.<br /> Gouldsbury’s ‘‘ Life in the Indian Police,” of<br /> which the publishers are Messrs. Chapman &amp;<br /> Hall.<br /> <br /> The same firm last month, published Miss<br /> Violet A. Simpson’s new novel, “ The Beacon<br /> Watcher.”’<br /> <br /> Mr. James Baker, F.R.G.S., has published,<br /> through the Bodley Head, “Austria: Her<br /> People and their Homelands.’’ The book is<br /> illustrated with forty-eight pictures in colour,<br /> and is issued at 21s. net.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Longmans announce that they have<br /> in preparation a limited issue of a book by<br /> Mr. J. G. Millais, the son of the artist and a<br /> well-known naturalist, on ‘“ British Diving<br /> Ducks.” It will be published in two quarto<br /> volumes, and is intended to afford a complete<br /> history of all the species of diving ducks that<br /> are indigenous in or visitors to the British<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 166<br /> <br /> Isles. The illustrations will be on an un-<br /> usually elaborate scale.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Ralph, Holland &amp; Co., have issued<br /> a book entitled ‘‘ Where Education Fails,” by<br /> Mr. Preston Weir. Additional interest is lent<br /> to the work by the fact that the introduction is<br /> contributed by Lord Sheffield, better known<br /> among educationists as the Hon. Lyulph<br /> Stanley.<br /> <br /> Mr. G. Sidney Paternoster has published,<br /> through Messrs. Stanley Paul &amp; Co. at the<br /> price of 5s. net, “ The Lords of the Devil’s<br /> Paradise. The grim story of rubber collec-<br /> tion in the Putumayo.” The author has been<br /> for twenty-two years connected with Truth.<br /> He has collected the stories of the witnesses<br /> and collated the evidence. In this book he<br /> tells the story in its entirety.<br /> <br /> “ Rita’s ’ new novel, “‘ A Grey Life,” is a<br /> romance of Bath in the seventies and eighties—<br /> a period not hitherto touched on by authors<br /> writing of the famous City of Waters. A<br /> brilliant Irish adventurer is the central figure of<br /> the tale. The publishers are Messrs. Stanley<br /> Paul.<br /> <br /> The same firm has just produced Mr.<br /> Rafael Sabatini’s ‘‘ The Strolling Saint,’ the<br /> imaginary memoirs of Augustine, Lord of<br /> Mondolfo, at the time of the Italian<br /> Renaissance.<br /> <br /> Miss Annesley Kenealy’s “The Poodle<br /> Woman,” is the first of a Votes-for-Women<br /> series of 6s. novels from the same house.<br /> ““&#039;The Poodle Woman ”’ is a love-story, as well<br /> as an attempt to answer the question, What<br /> do women want ?<br /> <br /> Messrs. Stanley Paul are also the publishers<br /> of four novels—Mr. Hamilton Drummond’s<br /> «¢ Sir Galahad of the Army”; Miss Theodora<br /> Wilson Wilson’s ‘A Modern Ahab”; Miss<br /> May Wynne’s “The Destiny of Claude ” ;<br /> and Mr. Charles McEvoy’s “‘ Brass Faces ””—<br /> and of Mrs. Edith Cuthell’s ‘A Vagabond<br /> Courtier.’’ In the last-named biography, Mrs.<br /> Cuthell returnsto the period of her‘* Wilhelmina,<br /> Margravine of Baireuth.” In it she tells,<br /> from his letters and memoirs, the story of<br /> <br /> Baron von Péllnitz, courtier of Frederic I. of<br /> Prussia, Frederic William, Frederic the<br /> Great, the Princess Palatine, the Duchesse<br /> d’Orléans, and several other European<br /> royalties.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Mills &amp; Boon have published a new<br /> novel by Miss Mary L. Pendered. It is<br /> called ‘‘ Phyllida Flouts Me,” and is a country<br /> comedy, laid in Northamptonshire. The hero<br /> is a farmer, and the villain turns out to be a<br /> woman! Phyllida is the heroine, who reads<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> poetry, while her father worships roses, and<br /> her mother runs the farm. She “* flouts ”’ her<br /> true lover and takes up with an engaging —<br /> artist who proves exceedingly disappointing,<br /> But all ends as well as library readers expect.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Mills &amp; Boon are also the publishers _<br /> of Mr. George Edgar’s ‘‘ Swift Nick of the<br /> York Road,” a story of the romantic type,<br /> dealing with life on the highway, its hero being ~<br /> Swift Nick Nevison, who really made the<br /> journey to York for which Dick Turpin got the<br /> credit.<br /> <br /> Mr. Richard Marsh’s new novel, “* A Master<br /> of Deception,” is issued by Messrs. Cassell &amp; Co.<br /> <br /> Mrs. E. W. Savi’s “The Daughter-in-Law ”<br /> (Messrs. Hurst &amp; Blackett) has its scene laid<br /> in India, a country with which the author<br /> displays a thorough acquaintance. Mrs. Savi<br /> has also had a complete story, of which the<br /> title is ‘‘ The Saving of a Scandal,”’ accepted by<br /> the editors of The Red Magazine. :<br /> <br /> Messrs. Holden &amp; Hardingham, who brought<br /> out Miss Edith Kenyon’s Welsh novel, “ The<br /> Wooing of Mifanwy,” will follow this in May<br /> with another from the same pen, entitled,<br /> ‘*The Winning of Gwenora.”<br /> <br /> Miss Beatrice Kelston is the author of ©<br /> ‘Seekers Every One,” the publishers being —<br /> Messrs. John Long, Ltd. The story deals with —<br /> a girl driven by disappointed love to go upon<br /> the stage.<br /> <br /> Miss Peggy Webling last month had a novel,<br /> “The Pearl Stringer,’ published by Messrs<br /> Methuen.<br /> <br /> Mr. Max Rittenberg has three books appear<br /> ing this year. A first novel, called “Th<br /> Mind-Reader,”’ will be brought out in April -<br /> by Messrs. Appleton both in London and in_<br /> New York. A second book, a story of public<br /> school life with the title of ‘‘ The Cockatoo,” —<br /> is to be published in May by Messrs. Sidgwick<br /> &amp; Jackson. Another novel, the title of which —<br /> is not definitely settled, is scheduled for<br /> September by Messrs. Methuen in London, and<br /> Messrs. Appleton in New York. :<br /> <br /> Mr. S. B. Banerjea, author of ‘‘ Tales of<br /> Bengal,” ‘‘ Indian Detective Stories,” ete., 1s<br /> writing a romance dealing with modern”<br /> crime, the scene of which is laid partly in<br /> England and partly in Sweden. The hero<br /> falls in love with a girl, who firmly refuses<br /> to marry him, as she is ‘“‘ wedded to a sacred<br /> cause,” which she will not disclose. A riv<br /> appears on the scene, and the two decide<br /> upon a novel plan of settling their difference.<br /> They fall, however, in the clutches of th<br /> “‘ wickedest man on earth,’? who has resolved<br /> to commit the most revolting crime that<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> human being can think of. The two rivals<br /> resolve to thwart his scheme. What they do,<br /> under what circumstances they discover their<br /> lady love, and what becomes of the “ sacred<br /> eause ’’ are, so far, the secret of the author.<br /> <br /> Mr. Banerjea is also translating an Oriental<br /> tale, which, in his opinion, almost resembles<br /> the *“‘ Arabian Nights ” in its breadth of con-<br /> ception and flight of imagination. It is small<br /> in bulk, but makes very entertaining reading<br /> for both young and old. :<br /> <br /> Early in March Messrs. Ouseley will publish<br /> Mr. Harry Tighe’s new novel, “‘ A Watcher of<br /> Life.” The book opens with a sketch of life<br /> in a modern French country house. From<br /> there it takes the reader to Paris, London,<br /> Surrey, and the South Austrian Tyrol, de-<br /> picting houses and scenes well known to the<br /> author.<br /> <br /> We learn from the ‘‘ Poetry Bookshop,” of<br /> 35, Devonshire Street, Theobalds Road, that<br /> owing to the exceptional demand for “ Geor-<br /> gian Poetry, 1911—12” (3s. 6d. net), pub-<br /> lished in December last, there has been much<br /> difficulty in the prompt execution of orders,<br /> and many of those who were anxious to obtain<br /> copies of the first edition have been unavoid-<br /> ably disappointed. The second edition is<br /> exhausted. A third edition is ready, and all<br /> orders can now be promptly executed.<br /> <br /> Last month, at Glasgow, Mr. William Miles<br /> gave the fourth of his recitals from the poetical<br /> works of Mr. Mackenzie Bell. Like its pre-<br /> decessors, the recital was well attended and<br /> successful.<br /> <br /> Mr. Clifford King has had the satisfaction,<br /> rare for a writer of verse, of seeing his<br /> **Poems’’ (Messrs. Kegan Paul, Trench,<br /> Triibner &amp; Co.) run into a fourth edition.<br /> <br /> Mr. E. Hamilton Moore’s ‘“‘ An Idyll and<br /> Other Poems,” published by Messrs. Melrose,<br /> is a collection very varied, both in subject and<br /> in manner of treatment. The principal feature<br /> is a series of octosyllabic verses in sonnet form.<br /> <br /> Mr. H. Osmond Anderton’s ‘‘ The Song of<br /> Alfred” (Messrs. Constable) is an epic dedi-<br /> cated ‘To All the Folk of All the Britains,”<br /> and tells in ballad measure the story of the<br /> first true King of England.<br /> <br /> Miss Josephine Rowe subdivides her<br /> “Poems”? (Messrs. Lynwood &amp; Co.) under<br /> the heads of Irish Lays and Lyrics, Poems of<br /> Human Nature, London Lays, Poems of<br /> Passion, Poems for Children, and Poems of<br /> Nature. One or two have already appeared<br /> serially.<br /> <br /> Miss Gertrude Robins’s collection of plays,<br /> ‘Makeshifts and Realities,’ has been pub-<br /> <br /> 167<br /> <br /> lished in a fourth and revised edition by<br /> Mr. Werner Laurie at 1s. net.<br /> <br /> ‘* A Woman of Imagination” is a four-act<br /> play, written by Lloyd St. Clair and privately<br /> printéd. It deals with the influence of a<br /> young woman upon her surroundings—which<br /> include a middle-aged, money-making husband.<br /> <br /> In “ Living Music’ Mr. Herbert Antcliffe<br /> endeavours to indicate the main currents of<br /> modern music (in its more serious aspects),<br /> while disclaiming any intention of providing<br /> a complete guide to the tendencies and in-<br /> fluences now at work. In small compass the<br /> author covers a great deal of ground, and the<br /> volume is a worthy addition to the Joseph<br /> Williams Series of handbooks on music. We<br /> note that in The Churchman for January<br /> Mr. Antcliffe had an article on ‘ Congrega-<br /> tional Singing,’ and in the February West-<br /> minster Review one on Franz Liszt.<br /> <br /> Miss Josephine Riley’s ‘‘ Notes of Lessons<br /> on Pattern Drafting’ (Sir Isaac Pitman &amp;<br /> Sons) is a volume with numerous plates,<br /> addressed to the Schools of the Dominions,<br /> and dealing with the teaching of needlework.<br /> Generally speaking, the book includes lessons<br /> in pattern-drafting and cutting-out, graduated<br /> for all classes. The author aims at presenting<br /> a recognised system which, correlated with art,<br /> can be earried from class to class; based on<br /> the latest requirements of the Board of<br /> Education.<br /> <br /> Last month was published. by Messrs.<br /> Methuen, ‘‘ Health through Diet,’”’ by Kenneth<br /> G. Weis, L.A.C.P. Lond, M.B.CS5. Eng.,<br /> with the advice and assistance of Alexander<br /> Haig, M.A., M.D. The sub-title of the book<br /> shows that it is ‘‘a practical guide to the<br /> uric-acid-free diet, founded on eighteen years<br /> of personal experience.”<br /> <br /> Mr. E. J. Solano edits ‘‘ The Imperial Army<br /> Series of Training Manuals,’ written by officers<br /> of the regular Army, and published by Mr.<br /> John Murray, at 1s. each. Of these manuals,<br /> four have been issued, on Physical Training<br /> (senior and junior courses), Drill and Field<br /> Training, and Signalling; and others are<br /> announced on Musketry, Field Engineering,<br /> Camp Training, and First Aid.<br /> <br /> Those who have read Mr. Jeffery Farnol’s<br /> “The Broad Highway ” will welcome an illus-<br /> trated edition at the price of 10s. 6d. The<br /> illustrations are by G. E. Brock, and the book<br /> will make a sound present.<br /> <br /> Yet another monthly review is on the market<br /> at the moderate price of 1s. net. The English<br /> Review was the first. Now the British Review<br /> follows; does it intend to outstrip its rival ?<br /> <br /> <br /> 168<br /> <br /> In the prospectus it is stated, “ The outlook<br /> will be imperial ; whilst all sides will be given<br /> impartial hearing, combined with fearless<br /> candour in proclaiming facts. Literature and<br /> criticism will be treated from the newest stand-<br /> points.” This latter statement is reassuring,<br /> for the present treatment of literature and<br /> criticism needs some revision.<br /> <br /> Mr. Eveleigh Nash published last month a<br /> volume by Clare Jerroldon “ The Married Life<br /> of Queen Victoria,” in which both the Queen<br /> and her Consort are shown “according to<br /> contemporary information and impressions,<br /> rather than in the purely and impossibly<br /> idealistic way of the various lives written<br /> upon them.”<br /> <br /> Professor Geddes has written, ‘‘ The Masque<br /> of lLearning’’—a medieval and modern<br /> pageant of education throughout the ages.<br /> which is to be produced in the Great Hall of<br /> the University of London on the evenings of<br /> March 11, 12, 18, 14 and 15, under the general<br /> direction and stage managership of Mrs.<br /> Percy Dearmer. Tickets may be obtained of<br /> Messrs. Chappell &amp; Co., and of the Masque<br /> Secretary, Crosby Hall, Chelsea.<br /> <br /> We regret that, owing to an oversight, we<br /> omitted to mention a book published last<br /> summer by Mr. Allen Fea, through Mr.<br /> Eveleigh Nash. It was entitled ‘‘ Old World<br /> Places,” and treated principally of the Mid-<br /> lands and the Fen Country. There were fifty<br /> illustrations to the work.<br /> <br /> DramarTIc.<br /> <br /> On January 24, at the Abbey Theatre<br /> Dublin, Mr. Sidney Paternoster’s play, “‘ The<br /> Dean of St. Patrick’s,’’ was produced for the<br /> first time, the Abbey No. 2 Company making<br /> a very good show in it. The aspect of Jonathan<br /> Swift which is presented in Mr. Paternoster’s<br /> work is the romantic Dean, the lover of Stella<br /> and Vanessa; and the story is made to end<br /> with the bringing of the news of Stella’s death<br /> to the broken-down wreck that once was so<br /> imposing a figure. The playwright has been<br /> very ambitious in his attempt to put Swift<br /> upon the stage, but he met with more than a<br /> small measure of success, whether or not his<br /> play is destined to be seen in London one day.<br /> <br /> In Mr. Jerome K. Jerome’s ‘“‘ Esther Cast-<br /> ways,” at the Prince of Wales’s Theatre, Miss<br /> Marie Tempest made a notable hit, and if the<br /> author cannot be said to have used a very<br /> novel theme, he certainly has worked out his<br /> plot in a manner calculated to show off his<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> leading lady to excellent advantage, and<br /> provided visitors to the Prince of Wales’s,<br /> with a good evening’s entertainment. a<br /> Mr. Edward Knoblauch, in collaboration<br /> with Mr. Wilfred Coleby, and with the assist- —<br /> ance of Mr. Cyril Maude in the title rile, has —<br /> tickled London with ‘‘ The Headmaster,” and —<br /> the only grievance which one can bring ~<br /> <br /> against all concerned in the production is that<br /> <br /> the spectator at the Playhouse cannot make _<br /> up his mind whether he is witnessing a farce<br /> or an idyll. But, whichever it is, it is vastly<br /> attractive, and has already added another to<br /> Mr. Knoblauch’s successes as a collaborator.<br /> <br /> Mr. Stanley Houghton’s “‘ Trust the People” _<br /> was produced at the Garrick Theatre on ~<br /> February 6, and within a few days we heard ~<br /> that the Chancellor of the Exchequer had been —<br /> to see it, while the Speaker and the Colonial —<br /> Secretary had written to the author to con- —<br /> gratulate him on the success of the electioneer- _<br /> ing scenes in the play. The leading part, the<br /> man of the people, who has risen to be Cabinet —<br /> Minister, was played by Mr. Arthur Bourchier. —<br /> <br /> Mr. H. V. Esmond produced his three-act —<br /> comedy, ‘‘ Eliza Comes to Stay,” at the —<br /> Criterion Theatre, on February 12, the Eliza —<br /> being Miss Eva Moore (Mrs. Esmond), and the —<br /> author playing hero. A capital start was ~<br /> made, and, to judge by the first week’s houses, —<br /> a prosperous career seems in store for the play. —<br /> <br /> Mr. William Archer’s version of Ibsen’s —<br /> great historical drama, known in this country —<br /> as ‘‘ The Pretenders,’ met with a genuine —<br /> artistic triumph at the Haymarket on<br /> February 13.<br /> <br /> At the Comedy Theatre on February 15, ~<br /> ““Lady Noggs, Peeress,’’ an adaptation by<br /> Miss Cicely Hamilton, from Mr. Edgar Jepson’s ©<br /> novel of that name, was presented for the first<br /> time to a sympathetic audience. :<br /> <br /> Mr. Basil Gill has recently accepted a play, —<br /> which Mr. Tighe has written in collaboration -<br /> with Mr. Cecil Rose, and hopes to produce it —<br /> at an early date. a<br /> <br /> A new comedy entitled ‘‘ Her side of the<br /> House,”’ by Mr. Letchmere Worrall and Miss —<br /> Atté Hall, has been put into rehearsal at the ©<br /> Aldwych, and will be produced on March 4.<br /> <br /> The Theatre in Eyre gave two performances<br /> on January 31 at Crosby Hall, More&#039;s”<br /> Garden, Chelsea Embankment, the selected<br /> pieces being “‘ The Veil of Happiness,’’ trans- —<br /> lated from the French of M. Georges<br /> Clemenceau (ex-Premier of France), ane<br /> ‘*Home from the Ball ’’—according to th<br /> Times report, “‘a quite charming little fane<br /> by Edith Lyttelton.”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> PARIS NOTES.<br /> <br /> 2 ee<br /> ry E que demande la Cité,” is a little<br /> : ) 2 volume containing twenty causeries,<br /> by M. Raymond Poincaré. The<br /> .vesf President of the Republic informs the young<br /> sen men of to-day what their country expects of<br /> od them, and explains to them the working of<br /> ‘sev French social life. It is a book to be read<br /> “1 9% by Frenchmen and foreigners alike, for in it<br /> . a4 the author explains clearly much that should<br /> _4 « be known concerning the State, the Constitu-<br /> ‘act tion, the President of the Republic, the Minis-<br /> vt ters, the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate,<br /> ed the Budget, Taxes and Military Service.<br /> e4 No one is better qualified for giving this<br /> ‘sola information than M. Raymond Poincaré.<br /> ~ 6H He was elected Deputé at the age of twenty-<br /> “ove. seven, Minister of Education when thirty-two,<br /> ed) then Minister of Finances, Senator, Rappor-<br /> / 9) teur Général du Budget. He has been a Member<br /> 4 i, of the French Academy for some years, and<br /> ee was elected President of the Conseil des<br /> #iailf Ministres in 1912, and President of the French<br /> 99%) Republic in 1913.<br /> <br /> T ‘The book of the month, which everyone<br /> ef 4) is now reading is “La Mort,” by Maurice<br /> $58M Maeterlinck. It came out some little time<br /> # 02) ago as a serial, and now that it is in volume<br /> ma) form it promises to be as much read as<br /> <br /> “The Treasure of the Humble.”<br /> <br /> ‘Ta Maison brile,’? by Paul Margueritte,<br /> is another of the clever novels by this author,<br /> the theme of which is the question of divorce. In<br /> “ Les Fabrecé ” we had an excellent example<br /> of solidarity, and saw all the members of the<br /> family sacrificing their own interests for th&gt;<br /> general good. In “La Maison brile,’’ the<br /> husband is unhappily married, but, for the<br /> sake of his two children, he will not repudiate<br /> his wife. Finally, in order to marry again, he<br /> decides to ask for a divorce, but his wife will<br /> not consent to this, until she finds it is to her<br /> interest. The story is an interesting one and<br /> is cleverly handled.<br /> <br /> “Les Sables mouvants,’’ by Collette Yver,<br /> is another novel by the author of “‘ Princesses<br /> de Science.” Most of this writer’s books are<br /> written with some special purpose. In this<br /> one a curious psychological study is given to<br /> us, but the book is too crowded. ‘There is<br /> matter enough for two or three stories con-<br /> tained in one.<br /> <br /> “Le Duc Rollon,” by Léon de Tinseau, is<br /> a story which opens in the year 2000 and the<br /> scene is laid in Washington. The book is a<br /> curious one and not at all in the usual style<br /> of this author.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 169<br /> <br /> “ Pernette en Escapade” is a distinctly<br /> adventurous story by Charles Foley. Per-<br /> nette, as the title indicates, is one of the<br /> emancipated. She goes as far as she can in<br /> her adventure, and the situation becomes<br /> dramatic. The story is told in a_ bright,<br /> amusing way.<br /> <br /> La Fontaine has been very much in vogue<br /> this winter. M. Faguet has been lecturing<br /> on him, and M. Louis Roche gives a most<br /> interesting ‘volume entitled “‘ La Vie de Jean<br /> de La Fontaine.’”’ We have a full account of<br /> him as a child, and as a man, and, after reading<br /> this book, much that had seemed almost<br /> incomprehensible in his life is explained.<br /> <br /> “Au Chevet de la Turquie,’ by Stephane<br /> Lauzanne, is an account of a recent journey<br /> to Constantinople. The author had forty days’<br /> experience of the struggles of a dying Empire.<br /> <br /> ‘De la Plata a la Cordillére des Andes ”’ is<br /> the title of Jules Huret’s second volume on<br /> the Argentine. No better guide than M.<br /> Huret exists for the exploration of foreign<br /> countries. In the books he has written on<br /> America and Germany we are accustomed to<br /> strict impartiality and accurate information.<br /> He is a conscientious writer and a keen observer,<br /> and, while preparing his books he does not<br /> neglect the one essential thing for the subject<br /> he has undertaken, namely, to study it himself<br /> before writing on it, and this study, for M.<br /> Huret, usually means long months of exile in<br /> the country about which he intends to write.<br /> As a result of this thoroughness, the books<br /> he gives us are trustworthy documents, which<br /> will remain as landmarks in the history of<br /> nations, supplying information as_ to the<br /> physical, political, and human aspects of the<br /> countries described.<br /> <br /> “ [’Kpitre au fils de loup,” by Bahiou ‘lah,<br /> the founder of Bahaism, has been translated<br /> from the Persian into French by M. Hippolyte<br /> Dreyfus. “Le Fils de Loup,”’ was the name<br /> given to the High Priest of Ispahan, on account<br /> of his cruelty. Under the form of an open<br /> letter, Bahiou’llih explains to him the object<br /> of his mission, and reminds him of the chief<br /> events of his troubled life. It was the last<br /> work written by this prophet of a religion<br /> which claims to embrace all religions (as the<br /> keynote to Bahaism is universal fraternity).<br /> In 1892, Bahiou’llah died at St. Jean d’Acre.<br /> There is a fairly large group now in Paris of<br /> disciples of this prophet, and the members of<br /> the group are of all nationalities.<br /> <br /> “‘ Saynetes et Farces ”’ is the title of a little<br /> volume by M. Maurice Bouchor, which will<br /> be of great service for amateur theatricals.<br /> <br /> <br /> 170<br /> <br /> “ Alfred Tennyson,” by M. Frédéric Choisy,<br /> is a remarkable study of the works and per-<br /> sonality of the English Poet Laureate. The<br /> author&#039;s object is to give the French reader<br /> a clearer idea than he has hitherto had of a<br /> poet who is comparatively little known in<br /> France.<br /> <br /> Among the more interesting articles in the<br /> Reviews lately are the following ones in the<br /> Revue hebdomadaire, “‘ Les Effets d’une Per-<br /> sécution sur la Vie d’une Eglise,” by Georges<br /> Goyau; “Un Lorrain (M. Raymond Poin-<br /> caré),’’ by M. Louis Madelin, and in the Figaro<br /> an excellent article by André Beaunier on<br /> “ Pere et Fils,” the translation of “ Father<br /> and Son,” by Edmund Gosse.<br /> <br /> We learn with great pleasure that Brazil<br /> has now decided to join the Berne Convention.<br /> The late M. Edouard Sauvel was largely<br /> instrumental in bringing this about. He was<br /> seconded by M. de Lalande, French Minister<br /> in Rio, and thanks are due to the Senator<br /> Guanabara for presenting the proposition to<br /> the Brazilian Congress and getting the Bill<br /> through within a year.<br /> <br /> A curious legal case has just been tried in<br /> Italy. Sardou’s play, ‘“* Fédora,” was given<br /> in Paris in 1882, but was not published in<br /> France until 1908. In 1883 Sardou authorised<br /> M. Bersezio to put on the stage an Italian<br /> translation of ‘“ Fédora.” The drama was<br /> printed and published in Italian in 1892 by<br /> Messrs. Treves. In 1889 Bersezio retroceded<br /> his rights to Sardou, and after Sardou’s death,<br /> his heirs transferred the Italian rights in<br /> “Fédora”’ to M. Riceardi for a period of<br /> twenty-five years, dating from January 1,<br /> 1910. In August, 1911, M. Lombardi put on<br /> Bersezio’s translation in Rome, at the Adriano<br /> Theatre. M. Riccardi claimed an indemnity.<br /> The case was tried, and the verdict was in<br /> favour of M. Riccardi. M. Lombardi claimed<br /> that ‘‘ Fédora’’ was in the domaine public,<br /> and that, by virtue of other special laws,<br /> he had a right to use this translation of<br /> Bersezio’s. The case was brought before a<br /> higher court. By virtue of the law of 1882,<br /> the Court maintained that Bersezio, having<br /> fulfilled all the formalities necessary, and<br /> then having retroceded his rights to Sardou,<br /> and M. Riccardi, having arranged with the<br /> heirs of Sardou, he alone had the right<br /> to use the translation in question. M. Lom-<br /> bardi has, therefore, lost his case.<br /> <br /> Maurice Donnay’s play, in four acts, ‘* Les<br /> Eclaireuses,’’ has been, and still is, a great<br /> success at the Comédie Marigny.<br /> <br /> At the Vaudeville, Sacha Guitry’s play,<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> &gt;<br /> <br /> ‘La Prise de Berg-op-Zomm,’<br /> bill.<br /> <br /> ‘“‘La Femme Seule,” is being given at the<br /> Gymnase, and at the Variétés, “‘ L’Habit vert,”<br /> a comedy in four acts, by M.M. Robert de Flers<br /> and Gaston A de Caillavet.<br /> <br /> is still on the<br /> <br /> &gt;<br /> <br /> Autys HALLARD.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> “Ce que demande la Cité.”<br /> “La Mort.” (Fasquelle.)<br /> “La Maison brile.” (Plon.)<br /> “ Les Sables mouvants.” (Calmann-Lévy.)<br /> “Le Duc Rollon.” (Calmann-Levy.)<br /> “Pernette en Escapade.”’ (Tallandier.)<br /> <br /> “La Vie de Jean de La Fontaine.” (Perrin.)<br /> ** Au Chevet de la Turquie.” (Fayard.)<br /> “ De la Plata 4 la Cordillére des Andes.”<br /> “ L’Epitre au fils du loup.”<br /> <br /> (Hachette.)<br /> <br /> (Fasquelle.)<br /> (H. Champion.)<br /> <br /> THE COLONIAL BOOK TRADE.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> i? is very flattering to The Author to know<br /> that its renown has gone round the world<br /> and back again. Towards the end of last<br /> <br /> year certain articles were published in its<br /> <br /> columns dealing with Colonial copyright. One<br /> of these was re-published in the enterprising<br /> periodical known as the Publishers’ Weekly in<br /> the United States. This got into the hands of<br /> the editor of a periodical called The Bookfellow,<br /> published in Sydney, Australia, and the editor<br /> has devoted some two pages to traversing<br /> the statements made in the article that<br /> originally appeared in The Author. He<br /> begins by denying the following statement<br /> that ‘‘ English works—in comparison with<br /> <br /> American—do not get a fair circulation on the<br /> <br /> Colonial markets.” In answer to that he<br /> <br /> states as follows :—<br /> <br /> “* Speaking for Australia and New Zealand, this is untrue ;<br /> every bookseller will agree with us that this is untrue ;<br /> statistics will prove it to be untrue. Look at the contrast<br /> between Australian imports from Great Britain—value in<br /> 1911 £618,043 ; and from America—value 1911 £53,668.<br /> ‘Works’ means general literature; and nearly all<br /> general literature that we sell is published in Great Britain.<br /> Tf what is meant (but not said) is fiction, the statement is<br /> still untrue; English novels in comparison with American<br /> do get a fair circulation on the Australian market. They<br /> get the lion’s share of the circulation; there is no doubt<br /> whatever about that.”<br /> <br /> We are very glad to print this statement, but<br /> still wonderful stories are told of the energy<br /> and push of the American book agent. The<br /> editor then turns from general literature to<br /> novels, thinking apparently that the Society of<br /> Authors and The Author represent writers of<br /> fiction only, and he gives some facts about<br /> the Australian book trade that are worth<br /> <br /> reprinting :—<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> “ A bookseller usually has to leave the first purchase of<br /> books to his London agent—simply because most books<br /> cannot be shown round at the Australian distance on or<br /> before publication. The bookseller himself remains an<br /> active controlling foree; he orders a likely seller in<br /> advance of publication, or if he gets insufficient stock of<br /> what looks a likely seller, he cables at once for a fresh<br /> supply. All the time he is on the look-out for steady<br /> sellers with the hope of a long run. Unluckily most<br /> English novels are not sellers—to our sorrow. They are<br /> worth about the number of copies the London agent sends ;<br /> and then ‘ it isn’t worth re-ordering.’ That isn’t the fault<br /> of the bookseller ; it’s the fault of the books.”<br /> <br /> He continues with a statement headed<br /> <br /> “‘ DIFFERENCE IN ‘ CoLoNIAL’ PUBLISHERS.”<br /> <br /> ‘Tt is quite correct to say that some London publishers<br /> are worth, for ‘ Colonial’ sale, a lot more to an author than<br /> are others. Some publishers simply drop their novels on<br /> the market ; if they sell, welland good ; if they don’t sell,<br /> the publisher makes his profit on the average. Others<br /> circulate a few review copies. Others really push every<br /> book with the aid of local agents; and these, we may<br /> modestly say, supplement agents’ visits to the trade—<br /> which, because of the vast extent of territory to cover, can<br /> only be made annually or semi-annually—by advertising<br /> to the trade in The Bookfellow. It stands to reason that<br /> these pushing publishers in relation to our trade are the<br /> best for authors who have an eye to ‘ Colonial royalties.’<br /> The publisher who keeps his goods before trade and public<br /> all the time pushes many a languid or reluctant bookseller<br /> to purchase. Booksellers aren&#039;t infallible, and sometimes<br /> they turn down a book which, when it is pushed by the<br /> publisher, turns up trumps. So that, on this head, there<br /> is some truth in our author&#039;s complaint. But it is the<br /> business of his publisher, not of booksellers, to see that his<br /> book gets the fullest Australasian publicity. And if his<br /> publisher doesn’t do that, and he values his ‘ Colonial ’<br /> royalties, the cure for his complaint is not to abuse the<br /> bookseller, but to change his publisher.”<br /> <br /> This latter paragraph certainly contains<br /> some valuable information for the benefit of<br /> the members of the Society. It now remains<br /> to discover, if possible, those publishers to<br /> whom the editor of The Bookfellow makes<br /> reference. But the statement on which all<br /> these articles have been written is still true,<br /> that the Colonial sales in proportion to the<br /> English sales are not as large as they should be.<br /> Colonials are better buyers of books because<br /> there are fewer and in some cases no lending<br /> libraries. The returns on the accounts should<br /> therefore show a better proportionate result.<br /> Why don’t they ?<br /> <br /> ——_—___-_+-—¢—<br /> <br /> DRAMATISATION OF NOVELS AND<br /> PUBLICATION OF PLAYS.<br /> <br /> +<br /> Important AMERICAN DECISIONS.<br /> <br /> HE Report of the Register of Copyrights<br /> in the United States for the vear<br /> 1911—1912 contains two important<br /> <br /> eases, which more particularly concern the<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 17i<br /> <br /> interests of British dramatic authors and<br /> novelists owing to the change in the law<br /> effected by the Copyright Act, 1911. Under<br /> the Act the public performance of a play is no<br /> longer equivalent to publication, and_ the<br /> novelist is given the exclusive right of dramatis-<br /> ing his novel. These changes in the law are<br /> very material to the American cases reported<br /> below, which were decided before the new<br /> Copyright Act came into operation.<br /> <br /> The question in the first case is one which<br /> may arise under the English law, namely,<br /> whether the manufacturer of films, for produc-<br /> tion by cinematograph of scenes taken from a<br /> novel, has infringed the copyright of the<br /> novelist, who has the exclusive right of<br /> dramatising his work.<br /> <br /> The second case calls attention to the fact<br /> that British authors resident in England are<br /> entitled to protection in respect of unpublished<br /> works by the common law in the United States ;<br /> while by the English Copyright Act the<br /> common law rights are abolished, and the<br /> statute gives no protection to American<br /> authors resident in the United States in respect<br /> of their unpublished works. The abrogation<br /> of the common law rights has a serious effect,<br /> since the public performance of a play no<br /> longer amounts to publication according to<br /> English law; and the so-called “ copyright<br /> performance ”’ of a play in England will not<br /> confer the statutory right which attaches to a<br /> published work. The American dramatist<br /> must print and publish his play in order to<br /> acquire statutory copyright in England, but<br /> the English dramatist is entitled to protection<br /> in the United States without publication.<br /> <br /> Karem Co. v. Harper Bros.<br /> <br /> This was an appeal by the Kalem Co. against<br /> an order restraining an infringement of the<br /> copyright in the novel “ Ben Hur” by the<br /> late Gen. Lew Wallace. The appellant com-<br /> pany were manufacturers of films, which were<br /> used in cinematograph reproductions, and they<br /> employed someone to read the novel and to<br /> write a description of certain scenes, which<br /> might be reproduced in cinematograph exhibi-<br /> tions. They took photographs of these scenes<br /> and manufactured films, which they advertised<br /> under the title ‘‘ Ben Hur.’’ They then sold<br /> the films, and public representations were given<br /> of these scenes in cinematograph exhibitions.<br /> <br /> It was contended that, as authors have the<br /> statutory right of dramatising their novels. the<br /> representation of the scenes, which was founded<br /> upon a dramatisation of the story, was an<br /> infringement of the author’s copyright.<br /> <br /> <br /> 172<br /> <br /> On the other hand, it was urged on behalf<br /> of the appellant company that an attempt was<br /> being made to extend copyright to ideas, as<br /> distinguished from the words in which those<br /> ideas were clothed, and further that they had<br /> not infringed the copyright, because they did<br /> not exhibit the pictures, but merely made the<br /> films and sold them.<br /> <br /> The Court held that the novel was dramatised<br /> by what the appellants had done, for drama<br /> may be achieved by action as well as by<br /> speech. Action could tell a story, display all<br /> the most vivid relations between men, and<br /> depict every kind of human emotion, without<br /> the aid of a word. A novel might be drama-<br /> tised by pantomine, and it made no difference<br /> whether the effect was produced by living<br /> figures, or mechanical means, or reflection from<br /> a glass. The essence of the matter was not<br /> the mechanism employed, but that the<br /> spectators saw the incidents of the story or the<br /> story lived.<br /> <br /> Further, the appellants had invoked by<br /> advertisement the use of their films for<br /> dramatic reproduction of the story, and that<br /> was the purpose for which the films were<br /> made. If they did not contribute to the<br /> infringement it would be impossible to do so<br /> except by taking part in the final act.<br /> <br /> The appellants had infringed the copyright<br /> in the novel and the appeal was dismissed.<br /> <br /> FERRIS v. FROHMAN.<br /> <br /> In this appeal Mr. Ferris claimed the<br /> statutory copyright in the play entitled “ The<br /> Fatal Card,” by Mr. Haddon Chambers and<br /> Mr. B. C. Stephenson, who were British sub-<br /> jects resident in London at the time of its<br /> composition in 1894, The play was performed<br /> in London on September 6, 1894, and had not<br /> been copyrightea by the authors in the United<br /> States. Mr. Frohman acquired American<br /> rights under an agreement, and the play had<br /> been represented by him in the United States.<br /> Mr. George McFarlane made an adaptation of<br /> the play and assigned his rights to Mr. Ferris,<br /> who copyrighted it in August, 1900, and repre-<br /> sented it in the United States. The adapted<br /> play contained the essential features of the<br /> original play, though it differed in various<br /> details.<br /> <br /> On behalf of Mr. Frohman it was contended<br /> that, as the performance of the play in England<br /> was not publication, the authors had not lost<br /> their common law rights; and that it was not<br /> necessary to comply with the statutory<br /> provisions for the protection of the copyright.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Butit was argued that the English authors being<br /> domiciled in England were not entitled to<br /> common law rights in the United States, and<br /> that Mr. Ferris having copyrighted his adapta-<br /> tion of the play in America was the owner of<br /> the statutory copyright.<br /> <br /> The Court held that the authors of the<br /> “Fatal Card’? had a common law right of<br /> property and were entitled to protection against<br /> its unauthorised use in the United States.<br /> The common law right was not lost by public<br /> performance of the play, which was_ not<br /> equivalent to publication. The play had not<br /> been printed and published, and the statute<br /> did not deprive the authors of their common<br /> law right. The adaptation of the play was a<br /> piratical composition, and Mr. Ferris could<br /> not secure the fruits of piracy by copyrighting<br /> it under the statute.<br /> <br /> The judgment of the Supreme Court of<br /> Illinois, which had decided against the claim<br /> of Mr. Ferris, was affirmed.<br /> <br /> Haroitp Harpy.<br /> <br /> —_—_—__—_.——e____<br /> <br /> RIGHTS IN UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPT.<br /> <br /> ++<br /> <br /> CANADIAN Law SvIT.<br /> <br /> (Published by permission of the editor of the<br /> “* Publisher&#039;s Weekly,” U.S.A.<br /> <br /> LAWSUIT of considerable interest to<br /> both publishers and authors has just<br /> <br /> been decided by the High Court of<br /> Justice of Ontario. In effect, the case is a<br /> sequel to an earlier case which was fully re-<br /> ported in the Publishers’ Weekly of October 28,<br /> 1911. Briefly, an author, Dr. W. D. LeSueur,<br /> of Ottawa, was invited to prepare a life of<br /> William Lyon Mackenzie for the “ Makers of<br /> Canada” series, published by Morang &amp; Co.<br /> Through the courtesy of the Mackenzie family,<br /> he was allowed access to a collection of papers<br /> and documents left by Mackenzie and, with<br /> the assistance of this material, compiled his<br /> biography. When his manuscript was sub-<br /> mitted, however, it was found that he had<br /> taken such a prejudiced view of the subject<br /> that it was deemed inadvisable to publish his<br /> work in the series, and another life was pre-<br /> pared in its place.<br /> Doubtless influenced by the Mackenzie<br /> family, Morang &amp; Co. refused to return the<br /> manuscript to Dr. LeSueur. The latter sent<br /> back the money which had been paid him in<br /> the first instance and brought suit against the<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> ‘ide publishers for the recovery of his property.<br /> 4 The case was carried from court to court, and<br /> 22. was finally decided in favour of the plaintiff<br /> -~by the Supreme Court of Canada in October,<br /> “61911. The Court directed that Morang &amp; Co.<br /> of should forthwith hand over the manuscript to<br /> <br /> 6 the author.<br /> <br /> 4 Following the return of the manuscript Mr.<br /> 5 £G. G. S. Lindsey, grandson of Mackenzie and<br /> 2m custodian of his papers, took steps to prevent<br /> ~ ej its publication by Dr. LeSueur. He brought<br /> <br /> ‘i suit against him to compel him to deliver up<br /> <br /> ii all extracts from and copies of any manu-<br /> “to, scripts, books, papers, writings, and docu-<br /> ‘gg; ments of every kind, obtained from the<br /> ‘sal Mackenzie collection, and to restrain him from<br /> i4gq publishing them or causing them to be pub-<br /> sei lished. This case has just been heard, and<br /> <br /> ) judgment in favour of the plaintiff delivered on<br /> idsl January 9.<br /> a ‘Tt seems to me clear,” said Mr. Justice<br /> <br /> @ Britton in rendering his decision, ‘* that the<br /> lq plaintiff (Lindsey) and the late Charles Lindsey<br /> <br /> q) (plaintiff&#039;s father) supposed that the defen-<br /> <br /> &lt;6 dant (LeSueur) intended to write of William<br /> <br /> I Lyon Mackenzie as one of the men in Canadian<br /> sid history who can fairly be called, speaking<br /> &quot;45 colloquially, as one of the ° Makers of Canada.’<br /> <br /> 7% The conduct of the defendant and what he<br /> <br /> 2 said warranted the plaintiff and Charles<br /> uJ Lindsey in so thinking. I must find as a fact<br /> 4 that the defendant gave the plaintiff and<br /> 3 Charles Lindsey to understand that the views<br /> * and feclings of the defendant towards Mac-<br /> ed kenzie were friendly, and that his attitude in<br /> <br /> | presenting Mackenzie to the public was a fair<br /> °f@ one, that he had no bias against Mackenzie,<br /> ‘es and that-he had no feeling or opinion which<br /> <br /> »# would prevent him, as a writer, from truly<br /> 2#/@ presenting the facts and circumstances of<br /> 1 Mackenzie’s life and character. The defen-<br /> 4b dant, in my opinion, intended that the plaintiff<br /> <br /> bes and Charles Lindsey should believe as they<br /> vb. did in reference to defendant’s feeling and<br /> 46 attitude.<br /> - “At the time of defendant’s arrangement<br /> with the plaintiff, the defendant did hold<br /> strong views against Mackenzie. At that<br /> time the defendant intended to write the life<br /> of Mackenzie on other than conventional lines.<br /> ‘He intended to write of Mackenzie, not as one<br /> of the ‘ Makers of Canada,’ but as a ‘ puller-<br /> down,’ as was stated during the trial.<br /> <br /> “J am of the opinion, upon the evidence,<br /> that the defendant made use of the Mackenzie<br /> collection of books and papers other than was<br /> in accord with the understanding between<br /> him and the plaintiff and Charles Lindsey.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 173<br /> <br /> The use was made contrary to the wish, and<br /> contrary to what was known to be the wish,<br /> of the plaintiff&#039;s father. It is inconceivable<br /> upon the facts that either Charles Lindsey or<br /> the plaintiff would have permitted access to<br /> the Mackenzie papers had either known or<br /> supposed that such manuscript as the defen-<br /> dant produced would have resulted. It is<br /> plain to me that the defendant knew that he<br /> could not have obtained access to the collec-<br /> tion had he revealed his true feelings or<br /> declared his real intention. :<br /> <br /> ‘“No question of copyright is involved. It<br /> is a question of getting access to the house of<br /> another and using the property therein for<br /> personal purposes, different to what was con-<br /> sented to by the owner.”<br /> <br /> W. A.C.<br /> <br /> —_—_——_—_+—_&gt;—_o—__—__<br /> <br /> THE SORROWS OF A FREE-LANCE.<br /> <br /> —+—&lt;—+—<br /> <br /> HIS subject has been tackled before, but<br /> every day competition gets keener, and<br /> the “‘ sorrows” greater; a few hints<br /> <br /> may help ‘‘ would-be ” writers.<br /> <br /> The free-lance offers something for sale, the<br /> supply of which far exceeds the demand ; no<br /> editor requires any free-lance, every free-lance<br /> requires some editor, what is more, requires<br /> many editors if he is to make a living with his<br /> pen. Strikingly uncommon, clever people<br /> compel attention—there is always room on the<br /> top—but these mostly are annexed by editors,<br /> becoming members of the staff of well-known<br /> papers, or their work is commissioned. They<br /> sueceed ; but they cease to be typical free-<br /> lances.<br /> <br /> Now, each person should ask himself, if he<br /> really has something to say, and if he is<br /> prepared to face obstacles and rebuffs, endless<br /> anxiety, and disappointments in order to say<br /> it. If he thinks he can make an easy living<br /> by free-lancing, he is much mistaken; it is<br /> quite possible for a free-lance to have contri-<br /> buted to over thirty publications, included<br /> among thenumber being Is. and 6d. magazines,<br /> and yet not make a net income of £40 a year.<br /> If anyone wishes, let him try and see for him-<br /> self whether the game is. worth the candle.<br /> The most important thing of all is for him to<br /> find out what the character of the paper is, and<br /> what the views of the editor are, also what<br /> regular contributors he has already working<br /> for him, and what subjects he has already<br /> dealt with. All this “scouting,” is very<br /> difficult, and constitutes the “via erucis ”” of<br /> <br /> <br /> *<br /> <br /> 174<br /> <br /> whoever tramps Grub Street with something<br /> to sell. Advertisements increase daily, the<br /> staff does a good deal of the letterpress,<br /> agencies supply endless illustrations, topical<br /> subjects take up much space, so that it<br /> becomes hard for even a willing editor to<br /> squeeze in the work of a new free-lance, unless<br /> by doing so he believes he is enhancing the<br /> worth of the magazine he edits. It is a<br /> question of the survival of the fittest amongst<br /> the too numerous publications, the editor<br /> must make his paper pay, and is forced to<br /> snuff out all mediocrities from its pages.<br /> <br /> There are only three ways of reaching the<br /> powers that be :—<br /> <br /> 1st. Sending manuscripts by post.<br /> <br /> 2nd. Interviewing the editors.<br /> <br /> 3rd. Writing a_ preliminary<br /> suggestions.<br /> <br /> The first is the worst system. It is as easy<br /> to get MSS. sent at random, accepted for<br /> publication, as it is for a blindfolded man to<br /> hit a target ; only a crack shot succeeds.<br /> <br /> The second is arduous labour; for the<br /> editors have no time to spare, detest being<br /> interviewed, do not require contributions, and<br /> resent being cross-questioned as to what they<br /> do want. They look upon the person carrying<br /> a pile of manuscripts generally looks at<br /> a hawker, sometimes with pity, generally with<br /> irritation.<br /> <br /> The third is, to my mind, the less thorny<br /> path ; if no answer is received, one can take it<br /> for granted that contributions are not required,<br /> or that what one offers is unsuitable; if any<br /> subject appeals to the editor, he is almost sure<br /> to ask for the article to be submitted to him ;<br /> it also has the advantage of placing twenty or<br /> thirty subjects before his notice. This could<br /> not be done ina brief interview ; and if method<br /> number (1) were adopted, it would entail a<br /> fearful postage expense to the author in<br /> manuscript and a fearful loss of time to the<br /> editor.<br /> <br /> If once a subject is asked for, a careful study<br /> of the style of the publication should be made<br /> by reading a few back numbers. An idea<br /> must be formed as to what class of people it<br /> eaters for; every paper caters for a different<br /> public. The same subject would have to be<br /> dealt with entirely differently, if meant for<br /> a ls. magazine, or a 3d. rag. But—and here<br /> the “‘ sorrows ”’ come in, if the article does get<br /> accepted, the author must wait and see when<br /> it gets published and how and when he gets<br /> paid for it; he will often have to send in his<br /> account or solicit payment repeatedly. When<br /> he receives a cheque in any other profession,<br /> <br /> letter with<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> his troubles would be at an end ; not so with th<br /> free-lance. At the back of the cheque he wil<br /> find: ‘All British rights,’ ‘* Copyright,’<br /> ** Artist’s rights,’”’ “‘ All author’s rights,” “* Al<br /> rights,’ ‘‘ Serial rights,” and many mor<br /> assertions of “rights”? for which he has no<br /> bargained for, and which he only vaguel<br /> understands. If he signs the cheque he ma<br /> land himself into no end of trouble in th<br /> future ; if he does not sign, or alters the wordin<br /> of the cheque, he cannot get payment ;<br /> asserts himself, or in any way ruffles the<br /> editors, he never will be allowed to contribut<br /> to their papers again, so that he is hemmed in<br /> on every side. As matters now stand, the<br /> author is always at a disadvantage. Of course.<br /> a good agent could overcome all these difficul-<br /> ties, but where are “‘ good ”’ agents to be found ?.<br /> More often by going to them one only gets<br /> more sorrows. Be not deceived—financially<br /> free-lancing is a poor game against uneven<br /> odds; morally—well—to me at least, it has<br /> been very well worth while.<br /> <br /> A FREE-LANCE.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ee<br /> <br /> MAGAZINE CONTENTS.<br /> <br /> — +<br /> <br /> Bookman.<br /> Charles Reade. By Lewis Melville.<br /> George Saintsbury. By Thomas Seccombe.<br /> A French Study of Chaucer. By W. H. Hudson.<br /> Bookman Gallery. Mr. Maurice Baring. By Robert<br /> Birkmyre.<br /> ENGLISH.<br /> Phoneties and Poetry. By Lascelles Abercrombie.<br /> Copyright and the Case of Coleridge Taylor. By Dr.8.<br /> Squire Sprigze.<br /> Under the Collar.<br /> FoRTNIGHTLY.<br /> Greek Drama: The Dance. By G. Warrett Cornish.<br /> The Aims and Dutiés of a National Theatre.<br /> <br /> NATIONAL.<br /> <br /> A Great Artist and his Little<br /> Richmond, K.C.B.<br /> The Early Years of Madame Royale.<br /> <br /> Critics. By Sir Wm. _<br /> <br /> By Austin Dobson. -<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> SCALE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> [ALLOWANCE TO MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY 20 PER OENT,] e<br /> <br /> Front Page £4 0 0<br /> Other Pages &lt;6 O38<br /> Halt of a Page ... «= 110-9<br /> Quarter of a Page « O16 6<br /> Highth of a Page ins ae ane ae Le<br /> Single Column Advertisements perinch 0 6 0<br /> <br /> Reduction of 20 per cent. made for a Series of Siz and of 25 per cent, for<br /> Twelve Insertions,<br /> <br /> All letters respecting Advertisements should be addressed to J. F.<br /> Be.mMont &amp; Co., 29, Paternoster Square, London, B.C. ae<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> HOW TO USE THE SOCIETY.<br /> ——<br /> <br /> &amp; VERY member has a right toask for and to receive<br /> HK advice upon his agreements, his choice of a pub-<br /> lisher, or any dispute arising in the conduct of his<br /> business or the administration of his property. The<br /> Secretary of the Society is a solicitor; but if there is any<br /> special reason the Secretary will refer the case to the<br /> Solicitors of the Society. Further, the Committee, if they<br /> deem it desirable, will obtain counsel&#039;s opinion without<br /> any cost to the member. Moreover. where counsel’s<br /> opinion is favourable, and the sanction of the Committee<br /> is obtained, action will be taken on behalf of the aggrieved<br /> member, and all costs borne by the Society.<br /> <br /> 9. Remember that questions connected with copyright<br /> and publishers’ agreements do not fall within the experi-<br /> ence of ordinary solicitors. Therefore, do not scruple to use<br /> the Society.<br /> <br /> 3. Before signing any agreement whatever, send<br /> the document to the Society for examination.<br /> <br /> 4, Remember always that in belonging to the Society<br /> you are fighting the battles of other writers, even if you<br /> are reaping no direct benefit to yourself, and that you are<br /> advancing the best interests of your calling in promoting<br /> the independence of the writer, the dramatist, the composer.<br /> <br /> 5. The Committee have arranged for the reception of<br /> members’ agreements and their preservation in a fire-<br /> proof safe. The agreements will, of course, be regarded as<br /> confidential documents to be read only by the Secretary,<br /> who will keep the key of the safe. The Society now offers :<br /> (1) To stamp agreements in readiness for a possible action<br /> upon them. (2) To keep agreements. (3) To enforce<br /> payments due according to agreements. Fuller particu-<br /> lars of the Society’s work can be obtained in the<br /> Prospectus.<br /> <br /> 6. No contract should be entered into with a literary<br /> agent without the advice of the Secretary of the Society.<br /> Members are strongly advised not to accept without careful<br /> consideration the contracts with publishers submitted to<br /> them by literary agents, and are recommended to submit<br /> them for interpretation and explanation to the Secretary<br /> of the Society.<br /> <br /> 7. Many agents neglect to stamp agreements,<br /> must be done within fourteen days of first execution.<br /> Secretary will undertake it on bebalf of members.<br /> <br /> This<br /> The<br /> <br /> 8. Some agents endeavour to prevent authors from<br /> referring matters to the Secretary of the Society; so<br /> do some publishers. Members can make their own<br /> deductions and act accordingly.<br /> <br /> 9, The subscription to the Society is £1 1s. per<br /> annum, op £10 10s. for life membership.<br /> <br /> ————_—_+—_+___—_<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO THE PRODUCERS<br /> OF BOOKS.<br /> <br /> oo<br /> <br /> ERE are a few standing rules to be observed in an<br /> agreement, There are four methods of dealing<br /> with literary property :—<br /> <br /> I. Selling it Outright.<br /> This is sometimes satisfactory, if a proper vrice can be<br /> <br /> 175<br /> <br /> obtained. But the transaction should be managed by a<br /> competent agent, or with the advice of the Secretary of<br /> the Society. :<br /> <br /> Il. A Profit-Sharing Agreement (a bad form of<br /> agreement).<br /> <br /> In this case the following rules should be attended to:<br /> <br /> (1.) Not to sign any agreement in which the cost of pro-<br /> duction forms a part without the strictest investigation.<br /> <br /> (2.) Not to give the publisher the power of putting the<br /> profits into his own pocket by charging for advertisements<br /> in his own organs, or by charging exchange advertise-<br /> ments. Therefore keep control of the advertisements.<br /> <br /> (3.) Not to allow a special charge for * office expenses,”<br /> unless the same allowance is made to the author.<br /> <br /> (4.) Not to give up American, Colonial, or Continental<br /> rights.<br /> <br /> (5.) Not to give up serial or translation rights.<br /> <br /> (6.) Not to bind yourself for future work to any publisher,<br /> As well bind yourself for the future to any one solicitor or<br /> doctor !<br /> <br /> III. The Royalty System.<br /> <br /> This is perhaps, with certain limitations, the best form<br /> of agreement. It is above all things necessary to know<br /> what the proposed royalty means to both sides. It is now<br /> possible for an author to ascertain approximately the<br /> truth. From time to time very important figures connected<br /> with royalties are published in 7he Author,<br /> <br /> 1¥. A Commission Agreement.<br /> <br /> The main points are :—<br /> <br /> (1.) Be careful to obtain a fair cost of production.<br /> (2.) Keep control of the advertisements.<br /> <br /> (3.) Keep control of the sale price of the book.<br /> <br /> General.<br /> <br /> Allother forms of agreement are combinations of the four<br /> above mentioned.<br /> <br /> Such combinations are generally disastrous to the author,<br /> <br /> Never sign any agreement without competent advice from<br /> the Secretary of the Society.<br /> <br /> Stamp all agreements with the Inland Revenue stamp.<br /> <br /> Avoid agreements by letter if possible.<br /> <br /> The main points which the Society has always demanded<br /> from the outset are :—<br /> <br /> (1.) That both sides shall know what an agreement<br /> means.<br /> <br /> (2.) The inspection of those account books which belong<br /> tothe author. Weare advised that this is a right, in the<br /> nature of a common law right, which cannot be denied or<br /> withheld.<br /> <br /> (3.) Always avoid a transfer of copyright.<br /> <br /> —_——_—__+—__+—___—_<br /> <br /> EVER sign an agreement without submitting it to the<br /> <br /> ce ges<br /> ~<br /> N Secretary of the Society of Authors or some com-<br /> <br /> 2, It is well to be extremely careful in negotiating for<br /> the production of a play with any one except an established<br /> manager.<br /> <br /> 3. There are three forms of<br /> in three or more acts :—<br /> <br /> (a.) Sale outright of the performing right. This<br /> is unsatisfactory. An author who enters into<br /> such a contract should stipulate in the contract<br /> for production of the piece by a certain date<br /> and for proper publication of his name on the<br /> play-bills,<br /> <br /> dramatic contract for plays<br /> <br /> <br /> 176<br /> <br /> (0.) Sale of performing right or of a licence to<br /> perform on the basis of percentages on<br /> gross receipts, Percentages vary between 5<br /> and 15 per cent. An author should obtain a<br /> percentage on the sliding scale of gross receipts<br /> in preference to the American system. Should<br /> obtain a sum inadvance of percentages. A fixed<br /> date on or before which the play should be<br /> performed. :<br /> <br /> (c.) Sale of performing right or of a licence to<br /> perform on the basis of royalties (2.c., fixed<br /> nightly fees). I&#039;his method should be always<br /> avoided except in cases where the fees are<br /> likely to be small or difficult to collect. The<br /> other safeguards set out under heading (0.) apply<br /> also in this case.<br /> <br /> 4, Plays in one act are often sold outright, but it is<br /> better to obtain a small nightly fee if possible, and a sum<br /> paid in advance of such fees in any event. It is extremely<br /> important that the amateur rights of one-act plays should<br /> be reserved.<br /> <br /> 5, Authors should remember that performing rights can<br /> be limited, and are usually limited, by town, country, and<br /> time. This is most important.<br /> <br /> 6. Authors should not assign performing rights, but<br /> should grant a licence to perform. The legal distinction<br /> is of great importance.<br /> <br /> 7, Authors should remember that performing rights in a<br /> play are distinct from literary copyright. A manager<br /> holding the performing right or licence to perform cannot<br /> print the book of the words.<br /> <br /> 8. Never forget that United States rights may be exceed-<br /> ingly valuable, ‘They should never be included in Hnglish<br /> agreements without the author obtaining a substantial<br /> consideration.<br /> <br /> 9, Agreements for collaboration should be carefully<br /> drawn and executed before collaboration is commenced.<br /> <br /> 10. An author should remember that production of a play<br /> is highly speculative: that he runs a very great risk of<br /> delay and a breakdown in the fulfilment of his contract.<br /> He should therefore guard himself all the more carefully in<br /> the beginning.<br /> <br /> 11. An author must remember that the dramatic market<br /> is exceedingly limited, and that for a novice the first object<br /> is to obtain adequate publication.<br /> <br /> As these warnings must necessarily be incomplete, on<br /> account of the wide range of the subject of dramatic con-<br /> tracts, those authors desirous of further information<br /> are referred to the Secretary of the Society.<br /> <br /> —__+—_—&gt;—_ _—_____<br /> <br /> REGISTRATION OF SCENARIOS AND<br /> ORIGINAL PLAYS.<br /> <br /> ——<br /> <br /> CENARIOS, typewritten in duplicate on foolscap paper<br /> forwarded to the offices of the Society, together with<br /> <br /> a registration fee of two shillings and sixpence, will<br /> <br /> be carefully compared by the Secretary or a qualified assis-<br /> tant. One copy will be stamped and returned to theauthor<br /> and the other filed in the register of the Society. Copies<br /> of the scenario thus filed may be obtained at any time by<br /> the author only at a small charge to cover cost of typing.<br /> Original Plays may also be filed subject to the same<br /> <br /> rules, with the exception that a play will be charged for<br /> at the price of 2s. 6d. per act.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> DRAMATIC AUTHORS AND AGENTS.<br /> <br /> —_— oe *<br /> RAMATIC authors should seek the advice of the<br /> Society before putting plays into the hands of<br /> agents. As the law stands at present, an agent<br /> who has once had a play in his hands may acquire a<br /> perpetual claim to a percentage on the author’s fees<br /> from it. As far as the placing of plays is concerned,<br /> it may be taken as a general rule that there are only<br /> very few agents who can do anything for an author<br /> that he cannot, under the guidance of the Society, do<br /> equally well or better for himself. The collection of fees<br /> is also a matter in which in many cases no intermediary is<br /> required. For certain purposes, such as the collection of<br /> fees on amateur performances, and in general the trans-<br /> action of frequent petty authorisations with different<br /> individuals, and also for the collection of fees in foreign<br /> countries, almost all dramatic authors employ agents; and<br /> in these ways the services of agents are real and valuable.<br /> But the Society warns authors against agents who profess<br /> to have influence with managers in the placing of plays, or<br /> who propose to act as principals by offering to purchase<br /> the author&#039;s rights. In any case, in the present state of<br /> the law, an agent should not be employed under any<br /> circumstances without an agreement approved of by the<br /> Society.<br /> —-—~&gt;——_______<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO MUSICAL COMPOSERS.<br /> <br /> —_——— +<br /> <br /> ITTLE can be added to the warnings given for the<br /> assistance of producers of books and dramatic<br /> authors. It must, however, be pointed out that, as<br /> <br /> a rule, the musical publisher demands from the musical<br /> composer a transfer of fuller rights and less liberal finan-<br /> cial terms than those obtained for literary and dramatic<br /> property. The musical composer has very often the two<br /> rights to deal with—performing right and copyright. He<br /> should be especially careful therefore when entering into<br /> an agreement, and should take into particular consideration<br /> the warnings stated above.<br /> <br /> ee ee ge<br /> <br /> STAMPING MUSIC.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> The Society undertakes to stamp copies of music on<br /> behalf of its members for the fee of 6d. per 100 or part<br /> of 100. The members’ stamps are kept in the Society&#039;s<br /> safe. The musical publishers communicate direct with the<br /> Secretary, and the voucher is then forwarded to the<br /> members, who are thus saved much unnecessary trouble.<br /> <br /> ———_—+-9 +<br /> THE READING BRANCH.<br /> <br /> mga<br /> EMBERS will greatly assist the Society in this<br /> branch of its work by informing young writers<br /> <br /> of its existence. Their MSS. can be read and<br /> treated as a composition is treated by a coach. The term<br /> MSS, includes not only works of fiction, but poetry<br /> and dramatic works, and when it is possible, under<br /> <br /> special arrangement, technical and scientific works. The<br /> Readers are writers of competence and experience. The<br /> fee is one guinea.<br /> ~~ e<br /> REMITTANCES.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> The Secretary of the Society begs to give notice<br /> that all remittances are acknowledged by return of post.<br /> All remittances should be crossed Union of London and<br /> Smiths Bank, Chancery Lane, or be sent by registered<br /> letter only.<br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> COLLECTION BUREAU.<br /> <br /> ———+<br /> <br /> up : i a Society undertakes to collect accounts and moneys<br /> T due to authors, composers and dramatists.<br /> <br /> : 1. Under contracts for the publication of their<br /> .2d70% works.<br /> © 2, Under contracts for the performance of their works<br /> a, Dae and amateur fees. .<br /> ae 3. Under the Compulsory Licence Clauses of the Copy-<br /> , right Act, i.e., Clause 3, governing compulsory licences for<br /> books, and Clause 19, referring to mechanical instrument<br /> records.<br /> <br /> The Bureau is divided into three departments ;—<br /> <br /> 1. Literary.<br /> 2. Dramatic.<br /> 3. Musical.<br /> <br /> The Society does not desire to make a profit from the<br /> collection of fees, but will charge a commission to cover<br /> expenses. If, owing to the amount passing through the<br /> <br /> mie office, the expenses are more than covered, the Committee<br /> ie of Management will discuss the possibility of reducing the<br /> commission.<br /> <br /> For full particulars of the terms of collection, application<br /> must be made to the Collection Bureau of the Society.<br /> <br /> The Bureau is in no sense a literary or dramatic<br /> agency for the placing of books or plays.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ———_——__+ &gt;<br /> <br /> CHANGE OF ADDRESS.<br /> <br /> —— &gt;<br /> <br /> Ox and after March 1, 1913, the Society’s<br /> Offices will be at No. 1, Central Buildings,<br /> Tothill Street, Westminster, S.W.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> GENERAL NOTES.<br /> <br /> —— +<br /> CHANGE OF ADDRESS.<br /> <br /> Ow1nc to the great increase in the Society’s<br /> work, it has been necessary to remove into<br /> larger offices.<br /> <br /> On and after March 1, the Society—and its<br /> recent established Collection Bureau—will<br /> occupy rooms at No. I, Central Buildings,<br /> Tothill Street, Westminster, 5.W<br /> <br /> GENERAL MEETING.<br /> <br /> Tyr Annual General Meeting of the Society<br /> —notice of which, with the Annual Report for<br /> 1912, will be sent to all members and associates<br /> during the current month—will be held on<br /> Thursday, April 3, at 4.30, at the rooms of the<br /> Society of Arts, 18, John Street, Adelphi, W.C.<br /> <br /> Avuruors, DRAMATISTS, AND CHARITIES.<br /> <br /> Ir is a common experience of authors to<br /> receive requests for the contribution of gratui-<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 177<br /> <br /> tous literary work, to be published in some<br /> annual or other production on behalf of<br /> charities. While we have nothing to urge<br /> against the charities for which these appeals<br /> are made, we do wish to suggest to authors<br /> that there are more direct and more advan-<br /> tageous ways of supporting a charity than<br /> by acceding to these requests. If the author<br /> is really interested in, and anxious to help<br /> the charity, it is far better that he should<br /> make a donation to its funds than that he<br /> should give gratuitous literary work to be<br /> published in an annual very often run by one<br /> man under no effective control. In the former<br /> ease, the author is reasonably sure of the<br /> charity getting the benefit of his benevolence,<br /> but in the latter he has no such guarantee.<br /> There are always expenses attaching to these<br /> projects, with the result not infrequently that<br /> very little is left for the cause for which the<br /> project was started. Moreover, it is not a<br /> good thing for the public to get accustomed<br /> to the fact that authors are in the habit of<br /> contributing literary work for nothing.<br /> <br /> Associated with this question of gratuitous<br /> contributions from authors to literary annuals<br /> is the question of the terms given by dramatic<br /> authors to amateur societies for the per-<br /> formances of their works. Dramatists are con-<br /> stantly being asked to consent toa reduction of<br /> fees on the ground that the performance is to<br /> be given for the benefit of some charity. Here,<br /> also, our advice to the dramatist is to refuse<br /> the request, but to send a donation direct to<br /> the charity. By adopting this course he<br /> will be sure of the charity getting the full<br /> contribution, and will have the satisfaction of<br /> knowing that he is not lowering the standard<br /> rate for his work.<br /> <br /> $$ ——__—_<br /> <br /> THE JUMP OF THE CAT.<br /> <br /> —-———<br /> <br /> &gt; a letter which, at the request of Mr. John<br /> Long, Manager of Messrs. John Long, Ltd.,<br /> was published in The Author for Feb-<br /> <br /> ruary, 1913, the following statement occurs :-—<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> “Phere is no bigger gamble in the commercial world<br /> than publishing as, after all, it is really a toss of the coin<br /> which way the cat will jump.”<br /> <br /> It seems, however, that we need not toss<br /> the coin, because it is quite clear from the<br /> beginning which way the cat will jump. The<br /> quadruped, however agile, can only jump one<br /> way, while the other ways are fenced off.<br /> <br /> <br /> LD<br /> <br /> 17%<br /> <br /> The following proposal from Messrs. John<br /> Long, Ltd., was placed before a member of the<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Society, whose leave we have for its<br /> reproduction :—<br /> [copy.]<br /> 12, 13 &amp; 14 Norris STREET,<br /> Joux Lone, Limirep, HAYMARKET,<br /> Publishers. Lonpon.<br /> 15th May, 1912.<br /> DEAR ,—I have received my reader’s report on<br /> <br /> this and, on the whole, it may be considered favourable.<br /> The MS., however, would have to be revised in parts<br /> where you are too profuse. This could be dealt with later<br /> on.<br /> <br /> You have not yet that hold on the public as would<br /> induce me to advise my firm to undertake the entire<br /> risk in publishing the book; therefore, we could only<br /> entertain publication conditional to your contributing<br /> towards the expenses. Authors now-a-days must have a<br /> sufficient public to warrant a publisher running the whole<br /> risk in producing and publishing his work.<br /> <br /> With regard to the amount you should contribute<br /> towards th expenses. We should mention that, if you<br /> can give u a really good book and will at the same time<br /> sink £500, we feel sure we can ensure a permanent demand<br /> for all you write. It would be a good and sound invest-<br /> ment and one which we feel sure you would not regret.<br /> With respect to this £500. The integral portion of it<br /> would be spent in advertising, and a handsome royalty<br /> would be paid to you on all sales. If you think well of<br /> the suggestion, we shall be pleased to lay before you the<br /> whole scheme.<br /> <br /> We feel certain you can write, and there is no reason<br /> why you should not gain a footing, but at the same time<br /> you must be prepared for a fair outlay in order to secure<br /> a sound literary foundation.<br /> <br /> Very truly yours,<br /> (Signed) Joun Lone.<br /> <br /> On receipt of this proposal, the author, for<br /> whom Messrs. John Long had already pub-<br /> lished one book, enquired for further details,<br /> to which request the following letter is a reply.<br /> An alternative scheme was also submitted,<br /> but the one which follows was especially<br /> advocated :—<br /> <br /> [cory.]<br /> <br /> 12, 13 &amp; 14 Norris StREET,<br /> <br /> JoHN Lone, LIMITED, HaAyYMARKET,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Publishers. Lonpon.<br /> 30th May, 1912.<br /> DEAR ,—I have your letter of the 24th inst. and<br /> <br /> now set forth the alternative terms upon which my firm<br /> is prepared to publish the above :<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> (1)<br /> <br /> That you pay to us the sum of £500 (£250 when you sign<br /> the agreement and £250 when the work is in type) in<br /> consideration of which we should produce the book in the<br /> best style, publish at the outset at the nominal price of<br /> 6s. per copy, advertise in the leading London, Provincial<br /> and possible Irish newspapers to a sum not less than £400<br /> (full details of the expenditure of which would in due course<br /> be submitted to you) and pay to you every six months the<br /> following royalties :—<br /> <br /> (a) 1s. 6d. per copy on all sales of the English 6s. edition.<br /> <br /> (6) 3d. per copy on all sales of the special cheap colonial<br /> <br /> edition.<br /> <br /> (c) 74 per cent. of the nominal published price on all<br /> <br /> sales of any other cheap edition or editions.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> (d) 75 per cent of the net profits derived from any sale<br /> <br /> of the American copyright.<br /> <br /> (e) 75 per cent. of the net profits derived from any sale<br /> <br /> of the foreign rights. :<br /> <br /> (f) 75 per cent. of the net profits derived from any sale<br /> <br /> of the serial rights.<br /> <br /> In the event of your accepting these terms, it must be<br /> understood that we have the first refusal of the next srx<br /> new novels you MAy write suitable for publication in 6s.<br /> volume form. Should we accept one or all of them, it<br /> or they would be published at our entire expense, we<br /> paying to you royalties as over :—<br /> <br /> (a) 20 per cent. of the nominal published price on all<br /> <br /> : copies sold of the English 6s. edition.<br /> <br /> (b) 3d. per copy on all sales of the special cheap colonial<br /> <br /> edition.<br /> <br /> (c) 10 per cent. of the nominal published price on all<br /> <br /> sales of any other cheap edition or editions.<br /> <br /> (d) 50 per cent. of the net profits derived from any sale<br /> <br /> of the American copyright.<br /> <br /> (e) 50 per cent. of the net profits dervied from any sale<br /> <br /> of the foreign rights.<br /> <br /> (f) 50 per cent. of the net profits derived from any sale<br /> <br /> of the serial rights . ..<br /> Very truly yours,<br /> (Signed) Joun Lona.<br /> <br /> Now, what do the terms of this proposal<br /> amount to ?<br /> <br /> Suppose 1,500 copies of the book to be<br /> printed at the outset, and 1,000 copies to sell.<br /> The publisher will then obtain :—<br /> <br /> zs<br /> Profit on cost of production (put<br /> at £100). : : ge 8<br /> 1,000 copies at 1s. 9d. (1s. 6d.<br /> per copy going to the author). 87 10<br /> £117 10<br /> <br /> In addition to this solid pecuniary gain,<br /> the firm obtains the enormous advantage pro-<br /> vided by the author’s expenditure of £400 in<br /> advertising. Such advertising would be sure<br /> to bring to the publisher’s firm a reputation<br /> among new writers unfamiliar with the con-<br /> ditions which produced it.<br /> <br /> It is true that the publisher denies that he<br /> gets from the trade as much as 3s. 3d. a copy,<br /> but it may be taken for granted that this<br /> figure is correct and represents a fair average<br /> price all through. The result, then, on the<br /> sale of the first 1,000 copies, is to give to the<br /> publisher a profit of £117 10s. without in-<br /> volving him in any risk, and to the author, who<br /> receives ls. 6d. a copy, a loss of £425.<br /> <br /> The cat is jumping the publisher’s way.<br /> <br /> Take the matter a little further.<br /> <br /> 3,000 copies, or, say, 3,300, to cover odd<br /> copies, are printed and 3,000 sold.<br /> <br /> It is possible, then, that the cost of produe-<br /> tion may over-run the £100 in the publisher’s<br /> hands by £20. That is, that it may cost £120<br /> to produce an edition of 3,000.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> SS.<br /> On 3,000 copies at 1s. 9d. (the<br /> author still taking 1s. 6d.) will<br /> produce for the publisher<br /> Less £20 balance cost of pro-<br /> duction : : :<br /> <br /> 262 10<br /> 20 (0<br /> <br /> £242 10<br /> <br /> It may be as well to add that £120 leaves a<br /> <br /> 6: good margin for the cost of such an edition.<br /> i The result to the publisher is a total profit<br /> i of £242 10s., and an enormous advertisement<br /> <br /> “o) for his firm.<br /> The author, on the other hand, will have<br /> i made :—<br /> <br /> Cost of production and advertise- £<br /> ment - : ‘ ‘ 5<br /> 3,000 copies at 1s. 6d. . . 2<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Loss : 3<br /> <br /> i Therefore, the comparative result will be :—<br /> g<br /> <br /> Profit to publisher . : , 242-10<br /> <br /> Loss to the author . ; ~ 275-0<br /> <br /> The obstinate cat still jumps the publisher’s<br /> Sway.<br /> <br /> It is really unnecessary to<br /> <br /> + tration further, for it is evident that the<br /> <br /> carry the illus-<br /> <br /> publisher, as he is getting for every copy a<br /> <br /> clear profit of 1s. 9d. (less only the excess cost<br /> <br /> of production beyond £100), whereas the<br /> <br /> author, after paying £500 in the first instance,<br /> | is getting 1s. 6d., the publisher, meanwhile,<br /> , deriving, in addition, both with the public and<br /> + with certain kinds of journals, all the benefit<br /> © to his firm of wide advertisement paid by the<br /> @ author.<br /> <br /> The author, having diagnosed the jumping<br /> proclivities of the cat, refused this proposal,<br /> but after some months, the following letter<br /> <br /> the publishers —<br /> [copy.]<br /> 12, 13 &amp; 14 Norris STREET,<br /> HayMARKET,<br /> LoNnDON.<br /> 9th December, 1912.<br /> <br /> DEAR .—The sales of were not sufficiently<br /> encouraging to warrant our undertaking the entire<br /> expenses of placing this work effectively on the market :<br /> therefore, before handing it to our reader for his approval,<br /> we shall be glad to know whether you are prepared to<br /> contribute towards the expenses, and in that event what<br /> amount? I fear your last book, publshed by us,<br /> suffered through the smallness of your contribution,<br /> necessitating our moving cautiously with the advertising :<br /> moreover, the appearance of another work of yours about<br /> the same time militated against its success. In the event,<br /> therefore, of our approving the above, and you are prepared<br /> <br /> Joun Lone, LimiveD,<br /> Publishers.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> in respect of another work was received from -<br /> <br /> 179<br /> <br /> to put up money, it would go forth under the _ best<br /> auspices.<br /> <br /> Awaiting your reply.<br /> <br /> Very truly yours,<br /> (Signed) Joun Lone.<br /> <br /> The author, by this time, a good judge of<br /> cat athletics, refused to put up any money,<br /> when Messrs John Long &amp; Co. wrote the<br /> follo wing letter —<br /> <br /> [copy.]<br /> 12, 13 &amp; 14 Norris STREET,<br /> HAYMARKET,<br /> Lonpon.<br /> 18th December, 1912.<br /> <br /> DEAR ,—I have your letter of the 16th inst., and<br /> regret to find you have not sufficient faith in your own<br /> work to be willing to contribute towards the expenses of<br /> publication : consequently, I have no alternative than to<br /> return the above to you which I do herewith, registered.<br /> T shall be glad if you will acknowledge the receipt of the<br /> MS.<br /> <br /> The output of fiction nowadays is such that unless an<br /> author is prepared to contribute handsomely towards<br /> production, publication, advertising, etc., he stands but<br /> a poor chance of gaining the public ear.<br /> <br /> Any new author who can write good sterling stuff of the<br /> popular sort, and is prepared to sink say £500 in his first<br /> and second books, would be assured of a permanent public<br /> for practically all time. I think the days have gone when<br /> merit is recognised without the aid of capital. Personally,<br /> were I an author and felt I could produce work of the<br /> popular order, and could put up a few hundred pounds, I<br /> should not hesitate for a moment to place my work with<br /> an up-to-date publisher and entrust to him the publication<br /> of all I might write, thereby ensuring that he would<br /> naturally take an interest in me.<br /> <br /> Very truly yours,<br /> (Signed) Joun Lone.<br /> <br /> We have published these letters as a warning<br /> to our members. We beg them to read all the<br /> advice given in the letter from Messrs. John<br /> Long, Ltd., of December 18, 1912, carefully,<br /> and act with equal care in a directly opposite<br /> sense.<br /> <br /> We strongly advise them not to put up a<br /> few hundred pounds,” in the belief that<br /> booming the publisher and themselves will<br /> have any solid result. We urge them on no<br /> account to entrust to the publisher the pub-<br /> lication of all that they may write.<br /> <br /> JoHn Lone, LimitEep,<br /> Publishers.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~—&gt;—+<br /> <br /> THE LETTERS OF AN ORDINARY<br /> AUTHOR.<br /> Collected and edited by Joun HasLetre.<br /> Mains CorTraGE,<br /> <br /> SANTOLLER,<br /> Bucks.<br /> <br /> To H. Venables, Esq.<br /> My Dear Harry,—lI see in your letter,<br /> <br /> which has just come to me, the replica of your-<br /> self—short but cheery. You tell me that you<br /> <br /> <br /> 180<br /> <br /> feel very fit. I never doubted it, and never<br /> shall. You are one of those happy people<br /> born fit, and when you come to die—the sense<br /> of infinity makes me reckless—you will be fit<br /> for it. I have not the same luck, but, thank<br /> heaven, I am not of those who feel a grudge<br /> against the possessor of “‘ rude health.” I can<br /> understand the point of view, but it is not mine.<br /> <br /> But why, oh why! does your letter tail off<br /> with that ghastly phrase, simply reeking of<br /> commerce? You ask, ‘‘ How is business ? ”<br /> Do you not find that the dentist, the architect,<br /> even the art photographer, resents any refer-<br /> ence to business. Customers must be clients,<br /> and we are all artists nowadays. I forgive you,<br /> but the point rankles.<br /> <br /> Our craft, in its vocal form, before it found<br /> its profits curtailed by the demands of the<br /> paper manufacturer and the printer, is the<br /> oldest on earth. It antedated music, I believe,<br /> with the possible exception of the sinfonia<br /> domestica; in point of time it had (as our<br /> American cousins would say) painting ‘“‘ beat<br /> to a frazzle.’”” Beware then of the irritable<br /> artistic temperament, which demands a sense<br /> of reverence in other people.<br /> <br /> I should much like an explanation of the<br /> idea fixed in the mind of the average person—<br /> that author of the party system, and the cult<br /> of the conventionally unconventional, and<br /> other absurd things. The beginner venturing<br /> on the realms of music must have gold galore<br /> poured into the palms of teachers, conserva-<br /> toires and instrument makers; he must<br /> devote years to the study of his art, and hours<br /> per diem to the practice thereof. The painter<br /> must move from the class where he is taught to<br /> make straight lines, through the dreary paths<br /> that wind about the immobile antique, to the<br /> wider freedom of the life-class, before he can<br /> paint—and then sometimes he cannot paint !<br /> But the writer is supposed to spring full-armed<br /> into being, his only tools a pen and some paper,<br /> with the possible addition of a dictionary.<br /> With these, without practice, in the course of<br /> a month, he is expected to produce master-<br /> works, books written in ‘clear, nervous<br /> English,”’ if the phrase means anything ; books<br /> which combine an ingenious and original plot<br /> with clever characterisation. Worse, he is<br /> supposed to sell these books, at the first offer,<br /> to a publisher whose first idea is to make<br /> money, and who has seen only too often the<br /> fervid dreams of young authors crystallise in<br /> disappointing sales, and a residue of unsaleable<br /> ** remainders.”<br /> <br /> The death of a first-born man-child may<br /> bring acute sorrow to the hearts of some; the<br /> <br /> achieve.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> return of a first novel deals a shrewd blow to<br /> the unfortunate literary aspirant, but worse—<br /> more dreadful than any blow, is the remark of<br /> the candid friend. It has many variants, but<br /> the form is fixed.<br /> <br /> “YT think authorship is a very precarious<br /> career.”<br /> <br /> There you have it straight in the face. Like —<br /> the sufferer from toothache, the author need ~<br /> never look for sympathy from his friends.<br /> When the public acclaims you, when your<br /> books sell by the oft-repeated edition, then<br /> you may be taken seriously. Never before.<br /> There is your dear old uncle, who says blandly,<br /> “Pleasant hobby—very. Keeps you’ occu-<br /> pied, you know!” Don’t we all dream of<br /> killing that uncle. and burying him in uncon-<br /> secrated ground.<br /> <br /> Precarious career, but useful as a hobby.<br /> Good heavens! Is the young doctor a man<br /> with a fixed and settled income? Can the<br /> dentist calculate his percentage of teeth? Are<br /> not music lessons retailed by very competent<br /> performers at fifteen shillings a term? Yet no<br /> one scoffs because you announce that you<br /> intend to enter these professions. On the<br /> contrary, you elevate your family by your<br /> resolve, you bring a breath of culture into a<br /> very ordinary household. As a lover of<br /> failures, I have adopted a medico, who has had,<br /> so far, no other patient. When speaking to<br /> him the other day, I asked him if his people<br /> ever grumbled at his delay in succeeding. He<br /> laughed, and said that they, of course, knew it<br /> took time to make a start, and he was prepared<br /> to hold out for three years at least.<br /> <br /> But we, poor authors, must build Rome in a<br /> day, or be scoffed at for incompetent workmen.<br /> The Hebrews were driven to make bricks<br /> without straw, but no one contended that their<br /> bricks were the equal of those which contained<br /> straw. This miracle we are expected to<br /> No wonder that we sometimes yearn<br /> for the taskmasters of Egypt, while we strive<br /> to please candid friends, sceptical publishers,<br /> and that weird body, the public.<br /> <br /> But you were asking about my work, and I<br /> have only developed grumbles. Let me see.<br /> Within the past month I have finished a novel.<br /> I think the idea is good; I am certain the plot<br /> is not original, but the treatment is, I hope,<br /> fresh. This manuscript cost me tenpence in -<br /> postage, which includes the necessary stamps<br /> for return if unsuitable. I have begun to keep<br /> accounts, my dear Harry, and for postage L ~<br /> have allowed ten shillings! Why is this, you _<br /> ask ? Well, I think it always better to discount<br /> misfortune. If the tenpences in ten shillings<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> succeed in wafting the manuscript to_book-<br /> form, I shall count them well spent. If they<br /> do not succeed, the half-sovereign shall serve<br /> for a gilded tombstone beneath which the<br /> battered relic may lie in peace.<br /> <br /> Since the departure of the Well-Beloved, I<br /> have written three short stories. Two went<br /> well from the beginning, but the third almost<br /> taught me to swear. These confounded maga-<br /> zine editors must be fanatical lovers of the<br /> “fair sex.” They demand with extraordinary<br /> unanimity that a woman should figure in every<br /> tale. Now, despite the sententious Frenchman,<br /> a woman does not. So you can imagine my<br /> despair when it becomes necessary to pitchfork<br /> a female into a place where she does not fit.<br /> <br /> But you spoke of work, and that, in the idea<br /> of one’s friends, does not mean output but<br /> successes. Apparently you do not work on the<br /> stories which fail to sell. Learn, then, that I<br /> have done one piece of work—i.e., sold a<br /> story—in two months. The editor of The<br /> Wherry must have felt expansive of mood.<br /> He offered me one pound per thousand words,<br /> which meant three pounds for the tale. And<br /> this for “‘ World Rights ” ! One good idea gone,<br /> and the noble sum of three pounds in hand ;<br /> the possible germ of a full-length novel<br /> bartered for sixty pieces of silver. But there<br /> was worse to come !<br /> <br /> May pariah dogs sit on the grave of the<br /> editor of The Wherry! He wants me to<br /> alter the ending. He says my heroine is not<br /> womanly enough. I must make her womanly<br /> by cutting out all the art and all the originality<br /> of the story. He did not say so, but I do. I<br /> must make her fit in with the ridiculous pre-<br /> conceived ideas of a million fatuous people.<br /> For three pounds I must not only barter my<br /> idea, but also my artistic conscience. And I<br /> have done it. You, who know how much<br /> bacon and eggs are encompassed by sixty<br /> shillings, will understand and forgive me.<br /> Some day, when I am famous, the editor of<br /> The Wherry will send an emissary to beg<br /> me for a short story, and I shall kick that man<br /> off my doorstep. Meanwhile, I am muzzled.<br /> <br /> Write soon again, to enquire gently after my<br /> art. Good luck to you. Your friend,<br /> <br /> R. WYVERN.<br /> II.<br /> <br /> Mans CoTraGE,<br /> SANTOLLER, BUCKS.<br /> To Messrs. Spillikens and Feuilleton. Literary<br /> Agents.<br /> <br /> Dear Strs,—I have received your letter of<br /> yesterday’s date, informing me that the editor<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 181<br /> <br /> of The Daily Craze has returned my serial<br /> story, as unsuited to the columns of his<br /> paper.<br /> <br /> Also, I note what you consider the weak<br /> points in the story. My difficulty is this:<br /> these points are the best bits of work in the<br /> tale, the most artistic, the most human. Iam<br /> afraid I cannot undertake to rewrite the story,<br /> as you suggest. It is a very difficult business<br /> to fit new cloth into old garments.<br /> <br /> You complain that the heroine does not<br /> occupy the limelight all the time. I agree with<br /> you, but I don’t see why she should. Then<br /> there is the question of a curtain for the first<br /> instalment. I never feel comfortable when<br /> composing such phrases as “A wild cry rang<br /> out” or “*Curse you, my children!’ he<br /> hissed,”’ but, having done it, I cannot see<br /> what more in gore and disaster the editors<br /> wish from me. :<br /> <br /> I must, I suppose, agree with you, that my<br /> writing lacks “* ginger.”<br /> <br /> I don’t affect judicial ignorance, but confess<br /> that I am not attracted by ginger. Itis avery<br /> nice thing in its own place, no doubt, but<br /> hardly claims a place in literature. Of course,<br /> I quite understand that you are doing your<br /> best to advise me, with a view to increasing the<br /> saleability of my work. I have to thank you<br /> for many a useful hint. But there are some<br /> things I cannot do, and writing ultra-sensa-<br /> tionalism while my tongue is out of my cheek<br /> is one of those things. Let a story have a plot<br /> by all means, but don’t let the plot engulf and<br /> destroy the story. I wish I could get some<br /> editors to believe that the best policy. Please<br /> try my serial with the Morning View, which<br /> seems to publish a better class of stuff, and I<br /> will try to do another serial on the lines you<br /> suggest.<br /> <br /> Herewith I am sending you three short<br /> stories. Two are all right ; the third is—well,<br /> it is possible. I hope you will be able to screw<br /> a little more out of the editor of The<br /> Wherry next time. If one gets into the<br /> pound-per-thousand-word groove, it is very<br /> difficult to get out of it. The firm have plenty<br /> of cash at the back of them, and trade, I think,<br /> on the poverty of the beginner, who is afraid to<br /> refuse any offer for fear of having the<br /> manuscript returned.<br /> <br /> I suppose you have not heard yet about my<br /> novel? I know they must be pretty busy, but<br /> you might give them a look up, and see how<br /> the roots are getting on. ;<br /> <br /> I have an idea for a series of short stories.<br /> The hero is not a polished rogue, and he is not<br /> a private detective, so, perhaps, you may<br /> <br /> <br /> 182<br /> <br /> think it a forlorn hope. But I intend to go on,<br /> and will let you have the M.S. in due course.<br /> Thanking you for your letter,<br /> I remain,<br /> Yours truly,<br /> R. WYVERN.<br /> oe<br /> <br /> THE “ SHORT STORY” WRITER.<br /> <br /> os<br /> <br /> AM anxious, and have been for some time,<br /> to say a few words in defence of that<br /> much maligned member of the literary<br /> <br /> fraternity, the “short story ’’ writer.<br /> <br /> I speak particularly of the hardworking<br /> journalist or magazine fiction writer, who has<br /> to augment his (or her) income, or possibly<br /> make it entirely, by what a certain section of<br /> people condemn either as “‘ piffle ”’ or, occasion-<br /> ally, as ‘‘ pernicious ”’ literature, but yet what<br /> the majority of the general public clamours for.<br /> I mean those who read the weekly periodicals.<br /> <br /> I finally made up my mind to write this<br /> article owing to a debate which I attended<br /> quite recently. The subject under discussion<br /> was “‘ Is Art for Art’s Sake a Worthy End for<br /> Human Endeavour?” The two gentlemen<br /> who carried on the argument were both<br /> intellectual men of much fluency and learning,<br /> and for some time the conversation was<br /> carried on a plane far above the heads of most<br /> of us. They attacked the question from what<br /> was termed the philosophical side.<br /> <br /> A third speaker, however, took a different<br /> tone, and brought the subject down to<br /> materialism and personalities; he tended to<br /> show that Art, by which in the ordinary sense<br /> I think we generally understand to mean music,<br /> literature, painting, sculpture, etc., could not, in<br /> the common interest of humanity. be carried<br /> on for it’s (Art’s) own sake. He said that<br /> before joining in the discussion he had<br /> obtained the opinion of many artists, writers,<br /> ete., and that the idea of following Art for<br /> Art’s sake had struck them as merely funny !<br /> How could they exist? they asked. Were<br /> they not obliged, if they would live as worthy<br /> citizens, to keep themselves, their wives, and<br /> families, in comfort, and ‘“‘ owe no man any-<br /> thing.” Were they not compelled, if they<br /> wished to achieve this last, to cater for the<br /> general public, and give it what it asked, even<br /> though at times it went against their general<br /> inclinations ? Not one of these men had a<br /> private source of income—they were, therefore,<br /> dependent on their pen, or brush, to provide<br /> them with the necessaries of life.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> The first two openers of the debate were<br /> frankly shocked at what they evidently<br /> thought a desecration of the muses, and the<br /> speaker who had descended to materialism<br /> (he is a “short story’ writer and spoke<br /> feelingly) got slated soundly.<br /> <br /> Now why ?<br /> <br /> I am aware that this is a much harried and<br /> grievous question amongst many, and that a<br /> great diversity of opinion exists.<br /> <br /> By a large number of deep readers and<br /> thinkers the magazines, penny papers, half-<br /> penny papers, and such like, are often con-<br /> demned as “pernicious” literature and<br /> regarded with contempt. I would defend<br /> these periodicals with all the ardour of which<br /> I am capable. Are they pernicious? Is<br /> their influence bad? Do they tend to cheapen<br /> Art? I don’t think so. I maintain that at<br /> no time and in no age has there been such a<br /> careful watch kept on the Press generally,<br /> on magazines, books, weekly and daily papers,<br /> in defence of their maintenance of a healthy<br /> and beneficial tone, and a condemnation of all<br /> that is unhealthy, immoral or bad, as there<br /> is now. All honour to those editors who run<br /> these papers, and who have themselves, in<br /> many instances, commenced their careers by<br /> free-lancing.<br /> <br /> The writers of these brief stories, or sketches,<br /> are often just beginning their career. They<br /> dream of great things! They hope for great<br /> things! But dreaming and hoping will not<br /> bring them glory, or fame, or pay for the<br /> necessaries of life. Many a young ambitious<br /> man would gladly prefer to set aside for ever<br /> the lighter vein, and the smaller things he is<br /> doing, and give himself up to his ideals, but<br /> he knows that those ideals may never reach<br /> fulfilment, and that it is his duty, as a citizen,<br /> very often as a father and husband, to do<br /> that. which comes easily to his hand, that<br /> brings grist to the mill.<br /> <br /> Let us suppose that we abolished the weekly<br /> ‘“‘ha’penny ”? which the drayman, the trades-<br /> man’s boy, and such like find of immense<br /> interest, and in which they follow up the<br /> stirring achievements of the professional foot-<br /> ballers, or cricketer, or detective, that they<br /> find between its pages. Supposing we did<br /> away for ever with the penny weeklies, the<br /> larger portion of which circulate in the middle<br /> classes, and a great many in the domestic<br /> servant circle. Should we tend to elevate the<br /> minds of the readers, and would they go for a<br /> higher form of literature because the lighter<br /> kind was beyond reach? No! I believe that<br /> the majority of them wouldn’t read at all.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Can we imagine the laundryman reading<br /> Thackeray, or the cook Shakespeare ?<br /> <br /> I give one instance which serves to show that<br /> the domestic class, at any rate, loves its<br /> “weekly,” and how useless it is to try to<br /> tear them from her. A maid of mine, who was<br /> with me for nearly two years, and who was<br /> intelligent and fond of reading, had the offer<br /> of the use of my library, a large one, com-<br /> prising all kinds of fiction. I also suggested<br /> a few books, not at all above her head, which<br /> I thought she would enjoy. During the two<br /> years that she was in my service, she borrowed<br /> one, and yet she spent money each week on<br /> literature of the penny order, and had a good<br /> deal of time during the evenings which she<br /> devoted to it.<br /> <br /> I think we must cater for minds on the lower<br /> plane as well as those on a higher. And if the<br /> lower and middle classes do enjoy, and do<br /> demand literature of the penny paper order,<br /> let us let them have it healthy, bright, clean,<br /> and amusing, with a good influence and motive<br /> pervading it. Such stories, I don’t care in<br /> what periodical they are issued, or how cheaply<br /> these periodicals are sold. must tend, to some<br /> small extent, to brighten those whose lives<br /> are often of the prosaic order, and both reader<br /> and writer will be the better, and not the<br /> worse, for having read and written them.<br /> <br /> After all, the greatest writers made small<br /> beginnings, and climbed the dizzy heights of<br /> suecess slowly and often laboriously.<br /> <br /> I would suggest a greater tolerance from<br /> those who claim to be judges of Art and<br /> Literature, and that they make themselves<br /> acquainted, by careful reading and observation,<br /> of those things which they too often condemn<br /> unheard and unobserved.<br /> <br /> Maup DOovuBELL.<br /> <br /> —ep-—&lt;4e@<br /> <br /> WRITERS’ AND ARTISTS YEAR BOOK.*<br /> <br /> ——<br /> <br /> G is a pleasure once more to give the<br /> warmest of welcomes to “‘ The Writers’<br /> and Artists’ Year Book.” The volume<br /> <br /> for 1913 differs in no way from that for 1912.<br /> <br /> except in having been carefully brought up to<br /> <br /> date, and it ought not to be necessary to say<br /> anything about its contents, as the very great<br /> value of the work and its very small price,<br /> should secure its being in the hands of every<br /> writer and artist. In it may be easily dis-<br /> <br /> * &amp; The Writers’ and Artists’ Year Book, 1913.”<br /> and Charles Black, London, 1s. nett.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Adam<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 18%<br /> <br /> covered where work of any kind can be<br /> placed; and it is not an exaggeration to<br /> assert that if work is saleable, ‘‘ The Writers’<br /> and Artists’ Year Book” will show where a<br /> purchaser is to be found.<br /> <br /> Eg<br /> <br /> A CHRISTMAS GARLAND.”<br /> <br /> a<br /> <br /> YOME DAY, when I grow rich enough, I<br /> Ss am going to have an original carica-<br /> <br /> ture of Max Beerbohm’s. In the<br /> meantime I know of a shop where I can buy<br /> reproductions fairly cheaply ; and also I have<br /> ‘A Christmas Garland.”<br /> <br /> One may not quote from it because one<br /> would never stop quoting ; one cannot choose,<br /> because there is so little to choose between the<br /> berries woven in it. Yet if one were to sub-<br /> tract from the list of seventeen those who most<br /> easily lend themselves as victims, Henry<br /> James, Rudyard Kipling, Maurice Hewlett and<br /> George Meredith, the three I would take from<br /> the remaining thirteen for my own everlasting<br /> joy would be Mr. A. C. Benson, Galsworthy,<br /> and perhaps George Moore, and having<br /> chosen, there is nothing left to do but to<br /> quote. Of Percy in ~ Out of Harm’s Way,”<br /> Mr. A. C. B*ns*n speaks so :—<br /> <br /> ** And then, once more in his rooms, with the<br /> curtains drawn and the candles lit, he would<br /> turn to his bookshelves and choose from among<br /> them some old book that he knew and loved,<br /> maybe some quite new book by that writer<br /> whose works were most dear to him, because<br /> in them he seemed always to know so precisely<br /> what the author would say next, and because<br /> he found in their fine-spun repetitions a<br /> singular repose, a sense of security, an earnest<br /> of calm and continuity, as though he were<br /> reading over again one of those wise copy-<br /> books that he had so loved in boyhood, or<br /> were listening to the sounds made on a piano<br /> by some modest, very conscientious young girl,<br /> with a pale red pig-tail, practising her scales,<br /> very gently, hour after hour, next door.”<br /> <br /> In “Endeavour,” Galsworthy is crowned<br /> with his own “ faint salt flowers.” One lives<br /> with him tremulous-nostrilled in an atmosphere<br /> of vague scents and emotions, fleeting and<br /> poignant.<br /> <br /> ‘Tere were the immediate scents of dry<br /> toast, of China tea, of napery fresh from the<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> *« 4 Christmas Garland. Woven by Max Beerbohm.”<br /> Tondon: William Heinemann, 6s.<br /> <br /> <br /> 184<br /> <br /> wash, together with that vague supersubtle<br /> scent that boiled eggs give out through their<br /> unbroken shells. And as a permanent base to<br /> these there was the scent of much-polished<br /> Chippendale and of beeswaxed. parquet and of<br /> Persian rugs. To-day, moreover, crowning<br /> the composition, was the delicate pungency of<br /> the holly that topped the Queen Anne<br /> mirror and the Mantegna prints.<br /> <br /> “. .. Just at that moment, heralded by a<br /> slight fragrance of old lace and of that peculiar,<br /> almost unseizable odour that uncut turquoises<br /> have, Mrs. Berridge appeared.<br /> <br /> ‘““* What is the matter, Adrian ?’ she asked<br /> quickly. She glanced sideways into the Queen<br /> Anne mirror, her hand fluttering, like a pale<br /> moth, to her hair, which she always wore<br /> braided in a fashion she had derived from<br /> Pollaiuolo’s St. Ursula.”<br /> <br /> Only one more, from Mr. Belloc :—<br /> <br /> *«« This, too, I shall sing, and other songs that<br /> are yet to write. In Pagham I shall sing them<br /> again, and again in Little Dewstead. In<br /> Hornside I shall re-write them, and at the<br /> Scythe and Turtle in Liphook (if I have<br /> patience) annotate them. At Selsey they will<br /> be very damnably in the way. and I don’t at<br /> all know what I shall do with them at Selscy.”<br /> <br /> The rest is all in the book, and one of the<br /> books is with me. For the writing of it I<br /> thank Mr. Max Beerbohm very gratefully,<br /> <br /> WINIFRED JAMES.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> SAPPHO AND THE ISLAND OF LESBOS.*<br /> <br /> 1<br /> <br /> HIS dainty little volumne should be in<br /> the library of every woman of letters ;<br /> if for no other reason, for the sake of<br /> <br /> the woman whom all ages have acclaimed as<br /> the queen of poetesses, about whom every<br /> woman who writes ought to know something,<br /> and of whom there is hardly anything, if any-<br /> thing, known which is not here recorded ;_ but<br /> also, we would add, for this reason that there<br /> are herein contained many things which every<br /> woman of good taste will read with so great<br /> pleasure and advantage, that she will wish the<br /> book to be not only among those which she has<br /> read, but also one of those which she has always<br /> near her.<br /> <br /> In the opening chapters Dr. Mary Patrick<br /> sketches the times, the contemporaries, and<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> * Mary Mills Patrick, Ph.D.<br /> <br /> “Sappho and the Island<br /> of Lesbos.”<br /> <br /> With twenty-six illustrations. Methuen &amp; Co.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> the home of Sappho, and then proceeds to<br /> record everything that is at present’ known<br /> about herself and her writings, not omitting<br /> to deal with the various foolish things that<br /> have been at different periods related, without<br /> foundation, respecting the poetess and her<br /> friends. That all that is known should be so<br /> little is to be regretted; but whatsoever is<br /> known at present will be here found faithfully<br /> and pleasantly recorded, as well as, at the con-<br /> clusion of the volume, scholarly English trans-<br /> lations of all the extant fragments of Sappho—<br /> including the very important ones that have<br /> been recently discovered. These translations<br /> will make the volume valuable to those who<br /> are able to read the originals, for, as Dr. Mary<br /> Patrick rightly observes, to seize the exact<br /> meaning of Sappho is often a puzzling problem,<br /> and the translations are very well done. By<br /> no means the least interesting features of the<br /> little book are the illustrations. They repre-<br /> sent not only landscapes suggestive of the<br /> scenes amidst which Sappho lived, but also<br /> all the portrait busts that are of importance,<br /> as well as the much older portraits that exist<br /> upon coins. The few notes which follow the<br /> concluding chapter (we think that we should<br /> have liked better to have had them as foot-<br /> notes) may not appear to everyone to be of<br /> much importance ; but, in justice to Dr. Mary<br /> Patrick, it should be remarked that, for classical<br /> scholars, they immensely enhance the value of<br /> this excellent little monograph.<br /> <br /> ————<br /> <br /> CORRESPONDENCE.<br /> <br /> ee<br /> ‘“*SraGE CopyRIGHtT.”<br /> <br /> Sir,—While thanking you for your kind and<br /> appreciative review ‘of ‘‘ Stage Copyright :<br /> At Home and Abroad,” may I ask the indul-<br /> gence of your columns for a few lines of explana-<br /> tion on the two points on which you make some<br /> reservations. With regard to the first point<br /> you remark: ‘‘ The author draws attention<br /> to the fact that assignment of copyright in a<br /> literary, dramatic, or musical work includes the<br /> rights of mechanical reproduction, and that<br /> this fact is one to be borne in mind, especially<br /> by musical composers. He should have added<br /> equally, if not more so, by dramatists, for it is<br /> almost impossible to conceive what may be<br /> the result of kinematograph production in the<br /> future.” But the chapter in which the passage<br /> in question appears in the book is one devoted<br /> entirely to mechanical reproduction by means<br /> of musical contrivances; and this sort of<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> mechanical reproduction is not so important<br /> to dramatists as to musical composers. In the<br /> chapter on Infringement a statement that an<br /> unconditional assignment of Copyright in a<br /> play “passes” the kinematograph rights is<br /> expressly made.<br /> <br /> As to point No. 2, you say that it is difficult<br /> to agree with the statement in the preface that<br /> ‘perhaps not so much has been done for the<br /> dramatists as for other classes of author ’’ [in<br /> point of protection against infringement and<br /> piracy]. My chief but not my only reason for<br /> this opinion was the way in which the special<br /> requirements of dramatic copyright are sub-<br /> ordinated to those of literary copyright in<br /> Section 11 of the 1911 Act, relating to summary<br /> remedies. When the Bill was introduced in<br /> 1910, I ventured to point out that all specific<br /> mention of unauthorised performance of a<br /> dramatic work had been neglected in this<br /> section. The omission was afterwards dealt<br /> with, but only by means of a clumsy and in-<br /> adequate clause inserted in Section 11 (2). One<br /> cannot but feel that the section as a whole was<br /> drawn in the interests of copies in print, and<br /> while it has full practical point in that respect,<br /> it is very far from being what it should be had<br /> the interests of plays in representation been<br /> similarly studied.<br /> <br /> I am,<br /> Yours faithfully,<br /> BERNARD WELLER.<br /> <br /> i<br /> <br /> EprrortaL CouRTESY.<br /> <br /> I.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Srr,—One has no difficulty in recognising<br /> _ the weekly review whose methods (?) of doing<br /> business are described in the February Author<br /> by “The Worm That Turned.’’ It is cele-<br /> brated as one of our leading periodicals, not<br /> only in politics but in literature. We have<br /> seen what this amounts to, from a contributor’s<br /> point of view: let us examine the matter, for<br /> a moment, from the subscriber’s. I wonder<br /> whether any subscriber, paying his 6d. a<br /> week for this paper, has ever asked himself the<br /> significance of the editorial notice to which<br /> “The Worm” refers: has ever asked himself,<br /> I mean, what the notice stands for in regard not<br /> to the writer, but to the public ?<br /> <br /> Here is the notice :—‘* We beg to state that<br /> we decline to return or to enter into any<br /> correspondence as to rejected communications ;<br /> and to this rule we can make no exception.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 185<br /> <br /> Manuscripts not acknowledged within four<br /> weeks are rejected.”<br /> <br /> Could such a naive confession of sheer<br /> inertia appear, in a literary journal, in any<br /> other country but this? For its interpretation<br /> is plain. The editor candidly admits that he<br /> not merely does not want to encourage new<br /> writers with new ideas to send their work to<br /> him, but positively wishes to discourage them.<br /> Let other papers be at the trouble and expense<br /> of finding new talent, he is not going to.<br /> When they have unearthed a new man, this<br /> editor may perhaps condescend to write and<br /> ask him to contribute, not till then. In other<br /> words, his subscribers will never, never if he<br /> can help it, get the privilege of the first<br /> introduction to anything novel in literature.<br /> <br /> How do the payers of sixpences view this<br /> frank proclamation that—whatever other<br /> journal secures the fresh—theirs is safe to miss<br /> it ?<br /> <br /> I am, etc.,<br /> Warp Muir.<br /> <br /> ee ed<br /> <br /> I,<br /> <br /> Dear Sir,—I have been much interested<br /> in the letter of “*‘ The Worm That Turned ” in<br /> your February issue, interested with that<br /> bitter interest which comes of fellow sufferings.<br /> I am quite sure that the experiences he<br /> enumerates could be multiplied by the score<br /> and still their total remain untold.<br /> <br /> I write for’a large number of magazines and<br /> weekly papers, and I can count on the fingers<br /> of one hand the offices from which to expect<br /> any sort of business promptitude or ordinary<br /> consideration.<br /> <br /> The year is not very old, but I have already<br /> the usual tale of complaints against editors<br /> and their like :—<br /> <br /> (1) A well-known London daily has taken<br /> verse from me for some time. I invariably<br /> enclose stamps when sending, but for some<br /> unfathomable reason the editor suddenly<br /> refuses to return my MSS. or to accept them.<br /> I write in vain. Silence is my reply, and my<br /> only conclusion is that contributors’ stamps<br /> are used for the private correspondence of the<br /> staff.<br /> <br /> (2) I received an introduction to the manager<br /> of an important Press agency; at an inter-<br /> view in London he expressed himself willing<br /> to consider my work; such was sent in, I<br /> received answer that one story was too short,<br /> but that if I lengthened it, it would prove<br /> acceptable and I might send a Christmas tale<br /> <br /> <br /> 186<br /> <br /> as well. I gasped at the meagreness of the<br /> terms offered, but imagined it might be well<br /> to accept with a view to better results in the<br /> future. I lengthened the old tale and sent<br /> another. Both were returned after con-<br /> siderable delay with not even an apology.<br /> <br /> (3) At an interview with the editor of a<br /> popular magazine interest was expressed in<br /> my work and MS. was left. I afterwards<br /> received it back, ‘‘ declined with thanks,”<br /> and unstamped.<br /> <br /> These are but a few of the vexations in-<br /> flicted upon contributors by the carelessness<br /> and discourtesy of editors, and I have no<br /> doubt that every writer can adduce the like<br /> from bitter experience.<br /> <br /> When editorial methods are only commonly<br /> business-like, writers will have much to be<br /> thankful for. May that day speedily arrive !<br /> <br /> Yours faithfully,<br /> ScRITTA.<br /> <br /> CoLONIAL PUBLICATIONS.<br /> <br /> Srr,—Referring to the articles on “ Colonial<br /> Publication ” it would seem that only through<br /> the business capacity of American publishers<br /> do English books obtain a fair circulation in the<br /> Dominions. To uphold our patriotism, it is<br /> suggested that Colonial publishers of energy<br /> should make direct contracts with English<br /> authors, if English publishers continue to<br /> show a supine indifference to general business<br /> interests.<br /> <br /> Some time ago I tried to arrange for the<br /> publication of a small book in Canada with<br /> a well-known publishing firm, recommended<br /> to me by a Canadian friend in a collateral line<br /> of business.<br /> <br /> My little book was not a sentimental novel<br /> or one likely to have a large or perhaps any<br /> appreciable circulation, but for special reasons<br /> I wished it to be published in Canada even if<br /> it failed.<br /> <br /> I wrote, therefore, a purely business letter<br /> describing the subject, asking the firm if they<br /> were willing to publish it, and if so on what<br /> terms. To this I received no answer. Think-<br /> ing that the letter might have gone astray,<br /> I wrote again, registering this and enclosing<br /> money for a registered reply. No answer has<br /> ever come. The firm have evidently not had<br /> the courtesy or enterprise to attend to an<br /> ordinary business matter.<br /> <br /> Anyone can see how such delay might be<br /> fatal to much hard work.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> It so happens that it would not suit me to<br /> employ an American publisher. What is to<br /> be done ?<br /> <br /> There is also the question of the correction<br /> of proofs to be considered. How is this to<br /> be arranged at a great distance? How, too,<br /> if proof correction is left to the publisher, is<br /> an author to be certain that an American or<br /> Colonial compositor will not disfigure his book<br /> with American spelling? How, also, is the<br /> author to know what number of copies of his<br /> book may have been sold ?<br /> <br /> Publishers are not in business, one would<br /> imagine, for the fun of the thing, nor do they<br /> hire offices to have a pleasant place in whic<br /> to write letters or read MSS. ‘<br /> <br /> It would seem that old mercantile methods<br /> —on the take-it-or-leave-it principle—are still<br /> at the bottom of many a publisher’s want of<br /> enterprise.<br /> <br /> Neither an American nor a German business<br /> man waits to have his mouth opened to receive<br /> a lollipop. He seeks to adapt himself to<br /> circumstances and does not despise small<br /> things, knowing that the general turnover<br /> at the year’s end is what he must keep his<br /> eye on.<br /> <br /> If a man has anything to sell, it is surely<br /> in his interest to find buyers, learn their wants,<br /> and create in them a desire for his goods, be<br /> they books or sugar.<br /> <br /> For this reason an ‘ Authors’ Publishing<br /> Association’? on purely business principles<br /> might be of decided use to English writers.<br /> <br /> I am, etc.,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Co-OPERATIVE PUBLISHING.<br /> <br /> S1r,—With reference to the letter on this<br /> subject in the January Author, I am entirely<br /> in accord with ‘“‘ Progress ”’ that it is time this<br /> question received serious consideration. How<br /> much longer are writers to waste the best<br /> years of their life in going from pillar to post,<br /> from publisher to publisher, in vain attempts<br /> to reach the reading public? On the other<br /> hand, how is a man of moderate means to<br /> bring out his book through a publishing house,<br /> at his own risk? In this connection, it would<br /> be well worth inquiring as to whether publica-<br /> tion could not be made less expensive for the<br /> author, in the way suggested by your corre-<br /> spondent.<br /> <br /> Yours faithfully,<br /> LEICESTER ROMAYNE., The Author
527 Author, Vol. 23 Issue 07 (April 1913)<a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=49&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=%3Cem%3EThe+Author%3C%2Fem%3E%2C+Vol.+23+Issue+07+%28April+1913%29"><em>The Author</em>, Vol. 23 Issue 07 (April 1913)</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=51&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=Publication">Publication</a>1913-04-01-The-Author-23-7 187–218<a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=89&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=23">23</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=76&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=1913-04-01">1913-04-01</a>719130401Che HMuthbor.<br /> <br /> (The Organ of the Incorporated Society of Authors.<br /> <br /> Monthly.)<br /> <br /> FOUNDED BY SIR WALTER BESANT.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> j Vor. XXIII.—No. 7.<br /> <br /> APRIL 1, 1913.<br /> <br /> [Price SIXPENCE.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> TELEPHONE NUMBER:<br /> 374 VICTORIA.<br /> <br /> TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS:<br /> AUTORIDAD, LONDON.<br /> <br /> —__—__—_.——e____—__<br /> <br /> NOTICES.<br /> <br /> ——_—+—~+——<br /> <br /> | | aoe the opinions expressed in papers that<br /> <br /> are signed or initialled the authors alone<br /> <br /> are responsible. None of the papers or<br /> <br /> eq paragraphs must be taken as expressing the<br /> <br /> ige opinion of the Committee unless such is<br /> 28 especially stated to be the case.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Tue Editor begs to inform members of the<br /> Authors’ Society and other readers of The<br /> Author that the cases which are quoted in The<br /> Author are cases that have come before the<br /> notice or to the knowledge of the Secretary of<br /> the Society, and that those members of the<br /> Society who desire to have the names of the<br /> publishers concerned can obtain them on<br /> application.<br /> <br /> y=<br /> <br /> eeanterre<br /> <br /> ARTICLES AND CONTRIBUTIONS.<br /> <br /> Tue Editor of The Author begs to remind<br /> <br /> 4 members of the Society that, although the<br /> | paper is sent to them free of cost, its production<br /> “7 would be a very heavy charge on the resources<br /> ‘9 of the Society if a great many members did not<br /> <br /> 1 forward to the Secretary the modest 5s. 6d.<br /> ‘@ subscription for the year.<br /> ; Communications for The Author should be<br /> <br /> _ addressed to the offices of the Society, 1, Cen-<br /> “) tral Buildings, Tothill Street, Westminster,<br /> “2 §.W., and should reach the Editor not later<br /> ‘than the 21st of each month.<br /> <br /> Communications and letters are invited by<br /> the Editor on all literary matters treated from<br /> <br /> Vou. XXIII.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> the standpoint of art or business, but on no<br /> other subjects whatever. Every effort will be<br /> made to return articles which cannot be<br /> accepted.<br /> <br /> ADVERTISEMENTS.<br /> <br /> As there seems to be an impression among<br /> readers of The Author that the Committee are<br /> personally responsible for the bona fides of the<br /> advertisers, the Committee desire it to be stated<br /> that this is not, and could not possibly be, the<br /> case. Although care is exercised that no<br /> undesirable advertisements be inserted, they<br /> do not accept, and never have accepted, any<br /> liability.<br /> <br /> Members should apply to the Secretary for<br /> advice if special information is desired.<br /> <br /> og Oe re<br /> <br /> THE SOCIETY’S FUNDS.<br /> <br /> —_+—&lt;— +<br /> <br /> ROM time to time members of the Society<br /> desire to make donations to its funds in<br /> recognition of work that has been done<br /> <br /> for them. The Committee, acting on the<br /> suggestion of one of these members, have<br /> decided to place this permanent paragraph in<br /> The Author in order that members may be<br /> cognisant of those funds to which these con-<br /> tributions may be paid.<br /> <br /> The funds suitable for this purpose are:<br /> (1) The Capital Fund. This fund is kept in<br /> reserve in case it is necessary for the Society to<br /> incur heavy expenditure, either in fighting a<br /> question of principle, or in assisting to obtain<br /> copyright reform, or in dealing with any other<br /> matter closely connected with the work of the<br /> Society.<br /> <br /> (2) The Pension Fund, This fund is slowly<br /> increasing, and it is hoped will, in time, cover<br /> the needs of all the members of the Society.<br /> <br /> &quot;2<br /> <br /> <br /> 188<br /> THE PENSION FUND.<br /> <br /> So -<br /> <br /> NFJanuary, the secretary of the Society<br /> laid before the trustees of the Pension<br /> Fund the accounts for the year 1912, as<br /> <br /> settled by the accountants. After giving the<br /> matter full consideration, the trustees in-<br /> structed the secretary to invest a sum of £800<br /> in the purchase of Buenos Ayres Great<br /> Southern Railway 4% Extension Shares, 1914,<br /> £10 fully paid. The number of shares pur-<br /> chased at the current price was twenty-five<br /> and the amount invested £296 1s. 1ld. The<br /> trustees are also purchasing three more Central<br /> Argentine Railway New Shares at par, on which<br /> as holders of the Ordinary Stock they have an<br /> option.<br /> <br /> The trustees desire to thank the members<br /> of the Society for the continued support which<br /> they have given to the Pension Fund.<br /> <br /> The nominal value of the investments held<br /> on behalf of the Pension Fund now amounts<br /> to £4,764 6s., details of which are fully set out<br /> in the following schedule :-—<br /> <br /> Nominal Value.<br /> <br /> £8: a.<br /> Local Loans .......----eeeeees 500 0 0<br /> Victoria Government 3% Consoli-<br /> <br /> dated Inscribed Stock ........ 291 19 11<br /> London and North-Western 3%<br /> <br /> Debenture Stock ..........-- 250 0 0<br /> Egyptian Government Irrigation<br /> <br /> Trust 4% Certificates ........ 200 0 0<br /> Cape of Good Hope 84% Inscribed<br /> <br /> Stock 220.5255 + 2.35.5 ee 200 0 90<br /> Glasgow and South-Western Rail-<br /> <br /> way 4% Preference Stock .... 228 0 0<br /> New Zealand 34% Stock........ 247 9 6<br /> Irish Land 23% Guaranteed Stock 258 0 0<br /> Corporation of London 23%<br /> <br /> Stock, 1997—57....:.-..-.5... 488 2 4<br /> Jamaica 84% Stock, 1919-49 1382 18 6<br /> Mauritius 4% 1987 Stock ...... 120 12 1<br /> Dominion of Canada, C.P.R. 33%<br /> <br /> Land Grant Stock, 1988 ...... 198 3 8<br /> Antofagasta and Bolivian Railway<br /> <br /> 5% Preferred Stock .......... 237 0 0<br /> Central Argentine Railway Or-<br /> <br /> dinary Stock ........ fue sk oe 232 0 0<br /> $2,000 Consolidated Gas and<br /> <br /> Electric Company of Baltimore<br /> <br /> 44%, Gold Bonds ............ 400 0 6<br /> 250 Edward Lloyd, Ltd., £1 5%<br /> <br /> Preference Shares .......... 250 0 0<br /> 55 Buenos Ayres Great Southern<br /> <br /> Railway 4% Extension Shares,<br /> <br /> 1914 (fully paid) ............ 550 0 0<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Nominal V alue.<br /> <br /> £ 3.24<br /> <br /> 8 Central Argentine Railway £10<br /> Preference Shares, New Issue.. 380 0 QO<br /> Total. vince. £4,764 6 0<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> i<br /> <br /> PENSION FUND.<br /> <br /> a a ae<br /> <br /> Tue list printed below includes all fresh dona-<br /> tions and subscriptions (i.e., donations and<br /> subscriptions not hitherto acknowledged)<br /> received by, or promised to, the fund from<br /> October 1, 1912.<br /> <br /> It does not include either donations given<br /> prior to October, nor does it include sub-<br /> scriptions paid in compliance with promises<br /> made before it.<br /> <br /> Subscriptions.<br /> <br /> 3<br /> <br /> mooooooooooascececoco:<br /> <br /> 1912.<br /> <br /> Oct. 2, Todhunter, Dr. John. .<br /> <br /> Oct. 10, Escott, T. H. S. : :<br /> <br /> Oct. 10, Henderson, R. W. Wright<br /> <br /> Oct. 10, Knowles, Miss M. W. :<br /> <br /> Oct. 11, Buckley, Reginald .<br /> <br /> Oct. 12, Walshe, Douglas<br /> <br /> Oct. 12, “‘ Penmark”’ . c<br /> <br /> Oct. 15, Sinclair Miss Edith .<br /> <br /> Oct. 16, Markino, Yoshio<br /> <br /> Oct. 20, Fiamingo, Carlo<br /> <br /> Oct. 29, Henley, Mrs. .<br /> <br /> Nov. 8, Jane, L. Cecil .<br /> <br /> Nov. 14, Gibb, W.<br /> <br /> Dec. 4, De Brath, S. . :<br /> <br /> Dec. 4, Sephton, The Rev. J.<br /> <br /> Dec. 4, Cooper, Miss Marjorie<br /> <br /> Dec. 7, MacRitchie, David<br /> <br /> Dec. 11, Fagan, James B.<br /> <br /> Dec. 27, Dawson Forbes<br /> <br /> 1913.<br /> <br /> Jan. 3, Toynbee, William (in addi-<br /> tion to his present sub-<br /> scription). .- ; :<br /> <br /> Jan. 9, Gibson, Frank . ‘<br /> <br /> Jan. 29, Blackley, Miss E. L.<br /> <br /> Jan. 31, Annesley, Miss Maude<br /> <br /> Feb. 6, Rothenstein, Albert .<br /> <br /> Feb. 10, Bradshaw, Percy V. ‘<br /> <br /> tt et<br /> HKOooomuanno?<br /> <br /> Cr oocooooororoooOooCooorFnh<br /> ~~<br /> <br /> _<br /> SONS Or Or OU Ot et Or<br /> <br /> coooo?<br /> <br /> Donations.<br /> 1912.<br /> Oct. 2, Stuart, James . :<br /> Oct. 14, Dibblee, G. Binney . .<br /> Oct. 14, Michell, The Right Hon.<br /> Sir Lewis, C.V.O. ;<br /> <br /> a of<br /> _<br /> o-<br /> ao<br /> <br /> Or<br /> AHRHASSS<br /> <br /> Bes pti!<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> TH.<br /> <br /> -t9@ Oct. 17, Ord, H.W. . ‘ ‘<br /> »Jo0 Oct. 20, Yorke-Smith, Mrs. .<br /> <br /> vow Nov.<br /> io Nov.<br /> 9G Dec.<br /> vo Dec.<br /> 4 Dec.<br /> o@ Dee.<br /> 9 Dec.<br /> 90 Dec.<br /> wo Dec.<br /> Dec.<br /> Dec.<br /> Dec.<br /> 1913.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> ia) Jan. 2,<br /> <br /> d3 3<br /> re: |<br /> tap<br /> <br /> is<br /> rf 8G<br /> aL<br /> <br /> . Jan.<br /> , Jan.<br /> <br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Feb.<br /> ‘Feb.<br /> <br /> 10, Hood, Francis<br /> <br /> 20, Kennard, Mrs. N. H. 5<br /> 4, McEwan, Miss M. S. . ‘<br /> 4, Kennedy, E. B. ‘<br /> <br /> 11, Begarnie, George . :<br /> 11, Tanner, James T.<br /> <br /> 11, Toplis, Miss Grace . :<br /> 14, Watson, Mrs. Herbert A..<br /> 14, French, Mrs. Warner :<br /> 17, Smith, Miss Sheila Kaye .<br /> 17, Marras, Mowbray<br /> <br /> 27, Edwards, Percy J.<br /> <br /> 1, Risque, W. H.<br /> <br /> 1, Rankin, Mrs. F. M.<br /> <br /> 2, Short, Miss L. M.<br /> <br /> 2, Mackenzie, Miss J.<br /> <br /> Webling, Miss Peggy<br /> <br /> 8, Harris, Mrs. E. H. .<br /> <br /> 8, Church, Sir Arthur,<br /> K.C.V.O., ete.<br /> <br /> . 4, Douglas, James A.<br /> <br /> . 4, Grant, Lady Sybil<br /> <br /> . 6, Haultain, Arnold<br /> <br /> . 6, Beveridge, Mrs. :<br /> <br /> . 6, Clark, The Rev. Henry<br /> <br /> . 6, Ralli, C. Searamanja .<br /> <br /> . 6, Lathbury, Miss Eva .<br /> <br /> . 6, Pryce, Richard<br /> <br /> . 7, Gibson Miss L. S.<br /> <br /> : 10, Use .<br /> <br /> . 10, Ford, Miss May<br /> <br /> : 12, Greenstreet, W. J.<br /> <br /> .14, Anon .<br /> <br /> . 15, Maude Aylmer<br /> <br /> . 16, Price, Miss Eleanor .<br /> <br /> : 17, Blouet, Madame<br /> <br /> 220, PH. and MLK...<br /> <br /> . 22, Smith, Herbert W.<br /> <br /> . 25, Anon. . :<br /> <br /> . 27, Vernede, R. E. ‘<br /> <br /> . 29, Plowman, Miss Mary .<br /> . 29, Todd, Miss Margaret, M.D.<br /> . Bl, Jacobs, W. W. ;<br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> <br /> 1, Davy, Mrs.E.M. .<br /> <br /> 3, Abraham, J. J. ;<br /> <br /> 4, Gibbs, F. L. A.<br /> <br /> A, Buckrose, J. i.<br /> <br /> 4, Balme, Mrs. Nettleton .<br /> <br /> 6, Coleridge, The Hon. Gilbert<br /> <br /> 6, Machen, Arthur :<br /> <br /> 6, Romane-James, Mrs. ‘<br /> <br /> 6, Weston, Miss Lydia ‘ ‘<br /> <br /> 14, Saies, Mrs. F. H. (in addi-<br /> tion to her subscription)<br /> <br /> o CORP H OH OH ONHFOOCOCOOBH OH OCOOCOOCOROWOORNWH eooooco Cr oooOoOMoOoOoUNCO Oh Bb<br /> <br /> p=<br /> <br /> |<br /> Om ok Ow ono Oo Wk ©<br /> <br /> pat<br /> <br /> pont<br /> Or Or Or Or Or ©<br /> <br /> _<br /> <br /> bt<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> _<br /> <br /> =<br /> &gt; Anke KOH OH ONE NBROOBEK OFM OOS Oe Or<br /> <br /> AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> =<br /> <br /> wo; db oe<br /> <br /> ec sescooonaseacooaoanaccooocoocoocosoosoocoooeoecsese ecooooco ecoocooooo eo ooaone<br /> <br /> 189<br /> <br /> iv}<br /> <br /> BOF OANOSO:<br /> <br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> Mar,<br /> <br /> 14, O’Higgins, H. J. . :<br /> <br /> 15, Stephens, Dr. Ricardo<br /> <br /> 15, Jones, Miss KE. H.<br /> <br /> 17, Whibley, Charles<br /> <br /> 22, Probert, W. S.<br /> <br /> 24, S. F. G. :<br /> <br /> 27, XX. Pen Club<br /> <br /> 7, Keating, The<br /> Lloyd .<br /> <br /> 7, Tharp, Robert C.<br /> <br /> 10, Hall, H. Fielding<br /> <br /> 18, Moffatt, Miss Beatrice<br /> <br /> 14, Bennett, Arnold.<br /> <br /> 17, Michell, The Right Hon.<br /> Sir Lewis, K. C.V.0: .<br /> <br /> 17, Travers, Miss Rosalind<br /> <br /> i<br /> <br /> COrroooOoO®<br /> <br /> Rev. 5 :<br /> Mar. :<br /> Mar.<br /> Mar.<br /> <br /> Mar.<br /> Mar.<br /> <br /> aoc oo<br /> SO Or Or Or<br /> SS0C0OSD SCOOKAOMAAOe<br /> <br /> oe<br /> or ee<br /> oo<br /> <br /> Mar.<br /> ah a<br /> <br /> COMMITTEE NOTES.<br /> <br /> — +e<br /> <br /> HE Committee of Management held their<br /> third meeting of the year at 13, Queen<br /> Anne’s Gate, S.W., on March 3. The<br /> <br /> business was carried through in the usual<br /> order. Following the signing of the minutes<br /> of the previous meeting, the elections were<br /> proceeded with. A full list appears on another<br /> page. Twenty members in all were added to<br /> the list, making the total for the current year<br /> up to eighty-seven. The Committee accepted,<br /> with regret, sixteen resignations, but they are<br /> glad to report that the number is considerably<br /> smaller than during the corresponding period<br /> last year.<br /> <br /> * The solicitor then reported the cases during<br /> the past month.<br /> <br /> The first was an action for accounts and<br /> money against a publisher. The accounts<br /> had been delivered, an arrangement for<br /> settlement by two instalments had been made.<br /> One of the instalments had been paid, and<br /> the solicitor had no doubt that the second<br /> instalment on May 1 would be met in due<br /> course.<br /> <br /> Against another publisher the Society has<br /> four cases. It has been necessary to issue<br /> summonses in two of these, and in the other<br /> two, if the sums due under the accounts<br /> obtained are not paid, action will also be<br /> taken. The Society has three claims against<br /> a travelling actor, and in all three writs have<br /> been issued. In one of these, part of the<br /> sum due in royalties has been paid, but in<br /> none has a proper account been rendered.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 190<br /> <br /> The solicitors received instructions to carry<br /> the matter through. There were two small<br /> cases against a paper for unpaid contributions.<br /> The proprietor has declared himself unable to<br /> pay. In one case the summons has been<br /> issued, and the. solicitor was instructed to<br /> proceed to judgment and then determine<br /> what action should be. taken in the second<br /> case. The solicitor reported, with regret, the<br /> loss of a County Court action during the past<br /> month. There was a direct conflict of evidence<br /> between the plaintiff and the defendant, but<br /> as the onus rested on the plaintiff to make<br /> out the contract, the Judge considered this<br /> onus had not been discharged. There was no<br /> written agreement to produce in evidence.<br /> In two other small claims the debts have<br /> been paid after the writs had been issued. The<br /> solicitor next reported that one of the members<br /> of the Society having entrusted the original<br /> MS. of one of his published works to an<br /> agent for sale for a fixed sum, the agent had<br /> sold the MS. for a quarter of the amount.<br /> However, under pressure brought to bear by<br /> the Society, the MS. had been restored to the<br /> author, and the money to the purchaser.<br /> Another case was quoted by the solicitor<br /> where it was impossible to obtain the return<br /> of a MS. from the editor of a magazine. After<br /> a writ had been issued, the MS. was promptly<br /> returned. Then followed two dramatic cases.<br /> The first referred to the infringement of the<br /> work of a member of the Society by the<br /> roduction in the music halls of a sketch.<br /> The defendant put forward in defence that<br /> the play produced is a condensed version of<br /> a play written by himself prior to the publica-<br /> tion of the member’s book, but it does not<br /> appear that the original MS. is forthcoming.<br /> The second case was brought to the Society<br /> by a member, with the recommendation of<br /> the Dramatic Sub-Committee. The alleged<br /> infringer is also a member of the Society.<br /> After consideration of the evidence, the<br /> solicitor came to the conclusion that if any<br /> action was taken it should be rather for breach<br /> of confidence than for infringement of copyright.<br /> In both these cases the committee decided to<br /> carry forward the matter on behalf of the<br /> complainants. The next case related to an<br /> infringement of a member’s copyright, by the<br /> publication of a story in a penny weekly. It<br /> was decided to take the matter up. The next<br /> case related to an infringement of copyright<br /> in Canada, and here, also, the committee<br /> decided to support the author, but subject to<br /> the latter being responsible for a portion of<br /> the costs. A case of a demand made by a<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> publisher against an author under a contract<br /> between them, was also reported by the<br /> solicitor, and the committee decided to a<br /> defend any action brought against the<br /> author by the publisher.<br /> <br /> The secretary. then reported a complaint<br /> made against him by a member of the Society,<br /> in a case where he had acted as arbitrator.<br /> The secretary read the correspondence, and it<br /> was decided to write to the member on the<br /> subject. The secretary mentioned, also, to<br /> the committee a dispute arising between a<br /> member and his publisher on various points<br /> of accounts and the interpretation of clauses<br /> in the agreement. The committee authorised<br /> that counsel’s opinion should be taken, and<br /> if this opinion was favourable stated that<br /> they would support the member by legal<br /> action if necessary.<br /> <br /> After the cases had been disposed of, the —<br /> secretary laid before the committee the letters .<br /> he had received from editors, dealing with —<br /> the question of payment to contributors of —<br /> accepted contributions. It was decided, in —<br /> accordance with suggestions from important<br /> editors, to invite a formal conference at an .<br /> early date. The committee hope that a large :<br /> number of editors may agree to some definite —<br /> and uniform arrangement being established. —<br /> <br /> The next matter discussed was the practice<br /> of the proprietors of certain magazines who<br /> send receipts to contributors for their :<br /> signature, and, in some cases, cheques with e<br /> a receipt printed at the back, purporting to<br /> convey copyright to the magazine, although —<br /> no contract for such a transfer had previously —<br /> been made. The secretary was instructed —<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> to deal with the whole subject in The<br /> Author. :<br /> The committee discussed at length the<br /> <br /> question to be placed before the General<br /> Meeting and the Council in regard to the —<br /> commission to be charged by the Society om<br /> all sums collected by members through the<br /> intervention of the solicitors in whatever<br /> country action were taken. The committee<br /> decided to support a proposal that in all<br /> eases where the member did not employ the<br /> Collection Bureau the commission should be<br /> 10%, as against 5% which the Bureau charges —<br /> its members for carrying through the same<br /> matter.<br /> <br /> At the suggestion of the Composers’ Sub-<br /> Committee, an article had been written dealing<br /> with an agreement from a music publisher.<br /> This article was laid before the committee and<br /> <br /> assed, and appears elsewhere in this number<br /> of The Author.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> ComposERS’ SuB-COMMITTEE.<br /> <br /> ‘T . Tuts sub-committee held their March mect-<br /> ging at the new offices of the Society, No. 1,<br /> ‘a9 Central Buildings, Tothill Street, Westminster,<br /> ¥7.S.W., on Saturday, March 8. After the<br /> aiiminutes of the previous meeting had been<br /> seeread and signed, the secretary reported that<br /> , an article referring to Messrs. Curwen &amp; Sons’<br /> “mg agreement, had been passed by the Committee<br /> / tof Management for publication in The Author.<br /> o/ The secretary then placed before the sub-com-<br /> jipmittee the papers of The Genossenschaft Deut-<br /> oscher Tonkunstler, and received instructions<br /> 26 to send out a copy of their contract to all the<br /> “emembers of the sub-committee, and to place<br /> o) the matter on the agenda for the next meeting.<br /> 11The secretary reported, also, that the circular<br /> ‘to. settled at the previous meeting of the sub-<br /> ‘i: committee had been sent out to the members<br /> | 1 of the Society of British Composers, and that<br /> _s he had obtained a further list of composers, to<br /> ts whom it would be sent in due course. The<br /> ‘fs answers would be laid before the sub-committee<br /> 4: at their next meeting.<br /> L The question cf mechanical rights was<br /> i) discussed, and a suggestion made that com-<br /> ‘oc posers should deal with these separately, and<br /> ‘0; not in conjunction with the sale of their sheet<br /> j@ music. The secretary was instructed to take<br /> i steps to get into touch with the mechanical<br /> reproducers with a view to coming to some<br /> “1 arrangement.<br /> F, A question relating to the manufacture of<br /> ‘ai stamps for the mechanical reproductions of<br /> “o compositions was discussed, and it was decided,<br /> ’ a in those cases where it would not pay individual<br /> “9 composers to purchase large quantities of<br /> »} stamps, that the Society should manufacture<br /> J stamps which could be endorsed with the<br /> “© initials of the composer.<br /> <br /> os<br /> <br /> Cases.<br /> <br /> Durine the past month there have been<br /> “44 twenty cases in the hands of the secretary.<br /> ‘1 The list is rather a curious list. Usually the<br /> claims for money exceed other cases, but in<br /> the past month claims for MSS. head the<br /> list. There have been seven claims under<br /> + this heading and three have been successful,<br /> the MSS. have been returned and forwarded<br /> to the authors. One failed owing to the fact<br /> that although the agent to whom the MSS,<br /> had been sent had tried to find them, the<br /> author had no evidence that they had actually<br /> reached the agent’s office. Itis possible, there-<br /> fore, that they may have been lost in transit.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 191<br /> <br /> Two are still in the course of negotiation.<br /> In one case the claim is in Hungary and<br /> the other in the United States. Sufficient<br /> time has not elapsed for a reply to be forth-<br /> coming to the secretary’s demand. The last<br /> case has only recently come into the office.<br /> <br /> There have been six claims for accounts<br /> from publishers, and all these have been<br /> settled. The accounts have been delivered,<br /> and where money was due, the money has<br /> been paid.<br /> <br /> Three questions have arisen out of author’s<br /> agreements. Here again two are in foreign<br /> countries, both being in the United States of<br /> America ; in one case the author is an American<br /> citizen, and in the other case the publisher.<br /> Sufficient time has not as yet expired in order<br /> to obtain a reply, but no doubt before the<br /> May issue these cases will have been closed.<br /> The third case is one of a dispute between the<br /> author and a publisher as to the charge for<br /> corrections. These cases are always very<br /> difficult to deal with, but if the publisher can<br /> show the proper vouchers, the author will<br /> have to meet the claim; at present the<br /> vouchers have not been produced.<br /> <br /> There were four cases of claims for money,<br /> two of which have been settled and the money<br /> has been paid. The third is in the course of<br /> favourable negotiation, and the fourth has<br /> only recently come to the office.<br /> <br /> There are still three cases open from last<br /> month, and two cases which have had to be<br /> placed in the hands of the Society’s solicitors.<br /> The work of the Society’s solicitors and the<br /> law work of the Society is fully detailed in<br /> the Committee Notes.<br /> <br /> ++<br /> <br /> Elections.<br /> <br /> 50, Hans Place, S.W.<br /> <br /> “The Knoll,” Kid-<br /> more Road, Caver-<br /> sham, Reading.<br /> <br /> ** Gleneairn,’? Cam-<br /> bridge Road,<br /> Bournemouth.<br /> <br /> ‘** Homesfield,” near<br /> Sheffield.<br /> <br /> Broadbent, D. R.<br /> Campbell, Mrs. Perugini<br /> <br /> ‘anning, Ethel<br /> <br /> , Carpenter, Edward<br /> <br /> Fish, W. Wilfred Blair<br /> (‘‘ Wilfred Blair ’’)<br /> Grantham, Mrs.<br /> Frederick (‘ Alexan-<br /> <br /> dra von Herden”’’).<br /> <br /> , Ireland, John. :<br /> <br /> Beelcigh Abbey,<br /> Maldon, Essex.<br /> <br /> 4, Elm Park<br /> Mansions, Chelsea,<br /> S.W.<br /> <br /> 5<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 192<br /> Keating, The Rev. John ‘“ Ariston,” New<br /> Lloyd, M.A. Church Road,<br /> Hove.<br /> Kindersley, Mrs. D. Y... 15, Gwydyr Man-<br /> sions, Hove,<br /> Sussex.<br /> <br /> ** Derrymore,”’ Park-<br /> stone, Dorset.<br /> <br /> 4, Bertram Road,<br /> Hendon, N.W.<br /> <br /> Savage Club, W.C.<br /> <br /> Southborough Com-<br /> mon, Kent.<br /> King’s House,<br /> Tower of London,<br /> <br /> Law, Hamilton<br /> Martin, Geoffrey :<br /> <br /> Merrick, Leonard ;<br /> Oyler, Leslie Mary<br /> <br /> Pipon, Miss Geraldine M.<br /> <br /> E.C.<br /> — St. John, Christopher 31, Bedford Street,<br /> Marie. Strand, W.C.<br /> Sawrey, Miss Fannie H. 22, Earl’s Court<br /> <br /> Square, S.W.<br /> <br /> Sholl, Margaret, V.<br /> (‘‘ Margaret Heriot<br /> Hallam ’’).<br /> <br /> Tharp, Robert C. . 86, Ladbroke Grove,<br /> WwW<br /> <br /> Turquet, Madame 59, Loxley Road,<br /> André (“ G. Turquet- Wandsworth Com-<br /> Milnes ’’). mon, S.W.<br /> <br /> Wigley, H. (‘“ Lincoln<br /> Green ’’).<br /> <br /> ee ele<br /> <br /> BOOKS PUBLISHED BY MEMBERS.<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> While every effort is made by the compilers to keep<br /> this list as accurate and exhaustive as poumble, they have<br /> some difficulty in attaining this object owing to the fact<br /> that many of the books mentioned are not sent to the office<br /> by the members. In consequence, it is necessary to rely<br /> largely upon lists of books which appear in literary and<br /> other papers. It is hoped, however, that members will<br /> co-operate in the compiling of this list, and, by sending<br /> particulars of their works, help to make it substantially<br /> accurate.<br /> BIOGRAPHY.<br /> <br /> Lirtte JENNINGS AND Ficutine Dick Tatsot: A Lire<br /> oF THE Duxr anp DvucuEess or TyRconNEL. By<br /> Parr W.Sererant. 2vols. 674pp. 17 illustrations.<br /> Hutchinson. 24s. n.<br /> <br /> BOOKS OF REFERENCE.<br /> <br /> CassELL’s Dictionary oF Practica, GARDENING.<br /> Edited by W. P. Wricut. PartI. 103 x 74. 48 pp.<br /> Cassell. 7d. n.<br /> <br /> InpDEXES TO THE ANCIENT TESTAMENTARY RECORDS OF<br /> Westminster. By A. M. Burks, F.S.A, 11} x 7}.<br /> 104 pp. Eyre &amp; Spottiswoode. 12s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> DRAMA [AND ELOCUTION.<br /> <br /> Quen Tana. By Darrent Fiaais. 6% x 5. 92 pp.<br /> Dent. Ils. n,<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Towarps 4 New Tuxarre. Forty Designs for Stage<br /> Scenes, with critical notes by the Inventor, Epwarp<br /> Gorpon Craig. 13 X 114. 90 pp. 40 Plates. Dent,<br /> 21s. n.<br /> <br /> Four Prays. By Gmpert Cannan. 74 X 5. 84 Pp.<br /> Sidgwick &amp; Jackson. 2s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> FICTION.<br /> <br /> Tue Souttor A Man. By Durex Vanz. Holding<br /> Hardingham. 6s.<br /> Tue Matine or Lypia. By Mrs. Humpury Warp,<br /> 72 x 5. 462 pp. Smith, Elder. 6s.<br /> Srupizs In Love anp IN TEeRRoR. By Mrs. BEL1o<br /> Lownpzes. 74 x 5. 299 pp. Methuen. 6s.<br /> THe Riaut HONOURABLE GENTLEMAN,<br /> Norris. 74 x 5. 315 pp. Constable. 6s.<br /> SieEpine Waters. By Joun TREVENA.<br /> pp. Constable. 6s.<br /> THE Two CaRNATIONS.<br /> 280 pp. Cassell. 6s.<br /> Mrs. Pratt or Parapise Farm. By KatTHarine Tynan,<br /> 7% x 5. 310 pp. Smith, Elder. 6s.<br /> Aunt OLIVE IN Bonemisa. OR THE INTRUSIONS OF A<br /> Farry GopmotHEer. By Les~rz Moorn. 74 x 4h<br /> Alston Rivers. 6s.<br /> Natuatia. By Frep WnuisHaw. 7} xX 5. 320 pp.<br /> <br /> By Mansoriz BowEn. 72 X<br /> <br /> J. Long. 6s.<br /> <br /> A“ Youne Lavy.” A Study in Selectness. By H. W.C,<br /> Newrtr. 74 x 5. 393 pp. Chatto &amp; Windus,<br /> 6s.<br /> <br /> Ir rr Pieasz You. By Ricwarp Marsu. 7 X<br /> 316 pp. Methuen. 6s.<br /> <br /> Lovz’s Sotprer. By Oxive Curistran Macxrrpy (Mrs.<br /> Archibald Mackirdy). 7x 5. 336pp. Cassell. 62.<br /> <br /> Porson. By Aice and CLaupE ASKEW. 74 X<br /> 290 pp. Nash. 3s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Tue SicN or Four. By A. Conan Doyir. 6} X<br /> 286 pp. (The Nelson Library.) Nelson. 7d. n.<br /> <br /> Tue CatrisH. By Cuar“es Marriorr. 8 x 5. 352 p<br /> Hurst &amp; Blackett. 6s.<br /> <br /> THE ComBrneD Mazz. By May Sincuar. 7} X<br /> 336 pp. Hutchinson. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Strotiine Sart. By Rarant SABATINI. 7} X<br /> <br /> By Una L. SmperraD. 74 X<br /> <br /> 328 pp. Stanley Paul. 6s,<br /> 383 pp. Constable. 6s.<br /> 7% x 5. 298 pi<br /> <br /> Karen or LowsBore.<br /> <br /> Lirrep Curtains. By E. Nosie.<br /> <br /> Constable. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Beacon WatcHEers. By Viotet A.Smreson 7}<br /> 43. 366 pp. Chapman &amp; Hall. 6s.<br /> <br /> Requirat. By Mrs. J. 0. Annotp. 72 xX 5. 301 p<br /> Methuen. 6s.<br /> <br /> Everyman’s Desire. By Mary Gaunt. 73 X 4%<br /> 341 pp. Werner Laurie. 6s.<br /> <br /> Wars Mottry. By Max Pumperton. 72 x 5. 3!<br /> pp. Cassell. 6s.<br /> <br /> Guioomy Fanny AnD OTHER [FouR] Stories. By Morte:<br /> Rozserts. 74 x 5. 259pp. Nash. 6s.<br /> Tur RETURN OF THE Perticoat. By WARwick DEEPIN<br /> <br /> 811 pp. (Revised Edition.) Cassell. 1s. n.<br /> <br /> HISTORY.<br /> <br /> Tue Passinc of THE TURKISH Empire IN EUROPE.<br /> Captain B. GRANVILLE Baker. 9 X 5}. 335 pi<br /> Seeley Service. 16s. n.<br /> <br /> LITERARY.<br /> <br /> Tous or THE Spratt. A Book of Thoughts. By Aue<br /> SrrmnpBerG. With an Introduction by A. BaBILLoT!<br /> Translated by CuauD Fienp. 7$ x 65. 286<br /> Allen. 5s. n.<br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> ©; Atone THE Roap. By ArTuuR CHRISTOPHER BENSON.<br /> Le 8} x 5). x. xX 383 pp. Nesbit. 7s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> = Dr. JoHNson anp His Crrctz. By JouNn Batney.<br /> : 256 pp. Tue Victortan AcE IN Literature. By<br /> G. K. Cuesterton. 256 pp. THe Nrewsparer. By<br /> G. Bryyzy Drpster. 256 pp. 63 x 44. (Home<br /> ee Library.) Williams &amp;,; Norgate. ls.j n.<br /> each.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> MEDICAL.<br /> <br /> 1 1A Hosprran mw THe Maxine. A history of the National<br /> H Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic (Albany<br /> Memorial), 1859—1901. By B. Burrorp RawLines.<br /> 74x 5. 271 pp. SirIsaac Pitman. 5s.n.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> MISCELLANEOUS.<br /> <br /> d= PERSONALITY AND TELEPATHY. By F. C. CoNnsTaBLe.<br /> a Kegan Paul. 7s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> i Tue Mystic Way: A PsycHonocican Stupy IN Caris-<br /> T gran Ortcins. By Evetyn Unperuiy. J. M. Dent<br /> <br /> % &amp; Sons. 12s. 6d. n.<br /> MUSIC.<br /> <br /> i ‘THe Sun’ Worsnrpper. Words by PETRONELLA<br /> ) O’DonnELL. Music by the Rev. M. T. Coatzs. Bristol:<br /> i Ernest Crichton. 1s. 6d.<br /> <br /> oM Moon anp Sua. Words by PrrronetntaA O&#039;DONNELL.<br /> £ Music by the Rev. M. F. Coarzs. Bristol: Ernest<br /> ) Crichton. Is. 6d.<br /> <br /> NATURAL HISTORY.<br /> <br /> 2 British Brrps’ Nests. How, Where, and When to Find<br /> and Identify Them. By R. Kearton, F.Z.S8. 9} x 6.<br /> 520 pp. Cassell. 14s. n.<br /> mE Tue Crectine Year. By W.P. WesTett, D.Sc. Part I,<br /> { Rambles in Spring. Part Il., Rambles in Summer.<br /> i Part ITI., Rambles in Autumn. 9% x 74. Nelson.<br /> <br /> PHILOSOPHY.<br /> <br /> “£ AnIntropuction To Metapnysics. By Henri Bercson.<br /> Authorized translation. By T. E. Hutmg. 8 x 5.<br /> 79 pp. Macmillan. 2s. n.<br /> <br /> POLITICAL,<br /> <br /> From THE Near East, 1909—1912. By<br /> 74 x 5. 187 pp. Smith, Elder<br /> <br /> a2 Lurrers<br /> Maurice Barine.<br /> 3s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> 27 Panama AND WHatit Means. By Joun Foster Fraser.<br /> 7k &lt; 5.291 pp. Cassell. 6s.<br /> <br /> SOCIOLOGY.<br /> <br /> “W WaySrtations. By Eximaseru Rosrs.<br /> Hodder &amp; Stoughton. 6s. n.<br /> <br /> THEOLOGY.<br /> ©) Conressions of A ConvERT. By Roperr Huan Benson.<br /> : 8 x 54. 164pp. Longmans. 3s. 6d. n.<br /> 4 RELIGION AND THE Crisis. By Harotp Brecair. 7} Xx<br /> 4%. 126 pp. Cassell. Is. n.<br /> Oo On THE INFLUENCE oF RELIGION anp Upon TrUTH-<br /> FruuNess. By F. H. Prrrycosrn, B.Sc. 73? x 5.<br /> 324 pp. Watts. 45s n<br /> <br /> 8x 5. 352 pp.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> TRAVEL.<br /> <br /> 9 ‘Qursec: THe LAvRENTIAN PRovINcE.<br /> f Wittson. 9 x 5h. xii.<br /> 10s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> By Brcxizs<br /> x 271 pp. Constable.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 193<br /> <br /> LITERARY, DRAMATIC, AND MUSICAL<br /> NOTES.<br /> <br /> ee<br /> T the annual meeting of the Royal<br /> Literary Fund, on March 12, Mr.<br /> Rowland E. Protheroe, who presided,<br /> said the amount raised by the dinner was the<br /> largest with two exceptions in the history of<br /> the fund. He wished, however, that they<br /> could secure a more permanent and _ less<br /> fluctuating source of income to rely upon, and<br /> an increase in membership. They had at<br /> present some 700 members, and it would be a<br /> very good thing if they could raise their mem-<br /> bership to 1,000. The annual dinner was fixed<br /> for May 27; Lord Curzon would preside, and<br /> the Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord<br /> Morley would be among the speakers. The<br /> annual report, which showed that the income<br /> of the fund (including a balance from the<br /> previous year) was £5,487, and that during<br /> the year £3,020 was voted in grants to forty<br /> applicants, as compared with £2,125 to<br /> thirty-eight applicants in the previous year,<br /> was adopted. The president, vice-presidents,<br /> and members of the council were re-elected,<br /> with the addition of Viscount Haldane of<br /> Cloan as vice-president, and Mr. Reginald J.<br /> Smith, K.C., as a member of the council.<br /> <br /> Mr. Eden Phillpotts’s new novel, “‘ Wide-<br /> combe Fair,’”’ has been published by Mr. John<br /> Murray. It is a study of the varied life and<br /> interests of a sequestered West Country<br /> village. ‘‘ The Joy of Youth,” Mr. Phillpotts’s<br /> story which is running serially in the Fortnightly<br /> Review, reached its twelfth chapter in the<br /> March issue.<br /> <br /> “The Mating of Lydia” is the title of<br /> Mrs. Humphry Ward’s new novel, published<br /> last month by Messrs. Smith, Elder &amp; Co.<br /> <br /> Mr. Henry Arthur Jones has issued, through<br /> Messrs. Chapman &amp; Hall, ‘‘ The Foundations<br /> of a National Drama,”’ a collection of lectures,<br /> essays, and speeches of the years 1896—1912,<br /> revised and added to. Mr. Jones dedicates<br /> his work to “ Brander Matthews, Professor<br /> of Dramatic Literature in Columbia Univer-<br /> sity,’’ whom (he says) he has so often quoted,<br /> that he is “ urged by duty, no less than by<br /> friendship and sympathy,” to make the<br /> dedication. The book is embellished by a<br /> photogravure of Mr. Robert J. Aitken’s bust<br /> of the author. The price is 7s. 6d. net.<br /> <br /> Mr. Frankfort Moore’s new book, ‘‘ Fanny’s<br /> First Novel,” published by Messrs. Hutchinson,<br /> has reached its second edition. In it Mr.<br /> Moore returns to his favourite period. The<br /> “Fanny ” is, of course, Fanny Burney.<br /> <br /> <br /> 194<br /> <br /> Mr. Jeffery Farnol’s ‘‘ The Amateur Gentle-<br /> man’? was published by Messrs. Sampson<br /> Low, Marston &amp; Co. on March 8.<br /> <br /> Sir Isaac Pitman &amp; Sons announce a new<br /> and cheaper (5s.) edition of Mrs. Ellis H.<br /> Chadwick’s ‘‘ Mrs. Gaskell: Haunts, Homes<br /> and Stories,” of which the original 16s. edition<br /> appeared in September, 1910. The new<br /> matter includes what is stated to be a strikingly<br /> beautiful portrait of Mrs. Gaskell before her<br /> matriage.<br /> <br /> The same publishers have brought out<br /> Mr. B. Burford Rawlings’s ‘“‘ A Hospital in<br /> the Making,” which is a history of the National<br /> Hospital for the paralysed and_ epileptic<br /> (Albany Memorial) between the years 1859<br /> and 1901. The price is 5s. net.<br /> <br /> In ‘The Romance of an Elderly Poet”<br /> (Messrs. Stanley Paul &amp; Co., 10s. 6d. net),<br /> Messrs. A. M. Broadley and Walter Jerrold<br /> collaborate on “‘A hitherto unknown chapter<br /> in the life of George Crabbe,” based upon a<br /> series of letters written by Crabbe in 1815—25<br /> to Miss Elizabeth Charter. Much information<br /> is given in them concerning life in Bath and<br /> its neighbourhood at the period.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Stanley Paul announce two new<br /> Napoleon books, ** Napoleon in Exile at Elba,<br /> 1814—1815,” and “Napoleon in Exile at<br /> St. Helena, 1815—1821,”’ both by Mr. Norwood<br /> Young, and both containing a chapter on the<br /> iconography of Napoleon at the time, by<br /> Mr. A. M. Broadley. The first-named work<br /> is priced at 21s., the second at 82s. net.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Stanley Paul are also the publishers<br /> of ‘‘The Life of James Hinton,” by Mrs.<br /> Havelock Ellis, a biography drawn largely<br /> from private papers and the assistance of<br /> intimate friends; of ‘‘ The White Slave<br /> Market ” by Mrs. Archibald Mackirdy (Olive<br /> Christian Malvery) ; of “‘ Samphire,”’ a volume<br /> of essays by Lady Sybil Grant, daughter of<br /> Lord Rosebery; of ‘‘ Torquemada and the<br /> Spanish Inquisition,” by Rafael Sabatini ;<br /> and of a new edition (the sixth, 5s. net.) of<br /> Mr. J. F. Nisbet’s ‘“‘ The Insanity of Genius.”<br /> <br /> Mr. Albany F. Major has written, and the<br /> Rev. C. W. Whistler has edited, a book entitled<br /> ““The Early Wars of Wessex: Studies from<br /> England’s First School of Arms in the West<br /> Country.”’ This deals with the warfare of the<br /> pre-Norman period in Western England and<br /> particularly with the Danish invasions. There<br /> are to be maps, plans, and diagrams, and the<br /> volume is to be published by the Cambridge<br /> University Press, at 10s. 6d. net, but sub-<br /> scribers before April 80 will be entitled to<br /> purchase at 7s. 6d.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> In “‘ The Lawyer, Our Old Man of the Sea ”<br /> (Messrs. Kegan Paul, 7s. 6d. net), Mr. William<br /> Durran criticises the legal systems of England,<br /> India, and America, and gives a warning of<br /> the dangers threatening this country if legal .<br /> reforms are not soon introduced. A foreword<br /> is contributed by Sir Robert Fulton, M.A., ©<br /> LL.D.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Longmans, Green &amp; Co. are the<br /> publishers of ‘‘ English Local Government :<br /> The Story of the King’s Highway,” by Sidney ~<br /> and Beatrice Webb; of ‘‘ Confessions of a Con- —<br /> vert’’ and ‘‘ The Paradoxes of Catholicism,’<br /> both by Monsignor R. H. Benson; and —<br /> of “ Levia-Pondera: an Essay Book,” by<br /> Mr. John Ayscough. They have added to<br /> their Silver Library a new edition of Sir. H<br /> Rider Haggard’s ** Rural Denmark and it<br /> Lessons.”<br /> <br /> Mr. Cecil Headlam is the author of the<br /> volume on France in Messrs. A. &amp; C. Black’s<br /> ‘* Making of the Nations ”’ series. Thirty-two<br /> full-page and sixteen smaller illustrations —<br /> decorate the book, of which the price is 7s. 6d.<br /> net.<br /> <br /> Three new medical works from the same |<br /> firm are ‘“‘ The Handbook of Medical Treat<br /> ment ”’ (8s. 6d.), ‘* The Pocket Clinical Guide ” ©<br /> (1s. 6d.), and ‘‘The Pocket Prescriber ”’<br /> (1s.), all by Mr. James Burnet, M.A., M.D.<br /> M.R.C.P.E.<br /> <br /> Mr. John Foster Fraser’s “‘ Panama and<br /> What It Means ’’ was published at the begin- |<br /> ning of last month by Messrs. Cassell, at 6s.<br /> It is the fruit of a special visit to the Canal<br /> zone.<br /> <br /> Messrs. John Long last month published a —<br /> novel entitled ‘“‘ A Girl of No Importance ”<br /> by Olivia Ramsey, author of “The Other<br /> Wife,” ‘‘ Two Men and a Governess,”’ etc. ©<br /> The story depicts some love episodes in the<br /> life story of a young peer, the scenes being —<br /> laid alternately in London and in the heart of ©<br /> the country.<br /> <br /> Messrs. John Long are also the publishers.<br /> of a new novel, ‘‘ Nathalia,”’ by Fred Whishaw, |<br /> author of ‘‘ The Revolt of Beatrix,” ete. The<br /> scene is laid at Moscow in the period which —<br /> just preceded the birth of Peter the Great,<br /> whose parentage was from the first a matter”<br /> of mystery and controversy in Court circles. —<br /> Mr. Whishaw extracts his romance out of the:<br /> life of the beautiful Nathalia Narystkin, —<br /> mother of Peter.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Watts &amp; Co. have published, on<br /> behalf of the Rationalist Press Association, a —<br /> volume by Mr. F. H. Perrycoste entitled ‘‘ The:<br /> Influence of Religion upon Truthfulness.”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> otk<br /> <br /> jem<br /> <br /> ork<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR,<br /> <br /> ‘1) This volume comprises two more chapters of<br /> <br /> the author’s magnum opus, of which a first<br /> instalment appeared three years ago under<br /> the title of ‘‘ Religion, Faith, and Morals.”<br /> <br /> «| In a prefatory note to the new volume the<br /> <br /> JHE<br /> 200<br /> LE<br /> ic<br /> ey<br /> Fob<br /> <br /> aid<br /> <br /> ish<br /> the<br /> rig<br /> EG<br /> AT<br /> od<br /> to<br /> :<br /> off<br /> soe<br /> 10f<br /> He<br /> iREE<br /> fio<br /> ve<br /> Be<br /> <br /> HE<br /> Mt<br /> <br /> A<br /> A<br /> ME<br /> if<br /> <br /> ee<br /> <br /> Lie<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> author expresses the hope that it may be<br /> possible anon for him to do justice to himself<br /> and his critics alike by publishing the chapters<br /> of his Prolegomena, in which the scope and<br /> method of the whole work are explained in<br /> detail, and the philosophical foundations for<br /> his historical enquiry are laid.<br /> <br /> “Celestial Fire,” a Seventeenth Century<br /> devotional book, re-edited by E. M. Green,<br /> with a preface by the Rev. George Congreve,<br /> gives in its introduction the story of what is<br /> probably a unique experience in publishing.<br /> The editor acknowledges the most acceptable<br /> help, in unravelling the tangle, of the Society<br /> of Authors.<br /> <br /> The Rev. James Eckersley edits ‘‘ The<br /> Responsive Psalter,’ which, as the sub-title<br /> states, contains “‘the psalms set to chant-<br /> forms in accordance with the parallelisms of<br /> Hebrew poetry, and designed to conduce to a<br /> natural and expressive rendering of the words<br /> on the part of both choir and congregation.”<br /> The publishers are Messrs. Simpkin, Marshall<br /> &amp; Co.<br /> <br /> “The Celibacy of Maurice Kane” is a<br /> novel by V. Conway-Gordon, published by<br /> Messrs. Holden &amp; Hardingham.<br /> <br /> In “Where Education Fails” (Messrs.<br /> Ralph, Holland &amp; Co., 1s. net) Mr. Preston<br /> Weir attempts to find the explanation of the<br /> non-success of the modern educational system<br /> in England compared with the hopes of its<br /> promoters. Lord Sheffield contributes an<br /> introduction.<br /> <br /> Miss Jeannette Marks publishes her “* Gallant<br /> Little Wales’ through the Houghton Mifflin<br /> Co., of New York and Boston. The book is<br /> illustrated from old prints, and is sold at a<br /> <br /> _ dollar and a quarter.<br /> <br /> Mr. F. Cullen Gouldsbury’s ‘“‘ Songs out of<br /> Exile (Rhodesian Rhymes) ”’ is published by<br /> Mr. T. Fisher Unwin at 3s. 6d. net.<br /> <br /> The same publisher is bringing out a play<br /> entitled “‘ This Generation ” by Mr. S. M. Fox.<br /> This play (which has not yet been acted),<br /> though not professing to give a picture of<br /> contemporary Socialism, has for its hero a<br /> <br /> _ socialist who is in conflict with his environ-<br /> <br /> ment.<br /> <br /> Some months ago a prize of 5,000 francs was<br /> offered for the best French novel published<br /> in 1911, in the judgment of a number of<br /> Parisian society celebrities. The prize was<br /> <br /> 195<br /> <br /> carried off by a story by M. Louis de Robert,<br /> which is now to make its appearance in English<br /> under the title “‘ Life’s Last Gift.’ It deals<br /> with a young man stricken down with ill-<br /> health and seeking to requite a passion which<br /> comes to him in his last months of life. The<br /> English publishers are Messrs. Stanley Paul &amp;<br /> Co., who will also add the book to their Colonial<br /> Library.<br /> <br /> ** Shepherds of Britain,” by Miss Adelaide<br /> L. J. Gosset (Messrs. Constable &amp; Co., 7s. 6d.<br /> net), is a prose anthology of literature dealing<br /> with shepherds and sheep, including contribu-<br /> tions from the pen of the editor herself. A<br /> companion volume is her ‘Shepherd Songs<br /> of Elizabethan England” (same _ publishers,<br /> 5s. net).<br /> <br /> EK. Newton Bungey’s ‘‘ The Fordington<br /> Twins”? (Lynwood &amp; Co.) deals with twin<br /> children brought up in poor circumstances,<br /> who unexpectedly inherit large property and<br /> have to own it jointly, as no one knows which<br /> is the elder. The book, which is mainly on<br /> humorous lines, will be out at the end of April<br /> or the beginning of May. About the same<br /> time a 2s. edition of the same author’s previous<br /> novel, “‘ Corn in Egypt,”’ will be issued.<br /> <br /> Mr. Stephen Knott’s new novel “ Once<br /> Round,” a story of Military life, will be pub-<br /> lished on April 2, by Messrs. Murray &amp;<br /> Evenden.<br /> <br /> A short story by John Hasleth Vahey will<br /> appear shortly in the Pall Mall Magazine,<br /> and a new novel by the same writer, to be<br /> called ‘‘The Shadow of Salvador,’ with<br /> Messrs. Heath, Cranton and Ouseley, is also<br /> expected this spring. Mr. Vahey’s last novel,<br /> “&lt;The Mesh,” appeared through Messrs.<br /> Sampson Low &amp; Co.<br /> <br /> Mr. J. Stanley Little’s address delivered at<br /> Farnham on “ Thomas Hardy: Our Greatest<br /> Prose Poet,” is to be published shortly.<br /> <br /> ‘““The Green Powder,’ a new novel by<br /> Miss Lillias Campbell Davidson, has just been<br /> published serially in the pages of the Daily<br /> News. Messrs. Partridge &amp; Co. announce an<br /> immediate issue of a third edition of the same<br /> writer’s, ‘‘ A Girl’s Battle.”<br /> <br /> A booklet which has just been issued, under<br /> the suggestive title of ‘“‘ More Light on the<br /> Woman Question,” contains a record of the<br /> proceedings of the first Congress of the Men’s<br /> International Alliance for Woman Suffrage,<br /> held in London in October last, and gives<br /> the salient points from the numerous speeches<br /> made on the occasion by the English repre-<br /> sentatives and foreign delegates. There are<br /> two illustrations—a portrait of Sir John<br /> <br /> <br /> 196<br /> <br /> Cockburn, K.C.M.G., the President of the<br /> International Alliance, and a photographic<br /> group of the delegates and associates of the<br /> Congress. Mr. Jaakoff Prelooker, editor of<br /> The Anglo-Russian, is responsible for the<br /> literary part of the record, which is issued from<br /> the headquarters of the Men’s League for<br /> Women’s Suffrage, price 2d. :<br /> <br /> Mr. Philip W. Sergeant’s new two-volume<br /> biography, ‘‘ Little Jennings and Fighting<br /> Dick Talbot,’ was published by Messrs.<br /> Hutchinson &amp; Co. at the beginning of March.<br /> <br /> Mr. Perriton Maxwell announces his retire-<br /> ment as manager and editor of Nash’s<br /> Magazine, and is returning to the United<br /> States to take charge of Hearst’s Magazine.<br /> <br /> Mr. Stanley Paul, of 31, Essex Street,<br /> Strand, has acquired the business of Messrs.<br /> Greening &amp; Co., Ltd. The firm of Greening &amp;<br /> Co. will be continued under its own name ;<br /> and as there are some 800 titles on its list,<br /> Mr. Stanley Paul, who will conduct both<br /> businesses from his office in Essex Street, will<br /> by this arrangement control the management<br /> of upwards of 1,300 current books.<br /> <br /> The firm of Greening &amp; Co. was founded<br /> sixteen years ago by Mr. Arthur Greening.<br /> The Lotus Library of foreign classics in trans-<br /> lations is one of the firm’s most valuable<br /> properties, containing stories by Anatole<br /> France, Daudet, Zola, Flaubert, Dumas, de<br /> Maupassant, Gaborian, Gautier, and de<br /> Musset. Mr. Paul intends to add a large<br /> number of more serious volumes to balance<br /> the fiction library in the list, and among the<br /> first books are announced a series of ‘“‘ Memoirs<br /> of Secret History,” concerning the French<br /> Revolution, the ‘‘ Recollections of an Officer<br /> in Napoleon’s Army,” and a volume on<br /> Madame de Pompadour in the Court Series<br /> of ‘‘ French Memoirs.”<br /> <br /> Mr. Arthur Beckett’s book, ‘“‘ The Wonderful<br /> Weald, and the Quest of the Crock of Gold,”<br /> is shortly to be republished in a 6s. edition<br /> by Messrs. Mills and Boon. In addition to<br /> the twenty illustrations in colour by Mr. E. F.<br /> Marillier, the new edition will contain a novel<br /> map in which the most romantic places in<br /> the Weald of Sussex will be shown in symbolic<br /> form.<br /> <br /> DRAMATIC.<br /> <br /> The notable run of “ Little Miss Llewellyn,”<br /> at the Vaudeville Theatre, has been followed<br /> by a revival of Sir Arthur Pinero’s farce<br /> ““The Schoolmistress,’’ which was first seen<br /> at the Court twenty-seven years ago, and<br /> attained its 292nd performance there. The<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> cast at the Vaudeville includes Miss Hilda<br /> Trevelyan as Peggy Hesslerigge, Mr. Edmund<br /> Gwenn as Admiral Rankling, and Mr. Dion<br /> Boucicault as Vere Queckett.<br /> <br /> A new one-act play—or domestic episode,<br /> as we understand it is called—by Sir Arthur<br /> Pinero is in rehearsal at the St. James’s<br /> Theatre. Its title is ‘‘ Playgoers,” and it is<br /> to be played in conjunction with Mr. A. E. W.<br /> Mason’s *“‘ Open Windows,”’ of which the first<br /> performance took place on March 11, with<br /> Mr. George Alexander and Miss Irene Vanbrugh<br /> in the leading parts.<br /> <br /> Miss Cicely Hamilton’s dramatic version of<br /> Mr. Edgar Jepson’s ‘“‘ Lady Noggs, Peeress,”<br /> is to be transferred from the evening bill at<br /> the Comedy Theatre to the afternoon, during<br /> Mr. Kenneth Douglas’s season, which com-<br /> mences at the Comedy early this month.<br /> <br /> March 4 saw the production at the Aldwych<br /> Theatre of ‘‘ Her Side of the House,” a three-<br /> act comedy by Mr. Lechmere Worrall and<br /> Miss Atté Hall.<br /> <br /> On March 20 ‘‘ The Greatest Wish,’’ Mr. E.<br /> Temple Thurston’s dramatisation of his own<br /> novel, was produced by Mr. Arthur Bourchier<br /> at the Garrick Theatre, succeeding Mr. Stanley<br /> Houghton’s “‘ Trust the People.”<br /> <br /> ‘The Morning Post,” a one-act play by<br /> Mr. Morley Roberts and ‘“‘ Henry Seton,” was.<br /> seen at Miss Esmé Beringer’s matinée at the<br /> Court Theatre on March 11, and subsequently<br /> was put into the evening bill at the Strand, as<br /> a curtain-raiser to ‘‘ The Woman in the Case.”<br /> <br /> On Easter Monday “ The Happy Island,”<br /> Mr. J. B. Fagan’s adaptation of the Hungarian<br /> dramatist, Melchior Longyel’s “* The Prophet,”<br /> was the play chosen by Sir Herbert Tree for<br /> his reappearance at His Majesty’s Theatre.<br /> The title first announced was “A White<br /> Man’s Burden,” but ‘‘ The Happy Island”<br /> was what was finally decided upon.<br /> <br /> At the Gaiety Theatre, Dublin, on<br /> February 25, there was seen a new poetic<br /> tragedy in three acts—** Queen Tara,” by<br /> Mr. Darrell Figgis. The play has been pub-<br /> lished in book form by Messrs. Dent, at 2s.<br /> cloth, and 1s. paper.<br /> <br /> The Stockport Garrick Society recently<br /> performed a play in three acts and a prologue,<br /> <br /> entitled ‘‘Jephthah’s Daughter,” by the<br /> author, whose pseudonym is X.Y.Z.<br /> At the Théitre Mboliére, Paris, on<br /> <br /> February 28, “‘ Une Adventure du Capitaine<br /> Lebrun ” was played for the first time. The<br /> author of this was Mrs. Irene Osgood, who has<br /> since the production been elected a member of<br /> the Society of Dramatic Authors in Paris.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Nel RS<br /> <br /> + et. Pipe See ge<br /> <br /> tos<br /> <br /> 3M<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> An organisation has been established for the<br /> representation of French plays in London, with<br /> Mr. J. T. Grein as chairman of the Executive<br /> Committee. The name of “‘ The Little French<br /> Theatre’? has been selected, and a West End<br /> house is to be secured, for Sunday performances<br /> in the winter, and week-day performances in the<br /> summer. The prospectus points out that, as<br /> the productions will be private, all the recently<br /> successful plays in Paris will be open to inclu-<br /> sion in the repertory. The regular company<br /> will be recruited from the considerable body<br /> of French actors in London. The annual<br /> subscription to the society will be 10s. 6d.,<br /> which will entitle members to a certain number<br /> of seats. Further particulars can be obtained<br /> from Mr. Philip Carr, who is the ‘ adminis-<br /> trator ”’ of the Executive Committee.<br /> <br /> The Masque, “‘ Love and the Dryad,” com-<br /> posed by Agnes H. Lambert (Mrs. Heygate<br /> Lambert), will be given, under the direction<br /> of the composer, at the King’s Hall Theatre,<br /> Covent Garden, on April 29, at 3 p.m. There<br /> will be a full orchestra, conducted by<br /> Mr. Eugene Goussens. The dances have been<br /> arranged for the stage by Miss Ruby Gernier,<br /> who will play the part of the Dryad. The<br /> caste includes Miss Evangeline Florence,<br /> Mr. Herbert Bromilow, Mr. Ernest Groom and<br /> others. The Masque will be followed by a<br /> dramatic scene ‘‘ Pan and the Woodnymph,”<br /> written and composed by Mr. Harrison<br /> Frewen, in which Miss Evangeline Florence<br /> will take the principal part. Tickets may<br /> be obtained from Messrs. Chappell &amp; Co., and<br /> Messrs Keith, Prowse &amp; Co., Bond Street.<br /> <br /> At the production of prize plays in the<br /> Lyceum Club competition at the special<br /> matinée, King’s Hall, Covent Garden, on<br /> March 12, one of the plays acted was Mrs.<br /> Steuart Erskine’s ‘‘ John Anderson’s Chance,”<br /> the scene of which is laid in “‘ the dining-room<br /> of a small house at Hampstead” at the<br /> present day.<br /> <br /> Mr. James A. Douglas, the author of ‘“‘ The<br /> Outcome of Agitation,” produced at the<br /> Kingsway Theatre, and another four-act play,<br /> just secured by a prominent London manager,<br /> has a story of the North West Territory,<br /> entitled ‘‘ The Lovers of the West,” in the<br /> Canadian News.<br /> <br /> MUSICAL.<br /> <br /> Mr. William Wallace, on January 1, delivered<br /> an address on ‘“‘ The Musician and Personal<br /> Responsibility,” to the Incorporated Society of<br /> Musicians, then in annual conference at Bir-<br /> mingham. This address has now been printed.<br /> <br /> 197<br /> <br /> PARIS NOTES.<br /> — &gt;<br /> A Colline inspirée,” by Maurice Barres,<br /> h after appearing as a serial in the<br /> Revue hebdomadaire, is<br /> lished in volume form.<br /> <br /> ‘** La Comédie de celui qui épousa une femme<br /> muette,”’ a two-act play, by Anatole France,<br /> has also appeared, and is in great demand.<br /> <br /> “Vers les Humbles,” by Madame René<br /> Waltz, is an extremely delicate psycho-<br /> logical study, written in the form of a diary.<br /> It is the history of a girl’s disillusions and of<br /> her moral evolution, told in the same simple,<br /> natural way as this author’s previous book,<br /> ‘‘La Vie intérieure,” which won for her an<br /> Academy prize.<br /> <br /> ‘** Les Contes de Minnie ”’ (Histoire de bétes,<br /> d’enfants, de fées et de bonnes gens), is another<br /> of the charming series of books by M. André<br /> Lichtenberger, stories of children for grown-up<br /> people.<br /> <br /> Madame Marguerite Poradowska gives us a<br /> strong novel, under the title of “Hors du<br /> Foyer.”<br /> <br /> “La Poursuite du Bonheur,” by B. Van<br /> Vorst, is interesting and instructive, coming,<br /> as it does, from the pen of an American woman.<br /> <br /> ‘La Famille Impériale 4 Saint-Cloud et a<br /> Biarritz,” by Dr. Barthez, is a volume con-<br /> sisting of a series of letters written by the<br /> doctor to his family. He gives an account of<br /> the everyday life of the Imperial family from<br /> the year 1856, when he was appointed medical<br /> adviser for the little prince, then only three<br /> months old. The letters continue until the<br /> year 1863.<br /> <br /> The last two volumes of the important work<br /> by Georges Goyau, entitled “‘ Bismarck et<br /> VEglise: Le Culturkampf,” have now been<br /> published. The first two volumes comprised<br /> the years 1870 to 1887, and the two which have<br /> just appeared continue up to the year 1890.<br /> The subject is treated very thoroughly and,<br /> thanks to the various anecdotes which the<br /> author gives, it is by no means a dull book.<br /> The account of the journey to Berlin, under-<br /> taken by the future Cardinal, Galimberti, is<br /> most interesting. Louis XIII. wished to<br /> sound Bismarck as to his attitude with regard<br /> to Italy and his ideas about the European<br /> situation. His messenger was to find out<br /> whether the intervention of the Pope was<br /> likely to be required on the Alsace-Lorraine<br /> question. After the lapse of so many years, it<br /> is most curious to return to that period of<br /> European history and to read details which<br /> have probably never been known by the<br /> <br /> now pub-<br /> <br /> <br /> 198<br /> <br /> majority of people. It is a work which must<br /> have required a very great amount of docu-<br /> mentation, and only an extremely conscientious<br /> historian could have given us the valuable<br /> work which M. Goyau has just terminated.<br /> <br /> The Marquis de Ségur has now published<br /> the second volume of his work entitled, “ Au<br /> Couchant de la Monarchie.”” The first volume<br /> was on “Louis XVI. et Turgot,’’ and the<br /> second is on “ Louis XVI. and Necker ”’ (1776—<br /> 1781).<br /> <br /> Among the memoirs and studies of historical<br /> characters, a book which will be read with<br /> great interest is the volume on Mirabeau, by<br /> M. Louis Barthou. It is curious to read an<br /> appreciation of a politician like Mirabeau by<br /> so well known a statesman as M. Barthou.<br /> <br /> The last volume of articles and lectures by<br /> Henri Poincaré is entitled ‘‘ Derniéres Pensées.”<br /> He was preparing it himself, up to the time of<br /> his death, as the fourth volume of his works<br /> for the ‘‘ Bibliotheque de Philosophie scienti-<br /> fique.’ Among the subjects treated in it<br /> are the following: ‘‘L’Evolution des Lois,”<br /> “‘ L’Espace et le Temps,”‘ “ Pourquoi l’Espace a<br /> trois dimensions,” ‘La Logique de l’Infini,”<br /> ‘‘Les Rapports de la Matiére et de l’Ether,”<br /> “‘La Morale et la Science.” M. Henri Poin-<br /> caré was considered to be the most remarkable<br /> mathematician in France, and he was also one<br /> of the most eminent philosophers.<br /> <br /> ““La Science moderne et |’Anarchie,”’ by<br /> Pierre Kropotkine, comes at a very opportune<br /> moment. The chapters which the author<br /> devotes to modern warfare, its financial<br /> origin and its atrocity are most instructive.<br /> <br /> A little weekly publication, in the form of a<br /> small review, commenced in the month of<br /> March, entitled Le Fait de la Semaine. The<br /> idea of the founders of this little publication is<br /> to take up the chief subject of public interest<br /> every week and study it from different aspects.<br /> The first number was devoted to the question<br /> of the military service of three years, the<br /> second number was entitled “Le Renouveau<br /> de la Presidence,’’ and the third is on the<br /> subject of ‘Les Drogues qui grisent.” The idea<br /> is an excellent one, as, thanks to this little<br /> weekly messenger, we shall be able to hear<br /> more than one side to a question. In the<br /> Revue de Paris (Nos. 4 and 5), M. Emile<br /> Boutroux has written an excellent article on<br /> Henri Poincaré, and in No. 5 there is also an<br /> instructive article entitled ‘* La Crise de notre<br /> Organisation militaire,”’ by Baiberti.<br /> <br /> The Revue hebdomadaire continues to publish<br /> the excellent series of lectures organised by<br /> the Société des Conférences. Among the<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> lectures published in recent numbers are those<br /> of Emile Faguet on ‘‘ La Fontaine,” and a<br /> series entitled ‘Mes Souvenirs,” by Jean<br /> Richepin, Gaston Deschamps, Maurice Donnay<br /> and Maurice Sabatier.<br /> <br /> Pierre de Quirielle also writes, in the same<br /> review, an article on Paul Thureau-Dangin,<br /> the late Sécretaire perpetuel of the French<br /> Academy, whose death is a great loss to the<br /> French literary world.<br /> <br /> The theatres have been more than usually<br /> active this year. The number of new plays<br /> and the quantity of small theatres must tend<br /> to make the task of the dramatic critic for the<br /> daily papers no easy one. At the Comédie-<br /> Marigny, M. Maurice Donnay’s four-act play<br /> ‘‘ Les Kclaireuses,’”’ has been, and still is, a<br /> great success. The feminist question is very<br /> much discussed in France, and M. Donnay has<br /> made it the theme of his play. i<br /> <br /> At the Thédtre Sarah Bernhardt, Henri<br /> Lavedan’s two-act play, ‘‘Servir,” is<br /> excellently played by Guitry, M. Capellani and<br /> Mme. Gilda Darthy.<br /> <br /> At the Vaudeville, M. Alfred Capus is having<br /> his usual success with his five-act play,<br /> ““Héléne Ardouin,’ and at the Bouffes-<br /> Parisiens, M. Henry Bernstein, with his new<br /> piece, ‘‘ Le Secret.”<br /> <br /> Atys HAuarp.<br /> <br /> ‘La Colline inspirée.”” (Emile Paul.)<br /> <br /> “La Comédie de celui qui épousa une femme muette.”<br /> (Calmann-Lévy.)<br /> <br /> ‘Vers les Humbles.”” (Calmann-Lévy.)<br /> <br /> “Les Contes de Minnie.” (Plon.)<br /> <br /> ** Hors du Foyer.’ (Editions du Temps present.)<br /> <br /> “La Poursuite du Bonheur.’ (Hachette.)<br /> <br /> “La Famille Impériale &amp; Saint-Cloud et 4 Biarritz.”<br /> (Calmann-Lévy.)<br /> <br /> “ Bismarck et ?Eglise: Le Culturkampf.” (Perrin.)<br /> <br /> * Au Couchant de la Monarchie.’’ (Calmann-Levy.)<br /> <br /> **Mirabeau.” (Hachette.)<br /> <br /> “&lt; Derniéres Pensées.”” (Hachette.)<br /> <br /> “La Science moderne et l’Anarchie.”’ (Stock.)<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> a<br /> <br /> THE CANADIAN BOOK MARKET.<br /> <br /> —+—~&gt;— + —<br /> <br /> HE article in the January issue of The<br /> Author, entitled ‘‘ The Book Market in<br /> Canada,” contains some _ interesting<br /> <br /> generalisations on the conditions existing there,<br /> especially those relating to the close proximity<br /> of the United States. There is no doubt that<br /> the representatives of United States publishers<br /> find the Dominion a favourable selling ground<br /> and an agreeable addition to their own exten-<br /> sive market. So do the representatives of<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ae)<br /> <br /> Pet Reet te ES ee<br /> arian, Nas Sehr Naga? SGD<br /> <br /> )<br /> <br /> a<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ‘THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> British publishers, while at the same time the<br /> publishing houses of strictly Canadian origin,<br /> which are chiefly located in Toronto and Mon-<br /> treal, are doing a satisfactory and increasing<br /> business. The latter are probably making<br /> more extensive sales in Canada to retail book-<br /> sellers than either their American or their<br /> British rivals. As book-buyers, Canadians are,<br /> as a rule, better customers than Americans.<br /> An instance corroborating this statement is<br /> found in a recent declaration by a publisher’s<br /> salesman familiar with both markets. He<br /> said that Canadian cities—he instanced Lon-<br /> don, Ontario and Vancouver, 3B.C.—were<br /> worth for business purposes more than Ameri-<br /> can cities of double their population. The<br /> Canadians are free book-buyers, and while<br /> their purchases in this line run chiefly to fiction,<br /> they will compare favourably with the book-<br /> buyers of the United States in respect to the<br /> more serious departments of literature.<br /> <br /> The writer of the article referred to sketches<br /> very fairly the influence of the United States<br /> on Canada in reference to clothes and food.<br /> He might also have mentioned boots and shoes,<br /> since Canadians are not slow to take advantage<br /> of the fact that the Americans are the best<br /> makers of footgear in the world. He is also<br /> right in saying that a flood of ephemeral<br /> American literature is poured into Canada.<br /> The magazines of the United States are legion,<br /> and there is a great market for them in Canada,<br /> not only in the cities, but in all places where<br /> men are subduing the earth, either as agricul-<br /> turists, miners or prospectors. It may be<br /> suggested, however, that the large sale of<br /> these publications is rather in spite of their<br /> specially American characteristics than be-<br /> cause of them. McClure’s Magazine sells in<br /> Canada, not because it exploits the Standard<br /> Oil or other scandals, not because it deals in a<br /> trenchant way with other purely American sub-<br /> jects, but because it. prints stirring stories and<br /> articles of general interest.<br /> <br /> In like manner it will be found that the<br /> alleged strong influence of the United States<br /> will not sell a book in Canada which is, to use<br /> a phrase in common use in publishing circles,<br /> “too distinctly American.” The sale of a<br /> book depends on a complexity of causes, but<br /> so far as fiction is concerned, these are its<br /> human interest—apart from locality—and the<br /> possession of those characteristics which go to<br /> make up what is called the “ story element.”<br /> “David Harum” was turned down by one<br /> Canadian publisher because he thought it was<br /> “too American.’ But its subsequent large<br /> sale in Canada proved that its humour and its<br /> <br /> 199<br /> <br /> story, though redolent of the United States,<br /> were of universal appeal. In like manner the<br /> novels of ‘‘ Ralph Connor,’ whatever may be<br /> thought of their literary quality, have sold as<br /> well in the United States as in Canada, the<br /> land of their production, or in England. On<br /> the other hand, American topographical and<br /> Civil War novels do not have a large sale in<br /> Canada, and it is not likely that they ever will.<br /> <br /> While, therefore, the author of the excellent<br /> article on ‘“‘ The Book Market in Canada ”’ is<br /> right in most of his conclusions, it may be<br /> submitted that he pushes too far the notion<br /> that the readers of Canada are controlled by<br /> American influences. A very large proportion<br /> of the books in the public libraries of Canada<br /> are of British origin, and in the reading rooms<br /> of those institutions the copies of the English<br /> reviews and magazines are always eagerly read.<br /> Canada welcomes good literature from every<br /> source, but the note of Canadian life is dis-<br /> tinctly British. The ideals of Imperial unity<br /> have an increasing hold on the people. Those<br /> ideals are fostered by Canada’s educational<br /> system, by her churches, by the boy scout and<br /> cadet movement, and by the provisions of the<br /> Canadian Militia Act. They are also stimu-<br /> lated by the annual migration of Canadian<br /> visitors to England.<br /> <br /> BernarpD McEvoy.<br /> <br /> —_____+—&gt;—+___—_<br /> <br /> THE AGREEMENT OF MESSRS. JOHN<br /> CURWEN &amp; SONS WITH MUSICAL<br /> COMPOSERS.<br /> <br /> —_ ++ —<br /> <br /> ‘&#039;N the July number of The Author last<br /> year an article was published under<br /> the heading ‘‘ Composers’ Agreements.”<br /> <br /> In that article, an agreement issuing from the<br /> offices of Messrs. John Curwen &amp; Sons was<br /> printed, with the approval of the Committee<br /> of Management, and with sundry favourable<br /> comments. Since that date, owing to the<br /> change in the Law of Copyright, Messrs.<br /> Curwen &amp; Sons have issued another agreement,<br /> which was brought to the notice of the Com-<br /> posers’ Sub-Committee of the Society. The<br /> fresh agreement has some important clauses<br /> inserted in it, and, owing to the insertion of<br /> these clauses, the sub-committee and the<br /> Committee of Management find it impossible<br /> to approve the agreement in its present form.<br /> Members are referred to the agreement as<br /> printed in The Author of July, 1912. In the<br /> first clause an important alteration has been<br /> <br /> <br /> 200<br /> <br /> made. The original agreement was limited to<br /> publication in ‘‘ Great Britain and Ireland,<br /> its Colonies and Dependencies’; in the new<br /> agreement the publishers have added, “ and<br /> in foreign countries.” They have also added<br /> a clause dealing with performing rights, which<br /> runs as follows :—<br /> <br /> “That in consideration of an undertaking hereby<br /> given by the publishers that no charge shall be made for<br /> permission for performances of the work, and subject<br /> to the clauses hereinafter mentioned, the composer hereby<br /> agrees to sell and assign to the publishers the exclusive<br /> rights of performance during the whole period of the copy-<br /> right of the work.”<br /> <br /> and a clause dealing with the licence for<br /> mechanical reproduction, which runs as<br /> follows :—<br /> <br /> “That in consideration of the payments and subject<br /> to the clauses hereinafter mentioned, the composer hereby<br /> agrees to sell and assign to the publishers the exclusive<br /> licence for the mechanical reproduction of the work.”<br /> <br /> The Composers’ Sub-Committee wrote to<br /> Messrs. Curwen &amp; Sons in the following<br /> terms :—<br /> <br /> “The Composers’ Sub-Committee of this Society con-<br /> sidered your letter of the 18th ult. at their meeting on the<br /> 8th inst. They regret you do not see your way to accept<br /> the suggestion put forward by them. They desire to point<br /> out that under the Act of 1911 copyright includes the<br /> performing right and the right of mechanical reproduction,<br /> and they have always made it a point in these agreements<br /> that the composer should not give away either the right<br /> of performance or the right of mechanical reproduction,<br /> and that no agreement demanding such control as<br /> suggested by yourselves on behalf of the publisher could<br /> be approved by them as acting for the composer. The<br /> sub-committee see no necessity, even granting that the<br /> publisher shares in these rights, for the sole control to<br /> remain in his hands. In making this statement, the<br /> sub-committee do not allow that the publisher has any<br /> claim to either of these rights, or to a share of these rights<br /> which they do not make any attempt to market.<br /> <br /> “As your agreement was printed in The Author as<br /> receiving the approval of the Composers’ Sub-Committee,<br /> I am asked to say that it will be necessary to give in that<br /> magazine the same publicity to the view of our sub-<br /> committee on the present agreement you have put<br /> forward.”<br /> <br /> In answer to that letter the publishers have<br /> replied as follows :—<br /> <br /> “In reply to your letter of ... we shall have no<br /> objection to your printing our agreement in The Author<br /> with your comments, provided you make it clear that the<br /> agreement is one that is used in cases where it is agreed<br /> that no charge is to be made for the performing right,<br /> and that the rights of mechanical reproduction are to be<br /> shared. Where this is not the case our agreement would<br /> not, of course, contain these clauses.”<br /> <br /> While the meaning of the publishers’ letter<br /> is clear, we do not understand the reason of<br /> the statement, ‘‘ the agreement is. one that is<br /> used in cases where it is agreed that no charge<br /> is to be made for the performing right.” If<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. *<br /> <br /> no charge is to be made, and the composer is<br /> willing to endorse this statement—no doubt<br /> there are certain forms of music on which it<br /> would be very inadvisable for a composer to<br /> make any charge for the performing right—<br /> there seems to be no reason whatever why, in<br /> order to accomplish this, the composer should<br /> sell and assign the exclusive right of perform-<br /> ance to the publisher. It is just as easy to<br /> agree to make no charge on the performing<br /> right if that right is still held by the composer,<br /> as if it was held by the publisher, with this<br /> additional security to the composer that he<br /> would still have the control of his own property,<br /> and would know how to act in case of any<br /> infringements of his right. It cannot be too<br /> often repeated that it is most important in the<br /> question of performing rights that the com-<br /> poser should retain the control and should have<br /> the power to act on his own judgment.<br /> <br /> The latter part of the letter refers to another<br /> alteration in the agreement which we have not<br /> as yet quoted. Clause 10 runs :—<br /> <br /> ‘The publishers shall pay the composer, his heirs,<br /> executors or assigns the sum of... of all moneys<br /> received by them in consideration of permission for the<br /> mechanical reproduction of the work, and shall make<br /> such payment within one calendar month from the time<br /> such moneys are received.”<br /> <br /> This says that some portion-—not men-<br /> tioned—of the mechanical reproduction rights<br /> is to be handed over to the publisher. If<br /> the composer is unbusinesslike enough to allow<br /> the publisher to take a certain portion of the<br /> rights of reproduction on mechanical instru-<br /> ments (several articles have been written in<br /> The Author dealing with this point), there is<br /> no reason why these reproduction rights<br /> should be transferred to the music publisher.<br /> It is just as easy for the composer to retain<br /> control of these rights, and allow the publisher<br /> to have a certain portion of them, as it is to<br /> convey them all to the publisher, who would<br /> then have the absolute control. Indeed, it<br /> is much more important that the composer<br /> should have this control, for it may be that<br /> he does not desire his work to be reproduced<br /> on. mechanical instruments at all; or it may<br /> be that he wants to sell them for a sum of<br /> money out and out; or it may be—which is<br /> much more probable—that he does not want<br /> the publisher to have any share in that pro-<br /> perty which does not belong to him.<br /> <br /> It is on account of these very serious and<br /> important alterations that the Committee of<br /> Management have been forced to withdraw<br /> their approval of the agreement in its modified<br /> form.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> THE COMMON-SENSE OF FREE-LANCING.<br /> <br /> 1<br /> By an Eprror.<br /> <br /> (A Repty To “THE Sorrows OF A FREE-<br /> Lance” in “ Tae Autuor,”’ Marcu 1).<br /> <br /> OME time ago I read in one of the<br /> morning papers the account of a<br /> bank clerk who gave up his situation<br /> <br /> (he was earning £3 a week, and living at home),<br /> and came to London to try free-lance<br /> journalism. He began idiotically by taking<br /> a room in Holborn at a rental of a sovereign<br /> a week, and finished by writing advertisements<br /> for whatever stray shillings he could obtain.<br /> I have been wondering, since reading the<br /> article by ‘A Free-Lance’’ in the March<br /> Author, whether the writer of that lugubrious<br /> and misleading story is any better equipped in<br /> the item of common-sense than the poor clerk.<br /> To begin with, the very best way to gain an<br /> editor’s attention is to post articles to him;<br /> when ‘‘ Free-Lance’”’? mentions the “ fearful<br /> postage expense to the author,” he simply<br /> shows that he was never intended by nature<br /> for any situation save one, where the plums<br /> drop straight into his mouth. If he cares to<br /> read my personal experience it may be of<br /> interest to him. I came from the West<br /> country, having for twelve months made a<br /> few extra guineas by verse and short story<br /> work. On the day of my arrival I took a<br /> room within a twopenny &quot;bus ride of the City,<br /> at a rent of 10s. per week, including fires—<br /> for it was winter. And then I wrote. What<br /> hours of effort, of grim despondency, of glorious<br /> exhilaration, that little ‘‘ bed-sitter’? knew!<br /> And what teas, when the young artist, who<br /> lived in the room below, came upstairs to<br /> exchange chatter and to tussle with me at<br /> chess; what chaff, when a chance friend, a<br /> reporter (now a well-known sub-editor) called<br /> to tell me of his escapades, and to charm me<br /> back to good cheer ‘with his irresistible stories ;<br /> what conversations with the kindred spirits<br /> who loved Keats, Meredith, Francis Thompson,<br /> who held opinions on Shaw, Chesterton, Henry<br /> James, and everything under the sun, and ex-<br /> pressed them pithily and sometimes profanely !<br /> Soon, pace ‘“‘ A Free Lance,” without once<br /> interviewing a single editor, or sending any<br /> preliminary letters, and with not one intro-<br /> duction, I began to have a fair number of<br /> items accepted. The grave and_ benign<br /> Spectator honoured me several times by taking<br /> an article, and once by commissioning an essay :<br /> the Academy, the Outlook, Punch, the World,<br /> the Pall Mail and Westminster, opened their<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 201<br /> <br /> f<br /> <br /> columns tome. Two or three papers wrote<br /> asking me tocall. On one occasion the editor<br /> of an old-established weekly telegraphed to<br /> know if I could let him have a sonnet ona<br /> national event by three o’clock the same<br /> afternoon. It was in the printers’ hands by<br /> the hour mentioned ; but I sincerely trust that<br /> never again shall I have to write a sonnet, a<br /> really respectable sonnet, against time. For<br /> three years this true friend—a dear, courtly<br /> old man, who died not long ago—took topical<br /> humorous verse from me almost every week,<br /> beside very many stories. Then came review-<br /> ing, plenty of it, without asking.<br /> <br /> In journalism, perhaps more than in any<br /> other profession, one thing leads to another ;<br /> the unfamiliar name, seen with a strong<br /> article or story, becomes talked about in the<br /> offices. Let a free-lance once give way to<br /> depression, and he might as well finish with<br /> his work. Let him worry over “ fearful<br /> postal expense,’’ and he may resign; one of<br /> my articles was refused by nineteen papers<br /> and accepted by the twentieth—the Spectator ;<br /> of course, it had been retyped several times.<br /> <br /> This brings me to the purchase of my type-<br /> writer, which saved me at once five or six<br /> shillings a week—for I never sent a hand-<br /> written article out on any consideration ;<br /> excepting, naturally, an urgent immediate<br /> commissioned one. That machine paid for<br /> itself several times over; it “did” a couple<br /> of novels without a pennyworth of repairs ;<br /> and both the novels were published at the<br /> publisher’s expense.<br /> <br /> Now, by a turn of the wheel, I read other<br /> people’s contributions instead of writing my<br /> own—though to all editors comes the task of<br /> an occasional article or review. And I read<br /> these piles of essays and poems, typed or<br /> scribbled, all the more sympathetically<br /> because I know exactly what some of their<br /> writers are going through in the way of hope<br /> deferred. Hundreds of them had better be<br /> tinkers, tailors, soldiers, sailors—especially the<br /> “poets ’?; but everything is read. It has<br /> been said a thousand times (yet no free-lance<br /> believes it!) that editors are on the look-out<br /> for good, original stuff; and it is perfectly<br /> true; at the same time, let the free-lance<br /> remember that there are a dozen reasons<br /> why his article may come back to him. Many<br /> papers, for example, have verse enough<br /> accepted for ten or twelve weeks ahead, or<br /> readable ‘“‘ middles”” have reached a goodly<br /> pile; then the editor, however, sympathetic<br /> he be, must relentlessly send back everything<br /> since his paper is not elastic.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 202<br /> <br /> The one charmingly sane remark of “A<br /> Free Lance’? concerns the interviewing of<br /> editors. The visiting contributor is nearly<br /> always a bore; sometimes he—or she—is a<br /> lunatic, apparently. Only a few weeks ago<br /> a lady passed, by guile, into my office, and<br /> began unpacking a small portmanteau; its<br /> sole contents were poems, neatly confined<br /> in scores or dozens, by elastic bands. Another<br /> time a soiled gentleman penetrated to the<br /> sanctum with a brown paper parcel under his<br /> arm that suggested the week’s washing; it<br /> also contained innumerable sheets of poetry.<br /> According to him it was poetry; according<br /> to the critical standard it was not. People<br /> who bring articles, generally omit to leave a<br /> stamped envelope, and write pathetically a<br /> few weeks after, wondering why they have not<br /> received a cheque. No editor cares to read a<br /> contribution while the writer waits. Person-<br /> ally, if an essay seems near the mark, but<br /> uncertain, I set it aside and read it again after<br /> the lapse of a day or two; I know many<br /> editors, and they are all, without exception,<br /> conscientious in reading everything that<br /> reaches them.<br /> <br /> With regard to the observations of ‘‘ A Free<br /> Lance’ on the difficulty of obtaining pay-<br /> ment, and the period that may elapse before<br /> publication, does he expect his editors to<br /> enquire solicitously when he would like his<br /> contribution to appear? They have some-<br /> thing better to do. Certain papers are risky ;<br /> they are well known, and contributions are in<br /> any case sent ‘“‘at owner’s risk.” With the<br /> good papers publication is a sufficient<br /> guarantee of payment. Let ‘“‘ A Free Lance ”<br /> amend his ways, and his sorrows, dear man,<br /> will dwindle to vanishing-point.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> +&gt; —_____<br /> <br /> BRITISH COPYRIGHT IN CANADA.<br /> —_—+—&gt; + —<br /> [Reprinted from the “* Musical Times” by kind<br /> permission of the Editor. |<br /> <br /> AN INJUNCTION GRANTED TO RESTRAIN THE<br /> ImporTATION INTO CANADA OF BRITISH<br /> CopyricnHt Music REPRINTED IN THE<br /> UNITED STATES.<br /> <br /> A judgment of far-reaching consequences was<br /> delivered on February 14 ult. by the Honour-<br /> able Mr. Justice Middleton in the High Court<br /> Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario.<br /> <br /> The plaintiff was Mr. Oliver Hawkes, of the<br /> well-known London firm of Hawkes &amp; Son,<br /> and the defendants were a prominent Toronto<br /> firm of music dealers and publishers. The<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> complaint was that the defendants had in-<br /> fringed the plaintiff&#039;s copyright by importing<br /> into Canada an American reprint of one of<br /> the plaintiff&#039;s publications, which—although<br /> it enjoyed no copyright in the United States<br /> of America—was nevertheless protected in<br /> Canada by virtue of the provisions of the<br /> British Copyright Acts.<br /> <br /> Under the British Copyright Law everything<br /> that is copyright in Great Britain is ipso facto<br /> copyright in Canada. It was therefore origin-<br /> ally unlawful for anyone to import into Canada<br /> a foreign reprint of a work first published in<br /> Great Britain. But by a British Act passed<br /> in the year 1847, the British Colonies were<br /> enabled to import such foreign reprints on<br /> condition that they passed a local law designed,<br /> to compensate the British proprietor of the<br /> copyright. Canada in 1850 duly passed such<br /> a law, fixing the duty to be levied on the<br /> imported copies at 124 per cent. ad valorem<br /> for the benefit of the British owner, and by<br /> Orders in Council of December 12, 1847, and<br /> of July 7, 1868, the clauses in the British<br /> Acts against importation of foreign reprints<br /> were suspended as regards Canada.<br /> <br /> In consequence of a clause in the British<br /> North America Act (1867), which conferred<br /> upon Canada the right to legislate in Canada<br /> on the subject of copyright, serious disputes<br /> arose between the Mother Country and the<br /> Colony as to the nature and extent of that<br /> right. The Canadian Government maintained<br /> that Canada was entitled to legislate for<br /> its own territory, even to the exclusion of<br /> the British Copyright Acts. Consequently<br /> Canada, having in 1875 passed a local Act<br /> which conferred Canadian copyright only on<br /> condition that the work was printed and<br /> published in Canada, claimed that unless<br /> British works were so printed and published,<br /> they lost all their rights in Canada, and that<br /> foreign reprints might be imported from the<br /> United States without restriction. The British<br /> contention had always been that the British<br /> North America Act had only enabled Canada<br /> to legislate for the copyright of works of<br /> Canadian origin, and that Canadian copyright<br /> legislation could have no effect on any British<br /> work first published outside Canada. The<br /> point was finally settled against Canada in<br /> the Canadian case of Smiles v. Belford.<br /> <br /> More recently another attempt was made<br /> to get round the decision in Smiles v. Belford.<br /> There is a provision in the British Customs.<br /> Consolidation Act of 1876 that the importa-<br /> tion of foreign reprints into British Colonies:<br /> can only be restrained when the Colonial<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THER AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> 9 (Customs have been duly notified that a copy-<br /> <br /> of right, in any given case, exists. There is,<br /> <br /> 4 however, an exception in the Act which renders<br /> <br /> such notification unnecessary in cases where a<br /> <br /> » Colony has made entire provision for the<br /> <br /> : management and regulation of its own Customs.<br /> <br /> i In the important case of Adam &amp; Charles<br /> <br /> } Black v. The Imperial Book Company it was<br /> <br /> , decided that Canada had made such a pro-<br /> <br /> 211 vision, and that consequently importations of<br /> <br /> rch British copyright works from the United<br /> <br /> -~* States into Canada could be restrained without<br /> <br /> “any previous notification to the Canadian<br /> <br /> a) Customs that a copyright existed. Eventually<br /> <br /> + im 1894, Canada passed a Customs Act under<br /> <br /> ‘+ which she formally declined to collect the<br /> <br /> ef 123 per cent. duty, which in 1850 she had<br /> <br /> FAs aindertaken to collect for the benefit of the<br /> <br /> sce British owner, but which in fact she had never<br /> ») troubled to collect.<br /> <br /> The question then became a simple one.<br /> 4° The British owner was no longer fettered by<br /> ied the British Act of 1847 and the Orders in<br /> ‘oD Council thereunder; for Canada had repu-<br /> =&gt; diated her obligation to collect the duty.<br /> <br /> ‘ ‘And the case of Adam &amp; Charles Black v. The<br /> eet L Imperial Book Company had decided that<br /> ©: importation of reprints of British copyrights<br /> . could be restrained without any notice to the<br /> s) Canadian Customs. The field was therefore<br /> <br /> j thrown open for a test action such as that of<br /> if ‘Hawkes v. Whaley, Royce &amp; Company. In<br /> sald that case the contention of the British copy-<br /> ») right holder has been completely vindicated,<br /> <br /> and the decision is of such importance to all<br /> it who are interested in the protection of British<br /> <br /> » copyright property, that we print the Order of<br /> /) ithe Court in full, with the object of giving it<br /> ‘48 additional publicity.<br /> <br /> In THE SUPREME CouRT OF ONTARIO.<br /> Hicu Court Division.<br /> <br /> Tur HoNouURABLE Friday, the Four-<br /> <br /> “Mr. JusticE MIDDLETON teenth day of<br /> February, 1913.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> “BETWEEN :<br /> Oliver Hawkes, Plaintiff.<br /> and<br /> Whaley, Royce &amp; Company, Limited,<br /> Defendants.<br /> Upon motion made unto this Court this day<br /> ‘by counsel for the plaintiff in the presence of<br /> counsel for the defendants, and upon hearing<br /> read the Writ of Summons herein and the<br /> ‘notice of motion served, and the affidavit of<br /> ‘Frederick Harris filed in support of the motion,<br /> and the affidavit of Eri Whaley in answer, and<br /> vupon hearing what was alleged and counsel<br /> <br /> 208<br /> <br /> f<br /> <br /> for both parties consenting that this motion<br /> be turned into a motion for judgment and<br /> that judgment be entered as_ hereinafter<br /> provided,<br /> <br /> 1. Tus Court poTH ORDER AND ADJUDGE<br /> that the defendants, their officers, servants<br /> and agents, be and they are hereby perpetually<br /> restrained until after the expiry of the plain-<br /> tiff’s copyright in and for the British Do-<br /> minions now existing in the musical book or<br /> publication known as ‘Otto Langley’s Tutor<br /> for the Violin,’ from printing or causing to be<br /> printed, or importing for sale or selling,<br /> publishing or exposing for sale or hire or<br /> causing to be sold, published or exposed for<br /> sale or hire, or from having in their possession<br /> for sale or hire without the consent of the<br /> plaintiff any copy or copies of reprints of the<br /> plaintiff&#039;s said publication published by one<br /> Carl Fischer of the City of New York in<br /> infringement of the plaintiff&#039;s said copyright,<br /> under the title of ‘Otto Langley’s New and<br /> Revised Edition of Celebrated Tutor to Violin,’<br /> or any other reprints or copies of plaintiff&#039;s<br /> said copyright.<br /> <br /> 2, ANpD TuIS COURT DOTH FURTHER ORDER<br /> AND ApJuDGE that the defendants do pay to<br /> the plaintiff his costs of this action, including<br /> costs of this motion, forthwith after taxation<br /> thereof.<br /> <br /> Judgment signed this<br /> <br /> 14th day of February, 1913.<br /> <br /> ——___—_—&gt;—e_&lt;_<br /> <br /> MAGAZINE CONTENTS.<br /> eg<br /> British REVIEW.<br /> Munchausen: The German Comic Giant.<br /> <br /> George.<br /> The Poetry of Alice Meynell. By Albert A. Cock.<br /> <br /> ENGLISH.<br /> Poem: Aphrodite at Leatherhead. By John Helston,<br /> Synge. By Lady Gregory.<br /> The Brain Thief. By Haldane McFall.<br /> The Commercial Side of Music. By G. Herbert Thring.<br /> Ragtime: The New Tarantism. By Francis Toye.<br /> NATIONAL,<br /> The Post Impressionist.<br /> <br /> By W. L.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> SCALE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS.<br /> <br /> ema<br /> [ALLOWANCE TO MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY 20 PER CENT.]<br /> <br /> Frout Page £4 0 0<br /> Other Pages a ee 0.<br /> Half of a Page ... a hes tee ive as es vee ke a8<br /> Quarter of a Page ies ese ver ie ca in ac 0 15-6<br /> Highth of a Page is soi re sie 0°70<br /> Single Column Advertisements 6 0<br /> <br /> Reduction of 20 per cent. made for a Series of Six and of 25 per cent. for<br /> Twelve Insertions.<br /> <br /> All letters respecting Advertisements should be addressed to J. F.<br /> BeLMont &amp; Co., 29, Paternoster Square, London, E.c.<br /> <br /> per inch 0<br /> <br /> <br /> 204<br /> <br /> HOW TO USE THE SOCIETY.<br /> — 1 —&lt;—4$-——<br /> <br /> 1, VERY member has a right toask for and to receive<br /> advice upon his agreements, his choice of a pub-<br /> lisher, or any dispute arising in the conduct of his<br /> <br /> business or the administration of his property. The<br /> Secretary of the Society is a solicitor; but if there is any<br /> special reason the Secretary will refer the case to the<br /> Solicitors of the Society. Further, the Committee, if they<br /> deem it desirable, will obtain counsel’s opinion without<br /> any cost to the member. Moreover, where counsel’s<br /> opinion is favourable, and the sanction of the Committee<br /> is obtained, action will be taken on behalf of the aggrieved<br /> member, and all costs borne by the Society.<br /> <br /> 2. Remember that questions connected with copyright<br /> and publishers’ agreements do not fall within the experi-<br /> ence of ordinary solicitors. Therefore, do not scruple to use<br /> the Society.<br /> <br /> 8. Before signing any agreement whatever, send<br /> the document to the Society for examination.<br /> <br /> 4. Remember always that in belonging to the Society<br /> you are fighting the battles of other writers, even if you<br /> are reaping no direct benefit to yourself, and that you are<br /> advancing the best interests of your calling in promoting<br /> the independence of the writer, the dramatist, the composer.<br /> <br /> 5. The Committee have arranged for the reception of<br /> members’ agreements and their preservation in a fire-<br /> proof safe. The agreements will, of course, be regarded as<br /> confidential documents to be read only by the Secretary,<br /> who will keep the key of the safe. The Society now offers:<br /> (1) To stamp agreements in readiness for a possible action<br /> upon them. (2) To keep agreements. (3) To enforce<br /> payments due according to agreements. Fuller particu-<br /> lars of the Society’s work can be obtained in the<br /> Prospectus.<br /> <br /> 6. No contract should be entered into with a literary<br /> agent without the advice of the Secretary of the Society.<br /> Members are strongly advised not to accept without careful<br /> consideration the contracts with publishers submitted to<br /> them by literary agents, and are recommended to submit<br /> them for interpretation and explanation to the Secretary<br /> of the Society.<br /> <br /> 7, Many agents neglect to stamp agreements,<br /> must be done within fourteen days of first execution.<br /> Secretary will undertake it on behalf of members.<br /> <br /> This<br /> The<br /> <br /> 8. Some agents endeavour to prevent authors from<br /> referring matters to the Secretary of the Society; so<br /> do some publishers. Members can make their own<br /> deductions and act accordingly.<br /> <br /> 9. The subscription to the Society is £1 1s. per<br /> annum, or £10 10s. for life membership.<br /> <br /> a Se coh SaeeeeEemmneee!<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO THE PRODUCERS<br /> OF BOOKS.<br /> <br /> &lt;1<br /> <br /> ERE are a few standing rules to be observed in an<br /> agreement, There are four methods of dealing<br /> with literary property :—<br /> <br /> I. Selling it Outright.<br /> This is sometimes satisfactory, if a proper price can be<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> . doctor !<br /> <br /> obtained. But the transaction should be managed by a<br /> competent agent, or with the advice of the Secretary of<br /> the Society.<br /> <br /> II. A Profit-Sharing Agreement (a bad form of<br /> agreement),<br /> <br /> In this case the following rules should be attended to:<br /> <br /> C1.) Not to sign any agreement in which the cost of pro-<br /> duction forms a part without the strictest investigation.<br /> <br /> (2.) Not to give the publisher the power of putting the<br /> profits into his own pocket by charging for advertisements<br /> in his own organs, or by charging exchange advertise-<br /> ments. Therefore keep control of the advertisements,<br /> <br /> (3.) Not to allow a special charge for ‘office expenses,”’<br /> unless the same allowance is made to the author.<br /> <br /> (4.) Not to give up American, Colonial, or Continental<br /> rights.<br /> <br /> (5.) Not to give up serial or translation rights.<br /> <br /> (6.) Not to bind yourself for future work to any publisher.<br /> As well bind yourself for the future to any one solicitor or<br /> <br /> III. The Royalty System.<br /> <br /> This is perhaps, with certain limitations, the best form<br /> of agreement. It is above all things necessary to know<br /> what the proposed royalty means to both sides. It is now<br /> possible for an author to ascertain approximately the<br /> truth. From time to time very important figures connected<br /> with royalties are published in Zhe Author.<br /> <br /> IY. A Commission Agreement.<br /> <br /> The main points are :— :<br /> <br /> (1.) Be careful to obtain a fair cost of production.<br /> <br /> (2.) Keep control of the advertisements.<br /> <br /> (3.) Keep control of the sale price of the book.<br /> <br /> General.<br /> <br /> All other forms of agreement are combinations of the four<br /> above mentioned.<br /> <br /> Such combinations are generally disastrous to the author,<br /> <br /> Never sign any agreement without competent advice from<br /> the Secretary of the Society.<br /> <br /> Stamp all agreements with the Inland Revenue stamp.<br /> <br /> Avoid agreements by letter if possible.<br /> <br /> The main points which the Society has always demanded<br /> from the outset are :—<br /> <br /> (1.) That both sides shall know what an agreement<br /> means.<br /> <br /> (2.) The inspection of those account books which belong<br /> to the author. We are advised that this is a right, in the<br /> nature of a common law right, which cannot be denied or<br /> withheld,<br /> <br /> (3.) Always avoid a transfer of copyright.<br /> <br /> ——_——__+———__- —_____—_<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO DRAMATIC AUTHORS.<br /> <br /> —+— +<br /> <br /> EVER sign an agreement without submitting it to the<br /> Secretary of the Society of Authors or some com-<br /> petent legal authority.<br /> <br /> 2. It is well to be extremely careful in negotiating for<br /> the production of a play with any one except an established<br /> manager.<br /> <br /> 3. There are three forms of dramatic contract for plays<br /> in three or more acts :— :<br /> <br /> (a.) Sale outright of the performing right. This<br /> is unsatisfactory, An author who enters inte<br /> such a contract should stipulate in the contract<br /> for production of the piece by a certain date<br /> and for proper publication of his name on the<br /> play-bills,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> (b.) Sale of performing right or of a licence to<br /> perform on the basis of percentages on<br /> gross receipts. Percentages vary between 5<br /> and 15 per cent. An author should obtain a<br /> <br /> percentage on the sliding seale of gross receipts<br /> in preference to the American system. Should<br /> obtain a sum inadvance of percentages. A fixed<br /> date on or before which the play should be<br /> performed.<br /> <br /> (c.) Sale of performing right or of a licence to<br /> perform on the basis of royalties (‘.c., fixed<br /> nightly fees). This method should be always<br /> avoided except in cases where the fees are<br /> likely to be small or difficult to collect. The<br /> other safeguards set out under heading (3.) apply<br /> also in this case.<br /> <br /> 4, Plays in one act are often sold outright, but it is<br /> better to obtain a small nightly fee if possible, and a sum<br /> paid in advance of such fees in any event. It is extremely<br /> important that the amateur rights of one-act plays should<br /> be reserved.<br /> <br /> 5. Authors should remember that performing rights can<br /> be limited, and are usually limited, by town, country, and<br /> time. This is most important.<br /> <br /> 6. Authors should not assign performing rights, but<br /> should grant a licence to perform. The legal distinction<br /> is of great importance,<br /> <br /> 7. Authors should remember that performing rights in a<br /> play are distinct from literary copyright. A manager<br /> holding the performing right or licence to perform cannot<br /> print the book of the words.<br /> <br /> 8. Never forget that United States rights may be exceed-<br /> ingly valuable. ‘hey should never be included in English<br /> agreements without the author obtaining a substantial<br /> consideration.<br /> <br /> 9. Agreements for collaboration should be carefully<br /> drawn and executed before collaboration is commenced.<br /> <br /> 10, An author should remember that production of a play<br /> is highly speculative: that he runs a very great risk of<br /> delay and a breakdown in the fulfilment of his contract.<br /> He should therefore guard himself all the more carefully in<br /> the beginning.<br /> <br /> 11. An author must remember that the dramatic market<br /> is exceedingly limited, and that for a novice the first object<br /> is to obtain adequate publication.<br /> <br /> As these warnings must necessarily be incomplete, on<br /> account of the wide range of the subject of dramatic con-<br /> tracts, those authors desirous of further information<br /> are referred to the Secretary of the Society.<br /> <br /> 2 gg<br /> <br /> REGISTRATION OF SCENARIOS AND<br /> ORIGINAL PLAYS.<br /> <br /> —— $&lt;<br /> <br /> CENARIOS, typewritten in duplicate on foolscap paper<br /> forwarded to the offices of the Society, together with<br /> <br /> a registration fee of two shillings and sixpence, will<br /> <br /> be carefully compared by the Secretary or a qualified assis-<br /> tant. One copy will be stamped and returned to theauthor<br /> and the other filed in the register of the Society. Copies<br /> of the scenario thus filed may be obtained at any time by<br /> the author only at a small charge to cover cost of typing.<br /> <br /> Original Plays may also be filed subject to the same<br /> rules, with the exception that a play will be charged for<br /> at the price of 2s. 6d. per act.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 205<br /> <br /> DRAMATIC AUTHORS AND~ AGENTS.<br /> —_+-—~&lt;9—+<br /> RAMATIC authors should seek the advice of the<br /> Society before putting plays into the hands of<br /> agents. As the law stands at present, an agent<br /> who has once had a play in his hands may acquire a<br /> perpetual elaim to a percentage on the author’s fees<br /> from it. As far as the placing of plays is concerned,<br /> it may be taken as a general rule that there are only<br /> very few agents who can do anything for an author<br /> that he cannot, under the guidance of the Society, do<br /> equally well or better for himself. The collection of fees<br /> is also a matter in which in many cases no intermediary is<br /> required. For certain purposes, such as the collection of<br /> fees on amateur performances, and in general the trans-<br /> action of frequent petty authorisations with different<br /> individuals, and also for the collection of fees in foreign<br /> countries, almost all dramatic authors employ agents; and<br /> in these ways the services of agents are real and valuable.<br /> But the Society warns authors against agents who profess<br /> to have influence with managers in the placing of plays, or<br /> who propose to act as principals by offering to purchase<br /> the author&#039;s rights. In any case, in the present state of<br /> the law, an agent should not be employed under any<br /> circumstances without an agreement approved of by the<br /> Society.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> =<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO MUSICAL COMPOSERS.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ITTLE can be added to the warnings given for the<br /> T. assistance of producers of books and dramatic<br /> authors. It must, however, be pointed out that, as<br /> a rule, the musical publisher demands from the musical<br /> composer a transfer of fuller rights and less liberal finan-<br /> cial terms than those obtained for literary and dramatic<br /> property. The musical composer has very often the two<br /> rights to deal with—performing right and copyright. He<br /> should be especially careful therefore when entering into<br /> an agreement, and should take into particular consideration<br /> the warnings stated above.<br /> <br /> ———————<br /> <br /> STAMPING MUSIC.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> The Society undertakes to stamp copies of music on<br /> behalf of its members for the fee of 6d. per 100 or part<br /> of 100. The members’ stamps are kept in the Society&#039;s<br /> safe, The musical publishers communicate direct with the<br /> Secretary, and the voucher is then forwarded to the<br /> members, who are thus saved much unnecessary trouble.<br /> <br /> —_—___+——+-—____—<br /> <br /> THE READING BRANCH.<br /> <br /> a gc<br /> EMBERS will greatly assist the Society in this,<br /> \ branch of its work by informing young writers<br /> of its existence. Their MSS, can be read and,<br /> treated as a composition is treated by a coach, The term<br /> MSS. includes not only works of fiction, but poetry<br /> and dramatic works, and when it is possible, under<br /> special arrangement, technical and scientific works, The<br /> Readers are writers of competence and experience. The<br /> fee is one guinea,<br /> i<br /> <br /> REMITTANCES.<br /> <br /> So<br /> <br /> The Secretary of the Society begs to give notice<br /> that all remittances are acknowledged by return of post,<br /> All remittances should be crossed Union of London and<br /> Smiths Bank, Chancery Lane, or be sent by registered |<br /> letter only.<br /> <br /> <br /> 206<br /> COLLECTION BUREAU.<br /> <br /> —t+~&lt; +<br /> <br /> HE Society undertakes to collect accounts and moneys<br /> <br /> j due to authors, composers and dramatists.<br /> <br /> 1. Under contracts for the publication of their<br /> works.<br /> <br /> 2. Under contracts for the performance of their works<br /> and amateur fees.<br /> <br /> 3. Under the Compulsory Licence Clauses of the Copy-<br /> right Act, i.e., Clause 3, governing compulsory licences for<br /> books, and Clause 19, referring to mechanical instrument<br /> records.<br /> <br /> The Bureau is divided into three departments :—<br /> <br /> 1. Literary.<br /> 2. Dramatic.<br /> 3. Musical.<br /> <br /> The Society does not desire to make a profit from the<br /> collection of fees, but will charge a commission to cover<br /> expenses. If, owing to the amount passing through the<br /> office, the expenses are more than covered, the Committee<br /> of Management will discuss the possibility of reducing the<br /> commission.<br /> <br /> For full particulars of the terms of collection, application<br /> must be made to the Collection Bureau of the Society.<br /> <br /> The Bureau is in no sense a literary or dramatic<br /> agency for the placing of books or plays.<br /> <br /> CHANGE OF ADDRESS.<br /> ere<br /> From March 1, the Society’s Offices will be<br /> <br /> at No. 1, Central Buildings, Tothill Street,<br /> ‘Westminster, S.W.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> GENERAL NOTES,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Tue AUSTRALIAN CopyricHT Act.<br /> <br /> WE have to thank the Colonial Office for its<br /> courtesy in supplying the Society with a copy<br /> of the Australian Copyright Act. We endea-<br /> voured to obtain it in other directions, but this<br /> is the first copy that has come to hand. We<br /> have pleasure in laying it before members in<br /> the form of a supplement.<br /> <br /> The careful perusal of the Act will show that<br /> on the whole it is satisfactory. The schedule<br /> referred to has been omitted, as the British<br /> Copyright Act was printed as a supplement to<br /> the July number (1912) of The Author. The<br /> Clauses referring to summary proceedings need<br /> the careful attention of all members of the<br /> Society. It will be seen on comparison with<br /> the Clauses in the English Act that they give<br /> a much wider protection. This is satisfactory,<br /> for the Clauses referring to summary pro-<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> ceedings in the British Act were ruthlessly, and<br /> in many cases quite unwarrantably, cut down,<br /> leaving a very poor chance of recovery for<br /> infringement ; but members must also note<br /> that these Clauses in the Australian Act<br /> cannot be enforced unless the literary work or<br /> dramatic piece has been duly registered in<br /> Australia. This has its disadvantages, but<br /> also its advantages. Its disadvantages arise<br /> owing to the trouble necessary to carry<br /> through the registration, though the matter is<br /> not very complicated. Its advantages are<br /> that such registration affords prima facie<br /> evidence in the Australian Courts that the<br /> author is the owner of the copyright, and it<br /> will not, therefore, be necessary for him to<br /> prove his title in the Australian Courts. It<br /> might be a matter of considerable difficulty to<br /> prove a titleif it was necessary, as it is necessary<br /> when summary proceedings are taken, to carry<br /> the matter through rapidly.<br /> <br /> Tue AMERICAN PRINTING TRADE.<br /> <br /> From the March number of Chicago Dial,<br /> we quote a very interesting passage referring<br /> to the increase of papers in the United States<br /> and Canada. We wonder how these statistics<br /> compare with the statistics in Great Britain.<br /> It seems extraordinary that in a great in-<br /> dustrial nation like the United States the<br /> printing and publishing industry is exceeded<br /> in number of employees and value of product<br /> by only four other industries.<br /> <br /> “The growth of the periodical press seems to keep pace<br /> with the growth of the world’s population. In the United<br /> States and Canada, for example, there was in 1912 a birth-<br /> rate of newspapers and periodicals amounting to more than<br /> five each week day ; that is, 1686 new publications started<br /> into being. But the death-rate was so nearly equal to the<br /> birth-rate that the net increase for the year was only<br /> thirty-six, about equally divided between this country and<br /> our northern neighbour, and chiefly confined to the field of<br /> daily journalism. So largely are we Americans a nation of<br /> readers that the printing and publishing industry is<br /> exceeded, in number of employees and value of product, by<br /> only four other industries—or so the statisticians assure us.<br /> In the last ten years the value of the annual output of<br /> printed matter in America has increased by more than<br /> eighty-six per cent. Nearly every trade and industry has<br /> its one or more periodicals, and the whole mass of<br /> periodical publications is divided into 208 classes, with the<br /> weekly issues of all sorts in a large majority. A study of<br /> the ‘American Newspaper Annual and Directory’<br /> impresses one with the magnitude of the industry that<br /> supplies to thousands of energetic Americans practically<br /> all the reading matter they ever avail themselves of.”<br /> <br /> ————<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> UNITED STATES NOTES.<br /> <br /> ——<br /> <br /> T the joint session last December of the<br /> American Academy of Arts and Letters<br /> and the National Institute of Arts and<br /> <br /> Letters (the body from which the Academi-<br /> cians are chosen) the president, Dr. Henry<br /> Van Dyke, deprecated the idea that the<br /> company present was one of “ self-appointed<br /> inheritors of mortal celebrity ’”’—all members<br /> of either society being chosen by the votes of<br /> their competitors and rivals. It was natural<br /> and proper that such a disclaimer should be<br /> made in an assembly of this kind, for no one<br /> knows better than literary men how divergent<br /> are the judgments of the day and of posterity<br /> respectively upon books and their writers.<br /> How many of to-day’s geniuses—or, to put the<br /> matter on a lower plane, to-day’s best-sellers—<br /> will be found hereafter in the list of the real,<br /> not the academic, immortals ? Only a publisher<br /> or a second-rate critic can, with any appearance<br /> of confidence, hail a work as “‘ the greatest<br /> novel ” (or whatever it may be) since this or<br /> that masterpiece, as “a book that is destined<br /> to live,” and so on. Perhaps posterity will<br /> preserve some of those volumes to which<br /> allusion has now to be made, but here it only<br /> falls to my lot to record their names and their<br /> authors.<br /> <br /> Fiction, as usual, comprises by far the<br /> largest section. Two dead writers are repre-<br /> sented in David Graham Phillips’s ‘‘ George<br /> Helm” and Myrtle Read’s ‘“‘The White<br /> Shield ’—the latter a collection of short tales.<br /> Robert W. Chambers has two works to his<br /> name, “‘ Blue Bird Weather” and “ The Gay<br /> Rebellion,” a skit on the suffragettes. L. J.<br /> Vance’s new book is “‘ The Day of Days” ;<br /> Booth Tarkington’s, “The Flirt” ; Edith<br /> Wharton’s, “The Reef’; Charles Egbert<br /> Craddock’s, ‘* The Ordeal”’; Margaret Deland’s,<br /> “The Voice’; Payne Erskine’s, “ Joyful<br /> Heatherby’”’?; Gouverneur Morris’s, ‘‘ The<br /> Penalty’’; Randall Parrish’s, ‘‘ Gordon Craig,<br /> Soldier of Fortune.” Hallie Erminie Rives<br /> had brought out ‘“‘ The Valiants of Virginia,”<br /> Ridgwell Cullum ‘‘ The Night Riders,” Mary<br /> Thompson Daviess ‘‘ Andrew the Glad,”<br /> H. S. Harrison (author of Queed) ‘“ V. V.’s<br /> Eyes,” John Fox, jun., ‘‘ The Heart of the<br /> Hills,’ Montagu Glass ‘‘ Elkan Lubliner,<br /> American,” and Will Irwin ‘‘ Where the Heart<br /> is.<br /> <br /> With ‘“‘ The Lady and Sada San,” Frances<br /> Little jumped into the envied list of best<br /> sellers before the end of 1912, though too late<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 207<br /> <br /> to be mentioned in the last issue of these Notes.<br /> Theodore Dreiser’s “*The Financier” and<br /> H. L. Wilson’s ‘“ Bunker Bean,” are two<br /> novels, very different in kind, that have<br /> attracted a lot of attention. Nor must notice.<br /> be omitted of the following :—‘** Paul Rundel,”’<br /> by W.N. Harben, ‘‘ A Jewel of the Seas,” by<br /> Jessie Kaufman, ‘‘ The Olympian,” by James.<br /> Oppenheim, “ The Harbor of Love,” by R. H.<br /> Barbour, *“* A Living Legacy,.”” by Ruth Under-<br /> wood, ‘** Concerning Sally,”’ by W. J. Hopkins,<br /> “Madison Hood,” by Hamilton Drane, ‘*‘ Which<br /> One?” by R. A. Bennet, “The Locusts’<br /> Years,” by Mary H. Fee, “ Jack Lorimer,<br /> Freshman,” by W. L. Sawyer, ‘‘ Miss Jimmy,”<br /> by Laura Richards, “Sally Castleton,<br /> Southerner,” by Crittenden Mariott, ‘‘ The<br /> Shadow,” by A. Stringer, and ‘‘ Everbreeze,”’<br /> by Mrs. S. P. McLean. “The Lost Million ” is<br /> a sensational tale by Winthrop Alder—which<br /> is stated to be the pseudonym of a well-known<br /> author. Two collections of short stories are<br /> J. R. Scott’s ‘‘ The First Hurdle and Others,”<br /> and Mrs. L. B. Van Slyke’s ‘“ Eve’s Other<br /> Children.’ Lastly, if it is to be classed under<br /> Fiction, George Ade’s latest is “‘ Knocking the<br /> Neighbours.”<br /> <br /> As this goes to the printers I have time to<br /> include in my list three more novels, published<br /> early in March :—‘ Pollyanna,” by Eleanor<br /> H. Porter; ‘‘ The Case of Jennie Brice,” by<br /> Mary Roberts Rinehart ; and ‘‘ The Poisoned<br /> Pen,” by Arthur B. Reeve.<br /> <br /> In comparison with the swarm of novels, the<br /> list of biographical works is very small, even.<br /> if it be made to cover personal reminiscences.<br /> John Van de Zee Sears has published ‘‘ My<br /> Friends at Brook Farm.” J. K. Hosmer’s<br /> “The Last Leaf,” and Hubert Howe Bancroft’s<br /> ‘“‘ Retrospection ” are both the results of the<br /> life-long observation of two old and respected<br /> Americans. The title of George Iles’s<br /> ‘‘ Leading American Inventors ”’ sufficiently<br /> explains the book. Of the ‘“ Writings of<br /> John Quincy Adams,” edited by W. C. Ford,<br /> the first volume has just appeared. In<br /> “Lincoln’s Own Stories”? Anthony Goss<br /> illustrates Abraham Lincoln’s life by means of<br /> authentic stories told by and of him.<br /> <br /> Under History we find ‘The History of<br /> Plymouth Plantations, 1620—1647,” by<br /> Governor William Bradford ; ‘‘ The Sunset of<br /> the Confederacy,” by Morris Scaff; ‘* The<br /> Elmira Prison Camp,” by C. W. Holmes ;<br /> and “The Unseen Empire,” by Dr. D. S.<br /> Jordan, who characterises his work in his<br /> sub-title as “a study of the plight of nations<br /> that do not pay their debts.”<br /> <br /> <br /> 208<br /> <br /> Description and Travel have a longer list,<br /> among which may be noted the following :<br /> “The Beginnings of San Francisco,” by<br /> Z. S. Eldridge, and ‘‘ San Francisco as it was,<br /> as it is, and how to see it,” by Helen Purdy ;<br /> “The Colonial Homes of Philadelphia and its<br /> Neighbourhood,” by H. D. Eberlein and<br /> H. M. Lippincott ; “* Boston, New and Old,”<br /> by T. R. Sullivan; ‘‘ Panama,” by C. W.<br /> Burris, and “Panama Canal: What it is,<br /> What it Means,” by John Barrett; ‘“* The<br /> Awakening of the Desert,” by J. C. Birge ;_ and<br /> “Seeing Europe on Sixty Dollars,” by W. F.<br /> Fauley. ‘‘ Old Chinatown ”’ is a collection of<br /> ninety-two pictures by Arnold Genthe, with<br /> an accompanying letterpress by Will Irwin.<br /> In ‘“‘ Myths of the Modoes,” Jeremiah Curtin<br /> deals with an Indian tribe in California and<br /> Oregon. The former state is treated more<br /> generally in the late Bradford Torrey’s<br /> “Field Days in California.” ‘A Mexican<br /> Journey,” by E. H. Blichfeldt, is decidedly<br /> topical just now.<br /> <br /> Of books on social subjects first place may<br /> be given to President Woodrow Wilson’s “ The<br /> New Freedom.” Bishop C. B. Brewster writes<br /> of “ The Kingdom of God in American Life.”<br /> In “ The End of Strife : Nature’s Laws applied<br /> to Incomes,” J. W. Batdorf proposes a federal<br /> income tax to meet the problem of the con-<br /> comitant rise of prices and decrease of income.<br /> “‘ Industrial Combinations and Trusts” is by<br /> Dr. W. S. Stevens, of Columbia University.<br /> ‘‘The Temper of the American People” is<br /> the title of a work by G. T. Smart; and in<br /> “« American Social and Religious Conditions ”<br /> the Rev. Charles Stelzle attacks a similar<br /> subject.<br /> <br /> ‘* Americans and Others ” (Agnes Repplier)<br /> and “‘The American Mind” (Bliss Perry)<br /> resemble the last two books in their titles, but<br /> are cast in the form of Essays. Under this<br /> head may be placed John Burroughs’s “ Time<br /> and Change”; Irving Babbitt’s “ Masters<br /> of Modern French Criticism’’; Brander<br /> Matthews’s ‘‘ Gateways to Literature’’; and<br /> Mrs. L. C. Pickett’s ‘* Literary Hearth-Stones<br /> of Dixie,’ though this is semi-biographical.<br /> <br /> Two learned works are “ Tiglath Pileser<br /> III.,” by Professor A. S. Anspacher (Columbia<br /> University), and ‘‘ The Inner Life and the<br /> Tao-Teh-King,’ by C. H. A. Bjerregoard,<br /> Librarian of the New York Public Library.<br /> Learned in a different way from either of<br /> these is ‘‘The Birds of Eastern North<br /> America,” by C. A. Reed, with illustrations in<br /> colour of every bird common to the United<br /> States and Canada.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> There are always some new books by women<br /> on the feminist movement in every season’s<br /> list in the States nowadays. Two may be<br /> singled out here among recent publications,<br /> “* Why Women are So,”’ by Mrs. M. E. Coolidge,<br /> and ‘‘ The Business of being a Woman,” by<br /> Ida M. Tarbell. A male writer who handles<br /> the subject is Professor E. T. Devine, occupant<br /> of the chair of social economy at Columbia<br /> University. ‘‘ The Family and Social Work ”<br /> is the style of his volume.<br /> <br /> At the above-mentioned joint session of the<br /> Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters,<br /> Dr. Van Dyke lamented the literary and<br /> artistic losses of the past year, including<br /> numerous members of the two societies.<br /> Death continues to make inroads upon the<br /> ranks of American writers. Too late to<br /> include in the obituary section of these notes<br /> last January were the losses of Whitelaw<br /> Reid (of whom it is superfluous for me to say<br /> anything now); of Will Carleton, the poet, who<br /> had attained to the age of sixty-seven years<br /> when he succumbed to illness last December ;<br /> and of Mrs. Laura Case Collins, who was<br /> eighty-six and had become but a name to<br /> modern readers. Right at the end of the<br /> year died General Theophilus Francis Roden-<br /> bough, who wrote a number of books and<br /> edited an American military journal. In<br /> January Mrs. Julia Ripley Dorr, a poetess<br /> and a friend of Emerson, Longfellow, Holmes<br /> and Lowell, died at the age of eighty-eight.<br /> The February obituary includes Anne Warner<br /> French, in England, on the 1st of the month ;<br /> Mrs. Irene Benson, a writer of juvenile books,<br /> on the 6th; Charles Major, author of ** When<br /> Knighthood was in Flower,” on the 18th;<br /> Cincinnatus Heine (‘“‘ Joaquin ’’) Miller, univer-<br /> sally known as the ‘“ Poet of the Sierras,”” on<br /> the 17th; and about the same time William<br /> de Lancey Ellwanger, another poet. It is<br /> a curious fact with regard to many of those<br /> whose decease is recorded here that they<br /> lived so long. Two octogenarians have been<br /> mentioned, and Joaquin Miller was seventy-<br /> one. In comparison Major and Ellwanger<br /> were young at fifty-six and fifty-seven.<br /> <br /> Pirie WALSH.<br /> <br /> $&lt; ——__<br /> <br /> THE AGENT LITERARY AND DRAMATIC.<br /> —— +<br /> <br /> 5 ua literary agent must enjoy towards<br /> <br /> the author a position of great confi-<br /> <br /> dence and great responsibility. He<br /> <br /> is responsible not merely for protecting the<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> author adequately from the publisher, the<br /> editor or the manager, should such protection<br /> be necessary, but he has also to see that in all<br /> his own dealings the author is kept fully<br /> informed ; it is necessary that the position of<br /> great confidence is not betrayed—it is not<br /> merely a negative honesty, but a positive<br /> virtue that is looked for.<br /> <br /> The value of the agent is much discussed,<br /> but in many cases his services are useful,<br /> and in some quite valuable; but from<br /> information received by the Society of Authors<br /> it would seem that he should be sometimes<br /> protected against himself.<br /> <br /> First he should, before commencing to<br /> work for an author, make a fair and reasonable<br /> agreement. The question immediately arises,<br /> ‘What is a fair and reasonable agreement ? ”<br /> If a solicitor is employed to draft a contract,<br /> he is paid a fixed fee for the work done. Ifa<br /> land-agent or house-agent is employed to<br /> let a property, he also is paid a fixed percentage<br /> on the first year’s rent obtained for his client.<br /> To a certain extent the literary agent combines<br /> the two positions, that of the man who finds a<br /> market, and that of the man who draws up<br /> the contract. If he is a good literary agent,<br /> he ought to have the necessary knowledge<br /> to a greater extent than the ordinary solicitor.<br /> The legal principles are not so much in question<br /> as the practical details.<br /> <br /> The literary agent, however, does not claim<br /> a fixed fee, and he does not claim a commission<br /> over a fixed term of years. In marketing and<br /> drafting a licence for the publication of 4<br /> work, or for the production of a drama, he<br /> claims a percentage on the returns, during the<br /> legal term of copyright, that is the life of the<br /> author and for fifty years afterwards. The<br /> | question naturally arises, “ Is this a fair and<br /> reasonable contract?” It may be in some<br /> cases, in others it is distinctly unreasonable.<br /> The Dramatic Sub-Committee of the Society<br /> of Authors and a specially selected Sub-Com-<br /> mittee each drafted a contract with agents.<br /> The first was a contract for the placing of a<br /> drama, and the second a contract for the<br /> placing of a book. Both of these sub-<br /> committees came to the conclusion that a<br /> fixed percentage, until the amount reached a<br /> settled sum, was the only fair and reasonable<br /> agreement with the literary agent for the<br /> double work of finding a market and drawing<br /> up a contract. The members of the Society<br /> are strongly advised to keep this opinion before<br /> them.<br /> <br /> The question is one of great importance,<br /> because in some cases an author, ignorant of<br /> <br /> 209<br /> <br /> literary agents’ fees and methods, is advised<br /> to go to an agent and is disappointed when he<br /> finds that, contrary to the usual arrangement in<br /> other businesses, he would have, most probably,<br /> to pay the agent 10% during the whole term of<br /> copyright, in the absence of a special agree-<br /> ment. It is, therefore, clearly a matter of no<br /> little moment that the agent should make a<br /> fair and reasonable agreement before he begins<br /> negotiations, and should place the whole facts<br /> of the position candidly before the author.<br /> If he does this and a contract is signed, there<br /> can be no dispute subsequently. If the author<br /> finds the agent is thoroughly trustworthy, he<br /> no doubt will allow him, when the total fee<br /> decided upon has been collected, to continue<br /> to collect the royalties, subject to a reasonable<br /> and reduced percentage. The sub-committees<br /> referred to considered that 5° was reasonable<br /> for the mere collection of monies and checking<br /> of accounts. Of course, where a work is sold<br /> for a sum down—for instance, the first serial<br /> use or the magazine rights in stories, or the<br /> licence to produce a play for a year—then the<br /> agent would naturally be paid a commission<br /> at a fixed rate for the one transaction, as would<br /> a house-agent or lawyer for letting a property<br /> or settling a contract.<br /> <br /> The preliminaries then, having been fixed,<br /> the agent proceeds to market the work, and<br /> from the moment the agreement is signed, the<br /> position of the closest confidence ought to exist<br /> between the agent and the author. As soon as<br /> an offer is made, and, subject to the willingness<br /> of the author or the dramatist to accept the<br /> financial side, the agent, acting in his capacity<br /> of expert adviser—in which sometimes he is by<br /> no means an expert—drafts a contract for the<br /> signature of the author. If he is a satisfactory<br /> agent, he will explain at every turn in the<br /> negotiations the disadvantages that may<br /> acrue to the author if he accepts some of the<br /> terms put forward by the publisher, or if he<br /> fails to insist upon some of the terms suggested<br /> for his own protection. In many cases the<br /> agent is quite clear on these points, and the<br /> author goes away with a full knowledge of<br /> what he may get and of what he must part with.<br /> In some cases that have come to the ken of<br /> the Society of Authors, the agent has advised<br /> the author to give away rights—thus weakening<br /> the contract—not necessarily with a view to<br /> the author’s benefit, but because the agent<br /> desires, in the rush of business, to get rid of<br /> one transaction in order to make way for<br /> others that are waiting. In so advising, the<br /> agent does not merely damage the individual<br /> author, but the whole profession of authorship.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 210<br /> <br /> He allows abuses to pass into currency until<br /> they can almost be defended as trade customs.<br /> This point might be dealt with much more fully,<br /> but I do not propose to enter into greater<br /> detail in the present article. There are many<br /> difficult positions in the present marketing of<br /> books, dramas, and all sorts of literary produc-<br /> tion, which have apparently been brought<br /> about by the agent’s neglect of the importance<br /> of standing firm on behalf of authors and<br /> dramatists.<br /> <br /> Having made all the points in the publisher’s<br /> agreement quite clear to the author (or not,<br /> as the case may be, and usually is), the agent<br /> then proceeds to insert a clause in the agree-<br /> ment, two examples of which are printed<br /> herewith :—<br /> <br /> (1) That the author hereby authorises and empowers his<br /> agent to collect and receive all sums of money payable to<br /> the author under the terms of this agreement, and declares<br /> that the agent’s receipt shall be a good and valid dis-<br /> charge to the publishers. The author hereby also<br /> authorises and empowers the publishers to treat with the<br /> agent on his behalf and in all matters concerning this<br /> agreement in any way whatsoever.<br /> <br /> Or (2) All sums due under this agreement shall be paid<br /> to the author’s representatives, whose receipt alone shall<br /> be a full and sufficient discharge of the obligation, and the<br /> said representatives are hereby authorised by the author<br /> <br /> to conduct all negotiations with the publishers in respect<br /> of the said work.<br /> <br /> From all the evidence that it has been<br /> possible to collect in the office of the Society<br /> it does not appear that the agent ever<br /> explains to the author the difficulties and<br /> dangers which may result when this clause<br /> in either form is inserted. That is to say,<br /> that on the first point, where the agent’s<br /> action touches his own position as confidential<br /> adviser, he very generally allows the author<br /> blindfold to sign an agreement with a clause<br /> inserted that may work mischief for his client.<br /> Attention has already been drawn to the<br /> difficulties that arise owing to the agent<br /> allowing the author to give way to certain<br /> of the publisher’s demands, but these can<br /> hardly be classed in the same list as the<br /> neglect to inform the author of the dangers<br /> of the clause referred to. If an author suffers,<br /> by the operation of this clause, he is the<br /> victim of what I consider to be indistinguish-<br /> able from a breach of trust. The first serious<br /> fault of which the author should be made<br /> aware, is that this clause is technically called<br /> “‘an authority coupled with an interest to a<br /> third party,” and is irrevocable as between<br /> the two parties who sign the agreement. No<br /> doubt the agent desires to protect his own<br /> interests. He is right to do so, but he must<br /> protect them in some other way—in any case<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> he must not abuse his confidential position.<br /> It is very easy, should the author desire the<br /> agent to collect his monies, to give the agent<br /> a separate and formal authority which could<br /> be handed to the publisher, and which could<br /> be cancelled at any time the author might<br /> desire; but even then, it is doubtful if the<br /> authority the author should give should be<br /> as wide as the irrevocable authority given<br /> in the clauses quoted. In clause 1 -and in<br /> clause 2 the agent’s receipt shall be a valid<br /> discharge to the publishers. In clause 2,<br /> indeed, the agent’s receipt “‘ alone’ shall be<br /> a valid discharge. Now a further legal point<br /> arises. A Court will not allow a statement of<br /> accounts to be re-opened when the accounts<br /> have once been closed by a formal receipt<br /> being given for the money paid, unless it can<br /> be shown at a subsequent date that the<br /> accounts are not being paid in accordance<br /> with the contract, and that there are clearly<br /> mistakes in them. If the agent carefully<br /> checked the accounts to see they were rendered<br /> in accordance with the terms of the agreement,<br /> and were correct as compared with the accounts<br /> that had already been rendered, even then the<br /> power of giving a valid receipt might put<br /> great temptation in his way; but on many<br /> occasions, from the study of publishers’<br /> accounts that have passed through agents’<br /> hands, it is quite clear that the agents have<br /> received accounts and cheques, have forwarded<br /> the receipt, and without going into the details<br /> have passed them on to the author unchecked.<br /> This brings about a very serious position for<br /> the author, and there is nothing in_ the<br /> clause to make the agent liable for such<br /> omission. He does not undertake to check<br /> the accounts, although he is permitted to<br /> give the valid receipt. These powers, then,<br /> in the agent’s hands, might make it difficult<br /> for the author to move actively and success-<br /> fully in the matter.<br /> <br /> Another point arises when the author<br /> empowers the publishers to negotiate with<br /> the agent on his behalf ‘‘in all matters con-<br /> cerning his agreement,’ and, as the first<br /> clause adds, ‘‘in any way whatsoever.” The<br /> author, then, has first irrevocably, during the<br /> continuance of the agreement, appointed the<br /> agent to collect his monies; . secondly, he<br /> has irrevocably appointed him to give a valid<br /> receipt; and, thirdly, he has irrevocably<br /> appointed him to deal with the publishers in<br /> all questions concerning the agreement. If<br /> the agent got into any financial difficulties<br /> (agents have been known to pass_ through<br /> financial crises) the publisher would still be<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> OUR DILATORY METHODS.<br /> <br /> bound to hand over the author’s money to<br /> the agent, and it is possible that when the<br /> final crash of bankruptcy came, the agent<br /> might have collected considerable sums on<br /> behalf of his authors, and the authors would<br /> only be entitled to a dividend as creditors in<br /> the bankruptcy. If, however, the author<br /> gives authority to the agent to collect his<br /> monies, that is revocable, a power to give a<br /> valid receipt that is revocable, and a power<br /> to deal with the publishers concerning the<br /> agreement that is revocable, then, if he sees<br /> that it is probable that his agentis in difficulties,<br /> he can revoke the authority, collect his own<br /> royalties, and pay to the agent in due course<br /> the commission due to him for placing the<br /> book or the drama with which the agreement<br /> is concerned; he can give his own valid<br /> receipt to the publishers ; and, finally, in any<br /> case where a dispute arises under the agree-<br /> ment and he prefers to conduct it himself, he<br /> can do so, and could most probably settle the<br /> matter in a more satisfactory way than the<br /> agent, or failing settlement could, if necessary,<br /> employ a lawyer to settle on his behalf.<br /> There are two points, then, to which<br /> attention should be specially drawn, first, the<br /> amount of remuneration an agent is receiving<br /> for the work he does, and, secondly, the limited<br /> power alone which should be entrusted to the<br /> agent for carrying out the work which he is<br /> able to undertake. It must be repeated that<br /> as the position between the agent and author<br /> is one of a specially confidential nature, it is<br /> all the more incumbent upon the agent to<br /> keep that position undefiled! He should<br /> explain all the difficulties of the publisher’s<br /> agreement, and while advising the author, he<br /> must let him settle for himself what he will<br /> give up, what he will reserve, and what risks he<br /> will take. He should explain the difficulties<br /> and dangers inherent in the clauses quoted,<br /> and allow the author to act, after appreciating<br /> them. For the same reason that the author<br /> employs an agent to negotiate his business and<br /> market his works, he would most probably<br /> desire the agent to collect the monies and to<br /> discuss all the difficulties that arise; but in<br /> no circumstances should the authority be<br /> irrevocable and unlimited, and it is certain<br /> that these vast discretions would never be<br /> given to agents if the authors understood<br /> rightly the various positions which might arise<br /> under their agreements. ‘These positions it is<br /> the agent’s positive duty to explain to his<br /> principal, clearly, correctly and frankly.<br /> <br /> G. H. T.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 211<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> OME years ago an American organisation<br /> in London wrote, asking me to call.<br /> I called.<br /> <br /> At once I was shown in. A great literary<br /> work in many volumes was to be produced.<br /> Would I like to take part in its production ?<br /> <br /> I replied “‘ Yes.”<br /> <br /> Then would I quote my terms ?<br /> <br /> I suggested that the director I was address-<br /> ing should quote a price. He did so. I<br /> refused it and quoted as much again. He<br /> offered me half as much again as the additional<br /> sum I had named, and I closed with the offer.<br /> <br /> ““ When could I start work ? ” was his next<br /> question.<br /> <br /> I suggested the following Monday.<br /> <br /> “ Could I start to-morrow ? ”’<br /> <br /> I said, ‘‘ Yes—to-morrow.”’<br /> <br /> “Then why not start right now ?” he said.<br /> “There is a table there that you can use. I<br /> will tell you what to do.”<br /> <br /> Within ten minutes of the time I had entered<br /> the room I was engaged and actually at<br /> work.<br /> <br /> Forty other men were engaged in the same<br /> way. Sixty shorthand-typists were engaged<br /> inside an hour.<br /> <br /> Recently an English firm wrote tome. They<br /> made a tentative proposal. They didn’t<br /> want—this was clear—to “ give themselves<br /> away.” Would I be prepared to assist in the<br /> production of a literary work .. . supposing<br /> that my qualifications . . . supposing they<br /> could see their way . . . supposing my terms<br /> : Would I “ write in’? and say what I<br /> thought about it ?<br /> <br /> I “ wrote in.”<br /> <br /> Three days passed. Then came a printed<br /> form acknowledging my letter.<br /> <br /> I waited.<br /> <br /> I waited a week.<br /> <br /> Then I ‘‘ wrote in ”’ again.<br /> <br /> Two days passed. Then a typed letter—<br /> “My communication was under consideration<br /> . . . I should hear in due course.”<br /> <br /> A fortnight passed. Thinking the “ due<br /> course”? must have elapsed, I “wrote in”<br /> again.<br /> <br /> Two days passed. Then a letter:<br /> <br /> ‘My communication would be brought up<br /> at the General Mecting on the following<br /> Thursday.”<br /> <br /> Four days passed. Then a letter—* Would<br /> T call at three on Tuesday ? ”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 212<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> I called at three on Tuesday. Mr. was<br /> extremely busy. Would I send in my card ?<br /> And what was the nature of my business ?<br /> <br /> Half-an-hour’s wait.<br /> <br /> Ushered into the presence of the Grand<br /> Llama.<br /> <br /> The Grand Llama most solemn. “ My<br /> proposal had been placed before his Board.<br /> The Board were favourably disposed, but<br /> <br /> . . they could not decide at once . . . there<br /> were points to be considered . . . my terms<br /> seemed rather high... they must take<br /> inquiries as to qualifications... had I<br /> <br /> ‘eredentials’’ I could show . . . what would<br /> be my very lowest terms... had I ever<br /> done work of this kind before... .?”<br /> <br /> I named my bedrock terms. The Grand<br /> <br /> Llama raised his eyebrows. ‘He really<br /> didn’t know... he didn’t think . . . con-<br /> sidering the enormous expenses the Company<br /> would be put to in the mechanical production<br /> of so vast a work... it was, of course,<br /> extremely speculative . There would be<br /> a Board Meeting in a fortnight’s time. He<br /> would try then to let me know : . .”<br /> <br /> Sixteen days passed. Then a letter—‘‘ The<br /> Board favourably disposed. Would I call at<br /> three on Friday ? ”<br /> <br /> I rang up.<br /> <br /> ‘“* The Grand Llama too busy to answer the<br /> telephone. What did I want to say to him ?<br /> Could the clerk give him a message? No?<br /> Then would I please ‘ write in’ making an<br /> appointment ? ”’<br /> <br /> Appointment made—and kept. Fifteen<br /> minutes’ wait. The Grand Llama quite<br /> cordial. ‘* Yes, they would want me to do<br /> this work. A letter of confirmation would be<br /> sent in due course.”<br /> <br /> Three days. Letter of confirmation re-<br /> ceived. “ Would I start work on the following<br /> Monday ? ”<br /> <br /> Total period of delay—two months and two<br /> days. And this is not fiction. It is truth.<br /> Basiu Tozer.<br /> <br /> oie ea a ee<br /> <br /> BRITISH WRITERS AND JOURNALISTS<br /> IN PORTUGAL.<br /> <br /> +<br /> <br /> By James Baker, F.R.G.S.<br /> <br /> OR some years past a wish had been<br /> expressed by members of the Sociedade<br /> <br /> _._ Propaganda de Portugal that the<br /> British International Association of Journalists<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> should pay a visit to the little country on the<br /> Western Ocean, but political events had<br /> delayed matters. This year, however, a<br /> cordial invitation was accepted by the Presi-<br /> dent of the Journalists’ Association, Sir James<br /> Yoxall, M.P., and in February a score of<br /> men and women journalists sailed by the<br /> R.M.S. Hilary of the Booth Line for Oporto.<br /> Mr. J. R. Fisher, of the Belfast Northern<br /> Whig, was elected chairman of the expedi-<br /> tion, as the President was prevented from<br /> travelling by Parliamentary pressure. Before<br /> reaching Portugal the party received a hearty<br /> greeting at Vigo from the representatives of<br /> the old friends of Galicia, Senors Oya and<br /> Barreras.<br /> <br /> At Oporto we saw at once an example of<br /> the warmth and cordiality of the reception<br /> that all Portugal was to give to us.<br /> <br /> A crowded programme had been prepared<br /> by the Sociedade de Propaganda, and Senors<br /> Wissmann and Roldan, the chief organisers,<br /> both of whom spoke excellent English, with<br /> Senor Vasconceles, accompanied us through-<br /> out the tour. This programme was added to<br /> by every town in their anxiety to give us a<br /> hearty welcome.<br /> <br /> The party included many specialists; and<br /> arrangements were made that they should<br /> have opportunities for seeing those matters of<br /> special interest such as schools, hospitals,<br /> prisons, factories with special machinery, and<br /> historical and archeological subjects.<br /> <br /> At Oporto the representatives of the town<br /> and of the port of Leixdes, with the chief of<br /> the Press, Senor Bernardo Lucas, met us;<br /> and a journey by special electric cars was made<br /> to the Exchange, where the Maire of Oporto<br /> gave us welcome. The birthhouse of Henry<br /> the Navigator and his statute told us of<br /> Portugal’s early maritime adventures; and a<br /> visit to the atelier and artistic home of Senor<br /> Antonio Teixeira Lopes, the great sculptor,<br /> gave us a delightful introduction to the<br /> modern art of Portugal.<br /> <br /> By kindly forethought, Senor Benoliel, a<br /> most expert photographer, was attached to<br /> our expedition; with orders to take pictures<br /> of any special scene or object for which our<br /> members wished. Senor Almeida, M.V.O.,<br /> who for four years had been second secretary<br /> of the Portuguese Legation in London, gave us<br /> also great assistance. A reception in the<br /> Moorish Salon of the Town Hall brought the<br /> day in Oporto to a close.<br /> <br /> At 6 a.m. on the following morning we were<br /> astir for the journey to Braga and Bom Jesus.<br /> The architectural glories of these spots are<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> world famous, but added to these we had the<br /> walks through the groves: bright with the<br /> blooms of camelias, and of the varied mimosa<br /> trees. Then we clambered up to Mount<br /> Sameiro for the view over a gigantic “ Dart-<br /> moor,” then on to the village of Briteiros to<br /> visit the Gallo-Celtic ruins of Citania—a vast<br /> prehistoric settlement on a high mountain ;<br /> with huts and houses and towers and graves<br /> and roads.<br /> <br /> After leaving Citania we journeyed on to<br /> Coimbra, where excited crowds received us.<br /> The students in long cloaks in true .student<br /> turbulency followed us up to the University ;<br /> there we had the help and guidance of Dr.<br /> Simoes de Castro, the veteran historian.<br /> <br /> The sequestered retreat of the Quinta das<br /> Lacrimas was visited, and the old and new<br /> cathedrals. Late at night, in motor cars, we<br /> ascended through the silent cedar forest of<br /> Bussaco, and by the light of the full moon<br /> arrived at the fairy-like Moorish Palace hotel,<br /> being greeted by showers of camelias and other<br /> flowers. None of the party will ever forget<br /> the glorious day spent at Bussaco, in the wild<br /> forests, and by the quaint little shrines beneath<br /> the cedars, towering to a 100 feet, the glorious<br /> views, and the climb up to the grim ridge<br /> where Wellington gave the first fieree check to<br /> Napoleon’s victorious army. The curious<br /> church and cloisters are all that is left of<br /> the monastery, and near by is the olive tree,<br /> whereto, tradition says, Wellington tied up<br /> his charger.<br /> <br /> But we had to quit this sylvan retreat for<br /> an arduous day’s motoring to Batalha, whose<br /> cathedral stands out as an _ architectural<br /> wonder, with its lofty nave and delicate<br /> light pillars. Then from Batalha_ through<br /> Leiria, with its finely situated castle, on to<br /> Thomar; all this day, Dr. Vierra Guimaraes,<br /> who is steeped in the lore of the district, gave<br /> us the advantage of his presence and _ his<br /> learning. The reception at Thomar was over-<br /> whelming. Cavalry escort, many bands,<br /> enormous crowds, rockets and showers of<br /> flowers; and in the great church of the<br /> Knights of Christ, famous for its wonderful<br /> “Sea”? window, the school children sang<br /> ** God save the King.” After a most interest-<br /> ing dinner, we motored to the railway, and at<br /> 10 p.m. travelled to Lisbon, arriving at<br /> midnight.<br /> <br /> In the capital our reception was as cordial<br /> as in the country districts. Here we went<br /> over the latest schools, and the great “‘ Peni-<br /> tenciary”” the principal prison; hospitals,<br /> -markets and public dining halls, parks and<br /> <br /> 213<br /> <br /> golf links{were visited, as well as Lisbon’s<br /> historic buildings, the famous Artillery<br /> Museum with the Hall of Henry the Navigator ;<br /> and the church of St. Vincent, where lie the<br /> Braganzas.<br /> <br /> A wish had been expressed that our members<br /> should meet the President of the Republic,<br /> and while in the Museum below the Palace<br /> at Belem, where now the President lives, a<br /> message was brought that he would receive<br /> us. Ushered into his rooms, we had an<br /> interesting conversation. He had been in<br /> London twice, and found that many English<br /> knew the history of Portugal better than the<br /> Portuguese themselves. In the evening a<br /> banquet by the city of Lisbon was given,<br /> presided over by the President of the Council.<br /> The Minister for Foreign Affairs, our own<br /> Ambassador, Sir Arthur Hardinge, K.C.B.,<br /> G.C.M.G.; our Consul, P. A. Somers Cocks,<br /> C.M.G., and a brilliant company were present.<br /> Sir Arthur Hardinge and the Portuguese<br /> Minister gave important speeches in French.<br /> The present writer replied to the toast of the<br /> Journalists, and Mr. Fisher proposed the<br /> prosperity of the Sociedade de Propaganda.<br /> <br /> On the morrow, in motors, we visited Cintra<br /> and Monserrat, where General Sartorius<br /> received the visitors; Pena and Estorial,<br /> where Sir Clement Markham was called upon ;<br /> and finally Cascaes. In the evening a special<br /> reception was given by the Portuguese Geo-<br /> graphical Society. The next day was given<br /> up to special work, and the new agricultural<br /> school at Queluz was inspected. At 10 p.m.<br /> we crossed the Tagus in the only rainstorm<br /> we had, and in a special wagon-lit train ran<br /> all night down to the famous southern pro-<br /> vince of the Algarve. At Villa Nova, at<br /> 6.30 a.m., the sun broke through, and we<br /> motored to Portima&amp;o and Praia da Rocha, a<br /> glorious spot on the Pheenician sea, with<br /> sands and worn rocks of lovely hues and<br /> strange shapes.<br /> <br /> We could well have lingered here for days,<br /> but our relentless guides, Senors Roldan and<br /> Wissmann motored us off to the mountains of<br /> Monchique, and then to Lagos, where the<br /> whole town was en féte, and a luncheon was<br /> served in a flower-bedecked balcony over-<br /> looking the glorious bay ; then to the great<br /> headland of Piedade, whence a good view<br /> was had of Sagres point, where Henry the<br /> Navigator thought out his schemes of ex-<br /> ploration. :<br /> <br /> Space forbids description of mule rides upon<br /> precipitous heights, receptions in quaint towns<br /> <br /> -and in peasants’ homes, and the scenes in this<br /> <br /> <br /> prosperous, highly cultivated province, where<br /> fig vine and almond and corn _ thrive<br /> amazingly.<br /> <br /> Our last day here was packed with interest,<br /> a run through Portimao, with a visit to its<br /> great Sardine Factory, and on to Faro, where<br /> people and students in their hot hospitality,<br /> headed by the Governor of the Province and<br /> notables, tried hard to hold us all day, but we<br /> ran away to the wonderful Roman ruins of<br /> Stoy; Tower and Forum and pavements all<br /> untouched; then on in the evening to the<br /> strange old Moorish town of Olhao, a veritable<br /> Tangiers in Portugal, with quaint arched<br /> bazaar-like streets, and Mosque; and here, not<br /> far from the Spanish frontier, we ended our<br /> tour in Portugal, our special train taking us<br /> back to Lisbon in the night, and the next day,<br /> after many adieux to our hospitable friends,<br /> we embarked on the R.M.S. Lanfrane for<br /> England, having proved how wonderful and<br /> delightful a country is Portugal in the early<br /> spring. The two things most needed in<br /> Portugal are roads (including additional<br /> railroads) and schools. It is a marvellously<br /> rich country, full of immense possibilities.<br /> Surely it has a great future before it.<br /> <br /> ++ ____<br /> <br /> THE LETTERS OF AN ORDINARY<br /> <br /> AUTHOR.<br /> —<br /> Collected and edited by JouN HASLETTE.<br /> III.<br /> Mains CoTraGE,<br /> SANTOLLER,<br /> Bucks.<br /> To Messrs. Back and Bleak. Publishers.<br /> <br /> Dear Sirs,—I have to acknowledge your<br /> letter of the 9th inst., and note with pleasure<br /> that your reader reports favourably on my<br /> novel entitled ‘‘ The Topmost Bough.”<br /> <br /> It is always agreeable to find one’s work<br /> approved by a critic ; still more to have that<br /> verdict emphasised by a firm who combine<br /> literary taste with business acumen. Person-<br /> ally, of course, I think that the book will “ go.”<br /> If I had not thought so I should not have<br /> troubled to write it, or asked you to savour it<br /> with a view to its ultimate appearance in six<br /> shilling form.<br /> <br /> You will forgive me now if I leave the<br /> question of literature aside, and deal with that<br /> portion of your letter referring to the terms<br /> upon which you will agree to publish my novel.<br /> <br /> You say, and I agree with you, that a first.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> novel is a difficult proposition ; that the public<br /> has an eye for old favourites, and does not<br /> always care to wade through many first<br /> attempts in an endeavour to provide itself with<br /> recreative reading. But, even with that in<br /> mind, you will admit that no author has<br /> tempted fortune in the first place with a second<br /> novel, only an Irishman with the cleverness<br /> of Sir Boyle Roche’s famous bird could<br /> accomplish the feat. Every novelist has been<br /> guilty of a first novel, and many of them have<br /> been published by firms like H—— and M——,<br /> and even by D—— and M n.<br /> <br /> You hint (very delicately) that the printing,<br /> publishing and pushing of a novel, for a small<br /> edition of one thousand copies, costs £100. I<br /> have heard this before. I have also heard that<br /> it costs £120 or £150, and occasionally £160.<br /> Of course, the printers are old-fashioned people,<br /> and do not quote close prices. That must be<br /> the reason why some estimate the cost of<br /> production at 1s. per copy, some at 1s. 3d., and<br /> some at 1s. 9d., while the old-established firms<br /> of publishers can get a large edition done at<br /> about 8d. It occurs to me that your firm<br /> might employ the printer favoured by M——<br /> or H , and save money by having your<br /> books printed at the cheaper rates.<br /> <br /> I notice that I am to pay you the sum of £70,<br /> and to receive in return the sum of Is. 6d. a<br /> copy royalty. Other editions, if any, are to<br /> be published by you, free of further cost to me.<br /> I am grateful for this generous provision.<br /> <br /> Your method of reasoning, if I follow it<br /> correctly, is something like this : One thousand<br /> copies of the novel are brought forth, and of<br /> this number you send out one hundred for<br /> review, etc. This leaves 900 copies on hand.<br /> These 900 copies will bring me, in royalties,<br /> some sixty-seven pounds. But, you say, if<br /> 900 copies are sold, it will be a sign that there<br /> is a good demand, and that a second edition ©<br /> will be called for, while I shall only be £3 to the<br /> bad. This is cheering news. I follow up the<br /> idea, and suppose that a second thousand are<br /> printed at your expense. Take it that 500<br /> copies are sold. Then my loss of £8 is wiped<br /> out, and I am in pocket to the tune of £34 10s.<br /> This, as you justly remark, is a profit to me of<br /> more than 50 per cent. on my original invest-<br /> ment !<br /> <br /> When I came to this passage in your letter,<br /> I must confess that I was puzzled. It pea<br /> to me that I was doing very well indeed. But<br /> my horridly logical mind cried out that there<br /> was a flaw in the reasoning. After all, I am<br /> not an investor, but an author. I did not set<br /> out to invest £70 in a publishing house’;, I<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> wrote a novel, and expected to get a return on<br /> the capital represented by my brains. When<br /> the investor buys stock in a railway company<br /> he does not give six months of his time to that<br /> company in addition to the solid cash he pays<br /> for the stock.<br /> <br /> Again, there was another point (presented<br /> by my wretched mercenary sense) ; so long as<br /> you have to sell your goods to make a profit it<br /> is certain that you will work hard to effect<br /> sales. But, if you are paid for the stuff before-<br /> hand, your zeal will languish, you will say to<br /> yourself, * Does it really matter if this novel<br /> Sells or not? Has not the author already paid<br /> for it 1”<br /> <br /> No, gentlemen—if you will send me a pro-<br /> spectus of your company, I may think of invest-<br /> ing money in it, but a novel will not be thrown<br /> in, like a coupon prize with pounds of tea.<br /> <br /> I fear much that “ The Topmost Bough ”<br /> must venture again upon its lonely pilgrimage.<br /> Glad would have been the day that saw your<br /> imprint upon the novel—free of charge. But<br /> I am not in the literary line for my health. I<br /> have none of the vanity of the man who must<br /> see himself in print or die. If I could draw a<br /> cheque off-hand for £70, it is a question if novel-<br /> writing would interest me so much as it does.<br /> I regret that your reader and your good selves<br /> should have laboured in vain, but so must it be.<br /> <br /> The novel may fail of other takers ; it may<br /> return like the cat of fable, until I am moved<br /> to make of it a burnt offering; but you may<br /> rest assured that, while I am unable to accept<br /> your offer, your words of praise and cheer will<br /> brighten many lonely moments of my life. I<br /> will keep your letter, and refer to it in moments<br /> of depression.<br /> <br /> I remain, Dear Sirs,<br /> Yours truly,<br /> “Plenry WYVERN.<br /> <br /> P.S.—Please return MS. and oblige.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> IV.<br /> <br /> Marys CotTraGE,<br /> SANTOLLER,<br /> Bucks.<br /> <br /> To Miss Henrietta Briggs.<br /> <br /> My Dear Aunt,—Very many thanks for<br /> your letter sympathising with me on my ap-<br /> <br /> arent lack of success in the “ life literary.”<br /> <br /> t is pleasant to hear that I am not forgotten,<br /> and to feel that, at least, one of my relatives<br /> encourages me in what you so rightly express<br /> as ‘‘ an uphill task.”<br /> <br /> I have carefully read your hints, and have<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 215<br /> <br /> put them away for future reference. They<br /> may assist me to a success like that of Mrs<br /> when I make use of them. You say that what<br /> is wanted nowadays is a story of “ sweetness<br /> and light,” a story which shall wring tears from<br /> the reluctant eye ; preferably, a story dealing<br /> with a dear child which, by its tender example<br /> and loving counsel, reclaims its erring father<br /> and mother. Failing this, you suggest that I<br /> should abandon my present style of writing,<br /> and imitate that of our great master of mystery,<br /> Mr. Your first idea strikes me as being<br /> very novel, and likely to appeal to a wide circle<br /> of readers, but I think it may have been done<br /> before—in America. Did not Mr. Dooley once<br /> speak of ‘ putting parents in the custody of<br /> their own childer.” Only one difficulty pre-<br /> sents itself to me in this connection. I have<br /> very little experience of children; the only<br /> little ones with whom I have lately come in<br /> contact being Uncle Tom’s boys. You will<br /> remember that I found it impossible to work<br /> when staying with Uncle and nearly quarrelled<br /> with the dear man in consequence.<br /> <br /> Sensation is another matter. My friend<br /> Maitland has a large selection of the works of<br /> the Master; and, no doubt, he will lend some<br /> to me, if I ask him. My own style of writing,<br /> however, is like an Old Man of the Sea. It<br /> clings to me persistently, and I find it extremely<br /> hard to imitate the style of other authors.<br /> Don’t you think this may be due to the fact<br /> that our minds differ ?<br /> <br /> Yes, it is quite true that a year has passed<br /> since I turned to the writing of fiction. It does<br /> seem a long time, and I must admit that I have<br /> not made a fortune during the twelve months.<br /> Talking of making money, I am glad to hear<br /> that Cousin Harry enters upon a four-year<br /> pupilship to architecture. In the circum-<br /> stances, the premium of £400 does not seem<br /> extortionate. In four years’ time he may be<br /> made an assistant.<br /> <br /> It is quite true that I am engaged to be<br /> married. To you, I know, it seems unwise.<br /> But even authors were created in two sexes,<br /> and I have hopes of making a decent income<br /> within a few years.<br /> <br /> Thanks for your offer of some excellent plots<br /> which I could work into stories. If you will<br /> take the trouble to write them out, I shall read<br /> them with much pleasure, and treasure them<br /> for all time. So many kind friends tell me<br /> stories, but they are mostly pointless. Yours,<br /> however, will be different. You understand<br /> that the fact that a man goes to India, and<br /> afterwards returns to marry a lady, with whom<br /> he was formerly in love, does not make a story.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 216<br /> <br /> Editors demand something more original.<br /> They cannot be brought to see that the simple<br /> recital of everyday events interests millions.<br /> I must close now, with love to all at the<br /> ** Mount,”’<br /> Your affectionate nephew,<br /> <br /> Harry.<br /> ———+ &gt; —_______<br /> A HISTORY OF ENGLISH PROSE’<br /> RHYTHM.*<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ee praise the work of a master so excep-<br /> tional and so universally regarded as<br /> Professor Saintsbury savours of im-<br /> pertinence ; to epitomise it effectively would<br /> be impossible for any one but its author; and<br /> to overlook it is impossible. In such circum-<br /> stances a reviewer might becomingly plead for<br /> permission to say only, ‘‘ Obtain this book,<br /> and make a serious study of its contents ”’ ;<br /> adding no more; and having said that would<br /> indeed have said what was most pertinent.<br /> The scope of the work is exactly described<br /> in its title. Building upon a foundation, at<br /> first essentially analytical, and always his-<br /> torical, and beginning from the earliest extant<br /> specimens of the language, Professor Saints-<br /> bury advances, through memorable observa-<br /> tions, on the effect of the Latin influences, until<br /> he is in a position to offer definite evidence of<br /> what constitutes agreeable or majestic rhythm<br /> in English prose. Thereafter he is in a position<br /> to test the rhythmic qualities of the prose<br /> of selected authors of high reputation, with<br /> results that are among the most noteworthy<br /> things contained in the book. When mar-<br /> shalled according to their ability to command<br /> numbers and to balance sentences, the cele-<br /> brated authors change in a very remarkable<br /> manner their familiar positions. Milton is found<br /> by no means always impeccable. Dryden<br /> holds his own as a master without fault.<br /> For the author a pertinent question will be<br /> whether the results of Professor Saintsbury’s<br /> investigations have direct value for profes-<br /> sional literary men. It must be answered that<br /> they are of the supremest value, and such as<br /> not to be overlooked by any one who attempts<br /> to write English prose. In these days, when<br /> poets (of a kind) have easily persuaded them-<br /> selves to disregard quantity, there will be<br /> enough of those who will declare, ‘‘ We care<br /> nothing about these things!”’—a quite un-<br /> necessary protest, seeing how abundant in<br /> their works is the evidence of that painful<br /> truth. But then there is also a story about a<br /> <br /> *“ A History of English Prose Rhythm.” By George<br /> Saintsbury London: Macmillan &amp; Co. 1912.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> fox and some grapes. To the authors who, on<br /> the other hand, do care how their sentences<br /> sound, the book may be recommended in the<br /> warmest terms. In it Professor Saintsbury<br /> has done for the English language what has<br /> never before been done for any language<br /> ancient or modern. The originality of the work<br /> is at the same time not more epoch-making<br /> than its doctrines are of supreme cogency.<br /> <br /> By way of caution, it may not be out of<br /> place to add that any one who does not possess<br /> an ear, and has also nothing to say, might by a<br /> consistently unintelligent use of the informa-<br /> tion contained in the volume, and particularly<br /> by “minding” the axioms and suggestions<br /> contained in the third appendix, succeed in<br /> writing English as pedantic and ridiculous as<br /> any that has ever been written. .<br /> <br /> Those who are familiar with the author’s<br /> writings will find inwoven with his teaching<br /> no lack of the delicious things that give it<br /> piquancy; such, for instance, as a reference<br /> to ‘“‘ the specious and half-informed ignorance<br /> which has now, for nearly half a century, been<br /> diffused among the lower classes by board-<br /> schools, and, through the contamination of<br /> grammar and public schools, among the middle<br /> and upper classes.”<br /> <br /> It must on no account be supposed that the<br /> work is of value to the student of English<br /> prose alone. Incidentally it throws startling<br /> sidelights upon the nature of prose even most<br /> remote from English, suggesting solutions of<br /> the puzzling phenomena that it in certain cases<br /> presents. But the essential thing to be noted<br /> here is that every author should procure the<br /> book and acquaint himself with its disclosures.<br /> <br /> CORRESPONDENCE.<br /> —~—<br /> UNREVIEWED Books.<br /> <br /> Str,—Perhaps you will allow me to add<br /> something to Mr. Isidore Ascher’s article on<br /> unreviewed books in The Author of February.<br /> This problem was discussed in the Preface of<br /> my “ Britannia Poems,’ 1910, the first time<br /> it was discussed seriously anywhere, I think.<br /> <br /> My Preface contains a complete list of the<br /> reviews and newspapers that received a copy<br /> of my first book, ‘‘ Home once More,” with a<br /> starring of them that noticed the book. I<br /> believe this to be the first time again that<br /> such a summary was published by any author.<br /> In my Preface I wrote :—<br /> <br /> ** , . . So twenty-one copies were thrown<br /> in the proverbial gutter! I want to be<br /> quite sensible over this old trouble, and to<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ne<br /> <br /> as<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> be fair to editors and reviewers, . . . yet<br /> I have complaints to make in the interests<br /> of authors generally. I sent my book out<br /> carefully : to good literary papers, promptly<br /> on publication, postage paid. ... Why<br /> could not these papers return my book<br /> when they could not notice it? Why need<br /> they keep books, sent in good faith because<br /> they review books, and because by _re-<br /> viewing books they ask for others? They<br /> may say: ‘We did not ask ior your silly<br /> book.’ ...I1 reply: ‘Don’t be absurd!<br /> You exist as literary organs because you<br /> review books.... You cannot review<br /> unless books are sent. ... You get hun-<br /> dreds of books and notice dozens... .’<br /> These loose habits are wrong, and the<br /> Society of Authors ought to do something.<br /> A book is sent out on trust, and should be<br /> regarded as the property of the sender until<br /> a notice has appeared, or it has been re-<br /> turned, like a manuscript. Or how would<br /> this do: for editors to be asked beforehand<br /> whether they are likely to notice a book if<br /> sent? I have tried this several times.<br /> . . . There I will leave the problem, en-<br /> larging it a little by this that the balance<br /> of unnoticed copies is a heavy tax on young<br /> authors. And this: that the relations<br /> among Authors, Publishers, and Critics,<br /> are still as unsatisfactory as ever: if any<br /> man can solve this problem he will deserve<br /> all he gets!”<br /> <br /> This part of the Preface was discussed in<br /> many papers and received all sorts of treat-<br /> ment, from low ridicule to high commenda-<br /> tion; but Mr. James Milne, of the Daily<br /> Chronicle, went beyond all others. The book<br /> had been criticised twice in papers under his<br /> literary control, and when he found it was not<br /> possible to give it a full-dress review in the<br /> Daily Chronicle, he wrote me a letter in which,<br /> after telling what had been done already, he<br /> ended thus: ‘‘ Now I am returning you the<br /> book which, I hope you will agree, completes the<br /> matter.” His letter is dated February 3, 1911.<br /> <br /> Is it too much to declare that Mr. Milne<br /> has done a new thing and set a precedent<br /> that may be of some historic value in the<br /> record of relations between authors and<br /> reviews? To me, at least, this returning of<br /> my book is a matter of considerable interest,<br /> and I am keeping the copy so returned as a<br /> literary souvenir. But will the Society of<br /> Authors consider the problem ?<br /> <br /> Yours faithfully,<br /> HEDLEY V. STOREY.<br /> 21, St James’ Avenue, Brighton.<br /> <br /> 217<br /> <br /> ~<br /> <br /> Tae UNEXPECTED.<br /> <br /> Str,—After about twenty years of—not<br /> only my own tribulations in connection with<br /> publishers (and agents), but of tribulations<br /> undertaken on behalf of others, the unexpected<br /> has happened : I have been requested, jointly<br /> by agent and publisher, to draw up my own<br /> contract ! This, after the one drawn up by<br /> themselves, had been submitted to your own<br /> valuable and judicious criticism.<br /> <br /> Not only so, but my amended contract has<br /> been accepted and signed. The result is,<br /> naturally, amicable relationships all round.<br /> <br /> I ought, perhaps, in fairness, to say that I<br /> made no demur to the pecuniary arrangements ;<br /> but in fairness, also, I ought to say that I did<br /> demur to several clauses, and that many of<br /> my objections were, without hesitation, sus-<br /> tained.<br /> <br /> I have myself so often given vent to objur-<br /> gatory remarks on the manners and methods<br /> of those pene-omnipotent gentlemen whose<br /> calling in life it is to transmute manuscripts<br /> into books, that I venture to send you this<br /> brief palinode.<br /> <br /> This letter is not a ‘“‘ free ad.’”’ But, with<br /> your permission, I would not mind giving the<br /> names of the agent and publisher I speak of<br /> to any who, for quite legitimate purposes,<br /> would like to know them.<br /> <br /> Yours faithfully,<br /> ARNOLD HAULTAIN.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Dear Sir,—The Fortnightly Review of<br /> March 1 contains an article entitled, “Is<br /> Austria really the Disturber? by Count<br /> Liitzow.” It is, of course, always disagreeable<br /> to a writer that the authorship of anything<br /> that is not from his pen should be attributed<br /> to him. May I, therefore, as a member of<br /> the Society of Authors, beg you in the next<br /> number of The Author to state that I am not<br /> the author of the article in the Fortnightly<br /> Review, and to publish this letter. As I have<br /> frequently written in American and English<br /> reviews—ineluding the Fortnightly—this mis-<br /> take is all the more unpleasant to me.<br /> <br /> Believe me,<br /> Yours faithfully,<br /> (Count) Litzow.<br /> <br /> [Ep.—We print the above letter with<br /> pleasure, but understand that the article was<br /> signed in the body of the magazine “Henry<br /> Lutzow,” and the author was further identified<br /> <br /> <br /> 218<br /> <br /> by the designation, “late Austria-Hungarian<br /> Ambassador in Rome.” It is a pity that there<br /> should have been an error on the cover.]<br /> <br /> ConceRNING ‘“ Cat ATHLETICS.”<br /> <br /> Dear Autuor,—Herewith I respond heartily<br /> to the views expressed by “ Progress,”’ in the<br /> February Author, in the matters of establishing<br /> a publishing union for the protection of writers<br /> on a professional basis, and an extra fortnightly<br /> supplement to The Author to facilitate inter-<br /> change of correspondence on matters of vital<br /> importance to Society members. An author<br /> can exist without publishers. But show me<br /> the publisher who exists without authors ?<br /> I should like best to know how much, to a<br /> ha’penny, writers like H. G. Wells, Arnold<br /> Bennett, or G. Bernard Shaw have put out<br /> advertising to arrive at their present stage of<br /> success ? Wouldn’t it be a good plan to have<br /> them, for the benefit of the many, divulge the<br /> lump sums they have earned minus their<br /> advertising bills ?—and their agents’ charges ?<br /> <br /> Assuredly it is high time the “ cat ” should<br /> be taught the wisdom of “jumping” the<br /> author’s way.<br /> <br /> JUSTICE.<br /> ——e<br /> Tue Suort Story WRITER.<br /> <br /> Dear Srr,—I cannot help expressing my<br /> appreciation of the article entitled “ The<br /> ‘Short Story’ Writer,’? which appeared in<br /> the March issue of The Author. Its strong<br /> common sense is very refreshing.<br /> <br /> In regard to the latter part of the article,<br /> may I be allowed to quote a few words from<br /> Rudyard Kipling’s speech at the 118th<br /> Anniversary Banquet of The Royal Literary<br /> Fund? They are these: “We might dis-<br /> cover cases where the blessed canons of art<br /> would seem to have recoiled upon them-<br /> selves—puzzling cases where the apparently<br /> flagrant pot-boiler had turned a man from<br /> destruction, quite as effectually as an angel<br /> -with a flaming sword; cases where a piece<br /> of unthinking buffoonery had steadied a man<br /> through the ten vital minutes of a life’s crisis,<br /> where cheap sentiment and rank melodrama<br /> had helped to lift some poor soul to humility,<br /> or sacrifice, or strength, that he knew not he<br /> possessed.”’<br /> <br /> I have no doubt that if the hidden springs<br /> of all actions could be revealed, thousands of<br /> such cases would be recognised. But, in<br /> addition, I think an unbiassed judge would<br /> admit that hundreds of cheap stories are well<br /> written, true to life, and likely to have a far<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> better influence: over the minds of their<br /> readers than a considerable percentage of the<br /> ordinary 6s. novel.<br /> I am proud to admit that, in addition to<br /> being a magazine contributor, I am<br /> A WRITER OF PENNY STORIES.<br /> <br /> ae<br /> <br /> Sir,—The monthly record of elections to<br /> the Society, which appears in your columns,<br /> shows that its work is becoming increasingly<br /> appreciated by writers, dramatists and com-<br /> posers. But the progress made by the Society<br /> in this direction during recent years, satis-<br /> factory as far as it goes, is far short of what<br /> it might be. New authors, new dramatists<br /> and new composers are constantly appearing.<br /> But how to reach them? The various<br /> literary, dramatic and musical annuals are, no<br /> doubt, of some help; but, in the nature of<br /> things, they can be of little use in tracing, as<br /> he appears, the new writer, dramatist or<br /> composer. And it is the new members of our<br /> <br /> profession, inexperienced in the methods of<br /> publishers, managers and agents, who stand<br /> most in need of the Society’s assistance.<br /> <br /> To appeal to them, care of their publishers,<br /> even assuming appeals are forwarded, is to<br /> <br /> run the risk of your appeals reaching the<br /> waste paper basket more often than not.<br /> Re-addressed letters are handicapped from the<br /> start, and when they obviously contain, as<br /> they must if the Society’s aims and objects<br /> are to be placed before the potential member,<br /> printed matter, the result is almost necessarily<br /> a waste of time, postage and labour.<br /> <br /> What then can be done ?<br /> <br /> Surely, the solution of the problem lies with<br /> the existing members. Donations to the<br /> Society’s funds in return for work done for<br /> members are constantly being acknowledged<br /> by the committee in your columns. That<br /> they are so often received affords ample<br /> testimony to the members’ appreciation of<br /> the Socicty’s efforts. But we are not all able<br /> to make this return, however anxious we may<br /> be to show our gratitude for the Society&#039;s<br /> assistance. What, however, we can do, and,<br /> I suggest, we should do, is to take every,<br /> opportunity which comes to us of recom-<br /> mending the Society’s work to our friends.<br /> There is scarcely any need to specify the<br /> occasions for the ‘word in season.” “ At-<br /> Homes,’”’ lunches, dinners, club theatrical<br /> performances, creditors’ meetings of bankrupt<br /> publishers—to name only a few. Others will<br /> readily occur to the enthusiastic recruiter.<br /> <br /> Yours, etc., Z. A. B., The Author
528 Author, Vol. 23 Issue 08 (May 1913)<a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=49&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=%3Cem%3EThe+Author%3C%2Fem%3E%2C+Vol.+23+Issue+08+%28May+1913%29"><em>The Author</em>, Vol. 23 Issue 08 (May 1913)</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=51&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=Publication">Publication</a>1913-05-01-The-Author-23-8219–248<a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=89&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=23">23</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=76&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=1913-05-01">1913-05-01</a>819130501~— The Huthor.<br /> <br /> (The Organ of the Incorporated Society of Authors. Monthly.)<br /> <br /> FOUNDED BY SIR<br /> <br /> WALTER BESANT.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Vor. X XIII.—No. 8.<br /> <br /> May 1,<br /> <br /> 1913. [PRICE SEXPENCE.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> TELEPHONE NUMBER:<br /> 374 VICTORIA.<br /> <br /> TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS:<br /> AUTORIDAD, LONDON.<br /> <br /> —_—_—_—_—_—_—_+—_&gt;_+-—___—-<br /> <br /> NOTICES.<br /> <br /> — &gt;<br /> <br /> OR the opinions expressed in papers that<br /> are signed or initialled the authors alone<br /> are responsible. None of the papers or<br /> <br /> Tk<br /> <br /> .8q@ paragraphs must be taken as expressing the<br /> ‘6 opinion of the Committee unless such is<br /> ues especially stated to be the case.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Tur Editor begs to inform members of the<br /> <br /> «* Authors’ Society and other readers of The<br /> <br /> _ Author that the cases which are quoted in The<br /> <br /> + Author are cases that have come before the<br /> <br /> notice or to the knowledge of the Secretary of<br /> the Society, and that those members of the<br /> Society who desire to have the names of the<br /> publishers concerned can obtain them on<br /> application.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ARTICLES AND. CONTRIBUTIONS.<br /> <br /> | Tue Editor of The Author begs to remind<br /> &#039; members of the Society that, although the<br /> __ paper is sent to them free of cost, its production<br /> would be a very heavy charge on the resources<br /> of the Society if a great many members did not<br /> forward to the Secretary the modest 5s. 6d.<br /> subscription for the year.<br /> <br /> Communications for The Author should be<br /> addressed to the offices of the Society, 1, Cen-<br /> tral Buildings, Tothill Street, Westminster,<br /> S.W., and should reach the Editor not later<br /> than the 21st of each month.<br /> <br /> Communications and letters are invited by<br /> the Editor on all literary matters treated from<br /> <br /> Vou. XXIII.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> the standpoint of art or business, but on no<br /> other subjects whatever. Every effort will be<br /> made to return articles which cannot be<br /> accepted.<br /> <br /> ADVERTISEMENTS.<br /> <br /> As there seems to be an impression among<br /> readers of The Author that the Comm ttee are<br /> personally responsible for the bona fides of the<br /> advertisers, the Committee desire it to be stated<br /> that this is not, and could not possj bly be, the<br /> ease. Although care is exercised that no<br /> undesirable advertisements be inserted, they<br /> do not accept, and never have accepted, any<br /> liability.<br /> <br /> Members should apply to the Secretary for<br /> advice if special information is desired.<br /> <br /> +» +<br /> <br /> THE SOCIETY’S FUNDS.<br /> <br /> ae<br /> <br /> “¥\ROM time to time members of the Society<br /> |} desire to make donations to its funds in<br /> <br /> recognition of work that has been done<br /> for them. The Committee, acting on the<br /> suggestion of one of these members, have<br /> decided to place this permanent paragraph in<br /> The Author in order that members may be<br /> cognisant of those funds to which these con-<br /> tributions may be paid.<br /> <br /> The funds suitable for this purpose are:<br /> (1) The Capital Fund. This fund is kept in<br /> reserve in case it is necessary for the Society to<br /> incur heavy expenditure, either in fighting a<br /> question of principle, or in assisting to obtain<br /> copyright reform, or in dealing with any other<br /> matter closely connected with the work of the<br /> Society.<br /> <br /> (2) The Pension Fund. This fund is slowly<br /> increasing, and it is hoped will, in time, cover<br /> the needs of all the members of the Society.<br /> <br /> 2<br /> <br /> <br /> 220<br /> THE PENSION FUND.<br /> <br /> —— &gt;<br /> <br /> N January, the secretary of the Society<br /> I laid before the trustees of the Pension<br /> Fund the accounts for the year 1912, as<br /> settled by the accountants. After giving the<br /> matter full consideration, the trustees _in-<br /> structed the secretary to invest a sum of £300<br /> in the purchase of Buenos Ayres Great<br /> Southern Railway 4% Extension Shares, 1914,<br /> £10 fully paid. The number of shares pur-<br /> chased at the current price was twenty-five<br /> and the amount invested £296 1s. 1ld. The<br /> trustees are also purchasing three more Central<br /> Argentine Railway New Shares at par, on which<br /> as holders of the Ordinary Stock they have an<br /> option.<br /> <br /> The trustees desire to thank the members<br /> of the Society for the continued support which<br /> they have given to the Pension Fund.<br /> <br /> The nominal value of the investments held<br /> on behalf of the Pension Fund now amounts<br /> to £4,764 6s., details of which are fully set out<br /> in the following schedule :-—<br /> <br /> Nominal Value.<br /> <br /> £. 8.4.<br /> Local Loans ......----s+seeees 500 0 0<br /> Victoria Government 8% Consoli-<br /> <br /> dated Inscribed Stock ........ 291 19 11<br /> London and North-Western 3%<br /> <br /> Debenture Stock ............ 250 0 0<br /> Egyptian Government Irrigation<br /> <br /> Trust 4% Certificates ........ 200 0 0<br /> Cape of Good Hope 84% Inscribed<br /> <br /> Stock ...0......515-----.-- 200 0 0<br /> Glasgow and South-Western Rail-<br /> <br /> way 4% Preference Stock .... 228 0 0<br /> New Zealand 34% Stock........ 247 9 6<br /> Trish Land 23° Guaranteed Stock 258 0 0<br /> Corporation of London 23%<br /> <br /> Stock, 1927—57............++. 438 2 4<br /> Jamaica 84% Stock, 1919-49 1382 18 6<br /> Mauritius 4% 1937 Stock ...... 120 12 1<br /> Dominion of Canada, C.P.R. 34%<br /> <br /> Land Grant Stock, 1988 ...... 198 3 8<br /> Antofagasta and Bolivian Railway<br /> <br /> 5% Preferred Stock .......... 287 0 0<br /> Central Argentine Railway Or-<br /> <br /> dinary Stock ...........:.... 232 0 0<br /> $2,000 Consolidated Gas and<br /> <br /> Electric Company of Baltimore<br /> <br /> 44% Gold Bonds ............ 400 0 0<br /> 250 Edward Lloyd, Ltd., £1 5%<br /> <br /> Preference Shares .i........ 250 0 0<br /> 55 Buenos Ayres Great Southern<br /> <br /> Railway 4% Extension Shares,<br /> <br /> 1914 (fully paid) ............ 550 0 0<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Nominal Value,<br /> £ a da<br /> 8 Central Argentine Railway £10 :<br /> <br /> Preference Shares, NewIssue.. 30 0 0<br /> <br /> Total, .4-s «cs. £4,764 6 0<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> PENSION FUND.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Tue list printed below includes all fresh dona-<br /> tions and subscriptions (i.e, donations and<br /> subscriptions not hitherto acknowledged)<br /> received by, or promised to, the fund from<br /> October 1, 1912.<br /> <br /> It does not include either donations given<br /> prior to October, nor does it include sub-<br /> scriptions paid in compliance with promises<br /> made before it.<br /> <br /> Subscriptions.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 1912.<br /> <br /> Oct. 10, Escott, T. H. S. :<br /> <br /> Oct. 10, Henderson, R. W. Wright<br /> <br /> Oct. 10, Knowles, Miss M. W. :<br /> <br /> Oct. 11, Buckley, Reginald .<br /> <br /> Oct. 12, Walshe, Douglas<br /> <br /> Oct. 12, “* Penmark” . :<br /> <br /> Oct. 15, Sinclair Miss Edith .<br /> <br /> Oct. 16, Markino, Yoshio<br /> <br /> Oct. 20, Fiamingo, Carlo<br /> <br /> Oct. 29, Henley, Mrs. . :<br /> <br /> Nov. 8, Jane, L. Cecil .<br /> <br /> Nov. 14, Gibb, W.<br /> <br /> Dec. 4, De Brath, S. . :<br /> <br /> Dec. 4, Sephton, The Rev. J.<br /> <br /> Dec. 4, Cooper, Miss Marjorie<br /> <br /> Dec. 7, MacRitchie, David<br /> <br /> Dec. 11, Fagan, James B.<br /> <br /> Dec. 27, Dawson Forbes<br /> <br /> 19138.<br /> <br /> Jan. 8, Toynbee, William (in addi-<br /> tion to his present sub-<br /> scription). . : .<br /> <br /> Jan. 9, Gibson, Frank . :<br /> <br /> Jan. 29, Blackley, Miss E. L.<br /> <br /> Jan. 81, Annesley, Miss Maude<br /> <br /> Feb. 6, Rothenstein, Albert .<br /> <br /> Feb. 10, Bradshaw, Percy V.<br /> <br /> April 8, Caulfield-Stoker, T...<br /> <br /> _<br /> Oannnn?<br /> nocoooccoooonoeocee™<br /> <br /> it bt<br /> MN orH oS<br /> <br /> Cor oooooororcsoooooobm<br /> 1<br /> <br /> CO 8S Oo<br /> <br /> a<br /> <br /> coooooeo<br /> —_<br /> SCaARROSOCOS<br /> <br /> Donations.<br /> 1912.<br /> Nov. 20, Kennard, Mrs. N. H. 3<br /> Dec. 4, McEwan, Miss M. S. . ‘<br /> Dec. 4, Kennedy, E. B. “ .<br /> Dec. 11, Begarnie, George . -<br /> <br /> ~<br /> anos<br /> <br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> <br /> eoocu<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> E&gt; fa Se<br /> Se<br /> <br /> d<br /> Als jf<br /> <br /> REAR AR<br /> <br /> k<br /> f<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> on ct tit otic ot<br /> <br /> hy<br /> :<br /> <br /> Dee.<br /> Dec.<br /> Dec.<br /> Dec.<br /> Dec.<br /> <br /> 11, Tanner, James T. . é<br /> <br /> 11, Toplis, ‘Miss Grace . i<br /> <br /> 14, Watson, Mrs. Herbert A..<br /> <br /> 14, French, Mrs. Warner j<br /> <br /> 17, Smith, Miss Sheila Kaye .<br /> <br /> Dec. 17,,Marras, Mowbray .<br /> <br /> Dec. 27, Edwards, Percy J.<br /> <br /> 19138.<br /> <br /> Jan. 1, Risque, W. H. :<br /> <br /> Jan. 1, Rankin, Mrs. F. M. .<br /> <br /> Jan. 2, Short, Miss L. M.<br /> <br /> Jan. 2, Mackenzie, Miss J. .<br /> <br /> Jan. 2, Webling, Miss Peggy<br /> <br /> Jan. 8, Harris, Mrs. E. H. .<br /> <br /> Jan. 8, Church, Sir Arthur,<br /> <br /> K.C.V.O., ete.<br /> <br /> 4, Douglas, James A.<br /> <br /> 4, Grant, Lady Sybil<br /> <br /> 6, Haultain, Arnold<br /> <br /> 6, Beveridge, Mrs. ‘<br /> <br /> 6, Clark, The Rev. Henry<br /> <br /> 6, Ralli, C. Scaramanja .<br /> <br /> 6, Lathbury, Miss Eva -<br /> <br /> 6, Pryce, Richard<br /> <br /> 7, Gibson Miss L. 8.<br /> <br /> 10, K.<br /> <br /> 10, Ford, Miss May<br /> <br /> 12, Greenstreet, W. J.<br /> <br /> 14, Anon<br /> <br /> 15, Maude Aylmer<br /> <br /> 16, Price, Miss Eleanor .<br /> <br /> 17, Blouet, Madame<br /> <br /> 20, P. H. and M. K.<br /> <br /> 22, Smith, Herbert W. .<br /> <br /> 25, Anon. . :<br /> <br /> 27, Vernede, R. E. :<br /> <br /> 29, Plowman, Miss Mary.<br /> <br /> 29, Todd, Miss Margaret, M.D.<br /> <br /> 81, Jacobs, W. W. :<br /> <br /> 1, ‘Davy, Mrs. KE. M.<br /> <br /> 3, Abraham, J. J.<br /> <br /> 4, Gibbs, F. L. A.<br /> <br /> Feb. 4, Buckrose, J. E. ‘<br /> <br /> Feb. 4, Balme, Mrs. Nettleton ;<br /> <br /> Feb. 6, Coleridge, The Hon. Gilbert<br /> <br /> Feb. 6, Machen, Arthur<br /> <br /> Feb. 6, Romane-J ames, Mrs.<br /> <br /> Feb. 6, Weston, Miss Lydia : ‘<br /> <br /> Feb. 14, Saies, Mrs. F. H. (in addi-<br /> tion to her subscription)<br /> <br /> Feb. 14, Maunsell, A. E. Lloyd<br /> <br /> Feb. 14, O&#039;Higgins, H. J. .<br /> <br /> Feb. 15, Stephens, Dr. Ricardo<br /> <br /> Feb. 15, Jones, Miss E. H.<br /> <br /> Feb. 17, Whibley, Charles<br /> <br /> Feb. 22, Probert, W. S.<br /> <br /> Feb. 24, S. F. G.<br /> <br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> <br /> Jan.<br /> <br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Jan.<br /> Feb.<br /> <br /> Feb.<br /> Feb.<br /> <br /> SCSoSCSOSCSD CoHOSCCOoNMh<br /> <br /> Hee OOOOCSCSo COMM OR OCH ONHOOCOCOOBRH OH OCOOOOROWOORNWH<br /> <br /> bn<br /> <br /> _<br /> Or or Ot Or Ot ©<br /> <br /> _<br /> Qe OK ONE NROOBREY ON GOO oe oO &amp;® OOOH bo eH<br /> <br /> i<br /> <br /> rt<br /> <br /> |<br /> <br /> —<br /> cCrountooe. Or Gr ee<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> oe OOP or orc 2<br /> <br /> ecoaocaace eceoscoconoasoonmsoancocososoosooococosooocos ooooood Secesesosce pa<br /> <br /> UTHOR.<br /> <br /> 221<br /> <br /> ob<br /> p 2<br /> of<br /> <br /> Feb.<br /> Mar.<br /> <br /> 27, XX. Pen Club : .<br /> <br /> 7, Keating, Theg Rev. J.<br /> Lloyd . : i<br /> <br /> 7, Tharp, Robert C.<br /> <br /> 10, Hall, H. Fielding<br /> <br /> 13, Moffatt, Miss Beatrice<br /> <br /> 14, Bennett, Arnold.<br /> <br /> 17, Michell, The Right Hon.<br /> Sir Lewis, K.C.V.O. .<br /> <br /> Mar. 17, Travers, Miss Rosalind<br /> <br /> Mar. 26, Hinkson, H. A.<br /> <br /> Mar. 26, Anon. . 5<br /> <br /> April 2, Daniel, a J.<br /> <br /> April 2, Hain, H.M. .<br /> <br /> April 7, Taylor, Miss Susette M.<br /> <br /> April 7, Harding, Newman .<br /> <br /> April 9, Strachey, Miss Amabel<br /> <br /> Mar.<br /> Mar.<br /> Mar.<br /> Mar.<br /> Mar.<br /> <br /> TOM oo<br /> OS Or On<br /> <br /> eoeoooaceoce ooooco<br /> <br /> eoooocuror<br /> ht<br /> moO oo © = or<br /> <br /> a nm<br /> <br /> COMMITTEE NOTES.<br /> <br /> ag pg<br /> <br /> MEETING of the Committee of Manage-<br /> ment of the society was held on<br /> April 24, at No. 1, Central Buildings,<br /> Westminster. The first matter before the<br /> committee was the election of the chairman<br /> for the current year owing to the resignation<br /> of Dr. S. Squire Sprigge who has held the post<br /> now for two years. On the proposal of<br /> Mr. Arthur Rackham, seconded by Mrs. Belloc<br /> Lowndes, Mr. Hesketh Prichard was elected<br /> to the position. Mr. Prichard, in acknow-<br /> ledging the honour conferred on him, stated<br /> that he would endeavour to earry out the work<br /> of the Society on the lines laid down by his<br /> distinguished predecessors in the office. He<br /> suggested, however, that as there was a very<br /> heavy list of agenda dealing with matters<br /> current under Dr. Sprigge’s chairmanship, that<br /> Dr. Sprigge should take the chair for the<br /> present meeting. This was agreed to.<br /> <br /> The elections to the Society made at the<br /> beginning of April on the chairman’s authority<br /> were then formally confirmed, and further<br /> elections that had come in during the month<br /> were placed before the meeting. The total<br /> number of elections since the meeting on<br /> March 3 amounted to forty-eight, making the<br /> total for the year 186. The committee<br /> accepted with regret eight resignations sent<br /> in since the same date in March, making the<br /> resignations for the year fifty-six. The total<br /> number of elections is not as high as up to the<br /> same period in 1912, which was a phenomenal<br /> year, but the total number of resignations, the<br /> <br /> <br /> 222<br /> <br /> committee were glad to report, was also below<br /> the number for the corresponding period of<br /> last year.<br /> <br /> The secretary then laid before the committee<br /> a list of those members who had been struck<br /> pff for non-payment of their subscriptions<br /> during 1912 and at the beginning of 1913.<br /> Despite the increase in the membership, the<br /> number struck off is lower than that which<br /> was chronicled last year. In half-a-dozen cases<br /> it was decided to write to the members in<br /> arrears, as it appeared that the non-payment<br /> of their subscriptions was merely due to<br /> oversight.<br /> <br /> The next matter before the committee was<br /> the re-election of the sub-committees for the<br /> current year. The Dramatic Sub-Committee<br /> was, on the suggestion of the dramatist<br /> members of the Society, re-elected, except<br /> that Mr. Rudolf Besier’s place, vacated by his<br /> resignation, was filled by the election of<br /> Mr. A. E. W. Mason.<br /> <br /> The other sub-committees stand as at present,<br /> save that the committee received with regret<br /> the resignation of Mr. Herbert Sullivan, owing<br /> to ill-health, from the Composers’ Sub-Com-<br /> mittee and the Copyright Sub-Committee. It<br /> was decided to ask Mr. H. J. MacKinder, M.P.,<br /> to join the Copyright Sub-Committee.<br /> <br /> The solicitor then reported the cases that<br /> had been carried through during the past<br /> month.<br /> <br /> The first case referred to an infringement of<br /> copyright to which reference has already been<br /> made in previous issues of The Author. The<br /> solicitor reported that the action had been<br /> set down for trial, and would, most probably,<br /> come on for hearing a week or so after Whitsun-<br /> tide. Thesecond case was also one of infringe-<br /> ment, and here it was decided to take no<br /> further action, as the infringement was not<br /> very serious, and the member involved was<br /> content with the action which had already<br /> been Staken by the ociety. The third case<br /> related to a dispute over accounts, arising<br /> from the peculiar wording of the contract.<br /> In accordance with the instructions of the<br /> committee, given at their last meeting,<br /> counsel’s opinion had been taken, and as the<br /> contention of the author had been upheld by<br /> counsel, the solicitors had communicated with<br /> the publisher, and had now obtained from him<br /> a proposal for an equitable settlement which<br /> had been accepted by the author. The fourth<br /> case arose out of a dispute on an agreement<br /> between an author and a publisher as to the<br /> date of publication of certain books, and the<br /> matter was settled by the publisher surren-<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> dering all claims to delivery of other books,<br /> by returning the. MS. that he had held and by<br /> forfeiting the amount paid in advance of —<br /> royalties. The fifth case was with the same —<br /> publisher and referred also to a dispute con-<br /> cerning the delivery of further books to be<br /> published under the agreement. The matter<br /> was in the course of negotiation, and the<br /> solicitors had suggested the appointment of an<br /> arbitrator if necessary to settle the issues.<br /> <br /> In a county court case against a music<br /> publisher, the solicitors reported that the<br /> matter had been settled, but that no money<br /> would be recoverable owing to. the fact that<br /> a judgment for a large sum had been obtained<br /> against the publisher by another creditor.<br /> The next dispute arose owing to a fire which<br /> had occurred in a publisher’s warehouse, and<br /> the solicitor reported. the action taken for the<br /> members involved.<br /> <br /> The solicitor then gave a further report upon<br /> an interesting action against the editor of a<br /> paper. The editor maintained that in the<br /> absence of contract before publication he<br /> had a right to pay the author certain fixed<br /> terms, the solicitor contended, on behalf of<br /> the author, that the editor had no right<br /> whatever to make his own terms after the<br /> publication of the. work. If the terms<br /> suggested by the editor were unreasonable then<br /> it would be for the Court to set them aside.<br /> The issue will be tried. The next case was<br /> against the proprietor of a paper. The<br /> solicitor had carefully followed the course of<br /> the bankruptcy of the publication, and reported<br /> that there were claims for over £2,000, and no<br /> assets. This, he said, had been reported to<br /> the members concerned, and as there was no<br /> prospect of a dividend being paid, and as the<br /> claims were small, it was dended not to go to<br /> the useless expense of proving in the bank-<br /> ruptcy. In the matter of Stephen Swift &amp; Co.,<br /> Ltd., the solicitor reported that the liquidator<br /> had failed to sell the business as a whole, and<br /> stated that he was now realising the assets<br /> piecemeal. The solicitor thought that a<br /> dividend of 3s. in the pound would be declared.<br /> Lastly, the solicitor reported that judgment<br /> against a publisher had been obtained, and<br /> on the threat of execution, had been satisfied<br /> and the costs paid.<br /> <br /> In a case where the publisher had refused<br /> to produce vouchers for charges made under a<br /> profit-sharing agreement, the committee con-<br /> firmed the action of the chairman, who had<br /> already placed the matter in the hands of the<br /> solicitors. They were instructed to take legal<br /> action if necessary for the member concerned,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Go ade<br /> <br /> 1<br /> 3<br /> k<br /> st<br /> iF<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> as an important principle was involved.<br /> Another case arising out of an inadvertent<br /> breach of his contract by a member was<br /> considered, and the solicitors reported that<br /> they hoped to effect a fair compromise on his<br /> behalf.<br /> <br /> The solicitor reported the action he had<br /> taken respecting a complicated question of<br /> dramatic copyright and international law.<br /> The matter was governed, largely, by the<br /> French Convention of 1851 before the Interna-<br /> tional Copyright Act of 1886 and the Berne<br /> Convention had been formed. The solicitor<br /> had advised, and as no further action had been<br /> taken on the other side, it seemed probable<br /> that the claim would be withdrawn.<br /> <br /> The secretary then drew the attention of the<br /> committee to the infringement of dramatic<br /> copyright in India, and reported that the<br /> solicitors in India had been unable to reach<br /> the defendant. The committee instructed the<br /> secretary to report to the solicitors in India<br /> their wish that these infringements should be<br /> stopped, and that the solicitors should use<br /> their utmost endeavours to bring the suits<br /> against the defendant (who was the manager<br /> of a travelling company) on his return to<br /> India. :<br /> <br /> Infringements of dramatic copyright in<br /> Jamaica were next reported by the secretary.<br /> The committee decided to ascertain from the<br /> authorities whether steps could be taken to<br /> stop such infringements in the future, and if<br /> steps could be taken, to ascertain the nature<br /> of these steps.<br /> <br /> The secretary also reported the progress<br /> of a case in Switzerland. In the event of<br /> judgment going against the Society, it was<br /> decided that the matter should be referred<br /> back for consideration.<br /> <br /> A letter forwarded to the editor of The<br /> Author was referred to the committee, who<br /> regretted they were unable to authorise its<br /> insertion.<br /> <br /> Two important matters referring to<br /> domestic and international copyright were<br /> then mentioned to the committee. The action<br /> taken by the chairman and the secretary was<br /> reported. The committee regret that it is not<br /> possible, at the present moment, to give<br /> further details, as any premature statement<br /> might prejudice the negotiations that are<br /> proceeding.<br /> <br /> The secretary then laid before the committee<br /> an article that had been written as the result<br /> of correspondence which had passed between<br /> the Society and certain editors, and it was<br /> decided to print the article in The Author with<br /> <br /> 223<br /> <br /> a special editorial note referring to the matter.<br /> The question is one of great importance. It<br /> deals with the practice of the proprietors of<br /> certain papers and magazines of sending to<br /> their contributors receipt forms, either apart<br /> from or on the back of cheques, signature to<br /> which may mean a surrender of rights for which<br /> the editor or proprietor has made no contract.<br /> <br /> The next matter also referred to editors and<br /> their contributors. The Society has been in<br /> communication with various representatives<br /> of important journals, magazines and papers,<br /> with a view to arriving at some uniform<br /> arrangement by which accepted articles are<br /> paid for within a certain period from accept-<br /> ance whether they have or have not been<br /> published. The replies of the editors were<br /> so favourable that it was decided to hold a<br /> conference during May at which the matter<br /> might be fully discussed, and, if possible, some<br /> uniform practice accepted.<br /> <br /> The secretary was authorised to purchase<br /> the copyright laws of all countries, to be<br /> retained at the office for reference, and, if<br /> later it should appear necessary, to have<br /> English translations of the laws made. Refer-<br /> ence to the committee in regard to this matter<br /> will be made later.<br /> <br /> A letter dealing with the collection of fees<br /> by an outside company was adjourned till the<br /> next meeting, in order that the secretary might<br /> obtain further information on the matters<br /> concerned.<br /> <br /> Mr. R. C. Carton, who has for the last two<br /> years been chairman of the Dramatic Sub-<br /> Committee, was unanimously elected to the<br /> Council.<br /> <br /> Sanction was given to the secretary to sign<br /> a fresh contract for the advertisement depart-<br /> ment of The Author.<br /> <br /> The secretary reported that the registration<br /> of scenarios had grown so enormously and was<br /> still growing at the same rate, that it had<br /> become necessary to find further accommoda-<br /> tion for the plots and plays. He was instructed<br /> to make enquiries and to report to the next<br /> meeting.<br /> <br /> The committee desire to express their<br /> gratitude to the following members for dona-<br /> tions to the Society’s funds: A. Neil Lyons,<br /> Mrs. MacLiesh and Miss Jeannette Marks.<br /> <br /> ——<br /> Dramatic SuB-CoMMITTEE.<br /> I.<br /> <br /> Tue March meeting of the Dramatic Sub-<br /> Committee was held on Friday, March 28,<br /> <br /> <br /> 22:4<br /> <br /> at No. 1, Central Buildings, Tothill Street,<br /> Westminster, S.W. It was too late to admit of<br /> the publication of this report in the April<br /> issue of The Author. In consequence, it<br /> appears with the report of the April meeting of<br /> the sub-committee, in the present issue. _<br /> <br /> Following the reading of the minutes of<br /> the previous meeting, the secretary reported<br /> on the cases that had been dealt with during<br /> the past month. One case of alleged plagiarism<br /> had been satisfactorily settled, and the<br /> secretary laid before the Dramatic Sub-<br /> Committee the correspondence that had passed<br /> between the solicitors of both sides. The<br /> issues were satisfactorily explained and the<br /> charges withdrawn.<br /> <br /> The second case related to a claim for money<br /> due under a contract, against an actress. The<br /> sub-committee instructed the secretary to lay<br /> the matter before the Committee of Manage-<br /> ment with a view to taking it into Court if<br /> it was found impossible to carry it through by<br /> correspondence.<br /> <br /> A discussion then arose on the settlement of<br /> the agenda for the Conference of Dramatists,<br /> and this matter was adjourned till the next<br /> meeting.<br /> <br /> One of the members then laid before the<br /> Dramatic Sub-Committee an insurance policy<br /> he had entered into so as to cover any loss<br /> that he might sustain in the event of fire in<br /> a theatre during the run of his play. The<br /> sub-committee were very interested in the<br /> matter, and suggested that the attention of<br /> dramatists should be called to it by the publica-<br /> tion of an article in The Author, and the<br /> secretary was instructed to mention the matter<br /> to those dramatists who called at the office,<br /> and to thank the member for bringing it to<br /> the sub-committee’s notice.<br /> <br /> An informal discussion then took place as<br /> to the election of the Chairman of the Dramatic<br /> Sub-Committee for the next year, and it was<br /> decided to ask Mr. R. C. Carton to take the<br /> reins of office for a further term.<br /> <br /> The next item before the sub-committee was<br /> the question of agents’ fees, and it was decided<br /> to accept the terms put forward by Mr. A.<br /> Reyding, of Amsterdam, and that the secretary<br /> should inform all members who were entering<br /> into contracts for the performance of their<br /> plays in Holland of the arrangements made<br /> with the Society’s agent.<br /> <br /> The question of Mr. Walter Jordan’s fees<br /> in America was also discussed, and the<br /> secretary received instructions to make to<br /> Mr. Jordan a proposition for his acceptance.<br /> <br /> The draft prospectus referring to the collec-<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> as to the conditions of theatrical work in<br /> <br /> tion of dramatic fees by the Collection Bureau<br /> was finally settled in the form of a circular to<br /> be issued to the dramatist members of the<br /> Society.<br /> <br /> The question of cinematograph fees was<br /> also discussed, and adjourned to the next<br /> meeting. The sub-committee felt that the<br /> matter was of urgent importance, and asked<br /> the secretary to make every effort to obtain<br /> full information to lay before them at their<br /> next meeting.<br /> <br /> The discussion of the Dramatic Pamphlet<br /> was also adjourned to the next meeting, and<br /> it was decided to devote that meeting especially<br /> to these two matters.<br /> <br /> The secretary, having reported that the<br /> Register of Scenarios was rapidly assuming<br /> enormous proportions, it was decided to rent a<br /> special room for storage. He was instructed<br /> to obtain full information to lay before<br /> the sub-committee, and the sub-committee<br /> expressed the view that if the fee was too small<br /> to cover the cost, the question of a revision<br /> of the charges would have to be considered<br /> at the next meeting.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> II,<br /> <br /> Tue Dramatic Sub-Committee held their<br /> April meeting on the third Friday in April, the<br /> 18th ult., at No. 1, Central Buildings, Tothill<br /> Street, Westminster, S.W.<br /> <br /> After reading the minutes of the previous<br /> meeting, the sub-committee considered the<br /> question of the Scenario Register. The secre-<br /> tary reported that in accordance with the<br /> committee’s instructions he had made enquiries<br /> about hiring some extra room where the<br /> scenarios could be stored, and stated that<br /> he thought that facilities might be available<br /> in the building in which the Society’s offices<br /> were situated. The Dramatic Sub-Committee<br /> gave instructions that the Committee of<br /> Management should be notified in order that<br /> the necessary accommodation might be found.<br /> <br /> The secretary then read to the Dramatic<br /> Sub-Committee a report received from the<br /> Society’s agent in Holland, giving information<br /> <br /> Holland, and the figures of certain of the chief<br /> theatres in that country. The secretary was<br /> requested to thank the agent for his report.<br /> <br /> A further discussion followed as to the possi-<br /> bility of working with the German Society of<br /> Authors, and the appointment of agents in<br /> Germany was also considered. The secretary<br /> was instructed to obtain further information<br /> and to report to the next meeting.<br /> <br /> <br /> ue<br /> <br /> N<br /> ce<br /> “at<br /> oF<br /> <br /> J<br /> <br /> SP! Seas Saag<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Mr. Cecil Raleigh then submitted to the<br /> sub-committee his report on Moving Pictures,<br /> which is printed in full on another page of<br /> The Author. The matter is one of the greatest<br /> importance, equally to the writers of books and<br /> to dramatie authors, and all members of the<br /> Society are asked to give careful attention to<br /> the information contained in the report.<br /> <br /> The secretary reported that a section had<br /> been added to the Bankruptcy Bill, as it passed<br /> through Committee, which would cover<br /> dramatists as well as writers of books, in the<br /> case of the bankruptcy of a manager to whom<br /> copyright had been assigned subject to the<br /> future payment of fees on the performances.<br /> It is hoped that this section may become law.<br /> It is of importance to dramatists, though not<br /> of such pressing importance as to authors<br /> of books.<br /> <br /> The consideration of the dramatic pamphlet<br /> was again adjourned owing to the heavy call<br /> ‘on the sub-committee’s time.<br /> <br /> Composers’ SuB-COMMITTEE.<br /> <br /> THe Composers’ Sub-Committee met at<br /> the offices of the Society, at No. 1, Central<br /> Buildings, Tothill Street, Westminster, on<br /> Monday, April 21, at 11 o’clock.<br /> <br /> After the reading of the minutes of the<br /> previous meeting, the secretary read a com-<br /> munication from a member of the Society,<br /> in which the following suggestion was made:<br /> “To forward to all the small musical clubs<br /> and choral societies in the country lists of<br /> part-songs and small choral works which could<br /> be undertaken by such societies, as these<br /> societies often found it very difficult to obtain<br /> information about the music of modern com-<br /> posers.” The sub-committee thought the idea<br /> an excellent one, and the secretary was<br /> instructed to take steps to obtain a proper<br /> list of part-songs, etc., by modern composers,<br /> and then to send the list to as many country<br /> clubs as possible.<br /> <br /> The secretary then reported that the Society<br /> had succeeded in getting a clause incorporated<br /> in the Bankruptcy Bill as it passed through<br /> Committee, which would materially benefit<br /> the composer, author or dramatist who had<br /> assigned his copyright while retaining a con-<br /> tinuing interest in the sales of his work or<br /> the performance of it. The sub-committee<br /> approved the action taken by the Society,<br /> and hoped that the clause would, eventually,<br /> become law.<br /> <br /> The answers to the circular to composers,<br /> <br /> 225<br /> <br /> ~<br /> <br /> sent out with the sanction of the Com-<br /> mittee of Management, were next laid before<br /> the sub-committee, and it was decided,<br /> when further answers were received, to call<br /> a public meeting to discuss the points put<br /> forward. In the meantime, the sub-committee<br /> directed that another circular should be drafted,<br /> in which would be embodied the principles<br /> set out in the previous circular, in the form of<br /> questions, to which categorical answers would<br /> be requested.<br /> <br /> It was pointed out that from the usual<br /> form of agreement between composer and<br /> music publisher—which was really no agree-<br /> ment at all, but merely an assignment of the<br /> rights in his work by the composer—many<br /> of the ordinary clauses of an agreement were<br /> lacking, and amongst the number, special<br /> attention was drawn to the omission of the<br /> account clause. The sub-committee decided<br /> to circularise the big music publishing firms,<br /> suggesting that it would be invaluable to com-<br /> posers and to the firms themselves, that some<br /> uniform arrangement should be come to as to<br /> the rendering of accounts at fixed dates.<br /> <br /> The agreement of the German Genossenschaft<br /> was then discussed, and the matter adjourned<br /> for further consideration.<br /> <br /> —+-—&lt;=—4—<br /> <br /> Cases.<br /> <br /> SINCE the last issue of The Author there have<br /> been eight cases passing through the secretary’s<br /> hands ; four of them have dealt with applica-<br /> tions for money. Of these two have been<br /> settled and cheques have been forwarded<br /> to the authors. The third is in the course of<br /> negotiation and a reasonable arrangement<br /> will be come to, but the matter has been a<br /> little delayed owing to the misreading of the<br /> contract. The last case has only recently<br /> come to hand.<br /> <br /> There were three cases for the return of<br /> MSS. One has been settled, one in the United<br /> States is still open, and the last as it has<br /> been impossible to trace the whereabouts of<br /> the person to whom the MSS. were sent, has<br /> had to be abandoned.<br /> <br /> There has been a dispute about the trans-<br /> lation of a member’s work in a foreign country,<br /> and action has been taken by the secretary<br /> in the matter. It is not so much a case for<br /> legal action as for diplomatic settlement, and<br /> it is impossible to say, at the present time,<br /> what the result will be.<br /> <br /> There are still six cases open from the<br /> former month; that is, cases still in the<br /> <br /> <br /> 226<br /> <br /> secretary’s hands. The others have been<br /> settled, with the exception of one placed in<br /> the hands of the Society’s solicitors. Of the<br /> six cases open, four are foreign cases, two<br /> lying in the United States, where negotiations<br /> can go through but slowly, one in Hungary,<br /> where again it is difficult to get a quick<br /> answer to letters, and one in India where the<br /> member resides.<br /> <br /> Of the other two cases, one referring to the<br /> cancellation of an agreement with a publisher,<br /> is very nearly settled, terms have been arranged,<br /> but the actual cancellation has not yet taken<br /> <br /> Jace ; the other a demand from a publisher<br /> or accounts, is still open. The publisher<br /> has proved on former occasions most difficult<br /> to deal with. The present case will, in all<br /> probability, have to be placed in the hands<br /> of the Society’s solicitors.<br /> <br /> ——<br /> <br /> Elections.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. |<br /> <br /> Philpot, Stephen Row-<br /> land —<br /> <br /> Richards, Harold<br /> Grahame<br /> <br /> Rothwell, Ernest Her-<br /> bert<br /> Sargent, HerbertC. .<br /> <br /> Sarolea, Charles .<br /> <br /> Stock, Ralph . ‘<br /> <br /> /Strachey, Miss Amabel<br /> <br /> Taylor, Susette M. .<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 83, Randolph Cres-<br /> cent, Maida Vale,<br /> W.<br /> <br /> 13, Hampstead Hill<br /> Gardens, Hamp-<br /> stead, N.W.<br /> <br /> 9, Brunswick Square,<br /> Hove.<br /> <br /> Green Room Club, —<br /> Leicester Square,<br /> W.C.<br /> <br /> 21, Royal Terrace,<br /> Edinburgh.<br /> <br /> c/o Bank of New<br /> South Wales,<br /> 29, Threadneedle<br /> Street, E.C.<br /> <br /> Newlands Corner,<br /> Merrow Downs,<br /> Guildford.<br /> <br /> 22, Cromwell Cres-<br /> cent, S.W.<br /> <br /> Bourgeois, Maurice<br /> <br /> Brackenbury, Anita<br /> Bartle<br /> <br /> Bridges, T. C. (‘ Chris-<br /> topher Beck ’’).<br /> <br /> Caulfield-Stoker, T.<br /> <br /> Dempster, Miss Char-<br /> lotte Louisa Hawkins<br /> Falkner, Major Percy<br /> Hope, R.A.M.C.<br /> Fraser, A. Keith.<br /> Griffith, Mrs.L.W. .<br /> <br /> Griffiths, Maj.-General<br /> C.<br /> Harding Newman<br /> <br /> Hicks, Rev. E. Savell<br /> Heaton<br /> <br /> Jackson, Henry Cecil .<br /> Mace, Charles Augustine<br /> <br /> McConaghey, Capt.<br /> M. E.<br /> Mothersole, Miss Jessie<br /> Orred, Meta : i<br /> Palmer, Mrs. Clayton .<br /> <br /> Pearson, Mrs. Meynell<br /> (‘* Ida Wild’’).<br /> <br /> 20 bis rue Censier,<br /> Paris, France.<br /> Oakwood, Warling-<br /> <br /> ham, Surrey.<br /> Moor Lodge, Prince-<br /> town, Devon.<br /> <br /> 26, College Road,<br /> Bromley, Kent.<br /> 24, Portman Square,<br /> <br /> W.<br /> <br /> 22, Victoria Park,<br /> Dover.<br /> <br /> 55, Holland Road,<br /> Kensington, W.<br /> <br /> 8, Fayland Avenue,<br /> Streatham Park,<br /> S.W.<br /> <br /> St. Kevin’s Park,<br /> Rathmines,<br /> Dublin.<br /> <br /> Khartoum, Sudan.<br /> <br /> 4, Kingsland Road,<br /> N.E<br /> <br /> Royal Scots Fusiliers<br /> Lanark, N.B.<br /> <br /> 141, Willesden Lane,<br /> N.W.<br /> <br /> 1,Richmond Gardens,<br /> Bournemouth.<br /> <br /> Greenhurst, Oxted.<br /> <br /> Golf Club, Hindhead,<br /> Surrey.<br /> <br /> The editor regrets that in the last number<br /> of The Author Mr. W. Wilfrid Blair Fish’s<br /> name was wrongly announced. The name<br /> should have been Mr. W. Wilfrid Blair Fish,<br /> and not Wilfred.<br /> <br /> —————_<br /> <br /> BOOKS PUBLISHED BY MEMBERS.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> While every effort is made by the aia to keep<br /> this list as accurate and exhaustive as possible, they have<br /> some difficulty in attaining this object owing to the fact<br /> that many of the books mentioned are not sent to the office<br /> by the members. In consequence, it is necessary to rely<br /> largely upon lists of books which appear in literary and<br /> other papers. It is hoped, however, that members will<br /> co-operate in the compiling of this list, and, by sending<br /> particulars of their works, help to make it substantially<br /> accurate. - 4<br /> <br /> ART.<br /> <br /> VisvaxarMa. Examples of Indian Architecture, Sculp-<br /> ture, Painting, etc. Chosen by ANANDA K. Coomaras-<br /> wamy, D.Sc. Part Ill. 11 x 9 37 pp Luzac.<br /> <br /> Qs. 6d.<br /> BIOGRAPHY.<br /> <br /> Tae Marriep Lire of QueEN Vicrorta. By Chara<br /> JerRotp. 9 X 53. 399 pp. Nash. 15s. n.<br /> <br /> Tan TRUTH ABOUT CaRLYLE. By Davin ALEC WILSON,<br /> With a Preface by Sir James CrIcHTON- BROWNE.<br /> 7k X 5. 122 pp. Alston Rivers, Ltd. 1s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> A Smart Boy aNd OTers. By Henry Jamus. 9 X 5}.<br /> 436 pp. Macmillan. 12s. n.<br /> <br /> A Cxuntury or Famous ACTRESSES, 1750—1850. By<br /> Harotp Smpson anp Mrs. C. Braun. 9 X 5}.<br /> 380 pp. Mills &amp; Boon. 10s. 6d. n. :<br /> <br /> Mrs. GaskeLt. Haunts, Homes and Stories, | By<br /> Mrs. Exuis H. Caapwick. (New and Revised Edition..<br /> 84 x 54. 339 pp. Sir Isaac Pitman. 5s. n.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> J Lire oF THE Ricut Hon. Sim Atrrep Comyn Lyatt, P.C.,<br /> - K.C.B. BySrm Mortmer Duranp. 9 X 53. 492 pp.<br /> Blackwood. 16s. n.<br /> <br /> ’ Tue Tracepy or Isapetya Il. By FRAncis GRIBBLE.<br /> 9x 5%. 308 pp. Chapman &amp; Hall. 15s. n.<br /> <br /> ‘) Wit11am Ernest Hentry. By UL. Core Cornrorp.<br /> 3 62 x 4}. 109 pp. Constable. 1s. n.<br /> <br /> [DRAMA.<br /> <br /> .) «81 Tue Great Apventurn. A Play of Fancy in Four Acts.<br /> ~~i By Arnotp Bennett. 6} x 4}. 152 pp. Methuen.<br /> tS 23. n,<br /> <br /> -&amp; A Woman or ImacrnaTion.<br /> go A Acts. By Luoyp Sr. Cram.<br /> (Privately printed).<br /> <br /> 4 Gaston DE Forx. A Play in Three Acts. (Second<br /> bs Edition Revised.) 72 pp. PaLaMoN AND ARCITE.<br /> BAS A Play for Puppets. By Mavricr Bartne. 7} x 5.<br /> 1) Oxford, Blackwell; London, Simpkin. 2s. n.<br /> <br /> ~ af Tus Generation. By G. M. Fox. 7} x 5.<br /> 2s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> By Lapy Greaory.<br /> 5s. n.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> A Modern Play in Four<br /> 7a % 6s 119 pp. 2acn.<br /> <br /> 5 158 pp.<br /> ai oi] Fisher Unwin.<br /> ova New ComEDIEs.<br /> wi Putnams.<br /> <br /> 7k x 5. 166 pp.<br /> <br /> FICTION.<br /> <br /> Tue Houser or Spies. By Warwick DEEPING.<br /> <br /> Cassell. 6s. n.<br /> <br /> ef Tue CaLLorTHE Siren. By Haroitp SPENDER.<br /> <br /> : 389 pp. Mills &amp; Boon. 6s.<br /> <br /> ¥ NEVERTHELESS. By Isapen SmitH. 74 x 43.<br /> <br /> : Alston Rivers. 6s.<br /> <br /> &#039; Tue DetermMrinep Twins. By Epcar JEFSoN.<br /> <br /> &#039; 836 pp. Hutchinson. 6s.<br /> <br /> | Unper THE Biack Eacir. By A. W. Marcumont.<br /> <br /> &#039; Tx 5. 320 pp. Ward Lock &amp; Co. 6s.<br /> <br /> _ Strorres of Rep HanraHAN: Tue Secret Rose: Rosa<br /> <br /> _ Atcnernica. By W. B. Yuats. 7} X 5}. 228 pp.<br /> <br /> ee A. K. Bullen. 6s. n.<br /> <br /> os! Tue Warre Hovse sy THE Sza.<br /> <br /> ies EDWARDS.<br /> <br /> xo Collins. 6d.<br /> <br /> 2? Tue Smirus or Surprton. By Kesre Howarp.<br /> <br /> : and Cheaper Edition.) 74 x 5.<br /> <br /> &amp; Hall. 28. n.<br /> <br /> CaRNivAL. By Compton Mackenzim (New and Cheaper<br /> Edition.) 74 x 4%. 446 pp. Martin Secker. ls.<br /> Tue Simpexin’s Pror. By G. A. Brrmincuam. 6} x 4}.<br /> Nelson. 7d. ‘<br /> | Satt or THE Sua. By Morztey Rozserts. 64 x 4.<br /> <br /> 471 pp. Nelson. 7d.<br /> <br /> Tue Partan. By F. Anstey. 7 x 44. 448 pp. Hodder<br /> &amp; Stoughton. ls. n.<br /> <br /> CaRNackI THE Guost FINDER.<br /> 7k x 53. 287 pp. Nash. . 6s.<br /> <br /> Inerrectuat Fires. By E. M. Smrra-Damprer. 74 x 5}.<br /> 303 pp. Melrose. 6s.<br /> <br /> | A Girt or No IMPORTANCE.<br /> 320 pp. John Long. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue GotpEen Girt. By Atice anp CLAupE ASKEW.<br /> 74 x 5. 320 pp. Ward Lock. 6s.<br /> <br /> CattEpD To JupGMENT. By Coratin STANTON AND<br /> Heats Hosxen. 74 x 5. 580 pp. Stanley Paul.<br /> 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue CoNFOUNDING OF CAMELLA.<br /> Sepewick. 256 pp.<br /> <br /> Just a Giru. By C. Garvicn. 356 pp.<br /> <br /> Is Wotr’s Crotuine. By C.Garvice. 256 pp. (Seven-<br /> penny Edition.) 6} x 44. Hodder &amp; Stoughton.<br /> <br /> Catting THE Tone. By J. H. McCarruy. 8 x 5.<br /> 340 pp. Hurst &amp; Blackett. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Laurensons. By R.K.WeeExes. 72 x 5, 312 pp.<br /> <br /> 400 pp.<br /> 72 x 5.<br /> 358 pp.<br /> 7k x 44.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> By M. Busruam-<br /> (Cheap Reprint.) 8} x 5}. 126 pp.<br /> <br /> (New<br /> 241 pp. Chapman<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> By W. Hors Hopcson.<br /> <br /> By Otrvia Ramsey. 7} x 5.<br /> <br /> By Anne Doveas<br /> <br /> Constable. 6s.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> 227<br /> <br /> An Inn upon THE Roap. By Janet Dopcs.<br /> 296 pp. Sedgwick &amp; Jackson. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tae Curse or THE Nie. By Doversas SLADEN.<br /> 74 x 5. 370 pp. Stanley Paul. 6s.<br /> <br /> THe TEMPTATION OF TAVERNAKE. By E. PHILLIPS<br /> OprENHEIM. 7}? X 5. 312 pp. Hodder &amp; Stoughton.<br /> 6s.<br /> <br /> Nyrra. By Mrs. CampBeLt Prarp. 74 X 43. 432 pp.<br /> New and Cheaper Edition. Rider. 2s. n.<br /> <br /> THe Spanx IN THE LaByRinTH. By Maupr ANNESLEY.<br /> 7% x 5. 316 pp. Mills &amp; Boon. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Wartcuer or Lirr. By Harry Tichr. 7} x 43.<br /> 316 pp. Heath, Cranton &amp; Ouseley. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tur CrystaL Stopper. An Arsene Lupin Novel. By<br /> <br /> Translated by ALEXANDER<br /> <br /> ie xD:<br /> <br /> Mavrice Lz Branc.<br /> TEIXEIRA DE Marros.<br /> Blackett. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue SiagN or THE SrimperR. By Berrtrram MuirtrForp.<br /> (New Sevenpenny Edition.) 64 x 4}. 288 pp.<br /> Methuen.<br /> <br /> Once Rounp. By SterHen Knorr. Murray &amp; Evenden.<br /> 74k X 5. 366 pp. 6s.<br /> <br /> Sretta Mario. By W. J. Lockn. 72 x 5. Lane. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue DaucutTerin-Law. By E. W. Savi. 7} x 5.<br /> 388 pp. Hurst &amp; Blackett. 6s.<br /> <br /> Mrs. Gray’s Past. By Herpert FLOWERDEW.<br /> 278 pp. Stanley Paul. 6s.<br /> <br /> PatcHwoRK ComEeDY. By Humrrey JorDAN. 7} X 5.<br /> 389 pp. Putnams, 6s.<br /> <br /> HISTORY.<br /> <br /> Tue History or Enerish Patriotism. By<br /> WINGFIELD-STRATFORD. Two Volumes. 8$ x 54<br /> 614 x 672 pp. Lane. 25s. n.<br /> <br /> A MopErN History of THE ENGuIsH Prorie. By R.¥<br /> Gretton. Vol. II. 1899—1910. 8 x 5}. 368)?<br /> Grant Richards. 7s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> LITERARY.<br /> <br /> A Lrrttr Book or Covrace. Compiled by ANNIE<br /> MatHeson. 74 x 5. 144 pp. Gay &amp; Hancock.<br /> 2s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Dante anp Aquinas. By P. H. WickstTEep.<br /> substance of the Jowett Lectures of 1911.<br /> 271 pp. Dent. 6s. n.<br /> <br /> MILITARY.<br /> <br /> Boy Scouts Bryonp THE Seas. ‘My World Tour.”<br /> By Sm Rozpert Bapen-Powet, K.C.B., 74 x 5.<br /> 250 pp. Pearson. 2s. n.<br /> <br /> Hints on Trarnrnc TerritorraL Inrantry. From<br /> Recruit to Trained Soldier. By Capt. J. F. C. FULLER.<br /> 64 x 4. 112 pp. Gale &amp; Polden. 1s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> MUSICAL,<br /> <br /> Tue Responsive Psatter. Containing the Psalms set<br /> to Chant Forms in accordance with the Parallelisms of<br /> Hebrew Poetry. By the Rev. James EcKERSLEY.<br /> 83 &lt;x 54. 296 pp. Simpkin, Marshall.<br /> <br /> AppiTionaL TuNngEs To Hymns In Hymns, ANCIENT AND<br /> MopERN AND OTHER Hymn Booxs. By Rev. JAMES<br /> Eoxerstey, M.A., Vicar of Langley, Bucks. Stainer<br /> &amp; Bell. 1s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> NATURAL HISTORY.<br /> <br /> British Divine Ducks. By J. G. Murais, F.ZS.<br /> Vol. I. 164 x 12. 141 pp. Two Volumes. Long-<br /> mans. £12 12s. n.<br /> <br /> Tur Crecrinc Year. Book IV. Rambles in Winter.<br /> Book V. Rambles on the Sea Shore. Book VI. Rambles<br /> under the Stars. By W. Prrcivan WESTELL, D.Sc.<br /> 93 x. 7s. Nelson.<br /> <br /> 72 x 43.<br /> <br /> pope<br /> <br /> Esm&amp;<br /> <br /> Being the<br /> 7% x Of.<br /> <br /> <br /> 228<br /> <br /> PHILOSOPHY.<br /> <br /> Lire Ipnats AND DuatTH. By F. Grantuam. 6} X 44.<br /> 107 pp. Grant Richards. 2s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Tur Fair or ALL SENSIBLE Peoriy. By D. A. Witson.<br /> 63 x 44. 124 pp. Methuen. 2s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> POETRY.<br /> <br /> Tur Muse in Exrz. By Wit1am Watson. ‘To which<br /> is added an Address on the Poet’s Place in the Scheme<br /> of Life. 7} x 42. 116pp. Herbert Jenkins. 3s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Tur CaLL oF THE Mountains AND OTHER Porms. By<br /> J. E. Proxerrnc. 7 x 44. 64 pp. Fifield. 1s. n.<br /> <br /> Puriran Pansies. By Craup Frevp. 74 X 34. 48 pp.<br /> Gay &amp; Hancock.<br /> <br /> THEOLOGY.<br /> A Book of Meditations on the Veni<br /> Written in the Seventeenth Century<br /> Re-edited by E. M. Grern, with<br /> 130 pp.<br /> <br /> CELESTIAL Fire.<br /> Sancte Spiritus.<br /> by Ricuarp WHITE.<br /> Preface by Rev. GrorcE Concreve, §.8.J.E.<br /> Longmans. 2s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> THE CHILDREN FoR THE CHuRcH. The League of Young<br /> Worshippers. By the Rev. Sm W. Rogpertson NIcoLt,<br /> LL.D. and the Rrv. J. Witu1ams ButcHEeR. (Reprinted<br /> from the British Weekly.) 7 x 43. 126 pp. Hodder<br /> &amp; Stoughton. 6s. n.<br /> <br /> TOPOGRAPHY.<br /> <br /> By Epwarp Tuomas. Illustrated<br /> 82 x 6. 320 pp. Constable.<br /> <br /> Tur IcKNIELD WAY.<br /> by A. L. Comins.<br /> 7s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> TRAVEL.<br /> <br /> Ravenna. A Study. By Epwarp Hourron. Ilus-<br /> trated. By Harotp Lunpr. 8 x 6. 300 pp. Dent.<br /> 10s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Moprrn Cutz. By W. H. Korset.<br /> Bell. 10s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> 81 x 5}. 278 pp.<br /> <br /> ————_1-<br /> <br /> LITERARY, DRAMATIC, AND MUSICAL<br /> NOTES.<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> a A Small Boy and Others” Mr. Henry<br /> James gives the memories of his boy-<br /> hood, including much about his brother,<br /> “Ww. J.,” otherwise the celebrated William<br /> James. The publishers are Messrs. Mac-<br /> millan &amp; Co., and the price is 12s. net.<br /> <br /> Mr. Morley Roberts calls his new collection<br /> of short tales ‘‘ Gloomy Fanny, and Other<br /> Stories ” (Eveleigh Nash). They are in the<br /> author’s humorous vein.<br /> <br /> In “Four Plays” (Sidgwick &amp; Jackson,<br /> 2s. 6d.), Mr. Gilbert Cannan publishes as a book<br /> his “James and John,” ‘‘ Miles Dixon,”<br /> “‘ Mary’s Wedding,” and “ A Short Way with<br /> Authors.”’<br /> <br /> Messrs. Macmillan &amp; Co. announce the pre-<br /> paration of an uniform edition of the works of<br /> Sir Gilbert Parker. It will be known as the<br /> Imperial Edition, and will consist of eighteen<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> volumes at 8s. 6d. net each. The long novels,<br /> the short novels, the short stories, and the<br /> verse are embraced, including certain work<br /> which has only appeared in magazines or been<br /> printed privately. Sir Gilbert Parker has<br /> provided a general introduction to the edition<br /> as a whole, and a special introduction to each<br /> volume. Photogravure frontispieces are also<br /> furnished throughout: in the first volume a<br /> portrait of the author, in the others pictures<br /> from original drawings by well-known artists.<br /> The set is to be issued at the rate of three<br /> volumes a month, commencing this month.<br /> <br /> Mr. Bernard Capes’s new novel is entitled<br /> “‘ Bag and Baggage.” It is issued by Messrs.<br /> Constable &amp; Co.<br /> <br /> The same firm has published ‘“ Keren of<br /> Lowbole,”’ by Una L. Silberrad ; and “ Lifted<br /> Curtains,” by Edward Noble. :<br /> <br /> Mr. Francis Gribble’s latest work is called<br /> “The Tragedy of Isabella II.,”’ Messrs. Chap-<br /> man &amp; Hall being the publishers, and the<br /> price 15s.<br /> <br /> Mrs. Alec Tweedie, who has in the last six<br /> months travelled about 26,000 miles, through<br /> Canada, the United States, Brazil, and Argen-<br /> tina, has during that period contributed full-<br /> page articles to the New York Times. She has<br /> been asked to enlarge these articles for pub-<br /> lication in book form this autumn for an<br /> important American firm. Her last book,<br /> “Thirteen Years of a Busy Woman’s Life ”<br /> (Messrs. John Lane), has run through four<br /> editions.<br /> <br /> The Rev. Theodore Johnson, vicar and rector<br /> of Bodiam, Sussex, has compiled from ancient<br /> sources, and issued through Messrs. F. J.<br /> Parsons, of Hastings, ‘“‘ The History of Bodiam,<br /> its‘Ancient Manor, Church and Castle.” There<br /> are a large number of photographs and draw-<br /> ings, and a ground-plan of the Castle. The<br /> published price of the work is 1s., or 1s. 6d.<br /> cloth.<br /> <br /> Madame Albanesi’s new novel is ‘“ The<br /> Beloved Enemy.’”’ The publishers are Messrs.<br /> Methuen.<br /> <br /> Mr. H. F. Prevost Battersby’s ‘‘ The Silence<br /> of Men” is published by the Bodley Head.<br /> <br /> In “ Veiled Women” (Eveleigh Nash) Mr.<br /> Marmaduke Pickthall gives pictures of harem.<br /> life in the form of a novel.<br /> <br /> Ghost stories are the content of Mr. William.<br /> Hope Hodgson’s ‘“* Carnacki the Ghost-F inder,”’<br /> of which also Mr. Nash is the publisher.<br /> <br /> Mr. Halliwell Sutcliffe has given to a novel<br /> which Messrs. Stanley Paul announces for<br /> immediate publication .the title of “The<br /> Strength of the Hills.” The scene is laid in<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 229<br /> <br /> the bare, rough Haworth moorland country,<br /> sixty years ago, which was the inspiration of all<br /> Mr. Sutcliffe’s earlier work.<br /> <br /> The same firm has just issued ‘‘ Mrs. Gray’s<br /> Past,”’ by Mr. Herbert Flowerdew. The scene<br /> of this is an old-fashioned cathedral city, whose<br /> peace is disturbed by the scandal arising from<br /> the presence of the charming but mysterious<br /> widow, Mrs. Gray, and her baby son. Like<br /> ‘“‘ The Strength of the Hills ’’ and Miss Annes-<br /> ley Kenealy’s ‘‘ Poodle Woman,” “ Mrs. Gray’s<br /> Past” has been added to the firm’s Colonial<br /> Library.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Paul have also brought out a six-<br /> penny edition of Mr. Rafael Sabatini’s “The<br /> Lion’s Skin.” This author’s “ Strolling Saint”<br /> is now in its fourth edition.<br /> <br /> On April 7 Messrs. William Rider &amp; Son<br /> published a 1s. edition of Maude Annesley’s<br /> ** Wind along the Waste,” which appeared in<br /> 6s. form two years ago. The same author’s<br /> new novel, ‘‘ The Sphinx in the Labyrinth,”<br /> was published by Messrs. Mills &amp; Boon on the<br /> 16th. The title is taken from the quotation,<br /> “The heart of a woman is a Sphinx within a<br /> labyrinth,” and the plot is a very strong one.<br /> It is a psychological study of two women and<br /> one man. The scene is laid in Provence.<br /> This book will be published in America by<br /> Messrs. Duffield &amp; Co. This month Messrs.<br /> Newnes &amp; Co. are producing a 6d. edition of<br /> Maude Annesley’s ‘* All Awry.”<br /> <br /> Count Plunkett, K.C.H.S., has been elected<br /> a corresponding member of the Société Archéo-<br /> logique de France. At the recent Historical<br /> Congress in London he represented the Paris<br /> institution, as well as the Royal Society of<br /> Antiquaries of Ireland, of which he is President.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Harrap &amp; Co. have just issued<br /> another number of their ‘‘ All Time Tales,”<br /> viz., ‘‘ Ivanhoe,” by E. P. Prentys.<br /> <br /> Mr. Walter Wood, who has written exten-<br /> sively on North Sea fishermen—one of his most<br /> recent books being ‘‘ North Sea Fishers and<br /> Fighters ’—has been appointed by the Council<br /> of the Royal National Mission to Deep Sea<br /> Fishermen to the editorship of Toilers of the<br /> Deep,. the Mission’s monthly magazine, in<br /> succession to the late Mr. George Andrew<br /> Hutchison. Mr. Hutchison (who was also the<br /> editor of The Boy’s Own Paper) had conducted<br /> Toilers of the Deep since its foundation in 1886.<br /> <br /> The Quest contains in its April number a<br /> metrical version of the medieval French<br /> legend of Our Lady’s Tumbler, entitled “‘ The<br /> Jongleur of Poitou,” by K. L. Montgomery.<br /> The authors who write under this name are<br /> contributing to the English Illustrated Magazine<br /> <br /> some articles on Portraits in European<br /> Galleries.”” Their Welsh novel, ‘‘ The Gate-<br /> Openeis,”’ is in its fourth edition.<br /> <br /> Miss Lillias Campbell Davidson has a new<br /> serial running in the Ladies’ World, under the<br /> name of “‘ The Primitive Law.”<br /> <br /> Miss Ethel Canning, author of ‘“ Sybella,”<br /> has had another novel published by Messrs.<br /> Digby, Long &amp; Co., entitled “‘ The Sky-Line.”<br /> <br /> Derek Vane’s new novel, ‘‘ The Paradise of<br /> Fools,’’ will be published by Messrs. Everett in<br /> May. The American serial rights of this story<br /> were sold for £250. The same author is now<br /> writing a series of short stories for an American<br /> magazine, entitled “The Indiscretions of<br /> Fantine.”<br /> <br /> ‘* Ineffectual Fires,”’ a novel by E. M. Smith-<br /> Dampier, has been published by Messrs.<br /> Melrose.<br /> <br /> A second edition is announced of E. Yol-<br /> land’s “The Struggle for the Crown,” a<br /> romance of the seventeenth century (Lynwood<br /> &amp; Co.).<br /> <br /> Verse claims somewhat larger attention this<br /> month than usual in comparison with prose.<br /> The first number has appeared of the quarterly<br /> Poetry and Drama, published by the Poetry<br /> Bookshop, 35, Devonshire Street, Theobald’s<br /> Road, at an annual subscription of 10s. 6d.<br /> post free. Mr. Maurice Hewlett occupies the<br /> first place in the poetry section of the magazine<br /> with ‘“‘ The Voyage,” the other contributors<br /> being Messrs. James Elroy Flecker, Lascelles<br /> Abercrombie, and Michael Mecredy. The rest<br /> of the magazine is divided between articles<br /> and criticism. A “‘ personal explanation ” by<br /> the editor sets out the descent of Poetry and<br /> Drama from the Poetry Review.<br /> <br /> Mr. James E. Pickering has published “* The<br /> Call of the Mountains, and Other Poems,”’<br /> which is No. 23 of Messrs. A. C. Fifield’s Grey<br /> Board Series, 1s. net. Mr. Pickering’s ‘‘ The<br /> Cap of Care ’’ was No. 18 in the same series.<br /> <br /> Mr. Arthur Scott Craven has a long poem,<br /> entitled ‘‘ Dawkins,”’ in the current number of<br /> the Magpie. A story by him, ‘“ The Man who<br /> had Greatness thrust upon Him,” will appear<br /> in the June issue of the Pall Mall Magazine.<br /> <br /> ** A Memorial Ode to Our Antarctic Heroes,”<br /> from the pen of Alfred Smythe, F.R.G.S.,<br /> appears in the May number of the Westminster<br /> Review. Mr. Smythe is the author of ““ A New<br /> Faust,” “ Sir Dunstan’s Daughter, and Other<br /> Poems,” ‘‘ The Warlock” (a lyric play pro-<br /> duced at the Gaiety and Queen’s Theatres,<br /> Dublin), as well as other works, and has con-<br /> tributed prose and verse to journals, both in<br /> London and in New York. His lines of wel-<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 230<br /> <br /> .come on the occasion of Their Majesties’ return<br /> from India were accepted by the King.<br /> <br /> “Modern Verse,”? published with the im-<br /> print of Morland, Amersham, Bucks, at the<br /> price of 1s., announces that half a guinea is<br /> paid for every poem appearing in its pages.<br /> The number before us contains twenty-five<br /> short poems.<br /> <br /> The English Review for April contains a story<br /> by E. H. Young, called ‘‘ Cow’s Tail.”<br /> <br /> MUSICAL.<br /> <br /> The Rev. James Eckersley’s ‘‘ Responsive<br /> Psalter,” mentioned last month, is published<br /> in two editions; one 3s. net, the other, with<br /> words only, 1s. net. This work provides<br /> musically responsive chant-forms correspond-<br /> ing to the parallelisms of the Hebrew poetry,<br /> which, the editor maintains, cannot be done by<br /> plain-song or Anglicans, owing to the unequal<br /> length of their sections. The melodies are<br /> kept within moderate range, so that they may<br /> be sung in unison by the congregation, and<br /> changes of chant are given wherever demanded<br /> by the words. A method of printing is adopted<br /> with a view to prevent hurried recitation, and<br /> short, barless chants to avoid false accents.<br /> <br /> DRAMATIC.<br /> <br /> Sir Arthur Pinero’s ‘“‘ Playgoers,” in one act,<br /> was produced at the St. James’s Theatre, on<br /> March 381, before Mr. A. E. W. Mason’s “‘ Open<br /> Window.”<br /> <br /> On April 22, at the New Royalty Theatre,<br /> Mr. Rudyard Kipling’s first play was seen—<br /> the first, that is to say, from him as his own<br /> dramatist ; for ‘“‘ The Light that Failed ” and<br /> ‘* The Man Who Was ”’ owed their conversion<br /> to drama-form to other hands. The new piece<br /> is entitled ‘‘ The Harbour Watch,” and is to be<br /> played, for a commencement, at six matinees<br /> in all. ‘‘ The Light that Failed,” it may be<br /> mentioned, was one of the items of Mr. Forbes<br /> Robertson’s farewell season at. Drury Lane.<br /> <br /> Mr. Forbes Robertson’s season also included<br /> revivals of Madeleine Ryley’s ‘“‘ Mice and Men ”<br /> and Mr. Bernard Shaw’s “‘ Cesar and Cleo-<br /> patra.’ The latter was more than a revival,<br /> however, as there were additions since the<br /> original production, including a prologue.<br /> <br /> On April 1 Mr. Ernest Denny’s comedy<br /> ‘** Vanity ’’? was produced at the Globe Theatre<br /> by Miss Ethel Irving.<br /> <br /> April 8 saw the first night of Mr. Frank<br /> Stayton’s “* The Inferior Sex,”’ at the Comedy,<br /> with Messrs. Kenneth Douglas and QO. B.<br /> <br /> VTHE AUTHOR. |<br /> <br /> Clarence and Miss Renée Kelly in the leading<br /> parts.<br /> <br /> The run of ‘ Lolotte,”’ as adapted by Mr.<br /> John Pollock from the French of Meilhae and<br /> Halevy, terminated at the Coliseum on April 5.<br /> The play has been taken on tour by Madame<br /> Lydia Yavorska (Princess Bariatinsky).<br /> <br /> The bill at the New Royalty on April 22, in<br /> addition to the already mentioned Kipling<br /> play, contained a comedy called “* Thompson,”<br /> by the late St. John Hankin, completed by Mr.<br /> George Calderon. Messrs. Vedrenne and Eadie<br /> are the producers of “‘ Thompson.”<br /> <br /> The repertory season at the Grand Theatre,<br /> Croydon, opened on April 14 with Miss Eliza-<br /> beth Baker’s ‘‘ Chains.”<br /> <br /> At the King’s Hall, Covent Garden, on<br /> April 29, the masque “* Love and the Dryad ”<br /> was produced. The music of this is by Agnes<br /> H. Lambert (Mrs. Heygate Lambert).<br /> <br /> In Mr. Galsworthy’s revival of “Strife” at<br /> the Comedy, which is due just as we are going<br /> to press, Mr. Norman McKinnel resumes his<br /> role of John Anthony. Others in the cast are<br /> Mr. J. Fisher White, Mr. Kenneth Douglas,<br /> and Mr. O. B. Clarence.<br /> <br /> ‘Strife’? has just been produced in Vienna<br /> under the German title “ Kampf.”<br /> <br /> Mr. J. M. Barrie’s new play, “‘ The Legend of<br /> Leonora,” will be produced by Mr. Frohman<br /> in London, at the beginning of the autumn<br /> season.<br /> <br /> The Drama Society will present before the<br /> close of this month a new play by Mr.<br /> Gilbert Cannan.<br /> <br /> Oe<br /> <br /> PARIS NOTES.<br /> <br /> 1<br /> <br /> HE prize awarded annually by La Vie<br /> Heureuse has been given this year to<br /> <br /> M. Emile Nolly for his book, ‘‘ Gens de<br /> Guerre au Maroc,”’ about which we spoke in<br /> the January number of The Author.<br /> <br /> The book by Pierre Loti, entitled ‘* Turquie<br /> agonisante,’’ has made its way to all countries.<br /> The result has been that the author has been<br /> besieged by documents and letters giving him<br /> further information. He has now added so<br /> much new matter to his original book that the<br /> new edition should be read by all who are<br /> interested in the subject.<br /> <br /> In a new volume, ‘Les Merveilles de<br /> l’Instinct chez les Insectes,’’ J..H. Fabre, the<br /> celebrated naturalist, gives us a series of well-<br /> chosen extracts from his ‘‘ Souvenirs Entomo-<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> re<br /> is<br /> <br /> =<br /> <br /> bow<br /> we<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> pee ae<br /> <br /> me<br /> Sew<br /> <br /> wo ee a. ee<br /> Se Peer eae a Ee ey<br /> <br /> it _<br /> GED ht ot<br /> <br /> £<br /> Ake<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> logiques,” and some hitherto unpublished<br /> studies concerning ‘‘ Le Ver luisant ”’ and “ La<br /> Chenille du chou.” The chapter on the grave-<br /> diggers and the studies of the spiders and the<br /> glow-worms are remarkable.<br /> <br /> Dr. G. V. Legros has now published the life<br /> of the great naturalist “La Vie de J. H.<br /> Fabre.” The titles of the chapters will give<br /> an idea of the book: Intuition de la Nature,<br /> Instituteur primaire, Séjour en Corse, Fabre<br /> d’Avignon, Un grand Educateur, Dans l’ermi-<br /> tage, Interprétation de la Nature, La merveille<br /> de l’Instinct, Le Transformisme, L’Ame des<br /> betes, Harmonies et dissonances, Traduction<br /> de la Nature, L’épopée animale, Vies paralléles,<br /> Les Veillées de Sérignan, Au crépuscule. In<br /> the last chapter Dr. Legros gives us an idea of<br /> the simple, dignified life which the great<br /> naturalist has led. The whole book is well<br /> worth reading.<br /> <br /> “‘Ta Belle Madame Colet’’ is the title of<br /> the book by J. de Mestral-Combremont which<br /> we have been awaiting for some time. It is<br /> the first one to give us a definite account of this<br /> déesse des romantiques. The biographer has<br /> had access to many documents which throw<br /> new light on the history of this extraordinary<br /> and not very interesting woman. We have<br /> many enlightening details about her various<br /> friendships and her efforts to become<br /> acquainted with the chief writers of her day.<br /> <br /> Another new novel is announced by M.<br /> Henry Bordeaux. The title is “ La Maison.”’<br /> <br /> M. Frédéric Masson continues his series of<br /> books on the Bonaparte family. The tenth<br /> volume is entitled ‘“‘ Napoleon et sa Famille.”<br /> It treats more particularly of the fatal years<br /> 1814 and 1815.<br /> <br /> “Elisabeth de Baviére,”’ by Jacques de la<br /> Faye, is another interesting biography by a<br /> writer who has given us several valuable<br /> historical works. The preface is written by<br /> M. Maurice Barrés.<br /> <br /> The first volume of the works of Paracelsus<br /> has recently been published in French.<br /> M. Grillot de Givry has undertaken to translate<br /> the whole series.<br /> <br /> “Le Costume civil en France,” by Camille<br /> Piton, is to be published in twelve parts. It<br /> is a work which will be of great value to illus-<br /> trators, as there are to be some 700 illustrations<br /> of the various transformations which costumes<br /> have undergone from the thirteenth century to<br /> the nineteenth.<br /> <br /> The death of M. Honoré Champion will be<br /> regretted by all bibliophiles. He was not only<br /> a seller, but a true lover of books, and all those<br /> in search of curious editions wended their way<br /> <br /> 231<br /> <br /> to the Quay to consult with M. Champion.<br /> To the favoured few he would show his<br /> treasures, one of which was a manuscript of<br /> the ‘‘ Memoires d’outre-tombe,’”’ written by<br /> Hyacinthe Pilorge and annotated by Chateau-<br /> briand himself.<br /> <br /> A curious legal case has just been tried in<br /> Paris. A novel, entitled “‘ Kowa la Mystér-<br /> ieuse,” by Charles Foley, was translated,<br /> without the author’s permission, and pub-<br /> lished in an Argentine paper, La Prensa, which<br /> has a branch office in Paris. M. Foley brought<br /> an action against the manager in Paris, and<br /> has won his case. The story was published<br /> before the legislation of the country concerned<br /> had agreed to protect the rights of literary<br /> property, but, as copies of the journal had been<br /> sold in Paris, M. Fole¥ won his case. An<br /> appeal was made to a higher court by the Paris<br /> manager of La Prensa, and M. Foley has once<br /> more won.<br /> <br /> At the Comédie-Francaise, ‘‘]’Embuscade,”’<br /> by M. Henry Kistemaeckers, has been greatly<br /> appreciated. It is a four-act piece, with plenty<br /> of movement and a strong plot. “ Hélene<br /> Ardouin,” the comedy in five acts, by M. Alfred<br /> Capus, is still being played at the Vaudeville.<br /> At the Gymnase ‘“‘ La Demoiselle de Magasin,”<br /> a three-act play by MM. Fonson and Wicheler,<br /> is now being given.<br /> <br /> Atys HALLArD.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> “Gens de Guerre au Maroc.” (Calmann Lévy.)<br /> “Turquie agonisante.”’ (Calmann Lévy.)<br /> “Ta Vie de J. H. Fabre.” (Delagrave.)<br /> ‘Ta Belle Madame Colet.” (Fontemoing.)<br /> “ Napoléon et sa Famille.” (Ollendorff.)<br /> ‘“ Blisabeth de Bavitre.”’ (Emile Paul.)<br /> Works of Paracelsus. (Chacornac.)<br /> “Le Costume civil en France.” (Flammarion.)<br /> <br /> —___—_+—_-&gt;—_+____—__<br /> <br /> NEW UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT ACT.<br /> <br /> —+-——+<br /> <br /> (Received from the Copyright Office :<br /> The Library of Congress.)<br /> (Note: The new matter in this amendatory Act is printed<br /> in italics.)<br /> AN ACT<br /> To amend section fifty-five of “‘An Act to<br /> amend and consolidate the Acts respecting<br /> copyright,” approved March fourth, nine-<br /> teen hundred and nine.<br /> <br /> Be it enacted by the Senate and House of<br /> Representatives of the United States of America<br /> in Congress assembled, That section fifty-five<br /> of the Act entitled “‘An Act to amend and<br /> consolidate the Acts respecting copyright,”’<br /> <br /> <br /> 232 THER AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> approved March fourth, nineteen hundred and<br /> nine, be amended to read as follows :<br /> <br /> “‘ Sec. 55. That in the case of each entry the<br /> person recorded as the claimant of the copy-<br /> right shall be entitled to a certificate of regis-<br /> tration under seal of the copyright office, to<br /> contain the name and address of said claimant,<br /> the name of the country of which the author of<br /> the work is a citizen or subject, and when an alien<br /> author domiciled in the United States at the time<br /> of said registration, then a statement of that<br /> fact, including his place of domicile, the name<br /> of the author (when the records of the copyright<br /> office shall show the same), the title of the work<br /> which is registered for which copyright is<br /> claimed, the date of the deposit of the copies<br /> of such work, the date of publication if the work<br /> has been reproduced in copies for sale, or publicly<br /> distributed, and such marks as to class designa-<br /> tion and entry number as shall fully identify<br /> the entry. In the case of a book, the certificate<br /> shall also state the receipt of the affidavit, as<br /> provided by section sixteen of this Act, and<br /> the date of the completion of the printing, or<br /> the date of the publication of the book, as<br /> stated in the said affidavit. The register of<br /> copyrights shall prepare a printed form for<br /> the said certificate, to be filled out in each case<br /> as above provided for in the case of all registra-<br /> tions made after this Act goes into effect, and in<br /> the case of all previous registrations so far as the<br /> copyright office record books shall show such<br /> facts, which certificate, sealed with the seal<br /> of the copyright office, shall, upon payment<br /> of the prescribed fee, be given to any person<br /> making application for the same. Said certifi-<br /> cate shall be admitted in any court as prima<br /> facie evidence of the facts stated therein. In<br /> addition to such certificate the register of<br /> copyrights shall furnish, upon request, without<br /> additional fee, a receipt for the copies of the<br /> work deposited to complete the registration.”<br /> <br /> Approved, March 2, 1913.<br /> <br /> ———_+- o_o —__—__<br /> <br /> DRAMATIC REPRESENTATION AND<br /> INSURANCE.<br /> <br /> &gt;<br /> <br /> R. JAMES T. TANNER, one of the<br /> members of the Dramatic Sub-Com-<br /> mittee of the Society of Authors has<br /> <br /> kindly called the attention of that committee<br /> to a method of protecting dramatic returns in<br /> ease of fire at a theatre. It has been his<br /> custom—after some difficulty and negotiation<br /> —to arrange for an insurance policy by which<br /> he is to be paid a certain sum per. week in<br /> <br /> case the run of a piece is interrupted through<br /> a fire or an agreed amount of total compensa-<br /> tion should the run of the piece be entirely<br /> stopped by the destruction of the theatre by<br /> fire. The Dramatic Sub-Committee think<br /> the matter of such importance to members<br /> of the profession generally, that they desire,<br /> through the columns of The Author, to draw<br /> attention to the details.<br /> <br /> The insurance policy in the case mentioned<br /> is for £2,000, though the amount could be<br /> fixed either higher or lower according to the<br /> wishes of the insurer ; and a special memoran-<br /> dum, which covers this special policy, runs as<br /> follows :—<br /> <br /> ‘In the event of the said theatre being damaged or<br /> destroyed by fire during the run or rehearsal of one of the<br /> insured’s plays at said theatre, thereby occasioning loss to<br /> the Insured, this Company shall be liable to pay to the<br /> Insured the sum of £40 per week or a pro rata share thereof<br /> during the period for which the performance of such play is<br /> . in consequence of the damage done by such fire,<br /> <br /> ut not exceeding in all the sum of £2,000 (two thousand<br /> pounds).<br /> <br /> “Tt is, however, hereby declared that in the event of the<br /> entire destruction by fire of the within mentioned theatre,<br /> the Company shall pay to the Insured the total amount<br /> <br /> insured by this Policy, viz., £2,000. The Insured’s<br /> interest in the said theatre is hereby admitted.”<br /> <br /> There are some further special stipulations,<br /> and some further points in the usual policy<br /> issued by the company are cancelled.<br /> <br /> “The Insured binds himself under Clause 6 as follows :<br /> On the happening of any fire by reason of which the<br /> Insured shall sustain any Loss under this Policy, the<br /> Tnsured shall forthwith give to the Company notice thereof<br /> and shall use due diligence and do and concur in doing all<br /> things which may be practicable to minimise and to avoid<br /> or diminish such loss, and shall, at his own expense, deliver<br /> to the Company a claim in writing for the loss, together<br /> with, if demanded, a statutory declaration in support<br /> thereof, and no claim under this Policy shall be payable<br /> unless and until the terms of this condition are complied<br /> with.”<br /> <br /> We have by the courtesy of Mr. Tanner<br /> set out the main features of the policy, and<br /> shall be pleased to give any further details in<br /> confidence to members of the Society. His<br /> contract is with the Phoenix Assurance<br /> Company ; it is possible, however, that other<br /> companies would be willing to enter into a<br /> similar contract with dramatic authors should<br /> they desire to protect themselves in the same<br /> way as Mr. Tanner has done. No doubt the<br /> loss that a dramatist would sustain if a theatre<br /> was burnt in the full run of his play would be<br /> very serious, and it is perhaps probable that<br /> this chance has not entered the minds of<br /> numbers of the dramatic authors. Again, if<br /> it has done so, it is possible that they have<br /> been unsuccessful in carrying out the desire<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> SN. a ne ee<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> - twenty-five copies, or positive films.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> to protect themselves against loss. The<br /> Dramatic Sub-Committee hope, therefore, that<br /> those who wish to protect themselves may<br /> follow in Mr. Tanner’s footsteps and take up<br /> the idea which he has so kindly presented to<br /> them.<br /> <br /> a<br /> <br /> MOVING PICTURES.<br /> <br /> s<br /> <br /> HE excellence of Moving Pictures is<br /> already such, and their development is<br /> so rapid, that before long the Picture<br /> <br /> Palace will undoubtedly come into more or less<br /> acute competition with the Theatre.<br /> <br /> Dramatists, therefore, are advised to give<br /> some serious attention to the Moving Picture,<br /> as a vehicle for expressing their thoughts, and<br /> generally to the Picture Palace industry.<br /> <br /> The machine that flings the Moving Picture<br /> on to a screen is nothing more nor less than a<br /> superior magic lantern, but instead of the<br /> glass slide of our childhood there is run through<br /> this lantern a long piece of celluloid gelatine<br /> covered with photographs. This piece of<br /> celluloid gelatine is less than an inch wide, and<br /> is from 100 to 2,000 feet in length. It is called<br /> a film. This film in its original state is passed<br /> very rapidly through a camera, which is<br /> focussed upon the subject of the Moving<br /> Picture. When it is complete it is called the<br /> negative, and from it it is possible to print<br /> That<br /> number is not always printed, but can be<br /> printed in the case of a successful picture.<br /> <br /> The first exhibition of the film is what is<br /> called ‘‘ exclusive,’’ that is to say, it is exhibited<br /> in one, or possibly, two halls only. It is<br /> practically impossible to say what price is<br /> charged for the “exclusive”’ exhibition of a film.<br /> It depends upon the subject, the excellence of<br /> the film, and a variety of other conditions. In<br /> time the name of an author will also give it<br /> value, that is when authors write more<br /> regularly for the picture theatre. But the<br /> fact that the price I have mentioned is so<br /> uncertain, makes it essential that the author<br /> should be paid by taking some share of the<br /> money that the manufacturer receives.<br /> <br /> The “exclusive” period being over, the film<br /> comes on to the open market. Now it is the<br /> <br /> custom in Picture Theatres to change the<br /> <br /> programme twice in every week. Any one<br /> film therefore is let twice in each week, and for<br /> each of these lettings £6 odd is charged. This<br /> goes on for about six weeks, when the value<br /> of the film is supposed to have lessened. It is<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 233<br /> <br /> then shown for about another six weeks, a<br /> little over £4 per let being charged for its hire.<br /> It then arrives at what is known as its third or<br /> final re-lease, when £2 per let is charged for it.<br /> It is not returned to the manufacturer, but<br /> remains the property of its last hirer, who<br /> resells it, or sublets it, to the small cheap halls,<br /> where the price of admission is 1d. or 2d. It<br /> will be seen that in its earlier stages one film<br /> earns over £12 per week for, say, six weeks.<br /> Say this equals £72. If twenty-five films of<br /> the same subject are also busy at the same time,<br /> twenty-five times £72 is earned, or £1,800. In<br /> the next six weeks the film is let twice in each<br /> week at £4 per week, that is to say £8 per week<br /> in all. In six weeks this equals £48. If<br /> twenty-five films.are at work the result is<br /> £1,200. If £200 were charged for the first<br /> ‘* exclusive ” exhibition of the film, you will see<br /> that £3,200 could be earned by a successful<br /> picture, without counting the small money<br /> when it gets down to its £2 value. When,<br /> therefore, an author is invited to sell a story<br /> or a play, or write an original scenario for<br /> Moving Picture purposes, it seems highly<br /> desirable that he should insist upon a percen-<br /> tage of the gross fees earned by the films of<br /> his subject being paid to him.<br /> <br /> There is no difficulty about this. I recently<br /> received the following letter from a well-known<br /> American manager.<br /> <br /> “ Regarding the matter of moving pictures of plays, our<br /> custom here is to pay from £200 to £400 down on account<br /> of royalty, which runs from 5 per cent. to 15 per cent. of<br /> the profits accruing to us from the sale of films, rentals<br /> and exhibitions through our subsidiary companies and<br /> affiliated companies. But this amount depends entirely<br /> upon the prominence of the play or the popular value of<br /> the star. We make the same terms with the star who owns<br /> the play, or any who appears for us in a standard work of<br /> fiction.<br /> <br /> “These are terms that we are now using. Of course<br /> there is something in a business connection with a company<br /> of good standing which does the work. There are numbers<br /> of predatory companies who make big offers, and take their<br /> chances upon capitalising their quarry, just as you might<br /> find it with theatrical management.<br /> <br /> “With a sound and well-established company there is<br /> no difficulty about honest payments, as special, verified<br /> accounts in books are kept of each separate display. We also<br /> have other terms, such as paying £100 outright for a<br /> copyrighted novel (of which we have many in this country),<br /> and which the publishers realise are a help in stimulating<br /> the sale of the novel.”<br /> <br /> The highest terms above quoted are a little<br /> exceptional, however, and they refer mostly<br /> to a novel experiment that has been tried by<br /> certain American film manufacturers, who<br /> induce well-known actors and actresses to<br /> appear for them before the camera either in<br /> scenes from a popular play or in specially<br /> <br /> <br /> 234<br /> <br /> written incidents. The remuneration of these<br /> actors and actresses is a percentage of the<br /> earnings of all the films showing such scenes<br /> and incidents. The Picture Palace proprietor<br /> is thus able to announce :-—<br /> <br /> “‘ Mr. Lewis Waller as ‘ Beaucaire ’ every<br /> night.”<br /> <br /> and the public is drawn accordingly. I do<br /> not know whether Mr. Waller has ever appeared<br /> for Moving Picture purposes, I merely give his<br /> name as an example of the system. As will<br /> be seen from the letter I have quoted, in the<br /> special cases referred to the author gets the<br /> same percentage as the star actor.<br /> <br /> It will be found, however, that, speaking<br /> generally, such a payment, down, as £400 on<br /> account of 10 per cent. is rather high, and can<br /> only be secured by authors with very well-<br /> known names. £100 down on account of<br /> five per cent. is quite fair remuneration either<br /> in this country or in America. All kinds of<br /> different prices have been charged. In<br /> America it is said that everybody writes<br /> moving picture plots, and that their price is<br /> $2. In this country endless plots have been<br /> written for £2 and £3 a piece. But this period<br /> is passing away, as the pictures develop<br /> upwards and require better work. I know of<br /> several instances in which dramatists have<br /> séld the Moving Picture rights of their plays<br /> for £200. That looked like becoming a<br /> standard price, but competition luckily brought<br /> an advance. Not long ago an author received<br /> £500 for the entire rights in a play, and more<br /> recently an author with a world-wide reputa-<br /> tion received £750 on account of a percentage<br /> of the gross.<br /> <br /> What I have said above refers to England<br /> and America. Dramatists should remember<br /> that there are several rights in a subject, the<br /> English right, the American right, the Con-<br /> tinental right, and so forth, though manu-<br /> facturers as a rule like to deal with the All-<br /> World right when they purchase, and this is<br /> only reasonable, because when once a film has<br /> been made it is difficult to control and easy<br /> to copy.<br /> <br /> What is the custom on the Continent with<br /> regard to the payment of authors I am unable<br /> to say. The French Society of Authors and<br /> Composers sent a long communication to the<br /> Dramatic Sub-Committee of the<br /> <br /> Authors’ |<br /> <br /> Society, laid emphasis on “ urgency,” sug- |<br /> <br /> gested a conference, and announced that they |<br /> <br /> had appointed a sub-committee. Since then<br /> our secretary has received no further com-<br /> munication.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> On the other hand, we have had very<br /> interesting communications from America.<br /> <br /> It is only right that I should mention ‘a<br /> method of payment which some people hold<br /> in favour. Instead of a percentage on the<br /> gross receipts earned by the various films of<br /> any one subject, they advocate a payment of<br /> so much per foot on the films manufactured.<br /> Of course, if a film is 1,000 feet long, and<br /> twenty-five copies are made of it, and you<br /> charge let us say 1s. per foot, you would, as<br /> author, receive 25,000 shillings, or £1,250,<br /> But a good subject is not necessarily a long<br /> subject. A bad film may be 2,000 feet long.<br /> A brilliant and most effective film may be only<br /> 500 feet long. Payment by length is never so<br /> desirable as payment by merit. Also, so far<br /> as my enquiries go, I doubt whether any<br /> manufacturer would pay so much as 1s. a foot.<br /> <br /> In thinking of the value of their work,<br /> dramatists should remember that in the<br /> making of Moving Pictures, scenery repre-<br /> senting exteriors cannot be used. It is pos-<br /> sible to photograph upon a film any built-up<br /> interior, but when you come to an exterior, it<br /> must be a real exterior, or at any rate some-<br /> thing that looks like a real exterior. I¢ cannot<br /> be ordinary paint and canvas scenery such as<br /> are used in theatres. I am now speaking of<br /> course of the author who has in his mind the<br /> writing of a serious plot for a Moving Picture<br /> representation.<br /> <br /> Ifa dramatist wants to write a ‘“freak”’ plot,<br /> that is to say, a story in which people fly over<br /> the roofs of London by night, or jump over<br /> houses, or visit the moon, he had much better<br /> go to a Moving Picture manufacturer first, and<br /> before he wastes much time upon his work, ask<br /> the manufacturer if the idea is possible. Very<br /> remarkable results are sometimes produced in<br /> “ freak ” or “‘ faked ’’ films.<br /> <br /> In writing plots for Moving Picture purposes,<br /> authors should remember that set words for<br /> the characters to speak are useless. The plot<br /> should be written out in exactly the same way<br /> that a ballet is written. The facts and the<br /> emotions only should be stated, as for example :<br /> <br /> “Gretchen is sitting Centre reading her lover’s.<br /> letter by the aid of a candle. Suddenly the<br /> door R is thrown open, and her father enters.<br /> Gretchen springs up in surprise, holding her<br /> lover’s letter in her left hand, which she keeps<br /> behind her. Her father eyes her sternly. He<br /> throws down his rifle, flings from his shoulder<br /> the dead chamois that he has brought back<br /> from his hunting, and throws aside his cloak.<br /> He comes down stage and for a moment eyes<br /> her critically. He holds out his hand as<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Av dup<br /> <br /> * Sititegs 3<br /> ye ted) Le<br /> <br /> &lt;A Dera G<br /> WET ne uh<br /> “SP aS as<br /> <br /> FADE UR Racks<br /> ” he Ta<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> i<br /> <br /> Ff<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> though he would say, ‘Show me what is in<br /> your hand.’ She holds out her right hand<br /> before him. He shakes his head and demands<br /> the other hand. Vevy reluctantly she holds<br /> out her left hand from which, with a quick<br /> gesture of anger, he snatches her lover’s letter.<br /> He reads it and turns fiercely upon his daughter<br /> who falls back to the table L.”<br /> <br /> It is in these terms that the actual producer<br /> of a moving picture has got to think. If the<br /> author desires to be successful, the author<br /> must do likewise.<br /> <br /> In connection with the Moving Picture<br /> industry there are at present three combina-<br /> tions, the actual manufacturers of films, the<br /> renters, or middle-men, who do the work of<br /> distribution and the arranging of leases, and<br /> the exhibitors, who are the actual proprietors<br /> of the picture palaces. Between these bodies,<br /> both in this country and in Ametica, there is<br /> friction. In the fulness of time the renters<br /> will probably become extinct as a separate<br /> body, and will be amalgamated as part of the<br /> manufacturers’ organisation. The exhibitors<br /> naturally want to get their films wherever they<br /> like. Some of the greater manufacturers are<br /> a little inclined to say : “You shall take ours and<br /> ours only.”” The combination of manufacturers<br /> would of course, be very powerful, and could<br /> dictate to the best halls, what they could and<br /> could not show. . But these considerations do<br /> not, for the moment, affect the author very<br /> much. They may some day. At present the<br /> author should watch the developments of<br /> picture palaces regularly and seriously. They<br /> are bound to affect him. The production of<br /> words by means of the gramophone to be<br /> spoken in connection with the moving picture<br /> has been frequently attempted, but is not<br /> perfect yet. Something of the sort will come,<br /> however. A machine has already been<br /> patented which successfully reproduces noises,<br /> such as the ringing of bells, the blowing of<br /> motor horns, engine and steamboat whistles,<br /> which works quite correctly and automatically<br /> in connection with moving pictures. The<br /> singing of a song by a gramophone while the<br /> moving picture shows the artist is sometimes<br /> remarkably accurate, but is a little difficult.<br /> The time is not far distant, however, when<br /> public speeches will be taken down on a<br /> gramophone while the speaker, with all his<br /> movements and gestures, is being taken by the<br /> film. A speech made in Liverpool at twelve<br /> o’clock in the morning will be heard and seen<br /> at the Palace on the same evening. The<br /> Grand National Steeplechase which was run<br /> at Liverpool did not finish till nearly three<br /> <br /> 235<br /> <br /> o’clock, but it was seer practically from start<br /> to finish on the screen at the Palace Theatre<br /> the same night.<br /> <br /> The needs of the Moving Picture will, in all<br /> probability, be of great advantage to dramatic<br /> art though not to dramatic literature. The<br /> moving picture story is told, not by beautiful<br /> and well-chosen words, but by dramatic and<br /> expressive gestures. These things are rare on<br /> the English stage, though they are common<br /> enough in France and Italy. Hundreds of<br /> artists who will be wanted for Moving Picture<br /> purposes in this country will have to give up<br /> looking fearfully well-bred, and doing nothing<br /> to emphasize their words except twiddling<br /> their watch chains. Their faces will have to<br /> express, their hands will have to indicate, they<br /> will have to act all over with their bodies,<br /> they will have to be something more than<br /> authors’ gramophones.<br /> <br /> And for this blessing let us be grateful to<br /> the Moving Pictures.<br /> <br /> Ceci RALEIGH.<br /> <br /> ——____+—~&gt;-+<br /> <br /> MAGAZINE CONTENTS.<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> BLACKWOODS.<br /> <br /> Some Novels by Surtes. By Moira O&#039;Neill.<br /> Musings Without Method. Lord Acton’s Letters.<br /> <br /> British REVIEW.<br /> <br /> Poetry: The Grey Rock. By W. B. Yeats.<br /> Pennant and His Friends. By the Countess of Denbigh.<br /> <br /> CoNTEMPORARY.<br /> <br /> The Fairy Tale in Education.<br /> donald, M.D.<br /> <br /> Maeterlinck, the Revolutionary. By J. H. Harley.<br /> <br /> The Optimism of Ibsen. By Edwin Bjorkman.<br /> <br /> The Conception of Resurrection in Literature.<br /> <br /> By Greville Mac-<br /> <br /> CoRNHILL.<br /> <br /> Books and Reading: a Retrospect.<br /> Green.<br /> <br /> By the Rev. W. C.<br /> <br /> Enoeuiso REVIEW.<br /> <br /> To Swinburne: a Poem. By John Helston.<br /> A National College of Music for Wales. By Granville<br /> Bantock.<br /> <br /> Literature as a Fine Art. By R. A. Scott-James.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> SCALE FOR ADVERTISEMENIS.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> [ALLOWANCE TO MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY 20 PER OENT.)<br /> Frout Page ae FOE A vie £4 0 0<br /> Other Pages ot 80.8<br /> Half of a Page .. “i 0<br /> Quarter of a Page<br /> Highth of a Page eae Nes ee ae<br /> Single Column Advertisements perinch 0<br /> <br /> Reduction of 20 per cent. made for a Series of Six and of 25 per cent. for<br /> Twelve Insertions.<br /> <br /> All letters respecting Advertisements should be addressed to J. F.<br /> Brimont &amp; Co,, 29, Paternoster Square, London, £.C.<br /> <br /> oor<br /> me<br /> <br /> 0<br /> 5 6<br /> 7-0<br /> 6 0<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> HOW TO USE THE SOCIETY.<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> 1. VERY member has a right toask for and to receive<br /> K advice upon his agreements, his choice of a pub-<br /> lisher, or any dispute arising in the conduct of his<br /> business or the administration of his property. The<br /> Secretary of the Society is a solicitor; but if there is any<br /> special reason the Secretary will refer the case to the<br /> Solicitors of the Society. Further, the Committee, if they<br /> deem it desirable, will obtain counsel’s opinion without<br /> any cost to the member. Moreover, where counsel&#039;s<br /> opinion is favourable, and the sanction of the Committee<br /> is obtained, action will be taken on behalf of the aggrieved<br /> member, and all costs borne by the Society.<br /> <br /> 2. Remember that questions connected with copyright<br /> and publishers’ agreements do not fall within the experi-<br /> ence of ordinary solicitors. Therefore, do not scruple to use<br /> the Society.<br /> <br /> 3. Before signing any agreement whatever, send<br /> the document to the Society for examination,<br /> <br /> 4. Remember always that in belonging to the Society<br /> you are fighting the battles of other writers, even if you<br /> are reaping no direct benefit to yourself, and that you are<br /> advancing the best interests of your calling in promoting<br /> the independence of the writer, the dramatist, the composer.<br /> <br /> 5. The Committee have arranged for the reception of<br /> members’ agreements and their preservation in a fire-<br /> proof safe. The agreements will, of course, be regarded as<br /> confidential documents to be read only by the Secretary,<br /> who will keep the key of the safe. The Society now offers :<br /> (1) To stamp agreements in readiness for a possible action<br /> upon them. (2) To keep agreements. (3) To enforce<br /> payments due according to agreements. Fuller particu-<br /> lars of the Society’s work can be obtained in the<br /> Prospectus.<br /> <br /> 6. No contract should be entered into with a literary<br /> agent without the advice of the Secretary of the Society.<br /> Members are strongly advised not to accept without careful<br /> consideration the contracts with publishers submitted to<br /> them by literary agents, and are recommended to submit<br /> them for interpretation and explanation to the Secretary<br /> of the Society.<br /> <br /> This<br /> The<br /> <br /> 7. Many agents neglect to stamp agreements,<br /> must be done within fourteen days of first execution.<br /> Secretary will undertake it on behalf of members.<br /> <br /> 8. Some agents endeayour to prevent authors from<br /> referring matters to the Secretary of the Society; so<br /> do some publishers. Members can make their own<br /> deductions and act accordingly.<br /> <br /> 9. The subscription to the Society is £1 1s. per<br /> annum, or £10 10s. for life membership.<br /> <br /> ——— ee<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO THE PRODUCERS<br /> OF BOOKS.<br /> <br /> —+—&gt;— +<br /> <br /> ERE are a few standing rules to be observed in an<br /> agreement. There are four methods of dealing<br /> with literary property :—<br /> <br /> I, Selling it Outright.<br /> * This is sometimes satisfactory, if a proper price. can be<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> obtained. But the transaction should be managed by 4<br /> competent agent, or with the advice of the Secretary of<br /> the Society.<br /> <br /> Il. A Profit-Sharing Agreement (a bad form of<br /> agreement),<br /> <br /> In this case the following rules should be attended to:<br /> <br /> (1.) Not to sign any agreement in which the cost of pre-<br /> duction forms a part without the strictest investigation,<br /> <br /> (2.) Not to give the publisher the power of putting the<br /> profits into his own pocket by charging for advertisements<br /> in his own organs, or by charging exchange advertise-<br /> ments. Therefore keep control of the advertisements.<br /> <br /> (3.) Not to allow a special charge for ‘office expenses,”<br /> unless the same allowance is made to the author.<br /> <br /> (4.) Not to give up American, Colonial, or Continental]<br /> rights.<br /> <br /> (5.) Not to give up serial or translation rights.<br /> <br /> (6.) Not to bind yourself for future work to any publisher.<br /> As well bind yourself for the future to any one solicitor or<br /> doctor |<br /> <br /> III. The Royalty System.<br /> <br /> This is perhaps, with certain limitations, the best form<br /> of agreement. It is above all things necessary to know<br /> what the proposed royalty means to both sides. It is now<br /> possible for an author to ascertain approximately the<br /> truth. From time to time very important figures connected<br /> with royalties are published in The Author.<br /> <br /> IV. A Commission Agreement.<br /> <br /> The main points are :—<br /> <br /> (1.) Be careful to obtain a fair cost of production.<br /> (2.) Keep control of the advertisements.<br /> <br /> (3.) Keep control of the sale price of the book.<br /> <br /> General.<br /> <br /> All other forms of agreement are combinations of the four<br /> above mentioned.<br /> <br /> Such combinations are generally disastrous to the author.<br /> <br /> Never sign any agreement without competent advice from<br /> the Secretary of the Society.<br /> <br /> Stamp all agreements with the Inland Revenue stamp.<br /> <br /> Avoid agreements by letter if possible.<br /> <br /> The main points which the Society has always demanded<br /> from the outset are :—<br /> <br /> (1.) That both sides shall know what an agreement<br /> means.<br /> <br /> (2.) The inspection of those account books which belong<br /> to the author. We are advised that this is a right, in the<br /> nature of a common law right, which cannot be denied or<br /> withheld.<br /> <br /> (3.) Always avoid a transfer of copyright.<br /> <br /> —__—_———__+—&gt;_&gt;+—___<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO DRAMATIC AUTHORS.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> EVER sign an agreement without submitting it to the<br /> Secretary of the Society of Authors or some com-<br /> petent legal authority.<br /> <br /> 2. It is well to be extremely careful in negotiating for<br /> the production of a play with any one except an established —<br /> manager.<br /> <br /> 3. There are three forms of dramatic contract for plays<br /> in three or more acts :—<br /> <br /> (a.) Sale outright of the performing right. This<br /> is unsatisfactory. An author who enters into<br /> such a contract should stipulate in the contract<br /> for production of the piece by a certain date<br /> and for proper publication of his name on the<br /> play-bills,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> (2.) Sale of performing right or of a licence to<br /> perform on the basis of percentages on<br /> gross receipts. Percentages vary between 5<br /> and 15 per cent, An author should obtain a<br /> percentage on the sliding scale of gross receipts<br /> in preference to the American system. Should<br /> obtain a sum in advance of percentages. A fixed<br /> date on or before which the play should be<br /> performed.<br /> <br /> (c.) Sale of performing right or of a licence to<br /> perform on the basis of royalties (é.e., fixed<br /> nightly fees). This method should be always<br /> avoided except in cases where the fees are<br /> likely to be small or difficult to collect. The<br /> other safeguards set out under heading (d.) apply<br /> also in this case.<br /> <br /> 4, Plays in one act are often sold outright, but it is<br /> better to obtain a small nightly fee if possible, and a sum<br /> paid in advance of such fees in any event. It is extremely<br /> important that the amateur rights of one-act plays should<br /> be reserved.<br /> <br /> 5. Authors should remember that performing rights can<br /> be limited, and are usually limited, by town, country, and<br /> time. This is most important.<br /> <br /> 6. Authors should not assign performing rights, but<br /> should grant a licence to perform. The legal distinction<br /> is of great importance,<br /> <br /> 7. Authors should remember that performing rights in a<br /> play are distinct from literary copyright. A manager<br /> holding the performing right or licence to perform cannot<br /> print the book of the words.<br /> <br /> 8. Never forget that United States rights may be exceed-<br /> ingly valuable. They should never be included in English<br /> agreements without the author obtaining a substantial<br /> consideration.<br /> <br /> 9, Agreements for collaboration should be carefully<br /> drawn and executed before collaboration is commenced.<br /> <br /> 10. An author should remember that production of a play<br /> is highly speculative: that he runs a very great risk of<br /> delay and a breakdown in the fulfilment of his contract.<br /> He should therefore guard himself all the more carefully in<br /> the beginning.<br /> <br /> 11. An author must remember that the dramatic market<br /> is exceedingly limited, and that for a novice the first object<br /> is to obtain adequate publication.<br /> <br /> As these warnings must necessarily be incomplete, on<br /> account of the wide range of the subject of dramatic con-<br /> tracts, those authors desirous of further information<br /> are referred to the Secretary of the Society.<br /> <br /> a<br /> <br /> REGISTRATION OF SCENARIOS AND<br /> ORIGINAL PLAYS.<br /> <br /> &lt;&gt; +<br /> <br /> CENARIOS, typewritten in duplicate on foolscap paper<br /> forwarded to the offices of the Society, together with<br /> <br /> a registration fee of two shillings and sixpence, will<br /> <br /> be carefully compared by the Secretary or a qualified assis-<br /> tant. One copy will be stamped and returned to theauthor<br /> and the other filed in the register of the Society. Copies<br /> of the scenario thus filed may be obtained at any time by<br /> the author only at a small charge to cover cost of typing.<br /> <br /> Original Plays may also be filed subject to the same<br /> <br /> tules, with the exception that a play will be charged for<br /> at the price of 2s. 6d. per act.<br /> <br /> 237<br /> <br /> DRAMATIC AUTHORS AND AGENTS.<br /> ——<br /> <br /> RAMATIC authors should seek’ the advice of the<br /> Society before putting plays into the hands of<br /> agents. As the law stands at present, an agent<br /> <br /> who has once had a play in his hands may acquire a<br /> perpetual claim to a percentage on the author’s fees<br /> from it. As far as the placing of plays is concerned,<br /> it may be taken as a general rule that there are only<br /> very few agents who can do anything for an author<br /> that he cannot, under the guidance of the Society, do<br /> equally well or better for himself. The collection of fees<br /> is also a matter in which in many cases no intermediary is<br /> required. For certain purposes, such as the collection of<br /> fees on amateur performances, and in general the trans-<br /> action of frequent petty authorisations with different<br /> individuals, and also for the collection of fees in foreign<br /> countries, almost all dramatic authors employ agents; and<br /> in these ways the services of agents are real and valuable.<br /> But the Society warns authors against agents who profess<br /> to have influence with managers in the placing of plays, or<br /> who propose to act as principals by offering to purchase<br /> the author’s rights. In any case, in the present state of<br /> the law, an agent should not be employed under any<br /> circumstances without an agreement approved of by the<br /> Society.<br /> gg<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO MUSICAL COMPOSERS.<br /> <br /> ee ae<br /> ITTLE can be added to the warnings given for the<br /> assistance of producers of books and dramatic<br /> authors. It must, however, be pointed out that, as<br /> a rule, the musical publisher demands from the musical<br /> composer a transfer of fuller rights and less liberal finan-<br /> cial terms than those obtained for literary and dramatic<br /> property. The musical composer has very often the two<br /> rights to deal with—performing right and copyright. He<br /> should be especially careful therefore when entering into<br /> an agreement, and should take into particular consideration<br /> the warnings stated above.<br /> <br /> a i oe ee ee<br /> <br /> STAMPING MUSIC.<br /> <br /> a<br /> <br /> The Society undertakes to stamp copies of music on;<br /> behalf of its members for the fee of 6d. per 100 or part<br /> of 100. The members’ stamps are kept in the Society&#039;s<br /> safe. The musical publishers communicate direct with the<br /> Secretary, and the voucher is then forwarded to the<br /> members, who are thus saved much unnecessary trouble.<br /> <br /> ie ee ee<br /> <br /> THE READING BRANCH.<br /> <br /> ——&gt; +<br /> <br /> EMBERS will greatly assist the Society in this<br /> branch of its work by informing young writers<br /> of its existence. Their MSS. can be read and<br /> treated as a composition is treated by a coach, The term<br /> MSS. includes not only works of fiction, but poetry<br /> and dramatic works, and when it is possible, under<br /> special arrangement, technical and scientific works. Tbe<br /> Readers are writers of competence and experience. The<br /> <br /> fee is one guinea,<br /> <br /> —_——_—_—_—_.—&gt;—_____—__<br /> <br /> REMITTANCES.<br /> <br /> AEs<br /> <br /> The Secretary of the Society begs to give notice<br /> that all remittances are acknowledged by return of post.<br /> All remittences should be crossed Union of London and-<br /> Smiths Bank, Chancery Lane, or be sent by registered<br /> letter only.<br /> <br /> <br /> 238<br /> COLLECTION BUREAU.<br /> <br /> 1<br /> <br /> HE Society undertakes to collect accounts and moneys<br /> <br /> l due to authors, composers and dramatists.<br /> <br /> 1. Under contracts for the publication of their<br /> works.<br /> <br /> 2. Under contracts for the performance of their works<br /> and amateur fees.<br /> <br /> 3. Under the Compulsory Licence Clauses of the Copy-<br /> right Act, i.e., Clause 3, governing compulsory licences for<br /> books, and Clause 19, referring to mechanical instrument<br /> records. :<br /> <br /> The Bureau is divided into three departments :—<br /> <br /> 1. Literary.<br /> 2. Dramatic.<br /> 3. Musical.<br /> <br /> The Society does not desire to make a profit from the<br /> collection of fees, but will charge a commission to cover<br /> expenses. If, owing to the amount passing through the<br /> office, the expenses are more than covered, the Committee<br /> of Management will discuss the possibility of reducing the<br /> commission.<br /> <br /> For full particulars of the terms of collection, application<br /> must be made to the Collection Bureau of the Society.<br /> <br /> The Bureau is in no sense a literary or dramatic<br /> agency for the placing of books or plays.<br /> <br /> —_——__+ &gt; +___—<br /> <br /> GENERAL NOTES.<br /> <br /> ——— +<br /> Tur AutHors’ LEAGUE OF AMERICA.<br /> <br /> WE must give our heartiest welcome to the<br /> first number of the Bulletin of the Authors’<br /> League of America, which was issued on<br /> April1. We hope the date is not ominous;<br /> but, putting aside this question, it is of the<br /> greatest interest to see that the American<br /> authors are combining, and it is very flattering<br /> to see that they are combining almost entirely<br /> along the lines of our own Society. We note<br /> their list of members and the statement that<br /> they number already 350, and that applicants<br /> are coming in daily. All this is very healthy<br /> and very satisfactory, and we feel convinced<br /> that the Authors’ League will justify its present<br /> popularity by showing that it really turns<br /> out useful information, and gives to its mem-<br /> bers strong legal support, according to the<br /> proposals set out in its paper and its pro-<br /> spectus. The committee of the Society of<br /> Authors promised to give the League its best<br /> assistance. As we hope the League may<br /> be able to furnish the Society with interesting<br /> advice as to the position of publishers, editors<br /> of magazines, theatrical managers, and others<br /> who deal with copyright property in America<br /> from the trade side, so the Society will be<br /> able to help the League by information from<br /> England. But why, if the League considers<br /> it necessary to appoint a literary agent in<br /> London, do they appoint a publisher? We<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> deal with the matter on principle. How can<br /> a publisher act as a literary agent, for it<br /> means either that he cannot publish himself<br /> any of the work put into his hands, or if he<br /> does publish it himself, that he ceases to be an<br /> agent. Perhaps the American Authors’ League<br /> will reconsider the position and explain.<br /> <br /> PUBLISHERS’ ASSOCIATION.<br /> <br /> WE desire to tender our congratulations<br /> to Mr. J. H. Blackwood on his election to the<br /> presidency of the Publishers’ Association,<br /> in succession to Sir Frederick Macmillan,<br /> who retired and was elected vice-president.<br /> <br /> While, in many cases, the interests of authors<br /> and publishers are necessarily opposed, there<br /> are still not a few matters on which their<br /> interests are at one. The recent Copyright<br /> Bill to which Mr. Blackwood, in proposing a<br /> vote of thanks to the retiring. president,<br /> referred, afforded the Society of Authors and<br /> the Publishers’ Association an opportunity<br /> of working together. We feel certain that<br /> in the event of any matter arising where joint<br /> action between the two bodies is feasible,<br /> we may count on the assistance and co-opera-<br /> tion of the Publishers’ Association’s latest<br /> president as we could on that of his predecessor<br /> in the chair.<br /> <br /> Movine Pictures.<br /> <br /> By the desire of the Dramatic Sub-Com-<br /> mittee, we print an article on Moving Pictures,<br /> being a report compiled by Mr. Cecil Raleigh<br /> for the benefit of dramatists who are members<br /> of the Society.<br /> <br /> Although Mr. Raleigh has been so successful<br /> in presenting the matter in practical form and<br /> in giving the figures obtainable, the Dramatic<br /> Sub-Committee desire to impress upon<br /> members the fact that before making any<br /> contract affecting their cinematograph rights,<br /> they should apply to the Society for advice.<br /> All information which is forwarded to the<br /> Society concerning these contracts will be<br /> submitted with the sanction of the member,<br /> to the Dramatic Sub-Committee and will be<br /> treated in absolute confidence. It is hoped<br /> that members will give their best support to<br /> the efforts of the Dramatic sub-Committee.<br /> It may be necessary with the larger develop-<br /> ment of the cinematograph to amplify and<br /> amend the report. The more information<br /> therefore at the disposal of the sub-committee,<br /> the more lasting will be the conclusion at<br /> which it is possible to arrive.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> MacazinE RicHTs IN THE U.S.A.<br /> <br /> Toucutne the matter of magazine rights,<br /> an American correspondent informs us that<br /> most of the better class magazines will accept<br /> or return a serial of some 60,000 to 100,000<br /> words within ten days, while a short story<br /> takes about the same time to get through,<br /> because, as a rule, it fetches a much higher<br /> price in proportion. Practically all magazines<br /> pay on acceptance, and have their stated<br /> pay-days, weekly, fortnightly or monthly.<br /> Those magazines that are of best repute for<br /> quick decisions and prompt pay get the pick<br /> of the market in fiction, and those at the bottom<br /> of the grade—information concerning which<br /> every author can easily obtain—get the dregs.<br /> He states further that almost every editor in<br /> America is easily accessible to, and is even<br /> anxious to meet, any contributor who shows<br /> promise of affording him scope of adding to<br /> his circulation.<br /> <br /> Serra, RIGHTS IN THE U.S.A.<br /> <br /> Tue Information Bureau of the Authors’<br /> League of America received a number of<br /> letters from members, asking what practical<br /> steps it was necessary to take in order<br /> that the author of the serial story appearing<br /> in a magazine in America may obtain for<br /> himself copyright of all other rights excepting<br /> the right of first publication owned by the<br /> magazine. The same question is constantly<br /> arising in Great Britain.<br /> <br /> We take pleasure therefore in printing the<br /> reply to such a question received from Mr.<br /> Thorwald Solberg, who is the Registrar of<br /> Copyrights in Washington. In addition to<br /> following the instructions contained therein,<br /> the author should, of course, publish under<br /> each instalment of his story a notice of the<br /> copyright reserved by him :—<br /> <br /> . “ Liprary or CONGRESS,<br /> ‘**CopyRIGHT OFFICE,<br /> ‘* WASHINGTON.<br /> “ Authors’ League of America,<br /> “30, Broad Street, New York.<br /> <br /> “ Duar Sres,—In response to the question raised in<br /> your letter, I beg to say that it would no doubt be a<br /> safer course to pursue to file a claim of copyright in<br /> each serial instalment upon the deposit of a copy of the<br /> periodical containing it in accordance with the express<br /> provisions of the copyright law.<br /> <br /> “ Under the express provisions of the statute, only the<br /> numbers which are deposited at the same time can be<br /> included in one registration. In the case of serial publica-<br /> tions some publishers believe that it is a secure enough<br /> procedure to hold numbers and send three or four at one<br /> time, and if this is done the Copyright Office will register<br /> them upon the responsibility of the claimant.<br /> <br /> “Tt is to be noticed, however, that if that course is<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 239<br /> <br /> pursued, any inquiry as to whether the work has been<br /> registered for copyright in the United States must be<br /> answered in the negative before the deposit has been made.<br /> It is probably to obviate the possibly practical difficulties<br /> which might arise from such negative answers that more<br /> cautious publishers will deposit each instalment separately<br /> and pay a separate fee for each.<br /> <br /> “To the above I must add also that there is of necessity<br /> a limit of space in the record books of the Copyright Office<br /> for indicating the date of publication, and therefore the<br /> Office cannot undertake to include a great many separate<br /> issues of magazines with separate dates of publication for<br /> one registration.<br /> <br /> (Signed) ““THORWALD SOLBERG,<br /> “ Register of Copyrights.”<br /> We only wish it had been possible to obtain<br /> an equally authoritative answer to the question<br /> how to obtain copyright in Great Britain and<br /> America in the same story when it is published<br /> serially in both countries.<br /> <br /> Tue AUSTRALIAN MARKET.<br /> <br /> In another column of this issue we print an<br /> article from the Bookfellow, Sidney, Australia<br /> on The Tied Book System. The article needs<br /> consideration as it has been written by an<br /> Australian with a knowledge of the Austra-<br /> lian markets, but although it is important to<br /> hear that side of the question, the statements<br /> contained in the article are not in accord with<br /> other statements that have been received at<br /> the Society’s office with regard to the Austra-<br /> lian book trade. Indeed, in those cases where<br /> English authors have published themselves<br /> with one Australian publisher, the result has.<br /> been most satisfactory and the authors have<br /> obtained a wider circulation than they<br /> generally obtain from the free competition.<br /> We trust that the time is not far distant<br /> when the Australian publisher will come<br /> forward, contract with the English author<br /> and produce an edition in Australia for the<br /> Australians. If such a contract could be<br /> entered into, the advantage to the publisher<br /> as well as to the author would stimulate a<br /> much wider circulation. If a person produced<br /> a book at his own expense in England, no<br /> publisher would take it up unless he had a<br /> monopoly of publication. Why the same rule<br /> should not apply in Australia it is difficult to<br /> say.<br /> <br /> Toe TREATMENT OF THE LATE COLERIDGE<br /> TAYLOR BY THE Frrm oF MEssRs.<br /> NovELLo.<br /> In a paper called the Musical News, in the<br /> issue for March 22, there is an article on<br /> <br /> this subject by Mr. T. Lea Southgate. It<br /> is a rather pathetic presentation of the<br /> <br /> <br /> 240<br /> <br /> relations between authors and composers and<br /> their publishers which were thought proper in<br /> the evil old times, when the artist regarded his<br /> publisher as his patron. Mr. T. Lea Southgate<br /> pleads his age and experience entitling him to<br /> discuss the whole question at large, but in<br /> truth the world has moved on without his<br /> knowledge, leaving him with nothing to say<br /> worth saying. We are glad to acknowledge<br /> his fairness, however, in one direction. He<br /> acquits Mrs. Coleridge Taylor of responsibility<br /> for the efforts of the chairman of the Society<br /> of Authors on behalf of her and her family.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Tue AUTHOR AND THE PUBLISHER.<br /> <br /> A CORRESPONDENT has sent us a funny little<br /> pamphlet with this title, written by Mr.<br /> <br /> Filson Young, and reprinted from the<br /> Eyewitness. In this pamphlet we are told<br /> <br /> that ‘‘ agencies and societies exist for no<br /> other purpose than to point them (the sins of<br /> the publisher to the author) out’; and that<br /> “it is seriously believed also that, except for<br /> the vigilance of societies and agents, authors<br /> would all be starving in the gutter, and pub-<br /> lishers would all be millionaires.” To the<br /> novelist who is prudent enough not to séll his<br /> property outright unless he can get good terms<br /> we have this reference: ‘‘ Over a quite worth-<br /> less library novel he talks importantly about<br /> ‘reserving the copyright,’ with the fond idea<br /> that his grandchildren may possibly derive a<br /> handsome annual income from it.’ To the<br /> novelist who would act in business affairs like<br /> any other sensible person, and would take his<br /> wares to the best market, wherever that might<br /> be, the following advice is addressed: “ For<br /> the author who writes books from any serious<br /> motive, and who wishes them to live, the plan<br /> of sticking to one publisher is far the best.”<br /> The pamphlet might make a good circular for<br /> a publisher, but as the counsel of an author to<br /> his brother authors it is an amazing piece of<br /> work.<br /> <br /> E. M. Unprerpown, K.C.<br /> <br /> WE regret to record the death of Mr. E. M.<br /> Underdown, K.C., which occurred suddenly<br /> last month. He was, for many years,<br /> honorary counsel to the Society, and one of<br /> the very earliest members of the company<br /> of authors from which it has_ evolved.<br /> Mr. Underdown rendered the Society many<br /> services in its earlier years—more particularly<br /> in connection with copyright law reform, which<br /> from the date of its foundation the Society<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> was endeavouring to promote. Many of the<br /> Bills initiated in those early days by the<br /> Society failed to obtain the Parliamentary<br /> facilities necessary for their transformation<br /> into Acts of Parliament. Nevertheless, the<br /> time spent was not wasted, and the knowledge<br /> of copyright law possessed by Mr. Underdown<br /> was of great assistance to the Society, and was<br /> generously placed at its disposal by him. He<br /> was an extraordinarily accomplished man, a<br /> great commercial lawyer, an expert musician,<br /> and at home in five European languages.<br /> <br /> Proressor EpwarD DowDEN.<br /> <br /> WE have also, with regret, to chronicle the<br /> death of Professor Edward Dowden, whose<br /> contributions to literature are well known to<br /> all students.<br /> <br /> Elected to the professorship of English<br /> Literature and Oratory at Trinity College,<br /> Dublin, in 1867, he published, eight years later,<br /> his first Shakespearean study, ‘‘ Shakespeare :<br /> His Mind and Art.” This work made him<br /> widely known as a critic, and was translated<br /> into German and Russian. Many other essays<br /> in criticism followed, but it was his ‘ Life of<br /> Shelley,’’ published 1886, which brought his<br /> name to the notice of the general public. He<br /> was also the author of several books of poems.<br /> His scholastic honours included the Cunning-<br /> ham Gold Medal of the Royal Irish Academy<br /> (1878), an Honorary LL.D. of Edinburgh, and<br /> an Honorary D.C.L. of Oxford. Apart from<br /> his literary work he held several public posts, -<br /> and displayed keen interest in political ques-<br /> tions as a Unionist. His association with the<br /> Society continued till his death, though his<br /> many other interests gave him little leisure for<br /> active participation in the Society’s work.<br /> <br /> ——_<br /> <br /> FIELD-MARSHAL THE YISCOUNT<br /> WOLSELEY, K.P., P.C., ETC.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> E regret to chronicle the death of<br /> <br /> Field - Marshal Viscount Wolseley,<br /> <br /> K.P., P.C., ete., which occurred on<br /> <br /> March 27. It is unnecessary in these columns<br /> to give a detailed statement of his distinguished<br /> career as a soldier and of the brilliant services<br /> that he rendered to his country during the<br /> many campaigns through which he fought; all<br /> this has already been set out in the general<br /> press. It is only for us to chronicle his work<br /> as an author. ‘‘ The Soldier’s Pocket Book<br /> for Field Service”’ was already in its fifth edition<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> in 1886. This work without doubt, from the<br /> practical point of view, from the point of view<br /> of Lord Wolseley as the writer for his own pro-<br /> fession, is the most important work that he<br /> produced as an author. He wrote other works<br /> which are recognised as authoritative on their<br /> subjects, and they all of them deal with mil-<br /> tary matters: “The Life of the Duke of<br /> Marlborough,’ ‘‘The Decline and Fall of<br /> Napoleon,” and his own auto-biography,<br /> which is confined to the soldier side of his<br /> life, are the most important of these publica-<br /> tions. Though he was first and last a soldier,<br /> he was successful as a writer, as might have<br /> been expected, because he always wrote out<br /> of the fulness of his knowledge. He joined<br /> the Society in June, 1903, was elected to<br /> the Council, and, although he took no active<br /> part in the Society’s work, he was fully<br /> in accord with the principles on which’ it is<br /> based. We have pleasure in recording that<br /> his daughter, who succeeds to the title, has<br /> also been a member of the Society for some<br /> years.<br /> <br /> ———_+——_+___—_<br /> <br /> THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING.<br /> <br /> 1<br /> 2 ieee Annual<br /> Society of Authors was held at<br /> <br /> 4.30 p.m. on Thursday, April 3, in<br /> the rooms of the Society of Arts, 18, John<br /> Street, Adelphi, when, amongst others, the<br /> following members were present :—<br /> <br /> Dr. S. Squire Sprigge, Chairman; James<br /> Baker, Mackenzie Bell, Percy J. Brebner,<br /> Prof. Lewis N. Chase, Mrs. Lewis N. Chase,<br /> Miss W. J. Curwen, Mrs. L. F. Wynne Ffoulkes,<br /> Charles L. Freeston, Anthony Hope Hawkins,<br /> John Helston, Miss E. M. Hine, Mrs. Hope<br /> Huntly, The Rev. H. N. Hutchinson, John<br /> Ivimey, Cliff Keane, C. Lincoln, Gilbert S.<br /> Macquoid, Mowbray Marras, Miss H. E.<br /> Marshall, E. D. McCormick, Aylmer Maude,<br /> H. W. Ord, H. M. Paull, Mrs. Charles Perrin,<br /> Miss Alice Grant Rosman, Firth Scott, P. W.<br /> Sergeant, H. W. Seton-Karr, Adolphe Smith,<br /> Miss L. E. Tiddeman, Major Philip Trevor,<br /> George Vernon, L. C. Wharton, Louis Zangwill.<br /> <br /> The agenda list was as follows :—<br /> <br /> 1. To receive, and, if desired, to discuss the<br /> accounts and report of the Committee of<br /> Management. 2. To elect a member of the<br /> Pension Fund Committee under the scheme for<br /> the management of the Pension Fund.<br /> (Mr. M. H. Spielmann resigns in due order,<br /> <br /> General Meeting of the<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 241<br /> <br /> but submits his name for re-election. The<br /> name of no other candidate has been put<br /> forward). 8. To appoint scrutineers to count<br /> the votes under the Society’s constitution.<br /> 4. To consider a proposal: (a) That all sums<br /> recovered through the agency of the Society’s<br /> solicitors for those members who are not<br /> employing the Society’s Collection Bureau<br /> shall be subject to the deduction of com-<br /> mission. (b) That the commission so deducted<br /> shall be the same as is deducted for the time<br /> being in the case of its members employing<br /> the bureau.<br /> <br /> Dr. S. Squire Sprigge, Chairman of the<br /> Committee of Management, who presided,<br /> proposed that the meeting should take first<br /> the second and third items of the agenda.<br /> Mr. M. H. Spielmann having been re-elected<br /> to the Pension Fund Committee, the election<br /> of scrutineers was left in the hands of the<br /> Committee of Management.<br /> <br /> Coming next to the accounts and report,<br /> which were already in the hands of the members,<br /> the Chairman invited any of those present who<br /> had anything to say concerning these to do so.<br /> The past year, he said, had been very favour-<br /> able to the Society. The membership had<br /> gone up, the total number of elections being<br /> 345, a great advance on the numbers for the<br /> past four years; and the financial position<br /> was very strong. There had, moreover, been<br /> a drop in the number of resignations, the<br /> report showing a loss of 180, including fifty-five<br /> erasions for non-payment, ninety-nine resigna-<br /> tions, and twenty-six deaths. The question<br /> of resignations had always been, said the<br /> Chairman, a difficult one for their Society,<br /> for apparently a great number of people only<br /> came to them when in trouble. If these<br /> people, after obtaining the aid which they<br /> sought, did not remain to share the troubles<br /> of others, but dropped their membership<br /> again, then they were only a drain upon the<br /> finances of the Society. He hoped that the<br /> decrease in the number of resignations, even<br /> if it were only a slight one, might be taken as<br /> a sign that authors were beginning to recognise<br /> that the Society should be used as a form of<br /> insurance and a means of co-operation with<br /> their fellow-writers. With regard to finance,<br /> the accounts showed that their income last<br /> year was the largest they had ever received,<br /> an increase of £185 bringing the revenue from<br /> annual subscriptions to £2,250. At the same<br /> time the legal expenses of the year had been<br /> smaller, a point for congratulation when<br /> their membership was increasing. He again<br /> invited any who had remarks to make on the<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 242<br /> <br /> report, or suggestions as to the future conduct<br /> of the Society, to make them now.<br /> <br /> No one responding to the invitation, the<br /> Chairman passed on to the fourth item in<br /> the agenda. This, he explained, arose partly<br /> out of a proposal, somewhat to the same effect,<br /> made at the last Annual Meeting by Mr. Paull.<br /> Similar suggestions had reached the Committee<br /> of Management, generally in letters from<br /> members, the effect of which was that it seemed<br /> to them a legitimate source of income to the<br /> Society to charge a small commission on<br /> moneys collected. Members usually made<br /> the suggestion when sending donations at<br /> the end of successful actions undertaken on<br /> their behalf by the Society. The Committee<br /> of Management had, therefore, decided to put<br /> forward the proposal now before the meeting,<br /> without expressing any collective opinion of<br /> their own either for or against it. They were<br /> not, indeed, all agreed upon it; but the<br /> proposal, in its present form, was the result<br /> of several debates in committee. The fact<br /> that the net result of its being passed would<br /> be an increase of revenue was a matter of<br /> importance to the Society, for, though their<br /> financial position was good, their growing<br /> work necessitated larger offices and more<br /> clerical assistance, and it must be remembered<br /> that the bigger their income the more good<br /> they could do on behalf of authors. It must<br /> also be remembered that they were not at<br /> <br /> resent banking any substantial reserve fund,<br /> and that the guinea subscription barely<br /> covered the expense of the services rendered<br /> to members. He asked Mr. Paull if he would<br /> speak first on the subject.<br /> <br /> Mr. H. M. Paull said that what appeared<br /> upon the agenda was not in so many words<br /> his own proposal, but he welcomed it never-<br /> theless. A large number of members did not<br /> appreciate the cost to the Society of the<br /> recovery of sums due to them. He knew<br /> himself of cases where the money recovered<br /> amounted to several hundreds of pounds. A<br /> small percentage charged as commission on<br /> such would be very acceptable to their funds.<br /> How could any reasonable objection be made<br /> to the charge of a small percentage? Yet<br /> he knew that some authors at least made no<br /> return to the Society for the money which it<br /> obtained for them. He expressed his pleasure<br /> in putting forward the proposal as it stood.<br /> <br /> Mr. Anthony Hope Hawkins said that he was<br /> sorry that this matter had been brought before<br /> so small a meeting as the present one. The<br /> decision would be hurried if they adopted the<br /> proposal now and instructed the committee to<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> act upon it. He regarded it as a departure<br /> from the guiding principles of the Society<br /> hitherto, and suggested certain modifications<br /> as being necessary. For instance, members<br /> who had already paid subscriptions for several<br /> years without asking for legal assistance ought<br /> to be exempt from such a charge. They<br /> might get the case of an author, who was also<br /> a poor man and who had already paid five<br /> guineas in the course of five years, and who<br /> then sued, through: the Society, for the<br /> recovery of a sum of five guineas, on which<br /> he would be called upon to pay a commission<br /> of 10s. 6d. Might he not justly think that he<br /> had already paid five guineas in subscriptions<br /> toward the expenses of recovery of his five<br /> guineas? Then there were some cases in<br /> which all that was needed was the sending of<br /> a lawyer’s letter. Was it reasonable to charge<br /> for this 5 per cent. on the sum recovered ?<br /> The Society wanted to get hold of every author<br /> it could. Would it get more members if it<br /> adopted this proposal, or would it not rather<br /> lose members thereby ? He thought that it<br /> would be right for the matter to be decided<br /> upon by a more representative gathering than<br /> was present that day. Let them not enable<br /> people to say, with more force than now, that<br /> the Society gave nothing in return for the<br /> guinea subscription. He would adopt the<br /> time-honoured device of moving “‘ the previous<br /> question.”<br /> <br /> It having been pointed out that the proposal<br /> had not yet been seconded, Mr. Aylmer Maude<br /> begged leave to do so. He admitted that it<br /> was a pity the meeting was so small, but<br /> considered that those who had come to it had<br /> a right to express their opinion. A plebiscite<br /> of the Society might follow. With regard to<br /> the justice of the proposal, they could not<br /> really afford to collect money for nothing.<br /> They had started a bureau for the collection<br /> of moneys, charging five per cent. commission<br /> without the benefit of legal proceedings. But<br /> there were some members for whom they were<br /> collecting money, with the aid of the law,<br /> and whom they were charging nothing. This<br /> was surely unreasonable. (Mr. L. Zangwill:<br /> No, no).<br /> <br /> Mr. James Baker, after congratulating the<br /> Society on its excellent financial position, said<br /> that he thought the proposed step unwise and<br /> unlikely to have a favourable effect on the<br /> membership.<br /> <br /> Mr. Louis Zangwill opposed the motion.<br /> He disagreed entirely with the sugges-<br /> tion that the members of the Society who<br /> did not employ the Collection Bureau had<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> i<br /> 3<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> now an undue advantage. As soon as what he<br /> might call the non-bureau group of authors<br /> passed over into the legal proceedings group<br /> they stood merely on a position of equality<br /> with the bureau group.<br /> <br /> Mr. James Baker, having formally seconded<br /> Mr. Hope Hawkins’s amendment (‘the previous<br /> question”) the Chairman put it to the meeting,<br /> when it was carried by twelve votes to seven.<br /> Several members did not vote.<br /> <br /> Mr. Hope Hawkins proposed a vote of thanks<br /> to Dr. S. Squire Sprigge for his services as<br /> Chairman. This was carried unanimously,<br /> and the meeting then came to an end.<br /> <br /> COPYRIGHT AND “THE LADY.”<br /> <br /> — 1<br /> <br /> N the May number of The Author, 1912, an<br /> J article was printed in criticism of a letter<br /> which had been issued by the proprietor<br /> of a paper to certain contributors. The letter<br /> asked for the transfer of the copyright to the<br /> proprietor. One paragraph ran as follows :—<br /> *¢ We shall be glad to have your assent to this<br /> arrangement, which is a mere formality<br /> required by the Copyright Act, and does not<br /> make any alteration in the conditions existing<br /> prior to the Copyright Act of 1911, when the<br /> copyright of such articles or photographs was<br /> also vested in the newspaper or periodical in<br /> which they appeared.’ The article pointed<br /> out that such a statement was distinctly mis-<br /> leading, that the matter was not one of mere<br /> formality, but of serious importance to the<br /> author; and that the suggestion that the<br /> assignment of such copyright did not make any<br /> alteration in the conditions existing prior to<br /> the Act was quite incorrect. The reason for<br /> bringing the matter forward again is because<br /> the manager of The Lady has asked the editor<br /> of that popular paper to send out a circular<br /> for the signature of contributors. It runs as<br /> follows :—<br /> 39 anp 40, BeprorpD STREET,<br /> Srranp, W.C.,<br /> March 13, 1913.<br /> “The Lady.”<br /> <br /> Dear Mapam,—The Manager has requested me to send<br /> you the enclosed for your signature. The idea, so I under-<br /> stand, is to save contributors the trouble of sending him<br /> a special form of acknowledgment on receipt of each<br /> cheque. Once the enclosed has been signed, the indorse-<br /> ment on the cheque will be the only receipt required by the<br /> Manager.<br /> <br /> Yours truly,<br /> THe Eprror.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 248<br /> <br /> [ENCLOSURE. |<br /> To the Proprietor of “ The Lady”? Newspaper.<br /> <br /> Tn consideration of your publishing in your newspaper<br /> or purchasing any article or drawing written or made by<br /> me I hereby assign and transfer to you the original and the<br /> copyright therein and also agree to assign and transfer to<br /> you the original of and copyright in all future articles and<br /> drawings written or made by me which may hereafter be<br /> purchased by you or published in your newspaper.<br /> <br /> Signature........<br /> <br /> Wetec. co os as<br /> <br /> It is quite true that “ once the enclosed has<br /> been signed the endorsement at the back of<br /> the cheque will be the only receipt required<br /> by the manager”; because under the docu-<br /> ment which.the author or artist is asked to<br /> sign he is transferring not only all his rights<br /> under the Copyright Act of 1911 in_ any<br /> contribution he is making at the time, and also<br /> the original of the drawing—if the matter<br /> refers to a drawing—but he is also assigning his<br /> copyright in any future article or drawing that<br /> he may contribute.<br /> <br /> The members of the Society have often<br /> been warned that in selling their work to<br /> a paper they should not sell anything beyond<br /> the first serial use of their work for that<br /> paper, and there is no real reason why the<br /> proprietor or manager should demand more<br /> than this. According to the ‘‘ Writers’ and<br /> Artists’ Year Book,’? Zhe Lady publishes<br /> articles which should not exceed a thousand<br /> words and stories of about 5,000 words, and<br /> also illustrations. If the author is writing on<br /> any special subject, and no doubt articles in<br /> The Lady would fall under the category, it is<br /> quite possible that he or she may wish to<br /> reprint the articles at a later date in book<br /> form. This could not be done, however, if<br /> the paper printed above were signed. The<br /> writer of a short story of 5,000 words might<br /> wish to deal with it in many ways. He might<br /> wish to republish it in a volume of stories,<br /> he might wish to sell secondary serial rights,<br /> he might wish to amplify it into a novel, or he<br /> might wish to dramatise it as a sketch for the<br /> theatres and music-halls. None of these<br /> undertakings would be open to him if he had<br /> signed the enclosure printed above.<br /> <br /> The question remains, “* Does the manager or<br /> the editor desire to print these articles in book<br /> form ? does he desire to utilise the short stories<br /> for dramatic purposes or for further publica-<br /> tion in any form?” If he does not so desire,<br /> and it is most improbable that he will, then<br /> there can be no reason for him to ask for the<br /> assignment of the copyright—it is mere greed<br /> hoping to trade on possible ignorance, and this<br /> comment would be due concerning any assign-<br /> <br /> <br /> 244<br /> <br /> ment of copyright, without any consideration<br /> by a contributor to serial literature. But here<br /> the position is worse. The manager of The<br /> Lady asks for the assignment not only of<br /> those articles and drawings that are sub-<br /> mitted to him, but for the copyright of all<br /> future articles. An author might sign the<br /> paper inadvertently, thinking it referred<br /> merely to one article, but might, a year<br /> afterwards send another story and _ then<br /> suddenly find that he had transferred his<br /> copyright in that also. If The Lady desires<br /> such full rights and so wide a power, then the<br /> manager or proprietor should pay for them<br /> proportionately. There is no mention in the<br /> document of the usual rate of payment.<br /> But supposing an author was willing to sell<br /> a short story of 5,000 words for £4 a thousand<br /> | for the first serial use, which would amount to<br /> £20, he most probably would not sell the whole<br /> copyright for a sum under £100, and if he was<br /> asked at the same time to bind himself to sell<br /> the copyright of future work, as his obligation<br /> increased his price would increase to £150 or<br /> £200. Would the manager of The Lady be<br /> willing to pay these prices ?<br /> <br /> As regards literary work, the contract is<br /> bad enough, but when it comes to artistic<br /> work it is even worse. An original MS. is<br /> really not of much value after it has been<br /> through the printers’ hands, as it generally<br /> comes back to the author in a mutilated<br /> condition, but an original drawing has always<br /> its market value ; and if artists in subsequent<br /> years became famous, these drawings some-<br /> times fetch a good price. The artist, therefore,<br /> is not only asked to sell the copyright, that is<br /> the right to reproduce the work in any form,<br /> in any size, and by any process at any price,<br /> but he is also asked to sell the original under<br /> the enclosure printed above, and to bind him-<br /> self to do the same with regard to any future<br /> work. Again, it is necessary to point out that<br /> the usual contract that a paper or magazine<br /> enters into with an artist is the right of<br /> reproduction in that paper or magazine,<br /> the author retaining the original drawing, which<br /> in many cases he will be able to sell, as well<br /> as the right to reproduce that drawing in<br /> other forms and by other process of production<br /> if necessary. The demand, therefore, which<br /> is made by the manager of The Lady through<br /> the editor is contrary to custom, though put<br /> forward in a way that might lead any unsus-<br /> pecting author or artist to think that it was<br /> a quite usual arrangement.<br /> <br /> If any more members of the Society have<br /> this enclosure forwarded to them, and it would<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> appear that it has been sent out as a general<br /> circular, they should at once refer the matter<br /> to the Society.<br /> <br /> THE TIED BOOK SYSTEM IN<br /> AUSTRALIA.<br /> <br /> nh ee ah<br /> <br /> (Reprinted from the Bookfellow, Sidney, Australia,)<br /> <br /> EER. Ale. Stout. Stingo. Heavy.<br /> wet. With all variants from four-’alf<br /> to the brewer’s pride measured into a<br /> wine-glass for sixpence. The any-class, low-<br /> class, no-class people who live in English<br /> stories like Edwin Pugh’s or Neil Lyons’s seem<br /> to think that the drinker is better served in a<br /> ‘* free house ”’ than in a ‘“‘ tied house.”<br /> You know more about that. Weknow more |<br /> about books; and we affirm that authors and —<br /> readers are better served with a “‘ free book ”<br /> than with a “ tied book.’’ For just the same<br /> reasons. As soon as you give an English ~<br /> publican or an Australasian importer a<br /> monopoly of his goods, either the price will<br /> tend to go up or the quality will tend to go<br /> down. We say “‘ tend,’”’ because the rule has —<br /> exceptions. Nevertheless, the rule is that as —<br /> soon as checked competition interferes with<br /> free consumption somebody is bound to suffer, —<br /> Because every monopolist is bound to get a |<br /> profit on his monopoly as well as a profit on the<br /> goods. “ That’s business.”<br /> <br /> How iT OPERATES IN AUSTRALIA,<br /> <br /> Not long ago we showed how the tied-book —<br /> system in fiction was operating in Australasia<br /> to reduce, upon the whole, the range and —<br /> quality of novels offered to readers. Authors<br /> come into consideration too. Australian —<br /> novelists publishing in London, as well as —<br /> English and American novelists, need to think<br /> hard about the tied book system. .<br /> <br /> Take the case of a book like “‘ The Happy _<br /> Warrior,” which recently we called (provi-<br /> sionally) the “* biggest ” English novel of 1912<br /> The London publisher of “* The Happy War<br /> rior ” sent the book for review. But you can’t —<br /> buy that book. Why not? We are informed —<br /> that it is because an importing firm has ~<br /> “bought the Australasian market,” and<br /> “The Happy Warrior” is tied, bound, and —<br /> hermetically sealed to the importing firm. -<br /> <br /> Yet even so, why does not the monopolist —<br /> sell the book ? There may be several reasons.<br /> In the first place, a monopolist in Australasia, —<br /> buying novels in London, cannot always fore- —<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 998<br /> 2A<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> EE<br /> Me<br /> Le)<br /> ud<br /> oT<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> see how many copies of a novel can be sold in<br /> Australasia. He may not have enough stock<br /> to go round all the booksellers. In that case,<br /> he is apt to keep the book off the market while<br /> he is getting fresh supplies from London in<br /> order that he may prevent dissatisfaction by<br /> supplying all the booksellers together.<br /> <br /> In the next place, a monopolist importer is<br /> apt to accumulate so many tied novels that<br /> even voracious Australasian readers cannot<br /> swallow them all at a gulp. Besides, English<br /> publishing follows the sun and the seasons :<br /> novels are published chiefly in the English<br /> spring and autumn; so that, tallying with the<br /> English spring and winter, there are “ slack<br /> seasons ”’ here when there may not be enough<br /> good novels to satisfy readers’ demand.<br /> <br /> So a monopolist importer is apt to lay by a<br /> few novels for the slack season, and feed them<br /> out judiciously when he thinks that readers are<br /> hungry. His agreement with the English<br /> publisher ensures that the Australasian market<br /> is preserved to him. Thus a novel published<br /> in a London “Colonial Library”? in March<br /> may be held over for Australasian sale in<br /> September, or in December, or later still. A<br /> monopolist Australasian importer is like a<br /> Marguerite plucking her petals of tied books<br /> and murmuring ‘“‘ This year—next year—some<br /> time—any old time will do for Australasian<br /> readers.”<br /> <br /> Sometimes a few books filter past the barrier,<br /> but not many ; because the English publisher<br /> has tied himself by agreement. In considera-<br /> tion of an Australasian importing firm buying<br /> so many copies of a new novel, he has under-<br /> taken not to sell that novel to anybody else in<br /> Australasia. Usually all Australasian book-<br /> sellers who want a tied book to sell to their<br /> customers must come and buy it from the<br /> monopolist at the monopolist’s price. The<br /> marketing system causes a lot of business<br /> friction. Naturally.<br /> <br /> Booksellers, readers, and authors are affected<br /> in this way.<br /> <br /> The author of a novel is usually paid by a<br /> royalty on sales. Upon every copy of his book<br /> that is sold at the usual English price (4s. 6d.)<br /> the London publisher may agree to pay him<br /> 25 per cent. of the price—sometimes less.<br /> Then the London publisher puts the book into<br /> what is called a ‘“ Colonial Library,’’ and it is<br /> offered to Australasian readers at 3s. 6d., or<br /> perhaps at 2s. 6d. in paper covers. “‘ Colonial<br /> <br /> Libraries ”’ usually get a separate clause in the<br /> -author’s agreement with his publisher. As the<br /> price is lower, the author is not promised so<br /> high a royalty per copy sold. Perhaps the<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 245<br /> <br /> author is promised 3d. per copy. Perhaps he<br /> gets 14d. s<br /> <br /> But, whatever the author gets, he is paid<br /> usually according to sales—for ‘ Colonial<br /> Libraries ” too. So that anything tending to<br /> hamper the Australasian sale of a book reacts<br /> against an author. If fewer copies are sold in<br /> Australasia, he gets usually a smaller payment<br /> for his labour. And the marketing system,<br /> the tied-book system, is apt to be such a<br /> hamper on sales. The rule has few exceptions.<br /> <br /> Suppose that ‘The Happy Warrior” is a<br /> tied book, and Louis Stone’s ‘‘ Jonah ”’ is a free<br /> book (since many English publishers in the best<br /> class have refrained from selling the Austra-<br /> lasian market of their books to a monopolist<br /> importer). Then, if a monopolist has bought<br /> 1,000 copies of ‘‘The Happy Warrior” in<br /> order to secure the Australasian market,<br /> clearly, when the monopolist is ready to sell<br /> ‘“The Happy Warrior,” he is likely to put<br /> ‘Happy Warriors” in the front row and<br /> “ Jonahs ” in the back row. Or even he may<br /> put all his tied books in all the rows and leave<br /> out some free books altogether, because his<br /> business eggs are in the tied-book basket. He<br /> has so many tied books which he must sell or<br /> lose money. And, as a monopolist, he makes<br /> a higher profit on his own tied books than on<br /> other people’s free books.<br /> <br /> So that, comparing the tied author with the<br /> free author, the free author is unlikely to get<br /> the fairest innings in a monopolist’s shop.<br /> Consequently, it is to the interest of free<br /> authors to oppose the monopoly system,<br /> because the free trade system is more likely to<br /> give every novel a chance of sale on its merits.<br /> <br /> But the tied author does not get a fair chance<br /> on his merits either. Because the booksellers<br /> who are not monopolists prefer to sell the free<br /> books. They may have to pay more for the<br /> tied book, because the monopolist wants a<br /> profit on his monopoly ; so that the free book-<br /> seller is not unlikely to get a smaller profit on,<br /> the tied book. Or, with good business reason,<br /> they may object to supporting a trade<br /> monopoly.<br /> <br /> So that all the time, in Australasian book-<br /> selling to-day, monopolised trade and _ tied<br /> books are fighting free trade and free books ;<br /> and the unfortunate author is squeezed out of<br /> his royalties in the middle. He may be<br /> squeezed very little, or he may be squeezed a<br /> whole lot; but always he is being squeezed,<br /> for always he has one section of booksellers<br /> standing against him. Not necessarily pulling<br /> against him, since when a book is demanded by<br /> readers it must be sold; but standing against<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 246<br /> <br /> him. Declining to push a book on its merits<br /> because it is tied to an opposition monopolist.<br /> Or declining to push a free book because<br /> invested money must first be got out of a<br /> monopolised book.<br /> <br /> The effect of the tied-book system must be<br /> to limit the sale of any given book, since always<br /> under that system there is a section of book-<br /> sellers actively or passively hostile to a sale of<br /> any given book. The tied-book author makes<br /> his quick sudden profit only by bringing into<br /> operation forces that tend to restrict his further<br /> profit. And, not in every case, but in the long<br /> run, it is true that as many copies of a free<br /> novel will be sold in Australasia as a monopo-<br /> list can offer to buy. The cost of exceptions<br /> comes out of the monopolist’s pocket. Mono-<br /> poly is beer and skittles, but it isn’t all beer and<br /> skittles.<br /> <br /> For these reasons and others,<br /> should oppose the tied-novel system.<br /> <br /> authors<br /> <br /> THE SNOBBERY OF FREE-LANCING.<br /> <br /> —_1+—~—+—<br /> <br /> By AN Ex-Eprror wuHo Is ProupD OF His<br /> PROFESSION OF FREE-LANCE.<br /> <br /> HIS has been roused by an article in the<br /> April Author on ‘“‘ The Common-sense<br /> of Free-Lancing.”<br /> <br /> I want to protest as vigorously as I know<br /> how against those patronising obiter dicta of<br /> the editor who now leans back in his arm-<br /> chair, serene in the dignity of Editordom,<br /> complacent in the easy réle of critic, passing<br /> out from the editorial.desk crumbs of consola-<br /> tion to the poor free-lance.<br /> <br /> I want to protest against that tacit assump-<br /> tion that the one and only career for the free-<br /> lance must lie along the paths of journalistic<br /> snobbery.<br /> <br /> I. want to protest against that smug<br /> patronage of the profession to which I have<br /> the honour to belong.<br /> <br /> Snobbery. The: idea that the free-lance<br /> must set as his rungs of ambition the pages of<br /> solemn mausoleums such as the ancient weekly<br /> and monthly reviews; and his goal the rever-<br /> sion of an editorial chair in their musty<br /> sanctums.<br /> <br /> Snobbery. Servile bowing before the senile<br /> and gritless in journalism, merely because of a<br /> past tradition from the days when critic was<br /> king and creators courtiers.<br /> <br /> Snobbery. The ignoring of the vast popular<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Press of to-day—daily and weekly and monthly<br /> —which reaches, and influences, its hundreds<br /> and thousands of readers to every unit reader<br /> of the former.<br /> <br /> A “cachet” is supposed to attach to the<br /> contributor who has an article accepted by the<br /> Joves of the journalistic Olympus. At least,<br /> that is what the free-lance coming fresh from<br /> the country is told. He is to gain fame by<br /> writing formal essays and criticisms of other<br /> men’s work for papers which announce on the<br /> front page: ‘‘ We neither return manuscripts<br /> nor enter into any correspondence regarding<br /> them. A manuscript not acknowledged within<br /> a month can be considered as rejected.”’<br /> <br /> I contend that any professional free-lance<br /> with a pride in his calling should throw such<br /> papers in the discard.<br /> <br /> Writing for them can be left to those who<br /> take up authorship as a sideline and are<br /> content to wait hat-in-hand on the pleasure of<br /> self-important editors. ‘<br /> <br /> The professional free-lance has a far wider,<br /> far more lucrative, and far more self-respecting<br /> field elsewhere. If he avoids the snobbery of<br /> free-lancing, and concentrates on the popular<br /> Press, Grub Street can be left very far behind.<br /> <br /> Certain very well-known writers have pointed<br /> the way. Many of us are quietly following, and<br /> finding it profitable as well as exceedingly<br /> pleasant—making incomes easily larger than<br /> editorial incomes, and being freed from the<br /> shackles of the office desk.<br /> <br /> Articles for the popular monthly magazines<br /> yield ten to twenty guineas apiece even for<br /> the rank and file of us who have not yet “ made<br /> our names.”<br /> <br /> Stories for the popular magazines—say of<br /> 5,000 words in length—can be sold even by<br /> the rank and file of us for twenty-five and<br /> upwards, counting English and American rights<br /> together. Book rights and translation rights<br /> may easily add another ten or fifteen. Such<br /> stories (I speak from personal experience) can<br /> be evolved—plot, writing and revision—in<br /> from three to five days apiece.<br /> <br /> Many of the popular weekly papers pay as<br /> highly for their articles as the gods of Olympus.<br /> A few pay higher.<br /> <br /> The daily papers of to-day, with their<br /> “ fourth-pages ” and their ‘‘ magazine pages,”<br /> offer a splendid field.<br /> <br /> All these media are profitable not only in<br /> actual coin, but what is more important tor<br /> the professional free-lance, in publicity. A<br /> <br /> signed article in the popular evening oF<br /> <br /> morning papers brings the unknown’s name<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> before half a million to two million readers.<br /> At the same expenditure of mental energy, he<br /> would secure in the Olympian Press a mere<br /> 10,000 to 30,000 readers—mostly of the<br /> Victorian era.<br /> <br /> Moreover, the gods of Olympus like to veil<br /> their contributors in anonymity. From the<br /> professional point of view, writing unsigned<br /> articles is a fool’s game. Very few indeed<br /> amongst readers ever trouble to guess who the<br /> author may be. The unsigned effort brings<br /> in merely the bare monetary payment, stripped<br /> of the larger payment of publicity.<br /> <br /> Better a signed article in Answers than an<br /> unsigned in the Atheneum.<br /> <br /> I hope that the readers of The Author will<br /> agree with me in my contention that the<br /> professional free-lance needs no patronising<br /> from the Olympian editor.<br /> <br /> The free-lance is his own master. He builds<br /> up in his name a property of his own. He is<br /> not dependent for his income on the whims of<br /> one individual proprietor. He is not shackled<br /> to an office desk. He is free to travel the<br /> whole wide world and earn his living at the<br /> same time. He can work on ocean liners as<br /> well as on terra firma. He can choose town or<br /> country, England or the continent, Europe or<br /> America, for his writing-desk.<br /> <br /> The common-sense of free-lancing, I maintain,<br /> is to avoid the snobbery of free-lancing; to<br /> treat one’s work as a profession ; to study the<br /> modern reading demands; to join one’s<br /> professional union, exchange knowledge of<br /> publishing conditions with fellow-workers, and<br /> unite with them in action for the rights of the<br /> profession; to let it be known that we are<br /> proud of our calling and want no smug<br /> patronage from an outworn Olympus.<br /> <br /> Max RITTENBERG.<br /> <br /> .CORRESPONDENCE.<br /> <br /> —+ +<br /> CONCERNING Cat ATHLETICS.<br /> <br /> Dear Srr,—I am always ready to oblige<br /> a fellow member of the Authors’ Society, and<br /> so let me help “ Justice” to the career he<br /> contemplates by telling him that the sum<br /> ‘to a ha’penny” I have ‘‘ put out advertising”<br /> to “ arrive ” at my “ present stage of success ”<br /> is just exactly £0 Os. Od., and I have no doubt<br /> that Mr. Bennett and Mr. Shaw will confess to<br /> an equal parsimony. What my publisher<br /> spends is between himself and God. I never<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 247<br /> <br /> pay for advertisement or corrections, never<br /> allow. an agency clausé in my agreements<br /> (I generally don’t do business through agents),<br /> always take 25 per cent. upon a 6s. book,<br /> always exact a big cheque on account of<br /> royalties (rather larger than what is caused by<br /> the certain sales), always reserve the right to<br /> publish a cheap edition at less than 13d. at<br /> the end of two years, and never suffer a 13<br /> as 12 clause. I draw up my own agreements<br /> with Messrs. Macmillan, who also, as a matter<br /> of courtesy—and subject, of course, to a con-<br /> siderate use of the privilege—give me unlimited<br /> free copies. If an author is really worth while<br /> publishing, he can get these terms from any<br /> decent publishing house, and I wish we could<br /> make some agreement among authors to hold<br /> the publishers generally at this level. In the<br /> past I was not so wise as I am now; [ left<br /> nearly all my business to an agent. T am still<br /> encumbered with his slovenly and disadvan-<br /> tageous agreements. Now I do business with<br /> an agent when it suits me. None of them is<br /> good all round, and none can be trusted to<br /> “handle” the whole of an author’s affairs.<br /> One agent is rather good with short stories,<br /> another is brilliant at a serialisation, another<br /> who goes about upsetting authors with<br /> imperfectly substantiated offers of large sums<br /> in order to get hold of their business is a<br /> dangerous nuisance. The ideal thing for an<br /> author to do is to fix up a standing agreement<br /> on the lines I have given above with a big<br /> honest solvent firm, give his books to a<br /> capable agent to serialise—and think no more<br /> of these things.<br /> H. G. WELLS.<br /> <br /> oo<br /> <br /> CoMMON SENSE AS IT APPEARS TO A<br /> FREE LANCE.<br /> <br /> I reap with keen interest the reply to my<br /> article: ‘‘ The Sorrows of a Free Lance,”’ in<br /> the March Author, but common sense does not<br /> allow me to convince myself (nor, I think, will<br /> it convince free lances in general, whether<br /> sorrowing or not) that amending one’s ways<br /> will suffice to turn one in due course into an<br /> editor.<br /> <br /> If luck is left out of the reckoning as an<br /> incalculable factor in getting to the top—<br /> the fact that a free lance has succeeded in<br /> doing so proves that he must have been<br /> amongst the “strikingly uncommon, clever<br /> people compelling attention” which I did not<br /> overlook in my article, even though I do not<br /> belong to their class; one cannot be guided<br /> by exceptions. All contributors know that<br /> <br /> <br /> 248<br /> <br /> contributions are, in any case, sent at owner’s<br /> risk, but what they do not always realise is,<br /> what they are “ risking.”<br /> <br /> The object of my article was not a complaint,<br /> and I made this clear by my final statement ;<br /> to me at least it has been very well worth<br /> while, but a warning to would-be writers not<br /> to “risk” starving if they had nothing to<br /> live on but their incomes, as “ ordinary ”’<br /> Free Lances.<br /> <br /> A Free Lance.<br /> <br /> 9<br /> <br /> Epiror1aL Courtesy.<br /> <br /> S1r,—The discussion of this subject in The<br /> Author seems to me rather one sided. I<br /> hold no brief for any editor, but nearly all<br /> your correspondents imagine that editors only<br /> exist to adjudge the merits or demerits of Free<br /> Lancers’ unsolicited MSS., and are all animated<br /> by a desire to decry and neglect aspiring<br /> contributors to the journals of which they<br /> are “the head and front.” This appears to<br /> me an absurd assumption. The various and<br /> varied duties of editors, occupying their<br /> available time, may preclude them from<br /> giving due attention to the numerous MSS.<br /> of unknown writers; business modes and<br /> methods may not have formed a portion of<br /> their early training, or may be, neither nature<br /> nor art have exactly fitted them for their<br /> onerous position. Be this as it may, I think<br /> the complainants in The Author are some-<br /> what eaigeant, and expect too much from the<br /> often harassed controllers of periodicals. One<br /> remembers the thorny chair of Thackeray.<br /> It is a fact that disappointment and weariness<br /> of spirit are the natural concomitants of all<br /> those who are striving to gain the ear of the<br /> public through editorial channels. It must<br /> then be patent to your correspondents that<br /> if all free lancers would at once desist from<br /> launching their MSS. on the uncertain sea<br /> of free lancing, and the agents would also<br /> abandon their efforts to gain a hearing,<br /> all the periodicals of the United Kingdom would<br /> still flourish without their assistance.<br /> <br /> The experiences of very many years have<br /> justified my remarks. I have been on the<br /> staff of three weeklies at once; I have had<br /> commissions to furnish articles, and the<br /> doubtful luxury of free lancing has also been<br /> mine. I have had the pleasure of interviewing<br /> editors, and have been in correspondence with<br /> many, and, of course, with a very few excep-<br /> tions, taking them all in all, I have always<br /> met with civility, politeness, urbanity, and<br /> <br /> &#039;<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> often kindness, and I am glad to be allowed<br /> to testify this fact in The Author.<br /> Yours, etc., IstporE G. AscHER.<br /> —- 1 —_<br /> Review Copies.<br /> <br /> Dear Str,—Mr. Ascher’s suggestion, in the<br /> February Author, that publishers and authors<br /> should enclose stamps for the return of<br /> unreviewed books, seems at first sight a good<br /> one, but supposing that 100 (one hundred)<br /> copies go out, postage say 6d. (six pence) a<br /> copy, there’s £5 (five pounds) right away for<br /> the publisher or author to add to his initial<br /> expenses! No, I think some other solution<br /> could be found. How would it be for the<br /> procedure to be reversed, and for newspaper<br /> editors to solicit copies of advertised forth-<br /> coming books, on a halfpenny postcard if<br /> they like? An editor could tell a publisher<br /> exactly what he is prepared to review, and<br /> decide what is in his line and what he has space<br /> for, just as well from the printed description<br /> of a book as he can from its flaring red cover.<br /> Why should 60% (sixty per cent.) of an<br /> author’s venture be wasted? It is almost<br /> impossible for a writer to be certain that<br /> such-and-such a paper has not reviewed his<br /> book, the press cutters are human (very much<br /> so, we are told), and it is not thanks to mine<br /> that I saw the most important (from a business<br /> point that I should see) review of my book.<br /> Still, about two-thirds of the copies sent out<br /> for review were, as far as I can ascertain,<br /> unnoticed. My book had twenty-eight notices,<br /> counting its birthday notice, on All Fools’<br /> Day, in the Morning Post! I have a complete<br /> list of the eighty-five papers to which the book<br /> was sent, and it amounts to this: that 57 (fifty-<br /> seven) copies have been, as the saying is—<br /> thrown away. So I think my experience was<br /> more disastrous than Mr. Storey’s, related<br /> in the April Author. But all this, to my<br /> mind, comes, to a large extent, from writers<br /> not knowing the rules of the game. My book<br /> was advertised for just one fortnight (I knew<br /> no more about the cost of an advertisement<br /> than I know about Marconis !), and sixteen of<br /> the reviews and notices are dated April.<br /> My deduction, therefore, is that just as long<br /> as a book is advertised from the start will it<br /> live in the newspaper columns; and there is<br /> reason in this, considering the advertisements<br /> are a paper’s vital source of income. I think<br /> this is the crux of the whole thing, for we live<br /> in a commercial world, where business is<br /> business and should be such.<br /> <br /> Yours faithfully, F. R. M. Furspon.<br /> <br /> April 5th, 1918., The Author
529 Author, Vol. 23 Issue 09 (June 1913)<a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=49&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=%3Cem%3EThe+Author%3C%2Fem%3E%2C+Vol.+23+Issue+09+%28June+1913%29"><em>The Author</em>, Vol. 23 Issue 09 (June 1913)</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=51&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=Publication">Publication</a>1913-06-01-The-Author-23-9249–278<a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=89&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=23">23</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=76&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=1913-06-01">1913-06-01</a>919130601Che<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> FOUNDED BY SIR<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Muthor.<br /> <br /> (The Organ of the Incorporated Society of Authors.<br /> <br /> Monthly.)<br /> <br /> WALTER BESANT.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ay) : Vor. XXTII.—No. 9.<br /> <br /> JUNE 1, 1913.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> [PRIcE SIXPENCE.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> TELEPHONE NuMBER:<br /> 374 VICTORIA.<br /> <br /> + TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS:<br /> : AUTORIDAD, LONDON.<br /> <br /> a 0<br /> <br /> NOTICES.<br /> <br /> —_+-~&gt; +<br /> <br /> OR the opinions expressed in papers that<br /> <br /> 4 are signed or initialled the authors alone<br /> <br /> are responsible. None of the papers or<br /> <br /> paragraphs must be taken as expressing the<br /> <br /> opinion of the Committee unless such is<br /> especially stated to be the case.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Tue Editor begs to inform members of the<br /> Authors’ Society and other readers of The<br /> Author that the cases which are quoted in The<br /> Author are cases that have come before the<br /> notice or to the knowledge of the Secretary of<br /> the Society, and that those members of the<br /> Society who desire to have the names of the<br /> publishers concerned can obtain them on<br /> application.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ARTICLES AND: CONTRIBUTIONS.<br /> <br /> Tue Editor of The Author begs to remind<br /> members of the Society that, although the<br /> paper is sent to them free of cost, its production<br /> would be a very heavy charge on the resources<br /> of the Society if a great many members did not<br /> _ forward to the Secretary the modest 5s. 6d.<br /> _ subscription for the year.<br /> <br /> &#039; Communications for The Author should be<br /> _ addressed to the offices of the Society, 1, Cen-<br /> <br /> &#039; tral Buildings, Tothill Street, Westminster,<br /> $§.W., and should reach the Editor not later<br /> <br /> | than the 21st of each month.<br /> Communications and letters are invited by<br /> the Editor on all literary matters treated from<br /> <br /> Vou. XXIII.<br /> <br /> the standpoint of art or business, but on no<br /> other subjects whatever. Every effort will be<br /> made to return articles which cannot be<br /> accepted.<br /> <br /> ADVERTISEMENTS.<br /> <br /> On and after June 13 Messrs. Matthews’<br /> Advertising Service, Staple Inn Buildings,<br /> High Holborn, W.C., will act as agents for<br /> advertisements for ‘The Author.” All<br /> communications respecting advertisements<br /> after that date shouid be addressed to them.<br /> <br /> As there seems to be an impression among<br /> readers of The Author that the Committee are<br /> personally responsible for the bona fides of the<br /> advertisers, the Committee desire it to be stated<br /> that this is not, and could not possibly be, the<br /> ease. Although care is exercised that no<br /> undesirable advertisements be inserted, they<br /> do not accept, and never have accepted, any<br /> liability.<br /> <br /> Members should apply to the Secretary for<br /> advice if special information is desired.<br /> <br /> eg<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE SOCIETY’S FUNDS.<br /> <br /> ee ek<br /> <br /> “[_\ROM time to time members of the Society<br /> K desire to make donations to its funds in<br /> <br /> recognition of work that has been done<br /> for them. The Committee, acting on the<br /> suggestion of one of these members, have<br /> decided to place this permanent paragraph in<br /> The Author in order that members may be<br /> cognisant of those funds to which these con-<br /> tributions may be paid.<br /> <br /> The funds suitable for this purpose are:<br /> (1) The Capital Fund. This fund is kept in<br /> reserve in case it is necessary for the Society to<br /> incur heavy expenditure, either in fighting a<br /> question of principle, or in assisting to obtain<br /> copyright reform, or in dealing with any other<br /> <br /> &quot;2<br /> 250<br /> <br /> matter closely connected with the work of the<br /> Society.<br /> <br /> (2) The Pension Fund. This fund is slowly<br /> increasing, and it is hoped will, in time, cover<br /> the needs of all the members of the Society.<br /> <br /> Ce See oe<br /> <br /> THE PENSION FUND.<br /> <br /> ———1 —<br /> <br /> le January, the secretary of the Society<br /> laid before the trustees of the Pension<br /> <br /> Fund the accounts for the year 1912, as<br /> settled by the accountants. After giving the<br /> matter full consideration, the trustees in-<br /> structed the secretary to invest a sum of £300<br /> in the purchase of Buenos Ayres Great<br /> Southern Railway 4% Extension Shares, 1914,<br /> £10 fully paid. The number of shares pur-<br /> chased at the current price was twenty-five<br /> and the amount invested £296 1s. 1ld, The<br /> trustees are also purchasing three more Central<br /> Argentine Railway New Shares at par, on<br /> which as holders of the Ordinary Stock they<br /> have an option.<br /> <br /> The trustees desire to thank the members<br /> of the Society for the continued support which<br /> they have given to the Pension Fund.<br /> <br /> The nominal value of the investments held<br /> on behalf of the Pension Fund now amounts<br /> to £4,764 6s., details of which are fully set out<br /> in the following schedule :—<br /> <br /> Nominal Value.<br /> <br /> £ os. 2.<br /> Local Loans ........+5.2+005+% 500 0 0<br /> Victoria Government 3% Consoli-<br /> <br /> dated Inscribed Stock ........ 291 19 11<br /> London and North-Western 3%<br /> <br /> Debenture Stock ............ 250 0 0<br /> Egyptian Government Irrigation<br /> <br /> Trust 4% Certificates ........ 200 0 0<br /> Cape of Good Hope 34% Inscribed<br /> <br /> Stock. ten 200 0 0<br /> Glasgow and South-Western Rail-<br /> <br /> way 4% Preference Stock . 228 0 0<br /> New Zealand 34% Stock ....... 247 9 6<br /> Trish Land 22% Guaranteed Stock 258 0 0<br /> Corporation of London 23%<br /> <br /> Stock, 1927—57 ........-.45- 4388 2 4<br /> Jamaica 34% Stock, 1919—49 .. 182 18 6<br /> Mauritius 4% 1987 Stock ....... 120 12 1<br /> Dominion of Canada, C.P.R. 34%<br /> <br /> Land Grant Stock, 1938 ...... 198 8 8<br /> Antofagasta and Bolivian Railway<br /> <br /> 5% Preferred Stock .......... 237 0 0<br /> Central Argentine Railway Or-<br /> <br /> Aynary Stock ..64.....5.5.55. 232 0 0<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> ‘prior to October, nor does it include sub-<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Nominal Value.<br /> <br /> s. d.<br /> $2,000 Consolidated Gas and<br /> Electric Company of Baltimore<br /> 44% Gold Bonds .......-.+- 400 0 0<br /> 250 Edward Lloyd, Ltd., £1 5%<br /> Preference Shares ..........-- 250 0 O<br /> <br /> 55 Buenos Ayres Great Southern<br /> Railway 4% Extension Shares,<br /> 1914 (fully paid) ..........--<br /> <br /> 8 Central Argentine Railway £10<br /> Preference Shares, New Issue.. 30 0 O-<br /> <br /> PENSION FUND.<br /> age<br /> <br /> Tue list printed below includes all fresh dona-<br /> <br /> tions and subscriptions (7.é., donations and<br /> <br /> subscriptions not hitherto acknowledged)<br /> <br /> received by, or promised to, the fund from<br /> October 1, 1912.<br /> <br /> It does not include either donations given<br /> <br /> scriptions paid in compliance with promises<br /> made before it.<br /> <br /> Subscriptions.<br /> <br /> 1912. £ 5. 4<br /> Oct. 10, Escott, T. H. S. . . 0-5 @<br /> Oct. 10, Henderson, R. W. Wright. 0 5 0<br /> Oct. 10, Knowles, Miss M. W. - 0 5 8<br /> Oct. 11, Buckley, Reginald . 0 5 O<br /> Oct. 12, Walshe, Douglas 010 0<br /> Oct. 12, ‘‘ Penmark”’ . : 010 0<br /> Oct. 15, Sinclair, Miss Edith. 010 6<br /> Oct. 16, Markino, Yoshio 1 1°06<br /> Oct. 20, Fiamingo, Carlo 70s 8<br /> Oct. 29, Henley, Mrs. . 4 yo ia 8<br /> Nov. 8, Jane, L. Cecil . . 0 8 6<br /> Nov. 14, Gibb, W. 0 5 0<br /> Dec. 4, De Brath, SS. . : 0 5 0<br /> Dec. 4, Sephton, The Rev. J. 0 5 0<br /> Dec. 4, Cooper, Miss Marjorie 010 0<br /> Dec. 7, MacRitchie, David 0 5 OF<br /> Dec. 11, Fagan, James B. 10 04<br /> Dec. 27, Dawson, Forbes. . 010 6<br /> <br /> 1913.<br /> <br /> Jan. 8, Toynbee, William (in addi-<br /> tion to his present sub-<br /> scription). . .<br /> <br /> Jan. 9, Gibson, Frank .<br /> <br /> Jan. 29, Blackley, Miss E. L. ‘.<br /> <br /> Jan. 31, Annesley, Miss Maude .<br /> <br /> Feb. 6, Rothenstein, Albert . ‘<br /> <br /> Feb. 10, Bradshaw, Percy V. .<br /> <br /> April 8, Caulfield-Stoker, TT. ‘<br /> <br /> 2°<br /> <br /> eeocescsceo<br /> —<br /> Aontonane<br /> <br /> SAaAanDSSS<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> vtDec.<br /> <br /> | 7<br /> ec<br /> <br /> | \oafDec.<br /> oatDec.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 251<br /> <br /> Donations.<br /> <br /> 7 1912.<br /> <br /> ‘oyNov. 20, Kennard, Mrs. N. H. :<br /> A, McEwan, Miss M. S. .<br /> 4, Kennedy, E. B. . :<br /> <br /> 11, Begarnie, George ;<br /> 11, Tanner, James T. . :<br /> 11, Toplis, Miss Grace .<br /> <br /> ve(Dec. 14, Watson, Mrs. Herbert A..<br /> - \9afDec. 14, French, Mrs. Warner :<br /> <br /> (Dec.<br /> ri iofDec.<br /> aa(Dec.<br /> <br /> 17, Smith, Miss Sheila Kaye .<br /> 17, Marras, Mowbray . ‘<br /> 27, Edwards, Percy J. :<br /> <br /> oan 1913.<br /> <br /> ag Jan.<br /> ‘a Jan.<br /> igJan.<br /> is Jan.<br /> ‘eiJan.<br /> + aed an.<br /> : ald an.<br /> <br /> Jon.<br /> ‘elJan.<br /> .asiJan.<br /> aelJan.<br /> _asiJan.<br /> al Jan.<br /> ‘si Jan.<br /> ialJan.<br /> we isi Jan.<br /> atl Jan.<br /> 48 Jan.<br /> A alJan.<br /> &#039; agLJan.<br /> 48 Jan.<br /> ‘cal Jan.<br /> | “i Jan.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 1, Risque, W. H. ‘<br /> <br /> 1, Rankin, Mrs. F. M.<br /> <br /> 2, Short, Miss L. M.<br /> <br /> 2. Mackenzie, Miss J. A<br /> <br /> 2, Webling, Miss Peggy Z<br /> <br /> 3, Harris, “Mrs. E. H.. :<br /> <br /> S, Church, Sir Arthur,<br /> K.C.V. O., ete. :<br /> <br /> 4, Douglas, James A. : ;<br /> <br /> A, Grant, Lady Sybil<br /> <br /> 6, Haultain, Arnold<br /> <br /> 6, Beveridge, Mrs. 2<br /> <br /> 6, Clark, The Rev. Henry<br /> <br /> 6, Ralli, C. Scaramanja . :<br /> <br /> 6, Lathbury, Miss Eva .<br /> <br /> 6, Pryce, Richard -<br /> <br /> 7, Gibson Miss L. S. :<br /> <br /> 10, K. ‘ :<br /> <br /> 10, Ford, Miss May<br /> <br /> 12, Greenstreet, W. J.<br /> <br /> 14, Anon<br /> <br /> 15, Maude Aylmer<br /> <br /> 16, Price, Miss Eleanor .<br /> <br /> 17, Blouet, Madame<br /> <br /> , 20, P. H. and M.K. . :<br /> . 22, Smith, Herbert W. . ‘<br /> .25, Anon. . ‘ ‘<br /> . 27, Vernede, R. E. :<br /> <br /> . 29, Plowman, Miss Mary .<br /> . 29, Todd, Miss Margaret, M.D.<br /> , 31, J acobs, W. W. c :<br /> 1, Davy, Mrs. E.M. .<br /> <br /> . 8, Abraham, J. J. .<br /> . 4, Gibbs, F. L. A. :<br /> . 4, Buckrose, J. E. ‘ :<br /> . 4, Balme, Mrs. Nettleton :<br /> . 6, Coleridge, The Hon. Gilbert<br /> . 6, Machen, Arthur i<br /> . 6, Romane-James, Mrs. .<br /> . 6, Weston, Miss Lydia . :<br /> . 14, Saies, Mrs. F. H. (in addi-<br /> <br /> tion to her subscription)<br /> <br /> Feb. 14, O’Higgins, H. J. é<br /> <br /> a<br /> <br /> aH<br /> Ooo eeoceoogaonoonoancoooooecooooeooooooo cooooo ocooooeoooce:<br /> <br /> a<br /> oe OR Or OLOLO O-<br /> <br /> _<br /> <br /> i<br /> <br /> COOCSCSCO CHOCO CONMSCSCOMM<br /> OHTA A OO<br /> <br /> bent<br /> <br /> tet a<br /> oot QQaQek Ke OH OM ONE NPR OOCOHR EK ORM AAO OOOOH NS OH<br /> <br /> ooo COFMPRF OF OCrFONFOSCOCOCOBE OF COOCOCOBROWOORNWH!<br /> =<br /> <br /> et<br /> <br /> &amp;<br /> <br /> ed<br /> Ror oN:<br /> <br /> Feb. 15, Stephens, Dr. Ricardo<br /> Feb. 15, Jones, Miss E. H.<br /> Feb. 17, Whibley, Charles<br /> Feb. 22, Probert, W. S.<br /> Feb. 24, S. F. G.<br /> Feb. 27, XX. Pen Club :<br /> Mar. 7, Keating, The Rev. J.<br /> Lloyd. . -<br /> Mar. 7, Tharp, Robert C. . :<br /> Mar. 10, Hall, H. Fielding . :<br /> Mar. 18, Moffatt, Miss Beatrice<br /> Mar. 14, Bennett, Arnold .<br /> Mar. 17, Michell, The Right Hon.<br /> Sir Lewis, K.C.V.O, .<br /> Mar. 17, Travers, Miss Rosalind :<br /> Mar. 26, Hinkson, H. A. A 5<br /> Mar. 26, Anon. . : . :<br /> April 2, Daniel, E. J. . : ‘<br /> April 2, Hain, H. M. :<br /> April 7, Taylor, Miss Susette M.<br /> April 7, Harding, Newman .<br /> April 9, Strachey, Miss Amabel<br /> April 10, Aspinall, Algernon .<br /> April 15, Craig, Gordon<br /> <br /> naomoso OrRoooh<br /> <br /> SO Or Or<br /> <br /> moocoocoourorF<br /> ececooconooeoso SSeSoSoo cocoa eo oe<br /> <br /> SK Oranano ore ar<br /> <br /> oH<br /> <br /> CoMMITTEE’S CONFERENCE WITH EDITORS AND<br /> . NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS.<br /> <br /> ene<br /> <br /> Durrine the past few months a considerable<br /> correspondence has passed between the Com-<br /> mittee of Management of the Society and the<br /> editors and publishers of papers, in order, if<br /> possible, to agree to some _ standardised<br /> arrangement for the payment of accepted<br /> contributions.<br /> <br /> It will be remembered that the committee<br /> notes published in the May issue of The Author<br /> contained a reference to a proposal to hold a<br /> conference on the subject in that month.<br /> Accordingly a circular was forwarded to the<br /> editors of magazines, putting forward the<br /> following proposal, that accepted articles,<br /> stories and illustrations should be paid for<br /> on publication or within six months from<br /> acceptance, whichever should be the shorter<br /> period. A number of letters were received in<br /> response and an influential gathering met to<br /> discuss the question. It was found impossible<br /> to pass any definite resolution at the meeting<br /> owing to the fact that some of the editors<br /> present were bound to refer the matter to the<br /> proprietors of the papers they represented,<br /> but they promised to do this, and the meeting<br /> accordingly was adjourned till Thursday,<br /> 252<br /> <br /> June 19, when it is hoped that some definite<br /> issue may be reached, which it will be possible<br /> to announce in The Author.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Dramatic SuB-COMMITTEE.<br /> <br /> Tur May meeting of the Dramatic Sub-<br /> Committee was held at the offices of the<br /> Society on Friday, May 23. After the<br /> minutes of the previous meeting had been<br /> read and signed, on a letter received by Mr.<br /> Bernard Shaw from Sir Herbert Beerbohm<br /> Tree the question of meeting delegates of<br /> the West End‘ Managers’ Association was<br /> discussed. It was decided that Mr. Shaw,<br /> Mr. Carton, Mr. Jerome and the secretary,<br /> subject to their consent, should act as delegates<br /> of the Dramatic Sub-Committee, and the<br /> secretary was instructed to write to the<br /> Society of West End Managers with a view to<br /> a meeting, if possible, early in June.<br /> <br /> The question of amateur rights was next<br /> dealt with, and a letter from the Association<br /> of Amateur Dramatic Clubs was laid before<br /> the mecting. The secretary was appointed<br /> as delegate to meet the association, and to<br /> discuss with that body the possibility of getting<br /> into touch with their members for the produc-<br /> tion of plays by the dramatists of the Society.<br /> <br /> A letter from Mr. H. M. Paull was also laid<br /> before the meeting, as also was a letter from<br /> Mrs. Maxwell Armfield. The secretary<br /> received instructions to reply. The questions<br /> contained in both the letters referred to<br /> amateur performances and the Collection<br /> Bureau of the Society, which is about to<br /> circularise the amateur clubs on behalf of the<br /> members.<br /> <br /> The secretary then reported to the sub-<br /> committee the plays with which the Bureau<br /> was dealing, and the number of dramatists<br /> for whom it was acting.<br /> <br /> The question of foreign dramatic agents<br /> appointed by the Society was considered and<br /> the sub-committee suggested that their names<br /> and addresses should be published monthly<br /> in The Author.<br /> <br /> It was decided to adjourn the Dramatic<br /> Conference till the autumn, after the meeting<br /> with the delegates of the West End Managers’<br /> Association.<br /> <br /> The sub-committee decided to ask the<br /> Committee of Management to obtain the<br /> opinion of a Dutch lawyer on the peculiar<br /> position arising out of the fact that Holland had<br /> only just joined the Berlin Convention. It<br /> appears that the Dutch are anxious to produce<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> English plays, but the question has arisen ag<br /> to the rights both of English dramatists and<br /> Dutch translators.<br /> <br /> The secretary then reported the legal cases —<br /> which had been taken up by the Society,<br /> After the discussion of the details of one case<br /> the sub-committee passed a recommendation ~<br /> to the Committee of Management that it —<br /> would be advisable to submit the matter to<br /> arbitration. i<br /> <br /> The consideration of the Dramatic Contract<br /> and Pamphlet was next commenced, and after<br /> considerable discussion the secretary was<br /> instructed to draft a fresh contract, for a period<br /> of years, between dramatists and managers.<br /> as this seemed to the sub-committee a more<br /> suitable form of contract for the benefit o<br /> members than the contract already embodied<br /> in the pamphlet.<br /> <br /> —_+ =&lt;<br /> <br /> ComposERS’ SUB-COMMITTEE.<br /> <br /> A MEETING of the Composers’ Sub-Com.<br /> mittee was held at the offices of the Society o<br /> Saturday, May 26. After reading the minute<br /> of the former meeting, a circular, which it wai<br /> proposed to send round to composers, wa<br /> considered and settled. The secretary wai<br /> instructed to send it round as soon as possibl<br /> that composers might be given an opportunit<br /> of answering the questions put before them,<br /> with a view to a closer combination of the<br /> profession.<br /> <br /> The sub-committee then considered thi<br /> names of members of the Society who might b<br /> suggested to the Committee of Managemen<br /> to fill the vacancy caused by the resignatio<br /> of Mr. Herbert Sullivan, and the secretary wa<br /> instructed to put forward their recommen<br /> dation at the next meeting.<br /> <br /> It had been suggested that the Mechanica<br /> Instrument Trade should be _ invited<br /> co-operate with the Society in order to obtai<br /> a joint opinion from counsel on question<br /> relating to copyright and mechanical repro<br /> duction. The secretary reported to the sub<br /> committee that the trade’ were unwilling<br /> adopt the suggestion, giving as their reaso<br /> the fact that they had, already, taken man<br /> opinions and that they did not see that an,<br /> good purpose would be served by taking<br /> further opinion. The sub-committee regrette<br /> they had adopted this view, as it seemed<br /> them that a joint opinion might have bee<br /> very useful to all parties and, if all parties ha<br /> decided to abide by it, would have saved<br /> considerable amount of litigation in the fut<br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> ‘A contract proposed by a German Society<br /> _ fin respect to the collection of mechanical<br /> ‘epinstrument fees was next considered, and<br /> sathe secretary was instructed to write for<br /> “pfurther particulars in the hope that a satis-<br /> ioefactory agreement might be settled, by which<br /> ermembers of the Society could have their<br /> »rmechanical instrument fees collected in<br /> *o»Germany.<br /> <br /> A letter from a French society for the<br /> lecollection of fees was also considered, and the<br /> ‘ssecretary was instructed to ask for further<br /> jaidetails.<br /> <br /> ! The replies from music publishers to a<br /> ovicircular sent to them, on the instructions of<br /> eithe sub-committee, on the question of the<br /> “uniform rendering of accounts, were next<br /> soconsidered, and the secretary was instructed<br /> / eto tabulate the answers and to print an article<br /> son the matter in The Author.<br /> <br /> : After due consideration it was found<br /> “impossible to adopt a proposal to circularise<br /> Jpvillage musical clubs with a list of composers’<br /> tovworks suitable for reproduction by their com-<br /> ‘“semunities. With regret the sub-committee felt<br /> “compelled to abandon the idea. The view of<br /> sdthe sub-committee was that the matter was<br /> afone for the publishers rather than for the<br /> <br /> sor Society.<br /> —_ + &lt;-&gt; —<br /> <br /> Cases.<br /> <br /> Durie the month twelve cases have passed<br /> «i through the secretary’s hands. It is curious<br /> &#039;@ to note the increasing number of cases abroad.<br /> iC Of the twelve, four are foreign cases, two being<br /> “in the United States, and two in France.<br /> *s Last month four of the total number were<br /> ’# cases in foreign countries, one beingin Hungary,<br /> +7 two in the United States and one in Russia.<br /> 1The majority of cases this month are disputes<br /> fon terms of agreement. Five come under this<br /> so head ; of these, two have been settled, but the<br /> 1% other three are still open. Disputes on agree-<br /> of ments generally take a longer time to arrange<br /> sf than ordinary claims for money and accounts,<br /> 9% because, as a rule, a considerable amount of<br /> ‘1, correspondence is necessary.<br /> (There are four cases of claims for the<br /> ‘9 return of MSS. Two of these have been<br /> om successful and the MSS. have been returned<br /> 9 to the members ; in the third case, the person<br /> 6 to whom the MS. was sent has made every<br /> »-effort to find it, but the author had no evidence<br /> © to show that it actually came to hand. The<br /> ‘a6 last case has only recently come to the office.<br /> &quot;There are two cases for money and accounts.<br /> ‘one being in France and one in the United<br /> <br /> r<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 253<br /> <br /> States. These are both open, as sufficient time<br /> has not yet elapsed in which to receive a reply.<br /> <br /> The last question is one of accounts which<br /> has only come to the office just before going to<br /> press.<br /> <br /> There are two cases open from former<br /> months, one being in Hungary. As it is<br /> a dispute on an agreement and therefore a<br /> matter for negotiation, some time must elapse<br /> before it is finally settled, but the Socicty’s<br /> lawyers in Hungary have been successful in<br /> getting into favourable communication with<br /> the defendants. The second is an ordinary<br /> question of settlement of ageeement and as<br /> has already been stated, settlements of<br /> disputes on agreements take a longer time than<br /> mere questions of claims for liquidated<br /> amounts.<br /> <br /> Elections.<br /> <br /> Arthurs, George . . 22, Shandon Road,<br /> S.W. :<br /> <br /> Ivy Cottage, Clare-<br /> morris, Co. Mayo.<br /> 97, Finborough<br /> Road, Earl’s Court.<br /> Knocke - sur - mer,<br /> Belgium.<br /> The Towers,<br /> dlesham.<br /> Oaklands, Elstree.<br /> Lyceum Club, Picca-<br /> dilly, W.<br /> <br /> 43, Chisholm Road,<br /> Croydon.<br /> <br /> Aylward, Frank<br /> Banner, Joseph<br /> Brentwood, Evelyn<br /> <br /> Elvey, G. F. Handel Win-<br /> Everett, P. W. . S<br /> Graham, Miss Bertha N.<br /> <br /> Hardy, Dr. H. Nelson,<br /> <br /> F.R.C.S., Edin.<br /> Hosie, Miss Lillie C.<br /> Jerningham, Charles E. 14, Pelham Crescent,<br /> Thurloe Square,S.W.<br /> c/o Messrs. H. Massie<br /> &amp; Co., 21, Tavistock<br /> Street, Covent Gar-<br /> dens, W.C.<br /> <br /> Landi, Caroline F. M.,<br /> Countess Zanardi<br /> <br /> Louis, Edward Z<br /> Manahan, William A. . 110, Seville Place,<br /> North Strand, Dub-<br /> lin.<br /> <br /> 12b, London Road,<br /> St. Albans.<br /> Whitehall Hotel, 18,<br /> Montague Street,<br /> Russell Square,<br /> and Summit, W.C. ;<br /> New Jersey, U.S.A.,<br /> 36, Priory Terrace,<br /> Stamford, Lines.<br /> <br /> Nuttall, G. Clarke ,<br /> <br /> Porter, Grace Cleveland<br /> <br /> Raythorne, Miss Valerie<br /> 254<br /> <br /> Temple, The Rev. W. . The Hall, Repton,<br /> Burton-on-Trent.<br /> <br /> . The Towers, St.<br /> Stephens Road,<br /> Bath.<br /> <br /> West, Mrs. Katherine East<br /> S: Sussex.<br /> <br /> Willis, William 20, Belmont Road,<br /> Nicholas. Twickenham, S.W.<br /> <br /> Talbot, Mrs. :<br /> <br /> Grinstead,<br /> <br /> ——_+—&gt;—_+—___—_<br /> <br /> BOOKS PUBLISHED BY MEMBERS.<br /> <br /> —— +<br /> <br /> While every effort is made by the compilers to keep<br /> this list as accurate and exhaustive as possible, they have<br /> some difficulty in attaining this object owing to the fact<br /> that many of the books mentioned are not sent to the office<br /> by the members. In consequence, it is necessary to rely<br /> largely upon lists of books which appear in literary and<br /> other papers. It is hoped, however, that members will<br /> co-operate in the compiling of this list, and, by sending<br /> particulars of their works, help to make it substantially<br /> accurate.<br /> <br /> ART.<br /> <br /> Wantep: A Mruistry oF Fine Arts.<br /> DewHurst. Reprinted from the<br /> 84 x 54. 101 pp. Hugh Rees. 1s. n.<br /> <br /> BIOGRAPHY.<br /> <br /> Wui1am Morris. A Study in Personality. By A.<br /> Compton Rickert. 82 X 5}. 325 pp. Herbert<br /> Jenkins. 7s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Goxtpwin SMITH’s CoRRESPONDENCE.<br /> Haviram. 9 x 53. 540 pp. Werner Laurie.<br /> <br /> BOOKS OF REFERENCE.<br /> <br /> Tue SraresMan’s YuAR Boor. 1913. Edited by<br /> J. Scorr Kerrie, LL.D. Assisted by M. Epsrzrn,<br /> Ph.D. 74 x 43. 1452 pp. Macmillan. 10s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> DRAMA.<br /> <br /> Prays or Onp Japan. Tue “No.” By Mane C.<br /> Sroxzs, D.Sc., and Proressor Jogi SakuRal. With<br /> a Preface by His Excettency Baron Karo. 8} X 54.<br /> 103 pp. Heinemann. 5s. n.<br /> <br /> Tus Marrrep Woman. A Play in Three Parts. By<br /> Cc. B. Fernatp. 74x 5. 111 pp. Sidgwick &amp;<br /> Jackson. 3s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Toe “Minp THE Paint” GIRL.<br /> Acts. By Arraur W. PINzERO.<br /> Heinemann. ls. 6d.<br /> <br /> FICTION.<br /> <br /> Lorz or PROSERPINE. By MauricE HEWLETT.<br /> 288 pp. Macmillan. 5s. n.<br /> <br /> TurovcH THE Winpow. By Mary E. Many.<br /> 319 pp. Mills &amp; Boon. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Bonp or Freepom. By A. B. SPENS.<br /> 316 pp. Everett. 6s.<br /> <br /> Bistine Dawn. By Hanoitp Bzcain. 7} x 5.<br /> Hodder &amp; Stoughton. 68.<br /> <br /> Tun Destroyine ANGEL. By Louis J. VANCE.<br /> 309 pp. Grant Richards. 68.<br /> <br /> Ix tue Grre or Destiny. By Cuaruzs E.<br /> 74 x 5. 301 pp. George Allen.<br /> Tue Sxy-Line. By ErueEL CaNNIne.<br /> <br /> Digby, Long. 6s.<br /> <br /> By WyYNFORD<br /> Art Chronicle.<br /> <br /> Edited by ARNOLD<br /> 18s. n.<br /> <br /> A Comedy in Four<br /> 62 x 5. 234 pp.<br /> <br /> 72 x Sh.<br /> 72 x 5.<br /> 7% x 5.<br /> 312 pp.<br /> 7} x 5.<br /> SrERNY.<br /> <br /> 7h x 5. 381 pp.<br /> <br /> THE AUTAOR.<br /> <br /> Hearts at War. By Erris ADELAIDE ROWLANDS_<br /> 72x 5. 336 pp. Hurst &amp; Blackett. 6s.<br /> <br /> Oncz Rounp. By SterHen Knorr. 73 x 5. 366 pp,<br /> Murray &amp; Evenden. 6s.<br /> <br /> Love Lerrers or A WorLDLY Woman, By Mrs. W. K.<br /> Cuirrorp. Newand Enlarged Edition, 277 pp. Con-<br /> stable. 2s. 6d, n.<br /> <br /> Tur Pursuit or Mr. Favret.<br /> <br /> 6} x 4}. 380 pp. Nelson. 7d. n.<br /> <br /> Tur Sprvster. By Husert Waxes. (Cheap Edition)<br /> 74 x 43. 320 pp. John Long. Is. n.<br /> <br /> I wut Repay. By Tae Baroness Onczy.<br /> <br /> 74 x 44. Hodder &amp; Stoughton. Is. n.<br /> <br /> So ir Is WITH THE DaMSEL. By Nora VYNNE.<br /> Stanley Paul. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tun Kryepom. By H. ErspaLe Goap.<br /> pp. Heinemann. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tur Hovse or Sanps. By L. M. Wart.<br /> <br /> 312 pp. Martin Secker. 6s.<br /> <br /> Mr. Laxwortuy’s ADVENTURES. By E. P. OPPENHEIM<br /> 7% x 5. 312 pp. Cassell. 3s. 6d.<br /> <br /> Tur Mixp Reaper. By Max RITTENBERG.<br /> 325 pp. Appletons. 6s. :<br /> <br /> Tus Gops ARE Atuirst. Authorised Translation. B<br /> A. Attinson. 8} x 5}. 285 pp. Lane. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Pomp oF THE Lavierres. By GisERT PARKER<br /> 64 x 4}. 223 pp. Methuen. 7d. n. :<br /> <br /> Tue STRENGTH OF THE Hits. By HaLirwELt SUTCLIFFE-<br /> 732 x 54. 307 pp.<br /> <br /> Hatr anp Harr TRAGEDY.<br /> By A. R. Horn. 8 X 5}.<br /> <br /> E1iza’s Son. By Barry Pain. 7} X 5.<br /> Cassell. Is. n. ]<br /> <br /> Tas Woorne or Miranwy. Second Edition. By<br /> Eprru C. Kenyon. Holden &amp; Hardingham. 6s.<br /> <br /> THe WINNING oF GwENoRA. By Epira C. Kenyon-<br /> Holden &amp; Hardingham. 6s.<br /> <br /> HISTORY.<br /> <br /> A GxgweraL History oF THE WORLD. By Oscar<br /> BROWNING, Senior Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge,.<br /> ete. With Maps and Genealogical Ta les. 74 X 5.<br /> 799 pp. Arnold. 7s. 6d. n. School Edition. 5s. n.<br /> <br /> it x 5<br /> <br /> Stanley Paul. 6s.<br /> <br /> Scenes in Black and White.<br /> 58, 8<br /> 119 pp.<br /> <br /> 340 pp. Black.<br /> <br /> LAW,<br /> <br /> Pmorace Law. Being the Pilotage Act, 1913. With<br /> Introduction, Notes and Appendices. By E. AYLMER.<br /> Diasy, Lieutenant R.N. (retired), Secretary to Depart-<br /> mental Committee of Pilotage, 1909—11. Barrister-at-<br /> Law, and 8. D. Corz, Member of the Departmental ©<br /> Committee on Pilotage, 1909—11, Solicitor of the ~<br /> Supreme Court. 8} X Bf. 108 pp. Sweet &amp; Maxwell.”<br /> <br /> _ 56. nD.<br /> LITERARY.<br /> <br /> Jovous Garp. By A. C. BEnson. 7x 5. 235 pp-<br /> Murray. 3s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> THe VULGATE VERSION OF THE ARTHURIAN RoMANCES. ©<br /> Edited from Manuscripts in the British Museum. By —<br /> Hi. Oskar Sommer. Vol. VI., Le Aventures ou las:<br /> Queste del Saint Graal: La Mort de Roi Artus..<br /> 12 x 94.’ 390 pp. Washington : The Carnegie Insti<br /> tute of Washington. :<br /> <br /> Tan Joy or THE THEaTRE. By GitpeRT CANNANS<br /> 7x 5. Batsford. 2s. n. ,<br /> <br /> Tur Country. By E. THomas. 7 X 5. 60 pp. Bats<br /> ford. 2s, n.<br /> <br /> MISCELLANEOUS.<br /> <br /> ‘Tan Perrect GentLEMaN. A guide to Social Aspirants.<br /> By Harry GRraHAM. New Edition. 7$ x 5. 212 pp<br /> Arnold. 2s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> NATURAL HISTORY.<br /> <br /> ‘oul FLowrrLess Puants. How and Where they Grow.<br /> i ‘By S. Lzonarp Bastry. 8} x 5}. 152 pp. Cassell.<br /> ‘Oo 68. n.<br /> <br /> “if Tur Brrps or Austra. By<br /> ‘sf ‘~-Vol. IIT., Part II. 143 x 10}. 105—204 pp..<br /> <br /> SOCIOLOGY.<br /> <br /> ~ | Inprviptcm wunp STaat: UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DIE<br /> nied GRUNDLAGE DER Kuttur. By GrorGEs CHATTERTON-<br /> ca . Hin, Ph.D. Verlag von<br /> <br /> oa. J.C. &#039;B. Mohr.<br /> <br /> G. M. Marraews<br /> Witherby<br /> <br /> xvii x 207 pp. Tiibingen:<br /> <br /> TOPOGRAPHY.<br /> <br /> By Himatre BELLoc.<br /> 7s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> TRAVEL.<br /> <br /> c70) Queer THINGS ABOUT JAPAN. By Dovetas SLADEN.<br /> Fourth Edition, to which is added a Life of the late<br /> “ +Emperor of Japan. 8} x 54. 443 pp. Kegan Paul.<br /> : 6s. n.<br /> /an—) me Conressions oF A TENDERFOOT.<br /> Grant Richards. 10s. 6d.<br /> <br /> ‘a— Tue Stane STREET. 83 x 6.<br /> <br /> 304 pp. Constable.<br /> <br /> By Ratpx Stock.<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> re<br /> <br /> MITERARY, DRAMATIC, AND MUSICAL<br /> NOTES.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Ts HE late Professor Goldwin Smith’s<br /> Bt ‘Correspondence’? has been _ pub-<br /> : lished by his literary executor, Mr.<br /> “@* Arnold Haultain, through Mr. T. Werner<br /> I Laurie. The book, which is demy §8vo,<br /> 560 pages, with illustrations, costs 18s. net,<br /> “ee .and comprises letters written, not only by<br /> _ Goldwin Smith, but also to him by Matthew<br /> Arnold, W. E. Gladstone, Frederick Harrison,<br /> Lord Cromer, and many other famous people,<br /> living and dead.<br /> <br /> The ‘Life of the Right Hon. Sir Alfred<br /> “Comyn Lyall,” by Sir Mortimer Durand<br /> (Messrs. Blackwood &amp; Sons, 16s. net),<br /> noticed in another column.<br /> <br /> M. Maurice Bourgeois, the sole authorised<br /> French translator and producer of the late<br /> J. M. Synge’s “Playboy of the Western<br /> World ” and ‘‘ Well of the Saints,” is bringing<br /> out, in September, through Messrs. Constable,<br /> .a work entitled ‘“‘ John Milligan Synge and the<br /> Irish Theatre.”<br /> <br /> Mr. Douglas Sladen’s new novel is ‘‘ The<br /> ‘Curse of the Nile ’’—a story of Egypt in Khar-<br /> tum and Omdurman days. The publishers<br /> -are Messrs. Stanley Paul &amp; Co.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Duckworth &amp; Co. publish Mr. J.<br /> ‘Quigley’s “‘ Leandro Ramon Garrido: His<br /> Life and Art,” with twenty-six full-page<br /> ‘reproductions of the painter’s art.<br /> is 5s. net.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> The price<br /> <br /> 255<br /> <br /> Dr. Henry Lansdell has brought out the<br /> fourth part of his history of “ Princess 4lfrida’s<br /> Charity” (Messrs. Burnside, Ltd., 6d., by<br /> post 7d.), describing Morden College under its<br /> early trustees, ete.<br /> <br /> ** Pilotage Law ”’ (described in the sub-title<br /> as ‘* The Pilotage Act, 1913, with Introduction,<br /> Notes, and Appendices’) is the joint pro-<br /> duction of Messrs. E. Aylmer Digby, lieutenant<br /> R.N., retired, and Sanford D. Cole, author of<br /> ‘* The Shipmaster’s Handbook to the Merchant<br /> Shipping Acts,” etc. Messrs. Sweet &amp; Maxwell<br /> are the publishers.<br /> <br /> Mr. Humfrey Jordan’s novel, ‘“‘ Patchwork<br /> Comedy,” is being produced by Messrs. Put-<br /> nam in three editions—English, American, and<br /> Australian.<br /> <br /> ‘“Feigning or Folly’ is the name of Miss<br /> A. V. Dutton’s latest story (Messrs. Heath,<br /> Cranton &amp; Ouseley).<br /> <br /> Mrs. J. G. Frazer has produced, through<br /> Messrs. Heffer &amp; Sons, of Cambridge, ‘* First<br /> Aid to the Servantless,” a book for all who<br /> would reduce the work of the house to a<br /> minimum without sacrificing its comforts.<br /> The price is 1s. net, and 2,000 copies have<br /> already been sold.<br /> <br /> Mr. R. H. Forster, the Northumbrian author,<br /> is bringing out with Messrs. John Long, Ltd.,<br /> ** The Little Maister,”’ another historical novel<br /> dealing with his favourite portion of England.<br /> <br /> Mr. R. F. Johnston, author of ‘‘ From Peking<br /> to Mandalay,” ete., has written a book on<br /> ** Buddhist China,”’ which is to be published by<br /> Mr. John Murray.<br /> <br /> Miss Grace Porter’s forthcoming work will<br /> be a collection of traditional negro plantation<br /> singing-games, most of them transcribed by<br /> the author with the guidance of an old negress ;<br /> to which is added a group of French Canadian<br /> folk singing-games played by the “‘ Habitants.”<br /> It will be published by Messrs. Curwen.<br /> <br /> “A Grey Life,” by ‘“‘ Rita’ (Mrs. Desmond<br /> Humphreys), is already in its fourth edition.<br /> <br /> Under the title of “Letters to Jack’s<br /> Mother,’ Mr. Edgar W. Martin has written a<br /> little pamphlet on the training of a child—at<br /> the request of a lady social worker in Bir-<br /> mingham. Messrs. Cornish Brothers, of that<br /> city, publish it at 1s. 8d. a dozen copies,<br /> including postage.<br /> <br /> ** Life’s Many Colours” is a collection of<br /> essays by Mr. J. C. Wright, F.R.S.L.<br /> <br /> A new and cheaper edition of ‘‘ The Perfect<br /> Gentleman: A Guide to Social Aspirants,”’ by<br /> Captain Harry Graham, has been issued by<br /> Mr. Edward Arnold. The pen-and-ink sketches<br /> by Mr.. Lewis Baumer are included.<br /> 256<br /> <br /> Mr. Ralph Stock, whose travel book, “ The<br /> Confessions of a Tenderfoot,” is chronicled<br /> elsewhere in this issue, has published a novel,<br /> entitled ‘‘ The Pyjama Man,” through Messrs.:<br /> Hutchinson &amp; Co., during the past month.<br /> The first book is a record of the author’s world<br /> wanderings and experiences during the last<br /> twelve years in Canada, America, the South<br /> Pacific Islands, and Australia, illustrated with.<br /> eighty-five photographs taken by Mr. Stock.<br /> The second book is the love story of a young<br /> Englishman in Australia.<br /> <br /> It is announced that this spring MM. Payot<br /> &amp; Cie., of Lausanne, intend to issue a French<br /> translation, by E. Combe, of Mr. W. A. B.<br /> Coolidge’s book entitled ‘‘ The Alps in Nature<br /> and History” (published by Messrs. Methuen<br /> in 1908). Mr. Coolidge asks us to state that<br /> this translation has been neither authorised<br /> nor approved by him, so that he declines to be<br /> held responsible for any mistakes or alterations<br /> that may be contained therein.<br /> <br /> Mr. Basil Stewart edits ‘‘ The Lecture Year<br /> Book, 1913-4,’ which Messrs. Heath, Cranton<br /> &amp; Ouseley publish at 3s. 6d. net. Lecturers,<br /> the Preface states, are perhaps the only pro-<br /> fessional class hitherto without their annual<br /> reference book, and this is an endeavour to<br /> supply the lack. Portraits of various pro-<br /> minent lecturers and lecture-secretaries are<br /> included.<br /> <br /> “Christopher Columbus: An Historic<br /> Drama in Four Acts,’’ is published for the<br /> author, Mr. Roland Hill, by Messrs. Sampson,<br /> Low, Marston &amp; Co.<br /> <br /> ‘People (thither coming out of a region<br /> wherein disasters are met as if they were a jest)<br /> whom You may Meet at the Fair ” is the name<br /> given by Mr. Adair Welcker, of Berkeley, Cali-<br /> fornia, to a work of which a copy has been<br /> forwarded to us by him. We take a passage<br /> from the Foreword: ‘‘ One of the great labors<br /> that through this book will eventually be seen<br /> to have been accomplished is this: All pub-<br /> lishers, and all authors of the world, are to be<br /> shown that to a work not miscalled ‘ literature ’<br /> will the attention of mankind be, to the limit<br /> of its reading capacity, given, without the<br /> adoption into the world of business by any<br /> publisher, and use . . . of the various methods<br /> that by prescription have become the property<br /> of (and therefore of which they should not be<br /> despoiled) mendicants — beggars — lazaroni.”<br /> In other words, Mr. Welcker has published the<br /> book himself.<br /> <br /> We regret to record the death, on April 25,<br /> of Mrs. Harcourt-Roe, of Hurst, Berks, for<br /> many years a member of the Society. Her<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> chief literary work lay in novel writing, though<br /> her latest publication, ‘ as a March<br /> Hare,” or “The Land of Shadows,” could —<br /> hardly be designated as such, being a political<br /> skit. Among her novels were ‘‘ The Bachelor<br /> Vicar of Newforth?” ‘‘ Whose Wife?” ‘* The<br /> Silent Room,” ‘‘ A Man of Mystery,” ete., all<br /> of which earned the appreciation of her public,<br /> In connection with *‘ A Man of Mystery ”’ Mrs.<br /> Harcourt-Roe received many letters from the<br /> late Lady Isabel Burton and others on the<br /> subject of its exposition of the Buddhist<br /> religion and its suggestion of the force of will-<br /> power. Her favourite line of thought was of<br /> a high spiritual order, thrown into the form of<br /> a novel, and she took great interest in all<br /> literary affairs.<br /> <br /> Soho Square—‘“‘the prettiest square in<br /> London,”’ according to Sir Walter Besant—<br /> has been the scene of a reception by Messrs.<br /> A. and C. Black to the contributors of the<br /> ‘*Englishwoman’s Year Book,’’ one of the<br /> many annuals issued by them. The guests.<br /> were received by the editor, Miss G. E. Mitton,<br /> supported by the consultative committee, Lady<br /> Strachey, Lady Huggins, Mrs. Hertha Ayrton,<br /> M.1.E.E., Miss S. A. Burstall, M.A., Mrs. J. R.<br /> Green, and Dr. Margaret Todd; also by Mr.<br /> Adam Black and his partner, and other mem-<br /> bers of the firm. After tea the many treasures<br /> in possession of Messrs. Black were displayed,<br /> including the famous interleaved set of the<br /> Waverley Novels, in which Sir Walter Scott<br /> made his additions and corrections for the final<br /> edition.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> DraMarIc.<br /> <br /> At the Court Theatre, on May 12, Miss<br /> Horniman revived “The Pigeon,” Mr. John<br /> Galsworthy’s three-act fantasy, originally pro-<br /> duced at the same theatre a year and a half ago.<br /> The sketch ‘“‘ The Widow Woos,” which is<br /> now the curtain-raiser to “* The Headmaster ”<br /> at the Playhouse, is a dramatisation by Mrs.<br /> Francis Blundell and Mr. Sydney Valentine of<br /> a short story by the former.<br /> On May 17 a new musical play, “ The Mar-<br /> riage Market,”’ was produced at Daly’s Theatre,<br /> being the work of Messrs. Brody and Martos,<br /> adapted for the English stage by Miss Gladys<br /> Unger, with lyrics by Messrs. Arthur Anderson<br /> and Adrain Ross, and music by Mr. V. Jacobi.<br /> On May 29 Mr. Bernard Shaw’s “ Cesar and<br /> Cleopatra ”’ was played by Mr. Forbes Robert-<br /> son for the last time at Drury Lane. On the<br /> following day there was a revival of the<br /> dramatic version of Mr. Rudyard Kipling’s<br /> “The Light that Failed.”<br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> _ At the Aldwych Theatre, from May 27 to<br /> -/May 31, a new musical play, “‘ Claude Abroad,”<br /> swas staged, in aid of the Middlesex Hospital.<br /> The book was by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott-<br /> eaatty, and the music by Mr. Charles Scott-<br /> asatty, Sir Alfred Scott-Gatty, and Mr. Cecil<br /> oForsyth.<br /> ‘| During the Croydon Repertory Season, at<br /> uche Grand Theatre, Mr. Keble Howard pre-<br /> -asented, for the third week, Mr. Charles<br /> ~9McEvoy’s four-act comedy, “* The Situation at<br /> »Newbury,”’ first seen at the Liverpool Reper-<br /> scory Theatre last year.<br /> MUSICAL.<br /> _ At the Queen’s Hall, on the evening of<br /> aMay 6, the London Choral Society gave an<br /> anniversary concert in memory of King<br /> 5Edward’s death, May 6, 1910. The pro-<br /> “sgramme consisted chiefly of works by Miss<br /> ~sMargaret Meredith, including settings of Mr.<br /> biRudyard’s Kipling’s “‘ Recessional’”’ and Mr.<br /> “wOwen Seaman’s ‘“ Passing of King Edward<br /> IVIL.,” for choir, organ, and piano. Among the<br /> »oerformers were Sefior Casals (violoncello),<br /> »2iMiss Ada Forrest, Miss Phyllis Lett, and Mr.<br /> s9cecil Fanning (vocalists), and Miss Meredith<br /> wterself (pianoforte). The whole concert was<br /> seleserving of a larger audience than was<br /> »eooresent ; but, as it was, encores lengthened it<br /> © yy nearly half an hour.<br /> <br /> ——_—__—_—_+——_e_—__.<br /> <br /> PARIS NOTES.<br /> — a<br /> <br /> [ A MAISON ”’ is the title of the latest<br /> novel by Henry Bordeaux. It is<br /> the autobiography of a boy, Francis,<br /> “iavhich, with the exception of certain details,<br /> ‘uinight be the autobiography of hundreds of<br /> “iaoys of provincial France of to-day. The<br /> shitle, “La Maison”? would be extremely<br /> oth ifficult to render in English, as it means here<br /> “ She ancestral house, the symbol of the past,<br /> &#039;) f£ the family which has inhabited it for<br /> /ofenerations. It is one of the most essentially<br /> rench books which has been published for<br /> long time and, in order to appreciate it, the<br /> “Peeader must be able to place himself in the<br /> <br /> murroundings described by the author.<br /> “T The book is extremely interesting as a<br /> “oysychological study. The boy’s father is the<br /> “iqypical head of the family, his mother a very<br /> ypical French wife and mother, upholding the<br /> ditions of the race. Then comes a curious<br /> gure in the person of the boy’s grandfather,<br /> ‘man who would break through the traditional<br /> stters and who, perhaps more out of bravado<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 257<br /> <br /> ~~’<br /> <br /> than from real conviction, professes to have<br /> gone over to the new order of things. Francis<br /> is greatly influenced by his grandfather. He<br /> begins to look disdainfully on the rest of his<br /> family and their old-fashioned ways. He<br /> accompanies his grandfather to a café, where<br /> he hears all kinds of theories propounded.<br /> He is at first amazed, but gradually becomes<br /> quite accustomed to the new ideas. Nothing<br /> could be more slight than the story. There<br /> are very few events interesting to anyone but<br /> the family immediately concerned. The whole<br /> interest centres in the psychology of the various<br /> members of the family, including the typical<br /> spinster aunt, with her ever-ready duster and<br /> brush. It is not until Francis finds himself<br /> unexpectedly the head of the family that he<br /> realises all that it means and rouses to a sense<br /> of responsibility. This novel is, perhaps, the<br /> strongest and most concise of any yet written<br /> by M. Bordeaux, who is a typical representative<br /> of conservative France.<br /> <br /> ‘““Au Hasard de la Vie,” by Edouard<br /> Lockroy, has just been published, with a<br /> preface by Jules Claretie. This volume of<br /> notes and souvenirs represents half a century<br /> of the author’s life. M. Lockroy, who was<br /> formerly Minister of the Navy, has known<br /> most of the interesting Frenchmen of his<br /> time. He is an extremely cultivated man and<br /> an ardent patriot. The volume is composed<br /> of a series of articles on the most varied topics<br /> imaginable. The author writes of his recol-<br /> lections of the year 1848, of Garibaldi, of<br /> Renan. M. Lockroy accompanied Renan on<br /> his scientific mission to Phoenicia and he now<br /> gives us some excellent portraits of one of the<br /> most interesting of Frenchmen. Several<br /> chapters are devoted to this expedition, which<br /> is most graphically described. A large part of<br /> the volume treats of the various episodes of<br /> the war of °70. Autour de Metz, Autour du<br /> 4 Septembre, Pendant le Siege and A Versailles,<br /> are the titles of these chapters. M. Lockroy<br /> also gives us two excellent chapters on M. de<br /> Bulow and Victor Hugo.<br /> <br /> In a volume, entitled ‘“‘ Les Fantoches de la<br /> Peur,” Charles Foley has grouped the various<br /> individuals who have inspired fear. We have<br /> Les Fantoches de la Bastille, Dupes, Dupeurs,<br /> Dupes, Fantoches burlesques, Fantoches tra-<br /> giques, Folies burlesques, Folies tragiques.<br /> In the last chapter, Leur Fraternité, the author<br /> sums up the chief principle of this fraternity in<br /> the celebrated phrase, ‘‘ Sois mon frére, ou je te<br /> tue,” which is the main principle of nearly all<br /> political and religious fanaticism. In this<br /> work the author has gone back to the accounts<br /> <br /> <br /> 258<br /> <br /> of contemporaries, and the consequence is that<br /> we find quite another La Fayette, Biron,<br /> Hanriot and Fouquier-Tinville than those<br /> which later historians have painted. The<br /> grouping of the fantoches is an excellent idea,<br /> and the various anecdotes and quotations make<br /> the accounts most entertaining.<br /> <br /> “ J;’Entraineuse ” is the title of the novel by<br /> Charles Esquier from which the piece now<br /> being given has been taken. It is a novel<br /> which appeals more directly to the Latin race ;<br /> the story of a wife sacrificing everything for<br /> her husband, a weak man, whom she loves<br /> with an almost maternal love. The play is<br /> having as much success as the novel.<br /> <br /> ‘* Parvati,”’ by Robert Chauvelot, is a story<br /> of one of the désenchantées of India. The<br /> author tells us the tragic story of a beautiful<br /> young woman, who, after finishing her educa-<br /> tion in European countries, is destined for the<br /> wife of a Maharajah. Her husband sends for<br /> a celebrated French artist to paint her por-<br /> trait, with the result that the artist falls hope-<br /> lessly in love with his model. We then have<br /> some very graphic descriptions of the ways and<br /> customs of the country to which the woman<br /> belongs, and we follow the lovers through the<br /> various episodes of their escapade to the tragic<br /> dénouement.<br /> <br /> “En Colonne ” is the title of a volume by<br /> General Bruneau, in which the intrepid<br /> soldier and explorer gives us an account of his<br /> various expeditions. Among the subjects are :<br /> Souvenirs de V Insurrection Kabile, Le Sanglier<br /> Marabout, Une Vision des Temps Prehistoriques,<br /> Un Affut a la Panthere, Un Raid_d&#039;Infanterie,<br /> Entre la Vie er la Mort, and A la Légion.<br /> <br /> An extremely valuable historical work has<br /> just been published by Mlle. Emilie Cher-<br /> buliez. It is entitled ‘“‘ Mémoires de Isaac<br /> Cornuaud sur Genéve et la Révolution de 1770<br /> 421795.” The book will be greatly appreciated<br /> by all who are interested in the history of<br /> Switzerland. Isaac Cornuaud was one of the<br /> ardent patriots of his day, a man who con-<br /> tributed largely to the political history of his<br /> country. Mlle. Cherbuliez has compiled the<br /> volume from ten huge manuscript volumes, of<br /> about 500 pages each, written between the<br /> years 1785 and 1796 by her great-great-grand-<br /> father. Isaac Cornuaud was the great-grand-<br /> father of Victor Cherbuliez, and, thanks to his<br /> position and personality, he had_ excellent<br /> opportunities for seeing and knowing every-<br /> thing which concerned the life, at that critical<br /> time, of the “ political atom,” as he styles<br /> Geneva. The Introduction to the volume is<br /> written by Gaspard Vallette, and the bio-<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> graphical notice by Mlle. Cherbuliez. Among<br /> the twenty-three chapters are the following;<br /> Introduction a Vhistoire des Natifs jusqu&#039;a 1766,<br /> including the Rapports des Natifs avec Voltaire;<br /> Le Plan de Conciliation; La Prise d’armes dus<br /> fevrier 1781; Entrée des troupes étrangeres %<br /> Geneve; Genéve, apres la Révolution de 1782;<br /> La Révolution de 1789; L’égalité politique; Le ~<br /> gouvernement révolutionnaire; and Questions sae&quot;<br /> administratives et économiques.<br /> <br /> At the Odéon, ‘‘ David Copperfield ” is being — -<br /> played. ‘‘ La Demoiselle de Magasin is now #<br /> being given at the Gymnase, and, at the | «<br /> Athenée, ‘‘ La Semaine Folle.”<br /> <br /> At the ThéAtre des Champs-Elysées “ Boris<br /> Godounow”’ is now on the bill, and at the ©<br /> Gymnase we are to have a series of Polish plays, |<br /> <br /> Atys Hatuarp,<br /> <br /> “La Maison.’ (Plon.)<br /> <br /> &lt;&lt; Au Hasard de la Vie.”’ (Grasset.)<br /> <br /> “Les Fantoches dela Peur.” (Blond.)<br /> <br /> “L’Entraineuse.” (Calmann-Lévy.)<br /> <br /> “Parvati.” (Michel.)<br /> <br /> «En Colonne.” (Calmann-Lévy.)<br /> <br /> “Mémoires de Isaac Cornuaud sur Genive et la<br /> Révolution de 1770 4 1795.’ (A. Jullien.)<br /> <br /> +—&lt;—_+—___—_-<br /> <br /> LEGAL CASES.<br /> <br /> ———+ —<br /> Copyricut TECHNICALITIES 1N THE U.S.A, — =<br /> I<br /> <br /> EGAL cases in the United States ate ©<br /> matters of almost equal interest to<br /> United States authors and to British<br /> <br /> authors. The case quoted below is of special<br /> importance as it shows the difficulties into»<br /> which it is possible to run when the law makes |<br /> technicalities essential for securing copyright. | ~<br /> There is hardly any copyright case taken im<br /> the United States but the pirate or other’ ©<br /> offender bases his defence on the technicalities ~<br /> necessary under the United States Act. Tne :<br /> case quoted is taken from the New York Times :<br /> and that paper in its leader on the subject,<br /> states as follows :—‘ Section 12, upon while<br /> the Court based judgment, says that no action<br /> or proceedings shall be maintained for oe<br /> ment of copyright until the copies of<br /> pea have been deposited in the mails<br /> n vain the counsel for The Times pointed out<br /> to the Court that the action was not for<br /> infringement of copyright, it was not 4 suit)<br /> to recover damages, it was an equity pro=&quot;<br /> ceeding to restrain a threatened violation of | 3,<br /> its copyright.” It further adds :—* If the) ©<br /> law is to be construed as it has been constru Ls ;<br /> in the present case, ‘ what may we expect when’<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> oo ee<br /> <br /> Bae<br /> <br /> Mico SG<br /> <br /> sete<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 28 Sh wig<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ’ Pole,<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> the Courts are asked to pass on the meaning<br /> of the “registration” in Section 127°” The<br /> matter is, of course, a very serious matter, and<br /> it is a real blessing that under the new English<br /> Copyright Act no technicalities whatever are<br /> necessary. This has its disadvantages, but the<br /> advantages running with no technicalities are<br /> overwhelming, and the plenipotentiaries who<br /> met at the Convention of Berlin, as at the<br /> Convention of Berne, fully understood its<br /> importance.<br /> <br /> The Circuit Court of Appeals has affirmed<br /> the decree of the United States District Court,<br /> dismissing on demurrer the complaint of The<br /> New York Times Company against The Sun<br /> Printing and Publishing Association in an<br /> equity suit to secure an injunction forbidding<br /> the publication by the defendant of Amund-<br /> sen’s account of his discovery of the South<br /> of which copyright had been secured by<br /> The Times. The decree of the District Court<br /> is sustained on the ground that at the time the<br /> injunction was applied for The Times had not<br /> complied with that provision of the copyright<br /> law which requires that two complete copies<br /> of the publication must be deposited in the<br /> mails addressed to the Register of Copyrights<br /> at Washington.<br /> <br /> The history of the case is that The Times<br /> acquired by purchase from the London<br /> Chronicle the full American rights of publica-<br /> tion and copyright in Amundsen’s personal<br /> narrative. The Amundsen story was cabled<br /> to The Times on the afternoon of March 8,<br /> 1912. The matter was put in type, bound in<br /> book form with a copyright notice on each<br /> copy, and prior to the application for injunction<br /> it was publicly exposed for sale and copies were<br /> sold. ‘This step was taken in order to secure<br /> a copyright under section 9 of the Copyright<br /> Act, which provides—<br /> <br /> “That any person entitled thereto by this Act may<br /> secure copyright for his work by publication thereof with<br /> the notice of copyright required by this Act ; and such notice<br /> <br /> shall be affixed to each copy thereof published or offered<br /> for sale in the United States by the authority of the copy-<br /> <br /> right proprietor.”<br /> <br /> The Times felt that this publication with<br /> copyright notice had made the copyright secure.<br /> The word ‘‘ secure” is used in section 9. The<br /> word is again used in section 12—<br /> <br /> “that after copyright has been secured by publication of<br /> the work with the notice of copyright as provided in<br /> section 9 of this Act.”<br /> <br /> If the provisions of section 9 and section 12<br /> mean anything, they mean that by publication<br /> of the Amundsen story in book form with<br /> copyright notice, The Times had before 10 P.M.<br /> of March 8 secured its copyright.<br /> <br /> 259<br /> <br /> Now as to the mailing provision. Sec-<br /> tion 12 provides that after copyright has been<br /> secured by publication with the copyright<br /> notice,—<br /> <br /> “there shall be promptly deposited in the copyright office<br /> or in the mail addressed to the Register of Copyrights,<br /> <br /> Washington, D.C., two complete copies of the best edition<br /> thereof then published.”<br /> <br /> It is perfectly true, as Judge Lacombe said<br /> in his opinion, on which the decree of the<br /> District Court was made, that The Times,<br /> had in its possession copies of the publication,<br /> two of which it might at once have deposited<br /> in the mails. But on the evening in question<br /> The Times had before it the rules and regula-<br /> tions established by the Register of Copyrights<br /> for procedure in such cases. One of these<br /> rules related to the form of the affidavit to be<br /> submitted to the Register with the copies<br /> mailed or deposited by the applicant. It is<br /> here quoted :—<br /> <br /> “Noricy.—The date of the execution of this affidavit<br /> must be subsequent to the stated date of the publication<br /> of the book.”<br /> <br /> That is not permissive, but mandatory.<br /> The date of the publication of the book was<br /> March 8. Therefore two copies of the book<br /> with the accompanying affidavit were deposited<br /> in the mails addressed to the Register of Copy-<br /> rights at Washington a few minutes after mid-<br /> night. The copies were mailed, that is, on<br /> March 9. But as The Times had been put no<br /> notice of an intention on the part of some of<br /> its contemporaries to publish the Amundsen<br /> story, it was necessary that the application<br /> for an injunction to restrain such acts in<br /> violation of its copyright should be made<br /> before midnight on March 8. The application<br /> was so made and a restraining order issued.<br /> Both the application and issue necessarily<br /> preceded the deposit of the copies in the mails<br /> addressed to the Register of Copyrights, which<br /> did not take place until a few minutes alter<br /> midnight.<br /> <br /> On this account the District Court set aside<br /> the restraining order, and on this ground the<br /> Circuit Court of Appeals affirms the decree<br /> dismissing the injunction proceedings. The<br /> court bases its affirmance upon this provision<br /> of section 12 of the copyright law :—<br /> <br /> “No action or proceeding shall be maintained for infringe-<br /> ment of copyright in any work until the provisions of this<br /> Act with respect to deposit of copies and registration of<br /> such work shall have been complied with.”<br /> <br /> This decision would seem proper enough in<br /> a suit for damages for infringement begun<br /> before the deposit of copies in the mails. But<br /> The Times had begun no such suit; its pro-<br /> <br /> <br /> 260<br /> <br /> ceeding on the night of March 8 was taken for<br /> the purpose of preventing, not punishing,<br /> infringement. Section 86 of the Copyright<br /> Act provides—<br /> <br /> “That any such Court or Judge thereof shall have power,<br /> upon bill in equity filed by any party aggrieved, to grant<br /> injunctions to prevent and restrain the violation of any right<br /> secured by said laws.”<br /> <br /> Taking the words of section 9, “‘ may secure<br /> copyright for his work by publication thereof<br /> with the notice of copyright,” in connection<br /> with those of section 36 just quoted, it would<br /> seem to the lay mind that The Times had a<br /> clear right to protection, by injunction, against<br /> intended theft. But the Court holds otherwise.<br /> <br /> It seems a curious matter that The New York<br /> Times, instead of disputing the decision and<br /> carrying the action to a second Court, did not,<br /> having registered their copyright, begin a<br /> second action for infringement. This would<br /> no doubt have been the cheaper proceeding<br /> of the two.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> RESERVATION OF Dramatic RIGHTS,<br /> IN THE U.S.A.<br /> II.<br /> {Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Author League of<br /> America.) :<br /> <br /> Tue case of Dam v. Kirk La Shelle Com-<br /> pany, decided in the United States Circuit<br /> Court of Appeals, Second Circuit, in Janu-<br /> ary, 1910, is of such importance to writers<br /> for magazines and other periodicals as well<br /> as to publishers that it deserves careful<br /> attention. This case may be said to be the<br /> last important decision on the question of what<br /> protection the blanket copyright secured by a<br /> magazine publisher, upon his magazine, affords<br /> the authors of the various storiés, articles and<br /> poems contained in it. The facts were briefly<br /> as follows :—<br /> <br /> Henry J. W. Dam wrote a story in 1898,<br /> called “ The Transmogrification of Dan.” In<br /> 1901 he sent the manuscript to the Ess. Ess.<br /> Publishing Company, a corporation publishing<br /> the “Smart Set Magazine.” The editor<br /> accepted the story and sent a check in return<br /> for $85, together with a receipt reading :—<br /> <br /> “Received of the Ess, Ess. Publishing<br /> <br /> Company $85 in full payment for story<br /> <br /> entitled *‘ The Transmogrification of Dan.’ ”<br /> <br /> This Dam signed and mailed back to the<br /> editor. At no time did he have any interview<br /> with the editor or any correspondence bearing<br /> on the understanding with which the story was<br /> sold.<br /> <br /> The story came out in the ‘‘ Smart Set ”’ for<br /> <br /> Erc.,<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> September, 1901, and the particular number<br /> in question was copyrighted by the Ess. Ess,<br /> Publishing Company, in its own name, and<br /> bearing a notice which read :—<br /> <br /> ‘“‘ Copyrighted, 1901, by Ess, Ess. Pub-<br /> lishing Company.”<br /> No steps were taken by the magazine or b<br /> Dam to copyright the story separately from the<br /> <br /> magazine.<br /> <br /> Some time afterward Paul Armstrong wrote<br /> a play entitled ‘‘ The Heir to the Hoorah,”<br /> which Dam claimed was founded on his story,<br /> “The Transmogrification of Dan.” The<br /> defendant, Kirk La Shelle Company, presented<br /> the play by arrangement with Paul Armstrong,<br /> <br /> On October 27, 1905, the Ess. Ess. Pub-<br /> lishing Company assigned to Dam its copy-<br /> right of the particular number of the ‘‘ Smart<br /> Set ’ in which his story had appeared, in so<br /> far as it covered or protected his story, and all<br /> its interest in the story itself and any claim or<br /> demand which it might have for the infringe-<br /> ment of the copyright in question.<br /> <br /> In due course Dam sued for a preliminary<br /> injunction against the defendant, and in his<br /> affidavit swore :—<br /> <br /> ““T have not at any time parted with any<br /> right or interest in said literary work entitled<br /> * The Transmogrification of Dan,’ except the<br /> right for publication thereof in said number<br /> of the ‘ Smart Set ’ for September, 1901.”<br /> <br /> Later on, the complaint was amended so as<br /> to allege simply that Dam sold and assigned<br /> the story in question to the Ess. Ess. Pub-<br /> lishing Company.<br /> <br /> Among other things in defence the Kirk La<br /> Shelle Company set up the claim that Dam’s<br /> original statement, sworn to in his complaint<br /> to the effect that he had not sold any of his<br /> rights in the story to the “‘ Smart Set,” except<br /> the right of publication in the particular<br /> number in question, must be taken as true;<br /> and that it followed as a necessary consequence<br /> that the blanket copyright secured by the Ess.<br /> Ess. Publishing Company, on the particular<br /> issue of the magazine, only operated to afford<br /> such protection as the Publishing Company<br /> needed as publishers of the magazine, and did<br /> not operate to protect the rights which Dam<br /> retained, whatever they might have been,<br /> including the right of dramatisation which<br /> Dam claimed had been infringed, and for<br /> which he asked an injunction.<br /> <br /> The Circuit Court of Appeals.found as a fact<br /> that Dam’s statement that he had parted with ~<br /> no right or interest in the story except that of<br /> serial publication was not the case, and (in spite<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> NDE Zo pete EG ee ee ae ess<br /> ae Pe en SR ee ee ES SS<br /> feet ee Se) OO ree St EN ewe en<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 261<br /> <br /> of Dam’s original allegations to the contrary)<br /> that when he mailed the story to the “ Smart<br /> Set ’ and the editor sent him a check for $85<br /> this constituted an absolute sale without<br /> reservations, and that the Ess. Ess. Publishing<br /> Company thereby acquired all rights in the<br /> story, including the dramatic rights.<br /> <br /> This, in itself, would have been a decision of<br /> considerable importance, in view of the widely<br /> prevalent belief that when a magazine writer<br /> sends his product to a magazine, without an<br /> accompanying letter specifying the terms under<br /> which the story or article is offered, he is selling<br /> merely the serial rights thereto. But the<br /> Court in discussing the facts in general, went<br /> somewhat beyond the precise point in issue,<br /> and held that if it had been true that Dam had<br /> offered for sale and sold to the Ess. Ess. Pub-<br /> lishing Company only the right to print the<br /> story in serial form, that probably, as matter<br /> of law, the dramatic rights would never have<br /> been copyrighted at all, since it was a funda-<br /> mental proposition that no one could copy-<br /> right that which he did not own, and, if the<br /> Ess. Ess. Publishing Company had purchased<br /> only the serial rights in the story, the copy-<br /> right upon the particular number of the<br /> “Smart Set ’’ would have operated to protect<br /> only those serial rights, and that as Dam had<br /> taken no further steps to protect or copyright<br /> the rights or interests in the story which he had<br /> reserved, and as the story had been published,<br /> there would have been an abandonment of it<br /> to the public and no protection for the dramatic<br /> rights at all.<br /> <br /> The opinion of the Court is reported in 176<br /> Federal Reporter, page 902, and reads as<br /> follows :—<br /> <br /> **Tt is claimed, however, that such steps<br /> accomplished no more than to obtain such<br /> protection needed as publishers of the<br /> magazine. Assuming that Dam retained<br /> the dramatic rights to the story, there would<br /> be much force in this contention. In such<br /> a case we doubt very much whether the steps<br /> which the publisher took to copyright his<br /> magazine, especially in view of the form of<br /> the copyright notice, would have been<br /> sufficient to protect the dramatic rights.”<br /> <br /> After referring to the case of Mifflin v. Dutton<br /> <br /> et} (190 U. S. 265), the Court continued :—<br /> <br /> ** In view of this decision by the Supreme<br /> Court, we think that had Dam retained the<br /> dramatic rights to his story, the entry of the<br /> magazine and the notice of copyright would<br /> have been insufficient to protect them. . . .<br /> In the case of the reservation of dramatic<br /> rights, in addition to the notice of the copy-<br /> <br /> right of the magazine, it may well be that it<br /> should appear in some distinct way that such<br /> reservation of such rights to the particular<br /> story is made for the benefit of the author.<br /> Indeed, it may be that the author should<br /> contemporaneously take out in his own<br /> name a copyright covering such rights.”<br /> <br /> The Court then proceeded to hold that inas-<br /> much as the Ess. Ess. Publishing Company had<br /> in fact acquired all rights to the story, the copy-<br /> right which they secured on the particular<br /> number of the magazine in question did operate<br /> to protect all rights, including the dramatic<br /> rights; and that, since there had been a re-<br /> assignment by the Ess. Ess. Publishing Com-<br /> pany to Dam of the dramatic rights, he could<br /> properly ask for an injunction and an account-<br /> ing, and they thereupon awarded to the com-<br /> plainant, who, at the time the decision was<br /> rendered, was the administratrix of Dam’s<br /> estate, the total profits received by the Kirk<br /> La Shelle Company from its production of the<br /> play. The case was not appealed to the<br /> Supreme Court, but has since been settled, and,<br /> therefore, represents the law to-day, which may<br /> be stated as follows :—<br /> <br /> (a) The sale by an author of a story to a<br /> magazine, and the acceptance of a sum of<br /> money ‘‘in full payment for the story,”<br /> without any further agreement, is in legal<br /> fact an absolute sale without reservation,<br /> carrying with it as an incident of ownership<br /> the exclusive right to dramatise the story.<br /> <br /> (b) The copyright of such magazine is suffi-<br /> cient to secure the copyright of the story pub-<br /> lished therein, and protects the right to<br /> dramatise it when the publisher is the owner<br /> of both the story and the dramatic rights.<br /> <br /> (c) (Dictum.) Where the owner of a story<br /> sells the same only for magazine or serial<br /> publication, the copyright of the magazine<br /> does not protect those rights which the author<br /> retains, unless he takes some independent steps<br /> to copyright them himself; and since the<br /> publishing of the story in the magazine<br /> operates as an abandonment of such rights,<br /> if the story is thereafter dramatised by a third<br /> party, the author can have no redress.<br /> <br /> The action, although a recent one, was<br /> brought under the former copyright law, but<br /> there would not seem to be anything in the<br /> present Act which would qualify or render less<br /> significant the decision. The attorney for the<br /> Authors’ League of America doubts seriously<br /> whether the dictum of the court (c) is the view<br /> which will ultimately prevail if the point 1s<br /> eventually properly raised either before the<br /> Circuit Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court<br /> <br /> <br /> 262<br /> <br /> of the United States. He believes that this<br /> court could have reached the same decision in<br /> the Dam case by another process of reasoning<br /> more consistent with the general understanding<br /> under which authors are accustomed to submit<br /> their manuscripts to editors and publishers.<br /> This he believes to be that, in default of any<br /> written or oral agreement between the parties,<br /> an editor or publisher of a magazine who pur-<br /> chases a manuscript does so on the implied<br /> understanding that he shall copyright the<br /> same and hold the copyright thereof in trust<br /> for the author, thus protecting not only the<br /> dramatic rights, but all other rights for the<br /> author’s benefit. If this be so, the author can<br /> compel a reassignment of the copyright to him-<br /> self when necessary, such as Dam secured<br /> voluntarily from the Ess. Ess. Company.<br /> <br /> But, in any event, so long as this and similar<br /> matters remain in doubt, both authors and<br /> publishers should, for their own protection,<br /> agree on some system whereby the dramatic<br /> and all other rights sre thoroughly safeguarded.<br /> This can be accomplished in either of two<br /> ways :—<br /> <br /> (a) The editor can copyright each story or<br /> article separately in the author’s name,<br /> printing at the bottom of the first page thereof<br /> a proper copyright notice, as follows :—<br /> <br /> ‘Copyright, John Doe, 1913.”<br /> <br /> The author should then immediately on pub-<br /> lication mail one copy of the magazine to the<br /> Registrar of Copyrights in Washington, in<br /> conformity with the requirements of the<br /> present Act, enclosing the fee of One Dollar.<br /> This is perhaps the simplest way, although it<br /> involves a separate registration of the magazine<br /> for each story or article so copyrighted.<br /> <br /> (b) Or the author can sell his story outright<br /> to the editor or publisher, and safely reserve<br /> his equitable interests in the dramatic or other<br /> rights thereto by attaching to his manuscript<br /> a “rider” or slip somewhat as follows :—<br /> <br /> “This manuscript is submitted with the<br /> understanding that if accepted for publication,<br /> the same shall be copyrighted by the pub-<br /> lishers, and all rights under said copyright<br /> (except that of magazine publication) shall be<br /> held in trust for the benefit of the writer or his<br /> assigns, and will be reassigned to him upon<br /> demand.”<br /> <br /> The writer believes that, under the present<br /> state of the law, only by one of the two methods<br /> outlined above can a magazine writer be sure<br /> that his rights will be properly protected.<br /> <br /> Arruur C. TRAIN,<br /> Attorney for Authors’ League of America.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> MAGAZINES AND THEIR CONTRIBUTORS.<br /> <br /> ——<br /> <br /> HE attention of the committee of the<br /> Society of Authors has been called to<br /> certain transactions by proprietors and<br /> <br /> editors of magazines which bring great hard-<br /> ship upon those authors who contribute to their<br /> journals. The difficulty arises owing to the fact<br /> that neither editor nor author makes a clear<br /> statement of the terms of the contract under<br /> which the one desires to sell his work and the<br /> other desires to publish it. The author sends<br /> his work up to a journal, the editor writes a<br /> letter stating that he is willing to accept the<br /> work; the work is. published and the author<br /> receives a cheque with a receipt either on a<br /> separate paper or endorsed at the back of the<br /> cheque, purporting to convey certain rights<br /> which the author never contemplated con-<br /> veying, and which, when obtained, are often<br /> of no value to the proprietor or editor. The<br /> receipt purports to convey either the whole<br /> copyright or all serial rights. In the first<br /> case, that is where the receipt is a separate<br /> document, the author is able to cash the cheque<br /> and to alter the receipt according to the<br /> implied terms of the contract that has been<br /> entered into. The hardship in this case<br /> arises out of the fact that an author sometimes<br /> is afraid to alter the receipt because he thinks<br /> such alteration may prejudice him in future<br /> in his negotiations with the firm. This has<br /> not infrequently been shown to be the result.<br /> When, however, the receipt purporting to<br /> convey the copyright or all the serial rights<br /> is printed on the back of the cheque, the<br /> bankers, as a rule, have instructions not to<br /> cash the cheque if any alteration is made in<br /> the receipt. The author anxious, first, to<br /> obtain the money, and secondly, not to have<br /> any trouble with the proprietors for the reasons<br /> already given, signs the document and thus<br /> sells his birthright for a mess of pottage.<br /> <br /> To a certain extent there is fault on both<br /> sides, for the author, if he was really business-<br /> like, would forward his article to the magazine<br /> and would state clearly, in a covering letter,<br /> the rights he desired to sell, and the price<br /> at which he desired to sell those rights.<br /> If the editor then accepted the MS., it<br /> would be accepted, on the terms of the letter<br /> which had been sent, unless the editor made<br /> some special stipulation before publication.<br /> The case is unbusinesslike from the editor’s<br /> point of view, for when he accepts the work<br /> he ought to state clearly what rights he desires<br /> to buy, and the price he desires to give for those<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> rights. A worse complexion, however, is<br /> thrown on the case where the author sends up<br /> his work and it is printed without any accept-<br /> ance whatever. There is, no doubt, some<br /> implied contract where no terms are specified<br /> and the implied contract seems to be quite<br /> clear. When a person sends an article up to a<br /> magazine, the implied contract is, that he<br /> grants to the magazine the first serial use of<br /> that article for that paper. He doesn’t grant<br /> all his serial rights, for no doubt in many<br /> cases secondary serial rights are very valuable.<br /> He certainly doesn’t grant his copyright, and<br /> indeed, under the present copyright law, he<br /> could not assign away his copyright except in<br /> writing.<br /> <br /> It is, therefore, very unbusinesslike or unjust<br /> of proprietors and editors to put the author<br /> in the awkward position of having to sign<br /> away his rights, or of being boycotted for<br /> the future.<br /> <br /> As several complaints have come to the<br /> <br /> - Committee of Management of the methods of<br /> <br /> certain magazines and certain publishers who<br /> acted on these lines, a circular was issued from<br /> the Society’s office, asking for the editors’<br /> opinions in the circumstances put forward.<br /> Out of a dozen letters that were issued, under<br /> the committee’s authority, some half-dozen<br /> replies were received. An answer from the<br /> Religious Tract Society stated that no endorse-<br /> ment was made on the cheques, but a<br /> separate receipt was sent. As, however,<br /> the separate receipt asked for the copyright,<br /> it was clear that there was no alleviation of<br /> the author’s position, except that he got<br /> his money and had the power to alter the<br /> receipt. But on his altering the receipt<br /> considerable dispute arose, and the editor, in<br /> a letter addressed to the author, stated clearly<br /> that all matter printed in his paper was<br /> the copyright of the paper, and that he had<br /> no record of any arrangement by which the<br /> author had reserved the copyright of his story.<br /> An editor who had any knowledge of the<br /> business side of his position would know that,<br /> as an universal rule, an author does not intend<br /> to convey his copyright to a magazine, and<br /> that it is not for the author to reserve the<br /> copyright, but for the editor, if he desires to<br /> have the copyright, to make a special contract<br /> for it.<br /> <br /> In a letter received from the Amalgamated<br /> Press, Ltd., the manager says that the rights<br /> that have been acquired are specified at the<br /> back of the cheque, and at the same time<br /> states that great inconvenience would be<br /> caused if every short story or article that was<br /> <br /> 263<br /> <br /> purchased was the subject of a written agree-<br /> ment. This may be frue in some circumstances,<br /> but the procedure adopted in this case turns<br /> out all for the advantage of the papers repre-<br /> sented by this manager. For, if anagreement<br /> has not been entered into beforehand (and<br /> apparently the manager considered and acted<br /> upon the consideration that it would be a great<br /> inconvenience to enter into an agreement on<br /> every occasion), then it is quite clear that the<br /> only right acquired would be the first serial<br /> use of the story in the paper to which it<br /> had been forwarded. If the manager was pre-<br /> pared to fill in the endorsement on the back<br /> of the cheque on these lines, in those cases,<br /> where no written agreement had been made<br /> beforehand, then there would be no objection<br /> to this method of carrying on the business,<br /> and a great deal of difficulty might be saved ;<br /> but if the endorsement on the cheque exceeds<br /> the first serial use, it is needless for the<br /> manager to say, as he states in his letter, that<br /> ‘the author in endorsing the cheque would<br /> note the form and could at once raise any<br /> question as to the rights acquired by the com-<br /> pany,” for that places the author under the<br /> very hardship that was mentioned at the<br /> beginning of this article.<br /> <br /> A third letter from Messrs. Cassell &amp; Co.,<br /> states that they have received no complaints<br /> in regard to the points raised in the com-<br /> mittee’s circular. This statement is not<br /> endorsed by the information which has come<br /> to the office on several occasions. It would<br /> be as well, perhaps, if this manager had<br /> made closer enquiries before he responded<br /> tothe circular. Another well-known proprietor<br /> of magazines stated, as in the first instance,<br /> that the company did not place a printed form<br /> of receipt on their cheques, but that a separate<br /> slip was enclosed in which the terms of purchase<br /> were plainly stated. This, as has already been<br /> pointed out, has a great advantage if the terms<br /> are disputed.<br /> <br /> Finally, the last letter received was from<br /> the ‘English Review.” The manager recog-<br /> nised the difficulty and suggested that the<br /> Society should draw up some form, and<br /> should organise some method which would<br /> be simpler for both the authors and the<br /> proprietors.<br /> <br /> It would be useless to multiply cases, but<br /> it may be of interest to quote an example<br /> of what very frequently happens, and the<br /> committee are able to give the particulars of a<br /> very clear case that ‘is before them. A<br /> member of the Society sent up a copy of<br /> verses to a magazine, the proprictors of which<br /> <br /> <br /> 264<br /> <br /> are Messrs. Dent &amp; Co. The verses were<br /> published without any communication what-<br /> ever to the author. In due course the author<br /> received a cheque, with a formal receipt<br /> accompanying, asking for the whole of the<br /> copyright ; the receipt running as follows :—<br /> <br /> ** Received this day of from<br /> (publishers) the sum of in<br /> payment of the amount agreed to be paid<br /> by them to me for a poem entitled<br /> a ” in the number of<br /> on the terms that the copyright in any<br /> work therein shall belong to the said<br /> (publishers) absolutely.”<br /> <br /> The payment was very inadequate, even for the<br /> first serial use. It was absolutely absurd for<br /> the copyright of a work, and the receipt is<br /> inaccurate for it contains the words ‘“ the<br /> amount agreed to be paid by them to me,”<br /> and ‘‘on the terms that the copyright...<br /> shall belong to the publishers absolutely,”<br /> though no agreement whatever had been<br /> come to on either point. In this special<br /> case the author altered the receipt, returned<br /> it, did not fight about the absurd smallness<br /> of the payment, but handed the cheque<br /> over to the Pension Fund of the Society<br /> of Authors. In this case, all the points<br /> that have been raised are clearly set out.<br /> First, the author receives an inadequate<br /> payment even for the serial use; secondly, he<br /> receives a receipt asking him to convey the<br /> whole copyright, the only saving point being<br /> that the receipt was not at the back of the<br /> cheque.<br /> <br /> It is all very well for proprietors to maintain<br /> also that the author can dispute the rights,<br /> but many authors do not understand the legal<br /> technicalities contained in the words and may<br /> be, and often are, quite unconsciously, selling<br /> rights which they never intended to sell. In<br /> this special instance, it must be remembered<br /> that the power of selling poetry, especially<br /> if it is fitted for production to music, is exten-<br /> Sive, as sometimes two or three composers<br /> will set a song to music, and for each licence<br /> the author may obtain from two to five pounds.<br /> The committee, however, desire, in order, if<br /> possible, to come to some satisfactory arrange-<br /> ment, to propose the following :—<br /> <br /> 1. That no receipt whatever should be<br /> demanded by the process of endorsement<br /> to the cheque.<br /> <br /> 2. That in the case where, owing to pressure<br /> of business or other matters, it is impossible<br /> to make a formal written agreement with the<br /> author, and failing any covering letter sent<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> by the author to the publisher, the receipt<br /> should run as follows :—<br /> <br /> “* Received of the sum of<br /> being payment for the first serial use of<br /> the article entitled in maga-<br /> zine. The author hereby, undertakes not<br /> to produce the said work in serial or book<br /> form for a term of months from the<br /> <br /> date of such publication,”<br /> <br /> The committee have given the time limit<br /> their serious consideration. They consider<br /> that in many cases where a striking story or<br /> striking poem has been published ina magazine,<br /> review or paper, it is only fair that the<br /> magazine, paper or review should benefit by<br /> the increase in its circulation for a limited time<br /> after the publication of the work. They<br /> think that in special cases a six months’ limit<br /> is reasonable, but in the majority of cases the<br /> limit should be much less, and that, if any-<br /> thing, this limit gives an advantage to the<br /> magazine rather than to the author.<br /> <br /> ST<br /> <br /> MAGAZINE CONTENTS.<br /> a,<br /> British REVIEW.<br /> The Popular Taste. By R. A. Scott James.<br /> <br /> CoNTEMPORARY.<br /> <br /> Wagner in 1913. By Ernest Newman.<br /> Shakespeare and Pictorial Art.<br /> <br /> CoRNHILL.<br /> The Little Brothers of the Pavement. By Gilbert<br /> Coleridge.<br /> Encuish REVIEW.<br /> Boceaccio. By Walter Raleigh.<br /> Mr. Newton-Robinson’s Poems. By William Steb-<br /> <br /> bing.<br /> FORTNIGHTLY.<br /> <br /> By Oliver Onions.<br /> <br /> Henry Ospovat.<br /> By W. L. Courtney.<br /> <br /> Realistic Drama, I.<br /> <br /> NINETEENTH CENTURY AND AFTER.<br /> <br /> Gobineau, Nietzsche, Wagner. By Georges Chatterton-<br /> Hill.<br /> <br /> SCALE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> [ALLOWANCE TO MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY 20 PER CENT.)<br /> <br /> Front Page dee . £4 0 0<br /> Other Pages vee one se ae see ase a 8 0 0<br /> Half of a Page ... aes en aes Ca oie eek wea ks 10&gt; 0<br /> Quarter of a Page uae oan ves on on ae on O16 6<br /> Highth of a Page ce se ms - $ cs a OT 8<br /> Single Column Advertisements perinch 0 6 0<br /> <br /> Reduction of 20 per cent. made for a Series of Sia and of 25 per cent, for<br /> Twelve Insertions.<br /> <br /> All letters respecting Advertisements should be addvessed to J. F.<br /> Brimont &amp; Co., 29, Paternoster Square, London, E.G.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> i<br /> 3<br /> a<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> HOW TO USE THE SOCIETY.<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> i. VERY member has a right toask for and to receive<br /> iD advice upon his agreements, his choice of a pub-<br /> lisher, or any dispute arising in the conduct of his<br /> business or the administration of his property. The<br /> Secretary of the Society is a solicitor; but if there is any<br /> special reason the Secretary will refer the case to the<br /> Solicitors of the Society. Further, the Committee, if they<br /> deem it desirable, will obtain counsel&#039;s opinion without<br /> any cost to the member. Moreover, where counsel&#039;s<br /> opinion is favourable, and the sanction of the Committee<br /> is obtained, action will be taken on behalf of the aggrieved<br /> member, and all costs borne by the Society.<br /> <br /> 2. Remember that questions connected with copyright<br /> and publishers’ agreements do not fall within the experi-<br /> ence of ordinary solicitors. Therefore, do not scruple to use<br /> the Society.<br /> <br /> 8. Before signing any agreement whatever, send<br /> the document to the Society for examination.<br /> <br /> 4. Remember always that in belonging to the Society<br /> you are fighting the battles of other writers, even if you<br /> are reaping no direct benefit to yourse!f, and that you are<br /> advancing the best interests of your calling in promoting<br /> the independence of the writer, the dramatist, the composer.<br /> <br /> 5. The Committee have arranged for the reception of<br /> members’ agreements and their preservation in a fire-<br /> proof safe. The agreements will, of course, be regarded as<br /> confidential documents to be read only by the Secretary,<br /> who will keep the key of the safe. The Society now offers:<br /> (1) To stamp agreements in readiness for a possible action<br /> upon them. (2) To keep agreements. (3) To enforce<br /> payments due according to agreements. Fuller particu-<br /> lars of the Society’s work can be obtained in the<br /> Prospectus.<br /> <br /> 6. No contract should be entered into with a literary<br /> agent without the advice of the Secretary of the Society.<br /> Members are strongly advised not to accept without careful<br /> consideration the contracts with publishers submitted to<br /> them by literary agents, and are recommended to submit<br /> them for interpretation and explanation to the Secretary<br /> of the Society.<br /> <br /> 7. Many agents neglect to stamp agreements,<br /> must be done within fourteen days of first execution,<br /> Secretary will undertake it on behalf of members.<br /> <br /> This<br /> The<br /> <br /> 8. Some agents endeavour to prevent authors from<br /> referring matters to the Secretary of the Society; so<br /> do some publishers. Members can make their own<br /> deductions and act accordingly.<br /> <br /> 9. The subscription to the Society is £1 1s. per<br /> annum, or £10 10s. for life membership.<br /> <br /> Oi<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO THE PRODUCERS<br /> OF BOOKS.<br /> <br /> —_=&lt;—+—_<br /> <br /> ERE are a few standing rules to be observed in an<br /> agreement. There are four methods of dealing<br /> with literary property :—<br /> <br /> I. Selling it Outright.<br /> This is sometimes satisfactory, if a proper price can be<br /> <br /> 265<br /> <br /> obtained. But the transaction should be managed by a<br /> competent agent, or with the advice of the Secretary of<br /> the Society.<br /> <br /> Il. A Profit-Sharing Agreement (a bad form of<br /> agreement),<br /> <br /> In this case the following rules should be attended to:<br /> <br /> (1.) Not to sign any agreement in which the cost of pro-<br /> duction forms a part without the strictest investigation,<br /> <br /> (2.) Not to give the publisher the power of putting the<br /> profits into his own pocket by charging for advertisements<br /> in his own organs, or by charging exchange advertise-<br /> ments. Therefore keep control of the advertisements,<br /> <br /> (3.) Not to allow a special charge for “ office expenses,”<br /> unless the same allowance is made to the author.<br /> <br /> (4.) Not to give up American, Colonial, or Continental<br /> rights.<br /> <br /> (5.) Not to give up serial or translation rights.<br /> <br /> (6.) Not to bind yourself for future work to any publisher.<br /> As well bind yourself for the future to any one solicitor or<br /> doctor !<br /> <br /> III. The Royalty System.<br /> <br /> This is perhaps, with certain limitations, the best form<br /> of agreement. It is above all things necessary to know<br /> what the proposed royalty means to both sides. It is now<br /> possible for an author to ascertain approximately the<br /> truth. From time to time very important figures connected<br /> with royalties are published in Zhe Author,<br /> <br /> IY. A Commission Agreement,<br /> <br /> The main points are :-—<br /> <br /> (1.) Be careful to obtain a fair cost of production,<br /> (2.) Keep control of the advertisements.<br /> <br /> (3.) Keep control of the sale price of the book,<br /> <br /> General.<br /> <br /> All other forms of agreement are combinations of the four<br /> above mentioned.<br /> <br /> Such combinations are generally disastrous to the author,<br /> <br /> Never sign any agreement without competent advice from<br /> the Secretary of the Society.<br /> <br /> Stamp all agreements with the Inland Revenue stamp.<br /> <br /> Avoid agreements by letter if possible.<br /> <br /> The main points which the Society has always demanded<br /> from the outset are :—<br /> <br /> (1.) That both sides shall know what an agreement<br /> means,<br /> <br /> (2.) The inspection of those account books which belong<br /> to the author. We are advised that this is a right, in the<br /> nature of a common law right, which cannot be denied or<br /> withheld.<br /> <br /> (3.) Always avoid a transfer of copyright.<br /> <br /> ++ —____—___<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO DRAMATIC AUTHORS.<br /> <br /> a<br /> <br /> EVER sign an agreement without submitting it to the<br /> Secretary of the Society of Authors or some com-<br /> petent legal authority.<br /> <br /> 2. It is well to be extremely careful in negotiating for<br /> the production of a play with any one except an established<br /> manager,<br /> <br /> 3. There are three forms of dramatic contract for plays<br /> in three or more acts :—<br /> <br /> (a.) Sale outright of the performing right. This<br /> is unsatisfactory. An author who enters into<br /> such a contract should stipulate in the contract<br /> for production of the piece by a certain date<br /> and for proper publication of his name on the<br /> play-bills,<br /> 264<br /> <br /> are Messrs. Dent &amp; Co. The verses were<br /> published without any communication what-<br /> ever to the author. In due course the author<br /> received a cheque, with a formal receipt<br /> accompanying, asking for the whole of the<br /> copyright ; the receipt running as follows :—<br /> <br /> ‘* Received this day of from<br /> (publishers) the sum of in<br /> payment of the amount agreed to be paid<br /> by them to me for a poem entitled<br /> a *? in the number of<br /> on the terms that the copyright in any<br /> work therein shall belong to the said<br /> (publishers) absolutely.”<br /> <br /> The payment was very inadequate, even for the<br /> first serial use. It was absolutely absurd for<br /> the copyright of a work, and the receipt is<br /> inaccurate for it contains the words “the<br /> amount agreed to be paid by them to me,”<br /> and ‘“‘on the terms that the copyright...<br /> shall belong to the publishers absolutely,”<br /> though no agreement whatever had _ been<br /> come to on either point. In _ this special<br /> case the author altered the receipt, returned<br /> it, did not fight about the absurd smallness<br /> of the payment, but handed the cheque<br /> over to the Pension Fund of the Society<br /> of Authors. In this case, all the points<br /> that have been raised are clearly set out.<br /> First, the author receives an inadequate<br /> payment even for the serial use; secondly, he<br /> receives a receipt asking him to convey the<br /> whole copyright, the only saving point being<br /> that the receipt was not at the back of the<br /> cheque.<br /> <br /> It is all very well for proprietors to maintain<br /> also that the author can dispute the rights,<br /> but many authors do not understand the legal<br /> technicalities contained in the words and may<br /> be, and often are, quite unconsciously, selling<br /> rights which they never intended to sell. In<br /> this special instance, it must be remembered<br /> that the power of selling poetry, especially<br /> if it is fitted for production to music, is exten-<br /> sive, as sometimes two or three composers<br /> will set a song to music, and for each licence<br /> the author may obtain from two to five pounds.<br /> The committee, however, desire, in order, if<br /> possible, to come to some satisfactory arrange-<br /> ment, to propose the following :—<br /> <br /> 1. That no receipt whatever should be<br /> demanded by the process of endorsement<br /> to the cheque.<br /> <br /> 2. That in the case where, owing to pressure<br /> of business or other matters, it is impossible<br /> to make a formal written agreement with the<br /> author, and failing any covering letter sent<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> by the author to the publisher, the ;<br /> should run as follows si receipt<br /> <br /> “Received of the sum of<br /> being payment for the first serial use of<br /> the article entitled in maga-<br /> zine. The author hereby, undertakes not<br /> to produce the said work in serial or book<br /> form for a term of months from the<br /> date of such publication.”<br /> <br /> The committee have given the time limit<br /> their serious consideration. They consider<br /> that in many cases where a striking story or<br /> striking poem has been published in a magazine,<br /> review or paper, it is only fair that the<br /> magazine, paper or review should benefit by<br /> the increase in its circulation for a limited time<br /> after the publication of the work. They<br /> think that in special cases a six months’ limit<br /> is reasonable, but in the majority of cases the<br /> limit should be much less, and that, if any-<br /> thing, this limit gives an advantage to the<br /> magazine rather than to the author.<br /> <br /> ee<br /> <br /> MAGAZINE CONTENTS.<br /> <br /> ——— +<br /> <br /> British REVIEW.<br /> The Popular Taste. By R. A. Scott James.<br /> CoNTEMPORARY.<br /> Wagner in 1913. By Ernest Newman.<br /> Shakespeare and Pictorial Art.<br /> CoRNHILL.<br /> <br /> The Little Brothers of the Pavement.<br /> Coleridge.<br /> <br /> By Gilbert<br /> <br /> Eneuish REVIEW.<br /> Boccaccio. By Walter Raleigh.<br /> Mr. Newton-Robinson’s Poems.<br /> bing.<br /> <br /> By William Steb-<br /> <br /> FORTNIGHTLY.<br /> <br /> Henry Ospovat. By Oliver Onions.<br /> Realistic Drama, I. By W. L. Courtney.<br /> <br /> NINETEENTH CENTURY AND AFTER.<br /> <br /> Gobineau, Nietzsche, Wagner. By Georges Chatterton-<br /> Hill.<br /> <br /> SCALE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS,<br /> <br /> [ALLOWANCE TO MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY 20 PER CENT.}<br /> <br /> Front Page ie see ee tee me &lt;&lt; sau es a<br /> Other Pages ae ste see obs ee “se “8 ose )<br /> Half of a Page ... ake owe wee a<br /> <br /> Quarter of a Page tee 5<br /> EHighth of a Page sae Ge<br /> Single Column Advertisements<br /> <br /> Q<br /> <br /> 6<br /> os au 0 T 0<br /> . perinch 0 6 O<br /> Reduction of 20 per cent. made for a Series of Six and of 25 per cent. for<br /> <br /> Twelve Insertions.<br /> <br /> All letters respecting Advertisements should be addressed to J. F.<br /> <br /> Bextoont &amp; Co., 29, Paternoster Square, London, B.C.<br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> HOW TO USE THE SOCIETY.<br /> <br /> a<br /> <br /> i. VERY member has a right toask for and to receive<br /> K advice upon his agreements, his choice of a pub-<br /> lisher, or any dispute arising in the conduct of his<br /> business or the administration of his property. The<br /> Secretary of the Society is a solicitor; but if there is any<br /> special reason the Secretary will refer the case to the<br /> Solicitors of the Society. Further, the Committee, if they<br /> deem it desirable, will obtain counsel’s opinion without<br /> any cost to the member. Moreover, where counsel’s<br /> opinion is favourable, and the sanction of the Committee<br /> is obtained, action will be taken on behalf of the aggrieved<br /> member, and all costs borne by the Society.<br /> <br /> 2. Remember that questions connected with copyright<br /> and publishers’ agreements do not fall within the experi-<br /> ence of ordinarysolicitors. Therefore, do not scruple to use<br /> the Society.<br /> <br /> 3. Before signing any agreement whatever, send<br /> the document to the Society for examination.<br /> <br /> 4. Remember always that in belonging to the Society<br /> you are fighting the battles of other writers, even if you<br /> are reaping no direct benefit to yourself, and that you are<br /> advancing the best interests of your calling in promoting<br /> the independence of the writer, the dramatist, the composer,<br /> <br /> 5. The Committee have arranged for the reception of<br /> members’ agreements and their preservation in a fire-<br /> proof safe. The agreements will, of course, be regarded as<br /> confidential documents to be read only by the Secretary,<br /> who will keep the key of thesafe. The Society now offers:<br /> (1) To stamp agreements in readiness for a possible action<br /> upon them. (2) To keep agreements. (3) To enforce<br /> payments due according to agreements. Fuller particu-<br /> lars of the Society’s work can be obtained in the<br /> Prospectus.<br /> <br /> 6. No contract should be entered into with a literary<br /> agent without the advice of the Secretary of the Society.<br /> Members are strongly advised not to accept without careful<br /> consideration the contracts with publishers submitted to<br /> them by literary agents, and are recommended to submit<br /> them for interpretation and explanation to the Secretary<br /> of the Society.<br /> <br /> 7. Many agents neglect to stamp agreements,<br /> must be done within fourteen days of first execution.<br /> Secretary will undertake it on behalf of members.<br /> <br /> This<br /> The<br /> <br /> 8. Some agents endeavour to prevent authors from<br /> referring matters to the Secretary of the Society; so<br /> do some publishers. Members can make their own<br /> deductions and act accordingly.<br /> <br /> 9. The subscription to the Society is £1 1s. per<br /> anoum, or £10 10s. for life membership.<br /> <br /> Or<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO THE PRODUCERS<br /> OF BOOKS.<br /> <br /> een gece<br /> <br /> ERE are a few standing rules to be observed in an<br /> agreement. There are four methods of dealing<br /> with literary property :—<br /> <br /> I, Selling it Outright.<br /> This is sometimes satisfactory, if a proper price can be<br /> <br /> 265<br /> <br /> obtained. But the transaction should be managed by a<br /> competent agent, or with the advice of the Secretary of<br /> the Society.<br /> <br /> II. A Profit-Sharing Agreement (a bad form of<br /> agreement),<br /> <br /> In this case the following rules should be attended to:<br /> <br /> (1.) Not to sign any agreement in which the cost of pro-<br /> duction forms a part without the strictest investigation.<br /> <br /> (2.) Not to give the publisher the power of putting the<br /> profits into his own pocket by charging for advertisements<br /> in his own organs, or by charging exchange advertise-<br /> ments. Therefore keep control of the advertisements.<br /> <br /> (3.) Not to allow a special charge for “office expenses,”<br /> unless the same allowance is made to the author.<br /> <br /> (4.) Not to give up American, Colonial, or Continental<br /> rights.<br /> <br /> (5.) Not to give up serial or translation rights.<br /> <br /> (6.) Not to bind yourself for future work to any publisher.<br /> As well bind yourself for the future to any one solicitor or<br /> doctor |!<br /> <br /> III. The Royalty System.<br /> <br /> This is perhaps, with certain limitations, the best form<br /> of agreement. It is above all things necessary to know<br /> what the proposed royalty means to both sides. It is now<br /> possible for an author to ascertain approximately the<br /> truth. From time to time very important figures connected<br /> with royalties are published in Zhe Author,<br /> <br /> IY. A Commission Agreement,<br /> <br /> The main points are :—<br /> <br /> (1.) Be careful to obtain a fair cost of production,<br /> (2.) Keep control of the advertisements.<br /> <br /> (3.) Keep control of the sale price of the book,<br /> <br /> General.<br /> <br /> All other forms of agreement are combinations of the four<br /> above mentioned.<br /> <br /> Such combinations are generally disastrous to the author,<br /> <br /> Never sign any agreement without competent advice from<br /> the Secretary of the Society.<br /> <br /> Stamp all agreements with the Inland Revenue stamp.<br /> <br /> Avoid agreements by letter if possible.<br /> <br /> The main points which the Society has always demanded<br /> from the outset are :—<br /> <br /> (1.) That both sides shall know what an agreement<br /> means.<br /> <br /> (2.) The inspection of those account books which belong<br /> to the author. We are advised that this is a right, in the<br /> nature of a common law right, which cannot be denied or<br /> withheld.<br /> <br /> (3.) Always avoid a transfer of copyright.<br /> <br /> he<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO DRAMATIC AUTHORS.<br /> <br /> ee<br /> <br /> EVER sign an agreement without submitting it to the<br /> N Secretary of the Society of Authors or some com-<br /> petent legal authority.<br /> <br /> 2. It is well to be extremely careful in negotiating for<br /> the production of a play with any one except an established<br /> manager,<br /> <br /> 8. There are three forms of dramatic contract for plays<br /> in three or more acts :—<br /> <br /> (a.) Sale outright of the performing right. This<br /> is unsatisfactory. An author who enters into<br /> such a contract should stipulate in the contract<br /> for production of the piece by a certain date<br /> and for proper publication of his name on the<br /> play-bills,<br /> <br /> <br /> 266<br /> <br /> (v.) Sale of performing right or of a licence to<br /> perform on the basis of percentages on<br /> gross receipts. Percentages vary between 5<br /> and 15 per cent, An author should obtain a<br /> percentage on the sliding scale of gross receipts<br /> in preference to the American system. Should<br /> obtain a sum in advance of percentages. A fixed<br /> date on or before which the play should be<br /> performed.<br /> <br /> (c.) Sale of performing right or of a licence to<br /> perform on the basis of royalties (i.c., fixed<br /> nightly fees). This method should be always<br /> avoided except in cases where the fees are<br /> likely to be small or difficult to collect. The<br /> other safeguards set out under heading (0.) apply<br /> also in this case.<br /> <br /> 4, Plays in one act are often sold outright, but it is<br /> better to obtain a small nightly fee if possible, and a sum<br /> paid in advance of such fees in any event. It is extremely<br /> important that the amateur rights of one-act plays should<br /> be reserved.<br /> <br /> 5. Authors should remember that performing rights can<br /> be limited, and are usually limited, by town, country, and<br /> time, This is most important.<br /> <br /> 6. Authors should not assign performing rights, but<br /> should grant a licence to perform. The legal distinction<br /> is of great importance.<br /> <br /> 7. Authors should remember that performing rights in a<br /> play are distinct from literary copyright. A manager<br /> holding the performing right or licence to perform cannot<br /> print the book of the words.<br /> <br /> 8. Never forget that United States rights may be exceed-<br /> ingly valuable. ‘hey should never be included in English<br /> agreements without the author obtaining a substantial<br /> consideration,<br /> <br /> 9. Agreements for collaboration should be carefully<br /> drawn and executed before collaboration is commenced.<br /> <br /> 10. An author should remember that production of a play<br /> is highly speculative : that he runs a very great risk of<br /> delay and a breakdown in the fulfilment of his contract.<br /> He should therefore guard himself all the more carefully in<br /> the beginning.<br /> <br /> 11. An author must remember that the dramatic market<br /> is exceedingly limited, and that for a novice the first object<br /> is to obtain adequate publication.<br /> <br /> As these warnings must necessarily be incomplete, on<br /> account of the wide range of the subject of dramatic con-<br /> tracts, those authors desirous of further information<br /> are referred to the Secretary of the Society.<br /> <br /> +<br /> <br /> REGISTRATION OF SCENARIOS AND<br /> ORIGINAL PLAYS.<br /> <br /> ——$- 9<br /> <br /> ne ape typewritten in duplicate on foolscap paper<br /> forwarded to the offices of the Society, together with<br /> a registration fee of two shillings and sixpence, will<br /> <br /> be carefully compared by the Secretary or a qualified assis-<br /> tant. One copy will be stamped and returned to theauthor<br /> and the other filed in the register of the Society. Copies<br /> of the scenario thus filed may be obtained at any time by<br /> the author only at a small charge to cover cost of typing.<br /> <br /> Original Plays may also be filed subject to the same<br /> rules, with the exception that a play will be charged for<br /> at the price of 24. 6d. per act,<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> DRAMATIC AUTHORS? AND AGENTS.<br /> <br /> —t<br /> RAMATIC authors should seek the advice of the<br /> Society before putting plays into the hands of<br /> agents. As the law stands at present, an agent<br /> who has once had a play in his hands may acquire a<br /> perpetual claim to a percentage on the author&#039;s feeg<br /> from it. As far as the placing of plays is concerned,<br /> it may be taken as a general rule that there are only<br /> very few agents who can do anything for an author<br /> that he cannot, under the guidance of the Society, do<br /> equally well or better for himself. The collection of fees<br /> is also a matter in which in many cases no intermediary is<br /> required. For certain purposes, such as the collection of<br /> fees on amateur performances, and in general.the trans-<br /> action of frequent petty authorisations with different<br /> individuals, and also for the collection of fees*in foreign<br /> countries, almost all dramatic authors employ agents; and<br /> in these ways the services of agents are real and valuable,<br /> But the Society warns authors against agents who profess<br /> to have influence with managers in the placing of plays, or<br /> who propose to act as principals by offering to purchase<br /> the author&#039;s rights. In any case, in the present state of<br /> the law, an agent should not be employed under any<br /> circumstances without an agreement approved of by the<br /> Society.<br /> ee<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO MUSICAL COMPOSERS.<br /> <br /> oe<br /> <br /> ITTLE can be added to the warnings given for the<br /> assistance of producers of books and dramatic<br /> authors. It must, however, be pointed out that, as<br /> <br /> a rule, the musical publisher demands from the musical<br /> composer a transfer of fuller rights and less liberal finan-<br /> cial terms than those obtained for literary and dramatic<br /> property. The musical composer has very often the two<br /> rights to deal with—performing right and copyright. He<br /> should be especially careful therefore when entering into<br /> an agreement, and should take into particular consideration<br /> the warnings stated above.<br /> <br /> Oi<br /> <br /> STAMPING MUSIC.<br /> <br /> The Society undertakes to stamp copies of music on<br /> behalf of its members for the fee of 6d. per 100 or part<br /> of 100. The members’ stamps are kept in the Society’s<br /> safe. The musical publishers communicate direct with the<br /> Secretary, and the voucher is then forwarded to the<br /> members, who are thus saved much unnecessary trouble.<br /> <br /> re<br /> THE READING BRANCH.<br /> <br /> — &gt;<br /> EMBERS will greatly assist the Society in this<br /> branch of its work by informing young writers<br /> of its existence. Their MSS. can be read and<br /> treated as a composition is treated by a coach. The term<br /> MSS. includes not only works of fiction, but poetry<br /> and dramatic works, and when it is possible, under<br /> special arrangement, technical and scientific works, The<br /> Readers are writers of competence and experience. The<br /> fee is one guinea,<br /> —— ee<br /> <br /> REMITTANCES.<br /> <br /> a :<br /> <br /> The Secretary of the Society begs to give notice<br /> that all remittances are acknowledged by return of post.<br /> All remittances should be crossed Union of London and<br /> Smiths Bank, Chancery Lane, or be sent by registered<br /> letter only.<br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> COLLECTION BUREAU.<br /> <br /> ——_-—<br /> <br /> | due to authors, composers and dramatists.<br /> <br /> 1. Under contracts for the publication of their<br /> works.<br /> <br /> 2. Under contracts for the performance of their works<br /> and amateur fees.<br /> <br /> 3. Under the Compulsory Licence Clauses of the Copy-<br /> right Act, i.e., Clause 3, governing compulsory licences for<br /> books, and Clause 19, referring to mechanical instrument<br /> records.<br /> <br /> The Bureau is divided into three department :—<br /> <br /> 1; Literary.<br /> 2. Dramatic.<br /> 3. Musical.<br /> <br /> The Society does not desire to make a profit from the<br /> collection of fees, but will charge a commission to cover<br /> expenses. If, owing to the amount passing through the<br /> office, the expenses are more than covered, the Committee<br /> of Management will discuss the possibility of reducing the<br /> commission.<br /> <br /> For full particulars of the terms of collection, application<br /> must be made to the Collection Bureau of the Society.<br /> <br /> The Bureau is in no sense a literary or dramatic<br /> agency, for the placing of books or plays.<br /> <br /> —___—_+—~&gt;—_+-—____—_-<br /> <br /> GENERAL NOTES.<br /> <br /> THEATRICAL CONDITIONS IN HOLLAND.<br /> <br /> F We have received a very interesting report<br /> <br /> from Mr. A. Reyding, the Society’s recently<br /> appointed agent in Holland, touching the<br /> theatrical conditions obtaining in that country.<br /> Mr. Reyding informs us that while the fees<br /> paid for representations in Amsterdam are not<br /> those which could be obtained in London or<br /> Paris, they are by no means to be despised.<br /> Amsterdam possesses five theatres of import-<br /> ance, and a few smaller ones, apart from<br /> music halls and numerous cinematograph<br /> theatres. Four managers in Amsterdam and<br /> one in Rotterdam are continually in search of<br /> good plays which have attained success in<br /> London.<br /> <br /> One of the most important theatrical<br /> institutions is the “Royal Company” in<br /> Amsterdam. It is managed by a board of<br /> directors and liberally subsidised by the<br /> Queen. Moreover, it is allowed to give<br /> performances in the “ Municipal Theatre,”<br /> a large, modern building. Practically the<br /> management run two companies, alternatively<br /> travelling in the provinces.<br /> <br /> Another first-rate enterprise is the ‘‘ Crystal<br /> Palace Theatre’? in Amsterdam. It is man-<br /> aged by a gifted and energetic actor-manager,<br /> who has already achieved great successes<br /> during the short period of his directorship.<br /> Here again a double company is maintained<br /> with a view to travelling.<br /> <br /> 267<br /> <br /> As third and fourth in rank, the ‘‘ Holland<br /> Theatre” and the ‘Grand Theatre” in<br /> Amsterdam may be mentioned, both under the<br /> management of a well-known author. The<br /> company engaged by this director is so numer-<br /> ous that it allows of dividing into three or<br /> even four parts, according to circumstances.<br /> <br /> The ‘Rembrandt ‘Theatre’ produces<br /> musical comedies only.<br /> <br /> Among the smaller theatres, two are worthy<br /> ofattention. Firstly, the “‘ Frascati Theatre,”<br /> managed by a young, intelligent actor-manager,<br /> and presenting good performances of the<br /> Paris ‘‘ Theatre des Varietes ’’ repertory and<br /> light comedy in general. Secondly, the<br /> ‘Plantage Theatre,” cultivating detective-<br /> drama.<br /> <br /> As to gross box receipts, these are naturally<br /> inferior to London figures, owing to the fact<br /> that the charges for seats remain far below<br /> cosmopolitan standard prices and that, practi-<br /> eally, real full houses occur on Sunday nights<br /> only. At a rough estimate, £40 may be con-<br /> sidered as the average gross takings on a<br /> week-day in any principal theatre, always<br /> provided that the play is a success. And the<br /> receipts on Sunday nights may amount to<br /> £120, and even more in one or two houses.<br /> It follows that the totality during each week<br /> might be valued at about £360 in favourable<br /> cases.<br /> <br /> Series of a hundred consecutive representa-<br /> tions are by no means the longest on record ;<br /> the way in which Amsterdam companies are<br /> being managed allows of continuous runs.<br /> An exception, however, must be made for the<br /> “Royal Company,” where the “ Comedie<br /> Francaise” example is followed, the playbill<br /> changing about every day. Nevertheless, if<br /> a play produced by that company prove<br /> successful, it may become a repertory play,<br /> yielding profits during many years. Other<br /> companies only re-start a play in case of its<br /> run having been interrupted by the end of<br /> the season, or on the ground of some other<br /> urgent cause; for, as a rule, re-starting a<br /> piece does not pay.<br /> <br /> Amsterdam may be called the centre of<br /> theatrical life in Holland, yet Rotterdam<br /> possesses a fine playhouse and an excellent<br /> company of its own. But as that city has a<br /> relatively small number of inhabitants, long<br /> runs never occur there. A series of twenty<br /> representations may be considered as a maxi-<br /> mum. As to receipts there is no sensible<br /> difference between Amsterdam and Rotterdam<br /> figures.<br /> <br /> It. may be taken as a general rule that, in<br /> <br /> <br /> 268<br /> <br /> Holland, translators’ fees are paid by the<br /> managers, quite separate from authors’ fees.<br /> English authors, therefore, should never put<br /> their plays into the hands.of would-be trans-<br /> lators, who offer to divide equally the profits<br /> derived from representations in Holland.<br /> <br /> Concerning authors’ fees for cinematograph<br /> performances, up to this moment films of<br /> British origin have only been produced here<br /> by way of exception, and in these cases the<br /> usual course seems to be that the manufac-<br /> turers pay a sum once to the author of a<br /> plot.<br /> <br /> Music PUBLISHERS AND FoREIGN MECHANICAL<br /> Ricuts.<br /> <br /> WE have already called attention to the<br /> claim of the English music publisher to take<br /> 50% of the composer’s mechanical fees. This<br /> claim, when admitted by composers, reduces<br /> their fees under the compulsory licence clauses<br /> of the Copyright Act to something near the<br /> vanishing point, so far as the United Kingdom<br /> is concerned. ‘But the mischief does not end<br /> here. There are the foreign mechanical fees<br /> to be considered, and from correspondence<br /> which has come to the Society’s office, it<br /> would seem that the case of the composer in<br /> respect of these fees, is even worse than it is<br /> in the United Kingdom.<br /> <br /> For example, reference may be made to the<br /> sale of mechanical reproductions in Germany.<br /> The practice of the English music publisher<br /> is to assign the mechanical rights to the German<br /> publisher, subject to the payment to the<br /> English house of half the fees which their sale<br /> produces. The effect of this is that the<br /> English music publisher gets 50°% of what the<br /> German publisher receives, and the English<br /> composer 50% of what the English publisher<br /> receives, or 25% of the figure actually paid by<br /> the mechanical trade in Germany, less the cost<br /> of collection by the agent who is employed to<br /> carry through the collection.<br /> <br /> It may seem strange to the composer that<br /> the English publisher should be willing to<br /> yield to the German publisher 50% of the<br /> fees. Composers are quite accustomed to the<br /> music publisher’s request that they should<br /> surrender 50% of their fees, but the willingness<br /> of the publisher to make a similar surrender<br /> does not coincide with their experience of<br /> his ability to look after himself in these<br /> matters.<br /> <br /> An explanation, however, occurs to us. It<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> may not be the correct one, but as it certainly<br /> would explain a practice otherwise almost<br /> inexplicable, we think it worth while to put it<br /> forward. We shall be very glad to learn that<br /> it is incorrect.<br /> <br /> Is there a reciprocal arrangement between<br /> the British and German music publisher, by<br /> which each surrenders 50°% of the mechanical<br /> fees produced in their respective countries ?<br /> For example, the English publisher may<br /> accept half the mechanical fees in Germany<br /> for one of his composer’s works on condition<br /> that the German house allows him the same<br /> share in the mechanical fees in Great Britain<br /> of the work of a German composer.<br /> <br /> An arrangement of this kind protects both<br /> parties against loss. But what of the two<br /> unfortunate composers. They are obviously<br /> in a different position. Depending as each of<br /> them does on the popularity of his own<br /> compositions, neither is able to reap any<br /> advantage from an arrangement of the kind<br /> indicated. In consequence, this alliance, if<br /> our deduction is correct, is admirable from the<br /> point of view of the publishers in the two<br /> countries, but is extremely unsatisfactory from<br /> the standpoint of the composer, alike in Ger-<br /> many and in the United Kingdom.<br /> <br /> Movine Pictures.<br /> <br /> Ir is with much pleasure we note that the<br /> valuable report by Mr. Cecil Raleigh on<br /> Moving Pictures that appeared in last month’s<br /> issue, has raised considerable interest not only<br /> with the producers of cinematograph films,<br /> but also with the authors that write the plots.<br /> <br /> The Bioscope has interviewed Mr. Raleigh<br /> and the Daily Chronicle has inserted a long<br /> article from his dictation.<br /> <br /> As we pointed out in last month’s Author<br /> the matter is of the greatest importance; it<br /> must not be reckoned that that report is final.<br /> Mr. Raleigh, himself, does not consider it so.<br /> Since it was produced, further information<br /> has come to his knowledge and to the office of<br /> the Society. It appears that the French<br /> Society has also issued a report, and a report<br /> has also come through from Germany ;<br /> further details are also to hand from America.<br /> It is likely, therefore, that at no distant date<br /> a subsidiary report will have to be made,<br /> dealing with these new facts. It seems quite<br /> clear that there will be a large and increasing<br /> market for good plots for films, and if properly<br /> handled there should be a considerable income<br /> for those authors who study the public tastes.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> BOOK PUBLISHING IN THE UNITED<br /> STATES,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> R. GEORGE P. BRETT has been<br /> or writing in the April number of the<br /> Atlantic Monthly on ‘* Book Publish-<br /> ing and its present Tendencies.” We take it<br /> that he refers to book publishing in America.<br /> He arrives at the conclusion that although the<br /> number of books put on the market has greatly<br /> inereased during the past few years, the total<br /> circulation of books in the United States has<br /> not increased in anything like the same pro-<br /> portion; and he further explains that many<br /> of the publishers who were known for a particu-<br /> lar class of book have gone in for general<br /> publishing business. He draws the conclusion<br /> that the gross circulation has not increased<br /> owing to the fault in distribution, and his<br /> solution of the difficulty appears to be that<br /> books should be published at a cheaper rate,<br /> and as a corollary, that the authors must take<br /> smaller royalties. It is quite true that if books<br /> are published at a cheap rate, the authors<br /> cannot take the same amount of royalty as<br /> they can if the book is published at a higher<br /> price, but it does not follow by any means that<br /> if the book is produced in the first instance at a<br /> low price that the increase in the circulation<br /> will be at all proportionate. I mean by that,<br /> that the publisher and the author will arrive at<br /> the same amount of profit in the end. Indeed,<br /> all evidence goes to show that the deduction<br /> isfalse. There are no doubt a few authors who<br /> make a universal appeal, that is, an appeal to<br /> all people who can read and write, but the<br /> number who can make this appeal can be<br /> reckoned on the fingers of one hand. The<br /> general author has a certain following, and,<br /> however cheap his books are, that following<br /> will not be increased very perceptibly by<br /> publishing at a cheaper rate.<br /> <br /> The Society of Authors went into the figures<br /> as far as the English market is concerned, in<br /> great detail, and issued a report not long ago on<br /> the subject. Mr. Brett instances France and<br /> Germany, but the case in France certainly has<br /> tended to reduce the profits, and has not been<br /> a financial success from the author’s point of<br /> view.<br /> <br /> In England, for instance, supposing an<br /> author gets 1s. on a 6s. book, published<br /> subject to discount, he would get, perhaps,<br /> _ 14d. on.a 1s. net book. He would, therefore,<br /> have to obtain eight times the circulation in<br /> order to make his returns equivalent, and this<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 269<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> extra circulation he does not, as a rule, obtain.<br /> Indeed, the publication of so many cheay<br /> books is very often, as the booksellers pointed<br /> out, disastrous to the bookselling trade.<br /> The booksellers having no room in which to<br /> display the crowd of new and cheap books,<br /> in consequence find their shops filled with<br /> unworkable stock. Mr. Brett says, “‘ the<br /> successful experiments in the publishing of<br /> cheap editions of books abroad are usually<br /> with those books which are either out of copy-<br /> right, and consequently pay no royalty to<br /> the authors, or for which a very low rate of<br /> royalty can be arranged.” By abroad, no<br /> doubt he includes England, but although no<br /> doubt the English classics are published in<br /> cheap form, there is, at the same time, an<br /> enormous output of copyright books pub-<br /> lished also in the cheap form, but—after they<br /> have already appeared in a more expensive<br /> edition.<br /> <br /> The article contains some very interesting<br /> statements, but statements which are not by<br /> any means satisfactory from the author’s.<br /> point of view, statements which by no means<br /> apply to the English market, even if they do<br /> to the American. Has Mr. Brett really made<br /> an exhaustive study from all points ? or is he<br /> only feeling his way as a publisher? I<br /> cannot at all agree with Mr. Brett that the<br /> solution of the difficulty, at any rate as far as<br /> England is concerned, is by issuing books at<br /> alow price. It is always possible to reduce the<br /> price of a book half-a-dozen years after its<br /> original publication, if it is clear that there<br /> is still a continuing demand for it, but the result<br /> of this reduction in the price is by no means<br /> always financially successful to the author<br /> and the publisher for the reasons already given.<br /> If the book shows that it is likely to have a<br /> universal appeal, then no doubt, after a run<br /> at a higher price, it will be best to produce<br /> the book in cheap form, but if there is not<br /> sufficient vitality to carry the book through<br /> five or six years, then a cheap edition is not<br /> desirous but disastrous; and probably if the<br /> book had originally been published at a low<br /> price, the financial result to the author and<br /> the publisher would have been unsatisfactory<br /> and destructive to both their interests. The<br /> main point of Mr. Brett’s arguments, as has<br /> already been pointed out, lies in the fact that<br /> he considers authors are too grasping. From<br /> the author’s point of view, neither Mr. Brett’s<br /> deductions nor his arguments can for a<br /> moment be admitted.<br /> <br /> G. H. T.<br /> <br /> <br /> 270 THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> THE COMMERCIAL SIDE OF MUSIC.<br /> <br /> ————_<br /> <br /> (Reprinted from “The English Review” by<br /> kind permission of the Editor.)<br /> <br /> 1 is a degradation to the profession that<br /> any composer should be asked to sign<br /> the common form of agreement that is<br /> <br /> at present being put forward by some of the<br /> best houses in the music publishing trade.<br /> <br /> There has been considerable correspon-<br /> dence in The Times and other papers about<br /> the sale by Mr. Coleridge Taylor of his copy-<br /> right in ‘“‘ Hiawatha” to Messrs. Novello<br /> &amp; Co. outright for a sum down. But it is<br /> not on this form of contract that I desire to<br /> comment, but on a much more subtle form,<br /> namely, a contract for the payment of a<br /> royalty on the assignment of the copyright.<br /> This form is distinctly more subtle, for it seems<br /> to the composer that by securing a royalty he<br /> may be gaining his just reward, whereas he<br /> may still be losing by the assignment every-<br /> thing that is worth holding. When a publisher<br /> of literary works asks for a licence to publish,<br /> he is generally contented with a licence to<br /> ublish in book form; in some cases even this<br /> 1s limited to book form at a certain price or<br /> during a certain period, and if the publisher<br /> does not keep the book on the market the<br /> contract is at an end. He does not ask for<br /> —or should he ask for, does not get—the<br /> dramatic rights, the rights of translation, the<br /> American copyright and cinematograph rights ;<br /> but the music publisher, who should be content<br /> with a licence to publish in printed form, asks<br /> for an assignment of copyright which carries<br /> the performing rights—equal to dramatic<br /> rights; the rights of publication in foreign<br /> countries—infinitely more valuable than the<br /> translation rights, for music is a universal<br /> language; the rights in the United States—<br /> infinitely more valuable than an author’s<br /> United States rights, because the heavy tax<br /> of printing in the United States is unnecessary<br /> in the case of music; and the rights of repro-<br /> duction by mechanical instruments—at the<br /> present time more valuable still than the<br /> cinematograph rights in a book.<br /> <br /> After this preamble, it may be useful to<br /> print an ordinary form of music publisher’s<br /> agreement :—<br /> <br /> y ieee se OL aise ca in consideration of the royalties<br /> hereinafter reserved and of the sum of one shilling (the<br /> receipt of which I hereby acknowledge as an advance pay-<br /> ment) hereby assign to.....; SAOr el (hereinafter<br /> called the Publishers) their successors and assigns the entire<br /> and exclusive copyright, rights of representation and<br /> <br /> arrangement of whatever kind, rights of reproduction tipon<br /> mechanical instruments of every description and all othe ‘<br /> rights whatsoever in the United Kingdom of Great Britain<br /> and Ireland its Colonies and Dependencies and in all<br /> foreign countries their Colonies and Dependencies now or<br /> hereafter conferred or created of and in the following<br /> original work of which I am the composer and compiler<br /> <br /> The Royalties shall be<br /> <br /> (a) In the United Kingdom its Colonies (except Canada)<br /> and Dependencies at the rate of pence on all copies<br /> sold by the Publishers or their successors or assigns.<br /> <br /> (b) And in the United States of America and Canada<br /> and on the Continent of Europe one half of that rate.<br /> <br /> No royalty on copies gratuitously distributed nor on<br /> Band parts. :<br /> <br /> 7 copies shall be counted as 6.<br /> <br /> On Mechanical Reproductions :—<br /> <br /> 50 per cent. of the nett amounts received by the Pub-<br /> lishers therefor :<br /> <br /> AS WITNESS &amp;c.<br /> <br /> It is surely a mockery to call such a document<br /> an agreement ; and, indeed, many of the music<br /> publishers realise this fact,,as they refuse or<br /> neglect to send the composers a copy signed<br /> by the firm; and if the composer has not the<br /> business acumen to keep an exact copy, he<br /> is left in the humiliating position of having to<br /> appeal to the publisher should he subsequently<br /> desire to have particulars of the document he<br /> has so rashly and foolishly signed.<br /> <br /> Before discussing this particular form, it will<br /> be as well to repeat here some of the legal<br /> difficulties which arise out of an assignment of<br /> copyright.<br /> <br /> To begin with, if anything should happen<br /> to the firm, if it should become bankrupt, or<br /> —if a company—go into liquidation, the<br /> composer would have no right, according to<br /> existing decisions of the Court, to prevent<br /> the assignment of the copyright to another<br /> purchaser, and he might find that his property<br /> had come into the hands of a most undesirable<br /> assignee.<br /> <br /> But there is worse to follow, for the com-<br /> poser would have no claim for royalties against<br /> the assignee, and would be in a worse position<br /> than if he had sold his copyright for a sum<br /> down.<br /> <br /> Secondly, after the work has once been<br /> published, even in a limited degree, no power<br /> on earth can force the publisher to continue to<br /> <br /> keep the work on the market, and the com- *<br /> <br /> poser might have to buy back that which the<br /> publisher refuses to utilise at the publisher’s<br /> owr price.<br /> <br /> Thirdly, if after the work is put on the<br /> market an action for infringement of copyright<br /> is threatened—this case actually occurred—<br /> even though the composer may have the<br /> strongest evidence that there is no infringement<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> the publisher may refuse to run the risk and<br /> has power to withdraw all copies. Again the<br /> eomposer is without a remedy.<br /> <br /> Finally, the publisher may alter the work<br /> within the limit of libel, produce a chorale as<br /> a waltz, or adapt the airs for other purposes<br /> than those originally designed by the composer.<br /> Such alterations, which might be the cause of<br /> the greatest annoyance to the composer, need<br /> not, and probably would not, give him a right<br /> of action.<br /> <br /> These are some of the legal difficulties<br /> arising out of the assignment of copyright.<br /> The financial loss is also considerable, for the<br /> performing rights, save in few cases, are<br /> squandered by the publishers for the adver-<br /> tisement of their own wares, when these rights<br /> might be husbanded by the composer, and, if<br /> properly marketed, bring in, in this country,<br /> as good a return as they bring in to foreign<br /> composers. Reference will be made later to<br /> the Toss to the composer arising from the<br /> assignment of his mechanical instrument rights.<br /> <br /> The faults to which attention has been drawn<br /> are, however, faults of commission ; but look<br /> at the faults of omission.<br /> <br /> The publishers do not undertake to put the<br /> work on the market. No doubt, as payment<br /> of a royalty on every copy sold is part of the<br /> consideration, publication would be an implied<br /> term of the contract. But what kind of pub-<br /> lication? In what form? At what price ?<br /> By what date?<br /> <br /> As the royalty is a fixed royalty of so many<br /> pennies a copy, it is of great importance that<br /> the published price should be fixed, for what<br /> might be a fair royalty if the work was issued<br /> at one price might be a very unfair royalty<br /> if the work was issued at another price. Then,<br /> again, all mention of the date is omitted. It<br /> is not unknown in the publishing trade that<br /> where no date has been fixed, delays of six,<br /> twelve, or eighteen months have occurred.<br /> <br /> Again, there is no clause to compel the<br /> publisher to continue publishing, or, alterna-<br /> tively, having published, to give up his rights<br /> if he does not intend to use them further<br /> when the work is out of print.<br /> <br /> There is not even a common form clause: by<br /> which the composer is to receive accounts<br /> properly issued at fixed dates.<br /> <br /> Many other points might be noted, but for<br /> the present purpose these are sufficient.<br /> <br /> The answer of the man of business is clear :<br /> “What a fool the composer must be.” To<br /> some extent this is true, but it must be reme-<br /> bered that the marketing of works of art is<br /> different from the marketing of merchandise.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 271<br /> <br /> The artist is a man often in absolute ignorance<br /> of his rights and their potentialities, and he<br /> is dealing with a man whose business in life<br /> has been to study every detail of artistic<br /> property from the commercial standpoint.<br /> <br /> No wonder, then, that music publishers grow<br /> fat and prosper, and that, as far as financial<br /> returns are concerned, there are many<br /> Coleridge Taylors among the rank and file of<br /> the profession. What wonder, also, when one<br /> of the leading members of the profession in<br /> his smug prosperity says he sees no need for<br /> a combination of composers to strengthen the<br /> chances of his struggling confreres ; when<br /> another states in public that he is too busy to<br /> look after his royalties (he may be quite sure<br /> the publisher is not) ; when another writes that.<br /> most of his contracts are made across his<br /> publisher’s dinner-table. If the leaders are so<br /> weighted with chains, whether of gold or of<br /> inertia or of prejudice, no wonder that the<br /> young composer sees so little chance.<br /> <br /> But the young generation is vigorous and<br /> full of life. If it is neglected by those who<br /> ought to make it their duty to help, by those<br /> who have known what it is to be told that if<br /> they did not like to put their name to a con-<br /> tract of slavery, the publisher will never<br /> publish anything more for them, still, let<br /> it fight on until it carves the way to its own<br /> salvation.<br /> <br /> Rights of Reproduction on Mechanical Instru-<br /> ments.—When the Copyright Act of 1911 came<br /> into force, a splendid opportunity occurred<br /> for the composer to break away from his<br /> bondage. The rights of reproduction on<br /> mechanical instruments were then, for the first<br /> time, included under Statutory Copyright,<br /> and in order that composers who, before the<br /> Act, had assigned their copyrights, might not<br /> lose by such conveyance rights of property<br /> which, prior to the Act, had not existed, the «<br /> Act placed those rights, in spite of the assign<br /> ment of copyright, in their hands to deal with.<br /> But it stipulated that composers should receive<br /> a fixed royalty. The publishers, seeing what<br /> was about to happen, at once took steps to<br /> counteract the benefits that the Act bestowed.<br /> The Society of Authors wrote a letter to The<br /> Times to point out to composers their position<br /> under past contracts. But the publishers<br /> proceeded to form a company for the collection<br /> of fees, by the rules of which, after deducting<br /> all the expenses of collection—a quite indeter-<br /> minate quantity—80 per cent. of the royalties<br /> on the property, which, by the Act, was the<br /> composer’s absolutely, was transferred to the<br /> publishers’ pockets. The music publishe<br /> <br /> <br /> 272 THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> claimed that he was entitled to a percentage<br /> of these fees because, by publishing the<br /> composer’s music, he had made the mechanical<br /> reproduction rights valuable. This may or<br /> may not have been true, but if it were true it<br /> was a matter to be decided between the com-<br /> <br /> oser and the publisher, and not arbitrarily<br /> &amp; a company which was started on a business<br /> basis and not for the settlement of an ethical<br /> question. It is certain, however, that in the<br /> near future it will be the music publisher<br /> who will have to’ thank the mechanical<br /> reproducer for the advertisement rather than<br /> the mechanical reproducer the publisher.<br /> Mechanical reproduction is going ahead very<br /> fast, and many owners of pianolas, gramo-<br /> phones, etc., go to the retail dealers and<br /> try reproductions, quite irrespective of the<br /> music publisher, and make their choice for<br /> purchase or hire, quite irrespective of whether<br /> they have heard the original played from sheet<br /> music. This practice will become more and<br /> more common, so that the music publisher’s<br /> argument that he is entitled to a share in the<br /> mechanical instrument rights, if ever it was<br /> good, grows less and less valid. But I do not<br /> admit it was good. The music publisher is<br /> the agent of the composer to produce his music<br /> in a certain form specified in the contract, and<br /> the author’s royalty is based on this considera-<br /> tion. He is not the principal, to claim from<br /> the composer control over his rights. The<br /> editor of a magazine might as well claim<br /> a share in the book production, or the pub-<br /> lisher of a book claim a share of the serial<br /> rights.<br /> <br /> But the rules of this company contained<br /> other interesting statements.<br /> <br /> The committee of the company was to be<br /> allowed to conduct or defend’ such legal<br /> proceedings, as they might sanction, appar-<br /> ently, without reference to the composer who<br /> was the owner of the rights. Under this rule<br /> they might neglect, perhaps for financial<br /> reasons, to protect the composer’s rights,<br /> and in that case the composer would have no<br /> means of obtaining redress for infringements,<br /> as the transfer of his rights to the company<br /> would have prevented his taking independent<br /> action. Secondly, the committee might decide<br /> to take action in a case to which the composer<br /> might strongly object; and thirdly, the com-<br /> mittee might take action in respect of the repro-<br /> duction of the rights of one of its members,<br /> and get involved in a complicated lawsuit,<br /> leaving the rest of the members to bear the<br /> expenses of the proceedings, however indis-<br /> creetly the committee may have acted. The<br /> <br /> only limit upon the expenses was the total<br /> amount of all royalties collected. Generally,<br /> a society can rely on the subscriptions received,<br /> and no member is liable for anything more,<br /> But in the case of the company referred<br /> to, the whole income of the members for<br /> royalties on mechanical reproductions was at<br /> stake.<br /> <br /> The principles embodied in the rules of this<br /> company have been put forward at some<br /> length. It may be that some of the rules<br /> have been altered since they were first pro-<br /> mulgated ; that milder methods have been<br /> suggested.<br /> <br /> But the idea underlying the publishers’<br /> action is still the same ; they desired to obtain<br /> 80 per cent. of property to which they had no<br /> right, which, under the very wording of the<br /> Act, was declared to be the composer’s<br /> absolutely.<br /> <br /> But there is something more bitter behind.<br /> <br /> The management of the company was to<br /> be under the control of a board consisting of<br /> six publishers, three composers and three<br /> authors. I understand that composers have<br /> been ready to accept places on_ that<br /> board.<br /> <br /> Under the Act another difficulty has arisen.<br /> It has been pointed out that the composer,<br /> although he had assigned his copyright before<br /> the Act came into force, was still allowed to<br /> maintain the right of mechanical reproduction<br /> in spite of such assignment. It seems, how-<br /> ever, from recent evidence, that composers<br /> consider that the same principle applies to<br /> any contract entered into after the Act has<br /> come into force. This deduction is entirely<br /> false. Any assignment of copyright after<br /> the Act has come into force assigns to the<br /> publishers the rights in mechanical repro-<br /> duction.<br /> <br /> In the agreement printed on a previous<br /> page the publisher has taken advantage of<br /> this and claims 50 per cent. This is kind and<br /> generous, for, as he held the copyright, he<br /> might have taken everything ; but he has also<br /> the power to license or refuse to license the<br /> reproduction. That they should retain this<br /> in their own hands is a matter which some<br /> composers might consider to be of the utmost<br /> importance.<br /> <br /> Is it true, then, that composers are letting<br /> slip their opportunities, and are coming back<br /> to a worse slavery owing to the fact that<br /> copyright now means much more than it<br /> did? If it is true it is the fault of those in the<br /> forefront of the profession, who from their<br /> position could make a firm stand, but refuse to<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> do so. It is not the negative side, the faults<br /> of omission, which is making it so hard for<br /> those who are struggling to rise; it is the<br /> positive action and the sins of commission.<br /> While these continue it is much to be feared<br /> that there will be little change in the customary<br /> form of pseudo-agreement on which I have<br /> reluctantly been compelled to comment.<br /> <br /> G. HERBERT THRING.<br /> <br /> —_—_____e —~.— +<br /> <br /> LIBELS, LIBELLERS AND THE<br /> LIBELLED—ALLEGED.<br /> <br /> ———+ —<br /> <br /> T least three recent libel actions,<br /> A widely reported and more or less<br /> “ sensational’? in character, have<br /> ended in verdicts for the defendants, for which<br /> reljef those gentlemen are no doubt duly<br /> thankful. They have good reason to be so,<br /> for juries who have awarded undeserved<br /> damages in the past, and judges who also<br /> have been found not without sympathy with<br /> the plaintiffs, have contributed to render the<br /> bringing of actions in respect of alleged libels<br /> not altogether unprofitable. The successes<br /> of his predecessors have, in fact, tended to<br /> give the would-be plaintiff an idea that apart<br /> from the merits of his case, which he is not<br /> likely to underrate, he will start with odds<br /> in his favour. The plaintiff&#039;s case may, of<br /> course, be a perfectly just one. The libel or<br /> supposed libel from which authors, composers<br /> and artists, the members of the Society,<br /> are most likely to suffer, is that which is<br /> contained in criticism upon a_ published<br /> work. Criticism that is unfair exists ;<br /> sometimes it may err through negligence<br /> inexcusably, but more or less inadver-<br /> tently ; sometimes it is deliberately intended<br /> to wound or injure. Authors, however, and<br /> the others mentioned, although not insensitive<br /> to criticism, as a rule know how to take<br /> their knocks philosophically ; they have too<br /> much good sense to air their wrongs in litiga-<br /> tion, and criticism that is neither fair nor<br /> reasonable is tolerated and condoned because<br /> it is not worth while to take notice of it.<br /> This, however, has nothing to do with the<br /> actions for libel to which reference has been<br /> made, which have ended in verdicts for defen-<br /> dants who have had to watch big bills of<br /> costs being piled up, a considerable proportion<br /> of which in any event must be paid by them.<br /> Actions of this kind interest authors rather<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 273<br /> <br /> as potential writers of libels than as victims<br /> of defamation. They cause reflections as to<br /> the ease with which law suits may be launched,<br /> and unhappy writers compelled to spend their<br /> money in self-defence.<br /> <br /> Alleged libellers who call for sympathy as<br /> such are of two kinds, if they may be classified<br /> roughly—those who, writing honestly and<br /> from a sense of duty, criticise deliberately and<br /> unfavourably the acts or writings of others,<br /> which either invite or challenge criticism ; and<br /> those who write without any idea that an article<br /> not aimed at any such mark may wound<br /> the feclings of a hyper-sensitive individual.<br /> There is also the class of persons involved by<br /> law in the blame where any supposed libel is<br /> published, as publishers and even as printers ;<br /> these are more or less connected with the<br /> latter group. In the class of those who<br /> deliberately criticise and have to take their<br /> risks would be included the authors of the<br /> criticism, which was claimed to_be libellous<br /> by Miss Lind-af-Hageby and Lord Alfred<br /> Douglas in the recent cases referred to, It<br /> is not necessary to recall the details of either<br /> case, except to say that observations which<br /> juries have found not to be such that the<br /> plaintiff deserved damages in respect of them,<br /> were the occasion of two trials of length unusual<br /> in actions of any kind involving far more im-<br /> portant issues,&#039; and that such actions may be<br /> brought at any time in respect of criticism<br /> upon any person’s conduct, which may<br /> eventually be found to be perfectly fair and<br /> reasonable in view of the facts. The Times,<br /> in commenting upon these cases, pointed out<br /> most reasonably that the tendency of such<br /> actions must be to deprive the public of the<br /> benefit of wholesomé criticism in such matters<br /> as are of public interest. Newspapers, con-<br /> ducted with the care with which English<br /> newspapers are conducted, do not, as a rule,<br /> err in the direction of over-candid or searching<br /> criticism, even where the facts demand. it,<br /> and this, no doubt, is largely due to fear of<br /> the law being set in motion, and perhaps<br /> successfully set in motion, owing to some<br /> trifling slip or inaccuracy in an otherwise<br /> correctly revised article. No one desires to<br /> see slap-dash and indiscriminate onslaughts<br /> made upon persons or institutions deserving<br /> censure, but it cannot be for the public good<br /> that criticism should be restricted or kept<br /> out of existence by the fear of consequences<br /> wholly disproportionate to any fortuitous<br /> error which may be discovered in it.<br /> <br /> In the criticism of literature, of music, and<br /> of art, a veiled and gentle reticence may be<br /> <br /> <br /> 274<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> more agreeable to the feelings of individuals<br /> immediately affected, but» can hardly be<br /> beneficial to the public taste, stimulating to<br /> authors, or conducing to the general good of<br /> literature, art and music. This, however, is<br /> but a small section of the subject-matter upon<br /> which comment is made in newspapers and<br /> in books. For example, many persons are<br /> actively engaged in making money at the<br /> expense of the rest of their fellow men by means<br /> which vary in the degree of honesty employed.<br /> The methods of company promoters, of quack<br /> medicine vendors, of exploiters of new religions<br /> and other movements affecting the pockets or<br /> the health, bodily or otherwise, of their fellow<br /> men demand and deserve criticism in the<br /> public interest. A variety of causes contribute<br /> to their either escaping it or only obtaining it<br /> toned down to a point which renders it useless<br /> in the public interest, and it is submitted that<br /> not the least of those causes is the condition<br /> of the law with regard to libel, and the feeling<br /> that the courts are far more likely to reward<br /> the plaintiff beyond his deserts than to<br /> safeguard the defendant against oppression.<br /> As The Times observed in the article referred<br /> to even an unsuccessful action has been known<br /> to give a thoroughly profitable advertisement<br /> to the plaintiff.<br /> <br /> The other type of libel is that which arises<br /> more or less accidentally, and generally in<br /> fiction, through some foolish person fitting<br /> upon his own head a cap which may properly<br /> become him but which the unhappy defendant<br /> never intended for the personal misuse of an<br /> individual. Sometimes the fortuitous adop-<br /> tion of a name makes the supposed picture<br /> more complete by suggesting that of the<br /> injured person. If this is the case, or if other-<br /> wise one or two circumstances combine to<br /> make the likeness assured, the unhappy<br /> defendant runs a poor chance of being believed.<br /> Everyone must remember cases of this kind,<br /> in which juries have awarded damages although<br /> the defendant, an honourable man, has never<br /> swerved from his original statement that he<br /> wrote nothing which he intended to refer to<br /> the plaintiff, of whom (according to his evi-<br /> dence) he may never have heard. Cases of<br /> this kind supply some of the trivial but<br /> irritating libel actions which The Times<br /> suggests might be brought in the county court.<br /> No doubt, originally, the idea was that the<br /> possibility of a county court action for libel<br /> or slander would involve the multiplying of<br /> petty suits of this kind. That is still the chief<br /> argument against such an innovation. The<br /> <br /> Times compares petty libel actions to those<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> brought to recover small tradesmen’s bills,<br /> but the parallel is not a close one. The<br /> tradesman is not claiming an unascertained<br /> sum as damages for a supposed wrong. Still,<br /> if the change could be tried as an experiment<br /> it would be interesting, and perhaps persons<br /> obviously (even to themselves) likely to re-<br /> cover small damages only, would ‘abandon<br /> the attempt to do so if they felt that it would<br /> be imprudent to launch a High Court action.<br /> There is less publicity and less fame attaching<br /> to success in the county court. Perhaps, also,<br /> libel actions would be better tried, if it could<br /> so be provided by statute, without juries, by<br /> judges sitting alone. On the other hand,<br /> reference has been made above to sympathetic<br /> judges, and on the whole it must be said that<br /> judges have in the past shown in libel actions<br /> some leaning towards the side of the plaintiff.<br /> It used to be said at the bar of one or two<br /> occupants of the bench that they had often<br /> had to submit to criticism in the press without<br /> the opportunity to reply, and that they were<br /> taking it out of libellers whenever they got the<br /> chance. Perhaps the recent cases to which<br /> reference has been made show that a more<br /> impartial spirit now pervades the judicial<br /> bench.<br /> <br /> ANTONIO FOGAZZARO.<br /> <br /> 1<br /> <br /> IFE on earth, if taken as the sum total<br /> of all experiences and of all sensations of<br /> which we are conscious, holds much that<br /> <br /> is of the flesh and much that is of the spirit ;<br /> life everlasting, if we could conceive it in its<br /> entirety, would hold more of the spirit than of<br /> the flesh—so it is with love sacred and profane.<br /> As exponents of these different aspects of<br /> life and love in modern Italian literature, two<br /> eminent writers stand out prominently:<br /> Antonio Fogazzaro, who believes in the<br /> spiritualisation of love capable of carrying<br /> man into regions of everlasting glory beyond<br /> earthly life, and Gabriele d’ Annunzio, who<br /> stands for the materialisation of love and the<br /> gratification of desire through possession ; the<br /> first appeals to the spirit, the second to the<br /> senses. I will endeavour to followtheir thoughts<br /> in their quest after love and ts ine a without<br /> attempting to discuss their methods of reaching<br /> the ideal. Each reader knows whether he is<br /> spiritually or materialistically inclined: if<br /> he loves spiritually let him read one by one<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> the books of Fogazzaro, of which there are<br /> translations into English; if sensually, he will<br /> find food for thought in the works of Gabriele<br /> @’ Annunzio, which I will deal with in a coming<br /> issue of The Author.<br /> <br /> Antonio Fogazzaro was born in Vicenza on<br /> March 25, 1842, he wrote some verses between<br /> 1863—1872, but his first book, ‘* Miranda,”’<br /> did not appear till 1874. Then came:<br /> “ Valsolda”’? (1876), ‘‘ Malombra”’ (1881),<br /> “ Daniele Cortis ” (1885), ‘Il mistero di un<br /> Poeta”’ (1888), ‘* Piccolo mondo antico”<br /> (1896), ‘‘ Piccolo mondo moderno” (1901),<br /> “T] Santo” (1905), and “ Leila »» (1910).<br /> He died a few months after the publication<br /> of this book. He also went in for philosophical<br /> dissertations (1891—1898), which have since<br /> been collected.<br /> <br /> Fogazzaro understood life as a harmony of<br /> which music was the language; he said of it<br /> that it was a generator of vague shadows, of<br /> sentiments of joy, sorrow, desire, dismay, pity,<br /> all without definite causes, and also of superb<br /> daring and an impulsive courage to achieve<br /> the impossible. He said that the best music<br /> also suggested confused images to the imagina-<br /> tion, signifying turbidly a narration, dialogue<br /> or drama, incomprehensible in its magnitude,<br /> because the language in which it is expressed<br /> is unknown to us, and unlike any language with<br /> which we are familiar, a language far removed<br /> from daily speech, but gifted with the sound<br /> of human passions, many of which are even<br /> correctly ordered, in proper sequence, following<br /> the methods of the highest reasoning in the<br /> world.<br /> <br /> Fogazzaro’s first book, “* Miranda ’’ (1874),<br /> initiates one in his belief with regard to love,<br /> a belief which he held to the last, and which<br /> gives a special “stamp ” to all his works.<br /> He shows love as a light, a sentiment capable<br /> of lifting man to spiritual perfection through<br /> self-denial and renunciation.<br /> <br /> Some of his earlier critics condemned him<br /> for dwelling too much on lofty passions and<br /> glorified love, instead of on the love of ordinary<br /> mortals in everyday life. This may be so, but<br /> one must not overlook the fact that he held<br /> the belief that physical attraction was an<br /> instinct outside man’s will, whilst the intel-<br /> lectual power of love could be cultivated into<br /> a thing of moral beauty, which was more<br /> lasting than mere mortal life, and more<br /> powerful than instinct.<br /> <br /> In “ Miranda” the heroine is a simple girl<br /> brought up amongst the flowers of the fields.<br /> There is no hypocrisy, no study or fictitious<br /> innocence in her purity; she is pure, simply<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 275<br /> <br /> because she has never come in contact with<br /> vice, and when the man she loves discloses<br /> its existence through his materialistic and<br /> pleasure-seeking tendency, she is horrified, and<br /> her whole being rebels against it. But she<br /> cannot give up the man she loves, even though<br /> she thinks him unworthy. She is of the women<br /> who love once and for ever, but with a profound<br /> religious sentiment which holds feminine<br /> chastity supreme, and forbids her from falling<br /> in with his views. So she offers her life to the<br /> Almighty as a sacrifice, so that the man she<br /> loves may be redeemed.<br /> <br /> Her object is reached. He is redeemed through<br /> the force of moral love which, emanating from<br /> the human heart, is capable of regenerating<br /> the world. Throughout all Fogazzaro’s works<br /> the mission of love is that of conversion and<br /> redemption; human love thus becomes a<br /> path leading to divine love. This idea of<br /> the necessity for renunciation came to<br /> Fogazzaro through his conception of the<br /> immortality of the soul. He believed that<br /> the human body had evolved from a lower<br /> species, and that the soul of man, also evolved.<br /> from a rudimental, primordial soul, to a soul<br /> of transcendental beauty. He compares the<br /> birth of a soul to the striking of the hour ina<br /> clock; the hour is not complete until the<br /> clock strikes ; so at a given moment, when man<br /> reached a spiritual state capable of expression,<br /> when his hour was about to strike, with an<br /> infinitesimal change, God created in him an<br /> immortal soul which was not his before.<br /> Through this soul he can get in touch with<br /> the Supreme Being, his intellect guided by the<br /> Divine Spark making him capable of con-<br /> ceiving an abstract idea, and love lifted from<br /> a physical passion to a spiritual power.<br /> Because he believed utterly in the communion<br /> of souls, by some he was looked upon as an<br /> ascetic; because he fought all forms of<br /> limitation, and aspired to a free church for<br /> free men, with free souls capable of out-<br /> standing earthly passions, desires and sins, he<br /> was condemned by the Church as irreligious.<br /> Because in the “ Mystery of a Poet’ he<br /> declared that he saw “in every soul some<br /> reflection of an unknown light,” he was<br /> accused with dabbling in the occult and<br /> mysterious.<br /> <br /> In reality he had a pure conscience, a pure<br /> aim, and only pure art inspired him. He was<br /> rightly termed “ the Chevalier of the Spirit,”<br /> who believed in the ultimate apotheosis of all<br /> created things to a final perfect state of love,<br /> grace and beauty.<br /> <br /> Whoever reads his books may agree or<br /> 276 THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> disagree with his theories and_ principles,<br /> may find his men too perfect, and his women<br /> too frail, but whoever believes in the soul’s<br /> immortality will take fresh heart, and acquire<br /> a stronger faith in the ascension of man to<br /> perfection by Fogazzaro’s exposition of a<br /> superhuman love, which we may not have<br /> met in our lives, but for the existence of which<br /> at some time we have surely longed.<br /> <br /> E. S. Romero-Topesco.<br /> <br /> RICHARDSON’S LAW OF COPYRIGHT.*<br /> <br /> —— ++<br /> <br /> R. RICHARDSON marshals his com-<br /> ments and explanations relating to<br /> the Law of Copyright and _ the<br /> <br /> changes effected in it by the Act of 1911<br /> in a form different from that commonly<br /> adopted in legal text-books dealing with<br /> statute law. He gives as his reasons for<br /> abandoning the obvious and usual method of<br /> dealing with a branch of the law that has been<br /> codified, by commentary upon the Codifying<br /> Act, that in the first place the Copyright<br /> Act, 1911, does not lend itself easily to commen-<br /> tary. By this presumably he means that to<br /> quote sections or parts of sections of the new<br /> Act and to append to them notes explaining<br /> them and comparing their provisions with<br /> the law as it stood before they came into<br /> force or as it stands with regard to matters<br /> not affected by the new Act, is a method<br /> which he has tried and has found difficult to<br /> employ satisfactorily.<br /> <br /> In the second place, he considers that to<br /> adopt the method indicated would have<br /> involved unnecessary length, and he has<br /> preferred the task of summarising the new<br /> Act briefly where he deals with it in his notes.<br /> He further adds that it is difficult in dealing<br /> with the law of copyright to work in the old<br /> law while commenting upon the new. He,<br /> therefore, relegates the text of the Act of 1911<br /> to his first appendix, where he sets it out<br /> verbatim and commences with a short outline<br /> of the history of copyright, chiefly literary<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> * “The Law of Copyright,’ by J. B. Richardson, M.A.,<br /> LL.B. (Cantab.), of the Middle Temple and the North-<br /> Eastern Circuit, Barrister-at-Law, late holder of a student-<br /> ship awarded by the Council of Legal Education. Jordan<br /> &amp; Sons, Limited, London, 1913. Pp.390. Price, 6s. net.<br /> <br /> copyright, explaining its position before July”<br /> 1912, and summarising the principle changes<br /> which came into being on the first day of<br /> that month. Thence he proceeds to discuss.<br /> the general system now established, and<br /> lastly he treats in detail the various branches of<br /> copyright law as distinguished by the subject-<br /> matter of the right conferred. In subsequent<br /> chapters Colonial copyright is considered,<br /> and the international system arising out of the<br /> Berlin Convention and the Act of 1911.<br /> Mr. Richardson’s notes are clear and _ brief,<br /> and the form in which he has thus presented<br /> them to his readers is well adapted for the<br /> purposes of those who desire to obtain rapidly<br /> a bird’s-eye view of the law, past and present,<br /> affecting a particular point of copyright law.<br /> They would, no doubt, be convenient also to<br /> anyone desiring to study the law of copyright<br /> for the purpose of passing an examination<br /> in it. It is, however, a matter for individual<br /> opinion, how far the method followed has had<br /> as its result a text-book useful for the purpose<br /> of reference to a lawyer in practice, and how<br /> far it may be safe for an author to depart in<br /> such matters from precedents which have<br /> been tried and generally accepted.<br /> <br /> The answer to the question is not one easy for<br /> a reviewer to supply authoritatively, and must<br /> be answered rather by the barrister or solicitor<br /> who, when he has consulted a book a few times<br /> for professional purposes, will not have great<br /> difficulty in making up his mind as to whether<br /> he can find his way about in it easily, and<br /> put himself upon the track of that which he<br /> seeks to discover. At all events, Mr. Richard-<br /> son’s work contains a good deal of useful<br /> information within a moderate compass. We<br /> note that he condemns as a very doubtful<br /> experiment the system of royalties introduced<br /> in section 8, and the liberty given to republish<br /> without leave of the owner of the copyright<br /> twenty-five years after the author’s death,<br /> an experiment tried with a view to the con-<br /> ciliation of those who objected to a lengthened<br /> term of copyright, which certainly will not<br /> have the merit of simplifying the conditions<br /> of book publishing. ;<br /> <br /> He also condemns the limitations of the<br /> subject-matter of copyright laid down in<br /> section 1, sub-section 1, of the Act, but does<br /> not suggest that it prescribes a narrower area<br /> of protection than prevails in other countries,<br /> an aspect of the situation which presumably<br /> was taken into consideration when the section<br /> was framed. The rules made under the<br /> new Act will be found with other necessary_or<br /> useful information in an appendix.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 277<br /> CORRESPONDENCE.<br /> <br /> Oe<br /> <br /> AN AMERICAN “ WRITER&#039;S YEAR<br /> BOOK.’”*<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> 1,001 addresses of places where manu-<br /> scripts can be sold, or any other<br /> } pumber,is not —. nor does this particular<br /> ti much matter. It must be presumed that a<br /> | title of this sort makes an appeal to some<br /> or it would not have been chosen ; yet<br /> pad that to others it may not seem quite<br /> bon ton. The work is intended as a guide<br /> essentially for writers on the other side of the<br /> ‘Atlantic, and the greater number of its pages<br /> are justly devoted to periodicals published in<br /> the United States. We are able to judge of<br /> the value of its information respecting such<br /> publications only by inference. In the case<br /> ‘of the journals with which we are acquainted<br /> the information is correct and the advice a<br /> . The chapter devoted to “ English<br /> Magazines that ty American MSS.” is dis-<br /> ey = done. The general hints given in<br /> preface are also admirable. There can<br /> be no doubt that the classification of the<br /> various periodicals into chapters (** Advertising<br /> ogg [ oo Journals,” and so<br /> h) has its advantages; but it has dis-<br /> Advantages also; as it is not always an casy<br /> ‘Matter to find any particular journal that is<br /> seg We _. that the work would be<br /> Much improved by an index. The work<br /> eontains a chapter dedicated to ‘‘ Publishers<br /> Books,” in which “ the endeavour has been<br /> have this a list of publishers of standing.”<br /> yang that this chapter may be of value<br /> ne ish authors, independently of other<br /> ‘Mivice respecting openings on the other side<br /> the Atlantic which they will find in the work.<br /> gre that English work is not very likely<br /> accepted appears, however, to be fairly<br /> penn preferences expressed for “* Ameri-<br /> th, i. New England Stories,” aud so<br /> ong “Fraternal Publications ”’<br /> <br /> What they may be we do not know) the Red<br /> . en&#039;s Official Journal “ do [sic] not use matter<br /> t than that we dig up or is furnished by<br /> co. from members of the order.”<br /> ‘ournal, e official announcement of the<br /> for which the editor of ‘ 1,001<br /> <br /> : a Manuscripts must not be held<br /> <br /> W voor ad there are really in this work<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> . “100<br /> + Ba; 1 Places to Sell Manuscripts.”<br /> <br /> i Ninth edition.<br /> itor Company, Ridgewood, New Jersey. 1913.<br /> <br /> AUTHOR AND AGENT.<br /> <br /> Dear Sir,—In the last month I have had<br /> three separate firms of agents ‘‘ butting in”<br /> to my business. They come to me with<br /> proposals of remarkable magnificence from<br /> Messrs. A. and Messrs. B., and so forth. Why<br /> Messrs. A. and Messrs. B., and so forth, do not<br /> communicate directly with me, I cannot under-<br /> stand. Whatever I am prepared to sell to<br /> Messrs. A., B., and so on, for £100 I shall<br /> obviously want £110 for, if they insist upon the<br /> intervention of Messrs. Agency, Clause &amp; Co.<br /> I know of no way of stopping this increasing<br /> nuisance of agents, except by proclaiming<br /> clearly that, like all saucibhs authors, I do not<br /> employ agents except for specific jobs. There<br /> is, | believe, a growing tendency on the part of<br /> agents to go to firms of publishers and represent<br /> themselves with no authority at all as acting<br /> on an author’s behalf. I am not lawyer<br /> enough to determine how far that is illegal, but,<br /> at any rate, it is one that needs to be violently<br /> discouraged at the present time.<br /> <br /> Very sincerely Yours,<br /> H. G. WELLs.<br /> <br /> UNREVIEWED Books.<br /> <br /> Dear Srr,—lI have been much interested in<br /> the article and letters regarding “ Unreviewed<br /> Books ” that have appeared in your columns.<br /> If for one moment your correspondents would<br /> place themselves in the position of the dis-<br /> tressed literary editor, they would refrain from<br /> suggesting such impossible alternatives to the<br /> present system as (a) the sending of stamps<br /> for the return of books that have not been<br /> reviewed, or (b) that the editors should write<br /> to publishers stating what books they can<br /> notice.<br /> <br /> To take the first of these two suggestions.<br /> Last year there were nearly 13,000 books<br /> published, of which the principal papers<br /> received in all probably not less than 10,000,<br /> Imagine the additional Jabour involved in<br /> sorting out ten thousand lots of stamps!<br /> Then what is to become of the stamps sent<br /> with those books that are reviewed ? If they<br /> are to be returned also, there would be the<br /> writing of 10,000 envelopes or labels.<br /> <br /> The other suggestion that editors should<br /> write and state what books they can review 18<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 278<br /> <br /> ve impracticable. Suppose an editor<br /> oe aanon ae a mabiishee&#039;s list “* Golden<br /> Agates,” a novel by James Blank, and he has<br /> never heard of James Blank, how in the name<br /> of all that is inspired can he tell whether or no<br /> he be prepared to give space to reviewing the<br /> book? The lot of the literary editor is suffi-<br /> ciently difficult without our adding to the<br /> burden of his responsibilities.<br /> <br /> Authors and publishers must be sportsmen<br /> and optimists, and if they be men of the<br /> literary world also they will appreciate that<br /> everybody connected with books is keenly on<br /> the look out for that which is good. If only<br /> a small percentage of the copies sent out for<br /> review produces notices, then the book does<br /> not appear to the literary editors to be a work<br /> likely to interest their readers. An editor is<br /> in every sense of the word the servant of the<br /> public. He must fill his columns with attractive<br /> matter. He can guide his readers to some<br /> extent ; but on the whole he has to consider<br /> what the public wants. I know many literary<br /> editors, and that in the triple capacity of<br /> author, reviewer and publisher, and I have a<br /> profound admiration for their ability and fair-<br /> ness.<br /> <br /> One point that seems to have been over-<br /> looked is that all the books sent in are acknow-<br /> ledged under the heading of ‘“ Books Re-<br /> ceived.” If your correspondents will remember<br /> that there are some thirteen thousand books<br /> yearly endeavouring to storm the slopes of<br /> Parnassus, they will realise that of necessity<br /> there must be a list of slain and wounded.<br /> <br /> If a book fail to get a place do not let us<br /> regard it as wasted; but rather that as an<br /> ‘also ran ” it has helped to make the pace for<br /> the others. This requires a Spartan philosophy<br /> with erhaps some admixture of humour ; but<br /> it will prove very comforting.<br /> <br /> I am, Sir,<br /> Your obedient Servant,<br /> HERBERT JENKINS,<br /> <br /> +<br /> <br /> CONCERNING “ Cart ATHLETICS,”<br /> <br /> IN a recent number J é :<br /> <br /> : of the New York Times<br /> se Supplement Mr. Grant Richards<br /> sere “at — - the methods employed by<br /> <br /> 4 ‘ American ishers -<br /> trast a te sae publishers, and con<br /> odious features of the English Jjte ,<br /> is the fiction that has paid to Sop bl<br /> <br /> The first question js; i}<br /> <br /> that “ one of the most<br /> market<br /> t published.”<br /> pays to<br /> <br /> Tho be<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> published—and why? And the second : What<br /> publishers accept payment Webes<br /> why ?<br /> <br /> Answer (to the first question): Who<br /> to be published, and why ?<br /> of this paper, has paid. Paid twice.<br /> to an American publisher and once<br /> English one for publishing Justice&#039;s novels,<br /> Justice wrote as a free lance for twenty vears—<br /> for money. Yet, until Mr. Wells enlightened<br /> his fellow-craftsmen in the May Author<br /> Justice had supposed the unknown novelist<br /> always paid to publish because 80 informed<br /> Justice’s publishers. In each case, too, wit<br /> the exception of the publishers’ obligato<br /> announcements of fortheoming productions,<br /> Justice was inveigled into “ doing the adver.<br /> tising ” because * decent publishers don’t like<br /> descending to the tricks of the trade.”<br /> also consented to the 13 as 12 clause, to six<br /> ‘“author’s copies ”—and bought in, “at the<br /> lowest possible author&#039;s rates,” copies to<br /> bestow upon “friends” who couk n&#039;t—or<br /> wouldn&#039;t buy. For having the first novel<br /> published, in America, Justice was asked to<br /> pay, and paid, $330. For publishing the<br /> second novel, in London, Justice paid £98,<br /> Answer to the second question : What pub-<br /> lishers accept payment for publishing? The<br /> names of aforesaid publishers are at the disposi-<br /> tion of any serious literary worker requiring<br /> useful information for self-protection, from<br /> Justice, through the Authors’ Society.<br /> <br /> In answer to why the publishers exact<br /> money from novices? Well—ask the pub-<br /> lishers !<br /> <br /> Dear Fettow-Autnors,—Can’t we be-<br /> ginners in our beloved profession hence-<br /> forward, to defeat the “ shark ” publisher,<br /> establish a league to be known as the Wells<br /> League that has for its ideal agreement the<br /> one Mr. Wells advises, and for its actual one<br /> something just as near it as feasible ?<br /> <br /> Mr. Wells writes: ** The ideal thing for the<br /> author to do is to fix up a standing agreement<br /> on the lines I have given above with a big<br /> solvent firm—and think no more of these<br /> things.”’<br /> <br /> Did Mr. Wells “think no more of these<br /> things” in the days before he, on his. own<br /> terms, advertised the publishers—gratis?<br /> <br /> Won’t Mr. Wells tell us somet hing of -<br /> “green and salad” experiences with Pho<br /> lishers ? We can’t write as he does. ;<br /> can? But Napoleon was no less Na —<br /> St. Helena than at Corsica, was he? at Wate<br /> than at Austerlitz. Jou<br /> <br /> to publish, andi<br /> <br /> Justice, the writer}<br /> Onee }<br /> to anf<br /> <br /> Justice &amp;<br /> <br /> egypt, The Author
530 Author, Vol. 23 Issue 10 (July 1913)<a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=49&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=%3Cem%3EThe+Author%3C%2Fem%3E%2C+Vol.+23+Issue+10+%28July+1913%29"><em>The Author</em>, Vol. 23 Issue 10 (July 1913)</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=51&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=Publication">Publication</a>1913-07-01-The-Author-23-10279–312<a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=89&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=23">23</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=76&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=1913-07-01">1913-07-01</a>1019130701Che BMutbor.<br /> <br /> (The Organ of the Incorporated Society of Authors.<br /> <br /> FOUNDED BY SIR<br /> <br /> Monthly.)<br /> <br /> WALTER BESANT.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> VoL. X XIII.—No. 10.<br /> <br /> JULY 1, 1913.<br /> <br /> [PRICE SIXPENCE.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> TELEPHONE NUMBER:<br /> 874 VICTORIA.<br /> <br /> TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS :<br /> AUTORIDAD, LONDON.<br /> <br /> ————__—__+____—__-<br /> <br /> NOTICES.<br /> <br /> +<br /> <br /> oh OR the opinions expressed in papers that<br /> <br /> are signed or initialled the authors alone<br /> <br /> are responsible. None of the papers or<br /> <br /> paragraphs must be taken as expressing the<br /> <br /> opinion of the Committee unless such is<br /> especially stated to be the case.<br /> <br /> Tur Editor begs to inform members of the<br /> Authors’ Society and other readers of The<br /> Author that the cases which are quoted in The<br /> Author are cases that have come before the<br /> notice or to the knowledge of the Secretary of<br /> the Society, and that those members of the<br /> Society who desire to have the names of the<br /> publishers concerned can obtain them on<br /> application.<br /> <br /> ARTICLES AND CONTRIBUTIONS.<br /> <br /> Tur Editor of The Author begs to remind<br /> members of the Society that, although the<br /> paper is sent to them free of cost, its production<br /> would be a very heavy charge on the resources<br /> of the Society if a great many members did not<br /> forward to the Secretary the modest 5s. 6d.<br /> subscription for the year.<br /> <br /> Communications for The Author should be<br /> addressed to the offices of the Society, 1, Cen-<br /> tral Buildings, Tothill Street, Westminster,<br /> S.W., and should reach the Editor not later<br /> than the 21st of each month.<br /> <br /> Communications and letters are invited by<br /> the Editor on all literary matters treated from<br /> <br /> Vou. XXIII.<br /> <br /> the standpoint of art or business, but on no<br /> other subjects whatever. Every effort will be<br /> made to return articles which cannot be<br /> accepted.<br /> <br /> ADVERTISEMENTS.<br /> <br /> On and after June 13 Messrs. Matthews’<br /> Advertising Service, Staple Inn Buildings,<br /> High Holborn, W.C., will act as agents for<br /> advertisements for “The Author.” All<br /> communications respecting advertisements<br /> after that date should be addressed to them.<br /> <br /> As there seems to be an impression among<br /> readers of The Author that the Committee are<br /> personally responsible for the bona fides of the<br /> advertisers, the Committee desire it to be stated<br /> that this is not, and could not possibly be, the<br /> case. Although care is exercised that no<br /> undesirable advertisements be inserted, they<br /> do not accept, and never have accepted, any<br /> liability.<br /> <br /> Members should apply to the Secretary for<br /> advice if special information is desired.<br /> <br /> —_____+——« ——<br /> <br /> THE SOCIETY’S FUNDS.<br /> <br /> —+—~&lt;— +<br /> <br /> 4 ROM time to time members of the Society<br /> desire to make donations to its funds in<br /> recognition of work that has been done<br /> for them. The Committee, acting on the<br /> suggestion of one of these members, have<br /> decided to place this permanent paragraph in<br /> The Author in order that members may be<br /> cognisant of those funds to which these con-<br /> tributions may be paid.<br /> <br /> The funds suitable for this purpose are:<br /> (1) The Capital Fund. This fund is kept in<br /> reserve in case it is necessary for the Society to<br /> incur heavy expenditure, either in fighting a<br /> question of principle, or in assisting to obtain<br /> copyright reform, or in dealing with any other<br /> <br /> #9<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 282<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> length, given way on both points, and the<br /> accounts had been duly vouched in accordance<br /> with the Society’s desire. The report of the<br /> Society’s accountant had been received.<br /> <br /> A question of infringement of copyright,<br /> which the Society had previously been unable<br /> to take up, was again brought before the com-<br /> mittee, as fresh evidence was now at the dis-<br /> posal of the complainant. The solicitor was<br /> instructed to inquire into the new evidence and<br /> to report to the next meeting. The solicitor<br /> reported on another case in the High Court,<br /> which will, most probably, be settled before<br /> this record appears, and that in another action<br /> the debt and costs had been paid.<br /> <br /> The next dispute referred to the proper<br /> rendering of accounts. Owing to the errors<br /> that had occurred, the committee decided to<br /> place in an accountant, when all the items<br /> would be properly vouched. The solicitors<br /> then reported on a claim by one of the members<br /> against a publishing firm, and stated that they<br /> had issued a writ, but that it was possible the<br /> firm would be unable to pay, in which case it<br /> might be necessary to take some further steps.<br /> A question of infringement of dramatic copy-<br /> right the solicitors hoped to be able to settle,<br /> as they had been in communication with<br /> the defendants’ solicitors with this in view.<br /> Another claim for infringement of dramatic<br /> copyright was before the committee, and the<br /> solicitors were able to report that they were in<br /> negotiation with the defendant and hoped to<br /> be able to settle the matter satisfactorily. A<br /> claim for a member for money for work done<br /> under a contract was next considered, and the<br /> committee decided to go forward with it.<br /> A dispute on the interpretation of a contract,<br /> on which the solicitors had been advising, was<br /> fully gone into, and the solicitors explained<br /> what they considered to be the legal aspect of<br /> the case. It was decided by the committee<br /> that the solicitors should write and report to<br /> the member concerned, with a view to deciding<br /> as to the course it might be necessary to take.<br /> <br /> The secretary then detailed a complaint<br /> raised by one of the members in regard to the<br /> publication of advertisements by publishers in<br /> the 6d. editions of authors’ novels. The com-<br /> mittee gave a careful consideration to the issue,<br /> and instructed the secretary to write to the<br /> member.<br /> <br /> The committee decided to take up a case of<br /> infringement of the dramatic rights of one of<br /> the members if it was not possible to come to<br /> an amicable arrangement.<br /> <br /> In two complaints by members of the Society<br /> against certain agents for malconduct, one of the<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> members agreed to make further inquiries and<br /> report to the next meeting. The committee<br /> considered the issues were of serious import-<br /> ance. It was decided to take two cases up in<br /> France, one being for infringement of copy-<br /> right and the other a claim for accounts<br /> undelivered. A case of gross infringement in<br /> America was considered, and the secretary was<br /> instructed to write to ascertain what action<br /> could be taken. Finally, the secretary laid<br /> before the committee an article dealing with a<br /> publisher’s agreement, and received instruc-<br /> tions to print the article in The Author.<br /> <br /> The question of cinematography was fully<br /> discussed, and it was suggested it might be<br /> desirable to appoint a sub-committee. On the<br /> report of the secretary, however, it was<br /> decided to leave the matter in the hands of the<br /> Dramatic Sub-Committee.<br /> <br /> Mr. Theodore Holland was elected a member<br /> of the Composers’ Sub-Committee, at the<br /> suggestion of that committee.<br /> <br /> The secretary reported the action he had<br /> taken in regard to international copyright, at<br /> an interview with certain important members<br /> of the Publishers’ Association, with a view to<br /> joint action being taken, if necessary. He<br /> reported also, in the same connection, that<br /> considerable difficulty had arisen in Holland<br /> owing to the fact that the Dutch had only<br /> recently joined the International Copyright<br /> Convention. It was decided to obtain a legal<br /> opinion from a Dutch lawyer on certain<br /> important points affecting dramatic produc-<br /> tions in that country.<br /> <br /> It was decided to rent a room for the regis-<br /> tration of scenarios, at a cost of £2 2s. per<br /> annum, as the secretary explained that the<br /> register was increasing beyond the limits of<br /> the room at the Society’s disposal.<br /> <br /> The committee decided to print in The<br /> Author from time to time the names and<br /> addresses of the dramatic agents appointed by<br /> the Society, for the guidance of members who<br /> might desire agents to act on their behalf,<br /> <br /> The secretary reported that, since February,<br /> the following had joined the Society as life<br /> members :—Gerald S. Dunn, Miles Franklin,<br /> E. Thompson Seton, Paul Hasluck, The Rev.<br /> W. Temple, Harold Cross.<br /> <br /> ee<br /> AUTHORS AND EDITORS.<br /> <br /> {cae adjourned meeting of the Committee<br /> of Management and Editors was held<br /> <br /> at Central Buildings, Tothill Street, on<br /> Thursday, June 19. The following resolution,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> which had been embodied and sent round in a<br /> circular, was accepted by the editors whose<br /> names are printed below.<br /> <br /> Resolution.<br /> <br /> ‘&lt;The authors and artists whose articles,<br /> stories, or drawings may have been accepted,<br /> shall be paid for those accepted articles,<br /> stories, or drawings, at the next official pay-<br /> day after the publication, or within six<br /> months from the date of acceptance of such<br /> articles, stories, or drawings, whichever is<br /> the shorter period.”<br /> <br /> In favour.<br /> <br /> J. T. Herbert Bailey, The Connoisseur.<br /> Vivian Carter, The Byestander.<br /> <br /> F. Chalmers Dixon, English Review.<br /> <br /> L. J. Maxse, National Review.<br /> *G. W. Prothero, Quarterly Review.<br /> <br /> Harold Cox, Edinburgh Review.<br /> <br /> C. E. S. Chambers, Chambers’ Journal.<br /> <br /> F. H. Fisher, Literary W orld.<br /> <br /> Chas. Hyatt-Woolfe, Science Siftings.<br /> <br /> G. Binney Dibblee, The Field ; The Queen.<br /> <br /> * There was a reservation by the Editor of The Quarterly<br /> Review that the word “ shall” should be altered to “ should.”<br /> <br /> After this resolution had been put forward,<br /> it was proposed—owing to the fact that many<br /> editors, while approving the spirit of the<br /> resolution, objected to the letter, and that no<br /> voice was raised in opposition to the principle<br /> of obtaining a more uniform and businesslike<br /> practice—to discuss, either by circular or by<br /> means of an adjourned meeting later in the<br /> year, the following :—<br /> <br /> “We consider that it should be under-<br /> stood by all authors and artists whose con-<br /> tributions have been accepted, that they<br /> shall be entitled to make requisition for pay-<br /> ment at any period six months after such<br /> acceptance, and that such requisition shall<br /> not be considered in any way contrary to<br /> established precedent.”<br /> <br /> It is hoped by the Committee that it will be<br /> possible to get a still larger number of editors<br /> to consent to this more elastic resolution,<br /> which will give great relief to contributors.<br /> Many editors are quite willing to pay within a<br /> reasonable time if they are asked, but they<br /> fail to understand the author’s point of view.<br /> It is not so much natural modesty, as a fear—<br /> in many cases, we regret to say, well-founded—<br /> that any step they may take to disturb the<br /> equanimity of the editor will result in their<br /> future contributions being set aside.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 283<br /> <br /> Another point was put forward, which the<br /> committee hope to deal with in the autumn,<br /> namely, the possibility of arranging between<br /> authors and editors some form of conditional<br /> acceptance in those cases where editors feel<br /> they could not give an immediate and uncon-<br /> ditional decision. ;<br /> <br /> The committee beg to tender their very<br /> grateful thanks to those editors who have so<br /> courteously responded, not only for the interest<br /> they have shown in the issues, but also for the<br /> willingness expressed by them to arrive at a<br /> uniform and businesslike arrangement with<br /> the contributors to magazines.<br /> <br /> DRAMATIC SUB-COMMITTEE.<br /> <br /> THE June meeting of the Dramatic Sub-<br /> Committee was held at the offices of the<br /> Society of Authors on Friday, the 20th of that<br /> month, at 3 o’clock.<br /> <br /> Following the signing of the minutes of the<br /> previous meeting, a discussion took place as to<br /> the collection of fees on amateur performances.<br /> Mr. Cyril Hogg, of Messrs. Samuel French, Ltd.,<br /> was kind enough to attend and confer with the<br /> sub-committee on the subject.<br /> <br /> The next matter—one of considerable im-<br /> portance—was a dispute between certain<br /> members of the Society and their agents. The<br /> full details of the case were placed before the<br /> sub-committee and discussed, and a recom-<br /> mendation was passed to the Committee of<br /> Management that the facts of the case should<br /> be put forward in The Author for the protection<br /> of other members.<br /> <br /> The delegates appointed to meet the West<br /> End managers reported what had occurred at<br /> the meeting, and the secretary laid before the<br /> sub-committee the draft of the Managerial<br /> Treaty, with the notes he had made when the<br /> clauses were being discussed. It was decided<br /> to reconsider the matter at the next meeting of<br /> the sub-committee, which was fixed for Friday,<br /> July 11.<br /> <br /> The secretary reported that the model agree-<br /> ment, which the sub-committee had instructed<br /> him to draft, was not, as yet, in its completed<br /> form, and it was decided that this matter<br /> should also be adjourned to the next meeting.<br /> <br /> On the question of foreign agents one or two<br /> letters were laid before the sub-committee, and<br /> the secretary received instructions to write for<br /> further information as to the issues and the<br /> terms.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 284<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Composers’ Sus-CoMMITTEE.<br /> <br /> THE Composers’ Sub-Committee met on<br /> Saturday, June 14, at 11 o’clock, at the offices<br /> of the Society, 1 Central Buildings, Tothill<br /> Street, Westminster, S.W.<br /> <br /> After the minutes of the previous meeting<br /> had been read, the answers to the circular<br /> sent round to composers were considered.<br /> These answers were classified and catalogued,<br /> and the Committee were very pleased to note<br /> that the answers received were almost unani-<br /> mous. It was proposed to make a full state-<br /> ment in the October issue of The Author,<br /> and also to call a conference of composers<br /> some time in the Autumn to determine what<br /> course should be taken to draw members of<br /> the profession closer together. It was agreed<br /> that a regular circular should be sent out<br /> to as large a number of composers as possible<br /> with a full list of agenda.<br /> <br /> A discussion then arose concerning the<br /> appointment of an agent in Germany for the<br /> collection of mechanical instrument fees in<br /> that country, and it was decided to accept the<br /> terms of the Anstalt fur Mechanisch Musi-<br /> kalische Rechte, known in Germany under the<br /> short title of ‘‘ the Ammre.”’<br /> <br /> —— 1<br /> <br /> Cases,<br /> <br /> THE number of cases from month to month<br /> has varied but little recently. During the<br /> month of June seventeen cases have come into<br /> the hands of the secretary. Of these four refer<br /> to disputes on agreements. It is pleasing to<br /> think that they can very often be settled by the<br /> informal arbitration of the Society. Out of the<br /> four three have already been settled, but one<br /> has only recently come to the office.<br /> <br /> Four cases of infringement of copyright have<br /> occurred, and two of these have been settled,<br /> while two are still in course of negotiation, one<br /> lying in the U.S.A.<br /> <br /> Three claims for money have come before<br /> the secretary; of these, one is eoncluded, one<br /> has had to be placed in the hands of the<br /> Society’s solicitors, and most probably the third<br /> will also have to go into the lawyers’ hands, as<br /> the party has refused to answer any of the<br /> Society’s letters.<br /> <br /> In three claims for money and accounts, one<br /> has been settled, but the other two are in an<br /> unsatisfactory position as no answer has been<br /> forthcoming ; these will also, most probably,<br /> have to be placed into the solicitors’ hands.<br /> Two claims for the return of MSS. are still<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> open. The last case was one for the delivery<br /> of accounts. The accounts have been delivered<br /> and the matter settled.<br /> <br /> It will be seen, therefore, that out of the<br /> seventeen cases eight have already been<br /> settled.<br /> <br /> This is very satisfactory. The remainder<br /> will no doubt be settled during the coming<br /> month.<br /> <br /> Of the cases open from the preceding months,<br /> there are three, two for money and accounts,<br /> and one referring to a negotiation for transla-<br /> tion rights. They are all in foreign countries,<br /> two lying in France and one in the U.S.A.<br /> Most probably one of the cases in France will<br /> have to be handed over to our lawyers in<br /> Paris, as no answer has been received to the<br /> letters of demand. The matter is at present<br /> waiting for an answer from the author.<br /> <br /> It may be chronicled incidentally here,<br /> though the solicitors’ cases are not generally<br /> included under this head, that during the last<br /> month the Society has been successful in the<br /> case of Corelli and Gray and Pett Ridge and<br /> the English Illustrated.<br /> <br /> Elections.<br /> <br /> Ballantyne, J. W.,M.D. 19, Rothesay Ter-<br /> race, Edinburgh.<br /> Dye House, Thurs-<br /> ley, Godalming.<br /> 5, Suffolk Place, Pall<br /> <br /> Mall, S.W.<br /> c/o Cecil Broderick,<br /> <br /> Barlow, Hilaré<br /> Brandon, J ocelyn<br /> <br /> Broderick, Mrs. Mary .<br /> <br /> Esq., 63, Queen<br /> Victoria Street,<br /> E.C.<br /> <br /> Bruce, Miss Mary Grant Lyceum Club, 128,<br /> Piccadilly, W.<br /> 5, Sheen Gate Gar-<br /> <br /> dens, East Sheen,<br /> <br /> Buckle, Henry<br /> <br /> S.W.<br /> Bullard, Arthur . cio The Macmillan<br /> Co., 64, Fifth<br /> <br /> Avenue, New York<br /> City, U.S.A:<br /> <br /> Burckhardt, Mrs. Bel Ai, Tillington,<br /> (“ Frances Burke- Stafford.<br /> Hart”)<br /> Cragg, Edward Henry . Billingboro’, Fock-<br /> ingham, Lincoln:<br /> shire.<br /> <br /> Crawford, Mrs. Maynard 113, Constable Road,<br /> (‘* Amy G. Baker ’’) Ipswich.<br /> Doyle, Miss Ruby Mackay Street, Dun-<br /> gog, N.S.W.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Heydemann,<br /> <br /> Johnson,<br /> <br /> Lineham,<br /> <br /> Mrs.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Dunbar, Lady of Moch-<br /> rum.<br /> Getty, Miss Alice<br /> <br /> Harris, William<br /> <br /> Charles<br /> H., Ph.D.<br /> <br /> Hill, Roland<br /> <br /> Hobhouse, L. T. .<br /> <br /> Arthur<br /> Tysilio.<br /> <br /> Andrew<br /> Wood, M.A.<br /> <br /> Lodge, Arthur<br /> <br /> 7 Low, Miss Ivy<br /> <br /> Macgowan, John<br /> <br /> Marshall, Miss Cicily<br /> <br /> Maxwell, Richard<br /> <br /> Drummond, M.D.<br /> <br /> Monsell, G. R.<br /> <br /> Moore, Paymaster John<br /> Gc, HN... (Retd.)<br /> (‘‘ M. Areno ’’).<br /> Mulliner, May<br /> <br /> Alee. Dobbin<br /> (‘‘ Page, Gertrude”’) .<br /> <br /> * Norma Karl” .<br /> <br /> Pearce, Charles E. :<br /> <br /> Piazzani Romolo<br /> <br /> Redmayne, P. Y.<br /> <br /> Scott, Mrs. Dawson<br /> <br /> Sneyd-Kynnersley, E.<br /> M.<br /> Spearing, H. G.<br /> <br /> Spence, Lewis<br /> <br /> Stockley, Mrs. Cynthia<br /> (“* Cynthia Stockley ’’)<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Earnbank, Bridge of<br /> Earn, N.B.<br /> <br /> 75, Av. des Champs<br /> Elysées, Paris.<br /> <br /> *“Combe Blythe,”<br /> 73, Chambercombe<br /> Road, Ilfracombe.<br /> <br /> 165, Seymour Place,<br /> W.<br /> <br /> Author&#039;s Club, 2,<br /> Whitehall Court,<br /> S.W.<br /> <br /> 7, Broadlands Road,<br /> Highgate.<br /> <br /> Llys Llewelyn, Con-<br /> way, N. Wales.<br /> 62, Stanmore Road,<br /> <br /> Birmingham.<br /> <br /> 257, Maidstone Road,<br /> <br /> Rochester.<br /> <br /> Needham<br /> Suffolk.<br /> <br /> Castlerigg<br /> Keswick.<br /> <br /> 41, Wimpole Street,<br /> W.<br /> <br /> 9, Foulis<br /> Onslow<br /> S.W.<br /> <br /> ‘* Brooms,”’<br /> ing.<br /> <br /> Market,<br /> <br /> Manor,<br /> <br /> Terrace,<br /> Square,<br /> <br /> Worth-<br /> <br /> Park Gates Club,<br /> Hyde Park Corner,<br /> S.W.<br /> <br /> Capital and Counties<br /> Bank, Newent,<br /> Glos.<br /> <br /> 83, Merton Avenue,<br /> Chiswick, W.<br /> <br /> Ryton Hall, Shifnal.<br /> <br /> Harden, King Street,<br /> Southall.<br /> <br /> 5, Hornsey Lane<br /> Gardens, High-<br /> gate, N.<br /> <br /> 6, Sylvan<br /> Edinburgh.<br /> <br /> Lyceum Club, W.<br /> <br /> Place,<br /> <br /> -Inpian ARCHITECTURE.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 285<br /> <br /> Symons, Major F. Gos-<br /> MOB. R.A M-C.<br /> <br /> Thomas, Mrs. Fanny S.<br /> <br /> A., Fort Roaner,<br /> port.<br /> <br /> clo Messrs. Brown,<br /> Shipley &amp; Co., 122,<br /> Pall Mall, S.W.<br /> <br /> Prestwick, Witley,<br /> Surrey.<br /> <br /> ** Shillay,”’ Exeter.<br /> <br /> 22, Redcross Street,<br /> Rochdale.<br /> <br /> 84, Lexham Gardens,<br /> W.<br /> <br /> 10, Clifford’s<br /> W.C.<br /> <br /> 6, Mortlake Road,<br /> Kew.<br /> <br /> Bank Chambers, 111,<br /> New OxfordStreet,<br /> W.C.<br /> <br /> Webster, Mrs. Arthur .<br /> <br /> Wheatley, E. Pearse<br /> Wild, Alfred G.<br /> <br /> Wilde, A. D.<br /> Williams, Robert Inn,<br /> <br /> Wills, J. T.<br /> <br /> Wimperis, Arthur<br /> <br /> it<br /> <br /> BOOKS PUBLISHED BY MEMBERS.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> While every effort is made by the compilers to keep<br /> this list as accurate and exhaustive as possible, they have<br /> some difficulty in attaining this object owing to the fact<br /> that many of the books mentioned are not sent to the office<br /> by the members. In consequence, it is necessary to rely<br /> largely upon lists of books which appear in literary and<br /> other papers. It is hoped, however, that members will<br /> co-operate in the compiling of this list, and, by sending<br /> particulars of their works, help to make it substantially<br /> accurate.<br /> <br /> ARCHAIOLOGY.<br /> <br /> Tue Hawara Portrotto. Paintings of the Roman Age.<br /> Found by W. M. Frrypers Petrie (British School of<br /> Archeology in Egypt and Egyptian Research Account,<br /> Nineteenth Year, 1913). 124 x 10.<br /> <br /> ARCHITECTURE.<br /> <br /> Its Psychology, Structure and<br /> History from the First Muhamadan Invasion to the<br /> Present Day. By E. B. Haverty. 260 pp. Murray.<br /> 30s. n.<br /> <br /> ART.<br /> <br /> VisvAKARMA. Examples of Indian Architecture, Sculp-<br /> ture, Painting, Handicraft. Chosen by A. W. Cooma-<br /> RASwAMy, D.Sc. Part IV. 11 x 8}. Luzac. 2s. 6d.<br /> <br /> Srort rn Art. An Iconography of Sport during Four<br /> Hundred Years from the Beginning of the Fifteenth to<br /> the End of the Eighteenth Centuries. By W. A.<br /> Bane Gronman. 13 x 10. 422 pp. Ballantyne.<br /> £2 2s. n.<br /> <br /> THE RENAISSANCE AND Its MAKeERs.<br /> and §S. L. Brnsusan. 94 x 63.<br /> 10s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> By J. W. Symon<br /> 456 pp. Jack.<br /> <br /> BIOGRAPHY.<br /> <br /> Tan Lirr or Joun Bricut. By Grorce MAcauLay<br /> TREVELYAN. 9 x 53. 480 pp. Constable. 15s. n.<br /> Oscar Wipe. A Critical Study. By A. Ransome.<br /> (C heap Edition.) 7 x 4}. 234 pp. Methuen, Is. n,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 286<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Tue Earty Lire or Motrxe. A Lecture delivered before<br /> the University of Oxford, May 10th, 1913. By Sprnour<br /> Witxinson, Chichele Professor of Military History.<br /> 9 x 6. 28 pp. Oxford: Clarendon Press. London :<br /> Frowde &amp; Milford. Is. n.<br /> <br /> “Potty Pzacnum.” Being the Story of Lavinia Fenton<br /> (Duchess of Bolton) and “The Beggar&#039;s Opera.” By<br /> C. E. Prarce. 9 x 5}. 382 pp. Stanley Paul. 16s. n.<br /> <br /> “J”: A Memoir or Jonn Wits CLARK. By A. E.<br /> Suiptey. 9 x 5}. 362 pp. Smith Elder. 10s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> Mapame Royatz, Daveurer or Louis XVI., anp Marre<br /> <br /> AntorneTTs. HzR YourH AND Marriage. From the<br /> French of Ernest Daudet. By Mrs. Ropotpu STawELL.<br /> 9 x 6. 264 pp. Heinemann. 10s. n.<br /> BOOKS OF REFERENCE.<br /> French Purases. By Gorpon Davyson. 54 x 32°<br /> 134 pp. Nutt. Is.n.<br /> CLASSICAL.<br /> <br /> Tue Ruxsus or Evrreepss. Translated into English<br /> Rhyming Verse with Explanatory Notes. By GiLBErt<br /> <br /> Murray, LL.D., D.Litt. 7h x 5. 67 pp. Allen.<br /> 28. n.<br /> DRAMA.<br /> Cyprus (According to Dinon 460 B.C.). A Fabulous<br /> <br /> Tragedy in Prologue and Four Acts. By J. Marriorr<br /> Hopexiys. 73x 5. 90 pp. John Long. Qs. 6d. n,<br /> <br /> EDUCATIONAL.<br /> <br /> THE StupDENT’s ELEMENTARY CoMMERCIAL BOOK-KEEPING.<br /> Seventeenth Edition. By Arrnur FIELDHOUSE.<br /> 74 x 43. 358 pp. Simpkin. 2s.<br /> <br /> THe STUDENT&#039;S ComMPLETE ComMERCIAL BOOK-KEEPING.<br /> AccounTING AND Banxina. Eighteenth Edition. By<br /> ARTHUR FIELDHOUSE. 7} x 43. 902 pp. Simpkin.<br /> 4s.<br /> <br /> Tue StrupEent’s Business MretTnops or ComMMERCTAL<br /> PRACTICE AND CORRESPONDENCE. Sixth Edition. By<br /> ArtHuR FrevpHousE. 7} x 43. 372 pp. Simpkin<br /> 2s. 6d.<br /> <br /> Key To Tur StupEnt’s ApvANcED (Part II.) CommERcraL<br /> Boox-Kerrinc, Accounting AND Banxkine. Third<br /> <br /> Edition. By Artuur Fre.pHousr and Epwin WIson.<br /> 82 x 53. 487 pp. Simpkin. 16s.<br /> FICTION.<br /> Barry anp A Stnner. By Joun Barnett. 73 x 5}.<br /> 307 pp. Smith Elder. 6s.<br /> THe Litrte Maister. By R. H. Forster. 7} x 5.<br /> <br /> 320 pp. John Long 6s,<br /> <br /> Tue Witt Hanp anv THE Brack. By Bertram Mrr-<br /> ForD. (Cheap Reprint.) 64 x 4}. John Long. 7d. n.<br /> <br /> A GarpEN or Srices. By A. Kerra Fraser. Hodder<br /> &amp; Stoughton.<br /> <br /> Tue WILDERNESS Lovers. By E. R. Punsuon. 72 x 5.<br /> 308 pp. Hodder &amp; Stoughton. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Story or Mary Dunne. By M. E. Francis (Mrs.<br /> Francis Blundell). 7} x 5. 312 pp. Murray. 6s.<br /> Waite tHe Music Lasts. By JutiaA Macponaxp.<br /> <br /> 7% x 5. 320 pp. Holden &amp; Hardingham. 6s.<br /> THE ParRapise or Foots, By Derek VANE. 74 X 5.<br /> 320 pp. Everett. 6s.<br /> Ducks anp Drakzs.<br /> 7% x 5. 320 pp.<br /> <br /> By Marie Connor Leicuton.<br /> Ward Lock. 6s.<br /> <br /> THe Human Boy. By Eprmn Puuuports. 64 x 4}.<br /> 183 pp. Methuen. 7d. n.<br /> <br /> A Durr with Cuorus. By A. Conan Doytz. 256 pp.<br /> Hodder &amp; Stoughton. 7d. n.<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Tae Norruern Iron.<br /> Everett. 7d. n.<br /> Tae Unworrtny Pacr. By Dorornna Grrarp (Madame<br /> <br /> Longard de Longgarde). 73 x 5. 312 pp. Stanley<br /> Paul. 6s.<br /> <br /> THE TRANSFORMATION oF TimorHy.<br /> 367 pp. Mills &amp; Boon. 6s.<br /> THe Forpineron Twos. By E. Newton Bunaey.<br /> <br /> By G. A. Brrmincuam. 255 pp-<br /> <br /> By T. Cops. 72 x 5.<br /> <br /> 7% X 43. 320 pp. Lynwood. 6s.<br /> A Goppgss or Stonz. By R. W. Wricut Henperson.<br /> 7% x 5. 312 pp. Methuen. 6s.<br /> <br /> Tue Fire Wrrniy. By Parrrcra WENTWORTH.<br /> 275 pp. Melrose. 6s.<br /> AvERNo. By B. Mrrrorp.<br /> <br /> Lock. 6s.<br /> <br /> WINE OF THE LzEES. By J. A. Srevarr.<br /> 347 pp. Hodder &amp; Stoughton. 1s. n.<br /> <br /> Tar Emprror’s CanpLestioks, By Baroness Orczy.<br /> 288 pp.; Brau Brocape. 307 pp. By Baroness<br /> Orczy; Opp Crarr. By W. W. Jacozs. 248 pp.<br /> Hodder &amp; Stoughton. 1s.<br /> <br /> THE GaRDEN or REsuRRECTION.<br /> <br /> 12 Xx 8.<br /> 7% x 5. 311 pp. Ward<br /> 7k x 44.<br /> <br /> By E. Temrie Tuours-<br /> <br /> TON. 74 x 5. 367 pp. (New and Cheaper Edition.)<br /> Chapman &amp; Hall. 2s. n.<br /> <br /> DorornEa. A Story of the Pure in Heart. By Maarten<br /> MaarTens. 573 pp. Constable. 3s. 6d.<br /> <br /> THE Goop Comrapn. By Una L. Smperrap. 367 pp-<br /> Constable. 3s. 6d.<br /> <br /> THe Outcast oF THE Famity.<br /> 63 x 44. 353 pp.;<br /> CHARLES GARVIOR.<br /> Stoughton. 7d.<br /> <br /> Lema aAnp Her Lover. By Max Prmperton.<br /> 310 pp. Ward Lock. 6s.<br /> <br /> THE WINNING OF GWENORA. By Eprra C. Kenyon.<br /> 73 X 5. 320 pp. Holden &amp; Hardingham. 6s.<br /> <br /> Darropi’s Love Arrairs. By Lovisr M. STacrooLe<br /> <br /> By Cuaries GaARvVICE.<br /> Her Hearts Desire. By<br /> 63 x 44. 384 pp. Hodder &amp;<br /> <br /> 12 x 0.<br /> <br /> Kenny. 74 x 5. 320 pp. Holden &amp; Hardingham.<br /> 6s.<br /> <br /> BupsLe anp SquEaK. By Watrer Emanvgn. 7} x 5.<br /> 224 pp. Hutchinson. Is. n.<br /> <br /> Tue Nicut Nursz. Fourth Revised Edition. By the<br /> Author of “THe Sureron’s Log.” 74x 5. 311 pp.<br /> <br /> Chapman &amp; Hall. 6s.<br /> <br /> HISTORY.<br /> <br /> Mexico, THE LAND or Unrest. Being chiefly an account<br /> of what produced the Outbreak in 1910. Together with<br /> the Story of the Revolution down to this day. By H.<br /> BaERLEIN. 9 X 6. 461 pp. Herbert &amp; Daniel. 16s. n.<br /> <br /> SELEcT STATUTES AND OTHER CONSTITUTIONAL DocUMENTS<br /> It.ustRative oF THE Reiens or ELizaBETH AND<br /> James I. Edited by G. W. Prornero, Litt.D.<br /> 72 x 5}. 490 pp. Fourth Edition. Oxford: Claren-<br /> don Press; London: Frowde &amp; Milford. 10s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> LITERARY.<br /> <br /> Mysticism in EncuisH Lirrrature. By Carorre F, E.<br /> Spurcron. 6} x 43. 168 pp. (Cambridge Manuals<br /> of Science and Literature.) Cambridge University<br /> Press. Ils. n.<br /> <br /> MISCELLANEOUS.<br /> <br /> Tur LecrurE YEAR Book. Vol. I., 1913—14. Edited<br /> by Bast Stewart. 11} x 83. 56 pp. Heath, Cran-<br /> ton and Ouseley. 3s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> NatuRrE’s MysTEeRIES ; or How TaHErosopHy ILLUMINATES<br /> Tuem. By A. P. Srynerr. 7 x 43. 60 pp. The<br /> <br /> Theosophical Publishing Society. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> MUSIC.<br /> <br /> CuamBer Music. A Treatise for Students. By T. F.<br /> Dunumu. 83 x 53. 311 pp. Macmillan and Stainer<br /> &amp; Bell. 10s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> NATURAL HISTORY.<br /> Tae Boptey Heap Natura History. By E. D. Cumine.<br /> Illustrated by F. A. SepHerp. Vol. I., British Birds,<br /> Passeres. 6} x 5}. 120 pp. Lane. 2s. n.<br /> <br /> POETRY.<br /> THe Woorne or A Goppzss. A Tale Re-told, with some<br /> Poetic and Mythological Licence. By B. Burrorp<br /> Rawiines. 64 x 4. 45 pp. Isaac Pitman. 2s. 6d. n.<br /> Sones From Letyster. By W. M. Lurts. 7} x 5.<br /> 114 pp. Smith Elder &amp; Co. 2s. 6d. n.<br /> THe Wes oF Lirs. By Morean Dovetas.<br /> 75 pp. Edinburgh: William J. Hay.<br /> <br /> REPRINTS.<br /> <br /> Tue Vision or Prers tHe Prowman. An English Poem<br /> of the Fourteenth Century. Translated into Modern<br /> Prose, with an Introduction by Karn M. Warren,<br /> Lecturer in English Language and Literature at West-<br /> field College (University of London). 74 x 5. 168 pp.<br /> Arnold. 2s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> SOCIOLOGY.<br /> <br /> Tse FurtHer Evotution or Man. A Study from<br /> Observed Phenomena. By W. Hatt Catvert, M.D.<br /> 7k x 5. 324 pp. Fifield. 5s. n.<br /> <br /> TECHNOLOGY.<br /> <br /> Printing. A Practical Treatise on the Art of Typography<br /> By C. T. Jacozpr. (Fifth Edition Revised.) 7 x 4%.<br /> 409 pp. Bell. 7s. 6d..<br /> <br /> THEOLOGY.<br /> <br /> Tue Fourrotp Gospret. By E. A. Aspporr. 9 x 54.<br /> 178 pp. Cambridge University Press. 2s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> TOPOGRAPHY.<br /> <br /> A Hanpzsook or Lancasnrre Prace-Names.<br /> SzpuTon. 8} x 54.<br /> <br /> 74 x 5k.<br /> ls. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> By J.<br /> 256 pp. Liverpool: Young. 6s.<br /> <br /> TRAVEL.<br /> <br /> THrovueH Frxuanp In Carts. By Mrs. Atec TwrEepiE.<br /> 64 x 43. 476 pp. Nelson. ls. n.<br /> <br /> ‘Tue Surczon’s Loa. By J. Jounston ABRAHAM. Seventh<br /> and Cheaper Edition. 7} x 5. 302 pp. Chapman &amp;<br /> Hall. 2s. 6d. n.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> = 5<br /> <br /> LITERARY, DRAMATIC, AND MUSICAL<br /> NOTES.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> R. G. M. TREVELYAN’S “Life of<br /> John Bright,” is published by Messrs.<br /> Constable &amp; Co. in one volume, price<br /> <br /> 15s. net.<br /> <br /> “University and Historical Addresses,” a<br /> collection of lectures delivered in the United<br /> States by the Rt. Hon. James Bryce, will<br /> Bey be produced by Messrs. Macmillan<br /> <br /> 0.<br /> <br /> The “ Collected Works ”’ of the late Francis<br /> Thompson have appeared in three volumes,<br /> two of poetry and one of prose, with some notes<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 287<br /> <br /> by his literary executor, Mr. Wilfrid Meynell.<br /> The volumes are obtainable singly or in sets,<br /> 6s. net each. Messrs. Burns and Oates are the<br /> publishers.<br /> <br /> Mr. B. T. Batsford has issued the first six<br /> volumes of a new series, small in size but<br /> ambitious in scope. They are entitled, collec-<br /> tively, ‘‘ The Fellowship Books,” and aim at<br /> reviving “‘ the elemental things whence springs<br /> all that makes life worth living, the factors<br /> that increase our common enjoyment of nature,<br /> poetry, and art.” The general editor is Mrs.<br /> Arthur Stratton, and the opening contributions<br /> to the series are: ‘‘ Friendship,” by Clifford<br /> Bax; ‘‘ The Joy of the Theatre,”’ by Gilbert<br /> Cannan; ‘‘ Divine Discontent,” by James<br /> Guthrie ; “‘ The Quest of the Ideal,’ by Grace<br /> Rhys; Springtime,’ by C. J. Tait; and<br /> ‘“The Country,” by Edward Thomas.<br /> <br /> In “The Philosophy of Faith” (Messrs.<br /> Longmans, Green &amp; Co., 3s. 6d. net), Mr.<br /> Bertram Brewster defends belief against the<br /> rationalists and scientists, discussing such<br /> conceptions as Truth, Virtue, Freedom, Beauty<br /> ete., up to the Highest Good. To him the<br /> inevitability of the new birth, or entry of the<br /> divine life into the soul, is ‘‘ the true hope of<br /> man : the only hope remaining to him, possibly<br /> in the long run.”<br /> <br /> Miss Ethel Colburn Mayne is bringing out in<br /> the autumn, through Messrs. Chatto &amp; Windus,<br /> a book on the female characters in Browning’s<br /> works.<br /> <br /> ‘* The English Poems of John Milton,’ from<br /> the edition of the Very Rey. H. C. Beeching,<br /> D.D., has been published by the Oxford Uni-<br /> versity Press in the World’s Classics Pocket<br /> Edition, 1s. net.<br /> <br /> Miss Kate M. Warren’s translation into<br /> modern prose of ‘‘ The Vision of Piers Plow-<br /> man,’’ with an introduction from her pen, has<br /> been republished by Mr. Edward Arnold. The<br /> text has been entirely revised since the two<br /> earlier editions of 1895 and 1899, and the<br /> annotations have also been revised and added<br /> to.<br /> <br /> Mr. W. Pett Ridge’s collection of short<br /> stories, “‘ Mixed Grill,’ has been issued by<br /> Messrs. Hodder &amp; Stoughton at 38s. 6d.<br /> <br /> Miss M. P. Willcocks is publishing her new<br /> novel, “‘ The Power Behind,” in England with<br /> Messrs. Hutchinson, and in America with the<br /> Maemillan Co. By a curious chance, the first<br /> two titles selected, ‘‘ Fortune’s Fool” and<br /> “The Mouse Trap,’’ were found to have been<br /> already used. The book is said to be in many<br /> ways a return to the style of ‘“‘ The Wingless<br /> Victory.”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 288<br /> <br /> Mrs. Francis Channon’s new book, ‘ Miss<br /> King’s Profession,” will be published by<br /> Messrs. Mills &amp; Boon early this month. It<br /> deals with the early experiences of a young<br /> author.<br /> <br /> Messrs. John Long, Ltd., will shortly publish<br /> a new novel entitled ‘‘ His American Wife,”’<br /> by George Henry Jessop, author of “ Judge<br /> Lynch,” ete. The subject of this story is a<br /> serious misunderstanding between husband<br /> and wife, arising out of the question how much<br /> of his time a public man can afford to devote<br /> to his wife.<br /> <br /> The same publishers have brought out, at<br /> the price of 3s. 6d., ‘‘ Wanderings and Wooings<br /> East of Suez,” a novel descriptive of a tour<br /> round the world, by Miss Ethel Boverton Red-<br /> wood.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Holden and Hardingham are the<br /> publishers of two new novels—* The Winning<br /> of Gwenora,”’ by Miss Edith C. Kenyon, author<br /> of “ The Wooing of Mifanwy ”; and ‘“‘ While<br /> the Music Lasts,” by Miss Julia MacDonald.<br /> <br /> Another historical romance from the pen of<br /> Miss May Wynne is announced by Messrs.<br /> Stanley Paul &amp; Co. The scene is laid at the<br /> time of the French Revolution, during the<br /> siege of Carpentras by the followers of an<br /> Irishman named Patri, who band themselves<br /> together as the “‘ Brave Brigands ”—a _nick-<br /> name which gives the story its title.<br /> <br /> The same firm announces a new story by<br /> Miss Dolf Wyllarde, to be published during the<br /> holiday season. The book deals with the<br /> problem of a wife’s duty to her husband when<br /> he is serving his country in climates which<br /> would be disastrous to her health and to that<br /> of her baby. The title of the story is “ Youth<br /> Will be Served.”<br /> <br /> Miss Arabella Kenealy’s “‘ The Irresistible<br /> Mrs. Ferrers,’’ will be re-issued by Messrs.<br /> Stanley Paul &amp; Co., its original publishers, in<br /> their 2s. net library. They announce also a<br /> 2s. edition of “The Unholy Estate,” by<br /> Mr. Douglas Sladen, whose latest novel,<br /> “The Curse of the Nile,” is now in its fourth<br /> edition.<br /> <br /> Immediately after her husband’s death<br /> fifteen years ago, Mrs. Alec-Tweedie went off<br /> to Finland and wrote a book, “ Through Fin-<br /> land in Carts,” which was her first professional<br /> venture. She has now brought this thoroughly<br /> up to date, adding a new political appendix on<br /> present-day events in Finland and the position<br /> of women there both in and out of polities.<br /> Messrs. Thomas Nelson &amp; Co. publish the new<br /> edition at 1s. ‘‘ Thirteen Years of a Busy<br /> Woman’s Life,” by the same author, which<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> appeared in October last, is now going into ¢o)u<br /> fifth edition.<br /> <br /> A fifth (revised) edition has just appeared of bow<br /> “Printing: a Treatise on the Art of Typo qyt<br /> graphy,” by Mr. Chas. T. Jacobi, of thea %&amp;<br /> Chiswick Press. It is published by Messrs, G@) =<br /> Bell &amp; Sons, at 7s. 6d.<br /> <br /> Mr. Humphrey Jordan, author of “ Theil?”<br /> Joyous Wayfarer,” has published a newoa<br /> romance, ‘‘ Patchwork Comedy.” In this, asi .4i<br /> in its predecessor, there are many vivid scenes, 91&gt;<br /> which take place in France, where the author ii<br /> lived the life of a student for several years, and as ~<br /> where he has spent much of his time wandering)!<br /> about with a knapsack. Mr. Jordan also.<br /> occupied the position of schoolmaster in Franee 37<br /> and has been a lecturer in a provincial French.<br /> university. Messrs. Putnams publish ‘“‘ Pateh- dois’<br /> work Comedy” here, and American and ins<br /> Australian editions have also appeared.<br /> <br /> The author who writes under the name of 5 »!<br /> “Sursum Corda” has published, through fue<br /> Messrs. McCorquodale &amp; Co., a pamphlet sic<br /> entitled ‘‘ Broken Empires of the Past : Shall [ed@<br /> Britain Join Them?” being six lectures 917<br /> primarily intended for village use, for which bir<br /> lantern pictures can be supplied. The price of 0 ©<br /> the pamphlet is 6d. (7d. post free).<br /> <br /> “A Trip on a Trader, or Holidays Afloat ? © 46:<br /> is the title of a book, by Mr. Herbert W. Smith, Asis<br /> shortly to be published by Messrs. Madgwick, Jor<br /> Houlston &amp; Co. The narrative opens with a 4 4<br /> schoolboy’s departure from Liverpool on board 91<br /> a Spanish cargo-boat, and ends with his return 171<br /> to London on an English steamer, having 96<br /> visited Carril, Ferrol, Vigo, Corunna, Cadiz,<br /> Lisbon, Malaga and Gibraltar. Many _ inei-<br /> dents enliven the journey, and the places #9»<br /> called at are fully described.<br /> <br /> Mr. F. Walcott Stoddard’s ‘‘ Tramps through #<br /> Tyrol” has recently appeared in a second §<br /> edition. The author is now engaged in writing =<br /> a book on Sweden.<br /> <br /> A volume of poems, “‘ The Web of Life,” by 44<br /> Morgan Douglas, has been published by the ©!<br /> firm of William J. Hay, John Knox’s Houses, ©?<br /> Edinburgh.<br /> <br /> An article by Mr. Gilbert Coleridge on 10<br /> London beggars appeared in the June ©<br /> number of the Cornhill. Its title is ‘“* The<br /> Little Brother of the Pavement.”<br /> <br /> We have received from the Authentic Infor-<br /> mation Agency, of Chancery Lane, the first 1<br /> number of a ‘‘ Weekly Index of Publications”<br /> (other than works of fiction), which the agency<br /> is issuing for the use of its clients. It is not 4?<br /> critical, but aims at clearly indicating the scope<br /> and contents of each work mentioned. Sub- -¢<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 289<br /> <br /> jects and authors are classified alphabetically<br /> at the end. The price is 2d. a number, or 5s. a<br /> year, post free.<br /> <br /> &quot; Mr. J. Arthur Hill has an article in The<br /> World’s Work for June, entitled “ The Truth<br /> about Hypnotism.”<br /> <br /> “4 Turkish Woman’s European Impres-<br /> sions,’ with a Preface, is the title of a work<br /> published by Messrs. Seeley, Service &amp; Co. In<br /> this work Miss Jane Ellison has published<br /> letters written to her, providing an insight into<br /> the mind of the Eastern woman. The letters<br /> express the feelings of the woman of the Kast,<br /> in her secluded environment, and confronted<br /> with all those paradoxes called civilisation.<br /> They show how one of these women, wearying<br /> of the restraints imposed upon her, drifted into<br /> alien cities, only to realise that the life of<br /> London and Paris was unsuitable for one<br /> brought up as she had been.<br /> <br /> Mr. Morgan Douglas has issued through<br /> William J. Hay, of Edinburgh, a volume of<br /> lyrics and poems. The title of the volume is<br /> * The Web of Life,” and it contains thirty-five<br /> lyries and short poems.<br /> <br /> Mrs. Florence L. Barclay’s publishers, G. P.<br /> Putnam’s Sons, will publish in September a<br /> new long six-shilling novel by Mrs. Barclay,<br /> entitled ‘“‘ The Broken Halo.”<br /> <br /> We are glad to notice the attendances of<br /> Mr. Hall Caine, with other authors, at the<br /> dinner of the Associated Booksellers of Great<br /> Britain and Ireland, held last month. The<br /> dinner was held too late to enable us to deal<br /> with the various interesting questions covered<br /> by Mr. Hall Caine in his speech, proposing the<br /> toast of the Booksellers’ Association. Among<br /> the topics he mentioned, we notice the question<br /> of “the cheap reprint,” ‘the relations between<br /> authors and booksellers,” and the conditions<br /> of the bookselling trade generally. We notice<br /> that his speech has stirred Mr. Murray to write<br /> in reply, but Mr. Hall Caine has decidedly the<br /> best of the argument.<br /> <br /> DRAMATIC.<br /> <br /> Sir Arthur Pinero’s ‘“‘The Second Mrs.<br /> Tanqueray ” has been revived at the St.<br /> James’s Theatre, with Sir George Alexander<br /> and Mrs. Patrick Campbell in their original<br /> parts. Mr. Bernard Shaw’s ‘‘ Androcles and<br /> the Lion ”’ is announced for production at this<br /> theatre on September 2.<br /> <br /> At the Apollo Theatre, on June 17, “ The<br /> Perfect Cure,’ a new three-act comedy by Mr.<br /> Stanley Houghton, was produced by Mr.<br /> charles Hawtrey.<br /> <br /> Mr. C. Haddon Chambers has adapted the<br /> novel “ Tante ” for the stage, and is in negotia-<br /> tion for a London production. The American<br /> rights have been secured by Mr. Frohmann.<br /> <br /> Mr. Justin Huntly McCarthy’s “ If I were<br /> King ” was revived at the Coronet Theatre on<br /> June 23.<br /> <br /> On June 8 and 9, Miss Ella Erskine gave at<br /> Cosmopolis, 201, High Holborn, two special<br /> performances of an entirely new version of<br /> *¢ Adrienne Lecouvreur,” freely adapted from<br /> the French by Mr. Cecil Howard-Turner. Miss<br /> Erskine herself undertook the title rdle.<br /> <br /> A new play by Mrs. Florence Eaton, author<br /> of “ The Triumph,” was recently produced at<br /> the Abbey Theatre, Dublin, under the title of<br /> “ Playing with Fire.”<br /> <br /> Mr. Herman Scheffauer’s play, “ The New<br /> Shylock,”’ has been accepted for publication<br /> and production in Germany—perhaps the first<br /> instance of the acceptance of an English or<br /> American playwright’s work in Germany prior<br /> to its production in his own country. The<br /> translation has been made by Herr L. Leon-<br /> hard, Mr. John Galsworthy’s translator.<br /> <br /> Mrs. Irene Osgood’s drama, ‘‘ Une Aventure<br /> du Capitaine Lebrun,” has been published in<br /> book form in Paris.<br /> <br /> MUSICAL.<br /> <br /> Mr. Frazer Gange sang at the Bechstein<br /> Hall on June 9, “‘ From a Distance” (Heimweh),<br /> words from the Japanese, music by Mr. G.<br /> Jerrard Wilkinson. The song has been pub-<br /> lished by Messrs. Stainer &amp; Bell.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> &gt;<br /> <br /> PARIS NOTES.<br /> <br /> &lt;9<br /> <br /> &lt; A MARCHANDE de Petits Pains pour les<br /> 1, Canards,’’is the title of René Boylesve’s<br /> latest book. It is a collection of short<br /> <br /> stories, each one of which is a masterpiece of<br /> psychological study. The woman who gets her<br /> living by selling bread for the ducks in the Bois<br /> de Boulogne is as simple and naive as Anatole<br /> France’s Crainquebille. She and her family<br /> are provincials, and their ideas as to the utility<br /> and all-powerfulness of members of Parliament<br /> are most amusing. The story of ‘* Mesdames<br /> Desblauze,”’is told with great skill and delicacy.<br /> The author is a past master in these provincial<br /> stories. He gives us a picture of Poitiers and<br /> of some of its inhabitants. We see the immense<br /> importance of the most trifling events, we hear<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 290<br /> <br /> the gossip of the town, and we have an example<br /> of the simple heroism of two women who<br /> sacrifice their material well-being to their<br /> religious principles. It is one of the many<br /> hundreds of humble romances lived every day,<br /> romances which would pass unnoticed by all<br /> novelists not gifted with the rare observation<br /> and psychological insight of René Boylesve.<br /> The story entitled “ Les Quinqueton,”’ is one<br /> of the longest in the volume, another of the<br /> delightful provincial pictures, with the values,<br /> colouring, and atmosphere peculiar to this<br /> artist.<br /> <br /> Jean Bertheroy is singularly fortunate in<br /> giving us the atmosphere and local colour<br /> needed in_her old-world books. In “ Les<br /> Tablettes d’Erinna d’Agrigente,” we go back<br /> to the Sicily of the second century. Erinna is<br /> married to Isée and they have two children, a<br /> boy and a girl. Sicily is under the Roman<br /> yoke, and Erinna, in her diary, or tablettes,<br /> gives us an account of the daily life of herself<br /> and her household. The plot of the story is<br /> remarkably like that of “‘ The Guarded Flame,”<br /> with the exception that, in this case, the hus-<br /> band’s forbearance is no doubt actuated by the<br /> consciousness of his own delinquencies. Erinna<br /> has married a man nearly old enough to be her<br /> father. They are, nevertheless, very happy in<br /> a peaceful, quiet way. The young wife’s<br /> troubles begin when her husband engages a<br /> Roman steward. The great charm of the book<br /> is in the simplicity of its style. Erinna takes<br /> us back to the days of Marcus Aurelius. She<br /> shows us Sicily and the life of its people. She<br /> tells us of the beliefs and the various rites and<br /> ceremonies of her compatriots. There is a<br /> poetry in the everyday life of the little family<br /> which is most touching. The story is a modern<br /> one transplanted into the old world and made<br /> more picturesque by its setting.<br /> <br /> “Témoins de Jours Passés,’” by Etienne<br /> Lamy, is the second volume of this series. The<br /> book is divided into three parts. In the first,<br /> the author gives us a study of Nicolas Bergasse,<br /> un Négateur de la Souveraineté populaire.<br /> Nicolas Bergasse was an advocate, and a<br /> member of the Paris Parliament, who lived<br /> through the stormy period between 1750 and<br /> 1832. The second part of the book is devoted<br /> to the psychology of a man with revolutionary<br /> ideas, ‘‘ Le Conventionnel, André Dumont,”<br /> and the third to “La Renaissance de l’Etat<br /> Bulgare.”” The last study appeared first in<br /> Le Correspondant, so that some of the events<br /> foretold have now become accomplished facts.<br /> Many interesting historical facts are to be<br /> arnt from this chapter.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> “* L’Autre Miracle,”’ by Aimée Blech, is a<br /> clever psychological study. The story turns<br /> on the difficulties which ‘arise in a marriage<br /> between a woman who is staunch to her<br /> religion and a man who is an idealist, but<br /> who professes no religion at all. It is an<br /> essentially modern novel, showing us various<br /> types of so-called religious people. Amon<br /> the types chosen, we have an absolutely sin-<br /> cere Protestant, a Catholic, and a Theosophist.<br /> We then have certain professedly extreme<br /> Catholics, whose religion is in name only. As<br /> we so frequently see in real life, it is the man<br /> with no religious creed, whose life appears to<br /> be the finest and whose principles and ideas<br /> are carried out in every detail of his every-day<br /> life, whilst the lives of many of the so-called<br /> religious people are absolutely contemptible.<br /> From this book, we have a clear idea of the<br /> aims and doctrine of Theosophy. We see its<br /> wide outlook when one of its disciples explains<br /> to the rigid Catholic the unity of religions. The<br /> story itself is well told, and all the characters<br /> are living.<br /> <br /> The theatres are beginning to close for the<br /> summer. The Odéon, the Gymnase, the<br /> Bouffes Parisiens, the Comédie Royale, the<br /> Capucines and the ThéAtre des Arts have all<br /> closed their doors already. A play entitled,<br /> “Vouloir,” by M. Gustave Guiches, is extremely<br /> modern and curious. The theme which the<br /> author has chosen is that of will-power, but<br /> the doctor who preaches it is not able to<br /> practise it when his own inclinations are con-<br /> cerned. The Théatre Réjane is now giving<br /> ““Le Divorce de Mlle. Beulemans,”? and the<br /> Renaissance, ‘‘ Le Minaret.”’<br /> <br /> At the Salle Villiers we have had three<br /> excellent performances by Mr. Cecil J. Sharp’s<br /> English Folk Dance Society. The picturesque<br /> Morris and Sword Dances were quite a<br /> revelation to the French public, and the<br /> audience each time was most appreciative and<br /> enthusiastic. These performances, in Paris,<br /> were organised by Mr. Philip Carr, and on all<br /> sides we hear regrets that the Society is not<br /> staying longer. The dancing was perfect and<br /> the folk-songs charming. It was a revelation,<br /> not only to the French public, but to the<br /> English and American colonies in Paris, so<br /> that Mr. Sharp’s Society may count on an<br /> enthusiastic reception on its next visit to Paris.<br /> M. Tiersot, the well-known Librarian of the<br /> Conservatoire, introduced the English Company<br /> to the French public, and Yvette Guilbert gave<br /> the members a cordial welcome for their second<br /> matinée.<br /> <br /> M. Camille de Sainte-Croix, the Director of<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> the French Shakespeare Company, is most<br /> - anxious to have an outdoor representation of<br /> the dances, during his season in the Saint-<br /> Cloud woods. M. de Sainte-Croix is inde-<br /> fatigable, and promises us a series of Shake-<br /> speare plays from June to October or November<br /> on Sundays and Thursdays. It is also sug-<br /> gested that the French Shakespeare Company<br /> should give a series of performances in England<br /> during the season. It would be interesting to<br /> see the same play given in English and F rench,<br /> on consecutive nights.<br /> Axtys HALLARD.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ‘La Marchande de Petits Pains pour les Canards,’<br /> (Calmann- Lévy.)<br /> <br /> “Les Tablettes<br /> Lévy.)<br /> <br /> « Pémoins de Jours Passés.” (Calinann-Lévy.)<br /> <br /> “TAutre Miracle.” (Perrin.)<br /> <br /> @’Erinna d’Agrigente.” (Calmann-<br /> t<br /> <br /> ——_____. + —__—_<br /> <br /> A SAD AGREEMENT.<br /> <br /> —+- +<br /> <br /> HE attention of the members of the<br /> Society of Authors may well be called<br /> to the following agreement :—<br /> <br /> Memoraxpum or AGREEMENT thade this sixth day of<br /> March, 1911, between —— (hereinafter termed the author)<br /> of the one part, and Joun Lanz, of the Bodley Head,<br /> London (hereinafter termed the Publisher) of the other<br /> part. Whereby it is mutually agreed between the parties<br /> hereto, for themselves and their respective executors,<br /> administrators and assigns (or successors as the case may<br /> be) as follows :—<br /> <br /> 1. The Publisher shall at his own risk and expense, and<br /> with due diligence, produce and publish the work at present<br /> intituled by and use his best endeavours to sell<br /> the same.<br /> <br /> 2. The Author guarantees to the Publisher that the said<br /> work is in no way whatever a violation of any existing<br /> copyright, and that it contains nothing of a libellous or<br /> scandalous character, and that he will indemnify the<br /> Publisher from all suits, claims and proceedings, damages<br /> and costs which may be made, taken, or incurred by or<br /> against him on the ground that the work is an infringement<br /> of copyright, or contains anything libellous or scandalous.<br /> <br /> 3. ‘The Publisher shall during the legal term of copyright<br /> have the exclusive right of producing and publishing the<br /> work in the United Kingdom, the Colonies, India and in<br /> the United States of America. The Publisher shall have<br /> the entire control of the publication and sale and terms of<br /> sale of the book, and the Author shall not during the<br /> continuance of this Agreement (without the consent of the<br /> Publisher) publish or allow to be published any abridge-<br /> ment, portion, translation, or dramatized version of the<br /> work.<br /> <br /> 4. The Publisher agrees to pay the Author the following<br /> royalties, that is to say :—<br /> <br /> (a) A royalty of ten per cent. (10%) on the published<br /> price of all copies sold (13 being reckoned as 12) of the<br /> British and American Edition jointly beyond 2,000<br /> copies.<br /> <br /> (b) In the event of the Publisher disposing of copies<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 291<br /> <br /> or editions at a reduced rate for sale in the Colonies, or<br /> <br /> elsewhere, or a8 remainders, a royalty of ten per cent.<br /> <br /> of the amount realised by such sale.<br /> <br /> (c) In the event of the Publisher realising profits<br /> from the sale of serial, Continental or other rights, or<br /> from claims for infringement of copyright, a royalty of<br /> fifty per cent. of the net amount of such profits remaining<br /> after deducting all expenses relating thereto.<br /> <br /> (d) No royalties shall be paid on any copies given<br /> away for review or other purposes.<br /> <br /> (e) The Author shall be entitled to six gratuitous<br /> copies, and any further copies required at trade price.<br /> <br /> (f) In the event of the Publisher deciding to re-issue<br /> this work in a cheaper form, the royalties payable to<br /> the Author upon such copies shall be the same as upon<br /> the English and American editions as hereinbefore<br /> stated, provided such do not exceed ten per cent. of<br /> the published price, which shall be the maximum, upon<br /> all copies sold (13 being reckoned as 12).<br /> <br /> 5. The Author agrees to revise the first, and if necessary<br /> to edit and revise every subsequent edition of the work,<br /> and from time to time to supply any new matter that may<br /> be needful to keep the work up to date.<br /> <br /> 6. The Author agrees that all costs of Author’s correc-<br /> tions and alterations in the proof sheets exceeding 20 per<br /> cent. of the cost of the composition shall be paid for by<br /> him.<br /> <br /> 7. In the event of the Author neglecting to revise an<br /> edition after due notice shall have been given to him, or<br /> in the event of the Author being unable to do so by reason<br /> of death, or otherwise, the expense of revising and prepar-<br /> ing each sueh future edition for press shall be borne by<br /> the Author, and shall be deducted from the royalties<br /> payable to him.<br /> <br /> 8. During the continuance of this agreement, the copy-<br /> right of the work shall be vested in the Author, who may<br /> be registered as the proprietor thereof accordingly.<br /> <br /> 9. The Publisher shall make up the account annually<br /> to December the thirty-first and deliver the same to the<br /> Author within three months thereafter, and pay the balance<br /> due to the Author on the same date.<br /> <br /> 10. If the Publisher shall at the end of three years from<br /> the date of publication, or at any time thereafter, give<br /> notice to the Author that, in his opinion, the demand for<br /> the work has ceased, or if the Publisher shall for six<br /> months after the work is out of print, decline, or, after due<br /> notice, neglect to publish a new edition, then and in either<br /> of such cases this Agreement shall terminate, and, on the<br /> determination of this Agreement in the above or any other<br /> manner, the right to print and publish the work shall<br /> revert to the Author, and the Author, if not then regis-<br /> tered, shall be entitled to be registered as the proprietor<br /> thereof, and to purchase from the Publisher forthwith<br /> the plates and moulds and blocks or plates of illustrations ,<br /> (if any) produced specially for the work, at half-cost of<br /> production and whatever copies the Publisher may have<br /> on hand at cost of production, and if the Author does not<br /> within three months purchase and pay for the said plates<br /> or moulds, blocks or plates of illustrations, and copies, the<br /> Publisher may at any time hereafter dispose of such plates<br /> or moulds, blocks or plates of illustrations and copies, or<br /> melt the plates, paying to the Author in lieu of royalties ten<br /> per cent. of the net proceeds of such sale, unless the<br /> Publisher can prove from his books that the publication<br /> has resulted in a loss to him, in which case he shall be<br /> liable for no such payment.<br /> <br /> 11. If any difference shall arise between the Author and<br /> the Publisher touching the meaning of this Agreement, or<br /> the rights or liabilities of the parties thereunder, the same<br /> shall be referred to the arbitration of two persons (one to<br /> be named by each party) or their umpire, in accordance<br /> with the provisions of the Arbitration Act, 1889.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 292<br /> <br /> 12. The term ‘“ Publisher ”’ throughout this Agreement<br /> shall be deemed to include the person or persons or Com-<br /> pany for the time being carrying on the business of the<br /> said John Lane, under as well its present as any future<br /> style, and the benefit of this Agreement shall be trans-<br /> missible accordingly.<br /> <br /> 13. The Author agrees to give the Publisher the offe<br /> of his next three books on the following terms :— :<br /> <br /> (a) On the British edition of his first book a royalty<br /> of ten per cent. (10%) on the published price of<br /> the first fifteen hundred (1,500) copies sold, and<br /> once per cent. (15%) on all subsequent copies<br /> sold.<br /> <br /> (b) On the British edition of his second book a<br /> royalty of twelve-and-a-half per cent. (124%) on<br /> the published price of the first fifteen hundred<br /> (1,500) copies sold, and fifteen per cent. (159%) on<br /> all subsequent copies sold.<br /> <br /> (c) On the British edition of his third book a royalty<br /> <br /> of fifteen per cent. (15%) on the published price ©<br /> <br /> of the first two thousand five hundred (2,500)<br /> copies sold and twenty per cent. (20%) on all<br /> subsequent copies sold.<br /> <br /> 14. If the Publisher be successful in arranging for any<br /> one or all of the above books (clause 13 (a), (b), (c) ) to be<br /> published in the United States of America, he agrees to<br /> pay to the Author a royalty of ten per cent. (10%) on the<br /> published price of the first five thousand (5,000) copies<br /> sold, and fifteen per cent. (15%) on all subsequent copies<br /> sold in each instance.<br /> <br /> 15. It is understood that 13 copies be reckoned as 12<br /> throughout this Agreement in accordance with the custom<br /> of the trade.<br /> <br /> As witness the hands of the parties.<br /> <br /> On the first and second clauses, no special<br /> remark need be made. It must be noted,<br /> however, that the words in clause 1 “ with due<br /> diligence,” as regards the date on which the<br /> book shall be published, do not, with sufficient<br /> accuracy, determine the point. The author’s<br /> interpretation may be very different from the<br /> publisher’s. In the interest of the author, to<br /> whom the date of publication may be of great<br /> importance, the date should be more definitely<br /> fixed by such words as “ on or before the<br /> day of , time to be of the essence of the<br /> contract.”” Clause 2 gives the publisher too<br /> much freedom. The author should have a<br /> certain amount of control over the costs which<br /> may be incurred by the publishers ; but as a<br /> tule in the case of an ordinary novel, it is not<br /> <br /> very likely that a claim for the infringement |<br /> Therefore, |<br /> <br /> of copyright would be brought.<br /> although from the legal point of view it is<br /> reasonable that the author should protect<br /> himself, yet, if he feels certain that his position<br /> is clear, he may sign the clause.<br /> <br /> Of course if he is to pay all costs of any libel<br /> action he will decide if such should be defended,<br /> the terms of any apology, and the conduct of<br /> the case.<br /> <br /> Clause 3 is a very important clause, and in it<br /> the author is giving to the publisher rights far<br /> beyond those the publisher should hold, especi-<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> ally when it is taken into consideration that<br /> in clause 4 the author is not to be paid a<br /> royalty until after the sale of 2,000 copies of<br /> the British and American editions. The<br /> publisher, in clause 8, should certainly be<br /> limited to publication in book form and to<br /> publication in the English language, and to<br /> publication at a fixed price or prices, and in<br /> fixed format or formats. It is advisable also,<br /> as a general rule, for an author to make an<br /> attempt to secure the American copyright for<br /> himself, but if he neglects or has failed to do this<br /> then the publisher should have the right to<br /> sellin sheets to the United States on proper<br /> terms. The other essential limitations as to<br /> the number of editions that the publisher<br /> should be allowed to publish, and as to the<br /> number of years during which the publisher<br /> should hold his licence have been explained<br /> at length in other numbers of The Author.<br /> <br /> Clause 4 deals with the payment of royalties.<br /> The author is entitled (a) to 10 per cent. after<br /> the number of 2,000 copies of the English and<br /> American editions have been sold. This method<br /> of payment by a deferred royalty is very<br /> dangerous for the author. Indeed, examples<br /> have been brought to the notice of the Society<br /> in which a publisher has printed only the fixed<br /> number of copies 6n which the author is not<br /> entitled to a royalty, and has then broken up<br /> the type so that it was impossible for the author<br /> ever to obtain a return from the sale of his<br /> book. This we are glad to say has not been<br /> the case under the present agreement, as the<br /> publisher produced at the first printing nearly<br /> 5,000 copies, and was certainly justified in<br /> doing so by the sales. Yet so far as the<br /> English and American editions are concerned,<br /> the author has not received a penny in<br /> royalties.<br /> <br /> That the author should, after the sale of<br /> 2,000 copies of the English and American<br /> editions, only receive 10 per cent. is wholly<br /> unfair. If, in his ignorance or folly, he allows<br /> such a large number to be sold free of royalty,<br /> the publisher will by the time that number has<br /> been reached, not only have got back his<br /> original outlay, but will also have made a<br /> good profit on the money invested. What<br /> stimulus is there to push the book further ?<br /> But if the book does sell further, then the<br /> author should be entitled at the very lowest<br /> to 80 per cent. of the published price on the<br /> next 2,000 copies and a substantial royalty<br /> after 4,000 have been disposed of. One method<br /> by which the author can protect himself, if he<br /> is foolish enough to join in this deferred royalty<br /> system, is to insist on the publisher producing<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> a fixed number of copies considerably in excess<br /> _ of the number on which he is to receive no<br /> return, and to insist also on a clause in the<br /> agreement by which the publisher undertakes<br /> to advertise up to a fixed sum, and to vouch<br /> his advertisements. It is generally with the<br /> pait of wide advertising that the publisher<br /> tempts the author into the deferred royalty<br /> agreement.<br /> <br /> The next paragraph (b) in the same clause is<br /> entirely unsatisfactory. It is a matter of<br /> common knowledge that copies are sold to<br /> the colonies generally in sheets at a reduced<br /> rate, and on these copies, 3d, 4d., or even 5d.<br /> a copy is paid to the author. The sheets<br /> realise about 1s. or perhaps a little less. H<br /> they realise 1s. a sheet then 3d. a copy would<br /> be 25 per cent. If they realise 10d. a<br /> sheet then 3d. a copy would be about<br /> 30 per cent., so that when the publisher<br /> offers 10 per cent. on the amount<br /> realised he is offering a very low royalty<br /> indeed; even if the copies are sold cheaply<br /> bound in a special colonial edition, 10 per cent.<br /> is an exceedingly low royalty, but in no<br /> circumstances should the publisher be allowed<br /> to sell ‘elsewhere’? or ‘as remainders ”<br /> without some further limitations. He cer-<br /> tainly should not be allowed to sell the book<br /> as ‘remainders ” within three years from the<br /> date of publication, and the author should<br /> have the option of purchase at remainder<br /> prices.<br /> <br /> The next paragraph (c) is also greatly to the<br /> detriment of the author. The publisher should<br /> have no power to sell the rights mentioned<br /> without reference to the author, and in no<br /> _cireumstances should he be allowed to take as<br /> much as 50 per cent. for work that an agent<br /> would do for 10 per cent. If the author<br /> is willing to employ the publisher as his agent<br /> for the sale of these rights, then the clause<br /> should run somewhat on the following lines :—<br /> “Tf through the agency of the publisher any<br /> &#039; of the minor rights are sold, under an agreement<br /> signed and approved by the author, then, and<br /> in that case the author agrees to pay to the<br /> publisher 10 per cent. as agency charges on<br /> the amount due under the contract as and when<br /> received.” As the author’ should give to the<br /> publisher only the right of publication in<br /> book form, the question of the right of the<br /> publisher to sue for infringement of copyright<br /> will not rise, but the author should have the<br /> power in his own hands to take what action he<br /> thinks fit, though it is not unreasonable,<br /> should he be unwilling to take action, that some<br /> arrangement should be made by which the<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 293<br /> <br /> publisher could take up the matter himself in<br /> order to protect his rights acquired under the<br /> contract.<br /> <br /> With regard to the next two paragraphs<br /> (d) and (e) a great deal could be written, but<br /> paragraph (f) is much more impoctant. The<br /> publisher of a work in 6s. form should not<br /> necessarily have the right to publish in a cheap<br /> edition at all unless he is a recognised publisher<br /> of booksinthat form. But if he has the right,<br /> then he should be limited in various ways. It<br /> should be clearly stated that he should not be<br /> allowed to publish in cheap edition within<br /> three years from the date of publication of the<br /> original without the sanction of the author.<br /> He should be bound to exercise the option<br /> within a certain time, say, four years in all.<br /> If he has not exercised his option, then his<br /> right of publication in cheap form should<br /> lapse, and should revert to the author. It<br /> is best, however for the author, whenever<br /> it is possible, to reserve the right of cheap<br /> publication, and only grant a licence to publish<br /> at a fixed price. Then again, it is a matter<br /> of great importance that the author should<br /> have a veto on the form in which the cheap<br /> edition will be published, for many authors<br /> dislike the more permanent form of cheap<br /> editions at 1s. or 7d., but are quite willing to<br /> allow their books to be produced at 6d. Again,<br /> some question has arisen about the extent to<br /> which a publisher may advertise in a 6d.<br /> edition. If the author has any special objec-<br /> tion to advertisements, he should guard<br /> against these in the agreement. To sum up<br /> on these two paragraphs, an author should<br /> bind the publisher to exercise his option of<br /> publication of the cheap edition within a<br /> certain time, and further should limit the<br /> publisher as to the form in which, and the<br /> price at which, the cheap edition should be<br /> produced. This is of increasing importance<br /> owing to the popular demand for cheap<br /> editions.<br /> <br /> Clause 5 is merely a case of careless drafting<br /> on the part of the publisher. The clause does<br /> not really refer to a novel, but as it happened<br /> to be in the agreement, the publisher never<br /> thought of taking it out.<br /> <br /> In clause 6 the amount that is allowed for<br /> corrections is not very liberal. Most pub-<br /> lishers will allow 25 per cent. of the cost of<br /> composition, and some publishers even more.<br /> <br /> Clause 7, again, like clause 5, has practically<br /> no reference to a novel.<br /> <br /> Clause 8 is superfluous and ill-informed.<br /> If the author only gives the publisher the<br /> exclusive right of printing and publishing<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 294<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> in certain countries, he is not thereby<br /> transferring the copyright, so that no special<br /> clause is necessary to point this out, and under<br /> the Copyright Act of 1911, all registration has<br /> been done away with.<br /> <br /> Clause 9 is unsatisfactory. A publisher<br /> ought to render accounts biennially, at any<br /> rate during the first two or three years from<br /> the date of the agreement while the book is<br /> selling freely.<br /> <br /> Clause 10, although it is a clause which has<br /> been approved by the Publishers’ Association,<br /> is drafted very indefinitely, and anything that<br /> tends to indefiniteness in a legal document is<br /> to be regretted. This remark refers to the<br /> words ‘‘if the publishers shall for six months<br /> after the work is out of print, decline, or, after<br /> due notice, neglect to publish a new edition.”<br /> To begin with six months is much too long,<br /> for if the publisher thinks there is any<br /> money to be made, he will not want to delay<br /> publication for as long as six months, whereas,<br /> if the author wants to reissue the book,<br /> he ought to get control long before six months<br /> have expired. While the term set out does<br /> not benefit the publisher, it is of considerable<br /> inconvenience to the author. Then the words<br /> “decline or after due notice neglect ” might<br /> lead to much difficulty, for the publisher might<br /> not directly decline to republish and might<br /> keep the author dragging on for a considerable<br /> period beyond six months ; and in thesame way<br /> he might not directly neglect to republish, or<br /> if he did it might be very difficult for the author<br /> <br /> to ascertain whether he had been neglectful. It /<br /> <br /> would be much better, therefore, to have a<br /> clause somewhat on the following lines :—<br /> “If after three months’ notice in writing, the<br /> publisher has not put on the market a new<br /> edition of at least 500 copies (Note, this number<br /> to show his bona fides), then the agreement<br /> shall be terminated and all rights therein shall<br /> return to author.” Here it is quite clear that<br /> at a certain fixed date, that is, three months<br /> after the notice has been given, the author<br /> regains command if the book has not been put<br /> on the market. Registration being no longer<br /> necessary, the words following in the same<br /> clause again show the unfamiliarity of the<br /> publisher with copyright law.<br /> <br /> Clause 11 is for a great many reasons very<br /> objectionable from the author’s point of<br /> view. If the publisher breaks his agreement<br /> and the matter is referred to arbitration, the<br /> publisher escapes from the publicity which is<br /> essential as a warning to other authors ;<br /> besides arbitration, especially in matters where<br /> points of law are concerned and not points of<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> fact, is as a rule unsatisfactory, and often very<br /> expensive.<br /> <br /> Every publishing agreement should be<br /> personal to the publisher, and it is a mistake,<br /> therefore, to allow such a clause as clause 12<br /> to be inserted. Many authors might have no<br /> objection to their books being produced by the<br /> publisher with whom they sign an agreement,<br /> but in case of his death or bankruptcy, they<br /> might strongly object to the agreement being<br /> taken over by another publisher.<br /> <br /> It is necessary to say very little about<br /> clause 13. It is always objectionable for an<br /> author to bind himself to a publisher for more<br /> than one book, and it is more than objectionable<br /> that he should bind himself to a publisher for<br /> more than one book on fixed and inadequate<br /> terms. The publisher’s response is, “* Oh, but<br /> I can spend so much more on your first book<br /> in advertising, if I know that I shall reap the<br /> benefit by getting the publication of the second<br /> and third books.’? Note also that a similar<br /> remark may be put forward to induce the<br /> author to sign for a deferred royalty. The<br /> author should say, ‘‘ Will you undertake, in<br /> your agreement, to advertise my first and<br /> subsequent books to the extent of £ and<br /> to vouch these advertisements, should I think<br /> it necessary?” The publisher would in most<br /> cases refuse to do so. There is nothing left<br /> if the author accepts the position of this<br /> agreement but to trust in the good faith of<br /> the publisher.<br /> <br /> It has already been pointed out when dis-<br /> cussing the first sub-heading of clause 4, that<br /> if a publisher pays no royalty on the first<br /> 2,000 copies, there is a risk lest he should<br /> make no endeavour to push the sales beyond<br /> that point. The same danger arises here. A<br /> publisher, knowing that he has the next three<br /> or four books of the author, may not trouble to<br /> push the sales of the first book beyond such an<br /> amount as will bring him the return of his<br /> original outlay and a good percentage on his<br /> money. This is so much easier, where the<br /> publisher, as in the present case, pays no<br /> royalty on the first 2,000 copies sold. If any<br /> of the next three books prove a success the<br /> terms put forward are wholly inadequate. Any<br /> publisher, if a book is a success and runs into<br /> thousands of copies, would be willing to pay an<br /> <br /> author 25 per cent. from the beginning, with a<br /> <br /> considerable advance. Therefore, clause 18,<br /> even in ordinary circumstances gives all the<br /> advantage to the publisher, but if any of the<br /> books are a success he might make a con-<br /> siderable profit with but little return to the<br /> author. One more point: the date of pub-<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> lication for the future works is not fixed.<br /> Now this is of vital importance to an author<br /> who is entering into other contracts for serial<br /> issue. Even if the date the publisher<br /> arbitrarily sets down for publication does not<br /> interfere with other contracts, it may for<br /> other reasons be wholly disadvantageous to<br /> the author.<br /> <br /> In clause 14 the terms which the publisher<br /> proposes for the American copyright are very<br /> <br /> unsatisfactory. It is much better for an<br /> <br /> author to have a separate agreement for<br /> publication of his American edition with an<br /> American publisher, than to allow the matter<br /> to lie in the hands of one publisher only. It<br /> has often been pointed out in The Author that<br /> a book published successfully in America will<br /> bring in to the author, even at a lower percen-<br /> tage, probably a much larger figure than it<br /> will bring in in England, because the circulation<br /> is likely to be so much larger.<br /> <br /> Now what has been the result of this<br /> agreement in actual practice? It would<br /> appear that the pubisher has sold some<br /> 3,600 copies in different countries and at<br /> different prices. As far as England and<br /> America are concerned, the sales are some<br /> 800 short of the number required to pro-<br /> duce a royalty. Out of the sales in other<br /> countries the author has made some £10 10s.<br /> Allowing that the publisher has advertised the<br /> book to a reasonable extent, he has made<br /> most probably 50 per cent. to 60 per cent. on<br /> his outlay.<br /> <br /> ——__———__+—&gt;—_+_____<br /> <br /> THE COMMERCIAL SIDE OF MUSIC.<br /> ACCOUNT CLAUSE.<br /> <br /> ——— +<br /> <br /> 1% the June number of The Author an<br /> article was published giving an account<br /> of the commercial side of music produc-<br /> <br /> tion, and a copy of the document that music<br /> <br /> publishers are in the habit of asking composers<br /> to sign was printed as a warning.<br /> <br /> The article explained that the document was<br /> not really an agreement in the ordinary sense<br /> of the word, as the composer assigned all of<br /> what he stood possessed and the publisher<br /> undertook practically to do nothing.<br /> <br /> Amongst the omissions. from the document<br /> was an ordinary clause for the delivery of<br /> accounts. This omission, even from the pub-<br /> lisher’s point of view, was foolish, because if<br /> the dates and seasons for accounting are not<br /> settled the composer would have the right to<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 295<br /> <br /> claim a rendering at any reasonable time.<br /> But the very omission shows the off-hand<br /> manner in which the publishers treat those<br /> on whose brains they grow rich and prosper.<br /> <br /> When the attention of the Composers’ Sub-<br /> Committee was called to the omission, they<br /> instructed the secretary to write a circular<br /> letter to publishers pointing out that for their<br /> own sake as well as for the sake of the com-<br /> posers, it would be a good thing if some<br /> uniform arrangement could be come to.<br /> <br /> Accordingly the following letter was drafted<br /> and despatched to twenty-one well-known<br /> publishers :—<br /> <br /> Dear Sirs,—It appears that in many documents for the<br /> publication of their works which composers have been<br /> asked to sign, although they retain a continuing interes}<br /> by way of royalty, no formal account clause is inserted<br /> indicating when the accounts are to be rendered. As you<br /> may be aware it is the invariable custom of publishers of<br /> books to insert an account clause into their agreements.<br /> The Composers’ Sub-Committee of the above Society,<br /> therefore, have asked me to approach you in regard to this<br /> matter. They consider it would affect a great saving of<br /> the publishers’ time, and facilitate the business dealings of<br /> composers and publishers, if it were possible to come to<br /> some uniform arrangement by which publishers would<br /> undertake to render accounts at fixed dates. At present,<br /> no account clause being inserted, the composer is entitled<br /> to demand accounts from the publisher at any time, and as<br /> often as he likes, within reason; this position is clearly<br /> quite unsatisfactory.<br /> <br /> The Composers’ Sub-Committee suggest, therefore, that<br /> accounts should be rendered twice annually, made up to the<br /> 31st December and the 30th June, the accounts being<br /> rendered and the sum being paid within one month from<br /> these dates.<br /> <br /> If this suggestion meets with your approval, I should be<br /> much indebted to you if you would write me a letter to that<br /> effect, stating at the same time that you are willing to<br /> insert this clause in your agreements.<br /> <br /> The names of the publishers falling in with this sugges-<br /> tion, which is an eminently practicable one, will be pub-<br /> lished in The Author for the benefit of composers who are<br /> seeking to place their works.<br /> <br /> IT remain,<br /> Yours faithfully,<br /> <br /> From this list the following neglected to send<br /> an answer. The names are printed in alphabe-<br /> tical order so that there can be no claim to<br /> preference in discourtesy.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Chappell &amp; Co., Ltd.<br /> Elkin &amp; Co., Ltd.<br /> Keith, Prowse &amp; Co.<br /> Metzler &amp; Co.<br /> Reynolds &amp; Co.<br /> Ricordi &amp; Co.<br /> <br /> ,», Schott &amp; Co.<br /> <br /> As the circular was sent out in the hope of<br /> making regular an acknowledged irregularity,<br /> and of simplifying and adjusting the relations<br /> <br /> 9°<br /> <br /> 9°<br /> <br /> 99<br /> <br /> 99<br /> <br /> 29<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 296<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> between author and publisher, there was every<br /> reason why the publishers should have<br /> welcomed the chance of meeting the composers<br /> in a fair way.<br /> <br /> It is pleasing, however, to state that twelve<br /> publishers, that is, the majority, did reply.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Novello &amp; Co.’s reply was charac-<br /> teristic, and, as such, may be quoted in full :—<br /> <br /> “DEAR Srr,—We beg to acknowledge the receipt of your<br /> letter of the 22nd inst.<br /> <br /> “We are, Yours faithfully,<br /> ‘““NOVELLO &amp; Co.”<br /> <br /> Messrs. Boosey &amp; Co. beg to say that their<br /> relations with their composers are of a most<br /> amicable kind, and they see no reason whatever<br /> to make any alterations in their agreements.<br /> <br /> It is pleasant to think of those most amicable<br /> arrangements, but after all, rumours of dissatis-<br /> faction have been vibrating the air. As far<br /> as the latter part of the letter is concerned the<br /> circular asked for no alteration, but made a<br /> reasonable business proposal.<br /> <br /> The answers from the remaining publishers<br /> gave the information invited. It is satisfac-<br /> tory to composers to have the list of those<br /> whose agreements do contain the necessary<br /> account clauses; though it is not necessarily<br /> a logical deduction that because a publisher<br /> has not answered the circular, he is therefore<br /> lax in rendering his accounts.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Ascherberg, H opwood &amp; Co. state<br /> that their accounts are made up half-yearly,<br /> on June 30 and December 31, and that these<br /> dates are mentioned in their agreements.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Augener state that it is provided in<br /> their copyright forms that “ royalties will be<br /> paid when the next succeeding edition is<br /> printed.” In answer to a further question as<br /> to the size of an edition they were kind<br /> enough to state “ that as a rule, according to<br /> their experience, they figure on printing a<br /> six months’ supply for a first edition and a<br /> one year’s supply for the following editions.”<br /> While the information that has been given<br /> is of undoubted importance to composers,<br /> still the method cannot be commended, and<br /> the very answer shows how necessary the<br /> action of the sub-committee has been.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Cary &amp; Co. make up their royalty<br /> accounts January 1 and July 1, and discharge<br /> the same about two months later.<br /> <br /> Messrs. John Church &amp; Co. reply that they<br /> have such a clause as the one indicated, i.e.,<br /> half-yearly accounts, in their agreements with<br /> composers.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Curwen &amp; Sons make up their<br /> accounts annually to May 81, and these are<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> rendered and paid within three months. This<br /> is stated in the agreement.<br /> <br /> Messrs. J. B. Cramer &amp; Co., Litd., express<br /> their sympathy with the object the Society<br /> has in view. They have a clause in their<br /> agreements for half-yearly settlements.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Enoch &amp; Son make half-yearly<br /> settlements to the end of June and December,<br /> but do not find it possible in every case to pay<br /> within one month.<br /> <br /> Messrs. B. Fieldman &amp; Co. make a practice<br /> of paying royalties half-yearly, and do their<br /> utmost to make same up and settle in January<br /> and July.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Francis, Day and Hunter<br /> accounts and statements twice annually to<br /> June 30 and December 31, and render the<br /> statements and pay the amounts due within<br /> two months of the said dates,<br /> <br /> Messrs. Hawkes &amp; Son state that two<br /> members of the Composers’ Sub-Committee<br /> for whom they publish are perfectly satisfied<br /> with their methods ‘ which, in point of fact,<br /> are a little more strictly business-like than that<br /> form requested by you.”<br /> <br /> It is to be regretted that this firm has not<br /> given information as to these methods.<br /> <br /> Messrs. Weekes &amp; Co. enclosed a form of<br /> their agreement. (This is not the place to<br /> comment on the wording of the document.)<br /> Composers are referred to the June number<br /> dealing with transfer of copyright.) We desire<br /> ‘to express our thanks to Messrs. Weekes for<br /> their courtesy. The document states that a<br /> proper statement of account is rendered in the<br /> months of January and J uly.<br /> <br /> Messrs. J. Williams, Ltd., make settlements<br /> for all royalties due to composers and authors<br /> every six months (March and September).<br /> <br /> To sum up: Nine publishers have not<br /> answered the circular. They may include an<br /> account clause in their agreements or they<br /> may not. In some cases it is known that<br /> they donot. Of the twelve who have answered<br /> two give no information on the point, but ten<br /> have put forward full particulars, and out of<br /> these ten, nine render semi-annual and one<br /> annual accounts. The circular has been fully<br /> justified by the result and the answers will be<br /> of value to those composers who are negotiating<br /> for the production of their works. The sub-<br /> committee have to thank those publishers<br /> who have so readily and fully replied.<br /> <br /> prepare<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> DRAMATISATION OF A NOVEL.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHT.<br /> <br /> Corelli v. Gray.<br /> <br /> N this action Miss Marie Corelli, the well-<br /> | known authoress, claimed damages and<br /> an injunction against Mr. George Gray<br /> to prevent him from performing a sketch<br /> entitled ‘“‘The People’s King,’’ which had<br /> been presented at certain variety theatres, on<br /> the ground that it was an infringement of the<br /> plaintiff&#039;s copyright in her novel, called<br /> “¢ Temporal Power.”<br /> <br /> The novel was written in 1902, and under the<br /> new Copyright Act the plaintiff&#039;s copyright<br /> includes the right of dramatisation. The<br /> defendant did not question the plaintiff&#039;s<br /> copyright in the novel, but alleged that the<br /> play was an adaptation or condensed version<br /> of an earlier play called ‘‘ In the King’s Name,”<br /> which he had written wholly independently of<br /> the novel and some eight years before the novel<br /> was published.<br /> <br /> There were numerous resemblances between<br /> the novel and the play in respect of the<br /> characters, situations, and dialogue ; and the<br /> defendant admitted _ similarities, but he<br /> described them as chance coincidences or<br /> “stock situations.” As an example of the<br /> similarities, it may be mentioned that in the<br /> novel a prince marries a princess for State<br /> reasons, and she tells him that she will do her<br /> duty to him and to the State, but that she<br /> cannot love him. The prince, after becoming<br /> king, joins a group of revolutionaries under<br /> the name of Pasquin Leroy. In the play, a<br /> prince marries a princess for State reasons, and<br /> she tells him that she will honour and obey<br /> him, but that she cannot love him. The<br /> prince joins a group of revolutionaries under<br /> the name of Leo Lerois. Again, in the novel<br /> the revolutionaries draw lots as to who shall<br /> kill the prime minister and the king, and<br /> before drawing lots they swear that whoever<br /> draws the signal to take a life proved unworthy<br /> shall be regarded by them as a sacred person.<br /> Leroy draws the king. He makes a speech,<br /> and then announces that he is ready to obey<br /> and that he is the king. In the play the<br /> revolutionaries draw lots as to who shall kill<br /> the two chief ministers and the king, and<br /> before drawing lots they swear that the life<br /> of whoever draws the sign of having to kill<br /> the king shall be held sacred. Lerois draws<br /> the king. He makes a speech and_then<br /> announces that he is ready to obey and that<br /> he is the king.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 297<br /> <br /> Other similarities were so substantial that<br /> it was obvious that the two compositions must<br /> have been taken from a common source, OT<br /> that one was copied from the other. The<br /> defendant, however, did not suggest any<br /> definite common source for the two works,<br /> other than the general common stock of<br /> ideas; and he expressly disclaimed in the<br /> course of the case the hypothesis that the novel<br /> was based upon his play, although he stated<br /> that he did not know what had happened to<br /> a second copy of ‘In the King’s Name”<br /> which he had lost at an early period in “‘a<br /> Flect Street hostelry.”” The defendant called<br /> witnesses to whom his earlier play had been<br /> read or submitted, but their recollection of the<br /> incidents in the play were necessarily extremely<br /> vague and they could remember little more<br /> than that it contained a floral scene, which<br /> had been one of the main reasons for the non-<br /> acceptance of the play, owing to the expense<br /> which it involved.<br /> <br /> Mr. Justice Sargant, in delivering judgment,<br /> commented upon the defendant’s evidence,<br /> which he regarded as unsatisfactory. * The<br /> defendant’s story,” his lordship said, ‘‘ falls<br /> very short of such a clear, consistent, and<br /> convincing narrative as would have been<br /> required to cast doubt on the very strong<br /> inference, amounting in my view to a practical<br /> certainty, which is to be deduced from the<br /> similarities in the two works ; and I am<br /> convinced that the defendant’s sketch has not<br /> been written independently of the plaintiff&#039;s<br /> novel.” His lordship granted the injunction<br /> and ordered an account of the profits to be<br /> taken and that the defendant should deliver<br /> up the copies of the play, which infringed the<br /> plaintiff&#039;s copyright, and pay the plaintiff’s<br /> costs.<br /> <br /> The issue in the case was a question of fact,<br /> but the judge made some observations on the<br /> law which may be quoted. “In the first<br /> place,” his lordship said, “it is fairly clear<br /> that under the new Act no absolute monopoly<br /> is given to authors analogous to that which<br /> is conferred on inventors of patents—that is<br /> to say, if it could be shown as a matter of<br /> fact that two precisely similar works were<br /> produced wholly independently of one another,<br /> I do not think that the author of the work<br /> that was published first would be entitled to<br /> restrain the publication by the other author<br /> of that author’s independent and original<br /> work. The right appears to be merely a<br /> negative right to prevent the appropriation of<br /> the labours of an author by another. The<br /> second observation is this, that the onus 0<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 298<br /> <br /> establishing appropriation, of course, rests<br /> upon the plaintiff.”<br /> Haroutp Harpy.<br /> <br /> Oo<br /> <br /> RIDGE v. THE “ENGLISH ILLUSTRATED<br /> MAGAZINE” (LIMITED).<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> R. W. PETT RIDGE, on the 12th in-<br /> oe stant, obtained a verdict and sub-<br /> stantial damages (£150) against the<br /> “English Illustrated Magazine,” Ltd., for pub-<br /> lishing under the name of “ W. Pett Ridge ”’ in<br /> their magazine a short story called ‘‘ The Man<br /> who had a Conscience,” which was not the<br /> work of its reputed author.<br /> <br /> This story bears no comparison to the<br /> genuine work of Mr. Pett Ridge, although<br /> obviously intended to imitate it, and, being<br /> very inferior, was necessarily injurious to the<br /> plaintiff&#039;s reputation as a writer,<br /> <br /> On this head Mr. Jerome K. Jerome, who<br /> gave evidence on behalf of Mr. Pett Ridge, was<br /> emphatic. He explained to the jury that, if he<br /> were still a magazine editor planning out for<br /> the future, he should, after reading ‘“‘ The Man<br /> who had a Conscience,’”? have dismissed any<br /> idea of applying to Mr. Pett Ridge for contri-<br /> butions. The one conclusion to be arrived at<br /> by reading the story was that Mr. Pett Ridge<br /> had had an illness or something which had left<br /> him unfit for further work.<br /> <br /> How the tale came to be published was<br /> graphically detailed by the temporary acting<br /> editor of the defendant company’s magazine.<br /> The manuscript was received by post, signed<br /> “&#039;W. Pett Ridge,” and giving an address in<br /> Bournemouth, but without any covering letter.<br /> The defendant’s witnesses readily admitted<br /> that the story was not up to Mr. Pett Ridge’s<br /> level of excellence, and, in consequence, they<br /> offered, and the writer accepted, as his remu-<br /> neration, a sum of two guineas for eighteen<br /> columns !<br /> <br /> As long ago as August last the writer of the<br /> story (whose name was not Pett Ridge or any-<br /> thing like it) wrote to the editor of the defen-<br /> dant company’s magazine advising him that<br /> “The Man who had a Conscience ” was not the<br /> work of William Pett Ridge; yet, notwith-<br /> standing this disclaimer, the editor, apparently<br /> acting under instructions, failed to apologise,<br /> or make any reparation in respect of the<br /> publication of the story.<br /> <br /> The plaintiff consultéd the Society of Authors<br /> and, as a consequence, this action was brought.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> The grounds upon which the plaintiff’s claim<br /> was based were that he had been libelled in his<br /> profession as a writer and that the defendant<br /> company had passed off on the public as the<br /> work of an author of reputation the feeble<br /> attempt of an obscure penman.<br /> <br /> The Judge (Darling, J.) ruled that in law, on<br /> proof of both or either of these allegations, the<br /> plaintiff was entitled to a verdict, and, after an<br /> absence of twenty minutes, the jury returned<br /> a verdict for the plaintiff with £150 damages.<br /> <br /> The allegation of libel was interesting and<br /> novel.<br /> <br /> Obviously to call Mr. Pett Ridge “ a com-<br /> monplace scribbler ”’ was a libel, but the prin-<br /> ciple was extended in this case, it being held<br /> by the Judge that, if the jury came to the con-<br /> clusion that the natural consequence of anyone<br /> reading “The Man who had a Conscience ”<br /> would be that the reader would put the writex<br /> down as a mere commonplace scribbler, then<br /> equally a libel had been published against<br /> Mr. Pett Ridge.<br /> <br /> ——_1—»—.<br /> <br /> MAGAZINE CONTENTS.<br /> en UE<br /> <br /> British Review.<br /> <br /> The Origin and Significance of Profanity. By A. E.<br /> Beath.<br /> Herr Nikisch and “ The Ring.” By Sir Home Gordon<br /> Hart.<br /> CoNTEMPORARY.<br /> <br /> Glimpses of Thomas Carlyle. By Percy Fitzgerald.<br /> <br /> ENGLIsH.<br /> Writing Novels. By Arnold Bennett.<br /> Our “ atenphaly * Hymnal. By Professor W. H. D.<br /> Rouse.<br /> <br /> The Correspondence of Nietzsche with Brandes.<br /> <br /> FortTNIGHTLY.<br /> <br /> Lord Cromer on Disraeli. By Wilfrid Ward.<br /> <br /> Realistic Drama (11). By W. L. Courtney.<br /> <br /> Mr. Masefield’s Poetry. By Gilbert Thomas.<br /> <br /> The Death of Satire.” By Herman Scheffauer.<br /> <br /> The Chinese Drama, Yesterday and To-day.<br /> Corbe tt-Smith.<br /> <br /> By A.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> SCALE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS.<br /> <br /> ee<br /> [ALLOWANCE TO MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY 20 PER OENT.}<br /> <br /> Front Page nse aes £4 0 0<br /> Other Pages % ve we 8 O°<br /> Half of a Page .., = 2 00a<br /> Quarter of a Page - O18 6<br /> Eighth of a Page tes es ase « 0 7 0<br /> Single Column Advertisements perinch 0 6 0:<br /> <br /> Reduction of 20 per cent. made for a Series of Siz and of 25 per cent. for<br /> Twelve Insertions,<br /> <br /> All letters respecting Advertisements should be addressed to.<br /> Messrs. Matthews’ Advertising Service, Staple Inn Buildings, High<br /> Holborn, W.C.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> HOW TO USE THE SOCIETY.<br /> <br /> ot<br /> <br /> 1, VERY member has a right toask for and to receive<br /> EK advice upon his agreements, his choice of a pub-<br /> lisher, or any dispute arising in the conduct of his<br /> business or the administration of his property. The<br /> Secretary of the Society is a solicitor; but if there is any<br /> special reason the Secretary will refer the case to the<br /> Solicitors of the Society. Further, the Committee, if they<br /> deem it desirable, will obtain counsel’s opinion without<br /> any cost to the member. Moreover, where counsel’s<br /> opinion is favourable, and the sanction of the Committee<br /> is obtained, action will be taken on behalf of the aggrieved<br /> member, and all costs borne by the Society.<br /> <br /> 2. Remember that questions connected with copyright<br /> and publishers’ agreements do not fall within the experi-<br /> ence of ordinary solicitors. Therefore, do not scruple to use<br /> the Society.<br /> <br /> 8. Before signing any agreement whatever, send<br /> the document to the Society for examination.<br /> <br /> 4. Remember always that in belonging to the Society<br /> you are fighting the battles of other writers, even if you<br /> are reaping no direct benefit to yourself, and that you are<br /> advancing the best interests of your calling in promoting<br /> <br /> the independence of the writer, the dramatist, the composer<br /> <br /> 5. The Committee have arranged for the reception of<br /> members’ agreements and their preservation in a fire-<br /> proof safe. The agreements will, of course, be regarded as<br /> confidential documents to be read only by the Secretary,<br /> who will keep the key of thesafe. The Society now offers :<br /> (1) To stamp agreements in readiness for a possible action<br /> upon them. (2) To keep agreements. (3) To enforce<br /> payments due according to agreements. Fuller particu-<br /> lars of the Society’s work can be obtained in the<br /> Prospectus.<br /> <br /> 6. No contract should be entered into with a literary<br /> agent without the advice of the Secretary of the Society.<br /> Members are strongly advised not to accept without careful<br /> consideration the contracts with publishers submitted to<br /> them by literary agents, and are Tecommended to submit<br /> them for interpretation and explanation to the Secretary<br /> of the Society.<br /> <br /> 7. Many agents neglect to stamp agreements. This<br /> must be done within fourteen days of first execution. The<br /> Secretary will undertake it on behalf of members,<br /> <br /> 8. Some agents endeavour to prevent authors from<br /> referring matters to the Secretary of the Society ; so<br /> do some publishers. Members can make their own<br /> deductions and act accordingly.<br /> <br /> 9. The subscription to the Society is £1 1s. per<br /> annum, or £10 10s. for life membership.<br /> <br /> ———_1— 2 —___—_<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO THE PRODUCERS<br /> OF BOOKS.<br /> <br /> +<br /> <br /> ERE are a few standing rules to be observed in an<br /> agreement. There are four methods of dealing<br /> with literary property :—<br /> <br /> I, Selling it Outright.<br /> This is sometimes satisfactory, ¢f a proper price can be<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 299<br /> <br /> obtained. But the transaction should be managed by a<br /> <br /> competent agent, or with the advice of the Secretary of<br /> the Society.<br /> <br /> Il. A Profit-Sharing Agreement (a bad form of<br /> agreement),<br /> <br /> In this case the following rules should be attended to:<br /> <br /> (1.) Not to sign any agreement in which the cost of pro-<br /> duction forms a part without the strictest investigation.<br /> <br /> (2.) Not to give the publisher the power of putting the<br /> profits into his own pocket by charging for advertisements<br /> in his own organs, or by charging exchange advertise-<br /> ments. Therefore keep control of the advertisements.<br /> <br /> (3.) Not to allow a special charge for “office expenses,”<br /> unless the same allowance is made to the author.<br /> <br /> Sa Not to give up American, Colonial, or Continental<br /> rights.<br /> <br /> (5.) Not to give up serial or translation rights.<br /> <br /> (6.) Not to bind yourself for future work to any publisher.<br /> As well bind yourself for the future to any one solicitor or<br /> doctor ! ;<br /> <br /> III. The Royalty System.<br /> <br /> This is perhaps, with certain limitations, the best form<br /> of agreement. It is above all things necessary to know<br /> what the proposed royalty means to both sides. It is now<br /> possible for an author to ascertain approximately the<br /> truth. From time to time very important figures connected<br /> with royalties are published in The Author.<br /> <br /> IY. A Commission Agreement.<br /> <br /> The main points are :—<br /> <br /> (1.) Be careful to obtain a fair cost of production,<br /> <br /> (2.) Keep control of the advertisements.<br /> <br /> (3.) Keep control of the sale price of the book,<br /> <br /> General.<br /> <br /> All other forms of agreement are combinations of the four<br /> above mentioned.<br /> <br /> Such combinations are generally disastrous to the author.<br /> <br /> Never sign any agreement without competent advice from<br /> the Secretary of the Society.<br /> <br /> Stamp all agreements with the Inland Revenue stamp.<br /> <br /> Avoid agreements by letter if possible.<br /> <br /> The main points which the Society has always demanded<br /> from the outset are :—<br /> <br /> (1.) That both sides shall know what an agreement<br /> means.<br /> <br /> (2.) The inspection of those account books which belong<br /> tothe author. We are advised that this is a right, in the<br /> nature of a common law right, which cannot be denied or<br /> withheld.<br /> <br /> (3.) Always avoid a transfer of copyright.<br /> <br /> —_———_+——_e____——_-<br /> <br /> WARNINGS TO DRAMATIC AUTHORS.<br /> <br /> + —<br /> <br /> EVER sign an agreement without submitting it to the<br /> Secretary of the Society of Authors or some com-<br /> petent legal authority.<br /> <br /> 2, It is well to be extremely careful in negotiating for<br /> the production of a play with any one except an established<br /> manager.<br /> <br /> 3. There are three forms of dramatic contract for plays<br /> in three or more acts :—<br /> <br /> (a.) Sale outright of the performing right. This<br /> is unsatisfactory. An author who enters into<br /> such a contract should stipulate in the contract<br /> for production of the piece by a certain date<br /> and for proper publication of his name on the<br /> play-bills,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 300<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> (b.) Sale of performing right or of a licence te<br /> perform on the basis of percentages on<br /> gross receipts. Percentages vary between 5<br /> and 15 per cent. An author should obtain a<br /> percentage on the sliding scale of gross receipts<br /> in preference to the American system, Should<br /> obtain a sum in advance of percentages, A fixed<br /> date on or before which the play should be<br /> performed.<br /> <br /> (¢.) Sale of performing right or of a licence to<br /> perform on the basis of royalties (ie., fixed<br /> nightly fees). This method should be always<br /> avoided except in cases where the fees are<br /> likely to be small or difficult to collect, The<br /> other safeguards set out under heading (.) apply<br /> also in this case,<br /> <br /> 4. Plays in one act are often sold outright, but it is<br /> better to obtain a small nightly fee if possible, and a sum<br /> paid in advance of such fees in anyevent, It is extremely<br /> important that the amateur rights of one-act plays should<br /> be reserved,<br /> <br /> 5. Authors should remember that performing rights can<br /> be limited, and are usually limited, by town, country, and<br /> time. This is most important,<br /> <br /> 6. Authors should not assign performing rights, but<br /> should grant a licence to perform. The legal distinction<br /> is of great importance,<br /> <br /> 7, Authors should remember that performing rights in a<br /> play are distinct from literary copyright. A manager<br /> holding the performing right or licence to perform cannot<br /> print the book of the words.<br /> <br /> 8. Never forget that United States rights may be exceed-<br /> ingly valuable. They should never be included in English<br /> agreements without the author obtaining a substantial<br /> consideration,<br /> <br /> 9. Agreements for collaboration should be carefully<br /> drawn and executed before collaboration is commenced,<br /> <br /> 10. An author should remember that production of a play<br /> is highly speculative : that he runs a very great risk of<br /> delay and a breakdown in the fulfilment of his contract.<br /> He should therefore guard himself all the more carefully in<br /> the beginning,<br /> <br /> 11. An author must remember that the dramatic market<br /> is exceedingly limited, and that for a novice the first object<br /> is to obtain adequate publication,<br /> <br /> As these warnings must necessarily be incomplete, on<br /> account of the wide range of the subject of dramatic con-<br /> tracts, those authors desirous of further information<br /> are referred to the Secretary of the Society.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> +.<br /> <br /> REGISTRATION OF SCENARIOS AND<br /> ORIGINAL PLAYS.<br /> —1—~<br /> <br /> Ne eee typewritten in duplicate on foolscap paper<br /> forwarded to the offices of the Society, together with<br /> a registration fee of two shillings and sixpence, will<br /> <br /> be carefully compared by the Secretary ora qualified assis-<br /> tant. One copy will be stamped and returned to the author<br /> and the other filed in the register of the Society. Copies<br /> <br /> Original Plays may also be filed subject to the same<br /> rules, with the exception that a play will be charged for<br /> at the price of 2s. 6d. per act.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR,<br /> <br /> DRAMATIC AUTHORS AND AGENTS.<br /> <br /> ++<br /> <br /> RAMATIC authors should seek the advice of the<br /> Society before putting plays into the hands of<br /> agents. As the law stands at present, an agent<br /> <br /> who has once had a play in his hands may acquire a<br /> perpetual claim to a percentage’ on the author’s fees<br /> from it. As far as the placing of plays is concerned,<br /> it may be taken as a general rule that there are only<br /> very few agents who can do anything for an author<br /> that he cannot, under the guidance of the Society, do<br /> equally well or better for himself. The collection of fees<br /> is also a matter in which in many cases no intermediary is<br /> required. For certain purposes, such as the collection of<br /> fees on amateur performances, and in general the trans-<br /> action of frequent petty authorisations with different<br /> individuals, and also for the collection of fees in foreign<br /> countries, almost all dramatic authors employ agents; and<br /> in these ways the services of agents are real and valuable.<br /> But the Society warns authors against agents who profess<br /> to have influence with managers in the placing of plays, or<br /> who propose to act as principals by offering to purchase<br /> the author&#039;s rights. In any case, in the present state of<br /> the law, an agent should not be employed under any<br /> circumstances without an agreement approved of by the<br /> <br /> Society.<br /> ————_-—&gt;—<br /> WARNINGS TO MUSICAL COMPOSERS.<br /> <br /> ITTLE can be added to the warnings given for the<br /> iL assistance of producers of books and dramatic<br /> authors. It must, however, be pointed out that, as<br /> a rule, the musical publisher demands from the musical<br /> composer a transfer of fuller rights and less liberal finan-<br /> cial terms than those obtained for literary and dramatic<br /> property. The musical composer has very often the two<br /> rights to deal with—performing right and copyright. He<br /> should be especially careful therefore when entering into<br /> an agreement, and should take into particular consideration<br /> the warnings stated above,<br /> <br /> ————_+—~@—-<br /> STAMPING MUSIC.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> The Society undertakes to stamp copies of music on<br /> behalf of its members for the fee of 6d. per 100 or part<br /> of 100. The members’ stamps are kept in the Society&#039;s<br /> safe. The musical publishers communicate direct with the<br /> Secretary, and the voucher is then forwarded to the<br /> members, who are thus saved much unnecessary trouble,<br /> <br /> ——————_1— &gt;.<br /> THE READING BRANCH.<br /> <br /> ++<br /> <br /> EMBERS will greatly assist the Society in this<br /> <br /> Vi branch of its work by informing young writer:<br /> <br /> of its existence. Their MSS. can be read and<br /> <br /> treated as a composition is treated by a coach. The term<br /> <br /> MSS. includes not only works of fiction, but Poetry<br /> <br /> and dramatic works, and when it is possible, under<br /> <br /> special arrangement, technical and scientific works. The<br /> <br /> Readers are writers of competence and experience. The<br /> fee is one guinea,<br /> <br /> —_————+—<br /> <br /> REMITTANCES.<br /> —_—<br /> <br /> The Secretary of the Society begs to give notice<br /> that all remittances are acknowledged by return of post.<br /> All remittances should be crossed Union of London and<br /> Smiths Bank, Chancery Lane, or be sent by registered<br /> letter only,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> COLLECTION BUREAU.<br /> <br /> —_+—&lt;<br /> <br /> ag due to authors, composers and dramatists.<br /> 1. Under contracts for the publication of their<br /> works.<br /> <br /> 9. Under contracts for the performance of their works<br /> and amateur fees.<br /> <br /> 3. Under the Compulsory Licence Clauses of the Copy-<br /> right Act, i.e., Clause 3, governing compulsory licences for<br /> books, and Clause 19, referring to mechanical instrument<br /> records.<br /> <br /> The Bureau is divided into three departments :—<br /> <br /> 1. Literary.<br /> 2. Dramatic.<br /> 3. Musical.<br /> <br /> The Society does not desire to make a profit from the<br /> collection of fees, but will charge a commission to cover<br /> expenses. If, owing to the amonnt passing through the<br /> office, the expenses are more than covered, the Committee<br /> of Management will discuss the possibility of reducing the<br /> commission.<br /> <br /> For full particulars of the terms of collection, application<br /> must be made to the Collection Bureau of the Society.<br /> <br /> AGENTS.<br /> <br /> A. REYDING.<br /> WALTER C. JORDAN.<br /> <br /> Amsterdam<br /> New York<br /> <br /> The Bureau is in no sense a literary or dramatic<br /> agency for the placing of books or plays.<br /> <br /> GENERAL NOTES.<br /> <br /> ——<br /> <br /> Mempers of the Society are reminded that<br /> The Author does not appear in August or<br /> September. The next issue will be published<br /> on October 1st.<br /> <br /> Str JAMES BARRIE, BART.<br /> <br /> We must congratulate Sir James Barrie<br /> on the honour conferred upon him on the<br /> King’s birthday, an honour justly deserved.<br /> <br /> Sir James represents both sides of the<br /> profession, the literary and the dramatic.<br /> His ‘‘ Margaret Ogilvie ” on the one side and<br /> “Peter Pan” on the other have already<br /> shown that they can stand the test of time.<br /> We do not desire to criticise his position either<br /> as a writer of books or as a writer of plays,<br /> this has been done by abler hands, and the<br /> title that has been offered and accepted is the<br /> best criticism ; but if there is a point which is<br /> especially evident in all his work it is his<br /> sincerity, and sincerity is the nearest answer<br /> to that great unanswered question ‘‘ What is<br /> Truth?” The record of his books and of his<br /> plays is a long and honourable one.<br /> <br /> In this connection we should be glad to<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 301<br /> <br /> ask one question : Did he write that delight-<br /> fully amusing article “ The Battle of Rupert<br /> Square” ? and, if so, where is it possible to<br /> obtain a copy? Perhaps Sir James will<br /> himself reply.<br /> <br /> Tue Eruics oF ADVERTISING.<br /> <br /> WE print on another page of this issue, on the<br /> instructions of the Committee of Management,<br /> an article that appeared in the March, 1911,<br /> issue of The Author, entitled ‘On the Ethics<br /> of Advertising.”<br /> <br /> The attention of members is again drawn to<br /> the issues as, from information recently laid<br /> before the Society, it seems that there has been<br /> no abatement of the annoyance referred to,<br /> namely, that publishers, uncontrolled in their<br /> contracts as to the manner of reproduction<br /> have reproduced these cheap editions of novels,<br /> not only with advertisements at the beginning<br /> and at the end, but opposite the final pages<br /> of the literary matter.<br /> <br /> The question really resolves itself into one of<br /> contract, and we should like to repeat the<br /> advice that has been given to so many mem-<br /> bers of the Society with regard to cheap<br /> editions. First, that no author should allow<br /> the publisher to produce his novel in a cheap<br /> edition unless he is a recognised reproducer of<br /> cheap editions; the reason being that pub-<br /> lishers who are not accustomed to reproduction<br /> in this form cannot give the same price that<br /> those publishers can give who make cheap<br /> editions part of their regular business.<br /> Secondly, if the publisher is given the right of<br /> reproduction in cheap form, then he should not<br /> be allowed to use that right, without the<br /> sanction of the author, within three years from<br /> the date of publication of the original, and if<br /> he has not exercised his option within four<br /> years from the date of publication of the<br /> original, then the right should return to the<br /> author, who should have the right of placing<br /> the cheap edition elsewhere. This statement<br /> is made, of course, on the understanding that<br /> the author desires and is willing that the book<br /> should be produced at all in a cheap edition.<br /> It pays some authors much better never to<br /> have their books produced in this form at all.<br /> <br /> Then, if the publisher exercises his option,<br /> he should be bound as to the price at which,<br /> and the form in which, the cheap edition is to<br /> be put on the market. These points are all of<br /> vital importance, because the 6d. paper edition<br /> is usually read and thrown away, but the 7d.<br /> cloth-bound edition is usually placed on the<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 302<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> shelves and read again, or lent to other readers.<br /> It will be seen, therefore, that it is more satis-<br /> factory for the author to have the book in the<br /> 6d. paper edition, which is destroyed when<br /> read, than it is to have it in a cloth-bound<br /> edition with the probability of the work<br /> being passed from one reader to another.<br /> <br /> Now we come to the important point con-<br /> tained in ‘‘ the Ethics of Advertising.”” When<br /> the form of the cheap edition is settled by a<br /> clause in the agreement, it must at the same<br /> time be settled whether the publisher is to be<br /> allowed to advertise in the cheap edition, and<br /> whether he is to be allowed to let his adver-<br /> tisements run opposite the literary matter.<br /> <br /> Those who desire to uphold the dignity of<br /> literature will prefer no doubt that no adver-<br /> tisements should appear ; those, however, who<br /> take the financial standpoint might allow<br /> advertisements to appear ; but while the former<br /> might have to forego some of his royalties,<br /> the latter would see that his royalties were<br /> increased, as the cost of production is decreased<br /> through the insertion of advertisements.<br /> <br /> The practical issue, therefore, of the whole<br /> discussion is that the only method by which<br /> the author may protect himself is by the neces-<br /> sary clauses being inserted in his agreements.<br /> Kither the publisher must be forbidden to<br /> advertise, or he must be allowed to; but<br /> whether it is the one or the other, the point<br /> must be settled in the agreement, and the<br /> royalties must be fixed accordingly.<br /> <br /> Dramatic Prracy In THE U.S.A.<br /> <br /> Mr. Water Jorpan, the dramatic agent<br /> of the Society in New York, has forwarded a<br /> cutting from the New York Review, containing<br /> details of the conviction of Mr. Byers.<br /> <br /> His conviction was the result of a crusade of<br /> the International Association of Theatrical<br /> Reproducing Managers. Byers pirated under<br /> the name of the Chicago Manuscript Company,<br /> and kept a force of stenographers for copying<br /> MSS. of plays, which he supplied to all those<br /> who sought them. Practically any New York<br /> “hit” could be bought for $5. Byers in<br /> his catalogue quoted for most New York<br /> “hits” at that figure, but cautioned his<br /> purchasers that there might be occasions<br /> when it would be wiser to change the title of<br /> the play.<br /> <br /> The conviction of Byers, it is hoped, will<br /> practically stop any future piracy of a similar<br /> kind. The Society of Authors had one or<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> two cases of a similar kind in England, but<br /> although this form of piracy did exist, it was<br /> not of such a universal character as in Chicago,<br /> <br /> THE CONGRESS OF THE Hacur.<br /> <br /> THE International Literary and Artistic<br /> Association will this year hold its 33rd Congress<br /> at the Hague from the 16th to the 19th of<br /> July. Further information can be obtained<br /> from M. A. Taillefer, 215 bis, Boulevard Saint-<br /> Germain, Paris. Tickets for the Congress<br /> cost members of the Association twenty<br /> frances, members of their families accompanying<br /> them ten franes, and those who are not<br /> members of the Association forty franes.<br /> The meetings will take place at the Hotel<br /> d’Orange, Scheveningen. The following sub-<br /> jects are included in the programme. Annual<br /> report on literary and_ artistic copyright.<br /> An examination of the reservations made by<br /> various States in their adhesion to the Con-<br /> vention of Berne, revised at Berlin. Conditions<br /> of reproduction of objects of art exhibited in<br /> museums and exhibitions. The author’s in-<br /> alienable right. Protection of national monu-<br /> ments. After the conclusion of the Congress<br /> of the Hague the Association proposes to hold<br /> one or two meetings at Ghent, respecting which<br /> notice will be given.<br /> <br /> —+~»—<br /> ANY CRAFTSMAN.<br /> <br /> ——+-—~&lt;&gt; + —_<br /> (From the Atheneum.)<br /> <br /> AM ground down too hard by poverty :<br /> I This that I do I would’ do well; and<br /> take<br /> Time to the task; this that I make would<br /> make<br /> Not all unworthy, lest the dead men see—<br /> Those great forerunners who have left to me<br /> Their high tradition. I would keep awake<br /> My honour—for my own and all men’s sake,<br /> And let the work before the wages be.<br /> <br /> “So be it then,” doth this hard age reply,<br /> “You know the cost! ” Ah, yea, the<br /> craftsman knows :<br /> Some things well done—but poverty thereby ;<br /> One hour of joy—and many an hour of woes<br /> When he can scarce draw solace from the sky,<br /> And seeth sorrow even in the rose.<br /> <br /> FREDERICK NIVEN.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> &#039;<br /> 2<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> ALFRED AUSTIN.<br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> O* June 2 the Poet Laureate died at the<br /> <br /> age of seventy-eight. The Society<br /> <br /> must regret the loss of one who, since<br /> 1889, supported its aims and objects with<br /> practical sympathy.<br /> <br /> He was on the Council of the Society, but<br /> resigned from that body on his appointment<br /> as Poet Laureate. What his reason may have<br /> been it is now impossible to know. It may be<br /> he considered that it would be contrary to<br /> precedent for the Laureate to hold any position<br /> on the Council but that of President. The<br /> presidency, as all members know, after the<br /> death of Lord Tennyson, had been conferred<br /> on Mr. George Meredith. Accordingly, with<br /> regret, the committee accepted his resignation,<br /> but he still continued as a private member his<br /> support of the Society’s aims up to the day of<br /> his death.<br /> <br /> He published many volumes both of verse<br /> and prose; his most forcible method of<br /> expression coming from his keen love of the<br /> beauties of the country and country life.<br /> <br /> He was a man of warm affection for the<br /> fellow-members of his profession, as those will<br /> remember who have heard him speak among<br /> and to his brother authors.<br /> <br /> He felt very keenly—indeed, it may be said<br /> he was over-sensitive—the criticisms that were<br /> made concerning his poetry and his appoint-<br /> ment; but as he had been a critic himself, he<br /> could hardly have expected to escape unscathed.<br /> <br /> It is sad to see the goodly number of those<br /> who made their names in the Victorian era<br /> grow less and less, and it is sad to see the early<br /> members of the Society, who gave it their<br /> support in the days of storm and stress, grow<br /> fewer and fewer.<br /> <br /> a<br /> <br /> LORD AVEBURY.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> E mourn in Lord Avebury one of the<br /> oldest members of the Society of<br /> Authors, for he had been a member of<br /> <br /> our body nearly since its foundation. He was<br /> among our most loyal supporters, serving as<br /> chairman of the Nobel Committee, and sitting<br /> on the council for some twenty years. Lord<br /> Avebury’s death, in his seventy-ninth year,<br /> was not altogether unexpected ; it occurred,<br /> as a sequel to a severe attack of influenza, on<br /> May 28, just as the June issue of The Author<br /> <br /> 303<br /> <br /> was in the press—hence the belated character<br /> of this notice.<br /> <br /> Lord Avebury was born in 1834, and went<br /> straight from Eton into his father’s bank, but<br /> although he mastered all the details of the<br /> banking business, and became indeed . an<br /> authority in financial circles, he found time to<br /> develop both his great proclivities for natural<br /> history and his strong sense of the duty that<br /> lies upon prominent citizens to discharge public<br /> services. It is mainly to his scientific work, of<br /> course, that we owed his co-operation at the<br /> Society of Authors, for as an author he is<br /> chiefly known by his entomological researches.<br /> His observations, in particular, upon bees and<br /> ants were recognised as veritable contributions<br /> to our knowledge, and it was more especially<br /> for these that he was elected a Fellow of the<br /> Royal Society. He was a really great entomo-<br /> logist, but his scientific versatility and erudi-<br /> tion were also displayed by his writings on<br /> ethnological and _ geological subjects. His<br /> earliest work, ‘‘ Prehistoric Times,’ must have<br /> proved the introduction to systematised<br /> archeology for many readers in the ’thirties and<br /> &quot;forties, while the books entitled respectively<br /> “The Scenery of England ” and ‘« The Scenery<br /> of Switzerland ’’ were founded on a curiously<br /> intimate knowledge of geological rules and<br /> phenomena. Outside a purely — scientific<br /> audience Lord Avebury gained the appreciation<br /> of a large public by his books ‘‘ The Pleasures<br /> of Life,” ‘“ The Use of Life,” ‘‘ The Beauties.<br /> of Nature,” and a little volume called ‘‘ The<br /> Hundred Best Books”; all these works<br /> received the reward of an enormous circulation,<br /> and promoted a public appreciation of their<br /> subjects which was both gratifying and<br /> lucrative for the author. Lord Avebury was<br /> President of the British Association in 1881.<br /> <br /> As a man of affairs Lord Avebury occupied<br /> throughout a long life a conspicuous position.<br /> He succeeded to the Lubbock baronetcy when<br /> about thirty years of age, and shortly after-<br /> wards entered Parliament as Liberal member<br /> for Maidstone; but in 1880 he became mem-<br /> ber for the University of London, whose Vice-<br /> Chancellor he had been previously, and retained<br /> the seat for twenty years, being made a peer<br /> in 1900. :<br /> <br /> In Parliament he was a recognised authority<br /> upon. all educational questions, while he was<br /> responsible for two Acts, that under which<br /> statutory bank holidays were appointed, and<br /> that regulating hours in shops, which have<br /> incaleulably increased the happiness of com-<br /> mercial and industrial workers. As a banker<br /> he was secretary of the London Bankers’<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 304<br /> <br /> Association for a quarter of a century, Presi-<br /> dent of the Association of Bankers, and the<br /> first President of the Institute of Bankers,<br /> while he was also at different times President<br /> of the London Chamber of Commerce and the<br /> London County Couneil.<br /> <br /> This is a brief note upon a very full and<br /> important career, but already many biographies<br /> have made the life of Sir John Lubbock (to give<br /> him the familiar style) well known to our<br /> readers. The Society have lost in him an<br /> influential friend, and this is what we wish<br /> regretfully to record.<br /> <br /> mg eS<br /> <br /> UNITED STATES NOTES.<br /> <br /> —+~@+—__<br /> <br /> HERE has been a good deal of groaning<br /> recently over the growth of the “ 50-<br /> cent reprint” in this country—groan-<br /> <br /> ing which, of course, finds an echo in Great<br /> Britain, where a similar problem has to be<br /> faced. The full case against the reprint was<br /> eloquently stated, at the recent annual con-<br /> vention of the American Booksellers’ Associa-<br /> tion in New York, by Mr. Christopher Grauer,<br /> of Buffalo, one of the executive committee of<br /> the Association. Mr Grauer naturally spoke<br /> from the bookseller’s point of view—which is<br /> only one of four, since there are also to be<br /> considered the author, the reading public, and<br /> the publisher. It would searcely be in place,<br /> and it certainly would require more space than<br /> I have at my disposal, if I were to attempt to<br /> go fully into the question here. But I may<br /> mention that what Mr. Grauer thought<br /> desirable, was that a time-limit of three years<br /> from original publication should be established,<br /> within which no cheap re-issue of a book should<br /> be allowed, while the 25-cent reprint was to be<br /> fought tooth and nail. To those who are<br /> accustomed, as you are in Britain, to the 1s.,<br /> 7d., and 6d. editions, the latter statement may<br /> sound strange; but in the States the regular<br /> 25-cent line of novels has yet to be established,<br /> though the 50-cent books occupy a more<br /> important place every year.<br /> <br /> Optimists deny that the reprint has really a<br /> bad effect on the new book, and claim that,<br /> with certain writers at least, the sale of the<br /> 50-cent work actually stimulates the demand<br /> for new works when they appear. Which<br /> argument, alas! does not comfort those<br /> authors who have not yet succeeded in getting<br /> into a cheap edition, however it may satisfy<br /> the writer of even one “ best-seller,”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Since last I wrote, by the way, the full list<br /> of best-sellers for last year has appeared, com-<br /> piled from the lists in the Publishers? W eekly.<br /> From this the strong position of native fiction-<br /> writers in the States is evident, the top six<br /> places being occupied by “The Harvester ”<br /> (Stratten-Porter): “ The Street Called Straight ”<br /> (King); “ Their Yesterdays” and “ The Win-<br /> ning of Barbara Worth ” (Wright); ‘ The<br /> Melting of Molly ” (Daviess) and ** A Hoosier<br /> Chronicle ” (Nicholson). In non-fiction, how-<br /> ever, foreign competition is severely felt, for<br /> the first six are ‘‘ The Promised Land ” (Autin),<br /> “The Montessori Method ” (Montessori),<br /> “South America” (Bryce), “A New Con-<br /> science and an Ancient Evil ” (Addams),<br /> “ Three Plays ” (Brieux), and “ Your United<br /> States ” (Bennett).<br /> <br /> Coming now to the works of to-day, we find<br /> the usual plethora of novels, from which it is<br /> very difficult to make a selection. Here,<br /> however, are some of the leaders: the late<br /> Vaughan Kester’s “John o’ Jamestown ” ;<br /> Reginald Wright Kauffman’s “ Running<br /> Sands’; Upton Sinelair’s “ Sylvia’; Ellen<br /> Glasgow’s “ Virginia ” ; Thomas Nelson Page’s<br /> “The Land of the Spirit’; Willa Sibert<br /> Cather’s ‘‘O Pioneers ! *”; Randall Parish’s<br /> ‘ The Air Pilot ” ; Eleanor Kelly’s “ Toya the<br /> Unlike’; P. Vv. Mighels’s ‘‘ Hearts of Grace ” ;<br /> John Luther Long’s “ War”; Louis Tracy’s<br /> “One Wonderful Night’; Owen Johnson’s<br /> * The Sixty-First Second ” ; Cyrus Townsend<br /> Brady’s ‘“‘ The Fetters of Freedom”; Justus<br /> Miles Forman’s “ The Opening Door ”’ ; Irving<br /> Bacheller’s ‘‘ The Turning of Grigsby ” ; Zane<br /> Grey’s “The Desert Girl *”; Winston Chur-<br /> chill’s “‘ The Inside of the Cup”; Joseph C.<br /> Lincoln’s “‘ Mr. Pratt’s Patients’; Nathaniel<br /> Fowler’s “The Knockers’ Club ” ; John A.<br /> Moroso’s ‘‘ The Quarry ”; Elizabeth Dejeans’s<br /> “The House of Thane ”’ ; J. R. Scott’s “‘ The<br /> Unforgiving Offender ”; Will Levington Com-<br /> fort’s ‘“‘ The Road of Living Men ’”’; George<br /> Randolph Chester’s “ Wallingford in his<br /> Prime”; Henry Russell Miller’s “ The Ambi-<br /> tion of Mark Truitt”; Harold Macgrath’s<br /> “ Parrot &amp; Co.”; Charles Sherman&#039;s @ The<br /> Upper Crust ” ; Grace Lutz’s “ Lo Michael ! ” ;<br /> Nina Wilcox Putnam’s “ The Impossible Boy ”<br /> and E. D. Biggers’ “‘ Seven Keys to Baldpate.”<br /> <br /> In biography, “‘ Mark Twain and the Happy<br /> Island ’’—which is Bermuda—may be put first,<br /> the author being Elizabeth Wallace. “ La<br /> Follette’s Autobiography ” is by the well-<br /> known Senator. George L. Clark’s “ Silas<br /> Dean ” deals with a Connecticut leader in the<br /> Revolution. ‘‘ The Life and Letters of Genera]<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> George G. Meade ” is edited by the General’s<br /> son, who bears the same name. * Pickett and<br /> His Men” is history rather than biography,<br /> and comes out appropriately in the fiftieth<br /> anniversary year of the battle of Gettysburg.<br /> The author is Mrs. La Salle Pickett, widow of<br /> the General. Another Gettysburg book is by<br /> Elsie Singmaster, and is entitled “* Gettysburg :<br /> Stories of the Red Harvest and the Aftermath.”<br /> “A Naval History of the American Revolu-<br /> tion,” by G. W. Allen, goes further back, while<br /> the Rev. H. W. Jones’ ‘“‘ Battle of Santiago 2<br /> brings us almost to modern days: The<br /> Philippine Problem,’ one of the results of<br /> Santiago, is dealt with by F. C. Chamberlain.<br /> <br /> There are a fairly large number of books<br /> which may be classed as sociological :<br /> “ Crowds,”’ by Gerald Stanley Lee; “ Starving<br /> America,’” by A. W. McCann; ‘‘ The Immi-<br /> grant Invasion,” by Julian Warne; “ Syndica-<br /> lism, Industrial Unionism, and Socialism,” by<br /> John Spargo; “ American Syndicalism,” by<br /> J. G. Brooks; “A Short History of the<br /> American Negro,” by B. G. Brawley ; and<br /> ‘Woman&#039;s Share in Social Culture,” by Anna<br /> Garlin Spencer. Professor Max Farrand writes<br /> of “The Framing of the Constitution of the<br /> United States,” and Professor C. A. Beard of<br /> “An Economic Interpretation ”’ of that Con-<br /> stitution. Another Professor, Ernest Freund,<br /> treats of “The Police Power” in America.<br /> “&lt;The Electoral College,” by J. Walker Hol-<br /> combe, may also be mentioned here.<br /> <br /> Whether James G. Haneker’s “ The Pathos<br /> of Distance ” should be counted with philosophy<br /> or with the essays is doubtful. Under the<br /> latter heading comes “‘ The American Spirit,”<br /> by O. S. Strauss, and it may perhaps be<br /> stretched to include Dr. Lyman Abbott’s<br /> “‘ Letters to Unknown Friends,”’ most of them<br /> reprinted from the Outlook. But certainly the<br /> most brilliant example of the essay is Professor<br /> George Santayana’s “ Winds of Doctrine,” a<br /> work which cannot but fascinate many who<br /> wholly disapprove of the views expressed.<br /> <br /> George Palmer Putnam, in his ‘‘ Southland<br /> of North America,” writes of the Central<br /> American States. In ‘Alaska: an Empire<br /> in the Making,” J. J. Underwood goes to the<br /> Far North-west, and ‘ Hawaii, Past and<br /> Present ” is described by an American born<br /> and educated in that part of the world. “ Zone<br /> Policeman 88,” by H. A. Frank, relates to the<br /> Panama Canal. ‘Our Neighbours the<br /> Japanese,” is by J. K. Goodrich ; and Adelaide<br /> Mack has added another to the appreciations<br /> of ‘‘ Magnetic Paris.”<br /> <br /> Three Nature books are :<br /> <br /> “Our Vanishing<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 305<br /> <br /> Wild Life,” by W. T. Hornaday ; ‘* In Beaver<br /> World,” by Enos A. Mills ; and ‘‘ Seeing Nature<br /> First,” by C. M. Weed. ‘<br /> <br /> The poets seem to be going through a period<br /> of inactivity, but Max Eastman has not only<br /> produced “ A Child of the Amazons, and Other<br /> Poems,” but also a work on “ The Enjoyment<br /> of Poetry.”<br /> <br /> The obituary list is happily not very large<br /> since last these notes appeared. At the end of<br /> March, Joseph Newton Hallock, editor of<br /> Christian Work and author of many religious<br /> books, died at Brooklyn. On April 27, Dr.<br /> Andrew Sloan Draper, State Commissioner of<br /> Education, ex-President of Illinois University,<br /> and author of ‘“‘ American Education,’ etc.,<br /> succumbed to heart disease. On May 11,<br /> Francis Fisher Browne, editor of The Dial, died<br /> in a Californian sanatorium, after a long<br /> illness, aged seventy. His best-known work,<br /> outside The Dial, was his “ Everyday Life of<br /> Abraham Lincoln.”’ He wrote verse himself,<br /> and made also several collections from English<br /> and American poets. In the notice of his<br /> death in The Dial itself it is pointed out that he<br /> conceived, projected, and for nearly a third of<br /> a century conducted that journal. John<br /> Sergeant Wise, who was a barrister as well as a<br /> writer, and had formerly been a soldier, died<br /> on May 12. Among his books were ‘‘ Recol-<br /> lections of Thirteen Presidents.” In mid-May<br /> the deaths occurred of John Hays Gardiner,<br /> ex-Professor at Harvard, and author of ‘‘ The<br /> Bible as English Literature,” “ Forms of Prose<br /> Literature,” etc.; and of William Henry<br /> Larrabee, a writer on popular science and at<br /> one time editor of The Methodist.<br /> <br /> Purp WALSH.<br /> <br /> eae<br /> <br /> ON THE ETHICS OF ADVERTISING.<br /> <br /> ++<br /> <br /> NE of the members of the committee of<br /> <br /> () the Society proposing the health of the<br /> <br /> publishers at a dinner, declared that it<br /> <br /> gave him great satisfaction to do so, as<br /> <br /> publishers were the most modest of mankind,<br /> <br /> for, he always understood they never advertised<br /> —at least authors told him so.<br /> <br /> There are cases, however, in which<br /> publishers do advertise, but in the wrong<br /> quarters, and in an objectionable manner.<br /> <br /> Complaints have come to the Society that<br /> publishers advertise by inserting their own<br /> catalogues of books at the end of 6s. novels<br /> or at the end of other books. This to some<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 306<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> authors has been exceedingly annoying, but<br /> the form of agreement between the author and<br /> the publisher has precluded the former from<br /> taking any action. Indeed, in a case of this<br /> kind, it may be a little pedantic to object.<br /> When, however, the publisher not only adver-<br /> tises his own wares at the end of the book, but<br /> canvasses for advertisements from soap and<br /> pill manufacturers, as often happens in the case<br /> <br /> of cheap editions, then there is nothing<br /> pedantic in the author’s objections. As the<br /> <br /> issue of a cheap edition is seldom less than<br /> 20,000 copies, there is no doubt that the<br /> publisher takes this course in order to keep<br /> down the cost of production and to enable<br /> him to put some extra profits into his own<br /> pockets.<br /> <br /> The question of advertisements of the<br /> publisher’s own books may for the time be<br /> set aside, for though, in ‘the eyes of some<br /> authors, they may spoil the appearance of the<br /> issue, whether cheap or expensive, they are,<br /> at any rate, advertisements of books. But<br /> to other advertisements two objections might<br /> be raised—first, the ideal, secondly, the<br /> practical.<br /> <br /> From the author’s point of view it might<br /> be rightly argued, first, that the advertise-<br /> ments of pills, soaps, toilet powders, ete.,<br /> might damage and perhaps destroy the<br /> dignity of the work that is being put on the<br /> market ; secondly—the practical point—that<br /> if it is the intention of the publisher to obtain<br /> a large number of advertisements to fill up<br /> the beginning and the end of the book, he<br /> will thereby obtain considerable sums of<br /> money, and that the author should be entitled,<br /> therefore, to a larger payment on the cheap<br /> issue as a fair reward for his larger popularity.<br /> <br /> There is, however, a more disastrous method<br /> of advertising which has been adopted by some<br /> publishers in producing cheap editions, namely,<br /> the introduction of advertisements on pages<br /> facing the literary matter of the book. The<br /> same arguments put forward against the<br /> ordinary advertisements would hold good here<br /> also, but with trebly increased force ; first,<br /> that this method of advertising destroys<br /> entirely the dignity of the production; and<br /> secondly—the practical—that as a larger fee<br /> can be obtained for advertisements facing<br /> matter than for ordinary advertisements at the<br /> end of the book, therefore a still larger pay-<br /> ment should be made to the author.<br /> <br /> Whatever view is taken, the ideal or the<br /> practical, it seems quite clear that, under the<br /> clause which is not uncommon in publishers’<br /> agreements affecting the publishers’ control<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> of the style and manner of the production of<br /> the work, the author would have little power<br /> to object. Publishers are, of course, trades-<br /> men, and look upon the production of books<br /> as any tradesman would look upon the produe-<br /> tion and sale of other articles of commerce,<br /> It is natural that they should look in the first<br /> instance to the profits, and, in consequence, it<br /> is not surprising that these methods of adver-<br /> tisement should be employed. Members of the<br /> Society of Authors must be cautioned in the<br /> first place not to let the right of reproduction<br /> in cheap form lie with the publisher who<br /> produces the 6s. book. There should always<br /> be a separate contract for the right of repro-<br /> duction in cheap form, as it is often important<br /> for financial reasons that the same publisher<br /> should not have the control of both.<br /> <br /> Secondly, in a Separate contract for the<br /> publication of a book in cheap form, the<br /> author should take particular care to insert a<br /> clause, if he desires to maintain the point of<br /> view of the dignity of literature, that adver-<br /> tisements are not to be inserted, save with his<br /> sanction, and in no circumstances facing the<br /> literary matter. If he desires to deal with the<br /> practical side, he should see that he obtains a<br /> share of the profit which, owing to the popu-<br /> larity of his work, may be derived from the<br /> advertisements. The author should be<br /> especially careful, if he is unable to keep the<br /> reproduction in expensive and cheap form<br /> separate, that these clauses should be included<br /> in the one agreement which deals with both<br /> issues.<br /> <br /> THE LETTERS OF AN ORDINARY<br /> AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> ee<br /> Collected and edited by Joun Hasterrte.<br /> <br /> v.<br /> To T. Vibert, Esq.<br /> Martins CorraGeE,<br /> SANTOLLER, Bucks.<br /> <br /> Dear Tommy,—As one who has passed<br /> through that phase of the craft which begins<br /> with hope, continues in suspense, and ends with<br /> an unfavourable decision—to be continued in<br /> your next (venture)—you shall be the first to<br /> hear that some misguided firm has at last<br /> agreed to take my first full-length work, ‘“‘ The<br /> Topmost Bough.” It is true! I have signed<br /> an agreement with Messrs. Aldine and Elzevir,<br /> and the joy of the 6d. revenue stamp still<br /> lingers with me.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> Now that I have signed, I wish I had delayed,<br /> and asked you to look through the document<br /> for me. I have some knowledge of these<br /> things, a share of the sense called common,<br /> and a full sense of my own value—but, no<br /> novice is fitted to cope unassisted, with the<br /> pure man of business. I hate to bore you<br /> with questions of “‘ shop,” but T must unburden<br /> myself of a few details, and hope you will let<br /> me know if I have “ let myself in”!<br /> <br /> I think it was Carlyle who said something<br /> about cash being an insufficient nexus between<br /> man and man; it seems to me that it is nota<br /> bad one between author and publisher. To<br /> the cash then!<br /> <br /> The royalty they offer me begins with<br /> 10 per cent. It does not seem very big, but,<br /> of course, it is on the nominal price of the<br /> novel, and works out at about 17 per cent.<br /> on the price the publisher obtains per copy.<br /> I don’t grumble at that. A first novel is a<br /> speculation, and a greedy author is as bad as<br /> a greedy publisher—worse, for he is supposed<br /> to have some ideals. After 2,000 copies have<br /> been sold, I am to get 15 per cent. I can hear<br /> you saying that the 15 per cent. side of the<br /> affair need not trouble me. I have the same<br /> feeling, but hope buoys me up. I don’t think<br /> I have done wrong in agreeing to these terms<br /> now. Later on, if I get the ear of the public,<br /> I shall hustle for the bigger loaves and fishes.<br /> <br /> Now comes a clause which I swallowed with<br /> reluctance. The MS. has been out so often<br /> that I dare not hold back. This clause seems<br /> to give my_ publishers the marketing of<br /> American rights. Didn’t you tell me once<br /> that American book rights can be negotiated on<br /> one’s own; that it may often pay one better<br /> to market the U.S.A. book rights separately ?<br /> My common sense tells me that you are right.<br /> At the same time, there are occasions when a<br /> publisher can place your novel on the other<br /> side of the ocean more easily than you, the<br /> author, can. A first novel, I imagine, is one<br /> of these cases.<br /> <br /> Another clause commits to my publishers<br /> the Colonial rights. I feel more comfortable<br /> about this. I don’t think the beginner can<br /> do much alone in the Colonies. Publishers<br /> don’t seem to compete very eagerly for the<br /> mere colonial rights of a first novel, do<br /> they ?<br /> <br /> I hesitate rather before telling you that I<br /> have signed away serial rights. I know<br /> you will tell me that serial rights are worth<br /> money, and should never be thrown in for a<br /> 50 per cent. consideration. I do know that<br /> the average publisher cannot sell serial rights<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 307<br /> <br /> for half the prices agents can procure. But<br /> my difficulty will explain much to you. it 1<br /> stand out for all my rights, the publishers will<br /> probably return my MS. I cannot afford to<br /> lose a chance of getting into the novel market.<br /> Let this excuse soften your inflexible soul—<br /> also the fact that ‘“‘ The Topmost Bough”? is<br /> not quite adapted to the serial market. All<br /> books cannot be serialised, though a great<br /> many tales that are now published, in the first<br /> instance, as books, could have been sold profit-<br /> ably to the editors of periodical fiction. I<br /> assure you that I would have tried my novel<br /> with them if I had thought it publishable in<br /> instalments.<br /> <br /> There was one clause which I could not<br /> swallow. The inference I drew from it was<br /> that the average author must be a man with<br /> a big bank account, and a more considerable<br /> store of patience. It suggested that accounts<br /> should be made up half-yearly ; that accounts<br /> should be furnished to me three months later ;<br /> and that payment of the accounts should be<br /> made—well, three months later again! I<br /> have never been able to understand why<br /> accounts should be left to mature in the<br /> publisher’s hands, as if they were pints of<br /> wine and the publisher a bottler. It seems<br /> to me that it would be just as easy for the<br /> accounts to be forwarded when made up.<br /> What do you think ?<br /> <br /> At any rate I had no mind to wait six months<br /> before receiving the shekels. I pointed out,<br /> with some timidity, that I was not the first<br /> cousin of a millionaire. I waited in fear and<br /> trembling for the reply. Thank Heaven!<br /> it was quite amiable. I was not able<br /> to get what I wanted, but managed to<br /> split the difference. My accounts are to be<br /> presented—happy word—within a month of<br /> making up, and paid within another month.<br /> <br /> By the way, I have received a letter from a<br /> dear old uncle, congratulating me, and sug-<br /> gesting that I must interview the reviewers<br /> at once. He enclosed a cheque for £20, and<br /> hoped that I would drive a hard bargain with<br /> them! Dear old soul, how amusing is the<br /> ignorance of the outsider. He believes, as<br /> do others, I hear, that you pay the reviewers<br /> to praise your novels ! Here’s a problem like<br /> that set in the ladies’ papers: “‘ Ought I to<br /> keep the cheque ? ’’ I have solved the problem,<br /> I may say !<br /> <br /> Like a good soul, do let me hear what you<br /> think of the agreement. I have taken up all<br /> available space with it ; only leaving room for<br /> the hope that Mrs. Tommy is in her usual<br /> excellent health, and that the young Tommy<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 308<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> is becoming aware of your temperamental<br /> aversion from sudden howls !<br /> I remain,<br /> Ever yours,<br /> RoBert WYVERN.<br /> <br /> VI.<br /> To T. Vibert, Esq.<br /> Marins Corrace,<br /> SANTOLLER, Bucks.<br /> <br /> Dear Tommy,—I was glad to hear from you.<br /> Your letter was salutary. It has quite<br /> mastered my new born belief that I have in<br /> me the making of a business man.<br /> <br /> Peccavi! I was an ass to give up my serial<br /> and American rights in ‘ The Topmost<br /> Bough ” for a mess of 50 per cent. pottage.<br /> You say that publishers will try a novel with<br /> three or four U.S.A. publishers, and failing<br /> these, will either drop the business, or try to<br /> sell a few hundred sets of sheets, for which<br /> the author will receive a few paltry pounds.<br /> After reflection, I agree to that asa general<br /> principle. But there are a few righteous men<br /> even in the publishing trade—your publisher,<br /> for instance, and Messrs. ,» and also<br /> Messrs. Some day I hope to settle<br /> myself on the lap of these, and then all will<br /> be well. Yet I admit my present fault.<br /> For the future “I will be good.” I shall set<br /> out again, armed with your useful advice.<br /> <br /> Again to work. A new novel calls me.<br /> What about employing a new agent ? What<br /> are your views on agents anyway ?<br /> <br /> Yours affectionately,<br /> Ropert WyYvERN.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> oe<br /> <br /> GABRIELE D’ANNUNZIO.<br /> <br /> t is very difficult to deal with d’Annunzio<br /> as one would with an ordinary writer, for<br /> his works are not meant for the masses,<br /> <br /> and would be gall to the conventional-minded<br /> mediocrity, and poison to the spiritually<br /> inclined. To be really in sympathy with his<br /> views it is necessary to be by hature a d’Annun-<br /> zian, just as to fully appreciate Nietzsche one<br /> must be born a Nietzschian. There is an<br /> innate similarity between these writers, for the<br /> latter said: “ L’homme doit étre élevé pour la<br /> guerre, et la femme pour le délassement du<br /> guerrier (and) la vie est une source de joie,”<br /> and the former insists upon it to such an extent<br /> that, from his earliest works, he asserted that<br /> when boredom had followed joy and pleasure,<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> these were to be recaptured at all costs, even if<br /> they came not naturally, but through artificial<br /> stimulus.<br /> <br /> In Italy d’Annunzio created a style of his<br /> own, known as d’Annunziano, which has<br /> numberless followers amongst the writers of<br /> the younger generation, who call themselves<br /> d’Annunziani in homage to their master ;<br /> nevertheless, a great hostile current rose u<br /> against him. Apparently, it was impossible to<br /> divide the man from his works, and, in con-<br /> demning the former, many have banned the<br /> latter; and thus, the greatest living Italian<br /> writer, having many grievances against his<br /> countrymen, retired to France, a voluntary<br /> exile. After having mortally wounded his<br /> feelings by selling up his home and his treasured<br /> mementos, the Italians offered to get up a<br /> subscription to purchase another house for<br /> him, as a gift and in homage to his genius ;<br /> but he would accept no favour from the people<br /> who had caused him so much anguish, and he<br /> recently declared that he preferred to make his<br /> home himself, when and where he chose.<br /> Though he may have left Italy, and written his<br /> last work, ‘‘ St. Sebastian,” in French, still, his<br /> writings are the essence of Italianism ; he is<br /> the true exponent of the imaginative and the<br /> artistic which is inborn in the Italian nature.<br /> There has been some doubt as to his age, but<br /> he himself said : “‘ I was born in 1864 on board<br /> the brigantine Irene in the waters of the<br /> Adriatic. In Pescara they considered me an<br /> infant prodigy, so strange was my precocity.”<br /> At the age of fifteen he was a full-fledged poet,<br /> and had written four poems, which are charac.<br /> teristic of him: “ Gentle Hour,” “ Joyous<br /> Hour,” ‘‘ Sombre Hour,” ‘Satanic Hour.”<br /> In the first, his mind is perfectly serene, and<br /> he dreams tranquil, peaceful dreams. In the<br /> second, he is gay, he revels in the sky, the sea,<br /> the sunshine, in all that is beautiful and lovable<br /> in nature. In the third, a gloom has come<br /> over his spirit; he has tasted deception—<br /> weariness and boredom follow. When he tries<br /> to analyse the multitudes, he finds them<br /> strange; their ways are not his Ways, and<br /> his heart grows heavy within him. But his<br /> despondency is temporary; joy must be<br /> reached, merriment must return: He longs<br /> for the drunkardness which prostrates the soul<br /> and senses, the inane noise and laughter of<br /> orgies, in which weird loves, kisses, and spark-<br /> ling wine chase away all consciousness of pain.<br /> He longs for madness, and for Satan’s great big<br /> wings of flame, which can carry him away from<br /> humanity, its meanness, its miseries, its same-<br /> ness. And, in the ‘ Satanic Hour,” he calls<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> to Satan: ‘‘ Come near me ; inspire me, I am<br /> your own!”<br /> <br /> “The flesh and the devil have always been<br /> coupled, so there is nothing incongruous in the<br /> appeal of this errant knight of matter to the<br /> power of darkness.<br /> <br /> D’Annunzio is now fifty; from the age of<br /> sixteen he has produced incessantly poems,<br /> novels, dramas, plays. For a quarter of a<br /> century he stood out supreme : “The Immagi-<br /> nifico,” as he was rightly called, which means,<br /> “The Creator of Images”; then his magic<br /> brain seemed to weary. His books are so<br /> numerous they defy description. In quoting<br /> them I will divide them according to their<br /> nature, and the crisis they represent in the<br /> mentality of their author.<br /> <br /> “Prima Vere” (1879), ‘Canto Novo”<br /> (1883), ‘‘ Terra Vergine ”’ (1883), ‘“‘ Il Libro<br /> delle Vergini ” (1884).<br /> <br /> Sensual Crisis—‘ Intermezzo di rime”<br /> (1884), “ San Pantaleone ” (1886), ‘‘ Il Piacere”’<br /> (1889), ‘‘Isotteo e la Chimera” (1890),<br /> “Elegie Romane” (1892), “ Poema Para-<br /> disiaco”’ (1893), “Il Trionfo della Morte”<br /> (1894), ‘‘ Le novelle della Pescara ”” (1902).<br /> <br /> Moral Crisis. —‘* Giovanni Episcopo ”’ (1892),<br /> “TInnocente ” (1892) (The Advent of the Super-<br /> man), ‘ Odi Navali”’ (1893), “ Allegoria dell’<br /> Autunno ” (1895), ‘‘ Le Vergini delle Roccie ”<br /> (1896), “‘ Sogno di un mattino di primavera -<br /> (1897), ‘‘ Sogno di un tramonto di Autunno ”<br /> (1898), ‘« La Citta Morta ” (1898), ** La Gloria ”’<br /> (1899), ‘‘ La Gioconda ” (1899), “ Il Fuoco ”<br /> (1900).<br /> <br /> Victorious Age‘ Francesca da Rimini”<br /> (1902), ‘“‘ Laudi del Ciclo, del Mare, della Terra,<br /> e degli Eroi” (1903-1904), “La Figlia di<br /> Jorio ”’ (1904), “ La Fiaccola sotto al Moggio ”<br /> (1905).<br /> <br /> Decadence.—‘‘ Piu che VAmore’” (1907),<br /> “Ta Nave” (1908), ‘“ Fedra” (1909), then<br /> ““ St. Sebastian ”’ (in French).<br /> <br /> Of these Messrs. Heinemann have published<br /> seven translated into English: “ The Flame<br /> of Life” (“Il Fuoco’), “The Dead City ”<br /> (‘‘ La Citta Morta ”’), “‘ Francesca da Rimini,”<br /> ** Gioconda,”’ ‘The Child of Pleasure’’ (“ Ul<br /> Piacere”’), ‘The Triumph of Death” (“Il<br /> Trionfo della Morte ’’), “‘ The Virgins of the<br /> Rocks” (‘‘Le Vergini delle Roccie”’), and<br /> <br /> e* L’Innocente ” (“‘ The Intruder ”’) is published<br /> in English by G. H. Richmond, of New York.<br /> <br /> The chief characteristic of d’Annunzio’s<br /> works is his love of beauty, to which he sacri-<br /> fices every other consideration and conception<br /> <br /> oflife. He forces himself to find beauty every-<br /> where by intellectual idealisation ; believing<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 309<br /> <br /> that the whole world of matter is susceptible<br /> to aesthetic ennoblement. Starting from the<br /> principle that nothing holds an absolute value,<br /> and that man is the creator of values, he<br /> advises men to set themselves free, by throwing<br /> down barriers and renewing values.<br /> <br /> One cannot judge d’Annunzio’s characters<br /> from the standpoint of ordinary, everyday<br /> beings ; his heroes and heroines live a life apart,<br /> exceptional, yet natural to themselves; they<br /> are lifelike in their own surroundings, but they<br /> could not live their lives in an ordinary<br /> atmosphere such as we are generally familiar<br /> with.<br /> <br /> There are no mediocrities amongst them, no<br /> failures; their surrender is joyous, their lan-<br /> guage is not made up of common words, but is<br /> high-flown, poetic, magnificent, in keeping<br /> with rhythmical movements, which come<br /> natural to them, with bejewelled, expressive<br /> hands, silken garments, tresses of gold and eyes<br /> of turquoise, or raven locks and eyes of jet.<br /> D’Annunzio in portraying them has _ not<br /> studied his characters from Nature, and then<br /> overdrawn them, or exaggerated their points<br /> incongruously ; he has first conceived them in<br /> his own brain—wonder-creatures of his own,<br /> with passionate, sensitive natures—then he has<br /> given them birth and created his characters of<br /> the stuff of which maybe a super-species might<br /> be made. D’Annunzio declares that whoever<br /> robes himself with sorrow is a slave, and that<br /> pleasure is the best way of understanding<br /> Nature. He does not exalt suffering; he sees<br /> the greatest wisdom embodied in him who, in<br /> spite of all experiences, has much rejoiced. To<br /> create joy, to create with joy instead of pain,<br /> to be only conscious of the joy in life, is to him<br /> a supreme virtue. In “The Triumph of<br /> Death ” there are traces of d’Annunzio’s find-<br /> ing of Nietzsche ; one can see the great natural<br /> affinity of the two master minds, and, in truth,<br /> to realise fully either of them it is necessary to<br /> feel with them, for no mere effort of abstract<br /> reasoning can make them comprehensible or<br /> acceptable. D’Annunzio throws down the<br /> walls of reality, in which human convention<br /> reigns supreme ; he detests repression, routine,<br /> passiveness, and the monotonous greyness of<br /> the roads of least resistance. He idolises<br /> beautiful bodies, whether they are inhabited<br /> by beautiful souls or not ; he idealises life, but<br /> materialises love ; he does not attempt to free<br /> human love of passion; he does not seek<br /> spirituality, nor does he attempt to lift love to<br /> the spheres of the divine. For him Love, like<br /> Beauty, is enough unto itself.<br /> <br /> One is fascinated by d’Annunzio’s art irre-<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 310<br /> <br /> sistibly, even though one feels its artificiality ;<br /> even though one knows instinctively that his<br /> works have been created for our pleasure, his<br /> people have been conceived out of pleasure,<br /> and will be consumed by pleasure.<br /> <br /> Exalted, sublime, magnificent pleasure is not<br /> often met with in daily life. Those who<br /> hunger for a vision of it can find it in “I<br /> Fuoco,” “Tl Piacere,” “ L’Innocente,”’ ‘‘ Laudi<br /> del Cielo, del Mare, della Terra e degli Eroi,”’<br /> and in “Il Trionfo della Morte.”<br /> <br /> Whoever wishes to dream a dream of loveli-<br /> ness should read d’Annunzio, and be introduced<br /> to luxurious women, consumed by fire; to<br /> serene, immovable, unfathomable women, with<br /> eyes reflecting infinity ; to shapely, beautiful,<br /> white, jewelled hands; perfectly modelled<br /> human forms ; amber, silk and gold; they<br /> will be dazzled by so much magnificence, and<br /> be intoxicated by the perfume of exotic flowers<br /> and deep-red roses.<br /> <br /> E. S. Romero-Topesco.<br /> <br /> ——_—_ &gt;&lt;<br /> <br /> SIR ALFRED LYALL.*<br /> <br /> —+—— +<br /> <br /> HIS book, Sir Mortimer Durand tells us<br /> T in his Preface, was undertaken at the<br /> request of Lady Lyall and the family.<br /> It is a worthy memorial to a very distinguished<br /> man. To give it an adequate notice would<br /> require more space than is at our disposal.<br /> We must, therefore, content ourselves with a<br /> brief indication of the manner of portrait which<br /> the biographer paints of his subject.<br /> <br /> Alfred Comyn Lyall was born on J anuary 4,<br /> 1835, and died suddenly of heart-failure on<br /> April 10, 1911, while a guest of Lord and Lady<br /> Tennyson at Farringford. In that long period<br /> he was educated at Eton and Haileybury ;<br /> went out to the Indian North-West Provinces<br /> in his twenty-first year; passed through the<br /> Mutiny, with a narrow escape from death;<br /> rose to be Home Secretary at Calcutta when he<br /> was thirty-seven, and Agent to the Governor-<br /> General in Rajputana next year; at forty-<br /> three became Indian Foreign Secretary, and at<br /> forty-seven Lieutenant-Governor of the North-<br /> West Provinces. At the end of 1887, after a<br /> serious illness, he retired from the country<br /> where he had spent thirty-two years, and<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> * “Lite of Sir Alfred Comyn Lyall, K.C.B., G.C.LE.,<br /> D.C.L., LL.D,” by Sir Mortimer Durand. Illustrated,<br /> <br /> Edinburgh and London: Wm. Blackwood &amp; Sons<br /> 16s. net.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> t<br /> 1<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> accepted a seat on the Council of India. He |<br /> could have had the Governorship of the Cape |<br /> or New Zealand, but declined both. He would |<br /> have liked the Viceroyalty of India in 1898, but<br /> Lord Elgin was appointed in his stead. In<br /> 1903 he retired from public, but by no means |<br /> from active life. To his last moment he was |::)<br /> talking, writing, and working as brilliantly as |<br /> ever. Having spoken of his death, Sir Mor- |.»<br /> timer Durand says: “ His life was a full and || «<br /> varied one . . . as happy as a man’s life ever<br /> is. . . . Among the men I have known there<br /> have been few of such rare<br /> and not one who had the power of inspiring, in |<br /> those who really knew him, a deeper trust and |<br /> affection.”<br /> The last chapter of the book is devoted to |.<br /> Lyall’s literary work, “ by which:he is best |<br /> known in England, and now, perhaps, even in<br /> India.” He produced (apart from his con-<br /> tributions to the leading reviews) five books, in<br /> addition to a small volume of verse; not a<br /> large total for an author, but then he was an<br /> official up to the age of sixty-eight. ‘The<br /> conditions which limited the quantity of Lyall’s<br /> literary work ”—this is Sir Mortimer Durand’s<br /> summing-up—*‘ had an important effect upon<br /> its quality. His writings, whether in verse or<br /> prose, show throughout the hand not of a<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> qualities andcharm, | 4<br /> <br /> !<br /> <br /> literary man pure and simple, but of a man of<br /> <br /> action with literary tastes.<br /> they lack in some measure the finish, the per-<br /> fection of technique, which as a rule comes only<br /> by long and incessant practice at one craft ;<br /> certainly they are full of knowledge, and<br /> marked by the power of thought, which can be<br /> acquired only by taking a part in the affairs of<br /> the world. Whether the gain outweighs the<br /> loss, or the loss outweighs the gain, may be<br /> disputed. . . . Apart from this question, the<br /> main characteristic of Lyall’s work, both in<br /> verse and prose, is its truthfulness, its careful<br /> regard for the realities of life. . . . His literary<br /> work leaves in the mind of any careful reader a<br /> feeling not only of keen pleasure but of con-<br /> viction and confidence.”<br /> <br /> We could quote much more, but will refrain,<br /> having (we hope) done enough to show that<br /> this biography is one which, by the sympathy<br /> between author and subject, must attract the<br /> intelligent reader, whether he be one to who<br /> the active, or one to whom the literary, side *<br /> a life like Lyall’s appeals. 0<br /> <br /> It may be mentioned that Sir Alfred Lyall<br /> was for many years a member of the Society of<br /> Authors, and on the Society’s Council. “He<br /> took a great interest in the dispute concerning<br /> the action of the “Times” Book Club.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> oe Lae lees mie ee<br /> <br /> It is possible that :<br /> <br /> see i al<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR. 311<br /> <br /> CORRESPONDENCE.<br /> <br /> —<br /> AUTHOR AND AGENT.<br /> <br /> I.<br /> <br /> sir, So long as my friend Wells is content<br /> to speak for himself about agents I am ready<br /> to listen in respectful silence, but when he<br /> begins to speak for “ all sensible authors,” I<br /> must protest. I maintain that lama sensible<br /> author. If lampoonists and satirists are to be<br /> * telieved, I have a re utation for considerable<br /> husiness acumen. Bluntly, I think this repu-<br /> tation is deserved.<br /> <br /> As one “ sensible author,” I wish to “ pro-<br /> chim clearly” that I should not dream of<br /> employing agents only “for specific jobs.”<br /> On the contrary I am absolutely convinced<br /> that every author of large and varied output<br /> ought to put the whole of his affairs into the<br /> hands of a good agent, and that every such<br /> author who fails to do so loses money by his<br /> omission, I admit that some agents are bad.<br /> Iknow that some are good. A good agent will<br /> do a specific job better than an author, partly<br /> because he knows the markets better, and<br /> partly because he is an expert in the diplomacy<br /> of bargains. But a good agent is sho very<br /> valuable in utilising opportunities as they<br /> arise—opportunitics of whose very existence<br /> the author is ignorant. I reckon that in the<br /> latter activity alone a good agent recoups an<br /> author again and again for the whole of his<br /> commission.<br /> <br /> In my experience it is precisely when agents<br /> are employed only for “‘ specific jobs” that<br /> trouble comes.<br /> <br /> Wells, my senior, once advisea—nay, com-<br /> oo to go to an agent. With my<br /> oe Ididso. He told me to put the<br /> laa of my affairs into the hands of the agent.<br /> — so. I have never regretted it. I have<br /> a had the slightest agency trouble as the<br /> je — following Wells’ advice. I am quite<br /> <br /> t if I had not followed his advice I<br /> <br /> a be very decidedly worse off than I am.<br /> ce pe to Wells is lasting. That<br /> an 0 some thirteen years ago. Experi-<br /> t led Wells to change his views.<br /> Experience has only confirmed me in my<br /> 4 formerly his. He may be right; I<br /> ee be wrong. I will not dog tise. But<br /> <br /> Must not speak for ‘‘ all sensible authors.”<br /> <br /> Yours faithfully,<br /> ArNoLD BENNETT.<br /> <br /> fl am obliged to the Editor for a sigh<br /> ght of<br /> A B’s letter in proof. His fault has ever<br /> <br /> modesty, I deplore my forgotten advice.<br /> <br /> His reputation was already made in those days,<br /> his future secure. Without that “(good agent”<br /> he must still have had all his present prosperity<br /> plus ten per cent. How are we to prove these<br /> things? Shall we sit down together and<br /> discuss our translations, our serializations ?<br /> Details in public would be difficult. I must<br /> talk privately to E. A. B. in this connexion.<br /> H. G. W.]<br /> <br /> ——_-— &gt; —<br /> <br /> Il.<br /> <br /> Dear Sir,—May I suggest to Mr. H. G.<br /> Wells that whereas there is only one H. G.<br /> Wells there are thousands of mere Smiths<br /> existent in the literary vale of tears who have<br /> good cause to be thankful for the intervention<br /> of Messrs. Agency, Clause &amp; Co.<br /> <br /> As a mere Smith I was guilty of a first<br /> novel. I + a three weary years and many<br /> stamps in the effort to bring various publishers<br /> to see the worth of it as a masterpiece. Out<br /> of ten firms I received one offer to publish<br /> for £50. Fortunately, perhaps, I was not in<br /> the position to pay It, otherwise the lust for<br /> self-gratification might have proved too strong<br /> and I had fallen. Just as I came to realise<br /> what ‘hope deferred” meant, a friend<br /> introduced me to an agent. He accepted my<br /> MS. for negotiation. Within two months he<br /> forwarded me a contract from a big ‘“‘ solvent ”<br /> firm. The publishers took all risks; I<br /> retained all rights. As is usual with the bulk<br /> of first novels I received no pecuniary benefit<br /> from my work—neither did the agent! Yet<br /> he has, to my knowledge, disbursed some<br /> 80s. in stamps, etc. on my behalf—without<br /> return! I will say nothing of his many kind-<br /> nesses in other ways. No doubt he hopes to<br /> recoup his outlay in the future; I sincerely<br /> hope he’ll have the i I should<br /> consider 10 per cent. wel earned by the man<br /> who placed me on the first step of a ladder<br /> which reached to the heights of an H. G. Wells<br /> reputation—and income !<br /> <br /> Sincerely yours,<br /> AMERE SMITH.<br /> <br /> ——<br /> <br /> BEGINNERS’ AGREEMENTS.<br /> <br /> Dear Sir,—May I say a little more in re ly<br /> to the second letter of “ J ustice ’? in your last<br /> issue? At the risk of seeming obtrusive with<br /> my business particulars I feel that with a very<br /> little trouble to myself I may be of some real<br /> service to the numerous beginner-writers who<br /> are destined to produce, among other matter,<br /> much of the literature of to-morrow. 4<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 312<br /> <br /> Then let me relate that I did not begin with<br /> books—I could not afford the time. I think<br /> that was a very lucky restraint. I had to<br /> live, and so I learnt to write before I thought of a<br /> book. I had already made a little reputation,<br /> when the time came for dealings with a<br /> book publisher. I published three books<br /> almost simultaneously. I got 10 per cent. for<br /> each, and advances of £5 (for a very flimsy<br /> little volume of newspaper articles), £50 (for<br /> a continuous story published at 1s. 6d. that<br /> had already had a success as a serial), and<br /> £20 (for a volume of short stories), respectively.<br /> (The short story volume only was published<br /> through an agent.) These are, I think, very<br /> fair beginner’s terms. A _ beginner should<br /> always demand a cheque on account of<br /> royalties as a guarantee of good faith, and a<br /> royalty of 10 per cent. gives the publisher a<br /> very handsome margin of profit. It is no<br /> good to the beginner to be greedy about the<br /> royalty. I mentioned 25 per cent. in my last<br /> letter as the ideal for an established writer.<br /> What a beginner needs is advertisement and<br /> pushful selling, and that is guaranteed by the<br /> cheque on account. Better for him 10 per<br /> cent. and £50 down, than 25 per cent. and<br /> nothing down.<br /> <br /> One of these first three books was the ‘ Time<br /> Machine.” I had previously refused an invita-<br /> tion from Mr. X. to undertake part of the<br /> expense of publication and trust to him. At<br /> times we meet, and I remind him of that<br /> incident. He is quite a well-known publisher.<br /> <br /> It has been a matter of regret to me that<br /> those first three agreements were not limited to<br /> a term of years. No just publisher will<br /> object to such a limitation upon the part of a<br /> beginner,—five or seven years is reasonable ;<br /> and it affords an opportunity for rearrangement<br /> if the beginning develops into success.<br /> <br /> Also let me assure the beginner that it is<br /> particularly ridiculous for him to trust to<br /> agents. If an agent were your agent only, or<br /> agent only for you and a select group of<br /> authors, there might be some sense in giving<br /> over your affairs to him; but every literary<br /> agent seems promiscuously disposed to grab 10<br /> per cent. of any transaction going, and it is so<br /> obviously to every agent’s interest to “ keep<br /> in” with publishers and so unimportant to<br /> them whether they grab their tenths on this<br /> man’s work or that man’s work, that except in<br /> the case of very big and conspicuous and<br /> valuable authors indeed—and every agent<br /> must, of course, be able to claim one or two<br /> <br /> big authors, commercially speak; -<br /> can get his chance on . before he<br /> <br /> minor crowd—<br /> <br /> THE AUTHOR.<br /> <br /> I do not see how any real services can<br /> pected from them. It is just because<br /> them now taxing the writing public at large on<br /> the strength of one or two generously<br /> special cases, that I am calling attention to the<br /> <br /> ordinary facts and the plain common sense of §<br /> <br /> the agency business. It is not simply that<br /> <br /> ents need not and do not display any ex. |»<br /> clusive loyalty to their clients ; most of them }<br /> <br /> get the money so easily that they do not even<br /> trouble to draw tolerable agreements, save<br /> American copyright, secure complete serialisa-<br /> <br /> tion, realise minor rights, or do the most i‘<br /> <br /> manifest duties of their position. No t<br /> that I have ever heard of can aa<br /> <br /> most of the British agents know no langu<br /> but English. I can speak of only one<br /> efficient agent in London at the present time,<br /> and he deals in a speciality, the negotiation of<br /> serials. I am told, but I have no sure know-<br /> ledge, that another understands this new and<br /> ~ cinematograph business. He limits<br /> is work as every genuine agent should to a<br /> specified list of clients. There may be yet<br /> others meritorious, but unknown to me,<br /> <br /> I quite — with “ Justice ’’ that it would<br /> be easy to draw up a standard agreement that<br /> would cover all the possibilities of most books,<br /> and which would be fair to both author and<br /> publisher. I think, indeed, this Authors’<br /> Society Model Agreement is a little overdue.<br /> 1 should be very pleased to assist in its pre-<br /> paration.<br /> <br /> H. G. Weis.<br /> ee<br /> <br /> UNREVIEWED Books.<br /> <br /> Sir,—I saw recently in The Author &amp;<br /> complaint that books sent for review were not<br /> reviewed. I have written a few scientific<br /> books and I always, before sending a copy for<br /> review, inquire whether it will be reviewed<br /> and within what time. Unless the reply &#039;s<br /> fairly definite I do not send a copy. In the<br /> case of cheap books printed in large numbers<br /> it is, perhaps, not worth while to proceed as<br /> above, but in that case is it fair to expect 4<br /> paper to review every book received ?<br /> <br /> I am, etc.,<br /> E. S. BELLASIS.<br /> a:<br /> <br /> Nore.—The Editor re<br /> pressure of space he has i<br /> among the Correspondence various letters d<br /> the question of “Authors and Agents, ek<br /> “Unreviewed Books.” He regrets this all |!<br /> more as The Author will not appear again ©<br /> <br /> ‘ts that owing to<br /> en unable to insert<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> handle ©<br /> translation business, for example, and, indeed, |<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> be ex. fo «<br /> lo At<br /> <br /> grateful |<br /> <br /> @<br /> <br /> et ,<br /> <br /> tS&quot;)<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> —<br /> <br /> x —<br /> &quot;tic a<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> }<br /> i<br /> i<br /> tT<br /> <br /> ADVERTISEMENTS.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> tYPEWRITING.<br /> <br /> 25, ESQ., of Hindhead, Surrey, writes :—<br /> nyperT WALES &quot;the oe of my novel... which you<br /> I like to thank you for the admirable way the<br /> i * jone. Considering that the manuscript was sent to you<br /> wrt &quot;jing been corrected or even read, and that my handwriting,<br /> vm js not always particularly legible, it is obvious that it<br /> j sm to. ption ax well as care, something more than simple<br /> ; luce such a result—a result which, in<br /> in with your moderate charges, seems to me to be the best<br /> rr anawera to the criticisms which have recently been directed upon<br /> <br /> the work of typists in the columns of The Author.&quot;<br /> <br /> SIKES and SIKES,<br /> The West Kensington Typewriting Offices<br /> <br /> (Established 1893),<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> e<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> PRETTY 4-ROOMED<br /> Furnished<br /> <br /> BUNGALOW<br /> <br /> (JULY, AUG., SEPT.)<br /> <br /> SOUTH DEVON-—In nook of cliffs,<br /> <br /> between Teignmouth and Dawlish.<br /> <br /> OVERLOOKING THE SEA.<br /> About One Acre Garden. Absolutely<br /> secluded. Terms—12 Gns. per month.<br /> <br /> Apply MAURICE DRAKE,<br /> 4, The Close, Exeter.<br /> <br /> TO<br /> LET<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> on all subjects,<br /> <br /> 223a, HAMMERSMITH ROAD, LONDON, W.<br /> including<br /> LITERARY,<br /> <br /> BO OKS Educational<br /> <br /> Medical, Technical, and all other Subjects. Text Books<br /> for every examination. Thousands of Books suitable<br /> for Libraries.<br /> <br /> Second-Kand at Half-Prices. New at 25 =<br /> <br /> @ecount. Send for tal<br /> . Catalogues, post , and<br /> <br /> SENT ON APPROVAL.<br /> <br /> W. &amp; G. FOYLE, 6:9 328i.<br /> <br /> 121123, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.<br /> <br /> BOOKS PURGHASED.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> TYPEWRITING.<br /> <br /> MISS FOWLER,<br /> <br /> MAXWELL HOUSE, ARUNDEL STREET,<br /> STRAND, W.C.<br /> EXPERT IN DECIPHERING DIFFICULT HANDWRITING.<br /> TWO OF MANY TESTIMONIALS:<br /> “© You transcribe my very difficult hand in a way no other copying<br /> office has done in my experience.”<br /> <br /> “T sent you work compared to which Egyptian hieroglyphics would<br /> be child&#039;s play, and you return the MS, at the time requested<br /> without one single inaccuracy. It is nothing short of marvellous.”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> AUTHORS?<br /> <br /> To make money should obtain copy (Enlarged<br /> Edition) of<br /> <br /> “How to Write Saleable Fiction.&#039;’<br /> <br /> PUBLISHERS &amp; EDITORS’ TESTIMONIALS FREE,<br /> <br /> G. MAGNUS, 115, Strand,<br /> London, W.C.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Allinterested in Book Production and Authorship should read<br /> <br /> LETTERS FROM A PUBLISHER TO HIS SON.<br /> <br /> TRANSCRIBED BY ©. R.<br /> <br /> at and II. Now Ready. Price 1@. each net, post<br /> any country, Each part sold separately, and<br /> complete in itself.<br /> <br /> The Author as Publisher:<br /> *, Why don’t Authors publish their own Books?<br /> By 0. and Y.<br /> Price 4g, net, post free to any country.<br /> <br /> UTON &amp; BONDS, 358, City Read, London, E.C.<br /> <br /> er<br /> the above Gratis and Post Free.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> WANTED.<br /> <br /> (By an Invalid, unable to walk.)<br /> <br /> TYPEWRITING and DUPLICATING<br /> <br /> In any QUANTITY.<br /> AUTHORS’ MSS. a Speolality.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Accuracy,<br /> Abaolute Secrecy,<br /> Prompt Attention, and<br /> Satisfaction Guaranteed.<br /> <br /> Trial Order earnestly solicited.<br /> Full Price List and Testimonials on application.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Nothing Too Small!<br /> Nothing Too Large!<br /> <br /> Cc. HERBERT CAESAR,<br /> Homefield, Woodstock Road, St. Albans, Herts.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> TYPEWRITING.<br /> <br /> MSS. Copied<br /> <br /> ACCURATELY and PROMPTLY<br /> by Experienced Typist.<br /> <br /> 10d. per 1,000 words (two copies, 1s.)<br /> <br /> OLIVER MACHINE.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> MISS MORTON, Hillside, Walmer, Kent.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> TY PEW R IT : N G * eco t hehe g i ce ;<br /> <br /> accuracy and neatness. Shorthand (honography) tran-<br /> scribed direct from authors’ notes. Terms on application to<br /> <br /> Miss R. ALLCORN, Windsor Road, JARVIS BROOK, Sussex.<br /> <br /> LADY REQUIRES TYPEWRITING of ai<br /> <br /> descriptions. Highest References. Orders by post<br /> quickly returned. Promptness. Neatness. Accuracy.<br /> <br /> Miss FULLER, 83, Southfield Road, OXFORD.<br /> <br /> Please Take Note<br /> <br /> that<br /> <br /> Mrs. Gill&#039;s Typewriting, Shorthand,<br /> and Translation Offices<br /> <br /> PATERNOSTER HOUSE,<br /> 34, Paternoster Row, E.C.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Established 1883. Telephone 8464.<br /> <br /> TYPEWRITING.<br /> <br /> Authors’ MSS. copied from 10d. per 1,000<br /> words; in duplicate, 1/e. Plays and General<br /> Copying. List and specimen of work on appli-<br /> cation.<br /> <br /> ONE OF NUMEROUS TESTIMONIALS.<br /> <br /> “Miss M. R. HORNE has ty, for me literary matter to the<br /> <br /> — of eae of Uaces. of a I have a<br /> ‘aise for racy, s and neat: ith whic e<br /> <br /> gocher verk.RANE CV eee<br /> <br /> MISS M. R. HORNE,<br /> New Address :—<br /> 5, PADCROFT ROAD, YIEWSLEY, MIDDLESEX.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ADVERTISEMENTS.<br /> <br /> Two popular Hotels in Central London.<br /> <br /> Opposite the British Museum.<br /> <br /> THACKERAY HOTEL<br /> <br /> Great Russell Street, London.<br /> Near the British Museum.<br /> <br /> KINGSLEY HOTEL —<br /> <br /> Hart Street, Bloomsbury Square, London.<br /> <br /> Passenger Lifts. Bathrooms on every Floor. Lounges<br /> <br /> and Spacious Dining, Drawing, Writing, Reading, Billiard<br /> <br /> and Smoking Rooms. Fireproof Floors. Perfect Sanita-<br /> tion, Telephones. Night Porters,<br /> <br /> Bedroom, Attendance, and Table d&#039;Hote<br /> Breakfast, single, from 5/6 to 7/6.<br /> <br /> Table d’Hote Dinner, Six Courses, 3/-.<br /> <br /> Full Tariff and Testimonials on application.<br /> <br /> Telegraphic Addresses ;<br /> Thackeray Hotel—‘ Thackeray, London.”<br /> Kingsley Hotel—‘ Bookcraft, London.”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> TYPEWRITING.<br /> Authors’ MSS. (English and Foreign, including<br /> Welsh) promptly and accurately copied.<br /> <br /> SHORTHAND.<br /> <br /> Clerks sent out for dictation by the day or hour<br /> Notes carefully transcribed.<br /> <br /> TRANSLATIONS<br /> from and into Germam, French, Italian, Welsh, ete.<br /> Quotations and Testimonials on application.<br /> <br /> MISS HAMER-JONES,<br /> <br /> 69-60, Chancery Lane, London, W.C-<br /> Telephone : HOLBORN 5907. .<br /> <br /> TYPIN<br /> <br /> should send for terms to<br /> DRACUP, 21, Millbrook Road, BEDFORD.<br /> <br /> TYPEWRITING &amp; SECRETARIAL WORK.<br /> MISSES CONQUEST &amp; BUCHANAN,<br /> <br /> 64, VICTORIA STREET, 8. W., and 110, ST. MARTIN&#039;S LANE, W.C<br /> Telephone: No, 5537 Westminster. .<br /> Recommended by Mr. G. K. Chesterton, Baron de orms.<br /> Miss Gertrude Tuckwell, Canon Swallow, Hilaire Belloc, Es4-s<br /> and Others.<br /> <br /> Authors desiring ae Plays<br /> @ typed (and duplicated) accu<br /> rately, quickly, and cheaply<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Many Testimonials, of which the following is &amp; specimen Payot<br /> thanks for the excellent work and the promptness with whi<br /> done.&quot;&#039;<br /> <br /> Printed by Baapsury, AGNEW, &amp; Co. Lp., and Published by them for THE Sociwry or AUTHORS (Ixooaroms7s?)<br /> y at 10, Bouverie Street, London, E.C.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA.<br /> <br /> COPYRIGHT.<br /> <br /> No. 20 oF 1912.<br /> AN ACT RELATING TO COPYRIGHT.<br /> <br /> [Assented to 20th November, 1912.]<br /> <br /> BE rr ENACTED by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate, and the House of<br /> Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows :—<br /> <br /> PART JI.—PRELIMINARY.<br /> <br /> 1. This Act may be cited as the Copyright Act 1912.<br /> <br /> 2. This Act is divided into Parts as follows :—<br /> Part I.—Preliminary.<br /> Part JI.—Copyright.<br /> Part IJ],—Summary Remedies.<br /> Part [V.—The Copyright Office.<br /> Part V.—WMiscellaneous.<br /> 3. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—<br /> (a) “ the British Copyright Act” means the Copyright Act 1911 of the United<br /> Kingdom (1 &amp; 2 Geo. 5, c. 46) ;<br /> (b) words and expressions defined in the British Copyright Act have the same<br /> meanings as in that Act ;<br /> (c) “ Territory ” means a Territory of the Commonwealth which is part thereof.<br /> <br /> 4, The Copyright Act 1905 is repealed.<br /> <br /> 5. The Copyright Office established under the Copyright Act 1905, and any officers<br /> appointed under that Act, shall continue as if established or appointed under this Act.<br /> <br /> 6. Where, in pursuance of any proclamation™ issued under the Copyright Act 1905,<br /> the administration of any State Copyright Act has become transferred to the Common-<br /> wealth, such administration shall continue to be so transferred to the same extent and<br /> subject to the same terms and conditions as if the Copyright Act 1905 still remained<br /> in force.<br /> <br /> 7. All Registers of Copyrights established under the Copyright Act 1905 shall<br /> continue as if established under this Act.<br /> <br /> * See proclamation in Gazette of 26th January, 1907, p. 435.<br /> <br /> Short title.<br /> <br /> Parts.<br /> <br /> Definitions.<br /> <br /> Repeal.<br /> <br /> Continuance<br /> of Copyright<br /> Office.<br /> <br /> Continuance<br /> of Adminis-<br /> tration of<br /> State Copy-<br /> right Acts,<br /> <br /> Continuance<br /> of Registers<br /> of Copyrights.<br /> Adoption of<br /> British Copy-<br /> right Act.<br /> <br /> Modifications<br /> to adapt the<br /> British Copy-<br /> right Act to<br /> the Common-<br /> wealth.<br /> <br /> Importation<br /> of copies.<br /> <br /> 1 &amp; 2 Geo. 5,<br /> c. 46, s. 14,<br /> <br /> ea :<br /> <br /> PART II.—Copyricut.<br /> <br /> 8. The British Copyright Act, a copy of which is set out in the Schedule to this Act,<br /> shall, subject to any modifications provided by this Act, be in force in the Commonwealth,<br /> and shall be deemed to have been in force therein as from the first day of July, One<br /> thousand nine hundred and twelve.<br /> <br /> 9. In the application of the British Copyright Act to the Commonwealth—<br /> <br /> (a) any powers of the Board of Trade under section three may be exercised by the<br /> Governor-General ;<br /> <br /> (v) the reference in sub-section (4.) of section nineteen to arbitration shall be<br /> read as a reference to arbitration under the law of the State or Territory in<br /> which the dispute occurs, and the reference in sub-section (6.) of that section<br /> to the Board of Trade shall be read as a reference to the Governor-General ;<br /> <br /> (c) the reference in section twenty-two to the Patents and Designs Act 1907<br /> shall be read as a reference to the Designs Act 1906, and the reference in<br /> that section to section eighty-six of the Patents and Designs Act 1907 shall<br /> be read as a reference to section forty-one of the Designs Act 1906 ; and<br /> <br /> (d) the reference in section twenty-four to the London Gazette and two London<br /> newspapers shall be read as a reference to the Commonwealth Gazette and one<br /> newspaper published in each of the capital cities of the Australian States.<br /> <br /> 10.—(1.) Copies made out of the Commonwealth of any work in which copyright<br /> subsists which if made in the Commonwealth would infringe copyright, and as to which<br /> the owner of the copyright gives notice in writing by himself or his agent to the<br /> Comptroller-General of Customs, that he is desirous that such copies should not be<br /> imported into the Commonwealth, shall not be so imported and shall, subject to the<br /> provisions of this section, be deemed to be prohibited imports within the meaning of the<br /> Customs Act 1901-1910.<br /> <br /> (2.) Before detaining any such copies, or taking any further proceedings with a view<br /> to the forfeiture thereof, the Comptroller-General of Customs or the Collector of Customs<br /> for the State may require the regulations under this section, whether as to information, con-<br /> ditions, or other matters, to be complied with, and may satisfy himself in accordance with<br /> those regulations that the copies are such as are prohibited by this section to be imported.<br /> <br /> (3.) The Governor-General may make regulations, either general or special, respecting<br /> the detention and forfeiture of copies, the importation of which is prohibited by this<br /> section, and the conditions, if any, to be fulfilled before such detention and forfeiture, and<br /> may, by such regulations, determine the information, notices, and security to be given,<br /> and the evidence requisite for any of the purposes of this section, and the mode of<br /> verification of such evidence.<br /> <br /> (4.) The regulations may apply to copies of all works, the importation of copies of<br /> which is prohibited by this section, or different regulations may be made respecting<br /> different classes of such works.<br /> <br /> (5.) The regulations may provide for the informant reimbursing the Comptroller-<br /> General of Customs or the Collector of Customs for the State all expenses and damages<br /> incurred in respect of any detention made on his information, and of any proceedings<br /> consequent on such detention ; and may provide for notices under the Copyright Act 1905<br /> being treated as notices given under this section, and also that notices given to the<br /> Commissioners of Customs and Excise of the United Kingdom and communicated by<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> them to the Comptroller-General of Customs shall be deemed to have been given by the<br /> owner to the Comptroller-General.<br /> <br /> (6.) This section shall have effect as the necessary modification of section fourteen of<br /> the British Copyright Act.<br /> <br /> 11.—(1.) Subject to this section, the Governor-General in Council may, by Order,<br /> direct that the British Copyright Act and this Act sball extend to literary, musical,<br /> dramatic, and artistic works first produced or published in any part of the King’s<br /> Dominions to which the British Copyright Act does not extend, in like manner as if the<br /> works had been first published or produced in the Commonwealth.<br /> <br /> (2.) Any Order made in pursuance of this section may provide—<br /> <br /> (a) that the term of copyright shall not exceed that conferred by the law of the<br /> part of the King’s dominions to which the Order relates ;<br /> <br /> (b) that the enjoyment of the rights conferred by virtue of the Order shall<br /> extend to the Commonwealth only, and shall be subject to the accomplish-<br /> ment of such conditions and formalities as are prescribed by the Order ;<br /> <br /> (c) for the modification of any provision of the British Copyright Act or this<br /> Act as to ownership of copyright or otherwise, having regard to the law of<br /> the part of the King’s dominions to which the Order relates ; and<br /> <br /> (d) that the British Copyright Act and this Act may extend to existing works<br /> in which copyright subsists in the part of the King’s dominions to which<br /> the Order relates, but subject, to such modifications restrictions and pro-<br /> visions as are set out in the Order.<br /> <br /> (3.) An order in pursuance of this section shall only be made in case the Governor-<br /> General in Council is satisfied that the part of the King’s dominions in relation to which<br /> the Order is proposed to be made has made, or has undertaken to make, such provisions,<br /> if any, as he thinks sufficient for the protection of works first produced or published in<br /> the Commonwealth and entitled to copyright therein.<br /> <br /> 12.—(1.) The Governor-General in Council may make Orders for altering, revoking,<br /> or varying any Order in Council made by him in pursuance of any power conferred upon<br /> him by the British Copyright Act or this Act, but any Order made under this section<br /> shall not affect prejudicially any rights or interests acquired or accrued at the date when<br /> the Order comes into operation, and shall provide for the protection of such rights and<br /> interests.<br /> <br /> (2.) Every Order in Council made by the Governor-General in pursuance of any<br /> power conferred upon him by the British Copyright Act or this Act shall be published in<br /> the Gazette, and shall be laid before both Houses of the Parliament as soon as may be<br /> after it is made, and shall have effect as if enacted in this Act.<br /> <br /> 13.—(1.) Where copyright subsisted in the United Kingdom in respect of any<br /> musical, dramatic, or artistic work at or after the commencement of the Copyright Act<br /> 1905 and before the first day of July One thousand nine hundred and twelve, the copy-<br /> right shall, subject to this section, be deemed to have subsisted in the Commonwealth as<br /> from the commencement of the Copyright Act 1905 or from the date of the commence-<br /> ment of the copyright in the work, as the case requires, to the same extent as if copyright<br /> therein had subsisted in the Commonwealth under the law of the United Kingdom.<br /> <br /> (2.) Where a person has before the commencement of this Act taken any action<br /> whereby he has incurred any expenditure or liability in connexion with the reproduction<br /> <br /> Provision<br /> <br /> for reciprocal<br /> protection of<br /> copyright.<br /> <br /> Cf. Canada<br /> Copyright<br /> Bill 1911,<br /> el. 34,<br /> <br /> Provisions as<br /> to order in<br /> council.<br /> <br /> Cf. 1 &amp; 2 Geo.<br /> 5, c. 46, 8. 32.<br /> <br /> Saving of<br /> copyrights in<br /> certain works<br /> made out of<br /> the Common-<br /> wealth,<br /> <br /> <br /> Summary<br /> offences,<br /> <br /> 1 &amp; 2 Geo. 5,<br /> c, 46,5. 11.<br /> <br /> Penalty for<br /> permitting<br /> unauthorized<br /> performance<br /> in theatres,<br /> &amp;e.<br /> <br /> Cf. No. 25,<br /> 1905, s. 51.<br /> <br /> Search<br /> warrant and<br /> <br /> (4)<br /> <br /> of any musical, dramatic, or artistic work in a manner which at the time was lawful, or<br /> for the purpose of or with a view to the reproduction of any such work at a time when<br /> such reproduction would, but for this Act, have been lawful, nothing in this section shall<br /> diminish or prejudice any rights or interest arising from or in connexion with such<br /> action which were subsisting and valuable at the first day of July, One thousand nine<br /> hundred and twelve, unless the person who, by virtue of this section, becomes entitled to<br /> restrain such reproduction agrees to pay such compensation as, failing agreement, may be<br /> determined by arbitration.<br /> <br /> PART JIII.—Summary REMEDIES.<br /> <br /> 14.—(1.) If any person knowingly—<br /> (a) makes for sale or hire any infringing copy of a work in which copyright<br /> subsists ; or<br /> (2) sells or lets for hire or by way of trade exposes or offers for sale or hire, any<br /> infringing copy of any such work; or<br /> (¢) distributes infringing copies of any such work either for the purposes of trade<br /> or to such an extent as to affect prejudicially the owner of the copyright ; or<br /> (d) by way of trade exhibits in public any infringing copy of any such work ; or<br /> (6) imports for sale or hire into the Commonwealth any infringing copy of any<br /> such work,<br /> he shall be guilty of an offence under this Act and be liable on summary conviction to a<br /> fine not exceeding Forty shillings for every copy dealt with in contravention of this section,<br /> but not exceeding Fifty pounds in respect of the same transaction; or in the case of a<br /> second or subsequent offence, either to such fine or to imprisonment with or without hard<br /> labour for a term not exceeding two months.<br /> <br /> (2.) If any person knowingly makes or has in his possession any plate for the purpose<br /> of making infringing copies of any work in which copyright subsists, or knowingly<br /> and for his private profit causes any such work to be performed in: public without the<br /> consent of the owner of the copyright, he shall be guilty of an offence under this Act, and<br /> be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding Fifty pounds, or, in the case of a<br /> second or subsequent offence, either to such fine or to imprisonment with or without hard<br /> labour for a term not exceeding two months.<br /> <br /> (3.) The court before which any such proceedings are taken may, whether the alleged<br /> offender is convicted or not, order that all copies of the work or all plates in possession of<br /> the alleged offender which appear to it to be infringing copies or plates for the purpose<br /> of making infringing copies, be destroyed or delivered up to the owner of the copyright or<br /> otherwise dealt with as the court may think fit.<br /> <br /> 15. Any person’ who, for his private profit, permits any theatre or other place of enter-<br /> tainment to be used for the performance in public of any musical or dramatic work,<br /> without the consent of the registered owner of the sole right to perform or authorize the<br /> performance of the work in the state or part of the Commonwealth where the theatre or<br /> place is situated, shall be guilty of an offence, unless he was not aware, and had no reason-<br /> able ground for suspecting, that the performance would be an infringement of the right<br /> to perform or authorize the performance of the work.<br /> <br /> Penalty : Ten pounds.<br /> <br /> 16.—(1.) A Justice of the Peace may, upon the application of the registered owner<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> of the copyright in any literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic work or of the agent of such<br /> owner appointed in writing—<br /> <br /> (a) if satisfied by evidence that there is reasonable ground for believing that<br /> infringing copies of the work are being sold, or offered for sale—issue a<br /> warrant, in accordance with the form prescribed, authorizing any constable<br /> to seize the infringing copies and to bring them before a court of summary<br /> jurisdiction ;<br /> <br /> (b) if satisfied by evidence that there is reasonable ground for believing that<br /> infringing copies of the work are to be found in any house, shop, or other<br /> place—issue a warrant, in accordance with the form prescribed, authorizing<br /> any constable to search, between sunrise and sunset, the place where the<br /> infringing copies are supposed to be, and to seize and bring them or any<br /> copies reasonably suspected to be infringing copies of the work before a<br /> court of summary jurisdiction.<br /> <br /> (2.) A court of summary jurisdiction may, on proof that any copies brought before it<br /> in pursuance of this section are infringing copies of the work, order them to be destroyed<br /> or to be delivered up, subject to such conditions, if any, as the court thinks fit, to the<br /> owner of the copyright in the work.<br /> <br /> 17.—(1.) The registered owner of the sole right to perform, or authorize the perform-<br /> ance, of a musical or dramatic work in the Commonwealth or any part thereof, or the agent<br /> of such owner appointed in writing, may, by notice in writing in accordance with the<br /> prescribed form, forbid the performance in public of the work in infringement of his<br /> right, and require any person to refrain from performing or taking part in the performance<br /> in public of the work, in infringement of his right, and every person to whom a notice<br /> has been given in accordance with this section shall refrain from performing or taking<br /> part in the performance in public of the work in infringement of the right of such<br /> owner.<br /> <br /> Penalty : Ten pounds.<br /> <br /> (2.) A person shall not give any notice in pursuance of this section without just<br /> cause.<br /> <br /> Penalty : Twenty pounds.<br /> <br /> (3.) In any prosecution under sub-section (2.) of this section, the defendant shall be<br /> deemed to have given the notice without just cause unless he proves to the satisfaction of<br /> the court that, at the time of giving the notice, he was the registered owner of the sole right<br /> to perform, or authorize the performance, of the work in the Commonwealth or any part<br /> thereof, or the agent or (sic) such owner appointed in writing, and had reasonable ground<br /> for believing that the person to whom the notice was given was about to perform or take<br /> part in the performance of the work in infringement of the right of such owner.<br /> <br /> 18. Where proceedings are instituted in any court of summary jurisdiction, by or on<br /> behalf of the owner of the copyright in any work or the owner of the sole right to perform,<br /> or authorize the performance, of any work, in respect of any offence in infringement of his<br /> right, any penalty imposed shall be paid to him by way of compensation for the injury<br /> sustained by him, but in any other case any penalty imposed in respect of any offence<br /> against this Act shall be paid to the Commonwealth.<br /> <br /> 19. No proceedings shall be instituted in a court of summary jurisdiction in respect<br /> of any offence against this Act after the expiration of six months from the date of the<br /> offence.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> seizure of<br /> pirated copies.<br /> <br /> Cf. No. 25,<br /> 1905, s. 52.<br /> <br /> Power of<br /> owner of per-<br /> forming right<br /> to forbid per-<br /> formance in<br /> infringement<br /> of his right.<br /> <br /> No. 25, 1905,<br /> s. 54.<br /> <br /> Application<br /> of penalties,<br /> No. 25, 1905,<br /> s. 57,<br /> <br /> Limitation of<br /> summary pro-<br /> ceedings.<br /> <br /> Cf. No. 25,<br /> 1905, s. 59.<br /> <br /> <br /> Appeals,<br /> Tb. s. 60.<br /> <br /> Part not to<br /> apply to<br /> works of<br /> architecture.<br /> Cf. 1&amp;2 Geo.<br /> 5,c. 46s, 9(2).<br /> <br /> Copyright<br /> office.<br /> <br /> Cf. No. 25,<br /> 1905, s. 10.<br /> Registrar of<br /> Copyrights.<br /> Cf. ib. s. 10.<br /> <br /> Powers and<br /> functions of<br /> Registrar.<br /> <br /> Seal.<br /> Cf. ib. s. 11.<br /> <br /> Registration<br /> optional.<br /> <br /> Copyright<br /> Registers.<br /> <br /> Ib. s. 64.<br /> <br /> Method of<br /> registration,<br /> Cf. No. 25,<br /> 1905, s. 65.<br /> <br /> Registration<br /> of assign-<br /> ments and<br /> transmissions,<br /> <br /> Ib. 8. 66.<br /> <br /> How registra-<br /> tion effected.<br /> <br /> Ib. s. 67.<br /> <br /> 20. An appeal shall lie from any conviction or order (including any dismissal of any<br /> information, complaint, or application) of a court of summary jurisdiction in respect of<br /> any offence or matter under this Act, and such appeal shall be to the court, and shall be<br /> made within the time and in the manner, provided by the law of the State or Territory in<br /> in which the conviction or order was made in case of appeals from courts of summary<br /> jurisdiction in that State or Territory.<br /> <br /> 21. This Part of this Act shall not apply to any case to which section nine of the<br /> British Copyright Act, relating to infringement of copyright in the case of a work of<br /> architecture applies.<br /> <br /> PART IV.—Tue Copyricur OFrice.<br /> Division 1.—GENERAL.<br /> <br /> 22. There shall be, for the purposes of this Act, an office called the Copyright Office.<br /> <br /> 23. The Copyright Office shall be in charge of an officer called the Registrar of<br /> Copyrights.<br /> <br /> 24. The Registrar of Copyrights shall have such powers and functions as are conferred<br /> upon him by this Act and the regulations.<br /> <br /> 25.—(1.) There shall be a seal of the Copyright Office, and impressions thereof shall<br /> be judicially noticed.<br /> <br /> (2.) The seal of the Copyright Office in use at the commencement of this Act shall,<br /> until altered, be the seal of the Copyright Office.<br /> <br /> DIVISION 2.—REGISTRATION.<br /> <br /> 26. Registration of copyright shall be optional, but the special remedies provided for<br /> by sections fifteen, sixteen, and seventeen of this Act can only be taken advantage of by<br /> registered owners.<br /> <br /> 27. The following Registers of Copyrights shall be kept by the Registrar at the<br /> Copyright Office :-—<br /> The Register of Literary (including Dramatic and Musical) Copyrights.<br /> The Register of Fine Arts Copyrights.<br /> The Register of International and State Copyrights.<br /> <br /> 28. The owner of any copyright under this Act, or of the sole right to perform, or:<br /> authorize the performance, of any musical or dramatic work in the Commonwealth or any<br /> part thereof, may obtain registration of his right in the manner prescribed.<br /> <br /> 29. When any person becomes entitled to any registered copyright or other right.<br /> under this Act by virtue of any assignment or transmission, or to any interest therein by<br /> licence, he may obtain registration of the assignment, transmission, or licence in the<br /> manner prescribed.<br /> <br /> 30. The registration of any copyright or other right under this Act, or of any assign-<br /> ment or transmission thereof or of any interest therein by licence, shall be effected by<br /> entering in the proper register the prescribed particulars relating to the right, assignment,.<br /> transmission, or licence.<br /> <br /> <br /> 31. In the case of an encyclopedia, newspaper, review, magazine, or other periodical<br /> work, or a work published in a series of books or parts, a single registration for the whole<br /> work may be made.<br /> <br /> 32.—(1.) No notice of any trust expressed, implied, or constructive shall be entered<br /> in any Register of Copyrights under this Act or be receivable Ly the Registrar.<br /> <br /> (2.) Subject to this section, equities in respect of any copyright under this Act may<br /> be enforced in the same manner as equities in respect of other personal property.<br /> <br /> 33. Every Register of Copyrights under this Act shall be primd facie evidence of the<br /> particulars entered therein, and documents purporting to be copies of any entry therein or<br /> extracts therefrom certified by the Registrar and sealed with the seal of the Copyright<br /> Office, shall be admissible in evidence in all Federal or State courts, or the courts of any<br /> Territory, without further proof or production of the originals.<br /> <br /> 34. Certified copies of entries in any register under this Act or of extracts therefrom<br /> shall on payment of the prescribed fee be given to any person applying for them.<br /> <br /> 35. Each register under this Act shall be open to public inspection at all convenient<br /> times on payment of the prescribed fee.<br /> <br /> 36. The Registrar may, in prescribed cases and subject to the prescribed conditions,<br /> amend or alter any register under this Act by—<br /> (a) correcting any error in any name, address, or particular ; and<br /> (b) entering any prescribed memorandum or particular relating to copyright or<br /> other right under this Act.<br /> <br /> 37.—(1.) Subject to this Act the Supreme Court of any State or a Judge thereof<br /> may, on the application of the Registrar or of any person aggrieved, order the rectification<br /> of any register under this Act by—<br /> <br /> (a) the making of any entry wrongly omitted to be made in the register ; or<br /> (b) the expunging of any entry wrongly made in or remaining on the register ; or<br /> (c) the correction of any error or defect in the register.<br /> <br /> (2.) An appeal shall lie to the High Court from any order for. the rectification of any<br /> <br /> register made by a Supreme Court or a Judge under this section.<br /> <br /> 38.—(1.) Every person who makes application for the registration of the copyright<br /> in a book shall deliver to the Registrar one copy of the whole book with all maps and<br /> illustrations belonging thereto, finished and coloured in the same manner as the best<br /> copies of the book are published, and bound, sewed, or stitched together and on the best<br /> paper on which the book is printed.<br /> <br /> (2.) Every person who makes application for the registration of the copyright in a<br /> work of art shall deliver to the Registrar one copy of the work of art or a representation<br /> of it.<br /> <br /> (3.) The Registrar shall refuse to register the copyright in any book until<br /> sub-section (1.) of this section has been complied with, or the copyright in a work of art<br /> until sub-section (2.) of this section has been complied with.<br /> <br /> (4.) Each copy or representation delivered to the Registrar in pursuance of this<br /> section shall be retained at the Copyright Office.<br /> <br /> 39. A person who wilfully makes any false statement or representation to deceive the<br /> Registrar or any officer in the execution of this Part of this Act, or to procure or<br /> <br /> Registration<br /> of works<br /> published in<br /> a series.<br /> <br /> Trusts not<br /> registered.<br /> <br /> No. 25, 1905,<br /> s. 68.<br /> <br /> Register to be<br /> evidence.<br /> <br /> Tb. s. 69.<br /> <br /> Certified<br /> copies.<br /> <br /> Ib. s. 70.<br /> Inspection of<br /> registey’.<br /> <br /> Tb. 8. 71.<br /> <br /> Correction of<br /> register.<br /> Ib. s. 72.<br /> <br /> Rectification<br /> of register by<br /> the Court.<br /> No, 25, 1905,<br /> s. 73.<br /> <br /> Delivery of<br /> copies to<br /> Registrar.<br /> Ib. 8. 75.<br /> <br /> False repre-<br /> sentation to<br /> Registrar.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> No. 25, 1905,<br /> s. 76.<br /> <br /> Delivery of<br /> books to the<br /> Librarian of<br /> the Parlia-<br /> ment,<br /> <br /> Cf. 1 &amp; 2 Geo,<br /> 5, c. 46, s, 15.<br /> <br /> Preservation<br /> of rights of<br /> State libraries,<br /> <br /> Regulations.<br /> <br /> No. 25, 1905,<br /> s. 79.<br /> <br /> (4)<br /> <br /> influence the doing or omission of any thing in relation to this Part of this Act or any<br /> matter thereunder shall be guilty of an indictable offence.<br /> P nalty ; Imprisonment for three years.<br /> <br /> PART V.—MIScELLANEOUS.<br /> <br /> 40.—(1.) The publisher of every book which is first published in the Commonwealth<br /> after the commencement of this section, and in which copyright subsists under this Act,<br /> shall within one month .after the publication deliver, at his own expense, a copy of the<br /> book to the Librarian of the Parliament, who shall give a written receipt for it.<br /> <br /> (2.) The copy delivered to the Librarian of the Parliament shall be a copy of the<br /> whole book with all maps and illustrations belonging thereto, finished and coloured in the<br /> same manner as the best copies of the book are published, and bound, sewed, or stitched<br /> together, and on the best paper on which the book is printed.<br /> <br /> (3.) Ifa publisher fails to comply with this section, he shall be liable on summary<br /> conviction to a fine not exceeding Five pounds and the value of the book.<br /> <br /> (4.) For the purposes of this section the expression ‘“‘ book ” includes every part or<br /> division of a hook, pamphlet, sheet of letterpress, map, plan, chart, or table, but shall not<br /> include any second or subsequent edition of a book unless that edition contains additions<br /> or alterations either in the letterpress or in the maps, prints, or other engravings<br /> belonging thereto or any book published by any State or any authority of a State.<br /> <br /> 41, Nothing in this Act shall be deemed to affect the existing provisions of any Act<br /> of the Parliament of a State which require or relate to the delivery to any specified Public<br /> or other Library of the State of copies of books published in the State or to affect the<br /> power of the Parliament of a State to make laws requiring or relating to such delivery.<br /> <br /> 42. The Governor-General may make regulations, not inconsistent with this Act,<br /> prescribing all matters which by this Act are required or permitted to be prescribed or<br /> which are necessary or convenient to be prescribed for giving effect to this Act or for the<br /> conduct of any business relating to the Copyright Office.<br /> <br /> BRADBURY, AGNEW, AND CO, LD., PRINTERS, LONDON AND TONBRIDGE, The Author
543 Commonwealth of Australia: Copyright (1913)<a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=49&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=%3Cem%3EThe+Commonwealth+of+Australia%3A+Copyright%3C%2Fem%3E+%281913%29"><em>The Commonwealth of Australia: Copyright</em> (1913)</a>A full summary of the copyright Bill as assented to on 20 November 1912.<a href=";advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&amp;advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=23&amp;sort_field=added">Supplement to <em>The Author</em>, Vol. 23</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=51&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=Publication">Publication</a>1913-Commonwealth-of-Australia-Copyright<a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=78&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=Bradbury%2C+Agnew+%26+Co.">Bradbury, Agnew &amp; Co.</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=89&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=23">23</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=76&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=1913">1913</a><a href="/items/browse?advanced%5B0%5D%5Belement_id%5D=4&advanced%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=is+exactly&advanced%5B0%5D%5Bterms%5D=London">London</a>19130701, copyright, publications, The Author